1notcurses_plane(3)                                          notcurses_plane(3)


6       notcurses_plane - operations on ncplanes


9       #include <notcurses/notcurses.h>
11              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_HORALIGNED   0x0001ull
12              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_VERALIGNED   0x0002ull
13              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_MARGINALIZED 0x0004ull
14              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_FIXED        0x0008ull
15              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_AUTOGROW     0x0010ull
16              #define NCPLANE_OPTION_VSCROLL      0x0020ull
18              typedef struct ncplane_options {
19                int y;            // vertical placement relative to parent plane
20                int x;            // horizontal placement relative to parent plane
21                int rows;         // number of rows, must be positive
22                int cols;         // number of columns, must be positive
23                void* userptr;    // user curry, may be NULL
24                const char* name; // name (used only for debugging), may be NULL
25                int (*resizecb)(struct ncplane*); // called on parent resize
26                uint64_t flags;   // closure over NCPLANE_OPTION_*
27                unsigned margin_b, margin_r; // bottom and right margins
28              } ncplane_options;
30              #define NCSTYLE_MASK      0xffffu
31              #define NCSTYLE_ITALIC    0x0010u
32              #define NCSTYLE_UNDERLINE 0x0008u
33              #define NCSTYLE_UNDERCURL 0x0004u
34              #define NCSTYLE_BOLD      0x0002u
35              #define NCSTYLE_STRUCK    0x0001u
36              #define NCSTYLE_NONE      0
38       struct  ncplane*  ncplane_create(struct  ncplane*  n, const ncplane_op‐
39       tions* nopts);
41       struct ncplane* ncpile_create(struct notcurses*  n,  const  ncplane_op‐
42       tions* nopts);
44       struct  ncplane*  ncplane_reparent(struct  ncplane*  n, struct ncplane*
45       newparent);
47       struct ncplane* ncplane_reparent_family(struct ncplane* n,  struct  nc‐
48       plane* newparent);
50       int ncplane_descendant_p(const struct ncplane* n, const struct ncplane*
51       ancestor);
53       int ncplane_resize_realign(struct ncplane* n);
55       int ncplane_resize_maximize(struct ncplane* n);
57       int ncplane_resize_marginalized(struct ncplane* n);
59       int ncplane_resize_placewithin(struct ncplane* n);
61       void ncplane_set_resizecb(struct ncplane* n,  int(resizecb)(struct  nc‐
62       plane));
64       int (ncplane_resizecb(const struct ncplane n**))(struct ncplane*);**
66       struct ncplane* ncplane_dup(struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);
68       int ncplane_resize(struct ncplane* n, int keepy, int keepx, int keeple‐
69       ny, int keeplenx, int yoff, int xoff, int ylen, int xlen);
71       int ncplane_move_yx(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
73       int ncplane_move_rel(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x);
75       void ncplane_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* restrict y, int* restrict
76       x);
78       int ncplane_y(const struct ncplane* n);
80       int ncplane_x(const struct ncplane* n);
82       void ncplane_abs_yx(const struct ncplane* n, int* y, int* x);
84       int ncplane_abs_y(const struct ncplane* n);
86       int ncplane_abs_x(const struct ncplane* n);
88       struct ncplane* ncplane_parent(struct ncplane* n);
90       const struct ncplane* ncplane_parent_const(const struct ncplane* n);
92       int ncplane_set_base_cell(struct ncplane* ncp, const nccell* c);
94       int  ncplane_set_base(struct  ncplane*  ncp,  const char* egc, uint16_t
95       stylemask, uint64_t channels);
97       int ncplane_base(struct ncplane* ncp, nccell* c);
99       static inline void ncplane_move_top(struct ncplane* n);
101       static inline void ncplane_move_bottom(struct ncplane* n);
103       void ncplane_move_family_top(struct ncplane* n);
105       void ncplane_move_family_bottom(struct ncplane* n);
107       int ncplane_move_above(struct ncplane* restrict n, struct ncplane*  re‐
108       strict targ);
110       int  ncplane_move_below(struct ncplane* restrict n, struct ncplane* re‐
111       strict targ);
113       int ncplane_move_family_above(struct ncplane* restrict  n,  struct  nc‐
114       plane* restrict targ);
116       int  ncplane_move_family_below(struct  ncplane*  restrict n, struct nc‐
117       plane* restrict targ);
119       struct ncplane* ncplane_below(struct ncplane* n);
121       struct ncplane* ncplane_above(struct ncplane* n);
123       char*  ncplane_at_cursor(struct  ncplane*   n,   uint16_t*   stylemask,
124       uint64_t* channels);
126       int ncplane_at_cursor_cell(struct ncplane* n, nccell* c);
128       char*  ncplane_at_yx(const  struct  ncplane* n, int y, int x, uint16_t*
129       stylemask, uint64_t* channels);
131       int ncplane_at_yx_cell(struct ncplane* n, int y, int x, nccell* c);
133       uint32_t* ncplane_as_rgba(const struct ncplane* nc,  ncblitter_e  blit,
134       unsigned  begy,  unsigned begx, unsigned leny, unsigned lenx, unsigned*
135       pxdimy, unsigned* pxdimx);
137       char* ncplane_contents(const struct ncplane* nc, int  begy,  int  begx,
138       unsigned leny, unsigned lenx);
140       void* ncplane_set_userptr(struct ncplane* n, void* opaque);
142       void* ncplane_userptr(struct ncplane* n);
144       void  ncplane_dim_yx(const  struct ncplane* n, unsigned* restrict rows,
145       unsigned* restrict cols);
147       static inline unsigned ncplane_dim_y(const struct ncplane* n);
149       static inline unsigned ncplane_dim_x(const struct ncplane* n);
151       void ncplane_cursor_yx(const struct ncplane* n, unsigned*  restrict  y,
152       unsigned* restrict x);
154       unsigned ncplane_cursor_y(const struct ncplane* n);
156       unsigned ncplane_cursor_x(const struct ncplane* n);
158       void ncplane_translate(const struct ncplane* src, const struct ncplane*
159       dst, int* restrict y, int* restrict x);
161       bool ncplane_translate_abs(const struct ncplane* n,  int*  restrict  y,
162       int* restrict x);
164       uint64_t ncplane_channels(const struct ncplane* n);
166       void ncplane_set_channels(struct ncplane* nc, uint64_t channels);
168       static inline unsigned ncplane_bchannel(struct ncplane* nc);
170       static inline unsigned ncplane_fchannel(struct ncplane* nc);
172       uint64_t ncplane_set_bchannel(struct ncplane* nc, uint32_t channel);
174       uint64_t ncplane_set_fchannel(struct ncplane* nc, uint32_t channel);
176       static inline unsigned ncplane_fg_rgb(struct ncplane* nc);
178       static inline unsigned ncplane_bg_rgb(struct ncplane* nc);
180       int ncplane_set_fg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t channel);
182       int ncplane_set_bg_rgb(struct ncplane* n, uint32_t channel);
184       static inline unsigned ncplane_fg_alpha(struct ncplane* nc);
186       static inline unsigned ncplane_bg_alpha(struct ncplane* nc);
188       int ncplane_set_fg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, unsigned alpha);
190       int ncplane_set_bg_alpha(struct ncplane* n, unsigned alpha);
192       static  inline unsigned ncplane_fg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, unsigned* r,
193       unsigned* g, unsigned* b);
195       static inline unsigned ncplane_bg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, unsigned*  r,
196       unsigned* g, unsigned* b);
198       int  ncplane_set_fg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, unsigned r, unsigned g, un‐
199       signed b);
201       int ncplane_set_bg_rgb8(struct ncplane* n, unsigned r, unsigned g,  un‐
202       signed b);
204       void  ncplane_set_fg_rgb8_clipped(struct  ncplane* n, int r, int g, int
205       b);
207       void ncplane_set_bg_rgb8_clipped(struct ncplane* n, int r, int  g,  int
208       b);
210       void ncplane_set_fg_default(struct ncplane* n);
212       void ncplane_set_bg_default(struct ncplane* n);
214       int ncplane_set_fg_palindex(struct ncplane* n, unsigned idx);
216       int ncplane_set_bg_palindex(struct ncplane* n, unsigned idx);
218       uint16_t ncplane_styles(const struct ncplane* n);
220       void ncplane_set_styles(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
222       void ncplane_on_styles(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
224       void ncplane_off_styles(struct ncplane* n, unsigned stylebits);
226       void ncplane_greyscale(struct ncplane* n);
228       int  ncplane_blit_bgrx(struct  ncplane* nc, int placey, int placex, int
229       linesize, ncblitter_e blitter, const unsigned char* data, int begy, int
230       begx, int leny, int lenx);
232       int  ncplane_blit_rgba(struct  ncplane* nc, int placey, int placex, int
233       linesize, ncblitter_e blitter, const unsigned char* data, int begy, int
234       begx, int leny, int lenx);
236       int ncplane_destroy(struct ncplane* ncp);
238       void notcurses_drop_planes(struct notcurses* nc);
240       int  ncplane_mergedown(struct  ncplane*  src,  struct ncplane* dst, int
241       begsrcy, int begsrcx, unsigned  leny,  unsigned  lenx,  int  dsty,  int
242       dstx);
244       int  ncplane_mergedown_simple(struct  ncplane* restrict src, struct nc‐
245       plane* restrict dst);
247       void ncplane_erase(struct ncplane* n);
249       int ncplane_erase_region(struct ncplane* n, int ystart, int xstart, int
250       ylen, int xlen);
252       bool ncplane_set_scrolling(struct ncplane* n, unsigned scrollp);
254       bool ncplane_scrolling_p(const struct ncplane* n);
256       bool ncplane_set_autogrow(struct ncplane* n, unsigned growp);
258       bool ncplane_autogrow_p(const struct ncplane* n);
260       int ncplane_scrollup(struct ncplane* n, int r);
262       int  ncplane_scrollup_child(struct  ncplane*  n,  const struct ncplane*
263       child);
265       int ncplane_rotate_cw(struct ncplane* n);
267       int ncplane_rotate_ccw(struct ncplane* n);
269       void ncplane_pixel_geom(const struct notcurses* n,  unsigned*  restrict
270       pxy, unsigned* restrict pxx, unsigned* restrict celldimy, unsigned* re‐
271       strict  celldimx,  unsigned*  restrict  maxbmapy,  unsigned*   restrict
272       maxbmapx);
274       int ncplane_set_name(struct ncplane* n, const char* name);
276       char* ncplane_name(const struct ncplane* n);


279       Ncplanes  are  the fundamental drawing object of notcurses.  All output
280       functions take a struct ncplane as an argument.  They can be any  size,
281       and placed anywhere.  In addition to its framebuffer--a rectilinear ma‐
282       trix of nccells (see notcurses_cell(3))--an ncplane is defined by:
284       • a base nccell, used for any cell on the plane without a glyph,
286       • the egcpool backing its nccells,
288       • a current cursor location,
290       • a current style, foreground channel, and background channel,
292       • its geometry,
294       • a configured user pointer,
296       • position relative to the standard plane,
298       • the plane, if any, to which it is bound,
300       • the next plane bound by the plane to which it is bound,
302       • the head of the list of its bound planes,
304       • its resize methodology,
306       • whether a sprixel (see notcurses_visual(3)) is associated,
308       • its z-index, and
310       • a name (used only for debugging).
312       New planes can be created with ncplane_create.  If a plane is bound  to
313       another,  x  and y coordinates are relative to the plane to which it is
314       bound, and if this latter plane moves, all its bound planes move  along
315       with  it.   When a plane is destroyed, all planes bound to it (directly
316       or transitively) are destroyed.
318       If the NCPLANE_OPTION_HORALIGNED flag is provided, x is interpreted  as
319       an  ncalign_e  rather  than  an  absolute position.  If the NCPLANE_OP‐
320       TION_VERALIGNED flag is provided, y  is  interpreted  as  an  ncalign_e
321       rather  than an absolute postiion.  Either way, all positions are rela‐
322       tive to the parent plane.   ncplane_resize_realign  should  usually  be
323       used  together with these flags, so that the plane is automatically re‐
324       aligned upon a resize of its parent.
326       If  the  NCPLANE_OPTION_MARGINALIZED  flag  is  provided,  neither  NC‐
328       and rows and cols must both be 0.  y and x will be interpreted  as  top
329       and  left margins.  margin_b and margin_r will be interpreted as bottom
330       and right margins.  The plane will take the maximum space possible sub‐
331       ject  to  its parent planes and these margins.  The plane cannot become
332       smaller  than  1x1  (the   margins   are   best-effort).    ncplane_re‐
333       size_marginalized  should  usually  be used together with this flag, so
334       that the plane is automatically resized.
336       ncplane_reparent detaches the plane n from any plane  to  which  it  is
337       bound,  and  binds it to newparent.  Its children are reparented to its
338       previous parent.  The standard plane cannot be reparented.  If  newpar‐
339       ent  is  NULL,  the  plane  becomes the root plane of a new, unrendered
340       stack.  When ncplane_reparent_family is used, all  planes  bound  to  n
341       move along with it during a reparenting operation.  See Piles below.
343       ncplane_destroy  destroys a particular ncplane, after which it must not
344       be used again.  notcurses_drop_planes destroys all ncplanes other  than
345       the stdplane.  Any references to such planes are, of course, invalidat‐
346       ed.  It is undefined to destroy a plane concurrently with any other op‐
347       eration involving that plane, or any operation involving the z-axis.
349       It is an error for two threads to concurrently mutate a single ncplane.
350       So long as rendering is not taking place, however, multiple threads may
351       safely  output  to multiple ncplanes.  So long as all threads are read‐
352       ers, multiple threads may work with a single ncplane.  A reading  func‐
353       tion is any which accepts a const struct ncplane.
355       A  plane  can  be  moved relative to its parent plane's origin with nc‐
356       plane_move_yx.  If the plane has no parent, the move is relative to the
357       rendering  area.   A  plane  can be moved off-screen entirely, in which
358       case it will not be visible following rasterization;  it  can  also  be
359       partially off-screen.
361       A  plane  has  a virtual cursor; Set its new position with ncplane_cur‐
362       sor_move_yx.  Specifying -1 as one or both coordinates will  hold  that
363       axis  constant.   You may move a cursor relatively to its current posi‐
364       tion with ncplane_cursor_move_rel.  Unless  coordinates  are  specified
365       for a call, action takes place at the plane's virtual cursor, which au‐
366       tomatically moves along with output.  The current virtual cursor  loca‐
367       tion can be acquired with ncplane_cursor_yx.
369       ncplane_yx  returns  the  coordinates  of the specified plane's origin,
370       relative to the plane to which it is bound.  Either or both of y and  x
371       may  be NULL.  ncplane_y and ncplane_x allow a single component of this
372       location to be retrieved.  ncplane_abs_yx returns  the  coordinates  of
373       the specified plane's origin relative to its pile.
375       ncplane_translate  translates  coordinates  expressed  relative  to the
376       plane src, and writes the coordinates of that  cell  relative  to  dst.
377       The  cell  need  not intersect with dst, though this will yield coordi‐
378       nates which are invalid for writing or reading on dst.  If dst is NULL,
379       it  is  taken  to  refer  to the standard plane.  ncplane_translate_abs
380       takes coordinates expressed relative to the standard plane, and returns
381       coordinates relative to dst, returning false if the coordinates are in‐
382       valid for dst.
384       ncplane_mergedown writes to dst the frame that would be rendered if on‐
385       ly  src  and dst existed on the z-axis, ad dst represented the entirety
386       of the rendering region.  Only those cells where  src  intersects  with
387       dst might see changes.  It is an error to merge a plane onto itself.
389       ncplane_erase  zeroes  out  every cell of the plane, dumps the egcpool,
390       and homes the cursor.  The base cell is preserved, as  are  the  active
391       attributes.   ncplane_erase_region does the same for a subregion of the
392       plane.  For the latter, supply 0 for ylen and/or xlen to erase  through
393       that  dimension, starting at the specified point.  Supply -1 for ystart
394       and/or xstart to use the cursor's current position along that axis  for
395       a  starting point.  Negative ylen and xlen move up and to the left from
396       the starting coordinate; positive ylen and xlen move down  and  to  the
397       right from same.  See BUGS below.
399       When  a  plane  is resized (whether by ncplane_resize, SIGWINCH, or any
400       other mechanism), a depth-first recursion is performed on its children.
401       Each  child plane having a non-NULL resizecb will see that callback in‐
402       voked following resizing of its parent's plane.  If it returns  non-ze‐
403       ro,  the  resizing  cascade terminates, returning non-zero.  Otherwise,
404       resizing proceeds recursively.
406       ncplane_move_top and ncplane_move_bottom extract their argument n  from
407       the  z-axis, and reinsert it at the top or bottom, respectively, of its
408       pile.  These functions are both O(1).  ncplane_move_family_top and  nc‐
409       plane_move_family_bottom  do  the  same, and move any bound descendants
410       along with the plane.  Ordering among the  plane  and  its  descendants
411       will  be  maintained.   For example, assume a pile with A at the top of
412       its z-axis, followed by B, C, D, and E, where E is bound to C.  Calling
413       ncplane_move_family_top  on  C will result in the order CEABD.  Calling
414       ncplane_move_family_bottom on C will result in the order ABDCE.   Call‐
415       ing  ncplane_move_family_top  or  ncplane_move_top  on E will result in
416       EABCD.  Calling ncplane_move_family_bottom on E is a no-op.  These  two
417       functions are O(N) on the number of planes in the pile.
419       ncplane_move_above  and ncplane_move_below move the argument n above or
420       below, respectively, the argument targ.  Both operate in O(1).
422       ncplane_at_yx and ncplane_at_yx_cell retrieve the contents of the plane
423       at  the  specified  coordinate.   The content is returned as it will be
424       used during rendering, and thus integrates any base cell  as  appropri‐
425       ate.  If called on the secondary columns of a wide glyph, ncplane_at_yx
426       returns the EGC, and thus cannot be used to distinguish between primary
427       and secondary columns.  ncplane_at_yx_cell, however, preserves this in‐
428       formation: retrieving a secondary column  of  a  wide  glyph  with  nc‐
429       plane_at_yx_cell  will fill in the nccell argument such that nccell_ex‐
430       tended_gcluster(3) returns an empty string, and  nccell_wide_right_p(3)
431       returns true.
433       If  ncplane_at_yx is invoked upon a sprixel plane, the control sequence
434       will be returned for any valid coordinates (note that this may be quite
435       large).   This  does not apply to ncplane_at_yx_cell, which will return
436       an error.
438       ncplane_set_name sets the plane's name, freeing any old name.  name may
439       be NULL.  ncplane_set_name duplicates the provided name internally.
441   Base cells
442       Each plane has a base cell, initialized to all zeroes.  When rendering,
443       the cells of the plane are examined in turn.  Each cell has three inde‐
444       pendent  rendering  elements--its  EGC, its foreground channel, and its
445       background channel.  Any default channel is replaced  with  the  corre‐
446       sponding channel from that plane's base cell.  ncplane_erase has no ef‐
447       fect on the base cell.  Calling ncplane_erase on  a  plane  whose  base
448       cell  is  a purple 'A' results (for rendering purposes) in a plane made
449       up entirely of purple 'A's.
451       ncplane_set_base_cell uses the nccell c (which must be bound to the nc‐
452       plane  ncp,  and must be the first nccell of a multicolumn sequence) to
453       set the base cell.  ncplane_set_base does the same with egc, stylemask,
454       and channels.
456   Piles
457       A  single notcurses context is made up of one or more piles.  A pile is
458       a set of one or more ncplanes, including the partial orderings made  up
459       of  their binding and z-axis pointers.  A pile has a top and bottom nc‐
460       plane (this might be a single plane),  and  one  or  more  root  planes
461       (planes  which  are bound to themselves).  Multiple threads can concur‐
462       rently operate on distinct piles, even changing one while rendering an‐
463       other.
465       Each  plane  is  part of one and only one pile.  By default, a plane is
466       part of the same pile containing that plane to which it is  bound.   If
467       ncpile_create  is  used  in  the  place of ncplane_create, the returned
468       plane becomes the root plane, top, and bottom of a new pile.  As a root
469       plane, it is bound to itself.  A new pile can also be created by repar‐
470       enting a plane to itself, though if the plane is already a root  plane,
471       this is a no-op.
473       When a plane is moved to a different pile (whether new or preexisting),
474       any planes which were bound to it are rebound to its  previous  parent.
475       If  the  plane  was  a root plane of some pile, any bound planes become
476       root planes.  The new plane is placed immediately atop its  new  parent
477       on  its  new  pile's z-axis.  When ncplane_reparent_family is used, all
478       planes bound to the reparented plane are moved along  with  it.   Their
479       relative z-order is maintained.
481       More information is available from notcurses_pile(3).
483   Binding
484       The  planes  of a pile make up a directed acyclic forest.  Planes bound
485       to themselves make up the root planes of the pile.  Every plane is  ei‐
486       ther  a  root plane, or bound to some other plane in its pile.  A plane
487       and its descendants make up a family.  When a plane is moved using  nc‐
488       plane_move_yx, its family is moved along with it.
490   Scrolling
491       All  planes,  including  the standard plane, are created with scrolling
492       disabled.   Control  scrolling  on   a   per-plane   basis   with   nc‐
493       plane_set_scrolling.   Attempting  to print past the end of a line will
494       stop at the plane boundary, and indicate an error.  On a plane 10  col‐
495       umns wide and two rows high, printing "0123456789" at the origin should
496       succeed, but  printing  "01234567890"  will  by  default  fail  at  the
497       eleventh  character.   In either case, the cursor will be left at loca‐
498       tion 0x10; it must be moved before further printing can take place.  If
499       scrolling  is  enabled,  the first row will be filled with 01234546789,
500       the second row will have 0 written to its first column, and the  cursor
501       will end up at 1x1.  Note that it is still an error to manually attempt
502       to move the cursor off-plane, or to  specify  off-plane  output.   Box-
503       drawing  does not result in scrolling; attempting to draw a 2x11 box on
504       our 2x10 plane will result in an error and no output.   When  scrolling
505       is  enabled, and output takes place while the cursor is past the end of
506       the last row, the first row is discarded, all other rows are moved  up,
507       the last row is cleared, and output begins at the beginning of the last
508       row.  This does not take place until output is generated (i.e.   it  is
509       possible to fill a plane when scrolling is enabled).
511       Creating  a plane with the NCPLANE_OPTION_VSCROLL flag is equivalent to
512       immediately calling ncplane_set_scrolling on that plane with  an  argu‐
513       ment of true.
515       By  default,  planes  bound to a scrolling plane will scroll along with
516       it, if they intersect the plane.  This can be disabled by creating them
517       with the NCPLANE_OPTION_FIXED flag.
519   Autogrow
520       Normally,  once output reaches the right boundary of a plane, it is im‐
521       possible to place more output unless the cursor  is  first  moved.   If
522       scrolling  is  enabled,  the cursor will automatically move down and to
523       the left in this case, but upon reaching the bottom right corner of the
524       plane, it is impossible to place more output without a scrolling event.
525       If autogrow is in play, the plane will automatically be enlarged to ac‐
526       commodate  output.  If scrolling is disabled, growth takes place to the
527       right; it otherwise takes place at the bottom.  The plane only grows in
528       one dimension.  Autogrow cannot be enabled for the standard plane.
530       Creating a plane with the NCPLANE_OPTION_AUTOGROW flag is equivalent to
531       immediately calling ncplane_set_autogrow on that plane with an argument
532       of true.
534   Bitmaps
535       ncplane_pixel_geom  retrieves  pixel geometry details.  pxy and pxx re‐
536       turn the size of the plane in pixels.  celldimy and celldimx return the
537       size  of  a  cell  in  pixels  (these ought be the same across planes).
538       maxbmapy and maxbmapx describe the largest bitmap  which  can  be  dis‐
539       played in the plane.  Any parameter (save n) may be NULL.
541       When  a  plane  is blitted to using ncvisual_blit and NCBLIT_PIXEL (see
542       notcurses_visual(3)), it  ceases  to  accept  cell-based  output.   The
543       sprixel  will  remain  associated until a new sprixel is blitted to the
544       plane, the plane is resized, the plane is erased, or the plane  is  de‐
545       stroyed.   The  base  cell of a sprixelated plane has no effect; if the
546       sprixel is not even multiples of the cell geometry, the "excess  plane"
547       is ignored during rendering.


550       ncplane_create  and ncplane_dup return a new struct ncplane on success,
551       or NULL on failure.
553       ncplane_userptr returns the configured user pointer  for  the  ncplane,
554       and cannot fail.
556       ncplane_below  returns  the  plane below the specified ncplane.  If the
557       provided plane is the bottommost plane, NULL is  returned.   It  cannot
558       fail.
560       ncplane_set_scrolling returns true if scrolling was previously enabled,
561       and false otherwise.
563       ncplane_at_yx and ncplane_at_cursor return a heap-allocated copy of the
564       EGC  at  the relevant cell, or NULL if the cell is invalid.  The caller
565       should free this result.  ncplane_at_yx_cell and ncplane_at_cursor_cell
566       instead  load  these values into an nccell, which is invalidated if the
567       associated plane is destroyed.  The caller should release  this  nccell
568       with nccell_release.
570       ncplane_as_rgba returns a heap-allocated array of uint32_t values, each
571       representing a single RGBA pixel, or NULL on failure.
573       ncplane_erase_region returns -1 if ystart or xstart are less  than  -1,
574       or outside the plane.
576       ncplane_cursor_move_yx returns -1 if the coordinates are beyond the di‐
577       mensions of the specified plane (except for the special value -1).
579       ncplane_cursor_move_rel returns -1 if the coordinates  are  beyond  the
580       dimensions of the specified plane.
582       ncplane_name returns a heap-allocated copy of the plane's name, or NULL
583       if it has no name (or on error).
585       Functions returning int return 0 on success, and non-zero on error.
587       All other functions cannot fail (and return void).



591       ncplane_at_yx  doesn't  yet  account  for  bitmap-based  graphics  (see
592       notcurses_visual(3)).   Whatever  glyph-based  contents  existed on the
593       plane when the bitmap was blitted will continue to be returned.
595       When the alternate screen is not used (see notcurses_init(3)), the con‐
596       tents  of the terminal at startup remain present until obliterated on a
597       cell-by-cell basis.  ncplane_erase and ncplane_erase_region  cannot  be
598       used  to clear the terminal of startup content.  If you want the screen
599       cleared on startup, but do not want to use (or rely on)  the  alternate
600       screen, use something like:
602              ncplane_set_base(notcurses_stdplane(nc), " ", 0, 0);
603              notcurses_render(nc);
605       or simply:
607              notcurses_refresh(nc);


610       notcurses(3),  notcurses_capabilities(3),  notcurses_cell(3),  notcurs‐
611       es_output(3), notcurses_pile(3), notcurses_stdplane(3),  notcurses_vis‐
612       ual(3)


615       nick black <nickblack@linux.com>.
619                                    v3.0.8                  notcurses_plane(3)