1HWCLOCK(8)                   System Administration                  HWCLOCK(8)


6       hwclock - time clocks utility


9       hwclock [function] [option...]


12       hwclock is an administration tool for the time clocks. It can: display
13       the Hardware Clock time; set the Hardware Clock to a specified time;
14       set the Hardware Clock from the System Clock; set the System Clock from
15       the Hardware Clock; compensate for Hardware Clock drift; correct the
16       System Clock timescale; set the kernel’s timezone, NTP timescale, and
17       epoch (Alpha only); and predict future Hardware Clock values based on
18       its drift rate.
20       Since v2.26 important changes were made to the --hctosys function and
21       the --directisa option, and a new option --update-drift was added. See
22       their respective descriptions below.


25       The following functions are mutually exclusive, only one can be given
26       at a time. If none is given, the default is --show.
28       -a, --adjust
29           Add or subtract time from the Hardware Clock to account for
30           systematic drift since the last time the clock was set or adjusted.
31           See the discussion below, under The Adjust Function.
33       --getepoch; --setepoch
34           These functions are for Alpha machines only, and are only available
35           through the Linux kernel RTC driver.
37           They are used to read and set the kernel’s Hardware Clock epoch
38           value. Epoch is the number of years into AD to which a zero year
39           value in the Hardware Clock refers. For example, if the machine’s
40           BIOS sets the year counter in the Hardware Clock to contain the
41           number of full years since 1952, then the kernel’s Hardware Clock
42           epoch value must be 1952.
44           The --setepoch function requires using the --epoch option to
45           specify the year. For example:
47           hwclock --setepoch --epoch=1952
49           The RTC driver attempts to guess the correct epoch value, so
50           setting it may not be required.
52           This epoch value is used whenever hwclock reads or sets the
53           Hardware Clock on an Alpha machine. For ISA machines the kernel
54           uses the fixed Hardware Clock epoch of 1900.
56       --predict
57           Predict what the Hardware Clock will read in the future based upon
58           the time given by the --date option and the information in
59           /etc/adjtime. This is useful, for example, to account for drift
60           when setting a Hardware Clock wakeup (aka alarm). See rtcwake(8).
62           Do not use this function if the Hardware Clock is being modified by
63           anything other than the current operating system’s hwclock command,
64           such as '11 minute mode' or from dual-booting another OS.
66       -r, --show; --get
67           Read the Hardware Clock and print its time to standard output in
68           the ISO 8601 format. The time shown is always in local time, even
69           if you keep your Hardware Clock in UTC. See the --localtime option.
71           Showing the Hardware Clock time is the default when no function is
72           specified.
74           The --get function also applies drift correction to the time read,
75           based upon the information in /etc/adjtime. Do not use this
76           function if the Hardware Clock is being modified by anything other
77           than the current operating system’s hwclock command, such as '11
78           minute mode' or from dual-booting another OS.
80       -s, --hctosys
81           Set the System Clock from the Hardware Clock. The time read from
82           the Hardware Clock is compensated to account for systematic drift
83           before using it to set the System Clock. See the discussion below,
84           under The Adjust Function.
86           The System Clock must be kept in the UTC timescale for date-time
87           applications to work correctly in conjunction with the timezone
88           configured for the system. If the Hardware Clock is kept in local
89           time then the time read from it must be shifted to the UTC
90           timescale before using it to set the System Clock. The --hctosys
91           function does this based upon the information in the /etc/adjtime
92           file or the command line arguments --localtime and --utc. Note: no
93           daylight saving adjustment is made. See the discussion below, under
94           LOCAL vs UTC.
96           The kernel also keeps a timezone value, the --hctosys function sets
97           it to the timezone configured for the system. The system timezone
98           is configured by the TZ environment variable or the /etc/localtime
99           file, as tzset(3) would interpret them. The obsolete tz_dsttime
100           field of the kernel’s timezone value is set to zero. (For details
101           on what this field used to mean, see settimeofday(2).)
103           When used in a startup script, making the --hctosys function the
104           first caller of settimeofday(2) from boot, it will set the NTP '11
105           minute mode' timescale via the persistent_clock_is_local kernel
106           variable. If the Hardware Clock’s timescale configuration is
107           changed then a reboot is required to inform the kernel. See the
108           discussion below, under Automatic Hardware Clock Synchronization by
109           the Kernel.
111           This is a good function to use in one of the system startup scripts
112           before the file systems are mounted read/write.
114           This function should never be used on a running system. Jumping
115           system time will cause problems, such as corrupted filesystem
116           timestamps. Also, if something has changed the Hardware Clock, like
117           NTP’s '11 minute mode', then --hctosys will set the time
118           incorrectly by including drift compensation.
120           Drift compensation can be inhibited by setting the drift factor in
121           /etc/adjtime to zero. This setting will be persistent as long as
122           the --update-drift option is not used with --systohc at shutdown
123           (or anywhere else). Another way to inhibit this is by using the
124           --noadjfile option when calling the --hctosys function. A third
125           method is to delete the /etc/adjtime file. Hwclock will then
126           default to using the UTC timescale for the Hardware Clock. If the
127           Hardware Clock is ticking local time it will need to be defined in
128           the file. This can be done by calling hwclock --localtime --adjust;
129           when the file is not present this command will not actually adjust
130           the Clock, but it will create the file with local time configured,
131           and a drift factor of zero.
133           A condition under which inhibiting hwclock's drift correction may
134           be desired is when dual-booting multiple operating systems. If
135           while this instance of Linux is stopped, another OS changes the
136           Hardware Clock’s value, then when this instance is started again
137           the drift correction applied will be incorrect.
139           For hwclock's drift correction to work properly it is imperative
140           that nothing changes the Hardware Clock while its Linux instance is
141           not running.
143       --set
144           Set the Hardware Clock to the time given by the --date option, and
145           update the timestamps in /etc/adjtime. With the --update-drift
146           option also (re)calculate the drift factor. Try it without the
147           option if --set fails. See --update-drift below.
149       --systz
150           This is an alternate to the --hctosys function that does not read
151           the Hardware Clock nor set the System Clock; consequently there is
152           not any drift correction. It is intended to be used in a startup
153           script on systems with kernels above version 2.6 where you know the
154           System Clock has been set from the Hardware Clock by the kernel
155           during boot.
157           It does the following things that are detailed above in the
158           --hctosys function:
160           •   Corrects the System Clock timescale to UTC as needed. Only
161               instead of accomplishing this by setting the System Clock,
162               hwclock simply informs the kernel and it handles the change.
164           •   Sets the kernel’s NTP '11 minute mode' timescale.
166           •   Sets the kernel’s timezone.
168       The first two are only available on the first call of settimeofday(2)
169       after boot. Consequently this option only makes sense when used in a
170       startup script. If the Hardware Clocks timescale configuration is
171       changed then a reboot would be required to inform the kernel.
173       -w, --systohc
174           Set the Hardware Clock from the System Clock, and update the
175           timestamps in /etc/adjtime. With the --update-drift option also
176           (re)calculate the drift factor. Try it without the option if
177           --systohc fails. See --update-drift below.
179       -V, --version
180           Display version information and exit.
182       -h, --help
183           Display help text and exit.


186       --adjfile=filename
187           Override the default /etc/adjtime file path.
189       --date=date_string
190           This option must be used with the --set or --predict functions,
191           otherwise it is ignored.
193           hwclock --set --date='16:45'
195           hwclock --predict --date='2525-08-14 07:11:05'
197           The argument must be in local time, even if you keep your Hardware
198           Clock in UTC. See the --localtime option. Therefore, the argument
199           should not include any timezone information. It also should not be
200           a relative time like "+5 minutes", because hwclock's precision
201           depends upon correlation between the argument’s value and when the
202           enter key is pressed. Fractional seconds are silently dropped. This
203           option is capable of understanding many time and date formats, but
204           the previous parameters should be observed.
206       --delay=seconds
207           This option can be used to overwrite the internally used delay when
208           setting the clock time. The default is 0.5 (500ms) for rtc_cmos,
209           for another RTC types the delay is 0. If RTC type is impossible to
210           determine (from sysfs) then it defaults also to 0.5 to be
211           backwardly compatible.
213           The 500ms default is based on commonly used MC146818A-compatible
214           (x86) hardware clock. This Hardware Clock can only be set to any
215           integer time plus one half second. The integer time is required
216           because there is no interface to set or get a fractional second.
217           The additional half second delay is because the Hardware Clock
218           updates to the following second precisely 500 ms after setting the
219           new time. Unfortunately, this behavior is hardware specific and in
220           same cases another delay is required.
222       -D, --debug
223           Use --verbose. The --debug option has been deprecated and may be
224           repurposed or removed in a future release.
226       --directisa
227           This option is meaningful for ISA compatible machines in the x86
228           and x86_64 family. For other machines, it has no effect. This
229           option tells hwclock to use explicit I/O instructions to access the
230           Hardware Clock. Without this option, hwclock will use the rtc
231           device file, which it assumes to be driven by the Linux RTC device
232           driver. As of v2.26 it will no longer automatically use directisa
233           when the rtc driver is unavailable; this was causing an unsafe
234           condition that could allow two processes to access the Hardware
235           Clock at the same time. Direct hardware access from userspace
236           should only be used for testing, troubleshooting, and as a last
237           resort when all other methods fail. See the --rtc option.
239       --epoch=year
240           This option is required when using the --setepoch function. The
241           minimum year value is 1900. The maximum is system dependent
242           (ULONG_MAX - 1).
244       -f, --rtc=filename
245           Override hwclock's default rtc device file name. Otherwise it will
246           use the first one found in this order: /dev/rtc0, /dev/rtc,
247           /dev/misc/rtc. For IA-64: /dev/efirtc /dev/misc/efirtc
249       -l, --localtime; -u, --utc
250           Indicate which timescale the Hardware Clock is set to.
252           The Hardware Clock may be configured to use either the UTC or the
253           local timescale, but nothing in the clock itself says which
254           alternative is being used. The --localtime or --utc options give
255           this information to the hwclock command. If you specify the wrong
256           one (or specify neither and take a wrong default), both setting and
257           reading the Hardware Clock will be incorrect.
259           If you specify neither --utc nor --localtime then the one last
260           given with a set function (--set, --systohc, or --adjust), as
261           recorded in /etc/adjtime, will be used. If the adjtime file doesn’t
262           exist, the default is UTC.
264           Note: daylight saving time changes may be inconsistent when the
265           Hardware Clock is kept in local time. See the discussion below,
266           under LOCAL vs UTC.
268       --noadjfile
269           Disable the facilities provided by /etc/adjtime. hwclock will not
270           read nor write to that file with this option. Either --utc or
271           --localtime must be specified when using this option.
273       --test
274           Do not actually change anything on the system, that is, the Clocks
275           or /etc/adjtime (--verbose is implicit with this option).
277       --update-drift
278           Update the Hardware Clock’s drift factor in /etc/adjtime. It can
279           only be used with --set or --systohc.
281           A minimum four hour period between settings is required. This is to
282           avoid invalid calculations. The longer the period, the more precise
283           the resulting drift factor will be.
285           This option was added in v2.26, because it is typical for systems
286           to call hwclock --systohc at shutdown; with the old behavior this
287           would automatically (re)calculate the drift factor which caused
288           several problems:
290           •   When using NTP with an '11 minute mode' kernel the drift factor
291               would be clobbered to near zero.
293           •   It would not allow the use of 'cold' drift correction. With
294               most configurations using 'cold' drift will yield favorable
295               results. Cold, means when the machine is turned off which can
296               have a significant impact on the drift factor.
298           •   (Re)calculating drift factor on every shutdown delivers
299               suboptimal results. For example, if ephemeral conditions cause
300               the machine to be abnormally hot the drift factor calculation
301               would be out of range.
303           •   Significantly increased system shutdown times (as of v2.31 when
304               not using --update-drift the RTC is not read).
306       Having hwclock calculate the drift factor is a good starting point, but
307       for optimal results it will likely need to be adjusted by directly
308       editing the /etc/adjtime file. For most configurations once a machine’s
309       optimal drift factor is crafted it should not need to be changed.
310       Therefore, the old behavior to automatically (re)calculate drift was
311       changed and now requires this option to be used. See the discussion
312       below, under The Adjust Function.
314       This option requires reading the Hardware Clock before setting it. If
315       it cannot be read, then this option will cause the set functions to
316       fail. This can happen, for example, if the Hardware Clock is corrupted
317       by a power failure. In that case, the clock must first be set without
318       this option. Despite it not working, the resulting drift correction
319       factor would be invalid anyway.
321       -v, --verbose
322           Display more details about what hwclock is doing internally.


325   Clocks in a Linux System
326       There are two types of date-time clocks:
328       The Hardware Clock: This clock is an independent hardware device, with
329       its own power domain (battery, capacitor, etc), that operates when the
330       machine is powered off, or even unplugged.
332       On an ISA compatible system, this clock is specified as part of the ISA
333       standard. A control program can read or set this clock only to a whole
334       second, but it can also detect the edges of the 1 second clock ticks,
335       so the clock actually has virtually infinite precision.
337       This clock is commonly called the hardware clock, the real time clock,
338       the RTC, the BIOS clock, and the CMOS clock. Hardware Clock, in its
339       capitalized form, was coined for use by hwclock. The Linux kernel also
340       refers to it as the persistent clock.
342       Some non-ISA systems have a few real time clocks with only one of them
343       having its own power domain. A very low power external I2C or SPI clock
344       chip might be used with a backup battery as the hardware clock to
345       initialize a more functional integrated real-time clock which is used
346       for most other purposes.
348       The System Clock: This clock is part of the Linux kernel and is driven
349       by a timer interrupt. (On an ISA machine, the timer interrupt is part
350       of the ISA standard.) It has meaning only while Linux is running on the
351       machine. The System Time is the number of seconds since 00:00:00
352       January 1, 1970 UTC (or more succinctly, the number of seconds since
353       1969 UTC). The System Time is not an integer, though. It has virtually
354       infinite precision.
356       The System Time is the time that matters. The Hardware Clock’s basic
357       purpose is to keep time when Linux is not running so that the System
358       Clock can be initialized from it at boot. Note that in DOS, for which
359       ISA was designed, the Hardware Clock is the only real time clock.
361       It is important that the System Time not have any discontinuities such
362       as would happen if you used the date(1) program to set it while the
363       system is running. You can, however, do whatever you want to the
364       Hardware Clock while the system is running, and the next time Linux
365       starts up, it will do so with the adjusted time from the Hardware
366       Clock. Note: currently this is not possible on most systems because
367       hwclock --systohc is called at shutdown.
369       The Linux kernel’s timezone is set by hwclock. But don’t be misled —
370       almost nobody cares what timezone the kernel thinks it is in. Instead,
371       programs that care about the timezone (perhaps because they want to
372       display a local time for you) almost always use a more traditional
373       method of determining the timezone: They use the TZ environment
374       variable or the /etc/localtime file, as explained in the man page for
375       tzset(3). However, some programs and fringe parts of the Linux kernel
376       such as filesystems use the kernel’s timezone value. An example is the
377       vfat filesystem. If the kernel timezone value is wrong, the vfat
378       filesystem will report and set the wrong timestamps on files. Another
379       example is the kernel’s NTP '11 minute mode'. If the kernel’s timezone
380       value and/or the persistent_clock_is_local variable are wrong, then the
381       Hardware Clock will be set incorrectly by '11 minute mode'. See the
382       discussion below, under Automatic Hardware Clock Synchronization by the
383       Kernel.
385       hwclock sets the kernel’s timezone to the value indicated by TZ or
386       /etc/localtime with the --hctosys or --systz functions.
388       The kernel’s timezone value actually consists of two parts: 1) a field
389       tz_minuteswest indicating how many minutes local time (not adjusted for
390       DST) lags behind UTC, and 2) a field tz_dsttime indicating the type of
391       Daylight Savings Time (DST) convention that is in effect in the
392       locality at the present time. This second field is not used under Linux
393       and is always zero. See also settimeofday(2).
395   Hardware Clock Access Methods
396       hwclock uses many different ways to get and set Hardware Clock values.
397       The most normal way is to do I/O to the rtc device special file, which
398       is presumed to be driven by the rtc device driver. Also, Linux systems
399       using the rtc framework with udev, are capable of supporting multiple
400       Hardware Clocks. This may bring about the need to override the default
401       rtc device by specifying one with the --rtc option.
403       However, this method is not always available as older systems do not
404       have an rtc driver. On these systems, the method of accessing the
405       Hardware Clock depends on the system hardware.
407       On an ISA compatible system, hwclock can directly access the "CMOS
408       memory" registers that constitute the clock, by doing I/O to Ports 0x70
409       and 0x71. It does this with actual I/O instructions and consequently
410       can only do it if running with superuser effective userid. This method
411       may be used by specifying the --directisa option.
413       This is a really poor method of accessing the clock, for all the
414       reasons that userspace programs are generally not supposed to do direct
415       I/O and disable interrupts. hwclock provides it for testing,
416       troubleshooting, and because it may be the only method available on ISA
417       systems which do not have a working rtc device driver.
419   The Adjust Function
420       The Hardware Clock is usually not very accurate. However, much of its
421       inaccuracy is completely predictable - it gains or loses the same
422       amount of time every day. This is called systematic drift. hwclock's
423       --adjust function lets you apply systematic drift corrections to the
424       Hardware Clock.
426       It works like this: hwclock keeps a file, /etc/adjtime, that keeps some
427       historical information. This is called the adjtime file.
429       Suppose you start with no adjtime file. You issue a hwclock --set
430       command to set the Hardware Clock to the true current time. hwclock
431       creates the adjtime file and records in it the current time as the last
432       time the clock was calibrated. Five days later, the clock has gained 10
433       seconds, so you issue a hwclock --set --update-drift command to set it
434       back 10 seconds. hwclock updates the adjtime file to show the current
435       time as the last time the clock was calibrated, and records 2 seconds
436       per day as the systematic drift rate. 24 hours go by, and then you
437       issue a hwclock --adjust command. hwclock consults the adjtime file and
438       sees that the clock gains 2 seconds per day when left alone and that it
439       has been left alone for exactly one day. So it subtracts 2 seconds from
440       the Hardware Clock. It then records the current time as the last time
441       the clock was adjusted. Another 24 hours go by and you issue another
442       hwclock --adjust. hwclock does the same thing: subtracts 2 seconds and
443       updates the adjtime file with the current time as the last time the
444       clock was adjusted.
446       When you use the --update-drift option with --set or --systohc, the
447       systematic drift rate is (re)calculated by comparing the fully drift
448       corrected current Hardware Clock time with the new set time, from that
449       it derives the 24 hour drift rate based on the last calibrated
450       timestamp from the adjtime file. This updated drift factor is then
451       saved in /etc/adjtime.
453       A small amount of error creeps in when the Hardware Clock is set, so
454       --adjust refrains from making any adjustment that is less than 1
455       second. Later on, when you request an adjustment again, the accumulated
456       drift will be more than 1 second and --adjust will make the adjustment
457       including any fractional amount.
459       hwclock --hctosys also uses the adjtime file data to compensate the
460       value read from the Hardware Clock before using it to set the System
461       Clock. It does not share the 1 second limitation of --adjust, and will
462       correct sub-second drift values immediately. It does not change the
463       Hardware Clock time nor the adjtime file. This may eliminate the need
464       to use --adjust, unless something else on the system needs the Hardware
465       Clock to be compensated.
467   The Adjtime File
468       While named for its historical purpose of controlling adjustments only,
469       it actually contains other information used by hwclock from one
470       invocation to the next.
472       The format of the adjtime file is, in ASCII:
474       Line 1: Three numbers, separated by blanks: 1) the systematic drift
475       rate in seconds per day, floating point decimal; 2) the resulting
476       number of seconds since 1969 UTC of most recent adjustment or
477       calibration, decimal integer; 3) zero (for compatibility with clock(8))
478       as a floating point decimal.
480       Line 2: One number: the resulting number of seconds since 1969 UTC of
481       most recent calibration. Zero if there has been no calibration yet or
482       it is known that any previous calibration is moot (for example, because
483       the Hardware Clock has been found, since that calibration, not to
484       contain a valid time). This is a decimal integer.
486       Line 3: "UTC" or "LOCAL". Tells whether the Hardware Clock is set to
487       Coordinated Universal Time or local time. You can always override this
488       value with options on the hwclock command line.
490       You can use an adjtime file that was previously used with the clock(8)
491       program with hwclock.
493   Automatic Hardware Clock Synchronization by the Kernel
494       You should be aware of another way that the Hardware Clock is kept
495       synchronized in some systems. The Linux kernel has a mode wherein it
496       copies the System Time to the Hardware Clock every 11 minutes. This
497       mode is a compile time option, so not all kernels will have this
498       capability. This is a good mode to use when you are using something
499       sophisticated like NTP to keep your System Clock synchronized. (NTP is
500       a way to keep your System Time synchronized either to a time server
501       somewhere on the network or to a radio clock hooked up to your system.
502       See RFC 1305.)
504       If the kernel is compiled with the '11 minute mode' option it will be
505       active when the kernel’s clock discipline is in a synchronized state.
506       When in this state, bit 6 (the bit that is set in the mask 0x0040) of
507       the kernel’s time_status variable is unset. This value is output as the
508       'status' line of the adjtimex --print or ntptime commands.
510       It takes an outside influence, like the NTP daemon to put the kernel’s
511       clock discipline into a synchronized state, and therefore turn on '11
512       minute mode'. It can be turned off by running anything that sets the
513       System Clock the old fashioned way, including hwclock --hctosys.
514       However, if the NTP daemon is still running, it will turn '11 minute
515       mode' back on again the next time it synchronizes the System Clock.
517       If your system runs with '11 minute mode' on, it may need to use either
518       --hctosys or --systz in a startup script, especially if the Hardware
519       Clock is configured to use the local timescale. Unless the kernel is
520       informed of what timescale the Hardware Clock is using, it may clobber
521       it with the wrong one. The kernel uses UTC by default.
523       The first userspace command to set the System Clock informs the kernel
524       what timescale the Hardware Clock is using. This happens via the
525       persistent_clock_is_local kernel variable. If --hctosys or --systz is
526       the first, it will set this variable according to the adjtime file or
527       the appropriate command-line argument. Note that when using this
528       capability and the Hardware Clock timescale configuration is changed,
529       then a reboot is required to notify the kernel.
531       hwclock --adjust should not be used with NTP '11 minute mode'.
533   ISA Hardware Clock Century value
534       There is some sort of standard that defines CMOS memory Byte 50 on an
535       ISA machine as an indicator of what century it is. hwclock does not use
536       or set that byte because there are some machines that don’t define the
537       byte that way, and it really isn’t necessary anyway, since the
538       year-of-century does a good job of implying which century it is.
540       If you have a bona fide use for a CMOS century byte, contact the
541       hwclock maintainer; an option may be appropriate.
543       Note that this section is only relevant when you are using the "direct
544       ISA" method of accessing the Hardware Clock. ACPI provides a standard
545       way to access century values, when they are supported by the hardware.


548   Keeping Time without External Synchronization
549       This discussion is based on the following conditions:
551       •   Nothing is running that alters the date-time clocks, such as NTP
552           daemon or a cron job."
554       •   The system timezone is configured for the correct local time. See
555           below, under POSIX vs 'RIGHT'.
557       •   Early during startup the following are called, in this order:
558           adjtimex --tick value --frequency value hwclock --hctosys
560       •   During shutdown the following is called: hwclock --systohc
562           •   Systems without adjtimex may use ntptime.
564       Whether maintaining precision time with NTP daemon or not, it makes
565       sense to configure the system to keep reasonably good date-time on its
566       own.
568       The first step in making that happen is having a clear understanding of
569       the big picture. There are two completely separate hardware devices
570       running at their own speed and drifting away from the 'correct' time at
571       their own rates. The methods and software for drift correction are
572       different for each of them. However, most systems are configured to
573       exchange values between these two clocks at startup and shutdown. Now
574       the individual device’s time keeping errors are transferred back and
575       forth between each other. Attempt to configure drift correction for
576       only one of them, and the other’s drift will be overlaid upon it.
578       This problem can be avoided when configuring drift correction for the
579       System Clock by simply not shutting down the machine. This, plus the
580       fact that all of hwclock's precision (including calculating drift
581       factors) depends upon the System Clock’s rate being correct, means that
582       configuration of the System Clock should be done first.
584       The System Clock drift is corrected with the adjtimex(8) command’s
585       --tick and --frequency options. These two work together: tick is the
586       coarse adjustment and frequency is the fine adjustment. (For systems
587       that do not have an adjtimex package, ntptime -f ppm may be used
588       instead.)
590       Some Linux distributions attempt to automatically calculate the System
591       Clock drift with adjtimex's compare operation. Trying to correct one
592       drifting clock by using another drifting clock as a reference is akin
593       to a dog trying to catch its own tail. Success may happen eventually,
594       but great effort and frustration will likely precede it. This
595       automation may yield an improvement over no configuration, but
596       expecting optimum results would be in error. A better choice for manual
597       configuration would be adjtimex's --log options.
599       It may be more effective to simply track the System Clock drift with
600       sntp, or date -Ins and a precision timepiece, and then calculate the
601       correction manually.
603       After setting the tick and frequency values, continue to test and
604       refine the adjustments until the System Clock keeps good time. See
605       adjtimex(2) for more information and the example demonstrating manual
606       drift calculations.
608       Once the System Clock is ticking smoothly, move on to the Hardware
609       Clock.
611       As a rule, cold drift will work best for most use cases. This should be
612       true even for 24/7 machines whose normal downtime consists of a reboot.
613       In that case the drift factor value makes little difference. But on the
614       rare occasion that the machine is shut down for an extended period,
615       then cold drift should yield better results.
617       Steps to calculate cold drift:
619       1
620           Ensure that NTP daemon will not be launched at startup.
622       2
623           The System Clock time must be correct at shutdown!
625       3
626           Shut down the system.
628       4
629           Let an extended period pass without changing the Hardware Clock.
631       5
632           Start the system.
634       6
635           Immediately use hwclock to set the correct time, adding the
636           --update-drift option.
638       Note: if step 6 uses --systohc, then the System Clock must be set
639       correctly (step 6a) just before doing so.
641       Having hwclock calculate the drift factor is a good starting point, but
642       for optimal results it will likely need to be adjusted by directly
643       editing the /etc/adjtime file. Continue to test and refine the drift
644       factor until the Hardware Clock is corrected properly at startup. To
645       check this, first make sure that the System Time is correct before
646       shutdown and then use sntp, or date -Ins and a precision timepiece,
647       immediately after startup.
649   LOCAL vs UTC
650       Keeping the Hardware Clock in a local timescale causes inconsistent
651       daylight saving time results:
653       •   If Linux is running during a daylight saving time change, the time
654           written to the Hardware Clock will be adjusted for the change.
656       •   If Linux is NOT running during a daylight saving time change, the
657           time read from the Hardware Clock will NOT be adjusted for the
658           change.
660       The Hardware Clock on an ISA compatible system keeps only a date and
661       time, it has no concept of timezone nor daylight saving. Therefore,
662       when hwclock is told that it is in local time, it assumes it is in the
663       'correct' local time and makes no adjustments to the time read from it.
665       Linux handles daylight saving time changes transparently only when the
666       Hardware Clock is kept in the UTC timescale. Doing so is made easy for
667       system administrators as hwclock uses local time for its output and as
668       the argument to the --date option.
670       POSIX systems, like Linux, are designed to have the System Clock
671       operate in the UTC timescale. The Hardware Clock’s purpose is to
672       initialize the System Clock, so also keeping it in UTC makes sense.
674       Linux does, however, attempt to accommodate the Hardware Clock being in
675       the local timescale. This is primarily for dual-booting with older
676       versions of MS Windows. From Windows 7 on, the RealTimeIsUniversal
677       registry key is supposed to be working properly so that its Hardware
678       Clock can be kept in UTC.
680   POSIX vs 'RIGHT'
681       A discussion on date-time configuration would be incomplete without
682       addressing timezones, this is mostly well covered by tzset(3). One area
683       that seems to have no documentation is the 'right' directory of the
684       Time Zone Database, sometimes called tz or zoneinfo.
686       There are two separate databases in the zoneinfo system, posix and
687       'right'. 'Right' (now named zoneinfo-leaps) includes leap seconds and
688       posix does not. To use the 'right' database the System Clock must be
689       set to (UTC + leap seconds), which is equivalent to (TAI - 10). This
690       allows calculating the exact number of seconds between two dates that
691       cross a leap second epoch. The System Clock is then converted to the
692       correct civil time, including UTC, by using the 'right' timezone files
693       which subtract the leap seconds. Note: this configuration is considered
694       experimental and is known to have issues.
696       To configure a system to use a particular database all of the files
697       located in its directory must be copied to the root of
698       /usr/share/zoneinfo. Files are never used directly from the posix or
699       'right' subdirectories, e.g., TZ='right/Europe/Dublin'. This habit was
700       becoming so common that the upstream zoneinfo project restructured the
701       system’s file tree by moving the posix and 'right' subdirectories out
702       of the zoneinfo directory and into sibling directories:
704       /usr/share/zoneinfo, /usr/share/zoneinfo-posix,
705       /usr/share/zoneinfo-leaps
707       Unfortunately, some Linux distributions are changing it back to the old
708       tree structure in their packages. So the problem of system
709       administrators reaching into the 'right' subdirectory persists. This
710       causes the system timezone to be configured to include leap seconds
711       while the zoneinfo database is still configured to exclude them. Then
712       when an application such as a World Clock needs the South_Pole timezone
713       file; or an email MTA, or hwclock needs the UTC timezone file; they
714       fetch it from the root of /usr/share/zoneinfo , because that is what
715       they are supposed to do. Those files exclude leap seconds, but the
716       System Clock now includes them, causing an incorrect time conversion.
718       Attempting to mix and match files from these separate databases will
719       not work, because they each require the System Clock to use a different
720       timescale. The zoneinfo database must be configured to use either posix
721       or 'right', as described above, or by assigning a database path to the
722       TZDIR environment variable.


725       One of the following exit values will be returned:
727       EXIT_SUCCESS ('0' on POSIX systems)
728           Successful program execution.
730       EXIT_FAILURE ('1' on POSIX systems)
731           The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.


734       TZ
735           If this variable is set its value takes precedence over the system
736           configured timezone.
738       TZDIR
739           If this variable is set its value takes precedence over the system
740           configured timezone database directory path.


743       /etc/adjtime
744           The configuration and state file for hwclock.
746       /etc/localtime
747           The system timezone file.
749       /usr/share/zoneinfo/
750           The system timezone database directory.
752       Device files hwclock may try for Hardware Clock access: /dev/rtc0
753       /dev/rtc /dev/misc/rtc /dev/efirtc /dev/misc/efirtc


756       date(1), adjtimex(8), gettimeofday(2), settimeofday(2), crontab(1p),
757       tzset(3)


760       Written by Bryan Henderson <bryanh@giraffe-data.com>, September 1996,
761       based on work done on the clock(8) program by Charles Hedrick, Rob
762       Hooft, and Harald Koenig. See the source code for complete history and
763       credits.


766       For bug reports, use the issue tracker at
767       https://github.com/karelzak/util-linux/issues.


770       The hwclock command is part of the util-linux package which can be
771       downloaded from Linux Kernel Archive
772       <https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util-linux/>.
776util-linux 2.37.2                 2021-06-02                        HWCLOCK(8)