1GIT-LATEXDIFF(1)                                              GIT-LATEXDIFF(1)


6       git-latexdiff - Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file


9           Usage: git latexdiff [options] OLD [NEW]
10                  git latexdiff [options] OLD --
11                  git latexdiff [options] -- OLD
12           Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file.
14           OLD and NEW are Git revision identifiers. NEW defaults to HEAD.
15           If "--" is used for NEW, then diff against the working directory.
17           Options:
18               --help                this help message
19               --help-examples       show examples of usage
20               --main <file>         name of the main LaTeX, R Sweave,
21                                       or Emacs Org mode file.
22                                       The search for the only file containing 'documentclass'
23                                       will be attempted, if not specified.
24                                       For non-LaTeX files, a reasonable `prepare` command
25                                       will be used unless explicitly provided
26               --no-view             don't display the resulting PDF file
27               --latex               run latex instead of pdflatex
28               --xelatex             run xelatex instead of pdflatex
29               --lualatex            run lualatex instead of pdflatex
30               --tectonic            run tectonic instead of pdflatex
31               --bibtex, --bbl       display changes in the bibliography
32                                        (runs bibtex to generate *.bbl files and
33                                        include them in the source file using
34                                        latexpand --expand-bbl before computing
35                                        the diff)
36               --biber               like --bibtex, but runs biber instead.
37               --run-bibtex, -b      run bibtex as well as latex to generate the PDF file
38                                        (pdflatex,bibtex,pdflatex,pdflatex)
39                                     NOTE: --bibtex usually works better
40               --run-biber           run BibLaTex-Biber as well as latex to generate the PDF file
41                                        (pdflatex,biber,pdflatex,pdflatex)
42                                     NOTE: --biber usually works better
43               --view                view the resulting PDF file
44                                       (default if -o is not used)
45               --pdf-viewer <cmd>    use <cmd> to view the PDF file (default: $PDFVIEWER)
46               --no-cleanup          don't cleanup temp dir after running
47               --no-flatten          don't call latexpand to flatten the document
48               --cleanup MODE        Cleanup temporary files according to MODE:
50                                      - keeppdf (default): keep only the
51                                             generated PDF file
53                                      - none: keep all temporary files
54                                             (may eat your diskspace)
56                                      - all: erase all generated files.
57                                             Problematic with --view when the
58                                             viewer is e.g. evince, and doesn't
59                                             like when the file being viewed is
60                                             deleted.
62               --latexmk             use latexmk
63               --build-dir           use pdfs from specific build directory
64               --latexopt            pass additional options to latex (e.g. -shell-escape)
65               -o <file>, --output <file>
66                                     copy resulting PDF into <file> (usually ending with .pdf)
67                                     Implies "--cleanup all"
68               --tmpdirprefix        where temporary directory will be created (default: /tmp).
69                                       Relative path will use repository root as a base
70               --verbose, -v         give more verbose output
71               --quiet               redirect output from subprocesses to log files
72               --prepare <cmd>       run <cmd> before latexdiff (e.g. run make to generate
73                                        included files)
74               --filter <cmd>        run <cmd> after latexdiff and before compilation
75                                        (e.g. to fix up latexdiff output)
76               --ln-untracked        symlink uncommited files from the working directory
77               --version             show git-latexdiff version.
78               --subtree             checkout the tree at and below the main file
79                                        (enabled by default, disable with --whole-tree)
80               --whole-tree          checkout the whole tree (contrast with --subtree)
81               --ignore-latex-errors keep on going even if latex gives errors, so long as
82                                     a PDF file is produced
83               --ignore-makefile     ignore the Makefile, build as though it doesn't exist
84               -*                    other options are passed directly to latexdiff
85               --latexpand OPT       pass option OPT to latexpand. Use multiple times like
86                                     --latexpand OPT1 --latexpand OPT2 to pass multiple options.
87               --latexdiff-flatten   use --flatten from latexdiff instead of latexpand
89           Unrecognized options are passed unmodified to latexdiff.
91           Examples:
93           Diff the previous revision with the latest commit:
95               git latexdiff HEAD^
97           Diff the latest commit with the working tree:
99               git latexdiff HEAD --
101           Diff latest commit with branch master:
103               git latexdiff master HEAD
105           Pass --type=CHANGEBAR to latexdiff to get changebars in the margins
106           instead of red+trike/blue+underline diff:
108               git latexdiff --type=CHANGEBAR HEAD^
110           Use a specific latexdiff configuration file:
112               git latexdiff --config /path/to/file HEAD^
116                                  03/30/2020                  GIT-LATEXDIFF(1)