1PDF::Builder::AnnotatioUns(e3r)Contributed Perl DocumentPaDtFi:o:nBuilder::Annotation(3)


6       PDF::Builder::Annotation - Add annotations to a PDF


9           my $pdf = PDF::Builder->new();
10           my $font = $pdf->font('Helvetica');
11           my $page1 = $pdf->page();
12           my $page2 = $pdf->page();
13           my $content = $page1->text();
14           my $message = 'Go to Page 2';
15           my $size = 18;
16           $content->distance(1 * 72, 9 * 72);
17           $content->font($font, $size);
18           $content->text($message);
19           my $annotation = $page1->annotation();
20           my $width = $content->text_width($message);
21           $annotation->rect(1 * 72, 9 * 72, 1 * 72 + $width, 9 * 72 + $size);
22           $annotation->link($page2);
23           $pdf->save('sample.pdf');


26       Note that the handling of annotations can vary from Reader to Reader.
27       The available icon set may be larger or smaller than given here, and
28       some Readers activate an annotation on a single mouse click, while
29       others require a double click. Not all features provided here may be
30       available on all PDF Readers.
32       $annotation = PDF::Builder::Annotation->new()
33           Returns an annotation object (called from $page->annotation()).
35           It is normally not necessary to explicitly call this method (see
36           examples).
38   Annotation types
39       $annotation->goto($page, %opts)
40           Defines the annotation as a launch-page with page $page (within
41           this document) and opts %opts (rect, border, color, fit: see
42           descriptions below).
44           Note that $page is not a simple page number, but is a page
45           structure such as "$pdf->openpage(page_number)".
47           Alternate name: "link"
49           Originally this method was named "link", but a recent PDF::API2
50           change made it "goto". For compatibility, it has been changed to
51           "goto", with "link" still available as an alias.
53       $annotation->pdf($pdffile, $page_number, %opts)
54           Defines the annotation as a PDF-file with filepath $pdffile, on
55           page $page_number, and opts %opts (rect, border, color, fit: see
56           descriptions below). This differs from the "goto" ("link" call in
57           that the target is found in a different PDF file, not the current
58           document.
60           $page_number is the physical page number, starting at 1: 1, 2,...
62           Alternate names: "pdfile" and "pdf_file"
64           Originally this method was named "pdfile", and then "pdf_file" but
65           a recent PDF::API2 change made it "pdf". For compatibility, it has
66           been changed to "pdf", with "pdfile" and "pdf_file" still available
67           as aliases.
69       $annotation->launch($file, %opts)
70           Defines the annotation as a launch-file with filepath $file (a
71           local file) and options %opts (rect, border, color: see
72           descriptions below).  How the file is displayed depends on the
73           operating system, type of file, and local configuration or mapping.
75           Alternate name: "file"
77           Originally this method was named "file", but a recent PDF::API2
78           change made it "launch". For compatibility, it has been changed to
79           "launch", with "file" still available as an alias.
81       $annotation->uri($url, %opts)
82           Defines the annotation as a launch-url with url $url and options
83           %opts (rect, border, color: see descriptions below).  This page is
84           usually brought up in a browser, and may be remote.
86           Alternate name: "url"
88           Originally this method was named "url", but a recent PDF::API2
89           change made it "uri". For compatibility, it has been changed to
90           "uri", with "url" still available as an alias.
92       $annotation->text($text, %opts)
93           Defines the annotation as a text note with content string $text and
94           options %opts (rect, color, text, open: see descriptions below).
95           The $text may include newlines \n for multiple lines. The option
96           border is ignored, since an icon is used.
98           The option "text" is the popup's label string, not to be confused
99           with the main $text.
101           The icon appears in the upper left corner of the "rect" selection
102           rectangle, and its active clickable area is fixed by the icon (it
103           is not equal to the rectangle). The icon size is fixed, and its
104           fill color set by "color".
106           Additional options:
108           icon => name_string
109           icon => reference
110               Specify the icon to be used. The default is Reader-specific
111               (usually "Note"), and others may be defined by the Reader.
112               "Comment", "Key", "Help", "NewParagraph", "Paragraph", and
113               "Insert" are also supposed to be available on all PDF Readers.
114               Note that the name case must exactly match.  The icon is of
115               fixed size.  Any AP dictionary entry will override the icon
116               setting.
118               A reference to an icon may be passed instead of a name.
120           opacity => value
121               Define the opacity (non-transparency, opaqueness) of the icon.
122               This value ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque),
123               and applies to both the outline and the fill color. The default
124               is 1.0.
126       $annotation->markup($text, $PointList, $highlight, %opts)
127           Defines the annotation as a text note with content string $text and
128           options %opts (color, text, open, opacity: see descriptions below).
129           The $text may include newlines \n for multiple lines.
131           "text" is the popup's label string, not to be confused with the
132           main $text.
134           There is no icon. Instead, the annotated text marked by $PointList
135           is highlighted in one of four ways specified by $highlight.
137           $PointList => [ 8n numbers ]
138               One or more sets of numeric coordinates are given, defining the
139               quadrilateral (usually a rectangle) around the text to be
140               highlighted and selectable (clickable, to bring up the
141               annotation text). These are four sets of "x,y" coordinates,
142               given (for Left-to-Right text) as the upper bound Upper Left to
143               Upper Right and then the lower bound Lower Left to Lower Right.
144               Note that this is different from what is (erroneously)
145               documented in the PDF specification! It is important that the
146               coordinates be given in this order.
148               Multiple sets of quadrilateral corners may be given, such as
149               for highlighted text that wraps around to new line(s). The
150               minimum is one set (8 numbers).  Any AP dictionary entry will
151               override the $PointList setting. Finally, the "Rect" selection
152               rectangle is created just outside the convex bounding box
153               defined by $PointList.
155           $highlight => 'string'
156               The following highlighting effects are permitted. The "string"
157               must be spelled and capitalized exactly as given:
159               Highlight
160                   The effect of a translucent "highlighter" marker.
162               Squiggly
163                   The effect is an underline written in a "squiggly" manner.
165               StrikeOut
166                   The text is struck-through with a straight line.
168               Underline
169                   The text is marked by a straight underline.
171           color => array of values
172               If "color" is not given (an array of numbers in the range
173               0.0-1.0), a medium gray should be used by default.  Named
174               colors are not supported at this time.
176           opacity => value
177               Define the opacity (non-transparency, opaqueness) of the icon.
178               This value ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque),
179               and applies to both the outline and the fill color. The default
180               is 1.0.
182       $annotation->movie($file, $contentType, %opts)
183           Defines the annotation as a movie from $file with content (MIME)
184           type $contentType and options %opts (rect, border, color, text: see
185           descriptions below).
187           The "rect" rectangle also serves as the area where the movie is
188           played, so it should be of usable size and aspect ratio. It does
189           not use a separate popup player. It is known to play .avi and .wav
190           files -- others have not been tested.  Using Adobe Reader, it will
191           not play .mpg files (unsupported type). More work is probably
192           needed on this annotation method.
194       $annotation->file_attachment($file, %opts)
195           Defines the annotation as a file attachment with file $file and
196           options %opts (rect, color: see descriptions below). Note that
197           "color" applies to the icon fill color, not to a selectable area
198           outline. The icon is resized (including aspect ratio changes) based
199           on the selectable rectangle given by "rect", so watch your
200           rectangle dimensions!
202           The file, along with its name, is embedded in the PDF document and
203           may be extracted for viewing with the appropriate viewer.
205           This differs from the "file" method in that "file" looks for and
206           launches a file already on the Reader's machine, while
207           "file_attachment" embeds the file in the PDF, and makes it
208           available on the Reader's machine for actions of the user's
209           choosing.
211           Note 1: some Readers may only permit an "open" action, and may also
212           restrict file types (extensions) that will be handled. This may be
213           configurable with your Reader's security settings.
215           Note 2: the displayed file name (pop-up during mouse rollover of
216           the target rectangle) is given with the path trimmed off (file name
217           only). If you want the displayed name to exactly match the path
218           that was passed to the call, including the path, give the
219           "notrimpath" option.
221           Options:
223           icon => name_string
224           icon => reference
225               Specify the icon to be used. The default is Reader-specific
226               (usually "PushPin"), and others may be defined by the Reader.
227               "Paperclip", "Graph", and "Tag" are also supposed to be
228               available on all PDF Readers. Note that the name case must
229               exactly match.  "None" is a custom invisible icon defined by
230               PDF::Builder.  The icon is stretched/squashed to fill the
231               defined target rectangle, so take care when defining "rect"
232               dimensions.  Any AP dictionary entry will override the icon
233               setting.
235               A reference to an icon may be passed instead of a name.
237           opacity => value
238               Define the opacity (non-transparency, opaqueness) of the icon.
239               This value ranges from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque),
240               and applies to both the outline and the fill color. The default
241               is 1.0.
243           notrimpath => 1
244               If given, show the entire path and file name on mouse rollover,
245               rather than just the file name.
247           text => string
248               A text label for the popup (on mouseover) that contains the
249               file name.
251           Note that while PDF permits different specifications (paths) to
252           DOS/Windows, Mac, and Unix (including Linux) versions of a file,
253           and different format copies to be embedded, at this time
254           PDF::Builder only permits a single file (format of your choice) to
255           be embedded. If there is user demand for multiple file formats to
256           be referenced and/or embedded, we could look into providing this,
257           although separate OS version paths may be considered obsolescent!.
259   Internal routines and common options
260       $annotation->rect($llx,$lly, $urx,$ury)
261           Sets the rectangle (active click area) of the annotation, given by
262           'rect' option. This is any pair of diagonally opposite corners of
263           the rectangle.
265           The default clickable area is the icon itself.
267           Defining option. Note that this "option" is actually required.
269           rect => [LLx, LLy, URx, URy]
270               Set annotation rectangle at "[LLx,LLy]" to "[URx,URy]" (lower
271               left and upper right coordinates). LL to UR is customary, but
272               any diagonal is allowed.
274       $annotation->border(@b)
275           Sets the border-style of the annotation, if applicable, as given by
276           the border option. There are three entries in the array: horizontal
277           and vertical corner radii, and border width.  An optional fourth
278           entry (described below) may be used for a dashed or dotted line.
280           A border is used in annotations where text or some other material
281           is put down, and a clickable rectangle is defined over it (rect). A
282           border is not shown when an icon is being used to mark the
283           clickable area.
285           A PDF Reader normally defaults to [0 0 1] (solid line of width 1,
286           with sharp corners) if no border ("/Border") is specified. Keeping
287           compatibility with PDF::API2's longstanding practice, PDF::Builder
288           defaults to no visible border "[0 0 0]" (solid line of width 0, and
289           thus invisible).
291           Defining option:
293           border => [CRh, CRv, W]
294           border => [CRh, CRv, W, [on, off...]]
295               Note that the square brackets [ and ] are literally there,
296               indicating a vector or array of values. They do not indicate
297               optional values!
299               Set annotation border style of horizontal and vertical corner
300               radii "CRh" and "CRv" (value 0 for squared corners) and width
301               "W" (value 0 for no border).  The PDF::Builder default is no
302               border (while a PDF Reader typically defaults to no border ([0
303               0 0]), if no /Border entry is given).  Optionally, a dash
304               pattern array may be given ("on" length, "off" length, as one
305               or more pairs). The default is a solid line.
307               The border vector seems to ignore the first two settings
308               (corner radii), but the line thickness works, on basic Readers.
309               The corner radii may work on some other Readers.
311       $annotation->content(@lines)
312           Sets the text-content of the "text()" annotation.  This is a text
313           string or array of strings.
315       $annotation->open($bool)
316           Display the "text()" annotation either open or closed, if
317           applicable.
319           Both are editable; the "open" form brings up the page with the
320           entry area already open for editing, while "closed" has to be
321           clicked on to edit it.
323           Defining option:
325           open => boolean
326               If true (1), the annotation will be marked as initially "open".
327               If false (0), or the option is not given, the annotation is
328               initially "closed".
330       $annotation->dest($page, fit_setting)
331           For certain annotation types ("link" or "pdf_file"), the
332           fit_setting specifies how the content of the page $page is to be
333           fit to the window, while preserving its aspect ratio.  These fit
334           settings are listed in "Page Fit Options" in PDF::Builder::Docs.
336           "xyz" is the default fit setting, with position (left and top) and
337           zoom the same as the calling page's ([undef, undef, undef]).
339       $annotation->dest($name)
340           Connect the Annotation to a "Named Destination" defined elsewhere,
341           including the optional desired fit (default: xyz undef*3).
343       $annotation->Color(@color)
344           Set the icon's fill color. The color is an array of 1, 3, or 4
345           numbers, each in the range 0.0 to 1.0. If 1 number is given, it is
346           the grayscale value (0 = black to 1 = white). If 3 numbers are
347           given, it is an RGB color value. If 4 numbers are given, it is a
348           CMYK color value. Currently, named colors (strings) are not
349           handled.
351           For link and url annotations, this is the color of the rectangle
352           border (border given with a width of at least 1).
354           If an invalid array length or numeric value is given, a medium gray
355           ( [0.5] ) value is used, without any message. If no color is given,
356           the usual fill color is black.
358           Defining option:
360           Named colors are not supported at this time.
362           color => [ ] or not 1, 3, or 4 numbers 0.0-1.0
363               A medium gray (0.5 value) will be used if an invalid color is
364               given.
366           color => [ g ]
367               If g is between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white), the fill color
368               will be gray.
370           color => [ r, g, b ]
371               If r (red), g (green), and b (blue) are all between 0.0 and
372               1.0, the fill color will be the defined RGB hue. [ 0, 0, 0 ] is
373               black, [ 1, 1, 0 ] is yellow, and [ 1, 1, 1 ] is white.
375           color => [ c, m, y, k ]
376               If c (red), m (magenta), y (yellow), and k (black) are all
377               between 0.0 and 1.0, the fill color will be the defined CMYK
378               hue. [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] is white, [ 1, 0, 1, 0 ] is green, and [ 1,
379               1, 1, 1 ] is black.
381       text => string
382           Specify an optional text label for annotation. This text or comment
383           only shows up as a title in the pop-up containing the file or text.
387perl v5.36.0                      2022-09-13       PDF::Builder::Annotation(3)