1Cairo(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Cairo(3)
6 Cairo - Perl interface to the cairo 2d vector graphics library
9 use Cairo;
11 my $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create ('argb32', 100, 100);
12 my $cr = Cairo::Context->create ($surface);
14 $cr->rectangle (10, 10, 40, 40);
15 $cr->set_source_rgb (0, 0, 0);
16 $cr->fill;
18 $cr->rectangle (50, 50, 40, 40);
19 $cr->set_source_rgb (1, 1, 1);
20 $cr->fill;
22 $cr->show_page;
24 $surface->write_to_png ('output.png');
27 Cairo provides Perl bindings for the vector graphics library cairo. It
28 supports multiple output targets, including PNG, PDF and SVG. Cairo
29 produces identical output on all those targets.
32 This is a listing of the API Cairo provides. For more verbose
33 information, refer to the cairo manual at
34 <http://cairographics.org/manual/>.
36 Drawing
37 Cairo::Context -- The cairo drawing context
39 Cairo::Context is the main object used when drawing with Cairo. To draw
40 with Cairo, you create a Cairo::Context, set the target surface, and
41 drawing options for the Cairo::Context, create shapes with methods like
42 "$cr->move_to" and "$cr->line_to", and then draw shapes with
43 "$cr->stroke" or "$cr->fill".
45 Cairo::Context's can be pushed to a stack via "$cr->save". They may
46 then safely be changed, without loosing the current state. Use
47 "$cr->restore" to restore to the saved state.
49 $cr = Cairo::Context->create ($surface)
50 $surface: Cairo::Surface
51 $cr->save
52 $cr->restore
53 $status = $cr->status
54 $surface = $cr->get_target
55 $cr->push_group [1.2]
56 $cr->push_group_with_content ($content) [1.2]
57 $content: Cairo::Content
58 $pattern = $cr->pop_group [1.2]
59 $cr->pop_group_to_source [1.2]
60 $surface = $cr->get_group_target [1.2]
61 $cr->set_source_rgb ($red, $green, $blue)
62 $red: double
63 $green: double
64 $blue: double
65 $cr->set_source_rgba ($red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
66 $red: double
67 $green: double
68 $blue: double
69 $alpha: double
70 $cr->set_source ($source)
71 $source: Cairo::Pattern
72 $cr->set_source_surface ($surface, $x, $y)
73 $surface: Cairo::Surface
74 $x: double
75 $y: double
76 $source = $cr->get_source
77 $cr->set_antialias ($antialias)
78 $antialias: Cairo::Antialias
79 $antialias = $cr->get_antialias
80 $cr->set_dash ($offset, ...)
81 $offset: double
82 ...: list of doubles
83 $cr->set_fill_rule ($fill_rule)
84 $fill_rule: Cairo::FillRule
85 $fill_rule = $cr->get_fill_rule
86 $cr->set_line_cap ($line_cap)
87 $line_cap: Cairo::LineCap
88 $line_cap = $cr->get_line_cap
89 $cr->set_line_join ($line_join)
90 $line_join: Cairo::LineJoin
91 $line_join = $cr->get_line_join
92 $cr->set_line_width ($width)
93 $width: double
94 $width = $cr->get_line_width
95 $cr->set_miter_limit ($limit)
96 $limit: double
97 ($offset, @dashes) = $cr->get_dash [1.4]
98 $limit = $cr->get_miter_limit
99 $cr->set_operator ($op)
100 $op: Cairo::Operator
101 $op = $cr->get_operator
102 $cr->set_tolerance ($tolerance)
103 $tolerance: double
104 $tolerance = $cr->get_tolerance
105 $cr->clip
106 $cr->clip_preserve
107 ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $cr->clip_extents [1.4]
108 $bool = $cr->in_clip ($x, $y) [1.10]
109 $x: double
110 $y: double
111 @rectangles = $cr->copy_clip_rectangle_list [1.4]
112 $cr->reset_clip
113 $cr->fill
114 $cr->fill_preserve
115 ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $cr->fill_extents
116 $bool = $cr->in_fill ($x, $y)
117 $x: double
118 $y: double
119 $cr->mask ($pattern)
120 $pattern: Cairo::Pattern
121 $cr->mask_surface ($surface, $surface_x, $surface_y)
122 $surface: Cairo::Surface
123 $surface_x: double
124 $surface_y: double
125 $cr->paint
126 $cr->paint_with_alpha ($alpha)
127 $alpha: double
128 $cr->stroke
129 $cr->stroke_preserve
130 ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $cr->stroke_extents
131 $bool = $cr->in_stroke ($x, $y)
132 $x: double
133 $y: double
134 $cr->tag_begin($name, $atts) [1.16]
135 $name: string
136 $atts: string
137 $cr->tag_end($name) [1.16]
138 $name: string
139 Predefined names:
140 Cairo::TAG_DEST [1.16]
141 Cairo::TAG_LINK [1.16]
142 $cr->copy_page
143 $cr->show_page
145 Paths -- Creating paths and manipulating path data
147 $path = [
148 { type => "move-to", points => [[1, 2]] },
149 { type => "line-to", points => [[3, 4]] },
150 { type => "curve-to", points => [[5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10]] },
151 ...
152 { type => "close-path", points => [] },
153 ];
155 Cairo::Path is a data structure for holding a path. This data structure
156 serves as the return value for "$cr->copy_path" and
157 "$cr->copy_path_flat" as well the input value for "$cr->append_path".
159 Cairo::Path is represented as an array reference that contains path
160 elements, represented by hash references with two keys: type and
161 points. The value for type can be either of the following:
163 "move-to"
164 "line-to"
165 "curve-to"
166 "close-path"
168 The value for points is an array reference which contains zero or more
169 points. Points are represented as array references that contain two
170 doubles: x and y. The necessary number of points depends on the type
171 of the path element:
173 "move-to": 1 point
174 "line_to": 1 point
175 "curve-to": 3 points
176 "close-path": 0 points
178 The semantics and ordering of the coordinate values are consistent with
179 "$cr->move_to", "$cr->line_to", "$cr->curve_to", and "$cr->close_path".
181 Note that the paths returned by Cairo are implemented as tied array
182 references which do not support adding, removing or shuffling of path
183 segments. For these operations, you need to make a shallow copy first:
185 my @path_clone = @{$path};
186 # now you can alter @path_clone which ever way you want
188 The points of a single path element can be changed directly, however,
189 without the need for a shallow copy:
191 $path->[$i]{points} = [[3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]];
193 $path = $cr->copy_path
194 $path = $cr->copy_path_flat
195 $cr->append_path ($path)
196 $path: Cairo::Path
197 $bool = $cr->has_current_point [1.6]
198 ($x, $y) = $cr->get_current_point
199 $cr->new_path
200 $cr->new_sub_path [1.2]
201 $cr->close_path
202 ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = $cr->path_extents [1.6]
203 $cr->arc ($xc, $yc, $radius, $angle1, $angle2)
204 $xc: double
205 $yc: double
206 $radius: double
207 $angle1: double
208 $angle2: double
209 $cr->arc_negative ($xc, $yc, $radius, $angle1, $angle2)
210 $xc: double
211 $yc: double
212 $radius: double
213 $angle1: double
214 $angle2: double
215 $cr->curve_to ($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
216 $x1: double
217 $y1: double
218 $x2: double
219 $y2: double
220 $x3: double
221 $y3: double
222 $cr->line_to ($x, $y)
223 $x: double
224 $y: double
225 $cr->move_to ($x, $y)
226 $x: double
227 $y: double
228 $cr->rectangle ($x, $y, $width, $height)
229 $x: double
230 $y: double
231 $width: double
232 $height: double
233 $cr->glyph_path (...)
234 ...: list of Cairo::Glyph's
235 $cr->text_path ($utf8)
236 $utf8: string in utf8 encoding
237 $cr->rel_curve_to ($dx1, $dy1, $dx2, $dy2, $dx3, $dy3)
238 $dx1: double
239 $dy1: double
240 $dx2: double
241 $dy2: double
242 $dx3: double
243 $dy3: double
244 $cr->rel_line_to ($dx, $dy)
245 $dx: double
246 $dy: double
247 $cr->rel_move_to ($dx, $dy)
248 $dx: double
249 $dy: double
251 Patterns -- Gradients and filtered sources
253 $status = $pattern->status
254 $type = $pattern->get_type [1.2]
255 $pattern->set_extend ($extend)
256 $extend: Cairo::Extend
257 $extend = $pattern->get_extend
258 $pattern->set_filter ($filter)
259 $filter: Cairo::Filter
260 $filter = $pattern->get_filter
261 $pattern->set_matrix ($matrix)
262 $matrix: Cairo::Matrix
263 $matrix = $pattern->get_matrix
264 $pattern = Cairo::SolidPattern->create_rgb ($red, $green, $blue)
265 $red: double
266 $green: double
267 $blue: double
268 $pattern = Cairo::SolidPattern->create_rgba ($red, $green, $blue,
269 $alpha)
270 $red: double
271 $green: double
272 $blue: double
273 $alpha: double
274 ($r, $g, $b, $a) = $pattern->get_rgba [1.4]
275 $pattern = Cairo::SurfacePattern->create ($surface)
276 $surface: Cairo::Surface
277 $surface = $pattern->get_surface [1.4]
278 $pattern = Cairo::LinearGradient->create ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1)
279 $x0: double
280 $y0: double
281 $x1: double
282 $y1: double
283 ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $pattern->get_points [1.4]
284 $pattern = Cairo::RadialGradient->create ($cx0, $cy0, $radius0, $cx1,
285 $cy1, $radius1)
286 $cx0: double
287 $cy0: double
288 $radius0: double
289 $cx1: double
290 $cy1: double
291 $radius1: double
292 ($x0, $y0, $r0, $x1, $y1, $r1) = $pattern->get_circles [1.4]
293 $pattern->add_color_stop_rgb ($offset, $red, $green, $blue)
294 $offset: double
295 $red: double
296 $green: double
297 $blue: double
298 $pattern->add_color_stop_rgba ($offset, $red, $green, $blue, $alpha)
299 $offset: double
300 $red: double
301 $green: double
302 $blue: double
303 $alpha: double
304 @stops = $pattern->get_color_stops [1.4]
305 A color stop is represented as an array reference with five
306 elements: offset, red, green, blue, and alpha.
308 Regions -- Representing a pixel-aligned area
310 $region = Cairo::Region->create (...) [1.10]
311 ...: zero or more Cairo::RectangleInt
312 $status = $region->status [1.10]
313 $num = $region->num_rectangles [1.10]
314 $rect = $region->get_rectangle ($i) [1.10]
315 $i: integer
316 $bool = $region->is_empty [1.10]
317 $bool = $region->contains_point ($x, $y) [1.10]
318 $x: integer
319 $y: integer
320 $bool = $region_one->equal ($region_two) [1.10]
321 $region_two: Cairo::Region
322 $region->translate ($dx, $dy) [1.10]
323 $dx: integer
324 $dy: integer
325 $status = $dst->intersect ($other) [1.10]
326 $status = $dst->intersect_rectangle ($rect) [1.10]
327 $status = $dst->subtract ($other) [1.10]
328 $status = $dst->subtract_rectangle ($rect) [1.10]
329 $status = $dst->union ($other) [1.10]
330 $status = $dst->union_rectangle ($rect) [1.10]
331 $status = $dst->xor ($other) [1.10]
332 $status = $dst->xor_rectangle ($rect) [1.10]
333 $other: Cairo::Region
334 $rect: Cairo::RectangleInt
336 Transformations -- Manipulating the current transformation matrix
338 $cr->translate ($tx, $ty)
339 $tx: double
340 $ty: double
341 $cr->scale ($sx, $sy)
342 $sx: double
343 $sy: double
344 $cr->rotate ($angle)
345 $angle: double
346 $cr->transform ($matrix)
347 $matrix: Cairo::Matrix
348 $cr->set_matrix ($matrix)
349 $matrix: Cairo::Matrix
350 $matrix = $cr->get_matrix
351 $cr->identity_matrix
352 ($x, $y) = $cr->user_to_device ($x, $y)
353 $x: double
354 $y: double
355 ($dx, $dy) = $cr->user_to_device_distance ($dx, $dy)
356 $dx: double
357 $dy: double
358 ($x, $y) = $cr->device_to_user ($x, $y)
359 $x: double
360 $y: double
361 ($dx, $dy) = $cr->device_to_user_distance ($dx, $dy)
362 $dx: double
363 $dy: double
365 Text -- Rendering text and sets of glyphs
367 Glyphs are represented as anonymous hash references with three keys:
368 index, x and y. Example:
370 my @glyphs = ({ index => 1, x => 2, y => 3 },
371 { index => 2, x => 3, y => 4 },
372 { index => 3, x => 4, y => 5 });
374 $cr->select_font_face ($family, $slant, $weight)
375 $family: string
376 $slant: Cairo::FontSlant
377 $weight: Cairo::FontWeight
378 $cr->set_font_size ($size)
379 $size: double
380 $cr->set_font_matrix ($matrix)
381 $matrix: Cairo::Matrix
382 $matrix = $cr->get_font_matrix
383 $cr->set_font_options ($options)
384 $options: Cairo::FontOptions
385 $options = $cr->get_font_options
386 $cr->set_scaled_font ($scaled_font) [1.2]
387 $scaled_font: Cairo::ScaledFont
388 $scaled_font = $cr->get_scaled_font [1.4]
389 $cr->show_text ($utf8)
390 $utf8: string
391 $cr->show_glyphs (...)
392 ...: list of glyphs
393 $cr->show_text_glyphs ($utf8, $glyphs, $clusters, $cluster_flags) [1.8]
394 $utf8: string
395 $glyphs: array ref of glyphs
396 $clusters: array ref of clusters
397 $cluster_flags: Cairo::TextClusterFlags
398 $face = $cr->get_font_face
399 $extents = $cr->font_extents
400 $cr->set_font_face ($font_face)
401 $font_face: Cairo::FontFace
402 $cr->set_scaled_font ($scaled_font)
403 $scaled_font: Cairo::ScaledFont
404 $extents = $cr->text_extents ($utf8)
405 $utf8: string
406 $extents = $cr->glyph_extents (...)
407 ...: list of glyphs
408 $face = Cairo::ToyFontFace->create ($family, $slant, $weight) [1.8]
409 $family: string
410 $slant: Cairo::FontSlant
411 $weight: Cairo::FontWeight
412 $family = $face->get_family [1.8]
413 $slang = $face->get_slant [1.8]
414 $weight = $face->get_weight [1.8]
416 Fonts
417 Cairo::FontFace -- Base class for fonts
419 $status = $font_face->status
420 $type = $font_face->get_type [1.2]
422 Scaled Fonts -- Caching metrics for a particular font size
424 $scaled_font = Cairo::ScaledFont->create ($font_face, $font_matrix,
425 $ctm, $options)
426 $font_face: Cairo::FontFace
427 $font_matrix: Cairo::Matrix
428 $ctm: Cairo::Matrix
429 $options: Cairo::FontOptions
430 $status = $scaled_font->status
431 $extents = $scaled_font->extents
432 $extents = $scaled_font->text_extents ($utf8) [1.2]
433 $utf8: string
434 $extents = $scaled_font->glyph_extents (...)
435 ...: list of glyphs
436 ($status, $glyphs, $clusters, $cluster_flags) =
437 $scaled_font->text_to_glyphs ($x, $y, $utf8) [1.8]
438 $x: double
439 $y: double
440 $utf8: string
441 $font_face = $scaled_font->get_font_face [1.2]
442 $options = $scaled_font->get_font_options [1.2]
443 $font_matrix = $scaled_font->get_font_matrix [1.2]
444 $ctm = $scaled_font->get_ctm [1.2]
445 $scale_matrix = $scaled_font->get_scale_matrix [1.8]
446 $type = $scaled_font->get_type [1.2]
448 Font Options -- How a font should be rendered
450 $font_options = Cairo::FontOptions->create
451 $status = $font_options->status
452 $font_options->merge ($other)
453 $other: Cairo::FontOptions
454 $hash = $font_options->hash
455 $bools = $font_options->equal ($other)
456 $other: Cairo::FontOptions
457 $font_options->set_antialias ($antialias)
458 $antialias: Cairo::AntiAlias
459 $antialias = $font_options->get_antialias
460 $font_options->set_subpixel_order ($subpixel_order)
461 $subpixel_order: Cairo::SubpixelOrder
462 $subpixel_order = $font_options->get_subpixel_order
463 $font_options->set_hint_style ($hint_style)
464 $hint_style: Cairo::HintStyle
465 $hint_style = $font_options->get_hint_style
466 $font_options->set_hint_metrics ($hint_metrics)
467 $hint_metrics: Cairo::HintMetrics
468 $hint_metrics = $font_options->get_hint_metrics
470 FreeType Fonts -- Font support for FreeType
472 If your cairo library supports it, the FreeType integration allows you
473 to load font faces from font files. You can query for this capability
474 with "Cairo::HAS_FT_FONT". To actually use this, you'll need the
475 Font::FreeType module.
477 my $face = Cairo::FtFontFace->create ($ft_face, $load_flags=0)
478 $ft_face: Font::FreeType::Face
479 $load_flags: integer
481 This method allows you to create a Cairo::FontFace from a
482 Font::FreeType::Face. To obtain the latter, you can for example
483 load it from a file:
485 my $file = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf';
486 my $ft_face = Font::FreeType->new->face ($file);
487 my $face = Cairo::FtFontFace->create ($ft_face);
489 Surfaces
490 Cairo::Surface -- Base class for surfaces
492 $similar = Cairo::Surface->create_similar ($other, $content, $width,
493 $height)
494 $other: Cairo::Surface
495 $content: Cairo::Content
496 $width: integer
497 $height: integer
499 For hysterical reasons, you can also use the following syntax:
501 $similar = $other->create_similar ($content, $width, $height)
503 $new = Cairo::Surface->create_for_rectangle ($target, $x, $y, $width,
504 $height) [1.10]
505 $target: Cairo::Surface
506 $x: double
507 $y: double
508 $width: double
509 $height: double
510 $status = $surface->status
511 $surface->finish
512 $surface->flush
513 $font_options = $surface->get_font_options
514 $content = $surface->get_content [1.2]
515 $surface->mark_dirty
516 $surface->mark_dirty_rectangle ($x, $y, $width, $height)
517 $x: integer
518 $y: integer
519 $width: integer
520 $height: integer
521 $surface->set_device_offset ($x_offset, $y_offset)
522 $x_offset: integer
523 $y_offset: integer
524 ($x_offset, $y_offset) = $surface->get_device_offset [1.2]
525 $surface->set_fallback_resolution ($x_pixels_per_inch,
526 $y_pixels_per_inch) [1.2]
527 $x_pixels_per_inch: double
528 $y_pixels_per_inch: double
529 ($x_pixels_per_inch, $y_pixels_per_inch) =
530 $surface->get_fallback_resolution [1.8]
531 $type = $surface->get_type [1.2]
532 $surface->set_mime_data ($mime_type, $mime_data) [1.10]
533 $mime_data = $surface->get_mime_data ($mime_type) [1.10]
534 $bool = $surface->supports_mime_type ($mime_type) [1.12]
535 $mime_type: string
536 Predefined MIME types:
537 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_JP2 [1.10]
538 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_JPEG [1.10]
539 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_PNG [1.10]
540 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_URI [1.10]
541 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_UNIQUE_ID [1.12]
542 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_JBIG2 [1.14]
543 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_JBIG2_GLOBAL [1.14]
544 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_JBIG2_GLOBAL_PARAMS [1.14]
545 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_CCITT_FAX [1.16]
546 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_CCITT_FAX_PARAMS [1.16]
547 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_EPS [1.16]
548 Cairo::Surface::MIME_TYPE_EPS_PARAMS [1.16]
549 $mime_data: binary data string
550 $status = $surface->copy_page [1.6]
551 $status: Cairo::Status
552 $status = $surface->show_page [1.6]
553 $status: Cairo::Status
554 $boolean = $surface->has_show_text_glyphs [1.8]
556 Image Surfaces -- Rendering to memory buffers
558 $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create ($format, $width, $height)
559 $format: Cairo::Format
560 $width: integer
561 $height: integer
562 $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_for_data ($data, $format,
563 $width, $height, $stride)
564 $data: image data
565 $format: Cairo::Format
566 $width: integer
567 $height: integer
568 $stride: integer
569 $data = $surface->get_data [1.2]
570 $format = $surface->get_format [1.2]
571 $width = $surface->get_width
572 $height = $surface->get_height
573 $stride = $surface->get_stride [1.2]
574 $stride = Cairo::Format::stride_for_width ($format, $width) [1.6]
575 $format: Cairo::Format
576 $width: integer
578 PDF Surfaces -- Rendering PDF documents
580 $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create ($filename, $width_in_points,
581 $height_in_points) [1.2]
582 $filename: string
583 $width_in_points: double
584 $height_in_points: double
585 $surface = Cairo::PdfSurface->create_for_stream ($callback,
586 $callback_data, $width_in_points, $height_in_points) [1.2]
587 $callback: Cairo::WriteFunc
588 $callback_data: scalar
589 $width_in_points: double
590 $height_in_points: double
591 $surface->set_size ($width_in_points, $height_in_points) [1.2]
592 $width_in_points: double
593 $height_in_points: double
594 $surface->restrict_to_version ($version) [1.10]
595 $version: Cairo::PdfVersion
596 @versions = Cairo::PdfSurface::get_versions [1.10]
597 $string = Cairo::PdfSurface::version_to_string ($version) [1.10]
598 $version: Cairo::PdfVersion
599 $item_id = $surface->add_outline($parent_id, $name, $attributes,
600 $flags) [1.16]
601 $item_id: int, item ID
602 $parent_id: parent item id or Cairo::PdfSurface::OUTLINE_ROOT
603 $name: string, item display
604 $attributes: string, item attributes
605 $flags: list reference, item flags
606 $surface->set_metadata($name, $value) [1.16]
607 $name: string
608 $value: string
609 $surface->set_page_label($label) [1.16]
610 $label: string, page label
611 $surface->set_thumbnail_size($width, $height) [1.16]
612 $width: int, thumbnail width
613 $height: int, thumbnail height
615 PNG Support -- Reading and writing PNG images
617 $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png ($filename)
618 $filename: string
619 Cairo::ReadFunc: $data = sub { my ($callback_data, $length) = @_; }
620 $data: binary image data, of length $length
621 $callback_data: scalar, user data
622 $length: integer, bytes to read
623 $surface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png_stream ($callback,
624 $callback_data)
625 $callback: Cairo::ReadFunc
626 $callback_data: scalar
627 $status = $surface->write_to_png ($filename)
628 $filename: string
629 Cairo::WriteFunc: sub { my ($callback_data, $data) = @_; }
630 $callback_data: scalar, user data
631 $data: binary image data, to be written
632 $status = $surface->write_to_png_stream ($callback, $callback_data)
633 $callback: Cairo::WriteFunc
634 $callback_data: scalar
636 PostScript Surfaces -- Rendering PostScript documents
638 $surface = Cairo::PsSurface->create ($filename, $width_in_points,
639 $height_in_points) [1.2]
640 $filename: string
641 $width_in_points: double
642 $height_in_points: double
643 $surface = Cairo::PsSurface->create_for_stream ($callback,
644 $callback_data, $width_in_points, $height_in_points) [1.2]
645 $callback: Cairo::WriteFunc
646 $callback_data: scalar
647 $width_in_points: double
648 $height_in_points: double
649 $surface->set_size ($width_in_points, $height_in_points) [1.2]
650 $width_in_points: double
651 $height_in_points: double
652 $surface->dsc_begin_setup [1.2]
653 $surface->dsc_begin_page_setup [1.2]
654 $surface->dsc_comment ($comment) [1.2]
655 $comment: string
656 $surface->restrict_to_level ($level) [1.6]
657 $level: Cairo::PsLevel
658 @levels = Cairo::PsSurface::get_levels [1.6]
659 $string = Cairo::PsSurface::level_to_string ($level) [1.6]
660 $level: Cairo::PsLevel
661 $surface->set_eps ($eps) [1.6]
662 $eps: boolean
663 $eps = $surface->get_eps [1.6]
665 Recording Surfaces -- Records all drawing operations
667 $surface = Cairo::RecordingSurface->create ($content, $extents) [1.10]
668 $content: Cairo::Content
669 $extents: Cairo::Rectangle
670 ($x0, $y0, $width, $height) = $surface->ink_extents [1.10]
671 $extents_ref = $surface->get_extents [1.12]
672 $extents_ref: Cairo::Rectangle reference
674 SVG Surfaces -- Rendering SVG documents
676 $surface = Cairo::SvgSurface->create ($filename, $width_in_points,
677 $height_in_points) [1.2]
678 $filename: string
679 $width_in_points: double
680 $height_in_points: double
681 $surface = Cairo::SvgSurface->create_for_stream ($callback,
682 $callback_data, $width_in_points, $height_in_points) [1.2]
683 $callback: Cairo::WriteFunc
684 $callback_data: scalar
685 $width_in_points: double
686 $height_in_points: double
687 $surface->restrict_to_version ($version) [1.2]
688 $version: Cairo::SvgVersion
689 @versions = Cairo::SvgSurface::get_versions [1.2]
690 $string = Cairo::SvgSurface::version_to_string ($version) [1.2]
691 $version: Cairo::SvgVersion
693 Utilities
694 Version Information -- Run-time and compile-time version checks.
696 $version_code = Cairo->lib_version
697 $version_string = Cairo->lib_version_string
698 These two functions return the version of libcairo that the program
699 is currently running against.
701 $version_code = Cairo->LIB_VERSION
702 Returns the version of libcairo that Cairo was compiled against.
704 $version_code = Cairo->LIB_VERSION_ENCODE ($major, $minor, $micro)
705 $major: integer
706 $minor: integer
707 $micro: integer
709 Encodes the version "$major.$minor.$micro" as an integer suitable
710 for comparison against "Cairo->lib_version" and
711 "Cairo->LIB_VERSION".
714 <http://cairographics.org/documentation>
715 Lists many available resources including tutorials and examples
717 <http://cairographics.org/manual/>
718 Contains the reference manual
721 Ross McFarland <rwmcfa1 at neces dot com>
722 Torsten Schoenfeld <kaffeetisch at gmx dot de>
725 Copyright (C) 2004-2013 by the cairo perl team
729perl v5.34.0 2022-01-20 Cairo(3)