1t.info(1)                   GRASS GIS User's Manual                  t.info(1)


6       t.info  - Lists information about space time datasets and maps.


9       temporal, metadata, extent, time


12       t.info
13       t.info --help
14       t.info   [-ghd]   input=name    [type=name]     [--help]    [--verbose]
15       [--quiet]  [--ui]
17   Flags:
18       -g
19           Print in shell script style
21       -h
22           Print history information in human readable shell style  for  space
23           time datasets
25       -d
26           Print information about the temporal DBMI interface and exit
28       --help
29           Print usage summary
31       --verbose
32           Verbose module output
34       --quiet
35           Quiet module output
37       --ui
38           Force launching GUI dialog
40   Parameters:
41       input=name [required]
42           Name of an existing space time dataset or map
44       type=name
45           Type of the input space time dataset
46           Options: strds,  str3ds,  stvds,  raster,  raster_3d,  vector
47           Default: strds


50       t.info  reports information about any dataset that is registered in the
51       temporal database in human readable or shell script style. Datasets are
52       raster,  3D raster and vector maps as well as their corresponding space
53       time datasets (STRDS, STR3DS and STVDS). This module reports the infor‐
54       mation that are stored in the temporal database. These are basic infor‐
55       mation (id, name, mapset, creator, creation time, temporal  type),  the
56       temporal  and  spatial  extent  and dataset type specific metadata. The
57       user has to utilize r.info, r3.info, v.info to report detailed informa‐
58       tion  about  raster,  3D raster and vector maps, since not all map spe‐
59       cific information and metadata are stored in the temporal database.
61       In addition, information about the chosen temporal database backend can
62       be reported.


65       Temporal  databases stored in other mapsets can be used as long as they
66       are in the user’s current mapset search path (managed with g.mapsets).


69   Temporal DBMI information
70       In order to obtain information about temporal DBMI backend, run:
71       t.info -d
72        +------------------- Temporal DBMI backend information ----------------------+
73        | DBMI Python interface:...... sqlite3
74        | Temporal database string:... /grassdata/nc_spm_temporal_workshop/climate_2000_2012/tgis/sqlite.db
75        | SQL template path:.......... /usr/local/grass-7.0.0/etc/sql
76        | tgis_db_version .......... 2
77        | creation_time .......... 2014-11-22 20:06:46.863733
78        | tgis_version .......... 2
79        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
81   Space time dataset information
82       In order to obtain information about a space time dataset, run:
83       t.info input=tempmean_monthly
84        +-------------------- Space Time Raster Dataset -----------------------------+
85        |                                                                            |
86        +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+
87        | Id: ........................ tempmean_monthly@climate_2000_2012
88        | Name: ...................... tempmean_monthly
89        | Mapset: .................... climate_2000_2012
90        | Creator: ................... lucadelu
91        | Temporal type: ............. absolute
92        | Creation time: ............. 2014-11-27 08:50:48.443229
93        | Modification time:.......... 2014-11-27 09:44:32.800282
94        | Semantic type:.............. mean
95        +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+
96        | Start time:................. 2009-01-01 00:00:00
97        | End time:................... 2013-01-01 00:00:00
98        | Granularity:................ 1 month
99        | Temporal type of maps:...... interval
100        +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+
101        | North:...................... 320000.0
102        | South:...................... 10000.0
103        | East:.. .................... 935000.0
104        | West:....................... 120000.0
105        | Top:........................ 0.0
106        | Bottom:..................... 0.0
107        +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
108        | Raster register table:...... raster_map_register_d567423784c740bea1fba75dc7c0fa3d
109        | North-South resolution min:. 500.0
110        | North-South resolution max:. 500.0
111        | East-west resolution min:... 500.0
112        | East-west resolution max:... 500.0
113        | Minimum value min:.......... -6.464337
114        | Minimum value max:.......... 18.54137
115        | Maximum value min:.......... 4.247691
116        | Maximum value max:.......... 28.805381
117        | Aggregation type:........... None
118        | Number of registered maps:.. 48
119        |
120        | Title:
121        | Monthly precipitation
122        | Description:
123        | Dataset with monthly precipitation
124        | Command history:
125        | # 2014-11-27 08:50:48
126        | t.create type="strds" temporaltype="absolute"
127        |     output="tempmean_monthly" title="Monthly precipitation"
128        |     description="Dataset with monthly precipitation"
129        | # 2014-11-27 09:44:32
130        | t.register -i type="rast" input="tempmean_monthly" maps="2009_01_tempmean,...,2012_12_tempmean" start="2009-01-01" increment="1 months"
131        |
132        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
133       The "granularity" is the smallest gap size between the found  time  in‐
134       stances,  i.e.   it the greatest common divisor between all gaps in the
135       time series.
137   Temporal maps information
138       In order to obtain information about a map in  a  space  time  dataset,
139       run:
140       t.info input=2009_01_tempmean type=raster
141        +-------------------- Raster Dataset ----------------------------------------+
142        |                                                                            |
143        +-------------------- Basic information -------------------------------------+
144        | Id: ........................ 2009_01_tempmean@climate_2000_2012
145        | Name: ...................... 2009_01_tempmean
146        | Mapset: .................... climate_2000_2012
147        | Creator: ................... lucadelu
148        | Temporal type: ............. absolute
149        | Creation time: ............. 2014-11-27 09:44:26.280147
150        +-------------------- Absolute time -----------------------------------------+
151        | Start time:................. 2009-01-01 00:00:00
152        | End time:................... 2009-02-01 00:00:00
153        +-------------------- Spatial extent ----------------------------------------+
154        | North:...................... 320000.0
155        | South:...................... 10000.0
156        | East:.. .................... 935000.0
157        | West:....................... 120000.0
158        | Top:........................ 0.0
159        | Bottom:..................... 0.0
160        +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
161        | Datatype:................... DCELL
162        | Number of columns:.......... 620
163        | Number of rows:............. 1630
164        | Number of cells:............ 1010600
165        | North-South resolution:..... 500.0
166        | East-west resolution:....... 500.0
167        | Minimum value:.............. -3.380823
168        | Maximum value:.............. 7.426054
169        | Registered datasets ........ tempmean_monthly@climate_2000_2012
170        +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
172   Space time dataset with semantic labels assigned
173       This  information  is  printed  only when semantic labels have been as‐
174       signed to registered raster maps by r.semantic.label or t.register mod‐
175       ule.
176       t.info input=test
177       ...
178       +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
179       ...
180        | Number of registered bands:. 13
181       ...
182       Similarly for temporal maps information:
183       t.info input=T33UYP_20190331T094039_B01 type=raster
184       ...
185        +-------------------- Metadata information ----------------------------------+
186        | Semantic label:............. S2_1
187       ...


190        t.create, t.list, t.register, r.info, r3.info, v.info


193       Sören Gebbert, Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture


196       Available at: t.info source code (history)
198       Accessed: Saturday Jan 21 21:17:04 2023
200       Main index | Temporal index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical
201       index | Full index
203       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.2.1 Reference Manual
207GRASS 8.2.1                                                          t.info(1)