1RLOG(1)                     General Commands Manual                    RLOG(1)


6       rlog - print log messages and other information about RCS files


9       rlog [ options ] file ...


12       rlog prints information about RCS files.
14       Filenames  matching  an  RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote
15       working files.  Names are paired as explained in ci(1).
17       rlog prints the following information for each RCS file: RCS file name,
18       working file name, head (i.e., the number of the latest revision on the
19       trunk), default branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, suffix, to‐
20       tal number of revisions, number of revisions selected for printing, and
21       descriptive text.  This is followed by entries for the  selected  revi‐
22       sions  in  reverse chronological order for each branch.  For each revi‐
23       sion, rlog prints revision number, author, date/time, state, number  of
24       lines  added/deleted (with respect to the previous revision), locker of
25       the revision (if any), and log message.  All times are displayed in Co‐
26       ordinated  Universal Time (UTC) by default; this can be overridden with
27       -z.  Without options, rlog prints complete  information.   The  options
28       below restrict this output.
30       -L  Ignore  RCS  files  that  have no locks set.  This is convenient in
31           combination with -h, -l, and -R.
33       -R  Print only the name of the RCS file.  This is convenient for trans‐
34           lating a working file name into an RCS file name.
36       -h  Print  only  the  RCS  file  name, working file name, head, default
37           branch, access list, locks, symbolic names, and suffix.
39       -t  Print the same as -h, plus the descriptive text.
41       -N  Do not print the symbolic names.
43       -b  Print information about the revisions on the default  branch,  nor‐
44           mally the highest branch on the trunk.
46       -ddates
47           Print  information  about revisions with a checkin date/time in the
48           ranges given by the semicolon-separated list of dates.  A range  of
49           the  form  d1<d2 or d2>d1 selects the revisions that were deposited
50           between d1 and d2 exclusive.  A range of the form <d or d>  selects
51           all revisions earlier than d.  A range of the form d< or >d selects
52           all revisions dated later than d.  If < or > is followed by =  then
53           the ranges are inclusive, not exclusive.  A range of the form d se‐
54           lects  the  single,  latest  revision  dated  d  or  earlier.   The
55           date/time strings d, d1, and d2 are in the free format explained in
56           co(1).  Quoting is normally necessary,  especially  for  <  and  >.
57           Note that the separator is a semicolon.
59       -l[lockers]
60           Print information about locked revisions only.  In addition, if the
61           comma-separated list lockers of login names is  given,  ignore  all
62           locks   other  than  those  held  by  the  lockers.   For  example,
63           rlog -L -R -lwft RCS/* prints the name of RCS files locked  by  the
64           user wft.
66       -r[revisions]
67           prints  information  about  revisions  given in the comma-separated
68           list revisions of revisions and ranges.  A  range  rev1:rev2  means
69           revisions  rev1  to  rev2  on the same branch, :rev means revisions
70           from the beginning of the branch up to and including rev, and  rev:
71           means revisions starting with rev to the end of the branch contain‐
72           ing rev.  An argument that is a branch means all revisions on  that
73           branch.  A range of branches means all revisions on the branches in
74           that range.  A branch followed by a . means the latest revision  in
75           that branch.  A bare -r with no revisions means the latest revision
76           on the default branch, normally the trunk.
78       -sstates
79           prints information about revisions whose state attributes match one
80           of the states given in the comma-separated list states.
82       -w[logins]
83           prints  information  about revisions checked in by users with login
84           names appearing in the comma-separated list logins.  If  logins  is
85           omitted, the user's login is assumed.
87       -q  This  option  has  no  effect;  it is provided for consistency with
88           other commands.
90       -T  This option has no effect; it is  present  for  compatibility  with
91           other RCS commands.
93       -V  Print RCS's version number.
95       -Vn Emulate RCS version n when generating logs.  See co(1) for more.
97       -xsuffixes
98           Use suffixes to characterize RCS files.  See ci(1) for details.
100       rlog prints the intersection of the revisions selected with the options
101       -d, -l, -s, and -w, intersected with the union  of  the  revisions  se‐
102       lected by -b and -r.
104       -zzone specifies the date output format, and specifies the default time
105              zone for date in the -ddates option.  The zone should be  empty,
106              a  numeric  UTC offset, or the special string LT for local time.
107              The default is an empty zone, which  uses  the  traditional  RCS
108              format  of UTC without any time zone indication and with slashes
109              separating the parts of the date; otherwise, times are output in
110              ISO  8601 format with time zone indication.  For example, if lo‐
111              cal time is January 11, 1990, 8pm Pacific Standard  Time,  eight
112              hours west of UTC, then the time is output as follows:
114                     option    time output
115                     -z        1990/01/12 04:00:00        (default)
116                     -zLT      1990-01-11 20:00:00-08
117                     -z+05:30  1990-01-12 09:30:00+05:30


120           rlog  -L  -R  RCS/*
121           rlog  -L  -h  RCS/*
122           rlog  -L  -l  RCS/*
123           rlog  RCS/*
125       The first command prints the names of all RCS files in the subdirectory
126       RCS that have locks.  The second command prints the  headers  of  those
127       files,  and  the  third prints the headers plus the log messages of the
128       locked revisions.  The last command prints complete information.


131       RCSINIT
132              Options prepended to the argument list, separated by spaces.   A
133              backslash  escapes spaces within an option.  The RCSINIT options
134              are prepended to the argument lists of most RCS commands.   Use‐
135              ful RCSINIT options include -q, -V, -x, and -z.
137       RCS_MEM_LIMIT
138              Normally,  for  speed,  commands  either memory map or copy into
139              memory the RCS file if its size is less than  the  memory-limit,
140              currently  defaulting  to  ``unlimited''.   Otherwise (or if the
141              initially-tried speedy ways fail), the commands fall back to us‐
142              ing  standard  i/o routines.  You can adjust the memory limit by
143              setting RCS_MEM_LIMIT to a numeric value lim (measured in  kilo‐
144              bytes).   An empty value is silently ignored.  As a side effect,
145              specifying RCS_MEM_LIMIT inhibits fall-back to slower routines.
147       TMPDIR Name of the temporary directory.  If not  set,  the  environment
148              variables TMP and TEMP are inspected instead and the first value
149              found is taken; if none of them are set,  a  host-dependent  de‐
150              fault is used, typically /tmp.


153       The exit status is zero if and only if all operations were successful.


156       Author: Walter F. Tichy.
157       Manual Page Revision: 5.10.1; Release Date: 2023-01-20.
158       Copyright © 2010-2022 Thien-Thi Nguyen.
159       Copyright © 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.
160       Copyright © 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy.


163       ci(1), co(1), ident(1), rcs(1), rcsdiff(1), rcsmerge(1), rcsfile(5).
165       Walter  F. Tichy, RCS--A System for Version Control, Software--Practice
166       & Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.
168       The full documentation for RCS is maintained as a Texinfo  manual.   If
169       the  info(1)  and RCS programs are properly installed at your site, the
170       command
172              info rcs
174       should give you access to the complete manual.  Additionally,  the  RCS
175       homepage:
177              http://www.gnu.org/software/rcs/
179       has news and links to the latest release, development site, etc.


182       The separator for revision ranges in the -r option used to be - instead
183       of :, but this leads to confusion when symbolic names contain  -.   For
184       backwards compatibility rlog -r still supports the old - separator, but
185       it warns about this obsolete use.
189GNU RCS 5.10.1                    2023-01-20                           RLOG(1)