1PMWEBAPI(3)                Library Functions Manual                PMWEBAPI(3)


6       PMWEBAPI - introduction to the Performance Metrics Web Application Pro‐
7       gramming Interface


10       GET /metrics
11       GET /series/...
12       GET /search/...
13       GET /pmapi/...


16       #include <pcp/pmwebapi.h>
18        ... assorted routines ...
20       cc ... -lpcp_web -lpcp


23       The PMWEBAPI is a collection of interfaces providing Performance Co-Pi‐
24       lot  services for web applications.  It consists of APIs for web appli‐
25       cations querying and analysing both  live  and  historical  performance
26       data, as well as APIs used by web servers.
28       The  usual HTTP URL-encoded optional parameter rules apply and PMWEBAPI
29       REST requests always follow the convention:
31       /api/endpoint?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2
33       Examples in all following sections use the curl(1) command line utility
34       with  a local pmproxy(1) server listening on port 44322 (default port).
35       The pmjson(1) utility is used to neatly format any JSON output, as  op‐
36       posed  to  the  compact  (minimal whitespace) form provided by default.
37       The examples in the scalable time series section  use  historical  data
38       recorded by the pmlogger(1) service, in conjunction with a local redis-
39       server(1).


42       Exporting of live performance metrics in  an  Open  Metrics  compatible
43       format  (as  described at https://openmetrics.io and popularized by the
44       https://prometheus.io project) is available.
46       All requests are performed on the web server host by default, unless  a
47       hostspec parameter is provided.
49   GET /metrics
50       ┌───────────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
51       │Parameters │  Type   │                  Explanation                   │
52       ├───────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
53       │names      │ string  │ Comma-separated list of metric names           │
54       │times      │ boolean │ Append sample times (milliseconds since epoch) │
55       ├───────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
56       │hostspec   │ string  │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
57       └───────────┴─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
58       Fetches  current  values  and metadata for all metrics, or only metrics
59       indicated by a comma-separated list of names.
61       For all numeric metrics with the given NAME prefixes,  create  an  Open
62       Metrics  (Prometheus) text export format giving their current value and
63       related metadata.
65       The response has plain text type rather than JSON commonly  used  else‐
66       where in the REST API.  This format can be injested by many open source
67       monitoring tools, including Prometheus and pmdaopenmetrics(1).
69       The native PCP metric metadata (metric name, type, indom, semantics and
70       units) is first output for each metric with # PCP prefix.  The metadata
71       reported is of the form described on pmTypeStr(3),  pmInDomStr(3),  pm‐
72       SemStr(3)  and  pmUnitsStr(3) respectively.  If the pmUnitsStr(3) units
73       string is empty, then none is output.  The units  metadata  string  may
74       contain spaces and extends to the end of the line.
76       PCP metric names are mapped so that the . separators are exchanged with
77       _ (':' in back-compatibility mode, where "#  PCP"  is  the  identifying
78       line  suffix).   Both  metric  labels  and instances are represented as
79       Prometheus labels, with external instance names being  quoted  and  the
80       flattened PCP metric hierarchy being presented with each value.
82         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/metrics?names=proc.nprocs,kernel.pernode.cpu.intr,filesys.blocksize
84         # PCP5 proc.nprocs 3.8.99 u32 PM_INDOM_NULL instant none
85         # HELP proc_nprocs instantaneous number of processes
86         # TYPE proc_nprocs gauge
87         proc_nprocs {hostname="app1"} 7
89         # PCP5 kernel.pernode.cpu.intr 60.0.66 u64 60.19 counter millisec
90         # HELP kernel_pernode_cpu_intr total interrupt CPU [...]
91         # TYPE kernel_pernode_cpu_intr counter
92         kernel_pernode_cpu_intr{hostname="app1",instname="node0"} 25603
94         # PCP5 filesys.blocksize 60.5.9 u32 60.5 instant byte
95         # HELP filesys_blocksize Size of each block on mounted file[...]
96         # TYPE filesys_blocksize gauge
97         filesys_blocksize{hostname="app1",instname="/dev/sda1"} 4096
98         filesys_blocksize{hostname="app1",instname="/dev/sda2"} 4096


101       The  fast,  scalable time series query capabilities provided by the pm‐
102       series(1) command are also available through a REST API.  These queries
103       provide  access  to  performance data (metric metadata and values) from
104       multiple hosts simultaneously, and in a fashion suited to efficient re‐
105       trieval by any number of web applications.
107       All requests in this group can be accompanied by an optional client pa‐
108       rameter.  The value passed in the request will be sent back in the  re‐
109       sponse  -  all responses will be in JSON object form in this case, with
110       top level "client" and "result" fields.
112       REST API clients can optionally submit an URL-encoded query  string  in
113       the  body of the HTTP request unless otherwise noted.  In this case the
114       POST method must be used instead of the GET method.
116   GET /series/query - pmSeriesQuery(3)
117       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
118       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
119       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
120       │expr       │ string │ Query string in pmseries(1) format         │
121       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
122       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
123       Performs a time series query for either matching identifiers, or match‐
124       ing identifiers with series of time-stamped values.
126       The  query  is  in the format described in pmseries(1) and is passed to
127       the server via either the expr parameter (HTTP GET) or via the  message
128       body (HTTP POST).
130       When  querying for time series matches only, no time window options are
131       specified and matching series identifiers are returned in a JSON array.
133         $ curl -s 'http://localhost:44322/series/query?expr=disk.dev.read*' | pmjson
134         [
135           "9d8c7fb51ce160eb82e3669aac74ba675dfa8900",
136           "ddff1bfe286a3b18cebcbadc1678a68a964fbe9d",
137           "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12"
138         ]
140       When querying for time series values as well, a  time  window  must  be
141       specified  as  part  of the query string.  The simplest form is to just
142       request the most recent sample.
144         $ curl -s 'http://localhost:44322/series/query?expr=disk.dev.read*[samples:1]' | pmjson
145         [
146           {
147             "series": "9d8c7fb51ce160eb82e3669aac74ba675dfa8900",
148             "instance": "c3795d8b757506a2901c6b08b489ba56cae7f0d4",
149             "timestamp": 1547483646.2147431,
150             "value": "12499"
151           }, {
152             "series": "ddff1bfe286a3b18cebcbadc1678a68a964fbe9d",
153             "instance": "6b08b489ba56cae7f0d4c3795d8b757506a2901c",
154             "timestamp": 1547485701.7431218,
155             "value": "1118623"
156           }, {
157             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
158             "instance": "c3795d8b757506a2901c6b08b489ba56cae7f0d4",
159             "timestamp": 1547483646.2147431,
160             "value": "71661"
161           }
162         ]
164   GET /series/values - pmSeriesValues(3)
165       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
166       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
167       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
168       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of series identifiers │
169       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
170       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
171       │samples    │ number │ Count of samples to return                 │
172       │interval   │ string │ Time between successive samples            │
173       │start      │ string │ Sample window start time                   │
174       │finish     │ string │ Sample window end time                     │
175       │offset     │ string │ Sample window offset                       │
176       │align      │ string │ Sample time alignment                      │
177       │zone       │ string │ Time window timezone                       │
178       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
179       Performs values retrievals for one or  more  time  series  identifiers.
180       The  JSON  response  contains  the  same  information  as  the pmseries
181       -q/--query option using any of the time window parameters described  on
182       pmseries(1).   If  no  time window parameters are specified, the single
183       most recent value observed is retrieved.
185         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/values?series=605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12 | pmjson
186         [
187           {
188             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
189             "timestamp": 1317633022959.959241041,
190             "value": "71660"
191           }
192         ]
194   GET /series/descs - pmSeriesDescs(3)
195       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
196       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
197       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
198       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of series identifiers │
199       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
200       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
201       Performs a descriptor lookup for one or more time  series  identifiers.
202       The  JSON  response  contains  the  same  information  as  the pmseries
203       -d/--desc option.
205         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/descs?series=605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12 | pmjson
206         [
207           {
208             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
209             "source": "f5ca7481da8c038325d15612bb1c6473ce1ef16f",
210             "pmid": "60.0.4",
211             "indom": "60.1",
212             "semantics": "counter",
213             "type": "u32",
214             "units": "count",
215           }
216         ]
218   GET /series/labels - pmSeriesLabels(3), pmSeriesLabelValues(3)
219       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
220       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
221       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
222       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of series identifiers │
223       │match      │ string │ Glob pattern string to match on all labels │
224       │name       │ string │ Find all known label values for given name │
225       │names      │ string │ Comma-separated list of label names        │
226       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
227       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
228       This command operates in one of three modes.  It can  perform  a  label
229       set  lookup  for  one  or  more time series identifiers, when given the
230       series parameter).  It can produce a list of all known label names,  in
231       the  absence  of  name, names or series parameters.  The JSON responses
232       for  these  modes  contains  the  same  information  as  the   pmseries
233       -l/--labels option.
235       Alternatively,  it  can  produce a list of all known label values for a
236       given label name or names.  The JSON response for  this  mode  contains
237       the same information as the pmseries -v/--values option.
239         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/labels?series=605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12 | pmjson
240         [
241           {
242             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
243             "labels": {
244               "agent": "linux",
245               "domainname": "acme.com",
246               "groupid": 1000,
247               "hostname": "www.acme.com",
248               "latitude": -25.28496,
249               "longitude": 152.87886,
250               "machineid": "295b16e3b6074cc8bdbda8bf96f6930a",
251               "platform": "dev",
252               "userid": 1000
253             }
254           }
255         ]
257       Alternatively,  with  no  name,  names or series parameters, return the
258       list of all known label names.
260         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/labels | pmjson
261         [
262             "agent",
263             "appversion",
264             "domainname",
265             "groupid",
266             "hostname",
267             "jobid",
268             "latitude",
269             "longitude",
270             "machineid",
271             "platform",
272             "userid"
273         ]
275       Use the name or names parameters to find all possible label values  for
276       the given name(s).
278         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/labels?names=hostname,domainname | pmjson
279         {
280             "hostname": [ "app", "nas" ],
281             "domainname": [ "acme.com" ]
282         }
284   GET /series/metrics - pmSeriesMetrics(3)
285       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
286       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
287       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
288       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of series identifiers │
289       │match      │ string │ Glob pattern string to match on all names  │
290       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
291       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
292       Performs  a metric name lookup for one or more time series identifiers.
293       The JSON  response  contains  the  same  information  as  the  pmseries
294       -m/--metrics option.
296         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/metrics?series=605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12 | pmjson
297         [
298           {
299             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
300             "name": "disk.dev.read_bytes"
301           }
302         ]
304       Alternatively,  with  no  series argument, this request will return the
305       list of all known metric names.
307         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/metrics | pmjson
308         [
309             "disk.dev.read",
310             "disk.dev.read_bytes",
311             "disk.dev.read_merge",
312             "kernel.all.load",
313             "kernel.all.pswitch",
314             ...
315         ]
317   GET /series/sources - pmSeriesSources(3)
318       ┌───────────┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
319       │Parameters │  Type  │                 Explanation                 │
320       ├───────────┼────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤
321       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of source identifiers  │
322       │match      │ string │ Glob pattern string to match on all sources │
323       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response  │
324       └───────────┴────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
325       Performs a lookup for one or more time series sources, returning an ar‐
326       ray of all PMAPI context names used to access the time series from that
327       source.  The JSON response contains the same  information  as  the  pm‐
328       series -S/--source option.
330         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/sources?source=2cd6a38f9339f2dd1f0b4775bda89a9e7244def6 | pmjson
331         [
332           {
333             "source": "2cd6a38f9339f2dd1f0b4775bda89a9e7244def6",
334             "context": [
335               "/var/log/pcp/pmlogger/acme",
336               "www.acme.com"
337             ]
338           }
339         ]
341   GET /series/instances - pmSeriesInstances(3)
342       ┌───────────┬────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────┐
343       │Parameters │  Type  │                  Explanation                  │
344       ├───────────┼────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────┤
345       │series     │ string │ Comma-separated list of series identifiers    │
346       │match      │ string │ Glob pattern string to match on all instances │
347       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response    │
348       └───────────┴────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
349       Provide  instance  identifiers  and  names  for one or more time series
350       identifiers.  The JSON response contains the same  information  as  the
351       pmseries -i/--instance option.
353         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/instances?series=605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12 | pmjson
354         [
355           {
356             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
357             "source": "97261ac7742cd4e50c0d03175913295d12605fc7",
358             "instance": "c3795d8b757506a2901c6b08b489ba56cae7f0d4"
359             "id": 1,
360             "name": "sda",
361           }, {
362             "series": "605fc77742cd0317597291329561ac4e50c0dd12",
363             "source": "97261ac7742cd4e50c0d03175913295d12605fc7",
364             "instance": "57506a2901c6b08b489ba56cae7f0d4c3795d8b7"
365             "id": 2,
366             "name": "sdb",
367           }
368         ]
370       Alternatively,  with  no  series argument, this request will return the
371       list of all known instance names.
373         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/instances | pmjson
374         [
375             "1 minute",
376             "5 minute",
377             "15 minute",
378             "cpu0",
379             "cpu1",
380             "cpu2",
381             "cpu3",
382             "node0",
383             "node1",
384             "sda",
385             "sdb",
386             ...
387         ]
389   GET /series/load - pmSeriesLoad(3)
390       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────┐
391       │Parameters │  Type  │                Explanation                 │
392       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────┤
393       │expr       │ string │ Source load string in pmseries(1) format   │
394       │client     │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response │
395       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────┘
396       Load time series performance data from the specified  source  into  the
397       redis-server  cache.   This  request  is  equivalent  to  the  pmseries
398       -l/--load option.
400         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/series/load?expr={source.name:"/var/log/pcp/pmlogger/acme"}
401         {
402           "success": true
403         }
406       The full text search capabilities provided by the  pmsearch(1)  command
407       are also available through a REST API.  These queries provide access to
408       an index over performance metric names, instances, instance domains and
409       help text, suitable for a metric search engine, and in a fashion suited
410       to efficient querying by any number of web applications.
412       In order to use this functionality, the optional RediSearch module must
413       be loaded in the redis-server at the time pmproxy is started, such that
414       metrics, instances and help text it discovers can be automatically  in‐
415       dexed.
418   GET /search/text - pmSearchTextQuery(3)
419       ┌───────────┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────┐
420       │Parameters │  Type  │                 Explanation                 │
421       ├───────────┼────────┼─────────────────────────────────────────────┤
422       │query      │ string │ Query string in pmsearch(1) format          │
423       │highlight  │ fields │ Include matching markup in response fields  │
424       │offset     │ number │ Result offset cursor for pagination         │
425       │limit      │ number │ Maximum results to include in response      │
426       │field      │ fields │ Queried fields (defaults to all)            │
427       │return     │ fields │ Fields to actually return (defaults to all) │
428       │type       │ types  │ Entity types to filter (defaults to all)    │
429       └───────────┴────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────────┘
430       Performs  a text search query across metrics and instance domains - all
431       forms of names and help texts.
433       The mandatory search string is further described in pmsearch(1) and  is
434       passed to the server via the query parameter (HTTP GET).
436         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/search/text?query=halt | pmjson
437         {
438           "total": 2,
439           "offset": 0,
440           "limit": 10,
441           "elapsed": 0.000504,
442           "results": [
443             {
444               "name": "kvm.halt_exits",
445               "type": "metric",
446               "indom": "95.0.4",
447               "oneline": "Number of guest exits due to halt calls.",
448               "helptext": "This type of exit is usually seen when a guest is idle."
449             },
450             {
451               "name": "kvm.halt_wakeup",
452               "type": "metric",
453               "indom": "95.0.6",
454               "oneline": "Number of wakeups from a halt.",
455             }
456           ]
457         }
459       The  available  search  entity  types  are  metric, indom and instance.
460       Query parameters highlight and field take name, oneline and helptext.
462       Query parameter return takes  name,  type,  oneline,  helptext,  indom.
463       There  is  typically both a name and help text associated with metrics.
464       Contents of these are then matched against query.  An  instance  domain
465       has help text and a numeric identifier, while instances have a name on‐
466       ly (which can be searched).
468   GET /search/suggest - pmSearchTextSuggest(3)
469       ┌───────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────┐
470       │Parameters │  Type  │            Explanation             │
471       ├───────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────┤
472       │query      │ string │ Search query for search engine     │
473       │limit      │ number │ Max results to include in response │
474       └───────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────┘
475       Provides search query suggestions, that is, metric and instance names.
477       The mandatory search string is further described in pmsearch(1) and  is
478       passed to the server via the query parameter (HTTP GET).
480         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/search/suggest?query=disk&limit=4 | pmjson
481         [
482             "disk.all.avactive",
483             "disk.all.aveq",
484             "disk.all.blkread",
485             "disk.all.blktotal"
486         ]
488   GET /search/indom - pmSearchTextInDom(3)
489       ┌───────────┬────────┬─────────────────────────────────────┐
490       │Parameters │  Type  │             Explanation             │
491       ├───────────┼────────┼─────────────────────────────────────┤
492       │query      │ string │ Target indom for search engine      │
493       │offset     │ number │ Result offset cursor for pagination │
494       │limit      │ number │ M results to include in response    │
495       └───────────┴────────┴─────────────────────────────────────┘
496       Provides  all entities (instances, metrics) related to indom, including
497       itself, that is passed to the server via the query parameter.
499   GET /search/info - pmSearchInfo(3)
500       Provides metrics relating to operation of the search engine, in partic‐
501       ular showing document and text record counts.
503         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/search/info | pmjson
504         {
505             "docs": 1589,
506             "terms": 3855,
507             "records": 116831,
508             "records_per_doc_avg": 73.52,
509             "bytes_per_record_avg": 6.36,
510             "inverted_sz_mb": 0.71,
511             "inverted_cap_mb": 0.00,
512             "inverted_cap_ovh": 0.00,
513             "skip_index_size_mb": 0.00,
514             "score_index_size_mb": 0.00,
515             "offsets_per_term_avg": 9.41,
516             "offset_bits_per_record_avg": 8.00
517         }


520       The  live  performance collection facilities available from pmcd(1) can
521       also be accessed through a REST API.
523       All requests are performed on the web server host  by  default,  unless
524       either  a  hostspec  or context parameter is provided.  hostname can be
525       used in place of hostspec.
527       Context identifiers are used as a persistent way to refer to PMAPI con‐
528       texts  across related web requests.  These contexts expire after a con‐
529       figurable period of disuse, and are either explicitly  allocated  using
530       the  /pmapi/context  interface, or implicitly allocated using other in‐
531       terfaces.
533       The timeout interval is configurable at context creation time,  and  as
534       such  the  polltimeout  parameter  can be used anywhere the hostspec is
535       specified.  It sets the context timeout in terms of length of  inactive
536       time.  The unit for the timeout value is seconds and the default is 5.
538       To  specify  a  specific existing context in any PMAPI web request, the
539       endpoints can be accessed with either the context parameter or embedded
540       in the endpoint URL itself, such as /pmapi/[number]/fetch.
542   GET /pmapi/context - pmNewContext(3)
543       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
544       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
545       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
546       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
547       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before closing context   │
548       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
549       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
550       To  create  a  context  for  live sampling, a web client can access any
551       /pmapi URL (optionally using the hostspec or context parameter).  If no
552       context  exists, a new one will be created for that web client, and its
553       identifier returned for future accesses.
555       However, /pmapi/context is provided as a dedicated URL for applications
556       wishing to explicitly create the contexts they use.
558       If  successful,  the server responds with a HTTP 200 (OK) code and JSON
559       message body of the form:
561         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/context?hostspec=www.acme.com&polltimeout=0.5 | pmjson
562         {
563           "context": 348734,
564           "source": "05af7f3eb840277fd3cfa91f90ef0067199743c",
565           "hostspec": "www.acme.com",
566           "labels": {
567             "domainname": "acme.com",
568             "groupid": 1000,
569             "hostname": "www.acme.com",
570             "machineid": "295b7623b6074cc8bdbda8bf96f6930a"
571             "platform": "dev",
572             "userid": 1000
573           }
574         }
576       The context (a 32-bit unsigned decimal number) can then  be  used  with
577       all later requests.
579       In  the  case of a hostspec containing authentication information, such
580       as a username, the server will follow  the  HTTP  Basic  Authentication
581       protocol  to  ascertain necessary authentication details from the user,
582       providing the client web application an opportunity  to  request  these
583       from the user.
585   GET  /pmapi/metric  -  pmLookupDesc(3), pmLookupLabels(3), pmLookupName(3),
586       pmLookupText(3)
587       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
588       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
589       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
590       │name        │ string │ An individual metric name                      │
591       │names       │ string │ Comma-separated list of metric names           │
592       │pmid        │ pmID   │ Numeric or pmIDStr(3) metric identifier        │
593       │pmids       │ string │ Comma-separated numeric or pmIDStr(3) pmIDs    │
594       │prefix      │ string │ Metric namespace component as in PMNS(5)
595       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
596       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
597       │context     │ number │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
598       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
599       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
600       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
601       The metric endpoint provides detailed PMAPI metric metadata for one  or
602       more  metrics.  If no parameters are supplied, the response will be for
603       all metrics found when traversing the entire Performance  Metrics  Name
604       Space (PMNS).
606       The  prefix  parameter can be used to specify a subtree of the PMNS for
607       traversal.  Alternatively, a specific metric or comma-separated list of
608       metrics can be specified using either name or names
610       The server response is a JSON document that provides metric metadata as
611       an array.
613         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/metric?names=kernel.all.load,disk.all.read | pmjson
614         {
615           "context": 348734,
616           "metrics": [
617             {
618               "name": "kernel.all.load",
619               "pmid": "60.2.0",
620               "indom": "60.2",
621               "type": "FLOAT",
622               "sem": "instant",
623               "units": "none",
624               "series": "d2b28c7f6dc0d69ffd21dba7ba955e78c37719b",
625               "source": "05af7f3eb840277fd3cfa91f90ef0067199743c",
626               "labels": {
627                 "agent": "linux",
628                 "domainname": "acme.com",
629                 "groupid": 1000,
630                 "hostname": "www.acme.com",
631                 "platform": "dev",
632                 "userid": 1000
633               },
634               "text-oneline": "1, 5 and 15 minute load average"
635             },
636             {
637               "name": "disk.all.read",
638               "pmid": "60.0.24",
639               "type": "U64",
640               "sem": "counter",
641               "units": "count",
642               "series": "d2b28c7f6dc0d69ffd21dba7ba955e78c37719b",
643               "source": "05af7f3eb840277fd3cfa91f90ef0067199743c",
644               "labels": {
645                 "agent": "linux",
646                 "domainname": "acme.com",
647                 "groupid": 1000,
648                 "hostname": "www.acme.com",
649                 "platform": "dev",
650                 "userid": 1000
651               },
652               "text-oneline": "total read operations, summed for all disks",
653               "text-help": "Cumulative number of disk read operations [...]"
654             }
655           ]
656         }
657       Most of the fields are directly transcribed from the  PMAPI  calls  for
658       metric descriptors, labels and help text mentioned above and are exact‐
659       ly as would be observed using the pminfo(1) command  with  the  -dlmstT
660       options.
662       The  semantics,  type and units fields are as returned by pmTypeStr(3),
663       pmUnitsStr(3) and pmSemStr(3).
665   GET /pmapi/fetch - pmFetch(3)
666       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
667       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
668       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
669       │delta       │ string │ Sampling interval in pmParseInterval(3) form   │
670       │name        │ string │ An individual metric name                      │
671       │names       │ string │ Comma-separated list of metric names           │
672       │pmid        │ pmID   │ Numeric or pmIDStr(3) metric identifier        │
673       │pmids       │ string │ Comma-separated numeric or pmIDStr(3) pmIDs    │
674       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
675       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
676       │context     │ number │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
677       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
678       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
679       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
680       This request fetches (samples) current values for given metrics.
682       If any of the names or pmids provided are valid, the response is a JSON
683       document that provides the values for all instances of the metrics, un‐
684       less a instance profile has been set for the web context  (see  section
685       on InDom profiles below).
687         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/fetch?names=kernel.all.load,disk.all.read | pmjson
688         {
689           "context": 348734,
690           "timestamp": 1547483646.2147431,
691           "values": [
692             {
693               "pmid": "60.2.0",
694               "name": "kernel.all.load",
695               "instances:" [
696                 { "instance": 1, "value": 0.1 },
697                 { "instance": 5, "value": 0.17 },
698                 { "instance": 15, "value": 0.22 }
699               ]
700             },
701             {
702               "pmid":"60.0.24",
703               "name":"disk.all.read",
704               "instances:" [
705                 { "instance": null, "value": 639231 }
706               ]
707             }
708           ]
709         }
710       The  response  fields  map  directly  to fields from the underlying pm‐
711       Fetch(3) sampling interface.
713       Numeric metric types are represented as JSON integer or  floating-point
714       values.   Strings are passed verbatim, except that non-ASCII values are
715       replaced with a Unicode 0xFFFD replacement character code.
717       In backward compatibility mode the timestamp is presented as a JSON map
718       with  second  (sec)  and  microsecond (us) fields, instead of using the
719       more compact floating point representation shown above.
721   GET /pmapi/children - pmGetChildren(3), pmGetChildrenStatus(3)
722       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
723       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
724       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
725       │prefix      │ string │ Metric namespace component as in PMNS(5)
726       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
727       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
728       │context     │ number │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
729       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
730       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
731       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
732       The children endpoint provides iterative namespace traversal for a con‐
733       text.   If  no  parameters are supplied, the response will describe the
734       direct descendants of the Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS) root.
736       The prefix parameter can be used to specify a subtree of the  PMNS  for
737       traversal.
739       The  server  response  is a JSON document that provides the set of leaf
740       and non-leaf nodes below the given namespace node or root.
742         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/children?prefix=mem | pmjson
743         {
744           "context": 348734,
745           "name": "mem",
746           "leaf": [
747             "physmem",
748             "freemem"
749           ],
750           "nonleaf": [
751             "util",
752             "numa",
753             "vmstat",
754             "buddyinfo",
755             "slabinfo",
756             "zoneinfo",
757             "ksm"
758           ]
759         }
761   GET /pmapi/indom - pmGetInDom(3), pmNameInDom(3), pmLookupInDom(3)
762       ┌────────────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
763       │Parameters  │  Type   │                  Explanation                   │
764       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
765       │iname       │ string  │ Comma-separated list of instance names         │
766       │indom       │ pmInDom │ Numeric or pmInDomStr(3) instance domain       │
767       │instance    │ number  │ Comma-separated list of instance numbers       │
768       │match       │ string  │ Pattern matching style (exact, glob or regex)  │
769       │name        │ string  │ An individual metric name                      │
770       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
771       │hostspec    │ string  │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
772       │context     │ number  │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
773       │polltimeout │ number  │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
774       │client      │ string  │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
775       └────────────┴─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
776       This request lists the current instances of an  instance  domain.   The
777       instance  domain  is  either  specified  directly (in numeric or string
778       form) or indirectly, by association with the specified metric.
780       The request can be further qualified with a comma-separated list of the
781       instances  to  report  on, either by name or number, using the instance
782       and iname parameters.
784       In the case of instance name qualifiers, these will be matched by exact
785       string  comparison  by default.  Alternatively, the match parameter can
786       be used to specify that regular expression  or  glob  pattern  matching
787       should be used instead.
789       The response is a JSON document that provides the instance domain meta‐
790       data as an array.
792         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/indom?name=kernel.all.load | pmjson
793         {
794           "context": 348734,
795           "indom": "60.2",
796           "labels": {
797             "domainname": "acme.com",
798             "groupid": 1000,
799             "hostname": "www.acme.com",
800             "machineid": "295b7623b6074cc8bdbda8bf96f6930a"
801             "platform": "dev",
802             "userid": 1000
803           },
804           "instances": [
805             {
806               "instance": 1,
807               "name": "1 minute"
808               "labels": { ... },
809             },
810             {
811               "instance": 5,
812               "name": "5 minute"
813               "labels": { ... },
814             },
815             {
816               "instance": 15,
817               "name": "15 minute"
818               "labels": { ...  },
819             }
820           ]
821         }
823   GET /pmapi/profile - pmAddProfile(3), pmDelProfile(3)
824       ┌────────────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
825       │Parameters  │  Type   │                  Explanation                   │
826       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
827       │iname       │ string  │ Comma-separated list of instance names         │
828       │indom       │ pmInDom │ Numeric or pmInDomStr(3) instance domain       │
829       │instance    │ number  │ Comma-separated list of instance numbers       │
830       │expr        │ string  │ One of "add" or "del" (mandatory).             │
831       │match       │ string  │ Pattern matching style (exact, glob or regex)  │
832       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
833       │hostspec    │ string  │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
834       │context     │ number  │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
835       │polltimeout │ number  │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
836       │client      │ string  │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
837       └────────────┴─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
838       Some PMAPI operations can be performed with an active  instance  domain
839       profile  which  restricts  (filters) the set of resulting instances re‐
840       turned, as described on pmAddProfile(3).
842         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/profile?expr=add,indom=60.2,iname=1%20minute
843         { "context": 348734, "success": true }
845   GET /pmapi/store - pmStore(3)
846       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
847       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
848       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
849       │iname       │ string │ Comma-separated list of instance names         │
850       │instance    │ number │ Comma-separated list of instance numbers       │
851       │name        │ string │ An individual metric name                      │
852       │value       │ (any)  │ New value for the given metric instance(s)     │
853       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
854       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
855       │context     │ number │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
856       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
857       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
858       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
859       Some performance metrics allow their value to be modified, for  example
860       to re-initialize counters or to modify control variables.
862       This  operation  takes  a  single metric name to modify, and optionally
863       specific instances.  The mandatory value will be interpreted  according
864       to the type of the metric being modified.
866       If  successful,  the response from these requests is a JSON document of
867       the form:
869         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/store?name=pmcd.control.timeout&value=10
870         {
871           "context": 348734,
872           "success": true
873         }
875   GET /pmapi/derive: pmAddDerived(3)
876       ┌────────────┬────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
877       │Parameters  │  Type  │                  Explanation                   │
878       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
879       │expr        │ string │ Derived metric expression                      │
880       │name        │ string │ New derived metric name                        │
881       ├────────────┼────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
882       │hostspec    │ string │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
883       │context     │ number │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
884       │polltimeout │ number │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
885       │client      │ string │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
886       └────────────┴────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
887       Create a new derived metric, as defined by the  pmAddDerived(3)  metric
888       interface.  Derived metrics are associated with the named context, or a
889       new context is created and returned in the result.
891       This interface is one of the few that allows a POST to be used in place
892       of  a GET.  In this case the HTTP POST request body may be used to pro‐
893       vide one or more derived metrics specifications (all  at  once,  across
894       multiple lines, as a convenience).
896         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/derive?name=blkio.avgsz&expr=disk.all.blktotal/disk.all.total | pmjson
897         {
898           "context": 348734,
899           "success": true
900         }
902         $ curl -s http://localhost:44322/pmapi/fetch?name=blkio.avgsz&samples=2 | pmjson
903         {
904           "context": 348734,
905           "timestamp": 1547483648.2147428,
906           "values": [
907             {
908               "pmid": "511.0.27",
909               "name": "blkio.avgsz",
910               "instances:" [
911                 {
912                   "instance": null,
913                   "value": 9231
914                 }
915               ]
916             }
917           ]
918         }
920   GET /pmapi/metrics: pmLookupDesc(3),pmLookupLabels(3), pmFetch(3)
921       ┌────────────┬─────────┬────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
922       │Parameters  │  Type   │                  Explanation                   │
923       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
924       │names       │ string  │ Comma-separated list of metric names           │
925       │times       │ boolean │ Append sample times (milliseconds since epoch) │
926       ├────────────┼─────────┼────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
927       │context     │ number  │ Web context number (optional like hostspec)    │
928       │hostspec    │ string  │ Host specification as described in PCPIntro(1)
929       │polltimeout │ number  │ Seconds of inactivity before context closed    │
930       │client      │ string  │ Request identifier sent back with response     │
931       └────────────┴─────────┴────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
932       This request is a subset of the style described in the ``OPEN METRICS''
933       section, allowing a web context identifier to be passed as a parameter.
934       It  is  otherwise very similar in terms of parameters and response han‐
935       dling, please refer to the earlier section for details.


938       For the REST APIs, errors generally result in HTTP-level error respons‐
939       es.  Wherever possible, any PMAPI error string will also be provided in
940       a message along with the response.
942       All responses will be returned using HTTP 1.1 protocol and with chunked
943       encoding  being used to stream responses that are larger than a config‐
944       ured maximum size.  Compression will be used on responses whenever  the
945       client indicates appropriate support.
947       An  Access-Control-Allow-Origin:  * header is added to all REST API re‐
948       sponses.


951       PCPIntro(1),  curl(1),  pmcd(1),  pmdaopenmetrics(1),  pminfo(1),  pmj‐
952       son(1),  pmlogger(1),  pmproxy(1), pmseries(1), redis-server(1), PCPIn‐
953       tro(3) and PMAPI(3)
957Performance Co-Pilot                  PCP                          PMWEBAPI(3)