1LaTeXML::Common::ConfigU(s3e)r Contributed Perl DocumentaLtaiToenXML::Common::Config(3)


6       "LaTeXML::Common::Config" - Configuration logic for LaTeXML


9           use LaTeXML::Common::Config;
10           my $config = LaTeXML::Common::Config->new(
11                     profile=>'name',
12                     timeout=>60,
13                     ... );
14           $config->read(\@ARGV);
15           $config->check;
17           my $value = $config->get($name);
18           $config->set($name,$value);
19           $config->delete($name);
20           my $bool = $config->exists($name);
21           my @keys = $config->keys;
22           my $options_hashref = $config->options;
23           my $config_clone = $config->clone;


26       Configuration management class for LaTeXML options.
27           * Responsible for defining the options interface
28             and parsing the usual Perl command-line options syntax
29           * Provides the intuitive getters, setters, as well as
30             hash methods for manipulating the option values.
31           * Also supports cloning into new configuration objects.
34       "my $config = LaTeXML::Common::Config->new(%options);"
35           Creates a new configuration object. Note that you should try
36               not to provide your own %options hash but rather create an
37           empty
38               configuration and use $config->read to read in the options.
40       "$config->read(\@ARGV);"
41           This is the main method for parsing in LaTeXML options.
42               The input array should either be @ARGV, e.g. when the
43               options were provided from the command line using the
44               classic Getopt::Long syntax,
45               or any other array reference that conforms to that setup.
47       "$config->check;"
48           Ensures that the configuration obeys the given profile and
49               performs a set of assignments of meaningful defaults
50               (when needed) and normalizations (for relative paths, etc).
52       "my $value = $config->get($name);"
53           Classic getter for the $value of an option $name.
55       "$config->set($name,$value);"
56           Classic setter for the $value of an option $name.
58       "$config->delete($name);"
59           Deletes option $name from the configuration.
61       "my $bool = $config->exists($name);"
62           Checks whether the key $name exists in the options hash of the
63           configuration.
64               Similarly to Perl's "exist" for hashes, it returns true even
65           when
66               the option's value is undefined.
68       "my @keys = $config->keys;"
69           Similar to "keys %hash" in Perl. Returns an array of all option
70           names.
72       "my $options_hashref = $config->options;"
73           Returns the actual hash reference that holds all options within the
74           configuration object.
76       "my $config_clone = $config->clone;"
77           Clones $config into a new LaTeXML::Common::Config object,
78           $config_clone.


81       latexmlc [options]
83        Options:
84        --VERSION               show version number.
85        --help                  shows this help message.
86        --destination=file      specifies destination file.
87        --output=file           [obsolete synonym for --destination]
88        --preload=module        requests loading of an optional module;
89                                can be repeated
90        --preamble=file         loads a tex file containing document
91                                frontmatter. MUST include \begin{document}
92                                or equivalent
93        --postamble=file        loads a tex file containing document
94                                backmatter. MUST include \end{document}
95                                or equivalent
96        --includestyles         allows latexml to load raw *.sty file;
97                                by default it avoids this.
98        --base=dir              sets the current working directory
99        --path=dir              adds dir to the paths searched for files,
100                                modules, etc;
101        --log=file              specifies log file (default: STDERR)
102        --autoflush=count       Automatically restart the daemon after
103                                "count" inputs. Good practice for vast
104                                batch jobs. (default: 100)
105        --timeout=secs          Timecap for conversions (default 600)
106        --expire=secs           Timecap for server inactivity (default 600)
107        --address=URL           Specify server address (default: localhost)
108        --port=number           Specify server port (default: 3354)
109        --documentid=id         assign an id to the document root.
110        --quiet                 suppress messages (can repeat)
111        --verbose               more informative output (can repeat)
112        --strict                makes latexml less forgiving of errors
113        --bibtex                processes a BibTeX bibliography.
114        --xml                   requests xml output (default).
115        --tex                   requests TeX output after expansion.
116        --box                   requests box output after expansion
117                                and digestion.
118        --format=name           requests "name" as the output format.
119                                Supported: tex,box,xml,html4,html5,xhtml
120                                html implies html5
121        --noparse               suppresses parsing math (default: off)
122        --parse=name            enables parsing math (default: on)
123                                and selects parser framework "name".
124                                Supported: RecDescent, no
125        --profile=name          specify profile as defined in
126                                LaTeXML::Common::Config
127                                Supported: standard|math|fragment|...
128                                (default: standard)
129        --mode=name             Alias for profile
130        --cache_key=name        Provides a name for the current option set,
131                                to enable daemonized conversions without
132                                needing re-initializing
133        --whatsin=chunk         Defines the provided input chunk,
134                                choose from document (default), fragment
135                                and formula
136        --whatsout=chunk        Defines the expected output chunk,
137                                choose from document (default), fragment
138                                and formula
139        --post                  requests a followup post-processing
140        --nopost                forbids followup post-processing
141        --validate, --novalidate Enables (the default) or disables
142                                validation of the source xml.
143        --omitdoctype           omits the Doctype declaration,
144        --noomitdoctype         disables the omission (the default)
145        --numbersections        enables (the default) the inclusion of
146                                section numbers in titles, crossrefs.
147        --nonumbersections      disables the above
148        --timestamp             provides a timestamp (typically a time and date)
149                                to be embedded in the comments
150        --embed                 requests an embeddable XHTML snippet
151                                (requires: --post,--profile=fragment)
152                                DEPRECATED: Use --whatsout=fragment
153                                TODO: Remove completely
154        --stylesheet            specifies a stylesheet,
155                                to be used by the post-processor.
156        --css=cssfile           adds a css stylesheet to html/xhtml
157                                (can be repeated)
158        --nodefaultresources    disables processing built-in resources
159        --javscript=jsfile      adds a link to a javascript file into
160                                html/html5/xhtml (can be repeated)
161        --icon=iconfile         specify a file to use as a "favicon"
162        --xsltparameter=name:value passes parameters to the XSLT.
163        --split                 requests splitting each document
164        --nosplit               disables the above (default)
165        --splitat               sets level to split the document
166        --splitpath=xpath       sets xpath expression to use for
167                                splitting (default splits at
168                                sections, if splitting is enabled)
169        --splitnaming=(id|idrelative|label|labelrelative) specifies
170                                how to name split files (idrelative).
171        --scan                  scans documents to extract ids,
172                                labels, etc.
173                                section titles, etc. (default)
174        --noscan                disables the above
175        --crossref              fills in crossreferences (default)
176        --nocrossref            disables the above
177        --urlstyle=(server|negotiated|file) format to use for urls
178                                (default server).
179        --navigationtoc=(context|none) generates a table of contents
180                                in navigation bar
181        --index                 requests creating an index (default)
182        --noindex               disables the above
183        --splitindex            Splits index into pages per initial.
184        --nosplitindex          disables the above (default)
185        --permutedindex         permutes index phrases in the index
186        --nopermutedindex       disables the above (default)
187        --bibliography=file     sets a bibliography file
188        --splitbibliography     splits the bibliography into pages per
189                                initial.
190        --nosplitbibliography   disables the above (default)
191        --prescan               carries out only the split (if
192                                enabled) and scan, storing
193                                cross-referencing data in dbfile
194                                (default is complete processing)
195        --dbfile=dbfile         sets file to store crossreferences
196        --sitedirectory=dir     sets the base directory of the site
197        --sourcedirectory=dir   sets the base directory of the
198                                original TeX source
199        --source=input          as an alternative to passing the input as
200                                the last argument, after the option set
201                                you can also specify it as the value here.
202                                useful for predictable API calls
203        --mathimages            converts math to images
204                                (default for html4 format)
205        --nomathimages          disables the above
206        --mathimagemagnification=mag specifies magnification factor
207        --presentationmathml    converts math to Presentation MathML
208                                (default for xhtml & html5 formats)
209        --pmml                  alias for --presentationmathml
210        --nopresentationmathml  disables the above
211        --linelength=n          formats presentation mathml to a
212                                linelength max of n characters
213        --contentmathml         converts math to Content MathML
214        --nocontentmathml       disables the above (default)
215        --cmml                  alias for --contentmathml
216        --openmath              converts math to OpenMath
217        --noopenmath            disables the above (default)
218        --om                    alias for --openmath
219        --keepXMath             preserves the intermediate XMath
220                                representation (default is to remove)
221        --mathtex               adds TeX annotation to parallel markup
222        --nomathtex             disables the above (default)
223        --parallelmath          use parallel math annotations (default)
224        --noparallelmath        disable parallel math annotations
225        --plane1                use plane-1 unicode for symbols
226                                (default, if needed)
227        --noplane1              do not use plane-1 unicode
228        --graphicimages         converts graphics to images (default)
229        --nographicimages       disables the above
230        --graphicsmap=type.type specifies a graphics file mapping
231        --pictureimages         converts picture environments to
232                                images (default)
233        --nopictureimages       disables the above
234        --svg                   converts picture environments to SVG
235        --nosvg                 disables the above (default)
236        --nocomments            omit comments from the output
237        --inputencoding=enc     specify the input encoding.
238        --debug=package         enables debugging output for the named
239                                package
241       If you want to provide a TeX snippet directly on input, rather than
242       supply a filename, use the "literal:" protocol to prefix your snippet.


245   General Options
246       "--verbose"
247           Increases the verbosity of output during processing, used twice is
248           pretty chatty.
249               Can be useful for getting more details when errors occur.
251       "--quiet"
252           Reduces the verbosity of output during processing, used twice is
253           pretty silent.
255       "--VERSION"
256           Shows the version number of the LaTeXML package..
258       "--debug"=package
259           Enables debugging output for the named package. The package is
260           given without the leading LaTeXML::.
262       "--base"=dir
263           Sepcifies the base working directory for the conversion server.
264               Useful when converting sets of documents that use relative
265           paths.
267       "--log"=file
268           Specifies the log file; be default any conversion messages are
269           printed to STDERR.
271       "--help"
272           Shows this help message.
274   Source Options
275       "--destination"=file
276           Specifies the destination file; by default the XML is written to
277           STDOUT.
279       "--preload"=module
280           Requests the loading of an optional module or package.  This may be
281           useful if the TeX code
282               does not specificly require the module (eg. through input or
283           usepackage).
284               For example, use "--preload=LaTeX.pool" to force LaTeX mode.
286       "--preamble"=file
287           Requests the loading of a tex file with document frontmatter, to be
288           read in before the converted document,
289               but after all --preload entries.
291           Note that the given file MUST contain \begin{document} or an
292           equivalent environment start,
293               when processing LaTeX documents.
295           If the file does not contain content to appear in the final
296           document, but only macro definitions and
297               setting of internal counters, it is more appropriate to use
298           --preload instead.
300       "--postamble"=file
301           Requests the loading of a tex file with document backmatter, to be
302           read in after the converted document.
304           Note that the given file MUST contain \end{document} or an
305           equivalent environment end,
306               when processing LaTeX documents.
308       "--sourcedirectory"=source
309           Specifies the directory where the original latex source is located.
310           Unless LaTeXML is run from that directory, or it can be determined
311           from the xml filename, it may be necessary to specify this option
312           in order to find graphics and style files.
314       "--path"=dir
315           Add dir to the search paths used when searching for files, modules,
316           style files, etc;
317               somewhat like TEXINPUTS.  This option can be repeated.
319       "--validate", "--novalidate"
320           Enables (or disables) the validation of the source XML document
321           (the default).
323       "--bibtex"
324           Forces latexml to treat the file as a BibTeX bibliography.
325               Note that the timing is slightly different than the usual
326               case with BibTeX and LaTeX.  In the latter case, BibTeX simply
327               selects and formats a subset of the bibliographic entries; the
328               actual TeX expansion is carried out when the result is included
329               in a LaTeX document.  In contrast, latexml processes and
330           expands
331               the entire bibliography; the selection of entries is done
332               during post-processing.  This also means that any packages
333               that define macros used in the bibliography must be
334               specified using the "--preload" option.
336       "--inputencoding="encoding
337           Specify the input encoding, eg. "--inputencoding=iso-8859-1".
338               The encoding must be one known to Perl's Encode package.
339               Note that this only enables the translation of the input bytes
340           to
341               UTF-8 used internally by LaTeXML, but does not affect catcodes.
342               In such cases, you should be using the inputenc package.
343               Note also that this does not affect the output encoding, which
344           is
345               always UTF-8.
347   TeX Conversion Options
348       "--includestyles"
349           This optional allows processing of style files (files with
350           extensions "sty",
351               "cls", "clo", "cnf").  By default, these files are ignored
352           unless a latexml
353               implementation of them is found (with an extension of "ltxml").
355           These style files generally fall into two classes:  Those
356               that merely affect document style are ignorable in the XML.
357               Others define new markup and document structure, often using
358               deeper LaTeX macros to achieve their ends.  Although the
359           omission
360               will lead to other errors (missing macro definitions), it is
361               unlikely that processing the TeX code in the style file will
362               lead to a correct document.
364       "--timeout"=secs
365           Set time cap for conversion jobs, in seconds. Any job failing to
366           convert in the
367               time range would return with a Fatal error of timing out.
368               Default value is 600, set to 0 to disable.
370       "--nocomments"
371           Normally latexml preserves comments from the source file, and adds
372           a comment every 25 lines as
373               an aid in tracking the source.  The option --nocomments
374           discards such comments.
376       "--documentid"=id
377           Assigns an ID to the root element of the XML document.  This ID is
378           generally
379               inherited as the prefix of ID's on all other elements within
380           the document.
381               This is useful when constructing a site of multiple documents
382           so that
383               all nodes have unique IDs.
385       "--strict"
386           Specifies a strict processing mode. By default, undefined control
387           sequences and
388               invalid document constructs (that violate the DTD) give warning
389           messages, but attempt
390               to continue processing.  Using "--strict" makes them generate
391           fatal errors.
393       "--post"
394           Request post-processing, auto-enabled by any requested post-
395           processor. Disabled by default.
396               If post-processing is enabled, the graphics and cross-
397           referencing processors are on by default.
399   Format Options
400       "--format"="(html|html5|html4|xhtml|xml|epub)"
401           Specifies the output format for post processing.  By default, it
402           will be guessed from the file extension of the destination (if
403           given), with html implying "html5", xhtml implying "xhtml" and the
404           default being "xml", which you probably don't want.
406           The "html5" format converts the material to html5 form with
407           mathematics as MathML; "html5" supports SVG.  "html4" format
408           converts the material to the earlier html form, version 4, and the
409           mathematics to png images.  "xhtml" format converts to xhtml and
410           uses presentation MathML (after attempting to parse the
411           mathematics) for representing the math.  "html5" similarly converts
412           math to presentation MathML. In these cases, any graphics will be
413           converted to web-friendly formats and/or copied to the destination
414           directory. If you simply specify "html", it will treat that as
415           "html5".
417           For the default, "xml", the output is left in LaTeXML's internal
418           xml, but the math is parsed and converted to presentation MathML.
419           For html, html5 and xhtml, a default stylesheet is provided, but
420           see the "--stylesheet" option.
422       "--xml"
423           Requests XML output; this is the default.
424             DEPRECATED: use --format=xml instead
426       "--tex"
427           Requests TeX output for debugging purposes;
428               processing is only carried out through expansion and digestion.
429               This may not be quite valid TeX, since Unicode may be
430           introduced.
432       "--box"
433           Requests Box output for debugging purposes;
434               processing is carried out through expansion and digestions,
435               and the result is printed.
437       "--profile"
438           Variety of shorthand profiles.
439               Note that the profiles come with a variety of preset options.
440               You can examine any of them in their
441           "resources/Profiles/name.opt"
442               file.
444           Example: "latexmlc --profile=math 'literal:1+2=3'"
446       "--omitdoctype", "--noomitdoctype"
447           Omits (or includes) the document type declaration.  The default is
448           to include it if the document model was based on a DTD.
450       "--numbersections", "--nonumbersections"
451           Includes (default), or disables the inclusion of section, equation,
452           etc, numbers in the formatted document and crossreference links.
454       "--stylesheet"=xslfile
455           Requests the XSL transformation of the document using the given
456           xslfile as stylesheet.  If the stylesheet is omitted, a `standard'
457           one appropriate for the format (html4, html5 or xhtml) will be
458           used.
460       "--css"=cssfile
461           Adds cssfile as a css stylesheet to be used in the transformed
462           html/html5/xhtml.  Multiple stylesheets can be used; they are
463           included in the html in the order given, following the default
464           "ltx-LaTeXML.css" (unless "--nodefaultcss").  The stylesheet is
465           copied to the destination directory, unless it is an absolute url.
467           Some stylesheets included in the distribution are
468             --css=navbar-left   Puts a navigation bar on the left.
469                                 (default omits navbar)
470             --css=navbar-right  Puts a navigation bar on the left.
471             --css=theme-blue    A blue coloring theme for headings.
472             --css=amsart        A style suitable for journal articles.
474       "--javascript"=jsfile
475           Includes a link to the javascript file jsfile, to be used in the
476           transformed html/html5/xhtml.  Multiple javascript files can be
477           included; they are linked in the html in the order given.  The
478           javascript file is copied to the destination directory, unless it
479           is an absolute url.
481       "--icon"=iconfile
482           Copies iconfile to the destination directory and sets up the
483           linkage in the transformed html/html5/xhtml to use that as the
484           "favicon".
486       "--nodefaultresources"
487           Disables the copying and inclusion of resources added by the
488           binding files; This includes CSS, javascript or other files.  This
489           does not affect resources explicitly requested by the "--css" or
490           "--javascript" options.
492       "--timestamp"=timestamp
493           Provides a timestamp (typically a time and date) to be embedded in
494           the comments by the stock XSLT stylesheets.  If you don't supply a
495           timestamp, the current time and date will be used.  (You can use
496           "--timestamp=0" to omit the timestamp).
498       "--xsltparameter"=name:value
499           Passes parameters to the XSLT stylesheet.  See the manual or the
500           stylesheet itself for available parameters.
502   Site & Crossreferencing Options
503       "--split", "--nosplit"
504           Enables or disables (default) the splitting of documents into
505           multiple `pages'.  If enabled, the the document will be split into
506           sections, bibliography, index and appendices (if any) by default,
507           unless "--splitpath" is specified.
509       "--splitat="unit
510           Specifies what level of the document to split at. Should be one of
511           "chapter", "section" (the default), "subsection" or
512           "subsubsection".  For more control, see "--splitpath".
514       "--splitpath="xpath
515           Specifies an XPath expression to select nodes that will generate
516           separate pages. The default splitpath is
517             //ltx:section | //ltx:bibliography | //ltx:appendix | //ltx:index
519           Specifying
521             --splitpath="//ltx:section | //ltx:subsection
522                    | //ltx:bibliography | //ltx:appendix | //ltx:index"
524           would split the document at subsections as well as sections.
526       "--splitnaming"="(id|idrelative|label|labelrelative)"
527           Specifies how to name the files for subdocuments created by
528           splitting.  The values "id" and "label" simply use the id or label
529           of the subdocument's root node for it's filename.  "idrelative" and
530           "labelrelative" use the portion of the id or label that follows the
531           parent document's id or label. Furthermore, to impose structure and
532           uniqueness, if a split document has children that are also split,
533           that document (and it's children) will be in a separate
534           subdirectory with the name index.
536       "--scan", "--noscan"
537           Enables (default) or disables the scanning of documents for ids,
538           labels, references, indexmarks, etc, for use in filling in refs,
539           cites, index and so on.  It may be useful to disable when
540           generating documents not based on the LaTeXML doctype.
542       "--crossref", "--nocrossref"
543           Enables (default) or disables the filling in of references, hrefs,
544           etc based on a previous scan (either from "--scan", or "--dbfile")
545           It may be useful to disable when generating documents not based on
546           the LaTeXML doctype.
548       "--urlstyle"="(server|negotiated|file)"
549           This option determines the way that URLs within the documents are
550           formatted, depending on the way they are intended to be served.
551           The default, "server", eliminates unneccessary trailing
552           "index.html".  With "negotiated", the trailing file extension
553           (typically "html" or "xhtml") are eliminated.  The scheme "file"
554           preserves complete (but relative) urls so that the site can be
555           browsed as files without any server.
557       "--navigationtoc"="(context|none)"
558           Generates a table of contents in the navigation bar; default is
559           "none".  The `context' style of TOC, is somewhat verbose and
560           reveals more detail near the current page; it is most suitable for
561           navigation bars placed on the left or right.  Other styles of TOC
562           should be developed and added here, such as a short form.
564       "--index", "--noindex"
565           Enables (default) or disables the generation of an index from
566           indexmarks embedded within the document.  Enabling this has no
567           effect unless there is an index element in the document (generated
568           by \printindex).
570       "--splitindex", "--nosplitindex"
571           Enables or disables (default) the splitting of generated indexes
572           into separate pages per initial letter.
574       "--bibliography="pathname
575           Specifies a bibliography generated from a BibTeX file to be used to
576           fill in a bibliography element.  Hand-written bibliographies placed
577           in a "thebibliography" environment do not need this.  The option
578           has no effect unless there is an bibliography element in the
579           document (generated by \bibliography).
581           Note that this option provides the bibliography to be used to fill
582           in the bibliography element (generated by "\bibliography");
583           latexmlpost does not (currently) directly process and format such a
584           bibliography.
586       "--splitbibliography", "--nosplitbibliography"
587           Enables or disables (default) the splitting of generated
588           bibliographies into separate pages per initial letter.
590       "--prescan"
591           By default "latexmlpost" processes a single document into one (or
592           more; see "--split") destination files in a single pass.  When
593           generating a complicated site consisting of several documents it
594           may be advantageous to first scan through the documents to extract
595           and store (in "dbfile") cross-referencing data (such as ids,
596           titles, urls, and so on).  A later pass then has complete
597           information allowing all documents to reference each other, and
598           also constructs an index and bibliography that reflects the entire
599           document set.  The same effect (though less efficient) can be
600           achieved by running "latexmlpost" twice, provided a "dbfile" is
601           specified.
603       "--dbfile"=file
604           Specifies a filename to use for the crossreferencing data when
605           using two-pass processing.  This file may reside in the
606           intermediate destination directory.
608       "--sitedirectory="dir
609           Specifies the base directory of the overall web site.  Pathnames in
610           the database are stored in a form relative to this directory to
611           make it more portable.
613       "--embed"
614           TODO: Deprecated, use --whatsout=fragment Requests an embeddable
615           XHTML div (requires: --post --format=xhtml),
616               respectively the top division of the document's body.
617               Caveat: This experimental mode is enabled only for fragment
618           profile and post-processed
619               documents (to XHTML).
621   Math Options
622       These options specify how math should be converted into other formats.
623       Multiple formats can be requested; how they will be combined depends on
624       the format and other options.
626       "--noparse"
627           Suppresses parsing math (default: parsing is on)
629       "--parse=name"
630           Enables parsing math (default: parsing is on)
631               and selects parser framework "name".
632               Supported: RecDescent, no
633               Tip: --parse=no is equivalent to --noparse
635       "--mathimages", "--nomathimages"
636           Requests or disables the conversion of math to images (png by
637           default).  Conversion is the default for html4 format.
639       "--mathsvg", "--nomathsvg"
640           Requests or disables the conversion of math to svg images.
642       "--mathimagemagnification="factor
643           Specifies the magnification used for math images (both png and
644           svg), if they are made. Default is 1.75.
646       "--presentationmathml", "--nopresentationmathml"
647           Requests or disables conversion of math to Presentation MathML.
648           Conversion is the default for xhtml and html5 formats.
650       "--linelength"=number
651           (Experimental) Line-breaks the generated Presentation MathML so
652           that it is no longer than number `characters'.
654       "--plane1"
655           Converts the content of Presentation MathML token elements to the
656           appropriate Unicode Plane-1 codepoints according to the selected
657           font, when applicable (the default).
659       "--hackplane1"
660           Converts the content of Presentation MathML token elements to the
661           appropriate Unicode Plane-1 codepoints according to the selected
662           font, but only for the mathvariants double-struck, fraktur and
663           script.  This gives support for current (as of August 2009)
664           versions of Firefox and MathPlayer, provided a sufficient set of
665           fonts is available (eg. STIX).
667       "--contentmathml", "--nocontentmathml"
668           Requests or disables conversion of math to Content MathML.
669           Conversion is disabled by default.  Note that this conversion is
670           only partially implemented.
672       "--openmath"
673           Requests or disables conversion of math to OpenMath.  Conversion is
674           disabled by default.  Note that this conversion is only partially
675           implemented.
677       "--keepXMath", "--xmath"
678           By default, when any of the MathML or OpenMath conversions are
679           used, the intermediate math representation will be removed; this
680           option preserves it; it will be used as secondary parallel markup,
681           when it follows the options for other math representations.
683   Graphics Options
684       "--graphicimages", "--nographicimages"
685           Enables (default) or disables the conversion of graphics to web-
686           appropriate format (png).
688       "--graphicsmap="sourcetype.desttype
689           Specifies a mapping of graphics file types. Typically, graphics
690           elements specify a graphics file that will be converted to a more
691           appropriate file target format; for example, postscript files used
692           for graphics with LaTeX will be converted to png format for use on
693           the web.  As with LaTeX, when a graphics file is specified without
694           a file type, the system will search for the most appropriate target
695           type file.
697           When this option is used, it overrides and replaces the defaults
698           and provides a mapping of sourcetype to desttype.  The option can
699           be repeated to provide several mappings, with the earlier formats
700           preferred.  If the desttype is omitted, it specifies copying files
701           of type sourcetype, unchanged.
703           The default settings is equivalent to having supplied the options:
704             svg png gif jpg jpeg eps.png ps.png ai.png pdf.png
706           The first formats are preferred and used unchanged, while the
707           latter ones are converted to png.
709       "--pictureimages", "--nopictureimages"
710           Enables (default) or disables the conversion of picture
711           environments and pstricks material into images.
713       "--svg", "--nosvg"
714           Enables or disables (default) the conversion of picture
715           environments and pstricks material to SVG.
717   Daemon, Server and Client Options
718       Options used only for daemonized conversions, e.g. talking to a remote
719       server via latexmlc, or local processing via the
720       "LaTeXML::Plugin::latexmls" plugin.
722       For reliable communication and a stable conversion experience, invoke
723       latexmls only through the latexmlc client (you need to set --expire to
724       a positive value, in order to request auto-spawning of a dedicated
725       conversion server).
727       "--autoflush"=count
728           Automatically restart the daemon after converting "count" inputs.
729               Good practice for vast batch jobs. (default: 100)
731       "--expire"=secs
732           Set an inactivity timeout value in seconds.
733               If the server process is not given any input for the specified
734           duration,
735               it will automatically terminate.
736               The default value is 600 seconds, set to 0 to never expire,
737               -1 to entirely opt out of using an independent server.
739       "--address"=URL
740           Specify server address (default: localhost)
742       "--port"=number
743           Specify server port (default: 3334 for math, 3344 for fragment and
744           3354 for standard)


747       Bruce Miller <bruce.miller@nist.gov> Deyan Ginev <deyan.ginev@nist.gov>
750       Public domain software, produced as part of work done by the United
751       States Government & not subject to copyright in the US.
755perl v5.32.0                      2020-11-17        LaTeXML::Common::Config(3)