1SYSTEMD.UNIT(5)                  systemd.unit                  SYSTEMD.UNIT(5)


6       systemd.unit - Unit configuration


9       service.service, socket.socket, device.device, mount.mount,
10       automount.automount, swap.swap, target.target, path.path, timer.timer,
11       slice.slice, scope.scope
13   System Unit Search Path
14       /etc/systemd/system.control/*
15       /run/systemd/system.control/*
16       /run/systemd/transient/*
17       /run/systemd/generator.early/*
18       /etc/systemd/system/*
19       /etc/systemd/system.attached/*
20       /run/systemd/system/*
21       /run/systemd/system.attached/*
22       /run/systemd/generator/*
23       ...
24       /usr/lib/systemd/system/*
25       /run/systemd/generator.late/*
27   User Unit Search Path
28       ~/.config/systemd/user.control/*
29       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user.control/*
30       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/transient/*
31       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/generator.early/*
32       ~/.config/systemd/user/*
33       $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/systemd/user/*
34       /etc/systemd/user/*
35       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user/*
36       /run/systemd/user/*
37       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/generator/*
38       $XDG_DATA_HOME/systemd/user/*
39       $XDG_DATA_DIRS/systemd/user/*
40       ...
41       /usr/lib/systemd/user/*
42       $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/generator.late/*


45       A unit file is a plain text ini-style file that encodes information
46       about a service, a socket, a device, a mount point, an automount point,
47       a swap file or partition, a start-up target, a watched file system
48       path, a timer controlled and supervised by systemd(1), a resource
49       management slice or a group of externally created processes. See
50       systemd.syntax(7) for a general description of the syntax.
52       This man page lists the common configuration options of all the unit
53       types. These options need to be configured in the [Unit] or [Install]
54       sections of the unit files.
56       In addition to the generic [Unit] and [Install] sections described
57       here, each unit may have a type-specific section, e.g. [Service] for a
58       service unit. See the respective man pages for more information:
59       systemd.service(5), systemd.socket(5), systemd.device(5),
60       systemd.mount(5), systemd.automount(5), systemd.swap(5),
61       systemd.target(5), systemd.path(5), systemd.timer(5), systemd.slice(5),
62       systemd.scope(5).
64       Unit files are loaded from a set of paths determined during
65       compilation, described in the next section.
67       Valid unit names consist of a "name prefix" and a dot and a suffix
68       specifying the unit type. The "unit prefix" must consist of one or more
69       valid characters (ASCII letters, digits, ":", "-", "_", ".", and "\").
70       The total length of the unit name including the suffix must not exceed
71       256 characters. The type suffix must be one of ".service", ".socket",
72       ".device", ".mount", ".automount", ".swap", ".target", ".path",
73       ".timer", ".slice", or ".scope".
75       Units names can be parameterized by a single argument called the
76       "instance name". The unit is then constructed based on a "template
77       file" which serves as the definition of multiple services or other
78       units. A template unit must have a single "@" at the end of the name
79       (right before the type suffix). The name of the full unit is formed by
80       inserting the instance name between "@" and the unit type suffix. In
81       the unit file itself, the instance parameter may be referred to using
82       "%i" and other specifiers, see below.
84       Unit files may contain additional options on top of those listed here.
85       If systemd encounters an unknown option, it will write a warning log
86       message but continue loading the unit. If an option or section name is
87       prefixed with X-, it is ignored completely by systemd. Options within
88       an ignored section do not need the prefix. Applications may use this to
89       include additional information in the unit files.
91       Units can be aliased (have an alternative name), by creating a symlink
92       from the new name to the existing name in one of the unit search paths.
93       For example, systemd-networkd.service has the alias
94       dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service, created during installation as a
95       symlink, so when systemd is asked through D-Bus to load
96       dbus-org.freedesktop.network1.service, it'll load
97       systemd-networkd.service. As another example, default.target — the
98       default system target started at boot — is commonly symlinked (aliased)
99       to either multi-user.target or graphical.target to select what is
100       started by default. Alias names may be used in commands like disable,
101       start, stop, status, and similar, and in all unit dependency
102       directives, including Wants=, Requires=, Before=, After=. Aliases
103       cannot be used with the preset command.
105       Aliases obey the following restrictions: a unit of a certain type
106       (".service", ".socket", ...) can only be aliased by a name with the
107       same type suffix. A plain unit (not a template or an instance), may
108       only be aliased by a plain name. A template instance may only be
109       aliased by another template instance, and the instance part must be
110       identical. A template may be aliased by another template (in which case
111       the alias applies to all instances of the template). As a special case,
112       a template instance (e.g.  "alias@inst.service") may be a symlink to
113       different template (e.g.  "template@inst.service"). In that case, just
114       this specific instance is aliased, while other instances of the
115       template (e.g.  "alias@foo.service", "alias@bar.service") are not
116       aliased. Those rule preserve the requirement that the instance (if any)
117       is always uniquely defined for a given unit and all its aliases.
119       Unit files may specify aliases through the Alias= directive in the
120       [Install] section. When the unit is enabled, symlinks will be created
121       for those names, and removed when the unit is disabled. For example,
122       reboot.target specifies Alias=ctrl-alt-del.target, so when enabled, the
123       symlink /etc/systemd/system/ctrl-alt-del.service pointing to the
124       reboot.target file will be created, and when Ctrl+Alt+Del is invoked,
125       systemd will look for the ctrl-alt-del.service and execute
126       reboot.service.  systemd does not look at the [Install] section at all
127       during normal operation, so any directives in that section only have an
128       effect through the symlinks created during enablement.
130       Along with a unit file foo.service, the directory foo.service.wants/
131       may exist. All unit files symlinked from such a directory are
132       implicitly added as dependencies of type Wants= to the unit. Similar
133       functionality exists for Requires= type dependencies as well, the
134       directory suffix is .requires/ in this case. This functionality is
135       useful to hook units into the start-up of other units, without having
136       to modify their unit files. For details about the semantics of Wants=,
137       see below. The preferred way to create symlinks in the .wants/ or
138       .requires/ directory of a unit file is by embedding the dependency in
139       [Install] section of the target unit, and creating the symlink in the
140       file system with the enable or preset commands of systemctl(1).
142       Along with a unit file foo.service, a "drop-in" directory
143       foo.service.d/ may exist. All files with the suffix ".conf" from this
144       directory will be merged in the alphanumeric order and parsed after the
145       main unit file itself has been parsed. This is useful to alter or add
146       configuration settings for a unit, without having to modify unit files.
147       Each drop-in file must contain appropriate section headers. For
148       instantiated units, this logic will first look for the instance ".d/"
149       subdirectory (e.g.  "foo@bar.service.d/") and read its ".conf" files,
150       followed by the template ".d/" subdirectory (e.g.  "foo@.service.d/")
151       and the ".conf" files there. Moreover for unit names containing dashes
152       ("-"), the set of directories generated by repeatedly truncating the
153       unit name after all dashes is searched too. Specifically, for a unit
154       name foo-bar-baz.service not only the regular drop-in directory
155       foo-bar-baz.service.d/ is searched but also both foo-bar-.service.d/
156       and foo-.service.d/. This is useful for defining common drop-ins for a
157       set of related units, whose names begin with a common prefix. This
158       scheme is particularly useful for mount, automount and slice units,
159       whose systematic naming structure is built around dashes as component
160       separators. Note that equally named drop-in files further down the
161       prefix hierarchy override those further up, i.e.
162       foo-bar-.service.d/10-override.conf overrides
163       foo-.service.d/10-override.conf.
165       In cases of unit aliases (described above), dropins for the aliased
166       name and all aliases are loaded. In the example of default.target
167       aliasing graphical.target, default.target.d/, default.target.wants/,
168       default.target.requires/, graphical.target.d/, graphical.target.wants/,
169       graphical.target.requires/ would all be read. For templates, dropins
170       for the template, any template aliases, the template instance, and all
171       alias instances are read. When just a specific template instance is
172       aliased, then the dropins for the target template, the target template
173       instance, and the alias template instance are read.
175       In addition to /etc/systemd/system, the drop-in ".d/" directories for
176       system services can be placed in /usr/lib/systemd/system or
177       /run/systemd/system directories. Drop-in files in /etc/ take precedence
178       over those in /run/ which in turn take precedence over those in
179       /usr/lib/. Drop-in files under any of these directories take precedence
180       over unit files wherever located. Multiple drop-in files with different
181       names are applied in lexicographic order, regardless of which of the
182       directories they reside in.
184       Units also support a top-level drop-in with type.d/, where type may be
185       e.g.  "service" or "socket", that allows altering or adding to the
186       settings of all corresponding unit files on the system. The formatting
187       and precedence of applying drop-in configurations follow what is
188       defined above. Files in type.d/ have lower precedence compared to files
189       in name-specific override directories. The usual rules apply: multiple
190       drop-in files with different names are applied in lexicographic order,
191       regardless of which of the directories they reside in, so a file in
192       type.d/ applies to a unit only if there are no drop-ins or masks with
193       that name in directories with higher precedence. See Examples.
195       Note that while systemd offers a flexible dependency system between
196       units it is recommended to use this functionality only sparingly and
197       instead rely on techniques such as bus-based or socket-based activation
198       which make dependencies implicit, resulting in a both simpler and more
199       flexible system.
201       As mentioned above, a unit may be instantiated from a template file.
202       This allows creation of multiple units from a single configuration
203       file. If systemd looks for a unit configuration file, it will first
204       search for the literal unit name in the file system. If that yields no
205       success and the unit name contains an "@" character, systemd will look
206       for a unit template that shares the same name but with the instance
207       string (i.e. the part between the "@" character and the suffix)
208       removed. Example: if a service getty@tty3.service is requested and no
209       file by that name is found, systemd will look for getty@.service and
210       instantiate a service from that configuration file if it is found.
212       To refer to the instance string from within the configuration file you
213       may use the special "%i" specifier in many of the configuration
214       options. See below for details.
216       If a unit file is empty (i.e. has the file size 0) or is symlinked to
217       /dev/null, its configuration will not be loaded and it appears with a
218       load state of "masked", and cannot be activated. Use this as an
219       effective way to fully disable a unit, making it impossible to start it
220       even manually.
222       The unit file format is covered by the Interface Portability and
223       Stability Promise[1].


226       Sometimes it is useful to convert arbitrary strings into unit names. To
227       facilitate this, a method of string escaping is used, in order to map
228       strings containing arbitrary byte values (except NUL) into valid unit
229       names and their restricted character set. A common special case are
230       unit names that reflect paths to objects in the file system hierarchy.
231       Example: a device unit dev-sda.device refers to a device with the
232       device node /dev/sda in the file system.
234       The escaping algorithm operates as follows: given a string, any "/"
235       character is replaced by "-", and all other characters which are not
236       ASCII alphanumerics, ":", "_" or "."  are replaced by C-style "\x2d"
237       escapes. In addition, "."  is replaced with such a C-style escape when
238       it would appear as the first character in the escaped string.
240       When the input qualifies as absolute file system path, this algorithm
241       is extended slightly: the path to the root directory "/" is encoded as
242       single dash "-". In addition, any leading, trailing or duplicate "/"
243       characters are removed from the string before transformation. Example:
244       /foo//bar/baz/ becomes "foo-bar-baz".
246       This escaping is fully reversible, as long as it is known whether the
247       escaped string was a path (the unescaping results are different for
248       paths and non-path strings). The systemd-escape(1) command may be used
249       to apply and reverse escaping on arbitrary strings. Use systemd-escape
250       --path to escape path strings, and systemd-escape without --path
251       otherwise.


254   Implicit Dependencies
255       A number of unit dependencies are implicitly established, depending on
256       unit type and unit configuration. These implicit dependencies can make
257       unit configuration file cleaner. For the implicit dependencies in each
258       unit type, please refer to section "Implicit Dependencies" in
259       respective man pages.
261       For example, service units with Type=dbus automatically acquire
262       dependencies of type Requires= and After= on dbus.socket. See
263       systemd.service(5) for details.
265   Default Dependencies
266       Default dependencies are similar to implicit dependencies, but can be
267       turned on and off by setting DefaultDependencies= to yes (the default)
268       and no, while implicit dependencies are always in effect. See section
269       "Default Dependencies" in respective man pages for the effect of
270       enabling DefaultDependencies= in each unit types.
272       For example, target units will complement all configured dependencies
273       of type Wants= or Requires= with dependencies of type After= unless
274       DefaultDependencies=no is set in the specified units. See
275       systemd.target(5) for details. Note that this behavior can be turned
276       off by setting DefaultDependencies=no.


279       Unit files are loaded from a set of paths determined during
280       compilation, described in the two tables below. Unit files found in
281       directories listed earlier override files with the same name in
282       directories lower in the list.
284       When the variable $SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH is set, the contents of this
285       variable overrides the unit load path. If $SYSTEMD_UNIT_PATH ends with
286       an empty component (":"), the usual unit load path will be appended to
287       the contents of the variable.
289       Table 1.  Load path when running in system mode (--system).
290       ┌──────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
291Path                          Description                
292       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
293       │/etc/systemd/system.control   │ Persistent and transient   │
294       ├──────────────────────────────┤ configuration created      │
295       │/run/systemd/system.control   │ using the dbus API         │
296       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
297       │/run/systemd/transient        │ Dynamic configuration for  │
298       │                              │ transient units            │
299       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
300       │/run/systemd/generator.early  │ Generated units with high  │
301       │                              │ priority (see early-dir in │
302       │                              │ systemd.generator(7))      │
303       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
304       │/etc/systemd/system           │ System units created by    │
305       │                              │ the administrator          │
306       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
307       │/run/systemd/system           │ Runtime units              │
308       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
309       │/run/systemd/generator        │ Generated units with       │
310       │                              │ medium priority (see       │
311       │                              │ normal-dir in              │
312       │                              │ systemd.generator(7))      │
313       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
314       │/usr/local/lib/systemd/system │ System units installed by  │
315       │                              │ the administrator          │
316       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
317       │/usr/lib/systemd/system       │ System units installed by  │
318       │                              │ the distribution package   │
319       │                              │ manager                    │
320       ├──────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
321       │/run/systemd/generator.late   │ Generated units with low   │
322       │                              │ priority (see late-dir in  │
323       │                              │ systemd.generator(7))      │
324       └──────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
326       Table 2.  Load path when running in user mode (--user).
327       ┌────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
328Path                                    Description                
329       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
330       │$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/systemd/user.control   │ Persistent and transient   │
331       │or                                      │ configuration created      │
332       │~/.config/systemd/user.control          │ using the dbus API         │
333       ├────────────────────────────────────────┤ ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME is used  │
334       │$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user.control   │ if set, ~/.config          │
335       │                                        │ otherwise)                 │
336       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
337       │/run/systemd/transient                  │ Dynamic configuration for  │
338       │                                        │ transient units            │
339       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
340       │/run/systemd/generator.early            │ Generated units with high  │
341       │                                        │ priority (see early-dir in │
342       │                                        │ systemd.generator(7))      │
343       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
344       │$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/systemd/user or        │ User configuration         │
345       │$HOME/.config/systemd/user              │ ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME is used  │
346       │                                        │ if set, ~/.config          │
347       │                                        │ otherwise)                 │
348       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
349       │$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/systemd/user or        │ Additional configuration   │
350       │/etc/xdg/systemd/user                   │ directories as specified   │
351       │                                        │ by the XDG base directory  │
352       │                                        │ specification              │
353       │                                        │ ($XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is used  │
354       │                                        │ if set, /etc/xdg           │
355       │                                        │ otherwise)                 │
356       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
357       │/etc/systemd/user                       │ User units created by the  │
358       │                                        │ administrator              │
359       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
360       │$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/user           │ Runtime units (only used   │
361       │                                        │ when $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is   │
362       │                                        │ set)                       │
363       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
364       │/run/systemd/user                       │ Runtime units              │
365       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
366       │$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/generator      │ Generated units with       │
367       │                                        │ medium priority (see       │
368       │                                        │ normal-dir in              │
369       │                                        │ systemd.generator(7))      │
370       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
371       │$XDG_DATA_HOME/systemd/user or          │ Units of packages that     │
372       │$HOME/.local/share/systemd/user         │ have been installed in the │
373       │                                        │ home directory             │
374       │                                        │ ($XDG_DATA_HOME is used if │
375       │                                        │ set, ~/.local/share        │
376       │                                        │ otherwise)                 │
377       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
378       │$XDG_DATA_DIRS/systemd/user or          │ Additional data            │
379       │/usr/local/share/systemd/user and       │ directories as specified   │
380       │/usr/share/systemd/user                 │ by the XDG base directory  │
381       │                                        │ specification              │
382       │                                        │ ($XDG_DATA_DIRS is used if │
383       │                                        │ set, /usr/local/share and  │
384       │                                        │ /usr/share otherwise)      │
385       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
386       │$dir/systemd/user for each $dir in      │ Additional locations for   │
387$XDG_DATA_DIRS                          │ installed user units, one  │
388       │                                        │ for each entry in          │
389       │                                        │ $XDG_DATA_DIRS
390       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
391       │/usr/local/lib/systemd/user             │ User units installed by    │
392       │                                        │ the administrator          │
393       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
394       │/usr/lib/systemd/user                   │ User units installed by    │
395       │                                        │ the distribution package   │
396       │                                        │ manager                    │
397       ├────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
398       │$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/systemd/generator.late │ Generated units with low   │
399       │                                        │ priority (see late-dir in  │
400       │                                        │ systemd.generator(7))      │
401       └────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
403       The set of load paths for the user manager instance may be augmented or
404       changed using various environment variables. And environment variables
405       may in turn be set using environment generators, see
406       systemd.environment-generator(7). In particular, $XDG_DATA_HOME and
407       $XDG_DATA_DIRS may be easily set using systemd-environment-d-
408       generator(8). Thus, directories listed here are just the defaults. To
409       see the actual list that would be used based on compilation options and
410       current environment use
412           systemd-analyze --user unit-paths
414       Moreover, additional units might be loaded into systemd from
415       directories not on the unit load path by creating a symlink pointing to
416       a unit file in the directories. You can use systemctl link for this
417       operation. See systemctl(1) for its usage and precaution.


420       The system and service manager loads a unit's configuration
421       automatically when a unit is referenced for the first time. It will
422       automatically unload the unit configuration and state again when the
423       unit is not needed anymore ("garbage collection"). A unit may be
424       referenced through a number of different mechanisms:
426        1. Another loaded unit references it with a dependency such as After=,
427           Wants=, ...
429        2. The unit is currently starting, running, reloading or stopping.
431        3. The unit is currently in the failed state. (But see below.)
433        4. A job for the unit is pending.
435        5. The unit is pinned by an active IPC client program.
437        6. The unit is a special "perpetual" unit that is always active and
438           loaded. Examples for perpetual units are the root mount unit
439           -.mount or the scope unit init.scope that the service manager
440           itself lives in.
442        7. The unit has running processes associated with it.
444       The garbage collection logic may be altered with the CollectMode=
445       option, which allows configuration whether automatic unloading of units
446       that are in failed state is permissible, see below.
448       Note that when a unit's configuration and state is unloaded, all
449       execution results, such as exit codes, exit signals, resource
450       consumption and other statistics are lost, except for what is stored in
451       the log subsystem.
453       Use systemctl daemon-reload or an equivalent command to reload unit
454       configuration while the unit is already loaded. In this case all
455       configuration settings are flushed out and replaced with the new
456       configuration (which however might not be in effect immediately),
457       however all runtime state is saved/restored.


460       The unit file may include a [Unit] section, which carries generic
461       information about the unit that is not dependent on the type of unit:
463       Description=
464           A short human readable title of the unit. This may be used by
465           systemd (and other UIs) as a user-visible label for the unit, so
466           this string should identify the unit rather than describe it,
467           despite the name. This string also shouldn't just repeat the unit
468           name.  "Apache2 Web Server" is a good example. Bad examples are
469           "high-performance light-weight HTTP server" (too generic) or
470           "Apache2" (meaningless for people who do not know Apache,
471           duplicates the unit name).  systemd may use this string as a noun
472           in status messages ("Starting description...", "Started
473           description.", "Reached target description.", "Failed to start
474           description."), so it should be capitalized, and should not be a
475           full sentence, or a phrase with a continuous verb. Bad examples
476           include "exiting the container" or "updating the database once per
477           day.".
479       Documentation=
480           A space-separated list of URIs referencing documentation for this
481           unit or its configuration. Accepted are only URIs of the types
482           "http://", "https://", "file:", "info:", "man:". For more
483           information about the syntax of these URIs, see uri(7). The URIs
484           should be listed in order of relevance, starting with the most
485           relevant. It is a good idea to first reference documentation that
486           explains what the unit's purpose is, followed by how it is
487           configured, followed by any other related documentation. This
488           option may be specified more than once, in which case the specified
489           list of URIs is merged. If the empty string is assigned to this
490           option, the list is reset and all prior assignments will have no
491           effect.
493       Wants=
494           Configures (weak) requirement dependencies on other units. This
495           option may be specified more than once or multiple space-separated
496           units may be specified in one option in which case dependencies for
497           all listed names will be created. Dependencies of this type may
498           also be configured outside of the unit configuration file by adding
499           a symlink to a .wants/ directory accompanying the unit file. For
500           details, see above.
502           Units listed in this option will be started if the configuring unit
503           is. However, if the listed units fail to start or cannot be added
504           to the transaction, this has no impact on the validity of the
505           transaction as a whole, and this unit will still be started. This
506           is the recommended way to hook the start-up of one unit to the
507           start-up of another unit.
509           Note that requirement dependencies do not influence the order in
510           which services are started or stopped. This has to be configured
511           independently with the After= or Before= options. If unit
512           foo.service pulls in unit bar.service as configured with Wants= and
513           no ordering is configured with After= or Before=, then both units
514           will be started simultaneously and without any delay between them
515           if foo.service is activated.
517       Requires=
518           Similar to Wants=, but declares a stronger requirement dependency.
519           Dependencies of this type may also be configured by adding a
520           symlink to a .requires/ directory accompanying the unit file.
522           If this unit gets activated, the units listed will be activated as
523           well. If one of the other units fails to activate, and an ordering
524           dependency After= on the failing unit is set, this unit will not be
525           started. Besides, with or without specifying After=, this unit will
526           be stopped if one of the other units is explicitly stopped.
528           Often, it is a better choice to use Wants= instead of Requires= in
529           order to achieve a system that is more robust when dealing with
530           failing services.
532           Note that this dependency type does not imply that the other unit
533           always has to be in active state when this unit is running.
534           Specifically: failing condition checks (such as
535           ConditionPathExists=, ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=, ... — see
536           below) do not cause the start job of a unit with a Requires=
537           dependency on it to fail. Also, some unit types may deactivate on
538           their own (for example, a service process may decide to exit
539           cleanly, or a device may be unplugged by the user), which is not
540           propagated to units having a Requires= dependency. Use the BindsTo=
541           dependency type together with After= to ensure that a unit may
542           never be in active state without a specific other unit also in
543           active state (see below).
545       Requisite=
546           Similar to Requires=. However, if the units listed here are not
547           started already, they will not be started and the starting of this
548           unit will fail immediately.  Requisite= does not imply an ordering
549           dependency, even if both units are started in the same transaction.
550           Hence this setting should usually be combined with After=, to
551           ensure this unit is not started before the other unit.
553           When Requisite=b.service is used on a.service, this dependency will
554           show as RequisiteOf=a.service in property listing of b.service.
555           RequisiteOf= dependency cannot be specified directly.
557       BindsTo=
558           Configures requirement dependencies, very similar in style to
559           Requires=. However, this dependency type is stronger: in addition
560           to the effect of Requires= it declares that if the unit bound to is
561           stopped, this unit will be stopped too. This means a unit bound to
562           another unit that suddenly enters inactive state will be stopped
563           too. Units can suddenly, unexpectedly enter inactive state for
564           different reasons: the main process of a service unit might
565           terminate on its own choice, the backing device of a device unit
566           might be unplugged or the mount point of a mount unit might be
567           unmounted without involvement of the system and service manager.
569           When used in conjunction with After= on the same unit the behaviour
570           of BindsTo= is even stronger. In this case, the unit bound to
571           strictly has to be in active state for this unit to also be in
572           active state. This not only means a unit bound to another unit that
573           suddenly enters inactive state, but also one that is bound to
574           another unit that gets skipped due to a failed condition check
575           (such as ConditionPathExists=, ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=, ... —
576           see below) will be stopped, should it be running. Hence, in many
577           cases it is best to combine BindsTo= with After=.
579           When BindsTo=b.service is used on a.service, this dependency will
580           show as BoundBy=a.service in property listing of b.service.
581           BoundBy= dependency cannot be specified directly.
583       PartOf=
584           Configures dependencies similar to Requires=, but limited to
585           stopping and restarting of units. When systemd stops or restarts
586           the units listed here, the action is propagated to this unit. Note
587           that this is a one-way dependency — changes to this unit do not
588           affect the listed units.
590           When PartOf=b.service is used on a.service, this dependency will
591           show as ConsistsOf=a.service in property listing of b.service.
592           ConsistsOf= dependency cannot be specified directly.
594       Upholds=
595           Configures dependencies similar to Wants=, but as long a this unit
596           is up, all units listed in Upholds= are started whenever found to
597           be inactive or failed, and no job is queued for them. While a
598           Wants= dependency on another unit has a one-time effect when this
599           units started, a Upholds= dependency on it has a continuous effect,
600           constantly restarting the unit if necessary. This is an alternative
601           to the Restart= setting of service units, to ensure they are kept
602           running whatever happens.
604           When Upholds=b.service is used on a.service, this dependency will
605           show as UpheldBy=a.service in the property listing of b.service.
606           The UpheldBy= dependency cannot be specified directly.
608       Conflicts=
609           A space-separated list of unit names. Configures negative
610           requirement dependencies. If a unit has a Conflicts= setting on
611           another unit, starting the former will stop the latter and vice
612           versa.
614           Note that this setting does not imply an ordering dependency,
615           similarly to the Wants= and Requires= dependencies described above.
616           This means that to ensure that the conflicting unit is stopped
617           before the other unit is started, an After= or Before= dependency
618           must be declared. It doesn't matter which of the two ordering
619           dependencies is used, because stop jobs are always ordered before
620           start jobs, see the discussion in Before=/After= below.
622           If unit A that conflicts with unit B is scheduled to be started at
623           the same time as B, the transaction will either fail (in case both
624           are required parts of the transaction) or be modified to be fixed
625           (in case one or both jobs are not a required part of the
626           transaction). In the latter case, the job that is not required will
627           be removed, or in case both are not required, the unit that
628           conflicts will be started and the unit that is conflicted is
629           stopped.
631       Before=, After=
632           These two settings expect a space-separated list of unit names.
633           They may be specified more than once, in which case dependencies
634           for all listed names are created.
636           Those two settings configure ordering dependencies between units.
637           If unit foo.service contains the setting Before=bar.service and
638           both units are being started, bar.service's start-up is delayed
639           until foo.service has finished starting up.  After= is the inverse
640           of Before=, i.e. while Before= ensures that the configured unit is
641           started before the listed unit begins starting up, After= ensures
642           the opposite, that the listed unit is fully started up before the
643           configured unit is started.
645           When two units with an ordering dependency between them are shut
646           down, the inverse of the start-up order is applied. I.e. if a unit
647           is configured with After= on another unit, the former is stopped
648           before the latter if both are shut down. Given two units with any
649           ordering dependency between them, if one unit is shut down and the
650           other is started up, the shutdown is ordered before the start-up.
651           It doesn't matter if the ordering dependency is After= or Before=,
652           in this case. It also doesn't matter which of the two is shut down,
653           as long as one is shut down and the other is started up; the
654           shutdown is ordered before the start-up in all cases. If two units
655           have no ordering dependencies between them, they are shut down or
656           started up simultaneously, and no ordering takes place. It depends
657           on the unit type when precisely a unit has finished starting up.
658           Most importantly, for service units start-up is considered
659           completed for the purpose of Before=/After= when all its configured
660           start-up commands have been invoked and they either failed or
661           reported start-up success. Note that this does includes
662           ExecStartPost= (or ExecStopPost= for the shutdown case).
664           Note that those settings are independent of and orthogonal to the
665           requirement dependencies as configured by Requires=, Wants=,
666           Requisite=, or BindsTo=. It is a common pattern to include a unit
667           name in both the After= and Wants= options, in which case the unit
668           listed will be started before the unit that is configured with
669           these options.
671           Note that Before= dependencies on device units have no effect and
672           are not supported. Devices generally become available as a result
673           of an external hotplug event, and systemd creates the corresponding
674           device unit without delay.
676       OnFailure=
677           A space-separated list of one or more units that are activated when
678           this unit enters the "failed" state. A service unit using Restart=
679           enters the failed state only after the start limits are reached.
681       OnSuccess=
682           A space-separated list of one or more units that are activated when
683           this unit enters the "inactive" state.
685       PropagatesReloadTo=, ReloadPropagatedFrom=
686           A space-separated list of one or more units to which reload
687           requests from this unit shall be propagated to, or units from which
688           reload requests shall be propagated to this unit, respectively.
689           Issuing a reload request on a unit will automatically also enqueue
690           reload requests on all units that are linked to it using these two
691           settings.
693       PropagatesStopTo=, StopPropagatedFrom=
694           A space-separated list of one or more units to which stop requests
695           from this unit shall be propagated to, or units from which stop
696           requests shall be propagated to this unit, respectively. Issuing a
697           stop request on a unit will automatically also enqueue stop
698           requests on all units that are linked to it using these two
699           settings.
701       JoinsNamespaceOf=
702           For units that start processes (such as service units), lists one
703           or more other units whose network and/or temporary file namespace
704           to join. This only applies to unit types which support the
705           PrivateNetwork=, NetworkNamespacePath=, PrivateIPC=,
706           IPCNamespacePath=, and PrivateTmp= directives (see systemd.exec(5)
707           for details). If a unit that has this setting set is started, its
708           processes will see the same /tmp/, /var/tmp/, IPC namespace and
709           network namespace as one listed unit that is started. If multiple
710           listed units are already started, it is not defined which namespace
711           is joined. Note that this setting only has an effect if
712           PrivateNetwork=/NetworkNamespacePath=,
713           PrivateIPC=/IPCNamespacePath= and/or PrivateTmp= is enabled for
714           both the unit that joins the namespace and the unit whose namespace
715           is joined.
717       RequiresMountsFor=
718           Takes a space-separated list of absolute paths. Automatically adds
719           dependencies of type Requires= and After= for all mount units
720           required to access the specified path.
722           Mount points marked with noauto are not mounted automatically
723           through local-fs.target, but are still honored for the purposes of
724           this option, i.e. they will be pulled in by this unit.
726       OnFailureJobMode=
727           Takes a value of "fail", "replace", "replace-irreversibly",
728           "isolate", "flush", "ignore-dependencies" or "ignore-requirements".
729           Defaults to "replace". Specifies how the units listed in OnFailure=
730           will be enqueued. See systemctl(1)'s --job-mode= option for details
731           on the possible values. If this is set to "isolate", only a single
732           unit may be listed in OnFailure=.
734       IgnoreOnIsolate=
735           Takes a boolean argument. If true, this unit will not be stopped
736           when isolating another unit. Defaults to false for service, target,
737           socket, timer, and path units, and true for slice, scope, device,
738           swap, mount, and automount units.
740       StopWhenUnneeded=
741           Takes a boolean argument. If true, this unit will be stopped when
742           it is no longer used. Note that, in order to minimize the work to
743           be executed, systemd will not stop units by default unless they are
744           conflicting with other units, or the user explicitly requested
745           their shut down. If this option is set, a unit will be
746           automatically cleaned up if no other active unit requires it.
747           Defaults to false.
749       RefuseManualStart=, RefuseManualStop=
750           Takes a boolean argument. If true, this unit can only be activated
751           or deactivated indirectly. In this case, explicit start-up or
752           termination requested by the user is denied, however if it is
753           started or stopped as a dependency of another unit, start-up or
754           termination will succeed. This is mostly a safety feature to ensure
755           that the user does not accidentally activate units that are not
756           intended to be activated explicitly, and not accidentally
757           deactivate units that are not intended to be deactivated. These
758           options default to false.
760       AllowIsolate=
761           Takes a boolean argument. If true, this unit may be used with the
762           systemctl isolate command. Otherwise, this will be refused. It
763           probably is a good idea to leave this disabled except for target
764           units that shall be used similar to runlevels in SysV init systems,
765           just as a precaution to avoid unusable system states. This option
766           defaults to false.
768       DefaultDependencies=
769           Takes a boolean argument. If yes, (the default), a few default
770           dependencies will implicitly be created for the unit. The actual
771           dependencies created depend on the unit type. For example, for
772           service units, these dependencies ensure that the service is
773           started only after basic system initialization is completed and is
774           properly terminated on system shutdown. See the respective man
775           pages for details. Generally, only services involved with early
776           boot or late shutdown should set this option to no. It is highly
777           recommended to leave this option enabled for the majority of common
778           units. If set to no, this option does not disable all implicit
779           dependencies, just non-essential ones.
781       CollectMode=
782           Tweaks the "garbage collection" algorithm for this unit. Takes one
783           of inactive or inactive-or-failed. If set to inactive the unit will
784           be unloaded if it is in the inactive state and is not referenced by
785           clients, jobs or other units — however it is not unloaded if it is
786           in the failed state. In failed mode, failed units are not unloaded
787           until the user invoked systemctl reset-failed on them to reset the
788           failed state, or an equivalent command. This behaviour is altered
789           if this option is set to inactive-or-failed: in this case the unit
790           is unloaded even if the unit is in a failed state, and thus an
791           explicitly resetting of the failed state is not necessary. Note
792           that if this mode is used unit results (such as exit codes, exit
793           signals, consumed resources, ...) are flushed out immediately after
794           the unit completed, except for what is stored in the logging
795           subsystem. Defaults to inactive.
797       FailureAction=, SuccessAction=
798           Configure the action to take when the unit stops and enters a
799           failed state or inactive state. Takes one of none, reboot,
800           reboot-force, reboot-immediate, poweroff, poweroff-force,
801           poweroff-immediate, exit, and exit-force. In system mode, all
802           options are allowed. In user mode, only none, exit, and exit-force
803           are allowed. Both options default to none.
805           If none is set, no action will be triggered.  reboot causes a
806           reboot following the normal shutdown procedure (i.e. equivalent to
807           systemctl reboot).  reboot-force causes a forced reboot which will
808           terminate all processes forcibly but should cause no dirty file
809           systems on reboot (i.e. equivalent to systemctl reboot -f) and
810           reboot-immediate causes immediate execution of the reboot(2) system
811           call, which might result in data loss (i.e. equivalent to systemctl
812           reboot -ff). Similarly, poweroff, poweroff-force,
813           poweroff-immediate have the effect of powering down the system with
814           similar semantics.  exit causes the manager to exit following the
815           normal shutdown procedure, and exit-force causes it terminate
816           without shutting down services. When exit or exit-force is used by
817           default the exit status of the main process of the unit (if this
818           applies) is returned from the service manager. However, this may be
819           overridden with FailureActionExitStatus=/SuccessActionExitStatus=,
820           see below.
822       FailureActionExitStatus=, SuccessActionExitStatus=
823           Controls the exit status to propagate back to an invoking container
824           manager (in case of a system service) or service manager (in case
825           of a user manager) when the FailureAction=/SuccessAction= are set
826           to exit or exit-force and the action is triggered. By default the
827           exit status of the main process of the triggering unit (if this
828           applies) is propagated. Takes a value in the range 0...255 or the
829           empty string to request default behaviour.
831       JobTimeoutSec=, JobRunningTimeoutSec=
832           JobTimeoutSec= specifies a timeout for the whole job that starts
833           running when the job is queued.  JobRunningTimeoutSec= specifies a
834           timeout that starts running when the queued job is actually
835           started. If either limit is reached, the job will be cancelled, the
836           unit however will not change state or even enter the "failed" mode.
838           Both settings take a time span with the default unit of seconds,
839           but other units may be specified, see systemd.time(5). The default
840           is "infinity" (job timeouts disabled), except for device units
841           where JobRunningTimeoutSec= defaults to DefaultTimeoutStartSec=.
843           Note: these timeouts are independent from any unit-specific
844           timeouts (for example, the timeout set with TimeoutStartSec= in
845           service units). The job timeout has no effect on the unit itself.
846           Or in other words: unit-specific timeouts are useful to abort unit
847           state changes, and revert them. The job timeout set with this
848           option however is useful to abort only the job waiting for the unit
849           state to change.
851       JobTimeoutAction=, JobTimeoutRebootArgument=
852           JobTimeoutAction= optionally configures an additional action to
853           take when the timeout is hit, see description of JobTimeoutSec= and
854           JobRunningTimeoutSec= above. It takes the same values as
855           StartLimitAction=. Defaults to none.
857           JobTimeoutRebootArgument= configures an optional reboot string to
858           pass to the reboot(2) system call.
860       StartLimitIntervalSec=interval, StartLimitBurst=burst
861           Configure unit start rate limiting. Units which are started more
862           than burst times within an interval time span are not permitted to
863           start any more. Use StartLimitIntervalSec= to configure the
864           checking interval and StartLimitBurst= to configure how many starts
865           per interval are allowed.
867           interval is a time span with the default unit of seconds, but other
868           units may be specified, see systemd.time(5). Defaults to
869           DefaultStartLimitIntervalSec= in manager configuration file, and
870           may be set to 0 to disable any kind of rate limiting.  burst is a
871           number and defaults to DefaultStartLimitBurst= in manager
872           configuration file.
874           These configuration options are particularly useful in conjunction
875           with the service setting Restart= (see systemd.service(5));
876           however, they apply to all kinds of starts (including manual), not
877           just those triggered by the Restart= logic.
879           Note that units which are configured for Restart=, and which reach
880           the start limit are not attempted to be restarted anymore; however,
881           they may still be restarted manually or from a timer or socket at a
882           later point, after the interval has passed. From that point on, the
883           restart logic is activated again.  systemctl reset-failed will
884           cause the restart rate counter for a service to be flushed, which
885           is useful if the administrator wants to manually start a unit and
886           the start limit interferes with that. Rate-limiting is enforced
887           after any unit condition checks are executed, and hence unit
888           activations with failing conditions do not count towards the rate
889           limit.
891           When a unit is unloaded due to the garbage collection logic (see
892           above) its rate limit counters are flushed out too. This means that
893           configuring start rate limiting for a unit that is not referenced
894           continuously has no effect.
896           This setting does not apply to slice, target, device, and scope
897           units, since they are unit types whose activation may either never
898           fail, or may succeed only a single time.
900       StartLimitAction=
901           Configure an additional action to take if the rate limit configured
902           with StartLimitIntervalSec= and StartLimitBurst= is hit. Takes the
903           same values as the FailureAction=/SuccessAction= settings. If none
904           is set, hitting the rate limit will trigger no action except that
905           the start will not be permitted. Defaults to none.
907       RebootArgument=
908           Configure the optional argument for the reboot(2) system call if
909           StartLimitAction= or FailureAction= is a reboot action. This works
910           just like the optional argument to systemctl reboot command.
912       SourcePath=
913           A path to a configuration file this unit has been generated from.
914           This is primarily useful for implementation of generator tools that
915           convert configuration from an external configuration file format
916           into native unit files. This functionality should not be used in
917           normal units.
919   Conditions and Asserts
920       Unit files may also include a number of Condition...= and Assert...=
921       settings. Before the unit is started, systemd will verify that the
922       specified conditions and asserts are true. If not, the starting of the
923       unit will be (mostly silently) skipped (in case of conditions), or
924       aborted with an error message (in case of asserts). Failing conditions
925       or asserts will not result in the unit being moved into the "failed"
926       state. The conditions and asserts are checked at the time the queued
927       start job is to be executed. The ordering dependencies are still
928       respected, so other units are still pulled in and ordered as if this
929       unit was successfully activated, and the conditions and asserts are
930       executed the precise moment the unit would normally start and thus can
931       validate system state after the units ordered before completed
932       initialization. Use condition expressions for skipping units that do
933       not apply to the local system, for example because the kernel or
934       runtime environment doesn't require their functionality.
936       If multiple conditions are specified, the unit will be executed if all
937       of them apply (i.e. a logical AND is applied). Condition checks can use
938       a pipe symbol ("|") after the equals sign ("Condition...=|..."), which
939       causes the condition to become a triggering condition. If at least one
940       triggering condition is defined for a unit, then the unit will be
941       started if at least one of the triggering conditions of the unit
942       applies and all of the regular (i.e. non-triggering) conditions apply.
943       If you prefix an argument with the pipe symbol and an exclamation mark,
944       the pipe symbol must be passed first, the exclamation second. If any of
945       these options is assigned the empty string, the list of conditions is
946       reset completely, all previous condition settings (of any kind) will
947       have no effect.
949       The AssertArchitecture=, AssertVirtualization=, ... options are similar
950       to conditions but cause the start job to fail (instead of being
951       skipped). The failed check is logged. Units with failed conditions are
952       considered to be in a clean state and will be garbage collected if they
953       are not referenced. This means that when queried, the condition failure
954       may or may not show up in the state of the unit.
956       Note that neither assertion nor condition expressions result in unit
957       state changes. Also note that both are checked at the time the job is
958       to be executed, i.e. long after depending jobs and it itself were
959       queued. Thus, neither condition nor assertion expressions are suitable
960       for conditionalizing unit dependencies.
962       The condition verb of systemd-analyze(1) can be used to test condition
963       and assert expressions.
965       Except for ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=, all path checks follow
966       symlinks.
968       ConditionArchitecture=
969           Check whether the system is running on a specific architecture.
970           Takes one of "x86", "x86-64", "ppc", "ppc-le", "ppc64", "ppc64-le",
971           "ia64", "parisc", "parisc64", "s390", "s390x", "sparc", "sparc64",
972           "mips", "mips-le", "mips64", "mips64-le", "alpha", "arm", "arm-be",
973           "arm64", "arm64-be", "sh", "sh64", "m68k", "tilegx", "cris", "arc",
974           "arc-be", or "native".
976           The architecture is determined from the information returned by
977           uname(2) and is thus subject to personality(2). Note that a
978           Personality= setting in the same unit file has no effect on this
979           condition. A special architecture name "native" is mapped to the
980           architecture the system manager itself is compiled for. The test
981           may be negated by prepending an exclamation mark.
983       ConditionFirmware=
984           Check whether the system's firmware is of a certain type. Possible
985           values are: "uefi" (for systems with EFI), "device-tree" (for
986           systems with a device tree) and "device-tree-compatible(xyz)" (for
987           systems with a device tree that is compatible to "xyz").
989       ConditionVirtualization=
990           Check whether the system is executed in a virtualized environment
991           and optionally test whether it is a specific implementation. Takes
992           either boolean value to check if being executed in any virtualized
993           environment, or one of "vm" and "container" to test against a
994           generic type of virtualization solution, or one of "qemu", "kvm",
995           "amazon", "zvm", "vmware", "microsoft", "oracle", "powervm", "xen",
996           "bochs", "uml", "bhyve", "qnx", "openvz", "lxc", "lxc-libvirt",
997           "systemd-nspawn", "docker", "podman", "rkt", "wsl", "proot",
998           "pouch", "acrn" to test against a specific implementation, or
999           "private-users" to check whether we are running in a user
1000           namespace. See systemd-detect-virt(1) for a full list of known
1001           virtualization technologies and their identifiers. If multiple
1002           virtualization technologies are nested, only the innermost is
1003           considered. The test may be negated by prepending an exclamation
1004           mark.
1006       ConditionHost=
1007           ConditionHost= may be used to match against the hostname or machine
1008           ID of the host. This either takes a hostname string (optionally
1009           with shell style globs) which is tested against the locally set
1010           hostname as returned by gethostname(2), or a machine ID formatted
1011           as string (see machine-id(5)). The test may be negated by
1012           prepending an exclamation mark.
1014       ConditionKernelCommandLine=
1015           ConditionKernelCommandLine= may be used to check whether a specific
1016           kernel command line option is set (or if prefixed with the
1017           exclamation mark — unset). The argument must either be a single
1018           word, or an assignment (i.e. two words, separated by "="). In the
1019           former case the kernel command line is searched for the word
1020           appearing as is, or as left hand side of an assignment. In the
1021           latter case, the exact assignment is looked for with right and left
1022           hand side matching. This operates on the kernel command line
1023           communicated to userspace via /proc/cmdline, except when the
1024           service manager is invoked as payload of a container manager, in
1025           which case the command line of PID 1 is used instead (i.e.
1026           /proc/1/cmdline).
1028       ConditionKernelVersion=
1029           ConditionKernelVersion= may be used to check whether the kernel
1030           version (as reported by uname -r) matches a certain expression (or
1031           if prefixed with the exclamation mark does not match it). The
1032           argument must be a list of (potentially quoted) expressions. For
1033           each of the expressions, if it starts with one of "<", "<=", "=",
1034           "!=", ">=", ">" a relative version comparison is done, otherwise
1035           the specified string is matched with shell-style globs.
1037           Note that using the kernel version string is an unreliable way to
1038           determine which features are supported by a kernel, because of the
1039           widespread practice of backporting drivers, features, and fixes
1040           from newer upstream kernels into older versions provided by
1041           distributions. Hence, this check is inherently unportable and
1042           should not be used for units which may be used on different
1043           distributions.
1045       ConditionEnvironment=
1046           ConditionEnvironment= may be used to check whether a specific
1047           environment variable is set (or if prefixed with the exclamation
1048           mark — unset) in the service manager's environment block. The
1049           argument may be a single word, to check if the variable with this
1050           name is defined in the environment block, or an assignment
1051           ("name=value"), to check if the variable with this exact value is
1052           defined. Note that the environment block of the service manager
1053           itself is checked, i.e. not any variables defined with Environment=
1054           or EnvironmentFile=, as described above. This is particularly
1055           useful when the service manager runs inside a containerized
1056           environment or as per-user service manager, in order to check for
1057           variables passed in by the enclosing container manager or PAM.
1059       ConditionSecurity=
1060           ConditionSecurity= may be used to check whether the given security
1061           technology is enabled on the system. Currently, the recognized
1062           values are "selinux", "apparmor", "tomoyo", "ima", "smack",
1063           "audit", "uefi-secureboot" and "tpm2". The test may be negated by
1064           prepending an exclamation mark.
1066       ConditionCapability=
1067           Check whether the given capability exists in the capability
1068           bounding set of the service manager (i.e. this does not check
1069           whether capability is actually available in the permitted or
1070           effective sets, see capabilities(7) for details). Pass a capability
1071           name such as "CAP_MKNOD", possibly prefixed with an exclamation
1072           mark to negate the check.
1074       ConditionACPower=
1075           Check whether the system has AC power, or is exclusively battery
1076           powered at the time of activation of the unit. This takes a boolean
1077           argument. If set to "true", the condition will hold only if at
1078           least one AC connector of the system is connected to a power
1079           source, or if no AC connectors are known. Conversely, if set to
1080           "false", the condition will hold only if there is at least one AC
1081           connector known and all AC connectors are disconnected from a power
1082           source.
1084       ConditionNeedsUpdate=
1085           Takes one of /var/ or /etc/ as argument, possibly prefixed with a
1086           "!"  (to invert the condition). This condition may be used to
1087           conditionalize units on whether the specified directory requires an
1088           update because /usr/'s modification time is newer than the stamp
1089           file .updated in the specified directory. This is useful to
1090           implement offline updates of the vendor operating system resources
1091           in /usr/ that require updating of /etc/ or /var/ on the next
1092           following boot. Units making use of this condition should order
1093           themselves before systemd-update-done.service(8), to make sure they
1094           run before the stamp file's modification time gets reset indicating
1095           a completed update.
1097           If the systemd.condition-needs-update= option is specified on the
1098           kernel command line (taking a boolean), it will override the result
1099           of this condition check, taking precedence over any file
1100           modification time checks. If the kernel command line option is
1101           used, systemd-update-done.service will not have immediate effect on
1102           any following ConditionNeedsUpdate= checks, until the system is
1103           rebooted where the kernel command line option is not specified
1104           anymore.
1106           Note that to make this scheme effective, the timestamp of /usr/
1107           should be explicitly updated after its contents are modified. The
1108           kernel will automatically update modification timestamp on a
1109           directory only when immediate children of a directory are modified;
1110           an modification of nested files will not automatically result in
1111           mtime of /usr/ being updated.
1113           Also note that if the update method includes a call to execute
1114           appropriate post-update steps itself, it should not touch the
1115           timestamp of /usr/. In a typical distribution packaging scheme,
1116           packages will do any required update steps as part of the
1117           installation or upgrade, to make package contents immediately
1118           usable.  ConditionNeedsUpdate= should be used with other update
1119           mechanisms where such an immediate update does not happen.
1121       ConditionFirstBoot=
1122           Takes a boolean argument. This condition may be used to
1123           conditionalize units on whether the system is booting up for the
1124           first time. This roughly means that /etc/ is unpopulated (for
1125           details, see "First Boot Semantics" in machine-id(5)). This may be
1126           used to populate /etc/ on the first boot after factory reset, or
1127           when a new system instance boots up for the first time.
1129           For robustness, units with ConditionFirstBoot=yes should order
1130           themselves before first-boot-complete.target and pull in this
1131           passive target with Wants=. This ensures that in a case of an
1132           aborted first boot, these units will be re-run during the next
1133           system startup.
1135           If the systemd.condition-first-boot= option is specified on the
1136           kernel command line (taking a boolean), it will override the result
1137           of this condition check, taking precedence over /etc/machine-id
1138           existence checks.
1140       ConditionPathExists=
1141           Check for the existence of a file. If the specified absolute path
1142           name does not exist, the condition will fail. If the absolute path
1143           name passed to ConditionPathExists= is prefixed with an exclamation
1144           mark ("!"), the test is negated, and the unit is only started if
1145           the path does not exist.
1147       ConditionPathExistsGlob=
1148           ConditionPathExistsGlob= is similar to ConditionPathExists=, but
1149           checks for the existence of at least one file or directory matching
1150           the specified globbing pattern.
1152       ConditionPathIsDirectory=
1153           ConditionPathIsDirectory= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1154           verifies that a certain path exists and is a directory.
1156       ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink=
1157           ConditionPathIsSymbolicLink= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1158           verifies that a certain path exists and is a symbolic link.
1160       ConditionPathIsMountPoint=
1161           ConditionPathIsMountPoint= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1162           verifies that a certain path exists and is a mount point.
1164       ConditionPathIsReadWrite=
1165           ConditionPathIsReadWrite= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1166           verifies that the underlying file system is readable and writable
1167           (i.e. not mounted read-only).
1169       ConditionPathIsEncrypted=
1170           ConditionPathIsEncrypted= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1171           verifies that the underlying file system's backing block device is
1172           encrypted using dm-crypt/LUKS. Note that this check does not cover
1173           ext4 per-directory encryption, and only detects block level
1174           encryption. Moreover, if the specified path resides on a file
1175           system on top of a loopback block device, only encryption above the
1176           loopback device is detected. It is not detected whether the file
1177           system backing the loopback block device is encrypted.
1179       ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty=
1180           ConditionDirectoryNotEmpty= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1181           verifies that a certain path exists and is a non-empty directory.
1183       ConditionFileNotEmpty=
1184           ConditionFileNotEmpty= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1185           verifies that a certain path exists and refers to a regular file
1186           with a non-zero size.
1188       ConditionFileIsExecutable=
1189           ConditionFileIsExecutable= is similar to ConditionPathExists= but
1190           verifies that a certain path exists, is a regular file, and marked
1191           executable.
1193       ConditionUser=
1194           ConditionUser= takes a numeric "UID", a UNIX user name, or the
1195           special value "@system". This condition may be used to check
1196           whether the service manager is running as the given user. The
1197           special value "@system" can be used to check if the user id is
1198           within the system user range. This option is not useful for system
1199           services, as the system manager exclusively runs as the root user,
1200           and thus the test result is constant.
1202       ConditionGroup=
1203           ConditionGroup= is similar to ConditionUser= but verifies that the
1204           service manager's real or effective group, or any of its auxiliary
1205           groups, match the specified group or GID. This setting does not
1206           support the special value "@system".
1208       ConditionControlGroupController=
1209           Check whether given cgroup controllers (e.g.  "cpu") are available
1210           for use on the system or whether the legacy v1 cgroup or the modern
1211           v2 cgroup hierarchy is used.
1213           Multiple controllers may be passed with a space separating them; in
1214           this case the condition will only pass if all listed controllers
1215           are available for use. Controllers unknown to systemd are ignored.
1216           Valid controllers are "cpu", "cpuacct", "io", "blkio", "memory",
1217           "devices", and "pids". Even if available in the kernel, a
1218           particular controller may not be available if it was disabled on
1219           the kernel command line with cgroup_disable=controller.
1221           Alternatively, two special strings "v1" and "v2" may be specified
1222           (without any controller names).  "v2" will pass if the unified v2
1223           cgroup hierarchy is used, and "v1" will pass if the legacy v1
1224           hierarchy or the hybrid hierarchy are used (see the discussion of
1225           systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy and
1226           systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller in systemd.service(5) for
1227           more information).
1229       ConditionMemory=
1230           Verify that the specified amount of system memory is available to
1231           the current system. Takes a memory size in bytes as argument,
1232           optionally prefixed with a comparison operator "<", "<=", "=",
1233           "!=", ">=", ">". On bare-metal systems compares the amount of
1234           physical memory in the system with the specified size, adhering to
1235           the specified comparison operator. In containers compares the
1236           amount of memory assigned to the container instead.
1238       ConditionCPUs=
1239           Verify that the specified number of CPUs is available to the
1240           current system. Takes a number of CPUs as argument, optionally
1241           prefixed with a comparison operator "<", "<=", "=", "!=", ">=",
1242           ">". Compares the number of CPUs in the CPU affinity mask
1243           configured of the service manager itself with the specified number,
1244           adhering to the specified comparison operator. On physical systems
1245           the number of CPUs in the affinity mask of the service manager
1246           usually matches the number of physical CPUs, but in special and
1247           virtual environments might differ. In particular, in containers the
1248           affinity mask usually matches the number of CPUs assigned to the
1249           container and not the physically available ones.
1251       ConditionCPUFeature=
1252           Verify that a given CPU feature is available via the "CPUID"
1253           instruction. This condition only does something on i386 and x86-64
1254           processors. On other processors it is assumed that the CPU does not
1255           support the given feature. It checks the leaves "1", "7",
1256           "0x80000001", and "0x80000007". Valid values are: "fpu", "vme",
1257           "de", "pse", "tsc", "msr", "pae", "mce", "cx8", "apic", "sep",
1258           "mtrr", "pge", "mca", "cmov", "pat", "pse36", "clflush", "mmx",
1259           "fxsr", "sse", "sse2", "ht", "pni", "pclmul", "monitor", "ssse3",
1260           "fma3", "cx16", "sse4_1", "sse4_2", "movbe", "popcnt", "aes",
1261           "xsave", "osxsave", "avx", "f16c", "rdrand", "bmi1", "avx2",
1262           "bmi2", "rdseed", "adx", "sha_ni", "syscall", "rdtscp", "lm",
1263           "lahf_lm", "abm", "constant_tsc".
1265       ConditionOSRelease=
1266           Verify that a specific "key=value" pair is set in the host's os-
1267           release(5).
1269           Other than exact matching with "=", and "!=", relative comparisons
1270           are supported for versioned parameters (e.g.  "VERSION_ID"). The
1271           comparator can be one of "<", "<=", "=", "!=", ">=" and ">".
1273       AssertArchitecture=, AssertVirtualization=, AssertHost=,
1274       AssertKernelCommandLine=, AssertKernelVersion=, AssertEnvironment=,
1275       AssertSecurity=, AssertCapability=, AssertACPower=, AssertNeedsUpdate=,
1276       AssertFirstBoot=, AssertPathExists=, AssertPathExistsGlob=,
1277       AssertPathIsDirectory=, AssertPathIsSymbolicLink=,
1278       AssertPathIsMountPoint=, AssertPathIsReadWrite=,
1279       AssertPathIsEncrypted=, AssertDirectoryNotEmpty=, AssertFileNotEmpty=,
1280       AssertFileIsExecutable=, AssertUser=, AssertGroup=,
1281       AssertControlGroupController=, AssertMemory=, AssertCPUs=,
1282       AssertOSRelease=
1283           Similar to the ConditionArchitecture=, ConditionVirtualization=,
1284           ..., condition settings described above, these settings add
1285           assertion checks to the start-up of the unit. However, unlike the
1286           conditions settings, any assertion setting that is not met results
1287           in failure of the start job (which means this is logged loudly).
1288           Note that hitting a configured assertion does not cause the unit to
1289           enter the "failed" state (or in fact result in any state change of
1290           the unit), it affects only the job queued for it. Use assertion
1291           expressions for units that cannot operate when specific
1292           requirements are not met, and when this is something the
1293           administrator or user should look into.


1296       Unit settings that create a relationship with a second unit usually
1297       show up in properties of both units, for example in systemctl show
1298       output. In some cases the name of the property is the same as the name
1299       of the configuration setting, but not always. This table lists the
1300       properties that are shown on two units which are connected through some
1301       dependency, and shows which property on "source" unit corresponds to
1302       which property on the "target" unit.
1304       Table 3.  Forward and reverse unit properties
1305       ┌──────────────────────┬───────────────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┐
1306"Forward"             "Reverse"             Where used                      
1307property              property              │                                 │
1308       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────────────────────┤
1309Before=After=                │                                 │
1310       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┤ [Unit] section                  │
1311After=Before=               │                                 │
1312       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┬───────────────┤
1313Requires=RequiredBy=           │ [Unit] section  │ [Install]     │
1314       │                      │                       │                 │ section       │
1315       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────┤
1316Wants=WantedBy=             │ [Unit] section  │ [Install]     │
1317       │                      │                       │                 │ section       │
1318       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────┤
1319PartOf=ConsistsOf=           │ [Unit] section  │ an automatic  │
1320       │                      │                       │                 │ property      │
1321       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────┤
1322BindsTo=BoundBy=              │ [Unit] section  │ an automatic  │
1323       │                      │                       │                 │ property      │
1324       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┼───────────────┤
1325Requisite=RequisiteOf=          │ [Unit] section  │ an automatic  │
1326       │                      │                       │                 │ property      │
1327       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┴───────────────┤
1328Triggers=TriggeredBy=          │ Automatic properties, see notes │
1329       │                      │                       │ below                           │
1330       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┬───────────────┤
1331Conflicts=ConflictedBy=         │ [Unit] section  │ an automatic  │
1332       │                      │                       │                 │ property      │
1333       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┴───────────────┤
1334PropagatesReloadTo=ReloadPropagatedFrom= │                                 │
1335       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┤ [Unit] section                  │
1336ReloadPropagatedFrom=PropagatesReloadTo=   │                                 │
1337       ├──────────────────────┼───────────────────────┼─────────────────┬───────────────┤
1338Following=            │ n/a                   │ An automatic    │               │
1339       │                      │                       │ property        │               │
1340       └──────────────────────┴───────────────────────┴─────────────────┴───────────────┘
1342       Note: WantedBy= and RequiredBy= are used in the [Install] section to
1343       create symlinks in .wants/ and .requires/ directories. They cannot be
1344       used directly as a unit configuration setting.
1346       Note: ConsistsOf=, BoundBy=, RequisiteOf=, ConflictedBy= are created
1347       implicitly along with their reverses and cannot be specified directly.
1349       Note: Triggers= is created implicitly between a socket, path unit, or
1350       an automount unit, and the unit they activate. By default a unit with
1351       the same name is triggered, but this can be overridden using Sockets=,
1352       Service=, and Unit= settings. See systemd.service(5),
1353       systemd.socket(5), systemd.path(5), and systemd.automount(5) for
1354       details.  TriggeredBy= is created implicitly on the triggered unit.
1356       Note: Following= is used to group device aliases and points to the
1357       "primary" device unit that systemd is using to track device state,
1358       usually corresponding to a sysfs path. It does not show up in the
1359       "target" unit.


1362       Unit files may include an [Install] section, which carries installation
1363       information for the unit. This section is not interpreted by systemd(1)
1364       during runtime; it is used by the enable and disable commands of the
1365       systemctl(1) tool during installation of a unit.
1367       Alias=
1368           A space-separated list of additional names this unit shall be
1369           installed under. The names listed here must have the same suffix
1370           (i.e. type) as the unit filename. This option may be specified more
1371           than once, in which case all listed names are used. At installation
1372           time, systemctl enable will create symlinks from these names to the
1373           unit filename. Note that not all unit types support such alias
1374           names, and this setting is not supported for them. Specifically,
1375           mount, slice, swap, and automount units do not support aliasing.
1377       WantedBy=, RequiredBy=
1378           This option may be used more than once, or a space-separated list
1379           of unit names may be given. A symbolic link is created in the
1380           .wants/ or .requires/ directory of each of the listed units when
1381           this unit is installed by systemctl enable. This has the effect
1382           that a dependency of type Wants= or Requires= is added from the
1383           listed unit to the current unit. The primary result is that the
1384           current unit will be started when the listed unit is started. See
1385           the description of Wants= and Requires= in the [Unit] section for
1386           details.
1388           WantedBy=foo.service in a service bar.service is mostly equivalent
1389           to Alias=foo.service.wants/bar.service in the same file. In case of
1390           template units, systemctl enable must be called with an instance
1391           name, and this instance will be added to the .wants/ or .requires/
1392           list of the listed unit. E.g.  WantedBy=getty.target in a service
1393           getty@.service will result in systemctl enable getty@tty2.service
1394           creating a getty.target.wants/getty@tty2.service link to
1395           getty@.service.
1397       Also=
1398           Additional units to install/deinstall when this unit is
1399           installed/deinstalled. If the user requests
1400           installation/deinstallation of a unit with this option configured,
1401           systemctl enable and systemctl disable will automatically
1402           install/uninstall units listed in this option as well.
1404           This option may be used more than once, or a space-separated list
1405           of unit names may be given.
1407       DefaultInstance=
1408           In template unit files, this specifies for which instance the unit
1409           shall be enabled if the template is enabled without any explicitly
1410           set instance. This option has no effect in non-template unit files.
1411           The specified string must be usable as instance identifier.
1413       The following specifiers are interpreted in the Install section: %a,
1414       %b, %B, %g, %G, %H, %i, %j, %l, %m, %n, %N, %o, %p, %u, %U, %v, %w, %W,
1415       %%. For their meaning see the next section.


1418       Many settings resolve specifiers which may be used to write generic
1419       unit files referring to runtime or unit parameters that are replaced
1420       when the unit files are loaded. Specifiers must be known and resolvable
1421       for the setting to be valid. The following specifiers are understood:
1423       Table 4. Specifiers available in unit files
1424       ┌──────────┬─────────────────────┬────────────────────────┐
1425Specifier Meaning             Details                
1426       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1427       │"%a"      │ Architecture        │ A short string         │
1428       │          │                     │ identifying the        │
1429       │          │                     │ architecture of the    │
1430       │          │                     │ local system. A        │
1431       │          │                     │ string such as x86,    │
1432       │          │                     │ x86-64 or arm64.       │
1433       │          │                     │ See the                │
1434       │          │                     │ architectures          │
1435       │          │                     │ defined for            │
1436       │          │                     │ ConditionArchitecture=
1437       │          │                     │ above for a full       │
1438       │          │                     │ list.                  │
1439       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1440       │"%A"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
1441       │          │ image version       │ image version          │
1442       │          │                     │ identifier of the      │
1443       │          │                     │ running system, as     │
1444       │          │                     │ read from the          │
1445       │          │                     │ IMAGE_VERSION= field   │
1446       │          │                     │ of /etc/os-release. If │
1447       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
1448       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
1449       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1450       │          │                     │ information.           │
1451       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1452       │"%b"      │ Boot ID             │ The boot ID of the     │
1453       │          │                     │ running system,        │
1454       │          │                     │ formatted as string.   │
1455       │          │                     │ See random(4) for more │
1456       │          │                     │ information.           │
1457       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1458       │"%B"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
1459       │          │ build ID            │ build identifier of    │
1460       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
1461       │          │                     │ read from the          │
1462       │          │                     │ BUILD_ID= field of     │
1463       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
1464       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
1465       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
1466       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1467       │          │                     │ information.           │
1468       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1469       │"%C"      │ Cache directory     │ This is either         │
1470       │          │ root                │ /var/cache (for the    │
1471       │          │                     │ system manager) or the │
1472       │          │                     │ path "$XDG_CACHE_HOME" │
1473       │          │                     │ resolves to (for user  │
1474       │          │                     │ managers).             │
1475       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1476       │"%E"      │ Configuration       │ This is either /etc/   │
1477       │          │ directory root      │ (for the system        │
1478       │          │                     │ manager) or the path   │
1479       │          │                     │ "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"     │
1480       │          │                     │ resolves to (for user  │
1481       │          │                     │ managers).             │
1482       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1483       │"%f"      │ Unescaped filename  │ This is either the     │
1484       │          │                     │ unescaped instance     │
1485       │          │                     │ name (if applicable)   │
1486       │          │                     │ with / prepended (if   │
1487       │          │                     │ applicable), or the    │
1488       │          │                     │ unescaped prefix name  │
1489       │          │                     │ prepended with /. This │
1490       │          │                     │ implements unescaping  │
1491       │          │                     │ according to the rules │
1492       │          │                     │ for escaping absolute  │
1493       │          │                     │ file system paths      │
1494       │          │                     │ discussed above.       │
1495       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1496       │"%g"      │ User group          │ This is the name of    │
1497       │          │                     │ the group running the  │
1498       │          │                     │ service manager        │
1499       │          │                     │ instance. In case of   │
1500       │          │                     │ the system manager     │
1501       │          │                     │ this resolves to       │
1502       │          │                     │ "root".                │
1503       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1504       │"%G"      │ User GID            │ This is the numeric    │
1505       │          │                     │ GID of the user        │
1506       │          │                     │ running the service    │
1507       │          │                     │ manager instance. In   │
1508       │          │                     │ case of the system     │
1509       │          │                     │ manager this resolves  │
1510       │          │                     │ to "0".                │
1511       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1512       │"%h"      │ User home directory │ This is the home       │
1513       │          │                     │ directory of the user
1514       │          │                     │ running the service
1515       │          │                     │ manager instance. In   │
1516       │          │                     │ case of the system     │
1517       │          │                     │ manager this resolves  │
1518       │          │                     │ to "/root".            │
1519       │          │                     │                        │
1520       │          │                     │ Note that this setting │
1521       │          │                     │ is not influenced by   │
1522       │          │                     │ the User= setting      │
1523       │          │                     │ configurable in the    │
1524       │          │                     │ [Service] section of   │
1525       │          │                     │ the service unit.      │
1526       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1527       │"%H"      │ Host name           │ The hostname of the    │
1528       │          │                     │ running system at the  │
1529       │          │                     │ point in time the unit │
1530       │          │                     │ configuration is       │
1531       │          │                     │ loaded.                │
1532       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1533       │"%i"      │ Instance name       │ For instantiated units │
1534       │          │                     │ this is the string     │
1535       │          │                     │ between the first "@"  │
1536       │          │                     │ character and the type │
1537       │          │                     │ suffix. Empty for      │
1538       │          │                     │ non-instantiated       │
1539       │          │                     │ units.                 │
1540       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1541       │"%I"      │ Unescaped instance  │ Same as "%i", but with │
1542       │          │ name                │ escaping undone.       │
1543       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1544       │"%j"      │ Final component of  │ This is the string     │
1545       │          │ the prefix          │ between the last "-"   │
1546       │          │                     │ and the end of the     │
1547       │          │                     │ prefix name. If there  │
1548       │          │                     │ is no "-", this is the │
1549       │          │                     │ same as "%p".          │
1550       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1551       │"%J"      │ Unescaped final     │ Same as "%j", but with │
1552       │          │ component of the    │ escaping undone.       │
1553       │          │ prefix              │                        │
1554       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1555       │"%l"      │ Short host name     │ The hostname of the    │
1556       │          │                     │ running system at the  │
1557       │          │                     │ point in time the unit │
1558       │          │                     │ configuration is       │
1559       │          │                     │ loaded, truncated at   │
1560       │          │                     │ the first dot to       │
1561       │          │                     │ remove any domain      │
1562       │          │                     │ component.             │
1563       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1564       │"%L"      │ Log directory root  │ This is either         │
1565       │          │                     │ /var/log (for the      │
1566       │          │                     │ system manager) or the │
1567       │          │                     │ path                   │
1568       │          │                     │ "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"     │
1569       │          │                     │ resolves to with /log  │
1570       │          │                     │ appended (for user     │
1571       │          │                     │ managers).             │
1572       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1573       │"%m"      │ Machine ID          │ The machine ID of the  │
1574       │          │                     │ running system,        │
1575       │          │                     │ formatted as string.   │
1576       │          │                     │ See machine-id(5) for  │
1577       │          │                     │ more information.      │
1578       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1579       │"%M"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
1580       │          │ image identifier    │ image identifier of    │
1581       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
1582       │          │                     │ read from the          │
1583       │          │                     │ IMAGE_ID= field of     │
1584       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
1585       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
1586       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
1587       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1588       │          │                     │ information.           │
1589       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1590       │"%n"      │ Full unit name      │                        │
1591       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1592       │"%N"      │ Full unit name      │ Same as "%n", but with │
1593       │          │                     │ the type suffix        │
1594       │          │                     │ removed.               │
1595       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1596       │"%o"      │ Operating system ID │ The operating system   │
1597       │          │                     │ identifier of the      │
1598       │          │                     │ running system, as     │
1599       │          │                     │ read from the ID=
1600       │          │                     │ field of               │
1601       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. See   │
1602       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1603       │          │                     │ information.           │
1604       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1605       │"%p"      │ Prefix name         │ For instantiated       │
1606       │          │                     │ units, this refers to  │
1607       │          │                     │ the string before the  │
1608       │          │                     │ first "@" character of │
1609       │          │                     │ the unit name. For     │
1610       │          │                     │ non-instantiated       │
1611       │          │                     │ units, same as "%N".   │
1612       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1613       │"%P"      │ Unescaped prefix    │ Same as "%p", but with │
1614       │          │ name                │ escaping undone.       │
1615       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1616       │"%s"      │ User shell          │ This is the shell of   │
1617       │          │                     │ the user running the   │
1618       │          │                     │ service manager        │
1619       │          │                     │ instance. In case of   │
1620       │          │                     │ the system manager     │
1621       │          │                     │ this resolves to       │
1622       │          │                     │ "/bin/sh".             │
1623       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1624       │"%S"      │ State directory     │ This is either         │
1625       │          │ root                │ /var/lib (for the      │
1626       │          │                     │ system manager) or the │
1627       │          │                     │ path                   │
1628       │          │                     │ "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"     │
1629       │          │                     │ resolves to (for user  │
1630       │          │                     │ managers).             │
1631       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1632       │"%t"      │ Runtime directory   │ This is either /run/   │
1633       │          │ root                │ (for the system        │
1634       │          │                     │ manager) or the path   │
1635       │          │                     │ "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"     │
1636       │          │                     │ resolves to (for user  │
1637       │          │                     │ managers).             │
1638       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1639       │"%T"      │ Directory for       │ This is either /tmp or │
1640       │          │ temporary files     │ the path "$TMPDIR",    │
1641       │          │                     │ "$TEMP" or "$TMP" are  │
1642       │          │                     │ set to. (Note that the │
1643       │          │                     │ directory may be       │
1644       │          │                     │ specified without a    │
1645       │          │                     │ trailing slash.)       │
1646       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1647       │"%u"      │ User name           │ This is the name of    │
1648       │          │                     │ the user running the
1649       │          │                     │ service manager
1650       │          │                     │ instance. In case of   │
1651       │          │                     │ the system manager     │
1652       │          │                     │ this resolves to       │
1653       │          │                     │ "root".                │
1654       │          │                     │                        │
1655       │          │                     │ Note that this setting │
1656       │          │                     │ is not influenced by   │
1657       │          │                     │ the User= setting      │
1658       │          │                     │ configurable in the    │
1659       │          │                     │ [Service] section of   │
1660       │          │                     │ the service unit.      │
1661       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1662       │"%U"      │ User UID            │ This is the numeric    │
1663       │          │                     │ UID of the user
1664       │          │                     │ running the service
1665       │          │                     │ manager instance. In   │
1666       │          │                     │ case of the system     │
1667       │          │                     │ manager this resolves  │
1668       │          │                     │ to "0".                │
1669       │          │                     │                        │
1670       │          │                     │ Note that this setting │
1671       │          │                     │ is not influenced by   │
1672       │          │                     │ the User= setting      │
1673       │          │                     │ configurable in the    │
1674       │          │                     │ [Service] section of   │
1675       │          │                     │ the service unit.      │
1676       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1677       │"%v"      │ Kernel release      │ Identical to uname -r  
1678       │          │                     │ output.                │
1679       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1680       │"%V"      │ Directory for       │ This is either         │
1681       │          │ larger and          │ /var/tmp or the path   │
1682       │          │ persistent          │ "$TMPDIR", "$TEMP" or  │
1683       │          │ temporary files     │ "$TMP" are set to.     │
1684       │          │                     │ (Note that the         │
1685       │          │                     │ directory may be       │
1686       │          │                     │ specified without a    │
1687       │          │                     │ trailing slash.)       │
1688       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1689       │"%w"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
1690       │          │ version ID          │ version identifier of  │
1691       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
1692       │          │                     │ read from the          │
1693       │          │                     │ VERSION_ID= field of   │
1694       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
1695       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
1696       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
1697       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1698       │          │                     │ information.           │
1699       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1700       │"%W"      │ Operating system    │ The operating system   │
1701       │          │ variant ID          │ variant identifier of  │
1702       │          │                     │ the running system, as │
1703       │          │                     │ read from the          │
1704       │          │                     │ VARIANT_ID= field of   │
1705       │          │                     │ /etc/os-release. If    │
1706       │          │                     │ not set, resolves to   │
1707       │          │                     │ an empty string. See   │
1708       │          │                     │ os-release(5) for more │
1709       │          │                     │ information.           │
1710       ├──────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────────────────┤
1711       │"%%"      │ Single percent sign │ Use "%%" in place of   │
1712       │          │                     │ "%" to specify a       │
1713       │          │                     │ single percent sign.   │
1714       └──────────┴─────────────────────┴────────────────────────┘


1717       Example 1. Allowing units to be enabled
1719       The following snippet (highlighted) allows a unit (e.g.  foo.service)
1720       to be enabled via systemctl enable:
1722           [Unit]
1723           Description=Foo
1725           [Service]
1726           ExecStart=/usr/sbin/foo-daemon
1728           [Install]
1729           WantedBy=multi-user.target
1731       After running systemctl enable, a symlink
1732       /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/foo.service linking to the
1733       actual unit will be created. It tells systemd to pull in the unit when
1734       starting multi-user.target. The inverse systemctl disable will remove
1735       that symlink again.
1737       Example 2. Overriding vendor settings
1739       There are two methods of overriding vendor settings in unit files:
1740       copying the unit file from /usr/lib/systemd/system to
1741       /etc/systemd/system and modifying the chosen settings. Alternatively,
1742       one can create a directory named unit.d/ within /etc/systemd/system and
1743       place a drop-in file name.conf there that only changes the specific
1744       settings one is interested in. Note that multiple such drop-in files
1745       are read if present, processed in lexicographic order of their
1746       filename.
1748       The advantage of the first method is that one easily overrides the
1749       complete unit, the vendor unit is not parsed at all anymore. It has the
1750       disadvantage that improvements to the unit file by the vendor are not
1751       automatically incorporated on updates.
1753       The advantage of the second method is that one only overrides the
1754       settings one specifically wants, where updates to the unit by the
1755       vendor automatically apply. This has the disadvantage that some future
1756       updates by the vendor might be incompatible with the local changes.
1758       This also applies for user instances of systemd, but with different
1759       locations for the unit files. See the section on unit load paths for
1760       further details.
1762       Suppose there is a vendor-supplied unit
1763       /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service with the following contents:
1765           [Unit]
1766           Description=Some HTTP server
1767           After=remote-fs.target sqldb.service
1768           Requires=sqldb.service
1769           AssertPathExists=/srv/webserver
1771           [Service]
1772           Type=notify
1773           ExecStart=/usr/sbin/some-fancy-httpd-server
1774           Nice=5
1776           [Install]
1777           WantedBy=multi-user.target
1779       Now one wants to change some settings as an administrator: firstly, in
1780       the local setup, /srv/webserver might not exist, because the HTTP
1781       server is configured to use /srv/www instead. Secondly, the local
1782       configuration makes the HTTP server also depend on a memory cache
1783       service, memcached.service, that should be pulled in (Requires=) and
1784       also be ordered appropriately (After=). Thirdly, in order to harden the
1785       service a bit more, the administrator would like to set the PrivateTmp=
1786       setting (see systemd.exec(5) for details). And lastly, the
1787       administrator would like to reset the niceness of the service to its
1788       default value of 0.
1790       The first possibility is to copy the unit file to
1791       /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service and change the chosen settings:
1793           [Unit]
1794           Description=Some HTTP server
1795           After=remote-fs.target sqldb.service memcached.service
1796           Requires=sqldb.service memcached.service
1797           AssertPathExists=/srv/www
1799           [Service]
1800           Type=notify
1801           ExecStart=/usr/sbin/some-fancy-httpd-server
1802           Nice=0
1803           PrivateTmp=yes
1805           [Install]
1806           WantedBy=multi-user.target
1808       Alternatively, the administrator could create a drop-in file
1809       /etc/systemd/system/httpd.service.d/local.conf with the following
1810       contents:
1812           [Unit]
1813           After=memcached.service
1814           Requires=memcached.service
1815           # Reset all assertions and then re-add the condition we want
1816           AssertPathExists=
1817           AssertPathExists=/srv/www
1819           [Service]
1820           Nice=0
1821           PrivateTmp=yes
1823       Note that for drop-in files, if one wants to remove entries from a
1824       setting that is parsed as a list (and is not a dependency), such as
1825       AssertPathExists= (or e.g.  ExecStart= in service units), one needs to
1826       first clear the list before re-adding all entries except the one that
1827       is to be removed. Dependencies (After=, etc.) cannot be reset to an
1828       empty list, so dependencies can only be added in drop-ins. If you want
1829       to remove dependencies, you have to override the entire unit.
1831       Example 3. Top level drop-ins with template units
1833       Top level per-type drop-ins can be used to change some aspect of all
1834       units of a particular type. For example by creating the
1835       /etc/systemd/system/service.d/ directory with a drop-in file, the
1836       contents of the drop-in file can be applied to all service units. We
1837       can take this further by having the top-level drop-in instantiate a
1838       secondary helper unit. Consider for example the following set of units
1839       and drop-in files where we install an OnFailure= dependency for all
1840       service units.
1842       /etc/systemd/system/failure-handler@.service:
1844           [Unit]
1845           Description=My failure handler for %i
1847           [Service]
1848           Type=oneshot
1849           # Perform some special action for when %i exits unexpectedly.
1850           ExecStart=/usr/sbin/myfailurehandler %i
1853       We can then add an instance of failure-handler@.service as an
1854       OnFailure= dependency for all service units.
1856       /etc/systemd/system/service.d/10-all.conf:
1858           [Unit]
1859           OnFailure=failure-handler@%N.service
1862       Now, after running systemctl daemon-reload all services will have
1863       acquired an OnFailure= dependency on failure-handler@%N.service. The
1864       template instance units will also have gained the dependency which
1865       results in the creation of a recursive dependency chain. We can break
1866       the chain by disabling the drop-in for the template instance units via
1867       a symlink to /dev/null:
1869           mkdir /etc/systemd/system/failure-handler@.service.d/
1870           ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/system/failure-handler@.service.d/10-all.conf
1871           systemctl daemon-reload
1874       This ensures that if a failure-handler@.service instance fails it will
1875       not trigger an instance named failure-handler@failure-handler.service.


1878       systemd(1), systemctl(1), systemd-system.conf(5), systemd.special(7),
1879       systemd.service(5), systemd.socket(5), systemd.device(5),
1880       systemd.mount(5), systemd.automount(5), systemd.swap(5),
1881       systemd.target(5), systemd.path(5), systemd.timer(5), systemd.scope(5),
1882       systemd.slice(5), systemd.time(7), systemd-analyze(1), capabilities(7),
1883       systemd.directives(7), uname(1)


1886        1. Interface Portability and Stability Promise
1887           https://systemd.io/PORTABILITY_AND_STABILITY/
1891systemd 249                                                    SYSTEMD.UNIT(5)