

6       HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Reference - concise reference


9       version 0.40068


12       Manual Index
14       This is a concise reference of HTML::FormHandler.
16       HTML::FormHandler has a lot of options and many ways to customize your
17       forms.  More complete documentation can be found in the rest of the
18       manual as HTML::FormHandler::Manual and in HTML::FormHandler,
19       HTML::FormHandler::Field, HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC,
20       HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple, and in the individual field classes.


23   Form Attributes
24          params           HTTP parameters; if present validation will be attempted
25          name             Form name. Used in 'id' of form element
27          field_name_space  Where to search for fields
28          widget_name_space Where to search for widgets
30          language handle  For MakeText
31          ctx              Application context for your use
33          init_object      For default values instead of $item
34          dependency       Array of arrays of field names. If one name has a value, all
35                              fields in the list are set to 'required'
37          fields           Field array
38          sorted_fields    The sorted array of fields
39          field( $name )   Returns a field object
40          has_field        Moose-y sugar for declaring fields
41          field_list       Non-moose-y way to define fields
43          clear            Resets state. Used in persistent forms.
44          value            Returns a hashref of values (with accessor keys)
45          fif              Returns a hashref for filling in form
47   Form database attributes
48          item             DB row object
49          item_class       Class of db item
50          item_id          Primary key of db item
51          schema           Schema of item
53          Also 'update_model' sub
55   Form processing
56          process           Sets up form, validates, updates model
57          run               Returns a result object and clears form
58          update_field_list Updates to fields on process
59          posted            Flag to say whether or not to validate, instead of
60                               depending on presence of params
62       Validation
64          validate        Sub for validation after individual fields are validated
65          validate_model  Sub for additional database type validation
66          validated       Flag that form has validated
67          is_valid        Synonym of 'validated'
68          ran_validation  Flag that validation has already been run
69          dependency      Set groups of fields that are set to required if one is present
70          validate_$fieldname  Validation routine for field (also 'validate_method')
72       Errors
74          has_errors      True if any field has errors
75          num_errors      The number of errors (field errors + form errors)
76          error_fields    An array of fields with errors
77          errors          Returns an array of all errors
78          error_field_names Returns an array of field names with errors
80       Form Methods and process hooks
82          update_model      To perform additional database actions on update
83          update_fields     Sub providing convenient place to update fields on 'process'
84          update_subfields  Sub providing place to update fields on Build (useful for
85                              roles and compound field classes)
86          init_object       can be a method instead of an attribute
88       Form Rendering
90          html_prefix         Flag to prefix html field names with the form name.
91                                  Useful for multiple instances of the same form
92          do_form_wrapper     flag to wrap form. (build_do_form_wrapper)
93          form_tags           Various strings and flags used by rendering
94          form_element_attr   For arbitrary html attributes in the 'form' tag
95          form_element_class  Arrayref of classes for 'class="..."' in form element
96          form_wrapper_attr   For arbitrary html attributes on the form wrapper
97          form_wrapper_class  Arrayref of classes for 'class="..."' in form wrapper
98          http_method         For storing 'post' or 'get'
99          action              Store the form 'action' on submission. No default value.
100          enctype             Request enctype
101          uuid                generates a string containing an HTML field with UUID
102          style               adds a 'style' attribute to the form tag
103          id                  the form tag 'id' attribute is set to the form name
104          html_attributes     hook that allows customizing html attributes (form & field)
106   Field specific form methods
107          options_$fieldname   Sub returning options array (also 'options_method')
108          validate_$fieldname  Validation routine for field (also 'validate_method')
109          default_$fieldname   Set default for field (also 'default_method')


112   Field attributes
113          name          Field name. Must be the same as database column name or rel
114          type          Field type. From a Field class: 'Text', 'Select', etc
115          order         Set the order for fields. Default order is set by FH.
117          dump          For debugging
118          active        Arrayref of fields to set active
119          is_active
120          inactive      Arrayref of fields to set inactive
121          is_inactive
122          input_without_param  The value of the field if there is no input from the submitted form
124          default       Default value for the field
125          default_method   Coderef to set default or 'default_$fieldname' (by default)
126          not_nullable  Don't convert an empty field ('', etc) to undef
128          trim          Transform to trim the field
129          deflation     Function to deflate the field (in 'apply') (opposite of transform)
130          deflate_method          Coderef to deflate the field (for filling in the form)
131          inflate_method          Coderef to inflate the field (before validation)
132          inflate_default_method  Coderef to inflate value from item/init_object
133          deflate_value_method    Coderef to deflate value after validation
134          fif_from_value  Flag to use 'value' of field for 'fif'.
136          password      Remove from params and do not display in forms.
138   Select fields
139          options       Sorted array of hashes; keys: "value", "label"
140          options_method
141          label_column  Column to use for labels (default: name)
142          active_column Which values to list in options
143          sort_column   Column to use for sorting (default: label_column)
145   Field errors
146          errors        Errors associated with this field
147                        (also num_errors, clear_errors, has_errors, add_error)
148          messages      Hashref of message identifiers and text
150   Field validation
151          apply         Array of constraint/coercion/transformation actions
152                        ( type, check, transform, message, when )
153          validate_method  Validation coderef, or 'validate_$fieldname' in form (default)
154          required      Field is required
155          required_when Takes a hashref of field name keys and values
156          missing       Flag set when a 'required' or 'required_when' fails
157          maxlength     Text fields. Validated.
158          minlength     Text fields. Used in validation
159          range_start   Range start for number fields
160          range_end     Range end for number fields
162   Field attributes for DB
163          accessor      Database accessor name if different than field name
164          unique        Field should be unique in the database
165          noupdate      Don't update this field in the database
166          writeonly     Do not retrieve initial values
168          Also see the select field _columns attributes
170   Field rendering
171          widget          Determines which rendering widget to use for the field
172          widget_wrapper  Which wrapper widget to apply to the field
173          element_attr    Hashref to store arbitrary html attributes.
174          label_attr      Hashref for html attributes for the label
175          wrapper_attr    Hashref for html attributes for the wrapping element (div, etc)
176          element_class   Arrayref for classes for the form element
177          wrapper_class   Arrayref for classes for the form element wrapper
178          label_class     Arrayref for classes for the form element label
179          label           Text label for this field. Defaults to ucfirst field name.
180          build_label_method   provide a builder for 'label' attribute
181          wrap_label_method    provide a coderef to wrap the label
182          id              Useful for javascript (default is html_name. to prefix with
183                              form name, use 'html_prefix' in your form)
184          build_id_method Provide a builder for 'id' attribute
185          do_wrapper      Flag to render wrapper
186          do_label        Flag to render label
187          size            Text & select fields.
189          render          Widget method to render the field ($field->render)
190          renderx         "" plus set attributes ($field->render( element_class => '...' ))
191          render_element  Widget method to render unwrapped field ($field->render_element)
192          render_elementx "" plus set attributes ($field->render_elementx( element_class => '...'))
194   Field attributes managed by FormHandler
195       These attributes are usually accessed in a subroutine or in a template,
196       but are usually set only by FormHandler. ('value' may be changed as a
197       transform _in a validation routine_.)
199          init_value    Initial value from the database
200          value         The value of your field.
201          input         Input value from parameter or initial value from database
202          fif           Retrieve (do not set) values for filling in a form


205       FormHandler Contributors - see HTML::FormHandler
208       This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Gerda Shank.
210       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
211       the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
215perl v5.36.0                      2022-0H7T-M2L2::FormHandler::Manual::Reference(3)