1Mail::Message::ConstrucUts:e:rReCpolnyt(r3i)buted Perl DMoaciulm:e:nMteastsiaogne::Construct::Reply(3)


6       Mail::Message::Construct::Reply - reply to a Mail::Message


9        my Mail::Message $reply = $message->reply;
10        my $quoted  = $message->replyPrelude($head->get('From'));


13       Complex functionality on Mail::Message objects is implemented in
14       different files which are autoloaded.  This file implements the
15       functionality related to creating message replies.


18   Constructing a message
19       $obj->reply(%options)
20           Start a reply to this message. Some of the header-lines of the
21           original message will be taken. A message-id will be assigned. Some
22           header lines will be updated to facilitate message-thread detection
23           (see Mail::Box::Thread::Manager).
25           You may reply to a whole message or a message part.  You may wish
26           to overrule some of the default header settings for the reply
27           immediately, or you may do that later with "set" on the header.
29           ADDRESSES may be specified as string, or a Mail::Address object, or
30           as array of Mail::Address objects.
32           All %options which are not listed below AND start with a capital,
33           will be added as additional headers to the reply message.
35            -Option         --Default
36             Bcc              undef
37             Cc               <'cc' in current>
38             From             <'to' in current>
39             Message-ID       <uniquely generated>
40             Subject          replySubject()
41             To               <sender in current>
42             body             undef
43             group_reply      <true>
44             include          'INLINE'
45             max_signature    10
46             message_type     Mail::Message
47             postlude         undef
48             prelude          undef
49             quote            '> '
50             signature        undef
51             strip_signature  qr/^--\s/
53           Bcc => ADDRESSES
54             Receivers of blind carbon copies: their names will not be
55             published to other message receivers.
57           Cc => ADDRESSES
58             The carbon-copy receivers, by default a copy of the "Cc" field of
59             the source message.
61           From => ADDRESSES
62             Your identification, by default taken from the "To" field of the
63             source message.
65           Message-ID => STRING
66             Supply a STRING as specific message-id for the reply.  By
67             default, one is generated for you.  If there are no angles around
68             your id, they will be added.
70           Subject => STRING|CODE
71             Force the subject line to the specific STRING, or the result of
72             the subroutine specified by CODE.  The subroutine will be called
73             passing the subject of the original message as only argument.  By
74             default, Mail::Message::replySubject() is used.
76           To => ADDRESSES
77             The destination of your message.  By default taken from the
78             "Reply-To" field in the source message.  If that field is not
79             present as well, the "From" line is scanned.  If they all fail,
80             "undef" is returned by this method: no reply message produced.
82           body => BODY
83             Usually, the reply method can create a nice, sufficient message
84             from the source message's body.  In case you like more
85             complicated reformatting, you may also create a body yourself
86             first, and pass this on to this "reply" method. Some of the other
87             options to this method will be ignored in this case.
89           group_reply => BOOLEAN
90             Will the people listed in the "Cc" headers (those who received
91             the message where you reply to now) also receive this message as
92             carbon copy?
94           include => 'NO'|'INLINE'|'ATTACH'
95             Must the message where this is a reply to be included in the
96             message?  If "NO" then not.  With "INLINE" a reply body is
97             composed. "ATTACH" will create a multi-part body, where the
98             original message is added after the specified body.  It is only
99             possible to inline textual messages, therefore binary or
100             multipart messages will always be enclosed as attachment.
102           max_signature => INTEGER
103             Passed to "stripSignature" on the body as parameter "max_lines".
104             Only effective for single-part messages.
106           message_type => CLASS
107             Create a message with the requested type.  By default, it will be
108             a Mail::Message.  This is correct, because it will be coerced
109             into the correct folder message type when it is added to that
110             folder.
112           postlude => BODY|LINES
113             The line(s) which to be added after the quoted reply lines.
114             Create a body for it first.  This should not include the
115             signature, which has its own option.  The signature will be added
116             after the postlude when the reply is INLINEd.
118           prelude => BODY|LINES
119             The line(s) which will be added before the quoted reply lines.
120             If nothing is specified, the result of the replyPrelude() method
121             is taken.  When "undef" is specified, no prelude will be added.
123           quote => CODE|STRING
124             Mangle the lines of an "INLINE"d reply with CODE, or by
125             prepending a STRING to each line.  The routine specified by CODE
126             is called when the line is in $_.
128             By default, '> ' is added before each line.  Specify "undef" to
129             disable quoting.  This option is processed after the body has
130             been decoded.
132           signature => BODY|MESSAGE
133             The signature to be added in case of a multi-part reply.  The
134             mime-type of the signature body should indicate this is a used as
135             such.  However, in INLINE mode, the body will be taken, a line
136             containing '-- ' added before it, and added behind the epilogue.
138           strip_signature => REGEXP|STRING|CODE
139             Remove the signature of the sender.  The value of this parameter
140             is passed to Mail::Message::Body::stripSignature(pattern) unless
141             the source text is not included.  The signature is stripped from
142             the message before quoting.
144             When a multipart body is encountered, and the message is included
145             to ATTACH, the parts which look like signatures will be removed.
146             If only one message remains, it will be the added as single
147             attachment, otherwise a nested multipart will be the result.  The
148             value of this option does not matter, as long as it is present.
149             See Mail::Message::Body::Multipart.
151           example:
153             my $reply = $msg->reply
154              ( prelude         => "No spam, please!\n\n"
155              , postlude        => "\nGreetings\n"
156              , strip_signature => 1
157              , signature       => $my_pgp_key
158              , group_reply     => 1
159              , 'X-Extra'       => 'additional header'
160              );
162       $obj->replyPrelude( [STRING|$field|$address|ARRAY-$of-$things] )
163           Produces a list of lines (usually only one), which will preceded
164           the quoted body of the message.  STRING must comply to the RFC822
165           email address specification, and is usually the content of a "To"
166           or "From" header line.  If a $field is specified, the field's body
167           must be compliant.  Without argument -or when the argument is
168           "undef"- a slightly different line is produced.
170           An characteristic example of the output is
172            On Thu Oct 13 04:54:34 1995, him@example.com wrote:
174       $obj->replySubject(STRING)
175       Mail::Message->replySubject(STRING)
176           Create a subject for a message which is a reply for this one.  This
177           routine tries to count the level of reply in subject field, and
178           transform it into a standard form.  Please contribute improvements.
180           example:
182            subject                 --> Re: subject
183            Re: subject             --> Re[2]: subject
184            Re[X]: subject          --> Re[X+1]: subject
185            subject (Re)            --> Re[2]: subject
186            subject (Forw)          --> Re[2]: subject
187            <blank>                 --> Re: your mail


190       Error: Cannot include reply source as $include.
191           Unknown alternative for the "include" option of reply().  Valid
192           choices are "NO", "INLINE", and "ATTACH".


195       This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.009, built
196       on February 07, 2020. Website: http://perl.overmeer.net/CPAN/


199       Copyrights 2001-2020 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>]. For other
200       contributors see ChangeLog.
202       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
203       under the same terms as Perl itself.  See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
207perl v5.32.0                      2020-07-28Mail::Message::Construct::Reply(3)