1b(1)                        General Commands Manual                       b(1)


6       b - build system driver


9       b --help
10       b --version
11       b [options] [variables] [buildspec]
13       buildspec = meta-operation(operation(target...[,parameters])...)...


16       The build2 build system driver executes a set of meta-operations on op‐
17       erations on targets according to the build specification, or  buildspec
18       for short.  This process can be controlled by specifying driver options
19       and build system variables.
21       Note that options, variables, and buildspec fragments can be  specified
22       in  any order. To avoid treating an argument that starts with '-' as an
23       option, add the '--' separator. To avoid treating an argument that con‐
24       tains '=' as a variable, add the second '--' separator.
26       All  components  in  the buildspec can be omitted. If meta-operation is
27       omitted, then it defaults to perform. If operation is omitted, then  it
28       defaults  to the default operation for this meta-operation. For perform
29       it is update. Finally, if target is omitted, then it  defaults  to  the
30       current  working  directory. A meta-operation on operation is called an
31       action. Some operations and meta-operations may take additional parame‐
32       ters. For example:
34       $ b                       # perform(update(./))
35       $ b foo/                  # perform(update(foo/))
36       $ b foo/ bar/             # perform(update(foo/ bar/))
37       $ b update                # perform(update(./))
38       $ b 'clean(../)'          # perform(clean(../))
39       $ b perform               # perform(update(./))
40       $ b configure             # configure(?(./))
41       $ b 'configure(../)'      # configure(?(../))
42       $ b clean update          # perform(clean(./) update(./))
43       $ b configure update      # configure(?(./)) perform(update(./))
44       $ b 'create(conf/, cxx)'  # create(?(conf/), cxx)
46       Notice the question mark used to show the (imaginary) default operation
47       for the configure meta-operation. For configure the  default  operation
48       is  "all operations". That is, it will configure all the operations for
49       the specified target.
51       You can also "generate" multiple operations for the same  set  of  tar‐
52       gets.  Compare:
54       $ b 'clean(foo/ bar/)' 'update(foo/ bar/)'
55       $ b '{clean update}(foo/ bar/)'
57       Some more useful buildspec examples:
59       $ b '{clean update}(...)'        # rebuild
60       $ b '{clean update clean}(...)'  # make sure builds
61       $ b '{clean test clean}(...)'    # make sure passes tests
62       $ b '{clean disfigure}(...)'     # similar to distclean
64       In  POSIX  shells parenthesis are special characters and must be quoted
65       when used in a buildspec. Besides being  an  inconvenience  in  itself,
66       quoting also inhibits path auto-completion. To help with this situation
67       a shortcut syntax is available for  executing  a  single  operation  or
68       meta-operation, for example:
70       $ b clean: foo/ bar/                # clean(foo/ bar/)
71       $ b configure: src/@out/            # configure(src/@out/)
72       $ b create: conf/, cxx              # create(conf/, cxx)
73       $ b configure: config.cxx=g++ src/  # configure(src/) config.cxx=g++
75       To activate the shortcut syntax the first buildspec argument must start
76       with an operation or meta-operation name and end with a colon  (:).  To
77       transform  the shortcut syntax to the normal buildspec syntax the colon
78       is replaced with the opening parenthesis ('('), the rest of the  build‐
79       spec  arguments  are  treated  as is, and the final closing parenthesis
80       (')') is added.
82       For each target the driver expects to find buildfile either in the tar‐
83       get's  directory  or,  if  the  directory  is  part  of  the  out  tree
84       (out_base), in the corresponding src directory (src_base).
86       For example, assuming foo/ is the source directory of a project:
88       $ b foo/              # out_base=src_base=foo/
89       $ b foo-out/          # out_base=foo-out/ src_base=foo/
90       $ b foo-out/exe{foo}  # out_base=foo-out/ src_base=foo/
92       An exception to this requirement is a directory target in  which  case,
93       provided  the  directory  has subdirectories, an implied buildfile with
94       the following content is assumed:
96       # Implied directory buildfile: build all subdirectories.
97       #
98       ./: */
100       In the above example, we assumed that the build system driver was  able
101       to  determine  the  association  between out_base and src_base. In case
102       src_base and out_base are not the same directory, this is  achieved  in
103       one  of  two  ways:  the config module (which implements the configure,
104       disfigure, and create meta-operations) saves this association  as  part
105       of  the configuration process. If, however, the association hasn't been
106       saved, then we have to specify src_base explicitly using the  following
107       extended target syntax:
109       src-base/@target
111       Continuing with the previous example:
113       $ b foo/@foo-out/exe{foo}  # out_base=foo-out/ src_base=foo/
115       Normally, you would need to specify src_base explicitly only once, dur‐
116       ing configuration. For example, a typical usage would be:
118       $ b configure: foo/@foo-out/  # src_base is saved
119       $ b foo-out/                  # no need to specify src_base
120       $ b clean: foo-out/exe{foo}   # no need to specify src_base
122       Besides in and out of source builds, build2 also supports configuring a
123       project's source directory as forwarded to an out of source build. With
124       such a forwarded configuration in place, if we  run  the  build  system
125       driver  from  the  source directory, it will automatically build in the
126       output directory and backlink (using symlinks or another suitable mech‐
127       anism)  certain "interesting" targets (executables, documentation, etc)
128       to the source directory for easy access. Continuing with  the  previous
129       example:
131       $ b configure: foo/@foo-out/,forward  # foo/ forwarded to foo-out/
132       $ cd foo/
133       $ b                                   # build in foo-out/
134       $ ./foo                               # symlink to foo-out/foo
136       The  ability to specify build2 variables as part of the command line is
137       normally used to pass configuration values, for example:
139       $ b config.cxx=clang++ config.cxx.coptions=-O3
141       Similar to buildspec, POSIX shells often inhibit  path  auto-completion
142       on the right hand side of a variable assignment. To help with this sit‐
143       uation the assignment can be broken down into  three  separate  command
144       line arguments, for example:
146       $ b config.import.libhello = ../libhello/
148       The build system has the following built-in and pre-defined meta-opera‐
149       tions:
151       perform
152              Perform an operation.
154       configure
155              Configure all operations supported by a project and save the re‐
156              sult  in  the  project's build/config.build file. Implemented by
157              the config module. For example:
159              $ b configure                      \
160                  config.cxx=clang++             \
161                  config.cxx.coptions=-O3        \
162                  config.install.root=/usr/local \
163                  config.install.root.sudo=sudo
165              Use the forward parameter to instead configure a  source  direc‐
166              tory as forwarded to an out of source build. For example:
168              $ b configure: src/@out/,forward
170       disfigure
171              Disfigure  all  operations supported by a project and remove the
172              project's build/config.build file.  Implemented  by  the  config
173              module.
175              Use  the  forward parameter to instead disfigure forwarding of a
176              source directory to an out of source build. For example:
178              $ b disfigure: src/,forward
180       create
181              Create and configure a configuration project. Implemented by the
182              config module.
184              Normally  a  build2  project  is created manually by writing the
185              bootstrap.build and config.build files, adding source files, and
186              so on. However, a special kind of project, which we call config‐
187              uration, is often useful. Such a project doesn't have any source
188              files  of  its  own.   Instead, it serves as an amalgamation for
189              building other projects as part of it. Doing it this way has two
190              major benefits: sub-projects automatically resolve their imports
191              to other projects in the amalgamation and sub-projects  inherits
192              their  configuration  from  the  amalgamation (which means if we
193              want to change something, we only need to do it in one place).
195              As an example, let's assume we have two C++ projects:  the  lib‐
196              hello library in libhello/ and the hello executable that imports
197              it in hello/. And we want to build hello with clang++.
199              One way to do it would be to configure and build each project in
200              its own directory, for example:
202              $ b configure: libhello/@libhello-clang/ config.cxx=clang++
203              $ b configure: hello/@hello-clang/ config.cxx=clang++ \
204                  config.import.libhello=libhello-clang/
206              The  two  drawbacks, as mentioned above, are the need to explic‐
207              itly resolve the import and having to make changes  in  multiple
208              places  should,  for  example, we want to switch from clang++ to
209              g++.
211              We can, however, achieve the same end result but without any  of
212              the drawbacks using the configuration project:
214              $ b create: clang/,cxx config.cxx=clang++  # Creates clang/.
215              $ b configure: libhello/@clang/libhello/
216              $ b configure: hello/@clang/hello/
218              The targets passed to the create meta-operation must be directo‐
219              ries which should either not exist or be empty.  For  each  such
220              directory  create first initializes a project as described below
221              and then configures it by executing  the  configure  meta-opera‐
222              tion.
224              The first optional parameter to create is the list of modules to
225              load in root.build. By default, create appends  .config  to  the
226              names  of  these  modules  so that only their configurations are
227              loaded. You can override this behavior by specifying the  period
228              (.)   after the module name. You can also instruct create to use
229              the optional module load by prefixing the module name  with  the
230              question mark (?).
232              The  second optional parameter is the list of modules to load in
233              bootstrap.build. If not specified, then the test, dist, and  in‐
234              stall modules are loaded by default. The config module is always
235              loaded first.
237              Besides creating project's bootstrap.build and root.build,  cre‐
238              ate also writes the root buildfile with the following contents:
240              ./: {*/ -build/}
242              If  used,  this  buildfile  will build all the sub-projects cur‐
243              rently present in the configuration.
245       dist
246              Prepare a distribution containing all files necessary to perform
247              all operations in a project. Implemented by the dist module.
249       info
250              Print basic information (name, version, source and output direc‐
251              tories, etc) about one or more projects  to  stdout,  separating
252              multiple  projects with a blank line. Each project is identified
253              by its root directory target. For example (some output is  omit‐
254              ted):
256              $ b info: libfoo/ libbar/
257              project: libfoo
258              version: 1.0.0
259              src_root: /tmp/libfoo
260              out_root: /tmp/libfoo
261              subprojects: @tests
263              project: libbar
264              version: 2.0.0
265              src_root: /tmp/libbar
266              out_root: /tmp/libbar-out
267              subprojects: @tests
269              To  omit  discovering  and printing subprojects information, use
270              the no_subprojects parameter, for example:
272              $ b info: libfoo/,no_subprojects
274              To instead print this information in the JSON  format,  use  the
275              json parameter, for example:
277              $ b info: libfoo/,json
279              In this case the output is a JSON array of objects which are the
280              serialized  representation   of   the   following   C++   struct
281              project_info:
283              struct subproject
284              {
285                string           path;
286                optional<string> name;
287              };
289              struct project_info
290              {
291                optional<string>   project;
292                optional<string>   version;
293                optional<string>   summary;
294                optional<string>   url;
295                string             src_root;
296                string             out_root;
297                optional<string>   amalgamation;
298                vector<subproject> subprojects;
299                vector<string>     operations;
300                vector<string>     meta_operations;
301                vector<string>     modules;
302              };
304              For example:
306              [
307                {
308                  "project": "libfoo",
309                  "version": "1.0.0",
310                  "summary": "libfoo C++ library",
311                  "src_root": "/tmp/libfoo",
312                  "out_root": "/tmp/gcc-debug/libfoo",
313                  "amalgamation": "..",
314                  "subprojects": [
315                    {
316                      "path": "tests"
317                    }
318                  ],
319                  "operations": [
320                    "update",
321                    "clean",
322                    "test",
323                    "update-for-test",
324                    "install",
325                    "uninstall",
326                    "update-for-install"
327                  ],
328                  "meta-operations": [
329                    "perform",
330                    "configure",
331                    "disfigure",
332                    "dist",
333                    "info"
334                  ],
335                  "modules": [
336                    "version",
337                    "config",
338                    "test",
339                    "install",
340                    "dist"
341                  ]
342                }
343              ]
345              See  the  JSON  OUTPUT  section below for details on the overall
346              properties of this format and the semantics of the struct  seri‐
347              alization.
349       The build system has the following built-in and pre-defined operations:
351       update
352              Update a target.
354       clean
355              Clean a target.
357       test
358              Test  a  target. Performs update as a pre-operation. Implemented
359              by the test module.
361       update-for-test
362              Update a target for testing. This operation is equivalent to the
363              update  pre-operation  as executed by the test operation and can
364              be used to only update what is  necessary  for  testing.  Imple‐
365              mented by the test module.
367       install
368              Install  a  target.  Performs  update as a pre-operation. Imple‐
369              mented by the install module.
371       uninstall
372              Uninstall a target. Performs update as a  pre-operation.  Imple‐
373              mented by the install module.
375       update-for-install
376              Update  a  target for installation. This operation is equivalent
377              to the update pre-operation as executed by the install operation
378              and  can  be used to only update what is necessary for installa‐
379              tion. Implemented by the install module.
381       Note that buildspec and command line variable  values  are  treated  as
382       buildfile fragments and so can use quoting and escaping as well as con‐
383       tain variable expansions and evaluation contexts. However, to  be  more
384       usable  on  various platforms, escaping in these two situations is lim‐
385       ited to the effective sequences of \', \", \\,  \$,  and  \(  with  all
386       other sequences interpreted as is. Together with double-quoting this is
387       sufficient to represent any value. For example:
389       $ b config.install.root=c:\projects\install
390       $ b "config.install.root='c:\Program Files\test\'"
391       $ b 'config.cxx.poptions=-DFOO_STR="foo"'


394       -v     Print actual commands being executed. This options is equivalent
395              to --verbose 2.
397       -V     Print  all  underlying  commands being executed. This options is
398              equivalent to --verbose 3.
400       --quiet|-q
401              Run quietly, only printing error messages in most  contexts.  In
402              certain  contexts (for example, while updating build system mod‐
403              ules) this verbosity level may be ignored. Use --silent  to  run
404              quietly in all contexts.  This option is equivalent to --verbose
405              0.
407       --silent
408              Run quietly, only printing error messages in all contexts.
410       --verbose level
411              Set the diagnostics verbosity to level between 0 and 6. Level  0
412              disables  any non-error messages (but see the difference between
413              --quiet and --silent) while level 6 produces  lots  of  informa‐
414              tion,  with  level 1 being the default. The following additional
415              types of diagnostics are produced at each level:
417              1.  High-level information messages.
419              2.  Essential underlying commands being executed.
421              3.  All underlying commands being executed.
423              4.  Information that could be helpful to the user.
425              5.  Information that could be helpful to the developer.
427              6.  Even more detailed information.
429       --stat Display build statistics.
431       --progress
432              Display build progress. If printing to a terminal  the  progress
433              is  displayed  by  default  for  low verbosity levels. Use --no-
434              progress to suppress.
436       --no-progress
437              Don't display build progress.
439       --diag-color
440              Use color in diagnostics. If printing to a terminal the color is
441              used  by  default  provided  the terminal is not dumb. Use --no-
442              diag-color to suppress.
444              This option affects the diagnostics printed by the build  system
445              itself.  Some  rules  may  also choose to propagate its value to
446              tools (such as compilers) that they invoke.
448       --no-diag-color
449              Don't use color in diagnostics.
451       --jobs|-j num
452              Number of active jobs to perform in parallel. This includes both
453              the  number of active threads inside the build system as well as
454              the  number  of  external  commands  (compilers,  linkers,  etc)
455              started but not yet finished. If this option is not specified or
456              specified with the 0 value, then the number of  available  hard‐
457              ware threads is used.
459       --max-jobs|-J num
460              Maximum  number  of  jobs (threads) to create. The default is 8x
461              the number of active jobs (--jobs|j) on 32-bit architectures and
462              32x on 64-bit. See the build system scheduler implementation for
463              details.
465       --queue-depth|-Q num
466              The queue depth as a multiplier over the number of active  jobs.
467              Normally we want a deeper queue if the jobs take long (for exam‐
468              ple, compilation) and shorter if they are  quick  (for  example,
469              simple  tests). The default is 4. See the build system scheduler
470              implementation for details.
472       --file-cache impl
473              File cache implementation to use for intermediate build results.
474              Valid  values  are noop (no caching or compression) and sync-lz4
475              (no caching with synchronous LZ4 on-disk compression).  If  this
476              option  is not specified, then a suitable default implementation
477              is used (currently sync-lz4).
479       --max-stack num
480              The maximum stack size in KBytes  to  allow  for  newly  created
481              threads. For pthreads-based systems the driver queries the stack
482              size of the main thread and uses the same size for creating  ad‐
483              ditional threads. This allows adjusting the stack size using fa‐
484              miliar mechanisms, such  as  ulimit.   Sometimes,  however,  the
485              stack  size  of  the main thread is excessively large.  As a re‐
486              sult, the driver checks if it is greater than a predefined limit
487              (64MB  on 64-bit systems and 32MB on 32-bit ones) and caps it to
488              a more sensible value (8MB) if that's the case. This option  al‐
489              lows  you to override this check with the special zero value in‐
490              dicating that the main thread stack size should be used as is.
492       --serial-stop|-s
493              Run serially and stop at the first error. This mode is useful to
494              investigate  build  failures that are caused by build system er‐
495              rors rather than compilation errors. Note that if you don't want
496              to  keep  going but still want parallel execution, add --jobs|-j
497              (for example -j 0 for default concurrency). Note also that  dur‐
498              ing serial execution there is no diagnostics buffering and child
499              process' stderr is a terminal (unless redirected; see --no-diag-
500              buffer for details).
502       --dry-run|-n
503              Print  commands  without actually executing them. Note that com‐
504              mands that are required to create an accurate build  state  will
505              still  be executed and the extracted auxiliary dependency infor‐
506              mation saved. In other words, this is not the "don't  touch  the
507              filesystem"  mode  but rather "do minimum amount of work to show
508              what needs to be done". Note also that only the perform meta-op‐
509              eration supports this mode.
511       --no-diag-buffer
512              Do  not buffer diagnostics from child processes. By default, un‐
513              less running serially, such diagnostics is buffered and  printed
514              all  at  once  after each child exits in order to prevent inter‐
515              leaving. However, this can have  side-effects  since  the  child
516              process'  stderr is no longer a terminal.  Most notably, the use
517              of color in diagnostics may be disabled by some programs. On the
518              other  hand, depending on the platform and programs invoked, the
519              interleaving diagnostics may not break lines and thus  could  be
520              tolerable.
522       --match-only
523              Match  the  rules  without executing the operation. This mode is
524              primarily useful for profiling  and  dumping  the  build  system
525              state.
527       --load-only
528              Match  the  rules only to alias{} targets ignoring other targets
529              and without executing the operation. In particular, this has the
530              effect  of  loading all the subdirectory buildfiles that are not
531              explicitly included. Note that this option can only be used with
532              the perform(update) action on an alias{} target, usually dir{}.
534       --no-external-modules
535              Don't  load external modules during project bootstrap. Note that
536              this option can only be used with meta-operations  that  do  not
537              load the project's buildfiles, such as info.
539       --structured-result fmt
540              Write  the  result  of  execution  in a structured form. In this
541              mode, instead of printing to stderr diagnostics  messages  about
542              the  outcome  of executing actions on targets, the driver writes
543              to stdout a machine-readable result description in the specified
544              format.  Valid  values  for this option are lines and json. Note
545              that currently only  the  perform  meta-operation  supports  the
546              structured result output.
548              If  the  output  format is lines, then the result is written one
549              line per the buildspec action/target pair.  Each  line  has  the
550              following form:
552              state meta-operation operation target
554              Where  state can be one of unchanged, changed, or failed. If the
555              action is a pre or post operation, then the outer  operation  is
556              specified in parenthesis. For example:
558              unchanged perform update(test) /tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello}
559              changed perform test /tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello}
561              If the output format is json, then the output is a JSON array of
562              objects which are the serialized representation of the following
563              C++ struct target_action_result:
565              struct target_action_result
566              {
567                string           target;
568                string           display_target;
569                string           target_type;
570                optional<string> target_path;
571                string           meta_operation;
572                string           operation;
573                optional<string> outer_operation;
574                string           state;
575              };
577              For example:
579              [
580                {
581                  "target": "/tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello.}",
582                  "display_target": "/tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello}",
583                  "target_type": "exe",
584                  "target_path": "/tmp/hello/hello/hello",
585                  "meta_operation": "perform",
586                  "operation": "update",
587                  "outer_operation": "test",
588                  "state": "unchanged"
589                },
590                {
591                  "target": "/tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello.}",
592                  "display_target": "/tmp/hello/hello/exe{hello}",
593                  "target_type": "exe",
594                  "target_path": "/tmp/hello/hello/hello",
595                  "meta_operation": "perform",
596                  "operation": "test",
597                  "state": "changed"
598                }
599              ]
601              See  the  JSON  OUTPUT  section below for details on the overall
602              properties of this format and the semantics of the struct  seri‐
603              alization.
605              The  target member is the target name that is qualified with the
606              extension (if applicable) and, if required, is quoted so that it
607              can  be  passed  back  to the build system driver on the command
608              line. The display_target member is the unqualified and  unquoted
609              "display" target name, the same as in the lines format. The tar‐
610              get_type member is the type of target.  The  target_path  member
611              is  an  absolute  path to the target if the target type is path-
612              based or dir.
614       --mtime-check
615              Perform file modification time sanity checks. These  checks  can
616              be  helpful  in  diagnosing spurious rebuilds and are enabled by
617              default on Windows (which is known not  to  guarantee  monotoni‐
618              cally increasing mtimes) and for the staged version of the build
619              system on other platforms. Use --no-mtime-check to disable.
621       --no-mtime-check
622              Don't perform file modification time sanity checks. See --mtime-
623              check for details.
625       --dump phase
626              Dump  the  build  system  state after the specified phase. Valid
627              phase values are load (after loading buildfiles) and match  (af‐
628              ter  matching  rules  to  targets). The match value also has the
629              match-pre and match-post variants to  dump  the  state  for  the
630              pre/post-operations  (match  dumps the main operation only). Re‐
631              peat this option to dump the state after  multiple  phases/vari‐
632              ants.  By  default the entire build state is dumped but this be‐
633              havior can be altered with the  --dump-scope  and  --dump-target
634              options. See also the --match-only and --load-only options.
636       --dump-format format
637              Representation  format and output stream to use when dumping the
638              build system state. Valid values for this option  are  buildfile
639              (a human-readable, Buildfile-like format written to stderr; this
640              is the default),  and  json-v0.1  (machine-readable,  JSON-based
641              format  written to stdout). For details on the buildfile format,
642              see Diagnostics and Debugging (#intro-diag-debug).  For  details
643              on  the  json-v0.1  format,  see  the  JSON OUTPUT section below
644              (overall properties) and JSON Dump Format  (#json-dump)  (format
645              specifics).  Note  that  the  JSON  format is currently unstable
646              (thus the temporary -v0.1 suffix).
648              Note that because it's possible to end up  with  multiple  dumps
649              (for  example, by specifying the --dump-scope and/or --dump-tar‐
650              get options multiple times), the JSON output  is  in  the  "JSON
651              Lines"  form, that is, without pretty-printing and with the top-
652              level JSON objects delimited by newlines.  Note also that if the
653              JSON dump output is combined with --structured-result=json, then
654              the structured result is the last line.
656       --dump-scope dir
657              Dump the build system state for the specified scope only. Repeat
658              this option to dump the state of multiple scopes.
660       --dump-target target
661              Dump  the  build system state for the specified target only. Re‐
662              peat this option to dump the state of multiple targets.
664       --trace-match target
665              Trace rule matching for the specified target. This is  primarily
666              useful  during troubleshooting. Repeat this option to trace mul‐
667              tiple targets.
669       --trace-execute target
670              Trace rule execution for the specified target. This is primarily
671              useful  during troubleshooting. Repeat this option to trace mul‐
672              tiple targets.
674       --no-column
675              Don't print column numbers in diagnostics.
677       --no-line
678              Don't print line and column numbers in diagnostics.
680       --buildfile path
681              The alternative file to read build information from. The default
682              is  buildfile  or  build2file,  depending on the project's build
683              file/directory naming scheme. If path is  '-',  then  read  from
684              stdin. Note that this option only affects the files read as part
685              of the buildspec processing. Specifically, it has no  effect  on
686              the  source  and include directives. As a result, this option is
687              primarily intended for testing rather than  changing  the  build
688              file names in real projects.
690       --config-guess path
691              The  path  to  the config.guess(1) script that should be used to
692              guess the host machine triplet. If this option is not specified,
693              then b will fall back on to using the target it was built for as
694              host.
696       --config-sub path
697              The path to the config.sub(1) script  that  should  be  used  to
698              canonicalize  machine triplets. If this option is not specified,
699              then b will use  its  built-in  canonicalization  support  which
700              should be sufficient for commonly-used platforms.
702       --pager path
703              The  pager  program  to be used to show long text. Commonly used
704              pager programs are less and more. You  can  also  specify  addi‐
705              tional  options  that should be passed to the pager program with
706              --pager-option. If an empty string is  specified  as  the  pager
707              program, then no pager will be used. If the pager program is not
708              explicitly specified, then b will try to use less. If it is  not
709              available, then no pager will be used.
711       --pager-option opt
712              Additional option to be passed to the pager program. See --pager
713              for more information on the pager program. Repeat this option to
714              specify multiple pager options.
716       --options-file file
717              Read  additional options from file. Each option should appear on
718              a separate line optionally followed by space or equal  sign  (=)
719              and  an  option value. Empty lines and lines starting with # are
720              ignored.  Option values can be enclosed in double (") or  single
721              (')  quotes to preserve leading and trailing whitespaces as well
722              as to specify empty values. If the value itself contains  trail‐
723              ing  or leading quotes, enclose it with an extra pair of quotes,
724              for example '"x"'. Non-leading and non-trailing quotes  are  in‐
725              terpreted as being part of the option value.
727              The  semantics  of  providing options in a file is equivalent to
728              providing the same set of options in the same order on the  com‐
729              mand line at the point where the --options-file option is speci‐
730              fied except that the shell escaping and quoting is not required.
731              Repeat this option to specify more than one options file.
733       --default-options dir
734              The directory to load additional default options files from.
736       --no-default-options
737              Don't load default options files.
739       --help Print usage information and exit.
741       --version
742              Print version and exit.


745       Instead of having a separate config file format for tool configuration,
746       the build2 toolchain uses default options files which contain the  same
747       options  as  what can be specified on the command line. The default op‐
748       tions files are like options files that one can specify with --options-
749       file except that they are loaded by default.
751       The  default options files for the build system driver are called b.op‐
752       tions and are searched for in the .build2/ subdirectory of the home di‐
753       rectory and in the system directory (for example, /etc/build2/) if con‐
754       figured. Note that besides options these files can also contain  global
755       variable overrides.
757       Once the search is complete, the files are loaded in the reverse order,
758       that is, beginning from the system directory (if any), followed by  the
759       home  directory,  and  finishing  off with the options specified on the
760       command line.  In other words, the  files  are  loaded  from  the  more
761       generic  to  the more specific with the command line options having the
762       ability to override any values specified in the default options files.
764       If a default  options  file  contains  --no-default-options,  then  the
765       search  is  stopped  at the directory containing this file and no outer
766       files are loaded. If this option is specified on the command line, then
767       none of the default options files are searched for or loaded.
769       An  additional directory containing default options files can be speci‐
770       fied with --default-options. Its configuration files are  loaded  after
771       the home directory.
773       The  order  in  which default options files are loaded is traced at the
774       verbosity level 3 (-V option) or higher.


777       Commands that support the JSON output specify their formats as a  seri‐
778       alized representation of a C++ struct or an array thereof. For example:
780       struct package
781       {
782         string name;
783       };
785       struct configuration
786       {
787         uint64_t         id;
788         string           path;
789         optional<string> name;
790         bool             default;
791         vector<package>  packages;
792       };
794       An  example  of the serialized JSON representation of struct configura‐
795       tion:
797       {
798         "id": 1,
799         "path": "/tmp/hello-gcc",
800         "name": "gcc",
801         "default": true,
802         "packages": [
803           {
804             "name": "hello"
805           }
806         ]
807       }
809       This sections provides details on the overall properties of  such  for‐
810       mats and the semantics of the struct serialization.
812       The order of members in a JSON object is fixed as specified in the cor‐
813       responding struct. While new members may be added in  the  future  (and
814       should  be  ignored  by older consumers), the semantics of the existing
815       members (including whether the top-level entry is an object  or  array)
816       may not change.
818       An  object  member  is required unless its type is optional<>, bool, or
819       vector<> (array). For bool members absent means  false.   For  vector<>
820       members absent means empty. An empty top-level array is always present.
822       For example, the following JSON text is a possible serialization of the
823       above struct configuration:
825       {
826         "id": 1,
827         "path": "/tmp/hello-gcc"
828       }


831       Non-zero exit status is returned in case of an error.


834       The HOME environment variable is used to determine the user's home  di‐
835       rectory. If it is not set, then getpwuid(3) is used instead. This value
836       is used to shorten paths printed in diagnostics by replacing  the  home
837       directory  with  ~/.  It  is  also made available to buildfile's as the
838       build.home variable.
840       The BUILD2_VAR_OVR environment variable is  used  to  propagate  global
841       variable overrides to nested build system driver invocations. Its value
842       is a list of global variable assignments separated with newlines.
844       The BUILD2_DEF_OPT environment variable is used to suppress loading  of
845       default  options  files  in nested build system driver invocations. Its
846       values are false or 0 to suppress and true or 1 to load.


849       Send bug reports to the users@build2.org mailing list.
852       Copyright (c) 2014-2023 the build2 authors.
854       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify  this  document
855       under the terms of the MIT License.
859build2 0.16.0                      June 2023                              b(1)