1sacct(1)                        Slurm Commands                        sacct(1)


6       sacct  -  displays  accounting  data  for all jobs and job steps in the
7       Slurm job accounting log or Slurm database


11       sacct [OPTIONS...]


15       Accounting information for jobs invoked with Slurm are either logged in
16       the  job accounting log file or saved to the Slurm database, as config‐
17       ured with the AccountingStorageType parameter.
19       The sacct command displays job accounting data stored in  the  job  ac‐
20       counting  log  file  or  Slurm  database in a variety of forms for your
21       analysis.  The sacct command displays information on jobs,  job  steps,
22       status,  and  exitcodes by default.  You can tailor the output with the
23       use of the --format= option to specify the fields to be shown.
25       For the root user, the sacct command displays job accounting  data  for
26       all  users,  although  there are options to filter the output to report
27       only the jobs from a specified user or group.
29       For the non-root user, the sacct command limits the display of job  ac‐
30       counting data to jobs that were launched with their own user identifier
31       (UID) by default.  Data for other users can be displayed with the --al‐
32       lusers, --user, or --uid options.
34       Elapsed  time fields are presented as [days-]hours:minutes:seconds[.mi‐
35       croseconds]. Only 'CPU' fields will ever have microseconds.
37       The default input file is the file named  in  the  AccountingStorageLoc
38       parameter in slurm.conf.
40       NOTE:  If  designated, the slurmdbd.conf option PrivateData may further
41       restrict the accounting data visible to users which are not  SlurmUser,
42       root,  or  a user with AdminLevel=Admin. See the slurmdbd.conf man page
43       for additional details on restricting access to accounting data.
45       NOTE: The contents of Slurm's database are maintained  in  lower  case.
46       This may result in some sacct output differing from that of other Slurm
47       commands.
49       NOTE: Much of the data reported by sacct  has  been  generated  by  the
50       wait3()  and  getrusage()  system calls. Some systems gather and report
51       incomplete information for these calls; sacct reports values of  0  for
52       this missing data. See your systems getrusage (3) man page for informa‐
53       tion about which data are actually available on your system.


57       -A, --accounts=<account_list>
58                 Displays jobs when a comma separated  list  of  accounts  are
59                 given as the argument.
61       -L, --allclusters
62                 Display  jobs  ran on all clusters. By default, only jobs ran
63                 on the cluster from where sacct is called are displayed.
65       -X, --allocations
66                 Only show statistics relevant to the job  allocation  itself,
67                 not taking steps into consideration.
69                 NOTE: Without including steps, utilization statistics for job
70                 allocation(s) will be reported as zero.
72       -a, --allusers
73                 Displays all users' jobs when run by user root or if Private‐
74                 Data  is  not configured to jobs.  Otherwise display the cur‐
75                 rent user's jobs
77       -x, --associations=<assoc_list>
78                 Displays the statistics only for the jobs running  under  the
79                 association ids specified by the assoc_list operand, which is
80                 a comma-separated list of association ids.  Space  characters
81                 are  not  allowed  in the assoc_list. Default is all associa‐
82                 tions.
84       -B, --batch-script
85                 This option will print the batch script of  job  if  the  job
86                 used one. If the job didn't have a script 'NONE' is output.
87                 NOTE: AccountingStoreFlags=job_script is required for this.
88                 NOTE:  Requesting  specific  job(s) with '-j' is required for
89                 this.
91       -b, --brief
92                 Displays a brief listing consisting of JobID, State, and  Ex‐
93                 itCode.
95       -M, --clusters=<cluster_list>
96                 Displays  the  statistics  only  for  the jobs started on the
97                 clusters specified by the cluster_list operand,  which  is  a
98                 comma-separated  list  of clusters.  Space characters are not
99                 allowed in the cluster_list.  A value of 'all' will query  to
100                 run  on all clusters.  The default is current cluster you are
101                 executing the sacct command on or all clusters in the federa‐
102                 tion  when  executed on a federated cluster.  This option im‐
103                 plicitly sets the --local option.
105       -c, --completion
106                 Use job completion data instead of job accounting.  The  Job‐
107                 CompType  parameter in the slurm.conf file must be defined to
108                 a non-none option.  Does not support federated cluster infor‐
109                 mation (local data only).
111       -C, --constraints=<constraint_list>
112                 Comma  separated  list  to  filter  jobs  based  on what con‐
113                 straints/features the job requested.  Multiple  options  will
114                 be  treated as 'and' not 'or', so the job would need all con‐
115                 straints specified to be returned not one or the other.
117       --delimiter=<characters>
118                 ASCII characters used to separate the fields when  specifying
119                 the  -p  or  -P options. The default delimiter is a '|'. This
120                 option is ignored if -p or -P options are not specified.
122       -D, --duplicates
123                 If Slurm job ids are reset, some job  numbers  will  probably
124                 appear more than once in the accounting log file but refer to
125                 different jobs.  Such jobs can be distinguished by the  "sub‐
126                 mit" time stamp in the data records.
128                 When data for specific jobs are requested with the --jobs op‐
129                 tion, sacct returns the most recent  job  with  that  number.
130                 This  behavior  can be overridden by specifying --duplicates,
131                 in which case all records that match the  selection  criteria
132                 will be returned.
134                 NOTE:  Revoked  federated  sibling jobs are hidden unless the
135                 --duplicates option is specified.
137       -E, --endtime=<end_time>
138                 Select jobs in any  state  before  the  specified  time.   If
139                 states are given with the -s option return jobs in this state
140                 before this period.  See the DEFAULT TIME WINDOW for more de‐
141                 tails.
143                 Valid time formats are:
144                 HH:MM[:SS][AM|PM]
145                 MMDD[YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
146                 MM.DD[.YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
147                 MM/DD[/YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
148                 YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]]
149                 today, midnight, noon, fika (3 PM), teatime (4 PM)
150                 now[{+|-}count[seconds(default)|minutes|hours|days|weeks]]
152       --env-vars
153                 This  option  will  print  the running environment of a batch
154                 job, otherwise 'NONE' is output.
155                 NOTE: AccountingStoreFlags=job_env is required for this.
156                 NOTE: Requesting specific job(s) with '-j'  is  required  for
157                 this.
159       --federation
160                 Show jobs from the federation if a member of one.
162       -f, --file=<file>
163                 Causes the sacct command to read job accounting data from the
164                 named file instead of the current Slurm  job  accounting  log
165                 file.   Only  applicable  when  running  the  jobcomp/filetxt
166                 plugin.
168       -F, --flags=<flag_list>
169                 Comma separated list to filter jobs  based  on  what  various
170                 ways  the  jobs were handled.  Current flags are SchedSubmit,
171                 SchedMain, SchedBackfill.  These particular options  describe
172                 the scheduler that started the job.
174       -o, --format
175                 Comma  separated  list  of  fields. (use "--helpformat" for a
176                 list of available fields).
178                 NOTE: When using the format option for listing various fields
179                 you  can put a %NUMBER afterwards to specify how many charac‐
180                 ters should be printed.
182                 e.g. format=name%30 will print 30 characters  of  field  name
183                 right justified.  A %-30 will print 30 characters left justi‐
184                 fied.
186                 When set, the SACCT_FORMAT environment variable will override
187                 the default format.  For example:
189                 SACCT_FORMAT="jobid,user,account,cluster"
191       -g, --gid=, --group=<gid_or_group_list>
192                 Displays  the  statistics  only for the jobs started with the
193                 GID or the GROUP specified by the gid_list or the  group_list
194                 operand,  which  is a comma-separated list.  Space characters
195                 are not allowed.  Default is no restrictions.
197       -h, --help
198                 Displays a general help message.
200       -e, --helpformat
201                 Print a list of fields that can be specified with the  --for‐
202                 mat option.
204                 Fields available:
206                 Account             AdminComment        AllocCPUS           AllocNodes
207                 AllocTRES           AssocID             AveCPU              AveCPUFreq
208                 AveDiskRead         AveDiskWrite        AvePages            AveRSS
209                 AveVMSize           BlockID             Cluster             Comment
210                 Constraints         Container           ConsumedEnergy      ConsumedEnergyRaw
211                 CPUTime             CPUTimeRAW          DBIndex             DerivedExitCode
212                 Elapsed             ElapsedRaw          Eligible            End
213                 ExitCode            Flags               GID                 Group
214                 JobID               JobIDRaw            JobName             Layout
215                 MaxDiskRead         MaxDiskReadNode     MaxDiskReadTask     MaxDiskWrite
216                 MaxDiskWriteNode    MaxDiskWriteTask    MaxPages            MaxPagesNode
217                 MaxPagesTask        MaxRSS              MaxRSSNode          MaxRSSTask
218                 MaxVMSize           MaxVMSizeNode       MaxVMSizeTask       McsLabel
219                 MinCPU              MinCPUNode          MinCPUTask          NCPUS
220                 NNodes              NodeList            NTasks              Priority
221                 Partition           QOS                 QOSRAW              Reason
222                 ReqCPUFreq          ReqCPUFreqMin       ReqCPUFreqMax       ReqCPUFreqGov
223                 ReqCPUS             ReqMem              ReqNodes            ReqTRES
224                 Reservation         ReservationId       Reserved            ResvCPU
225                 ResvCPURAW          Start               State               Submit
226                 SubmitLine          Suspended           SystemCPU           SystemComment
227                 Timelimit           TimelimitRaw        TotalCPU            TRESUsageInAve
228                 TRESUsageInMax      TRESUsageInMaxNode  TRESUsageInMaxTask  TRESUsageInMin
229                 TRESUsageInMinNode  TRESUsageInMinTask  TRESUsageInTot      TRESUsageOutAve
230                 TRESUsageOutMax     TRESUsageOutMaxNode TRESUsageOutMaxTask TRESUsageOutMin
231                 TRESUsageOutMinNode TRESUsageOutMinTask TRESUsageOutTot     UID
232                 User                UserCPU             WCKey               WCKeyID
233                 WorkDir
235       NOTE:   When  using  with  Ave[RSS|VM]Size  or  their  values  in  TRE‐
236       SUsageIn[Ave|Tot].  They represent the average/total of the highest wa‐
237       termarks  over  all ranks in the step.  When using sstat they represent
238       the average/total at the moment the command was run.
240       NOTE: TRESUsage*Min* values represent the lowest highwater mark in  the
241       step.
243       The section titled "Job Accounting Fields" describes these fields.
245       -j, --jobs=<job[.step]>
246                 Displays  information  about the specified job[.step] or list
247                 of job[.step]s.
249                 The job[.step] parameter is a comma-separated list  of  jobs.
250                 Space characters are not permitted in this list.
251                 NOTE: A step id of 'batch' will display the information about
252                 the batch step.
253                 By default sacct shows only jobs with Eligible time, but with
254                 this option the non-eligible will be also shown.
255                 NOTE:  If  --state is also specified, as non-eligible are not
256                 PD, then non-eligible jobs will not be  displayed.   See  the
257                 DEFAULT TIME WINDOW for details about how this option changes
258                 the default -S and -E options.
260       --json    Dump job information as JSON. All other formatting  arguments
261                 will be ignored.
263       --local   Show  only  jobs local to this cluster. Ignore other clusters
264                 in this federation (if any). Overrides --federation.
266       -l, --long
267                 Equivalent to specifying:
269                 --format=jobid,jodidraw,jobname,partition,maxvmsize,maxvm‐
270                 sizenode, maxvmsizetask,avevm‐
271                 size,maxrss,maxrssnode,maxrsstask,averss,maxpages, max‐
272                 pagesnode,maxpagestask,avepages,mincpu,mincpun‐
273                 ode,mincputask,avecpu,ntasks, alloccpus,elapsed,state,exit‐
274                 code,avecpufreq,reqcpufreqmin,reqcpufreqmax, reqcpufreq‐
275                 gov,reqmem,consumeden‐
276                 ergy,maxdiskread,maxdiskreadnode,maxdiskreadtask,
277                 avediskread,maxdiskwrite,maxdiskwritenode,maxdiskwrite‐
278                 task,avediskwrite, reqtres,alloctres,tresusageinave,tre‐
279                 susageinmax, tresusageinmaxn,tresusageinmaxt,tresusagein‐
280                 min,tresusageinminn,tresusageinmint, tresusageintot,tre‐
281                 susageoutmax,tresusageoutmaxn, tresusageoutmaxt,tresusage‐
282                 outave,tresusageouttot
284       --name=<jobname_list>
285                 Display jobs that have any of these name(s).
287       -i, --nnodes=<min[-max]>
288                 Return jobs that ran on the specified number of nodes.
290       --noconvert
291                 Don't  convert  units  from  their  original type (e.g. 2048M
292                 won't be converted to 2G).
294       -N, --nodelist=<node_list>
295                 Display jobs that ran on any of these node(s). node_list  can
296                 be a ranged string.
298       -n, --noheader
299                 No heading will be added to the output. The default action is
300                 to display a header.
302       -p, --parsable
303                 Output will be '|' delimited with a '|' at the end. See  also
304                 the --delimiter option.
306       -P, --parsable2
307                 Output  will  be  '|' delimited without a '|' at the end. See
308                 also the --delimiter option.
310       -r, --partition
311                 Comma separated list of partitions to  select  jobs  and  job
312                 steps from. The default is all partitions.
314       -q, --qos Only send data about jobs using these qos.  Default is all.
316       -R, --reason=<reason_list>
317                 Comma  separated list to filter jobs based on what reason the
318                 job wasn't scheduled outside resources/priority.
320       -S, --starttime
321                 Select jobs in any state after the specified time. Default is
322                 00:00:00  of the current day, unless the '-s' or '-j' options
323                 are used. If the '-s' option is used,  then  the  default  is
324                 'now'.  If  states  are  given with the '-s' option then only
325                 jobs in this state at this time will be returned. If the '-j'
326                 option  is  used,  then the default time is Unix Epoch 0. See
327                 the DEFAULT TIME WINDOW for more details.
329                 Valid time formats are:
330                 HH:MM[:SS][AM|PM]
331                 MMDD[YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
332                 MM.DD[.YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
333                 MM/DD[/YY][-HH:MM[:SS]]
334                 YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM[:SS]]
335                 today, midnight, noon, fika (3 PM), teatime (4 PM)
336                 now[{+|-}count[seconds(default)|minutes|hours|days|weeks]]
338       -s, --state=<state_list>
339                 Selects jobs based on their  state  during  the  time  period
340                 given.   Unless  otherwise  specified, the start and end time
341                 will be the current time when the --state option is specified
342                 and  only  currently  running jobs can be displayed.  A start
343                 and/or end time must be specified to view  information  about
344                 jobs  not currently running.  See the JOB STATE CODES section
345                 below for a list of state designators.  Multiple state  names
346                 may  be specified using comma separators. Either the short or
347                 long form of the state name may be  used  (e.g.  CA  or  CAN‐
348                 CELLED) and the name is case insensitive (i.e. ca and CA both
349                 work).
351                 NOTE: Note for a job to be selected in the PENDING  state  it
352                 must  have  "EligibleTime"  in the requested time interval or
353                 different from "Unknown". The "EligibleTime" is displayed  by
354                 the  "scontrol show job" command.  For example jobs submitted
355                 with the "--hold" option will have "EligibleTime=Unknown"  as
356                 they are pending indefinitely.
358                 NOTE:  When  specifying states and no start time is given the
359                 default start time is 'now'.  This is only  when  -j  is  not
360                 used.   If -j is used the start time will default to 'Epoch'.
361                 In both cases if no end time is  given  it  will  default  to
362                 'now'. See the DEFAULT TIME WINDOW for more details.
364       -K, --timelimit-max
365                 Ignored  by  itself, but if timelimit_min is set this will be
366                 the maximum timelimit of the range.  Default is  no  restric‐
367                 tion.
369       -k, --timelimit-min
370                 Only  send data about jobs with this timelimit.  If used with
371                 timelimit_max this will  be  the  minimum  timelimit  of  the
372                 range.  Default is no restriction.
374       -T, --truncate
375                 Truncate  time.   So  if a job started before --starttime the
376                 start time would be truncated to --starttime.  The  same  for
377                 end time and --endtime.
379       -u, --uid=, --user=<uid_or_user_list>
380                 Use this comma separated list of UIDs or user names to select
381                 jobs to display.  By default, the running user's UID is used.
383       --units=[KMGTP]
384                 Display values in specified unit type. Takes precedence  over
385                 --noconvert option.
387       --usage   Display a command usage summary.
389       --use-local-uid
390                 When displaying UID, sacct uses the UID stored in Slurm's ac‐
391                 counting database by default. Use this command to make  Slurm
392                 use  a system call to get the UID from the username. This op‐
393                 tion may be useful in an environment with  multiple  clusters
394                 and one database where the UID's aren't the same on all clus‐
395                 ters.
397       -v, --verbose
398                 Primarily for debugging purposes, report the state of various
399                 variables during processing.
401       -V, --version
402                 Print version.
404       -W, --wckeys=<wckey_list>
405                 Displays the statistics only for the jobs started on the wck‐
406                 eys  specified  by  the  wckey_list  operand,  which   is   a
407                 comma-separated  list  of  wckey names.  Space characters are
408                 not allowed in the wckey_list. Default is all wckeys.
410       --whole-hetjob[=yes|no]
411                 When querying and filtering heterogeneous jobs  with  --jobs,
412                 Slurm  will  default  to retrieving information about all the
413                 components of the job if the het_job_id (leader  id)  is  se‐
414                 lected. If a non-leader heterogeneous job component id is se‐
415                 lected then only that component is retrieved by default. This
416                 behavior can be changed by using this option. If set to 'yes'
417                 (or no argument), then information about all  the  components
418                 will  be  retrieved  no matter which component is selected in
419                 the job filter. If set to 'no' then only the selected hetero‐
420                 geneous job component(s) will be retrieved, even when select‐
421                 ing the leader.
423       --yaml    Dump job information as YAML. All other formatting  arguments
424                 will be ignored.
426   Job Accounting Fields
427       Descriptions  of  each  job  accounting field can be found below.  Note
428       that the Ave*, Max* and Min* accounting fields look at the  values  for
429       all  the tasks of each step in a job and return the average, maximum or
430       minimum values for the job step.
432              ALL       Print all fields listed below.
434              AllocCPUs Count of allocated CPUs. Equivalent to NCPUS.
436              AllocNodes
437                        Number of nodes allocated to the job/step.  0  if  the
438                        job is pending.
440              AllocTres Trackable resources. These are the resources allocated
441                        to the job/step after the job  started  running.   For
442                        pending  jobs  this should be blank.  For more details
443                        see AccountingStorageTRES in slurm.conf.
445                        NOTE: When a generic resource is configured  with  the
446                        no_consume flag, the allocation will be printed with a
447                        zero.
449              Account   Account the job ran under.
451              AssocID   Reference to the  association  of  user,  account  and
452                        cluster.
454              AveCPU    Average (system + user) CPU time of all tasks in job.
456              AveCPUFreq
457                        Average weighted CPU frequency of all tasks in job, in
458                        kHz.
460              AveDiskRead
461                        Average number of bytes read by all tasks in job.
463              AveDiskWrite
464                        Average number of bytes written by all tasks in job.
466              AvePages  Average number of page faults of all tasks in job.
468              AveRSS    Average resident set size of all tasks in job.
470              AveVMSize Average Virtual Memory size of all tasks in job.
472              Cluster   Cluster name.
474              Comment   The job's comment string when the AccountingStoreFlags
475                        parameter  in  the  slurm.conf file contains 'job_com‐
476                        ment'.  The Comment string can be modified by invoking
477                        sacctmgr  modify  job  or  the specialized sjobexitmod
478                        command.
480              ConsumedEnergy
481                        Total energy consumed by all tasks in job, in  joules.
482                        Note:  Only  in  case of exclusive job allocation this
483                        value reflects the jobs' real energy consumption.
485              Container Path to OCI Container Bundle requested.
487              CPUTime   Time used (Elapsed time * CPU count) by a job or  step
488                        in HH:MM:SS format.
490              CPUTimeRAW
491                        Time  used (Elapsed time * CPU count) by a job or step
492                        in cpu-seconds.
494              DerivedExitCode
495                        The highest exit code returned by the job's job  steps
496                        (srun invocations).  Following the colon is the signal
497                        that caused the process to terminate if it was  termi‐
498                        nated  by  a signal.  The DerivedExitCode can be modi‐
499                        fied by invoking sacctmgr modify job or  the  special‐
500                        ized sjobexitmod command.
502              Elapsed   The job's elapsed time.
504                        The format of this field's output is as follows:
506                        [DD-[HH:]]MM:SS
508                        as defined by the following:
510                        DD        days
512                        hh        hours
514                        mm        minutes
516                        ss        seconds
518              Eligible  When  the job became eligible to run. In the same for‐
519                        mat as End.
521              End       Termination time of the job. The output is of the for‐
522                        mat  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS,  unless  changed through the
523                        SLURM_TIME_FORMAT environment variable.
525              ExitCode  The exit code returned by the job  script  or  salloc,
526                        typically  as  set  by the exit() function.  Following
527                        the colon is the signal that  caused  the  process  to
528                        terminate if it was terminated by a signal.
530              GID       The group identifier of the user who ran the job.
532              Group     The group name of the user who ran the job.
534              JobID     The identification number of the job or job step.
536                        Regular jobs are in the form:
538                        JobID[.JobStep]
540                        Array jobs are in the form:
542                        ArrayJobID_ArrayTaskID
544                        Heterogeneous jobs are in the form:
546                        HetJobID+HetJobOffset
548                        When  printing  job arrays, performance of the command
549                        can be measurably improved for systems with large num‐
550                        bers of jobs when a single job ID is specified. By de‐
551                        fault, this field size will be limited  to  64  bytes.
552                        Use the environment variable SLURM_BITSTR_LEN to spec‐
553                        ify larger field sizes.
555              JobIDRaw  The identification number of  the  job  or  job  step.
556                        Prints the JobID in the form JobID[.JobStep] for regu‐
557                        lar, heterogeneous and array jobs.
559              JobName   The name of the job or job  step.  The  slurm_account‐
560                        ing.log  file  is  a  space delimited file. Because of
561                        this if a space is used in the jobname  an  underscore
562                        is  substituted  for  the  space  before the record is
563                        written to the accounting file. So when the jobname is
564                        displayed  by sacct the jobname that had a space in it
565                        will now have an underscore in place of the space.
567              Layout    What the layout of a step was  when  it  was  running.
568                        This can be used to give you an idea of which node ran
569                        which rank in your job.
571              MaxDiskRead
572                        Maximum number of bytes read by all tasks in job.
574              MaxDiskReadNode
575                        The node on which the maxdiskread occurred.
577              MaxDiskReadTask
578                        The task ID where the maxdiskread occurred.
580              MaxDiskWrite
581                        Maximum number of bytes written by all tasks in job.
583              MaxDiskWriteNode
584                        The node on which the maxdiskwrite occurred.
586              MaxDiskWriteTask
587                        The task ID where the maxdiskwrite occurred.
589              MaxPages  Maximum number of page faults of all tasks in job.
591              MaxPagesNode
592                        The node on which the maxpages occurred.
594              MaxPagesTask
595                        The task ID where the maxpages occurred.
597              MaxRSS    Maximum resident set size of all tasks in job.
599              MaxRSSNode
600                        The node on which the maxrss occurred.
602              MaxRSSTask
603                        The task ID where the maxrss occurred.
605              MaxVMSize Maximum Virtual Memory size of all tasks in job.
607              MaxVMSizeNode
608                        The node on which the maxvmsize occurred.
610              MaxVMSizeTask
611                        The task ID where the maxvmsize occurred.
613              MinCPU    Minimum (system + user) CPU time of all tasks in job.
615              MinCPUNode
616                        The node on which the mincpu occurred.
618              MinCPUTask
619                        The task ID where the mincpu occurred.
621              NCPUS     Total number of CPUs allocated to the job.  Equivalent
622                        to AllocCPUS.
624              NodeList  List of nodes in job/step.
626              NNodes    Number  of nodes in a job or step.  If the job is run‐
627                        ning, or ran, this count will be the number allocated,
628                        else the number will be the number requested.
630              NTasks    Total number of tasks in a job or step.
632              Priority  Slurm priority.
634              Partition Identifies the partition on which the job ran.
636              QOS       Name of Quality of Service.
638              QOSRAW    Numeric id of Quality of Service.
640              ReqCPUFreq
641                        Requested  CPU  frequency for the step, in kHz.  Note:
642                        This value applies only to a job step. No value is re‐
643                        ported for the job.
645              ReqCPUFreqGov
646                        Requested CPU frequency governor for the step, in kHz.
647                        Note: This value applies only to a job step. No  value
648                        is reported for the job.
650              ReqCPUFreqMax
651                        Maximum  requested CPU frequency for the step, in kHz.
652                        Note: This value applies only to a job step. No  value
653                        is reported for the job.
655              ReqCPUFreqMin
656                        Minimum  requested CPU frequency for the step, in kHz.
657                        Note: This value applies only to a job step. No  value
658                        is reported for the job.
660              ReqCPUS   Number of requested CPUs.
662              ReqMem    Minimum  required  memory  for  the job. It may have a
663                        letter  appended  to  it  indicating  units   (M   for
664                        megabytes,  G  for gigabytes, etc.).  Note: This value
665                        is only from the job allocation, not the step.
667              ReqNodes  Requested minimum Node count for the job/step.
669              ReqTres   Trackable resources. These are  the  minimum  resource
670                        counts  requested  by the job/step at submission time.
671                        For  more   details   see   AccountingStorageTRES   in
672                        slurm.conf.
674              Reservation
675                        Reservation Name.
677              ReservationId
678                        Reservation Id.
680              Reserved  How much wall clock time was used as reserved time for
681                        this job.  This is derived from how  long  a  job  was
682                        waiting   from  eligible  time  to  when  it  actually
683                        started.  Format is the same as Elapsed.
685              ResvCPU   How many CPU seconds were used as  reserved  time  for
686                        this job.  Format is the same as Elapsed.
688              ResvCPURAW
689                        How  many  CPU  seconds were used as reserved time for
690                        this job.  Format is in processor seconds.
692              Start     Initiation time of the job. In the same format as End.
694              State     Displays the job status, or state.  See the JOB  STATE
695                        CODES section below for a list of possible states.
697                        If more information is available on the job state than
698                        will fit into the current field  width  (for  example,
699                        the  UID  that CANCELLED a job) the state will be fol‐
700                        lowed by a "+".  You can increase the size of the dis‐
701                        played  state  using the "%NUMBER" format modifier de‐
702                        scribed earlier.
704                        NOTE: The RUNNING state will return suspended jobs  as
705                        well.   In  order to print suspended jobs you must re‐
706                        quest SUSPENDED at a different call from RUNNING.
708                        NOTE: The RUNNING state will return any jobs completed
709                        (cancelled  or otherwise) in the time period requested
710                        as the job was also RUNNING during that time.  If  you
711                        are only looking for jobs that finished, please choose
712                        the appropriate state(s) without the RUNNING state.
714              Submit    The time the job was submitted. In the same format  as
715                        End.
717                        NOTE:  If a job is requeued, the submit time is reset.
718                        To obtain the original submit time it is necessary  to
719                        use the -D or --duplicate option to display all dupli‐
720                        cate entries for a job.
722              SubmitLine
723                        The full command issued to submit the job.
725              Suspended The amount of time a job or job  step  was  suspended.
726                        Format is the same as Elapsed.
728              SystemCPU The  amount  of system CPU time used by the job or job
729                        step. Format is the same as Elapsed.
731                        NOTE: SystemCPU provides a measure of the task's  par‐
732                        ent  process  and  does  not include CPU time of child
733                        processes.
735              Timelimit What the timelimit was/is for the job. Format  is  the
736                        same as Elapsed.
738              TimelimitRaw
739                        What  the  timelimit  was/is for the job. Format is in
740                        number of minutes.
742              TotalCPU  The sum of the SystemCPU and UserCPU time used by  the
743                        job  or  job  step.  The total CPU time of the job may
744                        exceed the job's elapsed time for  jobs  that  include
745                        multiple job steps. Format is the same as Elapsed.
747                        NOTE: TotalCPU provides a measure of the task's parent
748                        process and does not include CPU time  of  child  pro‐
749                        cesses.
751              TresUsageInAve
752                        Tres  average  usage in by all tasks in job.  NOTE: If
753                        corresponding TresUsageInMaxTask is -1 the  metric  is
754                        node centric instead of task.
756              TresUsageInMax
757                        Tres  maximum  usage in by all tasks in job.  NOTE: If
758                        corresponding TresUsageInMaxTask is -1 the  metric  is
759                        node centric instead of task.
761              TresUsageInMaxNode
762                        Node for which each maximum TRES usage out occurred.
764              TresUsageInMaxTask
765                        Task for which each maximum TRES usage out occurred.
767              TresUsageInMin
768                        Tres  minimum  usage in by all tasks in job.  NOTE: If
769                        corresponding TresUsageInMinTask is -1 the  metric  is
770                        node centric instead of task.
772              TresUsageInMinNode
773                        Node for which each minimum TRES usage out occurred.
775              TresUsageInMinTask
776                        Task for which each minimum TRES usage out occurred.
778              TresUsageInTot
779                        Tres total usage in by all tasks in job.
781              TresUsageOutAve
782                        Tres  average usage out by all tasks in job.  NOTE: If
783                        corresponding TresUsageOutMaxTask is -1 the metric  is
784                        node centric instead of task.
786              TresUsageOutMax
787                        Tres  maximum usage out by all tasks in job.  NOTE: If
788                        corresponding TresUsageOutMaxTask is -1 the metric  is
789                        node centric instead of task.
791              TresUsageOutMaxNode
792                        Node for which each maximum TRES usage out occurred.
794              TresUsageOutMaxTask
795                        Task for which each maximum TRES usage out occurred.
797              TresUsageOutTot
798                        Tres total usage out by all tasks in job.
800              UID       The user identifier of the user who ran the job.
802              User      The user name of the user who ran the job.
804              UserCPU   The  amount  of  user  CPU time used by the job or job
805                        step. Format is the same as Elapsed.
807                        NOTE: UserCPU provides a measure of the task's  parent
808                        process  and  does  not include CPU time of child pro‐
809                        cesses.
811              WCKey     Workload  Characterization  Key.    Arbitrary   string
812                        for grouping orthogonal accounts together.
814              WCKeyID   Reference to the wckey.


817       BF  BOOT_FAIL       Job terminated due to launch failure, typically due
818                           to a hardware failure (e.g. unable to boot the node
819                           or block and the job can not be requeued).
821       CA  CANCELLED       Job  was explicitly cancelled by the user or system
822                           administrator.  The job may or may  not  have  been
823                           initiated.
825       CD  COMPLETED       Job  has terminated all processes on all nodes with
826                           an exit code of zero.
828       DL  DEADLINE        Job terminated on deadline.
830       F   FAILED          Job terminated with non-zero  exit  code  or  other
831                           failure condition.
833       NF  NODE_FAIL       Job  terminated due to failure of one or more allo‐
834                           cated nodes.
836       OOM OUT_OF_MEMORY   Job experienced out of memory error.
838       PD  PENDING         Job is awaiting resource allocation.
840       PR  PREEMPTED       Job terminated due to preemption.
842       R   RUNNING         Job currently has an allocation.
844       RQ  REQUEUED        Job was requeued.
846       RS  RESIZING        Job is about to change size.
848       RV  REVOKED         Sibling was removed from cluster due to other clus‐
849                           ter starting the job.
851       S   SUSPENDED       Job  has an allocation, but execution has been sus‐
852                           pended and CPUs have been released for other jobs.
854       TO  TIMEOUT         Job terminated upon reaching its time limit.


857       The options --starttime and --endtime define the  time  window  between
858       which  sacct  is  going to search. For historical and practical reasons
859       their default values (i.e. the default time window)  depends  on  other
860       options: --jobs and --state.
862       Depending on if --jobs and/or --state are specified, the default values
863       of --starttime  and --endtime options are:
866       WITHOUT EITHER --jobs NOR --state specified:
867       --starttime defaults to Midnight.
868       --endtime defaults to Now.
871       WITH --jobs AND WITHOUT --state specified:
872       --starttime defaults to Epoch 0.
873       --endtime defaults to Now.
876       WITHOUT --jobs AND WITH --state specified:
877       --starttime defaults to Now.
878       --endtime defaults to --starttime and to  Now  if  --starttime  is  not
879       specified.
882       WITH BOTH --jobs AND --state specified:
883       --starttime defaults to Epoch 0.
884       --endtime defaults to --starttime or to Now if --starttime is not spec‐
885       ified.
888       NOTE: With -v/--verbose a message about the actual time window  in  use
889       is shown.


893       Executing  sacct  sends  a remote procedure call to slurmdbd. If enough
894       calls from sacct or other Slurm client commands that send remote proce‐
895       dure  calls  to the slurmdbd daemon come in at once, it can result in a
896       degradation of performance of the slurmdbd daemon,  possibly  resulting
897       in a denial of service.
899       Do not run sacct or other Slurm client commands that send remote proce‐
900       dure calls to slurmdbd from loops in shell scripts or  other  programs.
901       Ensure  that programs limit calls to sacct to the minimum necessary for
902       the information you are trying to gather.


906       Some sacct options may be set via environment variables. These environ‐
907       ment  variables, along with their corresponding options, are listed be‐
908       low. (Note: Command line options will always override these settings.)
911       SACCT_FEDERATION    Same as --federation
913       SACCT_LOCAL         Same as --local
915       SLURM_BITSTR_LEN    Specifies the string length to be used for  holding
916                           a job array's task ID expression. The default value
917                           is 64 bytes. A value of 0 will print the  full  ex‐
918                           pression  with  any  length required. Larger values
919                           may adversely impact the application performance.
921       SLURM_CONF          The location of the Slurm configuration file.
923       SLURM_TIME_FORMAT   Specify the format used to report  time  stamps.  A
924                           value  of  standard,  the  default value, generates
925                           output            in            the            form
926                           "year-month-dateThour:minute:second".   A  value of
927                           relative returns only "hour:minute:second"  if  the
928                           current  day.   For other dates in the current year
929                           it prints the "hour:minute"  preceded  by  "Tomorr"
930                           (tomorrow),  "Ystday"  (yesterday), the name of the
931                           day for the coming week (e.g. "Mon", "Tue",  etc.),
932                           otherwise  the  date  (e.g.  "25  Apr").  For other
933                           years it returns a date month and  year  without  a
934                           time  (e.g.   "6 Jun 2012"). All of the time stamps
935                           use a 24 hour format.
937                           A valid strftime() format can  also  be  specified.
938                           For example, a value of "%a %T" will report the day
939                           of the week and a time stamp (e.g. "Mon 12:34:56").


942       This example illustrates the default invocation of the sacct command:
944              # sacct
945              Jobid      Jobname    Partition    Account AllocCPUS State     ExitCode
946              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
947              2          script01   srun       acct1               1 RUNNING           0
948              3          script02   srun       acct1               1 RUNNING           0
949              4          endscript  srun       acct1               1 RUNNING           0
950              4.0                   srun       acct1               1 COMPLETED         0
953       This example shows the same job accounting information with  the  brief
954       option.
956              # sacct --brief
957                   Jobid     State  ExitCode
958              ---------- ---------- --------
959              2          RUNNING           0
960              3          RUNNING           0
961              4          RUNNING           0
962              4.0        COMPLETED         0
964              # sacct --allocations
965              Jobid      Jobname    Partition Account    AllocCPUS  State     ExitCode
966              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ---------- --------
967              3          sja_init   andy       acct1            1 COMPLETED         0
968              4          sjaload    andy       acct1            2 COMPLETED         0
969              5          sja_scr1   andy       acct1            1 COMPLETED         0
970              6          sja_scr2   andy       acct1           18 COMPLETED         2
971              7          sja_scr3   andy       acct1           18 COMPLETED         0
972              8          sja_scr5   andy       acct1            2 COMPLETED         0
973              9          sja_scr7   andy       acct1           90 COMPLETED         1
974              10         endscript  andy       acct1          186 COMPLETED         0
977       This  example  demonstrates  the ability to customize the output of the
978       sacct command.  The fields are displayed in the order designated on the
979       command line.
981              # sacct --format=jobid,elapsed,ncpus,ntasks,state
982                   Jobid    Elapsed      Ncpus   Ntasks     State
983              ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------
984              3            00:01:30          2        1 COMPLETED
985              3.0          00:01:30          2        1 COMPLETED
986              4            00:00:00          2        2 COMPLETED
987              4.0          00:00:01          2        2 COMPLETED
988              5            00:01:23          2        1 COMPLETED
989              5.0          00:01:31          2        1 COMPLETED
992       This  example  demonstrates  the use of the -T (--truncate) option when
993       used with -S (--starttime) and -E (--endtime). When the  -T  option  is
994       used,  the  start time of the job will be the specified -S value if the
995       job was started before the specified time, otherwise the time  will  be
996       the  job's  start time. The end time will be the specified -E option if
997       the job ends after the specified time, otherwise it will  be  the  jobs
998       end time.
1000       Without -T (normal operation) sacct output would be like this.
1002              # sacct -S2014-07-03-11:40 -E2014-07-03-12:00 -X -ojobid,start,end,state
1003                  JobID                 Start                  End        State
1004              --------- --------------------- -------------------- ------------
1005              2         2014-07-03T11:33:16   2014-07-03T11:59:01   COMPLETED
1006              3         2014-07-03T11:35:21   Unknown               RUNNING
1007              4         2014-07-03T11:35:21   2014-07-03T11:45:21   COMPLETED
1008              5         2014-07-03T11:41:01   Unknown               RUNNING
1010       By  adding the -T option the job's start and end times are truncated to
1011       reflect only the time requested.  If a job started after the start time
1012       requested or finished before the end time requested those times are not
1013       altered.  The -T option is useful when determining exact run times dur‐
1014       ing any given period.
1016              # sacct -T -S2014-07-03-11:40 -E2014-07-03-12:00 -X -ojobid,jobname,user,start,end,state
1017                  JobID                 Start                  End        State
1018              --------- --------------------- -------------------- ------------
1019              2         2014-07-03T11:40:00   2014-07-03T11:59:01   COMPLETED
1020              3         2014-07-03T11:40:00   2014-07-03T12:00:00   RUNNING
1021              4         2014-07-03T11:40:00   2014-07-03T11:45:21   COMPLETED
1022              5         2014-07-03T11:41:01   2014-07-03T12:00:00   RUNNING
1025       NOTE:  If  no  -s (--state) option is given sacct will display eligible
1026       jobs during the specified period of time, otherwise it will return jobs
1027       that were in the state requested during that period of time.
1029       This  example demonstrates the differences running sacct with and with‐
1030       out the --state flag for the same time period. Without the --state  op‐
1031       tion, all eligible jobs in that time period are shown.
1033              # sacct -S11:20:00 -E11:25:00 -X -ojobid,start,end,state
1034                     JobID               Start                 End      State
1035              ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ----------
1036              2955                    11:15:12            11:20:12  COMPLETED
1037              2956                    11:20:13            11:25:13  COMPLETED
1039       With the --state=pending option, only job 2956 will be shown because it
1040       had a dependency on 2955 and was still PENDING from 11:20:00  until  it
1041       started  at  11:21:13. Note that even though we requested PENDING jobs,
1042       the State shows as COMPLETED because that is the current State  of  the
1043       job.
1045              # sacct --state=pending -S11:20:00 -E11:25:00 -X -ojobid,start,end,state
1046                     JobID               Start                 End      State
1047              ------------ ------------------- ------------------- ----------
1048              2956                    11:20:13            11:25:13  COMPLETED


1052       Copyright  (C)  2005-2007 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company
1053       L.P.
1054       Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Lawrence Livermore National Security.  Produced
1055       at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
1056       Copyright (C) 2010-2022 SchedMD LLC.
1058       This  file  is  part  of Slurm, a resource management program.  For de‐
1059       tails, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
1061       Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it  under
1062       the  terms  of  the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
1063       Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at  your  op‐
1064       tion) any later version.
1066       Slurm  is  distributed  in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
1067       ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY  or
1068       FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
1069       for more details.


1073       /etc/slurm.conf
1074                 Entries to this file enable job accounting and designate  the
1075                 job accounting log file that collects system job accounting.
1077       /var/log/slurm_accounting.log
1078                 The  default  job accounting log file.  By default, this file
1079                 is set to read and write permission for root only.


1083       sstat(1), ps (1), srun(1), squeue(1), getrusage (2), time (2)
1087February 2022                   Slurm Commands                        sacct(1)