1XAnyEvent(3)                    XLIB FUNCTIONS                    XAnyEvent(3)


6       XAnyEvent, XEvent - generic X event structures


9       All the event structures declared in have the following common members:
10       typedef struct {
11               int type;
12               unsigned long serial;   /* # of last request processed by server */
13               Bool send_event;        /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
14               Display *display;       /* Display the event was read from */
15               Window window;
16       } XAnyEvent;
18       The  type  member  is set to the event type constant name that uniquely
19       identifies it.  For example, when the X server reports a GraphicsExpose
20       event  to a client application, it sends an XGraphicsExposeEvent struc‐
21       ture with the type member set to GraphicsExpose.  The display member is
22       set  to a pointer to the display the event was read on.  The send_event
23       member is set to True if the  event  came  from  a  SendEvent  protocol
24       request.   The  serial member is set from the serial number reported in
25       the protocol but expanded from the 16-bit least-significant bits  to  a
26       full 32-bit value.  The window member is set to the window that is most
27       useful to toolkit dispatchers.
29       The XEvent structure is a union of the individual  structures  declared
30       for each event type:
31       typedef union _XEvent {
32               int type;       /* must not be changed */
33               XAnyEvent xany;
34               XKeyEvent xkey;
35               XButtonEvent xbutton;
36               XMotionEvent xmotion;
37               XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
38               XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
39               XExposeEvent xexpose;
40               XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
41               XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
42               XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
43               XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
44               XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
45               XUnmapEvent xunmap;
46               XMapEvent xmap;
47               XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
48               XReparentEvent xreparent;
49               XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
50               XGravityEvent xgravity;
51               XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
52               XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
53               XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
54               XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
55               XPropertyEvent xproperty;
56               XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
57               XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
58               XSelectionEvent xselection;
59               XColormapEvent xcolormap;
60               XClientMessageEvent xclient;
61               XMappingEvent xmapping;
62               XErrorEvent xerror;
63               XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
64               long pad[24];
65       } XEvent;
67       An  XEvent  structure's first entry always is the type member, which is
68       set to the event type.  The second member always is the  serial  number
69       of  the  protocol  request  that generated the event.  The third member
70       always is send_event, which is a Bool that indicates if the  event  was
71       sent  by  a  different  client.  The fourth member always is a display,
72       which is the display that the event was read from.  Except  for  keymap
73       events,  the  fifth member always is a window, which has been carefully
74       selected to be useful to toolkit dispatchers.  To avoid breaking  tool‐
75       kits,  the  order  of  these first five entries is not to change.  Most
76       events also contain a time member, which is the time at which an  event
77       occurred.   In  addition,  a  pointer to the generic event must be cast
78       before it is used to access any other information in the structure.


81       XButtonEvent(3),  XCreateWindowEvent(3),  XCirculateEvent(3),   XCircu‐
82       lateRequestEvent(3),  XColormapEvent(3), XConfigureEvent(3), XConfigur‐
83       eRequestEvent(3),   XCrossingEvent(3),   XDestroyWindowEvent(3),   XEr‐
84       rorEvent(3),    XExposeEvent(3),   XFocusChangeEvent(3),   XGraphicsEx‐
85       poseEvent(3), XGravityEvent(3), XKeymapEvent(3), XMapEvent(3),  XMapRe‐
86       questEvent(3),     XPropertyEvent(3),     XReparentEvent(3),    XResiz‐
87       eRequestEvent(3), XSelectionClearEvent(3), XSelectionEvent(3),  XSelec‐
88       tionRequestEvent(3), XUnmapEvent(3), XVisibilityEvent(3)
89       Xlib - C Language X Interface
93X Version 11                     libX11 1.6.12                    XAnyEvent(3)