1XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3) XKB FUNCTIONS XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3)
6 XkbGetStickyKeysOptions - Queries the current StickyKeys attributes for
7 a keyboard device
10 Bool XkbGetStickyKeysOptions (Display *display, unsigned int de‐
11 vice_spec, unsigned int *options_rtrn);
14 - display
15 connection to X server
17 - device_spec
18 device ID, or XkbUseCoreKbd
20 - options_rtrn
21 backfilled with StickyKeys option mask
24 The StickyKeys control has two options that can be accessed via the
25 ax_options of an XkbControlsRec structure. The first option, TwoKeys,
26 specifies whether StickyKeys should automatically turn off when two
27 keys are pressed at the same time. This feature is useful for shared
28 computers so people who do not want them do not need to turn StickyKeys
29 off if a previous user left StickyKeys on. The second option, Latch‐
30 ToLock, specifies whether or not StickyKeys locks a modifier when
31 pressed twice in a row.
33 XkbGetStickyKeysOptions requests the attributes of the StickyKeys con‐
34 trol from the server, waits for a reply, and backfills options_rtrn
35 with a mask indicating whether the individual StickyKeys options are on
36 or off. Valid bits in options_rtrn are:
38 XkbAX_TwoKeysMask
39 XkbAX_LatchToLockMask
41 XkbGetStickyKeysOptions returns True if successful; if a compatible
42 version of the Xkb extension is not available in the server XkbGet‐
43 StickyKeysOptions returns False.
46 True The XkbGetStickyKeysOptions function returns True if the
47 request for the attributes of the StickyKeys control
48 from the server was successful.
50 False The XkbGetStickyKeysOptions function returns False if a
51 compatible version of the Xkb extension is not available
52 in the server.
55 The XkbControlsRec structure is defined as follows:
57 #define XkbMaxLegalKeyCode 255
58 #define XkbPerKeyBitArraySize ((XkbMaxLegalKeyCode+1)/8)
60 typedef struct {
61 unsigned char mk_dflt_btn; /* default button for keyboard driven mouse */
62 unsigned char num_groups; /* number of keyboard groups */
63 unsigned char groups_wrap; /* how to wrap out-of-bounds groups */
64 XkbModsRec internal; /* defines server internal modifiers */
65 XkbModsRec ignore_lock; /* modifiers to ignore when checking for grab */
66 unsigned int enabled_ctrls; /* 1 bit => corresponding boolean control enabled */
67 unsigned short repeat_delay; /* ms delay until first repeat */
68 unsigned short repeat_interval; /* ms delay between repeats */
69 unsigned short slow_keys_delay; /* ms minimum time key must be down to be ok */
70 unsigned short debounce_delay; /* ms delay before key reactivated */
71 unsigned short mk_delay; /* ms delay to second mouse motion event */
72 unsigned short mk_interval; /* ms delay between repeat mouse events */
73 unsigned short mk_time_to_max; /* # intervals until constant mouse move */
74 unsigned short mk_max_speed; /* multiplier for maximum mouse speed */
75 short mk_curve; /* determines mouse move curve type */
76 unsigned short ax_options; /* 1 bit => Access X option enabled */
77 unsigned short ax_timeout; /* seconds until Access X disabled */
78 unsigned short axt_opts_mask; /* 1 bit => options to reset on Access X timeout */
79 unsigned short axt_opts_values; /* 1 bit => turn option on, 0=> off */
80 unsigned int axt_ctrls_mask; /* which bits in enabled_ctrls to modify */
81 unsigned int axt_ctrls_values; /* values for new bits in enabled_ctrls */
82 unsigned char per_key_repeat[XkbPerKeyBitArraySize]; /* per key auto repeat */
83 } XkbControlsRec, *XkbControlsPtr;
87X Version 11 libX11 XkbGetStickyKeysOptions(3)