1yambar-tags(5)                File Formats Manual               yambar-tags(5)


6       yambar-tags - configuration file


9       Tags are the data carriers; it is through tags that modules expose
10       their information. Each module defines its own set of tags.
12       The available tag types are:
14       ┌─────────┬────────────────────────────┐
15Type     Description                
16       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
17       │string   │ Value is a string. Ren‐    │
18       │         │ dered as-is by the string
19       │         │ particle.                  │
20       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
21       │int      │ Value is an integer. Ren‐  │
22       │         │ dered in base 10 by the    │
23       │         │ string particle.           │
24       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
25       │bool     │ Value is true or false.    │
26       │         │ Rendered as "true" or      │
27       │         │ "false" by the string par‐ │
28       │         │ ticle                      │
29       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
30       │float    │ Value is a float. Rendered │
31       │         │ in base 10, with two deci‐ │
32       │         │ mal digits by the string
33       │         │ particle                   │
34       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
35       │range    │ Value is an integer, with  │
36       │         │ a minimum and maximum      │
37       │         │ value associated with it.  │
38       │         │ By default, the string
39       │         │ particle renders the       │
40       │         │ value. The :min or :max    
41       │         │ suffixes may be added to   │
42       │         │ instead render the minimum │
43       │         │ or maximum value           │
44       │         │ ("{tag_name:min}").        │
45       ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
46       │realtime │ Value is an integer that   │
47       │         │ changes in a predictable   │
48       │         │ manner (in "realtime").    │
49       │         │ This allows the particle   │
50       │         │ to update itself periodi‐  │
51       │         │ cally. Only supported by   │
52       │         │ the yambar-particle-       
53       │         │ progress-bar(5). Other     │
54       │         │ particles can still render │
55       │         │ the tag's value. And, the  │
56       │         │ string particle recognizes │
57       │         │ the :unit suffix, which    │
58       │         │ will be translated to a    │
59       │         │ "s" for a tag with "sec‐   │
60       │         │ onds" resolution, or "ms"  │
61       │         │ for one with "millisec‐    │
62       │         │ onds" resolution.          │
63       └─────────┴────────────────────────────┘


66       A tag may be followed by one or more formatters that alter the tags
67       rendition.
69       Formatters are added by appending a ':' separated list of formatter
70       names:
72           "{tag_name:max:hex}"
74       In the table below, "kind" describes the type of action performed by
75       the formatter:
77format: changes the representation of the tag's value
78selector: changes what to render
81       In general, formatters of the same kind cannot be combined; if multiple
82       formatters of the same kind are specified, the last one will be used.
84       ┌──────────────┬──────────┬──────────────────┬───────────────┐
85Formatter     Kind     Description      Applies to]   │
86       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
87       │hex           │ format   │ Renders a tag's  │ All tag types │
88       │              │          │ value in hex     │               │
89       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
90       │oct           │ format   │ Renders a tag's  │ All tag types │
91       │              │          │ value in octal   │               │
92       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
93       │%             │ format   │ Renders a range  │ Range tags    │
94       │              │          │ tag's value as a │               │
95       │              │          │ percentage value │               │
96       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
97       │kb, mb, gb    │ format   │ Renders a tag's  │ All tag types │
98       │              │          │ value (in deci‐  │               │
99       │              │          │ mal) divided by  │               │
100       │              │          │ 1024, 1024^2 or  │               │
101       │              │          │ 1024^3. Note: no │               │
102       │              │          │ unit suffix is   │               │
103       │              │          │ appended)        │               │
104       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
105       │kib, mib, gib │ format   │ Same as kb, mb   │ All tag types │
106       │              │          │ and gb, but di‐  │               │
107       │              │          │ vide by 1000^n   │               │
108       │              │          │ instead of       │               │
109       │              │          │ 1024^n.          │               │
110       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
111       │min           │ selector │ Renders a range  │ Range tags    │
112       │              │          │ tag's minimum    │               │
113       │              │          │ value            │               │
114       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
115       │max           │ selector │ Renders a range  │ Range tags    │
116       │              │          │ tag's maximum    │               │
117       │              │          │ value            │               │
118       ├──────────────┼──────────┼──────────────────┼───────────────┤
119       │unit          │ selector │ Renders a real‐  │ Realtime tags │
120       │              │          │ time tag's unit  │               │
121       │              │          │ (e.g. "s", or    │               │
122       │              │          │ "ms")            │               │
123       └──────────────┴──────────┴──────────────────┴───────────────┘
127                                  2022-08-26                    yambar-tags(5)