1tepam::argument_diTacllo'gsboExn(hna)nced Procedure and ArgumteenptamM:a:naarggeurment_dialogbox(n)


8       tepam::argument_dialogbox - TEPAM argument_dialogbox, reference manual


11       package require Tcl  8.3
13       package require Tk  8.3
15       package require tepam  ?0.5?
17       tepam::argument_dialogbox item_name item_attributes ?item_name item_at‐
18       tributes? ?...?
20       tepam::argument_dialogbox   {item_name    item_attributes    ?item_name
21       item_attributes? ?...?}



27       The TEPAM argument_dialogbox is a flexible and easily usable data entry
28       form generator that is available if Tk has been loaded. Each data entry
29       element of a form is defined via a data entry item that can be provided
30       to argument_dialogbox in two formats:
32       tepam::argument_dialogbox item_name item_attributes ?item_name item_at‐
33       tributes? ?...?
34              Using  this  first format, each data entry item is defined via a
35              pair of two arguments. The first one is the item name  that  de‐
36              fines the entry widget that has to be used in the form. The sec‐
37              ond argument, called item  attributes,  specifies  the  variable
38              which  is  attributed to the data entry element as well as even‐
39              tual formatting and context information.
41              The argument_dialogbox returns ok if the entered data have  been
42              acknowledged  (via  the  OK  button)  and  validated  by  a data
43              checker. If the entered data have been rejected (via the  Cancel
44              button) the argument_dialogbox returns cancel.
46              A  small  example  illustrates how the argument_dialogbox can be
47              employed:
49              set DialogResult [tepam::argument_dialogbox \
50                 -title "Itinerary selection" \
51                 -file {-label "Itinerary report" -variable report_file} \
52                 -frame {-label "Itinerary start"} \
53                    -comment {-text "Specify your itinerary start location"} \
54                    -entry {-label "City" -variable start_city -type string} \
55                    -entry {-label "Street" -variable start_street -type string -optional 1} \
56                    -entry {-label "Street number" -variable start_street_nbr -type integer -optional 1} \
57                 -frame {-label "Itinerary destination"} \
58                    -comment {-text "Specify your itinerary destination"} \
59                    -entry {-label "City" -variable dest_city -type string} \
60                    -entry {-label "Street" -variable dest_street -type string -optional 1} \
61                    -entry {-label "Street number" -variable dest_street_nbr -type integer -optional 1} \
62                 -frame {} \
63                 -checkbutton {-label "Don't use highways" -variable no_highway}]
65              This example opens a dialog box that has the title Itinerary se‐
66              lection. A first entry widget in this box allows selecting a re‐
67              port file. It follows two frames to define respectively an itin‐
68              erary  start  and end location. Each of these locations that are
69              described with a comment has three entry widgets to specify  re‐
70              spectively  the  city,  street and the street number. Bellow the
71              second frame there is a check button that allows  specifying  if
72              eventual highways should be ignored.
74       tepam::argument_dialogbox    {item_name    item_attributes   ?item_name
75       item_attributes? ?...?}
76              Sometimes it is simpler to provide all the data entry item defi‐
77              nitions  in form of a single list to argument_dialogbox, and not
78              as individual arguments. The second format that is supported  by
79              argument_dialogbox  corresponds exactly to the first one, except
80              that all item definitions are packed into a single list that  is
81              provided  to argument_dialogbox. The previous example can there‐
82              fore also be written in the following way:
84              set DialogResult [tepam::argument_dialogbox {
85                 -title "Itinerary selection"
86                 -file {-label "Itinerary report" -variable report_file}
87                 ...
88                 -checkbutton {-label "Don't use highways" -variable no_highway} }]
90       The commands argument_dialogbox as well as procedure are exported  from
91       the  namespace  tepam.  To use these commands without the tepam:: name‐
92       space prefix, it is sufficient to import them into the main namespace:
94              namespace import tepam::*
96              set DialogResult [argument_dialogbox \
97                 -title "Itinerary selection"
98                 ...
99       The following subsections explain the  different  argument  item  types
100       that  are  accepted  by  the  argument_dialogbox, classified into three
101       groups. The first data entry item definition format will be used in the
102       remaining  document, knowing that this format can always be transformed
103       into the second format by putting all arguments into a single list that
104       is then provided to argument_dialogbox.
107       The first item group allows specifying some context aspects of an argu‐
108       ment dialog box. These items are taking a simple  character  string  as
109       item attribute:
111              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
112                 -<argument_name> string \
113                 ...
114       The following items are classified into this group:
116       -title string
117              The  dialog  box  window title which is by default Dialog can be
118              changed with the -title item:
120              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
121                 -title "System configuration" \
122                 ...
124       -window string
125              The argument dialog box uses by default .dialog  as  dialog  top
126              level window. This path can be changed with the -window item:
128              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
129                 -window .dialog \
130                 ...
132       -parent string
133              By  defining  a  parent  window, the argument dialog box will be
134              displayed beside this one. Without explicit parent window  defi‐
135              nition,  the  top-level window will be considered as parent win‐
136              dow.
138              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
139                 -parent .my_appl \
140                 ...
142       -context string
143              If a context is defined the dialog box state, e.g.  the  entered
144              data  as  well as the window size and position, is  restored the
145              next time the argument dialog box is called. The assignment of a
146              context  allows  saving  the  dialog box state in its context to
147              distinguish between different usages of the argument dialog box.
149              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
150                 -context destination_definitions \
151                 ...
154       Especially for big, complex forms it becomes important that the differ‐
155       ent  data entry widgets are graphically well organized and commented to
156       provide an immediate and clear overview to the user. A couple of  items
157       allow structuring and commenting the dialog boxes.
159       The  items  of  this  classification group require as item attributes a
160       definition list, which contains itself attribute name and value pairs:
162              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
163                 ...
164                 -<argument_name> {
165                    ?-<attribute_name> <attribute_value>?
166                    ?-<attribute_name> <attribute_value>?
167                    ?...?
168                 }
169                 ...
170       The following items are classified into this group:
172       -frame list
173              The -frame item allows packing all following entry widgets  into
174              a labeled frame, until a next frame item is defined or until the
175              last entry widget has been defined. It recognizes the  following
176              attributes inside the item attribute list:
178              -label string
179                     An  optional frame label can be specified with the -label
180                     statement.
182              Example:
184              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
185                 ...
186                 -frame {-label "Destination address"}
187                 ...
189              To close an open frame without opening a new one, an empty  list
190              has to be provided to the -frame statement.
192              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
193                 ...
194                 -frame {}
195                 ...
197       -sep [const {{}}]
198              Entry  widgets  can  be  separated with the -sep statement which
199              doesn't require additional definitions. The  related  definition
200              list has to exist, but its content is ignored.
202              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
203                 ...
204                 -sep {}
205                 ...
207       -comment string
208              Comments  and descriptions can be added with the -text attribute
209              of the -comment item. Please note that each entry widget  itself
210              can  also  contain  a  -text attribute for comments and descrip‐
211              tions. But the -comment item allows for  example  adding  a  de‐
212              scription between two frames.
214              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
215                 ...
216                 -comment {-text "Specify bellow the destination address"}
217                 ...
219       -yscroll 0|1|auto
220              This  attribute  allows controlling an eventual vertical scroll‐
221              bar. Setting it to 0 will  permanently  disable  the  scrollbar,
222              setting  it  to  1 will enable it. By default it is set to auto.
223              The scrollbar is enabled in this mode only if the vertical  data
224              entry form size exceeds 66% of the screen height.
226              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
227                 ...
228                 -yscroll auto
229                 ...
232       This  item group allows specifying global custom checks to validate the
233       entered data.
235       -validatecommand script
236              Custom data checks can be performed via validation commands that
237              are defined with the -validatecommand item. Example:
239              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
240                 -entry {-label "Your comment" -variable YourCom} \
241                 -validatecommand {IllegalWordDetector $YourCom}
243              The validation command is executed in the context of the calling
244              procedure, once all the basic data checks  have  been  performed
245              and  data  variables  are assigned. All data is accessed via the
246              data variables. Note that there is also an entry widget specific
247              attribute  -validatecommand  that allows declaring custom checks
248              for specific data entries.
250              The attribute -validatecommand can be repeated to declare multi‐
251              ple custom checks.
253       -validatecommand_error_text string
254              This  item  allows  overriding  the  default error message for a
255              global custom argument validation (defined by -validatecommand).
256              Also  this attribute can be repeated in case multiple checks are
257              declared.
259       -validatecommand2 script
261       -validatecommand2_error_text string
262              These items are mainly for TEPAM internal usage.
264              These items corrspond respectively to -validatecommand and -val‐
265              idatecommand_error_text.  However,  the  data  validation is not
266              performed in the next upper stack level, but  two  stack  levels
267              higher.
270       Data  entry  widgets are created with the widget items. These items re‐
271       quire as item attributes a definition list, which contains  itself  at‐
272       tribute name and value pairs:
274              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
275                 ...
276                 -<argument_name> {
277                    ?-<attribute_name> <attribute_value>?
278                    ?-<attribute_name> <attribute_value>?
279                    ?...?
280                 }
281                 ...
282       The  attribute list can contain various attributes to describe and com‐
283       ment an entry widget and to constrain its entered value. All entry wid‐
284       gets are accepting a common set of attributes that are described in the
285       section Entry Widget Item Attributes.
287       TEPAM defines a rich set of entry widgets. If necessary, this  set  can
288       be extended with additional application specific entry widgets (see AP‐
291       -entry list
292              The -entry item generates the simplest but most  universal  data
293              entry  widget.  It  allows  entering any kind of data in form of
294              single line strings.
296              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
297                 -entry {-label Name -variable Entry}
299       -text list
300              The -text item generates a multi line  text  entry  widget.  The
301              widget height can be selected with the -height attribute.
303              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
304                 -text {-label Name -variable Text -height 5}
306       -checkbox list
307              A  group  of check boxes is created with the -checkbox item. The
308              number of check boxes and their option values are specified with
309              a  list assigned to the -choices attribute or via a variable de‐
310              clared with the -choicevariable attribute:
312              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
313                 -checkbox {-label "Font sytle" -variable FontStyle \
314                             -choices {bold italic underline} -default italic}
316              If the labels of the check boxes should differ from  the  option
317              values,  their  labels can be defined with the -choicelabels at‐
318              tribute:
320              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
321                 -checkbox {-label "Font sytle" -variable FontStyle \
322                            -choices {bold italic underline} \
323                            -choicelabels {Bold Italic Underline} \
324                            -default italic}
326              In contrast to a radio box group, a check box group  allows  se‐
327              lecting  simultaneously several choice options. The selection is
328              stored for this reason inside the defined variable in form of  a
329              list, even if only one choice option has been selected.
331       -radiobox list
332              A  group  of radio boxes is created with the -radiobox item. The
333              number of radio boxes and their option values are specified with
334              a  list assigned to the -choices attribute or via a variable de‐
335              clared with the -choicevariable attribute.
337              In contrast to a check box group, a radio box group  allows  se‐
338              lecting  simultaneously only one choice option. The selected op‐
339              tion value is stored directly, and not in form of a list, inside
340              the defined variable.
342              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
343                 -radiobox {-label "Text adjustment" -variable Adjustment \
344                            -choices {left center right} -default left}
346              If  the  labels of the radio boxes should differ from the option
347              values, their labels can be defined with the  -choicelabels  at‐
348              tribute:
350              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
351                 -radiobox {-label "Text adjustment" -variable Adjustment \
352                            -choices {left center right} \
353                            -choicelabels {Left Center Right} -default left}
355       -checkbutton list
356              The  -checkbutton entry widget allows activating or deactivating
357              a single choice option. The result  written  into  the  variable
358              will  either  be 0 if the check button was not activated or 1 if
359              it was activated. An eventually provided default value has  also
360              to be either 0 or 1.
362              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
363                 -checkbutton {-label Capitalize -variable Capitalize -default 1}
365       Several types of list and combo boxes are available to handle selection
366       lists.
368       -combobox list
369              The combobox is a combination of a normal entry widget  together
370              with  a  drop-down  list box. The combobox allows selecting from
371              this drop-down list box a single element. The list of the avail‐
372              able  elements  can be provided either as a list to the -choices
373              attribute, or via a variable that is specified with the -choice‐
374              variable attribute.
376              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
377                 -combobox {-label "Text size" -variable Size -choices {8 9 10 12 15 18} -default 12}
379              And  here is an example of using a variable to define the selec‐
380              tion list:
382              set TextSizes {8 9 10 12 15 18}
383              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
384                 -combobox {-label "Text size" -variable Size -choicevariable TextSizes -default 12}
386       -listbox list
387              In contrast to the combo box, the list box is  always  displayed
388              by  the listbox entry widget. Only one element is selectable un‐
389              less the -multiple_selection attribute  is  set.  The  list  box
390              height can be selected with the -height attribute. If the height
391              is not explicitly defined, the list box height is  automatically
392              adapted to the argument dialog box size.  The first example uses
393              a variable to define the available choices:
395              set set AvailableSizes
396              for {set k 0} {$k<16} {incr k} {lappend AvailableSizes [expr 1<<$k]}
398              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
399                 -listbox {-label "Distance" -variable Distance \
400                           -choicevariable AvailableSizes -default 6 -height 5}
402              Here is a multi-element selection example. Please note that also
403              the default selection can contain multiple elements:
405              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
406                 -listbox {-label "Text styles" -variable Styles \
407                           -choices {bold italic underline overstrike} \
408                           -choicelabels {Bold Italic Underline Overstrike} \
409                           -default {bold underline} -multiple_selection 1 \
410                           -height 3}
412       -disjointlistbox list
413              A  disjoint list box has to be used instead of a normal list box
414              if the selection order is important. The disjoint list box entry
415              widget  has  in  fact two list boxes, one to select elements and
416              one to display the selected elements in the chosen order.
418              Disjoint listboxes allow  always  selecting  multiple  elements.
419              With  the  exception  of the -multiple_selection attribute, dis‐
420              jointed list boxes are accepting the same attributes as the nor‐
421              mal listbox, e.g. -height, -choices, -choicevariable, -default.
423              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
424                 -disjointlistbox {-label "Preferred scripting languages" -variable Languages \
425                           -comment "Please select your preferred languages in the order" \
426                           -choices {JavaScript Lisp Lua Octave PHP Perl Python Ruby Scheme Tcl} \
427                           -default {Tcl Perl Python}}
429       The  file and directory selectors are building a next group of data en‐
430       try widgets. A paragraph of section Entry Widget  Item  Attributes  ex‐
431       plains  the  widget  specific attributes that allow specifying the tar‐
432       geted file types, active directory etc.
434       -file list
435              The item -file creates a group composed by an entry  widget  to‐
436              gether  with  a  button  that allows opening a file browser. The
437              data type file is automatically selected for this  entry  if  no
438              data type has been explicitly defined with the -type attribute.
440              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
441                 -file {-label "Image file" -variable ImageF \
442                        -filetypes {{"GIF" {*.gif}} {"JPG" {*.jpg}}} \
443                        -initialfile "picture.gif"}
445       -existingfile list
446              The item -existingfile creates a group composed by an entry wid‐
447              get together with a button that allows opening a browser to  se‐
448              lect  an  existing file. The data type existingfile is automati‐
449              cally selected for this entry if no data type has  been  explic‐
450              itly defined with the -type attribute.
452              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
453                 -existingfile {-label "Image file" -variable ImageF \
454                                -filetypes {{"GIF" {*.gif}} {"JPG" {*.jpg}}} \
455                                -initialfile "picture.gif"}
457       -directory list
458              The  item -directory creates a group composed by an entry widget
459              together with a button that allows opening a directory  browser.
460              The data type directory is automatically selected for this entry
461              if no data type has been explicitly defined with the  -type  at‐
462              tribute.
464              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
465                 -directory {-label "Report directory" -variable ReportDir}
467       -existingdirectory list
468              The item -existingdirectory creates a group composed by an entry
469              widget together with a button that allows opening a  browser  to
470              select an existing directory. The data type existingdirectory is
471              automatically selected for this entry if no data type  has  been
472              explicitly defined with the -type attribute.
474              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
475                 -existingdirectory {-label "Report directory" -variable ReportDir}
477       Finally,  there  is  a last group of some other special data entry wid‐
478       gets.
480       -color list
481              The color selector is composed by an entry widget together  with
482              a  button  that  allows  opening  a color browser. The data type
483              color is automatically selected for this entry widget type if no
484              data type has been explicitly defined with the -type attribute.
486              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
487                 -color {-label "Background color" -variable Color -default red}
489       -font list
490              The font selector is composed by an entry widget together with a
491              button that allows opening a font browser. The data type font is
492              automatically  selected  for  this  entry widget type if no data
493              type has been explicitly defined with the -type  attribute.  The
494              entry  widget  displays an example text in the format of the se‐
495              lected font.
497              The font browser allows selecting by default the  font  families
498              provided by the font families Tk command as well as a reasonable
499              set of different font sizes between 6 points and 40 points. Dif‐
500              ferent sets of font families and font sizes can be specified re‐
501              spectively via the -font_families or -font_sizes attributes.
503              If no default font is provided via the -default  attribute,  the
504              default  font  of  the label widget to display the selected font
505              will be used as default selected font. If  the  font  family  of
506              this  label  widget  is  not  part of the available families the
507              first available family is used as default. If the font  size  of
508              this  label  widget  is not part of the available sizes the next
509              close available size is selected as default size.
511              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
512                 -font {-label "Font" -variable Font \
513                        -font_sizes {8 10 12 16} \
514                        -default {Arial 20 italic}}
517       All the entry widget items are accepting the following attributes:
519       -text string
520              Eventual descriptions and comments specified with the -text  at‐
521              tribute are displayed above the entry widget.
523              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
524                 -entry {-text "Please enter your name bellow" -variable Name}
526       -label string
527              The label attribute creates left to the entry widget a label us‐
528              ing the provided string as label text:
530              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
531                 -entry {-label Name -variable Name}
533       -variable string
534              All entry widgets require a specified variable. After  accepting
535              the  entered  information  with  the OK button, the entry widget
536              data is stored inside the defined variables.
538              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
539                 -existingdirectory {-label "Report directory" -variable ReportDir}
541       -default string
542              Eventual default data for the entry widgets can be provided  via
543              the  -default  attribute.  The default value is overridden if an
544              argument dialog box with a defined  context  is  called  another
545              time.  The value acknowledged in a previous call will be used in
546              this case as default value.
548              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
549                 -checkbox {-label "Font sytle" -variable FontStyle \
550                             -choices {bold italic underline} -default italic}
552       -optional 0|1
553              Data can be specified as optional or  mandatory  with  the  -op‐
554              tional  attribute  that  requires either 0 (mandatory) or 1 (op‐
555              tional) as attribute data.
557              In case an entry is optional and no data has been entered,  e.g.
558              the  entry contains an empty character string, the entry will be
559              considered as undefined and the assigned variable  will  not  be
560              defined.
562              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
563                 -entry {-label "City" -variable start_city -type string} \
564                 -entry {-label "Street" -variable start_street -type string -optional 0} \
565                 -entry {-label "Street number" -variable start_street_nbr -type integer -optional 1} \
567       -type string
568              If  the  data type is defined with the -type attribute the argu‐
569              ment dialog box will automatically perform a data type check af‐
570              ter  acknowledging  the entered values and before the dialog box
571              is closed. If a type incompatible value is found an  error  mes‐
572              sage box appears and the user can correct the value.
574              The  argument dialog box accepts all types that have been speci‐
575              fied by the TEPAM package and that are also used by  tepam::pro‐
576              cedure (see the tepam::procedure reference manual).
578              Some  entry widgets like the file and directory widgets, as well
579              as the color and font widgets are specifying  automatically  the
580              default  data type if no type has been specified explicitly with
581              the -type attribute.
583              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
584                 -entry {-label "Street number" -variable start_street_nbr -type integer} \
586       -range string
587              Values can be constrained with the -range attribute.  The  valid
588              range  is defined with a list containing the minimum valid value
589              and a maximum valid value.
591              The -range attribute has to be used  only  for  numerical  argu‐
592              ments, like integers and doubles.
594              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
595                 -entry {-label Month -variable Month -type integer -range {1 12}}
597       -validatecommand string
598              Custom  argument value validations can be performed via specific
599              validation commands that are defined with  the  -validatecommand
600              attribute.  The  provided  validation  command can be a complete
601              script in which the pattern %P is placeholder for  the  argument
602              value that has to be validated.
604              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
605                 -entry {-label "Your comment" -variable YourCom \
606                         -validatecommand "IllegalWordDetector %P"}
608              While  the  purpose of this custom argument validation attribute
609              is the validation of a specific argument, there is also a global
610              data  validation attribute -validatecommand that allows perform‐
611              ing validation that involves multiple arguments.
613       -validatecommand_error_text string
614              This attribute allows overriding the default error message for a
615              custom argument validation (defined by -validatecommand).
617       Some other attributes are supported by the list and combo boxes as well
618       as by the radio and check buttons.
620       -choices string
621              Choice lists can directly be defined with  the  -choices  attri‐
622              bute.  This way to define choice lists is especially adapted for
623              smaller, fixed selection lists.
625              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
626                 -listbox {-label "Text styles" -variable Styles \
627                           -choices {bold italic underline} -default underline
629       -choicelabels string (only check and radio buttons)
630              If the labels of the check and radio boxes  should  differ  from
631              the  option  values,  they can be defined with the -choicelabels
632              attribute:
634              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
635                 -checkbox {-label "Font sytle" -variable FontStyle \
636                            -choices {bold italic underline} \
637                            -choicelabels {Bold Italic Underline}
639       -choicevariable string
640              Another way to define the choice lists is using the -choicevari‐
641              able  attribute.  This  way to define choice lists is especially
642              adapted for huge and eventually variable selection lists.
644              set TextSizes {8 9 10 12 15 18}
645              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
646                 -combobox {-label "Text size" -variable Size -choicevariable TextSizes}
648       -multiple_selection 0|1
649              The list box item (-listbox) allows by  default  selecting  only
650              one  list  element. By setting the -multiple_selection attribute
651              to 1, multiple elements can be selected.
653              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
654                 -listbox {-label "Text styles" -variable Styles \
655                           -choices {bold italic underline} -default underline \
656                           -multiple_selection 1 -height 3}
658       Some additional attributes are supported by the file and directory  se‐
659       lection widgets.
661       -filetypes string
662              The  file  type attribute is used by the -file and -existingfile
663              items to define the file endings that are searched by  the  file
664              browser.
666              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
667                 -file {-label "Image file" -variable ImageF \
668                        -filetypes {{"GIF" {*.gif}} {"JPG" {*.jpg}}}}
670       -initialfile string
671              The initial file used by the file browsers of the -file and -ex‐
672              istingfile widgets are by default the file defined with the -de‐
673              fault  attribute,  unless a file is specified with the -initial‐
674              file attribute.
676              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
677                 -file {-variable ImageF -initialfile "picture.gif"}
679       -activedir string
680              The -activedir attribute will override the default active search
681              directory  used  by  the file browsers of all file and directory
682              entry widgets. The default active search directory is defined by
683              the  directory of a specified initial file (-initialfile) if de‐
684              fined, and otherwise by the directory of the default file/direc‐
685              tory, specified with the -default attribute.
687              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
688                 -file "-variable ImageF -activedir $pwd"
690       Finally, there is a last attribute supported by some widgets:
692       -height string
693              All   widgets  containing  a  selection  list  (-listbox,  -dis‐
694              jointlistbox, -font) as well as the multi line -text widget  are
695              accepting  the -height attribute that defines the number of dis‐
696              played rows of the selection lists.
698              tepam::argument_dialogbox \
699                 -listbox {-label "Text size" -variable Size \
700                           -choices {8 9 10 12 15 18} -default 12 -height 3}
702              If the no height has been explicitly specified the height of the
703              widget  will  be  dynamically adapted to the argument dialog box
704              size.


707       An application specific entry widget can be made available to the argu‐
708       ment dialog box by adding a dedicated procedure to the tepam namespace.
709       This procedure has three arguments; the first one is the  widget  path,
710       the  second  one  a  subcommand and the third argument has various pur‐
711       poses:
713              proc tepam::ad_form(<WidgetName>) {W Command {Par ""}} {
714                 upvar Option Option; # if required
715                 variable argument_dialogbox; # if required
716                 switch $Command {
717                    "create" <CreateCommandSequence>
718                    "set_choice" <SetChoiceCommandSequence>
719                    "set" <SetCommandv>
720                    "get" <GetCommandSequence>
721                 }
722              }
723       Argument_dialogbox takes care about the -label and -text attributes for
724       all  entry  widgets.  For any data entry widget it creates a frame into
725       which the data entry widget components can be placed. The path to  this
726       frame is provided via the W argument.
728       The  entry  widget procedure has to support 3 mandatory and an optional
729       command that are selected via the argument Command:
731       create The entry widget is called a first time with the command  create
732              to build the data entry widget.
734              The frames that are made available by argument_dialogbox for the
735              entry widgets are by default only extendable in the X direction.
736              To make them also extendable in the Y direction, for example for
737              extendable list boxes, the command  ad_form(make_expandable)  $W
738              has to be executed when an entry widget is built.
740       set_choice
741              The  entry  widget  procedure is only called with the set_choice
742              command if the -choices or -choicevariable has  been  specified.
743              The command is therefore only relevant for list and combo boxes.
745              The  available  selection list that is either specified with the
746              -choices or -choicevariable attribute is provided  via  the  Par
747              argument to the entry widget procedure. This list can be used to
748              initialize an available choice list.
750       set    If a default value is either defined via the -default  attribute
751              or  via  a  preceding  call the entry widget procedure is called
752              with the set command. The argument Par contains in this case the
753              value to which the entry widget has to be initialized.
755       get    The entry widget procedure command get has to return the current
756              value of the entry widget.
758       Eventually specified entry widget item attributes are available via the
759       Option  array  variable of the calling procedure. This variable becomes
760       accessible inside the entry widget procedure via the upvar command.
762       There may be a need to store some information in a variable. The  array
763       variable  argument_dialogbox  has  to be used for this purpose together
764       with array indexes starting with "$W,", e.g. argument_dialogbox($W,val‐
765       ues).
767       Examples  of entry widget procedures are directly provided by the TEPAM
768       package source file that specifies the  standard  entry  widget  proce‐
769       dures. The simplest procedure is the one for the basic entry widget:
771              proc tepam::ad_form(entry) {W Command {Par ""}} {
772                 switch $Command {
773                    "create" {pack [entry \$W.entry] -fill x \
774                                      -expand yes -pady 4 -side left}
775                    "set" {\$W.entry insert 0 $Par}
776                    "get" {return [\$W.entry get]}
777                 }
778              }
779       It  is  also possible to relay on an existing entry widget procedure to
780       derive a new, more specific one. The radiobox widget is used for  exam‐
781       ple,  to  create  a new entry widget that allows selecting either left,
782       center or right. The  original  radiobox  widget  is  called  with  the
783       set_choice  command immediately after the create command, to define the
784       fixed list of selection options.
786              proc tepam::ad_form(rcl) {W Command {Par ""}} {
787                 set Res [ad_form(radiobox) $W $Command $Par]
788                 if {$Command=="create"} {
789                    ad_form(radiobox) $W set_choice {left center right}
790                 }
791                 return $Res
792              }
793       Please consult the TEPAM package source file  to  find  additional  and
794       more complex examples of entry widget procedures.


797       The  argument_dialogbox  is  using  two  variables inside the namespace
798       ::tepam:
800       argument_dialogbox
801              Application specific entry widget procedures can use this  array
802              variable to store their own data, using as index the widget path
803              provided to the procedure,  e.g.  argument_dialogbox($W,<sub_in‐
804              dex>).
806       last_parameters
807              This  array  variable  is only used by an argument dialog box if
808              its context has been specified via the -context  attribute.  The
809              argument  dialog  box  position  and size as well as its entered
810              data are stored inside this variable if the  data  are  acknowl‐
811              edged  and  the  form is closed. This allows the form to restore
812              its previous state once it is called another time.
814              To reuse the saved parameters not just in the actual application
815              session  but  also in another one, it is sufficient to store the
816              last_parameter array variable contents in a  configuration  file
817              which is loaded the next time an application is launched.


820       tepam(n), tepam::procedure(n)


823       data entry form, parameter entry form


826       Argument entry form, mega widget
829       Copyright (c) 2009-2013, Andreas Drollinger
834tcllib                               0.5.0        tepam::argument_dialogbox(n)