1GCC(1)                                GNU                               GCC(1)


6       gcc - GNU project C and C++ compiler


9       gcc [-c|-S|-E] [-std=standard]
10           [-g] [-pg] [-Olevel]
11           [-Wwarn...] [-Wpedantic]
12           [-Idir...] [-Ldir...]
13           [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-Umacro]
14           [-foption...] [-mmachine-option...]
15           [-o outfile] [@file] infile...
17       Only the most useful options are listed here; see below for the
18       remainder.  g++ accepts mostly the same options as gcc.


21       When you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation,
22       assembly and linking.  The "overall options" allow you to stop this
23       process at an intermediate stage.  For example, the -c option says not
24       to run the linker.  Then the output consists of object files output by
25       the assembler.
27       Other options are passed on to one or more stages of processing.  Some
28       options control the preprocessor and others the compiler itself.  Yet
29       other options control the assembler and linker; most of these are not
30       documented here, since you rarely need to use any of them.
32       Most of the command-line options that you can use with GCC are useful
33       for C programs; when an option is only useful with another language
34       (usually C++), the explanation says so explicitly.  If the description
35       for a particular option does not mention a source language, you can use
36       that option with all supported languages.
38       The usual way to run GCC is to run the executable called gcc, or
39       machine-gcc when cross-compiling, or machine-gcc-version to run a
40       specific version of GCC.  When you compile C++ programs, you should
41       invoke GCC as g++ instead.
43       The gcc program accepts options and file names as operands.  Many
44       options have multi-letter names; therefore multiple single-letter
45       options may not be grouped: -dv is very different from -d -v.
47       You can mix options and other arguments.  For the most part, the order
48       you use doesn't matter.  Order does matter when you use several options
49       of the same kind; for example, if you specify -L more than once, the
50       directories are searched in the order specified.  Also, the placement
51       of the -l option is significant.
53       Many options have long names starting with -f or with -W---for example,
54       -fmove-loop-invariants, -Wformat and so on.  Most of these have both
55       positive and negative forms; the negative form of -ffoo is -fno-foo.
56       This manual documents only one of these two forms, whichever one is not
57       the default.
59       Some options take one or more arguments typically separated either by a
60       space or by the equals sign (=) from the option name.  Unless
61       documented otherwise, an argument can be either numeric or a string.
62       Numeric arguments must typically be small unsigned decimal or
63       hexadecimal integers.  Hexadecimal arguments must begin with the 0x
64       prefix.  Arguments to options that specify a size threshold of some
65       sort may be arbitrarily large decimal or hexadecimal integers followed
66       by a byte size suffix designating a multiple of bytes such as "kB" and
67       "KiB" for kilobyte and kibibyte, respectively, "MB" and "MiB" for
68       megabyte and mebibyte, "GB" and "GiB" for gigabyte and gigibyte, and so
69       on.  Such arguments are designated by byte-size in the following text.
70       Refer to the NIST, IEC, and other relevant national and international
71       standards for the full listing and explanation of the binary and
72       decimal byte size prefixes.


75   Option Summary
76       Here is a summary of all the options, grouped by type.  Explanations
77       are in the following sections.
79       Overall Options
80           -c  -S  -E  -o file -dumpbase dumpbase  -dumpbase-ext auxdropsuf
81           -dumpdir dumppfx  -x language -v  -###  --help[=class[,...]]
82           --target-help  --version -pass-exit-codes  -pipe  -specs=file
83           -wrapper @file  -ffile-prefix-map=old=new -fplugin=file
84           -fplugin-arg-name=arg -fdump-ada-spec[-slim]
85           -fada-spec-parent=unit  -fdump-go-spec=file
87       C Language Options
88           -ansi  -std=standard  -aux-info filename
89           -fallow-parameterless-variadic-functions  -fno-asm -fno-builtin
90           -fno-builtin-function  -fcond-mismatch -ffreestanding  -fgimple
91           -fgnu-tm  -fgnu89-inline  -fhosted -flax-vector-conversions
92           -fms-extensions -foffload=arg  -foffload-options=arg -fopenacc
93           -fopenacc-dim=geom -fopenmp  -fopenmp-simd
94           -fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=standard -fplan9-extensions
95           -fsigned-bitfields  -funsigned-bitfields -fsigned-char
96           -funsigned-char  -fsso-struct=endianness
98       C++ Language Options
99           -fabi-version=n  -fno-access-control -faligned-new=n
100           -fargs-in-order=n  -fchar8_t  -fcheck-new -fconstexpr-depth=n
101           -fconstexpr-cache-depth=n -fconstexpr-loop-limit=n
102           -fconstexpr-ops-limit=n -fno-elide-constructors
103           -fno-enforce-eh-specs -fno-gnu-keywords -fno-implicit-templates
104           -fno-implicit-inline-templates -fno-implement-inlines
105           -fmodule-header[=kind] -fmodule-only -fmodules-ts
106           -fmodule-implicit-inline -fno-module-lazy
107           -fmodule-mapper=specification -fmodule-version-ignore
108           -fms-extensions -fnew-inheriting-ctors -fnew-ttp-matching
109           -fno-nonansi-builtins  -fnothrow-opt  -fno-operator-names
110           -fno-optional-diags  -fpermissive -fno-pretty-templates -fno-rtti
111           -fsized-deallocation -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=n
112           -ftemplate-depth=n -fno-threadsafe-statics  -fuse-cxa-atexit
113           -fno-weak  -nostdinc++ -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
114           -fvisibility-ms-compat -fext-numeric-literals
115           -flang-info-include-translate[=header]
116           -flang-info-include-translate-not -flang-info-module-cmi[=module]
117           -stdlib=libstdc++,libc++ -Wabi-tag  -Wcatch-value  -Wcatch-value=n
118           -Wno-class-conversion  -Wclass-memaccess -Wcomma-subscript
119           -Wconditionally-supported -Wno-conversion-null
120           -Wctad-maybe-unsupported -Wctor-dtor-privacy
121           -Wno-delete-incomplete -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor
122           -Wno-deprecated-array-compare -Wdeprecated-copy
123           -Wdeprecated-copy-dtor -Wno-deprecated-enum-enum-conversion
124           -Wno-deprecated-enum-float-conversion -Weffc++  -Wno-exceptions
125           -Wextra-semi  -Wno-inaccessible-base -Wno-inherited-variadic-ctor
126           -Wno-init-list-lifetime -Winvalid-imported-macros
127           -Wno-invalid-offsetof  -Wno-literal-suffix -Wmismatched-new-delete
128           -Wmismatched-tags -Wmultiple-inheritance  -Wnamespaces  -Wnarrowing
129           -Wnoexcept  -Wnoexcept-type  -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wpessimizing-move
130           -Wno-placement-new  -Wplacement-new=n -Wrange-loop-construct
131           -Wredundant-move -Wredundant-tags -Wreorder  -Wregister
132           -Wstrict-null-sentinel  -Wno-subobject-linkage  -Wtemplates
133           -Wno-non-template-friend  -Wold-style-cast -Woverloaded-virtual
134           -Wno-pmf-conversions -Wsign-promo -Wsized-deallocation
135           -Wsuggest-final-methods -Wsuggest-final-types  -Wsuggest-override
136           -Wno-terminate  -Wuseless-cast  -Wno-vexing-parse
137           -Wvirtual-inheritance -Wno-virtual-move-assign  -Wvolatile
138           -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant
140       Objective-C and Objective-C++ Language Options
141           -fconstant-string-class=class-name -fgnu-runtime  -fnext-runtime
142           -fno-nil-receivers -fobjc-abi-version=n -fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors
143           -fobjc-direct-dispatch -fobjc-exceptions -fobjc-gc -fobjc-nilcheck
144           -fobjc-std=objc1 -fno-local-ivars
145           -fivar-visibility=[public|protected|private|package]
146           -freplace-objc-classes -fzero-link -gen-decls -Wassign-intercept
147           -Wno-property-assign-default -Wno-protocol -Wobjc-root-class
148           -Wselector -Wstrict-selector-match -Wundeclared-selector
150       Diagnostic Message Formatting Options
151           -fmessage-length=n -fdiagnostics-plain-output
152           -fdiagnostics-show-location=[once|every-line]
153           -fdiagnostics-color=[auto|never|always]
154           -fdiagnostics-urls=[auto|never|always]
155           -fdiagnostics-format=[text|json] -fno-diagnostics-show-option
156           -fno-diagnostics-show-caret -fno-diagnostics-show-labels
157           -fno-diagnostics-show-line-numbers -fno-diagnostics-show-cwe
158           -fdiagnostics-minimum-margin-width=width
159           -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits  -fdiagnostics-generate-patch
160           -fdiagnostics-show-template-tree  -fno-elide-type
161           -fdiagnostics-path-format=[none|separate-events|inline-events]
162           -fdiagnostics-show-path-depths -fno-show-column
163           -fdiagnostics-column-unit=[display|byte]
164           -fdiagnostics-column-origin=origin
165           -fdiagnostics-escape-format=[unicode|bytes]
167       Warning Options
168           -fsyntax-only  -fmax-errors=n  -Wpedantic -pedantic-errors -w
169           -Wextra  -Wall  -Wabi=n -Waddress  -Wno-address-of-packed-member
170           -Waggregate-return -Walloc-size-larger-than=byte-size  -Walloc-zero
171           -Walloca  -Walloca-larger-than=byte-size
172           -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -Warith-conversion
173           -Warray-bounds  -Warray-bounds=n  -Warray-compare -Wno-attributes
174           -Wattribute-alias=n -Wno-attribute-alias -Wno-attribute-warning
175           -Wbidi-chars=[none|unpaired|any|ucn] -Wbool-compare
176           -Wbool-operation -Wno-builtin-declaration-mismatch
177           -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined  -Wc90-c99-compat  -Wc99-c11-compat
178           -Wc11-c2x-compat -Wc++-compat  -Wc++11-compat  -Wc++14-compat
179           -Wc++17-compat -Wc++20-compat -Wno-c++11-extensions
180           -Wno-c++14-extensions -Wno-c++17-extensions -Wno-c++20-extensions
181           -Wno-c++23-extensions -Wcast-align  -Wcast-align=strict
182           -Wcast-function-type  -Wcast-qual -Wchar-subscripts -Wclobbered
183           -Wcomment -Wconversion  -Wno-coverage-mismatch  -Wno-cpp
184           -Wdangling-else  -Wdangling-pointer  -Wdangling-pointer=n
185           -Wdate-time -Wno-deprecated  -Wno-deprecated-declarations
186           -Wno-designated-init -Wdisabled-optimization
187           -Wno-discarded-array-qualifiers  -Wno-discarded-qualifiers
188           -Wno-div-by-zero  -Wdouble-promotion -Wduplicated-branches
189           -Wduplicated-cond -Wempty-body  -Wno-endif-labels  -Wenum-compare
190           -Wenum-conversion -Werror  -Werror=*  -Wexpansion-to-defined
191           -Wfatal-errors -Wfloat-conversion  -Wfloat-equal  -Wformat
192           -Wformat=2 -Wno-format-contains-nul  -Wno-format-extra-args
193           -Wformat-nonliteral  -Wformat-overflow=n -Wformat-security
194           -Wformat-signedness  -Wformat-truncation=n -Wformat-y2k
195           -Wframe-address -Wframe-larger-than=byte-size
196           -Wno-free-nonheap-object -Wno-if-not-aligned
197           -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wignored-qualifiers
198           -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wimplicit  -Wimplicit-fallthrough
199           -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n -Wno-implicit-function-declaration
200           -Wno-implicit-int -Winfinite-recursion -Winit-self  -Winline
201           -Wno-int-conversion  -Wint-in-bool-context -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast
202           -Wno-invalid-memory-model -Winvalid-pch  -Wjump-misses-init
203           -Wlarger-than=byte-size -Wlogical-not-parentheses  -Wlogical-op
204           -Wlong-long -Wno-lto-type-mismatch -Wmain  -Wmaybe-uninitialized
205           -Wmemset-elt-size  -Wmemset-transposed-args
206           -Wmisleading-indentation  -Wmissing-attributes  -Wmissing-braces
207           -Wmissing-field-initializers  -Wmissing-format-attribute
208           -Wmissing-include-dirs  -Wmissing-noreturn  -Wno-missing-profile
209           -Wno-multichar  -Wmultistatement-macros  -Wnonnull
210           -Wnonnull-compare -Wnormalized=[none|id|nfc|nfkc]
211           -Wnull-dereference  -Wno-odr -Wopenacc-parallelism -Wopenmp-simd
212           -Wno-overflow  -Woverlength-strings
213           -Wno-override-init-side-effects -Wpacked
214           -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat  -Wpacked-not-aligned  -Wpadded
215           -Wparentheses  -Wno-pedantic-ms-format -Wpointer-arith
216           -Wno-pointer-compare  -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast -Wno-pragmas
217           -Wno-prio-ctor-dtor  -Wredundant-decls -Wrestrict
218           -Wno-return-local-addr  -Wreturn-type -Wno-scalar-storage-order
219           -Wsequence-point -Wshadow  -Wshadow=global  -Wshadow=local
220           -Wshadow=compatible-local -Wno-shadow-ivar
221           -Wno-shift-count-negative  -Wno-shift-count-overflow
222           -Wshift-negative-value -Wno-shift-overflow  -Wshift-overflow=n
223           -Wsign-compare  -Wsign-conversion -Wno-sizeof-array-argument
224           -Wsizeof-array-div -Wsizeof-pointer-div  -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess
225           -Wstack-protector  -Wstack-usage=byte-size  -Wstrict-aliasing
226           -Wstrict-aliasing=n  -Wstrict-overflow  -Wstrict-overflow=n
227           -Wstring-compare -Wno-stringop-overflow -Wno-stringop-overread
228           -Wno-stringop-truncation
229           -Wsuggest-attribute=[pure|const|noreturn|format|malloc] -Wswitch
230           -Wno-switch-bool  -Wswitch-default  -Wswitch-enum
231           -Wno-switch-outside-range  -Wno-switch-unreachable  -Wsync-nand
232           -Wsystem-headers  -Wtautological-compare  -Wtrampolines
233           -Wtrigraphs -Wtrivial-auto-var-init -Wtsan -Wtype-limits  -Wundef
234           -Wuninitialized  -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunsuffixed-float-constants
235           -Wunused -Wunused-but-set-parameter  -Wunused-but-set-variable
236           -Wunused-const-variable  -Wunused-const-variable=n
237           -Wunused-function  -Wunused-label  -Wunused-local-typedefs
238           -Wunused-macros -Wunused-parameter  -Wno-unused-result
239           -Wunused-value  -Wunused-variable -Wno-varargs  -Wvariadic-macros
240           -Wvector-operation-performance -Wvla  -Wvla-larger-than=byte-size
241           -Wno-vla-larger-than -Wvolatile-register-var  -Wwrite-strings
242           -Wzero-length-bounds
244       Static Analyzer Options
245           -fanalyzer -fanalyzer-call-summaries -fanalyzer-checker=name
246           -fno-analyzer-feasibility -fanalyzer-fine-grained
247           -fno-analyzer-state-merge -fno-analyzer-state-purge
248           -fanalyzer-transitivity -fanalyzer-verbose-edges
249           -fanalyzer-verbose-state-changes -fanalyzer-verbosity=level
250           -fdump-analyzer -fdump-analyzer-callgraph
251           -fdump-analyzer-exploded-graph -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes
252           -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes-2 -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes-3
253           -fdump-analyzer-exploded-paths -fdump-analyzer-feasibility
254           -fdump-analyzer-json -fdump-analyzer-state-purge
255           -fdump-analyzer-stderr -fdump-analyzer-supergraph
256           -fdump-analyzer-untracked -Wno-analyzer-double-fclose
257           -Wno-analyzer-double-free
258           -Wno-analyzer-exposure-through-output-file -Wno-analyzer-file-leak
259           -Wno-analyzer-free-of-non-heap -Wno-analyzer-malloc-leak
260           -Wno-analyzer-mismatching-deallocation -Wno-analyzer-null-argument
261           -Wno-analyzer-null-dereference -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-argument
262           -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-dereference
263           -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-negative
264           -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-overflow
265           -Wno-analyzer-stale-setjmp-buffer
266           -Wno-analyzer-tainted-allocation-size
267           -Wno-analyzer-tainted-array-index -Wno-analyzer-tainted-divisor
268           -Wno-analyzer-tainted-offset -Wno-analyzer-tainted-size
269           -Wanalyzer-too-complex
270           -Wno-analyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler
271           -Wno-analyzer-use-after-free
272           -Wno-analyzer-use-of-pointer-in-stale-stack-frame
273           -Wno-analyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value
274           -Wno-analyzer-write-to-const -Wno-analyzer-write-to-string-literal
276       C and Objective-C-only Warning Options
277           -Wbad-function-cast  -Wmissing-declarations
278           -Wmissing-parameter-type  -Wmissing-prototypes  -Wnested-externs
279           -Wold-style-declaration  -Wold-style-definition -Wstrict-prototypes
280           -Wtraditional  -Wtraditional-conversion
281           -Wdeclaration-after-statement  -Wpointer-sign
283       Debugging Options
284           -g  -glevel  -gdwarf  -gdwarf-version -gbtf -gctf  -gctflevel -ggdb
285           -grecord-gcc-switches  -gno-record-gcc-switches -gstabs  -gstabs+
286           -gstrict-dwarf  -gno-strict-dwarf -gas-loc-support
287           -gno-as-loc-support -gas-locview-support  -gno-as-locview-support
288           -gcolumn-info  -gno-column-info  -gdwarf32  -gdwarf64
289           -gstatement-frontiers  -gno-statement-frontiers
290           -gvariable-location-views  -gno-variable-location-views
291           -ginternal-reset-location-views  -gno-internal-reset-location-views
292           -ginline-points  -gno-inline-points -gvms  -gxcoff  -gxcoff+
293           -gz[=type] -gsplit-dwarf  -gdescribe-dies  -gno-describe-dies
294           -fdebug-prefix-map=old=new  -fdebug-types-section
295           -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types -femit-struct-debug-baseonly
296           -femit-struct-debug-reduced -femit-struct-debug-detailed[=spec-
297           list] -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols
298           -femit-class-debug-always -fno-merge-debug-strings
299           -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm -fvar-tracking  -fvar-tracking-assignments
301       Optimization Options
302           -faggressive-loop-optimizations -falign-functions[=n[:m:[n2[:m2]]]]
303           -falign-jumps[=n[:m:[n2[:m2]]]] -falign-labels[=n[:m:[n2[:m2]]]]
304           -falign-loops[=n[:m:[n2[:m2]]]] -fno-allocation-dce
305           -fallow-store-data-races -fassociative-math  -fauto-profile
306           -fauto-profile[=path] -fauto-inc-dec  -fbranch-probabilities
307           -fcaller-saves -fcombine-stack-adjustments  -fconserve-stack
308           -fcompare-elim  -fcprop-registers  -fcrossjumping
309           -fcse-follow-jumps  -fcse-skip-blocks  -fcx-fortran-rules
310           -fcx-limited-range -fdata-sections  -fdce  -fdelayed-branch
311           -fdelete-null-pointer-checks  -fdevirtualize
312           -fdevirtualize-speculatively -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans  -fdse
313           -fearly-inlining  -fipa-sra  -fexpensive-optimizations
314           -ffat-lto-objects -ffast-math  -ffinite-math-only  -ffloat-store
315           -fexcess-precision=style -ffinite-loops -fforward-propagate
316           -ffp-contract=style  -ffunction-sections -fgcse
317           -fgcse-after-reload  -fgcse-las  -fgcse-lm  -fgraphite-identity
318           -fgcse-sm  -fhoist-adjacent-loads  -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2
319           -findirect-inlining -finline-functions
320           -finline-functions-called-once  -finline-limit=n
321           -finline-small-functions -fipa-modref -fipa-cp  -fipa-cp-clone
322           -fipa-bit-cp  -fipa-vrp  -fipa-pta  -fipa-profile  -fipa-pure-const
323           -fipa-reference  -fipa-reference-addressable -fipa-stack-alignment
324           -fipa-icf  -fira-algorithm=algorithm -flive-patching=level
325           -fira-region=region  -fira-hoist-pressure -fira-loop-pressure
326           -fno-ira-share-save-slots -fno-ira-share-spill-slots
327           -fisolate-erroneous-paths-dereference
328           -fisolate-erroneous-paths-attribute -fivopts
329           -fkeep-inline-functions  -fkeep-static-functions
330           -fkeep-static-consts  -flimit-function-alignment
331           -flive-range-shrinkage -floop-block  -floop-interchange
332           -floop-strip-mine -floop-unroll-and-jam  -floop-nest-optimize
333           -floop-parallelize-all  -flra-remat  -flto  -flto-compression-level
334           -flto-partition=alg  -fmerge-all-constants -fmerge-constants
335           -fmodulo-sched  -fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves
336           -fmove-loop-invariants  -fmove-loop-stores  -fno-branch-count-reg
337           -fno-defer-pop  -fno-fp-int-builtin-inexact  -fno-function-cse
338           -fno-guess-branch-probability  -fno-inline  -fno-math-errno
339           -fno-peephole -fno-peephole2  -fno-printf-return-value
340           -fno-sched-interblock -fno-sched-spec  -fno-signed-zeros
341           -fno-toplevel-reorder  -fno-trapping-math
342           -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss -fomit-frame-pointer
343           -foptimize-sibling-calls -fpartial-inlining  -fpeel-loops
344           -fpredictive-commoning -fprefetch-loop-arrays -fprofile-correction
345           -fprofile-use  -fprofile-use=path -fprofile-partial-training
346           -fprofile-values -fprofile-reorder-functions -freciprocal-math
347           -free  -frename-registers  -freorder-blocks
348           -freorder-blocks-algorithm=algorithm -freorder-blocks-and-partition
349           -freorder-functions -frerun-cse-after-loop
350           -freschedule-modulo-scheduled-loops -frounding-math
351           -fsave-optimization-record -fsched2-use-superblocks
352           -fsched-pressure -fsched-spec-load  -fsched-spec-load-dangerous
353           -fsched-stalled-insns-dep[=n]  -fsched-stalled-insns[=n]
354           -fsched-group-heuristic  -fsched-critical-path-heuristic
355           -fsched-spec-insn-heuristic  -fsched-rank-heuristic
356           -fsched-last-insn-heuristic  -fsched-dep-count-heuristic
357           -fschedule-fusion -fschedule-insns  -fschedule-insns2
358           -fsection-anchors -fselective-scheduling  -fselective-scheduling2
359           -fsel-sched-pipelining  -fsel-sched-pipelining-outer-loops
360           -fsemantic-interposition  -fshrink-wrap  -fshrink-wrap-separate
361           -fsignaling-nans -fsingle-precision-constant
362           -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller  -fsplit-loops -fsplit-paths
363           -fsplit-wide-types  -fsplit-wide-types-early  -fssa-backprop
364           -fssa-phiopt -fstdarg-opt  -fstore-merging  -fstrict-aliasing
365           -fipa-strict-aliasing -fthread-jumps  -ftracer  -ftree-bit-ccp
366           -ftree-builtin-call-dce  -ftree-ccp  -ftree-ch -ftree-coalesce-vars
367           -ftree-copy-prop  -ftree-dce  -ftree-dominator-opts -ftree-dse
368           -ftree-forwprop  -ftree-fre  -fcode-hoisting -ftree-loop-if-convert
369           -ftree-loop-im -ftree-phiprop  -ftree-loop-distribution
370           -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns -ftree-loop-ivcanon
371           -ftree-loop-linear  -ftree-loop-optimize -ftree-loop-vectorize
372           -ftree-parallelize-loops=n  -ftree-pre  -ftree-partial-pre
373           -ftree-pta -ftree-reassoc  -ftree-scev-cprop  -ftree-sink
374           -ftree-slsr  -ftree-sra -ftree-switch-conversion  -ftree-tail-merge
375           -ftree-ter  -ftree-vectorize  -ftree-vrp  -ftrivial-auto-var-init
376           -funconstrained-commons -funit-at-a-time  -funroll-all-loops
377           -funroll-loops -funsafe-math-optimizations  -funswitch-loops
378           -fipa-ra  -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller  -fvect-cost-model
379           -fvpt -fweb  -fwhole-program  -fwpa  -fuse-linker-plugin
380           -fzero-call-used-regs --param name=value -O  -O0  -O1  -O2  -O3
381           -Os  -Ofast  -Og  -Oz
383       Program Instrumentation Options
384           -p  -pg  -fprofile-arcs  --coverage  -ftest-coverage
385           -fprofile-abs-path -fprofile-dir=path  -fprofile-generate
386           -fprofile-generate=path -fprofile-info-section
387           -fprofile-info-section=name -fprofile-note=path
388           -fprofile-prefix-path=path -fprofile-update=method
389           -fprofile-filter-files=regex -fprofile-exclude-files=regex
390           -fprofile-reproducible=[multithreaded|parallel-runs|serial]
391           -fsanitize=style  -fsanitize-recover  -fsanitize-recover=style
392           -fasan-shadow-offset=number  -fsanitize-sections=s1,s2,...
393           -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error  -fbounds-check
394           -fcf-protection=[full|branch|return|none|check] -fharden-compares
395           -fharden-conditional-branches -fstack-protector
396           -fstack-protector-all  -fstack-protector-strong
397           -fstack-protector-explicit  -fstack-check
398           -fstack-limit-register=reg  -fstack-limit-symbol=sym
399           -fno-stack-limit  -fsplit-stack -fvtable-verify=[std|preinit|none]
400           -fvtv-counts  -fvtv-debug -finstrument-functions
401           -finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=sym,sym,...
402           -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=file,file,...
403           -fprofile-prefix-map=old=new
405       Preprocessor Options
406           -Aquestion=answer -A-question[=answer] -C  -CC  -Dmacro[=defn] -dD
407           -dI  -dM  -dN  -dU -fdebug-cpp  -fdirectives-only
408           -fdollars-in-identifiers -fexec-charset=charset
409           -fextended-identifiers -finput-charset=charset
410           -flarge-source-files -fmacro-prefix-map=old=new
411           -fmax-include-depth=depth -fno-canonical-system-headers  -fpch-deps
412           -fpch-preprocess -fpreprocessed  -ftabstop=width
413           -ftrack-macro-expansion -fwide-exec-charset=charset
414           -fworking-directory -H  -imacros file  -include file -M  -MD  -MF
415           -MG  -MM  -MMD  -MP  -MQ  -MT -Mno-modules -no-integrated-cpp  -P
416           -pthread  -remap -traditional  -traditional-cpp  -trigraphs -Umacro
417           -undef -Wp,option  -Xpreprocessor option
419       Assembler Options
420           -Wa,option  -Xassembler option
422       Linker Options
423           object-file-name  -fuse-ld=linker  -llibrary -nostartfiles
424           -nodefaultlibs  -nolibc  -nostdlib -e entry  --entry=entry -pie
425           -pthread  -r  -rdynamic -s  -static  -static-pie  -static-libgcc
426           -static-libstdc++ -static-libasan  -static-libtsan  -static-liblsan
427           -static-libubsan -shared  -shared-libgcc  -symbolic -T script
428           -Wl,option  -Xlinker option -u symbol  -z keyword
430       Directory Options
431           -Bprefix  -Idir  -I- -idirafter dir -imacros file  -imultilib dir
432           -iplugindir=dir  -iprefix file -iquote dir  -isysroot dir  -isystem
433           dir -iwithprefix dir  -iwithprefixbefore dir -Ldir
434           -no-canonical-prefixes  --no-sysroot-suffix -nostdinc  -nostdinc++
435           --sysroot=dir
437       Code Generation Options
438           -fcall-saved-reg  -fcall-used-reg -ffixed-reg  -fexceptions
439           -fnon-call-exceptions  -fdelete-dead-exceptions  -funwind-tables
440           -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-gnu-unique
441           -finhibit-size-directive  -fcommon  -fno-ident -fpcc-struct-return
442           -fpic  -fPIC  -fpie  -fPIE  -fno-plt -fno-jump-tables
443           -fno-bit-tests -frecord-gcc-switches -freg-struct-return
444           -fshort-enums  -fshort-wchar -fverbose-asm  -fpack-struct[=n]
445           -fleading-underscore  -ftls-model=model -fstack-reuse=reuse_level
446           -ftrampolines  -ftrapv  -fwrapv
447           -fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected]
448           -fstrict-volatile-bitfields  -fsync-libcalls
450       Developer Options
451           -dletters  -dumpspecs  -dumpmachine  -dumpversion -dumpfullversion
452           -fcallgraph-info[=su,da] -fchecking  -fchecking=n -fdbg-cnt-list
453           -fdbg-cnt=counter-value-list -fdisable-ipa-pass_name
454           -fdisable-rtl-pass_name -fdisable-rtl-pass-name=range-list
455           -fdisable-tree-pass_name -fdisable-tree-pass-name=range-list
456           -fdump-debug  -fdump-earlydebug -fdump-noaddr  -fdump-unnumbered
457           -fdump-unnumbered-links -fdump-final-insns[=file] -fdump-ipa-all
458           -fdump-ipa-cgraph  -fdump-ipa-inline -fdump-lang-all
459           -fdump-lang-switch -fdump-lang-switch-options
460           -fdump-lang-switch-options=filename -fdump-passes -fdump-rtl-pass
461           -fdump-rtl-pass=filename -fdump-statistics -fdump-tree-all
462           -fdump-tree-switch -fdump-tree-switch-options
463           -fdump-tree-switch-options=filename -fcompare-debug[=opts]
464           -fcompare-debug-second -fenable-kind-pass -fenable-kind-pass=range-
465           list -fira-verbose=n -flto-report  -flto-report-wpa
466           -fmem-report-wpa -fmem-report  -fpre-ipa-mem-report
467           -fpost-ipa-mem-report -fopt-info  -fopt-info-options[=file]
468           -fprofile-report -frandom-seed=string  -fsched-verbose=n
469           -fsel-sched-verbose  -fsel-sched-dump-cfg
470           -fsel-sched-pipelining-verbose -fstats  -fstack-usage
471           -ftime-report  -ftime-report-details
472           -fvar-tracking-assignments-toggle  -gtoggle
473           -print-file-name=library  -print-libgcc-file-name
474           -print-multi-directory  -print-multi-lib  -print-multi-os-directory
475           -print-prog-name=program  -print-search-dirs  -Q -print-sysroot
476           -print-sysroot-headers-suffix -save-temps  -save-temps=cwd
477           -save-temps=obj  -time[=file]
479       Machine-Dependent Options
480           AArch64 Options -mabi=name  -mbig-endian  -mlittle-endian
481           -mgeneral-regs-only -mcmodel=tiny  -mcmodel=small  -mcmodel=large
482           -mstrict-align  -mno-strict-align -momit-leaf-frame-pointer
483           -mtls-dialect=desc  -mtls-dialect=traditional -mtls-size=size
484           -mfix-cortex-a53-835769  -mfix-cortex-a53-843419
485           -mlow-precision-recip-sqrt  -mlow-precision-sqrt
486           -mlow-precision-div -mpc-relative-literal-loads
487           -msign-return-address=scope -mbranch-protection=none|standard|pac-
488           ret[+leaf +b-key]|bti -mharden-sls=opts -march=name  -mcpu=name
489           -mtune=name -moverride=string  -mverbose-cost-dump
490           -mstack-protector-guard=guard -mstack-protector-guard-reg=sysreg
491           -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset -mtrack-speculation
492           -moutline-atomics
494           Adapteva Epiphany Options -mhalf-reg-file  -mprefer-short-insn-regs
495           -mbranch-cost=num  -mcmove  -mnops=num  -msoft-cmpsf -msplit-lohi
496           -mpost-inc  -mpost-modify  -mstack-offset=num -mround-nearest
497           -mlong-calls  -mshort-calls  -msmall16 -mfp-mode=mode
498           -mvect-double  -max-vect-align=num -msplit-vecmove-early
499           -m1reg-reg
501           AMD GCN Options -march=gpu -mtune=gpu -mstack-size=bytes
503           ARC Options -mbarrel-shifter  -mjli-always -mcpu=cpu  -mA6
504           -mARC600  -mA7  -mARC700 -mdpfp  -mdpfp-compact  -mdpfp-fast
505           -mno-dpfp-lrsr -mea  -mno-mpy  -mmul32x16  -mmul64  -matomic -mnorm
506           -mspfp  -mspfp-compact  -mspfp-fast  -msimd  -msoft-float  -mswap
507           -mcrc  -mdsp-packa  -mdvbf  -mlock  -mmac-d16  -mmac-24  -mrtsc
508           -mswape -mtelephony  -mxy  -misize  -mannotate-align  -marclinux
509           -marclinux_prof -mlong-calls  -mmedium-calls  -msdata
510           -mirq-ctrl-saved -mrgf-banked-regs  -mlpc-width=width  -G num
511           -mvolatile-cache  -mtp-regno=regno -malign-call  -mauto-modify-reg
512           -mbbit-peephole  -mno-brcc -mcase-vector-pcrel  -mcompact-casesi
513           -mno-cond-exec  -mearly-cbranchsi -mexpand-adddi  -mindexed-loads
514           -mlra  -mlra-priority-none -mlra-priority-compact
515           -mlra-priority-noncompact  -mmillicode -mmixed-code  -mq-class
516           -mRcq  -mRcw  -msize-level=level -mtune=cpu  -mmultcost=num
517           -mcode-density-frame -munalign-prob-threshold=probability
518           -mmpy-option=multo -mdiv-rem  -mcode-density  -mll64  -mfpu=fpu
519           -mrf16  -mbranch-index
521           ARM Options -mapcs-frame  -mno-apcs-frame -mabi=name
522           -mapcs-stack-check  -mno-apcs-stack-check -mapcs-reentrant
523           -mno-apcs-reentrant -mgeneral-regs-only -msched-prolog
524           -mno-sched-prolog -mlittle-endian  -mbig-endian -mbe8  -mbe32
525           -mfloat-abi=name -mfp16-format=name -mthumb-interwork
526           -mno-thumb-interwork -mcpu=name  -march=name  -mfpu=name
527           -mtune=name  -mprint-tune-info -mstructure-size-boundary=n
528           -mabort-on-noreturn -mlong-calls  -mno-long-calls -msingle-pic-base
529           -mno-single-pic-base -mpic-register=reg -mnop-fun-dllimport
530           -mpoke-function-name -mthumb  -marm  -mflip-thumb -mtpcs-frame
531           -mtpcs-leaf-frame -mcaller-super-interworking
532           -mcallee-super-interworking -mtp=name  -mtls-dialect=dialect
533           -mword-relocations -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd
534           -mfix-cortex-a57-aes-1742098 -mfix-cortex-a72-aes-1655431
535           -munaligned-access -mneon-for-64bits -mslow-flash-data
536           -masm-syntax-unified -mrestrict-it -mverbose-cost-dump -mpure-code
537           -mcmse -mfix-cmse-cve-2021-35465 -mstack-protector-guard=guard
538           -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset -mfdpic
540           AVR Options -mmcu=mcu  -mabsdata  -maccumulate-args
541           -mbranch-cost=cost -mcall-prologues  -mgas-isr-prologues  -mint8
542           -mdouble=bits -mlong-double=bits -mn_flash=size  -mno-interrupts
543           -mmain-is-OS_task  -mrelax  -mrmw  -mstrict-X  -mtiny-stack
544           -mfract-convert-truncate -mshort-calls  -nodevicelib
545           -nodevicespecs -Waddr-space-convert  -Wmisspelled-isr
547           Blackfin Options -mcpu=cpu[-sirevision] -msim
548           -momit-leaf-frame-pointer  -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
549           -mspecld-anomaly  -mno-specld-anomaly  -mcsync-anomaly
550           -mno-csync-anomaly -mlow-64k  -mno-low64k  -mstack-check-l1
551           -mid-shared-library -mno-id-shared-library  -mshared-library-id=n
552           -mleaf-id-shared-library  -mno-leaf-id-shared-library -msep-data
553           -mno-sep-data  -mlong-calls  -mno-long-calls -mfast-fp
554           -minline-plt  -mmulticore  -mcorea  -mcoreb  -msdram -micplb
556           C6X Options -mbig-endian  -mlittle-endian  -march=cpu -msim
557           -msdata=sdata-type
559           CRIS Options -mcpu=cpu  -march=cpu -mtune=cpu -mmax-stack-frame=n
560           -metrax4  -metrax100  -mpdebug  -mcc-init  -mno-side-effects
561           -mstack-align  -mdata-align  -mconst-align -m32-bit  -m16-bit
562           -m8-bit  -mno-prologue-epilogue -melf  -maout  -sim  -sim2
563           -mmul-bug-workaround  -mno-mul-bug-workaround
565           CR16 Options -mmac -mcr16cplus  -mcr16c -msim  -mint32  -mbit-ops
566           -mdata-model=model
568           C-SKY Options -march=arch  -mcpu=cpu -mbig-endian  -EB
569           -mlittle-endian  -EL -mhard-float  -msoft-float  -mfpu=fpu
570           -mdouble-float  -mfdivdu -mfloat-abi=name -melrw  -mistack  -mmp
571           -mcp  -mcache  -msecurity  -mtrust -mdsp  -medsp  -mvdsp -mdiv
572           -msmart  -mhigh-registers  -manchor -mpushpop  -mmultiple-stld
573           -mconstpool  -mstack-size  -mccrt -mbranch-cost=n  -mcse-cc
574           -msched-prolog -msim
576           Darwin Options -all_load  -allowable_client  -arch
577           -arch_errors_fatal -arch_only  -bind_at_load  -bundle
578           -bundle_loader -client_name  -compatibility_version
579           -current_version -dead_strip -dependency-file  -dylib_file
580           -dylinker_install_name -dynamic  -dynamiclib
581           -exported_symbols_list -filelist  -flat_namespace
582           -force_cpusubtype_ALL -force_flat_namespace
583           -headerpad_max_install_names -iframework -image_base  -init
584           -install_name  -keep_private_externs -multi_module
585           -multiply_defined  -multiply_defined_unused -noall_load
586           -no_dead_strip_inits_and_terms -nofixprebinding  -nomultidefs
587           -noprebind  -noseglinkedit -pagezero_size  -prebind
588           -prebind_all_twolevel_modules -private_bundle  -read_only_relocs
589           -sectalign -sectobjectsymbols  -whyload  -seg1addr -sectcreate
590           -sectobjectsymbols  -sectorder -segaddr  -segs_read_only_addr
591           -segs_read_write_addr -seg_addr_table  -seg_addr_table_filename
592           -seglinkedit -segprot  -segs_read_only_addr  -segs_read_write_addr
593           -single_module  -static  -sub_library  -sub_umbrella
594           -twolevel_namespace  -umbrella  -undefined -unexported_symbols_list
595           -weak_reference_mismatches -whatsloaded  -F  -gused  -gfull
596           -mmacosx-version-min=version -mkernel  -mone-byte-bool
598           DEC Alpha Options -mno-fp-regs  -msoft-float -mieee
599           -mieee-with-inexact  -mieee-conformant -mfp-trap-mode=mode
600           -mfp-rounding-mode=mode -mtrap-precision=mode  -mbuild-constants
601           -mcpu=cpu-type  -mtune=cpu-type -mbwx  -mmax  -mfix  -mcix
602           -mfloat-vax  -mfloat-ieee -mexplicit-relocs  -msmall-data
603           -mlarge-data -msmall-text  -mlarge-text -mmemory-latency=time
605           eBPF Options -mbig-endian -mlittle-endian -mkernel=version
606           -mframe-limit=bytes -mxbpf -mco-re -mno-co-re -mjmpext -mjmp32
607           -malu32 -mcpu=version
609           FR30 Options -msmall-model  -mno-lsim
611           FT32 Options -msim  -mlra  -mnodiv  -mft32b  -mcompress  -mnopm
613           FRV Options -mgpr-32  -mgpr-64  -mfpr-32  -mfpr-64 -mhard-float
614           -msoft-float -malloc-cc  -mfixed-cc  -mdword  -mno-dword -mdouble
615           -mno-double -mmedia  -mno-media  -mmuladd  -mno-muladd -mfdpic
616           -minline-plt  -mgprel-ro  -multilib-library-pic -mlinked-fp
617           -mlong-calls  -malign-labels -mlibrary-pic  -macc-4  -macc-8 -mpack
618           -mno-pack  -mno-eflags  -mcond-move  -mno-cond-move
619           -moptimize-membar  -mno-optimize-membar -mscc  -mno-scc
620           -mcond-exec  -mno-cond-exec -mvliw-branch  -mno-vliw-branch
621           -mmulti-cond-exec  -mno-multi-cond-exec  -mnested-cond-exec
622           -mno-nested-cond-exec  -mtomcat-stats -mTLS  -mtls -mcpu=cpu
624           GNU/Linux Options -mglibc  -muclibc  -mmusl  -mbionic  -mandroid
625           -tno-android-cc  -tno-android-ld
627           H8/300 Options -mrelax  -mh  -ms  -mn  -mexr  -mno-exr  -mint32
628           -malign-300
630           HPPA Options -march=architecture-type -mcaller-copies
631           -mdisable-fpregs  -mdisable-indexing -mfast-indirect-calls  -mgas
632           -mgnu-ld   -mhp-ld -mfixed-range=register-range -mjump-in-delay
633           -mlinker-opt  -mlong-calls -mlong-load-store  -mno-disable-fpregs
634           -mno-disable-indexing  -mno-fast-indirect-calls  -mno-gas
635           -mno-jump-in-delay  -mno-long-load-store -mno-portable-runtime
636           -mno-soft-float -mno-space-regs  -msoft-float  -mpa-risc-1-0
637           -mpa-risc-1-1  -mpa-risc-2-0  -mportable-runtime -mschedule=cpu-
638           type  -mspace-regs  -msio  -mwsio -munix=unix-std  -nolibdld
639           -static  -threads
641           IA-64 Options -mbig-endian  -mlittle-endian  -mgnu-as  -mgnu-ld
642           -mno-pic -mvolatile-asm-stop  -mregister-names  -msdata  -mno-sdata
643           -mconstant-gp  -mauto-pic  -mfused-madd
644           -minline-float-divide-min-latency
645           -minline-float-divide-max-throughput -mno-inline-float-divide
646           -minline-int-divide-min-latency -minline-int-divide-max-throughput
647           -mno-inline-int-divide -minline-sqrt-min-latency
648           -minline-sqrt-max-throughput -mno-inline-sqrt -mdwarf2-asm
649           -mearly-stop-bits -mfixed-range=register-range  -mtls-size=tls-size
650           -mtune=cpu-type  -milp32  -mlp64 -msched-br-data-spec
651           -msched-ar-data-spec  -msched-control-spec -msched-br-in-data-spec
652           -msched-ar-in-data-spec  -msched-in-control-spec -msched-spec-ldc
653           -msched-spec-control-ldc -msched-prefer-non-data-spec-insns
654           -msched-prefer-non-control-spec-insns
655           -msched-stop-bits-after-every-cycle
656           -msched-count-spec-in-critical-path
657           -msel-sched-dont-check-control-spec  -msched-fp-mem-deps-zero-cost
658           -msched-max-memory-insns-hard-limit  -msched-max-memory-insns=max-
659           insns
661           LM32 Options -mbarrel-shift-enabled  -mdivide-enabled
662           -mmultiply-enabled -msign-extend-enabled  -muser-enabled
664           LoongArch Options -march=cpu-type  -mtune=cpu-type -mabi=base-abi-
665           type -mfpu=fpu-type -msoft-float -msingle-float -mdouble-float
666           -mbranch-cost=n  -mcheck-zero-division -mno-check-zero-division
667           -mcond-move-int  -mno-cond-move-int -mcond-move-float
668           -mno-cond-move-float -memcpy  -mno-memcpy -mstrict-align
669           -mno-strict-align -mmax-inline-memcpy-size=n -mcmodel=code-model
671           M32R/D Options -m32r2  -m32rx  -m32r -mdebug -malign-loops
672           -mno-align-loops -missue-rate=number -mbranch-cost=number
673           -mmodel=code-size-model-type -msdata=sdata-type -mno-flush-func
674           -mflush-func=name -mno-flush-trap  -mflush-trap=number -G num
676           M32C Options -mcpu=cpu  -msim  -memregs=number
678           M680x0 Options -march=arch  -mcpu=cpu  -mtune=tune -m68000  -m68020
679           -m68020-40  -m68020-60  -m68030  -m68040 -m68060  -mcpu32  -m5200
680           -m5206e  -m528x  -m5307  -m5407 -mcfv4e  -mbitfield  -mno-bitfield
681           -mc68000  -mc68020 -mnobitfield  -mrtd  -mno-rtd  -mdiv  -mno-div
682           -mshort -mno-short  -mhard-float  -m68881  -msoft-float  -mpcrel
683           -malign-int  -mstrict-align  -msep-data  -mno-sep-data
684           -mshared-library-id=n  -mid-shared-library  -mno-id-shared-library
685           -mxgot  -mno-xgot  -mlong-jump-table-offsets
687           MCore Options -mhardlit  -mno-hardlit  -mdiv  -mno-div
688           -mrelax-immediates -mno-relax-immediates  -mwide-bitfields
689           -mno-wide-bitfields -m4byte-functions  -mno-4byte-functions
690           -mcallgraph-data -mno-callgraph-data  -mslow-bytes  -mno-slow-bytes
691           -mno-lsim -mlittle-endian  -mbig-endian  -m210  -m340
692           -mstack-increment
694           MeP Options -mabsdiff  -mall-opts  -maverage  -mbased=n  -mbitops
695           -mc=n  -mclip  -mconfig=name  -mcop  -mcop32  -mcop64  -mivc2 -mdc
696           -mdiv  -meb  -mel  -mio-volatile  -ml  -mleadz  -mm  -mminmax
697           -mmult  -mno-opts  -mrepeat  -ms  -msatur  -msdram  -msim
698           -msimnovec  -mtf -mtiny=n
700           MicroBlaze Options -msoft-float  -mhard-float  -msmall-divides
701           -mcpu=cpu -mmemcpy  -mxl-soft-mul  -mxl-soft-div  -mxl-barrel-shift
702           -mxl-pattern-compare  -mxl-stack-check  -mxl-gp-opt  -mno-clearbss
703           -mxl-multiply-high  -mxl-float-convert  -mxl-float-sqrt
704           -mbig-endian  -mlittle-endian  -mxl-reorder  -mxl-mode-app-model
705           -mpic-data-is-text-relative
707           MIPS Options -EL  -EB  -march=arch  -mtune=arch -mips1  -mips2
708           -mips3  -mips4  -mips32  -mips32r2  -mips32r3  -mips32r5 -mips32r6
709           -mips64  -mips64r2  -mips64r3  -mips64r5  -mips64r6 -mips16
710           -mno-mips16  -mflip-mips16 -minterlink-compressed
711           -mno-interlink-compressed -minterlink-mips16  -mno-interlink-mips16
712           -mabi=abi  -mabicalls  -mno-abicalls -mshared  -mno-shared  -mplt
713           -mno-plt  -mxgot  -mno-xgot -mgp32  -mgp64  -mfp32  -mfpxx  -mfp64
714           -mhard-float  -msoft-float -mno-float  -msingle-float
715           -mdouble-float -modd-spreg  -mno-odd-spreg -mabs=mode
716           -mnan=encoding -mdsp  -mno-dsp  -mdspr2  -mno-dspr2 -mmcu
717           -mmno-mcu -meva  -mno-eva -mvirt  -mno-virt -mxpa  -mno-xpa -mcrc
718           -mno-crc -mginv  -mno-ginv -mmicromips  -mno-micromips -mmsa
719           -mno-msa -mloongson-mmi  -mno-loongson-mmi -mloongson-ext
720           -mno-loongson-ext -mloongson-ext2  -mno-loongson-ext2 -mfpu=fpu-
721           type -msmartmips  -mno-smartmips -mpaired-single
722           -mno-paired-single  -mdmx  -mno-mdmx -mips3d  -mno-mips3d  -mmt
723           -mno-mt  -mllsc  -mno-llsc -mlong64  -mlong32  -msym32  -mno-sym32
724           -Gnum  -mlocal-sdata  -mno-local-sdata -mextern-sdata
725           -mno-extern-sdata  -mgpopt  -mno-gopt -membedded-data
726           -mno-embedded-data -muninit-const-in-rodata
727           -mno-uninit-const-in-rodata -mcode-readable=setting
728           -msplit-addresses  -mno-split-addresses -mexplicit-relocs
729           -mno-explicit-relocs -mcheck-zero-division
730           -mno-check-zero-division -mdivide-traps  -mdivide-breaks
731           -mload-store-pairs  -mno-load-store-pairs -munaligned-access
732           -mno-unaligned-access -mmemcpy  -mno-memcpy  -mlong-calls
733           -mno-long-calls -mmad  -mno-mad  -mimadd  -mno-imadd  -mfused-madd
734           -mno-fused-madd  -nocpp -mfix-24k  -mno-fix-24k -mfix-r4000
735           -mno-fix-r4000  -mfix-r4400  -mno-fix-r4400 -mfix-r5900
736           -mno-fix-r5900 -mfix-r10000  -mno-fix-r10000  -mfix-rm7000
737           -mno-fix-rm7000 -mfix-vr4120  -mno-fix-vr4120 -mfix-vr4130
738           -mno-fix-vr4130  -mfix-sb1  -mno-fix-sb1 -mflush-func=func
739           -mno-flush-func -mbranch-cost=num  -mbranch-likely
740           -mno-branch-likely -mcompact-branches=policy -mfp-exceptions
741           -mno-fp-exceptions -mvr4130-align  -mno-vr4130-align  -msynci
742           -mno-synci -mlxc1-sxc1  -mno-lxc1-sxc1  -mmadd4  -mno-madd4
743           -mrelax-pic-calls  -mno-relax-pic-calls  -mmcount-ra-address
744           -mframe-header-opt  -mno-frame-header-opt
746           MMIX Options -mlibfuncs  -mno-libfuncs  -mepsilon  -mno-epsilon
747           -mabi=gnu -mabi=mmixware  -mzero-extend  -mknuthdiv
748           -mtoplevel-symbols -melf  -mbranch-predict  -mno-branch-predict
749           -mbase-addresses -mno-base-addresses  -msingle-exit
750           -mno-single-exit
752           MN10300 Options -mmult-bug  -mno-mult-bug -mno-am33  -mam33
753           -mam33-2  -mam34 -mtune=cpu-type -mreturn-pointer-on-d0 -mno-crt0
754           -mrelax  -mliw  -msetlb
756           Moxie Options -meb  -mel  -mmul.x  -mno-crt0
758           MSP430 Options -msim  -masm-hex  -mmcu=  -mcpu=  -mlarge  -msmall
759           -mrelax -mwarn-mcu -mcode-region=  -mdata-region= -msilicon-errata=
760           -msilicon-errata-warn= -mhwmult=  -minrt  -mtiny-printf
761           -mmax-inline-shift=
763           NDS32 Options -mbig-endian  -mlittle-endian -mreduced-regs
764           -mfull-regs -mcmov  -mno-cmov -mext-perf  -mno-ext-perf -mext-perf2
765           -mno-ext-perf2 -mext-string  -mno-ext-string -mv3push  -mno-v3push
766           -m16bit  -mno-16bit -misr-vector-size=num -mcache-block-size=num
767           -march=arch -mcmodel=code-model -mctor-dtor  -mrelax
769           Nios II Options -G num  -mgpopt=option  -mgpopt  -mno-gpopt
770           -mgprel-sec=regexp  -mr0rel-sec=regexp -mel  -meb -mno-bypass-cache
771           -mbypass-cache -mno-cache-volatile  -mcache-volatile
772           -mno-fast-sw-div  -mfast-sw-div -mhw-mul  -mno-hw-mul  -mhw-mulx
773           -mno-hw-mulx  -mno-hw-div  -mhw-div -mcustom-insn=N
774           -mno-custom-insn -mcustom-fpu-cfg=name -mhal  -msmallc
775           -msys-crt0=name  -msys-lib=name -march=arch  -mbmx  -mno-bmx  -mcdx
776           -mno-cdx
778           Nvidia PTX Options -m64  -mmainkernel  -moptimize
780           OpenRISC Options -mboard=name  -mnewlib  -mhard-mul  -mhard-div
781           -msoft-mul  -msoft-div -msoft-float  -mhard-float  -mdouble-float
782           -munordered-float -mcmov  -mror  -mrori  -msext  -msfimm  -mshftimm
783           -mcmodel=code-model
785           PDP-11 Options -mfpu  -msoft-float  -mac0  -mno-ac0  -m40  -m45
786           -m10 -mint32  -mno-int16  -mint16  -mno-int32 -msplit  -munix-asm
787           -mdec-asm  -mgnu-asm  -mlra
789           picoChip Options -mae=ae_type  -mvliw-lookahead=N
790           -msymbol-as-address  -mno-inefficient-warnings
792           PowerPC Options See RS/6000 and PowerPC Options.
794           PRU Options -mmcu=mcu  -minrt  -mno-relax  -mloop -mabi=variant
796           RISC-V Options -mbranch-cost=N-instruction -mplt  -mno-plt
797           -mabi=ABI-string -mfdiv  -mno-fdiv -mdiv  -mno-div -misa-spec=ISA-
798           spec-string -march=ISA-string -mtune=processor-string
799           -mpreferred-stack-boundary=num -msmall-data-limit=N-bytes
800           -msave-restore  -mno-save-restore -mshorten-memrefs
801           -mno-shorten-memrefs -mstrict-align  -mno-strict-align
802           -mcmodel=medlow  -mcmodel=medany -mexplicit-relocs
803           -mno-explicit-relocs -mrelax  -mno-relax -mriscv-attribute
804           -mmo-riscv-attribute -malign-data=type -mbig-endian
805           -mlittle-endian -mstack-protector-guard=guard
806           -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
807           -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
809           RL78 Options -msim  -mmul=none  -mmul=g13  -mmul=g14  -mallregs
810           -mcpu=g10  -mcpu=g13  -mcpu=g14  -mg10  -mg13  -mg14
811           -m64bit-doubles  -m32bit-doubles  -msave-mduc-in-interrupts
813           RS/6000 and PowerPC Options -mcpu=cpu-type -mtune=cpu-type
814           -mcmodel=code-model -mpowerpc64 -maltivec  -mno-altivec
815           -mpowerpc-gpopt  -mno-powerpc-gpopt -mpowerpc-gfxopt
816           -mno-powerpc-gfxopt -mmfcrf  -mno-mfcrf  -mpopcntb  -mno-popcntb
817           -mpopcntd  -mno-popcntd -mfprnd  -mno-fprnd -mcmpb  -mno-cmpb
818           -mhard-dfp  -mno-hard-dfp -mfull-toc   -mminimal-toc
819           -mno-fp-in-toc  -mno-sum-in-toc -m64  -m32  -mxl-compat
820           -mno-xl-compat  -mpe -malign-power  -malign-natural -msoft-float
821           -mhard-float  -mmultiple  -mno-multiple -mupdate  -mno-update
822           -mavoid-indexed-addresses  -mno-avoid-indexed-addresses
823           -mfused-madd  -mno-fused-madd  -mbit-align  -mno-bit-align
824           -mstrict-align  -mno-strict-align  -mrelocatable -mno-relocatable
825           -mrelocatable-lib  -mno-relocatable-lib -mtoc  -mno-toc  -mlittle
826           -mlittle-endian  -mbig  -mbig-endian -mdynamic-no-pic  -mswdiv
827           -msingle-pic-base -mprioritize-restricted-insns=priority
828           -msched-costly-dep=dependence_type -minsert-sched-nops=scheme
829           -mcall-aixdesc  -mcall-eabi  -mcall-freebsd -mcall-linux
830           -mcall-netbsd  -mcall-openbsd -mcall-sysv  -mcall-sysv-eabi
831           -mcall-sysv-noeabi -mtraceback=traceback_type -maix-struct-return
832           -msvr4-struct-return -mabi=abi-type  -msecure-plt  -mbss-plt
833           -mlongcall  -mno-longcall  -mpltseq  -mno-pltseq
834           -mblock-move-inline-limit=num -mblock-compare-inline-limit=num
835           -mblock-compare-inline-loop-limit=num -mno-block-ops-unaligned-vsx
836           -mstring-compare-inline-limit=num -misel  -mno-isel -mvrsave
837           -mno-vrsave -mmulhw  -mno-mulhw -mdlmzb  -mno-dlmzb -mprototype
838           -mno-prototype -msim  -mmvme  -mads  -myellowknife  -memb  -msdata
839           -msdata=opt  -mreadonly-in-sdata  -mvxworks  -G num -mrecip
840           -mrecip=opt  -mno-recip  -mrecip-precision -mno-recip-precision
841           -mveclibabi=type  -mfriz  -mno-friz -mpointers-to-nested-functions
842           -mno-pointers-to-nested-functions -msave-toc-indirect
843           -mno-save-toc-indirect -mpower8-fusion  -mno-mpower8-fusion
844           -mpower8-vector  -mno-power8-vector -mcrypto  -mno-crypto  -mhtm
845           -mno-htm -mquad-memory  -mno-quad-memory -mquad-memory-atomic
846           -mno-quad-memory-atomic -mcompat-align-parm  -mno-compat-align-parm
847           -mfloat128  -mno-float128  -mfloat128-hardware
848           -mno-float128-hardware -mgnu-attribute  -mno-gnu-attribute
849           -mstack-protector-guard=guard -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
850           -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset -mprefixed -mno-prefixed
851           -mpcrel -mno-pcrel -mmma -mno-mmma -mrop-protect -mno-rop-protect
852           -mprivileged -mno-privileged
854           RX Options -m64bit-doubles  -m32bit-doubles  -fpu  -nofpu -mcpu=
855           -mbig-endian-data  -mlittle-endian-data -msmall-data -msim
856           -mno-sim -mas100-syntax  -mno-as100-syntax -mrelax
857           -mmax-constant-size= -mint-register= -mpid -mallow-string-insns
858           -mno-allow-string-insns -mjsr -mno-warn-multiple-fast-interrupts
859           -msave-acc-in-interrupts
861           S/390 and zSeries Options -mtune=cpu-type  -march=cpu-type
862           -mhard-float  -msoft-float  -mhard-dfp  -mno-hard-dfp
863           -mlong-double-64  -mlong-double-128 -mbackchain  -mno-backchain
864           -mpacked-stack  -mno-packed-stack -msmall-exec  -mno-small-exec
865           -mmvcle  -mno-mvcle -m64  -m31  -mdebug  -mno-debug  -mesa  -mzarch
866           -mhtm  -mvx  -mzvector -mtpf-trace  -mno-tpf-trace
867           -mtpf-trace-skip  -mno-tpf-trace-skip -mfused-madd  -mno-fused-madd
868           -mwarn-framesize  -mwarn-dynamicstack  -mstack-size  -mstack-guard
869           -mhotpatch=halfwords,halfwords
871           Score Options -meb  -mel -mnhwloop -muls -mmac -mscore5  -mscore5u
872           -mscore7  -mscore7d
874           SH Options -m1  -m2  -m2e -m2a-nofpu  -m2a-single-only  -m2a-single
875           -m2a -m3  -m3e -m4-nofpu  -m4-single-only  -m4-single  -m4
876           -m4a-nofpu  -m4a-single-only  -m4a-single  -m4a  -m4al -mb  -ml
877           -mdalign  -mrelax -mbigtable  -mfmovd  -mrenesas  -mno-renesas
878           -mnomacsave -mieee  -mno-ieee  -mbitops  -misize
879           -minline-ic_invalidate  -mpadstruct -mprefergot  -musermode
880           -multcost=number  -mdiv=strategy -mdivsi3_libfunc=name
881           -mfixed-range=register-range -maccumulate-outgoing-args
882           -matomic-model=atomic-model -mbranch-cost=num  -mzdcbranch
883           -mno-zdcbranch -mcbranch-force-delay-slot -mfused-madd
884           -mno-fused-madd  -mfsca  -mno-fsca  -mfsrra  -mno-fsrra
885           -mpretend-cmove  -mtas
887           Solaris 2 Options -mclear-hwcap  -mno-clear-hwcap  -mimpure-text
888           -mno-impure-text -pthreads
890           SPARC Options -mcpu=cpu-type -mtune=cpu-type -mcmodel=code-model
891           -mmemory-model=mem-model -m32  -m64  -mapp-regs  -mno-app-regs
892           -mfaster-structs  -mno-faster-structs  -mflat  -mno-flat -mfpu
893           -mno-fpu  -mhard-float  -msoft-float -mhard-quad-float
894           -msoft-quad-float -mstack-bias  -mno-stack-bias -mstd-struct-return
895           -mno-std-struct-return -munaligned-doubles  -mno-unaligned-doubles
896           -muser-mode  -mno-user-mode -mv8plus  -mno-v8plus  -mvis  -mno-vis
897           -mvis2  -mno-vis2  -mvis3  -mno-vis3 -mvis4  -mno-vis4  -mvis4b
898           -mno-vis4b -mcbcond  -mno-cbcond  -mfmaf  -mno-fmaf  -mfsmuld
899           -mno-fsmuld -mpopc  -mno-popc  -msubxc  -mno-subxc -mfix-at697f
900           -mfix-ut699  -mfix-ut700  -mfix-gr712rc -mlra  -mno-lra
902           System V Options -Qy  -Qn  -YP,paths  -Ym,dir
904           TILE-Gx Options -mcpu=CPU  -m32  -m64  -mbig-endian
905           -mlittle-endian -mcmodel=code-model
907           TILEPro Options -mcpu=cpu  -m32
909           V850 Options -mlong-calls  -mno-long-calls  -mep  -mno-ep
910           -mprolog-function  -mno-prolog-function  -mspace -mtda=n  -msda=n
911           -mzda=n -mapp-regs  -mno-app-regs -mdisable-callt
912           -mno-disable-callt -mv850e2v3  -mv850e2  -mv850e1  -mv850es -mv850e
913           -mv850  -mv850e3v5 -mloop -mrelax -mlong-jumps -msoft-float
914           -mhard-float -mgcc-abi -mrh850-abi -mbig-switch
916           VAX Options -mg  -mgnu  -munix  -mlra
918           Visium Options -mdebug  -msim  -mfpu  -mno-fpu  -mhard-float
919           -msoft-float -mcpu=cpu-type  -mtune=cpu-type  -msv-mode
920           -muser-mode
922           VMS Options -mvms-return-codes  -mdebug-main=prefix  -mmalloc64
923           -mpointer-size=size
925           VxWorks Options -mrtp  -non-static  -Bstatic  -Bdynamic -Xbind-lazy
926           -Xbind-now
928           x86 Options -mtune=cpu-type  -march=cpu-type -mtune-ctrl=feature-
929           list  -mdump-tune-features  -mno-default -mfpmath=unit
930           -masm=dialect  -mno-fancy-math-387 -mno-fp-ret-in-387  -m80387
931           -mhard-float  -msoft-float -mno-wide-multiply  -mrtd
932           -malign-double -mpreferred-stack-boundary=num
933           -mincoming-stack-boundary=num -mcld  -mcx16  -msahf  -mmovbe
934           -mcrc32 -mmwait -mrecip  -mrecip=opt -mvzeroupper  -mprefer-avx128
935           -mprefer-vector-width=opt -mmove-max=bits -mstore-max=bits -mmmx
936           -msse  -msse2  -msse3  -mssse3  -msse4.1  -msse4.2  -msse4  -mavx
937           -mavx2  -mavx512f  -mavx512pf  -mavx512er  -mavx512cd  -mavx512vl
938           -mavx512bw  -mavx512dq  -mavx512ifma  -mavx512vbmi  -msha  -maes
939           -mpclmul  -mfsgsbase  -mrdrnd  -mf16c  -mfma  -mpconfig  -mwbnoinvd
940           -mptwrite  -mprefetchwt1  -mclflushopt  -mclwb  -mxsavec  -mxsaves
941           -msse4a  -m3dnow  -m3dnowa  -mpopcnt  -mabm  -mbmi  -mtbm  -mfma4
942           -mxop -madx  -mlzcnt  -mbmi2  -mfxsr  -mxsave  -mxsaveopt  -mrtm
943           -mhle  -mlwp -mmwaitx  -mclzero  -mpku  -mthreads  -mgfni  -mvaes
944           -mwaitpkg -mshstk -mmanual-endbr -mforce-indirect-call
945           -mavx512vbmi2 -mavx512bf16 -menqcmd -mvpclmulqdq  -mavx512bitalg
946           -mmovdiri  -mmovdir64b  -mavx512vpopcntdq -mavx5124fmaps
947           -mavx512vnni  -mavx5124vnniw  -mprfchw  -mrdpid -mrdseed  -msgx
948           -mavx512vp2intersect -mserialize -mtsxldtrk -mamx-tile  -mamx-int8
949           -mamx-bf16 -muintr -mhreset -mavxvnni -mavx512fp16 -mcldemote
950           -mms-bitfields  -mno-align-stringops  -minline-all-stringops
951           -minline-stringops-dynamically  -mstringop-strategy=alg -mkl
952           -mwidekl -mmemcpy-strategy=strategy  -mmemset-strategy=strategy
953           -mpush-args  -maccumulate-outgoing-args  -m128bit-long-double
954           -m96bit-long-double  -mlong-double-64  -mlong-double-80
955           -mlong-double-128 -mregparm=num  -msseregparm -mveclibabi=type
956           -mvect8-ret-in-mem -mpc32  -mpc64  -mpc80  -mstackrealign
957           -momit-leaf-frame-pointer  -mno-red-zone  -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs
958           -mcmodel=code-model  -mabi=name  -maddress-mode=mode -m32  -m64
959           -mx32  -m16  -miamcu  -mlarge-data-threshold=num -msse2avx
960           -mfentry  -mrecord-mcount  -mnop-mcount  -m8bit-idiv
961           -minstrument-return=type -mfentry-name=name -mfentry-section=name
962           -mavx256-split-unaligned-load  -mavx256-split-unaligned-store
963           -malign-data=type  -mstack-protector-guard=guard
964           -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
965           -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
966           -mstack-protector-guard-symbol=symbol -mgeneral-regs-only
967           -mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues -mrelax-cmpxchg-loop
968           -mindirect-branch=choice  -mfunction-return=choice
969           -mindirect-branch-register -mharden-sls=choice
970           -mindirect-branch-cs-prefix -mneeded -mno-direct-extern-access
972           x86 Windows Options -mconsole  -mcygwin  -mno-cygwin  -mdll
973           -mnop-fun-dllimport  -mthread -municode  -mwin32  -mwindows
974           -fno-set-stack-executable
976           Xstormy16 Options -msim
978           Xtensa Options -mconst16  -mno-const16 -mfused-madd
979           -mno-fused-madd -mforce-no-pic -mserialize-volatile
980           -mno-serialize-volatile -mtext-section-literals
981           -mno-text-section-literals -mauto-litpools  -mno-auto-litpools
982           -mtarget-align  -mno-target-align -mlongcalls  -mno-longcalls
983           -mabi=abi-type
985           zSeries Options See S/390 and zSeries Options.
987   Options Controlling the Kind of Output
988       Compilation can involve up to four stages: preprocessing, compilation
989       proper, assembly and linking, always in that order.  GCC is capable of
990       preprocessing and compiling several files either into several assembler
991       input files, or into one assembler input file; then each assembler
992       input file produces an object file, and linking combines all the object
993       files (those newly compiled, and those specified as input) into an
994       executable file.
996       For any given input file, the file name suffix determines what kind of
997       compilation is done:
999       file.c
1000           C source code that must be preprocessed.
1002       file.i
1003           C source code that should not be preprocessed.
1005       file.ii
1006           C++ source code that should not be preprocessed.
1008       file.m
1009           Objective-C source code.  Note that you must link with the libobjc
1010           library to make an Objective-C program work.
1012       file.mi
1013           Objective-C source code that should not be preprocessed.
1015       file.mm
1016       file.M
1017           Objective-C++ source code.  Note that you must link with the
1018           libobjc library to make an Objective-C++ program work.  Note that
1019           .M refers to a literal capital M.
1021       file.mii
1022           Objective-C++ source code that should not be preprocessed.
1024       file.h
1025           C, C++, Objective-C or Objective-C++ header file to be turned into
1026           a precompiled header (default), or C, C++ header file to be turned
1027           into an Ada spec (via the -fdump-ada-spec switch).
1029       file.cc
1030       file.cp
1031       file.cxx
1032       file.cpp
1033       file.CPP
1034       file.c++
1035       file.C
1036           C++ source code that must be preprocessed.  Note that in .cxx, the
1037           last two letters must both be literally x.  Likewise, .C refers to
1038           a literal capital C.
1040       file.mm
1041       file.M
1042           Objective-C++ source code that must be preprocessed.
1044       file.mii
1045           Objective-C++ source code that should not be preprocessed.
1047       file.hh
1048       file.H
1049       file.hp
1050       file.hxx
1051       file.hpp
1052       file.HPP
1053       file.h++
1054       file.tcc
1055           C++ header file to be turned into a precompiled header or Ada spec.
1057       file.f
1058       file.for
1059       file.ftn
1060           Fixed form Fortran source code that should not be preprocessed.
1062       file.F
1063       file.FOR
1064       file.fpp
1065       file.FPP
1066       file.FTN
1067           Fixed form Fortran source code that must be preprocessed (with the
1068           traditional preprocessor).
1070       file.f90
1071       file.f95
1072       file.f03
1073       file.f08
1074           Free form Fortran source code that should not be preprocessed.
1076       file.F90
1077       file.F95
1078       file.F03
1079       file.F08
1080           Free form Fortran source code that must be preprocessed (with the
1081           traditional preprocessor).
1083       file.go
1084           Go source code.
1086       file.d
1087           D source code.
1089       file.di
1090           D interface file.
1092       file.dd
1093           D documentation code (Ddoc).
1095       file.ads
1096           Ada source code file that contains a library unit declaration (a
1097           declaration of a package, subprogram, or generic, or a generic
1098           instantiation), or a library unit renaming declaration (a package,
1099           generic, or subprogram renaming declaration).  Such files are also
1100           called specs.
1102       file.adb
1103           Ada source code file containing a library unit body (a subprogram
1104           or package body).  Such files are also called bodies.
1106       file.s
1107           Assembler code.
1109       file.S
1110       file.sx
1111           Assembler code that must be preprocessed.
1113       other
1114           An object file to be fed straight into linking.  Any file name with
1115           no recognized suffix is treated this way.
1117       You can specify the input language explicitly with the -x option:
1119       -x language
1120           Specify explicitly the language for the following input files
1121           (rather than letting the compiler choose a default based on the
1122           file name suffix).  This option applies to all following input
1123           files until the next -x option.  Possible values for language are:
1125                   c  c-header  cpp-output
1126                   c++  c++-header  c++-system-header c++-user-header c++-cpp-output
1127                   objective-c  objective-c-header  objective-c-cpp-output
1128                   objective-c++ objective-c++-header objective-c++-cpp-output
1129                   assembler  assembler-with-cpp
1130                   ada
1131                   d
1132                   f77  f77-cpp-input f95  f95-cpp-input
1133                   go
1135       -x none
1136           Turn off any specification of a language, so that subsequent files
1137           are handled according to their file name suffixes (as they are if
1138           -x has not been used at all).
1140       If you only want some of the stages of compilation, you can use -x (or
1141       filename suffixes) to tell gcc where to start, and one of the options
1142       -c, -S, or -E to say where gcc is to stop.  Note that some combinations
1143       (for example, -x cpp-output -E) instruct gcc to do nothing at all.
1145       -c  Compile or assemble the source files, but do not link.  The linking
1146           stage simply is not done.  The ultimate output is in the form of an
1147           object file for each source file.
1149           By default, the object file name for a source file is made by
1150           replacing the suffix .c, .i, .s, etc., with .o.
1152           Unrecognized input files, not requiring compilation or assembly,
1153           are ignored.
1155       -S  Stop after the stage of compilation proper; do not assemble.  The
1156           output is in the form of an assembler code file for each non-
1157           assembler input file specified.
1159           By default, the assembler file name for a source file is made by
1160           replacing the suffix .c, .i, etc., with .s.
1162           Input files that don't require compilation are ignored.
1164       -E  Stop after the preprocessing stage; do not run the compiler proper.
1165           The output is in the form of preprocessed source code, which is
1166           sent to the standard output.
1168           Input files that don't require preprocessing are ignored.
1170       -o file
1171           Place the primary output in file file.  This applies to whatever
1172           sort of output is being produced, whether it be an executable file,
1173           an object file, an assembler file or preprocessed C code.
1175           If -o is not specified, the default is to put an executable file in
1176           a.out, the object file for source.suffix in source.o, its assembler
1177           file in source.s, a precompiled header file in source.suffix.gch,
1178           and all preprocessed C source on standard output.
1180           Though -o names only the primary output, it also affects the naming
1181           of auxiliary and dump outputs.  See the examples below.  Unless
1182           overridden, both auxiliary outputs and dump outputs are placed in
1183           the same directory as the primary output.  In auxiliary outputs,
1184           the suffix of the input file is replaced with that of the auxiliary
1185           output file type; in dump outputs, the suffix of the dump file is
1186           appended to the input file suffix.  In compilation commands, the
1187           base name of both auxiliary and dump outputs is that of the primary
1188           output; in compile and link commands, the primary output name,
1189           minus the executable suffix, is combined with the input file name.
1190           If both share the same base name, disregarding the suffix, the
1191           result of the combination is that base name, otherwise, they are
1192           concatenated, separated by a dash.
1194                   gcc -c foo.c ...
1196           will use foo.o as the primary output, and place aux outputs and
1197           dumps next to it, e.g., aux file foo.dwo for -gsplit-dwarf, and
1198           dump file foo.c.???r.final for -fdump-rtl-final.
1200           If a non-linker output file is explicitly specified, aux and dump
1201           files by default take the same base name:
1203                   gcc -c foo.c -o dir/foobar.o ...
1205           will name aux outputs dir/foobar.* and dump outputs dir/foobar.c.*.
1207           A linker output will instead prefix aux and dump outputs:
1209                   gcc foo.c bar.c -o dir/foobar ...
1211           will generally name aux outputs dir/foobar-foo.* and
1212           dir/foobar-bar.*, and dump outputs dir/foobar-foo.c.* and
1213           dir/foobar-bar.c.*.
1215           The one exception to the above is when the executable shares the
1216           base name with the single input:
1218                   gcc foo.c -o dir/foo ...
1220           in which case aux outputs are named dir/foo.* and dump outputs
1221           named dir/foo.c.*.
1223           The location and the names of auxiliary and dump outputs can be
1224           adjusted by the options -dumpbase, -dumpbase-ext, -dumpdir,
1225           -save-temps=cwd, and -save-temps=obj.
1227       -dumpbase dumpbase
1228           This option sets the base name for auxiliary and dump output files.
1229           It does not affect the name of the primary output file.
1230           Intermediate outputs, when preserved, are not regarded as primary
1231           outputs, but as auxiliary outputs:
1233                   gcc -save-temps -S foo.c
1235           saves the (no longer) temporary preprocessed file in foo.i, and
1236           then compiles to the (implied) output file foo.s, whereas:
1238                   gcc -save-temps -dumpbase save-foo -c foo.c
1240           preprocesses to in save-foo.i, compiles to save-foo.s (now an
1241           intermediate, thus auxiliary output), and then assembles to the
1242           (implied) output file foo.o.
1244           Absent this option, dump and aux files take their names from the
1245           input file, or from the (non-linker) output file, if one is
1246           explicitly specified: dump output files (e.g. those requested by
1247           -fdump-* options) with the input name suffix, and aux output files
1248           (those requested by other non-dump options, e.g. "-save-temps",
1249           "-gsplit-dwarf", "-fcallgraph-info") without it.
1251           Similar suffix differentiation of dump and aux outputs can be
1252           attained for explicitly-given -dumpbase basename.suf by also
1253           specifying -dumpbase-ext .suf.
1255           If dumpbase is explicitly specified with any directory component,
1256           any dumppfx specification (e.g. -dumpdir or -save-temps=*) is
1257           ignored, and instead of appending to it, dumpbase fully overrides
1258           it:
1260                   gcc foo.c -c -o dir/foo.o -dumpbase alt/foo \
1261                     -dumpdir pfx- -save-temps=cwd ...
1263           creates auxiliary and dump outputs named alt/foo.*, disregarding
1264           dir/ in -o, the ./ prefix implied by -save-temps=cwd, and pfx- in
1265           -dumpdir.
1267           When -dumpbase is specified in a command that compiles multiple
1268           inputs, or that compiles and then links, it may be combined with
1269           dumppfx, as specified under -dumpdir.  Then, each input file is
1270           compiled using the combined dumppfx, and default values for
1271           dumpbase and auxdropsuf are computed for each input file:
1273                   gcc foo.c bar.c -c -dumpbase main ...
1275           creates foo.o and bar.o as primary outputs, and avoids overwriting
1276           the auxiliary and dump outputs by using the dumpbase as a prefix,
1277           creating auxiliary and dump outputs named main-foo.*  and
1278           main-bar.*.
1280           An empty string specified as dumpbase avoids the influence of the
1281           output basename in the naming of auxiliary and dump outputs during
1282           compilation, computing default values :
1284                   gcc -c foo.c -o dir/foobar.o -dumpbase " ...
1286           will name aux outputs dir/foo.* and dump outputs dir/foo.c.*.  Note
1287           how their basenames are taken from the input name, but the
1288           directory still defaults to that of the output.
1290           The empty-string dumpbase does not prevent the use of the output
1291           basename for outputs during linking:
1293                   gcc foo.c bar.c -o dir/foobar -dumpbase " -flto ...
1295           The compilation of the source files will name auxiliary outputs
1296           dir/foo.* and dir/bar.*, and dump outputs dir/foo.c.* and
1297           dir/bar.c.*.  LTO recompilation during linking will use dir/foobar.
1298           as the prefix for dumps and auxiliary files.
1300       -dumpbase-ext auxdropsuf
1301           When forming the name of an auxiliary (but not a dump) output file,
1302           drop trailing auxdropsuf from dumpbase before appending any
1303           suffixes.  If not specified, this option defaults to the suffix of
1304           a default dumpbase, i.e., the suffix of the input file when
1305           -dumpbase is not present in the command line, or dumpbase is
1306           combined with dumppfx.
1308                   gcc foo.c -c -o dir/foo.o -dumpbase x-foo.c -dumpbase-ext .c ...
1310           creates dir/foo.o as the main output, and generates auxiliary
1311           outputs in dir/x-foo.*, taking the location of the primary output,
1312           and dropping the .c suffix from the dumpbase.  Dump outputs retain
1313           the suffix: dir/x-foo.c.*.
1315           This option is disregarded if it does not match the suffix of a
1316           specified dumpbase, except as an alternative to the executable
1317           suffix when appending the linker output base name to dumppfx, as
1318           specified below:
1320                   gcc foo.c bar.c -o main.out -dumpbase-ext .out ...
1322           creates main.out as the primary output, and avoids overwriting the
1323           auxiliary and dump outputs by using the executable name minus
1324           auxdropsuf as a prefix, creating auxiliary outputs named main-foo.*
1325           and main-bar.* and dump outputs named main-foo.c.* and
1326           main-bar.c.*.
1328       -dumpdir dumppfx
1329           When forming the name of an auxiliary or dump output file, use
1330           dumppfx as a prefix:
1332                   gcc -dumpdir pfx- -c foo.c ...
1334           creates foo.o as the primary output, and auxiliary outputs named
1335           pfx-foo.*, combining the given dumppfx with the default dumpbase
1336           derived from the default primary output, derived in turn from the
1337           input name.  Dump outputs also take the input name suffix:
1338           pfx-foo.c.*.
1340           If dumppfx is to be used as a directory name, it must end with a
1341           directory separator:
1343                   gcc -dumpdir dir/ -c foo.c -o obj/bar.o ...
1345           creates obj/bar.o as the primary output, and auxiliary outputs
1346           named dir/bar.*, combining the given dumppfx with the default
1347           dumpbase derived from the primary output name.  Dump outputs also
1348           take the input name suffix: dir/bar.c.*.
1350           It defaults to the location of the output file, unless the output
1351           file is a special file like "/dev/null". Options -save-temps=cwd
1352           and -save-temps=obj override this default, just like an explicit
1353           -dumpdir option.  In case multiple such options are given, the last
1354           one prevails:
1356                   gcc -dumpdir pfx- -c foo.c -save-temps=obj ...
1358           outputs foo.o, with auxiliary outputs named foo.* because
1359           -save-temps=* overrides the dumppfx given by the earlier -dumpdir
1360           option.  It does not matter that =obj is the default for
1361           -save-temps, nor that the output directory is implicitly the
1362           current directory.  Dump outputs are named foo.c.*.
1364           When compiling from multiple input files, if -dumpbase is
1365           specified, dumpbase, minus a auxdropsuf suffix, and a dash are
1366           appended to (or override, if containing any directory components)
1367           an explicit or defaulted dumppfx, so that each of the multiple
1368           compilations gets differently-named aux and dump outputs.
1370                   gcc foo.c bar.c -c -dumpdir dir/pfx- -dumpbase main ...
1372           outputs auxiliary dumps to dir/pfx-main-foo.* and
1373           dir/pfx-main-bar.*, appending dumpbase- to dumppfx.  Dump outputs
1374           retain the input file suffix: dir/pfx-main-foo.c.*  and
1375           dir/pfx-main-bar.c.*, respectively.  Contrast with the single-input
1376           compilation:
1378                   gcc foo.c -c -dumpdir dir/pfx- -dumpbase main ...
1380           that, applying -dumpbase to a single source, does not compute and
1381           append a separate dumpbase per input file.  Its auxiliary and dump
1382           outputs go in dir/pfx-main.*.
1384           When compiling and then linking from multiple input files, a
1385           defaulted or explicitly specified dumppfx also undergoes the
1386           dumpbase- transformation above (e.g. the compilation of foo.c and
1387           bar.c above, but without -c).  If neither -dumpdir nor -dumpbase
1388           are given, the linker output base name, minus auxdropsuf, if
1389           specified, or the executable suffix otherwise, plus a dash is
1390           appended to the default dumppfx instead.  Note, however, that
1391           unlike earlier cases of linking:
1393                   gcc foo.c bar.c -dumpdir dir/pfx- -o main ...
1395           does not append the output name main to dumppfx, because -dumpdir
1396           is explicitly specified.  The goal is that the explicitly-specified
1397           dumppfx may contain the specified output name as part of the
1398           prefix, if desired; only an explicitly-specified -dumpbase would be
1399           combined with it, in order to avoid simply discarding a meaningful
1400           option.
1402           When compiling and then linking from a single input file, the
1403           linker output base name will only be appended to the default
1404           dumppfx as above if it does not share the base name with the single
1405           input file name.  This has been covered in single-input linking
1406           cases above, but not with an explicit -dumpdir that inhibits the
1407           combination, even if overridden by -save-temps=*:
1409                   gcc foo.c -dumpdir alt/pfx- -o dir/main.exe -save-temps=cwd ...
1411           Auxiliary outputs are named foo.*, and dump outputs foo.c.*, in the
1412           current working directory as ultimately requested by
1413           -save-temps=cwd.
1415           Summing it all up for an intuitive though slightly imprecise data
1416           flow: the primary output name is broken into a directory part and a
1417           basename part; dumppfx is set to the former, unless overridden by
1418           -dumpdir or -save-temps=*, and dumpbase is set to the latter,
1419           unless overriden by -dumpbase.  If there are multiple inputs or
1420           linking, this dumpbase may be combined with dumppfx and taken from
1421           each input file.  Auxiliary output names for each input are formed
1422           by combining dumppfx, dumpbase minus suffix, and the auxiliary
1423           output suffix; dump output names are only different in that the
1424           suffix from dumpbase is retained.
1426           When it comes to auxiliary and dump outputs created during LTO
1427           recompilation, a combination of dumppfx and dumpbase, as given or
1428           as derived from the linker output name but not from inputs, even in
1429           cases in which this combination would not otherwise be used as
1430           such, is passed down with a trailing period replacing the compiler-
1431           added dash, if any, as a -dumpdir option to lto-wrapper; being
1432           involved in linking, this program does not normally get any
1433           -dumpbase and -dumpbase-ext, and it ignores them.
1435           When running sub-compilers, lto-wrapper appends LTO stage names to
1436           the received dumppfx, ensures it contains a directory component so
1437           that it overrides any -dumpdir, and passes that as -dumpbase to
1438           sub-compilers.
1440       -v  Print (on standard error output) the commands executed to run the
1441           stages of compilation.  Also print the version number of the
1442           compiler driver program and of the preprocessor and the compiler
1443           proper.
1445       -###
1446           Like -v except the commands are not executed and arguments are
1447           quoted unless they contain only alphanumeric characters or "./-_".
1448           This is useful for shell scripts to capture the driver-generated
1449           command lines.
1451       --help
1452           Print (on the standard output) a description of the command-line
1453           options understood by gcc.  If the -v option is also specified then
1454           --help is also passed on to the various processes invoked by gcc,
1455           so that they can display the command-line options they accept.  If
1456           the -Wextra option has also been specified (prior to the --help
1457           option), then command-line options that have no documentation
1458           associated with them are also displayed.
1460       --target-help
1461           Print (on the standard output) a description of target-specific
1462           command-line options for each tool.  For some targets extra target-
1463           specific information may also be printed.
1465       --help={class|[^]qualifier}[,...]
1466           Print (on the standard output) a description of the command-line
1467           options understood by the compiler that fit into all specified
1468           classes and qualifiers.  These are the supported classes:
1470           optimizers
1471               Display all of the optimization options supported by the
1472               compiler.
1474           warnings
1475               Display all of the options controlling warning messages
1476               produced by the compiler.
1478           target
1479               Display target-specific options.  Unlike the --target-help
1480               option however, target-specific options of the linker and
1481               assembler are not displayed.  This is because those tools do
1482               not currently support the extended --help= syntax.
1484           params
1485               Display the values recognized by the --param option.
1487           language
1488               Display the options supported for language, where language is
1489               the name of one of the languages supported in this version of
1490               GCC.  If an option is supported by all languages, one needs to
1491               select common class.
1493           common
1494               Display the options that are common to all languages.
1496           These are the supported qualifiers:
1498           undocumented
1499               Display only those options that are undocumented.
1501           joined
1502               Display options taking an argument that appears after an equal
1503               sign in the same continuous piece of text, such as:
1504               --help=target.
1506           separate
1507               Display options taking an argument that appears as a separate
1508               word following the original option, such as: -o output-file.
1510           Thus for example to display all the undocumented target-specific
1511           switches supported by the compiler, use:
1513                   --help=target,undocumented
1515           The sense of a qualifier can be inverted by prefixing it with the ^
1516           character, so for example to display all binary warning options
1517           (i.e., ones that are either on or off and that do not take an
1518           argument) that have a description, use:
1520                   --help=warnings,^joined,^undocumented
1522           The argument to --help= should not consist solely of inverted
1523           qualifiers.
1525           Combining several classes is possible, although this usually
1526           restricts the output so much that there is nothing to display.  One
1527           case where it does work, however, is when one of the classes is
1528           target.  For example, to display all the target-specific
1529           optimization options, use:
1531                   --help=target,optimizers
1533           The --help= option can be repeated on the command line.  Each
1534           successive use displays its requested class of options, skipping
1535           those that have already been displayed.  If --help is also
1536           specified anywhere on the command line then this takes precedence
1537           over any --help= option.
1539           If the -Q option appears on the command line before the --help=
1540           option, then the descriptive text displayed by --help= is changed.
1541           Instead of describing the displayed options, an indication is given
1542           as to whether the option is enabled, disabled or set to a specific
1543           value (assuming that the compiler knows this at the point where the
1544           --help= option is used).
1546           Here is a truncated example from the ARM port of gcc:
1548                     % gcc -Q -mabi=2 --help=target -c
1549                     The following options are target specific:
1550                     -mabi=                                2
1551                     -mabort-on-noreturn                   [disabled]
1552                     -mapcs                                [disabled]
1554           The output is sensitive to the effects of previous command-line
1555           options, so for example it is possible to find out which
1556           optimizations are enabled at -O2 by using:
1558                   -Q -O2 --help=optimizers
1560           Alternatively you can discover which binary optimizations are
1561           enabled by -O3 by using:
1563                   gcc -c -Q -O3 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O3-opts
1564                   gcc -c -Q -O2 --help=optimizers > /tmp/O2-opts
1565                   diff /tmp/O2-opts /tmp/O3-opts | grep enabled
1567       --version
1568           Display the version number and copyrights of the invoked GCC.
1570       -pass-exit-codes
1571           Normally the gcc program exits with the code of 1 if any phase of
1572           the compiler returns a non-success return code.  If you specify
1573           -pass-exit-codes, the gcc program instead returns with the
1574           numerically highest error produced by any phase returning an error
1575           indication.  The C, C++, and Fortran front ends return 4 if an
1576           internal compiler error is encountered.
1578       -pipe
1579           Use pipes rather than temporary files for communication between the
1580           various stages of compilation.  This fails to work on some systems
1581           where the assembler is unable to read from a pipe; but the GNU
1582           assembler has no trouble.
1584       -specs=file
1585           Process file after the compiler reads in the standard specs file,
1586           in order to override the defaults which the gcc driver program uses
1587           when determining what switches to pass to cc1, cc1plus, as, ld,
1588           etc.  More than one -specs=file can be specified on the command
1589           line, and they are processed in order, from left to right.
1591       -wrapper
1592           Invoke all subcommands under a wrapper program.  The name of the
1593           wrapper program and its parameters are passed as a comma separated
1594           list.
1596                   gcc -c t.c -wrapper gdb,--args
1598           This invokes all subprograms of gcc under gdb --args, thus the
1599           invocation of cc1 is gdb --args cc1 ....
1601       -ffile-prefix-map=old=new
1602           When compiling files residing in directory old, record any
1603           references to them in the result of the compilation as if the files
1604           resided in directory new instead.  Specifying this option is
1605           equivalent to specifying all the individual -f*-prefix-map options.
1606           This can be used to make reproducible builds that are location
1607           independent.  See also -fmacro-prefix-map, -fdebug-prefix-map and
1608           -fprofile-prefix-map.
1610       -fplugin=name.so
1611           Load the plugin code in file name.so, assumed to be a shared object
1612           to be dlopen'd by the compiler.  The base name of the shared object
1613           file is used to identify the plugin for the purposes of argument
1614           parsing (See -fplugin-arg-name-key=value below).  Each plugin
1615           should define the callback functions specified in the Plugins API.
1617       -fplugin-arg-name-key=value
1618           Define an argument called key with a value of value for the plugin
1619           called name.
1621       -fdump-ada-spec[-slim]
1622           For C and C++ source and include files, generate corresponding Ada
1623           specs.
1625       -fada-spec-parent=unit
1626           In conjunction with -fdump-ada-spec[-slim] above, generate Ada
1627           specs as child units of parent unit.
1629       -fdump-go-spec=file
1630           For input files in any language, generate corresponding Go
1631           declarations in file.  This generates Go "const", "type", "var",
1632           and "func" declarations which may be a useful way to start writing
1633           a Go interface to code written in some other language.
1635       @file
1636           Read command-line options from file.  The options read are inserted
1637           in place of the original @file option.  If file does not exist, or
1638           cannot be read, then the option will be treated literally, and not
1639           removed.
1641           Options in file are separated by whitespace.  A whitespace
1642           character may be included in an option by surrounding the entire
1643           option in either single or double quotes.  Any character (including
1644           a backslash) may be included by prefixing the character to be
1645           included with a backslash.  The file may itself contain additional
1646           @file options; any such options will be processed recursively.
1648   Compiling C++ Programs
1649       C++ source files conventionally use one of the suffixes .C, .cc, .cpp,
1650       .CPP, .c++, .cp, or .cxx; C++ header files often use .hh, .hpp, .H, or
1651       (for shared template code) .tcc; and preprocessed C++ files use the
1652       suffix .ii.  GCC recognizes files with these names and compiles them as
1653       C++ programs even if you call the compiler the same way as for
1654       compiling C programs (usually with the name gcc).
1656       However, the use of gcc does not add the C++ library.  g++ is a program
1657       that calls GCC and automatically specifies linking against the C++
1658       library.  It treats .c, .h and .i files as C++ source files instead of
1659       C source files unless -x is used.  This program is also useful when
1660       precompiling a C header file with a .h extension for use in C++
1661       compilations.  On many systems, g++ is also installed with the name
1662       c++.
1664       When you compile C++ programs, you may specify many of the same
1665       command-line options that you use for compiling programs in any
1666       language; or command-line options meaningful for C and related
1667       languages; or options that are meaningful only for C++ programs.
1669   Options Controlling C Dialect
1670       The following options control the dialect of C (or languages derived
1671       from C, such as C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++) that the compiler
1672       accepts:
1674       -ansi
1675           In C mode, this is equivalent to -std=c90. In C++ mode, it is
1676           equivalent to -std=c++98.
1678           This turns off certain features of GCC that are incompatible with
1679           ISO C90 (when compiling C code), or of standard C++ (when compiling
1680           C++ code), such as the "asm" and "typeof" keywords, and predefined
1681           macros such as "unix" and "vax" that identify the type of system
1682           you are using.  It also enables the undesirable and rarely used ISO
1683           trigraph feature.  For the C compiler, it disables recognition of
1684           C++ style // comments as well as the "inline" keyword.
1686           The alternate keywords "__asm__", "__extension__", "__inline__" and
1687           "__typeof__" continue to work despite -ansi.  You would not want to
1688           use them in an ISO C program, of course, but it is useful to put
1689           them in header files that might be included in compilations done
1690           with -ansi.  Alternate predefined macros such as "__unix__" and
1691           "__vax__" are also available, with or without -ansi.
1693           The -ansi option does not cause non-ISO programs to be rejected
1694           gratuitously.  For that, -Wpedantic is required in addition to
1695           -ansi.
1697           The macro "__STRICT_ANSI__" is predefined when the -ansi option is
1698           used.  Some header files may notice this macro and refrain from
1699           declaring certain functions or defining certain macros that the ISO
1700           standard doesn't call for; this is to avoid interfering with any
1701           programs that might use these names for other things.
1703           Functions that are normally built in but do not have semantics
1704           defined by ISO C (such as "alloca" and "ffs") are not built-in
1705           functions when -ansi is used.
1707       -std=
1708           Determine the language standard.   This option is currently only
1709           supported when compiling C or C++.
1711           The compiler can accept several base standards, such as c90 or
1712           c++98, and GNU dialects of those standards, such as gnu90 or
1713           gnu++98.  When a base standard is specified, the compiler accepts
1714           all programs following that standard plus those using GNU
1715           extensions that do not contradict it.  For example, -std=c90 turns
1716           off certain features of GCC that are incompatible with ISO C90,
1717           such as the "asm" and "typeof" keywords, but not other GNU
1718           extensions that do not have a meaning in ISO C90, such as omitting
1719           the middle term of a "?:" expression. On the other hand, when a GNU
1720           dialect of a standard is specified, all features supported by the
1721           compiler are enabled, even when those features change the meaning
1722           of the base standard.  As a result, some strict-conforming programs
1723           may be rejected.  The particular standard is used by -Wpedantic to
1724           identify which features are GNU extensions given that version of
1725           the standard. For example -std=gnu90 -Wpedantic warns about C++
1726           style // comments, while -std=gnu99 -Wpedantic does not.
1728           A value for this option must be provided; possible values are
1730           c90
1731           c89
1732           iso9899:1990
1733               Support all ISO C90 programs (certain GNU extensions that
1734               conflict with ISO C90 are disabled). Same as -ansi for C code.
1736           iso9899:199409
1737               ISO C90 as modified in amendment 1.
1739           c99
1740           c9x
1741           iso9899:1999
1742           iso9899:199x
1743               ISO C99.  This standard is substantially completely supported,
1744               modulo bugs and floating-point issues (mainly but not entirely
1745               relating to optional C99 features from Annexes F and G).  See
1746               <https://gcc.gnu.org/c99status.html> for more information.  The
1747               names c9x and iso9899:199x are deprecated.
1749           c11
1750           c1x
1751           iso9899:2011
1752               ISO C11, the 2011 revision of the ISO C standard.  This
1753               standard is substantially completely supported, modulo bugs,
1754               floating-point issues (mainly but not entirely relating to
1755               optional C11 features from Annexes F and G) and the optional
1756               Annexes K (Bounds-checking interfaces) and L (Analyzability).
1757               The name c1x is deprecated.
1759           c17
1760           c18
1761           iso9899:2017
1762           iso9899:2018
1763               ISO C17, the 2017 revision of the ISO C standard (published in
1764               2018).  This standard is same as C11 except for corrections of
1765               defects (all of which are also applied with -std=c11) and a new
1766               value of "__STDC_VERSION__", and so is supported to the same
1767               extent as C11.
1769           c2x The next version of the ISO C standard, still under
1770               development.  The support for this version is experimental and
1771               incomplete.
1773           gnu90
1774           gnu89
1775               GNU dialect of ISO C90 (including some C99 features).
1777           gnu99
1778           gnu9x
1779               GNU dialect of ISO C99.  The name gnu9x is deprecated.
1781           gnu11
1782           gnu1x
1783               GNU dialect of ISO C11.  The name gnu1x is deprecated.
1785           gnu17
1786           gnu18
1787               GNU dialect of ISO C17.  This is the default for C code.
1789           gnu2x
1790               The next version of the ISO C standard, still under
1791               development, plus GNU extensions.  The support for this version
1792               is experimental and incomplete.
1794           c++98
1795           c++03
1796               The 1998 ISO C++ standard plus the 2003 technical corrigendum
1797               and some additional defect reports. Same as -ansi for C++ code.
1799           gnu++98
1800           gnu++03
1801               GNU dialect of -std=c++98.
1803           c++11
1804           c++0x
1805               The 2011 ISO C++ standard plus amendments.  The name c++0x is
1806               deprecated.
1808           gnu++11
1809           gnu++0x
1810               GNU dialect of -std=c++11.  The name gnu++0x is deprecated.
1812           c++14
1813           c++1y
1814               The 2014 ISO C++ standard plus amendments.  The name c++1y is
1815               deprecated.
1817           gnu++14
1818           gnu++1y
1819               GNU dialect of -std=c++14.  The name gnu++1y is deprecated.
1821           c++17
1822           c++1z
1823               The 2017 ISO C++ standard plus amendments.  The name c++1z is
1824               deprecated.
1826           gnu++17
1827           gnu++1z
1828               GNU dialect of -std=c++17.  This is the default for C++ code.
1829               The name gnu++1z is deprecated.
1831           c++20
1832           c++2a
1833               The 2020 ISO C++ standard plus amendments.  Support is
1834               experimental, and could change in incompatible ways in future
1835               releases.  The name c++2a is deprecated.
1837           gnu++20
1838           gnu++2a
1839               GNU dialect of -std=c++20.  Support is experimental, and could
1840               change in incompatible ways in future releases.  The name
1841               gnu++2a is deprecated.
1843           c++2b
1844           c++23
1845               The next revision of the ISO C++ standard, planned for 2023.
1846               Support is highly experimental, and will almost certainly
1847               change in incompatible ways in future releases.
1849           gnu++2b
1850           gnu++23
1851               GNU dialect of -std=c++2b.  Support is highly experimental, and
1852               will almost certainly change in incompatible ways in future
1853               releases.
1855       -aux-info filename
1856           Output to the given filename prototyped declarations for all
1857           functions declared and/or defined in a translation unit, including
1858           those in header files.  This option is silently ignored in any
1859           language other than C.
1861           Besides declarations, the file indicates, in comments, the origin
1862           of each declaration (source file and line), whether the declaration
1863           was implicit, prototyped or unprototyped (I, N for new or O for
1864           old, respectively, in the first character after the line number and
1865           the colon), and whether it came from a declaration or a definition
1866           (C or F, respectively, in the following character).  In the case of
1867           function definitions, a K&R-style list of arguments followed by
1868           their declarations is also provided, inside comments, after the
1869           declaration.
1871       -fallow-parameterless-variadic-functions
1872           Accept variadic functions without named parameters.
1874           Although it is possible to define such a function, this is not very
1875           useful as it is not possible to read the arguments.  This is only
1876           supported for C as this construct is allowed by C++.
1878       -fno-asm
1879           Do not recognize "asm", "inline" or "typeof" as a keyword, so that
1880           code can use these words as identifiers.  You can use the keywords
1881           "__asm__", "__inline__" and "__typeof__" instead.  In C, -ansi
1882           implies -fno-asm.
1884           In C++, "inline" is a standard keyword and is not affected by this
1885           switch.  You may want to use the -fno-gnu-keywords flag instead,
1886           which disables "typeof" but not "asm" and "inline".  In C99 mode
1887           (-std=c99 or -std=gnu99), this switch only affects the "asm" and
1888           "typeof" keywords, since "inline" is a standard keyword in ISO C99.
1890       -fno-builtin
1891       -fno-builtin-function
1892           Don't recognize built-in functions that do not begin with
1893           __builtin_ as prefix.
1895           GCC normally generates special code to handle certain built-in
1896           functions more efficiently; for instance, calls to "alloca" may
1897           become single instructions which adjust the stack directly, and
1898           calls to "memcpy" may become inline copy loops.  The resulting code
1899           is often both smaller and faster, but since the function calls no
1900           longer appear as such, you cannot set a breakpoint on those calls,
1901           nor can you change the behavior of the functions by linking with a
1902           different library.  In addition, when a function is recognized as a
1903           built-in function, GCC may use information about that function to
1904           warn about problems with calls to that function, or to generate
1905           more efficient code, even if the resulting code still contains
1906           calls to that function.  For example, warnings are given with
1907           -Wformat for bad calls to "printf" when "printf" is built in and
1908           "strlen" is known not to modify global memory.
1910           With the -fno-builtin-function option only the built-in function
1911           function is disabled.  function must not begin with __builtin_.  If
1912           a function is named that is not built-in in this version of GCC,
1913           this option is ignored.  There is no corresponding
1914           -fbuiltin-function option; if you wish to enable built-in functions
1915           selectively when using -fno-builtin or -ffreestanding, you may
1916           define macros such as:
1918                   #define abs(n)          __builtin_abs ((n))
1919                   #define strcpy(d, s)    __builtin_strcpy ((d), (s))
1921       -fcond-mismatch
1922           Allow conditional expressions with mismatched types in the second
1923           and third arguments.  The value of such an expression is void.
1924           This option is not supported for C++.
1926       -ffreestanding
1927           Assert that compilation targets a freestanding environment.  This
1928           implies -fno-builtin.  A freestanding environment is one in which
1929           the standard library may not exist, and program startup may not
1930           necessarily be at "main".  The most obvious example is an OS
1931           kernel.  This is equivalent to -fno-hosted.
1933       -fgimple
1934           Enable parsing of function definitions marked with "__GIMPLE".
1935           This is an experimental feature that allows unit testing of GIMPLE
1936           passes.
1938       -fgnu-tm
1939           When the option -fgnu-tm is specified, the compiler generates code
1940           for the Linux variant of Intel's current Transactional Memory ABI
1941           specification document (Revision 1.1, May 6 2009).  This is an
1942           experimental feature whose interface may change in future versions
1943           of GCC, as the official specification changes.  Please note that
1944           not all architectures are supported for this feature.
1946           For more information on GCC's support for transactional memory,
1948           Note that the transactional memory feature is not supported with
1949           non-call exceptions (-fnon-call-exceptions).
1951       -fgnu89-inline
1952           The option -fgnu89-inline tells GCC to use the traditional GNU
1953           semantics for "inline" functions when in C99 mode.
1955           Using this option is roughly equivalent to adding the "gnu_inline"
1956           function attribute to all inline functions.
1958           The option -fno-gnu89-inline explicitly tells GCC to use the C99
1959           semantics for "inline" when in C99 or gnu99 mode (i.e., it
1960           specifies the default behavior).  This option is not supported in
1961           -std=c90 or -std=gnu90 mode.
1963           The preprocessor macros "__GNUC_GNU_INLINE__" and
1964           "__GNUC_STDC_INLINE__" may be used to check which semantics are in
1965           effect for "inline" functions.
1967       -fhosted
1968           Assert that compilation targets a hosted environment.  This implies
1969           -fbuiltin.  A hosted environment is one in which the entire
1970           standard library is available, and in which "main" has a return
1971           type of "int".  Examples are nearly everything except a kernel.
1972           This is equivalent to -fno-freestanding.
1974       -flax-vector-conversions
1975           Allow implicit conversions between vectors with differing numbers
1976           of elements and/or incompatible element types.  This option should
1977           not be used for new code.
1979       -fms-extensions
1980           Accept some non-standard constructs used in Microsoft header files.
1982           In C++ code, this allows member names in structures to be similar
1983           to previous types declarations.
1985                   typedef int UOW;
1986                   struct ABC {
1987                     UOW UOW;
1988                   };
1990           Some cases of unnamed fields in structures and unions are only
1991           accepted with this option.
1993           Note that this option is off for all targets except for x86 targets
1994           using ms-abi.
1996       -foffload=disable
1997       -foffload=default
1998       -foffload=target-list
1999           Specify for which OpenMP and OpenACC offload targets code should be
2000           generated.  The default behavior, equivalent to -foffload=default,
2001           is to generate code for all supported offload targets.  The
2002           -foffload=disable form generates code only for the host fallback,
2003           while -foffload=target-list generates code only for the specified
2004           comma-separated list of offload targets.
2006           Offload targets are specified in GCC's internal target-triplet
2007           format. You can run the compiler with -v to show the list of
2008           configured offload targets under "OFFLOAD_TARGET_NAMES".
2010       -foffload-options=options
2011       -foffload-options=target-triplet-list=options
2012           With -foffload-options=options, GCC passes the specified options to
2013           the compilers for all enabled offloading targets.  You can specify
2014           options that apply only to a specific target or targets by using
2015           the -foffload-options=target-list=options form.  The target-list is
2016           a comma-separated list in the same format as for the -foffload=
2017           option.
2019           Typical command lines are
2021                   -foffload-options=-lgfortran -foffload-options=-lm
2022                   -foffload-options="-lgfortran -lm" -foffload-options=nvptx-none=-latomic
2023                   -foffload-options=amdgcn-amdhsa=-march=gfx906 -foffload-options=-lm
2025       -fopenacc
2026           Enable handling of OpenACC directives "#pragma acc" in C/C++ and
2027           "!$acc" in Fortran.  When -fopenacc is specified, the compiler
2028           generates accelerated code according to the OpenACC Application
2029           Programming Interface v2.6 <https://www.openacc.org>.  This option
2030           implies -pthread, and thus is only supported on targets that have
2031           support for -pthread.
2033       -fopenacc-dim=geom
2034           Specify default compute dimensions for parallel offload regions
2035           that do not explicitly specify.  The geom value is a triple of
2036           ':'-separated sizes, in order 'gang', 'worker' and, 'vector'.  A
2037           size can be omitted, to use a target-specific default value.
2039       -fopenmp
2040           Enable handling of OpenMP directives "#pragma omp" in C/C++ and
2041           "!$omp" in Fortran.  When -fopenmp is specified, the compiler
2042           generates parallel code according to the OpenMP Application Program
2043           Interface v4.5 <https://www.openmp.org>.  This option implies
2044           -pthread, and thus is only supported on targets that have support
2045           for -pthread. -fopenmp implies -fopenmp-simd.
2047       -fopenmp-simd
2048           Enable handling of OpenMP's SIMD directives with "#pragma omp" in
2049           C/C++ and "!$omp" in Fortran. Other OpenMP directives are ignored.
2051       -fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=style
2052           ISO/IEC TS 18661-3 defines new permissible values for
2053           "FLT_EVAL_METHOD" that indicate that operations and constants with
2054           a semantic type that is an interchange or extended format should be
2055           evaluated to the precision and range of that type.  These new
2056           values are a superset of those permitted under C99/C11, which does
2057           not specify the meaning of other positive values of
2058           "FLT_EVAL_METHOD".  As such, code conforming to C11 may not have
2059           been written expecting the possibility of the new values.
2061           -fpermitted-flt-eval-methods specifies whether the compiler should
2062           allow only the values of "FLT_EVAL_METHOD" specified in C99/C11, or
2063           the extended set of values specified in ISO/IEC TS 18661-3.
2065           style is either "c11" or "ts-18661-3" as appropriate.
2067           The default when in a standards compliant mode (-std=c11 or
2068           similar) is -fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=c11.  The default when in
2069           a GNU dialect (-std=gnu11 or similar) is
2070           -fpermitted-flt-eval-methods=ts-18661-3.
2072       -fplan9-extensions
2073           Accept some non-standard constructs used in Plan 9 code.
2075           This enables -fms-extensions, permits passing pointers to
2076           structures with anonymous fields to functions that expect pointers
2077           to elements of the type of the field, and permits referring to
2078           anonymous fields declared using a typedef.    This is only
2079           supported for C, not C++.
2081       -fsigned-bitfields
2082       -funsigned-bitfields
2083       -fno-signed-bitfields
2084       -fno-unsigned-bitfields
2085           These options control whether a bit-field is signed or unsigned,
2086           when the declaration does not use either "signed" or "unsigned".
2087           By default, such a bit-field is signed, because this is consistent:
2088           the basic integer types such as "int" are signed types.
2090       -fsigned-char
2091           Let the type "char" be signed, like "signed char".
2093           Note that this is equivalent to -fno-unsigned-char, which is the
2094           negative form of -funsigned-char.  Likewise, the option
2095           -fno-signed-char is equivalent to -funsigned-char.
2097       -funsigned-char
2098           Let the type "char" be unsigned, like "unsigned char".
2100           Each kind of machine has a default for what "char" should be.  It
2101           is either like "unsigned char" by default or like "signed char" by
2102           default.
2104           Ideally, a portable program should always use "signed char" or
2105           "unsigned char" when it depends on the signedness of an object.
2106           But many programs have been written to use plain "char" and expect
2107           it to be signed, or expect it to be unsigned, depending on the
2108           machines they were written for.  This option, and its inverse, let
2109           you make such a program work with the opposite default.
2111           The type "char" is always a distinct type from each of "signed
2112           char" or "unsigned char", even though its behavior is always just
2113           like one of those two.
2115       -fsso-struct=endianness
2116           Set the default scalar storage order of structures and unions to
2117           the specified endianness.  The accepted values are big-endian,
2118           little-endian and native for the native endianness of the target
2119           (the default).  This option is not supported for C++.
2121           Warning: the -fsso-struct switch causes GCC to generate code that
2122           is not binary compatible with code generated without it if the
2123           specified endianness is not the native endianness of the target.
2125   Options Controlling C++ Dialect
2126       This section describes the command-line options that are only
2127       meaningful for C++ programs.  You can also use most of the GNU compiler
2128       options regardless of what language your program is in.  For example,
2129       you might compile a file firstClass.C like this:
2131               g++ -g -fstrict-enums -O -c firstClass.C
2133       In this example, only -fstrict-enums is an option meant only for C++
2134       programs; you can use the other options with any language supported by
2135       GCC.
2137       Some options for compiling C programs, such as -std, are also relevant
2138       for C++ programs.
2140       Here is a list of options that are only for compiling C++ programs:
2142       -fabi-version=n
2143           Use version n of the C++ ABI.  The default is version 0.
2145           Version 0 refers to the version conforming most closely to the C++
2146           ABI specification.  Therefore, the ABI obtained using version 0
2147           will change in different versions of G++ as ABI bugs are fixed.
2149           Version 1 is the version of the C++ ABI that first appeared in G++
2150           3.2.
2152           Version 2 is the version of the C++ ABI that first appeared in G++
2153           3.4, and was the default through G++ 4.9.
2155           Version 3 corrects an error in mangling a constant address as a
2156           template argument.
2158           Version 4, which first appeared in G++ 4.5, implements a standard
2159           mangling for vector types.
2161           Version 5, which first appeared in G++ 4.6, corrects the mangling
2162           of attribute const/volatile on function pointer types, decltype of
2163           a plain decl, and use of a function parameter in the declaration of
2164           another parameter.
2166           Version 6, which first appeared in G++ 4.7, corrects the promotion
2167           behavior of C++11 scoped enums and the mangling of template
2168           argument packs, const/static_cast, prefix ++ and --, and a class
2169           scope function used as a template argument.
2171           Version 7, which first appeared in G++ 4.8, that treats nullptr_t
2172           as a builtin type and corrects the mangling of lambdas in default
2173           argument scope.
2175           Version 8, which first appeared in G++ 4.9, corrects the
2176           substitution behavior of function types with function-cv-
2177           qualifiers.
2179           Version 9, which first appeared in G++ 5.2, corrects the alignment
2180           of "nullptr_t".
2182           Version 10, which first appeared in G++ 6.1, adds mangling of
2183           attributes that affect type identity, such as ia32 calling
2184           convention attributes (e.g. stdcall).
2186           Version 11, which first appeared in G++ 7, corrects the mangling of
2187           sizeof... expressions and operator names.  For multiple entities
2188           with the same name within a function, that are declared in
2189           different scopes, the mangling now changes starting with the
2190           twelfth occurrence.  It also implies -fnew-inheriting-ctors.
2192           Version 12, which first appeared in G++ 8, corrects the calling
2193           conventions for empty classes on the x86_64 target and for classes
2194           with only deleted copy/move constructors.  It accidentally changes
2195           the calling convention for classes with a deleted copy constructor
2196           and a trivial move constructor.
2198           Version 13, which first appeared in G++ 8.2, fixes the accidental
2199           change in version 12.
2201           Version 14, which first appeared in G++ 10, corrects the mangling
2202           of the nullptr expression.
2204           Version 15, which first appeared in G++ 11, changes the mangling of
2205           "__alignof__" to be distinct from that of "alignof", and dependent
2206           operator names.
2208           See also -Wabi.
2210       -fabi-compat-version=n
2211           On targets that support strong aliases, G++ works around mangling
2212           changes by creating an alias with the correct mangled name when
2213           defining a symbol with an incorrect mangled name.  This switch
2214           specifies which ABI version to use for the alias.
2216           With -fabi-version=0 (the default), this defaults to 11 (GCC 7
2217           compatibility).  If another ABI version is explicitly selected,
2218           this defaults to 0.  For compatibility with GCC versions 3.2
2219           through 4.9, use -fabi-compat-version=2.
2221           If this option is not provided but -Wabi=n is, that version is used
2222           for compatibility aliases.  If this option is provided along with
2223           -Wabi (without the version), the version from this option is used
2224           for the warning.
2226       -fno-access-control
2227           Turn off all access checking.  This switch is mainly useful for
2228           working around bugs in the access control code.
2230       -faligned-new
2231           Enable support for C++17 "new" of types that require more alignment
2232           than "void* ::operator new(std::size_t)" provides.  A numeric
2233           argument such as "-faligned-new=32" can be used to specify how much
2234           alignment (in bytes) is provided by that function, but few users
2235           will need to override the default of alignof(std::max_align_t).
2237           This flag is enabled by default for -std=c++17.
2239       -fchar8_t
2240       -fno-char8_t
2241           Enable support for "char8_t" as adopted for C++20.  This includes
2242           the addition of a new "char8_t" fundamental type, changes to the
2243           types of UTF-8 string and character literals, new signatures for
2244           user-defined literals, associated standard library updates, and new
2245           "__cpp_char8_t" and "__cpp_lib_char8_t" feature test macros.
2247           This option enables functions to be overloaded for ordinary and
2248           UTF-8 strings:
2250                   int f(const char *);    // #1
2251                   int f(const char8_t *); // #2
2252                   int v1 = f("text");     // Calls #1
2253                   int v2 = f(u8"text");   // Calls #2
2255           and introduces new signatures for user-defined literals:
2257                   int operator""_udl1(char8_t);
2258                   int v3 = u8'x'_udl1;
2259                   int operator""_udl2(const char8_t*, std::size_t);
2260                   int v4 = u8"text"_udl2;
2261                   template<typename T, T...> int operator""_udl3();
2262                   int v5 = u8"text"_udl3;
2264           The change to the types of UTF-8 string and character literals
2265           introduces incompatibilities with ISO C++11 and later standards.
2266           For example, the following code is well-formed under ISO C++11, but
2267           is ill-formed when -fchar8_t is specified.
2269                   char ca[] = u8"xx";     // error: char-array initialized from wide
2270                                           //        string
2271                   const char *cp = u8"xx";// error: invalid conversion from
2272                                           //        `const char8_t*' to `const char*'
2273                   int f(const char*);
2274                   auto v = f(u8"xx");     // error: invalid conversion from
2275                                           //        `const char8_t*' to `const char*'
2276                   std::string s{u8"xx"};  // error: no matching function for call to
2277                                           //        `std::basic_string<char>::basic_string()'
2278                   using namespace std::literals;
2279                   s = u8"xx"s;            // error: conversion from
2280                                           //        `basic_string<char8_t>' to non-scalar
2281                                           //        type `basic_string<char>' requested
2283       -fcheck-new
2284           Check that the pointer returned by "operator new" is non-null
2285           before attempting to modify the storage allocated.  This check is
2286           normally unnecessary because the C++ standard specifies that
2287           "operator new" only returns 0 if it is declared throw(), in which
2288           case the compiler always checks the return value even without this
2289           option.  In all other cases, when "operator new" has a non-empty
2290           exception specification, memory exhaustion is signalled by throwing
2291           "std::bad_alloc".  See also new (nothrow).
2293       -fconcepts
2294       -fconcepts-ts
2295           Below -std=c++20, -fconcepts enables support for the C++ Extensions
2296           for Concepts Technical Specification, ISO 19217 (2015).
2298           With -std=c++20 and above, Concepts are part of the language
2299           standard, so -fconcepts defaults to on.  But the standard
2300           specification of Concepts differs significantly from the TS, so
2301           some constructs that were allowed in the TS but didn't make it into
2302           the standard can still be enabled by -fconcepts-ts.
2304       -fconstexpr-depth=n
2305           Set the maximum nested evaluation depth for C++11 constexpr
2306           functions to n.  A limit is needed to detect endless recursion
2307           during constant expression evaluation.  The minimum specified by
2308           the standard is 512.
2310       -fconstexpr-cache-depth=n
2311           Set the maximum level of nested evaluation depth for C++11
2312           constexpr functions that will be cached to n.  This is a heuristic
2313           that trades off compilation speed (when the cache avoids repeated
2314           calculations) against memory consumption (when the cache grows very
2315           large from highly recursive evaluations).  The default is 8.  Very
2316           few users are likely to want to adjust it, but if your code does
2317           heavy constexpr calculations you might want to experiment to find
2318           which value works best for you.
2320       -fconstexpr-fp-except
2321           Annex F of the C standard specifies that IEC559 floating point
2322           exceptions encountered at compile time should not stop compilation.
2323           C++ compilers have historically not followed this guidance, instead
2324           treating floating point division by zero as non-constant even
2325           though it has a well defined value.  This flag tells the compiler
2326           to give Annex F priority over other rules saying that a particular
2327           operation is undefined.
2329                   constexpr float inf = 1./0.; // OK with -fconstexpr-fp-except
2331       -fconstexpr-loop-limit=n
2332           Set the maximum number of iterations for a loop in C++14 constexpr
2333           functions to n.  A limit is needed to detect infinite loops during
2334           constant expression evaluation.  The default is 262144 (1<<18).
2336       -fconstexpr-ops-limit=n
2337           Set the maximum number of operations during a single constexpr
2338           evaluation.  Even when number of iterations of a single loop is
2339           limited with the above limit, if there are several nested loops and
2340           each of them has many iterations but still smaller than the above
2341           limit, or if in a body of some loop or even outside of a loop too
2342           many expressions need to be evaluated, the resulting constexpr
2343           evaluation might take too long.  The default is 33554432 (1<<25).
2345       -fcoroutines
2346           Enable support for the C++ coroutines extension (experimental).
2348       -fno-elide-constructors
2349           The C++ standard allows an implementation to omit creating a
2350           temporary that is only used to initialize another object of the
2351           same type.  Specifying this option disables that optimization, and
2352           forces G++ to call the copy constructor in all cases.  This option
2353           also causes G++ to call trivial member functions which otherwise
2354           would be expanded inline.
2356           In C++17, the compiler is required to omit these temporaries, but
2357           this option still affects trivial member functions.
2359       -fno-enforce-eh-specs
2360           Don't generate code to check for violation of exception
2361           specifications at run time.  This option violates the C++ standard,
2362           but may be useful for reducing code size in production builds, much
2363           like defining "NDEBUG".  This does not give user code permission to
2364           throw exceptions in violation of the exception specifications; the
2365           compiler still optimizes based on the specifications, so throwing
2366           an unexpected exception results in undefined behavior at run time.
2368       -fextern-tls-init
2369       -fno-extern-tls-init
2370           The C++11 and OpenMP standards allow "thread_local" and
2371           "threadprivate" variables to have dynamic (runtime) initialization.
2372           To support this, any use of such a variable goes through a wrapper
2373           function that performs any necessary initialization.  When the use
2374           and definition of the variable are in the same translation unit,
2375           this overhead can be optimized away, but when the use is in a
2376           different translation unit there is significant overhead even if
2377           the variable doesn't actually need dynamic initialization.  If the
2378           programmer can be sure that no use of the variable in a non-
2379           defining TU needs to trigger dynamic initialization (either because
2380           the variable is statically initialized, or a use of the variable in
2381           the defining TU will be executed before any uses in another TU),
2382           they can avoid this overhead with the -fno-extern-tls-init option.
2384           On targets that support symbol aliases, the default is
2385           -fextern-tls-init.  On targets that do not support symbol aliases,
2386           the default is -fno-extern-tls-init.
2388       -ffold-simple-inlines
2389       -fno-fold-simple-inlines
2390           Permit the C++ frontend to fold calls to "std::move",
2391           "std::forward", "std::addressof" and "std::as_const".  In contrast
2392           to inlining, this means no debug information will be generated for
2393           such calls.  Since these functions are rarely interesting to debug,
2394           this flag is enabled by default unless -fno-inline is active.
2396       -fno-gnu-keywords
2397           Do not recognize "typeof" as a keyword, so that code can use this
2398           word as an identifier.  You can use the keyword "__typeof__"
2399           instead.  This option is implied by the strict ISO C++ dialects:
2400           -ansi, -std=c++98, -std=c++11, etc.
2402       -fimplicit-constexpr
2403           Make inline functions implicitly constexpr, if they satisfy the
2404           requirements for a constexpr function.  This option can be used in
2405           C++14 mode or later.  This can result in initialization changing
2406           from dynamic to static and other optimizations.
2408       -fno-implicit-templates
2409           Never emit code for non-inline templates that are instantiated
2410           implicitly (i.e. by use); only emit code for explicit
2411           instantiations.  If you use this option, you must take care to
2412           structure your code to include all the necessary explicit
2413           instantiations to avoid getting undefined symbols at link time.
2415       -fno-implicit-inline-templates
2416           Don't emit code for implicit instantiations of inline templates,
2417           either.  The default is to handle inlines differently so that
2418           compiles with and without optimization need the same set of
2419           explicit instantiations.
2421       -fno-implement-inlines
2422           To save space, do not emit out-of-line copies of inline functions
2423           controlled by "#pragma implementation".  This causes linker errors
2424           if these functions are not inlined everywhere they are called.
2426       -fmodules-ts
2427       -fno-modules-ts
2428           Enable support for C++20 modules.  The -fno-modules-ts is usually
2429           not needed, as that is the default.  Even though this is a C++20
2430           feature, it is not currently implicitly enabled by selecting that
2431           standard version.
2433       -fmodule-header
2434       -fmodule-header=user
2435       -fmodule-header=system
2436           Compile a header file to create an importable header unit.
2438       -fmodule-implicit-inline
2439           Member functions defined in their class definitions are not
2440           implicitly inline for modular code.  This is different to
2441           traditional C++ behavior, for good reasons.  However, it may result
2442           in a difficulty during code porting.  This option makes such
2443           function definitions implicitly inline.  It does however generate
2444           an ABI incompatibility, so you must use it everywhere or nowhere.
2445           (Such definitions outside of a named module remain implicitly
2446           inline, regardless.)
2448       -fno-module-lazy
2449           Disable lazy module importing and module mapper creation.
2451       -fmodule-mapper=[hostname]:port[?ident]
2452       -fmodule-mapper=|program[?ident] args...
2453       -fmodule-mapper==socket[?ident]
2454       -fmodule-mapper=<>[inout][?ident]
2455       -fmodule-mapper=<in>out[?ident]
2456       -fmodule-mapper=file[?ident]
2457           An oracle to query for module name to filename mappings.  If
2458           unspecified the CXX_MODULE_MAPPER environment variable is used, and
2459           if that is unset, an in-process default is provided.
2461       -fmodule-only
2462           Only emit the Compiled Module Interface, inhibiting any object
2463           file.
2465       -fms-extensions
2466           Disable Wpedantic warnings about constructs used in MFC, such as
2467           implicit int and getting a pointer to member function via non-
2468           standard syntax.
2470       -fnew-inheriting-ctors
2471           Enable the P0136 adjustment to the semantics of C++11 constructor
2472           inheritance.  This is part of C++17 but also considered to be a
2473           Defect Report against C++11 and C++14.  This flag is enabled by
2474           default unless -fabi-version=10 or lower is specified.
2476       -fnew-ttp-matching
2477           Enable the P0522 resolution to Core issue 150, template template
2478           parameters and default arguments: this allows a template with
2479           default template arguments as an argument for a template template
2480           parameter with fewer template parameters.  This flag is enabled by
2481           default for -std=c++17.
2483       -fno-nonansi-builtins
2484           Disable built-in declarations of functions that are not mandated by
2485           ANSI/ISO C.  These include "ffs", "alloca", "_exit", "index",
2486           "bzero", "conjf", and other related functions.
2488       -fnothrow-opt
2489           Treat a throw() exception specification as if it were a "noexcept"
2490           specification to reduce or eliminate the text size overhead
2491           relative to a function with no exception specification.  If the
2492           function has local variables of types with non-trivial destructors,
2493           the exception specification actually makes the function smaller
2494           because the EH cleanups for those variables can be optimized away.
2495           The semantic effect is that an exception thrown out of a function
2496           with such an exception specification results in a call to
2497           "terminate" rather than "unexpected".
2499       -fno-operator-names
2500           Do not treat the operator name keywords "and", "bitand", "bitor",
2501           "compl", "not", "or" and "xor" as synonyms as keywords.
2503       -fno-optional-diags
2504           Disable diagnostics that the standard says a compiler does not need
2505           to issue.  Currently, the only such diagnostic issued by G++ is the
2506           one for a name having multiple meanings within a class.
2508       -fpermissive
2509           Downgrade some diagnostics about nonconformant code from errors to
2510           warnings.  Thus, using -fpermissive allows some nonconforming code
2511           to compile.
2513       -fno-pretty-templates
2514           When an error message refers to a specialization of a function
2515           template, the compiler normally prints the signature of the
2516           template followed by the template arguments and any typedefs or
2517           typenames in the signature (e.g. "void f(T) [with T = int]" rather
2518           than "void f(int)") so that it's clear which template is involved.
2519           When an error message refers to a specialization of a class
2520           template, the compiler omits any template arguments that match the
2521           default template arguments for that template.  If either of these
2522           behaviors make it harder to understand the error message rather
2523           than easier, you can use -fno-pretty-templates to disable them.
2525       -fno-rtti
2526           Disable generation of information about every class with virtual
2527           functions for use by the C++ run-time type identification features
2528           ("dynamic_cast" and "typeid").  If you don't use those parts of the
2529           language, you can save some space by using this flag.  Note that
2530           exception handling uses the same information, but G++ generates it
2531           as needed. The "dynamic_cast" operator can still be used for casts
2532           that do not require run-time type information, i.e. casts to "void
2533           *" or to unambiguous base classes.
2535           Mixing code compiled with -frtti with that compiled with -fno-rtti
2536           may not work.  For example, programs may fail to link if a class
2537           compiled with -fno-rtti is used as a base for a class compiled with
2538           -frtti.
2540       -fsized-deallocation
2541           Enable the built-in global declarations
2543                   void operator delete (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
2544                   void operator delete[] (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
2546           as introduced in C++14.  This is useful for user-defined
2547           replacement deallocation functions that, for example, use the size
2548           of the object to make deallocation faster.  Enabled by default
2549           under -std=c++14 and above.  The flag -Wsized-deallocation warns
2550           about places that might want to add a definition.
2552       -fstrict-enums
2553           Allow the compiler to optimize using the assumption that a value of
2554           enumerated type can only be one of the values of the enumeration
2555           (as defined in the C++ standard; basically, a value that can be
2556           represented in the minimum number of bits needed to represent all
2557           the enumerators).  This assumption may not be valid if the program
2558           uses a cast to convert an arbitrary integer value to the enumerated
2559           type.
2561       -fstrong-eval-order
2562           Evaluate member access, array subscripting, and shift expressions
2563           in left-to-right order, and evaluate assignment in right-to-left
2564           order, as adopted for C++17.  Enabled by default with -std=c++17.
2565           -fstrong-eval-order=some enables just the ordering of member access
2566           and shift expressions, and is the default without -std=c++17.
2568       -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=n
2569           Set the maximum number of template instantiation notes for a single
2570           warning or error to n.  The default value is 10.
2572       -ftemplate-depth=n
2573           Set the maximum instantiation depth for template classes to n.  A
2574           limit on the template instantiation depth is needed to detect
2575           endless recursions during template class instantiation.  ANSI/ISO
2576           C++ conforming programs must not rely on a maximum depth greater
2577           than 17 (changed to 1024 in C++11).  The default value is 900, as
2578           the compiler can run out of stack space before hitting 1024 in some
2579           situations.
2581       -fno-threadsafe-statics
2582           Do not emit the extra code to use the routines specified in the C++
2583           ABI for thread-safe initialization of local statics.  You can use
2584           this option to reduce code size slightly in code that doesn't need
2585           to be thread-safe.
2587       -fuse-cxa-atexit
2588           Register destructors for objects with static storage duration with
2589           the "__cxa_atexit" function rather than the "atexit" function.
2590           This option is required for fully standards-compliant handling of
2591           static destructors, but only works if your C library supports
2592           "__cxa_atexit".
2594       -fno-use-cxa-get-exception-ptr
2595           Don't use the "__cxa_get_exception_ptr" runtime routine.  This
2596           causes "std::uncaught_exception" to be incorrect, but is necessary
2597           if the runtime routine is not available.
2599       -fvisibility-inlines-hidden
2600           This switch declares that the user does not attempt to compare
2601           pointers to inline functions or methods where the addresses of the
2602           two functions are taken in different shared objects.
2604           The effect of this is that GCC may, effectively, mark inline
2605           methods with "__attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))" so that they
2606           do not appear in the export table of a DSO and do not require a PLT
2607           indirection when used within the DSO.  Enabling this option can
2608           have a dramatic effect on load and link times of a DSO as it
2609           massively reduces the size of the dynamic export table when the
2610           library makes heavy use of templates.
2612           The behavior of this switch is not quite the same as marking the
2613           methods as hidden directly, because it does not affect static
2614           variables local to the function or cause the compiler to deduce
2615           that the function is defined in only one shared object.
2617           You may mark a method as having a visibility explicitly to negate
2618           the effect of the switch for that method.  For example, if you do
2619           want to compare pointers to a particular inline method, you might
2620           mark it as having default visibility.  Marking the enclosing class
2621           with explicit visibility has no effect.
2623           Explicitly instantiated inline methods are unaffected by this
2624           option as their linkage might otherwise cross a shared library
2625           boundary.
2627       -fvisibility-ms-compat
2628           This flag attempts to use visibility settings to make GCC's C++
2629           linkage model compatible with that of Microsoft Visual Studio.
2631           The flag makes these changes to GCC's linkage model:
2633           1.  It sets the default visibility to "hidden", like
2634               -fvisibility=hidden.
2636           2.  Types, but not their members, are not hidden by default.
2638           3.  The One Definition Rule is relaxed for types without explicit
2639               visibility specifications that are defined in more than one
2640               shared object: those declarations are permitted if they are
2641               permitted when this option is not used.
2643           In new code it is better to use -fvisibility=hidden and export
2644           those classes that are intended to be externally visible.
2645           Unfortunately it is possible for code to rely, perhaps
2646           accidentally, on the Visual Studio behavior.
2648           Among the consequences of these changes are that static data
2649           members of the same type with the same name but defined in
2650           different shared objects are different, so changing one does not
2651           change the other; and that pointers to function members defined in
2652           different shared objects may not compare equal.  When this flag is
2653           given, it is a violation of the ODR to define types with the same
2654           name differently.
2656       -fno-weak
2657           Do not use weak symbol support, even if it is provided by the
2658           linker.  By default, G++ uses weak symbols if they are available.
2659           This option exists only for testing, and should not be used by end-
2660           users; it results in inferior code and has no benefits.  This
2661           option may be removed in a future release of G++.
2663       -fext-numeric-literals (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2664           Accept imaginary, fixed-point, or machine-defined literal number
2665           suffixes as GNU extensions.  When this option is turned off these
2666           suffixes are treated as C++11 user-defined literal numeric
2667           suffixes.  This is on by default for all pre-C++11 dialects and all
2668           GNU dialects: -std=c++98, -std=gnu++98, -std=gnu++11, -std=gnu++14.
2669           This option is off by default for ISO C++11 onwards (-std=c++11,
2670           ...).
2672       -nostdinc++
2673           Do not search for header files in the standard directories specific
2674           to C++, but do still search the other standard directories.  (This
2675           option is used when building the C++ library.)
2677       -flang-info-include-translate
2678       -flang-info-include-translate-not
2679       -flang-info-include-translate=header
2680           Inform of include translation events.  The first will note accepted
2681           include translations, the second will note declined include
2682           translations.  The header form will inform of include translations
2683           relating to that specific header.  If header is of the form "user"
2684           or "<system>" it will be resolved to a specific user or system
2685           header using the include path.
2687       -flang-info-module-cmi
2688       -flang-info-module-cmi=module
2689           Inform of Compiled Module Interface pathnames.  The first will note
2690           all read CMI pathnames.  The module form will not reading a
2691           specific module's CMI.  module may be a named module or a header-
2692           unit (the latter indicated by either being a pathname containing
2693           directory separators or enclosed in "<>" or "").
2695       -stdlib=libstdc++,libc++
2696           When G++ is configured to support this option, it allows
2697           specification of alternate C++ runtime libraries.  Two options are
2698           available: libstdc++ (the default, native C++ runtime for G++) and
2699           libc++ which is the C++ runtime installed on some operating systems
2700           (e.g. Darwin versions from Darwin11 onwards).  The option switches
2701           G++ to use the headers from the specified library and to emit
2702           "-lstdc++" or "-lc++" respectively, when a C++ runtime is required
2703           for linking.
2705       In addition, these warning options have meanings only for C++ programs:
2707       -Wabi-tag (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2708           Warn when a type with an ABI tag is used in a context that does not
2709           have that ABI tag.  See C++ Attributes for more information about
2710           ABI tags.
2712       -Wcomma-subscript (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2713           Warn about uses of a comma expression within a subscripting
2714           expression.  This usage was deprecated in C++20 and is going to be
2715           removed in C++23.  However, a comma expression wrapped in "( )" is
2716           not deprecated.  Example:
2718                   void f(int *a, int b, int c) {
2719                       a[b,c];     // deprecated in C++20, invalid in C++23
2720                       a[(b,c)];   // OK
2721                   }
2723           In C++23 it is valid to have comma separated expressions in a
2724           subscript when an overloaded subscript operator is found and
2725           supports the right number and types of arguments.  G++ will accept
2726           the formerly valid syntax for code that is not valid in C++23 but
2727           used to be valid but deprecated in C++20 with a pedantic warning
2728           that can be disabled with -Wno-comma-subscript.
2730           Enabled by default with -std=c++20 unless -Wno-deprecated, and with
2731           -std=c++23 regardless of -Wno-deprecated.
2733       -Wctad-maybe-unsupported (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2734           Warn when performing class template argument deduction (CTAD) on a
2735           type with no explicitly written deduction guides.  This warning
2736           will point out cases where CTAD succeeded only because the compiler
2737           synthesized the implicit deduction guides, which might not be what
2738           the programmer intended.  Certain style guides allow CTAD only on
2739           types that specifically "opt-in"; i.e., on types that are designed
2740           to support CTAD.  This warning can be suppressed with the following
2741           pattern:
2743                   struct allow_ctad_t; // any name works
2744                   template <typename T> struct S {
2745                     S(T) { }
2746                   };
2747                   S(allow_ctad_t) -> S<void>; // guide with incomplete parameter type will never be considered
2749       -Wctor-dtor-privacy (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2750           Warn when a class seems unusable because all the constructors or
2751           destructors in that class are private, and it has neither friends
2752           nor public static member functions.  Also warn if there are no non-
2753           private methods, and there's at least one private member function
2754           that isn't a constructor or destructor.
2756       -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2757           Warn when "delete" is used to destroy an instance of a class that
2758           has virtual functions and non-virtual destructor. It is unsafe to
2759           delete an instance of a derived class through a pointer to a base
2760           class if the base class does not have a virtual destructor.  This
2761           warning is enabled by -Wall.
2763       -Wdeprecated-copy (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2764           Warn that the implicit declaration of a copy constructor or copy
2765           assignment operator is deprecated if the class has a user-provided
2766           copy constructor or copy assignment operator, in C++11 and up.
2767           This warning is enabled by -Wextra.  With -Wdeprecated-copy-dtor,
2768           also deprecate if the class has a user-provided destructor.
2770       -Wno-deprecated-enum-enum-conversion (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2771           Disable the warning about the case when the usual arithmetic
2772           conversions are applied on operands where one is of enumeration
2773           type and the other is of a different enumeration type.  This
2774           conversion was deprecated in C++20.  For example:
2776                   enum E1 { e };
2777                   enum E2 { f };
2778                   int k = f - e;
2780           -Wdeprecated-enum-enum-conversion is enabled by default with
2781           -std=c++20.  In pre-C++20 dialects, this warning can be enabled by
2782           -Wenum-conversion.
2784       -Wno-deprecated-enum-float-conversion (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2785           Disable the warning about the case when the usual arithmetic
2786           conversions are applied on operands where one is of enumeration
2787           type and the other is of a floating-point type.  This conversion
2788           was deprecated in C++20.  For example:
2790                   enum E1 { e };
2791                   enum E2 { f };
2792                   bool b = e <= 3.7;
2794           -Wdeprecated-enum-float-conversion is enabled by default with
2795           -std=c++20.  In pre-C++20 dialects, this warning can be enabled by
2796           -Wenum-conversion.
2798       -Wno-init-list-lifetime (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2799           Do not warn about uses of "std::initializer_list" that are likely
2800           to result in dangling pointers.  Since the underlying array for an
2801           "initializer_list" is handled like a normal C++ temporary object,
2802           it is easy to inadvertently keep a pointer to the array past the
2803           end of the array's lifetime.  For example:
2805           *   If a function returns a temporary "initializer_list", or a
2806               local "initializer_list" variable, the array's lifetime ends at
2807               the end of the return statement, so the value returned has a
2808               dangling pointer.
2810           *   If a new-expression creates an "initializer_list", the array
2811               only lives until the end of the enclosing full-expression, so
2812               the "initializer_list" in the heap has a dangling pointer.
2814           *   When an "initializer_list" variable is assigned from a brace-
2815               enclosed initializer list, the temporary array created for the
2816               right side of the assignment only lives until the end of the
2817               full-expression, so at the next statement the
2818               "initializer_list" variable has a dangling pointer.
2820                       // li's initial underlying array lives as long as li
2821                       std::initializer_list<int> li = { 1,2,3 };
2822                       // assignment changes li to point to a temporary array
2823                       li = { 4, 5 };
2824                       // now the temporary is gone and li has a dangling pointer
2825                       int i = li.begin()[0] // undefined behavior
2827           *   When a list constructor stores the "begin" pointer from the
2828               "initializer_list" argument, this doesn't extend the lifetime
2829               of the array, so if a class variable is constructed from a
2830               temporary "initializer_list", the pointer is left dangling by
2831               the end of the variable declaration statement.
2833       -Winvalid-imported-macros
2834           Verify all imported macro definitions are valid at the end of
2835           compilation.  This is not enabled by default, as it requires
2836           additional processing to determine.  It may be useful when
2837           preparing sets of header-units to ensure consistent macros.
2839       -Wno-literal-suffix (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2840           Do not warn when a string or character literal is followed by a ud-
2841           suffix which does not begin with an underscore.  As a conforming
2842           extension, GCC treats such suffixes as separate preprocessing
2843           tokens in order to maintain backwards compatibility with code that
2844           uses formatting macros from "<inttypes.h>".  For example:
2846                   #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS
2847                   #include <inttypes.h>
2848                   #include <stdio.h>
2850                   int main() {
2851                     int64_t i64 = 123;
2852                     printf("My int64: %" PRId64"\n", i64);
2853                   }
2855           In this case, "PRId64" is treated as a separate preprocessing
2856           token.
2858           This option also controls warnings when a user-defined literal
2859           operator is declared with a literal suffix identifier that doesn't
2860           begin with an underscore. Literal suffix identifiers that don't
2861           begin with an underscore are reserved for future standardization.
2863           These warnings are enabled by default.
2865       -Wno-narrowing (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2866           For C++11 and later standards, narrowing conversions are diagnosed
2867           by default, as required by the standard.  A narrowing conversion
2868           from a constant produces an error, and a narrowing conversion from
2869           a non-constant produces a warning, but -Wno-narrowing suppresses
2870           the diagnostic.  Note that this does not affect the meaning of
2871           well-formed code; narrowing conversions are still considered ill-
2872           formed in SFINAE contexts.
2874           With -Wnarrowing in C++98, warn when a narrowing conversion
2875           prohibited by C++11 occurs within { }, e.g.
2877                   int i = { 2.2 }; // error: narrowing from double to int
2879           This flag is included in -Wall and -Wc++11-compat.
2881       -Wnoexcept (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2882           Warn when a noexcept-expression evaluates to false because of a
2883           call to a function that does not have a non-throwing exception
2884           specification (i.e. throw() or "noexcept") but is known by the
2885           compiler to never throw an exception.
2887       -Wnoexcept-type (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2888           Warn if the C++17 feature making "noexcept" part of a function type
2889           changes the mangled name of a symbol relative to C++14.  Enabled by
2890           -Wabi and -Wc++17-compat.
2892           As an example:
2894                   template <class T> void f(T t) { t(); };
2895                   void g() noexcept;
2896                   void h() { f(g); }
2898           In C++14, "f" calls "f<void(*)()>", but in C++17 it calls
2899           "f<void(*)()noexcept>".
2901       -Wclass-memaccess (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2902           Warn when the destination of a call to a raw memory function such
2903           as "memset" or "memcpy" is an object of class type, and when
2904           writing into such an object might bypass the class non-trivial or
2905           deleted constructor or copy assignment, violate const-correctness
2906           or encapsulation, or corrupt virtual table pointers.  Modifying the
2907           representation of such objects may violate invariants maintained by
2908           member functions of the class.  For example, the call to "memset"
2909           below is undefined because it modifies a non-trivial class object
2910           and is, therefore, diagnosed.  The safe way to either initialize or
2911           clear the storage of objects of such types is by using the
2912           appropriate constructor or assignment operator, if one is
2913           available.
2915                   std::string str = "abc";
2916                   memset (&str, 0, sizeof str);
2918           The -Wclass-memaccess option is enabled by -Wall.  Explicitly
2919           casting the pointer to the class object to "void *" or to a type
2920           that can be safely accessed by the raw memory function suppresses
2921           the warning.
2923       -Wnon-virtual-dtor (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2924           Warn when a class has virtual functions and an accessible non-
2925           virtual destructor itself or in an accessible polymorphic base
2926           class, in which case it is possible but unsafe to delete an
2927           instance of a derived class through a pointer to the class itself
2928           or base class.  This warning is automatically enabled if -Weffc++
2929           is specified.
2931       -Wregister (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2932           Warn on uses of the "register" storage class specifier, except when
2933           it is part of the GNU Explicit Register Variables extension.  The
2934           use of the "register" keyword as storage class specifier has been
2935           deprecated in C++11 and removed in C++17.  Enabled by default with
2936           -std=c++17.
2938       -Wreorder (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2939           Warn when the order of member initializers given in the code does
2940           not match the order in which they must be executed.  For instance:
2942                   struct A {
2943                     int i;
2944                     int j;
2945                     A(): j (0), i (1) { }
2946                   };
2948           The compiler rearranges the member initializers for "i" and "j" to
2949           match the declaration order of the members, emitting a warning to
2950           that effect.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
2952       -Wno-pessimizing-move (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2953           This warning warns when a call to "std::move" prevents copy
2954           elision.  A typical scenario when copy elision can occur is when
2955           returning in a function with a class return type, when the
2956           expression being returned is the name of a non-volatile automatic
2957           object, and is not a function parameter, and has the same type as
2958           the function return type.
2960                   struct T {
2961                   ...
2962                   };
2963                   T fn()
2964                   {
2965                     T t;
2966                     ...
2967                     return std::move (t);
2968                   }
2970           But in this example, the "std::move" call prevents copy elision.
2972           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
2974       -Wno-redundant-move (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
2975           This warning warns about redundant calls to "std::move"; that is,
2976           when a move operation would have been performed even without the
2977           "std::move" call.  This happens because the compiler is forced to
2978           treat the object as if it were an rvalue in certain situations such
2979           as returning a local variable, where copy elision isn't applicable.
2980           Consider:
2982                   struct T {
2983                   ...
2984                   };
2985                   T fn(T t)
2986                   {
2987                     ...
2988                     return std::move (t);
2989                   }
2991           Here, the "std::move" call is redundant.  Because G++ implements
2992           Core Issue 1579, another example is:
2994                   struct T { // convertible to U
2995                   ...
2996                   };
2997                   struct U {
2998                   ...
2999                   };
3000                   U fn()
3001                   {
3002                     T t;
3003                     ...
3004                     return std::move (t);
3005                   }
3007           In this example, copy elision isn't applicable because the type of
3008           the expression being returned and the function return type differ,
3009           yet G++ treats the return value as if it were designated by an
3010           rvalue.
3012           This warning is enabled by -Wextra.
3014       -Wrange-loop-construct (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3015           This warning warns when a C++ range-based for-loop is creating an
3016           unnecessary copy.  This can happen when the range declaration is
3017           not a reference, but probably should be.  For example:
3019                   struct S { char arr[128]; };
3020                   void fn () {
3021                     S arr[5];
3022                     for (const auto x : arr) { ... }
3023                   }
3025           It does not warn when the type being copied is a trivially-copyable
3026           type whose size is less than 64 bytes.
3028           This warning also warns when a loop variable in a range-based for-
3029           loop is initialized with a value of a different type resulting in a
3030           copy.  For example:
3032                   void fn() {
3033                     int arr[10];
3034                     for (const double &x : arr) { ... }
3035                   }
3037           In the example above, in every iteration of the loop a temporary
3038           value of type "double" is created and destroyed, to which the
3039           reference "const double &" is bound.
3041           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
3043       -Wredundant-tags (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3044           Warn about redundant class-key and enum-key in references to class
3045           types and enumerated types in contexts where the key can be
3046           eliminated without causing an ambiguity.  For example:
3048                   struct foo;
3049                   struct foo *p;   // warn that keyword struct can be eliminated
3051           On the other hand, in this example there is no warning:
3053                   struct foo;
3054                   void foo ();   // "hides" struct foo
3055                   void bar (struct foo&);  // no warning, keyword struct is necessary
3057       -Wno-subobject-linkage (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3058           Do not warn if a class type has a base or a field whose type uses
3059           the anonymous namespace or depends on a type with no linkage.  If a
3060           type A depends on a type B with no or internal linkage, defining it
3061           in multiple translation units would be an ODR violation because the
3062           meaning of B is different in each translation unit.  If A only
3063           appears in a single translation unit, the best way to silence the
3064           warning is to give it internal linkage by putting it in an
3065           anonymous namespace as well.  The compiler doesn't give this
3066           warning for types defined in the main .C file, as those are
3067           unlikely to have multiple definitions.  -Wsubobject-linkage is
3068           enabled by default.
3070       -Weffc++ (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3071           Warn about violations of the following style guidelines from Scott
3072           Meyers' Effective C++ series of books:
3074           *   Define a copy constructor and an assignment operator for
3075               classes with dynamically-allocated memory.
3077           *   Prefer initialization to assignment in constructors.
3079           *   Have "operator=" return a reference to *this.
3081           *   Don't try to return a reference when you must return an object.
3083           *   Distinguish between prefix and postfix forms of increment and
3084               decrement operators.
3086           *   Never overload "&&", "||", or ",".
3088           This option also enables -Wnon-virtual-dtor, which is also one of
3089           the effective C++ recommendations.  However, the check is extended
3090           to warn about the lack of virtual destructor in accessible non-
3091           polymorphic bases classes too.
3093           When selecting this option, be aware that the standard library
3094           headers do not obey all of these guidelines; use grep -v to filter
3095           out those warnings.
3097       -Wno-exceptions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3098           Disable the warning about the case when an exception handler is
3099           shadowed by another handler, which can point out a wrong ordering
3100           of exception handlers.
3102       -Wstrict-null-sentinel (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3103           Warn about the use of an uncasted "NULL" as sentinel.  When
3104           compiling only with GCC this is a valid sentinel, as "NULL" is
3105           defined to "__null".  Although it is a null pointer constant rather
3106           than a null pointer, it is guaranteed to be of the same size as a
3107           pointer.  But this use is not portable across different compilers.
3109       -Wno-non-template-friend (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3110           Disable warnings when non-template friend functions are declared
3111           within a template.  In very old versions of GCC that predate
3112           implementation of the ISO standard, declarations such as friend int
3113           foo(int), where the name of the friend is an unqualified-id, could
3114           be interpreted as a particular specialization of a template
3115           function; the warning exists to diagnose compatibility problems,
3116           and is enabled by default.
3118       -Wold-style-cast (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3119           Warn if an old-style (C-style) cast to a non-void type is used
3120           within a C++ program.  The new-style casts ("dynamic_cast",
3121           "static_cast", "reinterpret_cast", and "const_cast") are less
3122           vulnerable to unintended effects and much easier to search for.
3124       -Woverloaded-virtual (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3125           Warn when a function declaration hides virtual functions from a
3126           base class.  For example, in:
3128                   struct A {
3129                     virtual void f();
3130                   };
3132                   struct B: public A {
3133                     void f(int);
3134                   };
3136           the "A" class version of "f" is hidden in "B", and code like:
3138                   B* b;
3139                   b->f();
3141           fails to compile.
3143       -Wno-pmf-conversions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3144           Disable the diagnostic for converting a bound pointer to member
3145           function to a plain pointer.
3147       -Wsign-promo (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3148           Warn when overload resolution chooses a promotion from unsigned or
3149           enumerated type to a signed type, over a conversion to an unsigned
3150           type of the same size.  Previous versions of G++ tried to preserve
3151           unsignedness, but the standard mandates the current behavior.
3153       -Wtemplates (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3154           Warn when a primary template declaration is encountered.  Some
3155           coding rules disallow templates, and this may be used to enforce
3156           that rule.  The warning is inactive inside a system header file,
3157           such as the STL, so one can still use the STL.  One may also
3158           instantiate or specialize templates.
3160       -Wmismatched-new-delete (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3161           Warn for mismatches between calls to "operator new" or "operator
3162           delete" and the corresponding call to the allocation or
3163           deallocation function.  This includes invocations of C++ "operator
3164           delete" with pointers returned from either mismatched forms of
3165           "operator new", or from other functions that allocate objects for
3166           which the "operator delete" isn't a suitable deallocator, as well
3167           as calls to other deallocation functions with pointers returned
3168           from "operator new" for which the deallocation function isn't
3169           suitable.
3171           For example, the "delete" expression in the function below is
3172           diagnosed because it doesn't match the array form of the "new"
3173           expression the pointer argument was returned from.  Similarly, the
3174           call to "free" is also diagnosed.
3176                   void f ()
3177                   {
3178                     int *a = new int[n];
3179                     delete a;   // warning: mismatch in array forms of expressions
3181                     char *p = new char[n];
3182                     free (p);   // warning: mismatch between new and free
3183                   }
3185           The related option -Wmismatched-dealloc diagnoses mismatches
3186           involving allocation and deallocation functions other than
3187           "operator new" and "operator delete".
3189           -Wmismatched-new-delete is included in -Wall.
3191       -Wmismatched-tags (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3192           Warn for declarations of structs, classes, and class templates and
3193           their specializations with a class-key that does not match either
3194           the definition or the first declaration if no definition is
3195           provided.
3197           For example, the declaration of "struct Object" in the argument
3198           list of "draw" triggers the warning.  To avoid it, either remove
3199           the redundant class-key "struct" or replace it with "class" to
3200           match its definition.
3202                   class Object {
3203                   public:
3204                     virtual ~Object () = 0;
3205                   };
3206                   void draw (struct Object*);
3208           It is not wrong to declare a class with the class-key "struct" as
3209           the example above shows.  The -Wmismatched-tags option is intended
3210           to help achieve a consistent style of class declarations.  In code
3211           that is intended to be portable to Windows-based compilers the
3212           warning helps prevent unresolved references due to the difference
3213           in the mangling of symbols declared with different class-keys.  The
3214           option can be used either on its own or in conjunction with
3215           -Wredundant-tags.
3217       -Wmultiple-inheritance (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3218           Warn when a class is defined with multiple direct base classes.
3219           Some coding rules disallow multiple inheritance, and this may be
3220           used to enforce that rule.  The warning is inactive inside a system
3221           header file, such as the STL, so one can still use the STL.  One
3222           may also define classes that indirectly use multiple inheritance.
3224       -Wvirtual-inheritance
3225           Warn when a class is defined with a virtual direct base class.
3226           Some coding rules disallow multiple inheritance, and this may be
3227           used to enforce that rule.  The warning is inactive inside a system
3228           header file, such as the STL, so one can still use the STL.  One
3229           may also define classes that indirectly use virtual inheritance.
3231       -Wno-virtual-move-assign
3232           Suppress warnings about inheriting from a virtual base with a non-
3233           trivial C++11 move assignment operator.  This is dangerous because
3234           if the virtual base is reachable along more than one path, it is
3235           moved multiple times, which can mean both objects end up in the
3236           moved-from state.  If the move assignment operator is written to
3237           avoid moving from a moved-from object, this warning can be
3238           disabled.
3240       -Wnamespaces
3241           Warn when a namespace definition is opened.  Some coding rules
3242           disallow namespaces, and this may be used to enforce that rule.
3243           The warning is inactive inside a system header file, such as the
3244           STL, so one can still use the STL.  One may also use using
3245           directives and qualified names.
3247       -Wno-terminate (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3248           Disable the warning about a throw-expression that will immediately
3249           result in a call to "terminate".
3251       -Wno-vexing-parse (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3252           Warn about the most vexing parse syntactic ambiguity.  This warns
3253           about the cases when a declaration looks like a variable
3254           definition, but the C++ language requires it to be interpreted as a
3255           function declaration.  For instance:
3257                   void f(double a) {
3258                     int i();        // extern int i (void);
3259                     int n(int(a));  // extern int n (int);
3260                   }
3262           Another example:
3264                   struct S { S(int); };
3265                   void f(double a) {
3266                     S x(int(a));   // extern struct S x (int);
3267                     S y(int());    // extern struct S y (int (*) (void));
3268                     S z();         // extern struct S z (void);
3269                   }
3271           The warning will suggest options how to deal with such an
3272           ambiguity; e.g., it can suggest removing the parentheses or using
3273           braces instead.
3275           This warning is enabled by default.
3277       -Wno-class-conversion (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3278           Do not warn when a conversion function converts an object to the
3279           same type, to a base class of that type, or to void; such a
3280           conversion function will never be called.
3282       -Wvolatile (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3283           Warn about deprecated uses of the "volatile" qualifier.  This
3284           includes postfix and prefix "++" and "--" expressions of
3285           "volatile"-qualified types, using simple assignments where the left
3286           operand is a "volatile"-qualified non-class type for their value,
3287           compound assignments where the left operand is a
3288           "volatile"-qualified non-class type, "volatile"-qualified function
3289           return type, "volatile"-qualified parameter type, and structured
3290           bindings of a "volatile"-qualified type.  This usage was deprecated
3291           in C++20.
3293           Enabled by default with -std=c++20.
3295       -Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3296           Warn when a literal 0 is used as null pointer constant.  This can
3297           be useful to facilitate the conversion to "nullptr" in C++11.
3299       -Waligned-new
3300           Warn about a new-expression of a type that requires greater
3301           alignment than the alignof(std::max_align_t) but uses an allocation
3302           function without an explicit alignment parameter. This option is
3303           enabled by -Wall.
3305           Normally this only warns about global allocation functions, but
3306           -Waligned-new=all also warns about class member allocation
3307           functions.
3309       -Wno-placement-new
3310       -Wplacement-new=n
3311           Warn about placement new expressions with undefined behavior, such
3312           as constructing an object in a buffer that is smaller than the type
3313           of the object.  For example, the placement new expression below is
3314           diagnosed because it attempts to construct an array of 64 integers
3315           in a buffer only 64 bytes large.
3317                   char buf [64];
3318                   new (buf) int[64];
3320           This warning is enabled by default.
3322           -Wplacement-new=1
3323               This is the default warning level of -Wplacement-new.  At this
3324               level the warning is not issued for some strictly undefined
3325               constructs that GCC allows as extensions for compatibility with
3326               legacy code.  For example, the following "new" expression is
3327               not diagnosed at this level even though it has undefined
3328               behavior according to the C++ standard because it writes past
3329               the end of the one-element array.
3331                       struct S { int n, a[1]; };
3332                       S *s = (S *)malloc (sizeof *s + 31 * sizeof s->a[0]);
3333                       new (s->a)int [32]();
3335           -Wplacement-new=2
3336               At this level, in addition to diagnosing all the same
3337               constructs as at level 1, a diagnostic is also issued for
3338               placement new expressions that construct an object in the last
3339               member of structure whose type is an array of a single element
3340               and whose size is less than the size of the object being
3341               constructed.  While the previous example would be diagnosed,
3342               the following construct makes use of the flexible member array
3343               extension to avoid the warning at level 2.
3345                       struct S { int n, a[]; };
3346                       S *s = (S *)malloc (sizeof *s + 32 * sizeof s->a[0]);
3347                       new (s->a)int [32]();
3349       -Wcatch-value
3350       -Wcatch-value=n (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3351           Warn about catch handlers that do not catch via reference.  With
3352           -Wcatch-value=1 (or -Wcatch-value for short) warn about polymorphic
3353           class types that are caught by value.  With -Wcatch-value=2 warn
3354           about all class types that are caught by value. With
3355           -Wcatch-value=3 warn about all types that are not caught by
3356           reference. -Wcatch-value is enabled by -Wall.
3358       -Wconditionally-supported (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3359           Warn for conditionally-supported (C++11 [intro.defs]) constructs.
3361       -Wno-delete-incomplete (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3362           Do not warn when deleting a pointer to incomplete type, which may
3363           cause undefined behavior at runtime.  This warning is enabled by
3364           default.
3366       -Wextra-semi (C++, Objective-C++ only)
3367           Warn about redundant semicolons after in-class function
3368           definitions.
3370       -Wno-inaccessible-base (C++, Objective-C++ only)
3371           This option controls warnings when a base class is inaccessible in
3372           a class derived from it due to ambiguity.  The warning is enabled
3373           by default.  Note that the warning for ambiguous virtual bases is
3374           enabled by the -Wextra option.
3376                   struct A { int a; };
3378                   struct B : A { };
3380                   struct C : B, A { };
3382       -Wno-inherited-variadic-ctor
3383           Suppress warnings about use of C++11 inheriting constructors when
3384           the base class inherited from has a C variadic constructor; the
3385           warning is on by default because the ellipsis is not inherited.
3387       -Wno-invalid-offsetof (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3388           Suppress warnings from applying the "offsetof" macro to a non-POD
3389           type.  According to the 2014 ISO C++ standard, applying "offsetof"
3390           to a non-standard-layout type is undefined.  In existing C++
3391           implementations, however, "offsetof" typically gives meaningful
3392           results.  This flag is for users who are aware that they are
3393           writing nonportable code and who have deliberately chosen to ignore
3394           the warning about it.
3396           The restrictions on "offsetof" may be relaxed in a future version
3397           of the C++ standard.
3399       -Wsized-deallocation (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3400           Warn about a definition of an unsized deallocation function
3402                   void operator delete (void *) noexcept;
3403                   void operator delete[] (void *) noexcept;
3405           without a definition of the corresponding sized deallocation
3406           function
3408                   void operator delete (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
3409                   void operator delete[] (void *, std::size_t) noexcept;
3411           or vice versa.  Enabled by -Wextra along with -fsized-deallocation.
3413       -Wsuggest-final-types
3414           Warn about types with virtual methods where code quality would be
3415           improved if the type were declared with the C++11 "final"
3416           specifier, or, if possible, declared in an anonymous namespace.
3417           This allows GCC to more aggressively devirtualize the polymorphic
3418           calls. This warning is more effective with link-time optimization,
3419           where the information about the class hierarchy graph is more
3420           complete.
3422       -Wsuggest-final-methods
3423           Warn about virtual methods where code quality would be improved if
3424           the method were declared with the C++11 "final" specifier, or, if
3425           possible, its type were declared in an anonymous namespace or with
3426           the "final" specifier.  This warning is more effective with link-
3427           time optimization, where the information about the class hierarchy
3428           graph is more complete. It is recommended to first consider
3429           suggestions of -Wsuggest-final-types and then rebuild with new
3430           annotations.
3432       -Wsuggest-override
3433           Warn about overriding virtual functions that are not marked with
3434           the "override" keyword.
3436       -Wuse-after-free
3437       -Wuse-after-free=n
3438           Warn about uses of pointers to dynamically allocated objects that
3439           have been rendered indeterminate by a call to a deallocation
3440           function.  The warning is enabled at all optimization levels but
3441           may yield different results with optimization than without.
3443           -Wuse-after-free=1
3444               At level 1 the warning attempts to diagnose only unconditional
3445               uses of pointers made indeterminate by a deallocation call or a
3446               successful call to "realloc", regardless of whether or not the
3447               call resulted in an actual reallocatio of memory.  This
3448               includes double-"free" calls as well as uses in arithmetic and
3449               relational expressions.  Although undefined, uses of
3450               indeterminate pointers in equality (or inequality) expressions
3451               are not diagnosed at this level.
3453           -Wuse-after-free=2
3454               At level 2, in addition to unconditional uses, the warning also
3455               diagnoses conditional uses of pointers made indeterminate by a
3456               deallocation call.  As at level 2, uses in equality (or
3457               inequality) expressions are not diagnosed.  For example, the
3458               second call to "free" in the following function is diagnosed at
3459               this level:
3461                       struct A { int refcount; void *data; };
3463                       void release (struct A *p)
3464                       {
3465                         int refcount = --p->refcount;
3466                         free (p);
3467                         if (refcount == 0)
3468                           free (p->data);   // warning: p may be used after free
3469                       }
3471           -Wuse-after-free=3
3472               At level 3, the warning also diagnoses uses of indeterminate
3473               pointers in equality expressions.  All uses of indeterminate
3474               pointers are undefined but equality tests sometimes appear
3475               after calls to "realloc" as an attempt to determine whether the
3476               call resulted in relocating the object to a different address.
3477               They are diagnosed at a separate level to aid legacy code
3478               gradually transition to safe alternatives.  For example, the
3479               equality test in the function below is diagnosed at this level:
3481                       void adjust_pointers (int**, int);
3483                       void grow (int **p, int n)
3484                       {
3485                         int **q = (int**)realloc (p, n *= 2);
3486                         if (q == p)
3487                           return;
3488                         adjust_pointers ((int**)q, n);
3489                       }
3491               To avoid the warning at this level, store offsets into
3492               allocated memory instead of pointers.  This approach obviates
3493               needing to adjust the stored pointers after reallocation.
3495           -Wuse-after-free=2 is included in -Wall.
3497       -Wuseless-cast (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3498           Warn when an expression is casted to its own type.
3500       -Wno-conversion-null (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
3501           Do not warn for conversions between "NULL" and non-pointer types.
3502           -Wconversion-null is enabled by default.
3504   Options Controlling Objective-C and Objective-C++ Dialects
3505       (NOTE: This manual does not describe the Objective-C and Objective-C++
3506       languages themselves.
3508       This section describes the command-line options that are only
3509       meaningful for Objective-C and Objective-C++ programs.  You can also
3510       use most of the language-independent GNU compiler options.  For
3511       example, you might compile a file some_class.m like this:
3513               gcc -g -fgnu-runtime -O -c some_class.m
3515       In this example, -fgnu-runtime is an option meant only for Objective-C
3516       and Objective-C++ programs; you can use the other options with any
3517       language supported by GCC.
3519       Note that since Objective-C is an extension of the C language,
3520       Objective-C compilations may also use options specific to the C front-
3521       end (e.g., -Wtraditional).  Similarly, Objective-C++ compilations may
3522       use C++-specific options (e.g., -Wabi).
3524       Here is a list of options that are only for compiling Objective-C and
3525       Objective-C++ programs:
3527       -fconstant-string-class=class-name
3528           Use class-name as the name of the class to instantiate for each
3529           literal string specified with the syntax "@"..."".  The default
3530           class name is "NXConstantString" if the GNU runtime is being used,
3531           and "NSConstantString" if the NeXT runtime is being used (see
3532           below).  The -fconstant-cfstrings option, if also present,
3533           overrides the -fconstant-string-class setting and cause "@"...""
3534           literals to be laid out as constant CoreFoundation strings.
3536       -fgnu-runtime
3537           Generate object code compatible with the standard GNU Objective-C
3538           runtime.  This is the default for most types of systems.
3540       -fnext-runtime
3541           Generate output compatible with the NeXT runtime.  This is the
3542           default for NeXT-based systems, including Darwin and Mac OS X.  The
3543           macro "__NEXT_RUNTIME__" is predefined if (and only if) this option
3544           is used.
3546       -fno-nil-receivers
3547           Assume that all Objective-C message dispatches ("[receiver
3548           message:arg]") in this translation unit ensure that the receiver is
3549           not "nil".  This allows for more efficient entry points in the
3550           runtime to be used.  This option is only available in conjunction
3551           with the NeXT runtime and ABI version 0 or 1.
3553       -fobjc-abi-version=n
3554           Use version n of the Objective-C ABI for the selected runtime.
3555           This option is currently supported only for the NeXT runtime.  In
3556           that case, Version 0 is the traditional (32-bit) ABI without
3557           support for properties and other Objective-C 2.0 additions.
3558           Version 1 is the traditional (32-bit) ABI with support for
3559           properties and other Objective-C 2.0 additions.  Version 2 is the
3560           modern (64-bit) ABI.  If nothing is specified, the default is
3561           Version 0 on 32-bit target machines, and Version 2 on 64-bit target
3562           machines.
3564       -fobjc-call-cxx-cdtors
3565           For each Objective-C class, check if any of its instance variables
3566           is a C++ object with a non-trivial default constructor.  If so,
3567           synthesize a special "- (id) .cxx_construct" instance method which
3568           runs non-trivial default constructors on any such instance
3569           variables, in order, and then return "self".  Similarly, check if
3570           any instance variable is a C++ object with a non-trivial
3571           destructor, and if so, synthesize a special "- (void)
3572           .cxx_destruct" method which runs all such default destructors, in
3573           reverse order.
3575           The "- (id) .cxx_construct" and "- (void) .cxx_destruct" methods
3576           thusly generated only operate on instance variables declared in the
3577           current Objective-C class, and not those inherited from
3578           superclasses.  It is the responsibility of the Objective-C runtime
3579           to invoke all such methods in an object's inheritance hierarchy.
3580           The "- (id) .cxx_construct" methods are invoked by the runtime
3581           immediately after a new object instance is allocated; the "- (void)
3582           .cxx_destruct" methods are invoked immediately before the runtime
3583           deallocates an object instance.
3585           As of this writing, only the NeXT runtime on Mac OS X 10.4 and
3586           later has support for invoking the "- (id) .cxx_construct" and "-
3587           (void) .cxx_destruct" methods.
3589       -fobjc-direct-dispatch
3590           Allow fast jumps to the message dispatcher.  On Darwin this is
3591           accomplished via the comm page.
3593       -fobjc-exceptions
3594           Enable syntactic support for structured exception handling in
3595           Objective-C, similar to what is offered by C++.  This option is
3596           required to use the Objective-C keywords @try, @throw, @catch,
3597           @finally and @synchronized.  This option is available with both the
3598           GNU runtime and the NeXT runtime (but not available in conjunction
3599           with the NeXT runtime on Mac OS X 10.2 and earlier).
3601       -fobjc-gc
3602           Enable garbage collection (GC) in Objective-C and Objective-C++
3603           programs.  This option is only available with the NeXT runtime; the
3604           GNU runtime has a different garbage collection implementation that
3605           does not require special compiler flags.
3607       -fobjc-nilcheck
3608           For the NeXT runtime with version 2 of the ABI, check for a nil
3609           receiver in method invocations before doing the actual method call.
3610           This is the default and can be disabled using -fno-objc-nilcheck.
3611           Class methods and super calls are never checked for nil in this way
3612           no matter what this flag is set to.  Currently this flag does
3613           nothing when the GNU runtime, or an older version of the NeXT
3614           runtime ABI, is used.
3616       -fobjc-std=objc1
3617           Conform to the language syntax of Objective-C 1.0, the language
3618           recognized by GCC 4.0.  This only affects the Objective-C additions
3619           to the C/C++ language; it does not affect conformance to C/C++
3620           standards, which is controlled by the separate C/C++ dialect option
3621           flags.  When this option is used with the Objective-C or
3622           Objective-C++ compiler, any Objective-C syntax that is not
3623           recognized by GCC 4.0 is rejected.  This is useful if you need to
3624           make sure that your Objective-C code can be compiled with older
3625           versions of GCC.
3627       -freplace-objc-classes
3628           Emit a special marker instructing ld(1) not to statically link in
3629           the resulting object file, and allow dyld(1) to load it in at run
3630           time instead.  This is used in conjunction with the Fix-and-
3631           Continue debugging mode, where the object file in question may be
3632           recompiled and dynamically reloaded in the course of program
3633           execution, without the need to restart the program itself.
3634           Currently, Fix-and-Continue functionality is only available in
3635           conjunction with the NeXT runtime on Mac OS X 10.3 and later.
3637       -fzero-link
3638           When compiling for the NeXT runtime, the compiler ordinarily
3639           replaces calls to objc_getClass("...") (when the name of the class
3640           is known at compile time) with static class references that get
3641           initialized at load time, which improves run-time performance.
3642           Specifying the -fzero-link flag suppresses this behavior and causes
3643           calls to objc_getClass("...")  to be retained.  This is useful in
3644           Zero-Link debugging mode, since it allows for individual class
3645           implementations to be modified during program execution.  The GNU
3646           runtime currently always retains calls to objc_get_class("...")
3647           regardless of command-line options.
3649       -fno-local-ivars
3650           By default instance variables in Objective-C can be accessed as if
3651           they were local variables from within the methods of the class
3652           they're declared in.  This can lead to shadowing between instance
3653           variables and other variables declared either locally inside a
3654           class method or globally with the same name.  Specifying the
3655           -fno-local-ivars flag disables this behavior thus avoiding variable
3656           shadowing issues.
3658       -fivar-visibility=[public|protected|private|package]
3659           Set the default instance variable visibility to the specified
3660           option so that instance variables declared outside the scope of any
3661           access modifier directives default to the specified visibility.
3663       -gen-decls
3664           Dump interface declarations for all classes seen in the source file
3665           to a file named sourcename.decl.
3667       -Wassign-intercept (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3668           Warn whenever an Objective-C assignment is being intercepted by the
3669           garbage collector.
3671       -Wno-property-assign-default (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3672           Do not warn if a property for an Objective-C object has no assign
3673           semantics specified.
3675       -Wno-protocol (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3676           If a class is declared to implement a protocol, a warning is issued
3677           for every method in the protocol that is not implemented by the
3678           class.  The default behavior is to issue a warning for every method
3679           not explicitly implemented in the class, even if a method
3680           implementation is inherited from the superclass.  If you use the
3681           -Wno-protocol option, then methods inherited from the superclass
3682           are considered to be implemented, and no warning is issued for
3683           them.
3685       -Wobjc-root-class (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3686           Warn if a class interface lacks a superclass. Most classes will
3687           inherit from "NSObject" (or "Object") for example.  When declaring
3688           classes intended to be root classes, the warning can be suppressed
3689           by marking their interfaces with
3690           "__attribute__((objc_root_class))".
3692       -Wselector (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3693           Warn if multiple methods of different types for the same selector
3694           are found during compilation.  The check is performed on the list
3695           of methods in the final stage of compilation.  Additionally, a
3696           check is performed for each selector appearing in a @selector(...)
3697           expression, and a corresponding method for that selector has been
3698           found during compilation.  Because these checks scan the method
3699           table only at the end of compilation, these warnings are not
3700           produced if the final stage of compilation is not reached, for
3701           example because an error is found during compilation, or because
3702           the -fsyntax-only option is being used.
3704       -Wstrict-selector-match (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3705           Warn if multiple methods with differing argument and/or return
3706           types are found for a given selector when attempting to send a
3707           message using this selector to a receiver of type "id" or "Class".
3708           When this flag is off (which is the default behavior), the compiler
3709           omits such warnings if any differences found are confined to types
3710           that share the same size and alignment.
3712       -Wundeclared-selector (Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
3713           Warn if a @selector(...) expression referring to an undeclared
3714           selector is found.  A selector is considered undeclared if no
3715           method with that name has been declared before the @selector(...)
3716           expression, either explicitly in an @interface or @protocol
3717           declaration, or implicitly in an @implementation section.  This
3718           option always performs its checks as soon as a @selector(...)
3719           expression is found, while -Wselector only performs its checks in
3720           the final stage of compilation.  This also enforces the coding
3721           style convention that methods and selectors must be declared before
3722           being used.
3724       -print-objc-runtime-info
3725           Generate C header describing the largest structure that is passed
3726           by value, if any.
3728   Options to Control Diagnostic Messages Formatting
3729       Traditionally, diagnostic messages have been formatted irrespective of
3730       the output device's aspect (e.g. its width, ...).  You can use the
3731       options described below to control the formatting algorithm for
3732       diagnostic messages, e.g. how many characters per line, how often
3733       source location information should be reported.  Note that some
3734       language front ends may not honor these options.
3736       -fmessage-length=n
3737           Try to format error messages so that they fit on lines of about n
3738           characters.  If n is zero, then no line-wrapping is done; each
3739           error message appears on a single line.  This is the default for
3740           all front ends.
3742           Note - this option also affects the display of the #error and
3743           #warning pre-processor directives, and the deprecated
3744           function/type/variable attribute.  It does not however affect the
3745           pragma GCC warning and pragma GCC error pragmas.
3747       -fdiagnostics-plain-output
3748           This option requests that diagnostic output look as plain as
3749           possible, which may be useful when running dejagnu or other
3750           utilities that need to parse diagnostics output and prefer that it
3751           remain more stable over time.  -fdiagnostics-plain-output is
3752           currently equivalent to the following options:
3753           -fno-diagnostics-show-caret -fno-diagnostics-show-line-numbers
3754           -fdiagnostics-color=never -fdiagnostics-urls=never
3755           -fdiagnostics-path-format=separate-events In the future, if GCC
3756           changes the default appearance of its diagnostics, the
3757           corresponding option to disable the new behavior will be added to
3758           this list.
3760       -fdiagnostics-show-location=once
3761           Only meaningful in line-wrapping mode.  Instructs the diagnostic
3762           messages reporter to emit source location information once; that
3763           is, in case the message is too long to fit on a single physical
3764           line and has to be wrapped, the source location won't be emitted
3765           (as prefix) again, over and over, in subsequent continuation lines.
3766           This is the default behavior.
3768       -fdiagnostics-show-location=every-line
3769           Only meaningful in line-wrapping mode.  Instructs the diagnostic
3770           messages reporter to emit the same source location information (as
3771           prefix) for physical lines that result from the process of breaking
3772           a message which is too long to fit on a single line.
3774       -fdiagnostics-color[=WHEN]
3775       -fno-diagnostics-color
3776           Use color in diagnostics.  WHEN is never, always, or auto.  The
3777           default depends on how the compiler has been configured, it can be
3778           any of the above WHEN options or also never if GCC_COLORS
3779           environment variable isn't present in the environment, and auto
3780           otherwise.  auto makes GCC use color only when the standard error
3781           is a terminal, and when not executing in an emacs shell.  The forms
3782           -fdiagnostics-color and -fno-diagnostics-color are aliases for
3783           -fdiagnostics-color=always and -fdiagnostics-color=never,
3784           respectively.
3786           The colors are defined by the environment variable GCC_COLORS.  Its
3787           value is a colon-separated list of capabilities and Select Graphic
3788           Rendition (SGR) substrings. SGR commands are interpreted by the
3789           terminal or terminal emulator.  (See the section in the
3790           documentation of your text terminal for permitted values and their
3791           meanings as character attributes.)  These substring values are
3792           integers in decimal representation and can be concatenated with
3793           semicolons.  Common values to concatenate include 1 for bold, 4 for
3794           underline, 5 for blink, 7 for inverse, 39 for default foreground
3795           color, 30 to 37 for foreground colors, 90 to 97 for 16-color mode
3796           foreground colors, 38;5;0 to 38;5;255 for 88-color and 256-color
3797           modes foreground colors, 49 for default background color, 40 to 47
3798           for background colors, 100 to 107 for 16-color mode background
3799           colors, and 48;5;0 to 48;5;255 for 88-color and 256-color modes
3800           background colors.
3802           The default GCC_COLORS is
3804                   error=01;31:warning=01;35:note=01;36:range1=32:range2=34:locus=01:\
3805                   quote=01:path=01;36:fixit-insert=32:fixit-delete=31:\
3806                   diff-filename=01:diff-hunk=32:diff-delete=31:diff-insert=32:\
3807                   type-diff=01;32
3809           where 01;31 is bold red, 01;35 is bold magenta, 01;36 is bold cyan,
3810           32 is green, 34 is blue, 01 is bold, and 31 is red.  Setting
3811           GCC_COLORS to the empty string disables colors.  Supported
3812           capabilities are as follows.
3814           "error="
3815               SGR substring for error: markers.
3817           "warning="
3818               SGR substring for warning: markers.
3820           "note="
3821               SGR substring for note: markers.
3823           "path="
3824               SGR substring for colorizing paths of control-flow events as
3825               printed via -fdiagnostics-path-format=, such as the identifiers
3826               of individual events and lines indicating interprocedural calls
3827               and returns.
3829           "range1="
3830               SGR substring for first additional range.
3832           "range2="
3833               SGR substring for second additional range.
3835           "locus="
3836               SGR substring for location information, file:line or
3837               file:line:column etc.
3839           "quote="
3840               SGR substring for information printed within quotes.
3842           "fixit-insert="
3843               SGR substring for fix-it hints suggesting text to be inserted
3844               or replaced.
3846           "fixit-delete="
3847               SGR substring for fix-it hints suggesting text to be deleted.
3849           "diff-filename="
3850               SGR substring for filename headers within generated patches.
3852           "diff-hunk="
3853               SGR substring for the starts of hunks within generated patches.
3855           "diff-delete="
3856               SGR substring for deleted lines within generated patches.
3858           "diff-insert="
3859               SGR substring for inserted lines within generated patches.
3861           "type-diff="
3862               SGR substring for highlighting mismatching types within
3863               template arguments in the C++ frontend.
3865       -fdiagnostics-urls[=WHEN]
3866           Use escape sequences to embed URLs in diagnostics.  For example,
3867           when -fdiagnostics-show-option emits text showing the command-line
3868           option controlling a diagnostic, embed a URL for documentation of
3869           that option.
3871           WHEN is never, always, or auto.  auto makes GCC use URL escape
3872           sequences only when the standard error is a terminal, and when not
3873           executing in an emacs shell or any graphical terminal which is
3874           known to be incompatible with this feature, see below.
3876           The default depends on how the compiler has been configured.  It
3877           can be any of the above WHEN options.
3879           GCC can also be configured (via the
3880           --with-diagnostics-urls=auto-if-env configure-time option) so that
3881           the default is affected by environment variables.  Under such a
3882           configuration, GCC defaults to using auto if either GCC_URLS or
3883           TERM_URLS environment variables are present and non-empty in the
3884           environment of the compiler, or never if neither are.
3886           However, even with -fdiagnostics-urls=always the behavior is
3887           dependent on those environment variables: If GCC_URLS is set to
3888           empty or no, do not embed URLs in diagnostics.  If set to st, URLs
3889           use ST escape sequences.  If set to bel, the default, URLs use BEL
3890           escape sequences.  Any other non-empty value enables the feature.
3891           If GCC_URLS is not set, use TERM_URLS as a fallback.  Note: ST is
3892           an ANSI escape sequence, string terminator ESC \, BEL is an ASCII
3893           character, CTRL-G that usually sounds like a beep.
3895           At this time GCC tries to detect also a few terminals that are
3896           known to not implement the URL feature, and have bugs or at least
3897           had bugs in some versions that are still in use, where the URL
3898           escapes are likely to misbehave, i.e. print garbage on the screen.
3899           That list is currently xfce4-terminal, certain known to be buggy
3900           gnome-terminal versions, the linux console, and mingw.  This check
3901           can be skipped with the -fdiagnostics-urls=always.
3903       -fno-diagnostics-show-option
3904           By default, each diagnostic emitted includes text indicating the
3905           command-line option that directly controls the diagnostic (if such
3906           an option is known to the diagnostic machinery).  Specifying the
3907           -fno-diagnostics-show-option flag suppresses that behavior.
3909       -fno-diagnostics-show-caret
3910           By default, each diagnostic emitted includes the original source
3911           line and a caret ^ indicating the column.  This option suppresses
3912           this information.  The source line is truncated to n characters, if
3913           the -fmessage-length=n option is given.  When the output is done to
3914           the terminal, the width is limited to the width given by the
3915           COLUMNS environment variable or, if not set, to the terminal width.
3917       -fno-diagnostics-show-labels
3918           By default, when printing source code (via
3919           -fdiagnostics-show-caret), diagnostics can label ranges of source
3920           code with pertinent information, such as the types of expressions:
3922                       printf ("foo %s bar", long_i + long_j);
3923                                    ~^       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3924                                     |              |
3925                                     char *         long int
3927           This option suppresses the printing of these labels (in the example
3928           above, the vertical bars and the "char *" and "long int" text).
3930       -fno-diagnostics-show-cwe
3931           Diagnostic messages can optionally have an associated
3932           @url{https://cwe.mitre.org/index.html, CWE} identifier.  GCC itself
3933           only provides such metadata for some of the -fanalyzer diagnostics.
3934           GCC plugins may also provide diagnostics with such metadata.  By
3935           default, if this information is present, it will be printed with
3936           the diagnostic.  This option suppresses the printing of this
3937           metadata.
3939       -fno-diagnostics-show-line-numbers
3940           By default, when printing source code (via
3941           -fdiagnostics-show-caret), a left margin is printed, showing line
3942           numbers.  This option suppresses this left margin.
3944       -fdiagnostics-minimum-margin-width=width
3945           This option controls the minimum width of the left margin printed
3946           by -fdiagnostics-show-line-numbers.  It defaults to 6.
3948       -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits
3949           Emit fix-it hints in a machine-parseable format, suitable for
3950           consumption by IDEs.  For each fix-it, a line will be printed after
3951           the relevant diagnostic, starting with the string "fix-it:".  For
3952           example:
3954                   fix-it:"test.c":{45:3-45:21}:"gtk_widget_show_all"
3956           The location is expressed as a half-open range, expressed as a
3957           count of bytes, starting at byte 1 for the initial column.  In the
3958           above example, bytes 3 through 20 of line 45 of "test.c" are to be
3959           replaced with the given string:
3961                   00000000011111111112222222222
3962                   12345678901234567890123456789
3963                     gtk_widget_showall (dlg);
3964                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
3965                     gtk_widget_show_all
3967           The filename and replacement string escape backslash as "\\", tab
3968           as "\t", newline as "\n", double quotes as "\"", non-printable
3969           characters as octal (e.g. vertical tab as "\013").
3971           An empty replacement string indicates that the given range is to be
3972           removed.  An empty range (e.g. "45:3-45:3") indicates that the
3973           string is to be inserted at the given position.
3975       -fdiagnostics-generate-patch
3976           Print fix-it hints to stderr in unified diff format, after any
3977           diagnostics are printed.  For example:
3979                   --- test.c
3980                   +++ test.c
3981                   @ -42,5 +42,5 @
3983                    void show_cb(GtkDialog *dlg)
3984                    {
3985                   -  gtk_widget_showall(dlg);
3986                   +  gtk_widget_show_all(dlg);
3987                    }
3989           The diff may or may not be colorized, following the same rules as
3990           for diagnostics (see -fdiagnostics-color).
3992       -fdiagnostics-show-template-tree
3993           In the C++ frontend, when printing diagnostics showing mismatching
3994           template types, such as:
3996                     could not convert 'std::map<int, std::vector<double> >()'
3997                       from 'map<[...],vector<double>>' to 'map<[...],vector<float>>
3999           the -fdiagnostics-show-template-tree flag enables printing a tree-
4000           like structure showing the common and differing parts of the types,
4001           such as:
4003                     map<
4004                       [...],
4005                       vector<
4006                         [double != float]>>
4008           The parts that differ are highlighted with color ("double" and
4009           "float" in this case).
4011       -fno-elide-type
4012           By default when the C++ frontend prints diagnostics showing
4013           mismatching template types, common parts of the types are printed
4014           as "[...]" to simplify the error message.  For example:
4016                     could not convert 'std::map<int, std::vector<double> >()'
4017                       from 'map<[...],vector<double>>' to 'map<[...],vector<float>>
4019           Specifying the -fno-elide-type flag suppresses that behavior.  This
4020           flag also affects the output of the
4021           -fdiagnostics-show-template-tree flag.
4023       -fdiagnostics-path-format=KIND
4024           Specify how to print paths of control-flow events for diagnostics
4025           that have such a path associated with them.
4027           KIND is none, separate-events, or inline-events, the default.
4029           none means to not print diagnostic paths.
4031           separate-events means to print a separate "note" diagnostic for
4032           each event within the diagnostic.  For example:
4034                   test.c:29:5: error: passing NULL as argument 1 to 'PyList_Append' which requires a non-NULL parameter
4035                   test.c:25:10: note: (1) when 'PyList_New' fails, returning NULL
4036                   test.c:27:3: note: (2) when 'i < count'
4037                   test.c:29:5: note: (3) when calling 'PyList_Append', passing NULL from (1) as argument 1
4039           inline-events means to print the events "inline" within the source
4040           code.  This view attempts to consolidate the events into runs of
4041           sufficiently-close events, printing them as labelled ranges within
4042           the source.
4044           For example, the same events as above might be printed as:
4046                     'test': events 1-3
4047                       |
4048                       |   25 |   list = PyList_New(0);
4049                       |      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
4050                       |      |          |
4051                       |      |          (1) when 'PyList_New' fails, returning NULL
4052                       |   26 |
4053                       |   27 |   for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
4054                       |      |   ~~~
4055                       |      |   |
4056                       |      |   (2) when 'i < count'
4057                       |   28 |     item = PyLong_FromLong(random());
4058                       |   29 |     PyList_Append(list, item);
4059                       |      |     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4060                       |      |     |
4061                       |      |     (3) when calling 'PyList_Append', passing NULL from (1) as argument 1
4062                       |
4064           Interprocedural control flow is shown by grouping the events by
4065           stack frame, and using indentation to show how stack frames are
4066           nested, pushed, and popped.
4068           For example:
4070                     'test': events 1-2
4071                       |
4072                       |  133 | {
4073                       |      | ^
4074                       |      | |
4075                       |      | (1) entering 'test'
4076                       |  134 |   boxed_int *obj = make_boxed_int (i);
4077                       |      |                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4078                       |      |                    |
4079                       |      |                    (2) calling 'make_boxed_int'
4080                       |
4081                       +--> 'make_boxed_int': events 3-4
4082                              |
4083                              |  120 | {
4084                              |      | ^
4085                              |      | |
4086                              |      | (3) entering 'make_boxed_int'
4087                              |  121 |   boxed_int *result = (boxed_int *)wrapped_malloc (sizeof (boxed_int));
4088                              |      |                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4089                              |      |                                    |
4090                              |      |                                    (4) calling 'wrapped_malloc'
4091                              |
4092                              +--> 'wrapped_malloc': events 5-6
4093                                     |
4094                                     |    7 | {
4095                                     |      | ^
4096                                     |      | |
4097                                     |      | (5) entering 'wrapped_malloc'
4098                                     |    8 |   return malloc (size);
4099                                     |      |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4100                                     |      |          |
4101                                     |      |          (6) calling 'malloc'
4102                                     |
4103                       <-------------+
4104                       |
4105                    'test': event 7
4106                       |
4107                       |  138 |   free_boxed_int (obj);
4108                       |      |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4109                       |      |   |
4110                       |      |   (7) calling 'free_boxed_int'
4111                       |
4112                   (etc)
4114       -fdiagnostics-show-path-depths
4115           This option provides additional information when printing control-
4116           flow paths associated with a diagnostic.
4118           If this is option is provided then the stack depth will be printed
4119           for each run of events within
4120           -fdiagnostics-path-format=separate-events.
4122           This is intended for use by GCC developers and plugin developers
4123           when debugging diagnostics that report interprocedural control
4124           flow.
4126       -fno-show-column
4127           Do not print column numbers in diagnostics.  This may be necessary
4128           if diagnostics are being scanned by a program that does not
4129           understand the column numbers, such as dejagnu.
4131       -fdiagnostics-column-unit=UNIT
4132           Select the units for the column number.  This affects traditional
4133           diagnostics (in the absence of -fno-show-column), as well as JSON
4134           format diagnostics if requested.
4136           The default UNIT, display, considers the number of display columns
4137           occupied by each character.  This may be larger than the number of
4138           bytes required to encode the character, in the case of tab
4139           characters, or it may be smaller, in the case of multibyte
4140           characters.  For example, the character "GREEK SMALL LETTER PI
4141           (U+03C0)" occupies one display column, and its UTF-8 encoding
4142           requires two bytes; the character "SLIGHTLY SMILING FACE (U+1F642)"
4143           occupies two display columns, and its UTF-8 encoding requires four
4144           bytes.
4146           Setting UNIT to byte changes the column number to the raw byte
4147           count in all cases, as was traditionally output by GCC prior to
4148           version 11.1.0.
4150       -fdiagnostics-column-origin=ORIGIN
4151           Select the origin for column numbers, i.e. the column number
4152           assigned to the first column.  The default value of 1 corresponds
4153           to traditional GCC behavior and to the GNU style guide.  Some
4154           utilities may perform better with an origin of 0; any non-negative
4155           value may be specified.
4157       -fdiagnostics-escape-format=FORMAT
4158           When GCC prints pertinent source lines for a diagnostic it normally
4159           attempts to print the source bytes directly.  However, some
4160           diagnostics relate to encoding issues in the source file, such as
4161           malformed UTF-8, or issues with Unicode normalization.  These
4162           diagnostics are flagged so that GCC will escape bytes that are not
4163           printable ASCII when printing their pertinent source lines.
4165           This option controls how such bytes should be escaped.
4167           The default FORMAT, unicode displays Unicode characters that are
4168           not printable ASCII in the form <U+XXXX>, and bytes that do not
4169           correspond to a Unicode character validly-encoded in UTF-8-encoded
4170           will be displayed as hexadecimal in the form <XX>.
4172           For example, a source line containing the string before followed by
4173           the Unicode character U+03C0 ("GREEK SMALL LETTER PI", with UTF-8
4174           encoding 0xCF 0x80) followed by the byte 0xBF (a stray UTF-8
4175           trailing byte), followed by the string after will be printed for
4176           such a diagnostic as:
4178                    before<U+03C0><BF>after
4180           Setting FORMAT to bytes will display all non-printable-ASCII bytes
4181           in the form <XX>, thus showing the underlying encoding of non-ASCII
4182           Unicode characters.  For the example above, the following will be
4183           printed:
4185                    before<CF><80><BF>after
4187       -fdiagnostics-format=FORMAT
4188           Select a different format for printing diagnostics.  FORMAT is text
4189           or json.  The default is text.
4191           The json format consists of a top-level JSON array containing JSON
4192           objects representing the diagnostics.
4194           The JSON is emitted as one line, without formatting; the examples
4195           below have been formatted for clarity.
4197           Diagnostics can have child diagnostics.  For example, this error
4198           and note:
4200                   misleading-indentation.c:15:3: warning: this 'if' clause does not
4201                     guard... [-Wmisleading-indentation]
4202                      15 |   if (flag)
4203                         |   ^~
4204                   misleading-indentation.c:17:5: note: ...this statement, but the latter
4205                     is misleadingly indented as if it were guarded by the 'if'
4206                      17 |     y = 2;
4207                         |     ^
4209           might be printed in JSON form (after formatting) like this:
4211                   [
4212                       {
4213                           "kind": "warning",
4214                           "locations": [
4215                               {
4216                                   "caret": {
4217                                       "display-column": 3,
4218                                       "byte-column": 3,
4219                                       "column": 3,
4220                                       "file": "misleading-indentation.c",
4221                                       "line": 15
4222                                   },
4223                                   "finish": {
4224                                       "display-column": 4,
4225                                       "byte-column": 4,
4226                                       "column": 4,
4227                                       "file": "misleading-indentation.c",
4228                                       "line": 15
4229                                   }
4230                               }
4231                           ],
4232                           "message": "this \u2018if\u2019 clause does not guard...",
4233                           "option": "-Wmisleading-indentation",
4234                           "option_url": "https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html#index-Wmisleading-indentation",
4235                           "children": [
4236                               {
4237                                   "kind": "note",
4238                                   "locations": [
4239                                       {
4240                                           "caret": {
4241                                               "display-column": 5,
4242                                               "byte-column": 5,
4243                                               "column": 5,
4244                                               "file": "misleading-indentation.c",
4245                                               "line": 17
4246                                           }
4247                                       }
4248                                   ],
4249                                   "escape-source": false,
4250                                   "message": "...this statement, but the latter is ..."
4251                               }
4252                           ]
4253                           "escape-source": false,
4254                           "column-origin": 1,
4255                       }
4256                   ]
4258           where the "note" is a child of the "warning".
4260           A diagnostic has a "kind".  If this is "warning", then there is an
4261           "option" key describing the command-line option controlling the
4262           warning.
4264           A diagnostic can contain zero or more locations.  Each location has
4265           an optional "label" string and up to three positions within it: a
4266           "caret" position and optional "start" and "finish" positions.  A
4267           position is described by a "file" name, a "line" number, and three
4268           numbers indicating a column position:
4270           *   "display-column" counts display columns, accounting for tabs
4271               and multibyte characters.
4273           *   "byte-column" counts raw bytes.
4275           *   "column" is equal to one of the previous two, as dictated by
4276               the -fdiagnostics-column-unit option.
4278           All three columns are relative to the origin specified by
4279           -fdiagnostics-column-origin, which is typically equal to 1 but may
4280           be set, for instance, to 0 for compatibility with other utilities
4281           that number columns from 0.  The column origin is recorded in the
4282           JSON output in the "column-origin" tag.  In the remaining examples
4283           below, the extra column number outputs have been omitted for
4284           brevity.
4286           For example, this error:
4288                   bad-binary-ops.c:64:23: error: invalid operands to binary + (have 'S' {aka
4289                      'struct s'} and 'T' {aka 'struct t'})
4290                      64 |   return callee_4a () + callee_4b ();
4291                         |          ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
4292                         |          |              |
4293                         |          |              T {aka struct t}
4294                         |          S {aka struct s}
4296           has three locations.  Its primary location is at the "+" token at
4297           column 23.  It has two secondary locations, describing the left and
4298           right-hand sides of the expression, which have labels.  It might be
4299           printed in JSON form as:
4301                       {
4302                           "children": [],
4303                           "kind": "error",
4304                           "locations": [
4305                               {
4306                                   "caret": {
4307                                       "column": 23, "file": "bad-binary-ops.c", "line": 64
4308                                   }
4309                               },
4310                               {
4311                                   "caret": {
4312                                       "column": 10, "file": "bad-binary-ops.c", "line": 64
4313                                   },
4314                                   "finish": {
4315                                       "column": 21, "file": "bad-binary-ops.c", "line": 64
4316                                   },
4317                                   "label": "S {aka struct s}"
4318                               },
4319                               {
4320                                   "caret": {
4321                                       "column": 25, "file": "bad-binary-ops.c", "line": 64
4322                                   },
4323                                   "finish": {
4324                                       "column": 36, "file": "bad-binary-ops.c", "line": 64
4325                                   },
4326                                   "label": "T {aka struct t}"
4327                               }
4328                           ],
4329                           "escape-source": false,
4330                           "message": "invalid operands to binary + ..."
4331                       }
4333           If a diagnostic contains fix-it hints, it has a "fixits" array,
4334           consisting of half-open intervals, similar to the output of
4335           -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits.  For example, this diagnostic with
4336           a replacement fix-it hint:
4338                   demo.c:8:15: error: 'struct s' has no member named 'colour'; did you
4339                     mean 'color'?
4340                       8 |   return ptr->colour;
4341                         |               ^~~~~~
4342                         |               color
4344           might be printed in JSON form as:
4346                       {
4347                           "children": [],
4348                           "fixits": [
4349                               {
4350                                   "next": {
4351                                       "column": 21,
4352                                       "file": "demo.c",
4353                                       "line": 8
4354                                   },
4355                                   "start": {
4356                                       "column": 15,
4357                                       "file": "demo.c",
4358                                       "line": 8
4359                                   },
4360                                   "string": "color"
4361                               }
4362                           ],
4363                           "kind": "error",
4364                           "locations": [
4365                               {
4366                                   "caret": {
4367                                       "column": 15,
4368                                       "file": "demo.c",
4369                                       "line": 8
4370                                   },
4371                                   "finish": {
4372                                       "column": 20,
4373                                       "file": "demo.c",
4374                                       "line": 8
4375                                   }
4376                               }
4377                           ],
4378                           "escape-source": false,
4379                           "message": "\u2018struct s\u2019 has no member named ..."
4380                       }
4382           where the fix-it hint suggests replacing the text from "start" up
4383           to but not including "next" with "string"'s value.  Deletions are
4384           expressed via an empty value for "string", insertions by having
4385           "start" equal "next".
4387           If the diagnostic has a path of control-flow events associated with
4388           it, it has a "path" array of objects representing the events.  Each
4389           event object has a "description" string, a "location" object, along
4390           with a "function" string and a "depth" number for representing
4391           interprocedural paths.  The "function" represents the current
4392           function at that event, and the "depth" represents the stack depth
4393           relative to some baseline: the higher, the more frames are within
4394           the stack.
4396           For example, the intraprocedural example shown for
4397           -fdiagnostics-path-format= might have this JSON for its path:
4399                       "path": [
4400                           {
4401                               "depth": 0,
4402                               "description": "when 'PyList_New' fails, returning NULL",
4403                               "function": "test",
4404                               "location": {
4405                                   "column": 10,
4406                                   "file": "test.c",
4407                                   "line": 25
4408                               }
4409                           },
4410                           {
4411                               "depth": 0,
4412                               "description": "when 'i < count'",
4413                               "function": "test",
4414                               "location": {
4415                                   "column": 3,
4416                                   "file": "test.c",
4417                                   "line": 27
4418                               }
4419                           },
4420                           {
4421                               "depth": 0,
4422                               "description": "when calling 'PyList_Append', passing NULL from (1) as argument 1",
4423                               "function": "test",
4424                               "location": {
4425                                   "column": 5,
4426                                   "file": "test.c",
4427                                   "line": 29
4428                               }
4429                           }
4430                       ]
4432           Diagnostics have a boolean attribute "escape-source", hinting
4433           whether non-ASCII bytes should be escaped when printing the
4434           pertinent lines of source code ("true" for diagnostics involving
4435           source encoding issues).
4437   Options to Request or Suppress Warnings
4438       Warnings are diagnostic messages that report constructions that are not
4439       inherently erroneous but that are risky or suggest there may have been
4440       an error.
4442       The following language-independent options do not enable specific
4443       warnings but control the kinds of diagnostics produced by GCC.
4445       -fsyntax-only
4446           Check the code for syntax errors, but don't do anything beyond
4447           that.
4449       -fmax-errors=n
4450           Limits the maximum number of error messages to n, at which point
4451           GCC bails out rather than attempting to continue processing the
4452           source code.  If n is 0 (the default), there is no limit on the
4453           number of error messages produced.  If -Wfatal-errors is also
4454           specified, then -Wfatal-errors takes precedence over this option.
4456       -w  Inhibit all warning messages.
4458       -Werror
4459           Make all warnings into errors.
4461       -Werror=
4462           Make the specified warning into an error.  The specifier for a
4463           warning is appended; for example -Werror=switch turns the warnings
4464           controlled by -Wswitch into errors.  This switch takes a negative
4465           form, to be used to negate -Werror for specific warnings; for
4466           example -Wno-error=switch makes -Wswitch warnings not be errors,
4467           even when -Werror is in effect.
4469           The warning message for each controllable warning includes the
4470           option that controls the warning.  That option can then be used
4471           with -Werror= and -Wno-error= as described above.  (Printing of the
4472           option in the warning message can be disabled using the
4473           -fno-diagnostics-show-option flag.)
4475           Note that specifying -Werror=foo automatically implies -Wfoo.
4476           However, -Wno-error=foo does not imply anything.
4478       -Wfatal-errors
4479           This option causes the compiler to abort compilation on the first
4480           error occurred rather than trying to keep going and printing
4481           further error messages.
4483       You can request many specific warnings with options beginning with -W,
4484       for example -Wimplicit to request warnings on implicit declarations.
4485       Each of these specific warning options also has a negative form
4486       beginning -Wno- to turn off warnings; for example, -Wno-implicit.  This
4487       manual lists only one of the two forms, whichever is not the default.
4488       For further language-specific options also refer to C++ Dialect Options
4489       and Objective-C and Objective-C++ Dialect Options.  Additional warnings
4490       can be produced by enabling the static analyzer;
4492       Some options, such as -Wall and -Wextra, turn on other options, such as
4493       -Wunused, which may turn on further options, such as -Wunused-value.
4494       The combined effect of positive and negative forms is that more
4495       specific options have priority over less specific ones, independently
4496       of their position in the command-line. For options of the same
4497       specificity, the last one takes effect. Options enabled or disabled via
4498       pragmas take effect as if they appeared at the end of the command-line.
4500       When an unrecognized warning option is requested (e.g.,
4501       -Wunknown-warning), GCC emits a diagnostic stating that the option is
4502       not recognized.  However, if the -Wno- form is used, the behavior is
4503       slightly different: no diagnostic is produced for -Wno-unknown-warning
4504       unless other diagnostics are being produced.  This allows the use of
4505       new -Wno- options with old compilers, but if something goes wrong, the
4506       compiler warns that an unrecognized option is present.
4508       The effectiveness of some warnings depends on optimizations also being
4509       enabled. For example -Wsuggest-final-types is more effective with link-
4510       time optimization and some instances of other warnings may not be
4511       issued at all unless optimization is enabled.  While optimization in
4512       general improves the efficacy of control and data flow sensitive
4513       warnings, in some cases it may also cause false positives.
4515       -Wpedantic
4516       -pedantic
4517           Issue all the warnings demanded by strict ISO C and ISO C++; reject
4518           all programs that use forbidden extensions, and some other programs
4519           that do not follow ISO C and ISO C++.  For ISO C, follows the
4520           version of the ISO C standard specified by any -std option used.
4522           Valid ISO C and ISO C++ programs should compile properly with or
4523           without this option (though a rare few require -ansi or a -std
4524           option specifying the required version of ISO C).  However, without
4525           this option, certain GNU extensions and traditional C and C++
4526           features are supported as well.  With this option, they are
4527           rejected.
4529           -Wpedantic does not cause warning messages for use of the alternate
4530           keywords whose names begin and end with __.  This alternate format
4531           can also be used to disable warnings for non-ISO __intN types, i.e.
4532           __intN__.  Pedantic warnings are also disabled in the expression
4533           that follows "__extension__".  However, only system header files
4534           should use these escape routes; application programs should avoid
4535           them.
4537           Some users try to use -Wpedantic to check programs for strict ISO C
4538           conformance.  They soon find that it does not do quite what they
4539           want: it finds some non-ISO practices, but not all---only those for
4540           which ISO C requires a diagnostic, and some others for which
4541           diagnostics have been added.
4543           A feature to report any failure to conform to ISO C might be useful
4544           in some instances, but would require considerable additional work
4545           and would be quite different from -Wpedantic.  We don't have plans
4546           to support such a feature in the near future.
4548           Where the standard specified with -std represents a GNU extended
4549           dialect of C, such as gnu90 or gnu99, there is a corresponding base
4550           standard, the version of ISO C on which the GNU extended dialect is
4551           based.  Warnings from -Wpedantic are given where they are required
4552           by the base standard.  (It does not make sense for such warnings to
4553           be given only for features not in the specified GNU C dialect,
4554           since by definition the GNU dialects of C include all features the
4555           compiler supports with the given option, and there would be nothing
4556           to warn about.)
4558       -pedantic-errors
4559           Give an error whenever the base standard (see -Wpedantic) requires
4560           a diagnostic, in some cases where there is undefined behavior at
4561           compile-time and in some other cases that do not prevent
4562           compilation of programs that are valid according to the standard.
4563           This is not equivalent to -Werror=pedantic, since there are errors
4564           enabled by this option and not enabled by the latter and vice
4565           versa.
4567       -Wall
4568           This enables all the warnings about constructions that some users
4569           consider questionable, and that are easy to avoid (or modify to
4570           prevent the warning), even in conjunction with macros.  This also
4571           enables some language-specific warnings described in C++ Dialect
4572           Options and Objective-C and Objective-C++ Dialect Options.
4574           -Wall turns on the following warning flags:
4576           -Waddress -Warray-bounds=1 (only with -O2) -Warray-compare
4577           -Warray-parameter=2 (C and Objective-C only) -Wbool-compare
4578           -Wbool-operation -Wc++11-compat  -Wc++14-compat -Wcatch-value (C++
4579           and Objective-C++ only) -Wchar-subscripts -Wcomment
4580           -Wdangling-pointer=2 -Wduplicate-decl-specifier (C and Objective-C
4581           only) -Wenum-compare (in C/ObjC; this is on by default in C++)
4582           -Wformat -Wformat-overflow -Wformat-truncation
4583           -Wint-in-bool-context -Wimplicit (C and Objective-C only)
4584           -Wimplicit-int (C and Objective-C only)
4585           -Wimplicit-function-declaration (C and Objective-C only)
4586           -Winit-self (only for C++) -Wlogical-not-parentheses -Wmain (only
4587           for C/ObjC and unless -ffreestanding) -Wmaybe-uninitialized
4588           -Wmemset-elt-size -Wmemset-transposed-args -Wmisleading-indentation
4589           (only for C/C++) -Wmismatched-dealloc -Wmismatched-new-delete (only
4590           for C/C++) -Wmissing-attributes -Wmissing-braces (only for C/ObjC)
4591           -Wmultistatement-macros -Wnarrowing (only for C++) -Wnonnull
4592           -Wnonnull-compare -Wopenmp-simd -Wparentheses -Wpessimizing-move
4593           (only for C++) -Wpointer-sign -Wrange-loop-construct (only for C++)
4594           -Wreorder -Wrestrict -Wreturn-type -Wsequence-point -Wsign-compare
4595           (only in C++) -Wsizeof-array-div -Wsizeof-pointer-div
4596           -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess -Wstrict-aliasing -Wstrict-overflow=1
4597           -Wswitch -Wtautological-compare -Wtrigraphs -Wuninitialized
4598           -Wunknown-pragmas -Wunused-function -Wunused-label -Wunused-value
4599           -Wunused-variable -Wuse-after-free=3 -Wvla-parameter (C and
4600           Objective-C only) -Wvolatile-register-var -Wzero-length-bounds
4602           Note that some warning flags are not implied by -Wall.  Some of
4603           them warn about constructions that users generally do not consider
4604           questionable, but which occasionally you might wish to check for;
4605           others warn about constructions that are necessary or hard to avoid
4606           in some cases, and there is no simple way to modify the code to
4607           suppress the warning. Some of them are enabled by -Wextra but many
4608           of them must be enabled individually.
4610       -Wextra
4611           This enables some extra warning flags that are not enabled by
4612           -Wall. (This option used to be called -W.  The older name is still
4613           supported, but the newer name is more descriptive.)
4615           -Wclobbered -Wcast-function-type -Wdeprecated-copy (C++ only)
4616           -Wempty-body -Wenum-conversion (C only) -Wignored-qualifiers
4617           -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 -Wmissing-field-initializers
4618           -Wmissing-parameter-type (C only) -Wold-style-declaration (C only)
4619           -Woverride-init -Wsign-compare (C only) -Wstring-compare
4620           -Wredundant-move (only for C++) -Wtype-limits -Wuninitialized
4621           -Wshift-negative-value (in C++11 to C++17 and in C99 and newer)
4622           -Wunused-parameter (only with -Wunused or -Wall)
4623           -Wunused-but-set-parameter (only with -Wunused or -Wall)
4625           The option -Wextra also prints warning messages for the following
4626           cases:
4628           *   A pointer is compared against integer zero with "<", "<=", ">",
4629               or ">=".
4631           *   (C++ only) An enumerator and a non-enumerator both appear in a
4632               conditional expression.
4634           *   (C++ only) Ambiguous virtual bases.
4636           *   (C++ only) Subscripting an array that has been declared
4637               "register".
4639           *   (C++ only) Taking the address of a variable that has been
4640               declared "register".
4642           *   (C++ only) A base class is not initialized in the copy
4643               constructor of a derived class.
4645       -Wabi (C, Objective-C, C++ and Objective-C++ only)
4646           Warn about code affected by ABI changes.  This includes code that
4647           may not be compatible with the vendor-neutral C++ ABI as well as
4648           the psABI for the particular target.
4650           Since G++ now defaults to updating the ABI with each major release,
4651           normally -Wabi warns only about C++ ABI compatibility problems if
4652           there is a check added later in a release series for an ABI issue
4653           discovered since the initial release.  -Wabi warns about more
4654           things if an older ABI version is selected (with -fabi-version=n).
4656           -Wabi can also be used with an explicit version number to warn
4657           about C++ ABI compatibility with a particular -fabi-version level,
4658           e.g. -Wabi=2 to warn about changes relative to -fabi-version=2.
4660           If an explicit version number is provided and -fabi-compat-version
4661           is not specified, the version number from this option is used for
4662           compatibility aliases.  If no explicit version number is provided
4663           with this option, but -fabi-compat-version is specified, that
4664           version number is used for C++ ABI warnings.
4666           Although an effort has been made to warn about all such cases,
4667           there are probably some cases that are not warned about, even
4668           though G++ is generating incompatible code.  There may also be
4669           cases where warnings are emitted even though the code that is
4670           generated is compatible.
4672           You should rewrite your code to avoid these warnings if you are
4673           concerned about the fact that code generated by G++ may not be
4674           binary compatible with code generated by other compilers.
4676           Known incompatibilities in -fabi-version=2 (which was the default
4677           from GCC 3.4 to 4.9) include:
4679           *   A template with a non-type template parameter of reference type
4680               was mangled incorrectly:
4682                       extern int N;
4683                       template <int &> struct S {};
4684                       void n (S<N>) {2}
4686               This was fixed in -fabi-version=3.
4688           *   SIMD vector types declared using "__attribute ((vector_size))"
4689               were mangled in a non-standard way that does not allow for
4690               overloading of functions taking vectors of different sizes.
4692               The mangling was changed in -fabi-version=4.
4694           *   "__attribute ((const))" and "noreturn" were mangled as type
4695               qualifiers, and "decltype" of a plain declaration was folded
4696               away.
4698               These mangling issues were fixed in -fabi-version=5.
4700           *   Scoped enumerators passed as arguments to a variadic function
4701               are promoted like unscoped enumerators, causing "va_arg" to
4702               complain.  On most targets this does not actually affect the
4703               parameter passing ABI, as there is no way to pass an argument
4704               smaller than "int".
4706               Also, the ABI changed the mangling of template argument packs,
4707               "const_cast", "static_cast", prefix increment/decrement, and a
4708               class scope function used as a template argument.
4710               These issues were corrected in -fabi-version=6.
4712           *   Lambdas in default argument scope were mangled incorrectly, and
4713               the ABI changed the mangling of "nullptr_t".
4715               These issues were corrected in -fabi-version=7.
4717           *   When mangling a function type with function-cv-qualifiers, the
4718               un-qualified function type was incorrectly treated as a
4719               substitution candidate.
4721               This was fixed in -fabi-version=8, the default for GCC 5.1.
4723           *   decltype(nullptr) incorrectly had an alignment of 1, leading to
4724               unaligned accesses.  Note that this did not affect the ABI of a
4725               function with a "nullptr_t" parameter, as parameters have a
4726               minimum alignment.
4728               This was fixed in -fabi-version=9, the default for GCC 5.2.
4730           *   Target-specific attributes that affect the identity of a type,
4731               such as ia32 calling conventions on a function type (stdcall,
4732               regparm, etc.), did not affect the mangled name, leading to
4733               name collisions when function pointers were used as template
4734               arguments.
4736               This was fixed in -fabi-version=10, the default for GCC 6.1.
4738           This option also enables warnings about psABI-related changes.  The
4739           known psABI changes at this point include:
4741           *   For SysV/x86-64, unions with "long double" members are passed
4742               in memory as specified in psABI.  Prior to GCC 4.4, this was
4743               not the case.  For example:
4745                       union U {
4746                         long double ld;
4747                         int i;
4748                       };
4750               "union U" is now always passed in memory.
4752       -Wchar-subscripts
4753           Warn if an array subscript has type "char".  This is a common cause
4754           of error, as programmers often forget that this type is signed on
4755           some machines.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
4757       -Wno-coverage-mismatch
4758           Warn if feedback profiles do not match when using the -fprofile-use
4759           option.  If a source file is changed between compiling with
4760           -fprofile-generate and with -fprofile-use, the files with the
4761           profile feedback can fail to match the source file and GCC cannot
4762           use the profile feedback information.  By default, this warning is
4763           enabled and is treated as an error.  -Wno-coverage-mismatch can be
4764           used to disable the warning or -Wno-error=coverage-mismatch can be
4765           used to disable the error.  Disabling the error for this warning
4766           can result in poorly optimized code and is useful only in the case
4767           of very minor changes such as bug fixes to an existing code-base.
4768           Completely disabling the warning is not recommended.
4770       -Wno-coverage-invalid-line-number
4771           Warn in case a function ends earlier than it begins due to an
4772           invalid linenum macros.  The warning is emitted only with
4773           --coverage enabled.
4775           By default, this warning is enabled and is treated as an error.
4776           -Wno-coverage-invalid-line-number can be used to disable the
4777           warning or -Wno-error=coverage-invalid-line-number can be used to
4778           disable the error.
4780       -Wno-cpp (C, Objective-C, C++, Objective-C++ and Fortran only)
4781           Suppress warning messages emitted by "#warning" directives.
4783       -Wdouble-promotion (C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
4784           Give a warning when a value of type "float" is implicitly promoted
4785           to "double".  CPUs with a 32-bit "single-precision" floating-point
4786           unit implement "float" in hardware, but emulate "double" in
4787           software.  On such a machine, doing computations using "double"
4788           values is much more expensive because of the overhead required for
4789           software emulation.
4791           It is easy to accidentally do computations with "double" because
4792           floating-point literals are implicitly of type "double".  For
4793           example, in:
4795                   float area(float radius)
4796                   {
4797                      return 3.14159 * radius * radius;
4798                   }
4800           the compiler performs the entire computation with "double" because
4801           the floating-point literal is a "double".
4803       -Wduplicate-decl-specifier (C and Objective-C only)
4804           Warn if a declaration has duplicate "const", "volatile", "restrict"
4805           or "_Atomic" specifier.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
4807       -Wformat
4808       -Wformat=n
4809           Check calls to "printf" and "scanf", etc., to make sure that the
4810           arguments supplied have types appropriate to the format string
4811           specified, and that the conversions specified in the format string
4812           make sense.  This includes standard functions, and others specified
4813           by format attributes, in the "printf", "scanf", "strftime" and
4814           "strfmon" (an X/Open extension, not in the C standard) families (or
4815           other target-specific families).  Which functions are checked
4816           without format attributes having been specified depends on the
4817           standard version selected, and such checks of functions without the
4818           attribute specified are disabled by -ffreestanding or -fno-builtin.
4820           The formats are checked against the format features supported by
4821           GNU libc version 2.2.  These include all ISO C90 and C99 features,
4822           as well as features from the Single Unix Specification and some BSD
4823           and GNU extensions.  Other library implementations may not support
4824           all these features; GCC does not support warning about features
4825           that go beyond a particular library's limitations.  However, if
4826           -Wpedantic is used with -Wformat, warnings are given about format
4827           features not in the selected standard version (but not for
4828           "strfmon" formats, since those are not in any version of the C
4829           standard).
4831           -Wformat=1
4832           -Wformat
4833               Option -Wformat is equivalent to -Wformat=1, and -Wno-format is
4834               equivalent to -Wformat=0.  Since -Wformat also checks for null
4835               format arguments for several functions, -Wformat also implies
4836               -Wnonnull.  Some aspects of this level of format checking can
4837               be disabled by the options: -Wno-format-contains-nul,
4838               -Wno-format-extra-args, and -Wno-format-zero-length.  -Wformat
4839               is enabled by -Wall.
4841           -Wformat=2
4842               Enable -Wformat plus additional format checks.  Currently
4843               equivalent to -Wformat -Wformat-nonliteral -Wformat-security
4844               -Wformat-y2k.
4846       -Wno-format-contains-nul
4847           If -Wformat is specified, do not warn about format strings that
4848           contain NUL bytes.
4850       -Wno-format-extra-args
4851           If -Wformat is specified, do not warn about excess arguments to a
4852           "printf" or "scanf" format function.  The C standard specifies that
4853           such arguments are ignored.
4855           Where the unused arguments lie between used arguments that are
4856           specified with $ operand number specifications, normally warnings
4857           are still given, since the implementation could not know what type
4858           to pass to "va_arg" to skip the unused arguments.  However, in the
4859           case of "scanf" formats, this option suppresses the warning if the
4860           unused arguments are all pointers, since the Single Unix
4861           Specification says that such unused arguments are allowed.
4863       -Wformat-overflow
4864       -Wformat-overflow=level
4865           Warn about calls to formatted input/output functions such as
4866           "sprintf" and "vsprintf" that might overflow the destination
4867           buffer.  When the exact number of bytes written by a format
4868           directive cannot be determined at compile-time it is estimated
4869           based on heuristics that depend on the level argument and on
4870           optimization.  While enabling optimization will in most cases
4871           improve the accuracy of the warning, it may also result in false
4872           positives.
4874           -Wformat-overflow
4875           -Wformat-overflow=1
4876               Level 1 of -Wformat-overflow enabled by -Wformat employs a
4877               conservative approach that warns only about calls that most
4878               likely overflow the buffer.  At this level, numeric arguments
4879               to format directives with unknown values are assumed to have
4880               the value of one, and strings of unknown length to be empty.
4881               Numeric arguments that are known to be bounded to a subrange of
4882               their type, or string arguments whose output is bounded either
4883               by their directive's precision or by a finite set of string
4884               literals, are assumed to take on the value within the range
4885               that results in the most bytes on output.  For example, the
4886               call to "sprintf" below is diagnosed because even with both a
4887               and b equal to zero, the terminating NUL character ('\0')
4888               appended by the function to the destination buffer will be
4889               written past its end.  Increasing the size of the buffer by a
4890               single byte is sufficient to avoid the warning, though it may
4891               not be sufficient to avoid the overflow.
4893                       void f (int a, int b)
4894                       {
4895                         char buf [13];
4896                         sprintf (buf, "a = %i, b = %i\n", a, b);
4897                       }
4899           -Wformat-overflow=2
4900               Level 2 warns also about calls that might overflow the
4901               destination buffer given an argument of sufficient length or
4902               magnitude.  At level 2, unknown numeric arguments are assumed
4903               to have the minimum representable value for signed types with a
4904               precision greater than 1, and the maximum representable value
4905               otherwise.  Unknown string arguments whose length cannot be
4906               assumed to be bounded either by the directive's precision, or
4907               by a finite set of string literals they may evaluate to, or the
4908               character array they may point to, are assumed to be 1
4909               character long.
4911               At level 2, the call in the example above is again diagnosed,
4912               but this time because with a equal to a 32-bit "INT_MIN" the
4913               first %i directive will write some of its digits beyond the end
4914               of the destination buffer.  To make the call safe regardless of
4915               the values of the two variables, the size of the destination
4916               buffer must be increased to at least 34 bytes.  GCC includes
4917               the minimum size of the buffer in an informational note
4918               following the warning.
4920               An alternative to increasing the size of the destination buffer
4921               is to constrain the range of formatted values.  The maximum
4922               length of string arguments can be bounded by specifying the
4923               precision in the format directive.  When numeric arguments of
4924               format directives can be assumed to be bounded by less than the
4925               precision of their type, choosing an appropriate length
4926               modifier to the format specifier will reduce the required
4927               buffer size.  For example, if a and b in the example above can
4928               be assumed to be within the precision of the "short int" type
4929               then using either the %hi format directive or casting the
4930               argument to "short" reduces the maximum required size of the
4931               buffer to 24 bytes.
4933                       void f (int a, int b)
4934                       {
4935                         char buf [23];
4936                         sprintf (buf, "a = %hi, b = %i\n", a, (short)b);
4937                       }
4939       -Wno-format-zero-length
4940           If -Wformat is specified, do not warn about zero-length formats.
4941           The C standard specifies that zero-length formats are allowed.
4943       -Wformat-nonliteral
4944           If -Wformat is specified, also warn if the format string is not a
4945           string literal and so cannot be checked, unless the format function
4946           takes its format arguments as a "va_list".
4948       -Wformat-security
4949           If -Wformat is specified, also warn about uses of format functions
4950           that represent possible security problems.  At present, this warns
4951           about calls to "printf" and "scanf" functions where the format
4952           string is not a string literal and there are no format arguments,
4953           as in "printf (foo);".  This may be a security hole if the format
4954           string came from untrusted input and contains %n.  (This is
4955           currently a subset of what -Wformat-nonliteral warns about, but in
4956           future warnings may be added to -Wformat-security that are not
4957           included in -Wformat-nonliteral.)
4959       -Wformat-signedness
4960           If -Wformat is specified, also warn if the format string requires
4961           an unsigned argument and the argument is signed and vice versa.
4963       -Wformat-truncation
4964       -Wformat-truncation=level
4965           Warn about calls to formatted input/output functions such as
4966           "snprintf" and "vsnprintf" that might result in output truncation.
4967           When the exact number of bytes written by a format directive cannot
4968           be determined at compile-time it is estimated based on heuristics
4969           that depend on the level argument and on optimization.  While
4970           enabling optimization will in most cases improve the accuracy of
4971           the warning, it may also result in false positives.  Except as
4972           noted otherwise, the option uses the same logic -Wformat-overflow.
4974           -Wformat-truncation
4975           -Wformat-truncation=1
4976               Level 1 of -Wformat-truncation enabled by -Wformat employs a
4977               conservative approach that warns only about calls to bounded
4978               functions whose return value is unused and that will most
4979               likely result in output truncation.
4981           -Wformat-truncation=2
4982               Level 2 warns also about calls to bounded functions whose
4983               return value is used and that might result in truncation given
4984               an argument of sufficient length or magnitude.
4986       -Wformat-y2k
4987           If -Wformat is specified, also warn about "strftime" formats that
4988           may yield only a two-digit year.
4990       -Wnonnull
4991           Warn about passing a null pointer for arguments marked as requiring
4992           a non-null value by the "nonnull" function attribute.
4994           -Wnonnull is included in -Wall and -Wformat.  It can be disabled
4995           with the -Wno-nonnull option.
4997       -Wnonnull-compare
4998           Warn when comparing an argument marked with the "nonnull" function
4999           attribute against null inside the function.
5001           -Wnonnull-compare is included in -Wall.  It can be disabled with
5002           the -Wno-nonnull-compare option.
5004       -Wnull-dereference
5005           Warn if the compiler detects paths that trigger erroneous or
5006           undefined behavior due to dereferencing a null pointer.  This
5007           option is only active when -fdelete-null-pointer-checks is active,
5008           which is enabled by optimizations in most targets.  The precision
5009           of the warnings depends on the optimization options used.
5011       -Winfinite-recursion
5012           Warn about infinitely recursive calls.  The warning is effective at
5013           all optimization levels but requires optimization in order to
5014           detect infinite recursion in calls between two or more functions.
5015           -Winfinite-recursion is included in -Wall.
5017       -Winit-self (C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
5018           Warn about uninitialized variables that are initialized with
5019           themselves.  Note this option can only be used with the
5020           -Wuninitialized option.
5022           For example, GCC warns about "i" being uninitialized in the
5023           following snippet only when -Winit-self has been specified:
5025                   int f()
5026                   {
5027                     int i = i;
5028                     return i;
5029                   }
5031           This warning is enabled by -Wall in C++.
5033       -Wno-implicit-int (C and Objective-C only)
5034           This option controls warnings when a declaration does not specify a
5035           type.  This warning is enabled by default in C99 and later dialects
5036           of C, and also by -Wall.
5038       -Wno-implicit-function-declaration (C and Objective-C only)
5039           This option controls warnings when a function is used before being
5040           declared.  This warning is enabled by default in C99 and later
5041           dialects of C, and also by -Wall.  The warning is made into an
5042           error by -pedantic-errors.
5044       -Wimplicit (C and Objective-C only)
5045           Same as -Wimplicit-int and -Wimplicit-function-declaration.  This
5046           warning is enabled by -Wall.
5048       -Wimplicit-fallthrough
5049           -Wimplicit-fallthrough is the same as -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 and
5050           -Wno-implicit-fallthrough is the same as -Wimplicit-fallthrough=0.
5052       -Wimplicit-fallthrough=n
5053           Warn when a switch case falls through.  For example:
5055                   switch (cond)
5056                     {
5057                     case 1:
5058                       a = 1;
5059                       break;
5060                     case 2:
5061                       a = 2;
5062                     case 3:
5063                       a = 3;
5064                       break;
5065                     }
5067           This warning does not warn when the last statement of a case cannot
5068           fall through, e.g. when there is a return statement or a call to
5069           function declared with the noreturn attribute.
5070           -Wimplicit-fallthrough= also takes into account control flow
5071           statements, such as ifs, and only warns when appropriate.  E.g.
5073                   switch (cond)
5074                     {
5075                     case 1:
5076                       if (i > 3) {
5077                         bar (5);
5078                         break;
5079                       } else if (i < 1) {
5080                         bar (0);
5081                       } else
5082                         return;
5083                     default:
5084                       ...
5085                     }
5087           Since there are occasions where a switch case fall through is
5088           desirable, GCC provides an attribute, "__attribute__
5089           ((fallthrough))", that is to be used along with a null statement to
5090           suppress this warning that would normally occur:
5092                   switch (cond)
5093                     {
5094                     case 1:
5095                       bar (0);
5096                       __attribute__ ((fallthrough));
5097                     default:
5098                       ...
5099                     }
5101           C++17 provides a standard way to suppress the
5102           -Wimplicit-fallthrough warning using "[[fallthrough]];" instead of
5103           the GNU attribute.  In C++11 or C++14 users can use
5104           "[[gnu::fallthrough]];", which is a GNU extension.  Instead of
5105           these attributes, it is also possible to add a fallthrough comment
5106           to silence the warning.  The whole body of the C or C++ style
5107           comment should match the given regular expressions listed below.
5108           The option argument n specifies what kind of comments are accepted:
5110           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=0 disables the warning altogether.>
5111           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=1 matches ".*" regular>
5112               expression, any comment is used as fallthrough comment.
5114           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=2 case insensitively matches>
5115               ".*falls?[ \t-]*thr(ough|u).*" regular expression.
5117           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 case sensitively matches one of the>
5118               following regular expressions:
5120               *<"-fallthrough">
5121               *<"@fallthrough@">
5122               *<"lint -fallthrough[ \t]*">
5123               *<"[ \t.!]*(ELSE,? |INTENTIONAL(LY)? )?FALL(S |
5124               |-)?THR(OUGH|U)[ \t.!]*(-[^\n\r]*)?">
5125               *<"[ \t.!]*(Else,? |Intentional(ly)? )?Fall((s |
5126               |-)[Tt]|t)hr(ough|u)[ \t.!]*(-[^\n\r]*)?">
5127               *<"[ \t.!]*([Ee]lse,? |[Ii]ntentional(ly)? )?fall(s |
5128               |-)?thr(ough|u)[ \t.!]*(-[^\n\r]*)?">
5129           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=4 case sensitively matches one of the>
5130               following regular expressions:
5132               *<"-fallthrough">
5133               *<"@fallthrough@">
5134               *<"lint -fallthrough[ \t]*">
5135               *<"[ \t]*FALLTHR(OUGH|U)[ \t]*">
5136           *<-Wimplicit-fallthrough=5 doesn't recognize any comments as>
5137               fallthrough comments, only attributes disable the warning.
5139           The comment needs to be followed after optional whitespace and
5140           other comments by "case" or "default" keywords or by a user label
5141           that precedes some "case" or "default" label.
5143                   switch (cond)
5144                     {
5145                     case 1:
5146                       bar (0);
5147                       /* FALLTHRU */
5148                     default:
5149                       ...
5150                     }
5152           The -Wimplicit-fallthrough=3 warning is enabled by -Wextra.
5154       -Wno-if-not-aligned (C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
5155           Control if warnings triggered by the "warn_if_not_aligned"
5156           attribute should be issued.  These warnings are enabled by default.
5158       -Wignored-qualifiers (C and C++ only)
5159           Warn if the return type of a function has a type qualifier such as
5160           "const".  For ISO C such a type qualifier has no effect, since the
5161           value returned by a function is not an lvalue.  For C++, the
5162           warning is only emitted for scalar types or "void".  ISO C
5163           prohibits qualified "void" return types on function definitions, so
5164           such return types always receive a warning even without this
5165           option.
5167           This warning is also enabled by -Wextra.
5169       -Wno-ignored-attributes (C and C++ only)
5170           This option controls warnings when an attribute is ignored.  This
5171           is different from the -Wattributes option in that it warns whenever
5172           the compiler decides to drop an attribute, not that the attribute
5173           is either unknown, used in a wrong place, etc.  This warning is
5174           enabled by default.
5176       -Wmain
5177           Warn if the type of "main" is suspicious.  "main" should be a
5178           function with external linkage, returning int, taking either zero
5179           arguments, two, or three arguments of appropriate types.  This
5180           warning is enabled by default in C++ and is enabled by either -Wall
5181           or -Wpedantic.
5183       -Wmisleading-indentation (C and C++ only)
5184           Warn when the indentation of the code does not reflect the block
5185           structure.  Specifically, a warning is issued for "if", "else",
5186           "while", and "for" clauses with a guarded statement that does not
5187           use braces, followed by an unguarded statement with the same
5188           indentation.
5190           In the following example, the call to "bar" is misleadingly
5191           indented as if it were guarded by the "if" conditional.
5193                     if (some_condition ())
5194                       foo ();
5195                       bar ();  /* Gotcha: this is not guarded by the "if".  */
5197           In the case of mixed tabs and spaces, the warning uses the
5198           -ftabstop= option to determine if the statements line up
5199           (defaulting to 8).
5201           The warning is not issued for code involving multiline preprocessor
5202           logic such as the following example.
5204                     if (flagA)
5205                       foo (0);
5206                   #if SOME_CONDITION_THAT_DOES_NOT_HOLD
5207                     if (flagB)
5208                   #endif
5209                       foo (1);
5211           The warning is not issued after a "#line" directive, since this
5212           typically indicates autogenerated code, and no assumptions can be
5213           made about the layout of the file that the directive references.
5215           This warning is enabled by -Wall in C and C++.
5217       -Wmissing-attributes
5218           Warn when a declaration of a function is missing one or more
5219           attributes that a related function is declared with and whose
5220           absence may adversely affect the correctness or efficiency of
5221           generated code.  For example, the warning is issued for
5222           declarations of aliases that use attributes to specify less
5223           restrictive requirements than those of their targets.  This
5224           typically represents a potential optimization opportunity.  By
5225           contrast, the -Wattribute-alias=2 option controls warnings issued
5226           when the alias is more restrictive than the target, which could
5227           lead to incorrect code generation.  Attributes considered include
5228           "alloc_align", "alloc_size", "cold", "const", "hot", "leaf",
5229           "malloc", "nonnull", "noreturn", "nothrow", "pure",
5230           "returns_nonnull", and "returns_twice".
5232           In C++, the warning is issued when an explicit specialization of a
5233           primary template declared with attribute "alloc_align",
5234           "alloc_size", "assume_aligned", "format", "format_arg", "malloc",
5235           or "nonnull" is declared without it.  Attributes "deprecated",
5236           "error", and "warning" suppress the warning..
5238           You can use the "copy" attribute to apply the same set of
5239           attributes to a declaration as that on another declaration without
5240           explicitly enumerating the attributes. This attribute can be
5241           applied to declarations of functions, variables, or types.
5243           -Wmissing-attributes is enabled by -Wall.
5245           For example, since the declaration of the primary function template
5246           below makes use of both attribute "malloc" and "alloc_size" the
5247           declaration of the explicit specialization of the template is
5248           diagnosed because it is missing one of the attributes.
5250                   template <class T>
5251                   T* __attribute__ ((malloc, alloc_size (1)))
5252                   allocate (size_t);
5254                   template <>
5255                   void* __attribute__ ((malloc))   // missing alloc_size
5256                   allocate<void> (size_t);
5258       -Wmissing-braces
5259           Warn if an aggregate or union initializer is not fully bracketed.
5260           In the following example, the initializer for "a" is not fully
5261           bracketed, but that for "b" is fully bracketed.
5263                   int a[2][2] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
5264                   int b[2][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 } };
5266           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5268       -Wmissing-include-dirs (C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++ and Fortran
5269       only)
5270           Warn if a user-supplied include directory does not exist. This
5271           opions is disabled by default for C, C++, Objective-C and
5272           Objective-C++. For Fortran, it is partially enabled by default by
5273           warning for -I and -J, only.
5275       -Wno-missing-profile
5276           This option controls warnings if feedback profiles are missing when
5277           using the -fprofile-use option.  This option diagnoses those cases
5278           where a new function or a new file is added between compiling with
5279           -fprofile-generate and with -fprofile-use, without regenerating the
5280           profiles.  In these cases, the profile feedback data files do not
5281           contain any profile feedback information for the newly added
5282           function or file respectively.  Also, in the case when profile
5283           count data (.gcda) files are removed, GCC cannot use any profile
5284           feedback information.  In all these cases, warnings are issued to
5285           inform you that a profile generation step is due.  Ignoring the
5286           warning can result in poorly optimized code.  -Wno-missing-profile
5287           can be used to disable the warning, but this is not recommended and
5288           should be done only when non-existent profile data is justified.
5290       -Wmismatched-dealloc
5291           Warn for calls to deallocation functions with pointer arguments
5292           returned from from allocations functions for which the former isn't
5293           a suitable deallocator.  A pair of functions can be associated as
5294           matching allocators and deallocators by use of attribute "malloc".
5295           Unless disabled by the -fno-builtin option the standard functions
5296           "calloc", "malloc", "realloc", and "free", as well as the
5297           corresponding forms of C++ "operator new" and "operator delete" are
5298           implicitly associated as matching allocators and deallocators.  In
5299           the following example "mydealloc" is the deallocator for pointers
5300           returned from "myalloc".
5302                   void mydealloc (void*);
5304                   __attribute__ ((malloc (mydealloc, 1))) void*
5305                   myalloc (size_t);
5307                   void f (void)
5308                   {
5309                     void *p = myalloc (32);
5310                     // ...use p...
5311                     free (p);   // warning: not a matching deallocator for myalloc
5312                     mydealloc (p);   // ok
5313                   }
5315           In C++, the related option -Wmismatched-new-delete diagnoses
5316           mismatches involving either "operator new" or "operator delete".
5318           Option -Wmismatched-dealloc is included in -Wall.
5320       -Wmultistatement-macros
5321           Warn about unsafe multiple statement macros that appear to be
5322           guarded by a clause such as "if", "else", "for", "switch", or
5323           "while", in which only the first statement is actually guarded
5324           after the macro is expanded.
5326           For example:
5328                   #define DOIT x++; y++
5329                   if (c)
5330                     DOIT;
5332           will increment "y" unconditionally, not just when "c" holds.  The
5333           can usually be fixed by wrapping the macro in a do-while loop:
5335                   #define DOIT do { x++; y++; } while (0)
5336                   if (c)
5337                     DOIT;
5339           This warning is enabled by -Wall in C and C++.
5341       -Wparentheses
5342           Warn if parentheses are omitted in certain contexts, such as when
5343           there is an assignment in a context where a truth value is
5344           expected, or when operators are nested whose precedence people
5345           often get confused about.
5347           Also warn if a comparison like "x<=y<=z" appears; this is
5348           equivalent to "(x<=y ? 1 : 0) <= z", which is a different
5349           interpretation from that of ordinary mathematical notation.
5351           Also warn for dangerous uses of the GNU extension to "?:" with
5352           omitted middle operand. When the condition in the "?": operator is
5353           a boolean expression, the omitted value is always 1.  Often
5354           programmers expect it to be a value computed inside the conditional
5355           expression instead.
5357           For C++ this also warns for some cases of unnecessary parentheses
5358           in declarations, which can indicate an attempt at a function call
5359           instead of a declaration:
5361                   {
5362                     // Declares a local variable called mymutex.
5363                     std::unique_lock<std::mutex> (mymutex);
5364                     // User meant std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock (mymutex);
5365                   }
5367           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5369       -Wsequence-point
5370           Warn about code that may have undefined semantics because of
5371           violations of sequence point rules in the C and C++ standards.
5373           The C and C++ standards define the order in which expressions in a
5374           C/C++ program are evaluated in terms of sequence points, which
5375           represent a partial ordering between the execution of parts of the
5376           program: those executed before the sequence point, and those
5377           executed after it.  These occur after the evaluation of a full
5378           expression (one which is not part of a larger expression), after
5379           the evaluation of the first operand of a "&&", "||", "? :" or ","
5380           (comma) operator, before a function is called (but after the
5381           evaluation of its arguments and the expression denoting the called
5382           function), and in certain other places.  Other than as expressed by
5383           the sequence point rules, the order of evaluation of subexpressions
5384           of an expression is not specified.  All these rules describe only a
5385           partial order rather than a total order, since, for example, if two
5386           functions are called within one expression with no sequence point
5387           between them, the order in which the functions are called is not
5388           specified.  However, the standards committee have ruled that
5389           function calls do not overlap.
5391           It is not specified when between sequence points modifications to
5392           the values of objects take effect.  Programs whose behavior depends
5393           on this have undefined behavior; the C and C++ standards specify
5394           that "Between the previous and next sequence point an object shall
5395           have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an
5396           expression.  Furthermore, the prior value shall be read only to
5397           determine the value to be stored.".  If a program breaks these
5398           rules, the results on any particular implementation are entirely
5399           unpredictable.
5401           Examples of code with undefined behavior are "a = a++;", "a[n] =
5402           b[n++]" and "a[i++] = i;".  Some more complicated cases are not
5403           diagnosed by this option, and it may give an occasional false
5404           positive result, but in general it has been found fairly effective
5405           at detecting this sort of problem in programs.
5407           The C++17 standard will define the order of evaluation of operands
5408           in more cases: in particular it requires that the right-hand side
5409           of an assignment be evaluated before the left-hand side, so the
5410           above examples are no longer undefined.  But this option will still
5411           warn about them, to help people avoid writing code that is
5412           undefined in C and earlier revisions of C++.
5414           The standard is worded confusingly, therefore there is some debate
5415           over the precise meaning of the sequence point rules in subtle
5416           cases.  Links to discussions of the problem, including proposed
5417           formal definitions, may be found on the GCC readings page, at
5418           <https://gcc.gnu.org/readings.html>.
5420           This warning is enabled by -Wall for C and C++.
5422       -Wno-return-local-addr
5423           Do not warn about returning a pointer (or in C++, a reference) to a
5424           variable that goes out of scope after the function returns.
5426       -Wreturn-type
5427           Warn whenever a function is defined with a return type that
5428           defaults to "int".  Also warn about any "return" statement with no
5429           return value in a function whose return type is not "void" (falling
5430           off the end of the function body is considered returning without a
5431           value).
5433           For C only, warn about a "return" statement with an expression in a
5434           function whose return type is "void", unless the expression type is
5435           also "void".  As a GNU extension, the latter case is accepted
5436           without a warning unless -Wpedantic is used.  Attempting to use the
5437           return value of a non-"void" function other than "main" that flows
5438           off the end by reaching the closing curly brace that terminates the
5439           function is undefined.
5441           Unlike in C, in C++, flowing off the end of a non-"void" function
5442           other than "main" results in undefined behavior even when the value
5443           of the function is not used.
5445           This warning is enabled by default in C++ and by -Wall otherwise.
5447       -Wno-shift-count-negative
5448           Controls warnings if a shift count is negative.  This warning is
5449           enabled by default.
5451       -Wno-shift-count-overflow
5452           Controls warnings if a shift count is greater than or equal to the
5453           bit width of the type.  This warning is enabled by default.
5455       -Wshift-negative-value
5456           Warn if left shifting a negative value.  This warning is enabled by
5457           -Wextra in C99 (and newer) and C++11 to C++17 modes.
5459       -Wno-shift-overflow
5460       -Wshift-overflow=n
5461           These options control warnings about left shift overflows.
5463           -Wshift-overflow=1
5464               This is the warning level of -Wshift-overflow and is enabled by
5465               default in C99 and C++11 modes (and newer).  This warning level
5466               does not warn about left-shifting 1 into the sign bit.
5467               (However, in C, such an overflow is still rejected in contexts
5468               where an integer constant expression is required.)  No warning
5469               is emitted in C++20 mode (and newer), as signed left shifts
5470               always wrap.
5472           -Wshift-overflow=2
5473               This warning level also warns about left-shifting 1 into the
5474               sign bit, unless C++14 mode (or newer) is active.
5476       -Wswitch
5477           Warn whenever a "switch" statement has an index of enumerated type
5478           and lacks a "case" for one or more of the named codes of that
5479           enumeration.  (The presence of a "default" label prevents this
5480           warning.)  "case" labels outside the enumeration range also provoke
5481           warnings when this option is used (even if there is a "default"
5482           label).  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5484       -Wswitch-default
5485           Warn whenever a "switch" statement does not have a "default" case.
5487       -Wswitch-enum
5488           Warn whenever a "switch" statement has an index of enumerated type
5489           and lacks a "case" for one or more of the named codes of that
5490           enumeration.  "case" labels outside the enumeration range also
5491           provoke warnings when this option is used.  The only difference
5492           between -Wswitch and this option is that this option gives a
5493           warning about an omitted enumeration code even if there is a
5494           "default" label.
5496       -Wno-switch-bool
5497           Do not warn when a "switch" statement has an index of boolean type
5498           and the case values are outside the range of a boolean type.  It is
5499           possible to suppress this warning by casting the controlling
5500           expression to a type other than "bool".  For example:
5502                   switch ((int) (a == 4))
5503                     {
5504                     ...
5505                     }
5507           This warning is enabled by default for C and C++ programs.
5509       -Wno-switch-outside-range
5510           This option controls warnings when a "switch" case has a value that
5511           is outside of its respective type range.  This warning is enabled
5512           by default for C and C++ programs.
5514       -Wno-switch-unreachable
5515           Do not warn when a "switch" statement contains statements between
5516           the controlling expression and the first case label, which will
5517           never be executed.  For example:
5519                   switch (cond)
5520                     {
5521                      i = 15;
5522                     ...
5523                      case 5:
5524                     ...
5525                     }
5527           -Wswitch-unreachable does not warn if the statement between the
5528           controlling expression and the first case label is just a
5529           declaration:
5531                   switch (cond)
5532                     {
5533                      int i;
5534                     ...
5535                      case 5:
5536                      i = 5;
5537                     ...
5538                     }
5540           This warning is enabled by default for C and C++ programs.
5542       -Wsync-nand (C and C++ only)
5543           Warn when "__sync_fetch_and_nand" and "__sync_nand_and_fetch"
5544           built-in functions are used.  These functions changed semantics in
5545           GCC 4.4.
5547       -Wtrivial-auto-var-init
5548           Warn when "-ftrivial-auto-var-init" cannot initialize the automatic
5549           variable.  A common situation is an automatic variable that is
5550           declared between the controlling expression and the first case
5551           label of a "switch" statement.
5553       -Wunused-but-set-parameter
5554           Warn whenever a function parameter is assigned to, but otherwise
5555           unused (aside from its declaration).
5557           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5559           This warning is also enabled by -Wunused together with -Wextra.
5561       -Wunused-but-set-variable
5562           Warn whenever a local variable is assigned to, but otherwise unused
5563           (aside from its declaration).  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5565           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5567           This warning is also enabled by -Wunused, which is enabled by
5568           -Wall.
5570       -Wunused-function
5571           Warn whenever a static function is declared but not defined or a
5572           non-inline static function is unused.  This warning is enabled by
5573           -Wall.
5575       -Wunused-label
5576           Warn whenever a label is declared but not used.  This warning is
5577           enabled by -Wall.
5579           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5581       -Wunused-local-typedefs (C, Objective-C, C++ and Objective-C++ only)
5582           Warn when a typedef locally defined in a function is not used.
5583           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5585       -Wunused-parameter
5586           Warn whenever a function parameter is unused aside from its
5587           declaration.
5589           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5591       -Wno-unused-result
5592           Do not warn if a caller of a function marked with attribute
5593           "warn_unused_result" does not use its return value. The default is
5594           -Wunused-result.
5596       -Wunused-variable
5597           Warn whenever a local or static variable is unused aside from its
5598           declaration. This option implies -Wunused-const-variable=1 for C,
5599           but not for C++. This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5601           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5603       -Wunused-const-variable
5604       -Wunused-const-variable=n
5605           Warn whenever a constant static variable is unused aside from its
5606           declaration.  -Wunused-const-variable=1 is enabled by
5607           -Wunused-variable for C, but not for C++. In C this declares
5608           variable storage, but in C++ this is not an error since const
5609           variables take the place of "#define"s.
5611           To suppress this warning use the "unused" attribute.
5613           -Wunused-const-variable=1
5614               This is the warning level that is enabled by -Wunused-variable
5615               for C.  It warns only about unused static const variables
5616               defined in the main compilation unit, but not about static
5617               const variables declared in any header included.
5619           -Wunused-const-variable=2
5620               This warning level also warns for unused constant static
5621               variables in headers (excluding system headers).  This is the
5622               warning level of -Wunused-const-variable and must be explicitly
5623               requested since in C++ this isn't an error and in C it might be
5624               harder to clean up all headers included.
5626       -Wunused-value
5627           Warn whenever a statement computes a result that is explicitly not
5628           used. To suppress this warning cast the unused expression to
5629           "void". This includes an expression-statement or the left-hand side
5630           of a comma expression that contains no side effects. For example,
5631           an expression such as "x[i,j]" causes a warning, while
5632           "x[(void)i,j]" does not.
5634           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
5636       -Wunused
5637           All the above -Wunused options combined.
5639           In order to get a warning about an unused function parameter, you
5640           must either specify -Wextra -Wunused (note that -Wall implies
5641           -Wunused), or separately specify -Wunused-parameter.
5643       -Wuninitialized
5644           Warn if an object with automatic or allocated storage duration is
5645           used without having been initialized.  In C++, also warn if a non-
5646           static reference or non-static "const" member appears in a class
5647           without constructors.
5649           In addition, passing a pointer (or in C++, a reference) to an
5650           uninitialized object to a "const"-qualified argument of a built-in
5651           function known to read the object is also diagnosed by this
5652           warning.  (-Wmaybe-uninitialized is issued for ordinary functions.)
5654           If you want to warn about code that uses the uninitialized value of
5655           the variable in its own initializer, use the -Winit-self option.
5657           These warnings occur for individual uninitialized elements of
5658           structure, union or array variables as well as for variables that
5659           are uninitialized as a whole.  They do not occur for variables or
5660           elements declared "volatile".  Because these warnings depend on
5661           optimization, the exact variables or elements for which there are
5662           warnings depend on the precise optimization options and version of
5663           GCC used.
5665           Note that there may be no warning about a variable that is used
5666           only to compute a value that itself is never used, because such
5667           computations may be deleted by data flow analysis before the
5668           warnings are printed.
5670           In C++, this warning also warns about using uninitialized objects
5671           in member-initializer-lists.  For example, GCC warns about "b"
5672           being uninitialized in the following snippet:
5674                   struct A {
5675                     int a;
5676                     int b;
5677                     A() : a(b) { }
5678                   };
5680       -Wno-invalid-memory-model
5681           This option controls warnings for invocations of __atomic Builtins,
5682           __sync Builtins, and the C11 atomic generic functions with a memory
5683           consistency argument that is either invalid for the operation or
5684           outside the range of values of the "memory_order" enumeration.  For
5685           example, since the "__atomic_store" and "__atomic_store_n" built-
5686           ins are only defined for the relaxed, release, and sequentially
5687           consistent memory orders the following code is diagnosed:
5689                   void store (int *i)
5690                   {
5691                     __atomic_store_n (i, 0, memory_order_consume);
5692                   }
5694           -Winvalid-memory-model is enabled by default.
5696       -Wmaybe-uninitialized
5697           For an object with automatic or allocated storage duration, if
5698           there exists a path from the function entry to a use of the object
5699           that is initialized, but there exist some other paths for which the
5700           object is not initialized, the compiler emits a warning if it
5701           cannot prove the uninitialized paths are not executed at run time.
5703           In addition, passing a pointer (or in C++, a reference) to an
5704           uninitialized object to a "const"-qualified function argument is
5705           also diagnosed by this warning.  (-Wuninitialized is issued for
5706           built-in functions known to read the object.)  Annotating the
5707           function with attribute "access (none)" indicates that the argument
5708           isn't used to access the object and avoids the warning.
5710           These warnings are only possible in optimizing compilation, because
5711           otherwise GCC does not keep track of the state of variables.
5713           These warnings are made optional because GCC may not be able to
5714           determine when the code is correct in spite of appearing to have an
5715           error.  Here is one example of how this can happen:
5717                   {
5718                     int x;
5719                     switch (y)
5720                       {
5721                       case 1: x = 1;
5722                         break;
5723                       case 2: x = 4;
5724                         break;
5725                       case 3: x = 5;
5726                       }
5727                     foo (x);
5728                   }
5730           If the value of "y" is always 1, 2 or 3, then "x" is always
5731           initialized, but GCC doesn't know this. To suppress the warning,
5732           you need to provide a default case with assert(0) or similar code.
5734           This option also warns when a non-volatile automatic variable might
5735           be changed by a call to "longjmp".  The compiler sees only the
5736           calls to "setjmp".  It cannot know where "longjmp" will be called;
5737           in fact, a signal handler could call it at any point in the code.
5738           As a result, you may get a warning even when there is in fact no
5739           problem because "longjmp" cannot in fact be called at the place
5740           that would cause a problem.
5742           Some spurious warnings can be avoided if you declare all the
5743           functions you use that never return as "noreturn".
5745           This warning is enabled by -Wall or -Wextra.
5747       -Wunknown-pragmas
5748           Warn when a "#pragma" directive is encountered that is not
5749           understood by GCC.  If this command-line option is used, warnings
5750           are even issued for unknown pragmas in system header files.  This
5751           is not the case if the warnings are only enabled by the -Wall
5752           command-line option.
5754       -Wno-pragmas
5755           Do not warn about misuses of pragmas, such as incorrect parameters,
5756           invalid syntax, or conflicts between pragmas.  See also
5757           -Wunknown-pragmas.
5759       -Wno-prio-ctor-dtor
5760           Do not warn if a priority from 0 to 100 is used for constructor or
5761           destructor.  The use of constructor and destructor attributes allow
5762           you to assign a priority to the constructor/destructor to control
5763           its order of execution before "main" is called or after it returns.
5764           The priority values must be greater than 100 as the compiler
5765           reserves priority values between 0--100 for the implementation.
5767       -Wstrict-aliasing
5768           This option is only active when -fstrict-aliasing is active.  It
5769           warns about code that might break the strict aliasing rules that
5770           the compiler is using for optimization.  The warning does not catch
5771           all cases, but does attempt to catch the more common pitfalls.  It
5772           is included in -Wall.  It is equivalent to -Wstrict-aliasing=3
5774       -Wstrict-aliasing=n
5775           This option is only active when -fstrict-aliasing is active.  It
5776           warns about code that might break the strict aliasing rules that
5777           the compiler is using for optimization.  Higher levels correspond
5778           to higher accuracy (fewer false positives).  Higher levels also
5779           correspond to more effort, similar to the way -O works.
5780           -Wstrict-aliasing is equivalent to -Wstrict-aliasing=3.
5782           Level 1: Most aggressive, quick, least accurate.  Possibly useful
5783           when higher levels do not warn but -fstrict-aliasing still breaks
5784           the code, as it has very few false negatives.  However, it has many
5785           false positives.  Warns for all pointer conversions between
5786           possibly incompatible types, even if never dereferenced.  Runs in
5787           the front end only.
5789           Level 2: Aggressive, quick, not too precise.  May still have many
5790           false positives (not as many as level 1 though), and few false
5791           negatives (but possibly more than level 1).  Unlike level 1, it
5792           only warns when an address is taken.  Warns about incomplete types.
5793           Runs in the front end only.
5795           Level 3 (default for -Wstrict-aliasing): Should have very few false
5796           positives and few false negatives.  Slightly slower than levels 1
5797           or 2 when optimization is enabled.  Takes care of the common
5798           pun+dereference pattern in the front end: "*(int*)&some_float".  If
5799           optimization is enabled, it also runs in the back end, where it
5800           deals with multiple statement cases using flow-sensitive points-to
5801           information.  Only warns when the converted pointer is
5802           dereferenced.  Does not warn about incomplete types.
5804       -Wstrict-overflow
5805       -Wstrict-overflow=n
5806           This option is only active when signed overflow is undefined.  It
5807           warns about cases where the compiler optimizes based on the
5808           assumption that signed overflow does not occur.  Note that it does
5809           not warn about all cases where the code might overflow: it only
5810           warns about cases where the compiler implements some optimization.
5811           Thus this warning depends on the optimization level.
5813           An optimization that assumes that signed overflow does not occur is
5814           perfectly safe if the values of the variables involved are such
5815           that overflow never does, in fact, occur.  Therefore this warning
5816           can easily give a false positive: a warning about code that is not
5817           actually a problem.  To help focus on important issues, several
5818           warning levels are defined.  No warnings are issued for the use of
5819           undefined signed overflow when estimating how many iterations a
5820           loop requires, in particular when determining whether a loop will
5821           be executed at all.
5823           -Wstrict-overflow=1
5824               Warn about cases that are both questionable and easy to avoid.
5825               For example the compiler simplifies "x + 1 > x" to 1.  This
5826               level of -Wstrict-overflow is enabled by -Wall; higher levels
5827               are not, and must be explicitly requested.
5829           -Wstrict-overflow=2
5830               Also warn about other cases where a comparison is simplified to
5831               a constant.  For example: "abs (x) >= 0".  This can only be
5832               simplified when signed integer overflow is undefined, because
5833               "abs (INT_MIN)" overflows to "INT_MIN", which is less than
5834               zero.  -Wstrict-overflow (with no level) is the same as
5835               -Wstrict-overflow=2.
5837           -Wstrict-overflow=3
5838               Also warn about other cases where a comparison is simplified.
5839               For example: "x + 1 > 1" is simplified to "x > 0".
5841           -Wstrict-overflow=4
5842               Also warn about other simplifications not covered by the above
5843               cases.  For example: "(x * 10) / 5" is simplified to "x * 2".
5845           -Wstrict-overflow=5
5846               Also warn about cases where the compiler reduces the magnitude
5847               of a constant involved in a comparison.  For example: "x + 2 >
5848               y" is simplified to "x + 1 >= y".  This is reported only at the
5849               highest warning level because this simplification applies to
5850               many comparisons, so this warning level gives a very large
5851               number of false positives.
5853       -Wstring-compare
5854           Warn for calls to "strcmp" and "strncmp" whose result is determined
5855           to be either zero or non-zero in tests for such equality owing to
5856           the length of one argument being greater than the size of the array
5857           the other argument is stored in (or the bound in the case of
5858           "strncmp").  Such calls could be mistakes.  For example, the call
5859           to "strcmp" below is diagnosed because its result is necessarily
5860           non-zero irrespective of the contents of the array "a".
5862                   extern char a[4];
5863                   void f (char *d)
5864                   {
5865                     strcpy (d, "string");
5866                     ...
5867                     if (0 == strcmp (a, d))   // cannot be true
5868                       puts ("a and d are the same");
5869                   }
5871           -Wstring-compare is enabled by -Wextra.
5873       -Wno-stringop-overflow
5874       -Wstringop-overflow
5875       -Wstringop-overflow=type
5876           Warn for calls to string manipulation functions such as "memcpy"
5877           and "strcpy" that are determined to overflow the destination
5878           buffer.  The optional argument is one greater than the type of
5879           Object Size Checking to perform to determine the size of the
5880           destination.  The argument is meaningful only for functions that
5881           operate on character arrays but not for raw memory functions like
5882           "memcpy" which always make use of Object Size type-0.  The option
5883           also warns for calls that specify a size in excess of the largest
5884           possible object or at most "SIZE_MAX / 2" bytes.  The option
5885           produces the best results with optimization enabled but can detect
5886           a small subset of simple buffer overflows even without optimization
5887           in calls to the GCC built-in functions like "__builtin_memcpy" that
5888           correspond to the standard functions.  In any case, the option
5889           warns about just a subset of buffer overflows detected by the
5890           corresponding overflow checking built-ins.  For example, the option
5891           issues a warning for the "strcpy" call below because it copies at
5892           least 5 characters (the string "blue" including the terminating
5893           NUL) into the buffer of size 4.
5895                   enum Color { blue, purple, yellow };
5896                   const char* f (enum Color clr)
5897                   {
5898                     static char buf [4];
5899                     const char *str;
5900                     switch (clr)
5901                       {
5902                         case blue: str = "blue"; break;
5903                         case purple: str = "purple"; break;
5904                         case yellow: str = "yellow"; break;
5905                       }
5907                     return strcpy (buf, str);   // warning here
5908                   }
5910           Option -Wstringop-overflow=2 is enabled by default.
5912           -Wstringop-overflow
5913           -Wstringop-overflow=1
5914               The -Wstringop-overflow=1 option uses type-zero Object Size
5915               Checking to determine the sizes of destination objects.  At
5916               this setting the option does not warn for writes past the end
5917               of subobjects of larger objects accessed by pointers unless the
5918               size of the largest surrounding object is known.  When the
5919               destination may be one of several objects it is assumed to be
5920               the largest one of them.  On Linux systems, when optimization
5921               is enabled at this setting the option warns for the same code
5922               as when the "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" macro is defined to a non-zero
5923               value.
5925           -Wstringop-overflow=2
5926               The -Wstringop-overflow=2 option uses type-one Object Size
5927               Checking to determine the sizes of destination objects.  At
5928               this setting the option warns about overflows when writing to
5929               members of the largest complete objects whose exact size is
5930               known.  However, it does not warn for excessive writes to the
5931               same members of unknown objects referenced by pointers since
5932               they may point to arrays containing unknown numbers of
5933               elements.  This is the default setting of the option.
5935           -Wstringop-overflow=3
5936               The -Wstringop-overflow=3 option uses type-two Object Size
5937               Checking to determine the sizes of destination objects.  At
5938               this setting the option warns about overflowing the smallest
5939               object or data member.  This is the most restrictive setting of
5940               the option that may result in warnings for safe code.
5942           -Wstringop-overflow=4
5943               The -Wstringop-overflow=4 option uses type-three Object Size
5944               Checking to determine the sizes of destination objects.  At
5945               this setting the option warns about overflowing any data
5946               members, and when the destination is one of several objects it
5947               uses the size of the largest of them to decide whether to issue
5948               a warning.  Similarly to -Wstringop-overflow=3 this setting of
5949               the option may result in warnings for benign code.
5951       -Wno-stringop-overread
5952           Warn for calls to string manipulation functions such as "memchr",
5953           or "strcpy" that are determined to read past the end of the source
5954           sequence.
5956           Option -Wstringop-overread is enabled by default.
5958       -Wno-stringop-truncation
5959           Do not warn for calls to bounded string manipulation functions such
5960           as "strncat", "strncpy", and "stpncpy" that may either truncate the
5961           copied string or leave the destination unchanged.
5963           In the following example, the call to "strncat" specifies a bound
5964           that is less than the length of the source string.  As a result,
5965           the copy of the source will be truncated and so the call is
5966           diagnosed.  To avoid the warning use "bufsize - strlen (buf) - 1)"
5967           as the bound.
5969                   void append (char *buf, size_t bufsize)
5970                   {
5971                     strncat (buf, ".txt", 3);
5972                   }
5974           As another example, the following call to "strncpy" results in
5975           copying to "d" just the characters preceding the terminating NUL,
5976           without appending the NUL to the end.  Assuming the result of
5977           "strncpy" is necessarily a NUL-terminated string is a common
5978           mistake, and so the call is diagnosed.  To avoid the warning when
5979           the result is not expected to be NUL-terminated, call "memcpy"
5980           instead.
5982                   void copy (char *d, const char *s)
5983                   {
5984                     strncpy (d, s, strlen (s));
5985                   }
5987           In the following example, the call to "strncpy" specifies the size
5988           of the destination buffer as the bound.  If the length of the
5989           source string is equal to or greater than this size the result of
5990           the copy will not be NUL-terminated.  Therefore, the call is also
5991           diagnosed.  To avoid the warning, specify "sizeof buf - 1" as the
5992           bound and set the last element of the buffer to "NUL".
5994                   void copy (const char *s)
5995                   {
5996                     char buf[80];
5997                     strncpy (buf, s, sizeof buf);
5998                     ...
5999                   }
6001           In situations where a character array is intended to store a
6002           sequence of bytes with no terminating "NUL" such an array may be
6003           annotated with attribute "nonstring" to avoid this warning.  Such
6004           arrays, however, are not suitable arguments to functions that
6005           expect "NUL"-terminated strings.  To help detect accidental misuses
6006           of such arrays GCC issues warnings unless it can prove that the use
6007           is safe.
6009       -Wsuggest-attribute=[pure|const|noreturn|format|cold|malloc]
6010           Warn for cases where adding an attribute may be beneficial. The
6011           attributes currently supported are listed below.
6013           -Wsuggest-attribute=pure
6014           -Wsuggest-attribute=const
6015           -Wsuggest-attribute=noreturn
6016           -Wmissing-noreturn
6017           -Wsuggest-attribute=malloc
6018               Warn about functions that might be candidates for attributes
6019               "pure", "const" or "noreturn" or "malloc". The compiler only
6020               warns for functions visible in other compilation units or (in
6021               the case of "pure" and "const") if it cannot prove that the
6022               function returns normally. A function returns normally if it
6023               doesn't contain an infinite loop or return abnormally by
6024               throwing, calling "abort" or trapping.  This analysis requires
6025               option -fipa-pure-const, which is enabled by default at -O and
6026               higher.  Higher optimization levels improve the accuracy of the
6027               analysis.
6029           -Wsuggest-attribute=format
6030           -Wmissing-format-attribute
6031               Warn about function pointers that might be candidates for
6032               "format" attributes.  Note these are only possible candidates,
6033               not absolute ones.  GCC guesses that function pointers with
6034               "format" attributes that are used in assignment,
6035               initialization, parameter passing or return statements should
6036               have a corresponding "format" attribute in the resulting type.
6037               I.e. the left-hand side of the assignment or initialization,
6038               the type of the parameter variable, or the return type of the
6039               containing function respectively should also have a "format"
6040               attribute to avoid the warning.
6042               GCC also warns about function definitions that might be
6043               candidates for "format" attributes.  Again, these are only
6044               possible candidates.  GCC guesses that "format" attributes
6045               might be appropriate for any function that calls a function
6046               like "vprintf" or "vscanf", but this might not always be the
6047               case, and some functions for which "format" attributes are
6048               appropriate may not be detected.
6050           -Wsuggest-attribute=cold
6051               Warn about functions that might be candidates for "cold"
6052               attribute.  This is based on static detection and generally
6053               only warns about functions which always leads to a call to
6054               another "cold" function such as wrappers of C++ "throw" or
6055               fatal error reporting functions leading to "abort".
6057       -Walloc-zero
6058           Warn about calls to allocation functions decorated with attribute
6059           "alloc_size" that specify zero bytes, including those to the built-
6060           in forms of the functions "aligned_alloc", "alloca", "calloc",
6061           "malloc", and "realloc".  Because the behavior of these functions
6062           when called with a zero size differs among implementations (and in
6063           the case of "realloc" has been deprecated) relying on it may result
6064           in subtle portability bugs and should be avoided.
6066       -Walloc-size-larger-than=byte-size
6067           Warn about calls to functions decorated with attribute "alloc_size"
6068           that attempt to allocate objects larger than the specified number
6069           of bytes, or where the result of the size computation in an integer
6070           type with infinite precision would exceed the value of PTRDIFF_MAX
6071           on the target.  -Walloc-size-larger-than=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by
6072           default.  Warnings controlled by the option can be disabled either
6073           by specifying byte-size of SIZE_MAX or more or by
6074           -Wno-alloc-size-larger-than.
6076       -Wno-alloc-size-larger-than
6077           Disable -Walloc-size-larger-than= warnings.  The option is
6078           equivalent to -Walloc-size-larger-than=SIZE_MAX or larger.
6080       -Walloca
6081           This option warns on all uses of "alloca" in the source.
6083       -Walloca-larger-than=byte-size
6084           This option warns on calls to "alloca" with an integer argument
6085           whose value is either zero, or that is not bounded by a controlling
6086           predicate that limits its value to at most byte-size.  It also
6087           warns for calls to "alloca" where the bound value is unknown.
6088           Arguments of non-integer types are considered unbounded even if
6089           they appear to be constrained to the expected range.
6091           For example, a bounded case of "alloca" could be:
6093                   void func (size_t n)
6094                   {
6095                     void *p;
6096                     if (n <= 1000)
6097                       p = alloca (n);
6098                     else
6099                       p = malloc (n);
6100                     f (p);
6101                   }
6103           In the above example, passing "-Walloca-larger-than=1000" would not
6104           issue a warning because the call to "alloca" is known to be at most
6105           1000 bytes.  However, if "-Walloca-larger-than=500" were passed,
6106           the compiler would emit a warning.
6108           Unbounded uses, on the other hand, are uses of "alloca" with no
6109           controlling predicate constraining its integer argument.  For
6110           example:
6112                   void func ()
6113                   {
6114                     void *p = alloca (n);
6115                     f (p);
6116                   }
6118           If "-Walloca-larger-than=500" were passed, the above would trigger
6119           a warning, but this time because of the lack of bounds checking.
6121           Note, that even seemingly correct code involving signed integers
6122           could cause a warning:
6124                   void func (signed int n)
6125                   {
6126                     if (n < 500)
6127                       {
6128                         p = alloca (n);
6129                         f (p);
6130                       }
6131                   }
6133           In the above example, n could be negative, causing a larger than
6134           expected argument to be implicitly cast into the "alloca" call.
6136           This option also warns when "alloca" is used in a loop.
6138           -Walloca-larger-than=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by default but is
6139           usually only effective  when -ftree-vrp is active (default for -O2
6140           and above).
6142           See also -Wvla-larger-than=byte-size.
6144       -Wno-alloca-larger-than
6145           Disable -Walloca-larger-than= warnings.  The option is equivalent
6146           to -Walloca-larger-than=SIZE_MAX or larger.
6148       -Warith-conversion
6149           Do warn about implicit conversions from arithmetic operations even
6150           when conversion of the operands to the same type cannot change
6151           their values.  This affects warnings from -Wconversion,
6152           -Wfloat-conversion, and -Wsign-conversion.
6154                   void f (char c, int i)
6155                   {
6156                     c = c + i; // warns with B<-Wconversion>
6157                     c = c + 1; // only warns with B<-Warith-conversion>
6158                   }
6160       -Warray-bounds
6161       -Warray-bounds=n
6162           Warn about out of bounds subscripts or offsets into arrays.  This
6163           warning is enabled by -Wall.  It is more effective when -ftree-vrp
6164           is active (the default for -O2 and above) but a subset of instances
6165           are issued even without optimization.
6167           -Warray-bounds=1
6168               This is the default warning level of -Warray-bounds and is
6169               enabled by -Wall; higher levels are not, and must be explicitly
6170               requested.
6172           -Warray-bounds=2
6173               This warning level also warns about out of bounds accesses to
6174               trailing struct members of one-element array types and about
6175               the intermediate results of pointer arithmetic that may yield
6176               out of bounds values.  This warning level may give a larger
6177               number of false positives and is deactivated by default.
6179       -Warray-compare
6180           Warn about equality and relational comparisons between two operands
6181           of array type.  This comparison was deprecated in C++20.  For
6182           example:
6184                   int arr1[5];
6185                   int arr2[5];
6186                   bool same = arr1 == arr2;
6188           -Warray-compare is enabled by -Wall.
6190       -Warray-parameter
6191       -Warray-parameter=n
6192           Warn about redeclarations of functions involving arguments of array
6193           or pointer types of inconsistent kinds or forms, and enable the
6194           detection of out-of-bounds accesses to such parameters by warnings
6195           such as -Warray-bounds.
6197           If the first function declaration uses the array form the bound
6198           specified in the array is assumed to be the minimum number of
6199           elements expected to be provided in calls to the function and the
6200           maximum number of elements accessed by it.  Failing to provide
6201           arguments of sufficient size or accessing more than the maximum
6202           number of elements may be diagnosed by warnings such as
6203           -Warray-bounds.  At level 1 the warning diagnoses inconsistencies
6204           involving array parameters declared using the "T[static N]" form.
6206           For example, the warning triggers for the following redeclarations
6207           because the first one allows an array of any size to be passed to
6208           "f" while the second one with the keyword "static" specifies that
6209           the array argument must have at least four elements.
6211                   void f (int[static 4]);
6212                   void f (int[]);           // warning (inconsistent array form)
6214                   void g (void)
6215                   {
6216                     int *p = (int *)malloc (4);
6217                     f (p);                  // warning (array too small)
6218                     ...
6219                   }
6221           At level 2 the warning also triggers for redeclarations involving
6222           any other inconsistency in array or pointer argument forms denoting
6223           array sizes.  Pointers and arrays of unspecified bound are
6224           considered equivalent and do not trigger a warning.
6226                   void g (int*);
6227                   void g (int[]);     // no warning
6228                   void g (int[8]);    // warning (inconsistent array bound)
6230           -Warray-parameter=2 is included in -Wall.  The -Wvla-parameter
6231           option triggers warnings for similar inconsistencies involving
6232           Variable Length Array arguments.
6234       -Wattribute-alias=n
6235       -Wno-attribute-alias
6236           Warn about declarations using the "alias" and similar attributes
6237           whose target is incompatible with the type of the alias.
6239           -Wattribute-alias=1
6240               The default warning level of the -Wattribute-alias option
6241               diagnoses incompatibilities between the type of the alias
6242               declaration and that of its target.  Such incompatibilities are
6243               typically indicative of bugs.
6245           -Wattribute-alias=2
6246               At this level -Wattribute-alias also diagnoses cases where the
6247               attributes of the alias declaration are more restrictive than
6248               the attributes applied to its target.  These mismatches can
6249               potentially result in incorrect code generation.  In other
6250               cases they may be benign and could be resolved simply by adding
6251               the missing attribute to the target.  For comparison, see the
6252               -Wmissing-attributes option, which controls diagnostics when
6253               the alias declaration is less restrictive than the target,
6254               rather than more restrictive.
6256               Attributes considered include "alloc_align", "alloc_size",
6257               "cold", "const", "hot", "leaf", "malloc", "nonnull",
6258               "noreturn", "nothrow", "pure", "returns_nonnull", and
6259               "returns_twice".
6261           -Wattribute-alias is equivalent to -Wattribute-alias=1.  This is
6262           the default.  You can disable these warnings with either
6263           -Wno-attribute-alias or -Wattribute-alias=0.
6265       -Wbidi-chars=[none|unpaired|any|ucn]
6266           Warn about possibly misleading UTF-8 bidirectional control
6267           characters in comments, string literals, character constants, and
6268           identifiers.  Such characters can change left-to-right writing
6269           direction into right-to-left (and vice versa), which can cause
6270           confusion between the logical order and visual order.  This may be
6271           dangerous; for instance, it may seem that a piece of code is not
6272           commented out, whereas it in fact is.
6274           There are three levels of warning supported by GCC.  The default is
6275           -Wbidi-chars=unpaired, which warns about improperly terminated bidi
6276           contexts.  -Wbidi-chars=none turns the warning off.
6277           -Wbidi-chars=any warns about any use of bidirectional control
6278           characters.
6280           By default, this warning does not warn about UCNs.  It is, however,
6281           possible to turn on such checking by using
6282           -Wbidi-chars=unpaired,ucn or -Wbidi-chars=any,ucn.  Using
6283           -Wbidi-chars=ucn is valid, and is equivalent to
6284           -Wbidi-chars=unpaired,ucn, if no previous -Wbidi-chars=any was
6285           specified.
6287       -Wbool-compare
6288           Warn about boolean expression compared with an integer value
6289           different from "true"/"false".  For instance, the following
6290           comparison is always false:
6292                   int n = 5;
6293                   ...
6294                   if ((n > 1) == 2) { ... }
6296           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6298       -Wbool-operation
6299           Warn about suspicious operations on expressions of a boolean type.
6300           For instance, bitwise negation of a boolean is very likely a bug in
6301           the program.  For C, this warning also warns about incrementing or
6302           decrementing a boolean, which rarely makes sense.  (In C++,
6303           decrementing a boolean is always invalid.  Incrementing a boolean
6304           is invalid in C++17, and deprecated otherwise.)
6306           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6308       -Wduplicated-branches
6309           Warn when an if-else has identical branches.  This warning detects
6310           cases like
6312                   if (p != NULL)
6313                     return 0;
6314                   else
6315                     return 0;
6317           It doesn't warn when both branches contain just a null statement.
6318           This warning also warn for conditional operators:
6320                     int i = x ? *p : *p;
6322       -Wduplicated-cond
6323           Warn about duplicated conditions in an if-else-if chain.  For
6324           instance, warn for the following code:
6326                   if (p->q != NULL) { ... }
6327                   else if (p->q != NULL) { ... }
6329       -Wframe-address
6330           Warn when the __builtin_frame_address or __builtin_return_address
6331           is called with an argument greater than 0.  Such calls may return
6332           indeterminate values or crash the program.  The warning is included
6333           in -Wall.
6335       -Wno-discarded-qualifiers (C and Objective-C only)
6336           Do not warn if type qualifiers on pointers are being discarded.
6337           Typically, the compiler warns if a "const char *" variable is
6338           passed to a function that takes a "char *" parameter.  This option
6339           can be used to suppress such a warning.
6341       -Wno-discarded-array-qualifiers (C and Objective-C only)
6342           Do not warn if type qualifiers on arrays which are pointer targets
6343           are being discarded.  Typically, the compiler warns if a "const int
6344           (*)[]" variable is passed to a function that takes a "int (*)[]"
6345           parameter.  This option can be used to suppress such a warning.
6347       -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types (C and Objective-C only)
6348           Do not warn when there is a conversion between pointers that have
6349           incompatible types.  This warning is for cases not covered by
6350           -Wno-pointer-sign, which warns for pointer argument passing or
6351           assignment with different signedness.
6353       -Wno-int-conversion (C and Objective-C only)
6354           Do not warn about incompatible integer to pointer and pointer to
6355           integer conversions.  This warning is about implicit conversions;
6356           for explicit conversions the warnings -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast and
6357           -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast may be used.
6359       -Wzero-length-bounds
6360           Warn about accesses to elements of zero-length array members that
6361           might overlap other members of the same object.  Declaring interior
6362           zero-length arrays is discouraged because accesses to them are
6363           undefined.  See
6365           For example, the first two stores in function "bad" are diagnosed
6366           because the array elements overlap the subsequent members "b" and
6367           "c".  The third store is diagnosed by -Warray-bounds because it is
6368           beyond the bounds of the enclosing object.
6370                   struct X { int a[0]; int b, c; };
6371                   struct X x;
6373                   void bad (void)
6374                   {
6375                     x.a[0] = 0;   // -Wzero-length-bounds
6376                     x.a[1] = 1;   // -Wzero-length-bounds
6377                     x.a[2] = 2;   // -Warray-bounds
6378                   }
6380           Option -Wzero-length-bounds is enabled by -Warray-bounds.
6382       -Wno-div-by-zero
6383           Do not warn about compile-time integer division by zero.  Floating-
6384           point division by zero is not warned about, as it can be a
6385           legitimate way of obtaining infinities and NaNs.
6387       -Wsystem-headers
6388           Print warning messages for constructs found in system header files.
6389           Warnings from system headers are normally suppressed, on the
6390           assumption that they usually do not indicate real problems and
6391           would only make the compiler output harder to read.  Using this
6392           command-line option tells GCC to emit warnings from system headers
6393           as if they occurred in user code.  However, note that using -Wall
6394           in conjunction with this option does not warn about unknown pragmas
6395           in system headers---for that, -Wunknown-pragmas must also be used.
6397       -Wtautological-compare
6398           Warn if a self-comparison always evaluates to true or false.  This
6399           warning detects various mistakes such as:
6401                   int i = 1;
6402                   ...
6403                   if (i > i) { ... }
6405           This warning also warns about bitwise comparisons that always
6406           evaluate to true or false, for instance:
6408                   if ((a & 16) == 10) { ... }
6410           will always be false.
6412           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6414       -Wtrampolines
6415           Warn about trampolines generated for pointers to nested functions.
6416           A trampoline is a small piece of data or code that is created at
6417           run time on the stack when the address of a nested function is
6418           taken, and is used to call the nested function indirectly.  For
6419           some targets, it is made up of data only and thus requires no
6420           special treatment.  But, for most targets, it is made up of code
6421           and thus requires the stack to be made executable in order for the
6422           program to work properly.
6424       -Wfloat-equal
6425           Warn if floating-point values are used in equality comparisons.
6427           The idea behind this is that sometimes it is convenient (for the
6428           programmer) to consider floating-point values as approximations to
6429           infinitely precise real numbers.  If you are doing this, then you
6430           need to compute (by analyzing the code, or in some other way) the
6431           maximum or likely maximum error that the computation introduces,
6432           and allow for it when performing comparisons (and when producing
6433           output, but that's a different problem).  In particular, instead of
6434           testing for equality, you should check to see whether the two
6435           values have ranges that overlap; and this is done with the
6436           relational operators, so equality comparisons are probably
6437           mistaken.
6439       -Wtraditional (C and Objective-C only)
6440           Warn about certain constructs that behave differently in
6441           traditional and ISO C.  Also warn about ISO C constructs that have
6442           no traditional C equivalent, and/or problematic constructs that
6443           should be avoided.
6445           *   Macro parameters that appear within string literals in the
6446               macro body.  In traditional C macro replacement takes place
6447               within string literals, but in ISO C it does not.
6449           *   In traditional C, some preprocessor directives did not exist.
6450               Traditional preprocessors only considered a line to be a
6451               directive if the # appeared in column 1 on the line.  Therefore
6452               -Wtraditional warns about directives that traditional C
6453               understands but ignores because the # does not appear as the
6454               first character on the line.  It also suggests you hide
6455               directives like "#pragma" not understood by traditional C by
6456               indenting them.  Some traditional implementations do not
6457               recognize "#elif", so this option suggests avoiding it
6458               altogether.
6460           *   A function-like macro that appears without arguments.
6462           *   The unary plus operator.
6464           *   The U integer constant suffix, or the F or L floating-point
6465               constant suffixes.  (Traditional C does support the L suffix on
6466               integer constants.)  Note, these suffixes appear in macros
6467               defined in the system headers of most modern systems, e.g. the
6468               _MIN/_MAX macros in "<limits.h>".  Use of these macros in user
6469               code might normally lead to spurious warnings, however GCC's
6470               integrated preprocessor has enough context to avoid warning in
6471               these cases.
6473           *   A function declared external in one block and then used after
6474               the end of the block.
6476           *   A "switch" statement has an operand of type "long".
6478           *   A non-"static" function declaration follows a "static" one.
6479               This construct is not accepted by some traditional C compilers.
6481           *   The ISO type of an integer constant has a different width or
6482               signedness from its traditional type.  This warning is only
6483               issued if the base of the constant is ten.  I.e. hexadecimal or
6484               octal values, which typically represent bit patterns, are not
6485               warned about.
6487           *   Usage of ISO string concatenation is detected.
6489           *   Initialization of automatic aggregates.
6491           *   Identifier conflicts with labels.  Traditional C lacks a
6492               separate namespace for labels.
6494           *   Initialization of unions.  If the initializer is zero, the
6495               warning is omitted.  This is done under the assumption that the
6496               zero initializer in user code appears conditioned on e.g.
6497               "__STDC__" to avoid missing initializer warnings and relies on
6498               default initialization to zero in the traditional C case.
6500           *   Conversions by prototypes between fixed/floating-point values
6501               and vice versa.  The absence of these prototypes when compiling
6502               with traditional C causes serious problems.  This is a subset
6503               of the possible conversion warnings; for the full set use
6504               -Wtraditional-conversion.
6506           *   Use of ISO C style function definitions.  This warning
6507               intentionally is not issued for prototype declarations or
6508               variadic functions because these ISO C features appear in your
6509               code when using libiberty's traditional C compatibility macros,
6510               "PARAMS" and "VPARAMS".  This warning is also bypassed for
6511               nested functions because that feature is already a GCC
6512               extension and thus not relevant to traditional C compatibility.
6514       -Wtraditional-conversion (C and Objective-C only)
6515           Warn if a prototype causes a type conversion that is different from
6516           what would happen to the same argument in the absence of a
6517           prototype.  This includes conversions of fixed point to floating
6518           and vice versa, and conversions changing the width or signedness of
6519           a fixed-point argument except when the same as the default
6520           promotion.
6522       -Wdeclaration-after-statement (C and Objective-C only)
6523           Warn when a declaration is found after a statement in a block.
6524           This construct, known from C++, was introduced with ISO C99 and is
6525           by default allowed in GCC.  It is not supported by ISO C90.
6527       -Wshadow
6528           Warn whenever a local variable or type declaration shadows another
6529           variable, parameter, type, class member (in C++), or instance
6530           variable (in Objective-C) or whenever a built-in function is
6531           shadowed.  Note that in C++, the compiler warns if a local variable
6532           shadows an explicit typedef, but not if it shadows a
6533           struct/class/enum.  If this warning is enabled, it includes also
6534           all instances of local shadowing.  This means that
6535           -Wno-shadow=local and -Wno-shadow=compatible-local are ignored when
6536           -Wshadow is used.  Same as -Wshadow=global.
6538       -Wno-shadow-ivar (Objective-C only)
6539           Do not warn whenever a local variable shadows an instance variable
6540           in an Objective-C method.
6542       -Wshadow=global
6543           Warn for any shadowing.  Same as -Wshadow.
6545       -Wshadow=local
6546           Warn when a local variable shadows another local variable or
6547           parameter.
6549       -Wshadow=compatible-local
6550           Warn when a local variable shadows another local variable or
6551           parameter whose type is compatible with that of the shadowing
6552           variable.  In C++, type compatibility here means the type of the
6553           shadowing variable can be converted to that of the shadowed
6554           variable.  The creation of this flag (in addition to
6555           -Wshadow=local) is based on the idea that when a local variable
6556           shadows another one of incompatible type, it is most likely
6557           intentional, not a bug or typo, as shown in the following example:
6559                   for (SomeIterator i = SomeObj.begin(); i != SomeObj.end(); ++i)
6560                   {
6561                     for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
6562                     {
6563                       ...
6564                     }
6565                     ...
6566                   }
6568           Since the two variable "i" in the example above have incompatible
6569           types, enabling only -Wshadow=compatible-local does not emit a
6570           warning.  Because their types are incompatible, if a programmer
6571           accidentally uses one in place of the other, type checking is
6572           expected to catch that and emit an error or warning.  Use of this
6573           flag instead of -Wshadow=local can possibly reduce the number of
6574           warnings triggered by intentional shadowing.  Note that this also
6575           means that shadowing "const char *i" by "char *i" does not emit a
6576           warning.
6578           This warning is also enabled by -Wshadow=local.
6580       -Wlarger-than=byte-size
6581           Warn whenever an object is defined whose size exceeds byte-size.
6582           -Wlarger-than=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by default.  Warnings
6583           controlled by the option can be disabled either by specifying byte-
6584           size of SIZE_MAX or more or by -Wno-larger-than.
6586           Also warn for calls to bounded functions such as "memchr" or
6587           "strnlen" that specify a bound greater than the largest possible
6588           object, which is PTRDIFF_MAX bytes by default.  These warnings can
6589           only be disabled by -Wno-larger-than.
6591       -Wno-larger-than
6592           Disable -Wlarger-than= warnings.  The option is equivalent to
6593           -Wlarger-than=SIZE_MAX or larger.
6595       -Wframe-larger-than=byte-size
6596           Warn if the size of a function frame exceeds byte-size.  The
6597           computation done to determine the stack frame size is approximate
6598           and not conservative.  The actual requirements may be somewhat
6599           greater than byte-size even if you do not get a warning.  In
6600           addition, any space allocated via "alloca", variable-length arrays,
6601           or related constructs is not included by the compiler when
6602           determining whether or not to issue a warning.
6603           -Wframe-larger-than=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by default.  Warnings
6604           controlled by the option can be disabled either by specifying byte-
6605           size of SIZE_MAX or more or by -Wno-frame-larger-than.
6607       -Wno-frame-larger-than
6608           Disable -Wframe-larger-than= warnings.  The option is equivalent to
6609           -Wframe-larger-than=SIZE_MAX or larger.
6611       -Wfree-nonheap-object
6612           Warn when attempting to deallocate an object that was either not
6613           allocated on the heap, or by using a pointer that was not returned
6614           from a prior call to the corresponding allocation function.  For
6615           example, because the call to "stpcpy" returns a pointer to the
6616           terminating nul character and not to the beginning of the object,
6617           the call to "free" below is diagnosed.
6619                   void f (char *p)
6620                   {
6621                     p = stpcpy (p, "abc");
6622                     // ...
6623                     free (p);   // warning
6624                   }
6626           -Wfree-nonheap-object is included in -Wall.
6628       -Wstack-usage=byte-size
6629           Warn if the stack usage of a function might exceed byte-size.  The
6630           computation done to determine the stack usage is conservative.  Any
6631           space allocated via "alloca", variable-length arrays, or related
6632           constructs is included by the compiler when determining whether or
6633           not to issue a warning.
6635           The message is in keeping with the output of -fstack-usage.
6637           *   If the stack usage is fully static but exceeds the specified
6638               amount, it's:
6640                         warning: stack usage is 1120 bytes
6642           *   If the stack usage is (partly) dynamic but bounded, it's:
6644                         warning: stack usage might be 1648 bytes
6646           *   If the stack usage is (partly) dynamic and not bounded, it's:
6648                         warning: stack usage might be unbounded
6650           -Wstack-usage=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by default.  Warnings
6651           controlled by the option can be disabled either by specifying byte-
6652           size of SIZE_MAX or more or by -Wno-stack-usage.
6654       -Wno-stack-usage
6655           Disable -Wstack-usage= warnings.  The option is equivalent to
6656           -Wstack-usage=SIZE_MAX or larger.
6658       -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations
6659           Warn if the loop cannot be optimized because the compiler cannot
6660           assume anything on the bounds of the loop indices.  With
6661           -funsafe-loop-optimizations warn if the compiler makes such
6662           assumptions.
6664       -Wno-pedantic-ms-format (MinGW targets only)
6665           When used in combination with -Wformat and -pedantic without GNU
6666           extensions, this option disables the warnings about non-ISO
6667           "printf" / "scanf" format width specifiers "I32", "I64", and "I"
6668           used on Windows targets, which depend on the MS runtime.
6670       -Wpointer-arith
6671           Warn about anything that depends on the "size of" a function type
6672           or of "void".  GNU C assigns these types a size of 1, for
6673           convenience in calculations with "void *" pointers and pointers to
6674           functions.  In C++, warn also when an arithmetic operation involves
6675           "NULL".  This warning is also enabled by -Wpedantic.
6677       -Wno-pointer-compare
6678           Do not warn if a pointer is compared with a zero character
6679           constant.  This usually means that the pointer was meant to be
6680           dereferenced.  For example:
6682                   const char *p = foo ();
6683                   if (p == '\0')
6684                     return 42;
6686           Note that the code above is invalid in C++11.
6688           This warning is enabled by default.
6690       -Wtsan
6691           Warn about unsupported features in ThreadSanitizer.
6693           ThreadSanitizer does not support "std::atomic_thread_fence" and can
6694           report false positives.
6696           This warning is enabled by default.
6698       -Wtype-limits
6699           Warn if a comparison is always true or always false due to the
6700           limited range of the data type, but do not warn for constant
6701           expressions.  For example, warn if an unsigned variable is compared
6702           against zero with "<" or ">=".  This warning is also enabled by
6703           -Wextra.
6705       -Wabsolute-value (C and Objective-C only)
6706           Warn for calls to standard functions that compute the absolute
6707           value of an argument when a more appropriate standard function is
6708           available.  For example, calling abs(3.14) triggers the warning
6709           because the appropriate function to call to compute the absolute
6710           value of a double argument is "fabs".  The option also triggers
6711           warnings when the argument in a call to such a function has an
6712           unsigned type.  This warning can be suppressed with an explicit
6713           type cast and it is also enabled by -Wextra.
6715       -Wcomment
6716       -Wcomments
6717           Warn whenever a comment-start sequence /* appears in a /* comment,
6718           or whenever a backslash-newline appears in a // comment.  This
6719           warning is enabled by -Wall.
6721       -Wtrigraphs
6722           Warn if any trigraphs are encountered that might change the meaning
6723           of the program.  Trigraphs within comments are not warned about,
6724           except those that would form escaped newlines.
6726           This option is implied by -Wall.  If -Wall is not given, this
6727           option is still enabled unless trigraphs are enabled.  To get
6728           trigraph conversion without warnings, but get the other -Wall
6729           warnings, use -trigraphs -Wall -Wno-trigraphs.
6731       -Wundef
6732           Warn if an undefined identifier is evaluated in an "#if" directive.
6733           Such identifiers are replaced with zero.
6735       -Wexpansion-to-defined
6736           Warn whenever defined is encountered in the expansion of a macro
6737           (including the case where the macro is expanded by an #if
6738           directive).  Such usage is not portable.  This warning is also
6739           enabled by -Wpedantic and -Wextra.
6741       -Wunused-macros
6742           Warn about macros defined in the main file that are unused.  A
6743           macro is used if it is expanded or tested for existence at least
6744           once.  The preprocessor also warns if the macro has not been used
6745           at the time it is redefined or undefined.
6747           Built-in macros, macros defined on the command line, and macros
6748           defined in include files are not warned about.
6750           Note: If a macro is actually used, but only used in skipped
6751           conditional blocks, then the preprocessor reports it as unused.  To
6752           avoid the warning in such a case, you might improve the scope of
6753           the macro's definition by, for example, moving it into the first
6754           skipped block.  Alternatively, you could provide a dummy use with
6755           something like:
6757                   #if defined the_macro_causing_the_warning
6758                   #endif
6760       -Wno-endif-labels
6761           Do not warn whenever an "#else" or an "#endif" are followed by
6762           text.  This sometimes happens in older programs with code of the
6763           form
6765                   #if FOO
6766                   ...
6767                   #else FOO
6768                   ...
6769                   #endif FOO
6771           The second and third "FOO" should be in comments.  This warning is
6772           on by default.
6774       -Wbad-function-cast (C and Objective-C only)
6775           Warn when a function call is cast to a non-matching type.  For
6776           example, warn if a call to a function returning an integer type is
6777           cast to a pointer type.
6779       -Wc90-c99-compat (C and Objective-C only)
6780           Warn about features not present in ISO C90, but present in ISO C99.
6781           For instance, warn about use of variable length arrays, "long long"
6782           type, "bool" type, compound literals, designated initializers, and
6783           so on.  This option is independent of the standards mode.  Warnings
6784           are disabled in the expression that follows "__extension__".
6786       -Wc99-c11-compat (C and Objective-C only)
6787           Warn about features not present in ISO C99, but present in ISO C11.
6788           For instance, warn about use of anonymous structures and unions,
6789           "_Atomic" type qualifier, "_Thread_local" storage-class specifier,
6790           "_Alignas" specifier, "Alignof" operator, "_Generic" keyword, and
6791           so on.  This option is independent of the standards mode.  Warnings
6792           are disabled in the expression that follows "__extension__".
6794       -Wc11-c2x-compat (C and Objective-C only)
6795           Warn about features not present in ISO C11, but present in ISO C2X.
6796           For instance, warn about omitting the string in "_Static_assert",
6797           use of [[]] syntax for attributes, use of decimal floating-point
6798           types, and so on.  This option is independent of the standards
6799           mode.  Warnings are disabled in the expression that follows
6800           "__extension__".
6802       -Wc++-compat (C and Objective-C only)
6803           Warn about ISO C constructs that are outside of the common subset
6804           of ISO C and ISO C++, e.g. request for implicit conversion from
6805           "void *" to a pointer to non-"void" type.
6807       -Wc++11-compat (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6808           Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++
6809           1998 and ISO C++ 2011, e.g., identifiers in ISO C++ 1998 that are
6810           keywords in ISO C++ 2011.  This warning turns on -Wnarrowing and is
6811           enabled by -Wall.
6813       -Wc++14-compat (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6814           Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++
6815           2011 and ISO C++ 2014.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6817       -Wc++17-compat (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6818           Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++
6819           2014 and ISO C++ 2017.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6821       -Wc++20-compat (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6822           Warn about C++ constructs whose meaning differs between ISO C++
6823           2017 and ISO C++ 2020.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
6825       -Wno-c++11-extensions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6826           Do not warn about C++11 constructs in code being compiled using an
6827           older C++ standard.  Even without this option, some C++11
6828           constructs will only be diagnosed if -Wpedantic is used.
6830       -Wno-c++14-extensions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6831           Do not warn about C++14 constructs in code being compiled using an
6832           older C++ standard.  Even without this option, some C++14
6833           constructs will only be diagnosed if -Wpedantic is used.
6835       -Wno-c++17-extensions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6836           Do not warn about C++17 constructs in code being compiled using an
6837           older C++ standard.  Even without this option, some C++17
6838           constructs will only be diagnosed if -Wpedantic is used.
6840       -Wno-c++20-extensions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6841           Do not warn about C++20 constructs in code being compiled using an
6842           older C++ standard.  Even without this option, some C++20
6843           constructs will only be diagnosed if -Wpedantic is used.
6845       -Wno-c++23-extensions (C++ and Objective-C++ only)
6846           Do not warn about C++23 constructs in code being compiled using an
6847           older C++ standard.  Even without this option, some C++23
6848           constructs will only be diagnosed if -Wpedantic is used.
6850       -Wcast-qual
6851           Warn whenever a pointer is cast so as to remove a type qualifier
6852           from the target type.  For example, warn if a "const char *" is
6853           cast to an ordinary "char *".
6855           Also warn when making a cast that introduces a type qualifier in an
6856           unsafe way.  For example, casting "char **" to "const char **" is
6857           unsafe, as in this example:
6859                     /* p is char ** value.  */
6860                     const char **q = (const char **) p;
6861                     /* Assignment of readonly string to const char * is OK.  */
6862                     *q = "string";
6863                     /* Now char** pointer points to read-only memory.  */
6864                     **p = 'b';
6866       -Wcast-align
6867           Warn whenever a pointer is cast such that the required alignment of
6868           the target is increased.  For example, warn if a "char *" is cast
6869           to an "int *" on machines where integers can only be accessed at
6870           two- or four-byte boundaries.
6872       -Wcast-align=strict
6873           Warn whenever a pointer is cast such that the required alignment of
6874           the target is increased.  For example, warn if a "char *" is cast
6875           to an "int *" regardless of the target machine.
6877       -Wcast-function-type
6878           Warn when a function pointer is cast to an incompatible function
6879           pointer.  In a cast involving function types with a variable
6880           argument list only the types of initial arguments that are provided
6881           are considered.  Any parameter of pointer-type matches any other
6882           pointer-type.  Any benign differences in integral types are
6883           ignored, like "int" vs. "long" on ILP32 targets.  Likewise type
6884           qualifiers are ignored.  The function type "void (*) (void)" is
6885           special and matches everything, which can be used to suppress this
6886           warning.  In a cast involving pointer to member types this warning
6887           warns whenever the type cast is changing the pointer to member
6888           type.  This warning is enabled by -Wextra.
6890       -Wwrite-strings
6891           When compiling C, give string constants the type "const
6892           char[length]" so that copying the address of one into a non-"const"
6893           "char *" pointer produces a warning.  These warnings help you find
6894           at compile time code that can try to write into a string constant,
6895           but only if you have been very careful about using "const" in
6896           declarations and prototypes.  Otherwise, it is just a nuisance.
6897           This is why we did not make -Wall request these warnings.
6899           When compiling C++, warn about the deprecated conversion from
6900           string literals to "char *".  This warning is enabled by default
6901           for C++ programs.
6903       -Wclobbered
6904           Warn for variables that might be changed by "longjmp" or "vfork".
6905           This warning is also enabled by -Wextra.
6907       -Wconversion
6908           Warn for implicit conversions that may alter a value. This includes
6909           conversions between real and integer, like "abs (x)" when "x" is
6910           "double"; conversions between signed and unsigned, like "unsigned
6911           ui = -1"; and conversions to smaller types, like "sqrtf (M_PI)". Do
6912           not warn for explicit casts like "abs ((int) x)" and "ui =
6913           (unsigned) -1", or if the value is not changed by the conversion
6914           like in "abs (2.0)".  Warnings about conversions between signed and
6915           unsigned integers can be disabled by using -Wno-sign-conversion.
6917           For C++, also warn for confusing overload resolution for user-
6918           defined conversions; and conversions that never use a type
6919           conversion operator: conversions to "void", the same type, a base
6920           class or a reference to them. Warnings about conversions between
6921           signed and unsigned integers are disabled by default in C++ unless
6922           -Wsign-conversion is explicitly enabled.
6924           Warnings about conversion from arithmetic on a small type back to
6925           that type are only given with -Warith-conversion.
6927       -Wdangling-else
6928           Warn about constructions where there may be confusion to which "if"
6929           statement an "else" branch belongs.  Here is an example of such a
6930           case:
6932                   {
6933                     if (a)
6934                       if (b)
6935                         foo ();
6936                     else
6937                       bar ();
6938                   }
6940           In C/C++, every "else" branch belongs to the innermost possible
6941           "if" statement, which in this example is "if (b)".  This is often
6942           not what the programmer expected, as illustrated in the above
6943           example by indentation the programmer chose.  When there is the
6944           potential for this confusion, GCC issues a warning when this flag
6945           is specified.  To eliminate the warning, add explicit braces around
6946           the innermost "if" statement so there is no way the "else" can
6947           belong to the enclosing "if".  The resulting code looks like this:
6949                   {
6950                     if (a)
6951                       {
6952                         if (b)
6953                           foo ();
6954                         else
6955                           bar ();
6956                       }
6957                   }
6959           This warning is enabled by -Wparentheses.
6961       -Wdangling-pointer
6962       -Wdangling-pointer=n
6963           Warn about uses of pointers (or C++ references) to objects with
6964           automatic storage duration after their lifetime has ended.  This
6965           includes local variables declared in nested blocks, compound
6966           literals and other unnamed temporary objects.  In addition, warn
6967           about storing the address of such objects in escaped pointers.  The
6968           warning is enabled at all optimization levels but may yield
6969           different results with optimization than without.
6971           -Wdangling-pointer=1
6972               At level 1 the warning diagnoses only unconditional uses of
6973               dangling pointers.  For example
6975                       int f (int c1, int c2, x)
6976                       {
6977                         char *p = strchr ((char[]){ c1, c2 }, c3);
6978                         return p ? *p : 'x';   // warning: dangling pointer to a compound literal
6979                       }
6981               In the following function the store of the address of the local
6982               variable "x" in the escaped pointer *p also triggers the
6983               warning.
6985                       void g (int **p)
6986                       {
6987                         int x = 7;
6988                         *p = &x;   // warning: storing the address of a local variable in *p
6989                       }
6991           -Wdangling-pointer=2
6992               At level 2, in addition to unconditional uses the warning also
6993               diagnoses conditional uses of dangling pointers.
6995               For example, because the array a in the following function is
6996               out of scope when the pointer s that was set to point is used,
6997               the warning triggers at this level.
6999                       void f (char *s)
7000                       {
7001                         if (!s)
7002                           {
7003                             char a[12] = "tmpname";
7004                             s = a;
7005                           }
7006                         strcat (s, ".tmp");   // warning: dangling pointer to a may be used
7007                         ...
7008                       }
7010           -Wdangling-pointer=2 is included in -Wall.
7012       -Wdate-time
7013           Warn when macros "__TIME__", "__DATE__" or "__TIMESTAMP__" are
7014           encountered as they might prevent bit-wise-identical reproducible
7015           compilations.
7017       -Wempty-body
7018           Warn if an empty body occurs in an "if", "else" or "do while"
7019           statement.  This warning is also enabled by -Wextra.
7021       -Wno-endif-labels
7022           Do not warn about stray tokens after "#else" and "#endif".
7024       -Wenum-compare
7025           Warn about a comparison between values of different enumerated
7026           types.  In C++ enumerated type mismatches in conditional
7027           expressions are also diagnosed and the warning is enabled by
7028           default.  In C this warning is enabled by -Wall.
7030       -Wenum-conversion
7031           Warn when a value of enumerated type is implicitly converted to a
7032           different enumerated type.  This warning is enabled by -Wextra in
7033           C.
7035       -Wjump-misses-init (C, Objective-C only)
7036           Warn if a "goto" statement or a "switch" statement jumps forward
7037           across the initialization of a variable, or jumps backward to a
7038           label after the variable has been initialized.  This only warns
7039           about variables that are initialized when they are declared.  This
7040           warning is only supported for C and Objective-C; in C++ this sort
7041           of branch is an error in any case.
7043           -Wjump-misses-init is included in -Wc++-compat.  It can be disabled
7044           with the -Wno-jump-misses-init option.
7046       -Wsign-compare
7047           Warn when a comparison between signed and unsigned values could
7048           produce an incorrect result when the signed value is converted to
7049           unsigned.  In C++, this warning is also enabled by -Wall.  In C, it
7050           is also enabled by -Wextra.
7052       -Wsign-conversion
7053           Warn for implicit conversions that may change the sign of an
7054           integer value, like assigning a signed integer expression to an
7055           unsigned integer variable. An explicit cast silences the warning.
7056           In C, this option is enabled also by -Wconversion.
7058       -Wfloat-conversion
7059           Warn for implicit conversions that reduce the precision of a real
7060           value.  This includes conversions from real to integer, and from
7061           higher precision real to lower precision real values.  This option
7062           is also enabled by -Wconversion.
7064       -Wno-scalar-storage-order
7065           Do not warn on suspicious constructs involving reverse scalar
7066           storage order.
7068       -Wsizeof-array-div
7069           Warn about divisions of two sizeof operators when the first one is
7070           applied to an array and the divisor does not equal the size of the
7071           array element.  In such a case, the computation will not yield the
7072           number of elements in the array, which is likely what the user
7073           intended.  This warning warns e.g. about
7075                   int fn ()
7076                   {
7077                     int arr[10];
7078                     return sizeof (arr) / sizeof (short);
7079                   }
7081           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
7083       -Wsizeof-pointer-div
7084           Warn for suspicious divisions of two sizeof expressions that divide
7085           the pointer size by the element size, which is the usual way to
7086           compute the array size but won't work out correctly with pointers.
7087           This warning warns e.g. about "sizeof (ptr) / sizeof (ptr[0])" if
7088           "ptr" is not an array, but a pointer.  This warning is enabled by
7089           -Wall.
7091       -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess
7092           Warn for suspicious length parameters to certain string and memory
7093           built-in functions if the argument uses "sizeof".  This warning
7094           triggers for example for "memset (ptr, 0, sizeof (ptr));" if "ptr"
7095           is not an array, but a pointer, and suggests a possible fix, or
7096           about "memcpy (&foo, ptr, sizeof (&foo));".
7097           -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess also warns about calls to bounded string
7098           copy functions like "strncat" or "strncpy" that specify as the
7099           bound a "sizeof" expression of the source array.  For example, in
7100           the following function the call to "strncat" specifies the size of
7101           the source string as the bound.  That is almost certainly a mistake
7102           and so the call is diagnosed.
7104                   void make_file (const char *name)
7105                   {
7106                     char path[PATH_MAX];
7107                     strncpy (path, name, sizeof path - 1);
7108                     strncat (path, ".text", sizeof ".text");
7109                     ...
7110                   }
7112           The -Wsizeof-pointer-memaccess option is enabled by -Wall.
7114       -Wno-sizeof-array-argument
7115           Do not warn when the "sizeof" operator is applied to a parameter
7116           that is declared as an array in a function definition.  This
7117           warning is enabled by default for C and C++ programs.
7119       -Wmemset-elt-size
7120           Warn for suspicious calls to the "memset" built-in function, if the
7121           first argument references an array, and the third argument is a
7122           number equal to the number of elements, but not equal to the size
7123           of the array in memory.  This indicates that the user has omitted a
7124           multiplication by the element size.  This warning is enabled by
7125           -Wall.
7127       -Wmemset-transposed-args
7128           Warn for suspicious calls to the "memset" built-in function where
7129           the second argument is not zero and the third argument is zero.
7130           For example, the call "memset (buf, sizeof buf, 0)" is diagnosed
7131           because "memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf)" was meant instead.  The
7132           diagnostic is only emitted if the third argument is a literal zero.
7133           Otherwise, if it is an expression that is folded to zero, or a cast
7134           of zero to some type, it is far less likely that the arguments have
7135           been mistakenly transposed and no warning is emitted.  This warning
7136           is enabled by -Wall.
7138       -Waddress
7139           Warn about suspicious uses of address expressions. These include
7140           comparing the address of a function or a declared object to the
7141           null pointer constant such as in
7143                   void f (void);
7144                   void g (void)
7145                   {
7146                     if (!func)   // warning: expression evaluates to false
7147                       abort ();
7148                   }
7150           comparisons of a pointer to a string literal, such as in
7152                   void f (const char *x)
7153                   {
7154                     if (x == "abc")   // warning: expression evaluates to false
7155                       puts ("equal");
7156                   }
7158           and tests of the results of pointer addition or subtraction for
7159           equality to null, such as in
7161                   void f (const int *p, int i)
7162                   {
7163                     return p + i == NULL;
7164                   }
7166           Such uses typically indicate a programmer error: the address of
7167           most functions and objects necessarily evaluates to true (the
7168           exception are weak symbols), so their use in a conditional might
7169           indicate missing parentheses in a function call or a missing
7170           dereference in an array expression.  The subset of the warning for
7171           object pointers can be suppressed by casting the pointer operand to
7172           an integer type such as "inptr_t" or "uinptr_t".  Comparisons
7173           against string literals result in unspecified behavior and are not
7174           portable, and suggest the intent was to call "strcmp".  The warning
7175           is suppressed if the suspicious expression is the result of macro
7176           expansion.  -Waddress warning is enabled by -Wall.
7178       -Wno-address-of-packed-member
7179           Do not warn when the address of packed member of struct or union is
7180           taken, which usually results in an unaligned pointer value.  This
7181           is enabled by default.
7183       -Wlogical-op
7184           Warn about suspicious uses of logical operators in expressions.
7185           This includes using logical operators in contexts where a bit-wise
7186           operator is likely to be expected.  Also warns when the operands of
7187           a logical operator are the same:
7189                   extern int a;
7190                   if (a < 0 && a < 0) { ... }
7192       -Wlogical-not-parentheses
7193           Warn about logical not used on the left hand side operand of a
7194           comparison.  This option does not warn if the right operand is
7195           considered to be a boolean expression.  Its purpose is to detect
7196           suspicious code like the following:
7198                   int a;
7199                   ...
7200                   if (!a > 1) { ... }
7202           It is possible to suppress the warning by wrapping the LHS into
7203           parentheses:
7205                   if ((!a) > 1) { ... }
7207           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
7209       -Waggregate-return
7210           Warn if any functions that return structures or unions are defined
7211           or called.  (In languages where you can return an array, this also
7212           elicits a warning.)
7214       -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations
7215           Warn if in a loop with constant number of iterations the compiler
7216           detects undefined behavior in some statement during one or more of
7217           the iterations.
7219       -Wno-attributes
7220           Do not warn if an unexpected "__attribute__" is used, such as
7221           unrecognized attributes, function attributes applied to variables,
7222           etc.  This does not stop errors for incorrect use of supported
7223           attributes.
7225           Additionally, using -Wno-attributes=, it is possible to suppress
7226           warnings about unknown scoped attributes (in C++11 and C2X).  For
7227           example, -Wno-attributes=vendor::attr disables warning about the
7228           following declaration:
7230                   [[vendor::attr]] void f();
7232           It is also possible to disable warning about all attributes in a
7233           namespace using -Wno-attributes=vendor:: which prevents warning
7234           about both of these declarations:
7236                   [[vendor::safe]] void f();
7237                   [[vendor::unsafe]] void f2();
7239           Note that -Wno-attributes= does not imply -Wno-attributes.
7241       -Wno-builtin-declaration-mismatch
7242           Warn if a built-in function is declared with an incompatible
7243           signature or as a non-function, or when a built-in function
7244           declared with a type that does not include a prototype is called
7245           with arguments whose promoted types do not match those expected by
7246           the function.  When -Wextra is specified, also warn when a built-in
7247           function that takes arguments is declared without a prototype.  The
7248           -Wbuiltin-declaration-mismatch warning is enabled by default.  To
7249           avoid the warning include the appropriate header to bring the
7250           prototypes of built-in functions into scope.
7252           For example, the call to "memset" below is diagnosed by the warning
7253           because the function expects a value of type "size_t" as its
7254           argument but the type of 32 is "int".  With -Wextra, the
7255           declaration of the function is diagnosed as well.
7257                   extern void* memset ();
7258                   void f (void *d)
7259                   {
7260                     memset (d, '\0', 32);
7261                   }
7263       -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined
7264           Do not warn if certain built-in macros are redefined.  This
7265           suppresses warnings for redefinition of "__TIMESTAMP__",
7266           "__TIME__", "__DATE__", "__FILE__", and "__BASE_FILE__".
7268       -Wstrict-prototypes (C and Objective-C only)
7269           Warn if a function is declared or defined without specifying the
7270           argument types.  (An old-style function definition is permitted
7271           without a warning if preceded by a declaration that specifies the
7272           argument types.)
7274       -Wold-style-declaration (C and Objective-C only)
7275           Warn for obsolescent usages, according to the C Standard, in a
7276           declaration. For example, warn if storage-class specifiers like
7277           "static" are not the first things in a declaration.  This warning
7278           is also enabled by -Wextra.
7280       -Wold-style-definition (C and Objective-C only)
7281           Warn if an old-style function definition is used.  A warning is
7282           given even if there is a previous prototype.  A definition using ()
7283           is not considered an old-style definition in C2X mode, because it
7284           is equivalent to (void) in that case, but is considered an old-
7285           style definition for older standards.
7287       -Wmissing-parameter-type (C and Objective-C only)
7288           A function parameter is declared without a type specifier in
7289           K&R-style functions:
7291                   void foo(bar) { }
7293           This warning is also enabled by -Wextra.
7295       -Wmissing-prototypes (C and Objective-C only)
7296           Warn if a global function is defined without a previous prototype
7297           declaration.  This warning is issued even if the definition itself
7298           provides a prototype.  Use this option to detect global functions
7299           that do not have a matching prototype declaration in a header file.
7300           This option is not valid for C++ because all function declarations
7301           provide prototypes and a non-matching declaration declares an
7302           overload rather than conflict with an earlier declaration.  Use
7303           -Wmissing-declarations to detect missing declarations in C++.
7305       -Wmissing-declarations
7306           Warn if a global function is defined without a previous
7307           declaration.  Do so even if the definition itself provides a
7308           prototype.  Use this option to detect global functions that are not
7309           declared in header files.  In C, no warnings are issued for
7310           functions with previous non-prototype declarations; use
7311           -Wmissing-prototypes to detect missing prototypes.  In C++, no
7312           warnings are issued for function templates, or for inline
7313           functions, or for functions in anonymous namespaces.
7315       -Wmissing-field-initializers
7316           Warn if a structure's initializer has some fields missing.  For
7317           example, the following code causes such a warning, because "x.h" is
7318           implicitly zero:
7320                   struct s { int f, g, h; };
7321                   struct s x = { 3, 4 };
7323           This option does not warn about designated initializers, so the
7324           following modification does not trigger a warning:
7326                   struct s { int f, g, h; };
7327                   struct s x = { .f = 3, .g = 4 };
7329           In C this option does not warn about the universal zero initializer
7330           { 0 }:
7332                   struct s { int f, g, h; };
7333                   struct s x = { 0 };
7335           Likewise, in C++ this option does not warn about the empty { }
7336           initializer, for example:
7338                   struct s { int f, g, h; };
7339                   s x = { };
7341           This warning is included in -Wextra.  To get other -Wextra warnings
7342           without this one, use -Wextra -Wno-missing-field-initializers.
7344       -Wno-missing-requires
7345           By default, the compiler warns about a concept-id appearing as a
7346           C++20 simple-requirement:
7348                   bool satisfied = requires { C<T> };
7350           Here satisfied will be true if C<T> is a valid expression, which it
7351           is for all T.  Presumably the user meant to write
7353                   bool satisfied = requires { requires C<T> };
7355           so satisfied is only true if concept C is satisfied for type T.
7357           This warning can be disabled with -Wno-missing-requires.
7359       -Wno-missing-template-keyword
7360           The member access tokens ., -> and :: must be followed by the
7361           "template" keyword if the parent object is dependent and the member
7362           being named is a template.
7364                   template <class X>
7365                   void DoStuff (X x)
7366                   {
7367                     x.template DoSomeOtherStuff<X>(); // Good.
7368                     x.DoMoreStuff<X>(); // Warning, x is dependent.
7369                   }
7371           In rare cases it is possible to get false positives. To silence
7372           this, wrap the expression in parentheses. For example, the
7373           following is treated as a template, even where m and N are
7374           integers:
7376                   void NotATemplate (my_class t)
7377                   {
7378                     int N = 5;
7380                     bool test = t.m < N > (0); // Treated as a template.
7381                     test = (t.m < N) > (0); // Same meaning, but not treated as a template.
7382                   }
7384           This warning can be disabled with -Wno-missing-template-keyword.
7386       -Wno-multichar
7387           Do not warn if a multicharacter constant ('FOOF') is used.  Usually
7388           they indicate a typo in the user's code, as they have
7389           implementation-defined values, and should not be used in portable
7390           code.
7392       -Wnormalized=[none|id|nfc|nfkc]
7393           In ISO C and ISO C++, two identifiers are different if they are
7394           different sequences of characters.  However, sometimes when
7395           characters outside the basic ASCII character set are used, you can
7396           have two different character sequences that look the same.  To
7397           avoid confusion, the ISO 10646 standard sets out some normalization
7398           rules which when applied ensure that two sequences that look the
7399           same are turned into the same sequence.  GCC can warn you if you
7400           are using identifiers that have not been normalized; this option
7401           controls that warning.
7403           There are four levels of warning supported by GCC.  The default is
7404           -Wnormalized=nfc, which warns about any identifier that is not in
7405           the ISO 10646 "C" normalized form, NFC.  NFC is the recommended
7406           form for most uses.  It is equivalent to -Wnormalized.
7408           Unfortunately, there are some characters allowed in identifiers by
7409           ISO C and ISO C++ that, when turned into NFC, are not allowed in
7410           identifiers.  That is, there's no way to use these symbols in
7411           portable ISO C or C++ and have all your identifiers in NFC.
7412           -Wnormalized=id suppresses the warning for these characters.  It is
7413           hoped that future versions of the standards involved will correct
7414           this, which is why this option is not the default.
7416           You can switch the warning off for all characters by writing
7417           -Wnormalized=none or -Wno-normalized.  You should only do this if
7418           you are using some other normalization scheme (like "D"), because
7419           otherwise you can easily create bugs that are literally impossible
7420           to see.
7422           Some characters in ISO 10646 have distinct meanings but look
7423           identical in some fonts or display methodologies, especially once
7424           formatting has been applied.  For instance "\u207F", "SUPERSCRIPT
7425           LATIN SMALL LETTER N", displays just like a regular "n" that has
7426           been placed in a superscript.  ISO 10646 defines the NFKC
7427           normalization scheme to convert all these into a standard form as
7428           well, and GCC warns if your code is not in NFKC if you use
7429           -Wnormalized=nfkc.  This warning is comparable to warning about
7430           every identifier that contains the letter O because it might be
7431           confused with the digit 0, and so is not the default, but may be
7432           useful as a local coding convention if the programming environment
7433           cannot be fixed to display these characters distinctly.
7435       -Wno-attribute-warning
7436           Do not warn about usage of functions declared with "warning"
7437           attribute.  By default, this warning is enabled.
7438           -Wno-attribute-warning can be used to disable the warning or
7439           -Wno-error=attribute-warning can be used to disable the error when
7440           compiled with -Werror flag.
7442       -Wno-deprecated
7443           Do not warn about usage of deprecated features.
7445       -Wno-deprecated-declarations
7446           Do not warn about uses of functions, variables, and types marked as
7447           deprecated by using the "deprecated" attribute.
7449       -Wno-overflow
7450           Do not warn about compile-time overflow in constant expressions.
7452       -Wno-odr
7453           Warn about One Definition Rule violations during link-time
7454           optimization.  Enabled by default.
7456       -Wopenacc-parallelism
7457           Warn about potentially suboptimal choices related to OpenACC
7458           parallelism.
7460       -Wopenmp-simd
7461           Warn if the vectorizer cost model overrides the OpenMP simd
7462           directive set by user.  The -fsimd-cost-model=unlimited option can
7463           be used to relax the cost model.
7465       -Woverride-init (C and Objective-C only)
7466           Warn if an initialized field without side effects is overridden
7467           when using designated initializers.
7469           This warning is included in -Wextra.  To get other -Wextra warnings
7470           without this one, use -Wextra -Wno-override-init.
7472       -Wno-override-init-side-effects (C and Objective-C only)
7473           Do not warn if an initialized field with side effects is overridden
7474           when using designated initializers.  This warning is enabled by
7475           default.
7477       -Wpacked
7478           Warn if a structure is given the packed attribute, but the packed
7479           attribute has no effect on the layout or size of the structure.
7480           Such structures may be mis-aligned for little benefit.  For
7481           instance, in this code, the variable "f.x" in "struct bar" is
7482           misaligned even though "struct bar" does not itself have the packed
7483           attribute:
7485                   struct foo {
7486                     int x;
7487                     char a, b, c, d;
7488                   } __attribute__((packed));
7489                   struct bar {
7490                     char z;
7491                     struct foo f;
7492                   };
7494       -Wnopacked-bitfield-compat
7495           The 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 series of GCC ignore the "packed" attribute on
7496           bit-fields of type "char".  This was fixed in GCC 4.4 but the
7497           change can lead to differences in the structure layout.  GCC
7498           informs you when the offset of such a field has changed in GCC 4.4.
7499           For example there is no longer a 4-bit padding between field "a"
7500           and "b" in this structure:
7502                   struct foo
7503                   {
7504                     char a:4;
7505                     char b:8;
7506                   } __attribute__ ((packed));
7508           This warning is enabled by default.  Use
7509           -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat to disable this warning.
7511       -Wpacked-not-aligned (C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++ only)
7512           Warn if a structure field with explicitly specified alignment in a
7513           packed struct or union is misaligned.  For example, a warning will
7514           be issued on "struct S", like, "warning: alignment 1 of 'struct S'
7515           is less than 8", in this code:
7517                   struct __attribute__ ((aligned (8))) S8 { char a[8]; };
7518                   struct __attribute__ ((packed)) S {
7519                     struct S8 s8;
7520                   };
7522           This warning is enabled by -Wall.
7524       -Wpadded
7525           Warn if padding is included in a structure, either to align an
7526           element of the structure or to align the whole structure.
7527           Sometimes when this happens it is possible to rearrange the fields
7528           of the structure to reduce the padding and so make the structure
7529           smaller.
7531       -Wredundant-decls
7532           Warn if anything is declared more than once in the same scope, even
7533           in cases where multiple declaration is valid and changes nothing.
7535       -Wrestrict
7536           Warn when an object referenced by a "restrict"-qualified parameter
7537           (or, in C++, a "__restrict"-qualified parameter) is aliased by
7538           another argument, or when copies between such objects overlap.  For
7539           example, the call to the "strcpy" function below attempts to
7540           truncate the string by replacing its initial characters with the
7541           last four.  However, because the call writes the terminating NUL
7542           into "a[4]", the copies overlap and the call is diagnosed.
7544                   void foo (void)
7545                   {
7546                     char a[] = "abcd1234";
7547                     strcpy (a, a + 4);
7548                     ...
7549                   }
7551           The -Wrestrict option detects some instances of simple overlap even
7552           without optimization but works best at -O2 and above.  It is
7553           included in -Wall.
7555       -Wnested-externs (C and Objective-C only)
7556           Warn if an "extern" declaration is encountered within a function.
7558       -Winline
7559           Warn if a function that is declared as inline cannot be inlined.
7560           Even with this option, the compiler does not warn about failures to
7561           inline functions declared in system headers.
7563           The compiler uses a variety of heuristics to determine whether or
7564           not to inline a function.  For example, the compiler takes into
7565           account the size of the function being inlined and the amount of
7566           inlining that has already been done in the current function.
7567           Therefore, seemingly insignificant changes in the source program
7568           can cause the warnings produced by -Winline to appear or disappear.
7570       -Winterference-size
7571           Warn about use of C++17
7572           "std::hardware_destructive_interference_size" without specifying
7573           its value with --param destructive-interference-size.  Also warn
7574           about questionable values for that option.
7576           This variable is intended to be used for controlling class layout,
7577           to avoid false sharing in concurrent code:
7579                   struct independent_fields {
7580                     alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) std::atomic<int> one;
7581                     alignas(std::hardware_destructive_interference_size) std::atomic<int> two;
7582                   };
7584           Here one and two are intended to be far enough apart that stores to
7585           one won't require accesses to the other to reload the cache line.
7587           By default, --param destructive-interference-size and --param
7588           constructive-interference-size are set based on the current -mtune
7589           option, typically to the L1 cache line size for the particular
7590           target CPU, sometimes to a range if tuning for a generic target.
7591           So all translation units that depend on ABI compatibility for the
7592           use of these variables must be compiled with the same -mtune (or
7593           -mcpu).
7595           If ABI stability is important, such as if the use is in a header
7596           for a library, you should probably not use the hardware
7597           interference size variables at all.  Alternatively, you can force a
7598           particular value with --param.
7600           If you are confident that your use of the variable does not affect
7601           ABI outside a single build of your project, you can turn off the
7602           warning with -Wno-interference-size.
7604       -Wint-in-bool-context
7605           Warn for suspicious use of integer values where boolean values are
7606           expected, such as conditional expressions (?:) using non-boolean
7607           integer constants in boolean context, like "if (a <= b ? 2 : 3)".
7608           Or left shifting of signed integers in boolean context, like "for
7609           (a = 0; 1 << a; a++);".  Likewise for all kinds of multiplications
7610           regardless of the data type.  This warning is enabled by -Wall.
7612       -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast
7613           Suppress warnings from casts to pointer type of an integer of a
7614           different size. In C++, casting to a pointer type of smaller size
7615           is an error. Wint-to-pointer-cast is enabled by default.
7617       -Wno-pointer-to-int-cast (C and Objective-C only)
7618           Suppress warnings from casts from a pointer to an integer type of a
7619           different size.
7621       -Winvalid-pch
7622           Warn if a precompiled header is found in the search path but cannot
7623           be used.
7625       -Wlong-long
7626           Warn if "long long" type is used.  This is enabled by either
7627           -Wpedantic or -Wtraditional in ISO C90 and C++98 modes.  To inhibit
7628           the warning messages, use -Wno-long-long.
7630       -Wvariadic-macros
7631           Warn if variadic macros are used in ISO C90 mode, or if the GNU
7632           alternate syntax is used in ISO C99 mode.  This is enabled by
7633           either -Wpedantic or -Wtraditional.  To inhibit the warning
7634           messages, use -Wno-variadic-macros.
7636       -Wno-varargs
7637           Do not warn upon questionable usage of the macros used to handle
7638           variable arguments like "va_start".  These warnings are enabled by
7639           default.
7641       -Wvector-operation-performance
7642           Warn if vector operation is not implemented via SIMD capabilities
7643           of the architecture.  Mainly useful for the performance tuning.
7644           Vector operation can be implemented "piecewise", which means that
7645           the scalar operation is performed on every vector element; "in
7646           parallel", which means that the vector operation is implemented
7647           using scalars of wider type, which normally is more performance
7648           efficient; and "as a single scalar", which means that vector fits
7649           into a scalar type.
7651       -Wvla
7652           Warn if a variable-length array is used in the code.  -Wno-vla
7653           prevents the -Wpedantic warning of the variable-length array.
7655       -Wvla-larger-than=byte-size
7656           If this option is used, the compiler warns for declarations of
7657           variable-length arrays whose size is either unbounded, or bounded
7658           by an argument that allows the array size to exceed byte-size
7659           bytes.  This is similar to how -Walloca-larger-than=byte-size
7660           works, but with variable-length arrays.
7662           Note that GCC may optimize small variable-length arrays of a known
7663           value into plain arrays, so this warning may not get triggered for
7664           such arrays.
7666           -Wvla-larger-than=PTRDIFF_MAX is enabled by default but is
7667           typically only effective when -ftree-vrp is active (default for -O2
7668           and above).
7670           See also -Walloca-larger-than=byte-size.
7672       -Wno-vla-larger-than
7673           Disable -Wvla-larger-than= warnings.  The option is equivalent to
7674           -Wvla-larger-than=SIZE_MAX or larger.
7676       -Wvla-parameter
7677           Warn about redeclarations of functions involving arguments of
7678           Variable Length Array types of inconsistent kinds or forms, and
7679           enable the detection of out-of-bounds accesses to such parameters
7680           by warnings such as -Warray-bounds.
7682           If the first function declaration uses the VLA form the bound
7683           specified in the array is assumed to be the minimum number of
7684           elements expected to be provided in calls to the function and the
7685           maximum number of elements accessed by it.  Failing to provide
7686           arguments of sufficient size or accessing more than the maximum
7687           number of elements may be diagnosed.
7689           For example, the warning triggers for the following redeclarations
7690           because the first one allows an array of any size to be passed to
7691           "f" while the second one specifies that the array argument must
7692           have at least "n" elements.  In addition, calling "f" with the
7693           associated VLA bound parameter in excess of the actual VLA bound
7694           triggers a warning as well.
7696                   void f (int n, int[n]);
7697                   void f (int, int[]);     // warning: argument 2 previously declared as a VLA
7699                   void g (int n)
7700                   {
7701                       if (n > 4)
7702                         return;
7703                       int a[n];
7704                       f (sizeof a, a);     // warning: access to a by f may be out of bounds
7705                     ...
7706                   }
7708           -Wvla-parameter is included in -Wall.  The -Warray-parameter option
7709           triggers warnings for similar problems involving ordinary array
7710           arguments.
7712       -Wvolatile-register-var
7713           Warn if a register variable is declared volatile.  The volatile
7714           modifier does not inhibit all optimizations that may eliminate
7715           reads and/or writes to register variables.  This warning is enabled
7716           by -Wall.
7718       -Wdisabled-optimization
7719           Warn if a requested optimization pass is disabled.  This warning
7720           does not generally indicate that there is anything wrong with your
7721           code; it merely indicates that GCC's optimizers are unable to
7722           handle the code effectively.  Often, the problem is that your code
7723           is too big or too complex; GCC refuses to optimize programs when
7724           the optimization itself is likely to take inordinate amounts of
7725           time.
7727       -Wpointer-sign (C and Objective-C only)
7728           Warn for pointer argument passing or assignment with different
7729           signedness.  This option is only supported for C and Objective-C.
7730           It is implied by -Wall and by -Wpedantic, which can be disabled
7731           with -Wno-pointer-sign.
7733       -Wstack-protector
7734           This option is only active when -fstack-protector is active.  It
7735           warns about functions that are not protected against stack
7736           smashing.
7738       -Woverlength-strings
7739           Warn about string constants that are longer than the "minimum
7740           maximum" length specified in the C standard.  Modern compilers
7741           generally allow string constants that are much longer than the
7742           standard's minimum limit, but very portable programs should avoid
7743           using longer strings.
7745           The limit applies after string constant concatenation, and does not
7746           count the trailing NUL.  In C90, the limit was 509 characters; in
7747           C99, it was raised to 4095.  C++98 does not specify a normative
7748           minimum maximum, so we do not diagnose overlength strings in C++.
7750           This option is implied by -Wpedantic, and can be disabled with
7751           -Wno-overlength-strings.
7753       -Wunsuffixed-float-constants (C and Objective-C only)
7754           Issue a warning for any floating constant that does not have a
7755           suffix.  When used together with -Wsystem-headers it warns about
7756           such constants in system header files.  This can be useful when
7757           preparing code to use with the "FLOAT_CONST_DECIMAL64" pragma from
7758           the decimal floating-point extension to C99.
7760       -Wno-lto-type-mismatch
7761           During the link-time optimization, do not warn about type
7762           mismatches in global declarations from different compilation units.
7763           Requires -flto to be enabled.  Enabled by default.
7765       -Wno-designated-init (C and Objective-C only)
7766           Suppress warnings when a positional initializer is used to
7767           initialize a structure that has been marked with the
7768           "designated_init" attribute.
7770   Options That Control Static Analysis
7771       -fanalyzer
7772           This option enables an static analysis of program flow which looks
7773           for "interesting" interprocedural paths through the code, and
7774           issues warnings for problems found on them.
7776           This analysis is much more expensive than other GCC warnings.
7778           Enabling this option effectively enables the following warnings:
7780           -Wanalyzer-double-fclose -Wanalyzer-double-free
7781           -Wanalyzer-exposure-through-output-file -Wanalyzer-file-leak
7782           -Wanalyzer-free-of-non-heap -Wanalyzer-malloc-leak
7783           -Wanalyzer-mismatching-deallocation -Wanalyzer-null-argument
7784           -Wanalyzer-null-dereference -Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument
7785           -Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference
7786           -Wanalyzer-shift-count-negative -Wanalyzer-shift-count-overflow
7787           -Wanalyzer-stale-setjmp-buffer
7788           -Wanalyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler
7789           -Wanalyzer-use-after-free
7790           -Wanalyzer-use-of-pointer-in-stale-stack-frame
7791           -Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value -Wanalyzer-write-to-const
7792           -Wanalyzer-write-to-string-literal
7794           This option is only available if GCC was configured with analyzer
7795           support enabled.
7797       -Wanalyzer-too-complex
7798           If -fanalyzer is enabled, the analyzer uses various heuristics to
7799           attempt to explore the control flow and data flow in the program,
7800           but these can be defeated by sufficiently complicated code.
7802           By default, the analysis silently stops if the code is too
7803           complicated for the analyzer to fully explore and it reaches an
7804           internal limit.  The -Wanalyzer-too-complex option warns if this
7805           occurs.
7807       -Wno-analyzer-double-fclose
7808           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7809           -Wno-analyzer-double-fclose to disable it.
7811           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a "FILE
7812           *" can have "fclose" called on it more than once.
7814       -Wno-analyzer-double-free
7815           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7816           -Wno-analyzer-double-free to disable it.
7818           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a pointer
7819           can have a deallocator called on it more than once, either "free",
7820           or a deallocator referenced by attribute "malloc".
7822       -Wno-analyzer-exposure-through-output-file
7823           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7824           -Wno-analyzer-exposure-through-output-file to disable it.
7826           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a
7827           security-sensitive value is written to an output file (such as
7828           writing a password to a log file).
7830       -Wno-analyzer-file-leak
7831           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7832           -Wno-analyzer-file-leak to disable it.
7834           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a
7835           "<stdio.h>" "FILE *" stream object is leaked.
7837       -Wno-analyzer-free-of-non-heap
7838           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7839           -Wno-analyzer-free-of-non-heap to disable it.
7841           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which "free" is
7842           called on a non-heap pointer (e.g. an on-stack buffer, or a
7843           global).
7845       -Wno-analyzer-malloc-leak
7846           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7847           -Wno-analyzer-malloc-leak to disable it.
7849           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a pointer
7850           allocated via an allocator is leaked: either "malloc", or a
7851           function marked with attribute "malloc".
7853       -Wno-analyzer-mismatching-deallocation
7854           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7855           -Wno-analyzer-mismatching-deallocation to disable it.
7857           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which the wrong
7858           deallocation function is called on a pointer value, based on which
7859           function was used to allocate the pointer value.  The diagnostic
7860           will warn about mismatches between "free", scalar "delete" and
7861           vector "delete[]", and those marked as allocator/deallocator pairs
7862           using attribute "malloc".
7864       -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-argument
7865           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7866           -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-argument to disable it.
7868           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a
7869           possibly-NULL value is passed to a function argument marked with
7870           "__attribute__((nonnull))" as requiring a non-NULL value.
7872       -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-dereference
7873           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7874           -Wno-analyzer-possible-null-dereference to disable it.
7876           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a
7877           possibly-NULL value is dereferenced.
7879       -Wno-analyzer-null-argument
7880           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7881           -Wno-analyzer-null-argument to disable it.
7883           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7884           known to be NULL is passed to a function argument marked with
7885           "__attribute__((nonnull))" as requiring a non-NULL value.
7887       -Wno-analyzer-null-dereference
7888           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7889           -Wno-analyzer-null-dereference to disable it.
7891           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7892           known to be NULL is dereferenced.
7894       -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-negative
7895           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7896           -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-negative to disable it.
7898           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a shift
7899           is attempted with a negative count.  It is analogous to the
7900           -Wshift-count-negative diagnostic implemented in the C/C++ front
7901           ends, but is implemented based on analyzing interprocedural paths,
7902           rather than merely parsing the syntax tree.  However, the analyzer
7903           does not prioritize detection of such paths, so false negatives are
7904           more likely relative to other warnings.
7906       -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-overflow
7907           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7908           -Wno-analyzer-shift-count-overflow to disable it.
7910           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a shift
7911           is attempted with a count greater than or equal to the precision of
7912           the operand's type.  It is analogous to the -Wshift-count-overflow
7913           diagnostic implemented in the C/C++ front ends, but is implemented
7914           based on analyzing interprocedural paths, rather than merely
7915           parsing the syntax tree.  However, the analyzer does not prioritize
7916           detection of such paths, so false negatives are more likely
7917           relative to other warnings.
7919       -Wno-analyzer-stale-setjmp-buffer
7920           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7921           -Wno-analyzer-stale-setjmp-buffer to disable it.
7923           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which "longjmp"
7924           is called to rewind to a "jmp_buf" relating to a "setjmp" call in a
7925           function that has returned.
7927           When "setjmp" is called on a "jmp_buf" to record a rewind location,
7928           it records the stack frame.  The stack frame becomes invalid when
7929           the function containing the "setjmp" call returns.  Attempting to
7930           rewind to it via "longjmp" would reference a stack frame that no
7931           longer exists, and likely lead to a crash (or worse).
7933       -Wno-analyzer-tainted-allocation-size
7934           This warning requires both -fanalyzer and -fanalyzer-checker=taint
7935           to enable it; use -Wno-analyzer-tainted-allocation-size to disable
7936           it.
7938           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7939           that could be under an attacker's control is used as the size of an
7940           allocation without being sanitized, so that an attacker could
7941           inject an excessively large allocation and potentially cause a
7942           denial of service attack.
7944           See @url{https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/789.html, CWE-789:
7945           Memory Allocation with Excessive Size Value}.
7947       -Wno-analyzer-tainted-array-index
7948           This warning requires both -fanalyzer and -fanalyzer-checker=taint
7949           to enable it; use -Wno-analyzer-tainted-array-index to disable it.
7951           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7952           that could be under an attacker's control is used as the index of
7953           an array access without being sanitized, so that an attacker could
7954           inject an out-of-bounds access.
7956           See @url{https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/129.html, CWE-129:
7957           Improper Validation of Array Index}.
7959       -Wno-analyzer-tainted-divisor
7960           This warning requires both -fanalyzer and -fanalyzer-checker=taint
7961           to enable it; use -Wno-analyzer-tainted-divisor to disable it.
7963           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7964           that could be under an attacker's control is used as the divisor in
7965           a division or modulus operation without being sanitized, so that an
7966           attacker could inject a division-by-zero.
7968       -Wno-analyzer-tainted-offset
7969           This warning requires both -fanalyzer and -fanalyzer-checker=taint
7970           to enable it; use -Wno-analyzer-tainted-offset to disable it.
7972           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7973           that could be under an attacker's control is used as a pointer
7974           offset without being sanitized, so that an attacker could inject an
7975           out-of-bounds access.
7977           See @url{https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/823.html, CWE-823:
7978           Use of Out-of-range Pointer Offset}.
7980       -Wno-analyzer-tainted-size
7981           This warning requires both -fanalyzer and -fanalyzer-checker=taint
7982           to enable it; use -Wno-analyzer-tainted-size to disable it.
7984           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a value
7985           that could be under an attacker's control is used as the size of an
7986           operation such as "memset" without being sanitized, so that an
7987           attacker could inject an out-of-bounds access.
7989       -Wno-analyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler
7990           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7991           -Wno-analyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler to disable it.
7993           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a
7994           function known to be async-signal-unsafe (such as "fprintf") is
7995           called from a signal handler.
7997       -Wno-analyzer-use-after-free
7998           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
7999           -Wno-analyzer-use-after-free to disable it.
8001           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a pointer
8002           is used after a deallocator is called on it: either "free", or a
8003           deallocator referenced by attribute "malloc".
8005       -Wno-analyzer-use-of-pointer-in-stale-stack-frame
8006           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
8007           -Wno-analyzer-use-of-pointer-in-stale-stack-frame to disable it.
8009           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which a pointer
8010           is dereferenced that points to a variable in a stale stack frame.
8012       -Wno-analyzer-write-to-const
8013           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
8014           -Wno-analyzer-write-to-const to disable it.
8016           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which the
8017           analyzer detects an attempt to write through a pointer to a "const"
8018           object.  However, the analyzer does not prioritize detection of
8019           such paths, so false negatives are more likely relative to other
8020           warnings.
8022       -Wno-analyzer-write-to-string-literal
8023           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
8024           -Wno-analyzer-write-to-string-literal to disable it.
8026           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which the
8027           analyzer detects an attempt to write through a pointer to a string
8028           literal.  However, the analyzer does not prioritize detection of
8029           such paths, so false negatives are more likely relative to other
8030           warnings.
8032       -Wno-analyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value
8033           This warning requires -fanalyzer, which enables it; use
8034           -Wno-analyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value to disable it.
8036           This diagnostic warns for paths through the code in which an
8037           uninitialized value is used.
8039       Pertinent parameters for controlling the exploration are: --param
8040       analyzer-bb-explosion-factor=value, --param
8041       analyzer-max-enodes-per-program-point=value, --param
8042       analyzer-max-recursion-depth=value, and --param
8043       analyzer-min-snodes-for-call-summary=value.
8045       The following options control the analyzer.
8047       -fanalyzer-call-summaries
8048           Simplify interprocedural analysis by computing the effect of
8049           certain calls, rather than exploring all paths through the function
8050           from callsite to each possible return.
8052           If enabled, call summaries are only used for functions with more
8053           than one call site, and that are sufficiently complicated (as per
8054           --param analyzer-min-snodes-for-call-summary=value).
8056       -fanalyzer-checker=name
8057           Restrict the analyzer to run just the named checker, and enable it.
8059           Some checkers are disabled by default (even with -fanalyzer), such
8060           as the "taint" checker that implements
8061           -Wanalyzer-tainted-array-index, and this option is required to
8062           enable them.
8064           Note: currently, -fanalyzer-checker=taint disables the following
8065           warnings from -fanalyzer:
8067           -Wanalyzer-double-fclose -Wanalyzer-double-free
8068           -Wanalyzer-exposure-through-output-file -Wanalyzer-file-leak
8069           -Wanalyzer-free-of-non-heap -Wanalyzer-malloc-leak
8070           -Wanalyzer-mismatching-deallocation -Wanalyzer-null-argument
8071           -Wanalyzer-null-dereference -Wanalyzer-possible-null-argument
8072           -Wanalyzer-possible-null-dereference
8073           -Wanalyzer-unsafe-call-within-signal-handler
8074           -Wanalyzer-use-after-free
8076       -fno-analyzer-feasibility
8077           This option is intended for analyzer developers.
8079           By default the analyzer verifies that there is a feasible control
8080           flow path for each diagnostic it emits: that the conditions that
8081           hold are not mutually exclusive.  Diagnostics for which no feasible
8082           path can be found are rejected.  This filtering can be suppressed
8083           with -fno-analyzer-feasibility, for debugging issues in this code.
8085       -fanalyzer-fine-grained
8086           This option is intended for analyzer developers.
8088           Internally the analyzer builds an "exploded graph" that combines
8089           control flow graphs with data flow information.
8091           By default, an edge in this graph can contain the effects of a run
8092           of multiple statements within a basic block.  With
8093           -fanalyzer-fine-grained, each statement gets its own edge.
8095       -fanalyzer-show-duplicate-count
8096           This option is intended for analyzer developers: if multiple
8097           diagnostics have been detected as being duplicates of each other,
8098           it emits a note when reporting the best diagnostic, giving the
8099           number of additional diagnostics that were suppressed by the
8100           deduplication logic.
8102       -fno-analyzer-state-merge
8103           This option is intended for analyzer developers.
8105           By default the analyzer attempts to simplify analysis by merging
8106           sufficiently similar states at each program point as it builds its
8107           "exploded graph".  With -fno-analyzer-state-merge this merging can
8108           be suppressed, for debugging state-handling issues.
8110       -fno-analyzer-state-purge
8111           This option is intended for analyzer developers.
8113           By default the analyzer attempts to simplify analysis by purging
8114           aspects of state at a program point that appear to no longer be
8115           relevant e.g. the values of locals that aren't accessed later in
8116           the function and which aren't relevant to leak analysis.
8118           With -fno-analyzer-state-purge this purging of state can be
8119           suppressed, for debugging state-handling issues.
8121       -fanalyzer-transitivity
8122           This option enables transitivity of constraints within the
8123           analyzer.
8125       -fanalyzer-verbose-edges
8126           This option is intended for analyzer developers.  It enables more
8127           verbose, lower-level detail in the descriptions of control flow
8128           within diagnostic paths.
8130       -fanalyzer-verbose-state-changes
8131           This option is intended for analyzer developers.  It enables more
8132           verbose, lower-level detail in the descriptions of events relating
8133           to state machines within diagnostic paths.
8135       -fanalyzer-verbosity=level
8136           This option controls the complexity of the control flow paths that
8137           are emitted for analyzer diagnostics.
8139           The level can be one of:
8141           0   At this level, interprocedural call and return events are
8142               displayed, along with the most pertinent state-change events
8143               relating to a diagnostic.  For example, for a double-"free"
8144               diagnostic, both calls to "free" will be shown.
8146           1   As per the previous level, but also show events for the entry
8147               to each function.
8149           2   As per the previous level, but also show events relating to
8150               control flow that are significant to triggering the issue (e.g.
8151               "true path taken" at a conditional).
8153               This level is the default.
8155           3   As per the previous level, but show all control flow events,
8156               not just significant ones.
8158           4   This level is intended for analyzer developers; it adds various
8159               other events intended for debugging the analyzer.
8161       -fdump-analyzer
8162           Dump internal details about what the analyzer is doing to
8163           file.analyzer.txt.  This option is overridden by
8164           -fdump-analyzer-stderr.
8166       -fdump-analyzer-stderr
8167           Dump internal details about what the analyzer is doing to stderr.
8168           This option overrides -fdump-analyzer.
8170       -fdump-analyzer-callgraph
8171           Dump a representation of the call graph suitable for viewing with
8172           GraphViz to file.callgraph.dot.
8174       -fdump-analyzer-exploded-graph
8175           Dump a representation of the "exploded graph" suitable for viewing
8176           with GraphViz to file.eg.dot.  Nodes are color-coded based on
8177           state-machine states to emphasize state changes.
8179       -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes
8180           Emit diagnostics showing where nodes in the "exploded graph" are in
8181           relation to the program source.
8183       -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes-2
8184           Dump a textual representation of the "exploded graph" to
8185           file.eg.txt.
8187       -fdump-analyzer-exploded-nodes-3
8188           Dump a textual representation of the "exploded graph" to one dump
8189           file per node, to file.eg-id.txt.  This is typically a large number
8190           of dump files.
8192       -fdump-analyzer-exploded-paths
8193           Dump a textual representation of the "exploded path" for each
8194           diagnostic to file.idx.kind.epath.txt.
8196       -fdump-analyzer-feasibility
8197           Dump internal details about the analyzer's search for feasible
8198           paths.  The details are written in a form suitable for viewing with
8199           GraphViz to filenames of the form file.*.fg.dot, file.*.tg.dot, and
8200           file.*.fpath.txt.
8202       -fdump-analyzer-json
8203           Dump a compressed JSON representation of analyzer internals to
8204           file.analyzer.json.gz.  The precise format is subject to change.
8206       -fdump-analyzer-state-purge
8207           As per -fdump-analyzer-supergraph, dump a representation of the
8208           "supergraph" suitable for viewing with GraphViz, but annotate the
8209           graph with information on what state will be purged at each node.
8210           The graph is written to file.state-purge.dot.
8212       -fdump-analyzer-supergraph
8213           Dump representations of the "supergraph" suitable for viewing with
8214           GraphViz to file.supergraph.dot and to file.supergraph-eg.dot.
8215           These show all of the control flow graphs in the program, with
8216           interprocedural edges for calls and returns.  The second dump
8217           contains annotations showing nodes in the "exploded graph" and
8218           diagnostics associated with them.
8220       -fdump-analyzer-untracked
8221           Emit custom warnings with internal details intended for analyzer
8222           developers.
8224   Options for Debugging Your Program
8225       To tell GCC to emit extra information for use by a debugger, in almost
8226       all cases you need only to add -g to your other options.  Some debug
8227       formats can co-exist (like DWARF with CTF) when each of them is enabled
8228       explicitly by adding the respective command line option to your other
8229       options.
8231       GCC allows you to use -g with -O.  The shortcuts taken by optimized
8232       code may occasionally be surprising: some variables you declared may
8233       not exist at all; flow of control may briefly move where you did not
8234       expect it; some statements may not be executed because they compute
8235       constant results or their values are already at hand; some statements
8236       may execute in different places because they have been moved out of
8237       loops.  Nevertheless it is possible to debug optimized output.  This
8238       makes it reasonable to use the optimizer for programs that might have
8239       bugs.
8241       If you are not using some other optimization option, consider using -Og
8242       with -g.  With no -O option at all, some compiler passes that collect
8243       information useful for debugging do not run at all, so that -Og may
8244       result in a better debugging experience.
8246       -g  Produce debugging information in the operating system's native
8247           format (stabs, COFF, XCOFF, or DWARF).  GDB can work with this
8248           debugging information.
8250           On most systems that use stabs format, -g enables use of extra
8251           debugging information that only GDB can use; this extra information
8252           makes debugging work better in GDB but probably makes other
8253           debuggers crash or refuse to read the program.  If you want to
8254           control for certain whether to generate the extra information, use
8255           -gstabs+, -gstabs, -gxcoff+, -gxcoff, or -gvms (see below).
8257       -ggdb
8258           Produce debugging information for use by GDB.  This means to use
8259           the most expressive format available (DWARF, stabs, or the native
8260           format if neither of those are supported), including GDB extensions
8261           if at all possible.
8263       -gdwarf
8264       -gdwarf-version
8265           Produce debugging information in DWARF format (if that is
8266           supported).  The value of version may be either 2, 3, 4 or 5; the
8267           default version for most targets is 5 (with the exception of
8268           VxWorks, TPF and Darwin/Mac OS X, which default to version 2, and
8269           AIX, which defaults to version 4).
8271           Note that with DWARF Version 2, some ports require and always use
8272           some non-conflicting DWARF 3 extensions in the unwind tables.
8274           Version 4 may require GDB 7.0 and -fvar-tracking-assignments for
8275           maximum benefit. Version 5 requires GDB 8.0 or higher.
8277           GCC no longer supports DWARF Version 1, which is substantially
8278           different than Version 2 and later.  For historical reasons, some
8279           other DWARF-related options such as -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm) retain a
8280           reference to DWARF Version 2 in their names, but apply to all
8281           currently-supported versions of DWARF.
8283       -gbtf
8284           Request BTF debug information.  BTF is the default debugging format
8285           for the eBPF target.  On other targets, like x86, BTF debug
8286           information can be generated along with DWARF debug information
8287           when both of the debug formats are enabled explicitly via their
8288           respective command line options.
8290       -gctf
8291       -gctflevel
8292           Request CTF debug information and use level to specify how much CTF
8293           debug information should be produced.  If -gctf is specified
8294           without a value for level, the default level of CTF debug
8295           information is 2.
8297           CTF debug information can be generated along with DWARF debug
8298           information when both of the debug formats are enabled explicitly
8299           via their respective command line options.
8301           Level 0 produces no CTF debug information at all.  Thus, -gctf0
8302           negates -gctf.
8304           Level 1 produces CTF information for tracebacks only.  This
8305           includes callsite information, but does not include type
8306           information.
8308           Level 2 produces type information for entities (functions, data
8309           objects etc.)  at file-scope or global-scope only.
8311       -gstabs
8312           Produce debugging information in stabs format (if that is
8313           supported), without GDB extensions.  This is the format used by DBX
8314           on most BSD systems.  On MIPS, Alpha and System V Release 4 systems
8315           this option produces stabs debugging output that is not understood
8316           by DBX.  On System V Release 4 systems this option requires the GNU
8317           assembler.
8319       -gstabs+
8320           Produce debugging information in stabs format (if that is
8321           supported), using GNU extensions understood only by the GNU
8322           debugger (GDB).  The use of these extensions is likely to make
8323           other debuggers crash or refuse to read the program.
8325       -gxcoff
8326           Produce debugging information in XCOFF format (if that is
8327           supported).  This is the format used by the DBX debugger on IBM
8328           RS/6000 systems.
8330       -gxcoff+
8331           Produce debugging information in XCOFF format (if that is
8332           supported), using GNU extensions understood only by the GNU
8333           debugger (GDB).  The use of these extensions is likely to make
8334           other debuggers crash or refuse to read the program, and may cause
8335           assemblers other than the GNU assembler (GAS) to fail with an
8336           error.
8338       -gvms
8339           Produce debugging information in Alpha/VMS debug format (if that is
8340           supported).  This is the format used by DEBUG on Alpha/VMS systems.
8342       -glevel
8343       -ggdblevel
8344       -gstabslevel
8345       -gxcofflevel
8346       -gvmslevel
8347           Request debugging information and also use level to specify how
8348           much information.  The default level is 2.
8350           Level 0 produces no debug information at all.  Thus, -g0 negates
8351           -g.
8353           Level 1 produces minimal information, enough for making backtraces
8354           in parts of the program that you don't plan to debug.  This
8355           includes descriptions of functions and external variables, and line
8356           number tables, but no information about local variables.
8358           Level 3 includes extra information, such as all the macro
8359           definitions present in the program.  Some debuggers support macro
8360           expansion when you use -g3.
8362           If you use multiple -g options, with or without level numbers, the
8363           last such option is the one that is effective.
8365           -gdwarf does not accept a concatenated debug level, to avoid
8366           confusion with -gdwarf-level.  Instead use an additional -glevel
8367           option to change the debug level for DWARF.
8369       -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-symbols
8370           By default, no debug information is produced for symbols that are
8371           not actually used. Use this option if you want debug information
8372           for all symbols.
8374       -femit-class-debug-always
8375           Instead of emitting debugging information for a C++ class in only
8376           one object file, emit it in all object files using the class.  This
8377           option should be used only with debuggers that are unable to handle
8378           the way GCC normally emits debugging information for classes
8379           because using this option increases the size of debugging
8380           information by as much as a factor of two.
8382       -fno-merge-debug-strings
8383           Direct the linker to not merge together strings in the debugging
8384           information that are identical in different object files.  Merging
8385           is not supported by all assemblers or linkers.  Merging decreases
8386           the size of the debug information in the output file at the cost of
8387           increasing link processing time.  Merging is enabled by default.
8389       -fdebug-prefix-map=old=new
8390           When compiling files residing in directory old, record debugging
8391           information describing them as if the files resided in directory
8392           new instead.  This can be used to replace a build-time path with an
8393           install-time path in the debug info.  It can also be used to change
8394           an absolute path to a relative path by using . for new.  This can
8395           give more reproducible builds, which are location independent, but
8396           may require an extra command to tell GDB where to find the source
8397           files. See also -ffile-prefix-map.
8399       -fvar-tracking
8400           Run variable tracking pass.  It computes where variables are stored
8401           at each position in code.  Better debugging information is then
8402           generated (if the debugging information format supports this
8403           information).
8405           It is enabled by default when compiling with optimization (-Os, -O,
8406           -O2, ...), debugging information (-g) and the debug info format
8407           supports it.
8409       -fvar-tracking-assignments
8410           Annotate assignments to user variables early in the compilation and
8411           attempt to carry the annotations over throughout the compilation
8412           all the way to the end, in an attempt to improve debug information
8413           while optimizing.  Use of -gdwarf-4 is recommended along with it.
8415           It can be enabled even if var-tracking is disabled, in which case
8416           annotations are created and maintained, but discarded at the end.
8417           By default, this flag is enabled together with -fvar-tracking,
8418           except when selective scheduling is enabled.
8420       -gsplit-dwarf
8421           If DWARF debugging information is enabled, separate as much
8422           debugging information as possible into a separate output file with
8423           the extension .dwo.  This option allows the build system to avoid
8424           linking files with debug information.  To be useful, this option
8425           requires a debugger capable of reading .dwo files.
8427       -gdwarf32
8428       -gdwarf64
8429           If DWARF debugging information is enabled, the -gdwarf32 selects
8430           the 32-bit DWARF format and the -gdwarf64 selects the 64-bit DWARF
8431           format.  The default is target specific, on most targets it is
8432           -gdwarf32 though.  The 32-bit DWARF format is smaller, but can't
8433           support more than 2GiB of debug information in any of the DWARF
8434           debug information sections.  The 64-bit DWARF format allows larger
8435           debug information and might not be well supported by all consumers
8436           yet.
8438       -gdescribe-dies
8439           Add description attributes to some DWARF DIEs that have no name
8440           attribute, such as artificial variables, external references and
8441           call site parameter DIEs.
8443       -gpubnames
8444           Generate DWARF ".debug_pubnames" and ".debug_pubtypes" sections.
8446       -ggnu-pubnames
8447           Generate ".debug_pubnames" and ".debug_pubtypes" sections in a
8448           format suitable for conversion into a GDB index.  This option is
8449           only useful with a linker that can produce GDB index version 7.
8451       -fdebug-types-section
8452           When using DWARF Version 4 or higher, type DIEs can be put into
8453           their own ".debug_types" section instead of making them part of the
8454           ".debug_info" section.  It is more efficient to put them in a
8455           separate comdat section since the linker can then remove
8456           duplicates.  But not all DWARF consumers support ".debug_types"
8457           sections yet and on some objects ".debug_types" produces larger
8458           instead of smaller debugging information.
8460       -grecord-gcc-switches
8461       -gno-record-gcc-switches
8462           This switch causes the command-line options used to invoke the
8463           compiler that may affect code generation to be appended to the
8464           DW_AT_producer attribute in DWARF debugging information.  The
8465           options are concatenated with spaces separating them from each
8466           other and from the compiler version.  It is enabled by default.
8467           See also -frecord-gcc-switches for another way of storing compiler
8468           options into the object file.
8470       -gstrict-dwarf
8471           Disallow using extensions of later DWARF standard version than
8472           selected with -gdwarf-version.  On most targets using non-
8473           conflicting DWARF extensions from later standard versions is
8474           allowed.
8476       -gno-strict-dwarf
8477           Allow using extensions of later DWARF standard version than
8478           selected with -gdwarf-version.
8480       -gas-loc-support
8481           Inform the compiler that the assembler supports ".loc" directives.
8482           It may then use them for the assembler to generate DWARF2+ line
8483           number tables.
8485           This is generally desirable, because assembler-generated line-
8486           number tables are a lot more compact than those the compiler can
8487           generate itself.
8489           This option will be enabled by default if, at GCC configure time,
8490           the assembler was found to support such directives.
8492       -gno-as-loc-support
8493           Force GCC to generate DWARF2+ line number tables internally, if
8494           DWARF2+ line number tables are to be generated.
8496       -gas-locview-support
8497           Inform the compiler that the assembler supports "view" assignment
8498           and reset assertion checking in ".loc" directives.
8500           This option will be enabled by default if, at GCC configure time,
8501           the assembler was found to support them.
8503       -gno-as-locview-support
8504           Force GCC to assign view numbers internally, if
8505           -gvariable-location-views are explicitly requested.
8507       -gcolumn-info
8508       -gno-column-info
8509           Emit location column information into DWARF debugging information,
8510           rather than just file and line.  This option is enabled by default.
8512       -gstatement-frontiers
8513       -gno-statement-frontiers
8514           This option causes GCC to create markers in the internal
8515           representation at the beginning of statements, and to keep them
8516           roughly in place throughout compilation, using them to guide the
8517           output of "is_stmt" markers in the line number table.  This is
8518           enabled by default when compiling with optimization (-Os, -O1, -O2,
8519           ...), and outputting DWARF 2 debug information at the normal level.
8521       -gvariable-location-views
8522       -gvariable-location-views=incompat5
8523       -gno-variable-location-views
8524           Augment variable location lists with progressive view numbers
8525           implied from the line number table.  This enables debug information
8526           consumers to inspect state at certain points of the program, even
8527           if no instructions associated with the corresponding source
8528           locations are present at that point.  If the assembler lacks
8529           support for view numbers in line number tables, this will cause the
8530           compiler to emit the line number table, which generally makes them
8531           somewhat less compact.  The augmented line number tables and
8532           location lists are fully backward-compatible, so they can be
8533           consumed by debug information consumers that are not aware of these
8534           augmentations, but they won't derive any benefit from them either.
8536           This is enabled by default when outputting DWARF 2 debug
8537           information at the normal level, as long as there is assembler
8538           support, -fvar-tracking-assignments is enabled and -gstrict-dwarf
8539           is not.  When assembler support is not available, this may still be
8540           enabled, but it will force GCC to output internal line number
8541           tables, and if -ginternal-reset-location-views is not enabled, that
8542           will most certainly lead to silently mismatching location views.
8544           There is a proposed representation for view numbers that is not
8545           backward compatible with the location list format introduced in
8546           DWARF 5, that can be enabled with
8547           -gvariable-location-views=incompat5.  This option may be removed in
8548           the future, is only provided as a reference implementation of the
8549           proposed representation.  Debug information consumers are not
8550           expected to support this extended format, and they would be
8551           rendered unable to decode location lists using it.
8553       -ginternal-reset-location-views
8554       -gno-internal-reset-location-views
8555           Attempt to determine location views that can be omitted from
8556           location view lists.  This requires the compiler to have very
8557           accurate insn length estimates, which isn't always the case, and it
8558           may cause incorrect view lists to be generated silently when using
8559           an assembler that does not support location view lists.  The GNU
8560           assembler will flag any such error as a "view number mismatch".
8561           This is only enabled on ports that define a reliable estimation
8562           function.
8564       -ginline-points
8565       -gno-inline-points
8566           Generate extended debug information for inlined functions.
8567           Location view tracking markers are inserted at inlined entry
8568           points, so that address and view numbers can be computed and output
8569           in debug information.  This can be enabled independently of
8570           location views, in which case the view numbers won't be output, but
8571           it can only be enabled along with statement frontiers, and it is
8572           only enabled by default if location views are enabled.
8574       -gz[=type]
8575           Produce compressed debug sections in DWARF format, if that is
8576           supported.  If type is not given, the default type depends on the
8577           capabilities of the assembler and linker used.  type may be one of
8578           none (don't compress debug sections), zlib (use zlib compression in
8579           ELF gABI format), or zlib-gnu (use zlib compression in traditional
8580           GNU format).  If the linker doesn't support writing compressed
8581           debug sections, the option is rejected.  Otherwise, if the
8582           assembler does not support them, -gz is silently ignored when
8583           producing object files.
8585       -femit-struct-debug-baseonly
8586           Emit debug information for struct-like types only when the base
8587           name of the compilation source file matches the base name of file
8588           in which the struct is defined.
8590           This option substantially reduces the size of debugging
8591           information, but at significant potential loss in type information
8592           to the debugger.  See -femit-struct-debug-reduced for a less
8593           aggressive option.  See -femit-struct-debug-detailed for more
8594           detailed control.
8596           This option works only with DWARF debug output.
8598       -femit-struct-debug-reduced
8599           Emit debug information for struct-like types only when the base
8600           name of the compilation source file matches the base name of file
8601           in which the type is defined, unless the struct is a template or
8602           defined in a system header.
8604           This option significantly reduces the size of debugging
8605           information, with some potential loss in type information to the
8606           debugger.  See -femit-struct-debug-baseonly for a more aggressive
8607           option.  See -femit-struct-debug-detailed for more detailed
8608           control.
8610           This option works only with DWARF debug output.
8612       -femit-struct-debug-detailed[=spec-list]
8613           Specify the struct-like types for which the compiler generates
8614           debug information.  The intent is to reduce duplicate struct debug
8615           information between different object files within the same program.
8617           This option is a detailed version of -femit-struct-debug-reduced
8618           and -femit-struct-debug-baseonly, which serves for most needs.
8620           A specification has the
8621           syntax[dir:|ind:][ord:|gen:](any|sys|base|none)
8623           The optional first word limits the specification to structs that
8624           are used directly (dir:) or used indirectly (ind:).  A struct type
8625           is used directly when it is the type of a variable, member.
8626           Indirect uses arise through pointers to structs.  That is, when use
8627           of an incomplete struct is valid, the use is indirect.  An example
8628           is struct one direct; struct two * indirect;.
8630           The optional second word limits the specification to ordinary
8631           structs (ord:) or generic structs (gen:).  Generic structs are a
8632           bit complicated to explain.  For C++, these are non-explicit
8633           specializations of template classes, or non-template classes within
8634           the above.  Other programming languages have generics, but
8635           -femit-struct-debug-detailed does not yet implement them.
8637           The third word specifies the source files for those structs for
8638           which the compiler should emit debug information.  The values none
8639           and any have the normal meaning.  The value base means that the
8640           base of name of the file in which the type declaration appears must
8641           match the base of the name of the main compilation file.  In
8642           practice, this means that when compiling foo.c, debug information
8643           is generated for types declared in that file and foo.h, but not
8644           other header files.  The value sys means those types satisfying
8645           base or declared in system or compiler headers.
8647           You may need to experiment to determine the best settings for your
8648           application.
8650           The default is -femit-struct-debug-detailed=all.
8652           This option works only with DWARF debug output.
8654       -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm
8655           Emit DWARF unwind info as compiler generated ".eh_frame" section
8656           instead of using GAS ".cfi_*" directives.
8658       -fno-eliminate-unused-debug-types
8659           Normally, when producing DWARF output, GCC avoids producing debug
8660           symbol output for types that are nowhere used in the source file
8661           being compiled.  Sometimes it is useful to have GCC emit debugging
8662           information for all types declared in a compilation unit,
8663           regardless of whether or not they are actually used in that
8664           compilation unit, for example if, in the debugger, you want to cast
8665           a value to a type that is not actually used in your program (but is
8666           declared).  More often, however, this results in a significant
8667           amount of wasted space.
8669   Options That Control Optimization
8670       These options control various sorts of optimizations.
8672       Without any optimization option, the compiler's goal is to reduce the
8673       cost of compilation and to make debugging produce the expected results.
8674       Statements are independent: if you stop the program with a breakpoint
8675       between statements, you can then assign a new value to any variable or
8676       change the program counter to any other statement in the function and
8677       get exactly the results you expect from the source code.
8679       Turning on optimization flags makes the compiler attempt to improve the
8680       performance and/or code size at the expense of compilation time and
8681       possibly the ability to debug the program.
8683       The compiler performs optimization based on the knowledge it has of the
8684       program.  Compiling multiple files at once to a single output file mode
8685       allows the compiler to use information gained from all of the files
8686       when compiling each of them.
8688       Not all optimizations are controlled directly by a flag.  Only
8689       optimizations that have a flag are listed in this section.
8691       Most optimizations are completely disabled at -O0 or if an -O level is
8692       not set on the command line, even if individual optimization flags are
8693       specified.  Similarly, -Og suppresses many optimization passes.
8695       Depending on the target and how GCC was configured, a slightly
8696       different set of optimizations may be enabled at each -O level than
8697       those listed here.  You can invoke GCC with -Q --help=optimizers to
8698       find out the exact set of optimizations that are enabled at each level.
8700       -O
8701       -O1 Optimize.  Optimizing compilation takes somewhat more time, and a
8702           lot more memory for a large function.
8704           With -O, the compiler tries to reduce code size and execution time,
8705           without performing any optimizations that take a great deal of
8706           compilation time.
8708           -O turns on the following optimization flags:
8710           -fauto-inc-dec -fbranch-count-reg -fcombine-stack-adjustments
8711           -fcompare-elim -fcprop-registers -fdce -fdefer-pop -fdelayed-branch
8712           -fdse -fforward-propagate -fguess-branch-probability
8713           -fif-conversion -fif-conversion2 -finline-functions-called-once
8714           -fipa-modref -fipa-profile -fipa-pure-const -fipa-reference
8715           -fipa-reference-addressable -fmerge-constants
8716           -fmove-loop-invariants -fmove-loop-stores -fomit-frame-pointer
8717           -freorder-blocks -fshrink-wrap -fshrink-wrap-separate
8718           -fsplit-wide-types -fssa-backprop -fssa-phiopt -ftree-bit-ccp
8719           -ftree-ccp -ftree-ch -ftree-coalesce-vars -ftree-copy-prop
8720           -ftree-dce -ftree-dominator-opts -ftree-dse -ftree-forwprop
8721           -ftree-fre -ftree-phiprop -ftree-pta -ftree-scev-cprop -ftree-sink
8722           -ftree-slsr -ftree-sra -ftree-ter -funit-at-a-time
8724       -O2 Optimize even more.  GCC performs nearly all supported
8725           optimizations that do not involve a space-speed tradeoff.  As
8726           compared to -O, this option increases both compilation time and the
8727           performance of the generated code.
8729           -O2 turns on all optimization flags specified by -O1.  It also
8730           turns on the following optimization flags:
8732           -falign-functions  -falign-jumps -falign-labels  -falign-loops
8733           -fcaller-saves -fcode-hoisting -fcrossjumping -fcse-follow-jumps
8734           -fcse-skip-blocks -fdelete-null-pointer-checks -fdevirtualize
8735           -fdevirtualize-speculatively -fexpensive-optimizations
8736           -ffinite-loops -fgcse  -fgcse-lm -fhoist-adjacent-loads
8737           -finline-functions -finline-small-functions -findirect-inlining
8738           -fipa-bit-cp  -fipa-cp  -fipa-icf -fipa-ra  -fipa-sra  -fipa-vrp
8739           -fisolate-erroneous-paths-dereference -flra-remat
8740           -foptimize-sibling-calls -foptimize-strlen -fpartial-inlining
8741           -fpeephole2 -freorder-blocks-algorithm=stc
8742           -freorder-blocks-and-partition  -freorder-functions
8743           -frerun-cse-after-loop -fschedule-insns  -fschedule-insns2
8744           -fsched-interblock  -fsched-spec -fstore-merging -fstrict-aliasing
8745           -fthread-jumps -ftree-builtin-call-dce -ftree-loop-vectorize
8746           -ftree-pre -ftree-slp-vectorize -ftree-switch-conversion
8747           -ftree-tail-merge -ftree-vrp -fvect-cost-model=very-cheap
8749           Please note the warning under -fgcse about invoking -O2 on programs
8750           that use computed gotos.
8752       -O3 Optimize yet more.  -O3 turns on all optimizations specified by -O2
8753           and also turns on the following optimization flags:
8755           -fgcse-after-reload -fipa-cp-clone -floop-interchange
8756           -floop-unroll-and-jam -fpeel-loops -fpredictive-commoning
8757           -fsplit-loops -fsplit-paths -ftree-loop-distribution
8758           -ftree-partial-pre -funswitch-loops -fvect-cost-model=dynamic
8759           -fversion-loops-for-strides
8761       -O0 Reduce compilation time and make debugging produce the expected
8762           results.  This is the default.
8764       -Os Optimize for size.  -Os enables all -O2 optimizations except those
8765           that often increase code size:
8767           -falign-functions  -falign-jumps -falign-labels  -falign-loops
8768           -fprefetch-loop-arrays  -freorder-blocks-algorithm=stc
8770           It also enables -finline-functions, causes the compiler to tune for
8771           code size rather than execution speed, and performs further
8772           optimizations designed to reduce code size.
8774       -Ofast
8775           Disregard strict standards compliance.  -Ofast enables all -O3
8776           optimizations.  It also enables optimizations that are not valid
8777           for all standard-compliant programs.  It turns on -ffast-math,
8778           -fallow-store-data-races and the Fortran-specific -fstack-arrays,
8779           unless -fmax-stack-var-size is specified, and -fno-protect-parens.
8780           It turns off -fsemantic-interposition.
8782       -Og Optimize debugging experience.  -Og should be the optimization
8783           level of choice for the standard edit-compile-debug cycle, offering
8784           a reasonable level of optimization while maintaining fast
8785           compilation and a good debugging experience.  It is a better choice
8786           than -O0 for producing debuggable code because some compiler passes
8787           that collect debug information are disabled at -O0.
8789           Like -O0, -Og completely disables a number of optimization passes
8790           so that individual options controlling them have no effect.
8791           Otherwise -Og enables all -O1 optimization flags except for those
8792           that may interfere with debugging:
8794           -fbranch-count-reg  -fdelayed-branch -fdse  -fif-conversion
8795           -fif-conversion2 -finline-functions-called-once
8796           -fmove-loop-invariants  -fmove-loop-stores  -fssa-phiopt
8797           -ftree-bit-ccp  -ftree-dse  -ftree-pta  -ftree-sra
8799       -Oz Optimize aggressively for size rather than speed.  This may
8800           increase the number of instructions executed if those instructions
8801           require fewer bytes to encode.  -Oz behaves similarly to -Os
8802           including enabling most -O2 optimizations.
8804       If you use multiple -O options, with or without level numbers, the last
8805       such option is the one that is effective.
8807       Options of the form -fflag specify machine-independent flags.  Most
8808       flags have both positive and negative forms; the negative form of -ffoo
8809       is -fno-foo.  In the table below, only one of the forms is listed---the
8810       one you typically use.  You can figure out the other form by either
8811       removing no- or adding it.
8813       The following options control specific optimizations.  They are either
8814       activated by -O options or are related to ones that are.  You can use
8815       the following flags in the rare cases when "fine-tuning" of
8816       optimizations to be performed is desired.
8818       -fno-defer-pop
8819           For machines that must pop arguments after a function call, always
8820           pop the arguments as soon as each function returns.  At levels -O1
8821           and higher, -fdefer-pop is the default; this allows the compiler to
8822           let arguments accumulate on the stack for several function calls
8823           and pop them all at once.
8825       -fforward-propagate
8826           Perform a forward propagation pass on RTL.  The pass tries to
8827           combine two instructions and checks if the result can be
8828           simplified.  If loop unrolling is active, two passes are performed
8829           and the second is scheduled after loop unrolling.
8831           This option is enabled by default at optimization levels -O1, -O2,
8832           -O3, -Os.
8834       -ffp-contract=style
8835           -ffp-contract=off disables floating-point expression contraction.
8836           -ffp-contract=fast enables floating-point expression contraction
8837           such as forming of fused multiply-add operations if the target has
8838           native support for them.  -ffp-contract=on enables floating-point
8839           expression contraction if allowed by the language standard.  This
8840           is currently not implemented and treated equal to
8841           -ffp-contract=off.
8843           The default is -ffp-contract=fast.
8845       -fomit-frame-pointer
8846           Omit the frame pointer in functions that don't need one.  This
8847           avoids the instructions to save, set up and restore the frame
8848           pointer; on many targets it also makes an extra register available.
8850           On some targets this flag has no effect because the standard
8851           calling sequence always uses a frame pointer, so it cannot be
8852           omitted.
8854           Note that -fno-omit-frame-pointer doesn't guarantee the frame
8855           pointer is used in all functions.  Several targets always omit the
8856           frame pointer in leaf functions.
8858           Enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
8860       -foptimize-sibling-calls
8861           Optimize sibling and tail recursive calls.
8863           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
8865       -foptimize-strlen
8866           Optimize various standard C string functions (e.g. "strlen",
8867           "strchr" or "strcpy") and their "_FORTIFY_SOURCE" counterparts into
8868           faster alternatives.
8870           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
8872       -fno-inline
8873           Do not expand any functions inline apart from those marked with the
8874           "always_inline" attribute.  This is the default when not
8875           optimizing.
8877           Single functions can be exempted from inlining by marking them with
8878           the "noinline" attribute.
8880       -finline-small-functions
8881           Integrate functions into their callers when their body is smaller
8882           than expected function call code (so overall size of program gets
8883           smaller).  The compiler heuristically decides which functions are
8884           simple enough to be worth integrating in this way.  This inlining
8885           applies to all functions, even those not declared inline.
8887           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
8889       -findirect-inlining
8890           Inline also indirect calls that are discovered to be known at
8891           compile time thanks to previous inlining.  This option has any
8892           effect only when inlining itself is turned on by the
8893           -finline-functions or -finline-small-functions options.
8895           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
8897       -finline-functions
8898           Consider all functions for inlining, even if they are not declared
8899           inline.  The compiler heuristically decides which functions are
8900           worth integrating in this way.
8902           If all calls to a given function are integrated, and the function
8903           is declared "static", then the function is normally not output as
8904           assembler code in its own right.
8906           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.  Also enabled by -fprofile-use and
8907           -fauto-profile.
8909       -finline-functions-called-once
8910           Consider all "static" functions called once for inlining into their
8911           caller even if they are not marked "inline".  If a call to a given
8912           function is integrated, then the function is not output as
8913           assembler code in its own right.
8915           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3 and -Os, but not -Og.
8917       -fearly-inlining
8918           Inline functions marked by "always_inline" and functions whose body
8919           seems smaller than the function call overhead early before doing
8920           -fprofile-generate instrumentation and real inlining pass.  Doing
8921           so makes profiling significantly cheaper and usually inlining
8922           faster on programs having large chains of nested wrapper functions.
8924           Enabled by default.
8926       -fipa-sra
8927           Perform interprocedural scalar replacement of aggregates, removal
8928           of unused parameters and replacement of parameters passed by
8929           reference by parameters passed by value.
8931           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3 and -Os.
8933       -finline-limit=n
8934           By default, GCC limits the size of functions that can be inlined.
8935           This flag allows coarse control of this limit.  n is the size of
8936           functions that can be inlined in number of pseudo instructions.
8938           Inlining is actually controlled by a number of parameters, which
8939           may be specified individually by using --param name=value.  The
8940           -finline-limit=n option sets some of these parameters as follows:
8942           max-inline-insns-single
8943               is set to n/2.
8945           max-inline-insns-auto
8946               is set to n/2.
8948           See below for a documentation of the individual parameters
8949           controlling inlining and for the defaults of these parameters.
8951           Note: there may be no value to -finline-limit that results in
8952           default behavior.
8954           Note: pseudo instruction represents, in this particular context, an
8955           abstract measurement of function's size.  In no way does it
8956           represent a count of assembly instructions and as such its exact
8957           meaning might change from one release to an another.
8959       -fno-keep-inline-dllexport
8960           This is a more fine-grained version of -fkeep-inline-functions,
8961           which applies only to functions that are declared using the
8962           "dllexport" attribute or declspec.
8964       -fkeep-inline-functions
8965           In C, emit "static" functions that are declared "inline" into the
8966           object file, even if the function has been inlined into all of its
8967           callers.  This switch does not affect functions using the "extern
8968           inline" extension in GNU C90.  In C++, emit any and all inline
8969           functions into the object file.
8971       -fkeep-static-functions
8972           Emit "static" functions into the object file, even if the function
8973           is never used.
8975       -fkeep-static-consts
8976           Emit variables declared "static const" when optimization isn't
8977           turned on, even if the variables aren't referenced.
8979           GCC enables this option by default.  If you want to force the
8980           compiler to check if a variable is referenced, regardless of
8981           whether or not optimization is turned on, use the
8982           -fno-keep-static-consts option.
8984       -fmerge-constants
8985           Attempt to merge identical constants (string constants and
8986           floating-point constants) across compilation units.
8988           This option is the default for optimized compilation if the
8989           assembler and linker support it.  Use -fno-merge-constants to
8990           inhibit this behavior.
8992           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
8994       -fmerge-all-constants
8995           Attempt to merge identical constants and identical variables.
8997           This option implies -fmerge-constants.  In addition to
8998           -fmerge-constants this considers e.g. even constant initialized
8999           arrays or initialized constant variables with integral or floating-
9000           point types.  Languages like C or C++ require each variable,
9001           including multiple instances of the same variable in recursive
9002           calls, to have distinct locations, so using this option results in
9003           non-conforming behavior.
9005       -fmodulo-sched
9006           Perform swing modulo scheduling immediately before the first
9007           scheduling pass.  This pass looks at innermost loops and reorders
9008           their instructions by overlapping different iterations.
9010       -fmodulo-sched-allow-regmoves
9011           Perform more aggressive SMS-based modulo scheduling with register
9012           moves allowed.  By setting this flag certain anti-dependences edges
9013           are deleted, which triggers the generation of reg-moves based on
9014           the life-range analysis.  This option is effective only with
9015           -fmodulo-sched enabled.
9017       -fno-branch-count-reg
9018           Disable the optimization pass that scans for opportunities to use
9019           "decrement and branch" instructions on a count register instead of
9020           instruction sequences that decrement a register, compare it against
9021           zero, and then branch based upon the result.  This option is only
9022           meaningful on architectures that support such instructions, which
9023           include x86, PowerPC, IA-64 and S/390.  Note that the
9024           -fno-branch-count-reg option doesn't remove the decrement and
9025           branch instructions from the generated instruction stream
9026           introduced by other optimization passes.
9028           The default is -fbranch-count-reg at -O1 and higher, except for
9029           -Og.
9031       -fno-function-cse
9032           Do not put function addresses in registers; make each instruction
9033           that calls a constant function contain the function's address
9034           explicitly.
9036           This option results in less efficient code, but some strange hacks
9037           that alter the assembler output may be confused by the
9038           optimizations performed when this option is not used.
9040           The default is -ffunction-cse
9042       -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss
9043           If the target supports a BSS section, GCC by default puts variables
9044           that are initialized to zero into BSS.  This can save space in the
9045           resulting code.
9047           This option turns off this behavior because some programs
9048           explicitly rely on variables going to the data section---e.g., so
9049           that the resulting executable can find the beginning of that
9050           section and/or make assumptions based on that.
9052           The default is -fzero-initialized-in-bss.
9054       -fthread-jumps
9055           Perform optimizations that check to see if a jump branches to a
9056           location where another comparison subsumed by the first is found.
9057           If so, the first branch is redirected to either the destination of
9058           the second branch or a point immediately following it, depending on
9059           whether the condition is known to be true or false.
9061           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
9063       -fsplit-wide-types
9064           When using a type that occupies multiple registers, such as "long
9065           long" on a 32-bit system, split the registers apart and allocate
9066           them independently.  This normally generates better code for those
9067           types, but may make debugging more difficult.
9069           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
9071       -fsplit-wide-types-early
9072           Fully split wide types early, instead of very late.  This option
9073           has no effect unless -fsplit-wide-types is turned on.
9075           This is the default on some targets.
9077       -fcse-follow-jumps
9078           In common subexpression elimination (CSE), scan through jump
9079           instructions when the target of the jump is not reached by any
9080           other path.  For example, when CSE encounters an "if" statement
9081           with an "else" clause, CSE follows the jump when the condition
9082           tested is false.
9084           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9086       -fcse-skip-blocks
9087           This is similar to -fcse-follow-jumps, but causes CSE to follow
9088           jumps that conditionally skip over blocks.  When CSE encounters a
9089           simple "if" statement with no else clause, -fcse-skip-blocks causes
9090           CSE to follow the jump around the body of the "if".
9092           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9094       -frerun-cse-after-loop
9095           Re-run common subexpression elimination after loop optimizations
9096           are performed.
9098           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9100       -fgcse
9101           Perform a global common subexpression elimination pass.  This pass
9102           also performs global constant and copy propagation.
9104           Note: When compiling a program using computed gotos, a GCC
9105           extension, you may get better run-time performance if you disable
9106           the global common subexpression elimination pass by adding
9107           -fno-gcse to the command line.
9109           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9111       -fgcse-lm
9112           When -fgcse-lm is enabled, global common subexpression elimination
9113           attempts to move loads that are only killed by stores into
9114           themselves.  This allows a loop containing a load/store sequence to
9115           be changed to a load outside the loop, and a copy/store within the
9116           loop.
9118           Enabled by default when -fgcse is enabled.
9120       -fgcse-sm
9121           When -fgcse-sm is enabled, a store motion pass is run after global
9122           common subexpression elimination.  This pass attempts to move
9123           stores out of loops.  When used in conjunction with -fgcse-lm,
9124           loops containing a load/store sequence can be changed to a load
9125           before the loop and a store after the loop.
9127           Not enabled at any optimization level.
9129       -fgcse-las
9130           When -fgcse-las is enabled, the global common subexpression
9131           elimination pass eliminates redundant loads that come after stores
9132           to the same memory location (both partial and full redundancies).
9134           Not enabled at any optimization level.
9136       -fgcse-after-reload
9137           When -fgcse-after-reload is enabled, a redundant load elimination
9138           pass is performed after reload.  The purpose of this pass is to
9139           clean up redundant spilling.
9141           Enabled by -O3, -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9143       -faggressive-loop-optimizations
9144           This option tells the loop optimizer to use language constraints to
9145           derive bounds for the number of iterations of a loop.  This assumes
9146           that loop code does not invoke undefined behavior by for example
9147           causing signed integer overflows or out-of-bound array accesses.
9148           The bounds for the number of iterations of a loop are used to guide
9149           loop unrolling and peeling and loop exit test optimizations.  This
9150           option is enabled by default.
9152       -funconstrained-commons
9153           This option tells the compiler that variables declared in common
9154           blocks (e.g. Fortran) may later be overridden with longer trailing
9155           arrays. This prevents certain optimizations that depend on knowing
9156           the array bounds.
9158       -fcrossjumping
9159           Perform cross-jumping transformation.  This transformation unifies
9160           equivalent code and saves code size.  The resulting code may or may
9161           not perform better than without cross-jumping.
9163           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9165       -fauto-inc-dec
9166           Combine increments or decrements of addresses with memory accesses.
9167           This pass is always skipped on architectures that do not have
9168           instructions to support this.  Enabled by default at -O1 and higher
9169           on architectures that support this.
9171       -fdce
9172           Perform dead code elimination (DCE) on RTL.  Enabled by default at
9173           -O1 and higher.
9175       -fdse
9176           Perform dead store elimination (DSE) on RTL.  Enabled by default at
9177           -O1 and higher.
9179       -fif-conversion
9180           Attempt to transform conditional jumps into branch-less
9181           equivalents.  This includes use of conditional moves, min, max, set
9182           flags and abs instructions, and some tricks doable by standard
9183           arithmetics.  The use of conditional execution on chips where it is
9184           available is controlled by -fif-conversion2.
9186           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, but not with -Og.
9188       -fif-conversion2
9189           Use conditional execution (where available) to transform
9190           conditional jumps into branch-less equivalents.
9192           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, but not with -Og.
9194       -fdeclone-ctor-dtor
9195           The C++ ABI requires multiple entry points for constructors and
9196           destructors: one for a base subobject, one for a complete object,
9197           and one for a virtual destructor that calls operator delete
9198           afterwards.  For a hierarchy with virtual bases, the base and
9199           complete variants are clones, which means two copies of the
9200           function.  With this option, the base and complete variants are
9201           changed to be thunks that call a common implementation.
9203           Enabled by -Os.
9205       -fdelete-null-pointer-checks
9206           Assume that programs cannot safely dereference null pointers, and
9207           that no code or data element resides at address zero.  This option
9208           enables simple constant folding optimizations at all optimization
9209           levels.  In addition, other optimization passes in GCC use this
9210           flag to control global dataflow analyses that eliminate useless
9211           checks for null pointers; these assume that a memory access to
9212           address zero always results in a trap, so that if a pointer is
9213           checked after it has already been dereferenced, it cannot be null.
9215           Note however that in some environments this assumption is not true.
9216           Use -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks to disable this optimization
9217           for programs that depend on that behavior.
9219           This option is enabled by default on most targets.  On Nios II ELF,
9220           it defaults to off.  On AVR, CR16, and MSP430, this option is
9221           completely disabled.
9223           Passes that use the dataflow information are enabled independently
9224           at different optimization levels.
9226       -fdevirtualize
9227           Attempt to convert calls to virtual functions to direct calls.
9228           This is done both within a procedure and interprocedurally as part
9229           of indirect inlining (-findirect-inlining) and interprocedural
9230           constant propagation (-fipa-cp).  Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9232       -fdevirtualize-speculatively
9233           Attempt to convert calls to virtual functions to speculative direct
9234           calls.  Based on the analysis of the type inheritance graph,
9235           determine for a given call the set of likely targets. If the set is
9236           small, preferably of size 1, change the call into a conditional
9237           deciding between direct and indirect calls.  The speculative calls
9238           enable more optimizations, such as inlining.  When they seem
9239           useless after further optimization, they are converted back into
9240           original form.
9242       -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans
9243           Stream extra information needed for aggressive devirtualization
9244           when running the link-time optimizer in local transformation mode.
9245           This option enables more devirtualization but significantly
9246           increases the size of streamed data. For this reason it is disabled
9247           by default.
9249       -fexpensive-optimizations
9250           Perform a number of minor optimizations that are relatively
9251           expensive.
9253           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9255       -free
9256           Attempt to remove redundant extension instructions.  This is
9257           especially helpful for the x86-64 architecture, which implicitly
9258           zero-extends in 64-bit registers after writing to their lower
9259           32-bit half.
9261           Enabled for Alpha, AArch64 and x86 at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9263       -fno-lifetime-dse
9264           In C++ the value of an object is only affected by changes within
9265           its lifetime: when the constructor begins, the object has an
9266           indeterminate value, and any changes during the lifetime of the
9267           object are dead when the object is destroyed.  Normally dead store
9268           elimination will take advantage of this; if your code relies on the
9269           value of the object storage persisting beyond the lifetime of the
9270           object, you can use this flag to disable this optimization.  To
9271           preserve stores before the constructor starts (e.g. because your
9272           operator new clears the object storage) but still treat the object
9273           as dead after the destructor, you can use -flifetime-dse=1.  The
9274           default behavior can be explicitly selected with -flifetime-dse=2.
9275           -flifetime-dse=0 is equivalent to -fno-lifetime-dse.
9277       -flive-range-shrinkage
9278           Attempt to decrease register pressure through register live range
9279           shrinkage.  This is helpful for fast processors with small or
9280           moderate size register sets.
9282       -fira-algorithm=algorithm
9283           Use the specified coloring algorithm for the integrated register
9284           allocator.  The algorithm argument can be priority, which specifies
9285           Chow's priority coloring, or CB, which specifies Chaitin-Briggs
9286           coloring.  Chaitin-Briggs coloring is not implemented for all
9287           architectures, but for those targets that do support it, it is the
9288           default because it generates better code.
9290       -fira-region=region
9291           Use specified regions for the integrated register allocator.  The
9292           region argument should be one of the following:
9294           all Use all loops as register allocation regions.  This can give
9295               the best results for machines with a small and/or irregular
9296               register set.
9298           mixed
9299               Use all loops except for loops with small register pressure as
9300               the regions.  This value usually gives the best results in most
9301               cases and for most architectures, and is enabled by default
9302               when compiling with optimization for speed (-O, -O2, ...).
9304           one Use all functions as a single region.  This typically results
9305               in the smallest code size, and is enabled by default for -Os or
9306               -O0.
9308       -fira-hoist-pressure
9309           Use IRA to evaluate register pressure in the code hoisting pass for
9310           decisions to hoist expressions.  This option usually results in
9311           smaller code, but it can slow the compiler down.
9313           This option is enabled at level -Os for all targets.
9315       -fira-loop-pressure
9316           Use IRA to evaluate register pressure in loops for decisions to
9317           move loop invariants.  This option usually results in generation of
9318           faster and smaller code on machines with large register files (>=
9319           32 registers), but it can slow the compiler down.
9321           This option is enabled at level -O3 for some targets.
9323       -fno-ira-share-save-slots
9324           Disable sharing of stack slots used for saving call-used hard
9325           registers living through a call.  Each hard register gets a
9326           separate stack slot, and as a result function stack frames are
9327           larger.
9329       -fno-ira-share-spill-slots
9330           Disable sharing of stack slots allocated for pseudo-registers.
9331           Each pseudo-register that does not get a hard register gets a
9332           separate stack slot, and as a result function stack frames are
9333           larger.
9335       -flra-remat
9336           Enable CFG-sensitive rematerialization in LRA.  Instead of loading
9337           values of spilled pseudos, LRA tries to rematerialize (recalculate)
9338           values if it is profitable.
9340           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9342       -fdelayed-branch
9343           If supported for the target machine, attempt to reorder
9344           instructions to exploit instruction slots available after delayed
9345           branch instructions.
9347           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os, but not at -Og.
9349       -fschedule-insns
9350           If supported for the target machine, attempt to reorder
9351           instructions to eliminate execution stalls due to required data
9352           being unavailable.  This helps machines that have slow floating
9353           point or memory load instructions by allowing other instructions to
9354           be issued until the result of the load or floating-point
9355           instruction is required.
9357           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
9359       -fschedule-insns2
9360           Similar to -fschedule-insns, but requests an additional pass of
9361           instruction scheduling after register allocation has been done.
9362           This is especially useful on machines with a relatively small
9363           number of registers and where memory load instructions take more
9364           than one cycle.
9366           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9368       -fno-sched-interblock
9369           Disable instruction scheduling across basic blocks, which is
9370           normally enabled when scheduling before register allocation, i.e.
9371           with -fschedule-insns or at -O2 or higher.
9373       -fno-sched-spec
9374           Disable speculative motion of non-load instructions, which is
9375           normally enabled when scheduling before register allocation, i.e.
9376           with -fschedule-insns or at -O2 or higher.
9378       -fsched-pressure
9379           Enable register pressure sensitive insn scheduling before register
9380           allocation.  This only makes sense when scheduling before register
9381           allocation is enabled, i.e. with -fschedule-insns or at -O2 or
9382           higher.  Usage of this option can improve the generated code and
9383           decrease its size by preventing register pressure increase above
9384           the number of available hard registers and subsequent spills in
9385           register allocation.
9387       -fsched-spec-load
9388           Allow speculative motion of some load instructions.  This only
9389           makes sense when scheduling before register allocation, i.e. with
9390           -fschedule-insns or at -O2 or higher.
9392       -fsched-spec-load-dangerous
9393           Allow speculative motion of more load instructions.  This only
9394           makes sense when scheduling before register allocation, i.e. with
9395           -fschedule-insns or at -O2 or higher.
9397       -fsched-stalled-insns
9398       -fsched-stalled-insns=n
9399           Define how many insns (if any) can be moved prematurely from the
9400           queue of stalled insns into the ready list during the second
9401           scheduling pass.  -fno-sched-stalled-insns means that no insns are
9402           moved prematurely, -fsched-stalled-insns=0 means there is no limit
9403           on how many queued insns can be moved prematurely.
9404           -fsched-stalled-insns without a value is equivalent to
9405           -fsched-stalled-insns=1.
9407       -fsched-stalled-insns-dep
9408       -fsched-stalled-insns-dep=n
9409           Define how many insn groups (cycles) are examined for a dependency
9410           on a stalled insn that is a candidate for premature removal from
9411           the queue of stalled insns.  This has an effect only during the
9412           second scheduling pass, and only if -fsched-stalled-insns is used.
9413           -fno-sched-stalled-insns-dep is equivalent to
9414           -fsched-stalled-insns-dep=0.  -fsched-stalled-insns-dep without a
9415           value is equivalent to -fsched-stalled-insns-dep=1.
9417       -fsched2-use-superblocks
9418           When scheduling after register allocation, use superblock
9419           scheduling.  This allows motion across basic block boundaries,
9420           resulting in faster schedules.  This option is experimental, as not
9421           all machine descriptions used by GCC model the CPU closely enough
9422           to avoid unreliable results from the algorithm.
9424           This only makes sense when scheduling after register allocation,
9425           i.e. with -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2 or higher.
9427       -fsched-group-heuristic
9428           Enable the group heuristic in the scheduler.  This heuristic favors
9429           the instruction that belongs to a schedule group.  This is enabled
9430           by default when scheduling is enabled, i.e. with -fschedule-insns
9431           or -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2 or higher.
9433       -fsched-critical-path-heuristic
9434           Enable the critical-path heuristic in the scheduler.  This
9435           heuristic favors instructions on the critical path.  This is
9436           enabled by default when scheduling is enabled, i.e. with
9437           -fschedule-insns or -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2 or higher.
9439       -fsched-spec-insn-heuristic
9440           Enable the speculative instruction heuristic in the scheduler.
9441           This heuristic favors speculative instructions with greater
9442           dependency weakness.  This is enabled by default when scheduling is
9443           enabled, i.e.  with -fschedule-insns or -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2
9444           or higher.
9446       -fsched-rank-heuristic
9447           Enable the rank heuristic in the scheduler.  This heuristic favors
9448           the instruction belonging to a basic block with greater size or
9449           frequency.  This is enabled by default when scheduling is enabled,
9450           i.e.  with -fschedule-insns or -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2 or
9451           higher.
9453       -fsched-last-insn-heuristic
9454           Enable the last-instruction heuristic in the scheduler.  This
9455           heuristic favors the instruction that is less dependent on the last
9456           instruction scheduled.  This is enabled by default when scheduling
9457           is enabled, i.e. with -fschedule-insns or -fschedule-insns2 or at
9458           -O2 or higher.
9460       -fsched-dep-count-heuristic
9461           Enable the dependent-count heuristic in the scheduler.  This
9462           heuristic favors the instruction that has more instructions
9463           depending on it.  This is enabled by default when scheduling is
9464           enabled, i.e.  with -fschedule-insns or -fschedule-insns2 or at -O2
9465           or higher.
9467       -freschedule-modulo-scheduled-loops
9468           Modulo scheduling is performed before traditional scheduling.  If a
9469           loop is modulo scheduled, later scheduling passes may change its
9470           schedule.  Use this option to control that behavior.
9472       -fselective-scheduling
9473           Schedule instructions using selective scheduling algorithm.
9474           Selective scheduling runs instead of the first scheduler pass.
9476       -fselective-scheduling2
9477           Schedule instructions using selective scheduling algorithm.
9478           Selective scheduling runs instead of the second scheduler pass.
9480       -fsel-sched-pipelining
9481           Enable software pipelining of innermost loops during selective
9482           scheduling.  This option has no effect unless one of
9483           -fselective-scheduling or -fselective-scheduling2 is turned on.
9485       -fsel-sched-pipelining-outer-loops
9486           When pipelining loops during selective scheduling, also pipeline
9487           outer loops.  This option has no effect unless
9488           -fsel-sched-pipelining is turned on.
9490       -fsemantic-interposition
9491           Some object formats, like ELF, allow interposing of symbols by the
9492           dynamic linker.  This means that for symbols exported from the DSO,
9493           the compiler cannot perform interprocedural propagation, inlining
9494           and other optimizations in anticipation that the function or
9495           variable in question may change. While this feature is useful, for
9496           example, to rewrite memory allocation functions by a debugging
9497           implementation, it is expensive in the terms of code quality.  With
9498           -fno-semantic-interposition the compiler assumes that if
9499           interposition happens for functions the overwriting function will
9500           have precisely the same semantics (and side effects).  Similarly if
9501           interposition happens for variables, the constructor of the
9502           variable will be the same. The flag has no effect for functions
9503           explicitly declared inline (where it is never allowed for
9504           interposition to change semantics) and for symbols explicitly
9505           declared weak.
9507       -fshrink-wrap
9508           Emit function prologues only before parts of the function that need
9509           it, rather than at the top of the function.  This flag is enabled
9510           by default at -O and higher.
9512       -fshrink-wrap-separate
9513           Shrink-wrap separate parts of the prologue and epilogue separately,
9514           so that those parts are only executed when needed.  This option is
9515           on by default, but has no effect unless -fshrink-wrap is also
9516           turned on and the target supports this.
9518       -fcaller-saves
9519           Enable allocation of values to registers that are clobbered by
9520           function calls, by emitting extra instructions to save and restore
9521           the registers around such calls.  Such allocation is done only when
9522           it seems to result in better code.
9524           This option is always enabled by default on certain machines,
9525           usually those which have no call-preserved registers to use
9526           instead.
9528           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
9530       -fcombine-stack-adjustments
9531           Tracks stack adjustments (pushes and pops) and stack memory
9532           references and then tries to find ways to combine them.
9534           Enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9536       -fipa-ra
9537           Use caller save registers for allocation if those registers are not
9538           used by any called function.  In that case it is not necessary to
9539           save and restore them around calls.  This is only possible if
9540           called functions are part of same compilation unit as current
9541           function and they are compiled before it.
9543           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os, however the option is disabled if
9544           generated code will be instrumented for profiling (-p, or -pg) or
9545           if callee's register usage cannot be known exactly (this happens on
9546           targets that do not expose prologues and epilogues in RTL).
9548       -fconserve-stack
9549           Attempt to minimize stack usage.  The compiler attempts to use less
9550           stack space, even if that makes the program slower.  This option
9551           implies setting the large-stack-frame parameter to 100 and the
9552           large-stack-frame-growth parameter to 400.
9554       -ftree-reassoc
9555           Perform reassociation on trees.  This flag is enabled by default at
9556           -O1 and higher.
9558       -fcode-hoisting
9559           Perform code hoisting.  Code hoisting tries to move the evaluation
9560           of expressions executed on all paths to the function exit as early
9561           as possible.  This is especially useful as a code size
9562           optimization, but it often helps for code speed as well.  This flag
9563           is enabled by default at -O2 and higher.
9565       -ftree-pre
9566           Perform partial redundancy elimination (PRE) on trees.  This flag
9567           is enabled by default at -O2 and -O3.
9569       -ftree-partial-pre
9570           Make partial redundancy elimination (PRE) more aggressive.  This
9571           flag is enabled by default at -O3.
9573       -ftree-forwprop
9574           Perform forward propagation on trees.  This flag is enabled by
9575           default at -O1 and higher.
9577       -ftree-fre
9578           Perform full redundancy elimination (FRE) on trees.  The difference
9579           between FRE and PRE is that FRE only considers expressions that are
9580           computed on all paths leading to the redundant computation.  This
9581           analysis is faster than PRE, though it exposes fewer redundancies.
9582           This flag is enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9584       -ftree-phiprop
9585           Perform hoisting of loads from conditional pointers on trees.  This
9586           pass is enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9588       -fhoist-adjacent-loads
9589           Speculatively hoist loads from both branches of an if-then-else if
9590           the loads are from adjacent locations in the same structure and the
9591           target architecture has a conditional move instruction.  This flag
9592           is enabled by default at -O2 and higher.
9594       -ftree-copy-prop
9595           Perform copy propagation on trees.  This pass eliminates
9596           unnecessary copy operations.  This flag is enabled by default at
9597           -O1 and higher.
9599       -fipa-pure-const
9600           Discover which functions are pure or constant.  Enabled by default
9601           at -O1 and higher.
9603       -fipa-reference
9604           Discover which static variables do not escape the compilation unit.
9605           Enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9607       -fipa-reference-addressable
9608           Discover read-only, write-only and non-addressable static
9609           variables.  Enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9611       -fipa-stack-alignment
9612           Reduce stack alignment on call sites if possible.  Enabled by
9613           default.
9615       -fipa-pta
9616           Perform interprocedural pointer analysis and interprocedural
9617           modification and reference analysis.  This option can cause
9618           excessive memory and compile-time usage on large compilation units.
9619           It is not enabled by default at any optimization level.
9621       -fipa-profile
9622           Perform interprocedural profile propagation.  The functions called
9623           only from cold functions are marked as cold. Also functions
9624           executed once (such as "cold", "noreturn", static constructors or
9625           destructors) are identified. Cold functions and loop less parts of
9626           functions executed once are then optimized for size.  Enabled by
9627           default at -O1 and higher.
9629       -fipa-modref
9630           Perform interprocedural mod/ref analysis.  This optimization
9631           analyzes the side effects of functions (memory locations that are
9632           modified or referenced) and enables better optimization across the
9633           function call boundary.  This flag is enabled by default at -O1 and
9634           higher.
9636       -fipa-cp
9637           Perform interprocedural constant propagation.  This optimization
9638           analyzes the program to determine when values passed to functions
9639           are constants and then optimizes accordingly.  This optimization
9640           can substantially increase performance if the application has
9641           constants passed to functions.  This flag is enabled by default at
9642           -O2, -Os and -O3.  It is also enabled by -fprofile-use and
9643           -fauto-profile.
9645       -fipa-cp-clone
9646           Perform function cloning to make interprocedural constant
9647           propagation stronger.  When enabled, interprocedural constant
9648           propagation performs function cloning when externally visible
9649           function can be called with constant arguments.  Because this
9650           optimization can create multiple copies of functions, it may
9651           significantly increase code size (see --param
9652           ipa-cp-unit-growth=value).  This flag is enabled by default at -O3.
9653           It is also enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9655       -fipa-bit-cp
9656           When enabled, perform interprocedural bitwise constant propagation.
9657           This flag is enabled by default at -O2 and by -fprofile-use and
9658           -fauto-profile.  It requires that -fipa-cp is enabled.
9660       -fipa-vrp
9661           When enabled, perform interprocedural propagation of value ranges.
9662           This flag is enabled by default at -O2. It requires that -fipa-cp
9663           is enabled.
9665       -fipa-icf
9666           Perform Identical Code Folding for functions and read-only
9667           variables.  The optimization reduces code size and may disturb
9668           unwind stacks by replacing a function by equivalent one with a
9669           different name. The optimization works more effectively with link-
9670           time optimization enabled.
9672           Although the behavior is similar to the Gold Linker's ICF
9673           optimization, GCC ICF works on different levels and thus the
9674           optimizations are not same - there are equivalences that are found
9675           only by GCC and equivalences found only by Gold.
9677           This flag is enabled by default at -O2 and -Os.
9679       -flive-patching=level
9680           Control GCC's optimizations to produce output suitable for live-
9681           patching.
9683           If the compiler's optimization uses a function's body or
9684           information extracted from its body to optimize/change another
9685           function, the latter is called an impacted function of the former.
9686           If a function is patched, its impacted functions should be patched
9687           too.
9689           The impacted functions are determined by the compiler's
9690           interprocedural optimizations.  For example, a caller is impacted
9691           when inlining a function into its caller, cloning a function and
9692           changing its caller to call this new clone, or extracting a
9693           function's pureness/constness information to optimize its direct or
9694           indirect callers, etc.
9696           Usually, the more IPA optimizations enabled, the larger the number
9697           of impacted functions for each function.  In order to control the
9698           number of impacted functions and more easily compute the list of
9699           impacted function, IPA optimizations can be partially enabled at
9700           two different levels.
9702           The level argument should be one of the following:
9704           inline-clone
9705               Only enable inlining and cloning optimizations, which includes
9706               inlining, cloning, interprocedural scalar replacement of
9707               aggregates and partial inlining.  As a result, when patching a
9708               function, all its callers and its clones' callers are impacted,
9709               therefore need to be patched as well.
9711               -flive-patching=inline-clone disables the following
9712               optimization flags: -fwhole-program  -fipa-pta  -fipa-reference
9713               -fipa-ra -fipa-icf  -fipa-icf-functions  -fipa-icf-variables
9714               -fipa-bit-cp  -fipa-vrp  -fipa-pure-const
9715               -fipa-reference-addressable -fipa-stack-alignment -fipa-modref
9717           inline-only-static
9718               Only enable inlining of static functions.  As a result, when
9719               patching a static function, all its callers are impacted and so
9720               need to be patched as well.
9722               In addition to all the flags that -flive-patching=inline-clone
9723               disables, -flive-patching=inline-only-static disables the
9724               following additional optimization flags: -fipa-cp-clone
9725               -fipa-sra  -fpartial-inlining  -fipa-cp
9727           When -flive-patching is specified without any value, the default
9728           value is inline-clone.
9730           This flag is disabled by default.
9732           Note that -flive-patching is not supported with link-time
9733           optimization (-flto).
9735       -fisolate-erroneous-paths-dereference
9736           Detect paths that trigger erroneous or undefined behavior due to
9737           dereferencing a null pointer.  Isolate those paths from the main
9738           control flow and turn the statement with erroneous or undefined
9739           behavior into a trap.  This flag is enabled by default at -O2 and
9740           higher and depends on -fdelete-null-pointer-checks also being
9741           enabled.
9743       -fisolate-erroneous-paths-attribute
9744           Detect paths that trigger erroneous or undefined behavior due to a
9745           null value being used in a way forbidden by a "returns_nonnull" or
9746           "nonnull" attribute.  Isolate those paths from the main control
9747           flow and turn the statement with erroneous or undefined behavior
9748           into a trap.  This is not currently enabled, but may be enabled by
9749           -O2 in the future.
9751       -ftree-sink
9752           Perform forward store motion on trees.  This flag is enabled by
9753           default at -O1 and higher.
9755       -ftree-bit-ccp
9756           Perform sparse conditional bit constant propagation on trees and
9757           propagate pointer alignment information.  This pass only operates
9758           on local scalar variables and is enabled by default at -O1 and
9759           higher, except for -Og.  It requires that -ftree-ccp is enabled.
9761       -ftree-ccp
9762           Perform sparse conditional constant propagation (CCP) on trees.
9763           This pass only operates on local scalar variables and is enabled by
9764           default at -O1 and higher.
9766       -fssa-backprop
9767           Propagate information about uses of a value up the definition chain
9768           in order to simplify the definitions.  For example, this pass
9769           strips sign operations if the sign of a value never matters.  The
9770           flag is enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9772       -fssa-phiopt
9773           Perform pattern matching on SSA PHI nodes to optimize conditional
9774           code.  This pass is enabled by default at -O1 and higher, except
9775           for -Og.
9777       -ftree-switch-conversion
9778           Perform conversion of simple initializations in a switch to
9779           initializations from a scalar array.  This flag is enabled by
9780           default at -O2 and higher.
9782       -ftree-tail-merge
9783           Look for identical code sequences.  When found, replace one with a
9784           jump to the other.  This optimization is known as tail merging or
9785           cross jumping.  This flag is enabled by default at -O2 and higher.
9786           The compilation time in this pass can be limited using max-tail-
9787           merge-comparisons parameter and max-tail-merge-iterations
9788           parameter.
9790       -ftree-dce
9791           Perform dead code elimination (DCE) on trees.  This flag is enabled
9792           by default at -O1 and higher.
9794       -ftree-builtin-call-dce
9795           Perform conditional dead code elimination (DCE) for calls to built-
9796           in functions that may set "errno" but are otherwise free of side
9797           effects.  This flag is enabled by default at -O2 and higher if -Os
9798           is not also specified.
9800       -ffinite-loops
9801           Assume that a loop with an exit will eventually take the exit and
9802           not loop indefinitely.  This allows the compiler to remove loops
9803           that otherwise have no side-effects, not considering eventual
9804           endless looping as such.
9806           This option is enabled by default at -O2 for C++ with -std=c++11 or
9807           higher.
9809       -ftree-dominator-opts
9810           Perform a variety of simple scalar cleanups (constant/copy
9811           propagation, redundancy elimination, range propagation and
9812           expression simplification) based on a dominator tree traversal.
9813           This also performs jump threading (to reduce jumps to jumps). This
9814           flag is enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9816       -ftree-dse
9817           Perform dead store elimination (DSE) on trees.  A dead store is a
9818           store into a memory location that is later overwritten by another
9819           store without any intervening loads.  In this case the earlier
9820           store can be deleted.  This flag is enabled by default at -O1 and
9821           higher.
9823       -ftree-ch
9824           Perform loop header copying on trees.  This is beneficial since it
9825           increases effectiveness of code motion optimizations.  It also
9826           saves one jump.  This flag is enabled by default at -O1 and higher.
9827           It is not enabled for -Os, since it usually increases code size.
9829       -ftree-loop-optimize
9830           Perform loop optimizations on trees.  This flag is enabled by
9831           default at -O1 and higher.
9833       -ftree-loop-linear
9834       -floop-strip-mine
9835       -floop-block
9836           Perform loop nest optimizations.  Same as -floop-nest-optimize.  To
9837           use this code transformation, GCC has to be configured with
9838           --with-isl to enable the Graphite loop transformation
9839           infrastructure.
9841       -fgraphite-identity
9842           Enable the identity transformation for graphite.  For every SCoP we
9843           generate the polyhedral representation and transform it back to
9844           gimple.  Using -fgraphite-identity we can check the costs or
9845           benefits of the GIMPLE -> GRAPHITE -> GIMPLE transformation.  Some
9846           minimal optimizations are also performed by the code generator isl,
9847           like index splitting and dead code elimination in loops.
9849       -floop-nest-optimize
9850           Enable the isl based loop nest optimizer.  This is a generic loop
9851           nest optimizer based on the Pluto optimization algorithms.  It
9852           calculates a loop structure optimized for data-locality and
9853           parallelism.  This option is experimental.
9855       -floop-parallelize-all
9856           Use the Graphite data dependence analysis to identify loops that
9857           can be parallelized.  Parallelize all the loops that can be
9858           analyzed to not contain loop carried dependences without checking
9859           that it is profitable to parallelize the loops.
9861       -ftree-coalesce-vars
9862           While transforming the program out of the SSA representation,
9863           attempt to reduce copying by coalescing versions of different user-
9864           defined variables, instead of just compiler temporaries.  This may
9865           severely limit the ability to debug an optimized program compiled
9866           with -fno-var-tracking-assignments.  In the negated form, this flag
9867           prevents SSA coalescing of user variables.  This option is enabled
9868           by default if optimization is enabled, and it does very little
9869           otherwise.
9871       -ftree-loop-if-convert
9872           Attempt to transform conditional jumps in the innermost loops to
9873           branch-less equivalents.  The intent is to remove control-flow from
9874           the innermost loops in order to improve the ability of the
9875           vectorization pass to handle these loops.  This is enabled by
9876           default if vectorization is enabled.
9878       -ftree-loop-distribution
9879           Perform loop distribution.  This flag can improve cache performance
9880           on big loop bodies and allow further loop optimizations, like
9881           parallelization or vectorization, to take place.  For example, the
9882           loop
9884                   DO I = 1, N
9885                     A(I) = B(I) + C
9886                     D(I) = E(I) * F
9887                   ENDDO
9889           is transformed to
9891                   DO I = 1, N
9892                      A(I) = B(I) + C
9893                   ENDDO
9894                   DO I = 1, N
9895                      D(I) = E(I) * F
9896                   ENDDO
9898           This flag is enabled by default at -O3.  It is also enabled by
9899           -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9901       -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns
9902           Perform loop distribution of patterns that can be code generated
9903           with calls to a library.  This flag is enabled by default at -O2
9904           and higher, and by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9906           This pass distributes the initialization loops and generates a call
9907           to memset zero.  For example, the loop
9909                   DO I = 1, N
9910                     A(I) = 0
9911                     B(I) = A(I) + I
9912                   ENDDO
9914           is transformed to
9916                   DO I = 1, N
9917                      A(I) = 0
9918                   ENDDO
9919                   DO I = 1, N
9920                      B(I) = A(I) + I
9921                   ENDDO
9923           and the initialization loop is transformed into a call to memset
9924           zero.  This flag is enabled by default at -O3.  It is also enabled
9925           by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9927       -floop-interchange
9928           Perform loop interchange outside of graphite.  This flag can
9929           improve cache performance on loop nest and allow further loop
9930           optimizations, like vectorization, to take place.  For example, the
9931           loop
9933                   for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
9934                     for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
9935                       for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
9936                         c[i][j] = c[i][j] + a[i][k]*b[k][j];
9938           is transformed to
9940                   for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
9941                     for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
9942                       for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
9943                         c[i][j] = c[i][j] + a[i][k]*b[k][j];
9945           This flag is enabled by default at -O3.  It is also enabled by
9946           -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9948       -floop-unroll-and-jam
9949           Apply unroll and jam transformations on feasible loops.  In a loop
9950           nest this unrolls the outer loop by some factor and fuses the
9951           resulting multiple inner loops.  This flag is enabled by default at
9952           -O3.  It is also enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
9954       -ftree-loop-im
9955           Perform loop invariant motion on trees.  This pass moves only
9956           invariants that are hard to handle at RTL level (function calls,
9957           operations that expand to nontrivial sequences of insns).  With
9958           -funswitch-loops it also moves operands of conditions that are
9959           invariant out of the loop, so that we can use just trivial
9960           invariantness analysis in loop unswitching.  The pass also includes
9961           store motion.
9963       -ftree-loop-ivcanon
9964           Create a canonical counter for number of iterations in loops for
9965           which determining number of iterations requires complicated
9966           analysis.  Later optimizations then may determine the number
9967           easily.  Useful especially in connection with unrolling.
9969       -ftree-scev-cprop
9970           Perform final value replacement.  If a variable is modified in a
9971           loop in such a way that its value when exiting the loop can be
9972           determined using only its initial value and the number of loop
9973           iterations, replace uses of the final value by such a computation,
9974           provided it is sufficiently cheap.  This reduces data dependencies
9975           and may allow further simplifications.  Enabled by default at -O1
9976           and higher.
9978       -fivopts
9979           Perform induction variable optimizations (strength reduction,
9980           induction variable merging and induction variable elimination) on
9981           trees.
9983       -ftree-parallelize-loops=n
9984           Parallelize loops, i.e., split their iteration space to run in n
9985           threads.  This is only possible for loops whose iterations are
9986           independent and can be arbitrarily reordered.  The optimization is
9987           only profitable on multiprocessor machines, for loops that are CPU-
9988           intensive, rather than constrained e.g. by memory bandwidth.  This
9989           option implies -pthread, and thus is only supported on targets that
9990           have support for -pthread.
9992       -ftree-pta
9993           Perform function-local points-to analysis on trees.  This flag is
9994           enabled by default at -O1 and higher, except for -Og.
9996       -ftree-sra
9997           Perform scalar replacement of aggregates.  This pass replaces
9998           structure references with scalars to prevent committing structures
9999           to memory too early.  This flag is enabled by default at -O1 and
10000           higher, except for -Og.
10002       -fstore-merging
10003           Perform merging of narrow stores to consecutive memory addresses.
10004           This pass merges contiguous stores of immediate values narrower
10005           than a word into fewer wider stores to reduce the number of
10006           instructions.  This is enabled by default at -O2 and higher as well
10007           as -Os.
10009       -ftree-ter
10010           Perform temporary expression replacement during the SSA->normal
10011           phase.  Single use/single def temporaries are replaced at their use
10012           location with their defining expression.  This results in non-
10013           GIMPLE code, but gives the expanders much more complex trees to
10014           work on resulting in better RTL generation.  This is enabled by
10015           default at -O1 and higher.
10017       -ftree-slsr
10018           Perform straight-line strength reduction on trees.  This recognizes
10019           related expressions involving multiplications and replaces them by
10020           less expensive calculations when possible.  This is enabled by
10021           default at -O1 and higher.
10023       -ftree-vectorize
10024           Perform vectorization on trees. This flag enables
10025           -ftree-loop-vectorize and -ftree-slp-vectorize if not explicitly
10026           specified.
10028       -ftree-loop-vectorize
10029           Perform loop vectorization on trees. This flag is enabled by
10030           default at -O2 and by -ftree-vectorize, -fprofile-use, and
10031           -fauto-profile.
10033       -ftree-slp-vectorize
10034           Perform basic block vectorization on trees. This flag is enabled by
10035           default at -O2 and by -ftree-vectorize, -fprofile-use, and
10036           -fauto-profile.
10038       -ftrivial-auto-var-init=choice
10039           Initialize automatic variables with either a pattern or with zeroes
10040           to increase the security and predictability of a program by
10041           preventing uninitialized memory disclosure and use.  GCC still
10042           considers an automatic variable that doesn't have an explicit
10043           initializer as uninitialized, -Wuninitialized and
10044           -Wanalyzer-use-of-uninitialized-value will still report warning
10045           messages on such automatic variables.  With this option, GCC will
10046           also initialize any padding of automatic variables that have
10047           structure or union types to zeroes.  However, the current
10048           implementation cannot initialize automatic variables that are
10049           declared between the controlling expression and the first case of a
10050           "switch" statement.  Using -Wtrivial-auto-var-init to report all
10051           such cases.
10053           The three values of choice are:
10055           *   uninitialized doesn't initialize any automatic variables.  This
10056               is C and C++'s default.
10058           *   pattern Initialize automatic variables with values which will
10059               likely transform logic bugs into crashes down the line, are
10060               easily recognized in a crash dump and without being values that
10061               programmers can rely on for useful program semantics.  The
10062               current value is byte-repeatable pattern with byte "0xFE".  The
10063               values used for pattern initialization might be changed in the
10064               future.
10066           *   zero Initialize automatic variables with zeroes.
10068           The default is uninitialized.
10070           You can control this behavior for a specific variable by using the
10071           variable attribute "uninitialized".
10073       -fvect-cost-model=model
10074           Alter the cost model used for vectorization.  The model argument
10075           should be one of unlimited, dynamic, cheap or very-cheap.  With the
10076           unlimited model the vectorized code-path is assumed to be
10077           profitable while with the dynamic model a runtime check guards the
10078           vectorized code-path to enable it only for iteration counts that
10079           will likely execute faster than when executing the original scalar
10080           loop.  The cheap model disables vectorization of loops where doing
10081           so would be cost prohibitive for example due to required runtime
10082           checks for data dependence or alignment but otherwise is equal to
10083           the dynamic model.  The very-cheap model only allows vectorization
10084           if the vector code would entirely replace the scalar code that is
10085           being vectorized.  For example, if each iteration of a vectorized
10086           loop would only be able to handle exactly four iterations of the
10087           scalar loop, the very-cheap model would only allow vectorization if
10088           the scalar iteration count is known to be a multiple of four.
10090           The default cost model depends on other optimization flags and is
10091           either dynamic or cheap.
10093       -fsimd-cost-model=model
10094           Alter the cost model used for vectorization of loops marked with
10095           the OpenMP simd directive.  The model argument should be one of
10096           unlimited, dynamic, cheap.  All values of model have the same
10097           meaning as described in -fvect-cost-model and by default a cost
10098           model defined with -fvect-cost-model is used.
10100       -ftree-vrp
10101           Perform Value Range Propagation on trees.  This is similar to the
10102           constant propagation pass, but instead of values, ranges of values
10103           are propagated.  This allows the optimizers to remove unnecessary
10104           range checks like array bound checks and null pointer checks.  This
10105           is enabled by default at -O2 and higher.  Null pointer check
10106           elimination is only done if -fdelete-null-pointer-checks is
10107           enabled.
10109       -fsplit-paths
10110           Split paths leading to loop backedges.  This can improve dead code
10111           elimination and common subexpression elimination.  This is enabled
10112           by default at -O3 and above.
10114       -fsplit-ivs-in-unroller
10115           Enables expression of values of induction variables in later
10116           iterations of the unrolled loop using the value in the first
10117           iteration.  This breaks long dependency chains, thus improving
10118           efficiency of the scheduling passes.
10120           A combination of -fweb and CSE is often sufficient to obtain the
10121           same effect.  However, that is not reliable in cases where the loop
10122           body is more complicated than a single basic block.  It also does
10123           not work at all on some architectures due to restrictions in the
10124           CSE pass.
10126           This optimization is enabled by default.
10128       -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller
10129           With this option, the compiler creates multiple copies of some
10130           local variables when unrolling a loop, which can result in superior
10131           code.
10133           This optimization is enabled by default for PowerPC targets, but
10134           disabled by default otherwise.
10136       -fpartial-inlining
10137           Inline parts of functions.  This option has any effect only when
10138           inlining itself is turned on by the -finline-functions or
10139           -finline-small-functions options.
10141           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
10143       -fpredictive-commoning
10144           Perform predictive commoning optimization, i.e., reusing
10145           computations (especially memory loads and stores) performed in
10146           previous iterations of loops.
10148           This option is enabled at level -O3.  It is also enabled by
10149           -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
10151       -fprefetch-loop-arrays
10152           If supported by the target machine, generate instructions to
10153           prefetch memory to improve the performance of loops that access
10154           large arrays.
10156           This option may generate better or worse code; results are highly
10157           dependent on the structure of loops within the source code.
10159           Disabled at level -Os.
10161       -fno-printf-return-value
10162           Do not substitute constants for known return value of formatted
10163           output functions such as "sprintf", "snprintf", "vsprintf", and
10164           "vsnprintf" (but not "printf" of "fprintf").  This transformation
10165           allows GCC to optimize or even eliminate branches based on the
10166           known return value of these functions called with arguments that
10167           are either constant, or whose values are known to be in a range
10168           that makes determining the exact return value possible.  For
10169           example, when -fprintf-return-value is in effect, both the branch
10170           and the body of the "if" statement (but not the call to "snprint")
10171           can be optimized away when "i" is a 32-bit or smaller integer
10172           because the return value is guaranteed to be at most 8.
10174                   char buf[9];
10175                   if (snprintf (buf, "%08x", i) >= sizeof buf)
10176                     ...
10178           The -fprintf-return-value option relies on other optimizations and
10179           yields best results with -O2 and above.  It works in tandem with
10180           the -Wformat-overflow and -Wformat-truncation options.  The
10181           -fprintf-return-value option is enabled by default.
10183       -fno-peephole
10184       -fno-peephole2
10185           Disable any machine-specific peephole optimizations.  The
10186           difference between -fno-peephole and -fno-peephole2 is in how they
10187           are implemented in the compiler; some targets use one, some use the
10188           other, a few use both.
10190           -fpeephole is enabled by default.  -fpeephole2 enabled at levels
10191           -O2, -O3, -Os.
10193       -fno-guess-branch-probability
10194           Do not guess branch probabilities using heuristics.
10196           GCC uses heuristics to guess branch probabilities if they are not
10197           provided by profiling feedback (-fprofile-arcs).  These heuristics
10198           are based on the control flow graph.  If some branch probabilities
10199           are specified by "__builtin_expect", then the heuristics are used
10200           to guess branch probabilities for the rest of the control flow
10201           graph, taking the "__builtin_expect" info into account.  The
10202           interactions between the heuristics and "__builtin_expect" can be
10203           complex, and in some cases, it may be useful to disable the
10204           heuristics so that the effects of "__builtin_expect" are easier to
10205           understand.
10207           It is also possible to specify expected probability of the
10208           expression with "__builtin_expect_with_probability" built-in
10209           function.
10211           The default is -fguess-branch-probability at levels -O, -O2, -O3,
10212           -Os.
10214       -freorder-blocks
10215           Reorder basic blocks in the compiled function in order to reduce
10216           number of taken branches and improve code locality.
10218           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
10220       -freorder-blocks-algorithm=algorithm
10221           Use the specified algorithm for basic block reordering.  The
10222           algorithm argument can be simple, which does not increase code size
10223           (except sometimes due to secondary effects like alignment), or stc,
10224           the "software trace cache" algorithm, which tries to put all often
10225           executed code together, minimizing the number of branches executed
10226           by making extra copies of code.
10228           The default is simple at levels -O1, -Os, and stc at levels -O2,
10229           -O3.
10231       -freorder-blocks-and-partition
10232           In addition to reordering basic blocks in the compiled function, in
10233           order to reduce number of taken branches, partitions hot and cold
10234           basic blocks into separate sections of the assembly and .o files,
10235           to improve paging and cache locality performance.
10237           This optimization is automatically turned off in the presence of
10238           exception handling or unwind tables (on targets using
10239           setjump/longjump or target specific scheme), for linkonce sections,
10240           for functions with a user-defined section attribute and on any
10241           architecture that does not support named sections.  When
10242           -fsplit-stack is used this option is not enabled by default (to
10243           avoid linker errors), but may be enabled explicitly (if using a
10244           working linker).
10246           Enabled for x86 at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
10248       -freorder-functions
10249           Reorder functions in the object file in order to improve code
10250           locality.  This is implemented by using special subsections
10251           ".text.hot" for most frequently executed functions and
10252           ".text.unlikely" for unlikely executed functions.  Reordering is
10253           done by the linker so object file format must support named
10254           sections and linker must place them in a reasonable way.
10256           This option isn't effective unless you either provide profile
10257           feedback (see -fprofile-arcs for details) or manually annotate
10258           functions with "hot" or "cold" attributes.
10260           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
10262       -fstrict-aliasing
10263           Allow the compiler to assume the strictest aliasing rules
10264           applicable to the language being compiled.  For C (and C++), this
10265           activates optimizations based on the type of expressions.  In
10266           particular, an object of one type is assumed never to reside at the
10267           same address as an object of a different type, unless the types are
10268           almost the same.  For example, an "unsigned int" can alias an
10269           "int", but not a "void*" or a "double".  A character type may alias
10270           any other type.
10272           Pay special attention to code like this:
10274                   union a_union {
10275                     int i;
10276                     double d;
10277                   };
10279                   int f() {
10280                     union a_union t;
10281                     t.d = 3.0;
10282                     return t.i;
10283                   }
10285           The practice of reading from a different union member than the one
10286           most recently written to (called "type-punning") is common.  Even
10287           with -fstrict-aliasing, type-punning is allowed, provided the
10288           memory is accessed through the union type.  So, the code above
10289           works as expected.    However, this code might not:
10291                   int f() {
10292                     union a_union t;
10293                     int* ip;
10294                     t.d = 3.0;
10295                     ip = &t.i;
10296                     return *ip;
10297                   }
10299           Similarly, access by taking the address, casting the resulting
10300           pointer and dereferencing the result has undefined behavior, even
10301           if the cast uses a union type, e.g.:
10303                   int f() {
10304                     double d = 3.0;
10305                     return ((union a_union *) &d)->i;
10306                   }
10308           The -fstrict-aliasing option is enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
10310       -fipa-strict-aliasing
10311           Controls whether rules of -fstrict-aliasing are applied across
10312           function boundaries.  Note that if multiple functions gets inlined
10313           into a single function the memory accesses are no longer considered
10314           to be crossing a function boundary.
10316           The -fipa-strict-aliasing option is enabled by default and is
10317           effective only in combination with -fstrict-aliasing.
10319       -falign-functions
10320       -falign-functions=n
10321       -falign-functions=n:m
10322       -falign-functions=n:m:n2
10323       -falign-functions=n:m:n2:m2
10324           Align the start of functions to the next power-of-two greater than
10325           or equal to n, skipping up to m-1 bytes.  This ensures that at
10326           least the first m bytes of the function can be fetched by the CPU
10327           without crossing an n-byte alignment boundary.
10329           If m is not specified, it defaults to n.
10331           Examples: -falign-functions=32 aligns functions to the next 32-byte
10332           boundary, -falign-functions=24 aligns to the next 32-byte boundary
10333           only if this can be done by skipping 23 bytes or less,
10334           -falign-functions=32:7 aligns to the next 32-byte boundary only if
10335           this can be done by skipping 6 bytes or less.
10337           The second pair of n2:m2 values allows you to specify a secondary
10338           alignment: -falign-functions=64:7:32:3 aligns to the next 64-byte
10339           boundary if this can be done by skipping 6 bytes or less, otherwise
10340           aligns to the next 32-byte boundary if this can be done by skipping
10341           2 bytes or less.  If m2 is not specified, it defaults to n2.
10343           Some assemblers only support this flag when n is a power of two; in
10344           that case, it is rounded up.
10346           -fno-align-functions and -falign-functions=1 are equivalent and
10347           mean that functions are not aligned.
10349           If n is not specified or is zero, use a machine-dependent default.
10350           The maximum allowed n option value is 65536.
10352           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
10354       -flimit-function-alignment
10355           If this option is enabled, the compiler tries to avoid
10356           unnecessarily overaligning functions. It attempts to instruct the
10357           assembler to align by the amount specified by -falign-functions,
10358           but not to skip more bytes than the size of the function.
10360       -falign-labels
10361       -falign-labels=n
10362       -falign-labels=n:m
10363       -falign-labels=n:m:n2
10364       -falign-labels=n:m:n2:m2
10365           Align all branch targets to a power-of-two boundary.
10367           Parameters of this option are analogous to the -falign-functions
10368           option.  -fno-align-labels and -falign-labels=1 are equivalent and
10369           mean that labels are not aligned.
10371           If -falign-loops or -falign-jumps are applicable and are greater
10372           than this value, then their values are used instead.
10374           If n is not specified or is zero, use a machine-dependent default
10375           which is very likely to be 1, meaning no alignment.  The maximum
10376           allowed n option value is 65536.
10378           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
10380       -falign-loops
10381       -falign-loops=n
10382       -falign-loops=n:m
10383       -falign-loops=n:m:n2
10384       -falign-loops=n:m:n2:m2
10385           Align loops to a power-of-two boundary.  If the loops are executed
10386           many times, this makes up for any execution of the dummy padding
10387           instructions.
10389           If -falign-labels is greater than this value, then its value is
10390           used instead.
10392           Parameters of this option are analogous to the -falign-functions
10393           option.  -fno-align-loops and -falign-loops=1 are equivalent and
10394           mean that loops are not aligned.  The maximum allowed n option
10395           value is 65536.
10397           If n is not specified or is zero, use a machine-dependent default.
10399           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
10401       -falign-jumps
10402       -falign-jumps=n
10403       -falign-jumps=n:m
10404       -falign-jumps=n:m:n2
10405       -falign-jumps=n:m:n2:m2
10406           Align branch targets to a power-of-two boundary, for branch targets
10407           where the targets can only be reached by jumping.  In this case, no
10408           dummy operations need be executed.
10410           If -falign-labels is greater than this value, then its value is
10411           used instead.
10413           Parameters of this option are analogous to the -falign-functions
10414           option.  -fno-align-jumps and -falign-jumps=1 are equivalent and
10415           mean that loops are not aligned.
10417           If n is not specified or is zero, use a machine-dependent default.
10418           The maximum allowed n option value is 65536.
10420           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3.
10422       -fno-allocation-dce
10423           Do not remove unused C++ allocations in dead code elimination.
10425       -fallow-store-data-races
10426           Allow the compiler to perform optimizations that may introduce new
10427           data races on stores, without proving that the variable cannot be
10428           concurrently accessed by other threads.  Does not affect
10429           optimization of local data.  It is safe to use this option if it is
10430           known that global data will not be accessed by multiple threads.
10432           Examples of optimizations enabled by -fallow-store-data-races
10433           include hoisting or if-conversions that may cause a value that was
10434           already in memory to be re-written with that same value.  Such re-
10435           writing is safe in a single threaded context but may be unsafe in a
10436           multi-threaded context.  Note that on some processors, if-
10437           conversions may be required in order to enable vectorization.
10439           Enabled at level -Ofast.
10441       -funit-at-a-time
10442           This option is left for compatibility reasons. -funit-at-a-time has
10443           no effect, while -fno-unit-at-a-time implies -fno-toplevel-reorder
10444           and -fno-section-anchors.
10446           Enabled by default.
10448       -fno-toplevel-reorder
10449           Do not reorder top-level functions, variables, and "asm"
10450           statements.  Output them in the same order that they appear in the
10451           input file.  When this option is used, unreferenced static
10452           variables are not removed.  This option is intended to support
10453           existing code that relies on a particular ordering.  For new code,
10454           it is better to use attributes when possible.
10456           -ftoplevel-reorder is the default at -O1 and higher, and also at
10457           -O0 if -fsection-anchors is explicitly requested.  Additionally
10458           -fno-toplevel-reorder implies -fno-section-anchors.
10460       -fweb
10461           Constructs webs as commonly used for register allocation purposes
10462           and assign each web individual pseudo register.  This allows the
10463           register allocation pass to operate on pseudos directly, but also
10464           strengthens several other optimization passes, such as CSE, loop
10465           optimizer and trivial dead code remover.  It can, however, make
10466           debugging impossible, since variables no longer stay in a "home
10467           register".
10469           Enabled by default with -funroll-loops.
10471       -fwhole-program
10472           Assume that the current compilation unit represents the whole
10473           program being compiled.  All public functions and variables with
10474           the exception of "main" and those merged by attribute
10475           "externally_visible" become static functions and in effect are
10476           optimized more aggressively by interprocedural optimizers.
10478           This option should not be used in combination with -flto.  Instead
10479           relying on a linker plugin should provide safer and more precise
10480           information.
10482       -flto[=n]
10483           This option runs the standard link-time optimizer.  When invoked
10484           with source code, it generates GIMPLE (one of GCC's internal
10485           representations) and writes it to special ELF sections in the
10486           object file.  When the object files are linked together, all the
10487           function bodies are read from these ELF sections and instantiated
10488           as if they had been part of the same translation unit.
10490           To use the link-time optimizer, -flto and optimization options
10491           should be specified at compile time and during the final link.  It
10492           is recommended that you compile all the files participating in the
10493           same link with the same options and also specify those options at
10494           link time.  For example:
10496                   gcc -c -O2 -flto foo.c
10497                   gcc -c -O2 -flto bar.c
10498                   gcc -o myprog -flto -O2 foo.o bar.o
10500           The first two invocations to GCC save a bytecode representation of
10501           GIMPLE into special ELF sections inside foo.o and bar.o.  The final
10502           invocation reads the GIMPLE bytecode from foo.o and bar.o, merges
10503           the two files into a single internal image, and compiles the result
10504           as usual.  Since both foo.o and bar.o are merged into a single
10505           image, this causes all the interprocedural analyses and
10506           optimizations in GCC to work across the two files as if they were a
10507           single one.  This means, for example, that the inliner is able to
10508           inline functions in bar.o into functions in foo.o and vice-versa.
10510           Another (simpler) way to enable link-time optimization is:
10512                   gcc -o myprog -flto -O2 foo.c bar.c
10514           The above generates bytecode for foo.c and bar.c, merges them
10515           together into a single GIMPLE representation and optimizes them as
10516           usual to produce myprog.
10518           The important thing to keep in mind is that to enable link-time
10519           optimizations you need to use the GCC driver to perform the link
10520           step.  GCC automatically performs link-time optimization if any of
10521           the objects involved were compiled with the -flto command-line
10522           option.  You can always override the automatic decision to do link-
10523           time optimization by passing -fno-lto to the link command.
10525           To make whole program optimization effective, it is necessary to
10526           make certain whole program assumptions.  The compiler needs to know
10527           what functions and variables can be accessed by libraries and
10528           runtime outside of the link-time optimized unit.  When supported by
10529           the linker, the linker plugin (see -fuse-linker-plugin) passes
10530           information to the compiler about used and externally visible
10531           symbols.  When the linker plugin is not available, -fwhole-program
10532           should be used to allow the compiler to make these assumptions,
10533           which leads to more aggressive optimization decisions.
10535           When a file is compiled with -flto without -fuse-linker-plugin, the
10536           generated object file is larger than a regular object file because
10537           it contains GIMPLE bytecodes and the usual final code (see
10538           -ffat-lto-objects).  This means that object files with LTO
10539           information can be linked as normal object files; if -fno-lto is
10540           passed to the linker, no interprocedural optimizations are applied.
10541           Note that when -fno-fat-lto-objects is enabled the compile stage is
10542           faster but you cannot perform a regular, non-LTO link on them.
10544           When producing the final binary, GCC only applies link-time
10545           optimizations to those files that contain bytecode.  Therefore, you
10546           can mix and match object files and libraries with GIMPLE bytecodes
10547           and final object code.  GCC automatically selects which files to
10548           optimize in LTO mode and which files to link without further
10549           processing.
10551           Generally, options specified at link time override those specified
10552           at compile time, although in some cases GCC attempts to infer link-
10553           time options from the settings used to compile the input files.
10555           If you do not specify an optimization level option -O at link time,
10556           then GCC uses the highest optimization level used when compiling
10557           the object files.  Note that it is generally ineffective to specify
10558           an optimization level option only at link time and not at compile
10559           time, for two reasons.  First, compiling without optimization
10560           suppresses compiler passes that gather information needed for
10561           effective optimization at link time.  Second, some early
10562           optimization passes can be performed only at compile time and not
10563           at link time.
10565           There are some code generation flags preserved by GCC when
10566           generating bytecodes, as they need to be used during the final
10567           link.  Currently, the following options and their settings are
10568           taken from the first object file that explicitly specifies them:
10569           -fcommon, -fexceptions, -fnon-call-exceptions, -fgnu-tm and all the
10570           -m target flags.
10572           The following options -fPIC, -fpic, -fpie and -fPIE are combined
10573           based on the following scheme:
10575                   B<-fPIC> + B<-fpic> = B<-fpic>
10576                   B<-fPIC> + B<-fno-pic> = B<-fno-pic>
10577                   B<-fpic/-fPIC> + (no option) = (no option)
10578                   B<-fPIC> + B<-fPIE> = B<-fPIE>
10579                   B<-fpic> + B<-fPIE> = B<-fpie>
10580                   B<-fPIC/-fpic> + B<-fpie> = B<-fpie>
10582           Certain ABI-changing flags are required to match in all compilation
10583           units, and trying to override this at link time with a conflicting
10584           value is ignored.  This includes options such as
10585           -freg-struct-return and -fpcc-struct-return.
10587           Other options such as -ffp-contract, -fno-strict-overflow, -fwrapv,
10588           -fno-trapv or -fno-strict-aliasing are passed through to the link
10589           stage and merged conservatively for conflicting translation units.
10590           Specifically -fno-strict-overflow, -fwrapv and -fno-trapv take
10591           precedence; and for example -ffp-contract=off takes precedence over
10592           -ffp-contract=fast.  You can override them at link time.
10594           Diagnostic options such as -Wstringop-overflow are passed through
10595           to the link stage and their setting matches that of the compile-
10596           step at function granularity.  Note that this matters only for
10597           diagnostics emitted during optimization.  Note that code transforms
10598           such as inlining can lead to warnings being enabled or disabled for
10599           regions if code not consistent with the setting at compile time.
10601           When you need to pass options to the assembler via -Wa or
10602           -Xassembler make sure to either compile such translation units with
10603           -fno-lto or consistently use the same assembler options on all
10604           translation units.  You can alternatively also specify assembler
10605           options at LTO link time.
10607           To enable debug info generation you need to supply -g at compile
10608           time.  If any of the input files at link time were built with debug
10609           info generation enabled the link will enable debug info generation
10610           as well.  Any elaborate debug info settings like the dwarf level
10611           -gdwarf-5 need to be explicitly repeated at the linker command line
10612           and mixing different settings in different translation units is
10613           discouraged.
10615           If LTO encounters objects with C linkage declared with incompatible
10616           types in separate translation units to be linked together
10617           (undefined behavior according to ISO C99 6.2.7), a non-fatal
10618           diagnostic may be issued.  The behavior is still undefined at run
10619           time.  Similar diagnostics may be raised for other languages.
10621           Another feature of LTO is that it is possible to apply
10622           interprocedural optimizations on files written in different
10623           languages:
10625                   gcc -c -flto foo.c
10626                   g++ -c -flto bar.cc
10627                   gfortran -c -flto baz.f90
10628                   g++ -o myprog -flto -O3 foo.o bar.o baz.o -lgfortran
10630           Notice that the final link is done with g++ to get the C++ runtime
10631           libraries and -lgfortran is added to get the Fortran runtime
10632           libraries.  In general, when mixing languages in LTO mode, you
10633           should use the same link command options as when mixing languages
10634           in a regular (non-LTO) compilation.
10636           If object files containing GIMPLE bytecode are stored in a library
10637           archive, say libfoo.a, it is possible to extract and use them in an
10638           LTO link if you are using a linker with plugin support.  To create
10639           static libraries suitable for LTO, use gcc-ar and gcc-ranlib
10640           instead of ar and ranlib; to show the symbols of object files with
10641           GIMPLE bytecode, use gcc-nm.  Those commands require that ar,
10642           ranlib and nm have been compiled with plugin support.  At link
10643           time, use the flag -fuse-linker-plugin to ensure that the library
10644           participates in the LTO optimization process:
10646                   gcc -o myprog -O2 -flto -fuse-linker-plugin a.o b.o -lfoo
10648           With the linker plugin enabled, the linker extracts the needed
10649           GIMPLE files from libfoo.a and passes them on to the running GCC to
10650           make them part of the aggregated GIMPLE image to be optimized.
10652           If you are not using a linker with plugin support and/or do not
10653           enable the linker plugin, then the objects inside libfoo.a are
10654           extracted and linked as usual, but they do not participate in the
10655           LTO optimization process.  In order to make a static library
10656           suitable for both LTO optimization and usual linkage, compile its
10657           object files with -flto -ffat-lto-objects.
10659           Link-time optimizations do not require the presence of the whole
10660           program to operate.  If the program does not require any symbols to
10661           be exported, it is possible to combine -flto and -fwhole-program to
10662           allow the interprocedural optimizers to use more aggressive
10663           assumptions which may lead to improved optimization opportunities.
10664           Use of -fwhole-program is not needed when linker plugin is active
10665           (see -fuse-linker-plugin).
10667           The current implementation of LTO makes no attempt to generate
10668           bytecode that is portable between different types of hosts.  The
10669           bytecode files are versioned and there is a strict version check,
10670           so bytecode files generated in one version of GCC do not work with
10671           an older or newer version of GCC.
10673           Link-time optimization does not work well with generation of
10674           debugging information on systems other than those using a
10675           combination of ELF and DWARF.
10677           If you specify the optional n, the optimization and code generation
10678           done at link time is executed in parallel using n parallel jobs by
10679           utilizing an installed make program.  The environment variable MAKE
10680           may be used to override the program used.
10682           You can also specify -flto=jobserver to use GNU make's job server
10683           mode to determine the number of parallel jobs. This is useful when
10684           the Makefile calling GCC is already executing in parallel.  You
10685           must prepend a + to the command recipe in the parent Makefile for
10686           this to work.  This option likely only works if MAKE is GNU make.
10687           Even without the option value, GCC tries to automatically detect a
10688           running GNU make's job server.
10690           Use -flto=auto to use GNU make's job server, if available, or
10691           otherwise fall back to autodetection of the number of CPU threads
10692           present in your system.
10694       -flto-partition=alg
10695           Specify the partitioning algorithm used by the link-time optimizer.
10696           The value is either 1to1 to specify a partitioning mirroring the
10697           original source files or balanced to specify partitioning into
10698           equally sized chunks (whenever possible) or max to create new
10699           partition for every symbol where possible.  Specifying none as an
10700           algorithm disables partitioning and streaming completely.  The
10701           default value is balanced. While 1to1 can be used as an workaround
10702           for various code ordering issues, the max partitioning is intended
10703           for internal testing only.  The value one specifies that exactly
10704           one partition should be used while the value none bypasses
10705           partitioning and executes the link-time optimization step directly
10706           from the WPA phase.
10708       -flto-compression-level=n
10709           This option specifies the level of compression used for
10710           intermediate language written to LTO object files, and is only
10711           meaningful in conjunction with LTO mode (-flto).  GCC currently
10712           supports two LTO compression algorithms. For zstd, valid values are
10713           0 (no compression) to 19 (maximum compression), while zlib supports
10714           values from 0 to 9.  Values outside this range are clamped to
10715           either minimum or maximum of the supported values.  If the option
10716           is not given, a default balanced compression setting is used.
10718       -fuse-linker-plugin
10719           Enables the use of a linker plugin during link-time optimization.
10720           This option relies on plugin support in the linker, which is
10721           available in gold or in GNU ld 2.21 or newer.
10723           This option enables the extraction of object files with GIMPLE
10724           bytecode out of library archives. This improves the quality of
10725           optimization by exposing more code to the link-time optimizer.
10726           This information specifies what symbols can be accessed externally
10727           (by non-LTO object or during dynamic linking).  Resulting code
10728           quality improvements on binaries (and shared libraries that use
10729           hidden visibility) are similar to -fwhole-program.  See -flto for a
10730           description of the effect of this flag and how to use it.
10732           This option is enabled by default when LTO support in GCC is
10733           enabled and GCC was configured for use with a linker supporting
10734           plugins (GNU ld 2.21 or newer or gold).
10736       -ffat-lto-objects
10737           Fat LTO objects are object files that contain both the intermediate
10738           language and the object code. This makes them usable for both LTO
10739           linking and normal linking. This option is effective only when
10740           compiling with -flto and is ignored at link time.
10742           -fno-fat-lto-objects improves compilation time over plain LTO, but
10743           requires the complete toolchain to be aware of LTO. It requires a
10744           linker with linker plugin support for basic functionality.
10745           Additionally, nm, ar and ranlib need to support linker plugins to
10746           allow a full-featured build environment (capable of building static
10747           libraries etc).  GCC provides the gcc-ar, gcc-nm, gcc-ranlib
10748           wrappers to pass the right options to these tools. With non fat LTO
10749           makefiles need to be modified to use them.
10751           Note that modern binutils provide plugin auto-load mechanism.
10752           Installing the linker plugin into $libdir/bfd-plugins has the same
10753           effect as usage of the command wrappers (gcc-ar, gcc-nm and gcc-
10754           ranlib).
10756           The default is -fno-fat-lto-objects on targets with linker plugin
10757           support.
10759       -fcompare-elim
10760           After register allocation and post-register allocation instruction
10761           splitting, identify arithmetic instructions that compute processor
10762           flags similar to a comparison operation based on that arithmetic.
10763           If possible, eliminate the explicit comparison operation.
10765           This pass only applies to certain targets that cannot explicitly
10766           represent the comparison operation before register allocation is
10767           complete.
10769           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
10771       -fcprop-registers
10772           After register allocation and post-register allocation instruction
10773           splitting, perform a copy-propagation pass to try to reduce
10774           scheduling dependencies and occasionally eliminate the copy.
10776           Enabled at levels -O1, -O2, -O3, -Os.
10778       -fprofile-correction
10779           Profiles collected using an instrumented binary for multi-threaded
10780           programs may be inconsistent due to missed counter updates. When
10781           this option is specified, GCC uses heuristics to correct or smooth
10782           out such inconsistencies. By default, GCC emits an error message
10783           when an inconsistent profile is detected.
10785           This option is enabled by -fauto-profile.
10787       -fprofile-partial-training
10788           With "-fprofile-use" all portions of programs not executed during
10789           train run are optimized agressively for size rather than speed.  In
10790           some cases it is not practical to train all possible hot paths in
10791           the program. (For example, program may contain functions specific
10792           for a given hardware and trianing may not cover all hardware
10793           configurations program is run on.)  With
10794           "-fprofile-partial-training" profile feedback will be ignored for
10795           all functions not executed during the train run leading them to be
10796           optimized as if they were compiled without profile feedback. This
10797           leads to better performance when train run is not representative
10798           but also leads to significantly bigger code.
10800       -fprofile-use
10801       -fprofile-use=path
10802           Enable profile feedback-directed optimizations, and the following
10803           optimizations, many of which are generally profitable only with
10804           profile feedback available:
10806           -fbranch-probabilities  -fprofile-values -funroll-loops
10807           -fpeel-loops  -ftracer  -fvpt -finline-functions  -fipa-cp
10808           -fipa-cp-clone  -fipa-bit-cp -fpredictive-commoning  -fsplit-loops
10809           -funswitch-loops -fgcse-after-reload  -ftree-loop-vectorize
10810           -ftree-slp-vectorize -fvect-cost-model=dynamic
10811           -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns -fprofile-reorder-functions
10813           Before you can use this option, you must first generate profiling
10814           information.
10816           By default, GCC emits an error message if the feedback profiles do
10817           not match the source code.  This error can be turned into a warning
10818           by using -Wno-error=coverage-mismatch.  Note this may result in
10819           poorly optimized code.  Additionally, by default, GCC also emits a
10820           warning message if the feedback profiles do not exist (see
10821           -Wmissing-profile).
10823           If path is specified, GCC looks at the path to find the profile
10824           feedback data files. See -fprofile-dir.
10826       -fauto-profile
10827       -fauto-profile=path
10828           Enable sampling-based feedback-directed optimizations, and the
10829           following optimizations, many of which are generally profitable
10830           only with profile feedback available:
10832           -fbranch-probabilities  -fprofile-values -funroll-loops
10833           -fpeel-loops  -ftracer  -fvpt -finline-functions  -fipa-cp
10834           -fipa-cp-clone  -fipa-bit-cp -fpredictive-commoning  -fsplit-loops
10835           -funswitch-loops -fgcse-after-reload  -ftree-loop-vectorize
10836           -ftree-slp-vectorize -fvect-cost-model=dynamic
10837           -ftree-loop-distribute-patterns -fprofile-correction
10839           path is the name of a file containing AutoFDO profile information.
10840           If omitted, it defaults to fbdata.afdo in the current directory.
10842           Producing an AutoFDO profile data file requires running your
10843           program with the perf utility on a supported GNU/Linux target
10844           system.  For more information, see <https://perf.wiki.kernel.org/>.
10846           E.g.
10848                   perf record -e br_inst_retired:near_taken -b -o perf.data \
10849                       -- your_program
10851           Then use the create_gcov tool to convert the raw profile data to a
10852           format that can be used by GCC.  You must also supply the
10853           unstripped binary for your program to this tool.  See
10854           <https://github.com/google/autofdo>.
10856           E.g.
10858                   create_gcov --binary=your_program.unstripped --profile=perf.data \
10859                       --gcov=profile.afdo
10861       The following options control compiler behavior regarding floating-
10862       point arithmetic.  These options trade off between speed and
10863       correctness.  All must be specifically enabled.
10865       -ffloat-store
10866           Do not store floating-point variables in registers, and inhibit
10867           other options that might change whether a floating-point value is
10868           taken from a register or memory.
10870           This option prevents undesirable excess precision on machines such
10871           as the 68000 where the floating registers (of the 68881) keep more
10872           precision than a "double" is supposed to have.  Similarly for the
10873           x86 architecture.  For most programs, the excess precision does
10874           only good, but a few programs rely on the precise definition of
10875           IEEE floating point.  Use -ffloat-store for such programs, after
10876           modifying them to store all pertinent intermediate computations
10877           into variables.
10879       -fexcess-precision=style
10880           This option allows further control over excess precision on
10881           machines where floating-point operations occur in a format with
10882           more precision or range than the IEEE standard and interchange
10883           floating-point types.  By default, -fexcess-precision=fast is in
10884           effect; this means that operations may be carried out in a wider
10885           precision than the types specified in the source if that would
10886           result in faster code, and it is unpredictable when rounding to the
10887           types specified in the source code takes place.  When compiling C,
10888           if -fexcess-precision=standard is specified then excess precision
10889           follows the rules specified in ISO C99; in particular, both casts
10890           and assignments cause values to be rounded to their semantic types
10891           (whereas -ffloat-store only affects assignments).  This option is
10892           enabled by default for C if a strict conformance option such as
10893           -std=c99 is used.  -ffast-math enables -fexcess-precision=fast by
10894           default regardless of whether a strict conformance option is used.
10896           -fexcess-precision=standard is not implemented for languages other
10897           than C.  On the x86, it has no effect if -mfpmath=sse or
10898           -mfpmath=sse+387 is specified; in the former case, IEEE semantics
10899           apply without excess precision, and in the latter, rounding is
10900           unpredictable.
10902       -ffast-math
10903           Sets the options -fno-math-errno, -funsafe-math-optimizations,
10904           -ffinite-math-only, -fno-rounding-math, -fno-signaling-nans,
10905           -fcx-limited-range and -fexcess-precision=fast.
10907           This option causes the preprocessor macro "__FAST_MATH__" to be
10908           defined.
10910           This option is not turned on by any -O option besides -Ofast since
10911           it can result in incorrect output for programs that depend on an
10912           exact implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math
10913           functions. It may, however, yield faster code for programs that do
10914           not require the guarantees of these specifications.
10916       -fno-math-errno
10917           Do not set "errno" after calling math functions that are executed
10918           with a single instruction, e.g., "sqrt".  A program that relies on
10919           IEEE exceptions for math error handling may want to use this flag
10920           for speed while maintaining IEEE arithmetic compatibility.
10922           This option is not turned on by any -O option since it can result
10923           in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact
10924           implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math
10925           functions. It may, however, yield faster code for programs that do
10926           not require the guarantees of these specifications.
10928           The default is -fmath-errno.
10930           On Darwin systems, the math library never sets "errno".  There is
10931           therefore no reason for the compiler to consider the possibility
10932           that it might, and -fno-math-errno is the default.
10934       -funsafe-math-optimizations
10935           Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that (a) assume
10936           that arguments and results are valid and (b) may violate IEEE or
10937           ANSI standards.  When used at link time, it may include libraries
10938           or startup files that change the default FPU control word or other
10939           similar optimizations.
10941           This option is not turned on by any -O option since it can result
10942           in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact
10943           implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math
10944           functions. It may, however, yield faster code for programs that do
10945           not require the guarantees of these specifications.  Enables
10946           -fno-signed-zeros, -fno-trapping-math, -fassociative-math and
10947           -freciprocal-math.
10949           The default is -fno-unsafe-math-optimizations.
10951       -fassociative-math
10952           Allow re-association of operands in series of floating-point
10953           operations.  This violates the ISO C and C++ language standard by
10954           possibly changing computation result.  NOTE: re-ordering may change
10955           the sign of zero as well as ignore NaNs and inhibit or create
10956           underflow or overflow (and thus cannot be used on code that relies
10957           on rounding behavior like "(x + 2**52) - 2**52".  May also reorder
10958           floating-point comparisons and thus may not be used when ordered
10959           comparisons are required.  This option requires that both
10960           -fno-signed-zeros and -fno-trapping-math be in effect.  Moreover,
10961           it doesn't make much sense with -frounding-math. For Fortran the
10962           option is automatically enabled when both -fno-signed-zeros and
10963           -fno-trapping-math are in effect.
10965           The default is -fno-associative-math.
10967       -freciprocal-math
10968           Allow the reciprocal of a value to be used instead of dividing by
10969           the value if this enables optimizations.  For example "x / y" can
10970           be replaced with "x * (1/y)", which is useful if "(1/y)" is subject
10971           to common subexpression elimination.  Note that this loses
10972           precision and increases the number of flops operating on the value.
10974           The default is -fno-reciprocal-math.
10976       -ffinite-math-only
10977           Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that
10978           arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs.
10980           This option is not turned on by any -O option since it can result
10981           in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact
10982           implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math
10983           functions. It may, however, yield faster code for programs that do
10984           not require the guarantees of these specifications.
10986           The default is -fno-finite-math-only.
10988       -fno-signed-zeros
10989           Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that ignore the
10990           signedness of zero.  IEEE arithmetic specifies the behavior of
10991           distinct +0.0 and -0.0 values, which then prohibits simplification
10992           of expressions such as x+0.0 or 0.0*x (even with
10993           -ffinite-math-only).  This option implies that the sign of a zero
10994           result isn't significant.
10996           The default is -fsigned-zeros.
10998       -fno-trapping-math
10999           Compile code assuming that floating-point operations cannot
11000           generate user-visible traps.  These traps include division by zero,
11001           overflow, underflow, inexact result and invalid operation.  This
11002           option requires that -fno-signaling-nans be in effect.  Setting
11003           this option may allow faster code if one relies on "non-stop" IEEE
11004           arithmetic, for example.
11006           This option should never be turned on by any -O option since it can
11007           result in incorrect output for programs that depend on an exact
11008           implementation of IEEE or ISO rules/specifications for math
11009           functions.
11011           The default is -ftrapping-math.
11013       -frounding-math
11014           Disable transformations and optimizations that assume default
11015           floating-point rounding behavior.  This is round-to-zero for all
11016           floating point to integer conversions, and round-to-nearest for all
11017           other arithmetic truncations.  This option should be specified for
11018           programs that change the FP rounding mode dynamically, or that may
11019           be executed with a non-default rounding mode.  This option disables
11020           constant folding of floating-point expressions at compile time
11021           (which may be affected by rounding mode) and arithmetic
11022           transformations that are unsafe in the presence of sign-dependent
11023           rounding modes.
11025           The default is -fno-rounding-math.
11027           This option is experimental and does not currently guarantee to
11028           disable all GCC optimizations that are affected by rounding mode.
11029           Future versions of GCC may provide finer control of this setting
11030           using C99's "FENV_ACCESS" pragma.  This command-line option will be
11031           used to specify the default state for "FENV_ACCESS".
11033       -fsignaling-nans
11034           Compile code assuming that IEEE signaling NaNs may generate user-
11035           visible traps during floating-point operations.  Setting this
11036           option disables optimizations that may change the number of
11037           exceptions visible with signaling NaNs.  This option implies
11038           -ftrapping-math.
11040           This option causes the preprocessor macro "__SUPPORT_SNAN__" to be
11041           defined.
11043           The default is -fno-signaling-nans.
11045           This option is experimental and does not currently guarantee to
11046           disable all GCC optimizations that affect signaling NaN behavior.
11048       -fno-fp-int-builtin-inexact
11049           Do not allow the built-in functions "ceil", "floor", "round" and
11050           "trunc", and their "float" and "long double" variants, to generate
11051           code that raises the "inexact" floating-point exception for
11052           noninteger arguments.  ISO C99 and C11 allow these functions to
11053           raise the "inexact" exception, but ISO/IEC TS 18661-1:2014, the C
11054           bindings to IEEE 754-2008, as integrated into ISO C2X, does not
11055           allow these functions to do so.
11057           The default is -ffp-int-builtin-inexact, allowing the exception to
11058           be raised, unless C2X or a later C standard is selected.  This
11059           option does nothing unless -ftrapping-math is in effect.
11061           Even if -fno-fp-int-builtin-inexact is used, if the functions
11062           generate a call to a library function then the "inexact" exception
11063           may be raised if the library implementation does not follow TS
11064           18661.
11066       -fsingle-precision-constant
11067           Treat floating-point constants as single precision instead of
11068           implicitly converting them to double-precision constants.
11070       -fcx-limited-range
11071           When enabled, this option states that a range reduction step is not
11072           needed when performing complex division.  Also, there is no
11073           checking whether the result of a complex multiplication or division
11074           is "NaN + I*NaN", with an attempt to rescue the situation in that
11075           case.  The default is -fno-cx-limited-range, but is enabled by
11076           -ffast-math.
11078           This option controls the default setting of the ISO C99
11079           "CX_LIMITED_RANGE" pragma.  Nevertheless, the option applies to all
11080           languages.
11082       -fcx-fortran-rules
11083           Complex multiplication and division follow Fortran rules.  Range
11084           reduction is done as part of complex division, but there is no
11085           checking whether the result of a complex multiplication or division
11086           is "NaN + I*NaN", with an attempt to rescue the situation in that
11087           case.
11089           The default is -fno-cx-fortran-rules.
11091       The following options control optimizations that may improve
11092       performance, but are not enabled by any -O options.  This section
11093       includes experimental options that may produce broken code.
11095       -fbranch-probabilities
11096           After running a program compiled with -fprofile-arcs, you can
11097           compile it a second time using -fbranch-probabilities, to improve
11098           optimizations based on the number of times each branch was taken.
11099           When a program compiled with -fprofile-arcs exits, it saves arc
11100           execution counts to a file called sourcename.gcda for each source
11101           file.  The information in this data file is very dependent on the
11102           structure of the generated code, so you must use the same source
11103           code and the same optimization options for both compilations.  See
11104           details about the file naming in -fprofile-arcs.
11106           With -fbranch-probabilities, GCC puts a REG_BR_PROB note on each
11107           JUMP_INSN and CALL_INSN.  These can be used to improve
11108           optimization.  Currently, they are only used in one place: in
11109           reorg.cc, instead of guessing which path a branch is most likely to
11110           take, the REG_BR_PROB values are used to exactly determine which
11111           path is taken more often.
11113           Enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11115       -fprofile-values
11116           If combined with -fprofile-arcs, it adds code so that some data
11117           about values of expressions in the program is gathered.
11119           With -fbranch-probabilities, it reads back the data gathered from
11120           profiling values of expressions for usage in optimizations.
11122           Enabled by -fprofile-generate, -fprofile-use, and -fauto-profile.
11124       -fprofile-reorder-functions
11125           Function reordering based on profile instrumentation collects first
11126           time of execution of a function and orders these functions in
11127           ascending order.
11129           Enabled with -fprofile-use.
11131       -fvpt
11132           If combined with -fprofile-arcs, this option instructs the compiler
11133           to add code to gather information about values of expressions.
11135           With -fbranch-probabilities, it reads back the data gathered and
11136           actually performs the optimizations based on them.  Currently the
11137           optimizations include specialization of division operations using
11138           the knowledge about the value of the denominator.
11140           Enabled with -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11142       -frename-registers
11143           Attempt to avoid false dependencies in scheduled code by making use
11144           of registers left over after register allocation.  This
11145           optimization most benefits processors with lots of registers.
11146           Depending on the debug information format adopted by the target,
11147           however, it can make debugging impossible, since variables no
11148           longer stay in a "home register".
11150           Enabled by default with -funroll-loops.
11152       -fschedule-fusion
11153           Performs a target dependent pass over the instruction stream to
11154           schedule instructions of same type together because target machine
11155           can execute them more efficiently if they are adjacent to each
11156           other in the instruction flow.
11158           Enabled at levels -O2, -O3, -Os.
11160       -ftracer
11161           Perform tail duplication to enlarge superblock size.  This
11162           transformation simplifies the control flow of the function allowing
11163           other optimizations to do a better job.
11165           Enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11167       -funroll-loops
11168           Unroll loops whose number of iterations can be determined at
11169           compile time or upon entry to the loop.  -funroll-loops implies
11170           -frerun-cse-after-loop, -fweb and -frename-registers.  It also
11171           turns on complete loop peeling (i.e. complete removal of loops with
11172           a small constant number of iterations).  This option makes code
11173           larger, and may or may not make it run faster.
11175           Enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11177       -funroll-all-loops
11178           Unroll all loops, even if their number of iterations is uncertain
11179           when the loop is entered.  This usually makes programs run more
11180           slowly.  -funroll-all-loops implies the same options as
11181           -funroll-loops.
11183       -fpeel-loops
11184           Peels loops for which there is enough information that they do not
11185           roll much (from profile feedback or static analysis).  It also
11186           turns on complete loop peeling (i.e. complete removal of loops with
11187           small constant number of iterations).
11189           Enabled by -O3, -fprofile-use, and -fauto-profile.
11191       -fmove-loop-invariants
11192           Enables the loop invariant motion pass in the RTL loop optimizer.
11193           Enabled at level -O1 and higher, except for -Og.
11195       -fmove-loop-stores
11196           Enables the loop store motion pass in the GIMPLE loop optimizer.
11197           This moves invariant stores to after the end of the loop in
11198           exchange for carrying the stored value in a register across the
11199           iteration.  Note for this option to have an effect -ftree-loop-im
11200           has to be enabled as well.  Enabled at level -O1 and higher, except
11201           for -Og.
11203       -fsplit-loops
11204           Split a loop into two if it contains a condition that's always true
11205           for one side of the iteration space and false for the other.
11207           Enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11209       -funswitch-loops
11210           Move branches with loop invariant conditions out of the loop, with
11211           duplicates of the loop on both branches (modified according to
11212           result of the condition).
11214           Enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11216       -fversion-loops-for-strides
11217           If a loop iterates over an array with a variable stride, create
11218           another version of the loop that assumes the stride is always one.
11219           For example:
11221                   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
11222                     x[i * stride] = ...;
11224           becomes:
11226                   if (stride == 1)
11227                     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
11228                       x[i] = ...;
11229                   else
11230                     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
11231                       x[i * stride] = ...;
11233           This is particularly useful for assumed-shape arrays in Fortran
11234           where (for example) it allows better vectorization assuming
11235           contiguous accesses.  This flag is enabled by default at -O3.  It
11236           is also enabled by -fprofile-use and -fauto-profile.
11238       -ffunction-sections
11239       -fdata-sections
11240           Place each function or data item into its own section in the output
11241           file if the target supports arbitrary sections.  The name of the
11242           function or the name of the data item determines the section's name
11243           in the output file.
11245           Use these options on systems where the linker can perform
11246           optimizations to improve locality of reference in the instruction
11247           space.  Most systems using the ELF object format have linkers with
11248           such optimizations.  On AIX, the linker rearranges sections
11249           (CSECTs) based on the call graph.  The performance impact varies.
11251           Together with a linker garbage collection (linker --gc-sections
11252           option) these options may lead to smaller statically-linked
11253           executables (after stripping).
11255           On ELF/DWARF systems these options do not degenerate the quality of
11256           the debug information.  There could be issues with other object
11257           files/debug info formats.
11259           Only use these options when there are significant benefits from
11260           doing so.  When you specify these options, the assembler and linker
11261           create larger object and executable files and are also slower.
11262           These options affect code generation.  They prevent optimizations
11263           by the compiler and assembler using relative locations inside a
11264           translation unit since the locations are unknown until link time.
11265           An example of such an optimization is relaxing calls to short call
11266           instructions.
11268       -fstdarg-opt
11269           Optimize the prologue of variadic argument functions with respect
11270           to usage of those arguments.
11272       -fsection-anchors
11273           Try to reduce the number of symbolic address calculations by using
11274           shared "anchor" symbols to address nearby objects.  This
11275           transformation can help to reduce the number of GOT entries and GOT
11276           accesses on some targets.
11278           For example, the implementation of the following function "foo":
11280                   static int a, b, c;
11281                   int foo (void) { return a + b + c; }
11283           usually calculates the addresses of all three variables, but if you
11284           compile it with -fsection-anchors, it accesses the variables from a
11285           common anchor point instead.  The effect is similar to the
11286           following pseudocode (which isn't valid C):
11288                   int foo (void)
11289                   {
11290                     register int *xr = &x;
11291                     return xr[&a - &x] + xr[&b - &x] + xr[&c - &x];
11292                   }
11294           Not all targets support this option.
11296       -fzero-call-used-regs=choice
11297           Zero call-used registers at function return to increase program
11298           security by either mitigating Return-Oriented Programming (ROP)
11299           attacks or preventing information leakage through registers.
11301           The possible values of choice are the same as for the
11302           "zero_call_used_regs" attribute.  The default is skip.
11304           You can control this behavior for a specific function by using the
11305           function attribute "zero_call_used_regs".
11307       --param name=value
11308           In some places, GCC uses various constants to control the amount of
11309           optimization that is done.  For example, GCC does not inline
11310           functions that contain more than a certain number of instructions.
11311           You can control some of these constants on the command line using
11312           the --param option.
11314           The names of specific parameters, and the meaning of the values,
11315           are tied to the internals of the compiler, and are subject to
11316           change without notice in future releases.
11318           In order to get minimal, maximal and default value of a parameter,
11319           one can use --help=param -Q options.
11321           In each case, the value is an integer.  The following choices of
11322           name are recognized for all targets:
11324           predictable-branch-outcome
11325               When branch is predicted to be taken with probability lower
11326               than this threshold (in percent), then it is considered well
11327               predictable.
11329           max-rtl-if-conversion-insns
11330               RTL if-conversion tries to remove conditional branches around a
11331               block and replace them with conditionally executed
11332               instructions.  This parameter gives the maximum number of
11333               instructions in a block which should be considered for if-
11334               conversion.  The compiler will also use other heuristics to
11335               decide whether if-conversion is likely to be profitable.
11337           max-rtl-if-conversion-predictable-cost
11338               RTL if-conversion will try to remove conditional branches
11339               around a block and replace them with conditionally executed
11340               instructions.  These parameters give the maximum permissible
11341               cost for the sequence that would be generated by if-conversion
11342               depending on whether the branch is statically determined to be
11343               predictable or not.  The units for this parameter are the same
11344               as those for the GCC internal seq_cost metric.  The compiler
11345               will try to provide a reasonable default for this parameter
11346               using the BRANCH_COST target macro.
11348           max-crossjump-edges
11349               The maximum number of incoming edges to consider for cross-
11350               jumping.  The algorithm used by -fcrossjumping is O(N^2) in the
11351               number of edges incoming to each block.  Increasing values mean
11352               more aggressive optimization, making the compilation time
11353               increase with probably small improvement in executable size.
11355           min-crossjump-insns
11356               The minimum number of instructions that must be matched at the
11357               end of two blocks before cross-jumping is performed on them.
11358               This value is ignored in the case where all instructions in the
11359               block being cross-jumped from are matched.
11361           max-grow-copy-bb-insns
11362               The maximum code size expansion factor when copying basic
11363               blocks instead of jumping.  The expansion is relative to a jump
11364               instruction.
11366           max-goto-duplication-insns
11367               The maximum number of instructions to duplicate to a block that
11368               jumps to a computed goto.  To avoid O(N^2) behavior in a number
11369               of passes, GCC factors computed gotos early in the compilation
11370               process, and unfactors them as late as possible.  Only computed
11371               jumps at the end of a basic blocks with no more than max-goto-
11372               duplication-insns are unfactored.
11374           max-delay-slot-insn-search
11375               The maximum number of instructions to consider when looking for
11376               an instruction to fill a delay slot.  If more than this
11377               arbitrary number of instructions are searched, the time savings
11378               from filling the delay slot are minimal, so stop searching.
11379               Increasing values mean more aggressive optimization, making the
11380               compilation time increase with probably small improvement in
11381               execution time.
11383           max-delay-slot-live-search
11384               When trying to fill delay slots, the maximum number of
11385               instructions to consider when searching for a block with valid
11386               live register information.  Increasing this arbitrarily chosen
11387               value means more aggressive optimization, increasing the
11388               compilation time.  This parameter should be removed when the
11389               delay slot code is rewritten to maintain the control-flow
11390               graph.
11392           max-gcse-memory
11393               The approximate maximum amount of memory in "kB" that can be
11394               allocated in order to perform the global common subexpression
11395               elimination optimization.  If more memory than specified is
11396               required, the optimization is not done.
11398           max-gcse-insertion-ratio
11399               If the ratio of expression insertions to deletions is larger
11400               than this value for any expression, then RTL PRE inserts or
11401               removes the expression and thus leaves partially redundant
11402               computations in the instruction stream.
11404           max-pending-list-length
11405               The maximum number of pending dependencies scheduling allows
11406               before flushing the current state and starting over.  Large
11407               functions with few branches or calls can create excessively
11408               large lists which needlessly consume memory and resources.
11410           max-modulo-backtrack-attempts
11411               The maximum number of backtrack attempts the scheduler should
11412               make when modulo scheduling a loop.  Larger values can
11413               exponentially increase compilation time.
11415           max-inline-functions-called-once-loop-depth
11416               Maximal loop depth of a call considered by inline heuristics
11417               that tries to inline all functions called once.
11419           max-inline-functions-called-once-insns
11420               Maximal estimated size of functions produced while inlining
11421               functions called once.
11423           max-inline-insns-single
11424               Several parameters control the tree inliner used in GCC.  This
11425               number sets the maximum number of instructions (counted in
11426               GCC's internal representation) in a single function that the
11427               tree inliner considers for inlining.  This only affects
11428               functions declared inline and methods implemented in a class
11429               declaration (C++).
11431           max-inline-insns-auto
11432               When you use -finline-functions (included in -O3), a lot of
11433               functions that would otherwise not be considered for inlining
11434               by the compiler are investigated.  To those functions, a
11435               different (more restrictive) limit compared to functions
11436               declared inline can be applied (--param max-inline-insns-auto).
11438           max-inline-insns-small
11439               This is bound applied to calls which are considered relevant
11440               with -finline-small-functions.
11442           max-inline-insns-size
11443               This is bound applied to calls which are optimized for size.
11444               Small growth may be desirable to anticipate optimization
11445               oppurtunities exposed by inlining.
11447           uninlined-function-insns
11448               Number of instructions accounted by inliner for function
11449               overhead such as function prologue and epilogue.
11451           uninlined-function-time
11452               Extra time accounted by inliner for function overhead such as
11453               time needed to execute function prologue and epilogue.
11455           inline-heuristics-hint-percent
11456               The scale (in percents) applied to inline-insns-single,
11457               inline-insns-single-O2, inline-insns-auto when inline
11458               heuristics hints that inlining is very profitable (will enable
11459               later optimizations).
11461           uninlined-thunk-insns
11462           uninlined-thunk-time
11463               Same as --param uninlined-function-insns and --param uninlined-
11464               function-time but applied to function thunks.
11466           inline-min-speedup
11467               When estimated performance improvement of caller + callee
11468               runtime exceeds this threshold (in percent), the function can
11469               be inlined regardless of the limit on --param max-inline-insns-
11470               single and --param max-inline-insns-auto.
11472           large-function-insns
11473               The limit specifying really large functions.  For functions
11474               larger than this limit after inlining, inlining is constrained
11475               by --param large-function-growth.  This parameter is useful
11476               primarily to avoid extreme compilation time caused by non-
11477               linear algorithms used by the back end.
11479           large-function-growth
11480               Specifies maximal growth of large function caused by inlining
11481               in percents.  For example, parameter value 100 limits large
11482               function growth to 2.0 times the original size.
11484           large-unit-insns
11485               The limit specifying large translation unit.  Growth caused by
11486               inlining of units larger than this limit is limited by --param
11487               inline-unit-growth.  For small units this might be too tight.
11488               For example, consider a unit consisting of function A that is
11489               inline and B that just calls A three times.  If B is small
11490               relative to A, the growth of unit is 300\% and yet such
11491               inlining is very sane.  For very large units consisting of
11492               small inlineable functions, however, the overall unit growth
11493               limit is needed to avoid exponential explosion of code size.
11494               Thus for smaller units, the size is increased to --param large-
11495               unit-insns before applying --param inline-unit-growth.
11497           lazy-modules
11498               Maximum number of concurrently open C++ module files when lazy
11499               loading.
11501           inline-unit-growth
11502               Specifies maximal overall growth of the compilation unit caused
11503               by inlining.  For example, parameter value 20 limits unit
11504               growth to 1.2 times the original size. Cold functions (either
11505               marked cold via an attribute or by profile feedback) are not
11506               accounted into the unit size.
11508           ipa-cp-unit-growth
11509               Specifies maximal overall growth of the compilation unit caused
11510               by interprocedural constant propagation.  For example,
11511               parameter value 10 limits unit growth to 1.1 times the original
11512               size.
11514           ipa-cp-large-unit-insns
11515               The size of translation unit that IPA-CP pass considers large.
11517           large-stack-frame
11518               The limit specifying large stack frames.  While inlining the
11519               algorithm is trying to not grow past this limit too much.
11521           large-stack-frame-growth
11522               Specifies maximal growth of large stack frames caused by
11523               inlining in percents.  For example, parameter value 1000 limits
11524               large stack frame growth to 11 times the original size.
11526           max-inline-insns-recursive
11527           max-inline-insns-recursive-auto
11528               Specifies the maximum number of instructions an out-of-line
11529               copy of a self-recursive inline function can grow into by
11530               performing recursive inlining.
11532               --param max-inline-insns-recursive applies to functions
11533               declared inline.  For functions not declared inline, recursive
11534               inlining happens only when -finline-functions (included in -O3)
11535               is enabled; --param max-inline-insns-recursive-auto applies
11536               instead.
11538           max-inline-recursive-depth
11539           max-inline-recursive-depth-auto
11540               Specifies the maximum recursion depth used for recursive
11541               inlining.
11543               --param max-inline-recursive-depth applies to functions
11544               declared inline.  For functions not declared inline, recursive
11545               inlining happens only when -finline-functions (included in -O3)
11546               is enabled; --param max-inline-recursive-depth-auto applies
11547               instead.
11549           min-inline-recursive-probability
11550               Recursive inlining is profitable only for function having deep
11551               recursion in average and can hurt for function having little
11552               recursion depth by increasing the prologue size or complexity
11553               of function body to other optimizers.
11555               When profile feedback is available (see -fprofile-generate) the
11556               actual recursion depth can be guessed from the probability that
11557               function recurses via a given call expression.  This parameter
11558               limits inlining only to call expressions whose probability
11559               exceeds the given threshold (in percents).
11561           early-inlining-insns
11562               Specify growth that the early inliner can make.  In effect it
11563               increases the amount of inlining for code having a large
11564               abstraction penalty.
11566           max-early-inliner-iterations
11567               Limit of iterations of the early inliner.  This basically
11568               bounds the number of nested indirect calls the early inliner
11569               can resolve.  Deeper chains are still handled by late inlining.
11571           comdat-sharing-probability
11572               Probability (in percent) that C++ inline function with comdat
11573               visibility are shared across multiple compilation units.
11575           modref-max-bases
11576           modref-max-refs
11577           modref-max-accesses
11578               Specifies the maximal number of base pointers, references and
11579               accesses stored for a single function by mod/ref analysis.
11581           modref-max-tests
11582               Specifies the maxmal number of tests alias oracle can perform
11583               to disambiguate memory locations using the mod/ref information.
11584               This parameter ought to be bigger than --param modref-max-bases
11585               and --param modref-max-refs.
11587           modref-max-depth
11588               Specifies the maximum depth of DFS walk used by modref escape
11589               analysis.  Setting to 0 disables the analysis completely.
11591           modref-max-escape-points
11592               Specifies the maximum number of escape points tracked by modref
11593               per SSA-name.
11595           modref-max-adjustments
11596               Specifies the maximum number the access range is enlarged
11597               during modref dataflow analysis.
11599           profile-func-internal-id
11600               A parameter to control whether to use function internal id in
11601               profile database lookup. If the value is 0, the compiler uses
11602               an id that is based on function assembler name and filename,
11603               which makes old profile data more tolerant to source changes
11604               such as function reordering etc.
11606           min-vect-loop-bound
11607               The minimum number of iterations under which loops are not
11608               vectorized when -ftree-vectorize is used.  The number of
11609               iterations after vectorization needs to be greater than the
11610               value specified by this option to allow vectorization.
11612           gcse-cost-distance-ratio
11613               Scaling factor in calculation of maximum distance an expression
11614               can be moved by GCSE optimizations.  This is currently
11615               supported only in the code hoisting pass.  The bigger the
11616               ratio, the more aggressive code hoisting is with simple
11617               expressions, i.e., the expressions that have cost less than
11618               gcse-unrestricted-cost.  Specifying 0 disables hoisting of
11619               simple expressions.
11621           gcse-unrestricted-cost
11622               Cost, roughly measured as the cost of a single typical machine
11623               instruction, at which GCSE optimizations do not constrain the
11624               distance an expression can travel.  This is currently supported
11625               only in the code hoisting pass.  The lesser the cost, the more
11626               aggressive code hoisting is.  Specifying 0 allows all
11627               expressions to travel unrestricted distances.
11629           max-hoist-depth
11630               The depth of search in the dominator tree for expressions to
11631               hoist.  This is used to avoid quadratic behavior in hoisting
11632               algorithm.  The value of 0 does not limit on the search, but
11633               may slow down compilation of huge functions.
11635           max-tail-merge-comparisons
11636               The maximum amount of similar bbs to compare a bb with.  This
11637               is used to avoid quadratic behavior in tree tail merging.
11639           max-tail-merge-iterations
11640               The maximum amount of iterations of the pass over the function.
11641               This is used to limit compilation time in tree tail merging.
11643           store-merging-allow-unaligned
11644               Allow the store merging pass to introduce unaligned stores if
11645               it is legal to do so.
11647           max-stores-to-merge
11648               The maximum number of stores to attempt to merge into wider
11649               stores in the store merging pass.
11651           max-store-chains-to-track
11652               The maximum number of store chains to track at the same time in
11653               the attempt to merge them into wider stores in the store
11654               merging pass.
11656           max-stores-to-track
11657               The maximum number of stores to track at the same time in the
11658               attemt to to merge them into wider stores in the store merging
11659               pass.
11661           max-unrolled-insns
11662               The maximum number of instructions that a loop may have to be
11663               unrolled.  If a loop is unrolled, this parameter also
11664               determines how many times the loop code is unrolled.
11666           max-average-unrolled-insns
11667               The maximum number of instructions biased by probabilities of
11668               their execution that a loop may have to be unrolled.  If a loop
11669               is unrolled, this parameter also determines how many times the
11670               loop code is unrolled.
11672           max-unroll-times
11673               The maximum number of unrollings of a single loop.
11675           max-peeled-insns
11676               The maximum number of instructions that a loop may have to be
11677               peeled.  If a loop is peeled, this parameter also determines
11678               how many times the loop code is peeled.
11680           max-peel-times
11681               The maximum number of peelings of a single loop.
11683           max-peel-branches
11684               The maximum number of branches on the hot path through the
11685               peeled sequence.
11687           max-completely-peeled-insns
11688               The maximum number of insns of a completely peeled loop.
11690           max-completely-peel-times
11691               The maximum number of iterations of a loop to be suitable for
11692               complete peeling.
11694           max-completely-peel-loop-nest-depth
11695               The maximum depth of a loop nest suitable for complete peeling.
11697           max-unswitch-insns
11698               The maximum number of insns of an unswitched loop.
11700           max-unswitch-level
11701               The maximum number of branches unswitched in a single loop.
11703           lim-expensive
11704               The minimum cost of an expensive expression in the loop
11705               invariant motion.
11707           min-loop-cond-split-prob
11708               When FDO profile information is available, min-loop-cond-split-
11709               prob specifies minimum threshold for probability of semi-
11710               invariant condition statement to trigger loop split.
11712           iv-consider-all-candidates-bound
11713               Bound on number of candidates for induction variables, below
11714               which all candidates are considered for each use in induction
11715               variable optimizations.  If there are more candidates than
11716               this, only the most relevant ones are considered to avoid
11717               quadratic time complexity.
11719           iv-max-considered-uses
11720               The induction variable optimizations give up on loops that
11721               contain more induction variable uses.
11723           iv-always-prune-cand-set-bound
11724               If the number of candidates in the set is smaller than this
11725               value, always try to remove unnecessary ivs from the set when
11726               adding a new one.
11728           avg-loop-niter
11729               Average number of iterations of a loop.
11731           dse-max-object-size
11732               Maximum size (in bytes) of objects tracked bytewise by dead
11733               store elimination.  Larger values may result in larger
11734               compilation times.
11736           dse-max-alias-queries-per-store
11737               Maximum number of queries into the alias oracle per store.
11738               Larger values result in larger compilation times and may result
11739               in more removed dead stores.
11741           scev-max-expr-size
11742               Bound on size of expressions used in the scalar evolutions
11743               analyzer.  Large expressions slow the analyzer.
11745           scev-max-expr-complexity
11746               Bound on the complexity of the expressions in the scalar
11747               evolutions analyzer.  Complex expressions slow the analyzer.
11749           max-tree-if-conversion-phi-args
11750               Maximum number of arguments in a PHI supported by TREE if
11751               conversion unless the loop is marked with simd pragma.
11753           vect-max-version-for-alignment-checks
11754               The maximum number of run-time checks that can be performed
11755               when doing loop versioning for alignment in the vectorizer.
11757           vect-max-version-for-alias-checks
11758               The maximum number of run-time checks that can be performed
11759               when doing loop versioning for alias in the vectorizer.
11761           vect-max-peeling-for-alignment
11762               The maximum number of loop peels to enhance access alignment
11763               for vectorizer. Value -1 means no limit.
11765           max-iterations-to-track
11766               The maximum number of iterations of a loop the brute-force
11767               algorithm for analysis of the number of iterations of the loop
11768               tries to evaluate.
11770           hot-bb-count-fraction
11771               The denominator n of fraction 1/n of the maximal execution
11772               count of a basic block in the entire program that a basic block
11773               needs to at least have in order to be considered hot.  The
11774               default is 10000, which means that a basic block is considered
11775               hot if its execution count is greater than 1/10000 of the
11776               maximal execution count.  0 means that it is never considered
11777               hot.  Used in non-LTO mode.
11779           hot-bb-count-ws-permille
11780               The number of most executed permilles, ranging from 0 to 1000,
11781               of the profiled execution of the entire program to which the
11782               execution count of a basic block must be part of in order to be
11783               considered hot.  The default is 990, which means that a basic
11784               block is considered hot if its execution count contributes to
11785               the upper 990 permilles, or 99.0%, of the profiled execution of
11786               the entire program.  0 means that it is never considered hot.
11787               Used in LTO mode.
11789           hot-bb-frequency-fraction
11790               The denominator n of fraction 1/n of the execution frequency of
11791               the entry block of a function that a basic block of this
11792               function needs to at least have in order to be considered hot.
11793               The default is 1000, which means that a basic block is
11794               considered hot in a function if it is executed more frequently
11795               than 1/1000 of the frequency of the entry block of the
11796               function.  0 means that it is never considered hot.
11798           unlikely-bb-count-fraction
11799               The denominator n of fraction 1/n of the number of profiled
11800               runs of the entire program below which the execution count of a
11801               basic block must be in order for the basic block to be
11802               considered unlikely executed.  The default is 20, which means
11803               that a basic block is considered unlikely executed if it is
11804               executed in fewer than 1/20, or 5%, of the runs of the program.
11805               0 means that it is always considered unlikely executed.
11807           max-predicted-iterations
11808               The maximum number of loop iterations we predict statically.
11809               This is useful in cases where a function contains a single loop
11810               with known bound and another loop with unknown bound.  The
11811               known number of iterations is predicted correctly, while the
11812               unknown number of iterations average to roughly 10.  This means
11813               that the loop without bounds appears artificially cold relative
11814               to the other one.
11816           builtin-expect-probability
11817               Control the probability of the expression having the specified
11818               value. This parameter takes a percentage (i.e. 0 ... 100) as
11819               input.
11821           builtin-string-cmp-inline-length
11822               The maximum length of a constant string for a builtin string
11823               cmp call eligible for inlining.
11825           align-threshold
11826               Select fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of a
11827               basic block in a function to align the basic block.
11829           align-loop-iterations
11830               A loop expected to iterate at least the selected number of
11831               iterations is aligned.
11833           tracer-dynamic-coverage
11834           tracer-dynamic-coverage-feedback
11835               This value is used to limit superblock formation once the given
11836               percentage of executed instructions is covered.  This limits
11837               unnecessary code size expansion.
11839               The tracer-dynamic-coverage-feedback parameter is used only
11840               when profile feedback is available.  The real profiles (as
11841               opposed to statically estimated ones) are much less balanced
11842               allowing the threshold to be larger value.
11844           tracer-max-code-growth
11845               Stop tail duplication once code growth has reached given
11846               percentage.  This is a rather artificial limit, as most of the
11847               duplicates are eliminated later in cross jumping, so it may be
11848               set to much higher values than is the desired code growth.
11850           tracer-min-branch-ratio
11851               Stop reverse growth when the reverse probability of best edge
11852               is less than this threshold (in percent).
11854           tracer-min-branch-probability
11855           tracer-min-branch-probability-feedback
11856               Stop forward growth if the best edge has probability lower than
11857               this threshold.
11859               Similarly to tracer-dynamic-coverage two parameters are
11860               provided.  tracer-min-branch-probability-feedback is used for
11861               compilation with profile feedback and tracer-min-branch-
11862               probability compilation without.  The value for compilation
11863               with profile feedback needs to be more conservative (higher) in
11864               order to make tracer effective.
11866           stack-clash-protection-guard-size
11867               Specify the size of the operating system provided stack guard
11868               as 2 raised to num bytes.  Higher values may reduce the number
11869               of explicit probes, but a value larger than the operating
11870               system provided guard will leave code vulnerable to stack clash
11871               style attacks.
11873           stack-clash-protection-probe-interval
11874               Stack clash protection involves probing stack space as it is
11875               allocated.  This param controls the maximum distance between
11876               probes into the stack as 2 raised to num bytes.  Higher values
11877               may reduce the number of explicit probes, but a value larger
11878               than the operating system provided guard will leave code
11879               vulnerable to stack clash style attacks.
11881           max-cse-path-length
11882               The maximum number of basic blocks on path that CSE considers.
11884           max-cse-insns
11885               The maximum number of instructions CSE processes before
11886               flushing.
11888           ggc-min-expand
11889               GCC uses a garbage collector to manage its own memory
11890               allocation.  This parameter specifies the minimum percentage by
11891               which the garbage collector's heap should be allowed to expand
11892               between collections.  Tuning this may improve compilation
11893               speed; it has no effect on code generation.
11895               The default is 30% + 70% * (RAM/1GB) with an upper bound of
11896               100% when RAM >= 1GB.  If "getrlimit" is available, the notion
11897               of "RAM" is the smallest of actual RAM and "RLIMIT_DATA" or
11898               "RLIMIT_AS".  If GCC is not able to calculate RAM on a
11899               particular platform, the lower bound of 30% is used.  Setting
11900               this parameter and ggc-min-heapsize to zero causes a full
11901               collection to occur at every opportunity.  This is extremely
11902               slow, but can be useful for debugging.
11904           ggc-min-heapsize
11905               Minimum size of the garbage collector's heap before it begins
11906               bothering to collect garbage.  The first collection occurs
11907               after the heap expands by ggc-min-expand% beyond ggc-min-
11908               heapsize.  Again, tuning this may improve compilation speed,
11909               and has no effect on code generation.
11911               The default is the smaller of RAM/8, RLIMIT_RSS, or a limit
11912               that tries to ensure that RLIMIT_DATA or RLIMIT_AS are not
11913               exceeded, but with a lower bound of 4096 (four megabytes) and
11914               an upper bound of 131072 (128 megabytes).  If GCC is not able
11915               to calculate RAM on a particular platform, the lower bound is
11916               used.  Setting this parameter very large effectively disables
11917               garbage collection.  Setting this parameter and ggc-min-expand
11918               to zero causes a full collection to occur at every opportunity.
11920           max-reload-search-insns
11921               The maximum number of instruction reload should look backward
11922               for equivalent register.  Increasing values mean more
11923               aggressive optimization, making the compilation time increase
11924               with probably slightly better performance.
11926           max-cselib-memory-locations
11927               The maximum number of memory locations cselib should take into
11928               account.  Increasing values mean more aggressive optimization,
11929               making the compilation time increase with probably slightly
11930               better performance.
11932           max-sched-ready-insns
11933               The maximum number of instructions ready to be issued the
11934               scheduler should consider at any given time during the first
11935               scheduling pass.  Increasing values mean more thorough
11936               searches, making the compilation time increase with probably
11937               little benefit.
11939           max-sched-region-blocks
11940               The maximum number of blocks in a region to be considered for
11941               interblock scheduling.
11943           max-pipeline-region-blocks
11944               The maximum number of blocks in a region to be considered for
11945               pipelining in the selective scheduler.
11947           max-sched-region-insns
11948               The maximum number of insns in a region to be considered for
11949               interblock scheduling.
11951           max-pipeline-region-insns
11952               The maximum number of insns in a region to be considered for
11953               pipelining in the selective scheduler.
11955           min-spec-prob
11956               The minimum probability (in percents) of reaching a source
11957               block for interblock speculative scheduling.
11959           max-sched-extend-regions-iters
11960               The maximum number of iterations through CFG to extend regions.
11961               A value of 0 disables region extensions.
11963           max-sched-insn-conflict-delay
11964               The maximum conflict delay for an insn to be considered for
11965               speculative motion.
11967           sched-spec-prob-cutoff
11968               The minimal probability of speculation success (in percents),
11969               so that speculative insns are scheduled.
11971           sched-state-edge-prob-cutoff
11972               The minimum probability an edge must have for the scheduler to
11973               save its state across it.
11975           sched-mem-true-dep-cost
11976               Minimal distance (in CPU cycles) between store and load
11977               targeting same memory locations.
11979           selsched-max-lookahead
11980               The maximum size of the lookahead window of selective
11981               scheduling.  It is a depth of search for available
11982               instructions.
11984           selsched-max-sched-times
11985               The maximum number of times that an instruction is scheduled
11986               during selective scheduling.  This is the limit on the number
11987               of iterations through which the instruction may be pipelined.
11989           selsched-insns-to-rename
11990               The maximum number of best instructions in the ready list that
11991               are considered for renaming in the selective scheduler.
11993           sms-min-sc
11994               The minimum value of stage count that swing modulo scheduler
11995               generates.
11997           max-last-value-rtl
11998               The maximum size measured as number of RTLs that can be
11999               recorded in an expression in combiner for a pseudo register as
12000               last known value of that register.
12002           max-combine-insns
12003               The maximum number of instructions the RTL combiner tries to
12004               combine.
12006           integer-share-limit
12007               Small integer constants can use a shared data structure,
12008               reducing the compiler's memory usage and increasing its speed.
12009               This sets the maximum value of a shared integer constant.
12011           ssp-buffer-size
12012               The minimum size of buffers (i.e. arrays) that receive stack
12013               smashing protection when -fstack-protector is used.
12015           min-size-for-stack-sharing
12016               The minimum size of variables taking part in stack slot sharing
12017               when not optimizing.
12019           max-jump-thread-duplication-stmts
12020               Maximum number of statements allowed in a block that needs to
12021               be duplicated when threading jumps.
12023           max-fields-for-field-sensitive
12024               Maximum number of fields in a structure treated in a field
12025               sensitive manner during pointer analysis.
12027           prefetch-latency
12028               Estimate on average number of instructions that are executed
12029               before prefetch finishes.  The distance prefetched ahead is
12030               proportional to this constant.  Increasing this number may also
12031               lead to less streams being prefetched (see simultaneous-
12032               prefetches).
12034           simultaneous-prefetches
12035               Maximum number of prefetches that can run at the same time.
12037           l1-cache-line-size
12038               The size of cache line in L1 data cache, in bytes.
12040           l1-cache-size
12041               The size of L1 data cache, in kilobytes.
12043           l2-cache-size
12044               The size of L2 data cache, in kilobytes.
12046           prefetch-dynamic-strides
12047               Whether the loop array prefetch pass should issue software
12048               prefetch hints for strides that are non-constant.  In some
12049               cases this may be beneficial, though the fact the stride is
12050               non-constant may make it hard to predict when there is clear
12051               benefit to issuing these hints.
12053               Set to 1 if the prefetch hints should be issued for non-
12054               constant strides.  Set to 0 if prefetch hints should be issued
12055               only for strides that are known to be constant and below
12056               prefetch-minimum-stride.
12058           prefetch-minimum-stride
12059               Minimum constant stride, in bytes, to start using prefetch
12060               hints for.  If the stride is less than this threshold, prefetch
12061               hints will not be issued.
12063               This setting is useful for processors that have hardware
12064               prefetchers, in which case there may be conflicts between the
12065               hardware prefetchers and the software prefetchers.  If the
12066               hardware prefetchers have a maximum stride they can handle, it
12067               should be used here to improve the use of software prefetchers.
12069               A value of -1 means we don't have a threshold and therefore
12070               prefetch hints can be issued for any constant stride.
12072               This setting is only useful for strides that are known and
12073               constant.
12075           destructive-interference-size
12076           constructive-interference-size
12077               The values for the C++17 variables
12078               "std::hardware_destructive_interference_size" and
12079               "std::hardware_constructive_interference_size".  The
12080               destructive interference size is the minimum recommended offset
12081               between two independent concurrently-accessed objects; the
12082               constructive interference size is the maximum recommended size
12083               of contiguous memory accessed together.  Typically both will be
12084               the size of an L1 cache line for the target, in bytes.  For a
12085               generic target covering a range of L1 cache line sizes,
12086               typically the constructive interference size will be the small
12087               end of the range and the destructive size will be the large
12088               end.
12090               The destructive interference size is intended to be used for
12091               layout, and thus has ABI impact.  The default value is not
12092               expected to be stable, and on some targets varies with -mtune,
12093               so use of this variable in a context where ABI stability is
12094               important, such as the public interface of a library, is
12095               strongly discouraged; if it is used in that context, users can
12096               stabilize the value using this option.
12098               The constructive interference size is less sensitive, as it is
12099               typically only used in a static_assert to make sure that a type
12100               fits within a cache line.
12102               See also -Winterference-size.
12104           loop-interchange-max-num-stmts
12105               The maximum number of stmts in a loop to be interchanged.
12107           loop-interchange-stride-ratio
12108               The minimum ratio between stride of two loops for interchange
12109               to be profitable.
12111           min-insn-to-prefetch-ratio
12112               The minimum ratio between the number of instructions and the
12113               number of prefetches to enable prefetching in a loop.
12115           prefetch-min-insn-to-mem-ratio
12116               The minimum ratio between the number of instructions and the
12117               number of memory references to enable prefetching in a loop.
12119           use-canonical-types
12120               Whether the compiler should use the "canonical" type system.
12121               Should always be 1, which uses a more efficient internal
12122               mechanism for comparing types in C++ and Objective-C++.
12123               However, if bugs in the canonical type system are causing
12124               compilation failures, set this value to 0 to disable canonical
12125               types.
12127           switch-conversion-max-branch-ratio
12128               Switch initialization conversion refuses to create arrays that
12129               are bigger than switch-conversion-max-branch-ratio times the
12130               number of branches in the switch.
12132           max-partial-antic-length
12133               Maximum length of the partial antic set computed during the
12134               tree partial redundancy elimination optimization (-ftree-pre)
12135               when optimizing at -O3 and above.  For some sorts of source
12136               code the enhanced partial redundancy elimination optimization
12137               can run away, consuming all of the memory available on the host
12138               machine.  This parameter sets a limit on the length of the sets
12139               that are computed, which prevents the runaway behavior.
12140               Setting a value of 0 for this parameter allows an unlimited set
12141               length.
12143           rpo-vn-max-loop-depth
12144               Maximum loop depth that is value-numbered optimistically.  When
12145               the limit hits the innermost rpo-vn-max-loop-depth loops and
12146               the outermost loop in the loop nest are value-numbered
12147               optimistically and the remaining ones not.
12149           sccvn-max-alias-queries-per-access
12150               Maximum number of alias-oracle queries we perform when looking
12151               for redundancies for loads and stores.  If this limit is hit
12152               the search is aborted and the load or store is not considered
12153               redundant.  The number of queries is algorithmically limited to
12154               the number of stores on all paths from the load to the function
12155               entry.
12157           ira-max-loops-num
12158               IRA uses regional register allocation by default.  If a
12159               function contains more loops than the number given by this
12160               parameter, only at most the given number of the most
12161               frequently-executed loops form regions for regional register
12162               allocation.
12164           ira-max-conflict-table-size
12165               Although IRA uses a sophisticated algorithm to compress the
12166               conflict table, the table can still require excessive amounts
12167               of memory for huge functions.  If the conflict table for a
12168               function could be more than the size in MB given by this
12169               parameter, the register allocator instead uses a faster,
12170               simpler, and lower-quality algorithm that does not require
12171               building a pseudo-register conflict table.
12173           ira-loop-reserved-regs
12174               IRA can be used to evaluate more accurate register pressure in
12175               loops for decisions to move loop invariants (see -O3).  The
12176               number of available registers reserved for some other purposes
12177               is given by this parameter.  Default of the parameter is the
12178               best found from numerous experiments.
12180           ira-consider-dup-in-all-alts
12181               Make IRA to consider matching constraint (duplicated operand
12182               number) heavily in all available alternatives for preferred
12183               register class.  If it is set as zero, it means IRA only
12184               respects the matching constraint when it's in the only
12185               available alternative with an appropriate register class.
12186               Otherwise, it means IRA will check all available alternatives
12187               for preferred register class even if it has found some choice
12188               with an appropriate register class and respect the found
12189               qualified matching constraint.
12191           lra-inheritance-ebb-probability-cutoff
12192               LRA tries to reuse values reloaded in registers in subsequent
12193               insns.  This optimization is called inheritance.  EBB is used
12194               as a region to do this optimization.  The parameter defines a
12195               minimal fall-through edge probability in percentage used to add
12196               BB to inheritance EBB in LRA.  The default value was chosen
12197               from numerous runs of SPEC2000 on x86-64.
12199           loop-invariant-max-bbs-in-loop
12200               Loop invariant motion can be very expensive, both in
12201               compilation time and in amount of needed compile-time memory,
12202               with very large loops.  Loops with more basic blocks than this
12203               parameter won't have loop invariant motion optimization
12204               performed on them.
12206           loop-max-datarefs-for-datadeps
12207               Building data dependencies is expensive for very large loops.
12208               This parameter limits the number of data references in loops
12209               that are considered for data dependence analysis.  These large
12210               loops are no handled by the optimizations using loop data
12211               dependencies.
12213           max-vartrack-size
12214               Sets a maximum number of hash table slots to use during
12215               variable tracking dataflow analysis of any function.  If this
12216               limit is exceeded with variable tracking at assignments
12217               enabled, analysis for that function is retried without it,
12218               after removing all debug insns from the function.  If the limit
12219               is exceeded even without debug insns, var tracking analysis is
12220               completely disabled for the function.  Setting the parameter to
12221               zero makes it unlimited.
12223           max-vartrack-expr-depth
12224               Sets a maximum number of recursion levels when attempting to
12225               map variable names or debug temporaries to value expressions.
12226               This trades compilation time for more complete debug
12227               information.  If this is set too low, value expressions that
12228               are available and could be represented in debug information may
12229               end up not being used; setting this higher may enable the
12230               compiler to find more complex debug expressions, but compile
12231               time and memory use may grow.
12233           max-debug-marker-count
12234               Sets a threshold on the number of debug markers (e.g. begin
12235               stmt markers) to avoid complexity explosion at inlining or
12236               expanding to RTL.  If a function has more such gimple stmts
12237               than the set limit, such stmts will be dropped from the inlined
12238               copy of a function, and from its RTL expansion.
12240           min-nondebug-insn-uid
12241               Use uids starting at this parameter for nondebug insns.  The
12242               range below the parameter is reserved exclusively for debug
12243               insns created by -fvar-tracking-assignments, but debug insns
12244               may get (non-overlapping) uids above it if the reserved range
12245               is exhausted.
12247           ipa-sra-ptr-growth-factor
12248               IPA-SRA replaces a pointer to an aggregate with one or more new
12249               parameters only when their cumulative size is less or equal to
12250               ipa-sra-ptr-growth-factor times the size of the original
12251               pointer parameter.
12253           ipa-sra-max-replacements
12254               Maximum pieces of an aggregate that IPA-SRA tracks.  As a
12255               consequence, it is also the maximum number of replacements of a
12256               formal parameter.
12258           sra-max-scalarization-size-Ospeed
12259           sra-max-scalarization-size-Osize
12260               The two Scalar Reduction of Aggregates passes (SRA and IPA-SRA)
12261               aim to replace scalar parts of aggregates with uses of
12262               independent scalar variables.  These parameters control the
12263               maximum size, in storage units, of aggregate which is
12264               considered for replacement when compiling for speed (sra-max-
12265               scalarization-size-Ospeed) or size (sra-max-scalarization-size-
12266               Osize) respectively.
12268           sra-max-propagations
12269               The maximum number of artificial accesses that Scalar
12270               Replacement of Aggregates (SRA) will track, per one local
12271               variable, in order to facilitate copy propagation.
12273           tm-max-aggregate-size
12274               When making copies of thread-local variables in a transaction,
12275               this parameter specifies the size in bytes after which
12276               variables are saved with the logging functions as opposed to
12277               save/restore code sequence pairs.  This option only applies
12278               when using -fgnu-tm.
12280           graphite-max-nb-scop-params
12281               To avoid exponential effects in the Graphite loop transforms,
12282               the number of parameters in a Static Control Part (SCoP) is
12283               bounded.  A value of zero can be used to lift the bound.  A
12284               variable whose value is unknown at compilation time and defined
12285               outside a SCoP is a parameter of the SCoP.
12287           loop-block-tile-size
12288               Loop blocking or strip mining transforms, enabled with
12289               -floop-block or -floop-strip-mine, strip mine each loop in the
12290               loop nest by a given number of iterations.  The strip length
12291               can be changed using the loop-block-tile-size parameter.
12293           ipa-jump-function-lookups
12294               Specifies number of statements visited during jump function
12295               offset discovery.
12297           ipa-cp-value-list-size
12298               IPA-CP attempts to track all possible values and types passed
12299               to a function's parameter in order to propagate them and
12300               perform devirtualization.  ipa-cp-value-list-size is the
12301               maximum number of values and types it stores per one formal
12302               parameter of a function.
12304           ipa-cp-eval-threshold
12305               IPA-CP calculates its own score of cloning profitability
12306               heuristics and performs those cloning opportunities with scores
12307               that exceed ipa-cp-eval-threshold.
12309           ipa-cp-max-recursive-depth
12310               Maximum depth of recursive cloning for self-recursive function.
12312           ipa-cp-min-recursive-probability
12313               Recursive cloning only when the probability of call being
12314               executed exceeds the parameter.
12316           ipa-cp-profile-count-base
12317               When using -fprofile-use option, IPA-CP will consider the
12318               measured execution count of a call graph edge at this
12319               percentage position in their histogram as the basis for its
12320               heuristics calculation.
12322           ipa-cp-recursive-freq-factor
12323               The number of times interprocedural copy propagation expects
12324               recursive functions to call themselves.
12326           ipa-cp-recursion-penalty
12327               Percentage penalty the recursive functions will receive when
12328               they are evaluated for cloning.
12330           ipa-cp-single-call-penalty
12331               Percentage penalty functions containing a single call to
12332               another function will receive when they are evaluated for
12333               cloning.
12335           ipa-max-agg-items
12336               IPA-CP is also capable to propagate a number of scalar values
12337               passed in an aggregate. ipa-max-agg-items controls the maximum
12338               number of such values per one parameter.
12340           ipa-cp-loop-hint-bonus
12341               When IPA-CP determines that a cloning candidate would make the
12342               number of iterations of a loop known, it adds a bonus of ipa-
12343               cp-loop-hint-bonus to the profitability score of the candidate.
12345           ipa-max-loop-predicates
12346               The maximum number of different predicates IPA will use to
12347               describe when loops in a function have known properties.
12349           ipa-max-aa-steps
12350               During its analysis of function bodies, IPA-CP employs alias
12351               analysis in order to track values pointed to by function
12352               parameters.  In order not spend too much time analyzing huge
12353               functions, it gives up and consider all memory clobbered after
12354               examining ipa-max-aa-steps statements modifying memory.
12356           ipa-max-switch-predicate-bounds
12357               Maximal number of boundary endpoints of case ranges of switch
12358               statement.  For switch exceeding this limit, IPA-CP will not
12359               construct cloning cost predicate, which is used to estimate
12360               cloning benefit, for default case of the switch statement.
12362           ipa-max-param-expr-ops
12363               IPA-CP will analyze conditional statement that references some
12364               function parameter to estimate benefit for cloning upon certain
12365               constant value.  But if number of operations in a parameter
12366               expression exceeds ipa-max-param-expr-ops, the expression is
12367               treated as complicated one, and is not handled by IPA analysis.
12369           lto-partitions
12370               Specify desired number of partitions produced during WHOPR
12371               compilation.  The number of partitions should exceed the number
12372               of CPUs used for compilation.
12374           lto-min-partition
12375               Size of minimal partition for WHOPR (in estimated
12376               instructions).  This prevents expenses of splitting very small
12377               programs into too many partitions.
12379           lto-max-partition
12380               Size of max partition for WHOPR (in estimated instructions).
12381               to provide an upper bound for individual size of partition.
12382               Meant to be used only with balanced partitioning.
12384           lto-max-streaming-parallelism
12385               Maximal number of parallel processes used for LTO streaming.
12387           cxx-max-namespaces-for-diagnostic-help
12388               The maximum number of namespaces to consult for suggestions
12389               when C++ name lookup fails for an identifier.
12391           sink-frequency-threshold
12392               The maximum relative execution frequency (in percents) of the
12393               target block relative to a statement's original block to allow
12394               statement sinking of a statement.  Larger numbers result in
12395               more aggressive statement sinking.  A small positive adjustment
12396               is applied for statements with memory operands as those are
12397               even more profitable so sink.
12399           max-stores-to-sink
12400               The maximum number of conditional store pairs that can be sunk.
12401               Set to 0 if either vectorization (-ftree-vectorize) or if-
12402               conversion (-ftree-loop-if-convert) is disabled.
12404           case-values-threshold
12405               The smallest number of different values for which it is best to
12406               use a jump-table instead of a tree of conditional branches.  If
12407               the value is 0, use the default for the machine.
12409           jump-table-max-growth-ratio-for-size
12410               The maximum code size growth ratio when expanding into a jump
12411               table (in percent).  The parameter is used when optimizing for
12412               size.
12414           jump-table-max-growth-ratio-for-speed
12415               The maximum code size growth ratio when expanding into a jump
12416               table (in percent).  The parameter is used when optimizing for
12417               speed.
12419           tree-reassoc-width
12420               Set the maximum number of instructions executed in parallel in
12421               reassociated tree. This parameter overrides target dependent
12422               heuristics used by default if has non zero value.
12424           sched-pressure-algorithm
12425               Choose between the two available implementations of
12426               -fsched-pressure.  Algorithm 1 is the original implementation
12427               and is the more likely to prevent instructions from being
12428               reordered.  Algorithm 2 was designed to be a compromise between
12429               the relatively conservative approach taken by algorithm 1 and
12430               the rather aggressive approach taken by the default scheduler.
12431               It relies more heavily on having a regular register file and
12432               accurate register pressure classes.  See haifa-sched.cc in the
12433               GCC sources for more details.
12435               The default choice depends on the target.
12437           max-slsr-cand-scan
12438               Set the maximum number of existing candidates that are
12439               considered when seeking a basis for a new straight-line
12440               strength reduction candidate.
12442           asan-globals
12443               Enable buffer overflow detection for global objects.  This kind
12444               of protection is enabled by default if you are using
12445               -fsanitize=address option.  To disable global objects
12446               protection use --param asan-globals=0.
12448           asan-stack
12449               Enable buffer overflow detection for stack objects.  This kind
12450               of protection is enabled by default when using
12451               -fsanitize=address.  To disable stack protection use --param
12452               asan-stack=0 option.
12454           asan-instrument-reads
12455               Enable buffer overflow detection for memory reads.  This kind
12456               of protection is enabled by default when using
12457               -fsanitize=address.  To disable memory reads protection use
12458               --param asan-instrument-reads=0.
12460           asan-instrument-writes
12461               Enable buffer overflow detection for memory writes.  This kind
12462               of protection is enabled by default when using
12463               -fsanitize=address.  To disable memory writes protection use
12464               --param asan-instrument-writes=0 option.
12466           asan-memintrin
12467               Enable detection for built-in functions.  This kind of
12468               protection is enabled by default when using -fsanitize=address.
12469               To disable built-in functions protection use --param
12470               asan-memintrin=0.
12472           asan-use-after-return
12473               Enable detection of use-after-return.  This kind of protection
12474               is enabled by default when using the -fsanitize=address option.
12475               To disable it use --param asan-use-after-return=0.
12477               Note: By default the check is disabled at run time.  To enable
12478               it, add "detect_stack_use_after_return=1" to the environment
12479               variable ASAN_OPTIONS.
12481           asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold
12482               If number of memory accesses in function being instrumented is
12483               greater or equal to this number, use callbacks instead of
12484               inline checks.  E.g. to disable inline code use --param
12485               asan-instrumentation-with-call-threshold=0.
12487           hwasan-instrument-stack
12488               Enable hwasan instrumentation of statically sized stack-
12489               allocated variables.  This kind of instrumentation is enabled
12490               by default when using -fsanitize=hwaddress and disabled by
12491               default when using -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable
12492               stack instrumentation use --param hwasan-instrument-stack=0,
12493               and to enable it use --param hwasan-instrument-stack=1.
12495           hwasan-random-frame-tag
12496               When using stack instrumentation, decide tags for stack
12497               variables using a deterministic sequence beginning at a random
12498               tag for each frame.  With this parameter unset tags are chosen
12499               using the same sequence but beginning from 1.  This is enabled
12500               by default for -fsanitize=hwaddress and unavailable for
12501               -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable it use --param
12502               hwasan-random-frame-tag=0.
12504           hwasan-instrument-allocas
12505               Enable hwasan instrumentation of dynamically sized stack-
12506               allocated variables.  This kind of instrumentation is enabled
12507               by default when using -fsanitize=hwaddress and disabled by
12508               default when using -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable
12509               instrumentation of such variables use --param
12510               hwasan-instrument-allocas=0, and to enable it use --param
12511               hwasan-instrument-allocas=1.
12513           hwasan-instrument-reads
12514               Enable hwasan checks on memory reads.  Instrumentation of reads
12515               is enabled by default for both -fsanitize=hwaddress and
12516               -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable checking memory reads
12517               use --param hwasan-instrument-reads=0.
12519           hwasan-instrument-writes
12520               Enable hwasan checks on memory writes.  Instrumentation of
12521               writes is enabled by default for both -fsanitize=hwaddress and
12522               -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable checking memory writes
12523               use --param hwasan-instrument-writes=0.
12525           hwasan-instrument-mem-intrinsics
12526               Enable hwasan instrumentation of builtin functions.
12527               Instrumentation of these builtin functions is enabled by
12528               default for both -fsanitize=hwaddress and
12529               -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress.  To disable instrumentation of
12530               builtin functions use --param
12531               hwasan-instrument-mem-intrinsics=0.
12533           use-after-scope-direct-emission-threshold
12534               If the size of a local variable in bytes is smaller or equal to
12535               this number, directly poison (or unpoison) shadow memory
12536               instead of using run-time callbacks.
12538           tsan-distinguish-volatile
12539               Emit special instrumentation for accesses to volatiles.
12541           tsan-instrument-func-entry-exit
12542               Emit instrumentation calls to __tsan_func_entry() and
12543               __tsan_func_exit().
12545           max-fsm-thread-path-insns
12546               Maximum number of instructions to copy when duplicating blocks
12547               on a finite state automaton jump thread path.
12549           max-fsm-thread-length
12550               Maximum number of basic blocks on a jump thread path.
12552           threader-debug
12553               threader-debug=[none|all] Enables verbose dumping of the
12554               threader solver.
12556           parloops-chunk-size
12557               Chunk size of omp schedule for loops parallelized by parloops.
12559           parloops-schedule
12560               Schedule type of omp schedule for loops parallelized by
12561               parloops (static, dynamic, guided, auto, runtime).
12563           parloops-min-per-thread
12564               The minimum number of iterations per thread of an innermost
12565               parallelized loop for which the parallelized variant is
12566               preferred over the single threaded one.  Note that for a
12567               parallelized loop nest the minimum number of iterations of the
12568               outermost loop per thread is two.
12570           max-ssa-name-query-depth
12571               Maximum depth of recursion when querying properties of SSA
12572               names in things like fold routines.  One level of recursion
12573               corresponds to following a use-def chain.
12575           max-speculative-devirt-maydefs
12576               The maximum number of may-defs we analyze when looking for a
12577               must-def specifying the dynamic type of an object that invokes
12578               a virtual call we may be able to devirtualize speculatively.
12580           max-vrp-switch-assertions
12581               The maximum number of assertions to add along the default edge
12582               of a switch statement during VRP.
12584           evrp-sparse-threshold
12585               Maximum number of basic blocks before EVRP uses a sparse cache.
12587           evrp-mode
12588               Specifies the mode Early VRP should operate in.
12590           vrp1-mode
12591               Specifies the mode VRP pass 1 should operate in.
12593           vrp2-mode
12594               Specifies the mode VRP pass 2 should operate in.
12596           ranger-debug
12597               Specifies the type of debug output to be issued for ranges.
12599           evrp-switch-limit
12600               Specifies the maximum number of switch cases before EVRP
12601               ignores a switch.
12603           unroll-jam-min-percent
12604               The minimum percentage of memory references that must be
12605               optimized away for the unroll-and-jam transformation to be
12606               considered profitable.
12608           unroll-jam-max-unroll
12609               The maximum number of times the outer loop should be unrolled
12610               by the unroll-and-jam transformation.
12612           max-rtl-if-conversion-unpredictable-cost
12613               Maximum permissible cost for the sequence that would be
12614               generated by the RTL if-conversion pass for a branch that is
12615               considered unpredictable.
12617           max-variable-expansions-in-unroller
12618               If -fvariable-expansion-in-unroller is used, the maximum number
12619               of times that an individual variable will be expanded during
12620               loop unrolling.
12622           partial-inlining-entry-probability
12623               Maximum probability of the entry BB of split region (in percent
12624               relative to entry BB of the function) to make partial inlining
12625               happen.
12627           max-tracked-strlens
12628               Maximum number of strings for which strlen optimization pass
12629               will track string lengths.
12631           gcse-after-reload-partial-fraction
12632               The threshold ratio for performing partial redundancy
12633               elimination after reload.
12635           gcse-after-reload-critical-fraction
12636               The threshold ratio of critical edges execution count that
12637               permit performing redundancy elimination after reload.
12639           max-loop-header-insns
12640               The maximum number of insns in loop header duplicated by the
12641               copy loop headers pass.
12643           vect-epilogues-nomask
12644               Enable loop epilogue vectorization using smaller vector size.
12646           vect-partial-vector-usage
12647               Controls when the loop vectorizer considers using partial
12648               vector loads and stores as an alternative to falling back to
12649               scalar code.  0 stops the vectorizer from ever using partial
12650               vector loads and stores.  1 allows partial vector loads and
12651               stores if vectorization removes the need for the code to
12652               iterate.  2 allows partial vector loads and stores in all
12653               loops.  The parameter only has an effect on targets that
12654               support partial vector loads and stores.
12656           vect-inner-loop-cost-factor
12657               The maximum factor which the loop vectorizer applies to the
12658               cost of statements in an inner loop relative to the loop being
12659               vectorized.  The factor applied is the maximum of the estimated
12660               number of iterations of the inner loop and this parameter.  The
12661               default value of this parameter is 50.
12663           vect-induction-float
12664               Enable loop vectorization of floating point inductions.
12666           avoid-fma-max-bits
12667               Maximum number of bits for which we avoid creating FMAs.
12669           sms-loop-average-count-threshold
12670               A threshold on the average loop count considered by the swing
12671               modulo scheduler.
12673           sms-dfa-history
12674               The number of cycles the swing modulo scheduler considers when
12675               checking conflicts using DFA.
12677           graphite-allow-codegen-errors
12678               Whether codegen errors should be ICEs when -fchecking.
12680           sms-max-ii-factor
12681               A factor for tuning the upper bound that swing modulo scheduler
12682               uses for scheduling a loop.
12684           lra-max-considered-reload-pseudos
12685               The max number of reload pseudos which are considered during
12686               spilling a non-reload pseudo.
12688           max-pow-sqrt-depth
12689               Maximum depth of sqrt chains to use when synthesizing
12690               exponentiation by a real constant.
12692           max-dse-active-local-stores
12693               Maximum number of active local stores in RTL dead store
12694               elimination.
12696           asan-instrument-allocas
12697               Enable asan allocas/VLAs protection.
12699           max-iterations-computation-cost
12700               Bound on the cost of an expression to compute the number of
12701               iterations.
12703           max-isl-operations
12704               Maximum number of isl operations, 0 means unlimited.
12706           graphite-max-arrays-per-scop
12707               Maximum number of arrays per scop.
12709           max-vartrack-reverse-op-size
12710               Max. size of loc list for which reverse ops should be added.
12712           fsm-scale-path-stmts
12713               Scale factor to apply to the number of statements in a
12714               threading path when comparing to the number of (scaled) blocks.
12716           uninit-control-dep-attempts
12717               Maximum number of nested calls to search for control
12718               dependencies during uninitialized variable analysis.
12720           fsm-scale-path-blocks
12721               Scale factor to apply to the number of blocks in a threading
12722               path when comparing to the number of (scaled) statements.
12724           sched-autopref-queue-depth
12725               Hardware autoprefetcher scheduler model control flag.  Number
12726               of lookahead cycles the model looks into; at ' ' only enable
12727               instruction sorting heuristic.
12729           loop-versioning-max-inner-insns
12730               The maximum number of instructions that an inner loop can have
12731               before the loop versioning pass considers it too big to copy.
12733           loop-versioning-max-outer-insns
12734               The maximum number of instructions that an outer loop can have
12735               before the loop versioning pass considers it too big to copy,
12736               discounting any instructions in inner loops that directly
12737               benefit from versioning.
12739           ssa-name-def-chain-limit
12740               The maximum number of SSA_NAME assignments to follow in
12741               determining a property of a variable such as its value.  This
12742               limits the number of iterations or recursive calls GCC performs
12743               when optimizing certain statements or when determining their
12744               validity prior to issuing diagnostics.
12746           store-merging-max-size
12747               Maximum size of a single store merging region in bytes.
12749           hash-table-verification-limit
12750               The number of elements for which hash table verification is
12751               done for each searched element.
12753           max-find-base-term-values
12754               Maximum number of VALUEs handled during a single find_base_term
12755               call.
12757           analyzer-max-enodes-per-program-point
12758               The maximum number of exploded nodes per program point within
12759               the analyzer, before terminating analysis of that point.
12761           analyzer-max-constraints
12762               The maximum number of constraints per state.
12764           analyzer-min-snodes-for-call-summary
12765               The minimum number of supernodes within a function for the
12766               analyzer to consider summarizing its effects at call sites.
12768           analyzer-max-enodes-for-full-dump
12769               The maximum depth of exploded nodes that should appear in a dot
12770               dump before switching to a less verbose format.
12772           analyzer-max-recursion-depth
12773               The maximum number of times a callsite can appear in a call
12774               stack within the analyzer, before terminating analysis of a
12775               call that would recurse deeper.
12777           analyzer-max-svalue-depth
12778               The maximum depth of a symbolic value, before approximating the
12779               value as unknown.
12781           analyzer-max-infeasible-edges
12782               The maximum number of infeasible edges to reject before
12783               declaring a diagnostic as infeasible.
12785           gimple-fe-computed-hot-bb-threshold
12786               The number of executions of a basic block which is considered
12787               hot.  The parameter is used only in GIMPLE FE.
12789           analyzer-bb-explosion-factor
12790               The maximum number of 'after supernode' exploded nodes within
12791               the analyzer per supernode, before terminating analysis.
12793           ranger-logical-depth
12794               Maximum depth of logical expression evaluation ranger will look
12795               through when evaluating outgoing edge ranges.
12797           relation-block-limit
12798               Maximum number of relations the oracle will register in a basic
12799               block.
12801           min-pagesize
12802               Minimum page size for warning purposes.
12804           openacc-kernels
12805               Specify mode of OpenACC `kernels' constructs handling.  With
12806               --param=openacc-kernels=decompose, OpenACC `kernels' constructs
12807               are decomposed into parts, a sequence of compute constructs,
12808               each then handled individually.  This is work in progress.
12809               With --param=openacc-kernels=parloops, OpenACC `kernels'
12810               constructs are handled by the parloops pass, en bloc.  This is
12811               the current default.
12813           openacc-privatization
12814               Specify mode of OpenACC privatization diagnostics for
12815               -fopt-info-omp-note and applicable -fdump-tree-*-details.  With
12816               --param=openacc-privatization=quiet, don't diagnose.  This is
12817               the current default.  With --param=openacc-privatization=noisy,
12818               do diagnose.
12820           The following choices of name are available on AArch64 targets:
12822           aarch64-sve-compare-costs
12823               When vectorizing for SVE, consider using "unpacked" vectors for
12824               smaller elements and use the cost model to pick the cheapest
12825               approach.  Also use the cost model to choose between SVE and
12826               Advanced SIMD vectorization.
12828               Using unpacked vectors includes storing smaller elements in
12829               larger containers and accessing elements with extending loads
12830               and truncating stores.
12832           aarch64-float-recp-precision
12833               The number of Newton iterations for calculating the reciprocal
12834               for float type.  The precision of division is proportional to
12835               this param when division approximation is enabled.  The default
12836               value is 1.
12838           aarch64-double-recp-precision
12839               The number of Newton iterations for calculating the reciprocal
12840               for double type.  The precision of division is propotional to
12841               this param when division approximation is enabled.  The default
12842               value is 2.
12844           aarch64-autovec-preference
12845               Force an ISA selection strategy for auto-vectorization.
12846               Accepts values from 0 to 4, inclusive.
12848               0   Use the default heuristics.
12850               1   Use only Advanced SIMD for auto-vectorization.
12852               2   Use only SVE for auto-vectorization.
12854               3   Use both Advanced SIMD and SVE.  Prefer Advanced SIMD when
12855                   the costs are deemed equal.
12857               4   Use both Advanced SIMD and SVE.  Prefer SVE when the costs
12858                   are deemed equal.
12860               The default value is 0.
12862           aarch64-loop-vect-issue-rate-niters
12863               The tuning for some AArch64 CPUs tries to take both latencies
12864               and issue rates into account when deciding whether a loop
12865               should be vectorized using SVE, vectorized using Advanced SIMD,
12866               or not vectorized at all.  If this parameter is set to n, GCC
12867               will not use this heuristic for loops that are known to execute
12868               in fewer than n Advanced SIMD iterations.
12870           aarch64-vect-unroll-limit
12871               The vectorizer will use available tuning information to
12872               determine whether it would be beneficial to unroll the main
12873               vectorized loop and by how much.  This parameter set's the
12874               upper bound of how much the vectorizer will unroll the main
12875               loop.  The default value is four.
12877           The following choices of name are available on i386 and x86_64
12878           targets:
12880           x86-stlf-window-ninsns
12881               Instructions number above which STFL stall penalty can be
12882               compensated.
12884   Program Instrumentation Options
12885       GCC supports a number of command-line options that control adding run-
12886       time instrumentation to the code it normally generates.  For example,
12887       one purpose of instrumentation is collect profiling statistics for use
12888       in finding program hot spots, code coverage analysis, or profile-guided
12889       optimizations.  Another class of program instrumentation is adding run-
12890       time checking to detect programming errors like invalid pointer
12891       dereferences or out-of-bounds array accesses, as well as deliberately
12892       hostile attacks such as stack smashing or C++ vtable hijacking.  There
12893       is also a general hook which can be used to implement other forms of
12894       tracing or function-level instrumentation for debug or program analysis
12895       purposes.
12897       -p
12898       -pg Generate extra code to write profile information suitable for the
12899           analysis program prof (for -p) or gprof (for -pg).  You must use
12900           this option when compiling the source files you want data about,
12901           and you must also use it when linking.
12903           You can use the function attribute "no_instrument_function" to
12904           suppress profiling of individual functions when compiling with
12905           these options.
12907       -fprofile-arcs
12908           Add code so that program flow arcs are instrumented.  During
12909           execution the program records how many times each branch and call
12910           is executed and how many times it is taken or returns.  On targets
12911           that support constructors with priority support, profiling properly
12912           handles constructors, destructors and C++ constructors (and
12913           destructors) of classes which are used as a type of a global
12914           variable.
12916           When the compiled program exits it saves this data to a file called
12917           auxname.gcda for each source file.  The data may be used for
12918           profile-directed optimizations (-fbranch-probabilities), or for
12919           test coverage analysis (-ftest-coverage).  Each object file's
12920           auxname is generated from the name of the output file, if
12921           explicitly specified and it is not the final executable, otherwise
12922           it is the basename of the source file.  In both cases any suffix is
12923           removed (e.g. foo.gcda for input file dir/foo.c, or dir/foo.gcda
12924           for output file specified as -o dir/foo.o).
12926           Note that if a command line directly links source files, the
12927           corresponding .gcda files will be prefixed with the unsuffixed name
12928           of the output file.  E.g. "gcc a.c b.c -o binary" would generate
12929           binary-a.gcda and binary-b.gcda files.
12931       --coverage
12932           This option is used to compile and link code instrumented for
12933           coverage analysis.  The option is a synonym for -fprofile-arcs
12934           -ftest-coverage (when compiling) and -lgcov (when linking).  See
12935           the documentation for those options for more details.
12937           *   Compile the source files with -fprofile-arcs plus optimization
12938               and code generation options.  For test coverage analysis, use
12939               the additional -ftest-coverage option.  You do not need to
12940               profile every source file in a program.
12942           *   Compile the source files additionally with -fprofile-abs-path
12943               to create absolute path names in the .gcno files.  This allows
12944               gcov to find the correct sources in projects where compilations
12945               occur with different working directories.
12947           *   Link your object files with -lgcov or -fprofile-arcs (the
12948               latter implies the former).
12950           *   Run the program on a representative workload to generate the
12951               arc profile information.  This may be repeated any number of
12952               times.  You can run concurrent instances of your program, and
12953               provided that the file system supports locking, the data files
12954               will be correctly updated.  Unless a strict ISO C dialect
12955               option is in effect, "fork" calls are detected and correctly
12956               handled without double counting.
12958               Moreover, an object file can be recompiled multiple times and
12959               the corresponding .gcda file merges as long as the source file
12960               and the compiler options are unchanged.
12962           *   For profile-directed optimizations, compile the source files
12963               again with the same optimization and code generation options
12964               plus -fbranch-probabilities.
12966           *   For test coverage analysis, use gcov to produce human readable
12967               information from the .gcno and .gcda files.  Refer to the gcov
12968               documentation for further information.
12970           With -fprofile-arcs, for each function of your program GCC creates
12971           a program flow graph, then finds a spanning tree for the graph.
12972           Only arcs that are not on the spanning tree have to be
12973           instrumented: the compiler adds code to count the number of times
12974           that these arcs are executed.  When an arc is the only exit or only
12975           entrance to a block, the instrumentation code can be added to the
12976           block; otherwise, a new basic block must be created to hold the
12977           instrumentation code.
12979       -ftest-coverage
12980           Produce a notes file that the gcov code-coverage utility can use to
12981           show program coverage.  Each source file's note file is called
12982           auxname.gcno.  Refer to the -fprofile-arcs option above for a
12983           description of auxname and instructions on how to generate test
12984           coverage data.  Coverage data matches the source files more closely
12985           if you do not optimize.
12987       -fprofile-abs-path
12988           Automatically convert relative source file names to absolute path
12989           names in the .gcno files.  This allows gcov to find the correct
12990           sources in projects where compilations occur with different working
12991           directories.
12993       -fprofile-dir=path
12994           Set the directory to search for the profile data files in to path.
12995           This option affects only the profile data generated by
12996           -fprofile-generate, -ftest-coverage, -fprofile-arcs and used by
12997           -fprofile-use and -fbranch-probabilities and its related options.
12998           Both absolute and relative paths can be used.  By default, GCC uses
12999           the current directory as path, thus the profile data file appears
13000           in the same directory as the object file.  In order to prevent the
13001           file name clashing, if the object file name is not an absolute
13002           path, we mangle the absolute path of the sourcename.gcda file and
13003           use it as the file name of a .gcda file.  See details about the
13004           file naming in -fprofile-arcs.  See similar option -fprofile-note.
13006           When an executable is run in a massive parallel environment, it is
13007           recommended to save profile to different folders.  That can be done
13008           with variables in path that are exported during run-time:
13010           %p  process ID.
13012           %q{VAR}
13013               value of environment variable VAR
13015       -fprofile-generate
13016       -fprofile-generate=path
13017           Enable options usually used for instrumenting application to
13018           produce profile useful for later recompilation with profile
13019           feedback based optimization.  You must use -fprofile-generate both
13020           when compiling and when linking your program.
13022           The following options are enabled: -fprofile-arcs,
13023           -fprofile-values, -finline-functions, and -fipa-bit-cp.
13025           If path is specified, GCC looks at the path to find the profile
13026           feedback data files. See -fprofile-dir.
13028           To optimize the program based on the collected profile information,
13029           use -fprofile-use.
13031       -fprofile-info-section
13032       -fprofile-info-section=name
13033           Register the profile information in the specified section instead
13034           of using a constructor/destructor.  The section name is name if it
13035           is specified, otherwise the section name defaults to ".gcov_info".
13036           A pointer to the profile information generated by -fprofile-arcs is
13037           placed in the specified section for each translation unit.  This
13038           option disables the profile information registration through a
13039           constructor and it disables the profile information processing
13040           through a destructor.  This option is not intended to be used in
13041           hosted environments such as GNU/Linux.  It targets free-standing
13042           environments (for example embedded systems) with limited resources
13043           which do not support constructors/destructors or the C library file
13044           I/O.
13046           The linker could collect the input sections in a continuous memory
13047           block and define start and end symbols.  A GNU linker script
13048           example which defines a linker output section follows:
13050                     .gcov_info      :
13051                     {
13052                       PROVIDE (__gcov_info_start = .);
13053                       KEEP (*(.gcov_info))
13054                       PROVIDE (__gcov_info_end = .);
13055                     }
13057           The program could dump the profiling information registered in this
13058           linker set for example like this:
13060                   #include <gcov.h>
13061                   #include <stdio.h>
13062                   #include <stdlib.h>
13064                   extern const struct gcov_info *__gcov_info_start[];
13065                   extern const struct gcov_info *__gcov_info_end[];
13067                   static void
13068                   filename (const char *f, void *arg)
13069                   {
13070                     puts (f);
13071                   }
13073                   static void
13074                   dump (const void *d, unsigned n, void *arg)
13075                   {
13076                     const unsigned char *c = d;
13078                     for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i)
13079                       printf ("%02x", c[i]);
13080                   }
13082                   static void *
13083                   allocate (unsigned length, void *arg)
13084                   {
13085                     return malloc (length);
13086                   }
13088                   static void
13089                   dump_gcov_info (void)
13090                   {
13091                     const struct gcov_info **info = __gcov_info_start;
13092                     const struct gcov_info **end = __gcov_info_end;
13094                     /* Obfuscate variable to prevent compiler optimizations.  */
13095                     __asm__ ("" : "+r" (info));
13097                     while (info != end)
13098                     {
13099                       void *arg = NULL;
13100                       __gcov_info_to_gcda (*info, filename, dump, allocate, arg);
13101                       putchar ('\n');
13102                       ++info;
13103                     }
13104                   }
13106                   int
13107                   main()
13108                   {
13109                     dump_gcov_info();
13110                     return 0;
13111                   }
13113       -fprofile-note=path
13114           If path is specified, GCC saves .gcno file into path location.  If
13115           you combine the option with multiple source files, the .gcno file
13116           will be overwritten.
13118       -fprofile-prefix-path=path
13119           This option can be used in combination with
13120           profile-generate=profile_dir and profile-use=profile_dir to inform
13121           GCC where is the base directory of built source tree.  By default
13122           profile_dir will contain files with mangled absolute paths of all
13123           object files in the built project.  This is not desirable when
13124           directory used to build the instrumented binary differs from the
13125           directory used to build the binary optimized with profile feedback
13126           because the profile data will not be found during the optimized
13127           build.  In such setups -fprofile-prefix-path=path with path
13128           pointing to the base directory of the build can be used to strip
13129           the irrelevant part of the path and keep all file names relative to
13130           the main build directory.
13132       -fprofile-prefix-map=old=new
13133           When compiling files residing in directory old, record profiling
13134           information (with --coverage) describing them as if the files
13135           resided in directory new instead.  See also -ffile-prefix-map.
13137       -fprofile-update=method
13138           Alter the update method for an application instrumented for profile
13139           feedback based optimization.  The method argument should be one of
13140           single, atomic or prefer-atomic.  The first one is useful for
13141           single-threaded applications, while the second one prevents profile
13142           corruption by emitting thread-safe code.
13144           Warning: When an application does not properly join all threads (or
13145           creates an detached thread), a profile file can be still corrupted.
13147           Using prefer-atomic would be transformed either to atomic, when
13148           supported by a target, or to single otherwise.  The GCC driver
13149           automatically selects prefer-atomic when -pthread is present in the
13150           command line.
13152       -fprofile-filter-files=regex
13153           Instrument only functions from files whose name matches any of the
13154           regular expressions (separated by semi-colons).
13156           For example, -fprofile-filter-files=main\.c;module.*\.c will
13157           instrument only main.c and all C files starting with 'module'.
13159       -fprofile-exclude-files=regex
13160           Instrument only functions from files whose name does not match any
13161           of the regular expressions (separated by semi-colons).
13163           For example, -fprofile-exclude-files=/usr/.* will prevent
13164           instrumentation of all files that are located in the /usr/ folder.
13166       -fprofile-reproducible=[multithreaded|parallel-runs|serial]
13167           Control level of reproducibility of profile gathered by
13168           "-fprofile-generate".  This makes it possible to rebuild program
13169           with same outcome which is useful, for example, for distribution
13170           packages.
13172           With -fprofile-reproducible=serial the profile gathered by
13173           -fprofile-generate is reproducible provided the trained program
13174           behaves the same at each invocation of the train run, it is not
13175           multi-threaded and profile data streaming is always done in the
13176           same order.  Note that profile streaming happens at the end of
13177           program run but also before "fork" function is invoked.
13179           Note that it is quite common that execution counts of some part of
13180           programs depends, for example, on length of temporary file names or
13181           memory space randomization (that may affect hash-table collision
13182           rate).  Such non-reproducible part of programs may be annotated by
13183           "no_instrument_function" function attribute. gcov-dump with -l can
13184           be used to dump gathered data and verify that they are indeed
13185           reproducible.
13187           With -fprofile-reproducible=parallel-runs collected profile stays
13188           reproducible regardless the order of streaming of the data into
13189           gcda files.  This setting makes it possible to run multiple
13190           instances of instrumented program in parallel (such as with "make
13191           -j"). This reduces quality of gathered data, in particular of
13192           indirect call profiling.
13194       -fsanitize=address
13195           Enable AddressSanitizer, a fast memory error detector.  Memory
13196           access instructions are instrumented to detect out-of-bounds and
13197           use-after-free bugs.  The option enables
13198           -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope.  See
13199           <https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizer> for
13200           more details.  The run-time behavior can be influenced using the
13201           ASAN_OPTIONS environment variable.  When set to "help=1", the
13202           available options are shown at startup of the instrumented program.
13203           See
13204           <https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizerFlags#run-time-flags>
13205           for a list of supported options.  The option cannot be combined
13206           with -fsanitize=thread or -fsanitize=hwaddress.  Note that the only
13207           target -fsanitize=hwaddress is currently supported on is AArch64.
13209       -fsanitize=kernel-address
13210           Enable AddressSanitizer for Linux kernel.  See
13211           <https://github.com/google/kasan> for more details.
13213       -fsanitize=hwaddress
13214           Enable Hardware-assisted AddressSanitizer, which uses a hardware
13215           ability to ignore the top byte of a pointer to allow the detection
13216           of memory errors with a low memory overhead.  Memory access
13217           instructions are instrumented to detect out-of-bounds and use-
13218           after-free bugs.  The option enables
13219           -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope.  See
13220           <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/HardwareAssistedAddressSanitizerDesign.html>
13221           for more details.  The run-time behavior can be influenced using
13222           the HWASAN_OPTIONS environment variable.  When set to "help=1", the
13223           available options are shown at startup of the instrumented program.
13224           The option cannot be combined with -fsanitize=thread or
13225           -fsanitize=address, and is currently only available on AArch64.
13227       -fsanitize=kernel-hwaddress
13228           Enable Hardware-assisted AddressSanitizer for compilation of the
13229           Linux kernel.  Similar to -fsanitize=kernel-address but using an
13230           alternate instrumentation method, and similar to
13231           -fsanitize=hwaddress but with instrumentation differences necessary
13232           for compiling the Linux kernel.  These differences are to avoid
13233           hwasan library initialization calls and to account for the stack
13234           pointer having a different value in its top byte.
13236           Note: This option has different defaults to the
13237           -fsanitize=hwaddress.  Instrumenting the stack and alloca calls are
13238           not on by default but are still possible by specifying the command-
13239           line options --param hwasan-instrument-stack=1 and --param
13240           hwasan-instrument-allocas=1 respectively. Using a random frame tag
13241           is not implemented for kernel instrumentation.
13243       -fsanitize=pointer-compare
13244           Instrument comparison operation (<, <=, >, >=) with pointer
13245           operands.  The option must be combined with either
13246           -fsanitize=kernel-address or -fsanitize=address The option cannot
13247           be combined with -fsanitize=thread.  Note: By default the check is
13248           disabled at run time.  To enable it, add
13249           "detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2" to the environment variable
13250           ASAN_OPTIONS. Using "detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=1" detects
13251           invalid operation only when both pointers are non-null.
13253       -fsanitize=pointer-subtract
13254           Instrument subtraction with pointer operands.  The option must be
13255           combined with either -fsanitize=kernel-address or
13256           -fsanitize=address The option cannot be combined with
13257           -fsanitize=thread.  Note: By default the check is disabled at run
13258           time.  To enable it, add "detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=2" to the
13259           environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS. Using
13260           "detect_invalid_pointer_pairs=1" detects invalid operation only
13261           when both pointers are non-null.
13263       -fsanitize=shadow-call-stack
13264           Enable ShadowCallStack, a security enhancement mechanism used to
13265           protect programs against return address overwrites (e.g. stack
13266           buffer overflows.)  It works by saving a function's return address
13267           to a separately allocated shadow call stack in the function
13268           prologue and restoring the return address from the shadow call
13269           stack in the function epilogue.  Instrumentation only occurs in
13270           functions that need to save the return address to the stack.
13272           Currently it only supports the aarch64 platform.  It is
13273           specifically designed for linux kernels that enable the
13274           CONFIG_SHADOW_CALL_STACK option.  For the user space programs,
13275           runtime support is not currently provided in libc and libgcc.
13276           Users who want to use this feature in user space need to provide
13277           their own support for the runtime.  It should be noted that this
13278           may cause the ABI rules to be broken.
13280           On aarch64, the instrumentation makes use of the platform register
13281           "x18".  This generally means that any code that may run on the same
13282           thread as code compiled with ShadowCallStack must be compiled with
13283           the flag -ffixed-x18, otherwise functions compiled without
13284           -ffixed-x18 might clobber "x18" and so corrupt the shadow stack
13285           pointer.
13287           Also, because there is no userspace runtime support, code compiled
13288           with ShadowCallStack cannot use exception handling.  Use
13289           -fno-exceptions to turn off exceptions.
13291           See <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ShadowCallStack.html> for more
13292           details.
13294       -fsanitize=thread
13295           Enable ThreadSanitizer, a fast data race detector.  Memory access
13296           instructions are instrumented to detect data race bugs.  See
13297           <https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki#threadsanitizer> for
13298           more details. The run-time behavior can be influenced using the
13299           TSAN_OPTIONS environment variable; see
13300           <https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/ThreadSanitizerFlags>
13301           for a list of supported options.  The option cannot be combined
13302           with -fsanitize=address, -fsanitize=leak.
13304           Note that sanitized atomic builtins cannot throw exceptions when
13305           operating on invalid memory addresses with non-call exceptions
13306           (-fnon-call-exceptions).
13308       -fsanitize=leak
13309           Enable LeakSanitizer, a memory leak detector.  This option only
13310           matters for linking of executables and the executable is linked
13311           against a library that overrides "malloc" and other allocator
13312           functions.  See
13313           <https://github.com/google/sanitizers/wiki/AddressSanitizerLeakSanitizer>
13314           for more details.  The run-time behavior can be influenced using
13315           the LSAN_OPTIONS environment variable.  The option cannot be
13316           combined with -fsanitize=thread.
13318       -fsanitize=undefined
13319           Enable UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, a fast undefined behavior
13320           detector.  Various computations are instrumented to detect
13321           undefined behavior at runtime.  See
13322           <https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer.html> for
13323           more details.   The run-time behavior can be influenced using the
13324           UBSAN_OPTIONS environment variable.  Current suboptions are:
13326           -fsanitize=shift
13327               This option enables checking that the result of a shift
13328               operation is not undefined.  Note that what exactly is
13329               considered undefined differs slightly between C and C++, as
13330               well as between ISO C90 and C99, etc.  This option has two
13331               suboptions, -fsanitize=shift-base and
13332               -fsanitize=shift-exponent.
13334           -fsanitize=shift-exponent
13335               This option enables checking that the second argument of a
13336               shift operation is not negative and is smaller than the
13337               precision of the promoted first argument.
13339           -fsanitize=shift-base
13340               If the second argument of a shift operation is within range,
13341               check that the result of a shift operation is not undefined.
13342               Note that what exactly is considered undefined differs slightly
13343               between C and C++, as well as between ISO C90 and C99, etc.
13345           -fsanitize=integer-divide-by-zero
13346               Detect integer division by zero.
13348           -fsanitize=unreachable
13349               With this option, the compiler turns the
13350               "__builtin_unreachable" call into a diagnostics message call
13351               instead.  When reaching the "__builtin_unreachable" call, the
13352               behavior is undefined.
13354           -fsanitize=vla-bound
13355               This option instructs the compiler to check that the size of a
13356               variable length array is positive.
13358           -fsanitize=null
13359               This option enables pointer checking.  Particularly, the
13360               application built with this option turned on will issue an
13361               error message when it tries to dereference a NULL pointer, or
13362               if a reference (possibly an rvalue reference) is bound to a
13363               NULL pointer, or if a method is invoked on an object pointed by
13364               a NULL pointer.
13366           -fsanitize=return
13367               This option enables return statement checking.  Programs built
13368               with this option turned on will issue an error message when the
13369               end of a non-void function is reached without actually
13370               returning a value.  This option works in C++ only.
13372           -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow
13373               This option enables signed integer overflow checking.  We check
13374               that the result of "+", "*", and both unary and binary "-" does
13375               not overflow in the signed arithmetics.  This also detects
13376               "INT_MIN / -1" signed division.  Note, integer promotion rules
13377               must be taken into account.  That is, the following is not an
13378               overflow:
13380                       signed char a = SCHAR_MAX;
13381                       a++;
13383           -fsanitize=bounds
13384               This option enables instrumentation of array bounds.  Various
13385               out of bounds accesses are detected.  Flexible array members,
13386               flexible array member-like arrays, and initializers of
13387               variables with static storage are not instrumented.
13389           -fsanitize=bounds-strict
13390               This option enables strict instrumentation of array bounds.
13391               Most out of bounds accesses are detected, including flexible
13392               array members and flexible array member-like arrays.
13393               Initializers of variables with static storage are not
13394               instrumented.
13396           -fsanitize=alignment
13397               This option enables checking of alignment of pointers when they
13398               are dereferenced, or when a reference is bound to
13399               insufficiently aligned target, or when a method or constructor
13400               is invoked on insufficiently aligned object.
13402           -fsanitize=object-size
13403               This option enables instrumentation of memory references using
13404               the "__builtin_object_size" function.  Various out of bounds
13405               pointer accesses are detected.
13407           -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero
13408               Detect floating-point division by zero.  Unlike other similar
13409               options, -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero is not enabled by
13410               -fsanitize=undefined, since floating-point division by zero can
13411               be a legitimate way of obtaining infinities and NaNs.
13413           -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow
13414               This option enables floating-point type to integer conversion
13415               checking.  We check that the result of the conversion does not
13416               overflow.  Unlike other similar options,
13417               -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow is not enabled by
13418               -fsanitize=undefined.  This option does not work well with
13419               "FE_INVALID" exceptions enabled.
13421           -fsanitize=nonnull-attribute
13422               This option enables instrumentation of calls, checking whether
13423               null values are not passed to arguments marked as requiring a
13424               non-null value by the "nonnull" function attribute.
13426           -fsanitize=returns-nonnull-attribute
13427               This option enables instrumentation of return statements in
13428               functions marked with "returns_nonnull" function attribute, to
13429               detect returning of null values from such functions.
13431           -fsanitize=bool
13432               This option enables instrumentation of loads from bool.  If a
13433               value other than 0/1 is loaded, a run-time error is issued.
13435           -fsanitize=enum
13436               This option enables instrumentation of loads from an enum type.
13437               If a value outside the range of values for the enum type is
13438               loaded, a run-time error is issued.
13440           -fsanitize=vptr
13441               This option enables instrumentation of C++ member function
13442               calls, member accesses and some conversions between pointers to
13443               base and derived classes, to verify the referenced object has
13444               the correct dynamic type.
13446           -fsanitize=pointer-overflow
13447               This option enables instrumentation of pointer arithmetics.  If
13448               the pointer arithmetics overflows, a run-time error is issued.
13450           -fsanitize=builtin
13451               This option enables instrumentation of arguments to selected
13452               builtin functions.  If an invalid value is passed to such
13453               arguments, a run-time error is issued.  E.g. passing 0 as the
13454               argument to "__builtin_ctz" or "__builtin_clz" invokes
13455               undefined behavior and is diagnosed by this option.
13457           While -ftrapv causes traps for signed overflows to be emitted,
13458           -fsanitize=undefined gives a diagnostic message.  This currently
13459           works only for the C family of languages.
13461       -fno-sanitize=all
13462           This option disables all previously enabled sanitizers.
13463           -fsanitize=all is not allowed, as some sanitizers cannot be used
13464           together.
13466       -fasan-shadow-offset=number
13467           This option forces GCC to use custom shadow offset in
13468           AddressSanitizer checks.  It is useful for experimenting with
13469           different shadow memory layouts in Kernel AddressSanitizer.
13471       -fsanitize-sections=s1,s2,...
13472           Sanitize global variables in selected user-defined sections.  si
13473           may contain wildcards.
13475       -fsanitize-recover[=opts]
13476           -fsanitize-recover= controls error recovery mode for sanitizers
13477           mentioned in comma-separated list of opts.  Enabling this option
13478           for a sanitizer component causes it to attempt to continue running
13479           the program as if no error happened.  This means multiple runtime
13480           errors can be reported in a single program run, and the exit code
13481           of the program may indicate success even when errors have been
13482           reported.  The -fno-sanitize-recover= option can be used to alter
13483           this behavior: only the first detected error is reported and
13484           program then exits with a non-zero exit code.
13486           Currently this feature only works for -fsanitize=undefined (and its
13487           suboptions except for -fsanitize=unreachable and
13488           -fsanitize=return), -fsanitize=float-cast-overflow,
13489           -fsanitize=float-divide-by-zero, -fsanitize=bounds-strict,
13490           -fsanitize=kernel-address and -fsanitize=address.  For these
13491           sanitizers error recovery is turned on by default, except
13492           -fsanitize=address, for which this feature is experimental.
13493           -fsanitize-recover=all and -fno-sanitize-recover=all is also
13494           accepted, the former enables recovery for all sanitizers that
13495           support it, the latter disables recovery for all sanitizers that
13496           support it.
13498           Even if a recovery mode is turned on the compiler side, it needs to
13499           be also enabled on the runtime library side, otherwise the failures
13500           are still fatal.  The runtime library defaults to "halt_on_error=0"
13501           for ThreadSanitizer and UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer, while default
13502           value for AddressSanitizer is "halt_on_error=1". This can be
13503           overridden through setting the "halt_on_error" flag in the
13504           corresponding environment variable.
13506           Syntax without an explicit opts parameter is deprecated.  It is
13507           equivalent to specifying an opts list of:
13509                   undefined,float-cast-overflow,float-divide-by-zero,bounds-strict
13511       -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope
13512           Enable sanitization of local variables to detect use-after-scope
13513           bugs.  The option sets -fstack-reuse to none.
13515       -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error
13516           The -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error option instructs the
13517           compiler to report undefined behavior using "__builtin_trap" rather
13518           than a "libubsan" library routine.  The advantage of this is that
13519           the "libubsan" library is not needed and is not linked in, so this
13520           is usable even in freestanding environments.
13522       -fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc
13523           Enable coverage-guided fuzzing code instrumentation.  Inserts a
13524           call to "__sanitizer_cov_trace_pc" into every basic block.
13526       -fsanitize-coverage=trace-cmp
13527           Enable dataflow guided fuzzing code instrumentation.  Inserts a
13528           call to "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp1", "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp2",
13529           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp4" or "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmp8" for
13530           integral comparison with both operands variable or
13531           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp1",
13532           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp2",
13533           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp4" or
13534           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_const_cmp8" for integral comparison with one
13535           operand constant, "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmpf" or
13536           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_cmpd" for float or double comparisons and
13537           "__sanitizer_cov_trace_switch" for switch statements.
13539       -fcf-protection=[full|branch|return|none|check]
13540           Enable code instrumentation of control-flow transfers to increase
13541           program security by checking that target addresses of control-flow
13542           transfer instructions (such as indirect function call, function
13543           return, indirect jump) are valid.  This prevents diverting the flow
13544           of control to an unexpected target.  This is intended to protect
13545           against such threats as Return-oriented Programming (ROP), and
13546           similarly call/jmp-oriented programming (COP/JOP).
13548           The value "branch" tells the compiler to implement checking of
13549           validity of control-flow transfer at the point of indirect branch
13550           instructions, i.e. call/jmp instructions.  The value "return"
13551           implements checking of validity at the point of returning from a
13552           function.  The value "full" is an alias for specifying both
13553           "branch" and "return". The value "none" turns off instrumentation.
13555           The value "check" is used for the final link with link-time
13556           optimization (LTO).  An error is issued if LTO object files are
13557           compiled with different -fcf-protection values.  The value "check"
13558           is ignored at the compile time.
13560           The macro "__CET__" is defined when -fcf-protection is used.  The
13561           first bit of "__CET__" is set to 1 for the value "branch" and the
13562           second bit of "__CET__" is set to 1 for the "return".
13564           You can also use the "nocf_check" attribute to identify which
13565           functions and calls should be skipped from instrumentation.
13567           Currently the x86 GNU/Linux target provides an implementation based
13568           on Intel Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) which works for
13569           i686 processor or newer.
13571       -fharden-compares
13572           For every logical test that survives gimple optimizations and is
13573           not the condition in a conditional branch (for example, conditions
13574           tested for conditional moves, or to store in boolean variables),
13575           emit extra code to compute and verify the reversed condition, and
13576           to call "__builtin_trap" if the results do not match.  Use with
13577           -fharden-conditional-branches to cover all conditionals.
13579       -fharden-conditional-branches
13580           For every non-vectorized conditional branch that survives gimple
13581           optimizations, emit extra code to compute and verify the reversed
13582           condition, and to call "__builtin_trap" if the result is
13583           unexpected.  Use with -fharden-compares to cover all conditionals.
13585       -fstack-protector
13586           Emit extra code to check for buffer overflows, such as stack
13587           smashing attacks.  This is done by adding a guard variable to
13588           functions with vulnerable objects.  This includes functions that
13589           call "alloca", and functions with buffers larger than or equal to 8
13590           bytes.  The guards are initialized when a function is entered and
13591           then checked when the function exits.  If a guard check fails, an
13592           error message is printed and the program exits.  Only variables
13593           that are actually allocated on the stack are considered, optimized
13594           away variables or variables allocated in registers don't count.
13596       -fstack-protector-all
13597           Like -fstack-protector except that all functions are protected.
13599       -fstack-protector-strong
13600           Like -fstack-protector but includes additional functions to be
13601           protected --- those that have local array definitions, or have
13602           references to local frame addresses.  Only variables that are
13603           actually allocated on the stack are considered, optimized away
13604           variables or variables allocated in registers don't count.
13606       -fstack-protector-explicit
13607           Like -fstack-protector but only protects those functions which have
13608           the "stack_protect" attribute.
13610       -fstack-check
13611           Generate code to verify that you do not go beyond the boundary of
13612           the stack.  You should specify this flag if you are running in an
13613           environment with multiple threads, but you only rarely need to
13614           specify it in a single-threaded environment since stack overflow is
13615           automatically detected on nearly all systems if there is only one
13616           stack.
13618           Note that this switch does not actually cause checking to be done;
13619           the operating system or the language runtime must do that.  The
13620           switch causes generation of code to ensure that they see the stack
13621           being extended.
13623           You can additionally specify a string parameter: no means no
13624           checking, generic means force the use of old-style checking,
13625           specific means use the best checking method and is equivalent to
13626           bare -fstack-check.
13628           Old-style checking is a generic mechanism that requires no specific
13629           target support in the compiler but comes with the following
13630           drawbacks:
13632           1.  Modified allocation strategy for large objects: they are always
13633               allocated dynamically if their size exceeds a fixed threshold.
13634               Note this may change the semantics of some code.
13636           2.  Fixed limit on the size of the static frame of functions: when
13637               it is topped by a particular function, stack checking is not
13638               reliable and a warning is issued by the compiler.
13640           3.  Inefficiency: because of both the modified allocation strategy
13641               and the generic implementation, code performance is hampered.
13643           Note that old-style stack checking is also the fallback method for
13644           specific if no target support has been added in the compiler.
13646           -fstack-check= is designed for Ada's needs to detect infinite
13647           recursion and stack overflows.  specific is an excellent choice
13648           when compiling Ada code.  It is not generally sufficient to protect
13649           against stack-clash attacks.  To protect against those you want
13650           -fstack-clash-protection.
13652       -fstack-clash-protection
13653           Generate code to prevent stack clash style attacks.  When this
13654           option is enabled, the compiler will only allocate one page of
13655           stack space at a time and each page is accessed immediately after
13656           allocation.  Thus, it prevents allocations from jumping over any
13657           stack guard page provided by the operating system.
13659           Most targets do not fully support stack clash protection.  However,
13660           on those targets -fstack-clash-protection will protect dynamic
13661           stack allocations.  -fstack-clash-protection may also provide
13662           limited protection for static stack allocations if the target
13663           supports -fstack-check=specific.
13665       -fstack-limit-register=reg
13666       -fstack-limit-symbol=sym
13667       -fno-stack-limit
13668           Generate code to ensure that the stack does not grow beyond a
13669           certain value, either the value of a register or the address of a
13670           symbol.  If a larger stack is required, a signal is raised at run
13671           time.  For most targets, the signal is raised before the stack
13672           overruns the boundary, so it is possible to catch the signal
13673           without taking special precautions.
13675           For instance, if the stack starts at absolute address 0x80000000
13676           and grows downwards, you can use the flags
13677           -fstack-limit-symbol=__stack_limit and
13678           -Wl,--defsym,__stack_limit=0x7ffe0000 to enforce a stack limit of
13679           128KB.  Note that this may only work with the GNU linker.
13681           You can locally override stack limit checking by using the
13682           "no_stack_limit" function attribute.
13684       -fsplit-stack
13685           Generate code to automatically split the stack before it overflows.
13686           The resulting program has a discontiguous stack which can only
13687           overflow if the program is unable to allocate any more memory.
13688           This is most useful when running threaded programs, as it is no
13689           longer necessary to calculate a good stack size to use for each
13690           thread.  This is currently only implemented for the x86 targets
13691           running GNU/Linux.
13693           When code compiled with -fsplit-stack calls code compiled without
13694           -fsplit-stack, there may not be much stack space available for the
13695           latter code to run.  If compiling all code, including library code,
13696           with -fsplit-stack is not an option, then the linker can fix up
13697           these calls so that the code compiled without -fsplit-stack always
13698           has a large stack.  Support for this is implemented in the gold
13699           linker in GNU binutils release 2.21 and later.
13701       -fvtable-verify=[std|preinit|none]
13702           This option is only available when compiling C++ code.  It turns on
13703           (or off, if using -fvtable-verify=none) the security feature that
13704           verifies at run time, for every virtual call, that the vtable
13705           pointer through which the call is made is valid for the type of the
13706           object, and has not been corrupted or overwritten.  If an invalid
13707           vtable pointer is detected at run time, an error is reported and
13708           execution of the program is immediately halted.
13710           This option causes run-time data structures to be built at program
13711           startup, which are used for verifying the vtable pointers.  The
13712           options std and preinit control the timing of when these data
13713           structures are built.  In both cases the data structures are built
13714           before execution reaches "main".  Using -fvtable-verify=std causes
13715           the data structures to be built after shared libraries have been
13716           loaded and initialized.  -fvtable-verify=preinit causes them to be
13717           built before shared libraries have been loaded and initialized.
13719           If this option appears multiple times in the command line with
13720           different values specified, none takes highest priority over both
13721           std and preinit; preinit takes priority over std.
13723       -fvtv-debug
13724           When used in conjunction with -fvtable-verify=std or
13725           -fvtable-verify=preinit, causes debug versions of the runtime
13726           functions for the vtable verification feature to be called.  This
13727           flag also causes the compiler to log information about which vtable
13728           pointers it finds for each class.  This information is written to a
13729           file named vtv_set_ptr_data.log in the directory named by the
13730           environment variable VTV_LOGS_DIR if that is defined or the current
13731           working directory otherwise.
13733           Note:  This feature appends data to the log file. If you want a
13734           fresh log file, be sure to delete any existing one.
13736       -fvtv-counts
13737           This is a debugging flag.  When used in conjunction with
13738           -fvtable-verify=std or -fvtable-verify=preinit, this causes the
13739           compiler to keep track of the total number of virtual calls it
13740           encounters and the number of verifications it inserts.  It also
13741           counts the number of calls to certain run-time library functions
13742           that it inserts and logs this information for each compilation
13743           unit.  The compiler writes this information to a file named
13744           vtv_count_data.log in the directory named by the environment
13745           variable VTV_LOGS_DIR if that is defined or the current working
13746           directory otherwise.  It also counts the size of the vtable pointer
13747           sets for each class, and writes this information to
13748           vtv_class_set_sizes.log in the same directory.
13750           Note:  This feature appends data to the log files.  To get fresh
13751           log files, be sure to delete any existing ones.
13753       -finstrument-functions
13754           Generate instrumentation calls for entry and exit to functions.
13755           Just after function entry and just before function exit, the
13756           following profiling functions are called with the address of the
13757           current function and its call site.  (On some platforms,
13758           "__builtin_return_address" does not work beyond the current
13759           function, so the call site information may not be available to the
13760           profiling functions otherwise.)
13762                   void __cyg_profile_func_enter (void *this_fn,
13763                                                  void *call_site);
13764                   void __cyg_profile_func_exit  (void *this_fn,
13765                                                  void *call_site);
13767           The first argument is the address of the start of the current
13768           function, which may be looked up exactly in the symbol table.
13770           This instrumentation is also done for functions expanded inline in
13771           other functions.  The profiling calls indicate where, conceptually,
13772           the inline function is entered and exited.  This means that
13773           addressable versions of such functions must be available.  If all
13774           your uses of a function are expanded inline, this may mean an
13775           additional expansion of code size.  If you use "extern inline" in
13776           your C code, an addressable version of such functions must be
13777           provided.  (This is normally the case anyway, but if you get lucky
13778           and the optimizer always expands the functions inline, you might
13779           have gotten away without providing static copies.)
13781           A function may be given the attribute "no_instrument_function", in
13782           which case this instrumentation is not done.  This can be used, for
13783           example, for the profiling functions listed above, high-priority
13784           interrupt routines, and any functions from which the profiling
13785           functions cannot safely be called (perhaps signal handlers, if the
13786           profiling routines generate output or allocate memory).
13788       -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=file,file,...
13789           Set the list of functions that are excluded from instrumentation
13790           (see the description of -finstrument-functions).  If the file that
13791           contains a function definition matches with one of file, then that
13792           function is not instrumented.  The match is done on substrings: if
13793           the file parameter is a substring of the file name, it is
13794           considered to be a match.
13796           For example:
13798                   -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=/bits/stl,include/sys
13800           excludes any inline function defined in files whose pathnames
13801           contain /bits/stl or include/sys.
13803           If, for some reason, you want to include letter , in one of sym,
13804           write ,. For example,
13805           -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list=',,tmp' (note the single
13806           quote surrounding the option).
13808       -finstrument-functions-exclude-function-list=sym,sym,...
13809           This is similar to -finstrument-functions-exclude-file-list, but
13810           this option sets the list of function names to be excluded from
13811           instrumentation.  The function name to be matched is its user-
13812           visible name, such as "vector<int> blah(const vector<int> &)", not
13813           the internal mangled name (e.g., "_Z4blahRSt6vectorIiSaIiEE").  The
13814           match is done on substrings: if the sym parameter is a substring of
13815           the function name, it is considered to be a match.  For C99 and C++
13816           extended identifiers, the function name must be given in UTF-8, not
13817           using universal character names.
13819       -fpatchable-function-entry=N[,M]
13820           Generate N NOPs right at the beginning of each function, with the
13821           function entry point before the Mth NOP.  If M is omitted, it
13822           defaults to 0 so the function entry points to the address just at
13823           the first NOP.  The NOP instructions reserve extra space which can
13824           be used to patch in any desired instrumentation at run time,
13825           provided that the code segment is writable.  The amount of space is
13826           controllable indirectly via the number of NOPs; the NOP instruction
13827           used corresponds to the instruction emitted by the internal GCC
13828           back-end interface "gen_nop".  This behavior is target-specific and
13829           may also depend on the architecture variant and/or other
13830           compilation options.
13832           For run-time identification, the starting addresses of these areas,
13833           which correspond to their respective function entries minus M, are
13834           additionally collected in the "__patchable_function_entries"
13835           section of the resulting binary.
13837           Note that the value of "__attribute__ ((patchable_function_entry
13838           (N,M)))" takes precedence over command-line option
13839           -fpatchable-function-entry=N,M.  This can be used to increase the
13840           area size or to remove it completely on a single function.  If
13841           "N=0", no pad location is recorded.
13843           The NOP instructions are inserted at---and maybe before, depending
13844           on M---the function entry address, even before the prologue.
13846           The maximum value of N and M is 65535.
13848   Options Controlling the Preprocessor
13849       These options control the C preprocessor, which is run on each C source
13850       file before actual compilation.
13852       If you use the -E option, nothing is done except preprocessing.  Some
13853       of these options make sense only together with -E because they cause
13854       the preprocessor output to be unsuitable for actual compilation.
13856       In addition to the options listed here, there are a number of options
13857       to control search paths for include files documented in Directory
13858       Options.  Options to control preprocessor diagnostics are listed in
13859       Warning Options.
13861       -D name
13862           Predefine name as a macro, with definition 1.
13864       -D name=definition
13865           The contents of definition are tokenized and processed as if they
13866           appeared during translation phase three in a #define directive.  In
13867           particular, the definition is truncated by embedded newline
13868           characters.
13870           If you are invoking the preprocessor from a shell or shell-like
13871           program you may need to use the shell's quoting syntax to protect
13872           characters such as spaces that have a meaning in the shell syntax.
13874           If you wish to define a function-like macro on the command line,
13875           write its argument list with surrounding parentheses before the
13876           equals sign (if any).  Parentheses are meaningful to most shells,
13877           so you should quote the option.  With sh and csh,
13878           -D'name(args...)=definition' works.
13880           -D and -U options are processed in the order they are given on the
13881           command line.  All -imacros file and -include file options are
13882           processed after all -D and -U options.
13884       -U name
13885           Cancel any previous definition of name, either built in or provided
13886           with a -D option.
13888       -include file
13889           Process file as if "#include "file"" appeared as the first line of
13890           the primary source file.  However, the first directory searched for
13891           file is the preprocessor's working directory instead of the
13892           directory containing the main source file.  If not found there, it
13893           is searched for in the remainder of the "#include "..."" search
13894           chain as normal.
13896           If multiple -include options are given, the files are included in
13897           the order they appear on the command line.
13899       -imacros file
13900           Exactly like -include, except that any output produced by scanning
13901           file is thrown away.  Macros it defines remain defined.  This
13902           allows you to acquire all the macros from a header without also
13903           processing its declarations.
13905           All files specified by -imacros are processed before all files
13906           specified by -include.
13908       -undef
13909           Do not predefine any system-specific or GCC-specific macros.  The
13910           standard predefined macros remain defined.
13912       -pthread
13913           Define additional macros required for using the POSIX threads
13914           library.  You should use this option consistently for both
13915           compilation and linking.  This option is supported on GNU/Linux
13916           targets, most other Unix derivatives, and also on x86 Cygwin and
13917           MinGW targets.
13919       -M  Instead of outputting the result of preprocessing, output a rule
13920           suitable for make describing the dependencies of the main source
13921           file.  The preprocessor outputs one make rule containing the object
13922           file name for that source file, a colon, and the names of all the
13923           included files, including those coming from -include or -imacros
13924           command-line options.
13926           Unless specified explicitly (with -MT or -MQ), the object file name
13927           consists of the name of the source file with any suffix replaced
13928           with object file suffix and with any leading directory parts
13929           removed.  If there are many included files then the rule is split
13930           into several lines using \-newline.  The rule has no commands.
13932           This option does not suppress the preprocessor's debug output, such
13933           as -dM.  To avoid mixing such debug output with the dependency
13934           rules you should explicitly specify the dependency output file with
13935           -MF, or use an environment variable like DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT.
13936           Debug output is still sent to the regular output stream as normal.
13938           Passing -M to the driver implies -E, and suppresses warnings with
13939           an implicit -w.
13941       -MM Like -M but do not mention header files that are found in system
13942           header directories, nor header files that are included, directly or
13943           indirectly, from such a header.
13945           This implies that the choice of angle brackets or double quotes in
13946           an #include directive does not in itself determine whether that
13947           header appears in -MM dependency output.
13949       -MF file
13950           When used with -M or -MM, specifies a file to write the
13951           dependencies to.  If no -MF switch is given the preprocessor sends
13952           the rules to the same place it would send preprocessed output.
13954           When used with the driver options -MD or -MMD, -MF overrides the
13955           default dependency output file.
13957           If file is -, then the dependencies are written to stdout.
13959       -MG In conjunction with an option such as -M requesting dependency
13960           generation, -MG assumes missing header files are generated files
13961           and adds them to the dependency list without raising an error.  The
13962           dependency filename is taken directly from the "#include" directive
13963           without prepending any path.  -MG also suppresses preprocessed
13964           output, as a missing header file renders this useless.
13966           This feature is used in automatic updating of makefiles.
13968       -Mno-modules
13969           Disable dependency generation for compiled module interfaces.
13971       -MP This option instructs CPP to add a phony target for each dependency
13972           other than the main file, causing each to depend on nothing.  These
13973           dummy rules work around errors make gives if you remove header
13974           files without updating the Makefile to match.
13976           This is typical output:
13978                   test.o: test.c test.h
13980                   test.h:
13982       -MT target
13983           Change the target of the rule emitted by dependency generation.  By
13984           default CPP takes the name of the main input file, deletes any
13985           directory components and any file suffix such as .c, and appends
13986           the platform's usual object suffix.  The result is the target.
13988           An -MT option sets the target to be exactly the string you specify.
13989           If you want multiple targets, you can specify them as a single
13990           argument to -MT, or use multiple -MT options.
13992           For example, -MT '$(objpfx)foo.o' might give
13994                   $(objpfx)foo.o: foo.c
13996       -MQ target
13997           Same as -MT, but it quotes any characters which are special to
13998           Make.  -MQ '$(objpfx)foo.o' gives
14000                   $$(objpfx)foo.o: foo.c
14002           The default target is automatically quoted, as if it were given
14003           with -MQ.
14005       -MD -MD is equivalent to -M -MF file, except that -E is not implied.
14006           The driver determines file based on whether an -o option is given.
14007           If it is, the driver uses its argument but with a suffix of .d,
14008           otherwise it takes the name of the input file, removes any
14009           directory components and suffix, and applies a .d suffix.
14011           If -MD is used in conjunction with -E, any -o switch is understood
14012           to specify the dependency output file, but if used without -E, each
14013           -o is understood to specify a target object file.
14015           Since -E is not implied, -MD can be used to generate a dependency
14016           output file as a side effect of the compilation process.
14018       -MMD
14019           Like -MD except mention only user header files, not system header
14020           files.
14022       -fpreprocessed
14023           Indicate to the preprocessor that the input file has already been
14024           preprocessed.  This suppresses things like macro expansion,
14025           trigraph conversion, escaped newline splicing, and processing of
14026           most directives.  The preprocessor still recognizes and removes
14027           comments, so that you can pass a file preprocessed with -C to the
14028           compiler without problems.  In this mode the integrated
14029           preprocessor is little more than a tokenizer for the front ends.
14031           -fpreprocessed is implicit if the input file has one of the
14032           extensions .i, .ii or .mi.  These are the extensions that GCC uses
14033           for preprocessed files created by -save-temps.
14035       -fdirectives-only
14036           When preprocessing, handle directives, but do not expand macros.
14038           The option's behavior depends on the -E and -fpreprocessed options.
14040           With -E, preprocessing is limited to the handling of directives
14041           such as "#define", "#ifdef", and "#error".  Other preprocessor
14042           operations, such as macro expansion and trigraph conversion are not
14043           performed.  In addition, the -dD option is implicitly enabled.
14045           With -fpreprocessed, predefinition of command line and most builtin
14046           macros is disabled.  Macros such as "__LINE__", which are
14047           contextually dependent, are handled normally.  This enables
14048           compilation of files previously preprocessed with "-E
14049           -fdirectives-only".
14051           With both -E and -fpreprocessed, the rules for -fpreprocessed take
14052           precedence.  This enables full preprocessing of files previously
14053           preprocessed with "-E -fdirectives-only".
14055       -fdollars-in-identifiers
14056           Accept $ in identifiers.
14058       -fextended-identifiers
14059           Accept universal character names and extended characters in
14060           identifiers.  This option is enabled by default for C99 (and later
14061           C standard versions) and C++.
14063       -fno-canonical-system-headers
14064           When preprocessing, do not shorten system header paths with
14065           canonicalization.
14067       -fmax-include-depth=depth
14068           Set the maximum depth of the nested #include. The default is 200.
14070       -ftabstop=width
14071           Set the distance between tab stops.  This helps the preprocessor
14072           report correct column numbers in warnings or errors, even if tabs
14073           appear on the line.  If the value is less than 1 or greater than
14074           100, the option is ignored.  The default is 8.
14076       -ftrack-macro-expansion[=level]
14077           Track locations of tokens across macro expansions. This allows the
14078           compiler to emit diagnostic about the current macro expansion stack
14079           when a compilation error occurs in a macro expansion. Using this
14080           option makes the preprocessor and the compiler consume more memory.
14081           The level parameter can be used to choose the level of precision of
14082           token location tracking thus decreasing the memory consumption if
14083           necessary. Value 0 of level de-activates this option. Value 1
14084           tracks tokens locations in a degraded mode for the sake of minimal
14085           memory overhead. In this mode all tokens resulting from the
14086           expansion of an argument of a function-like macro have the same
14087           location. Value 2 tracks tokens locations completely. This value is
14088           the most memory hungry.  When this option is given no argument, the
14089           default parameter value is 2.
14091           Note that "-ftrack-macro-expansion=2" is activated by default.
14093       -fmacro-prefix-map=old=new
14094           When preprocessing files residing in directory old, expand the
14095           "__FILE__" and "__BASE_FILE__" macros as if the files resided in
14096           directory new instead.  This can be used to change an absolute path
14097           to a relative path by using . for new which can result in more
14098           reproducible builds that are location independent.  This option
14099           also affects "__builtin_FILE()" during compilation.  See also
14100           -ffile-prefix-map.
14102       -fexec-charset=charset
14103           Set the execution character set, used for string and character
14104           constants.  The default is UTF-8.  charset can be any encoding
14105           supported by the system's "iconv" library routine.
14107       -fwide-exec-charset=charset
14108           Set the wide execution character set, used for wide string and
14109           character constants.  The default is one of UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE,
14110           UTF-16BE, or UTF-16LE, whichever corresponds to the width of
14111           "wchar_t" and the big-endian or little-endian byte order being used
14112           for code generation.  As with -fexec-charset, charset can be any
14113           encoding supported by the system's "iconv" library routine;
14114           however, you will have problems with encodings that do not fit
14115           exactly in "wchar_t".
14117       -finput-charset=charset
14118           Set the input character set, used for translation from the
14119           character set of the input file to the source character set used by
14120           GCC.  If the locale does not specify, or GCC cannot get this
14121           information from the locale, the default is UTF-8.  This can be
14122           overridden by either the locale or this command-line option.
14123           Currently the command-line option takes precedence if there's a
14124           conflict.  charset can be any encoding supported by the system's
14125           "iconv" library routine.
14127       -fpch-deps
14128           When using precompiled headers, this flag causes the dependency-
14129           output flags to also list the files from the precompiled header's
14130           dependencies.  If not specified, only the precompiled header are
14131           listed and not the files that were used to create it, because those
14132           files are not consulted when a precompiled header is used.
14134       -fpch-preprocess
14135           This option allows use of a precompiled header together with -E.
14136           It inserts a special "#pragma", "#pragma GCC pch_preprocess
14137           "filename"" in the output to mark the place where the precompiled
14138           header was found, and its filename.  When -fpreprocessed is in use,
14139           GCC recognizes this "#pragma" and loads the PCH.
14141           This option is off by default, because the resulting preprocessed
14142           output is only really suitable as input to GCC.  It is switched on
14143           by -save-temps.
14145           You should not write this "#pragma" in your own code, but it is
14146           safe to edit the filename if the PCH file is available in a
14147           different location.  The filename may be absolute or it may be
14148           relative to GCC's current directory.
14150       -fworking-directory
14151           Enable generation of linemarkers in the preprocessor output that
14152           let the compiler know the current working directory at the time of
14153           preprocessing.  When this option is enabled, the preprocessor
14154           emits, after the initial linemarker, a second linemarker with the
14155           current working directory followed by two slashes.  GCC uses this
14156           directory, when it's present in the preprocessed input, as the
14157           directory emitted as the current working directory in some
14158           debugging information formats.  This option is implicitly enabled
14159           if debugging information is enabled, but this can be inhibited with
14160           the negated form -fno-working-directory.  If the -P flag is present
14161           in the command line, this option has no effect, since no "#line"
14162           directives are emitted whatsoever.
14164       -A predicate=answer
14165           Make an assertion with the predicate predicate and answer answer.
14166           This form is preferred to the older form -A predicate(answer),
14167           which is still supported, because it does not use shell special
14168           characters.
14170       -A -predicate=answer
14171           Cancel an assertion with the predicate predicate and answer answer.
14173       -C  Do not discard comments.  All comments are passed through to the
14174           output file, except for comments in processed directives, which are
14175           deleted along with the directive.
14177           You should be prepared for side effects when using -C; it causes
14178           the preprocessor to treat comments as tokens in their own right.
14179           For example, comments appearing at the start of what would be a
14180           directive line have the effect of turning that line into an
14181           ordinary source line, since the first token on the line is no
14182           longer a #.
14184       -CC Do not discard comments, including during macro expansion.  This is
14185           like -C, except that comments contained within macros are also
14186           passed through to the output file where the macro is expanded.
14188           In addition to the side effects of the -C option, the -CC option
14189           causes all C++-style comments inside a macro to be converted to
14190           C-style comments.  This is to prevent later use of that macro from
14191           inadvertently commenting out the remainder of the source line.
14193           The -CC option is generally used to support lint comments.
14195       -P  Inhibit generation of linemarkers in the output from the
14196           preprocessor.  This might be useful when running the preprocessor
14197           on something that is not C code, and will be sent to a program
14198           which might be confused by the linemarkers.
14200       -traditional
14201       -traditional-cpp
14202           Try to imitate the behavior of pre-standard C preprocessors, as
14203           opposed to ISO C preprocessors.  See the GNU CPP manual for
14204           details.
14206           Note that GCC does not otherwise attempt to emulate a pre-standard
14207           C compiler, and these options are only supported with the -E
14208           switch, or when invoking CPP explicitly.
14210       -trigraphs
14211           Support ISO C trigraphs.  These are three-character sequences, all
14212           starting with ??, that are defined by ISO C to stand for single
14213           characters.  For example, ??/ stands for \, so '??/n' is a
14214           character constant for a newline.
14216           The nine trigraphs and their replacements are
14218                   Trigraph:       ??(  ??)  ??<  ??>  ??=  ??/  ??'  ??!  ??-
14219                   Replacement:      [    ]    {    }    #    \    ^    |    ~
14221           By default, GCC ignores trigraphs, but in standard-conforming modes
14222           it converts them.  See the -std and -ansi options.
14224       -remap
14225           Enable special code to work around file systems which only permit
14226           very short file names, such as MS-DOS.
14228       -H  Print the name of each header file used, in addition to other
14229           normal activities.  Each name is indented to show how deep in the
14230           #include stack it is.  Precompiled header files are also printed,
14231           even if they are found to be invalid; an invalid precompiled header
14232           file is printed with ...x and a valid one with ...! .
14234       -dletters
14235           Says to make debugging dumps during compilation as specified by
14236           letters.  The flags documented here are those relevant to the
14237           preprocessor.  Other letters are interpreted by the compiler
14238           proper, or reserved for future versions of GCC, and so are silently
14239           ignored.  If you specify letters whose behavior conflicts, the
14240           result is undefined.
14242           -dM Instead of the normal output, generate a list of #define
14243               directives for all the macros defined during the execution of
14244               the preprocessor, including predefined macros.  This gives you
14245               a way of finding out what is predefined in your version of the
14246               preprocessor.  Assuming you have no file foo.h, the command
14248                       touch foo.h; cpp -dM foo.h
14250               shows all the predefined macros.
14252               If you use -dM without the -E option, -dM is interpreted as a
14253               synonym for -fdump-rtl-mach.
14255           -dD Like -dM except in two respects: it does not include the
14256               predefined macros, and it outputs both the #define directives
14257               and the result of preprocessing.  Both kinds of output go to
14258               the standard output file.
14260           -dN Like -dD, but emit only the macro names, not their expansions.
14262           -dI Output #include directives in addition to the result of
14263               preprocessing.
14265           -dU Like -dD except that only macros that are expanded, or whose
14266               definedness is tested in preprocessor directives, are output;
14267               the output is delayed until the use or test of the macro; and
14268               #undef directives are also output for macros tested but
14269               undefined at the time.
14271       -fdebug-cpp
14272           This option is only useful for debugging GCC.  When used from CPP
14273           or with -E, it dumps debugging information about location maps.
14274           Every token in the output is preceded by the dump of the map its
14275           location belongs to.
14277           When used from GCC without -E, this option has no effect.
14279       -Wp,option
14280           You can use -Wp,option to bypass the compiler driver and pass
14281           option directly through to the preprocessor.  If option contains
14282           commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.  However,
14283           many options are modified, translated or interpreted by the
14284           compiler driver before being passed to the preprocessor, and -Wp
14285           forcibly bypasses this phase.  The preprocessor's direct interface
14286           is undocumented and subject to change, so whenever possible you
14287           should avoid using -Wp and let the driver handle the options
14288           instead.
14290       -Xpreprocessor option
14291           Pass option as an option to the preprocessor.  You can use this to
14292           supply system-specific preprocessor options that GCC does not
14293           recognize.
14295           If you want to pass an option that takes an argument, you must use
14296           -Xpreprocessor twice, once for the option and once for the
14297           argument.
14299       -no-integrated-cpp
14300           Perform preprocessing as a separate pass before compilation.  By
14301           default, GCC performs preprocessing as an integrated part of input
14302           tokenization and parsing.  If this option is provided, the
14303           appropriate language front end (cc1, cc1plus, or cc1obj for C, C++,
14304           and Objective-C, respectively) is instead invoked twice, once for
14305           preprocessing only and once for actual compilation of the
14306           preprocessed input.  This option may be useful in conjunction with
14307           the -B or -wrapper options to specify an alternate preprocessor or
14308           perform additional processing of the program source between normal
14309           preprocessing and compilation.
14311       -flarge-source-files
14312           Adjust GCC to expect large source files, at the expense of slower
14313           compilation and higher memory usage.
14315           Specifically, GCC normally tracks both column numbers and line
14316           numbers within source files and it normally prints both of these
14317           numbers in diagnostics.  However, once it has processed a certain
14318           number of source lines, it stops tracking column numbers and only
14319           tracks line numbers.  This means that diagnostics for later lines
14320           do not include column numbers.  It also means that options like
14321           -Wmisleading-indentation cease to work at that point, although the
14322           compiler prints a note if this happens.  Passing
14323           -flarge-source-files significantly increases the number of source
14324           lines that GCC can process before it stops tracking columns.
14326   Passing Options to the Assembler
14327       You can pass options to the assembler.
14329       -Wa,option
14330           Pass option as an option to the assembler.  If option contains
14331           commas, it is split into multiple options at the commas.
14333       -Xassembler option
14334           Pass option as an option to the assembler.  You can use this to
14335           supply system-specific assembler options that GCC does not
14336           recognize.
14338           If you want to pass an option that takes an argument, you must use
14339           -Xassembler twice, once for the option and once for the argument.
14341   Options for Linking
14342       These options come into play when the compiler links object files into
14343       an executable output file.  They are meaningless if the compiler is not
14344       doing a link step.
14346       object-file-name
14347           A file name that does not end in a special recognized suffix is
14348           considered to name an object file or library.  (Object files are
14349           distinguished from libraries by the linker according to the file
14350           contents.)  If linking is done, these object files are used as
14351           input to the linker.
14353       -c
14354       -S
14355       -E  If any of these options is used, then the linker is not run, and
14356           object file names should not be used as arguments.
14358       -flinker-output=type
14359           This option controls code generation of the link-time optimizer.
14360           By default the linker output is automatically determined by the
14361           linker plugin.  For debugging the compiler and if incremental
14362           linking with a non-LTO object file is desired, it may be useful to
14363           control the type manually.
14365           If type is exec, code generation produces a static binary. In this
14366           case -fpic and -fpie are both disabled.
14368           If type is dyn, code generation produces a shared library.  In this
14369           case -fpic or -fPIC is preserved, but not enabled automatically.
14370           This allows to build shared libraries without position-independent
14371           code on architectures where this is possible, i.e. on x86.
14373           If type is pie, code generation produces an -fpie executable. This
14374           results in similar optimizations as exec except that -fpie is not
14375           disabled if specified at compilation time.
14377           If type is rel, the compiler assumes that incremental linking is
14378           done.  The sections containing intermediate code for link-time
14379           optimization are merged, pre-optimized, and output to the resulting
14380           object file. In addition, if -ffat-lto-objects is specified, binary
14381           code is produced for future non-LTO linking. The object file
14382           produced by incremental linking is smaller than a static library
14383           produced from the same object files.  At link time the result of
14384           incremental linking also loads faster than a static library
14385           assuming that the majority of objects in the library are used.
14387           Finally nolto-rel configures the compiler for incremental linking
14388           where code generation is forced, a final binary is produced, and
14389           the intermediate code for later link-time optimization is stripped.
14390           When multiple object files are linked together the resulting code
14391           is better optimized than with link-time optimizations disabled (for
14392           example, cross-module inlining happens), but most of benefits of
14393           whole program optimizations are lost.
14395           During the incremental link (by -r) the linker plugin defaults to
14396           rel. With current interfaces to GNU Binutils it is however not
14397           possible to incrementally link LTO objects and non-LTO objects into
14398           a single mixed object file.  If any of object files in incremental
14399           link cannot be used for link-time optimization, the linker plugin
14400           issues a warning and uses nolto-rel. To maintain whole program
14401           optimization, it is recommended to link such objects into static
14402           library instead. Alternatively it is possible to use H.J. Lu's
14403           binutils with support for mixed objects.
14405       -fuse-ld=bfd
14406           Use the bfd linker instead of the default linker.
14408       -fuse-ld=gold
14409           Use the gold linker instead of the default linker.
14411       -fuse-ld=lld
14412           Use the LLVM lld linker instead of the default linker.
14414       -fuse-ld=mold
14415           Use the Modern Linker (mold) instead of the default linker.
14417       -llibrary
14418       -l library
14419           Search the library named library when linking.  (The second
14420           alternative with the library as a separate argument is only for
14421           POSIX compliance and is not recommended.)
14423           The -l option is passed directly to the linker by GCC.  Refer to
14424           your linker documentation for exact details.  The general
14425           description below applies to the GNU linker.
14427           The linker searches a standard list of directories for the library.
14428           The directories searched include several standard system
14429           directories plus any that you specify with -L.
14431           Static libraries are archives of object files, and have file names
14432           like liblibrary.a.  Some targets also support shared libraries,
14433           which typically have names like liblibrary.so.  If both static and
14434           shared libraries are found, the linker gives preference to linking
14435           with the shared library unless the -static option is used.
14437           It makes a difference where in the command you write this option;
14438           the linker searches and processes libraries and object files in the
14439           order they are specified.  Thus, foo.o -lz bar.o searches library z
14440           after file foo.o but before bar.o.  If bar.o refers to functions in
14441           z, those functions may not be loaded.
14443       -lobjc
14444           You need this special case of the -l option in order to link an
14445           Objective-C or Objective-C++ program.
14447       -nostartfiles
14448           Do not use the standard system startup files when linking.  The
14449           standard system libraries are used normally, unless -nostdlib,
14450           -nolibc, or -nodefaultlibs is used.
14452       -nodefaultlibs
14453           Do not use the standard system libraries when linking.  Only the
14454           libraries you specify are passed to the linker, and options
14455           specifying linkage of the system libraries, such as -static-libgcc
14456           or -shared-libgcc, are ignored.  The standard startup files are
14457           used normally, unless -nostartfiles is used.
14459           The compiler may generate calls to "memcmp", "memset", "memcpy" and
14460           "memmove".  These entries are usually resolved by entries in libc.
14461           These entry points should be supplied through some other mechanism
14462           when this option is specified.
14464       -nolibc
14465           Do not use the C library or system libraries tightly coupled with
14466           it when linking.  Still link with the startup files, libgcc or
14467           toolchain provided language support libraries such as libgnat,
14468           libgfortran or libstdc++ unless options preventing their inclusion
14469           are used as well.  This typically removes -lc from the link command
14470           line, as well as system libraries that normally go with it and
14471           become meaningless when absence of a C library is assumed, for
14472           example -lpthread or -lm in some configurations.  This is intended
14473           for bare-board targets when there is indeed no C library available.
14475       -nostdlib
14476           Do not use the standard system startup files or libraries when
14477           linking.  No startup files and only the libraries you specify are
14478           passed to the linker, and options specifying linkage of the system
14479           libraries, such as -static-libgcc or -shared-libgcc, are ignored.
14481           The compiler may generate calls to "memcmp", "memset", "memcpy" and
14482           "memmove".  These entries are usually resolved by entries in libc.
14483           These entry points should be supplied through some other mechanism
14484           when this option is specified.
14486           One of the standard libraries bypassed by -nostdlib and
14487           -nodefaultlibs is libgcc.a, a library of internal subroutines which
14488           GCC uses to overcome shortcomings of particular machines, or
14489           special needs for some languages.
14491           In most cases, you need libgcc.a even when you want to avoid other
14492           standard libraries.  In other words, when you specify -nostdlib or
14493           -nodefaultlibs you should usually specify -lgcc as well.  This
14494           ensures that you have no unresolved references to internal GCC
14495           library subroutines.  (An example of such an internal subroutine is
14496           "__main", used to ensure C++ constructors are called.)
14498       -e entry
14499       --entry=entry
14500           Specify that the program entry point is entry.  The argument is
14501           interpreted by the linker; the GNU linker accepts either a symbol
14502           name or an address.
14504       -pie
14505           Produce a dynamically linked position independent executable on
14506           targets that support it.  For predictable results, you must also
14507           specify the same set of options used for compilation (-fpie, -fPIE,
14508           or model suboptions) when you specify this linker option.
14510       -no-pie
14511           Don't produce a dynamically linked position independent executable.
14513       -static-pie
14514           Produce a static position independent executable on targets that
14515           support it.  A static position independent executable is similar to
14516           a static executable, but can be loaded at any address without a
14517           dynamic linker.  For predictable results, you must also specify the
14518           same set of options used for compilation (-fpie, -fPIE, or model
14519           suboptions) when you specify this linker option.
14521       -pthread
14522           Link with the POSIX threads library.  This option is supported on
14523           GNU/Linux targets, most other Unix derivatives, and also on x86
14524           Cygwin and MinGW targets.  On some targets this option also sets
14525           flags for the preprocessor, so it should be used consistently for
14526           both compilation and linking.
14528       -r  Produce a relocatable object as output.  This is also known as
14529           partial linking.
14531       -rdynamic
14532           Pass the flag -export-dynamic to the ELF linker, on targets that
14533           support it. This instructs the linker to add all symbols, not only
14534           used ones, to the dynamic symbol table. This option is needed for
14535           some uses of "dlopen" or to allow obtaining backtraces from within
14536           a program.
14538       -s  Remove all symbol table and relocation information from the
14539           executable.
14541       -static
14542           On systems that support dynamic linking, this overrides -pie and
14543           prevents linking with the shared libraries.  On other systems, this
14544           option has no effect.
14546       -shared
14547           Produce a shared object which can then be linked with other objects
14548           to form an executable.  Not all systems support this option.  For
14549           predictable results, you must also specify the same set of options
14550           used for compilation (-fpic, -fPIC, or model suboptions) when you
14551           specify this linker option.[1]
14553       -shared-libgcc
14554       -static-libgcc
14555           On systems that provide libgcc as a shared library, these options
14556           force the use of either the shared or static version, respectively.
14557           If no shared version of libgcc was built when the compiler was
14558           configured, these options have no effect.
14560           There are several situations in which an application should use the
14561           shared libgcc instead of the static version.  The most common of
14562           these is when the application wishes to throw and catch exceptions
14563           across different shared libraries.  In that case, each of the
14564           libraries as well as the application itself should use the shared
14565           libgcc.
14567           Therefore, the G++ driver automatically adds -shared-libgcc
14568           whenever you build a shared library or a main executable, because
14569           C++ programs typically use exceptions, so this is the right thing
14570           to do.
14572           If, instead, you use the GCC driver to create shared libraries, you
14573           may find that they are not always linked with the shared libgcc.
14574           If GCC finds, at its configuration time, that you have a non-GNU
14575           linker or a GNU linker that does not support option --eh-frame-hdr,
14576           it links the shared version of libgcc into shared libraries by
14577           default.  Otherwise, it takes advantage of the linker and optimizes
14578           away the linking with the shared version of libgcc, linking with
14579           the static version of libgcc by default.  This allows exceptions to
14580           propagate through such shared libraries, without incurring
14581           relocation costs at library load time.
14583           However, if a library or main executable is supposed to throw or
14584           catch exceptions, you must link it using the G++ driver, or using
14585           the option -shared-libgcc, such that it is linked with the shared
14586           libgcc.
14588       -static-libasan
14589           When the -fsanitize=address option is used to link a program, the
14590           GCC driver automatically links against libasan.  If libasan is
14591           available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used,
14592           then this links against the shared version of libasan.  The
14593           -static-libasan option directs the GCC driver to link libasan
14594           statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
14596       -static-libtsan
14597           When the -fsanitize=thread option is used to link a program, the
14598           GCC driver automatically links against libtsan.  If libtsan is
14599           available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used,
14600           then this links against the shared version of libtsan.  The
14601           -static-libtsan option directs the GCC driver to link libtsan
14602           statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
14604       -static-liblsan
14605           When the -fsanitize=leak option is used to link a program, the GCC
14606           driver automatically links against liblsan.  If liblsan is
14607           available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used,
14608           then this links against the shared version of liblsan.  The
14609           -static-liblsan option directs the GCC driver to link liblsan
14610           statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
14612       -static-libubsan
14613           When the -fsanitize=undefined option is used to link a program, the
14614           GCC driver automatically links against libubsan.  If libubsan is
14615           available as a shared library, and the -static option is not used,
14616           then this links against the shared version of libubsan.  The
14617           -static-libubsan option directs the GCC driver to link libubsan
14618           statically, without necessarily linking other libraries statically.
14620       -static-libstdc++
14621           When the g++ program is used to link a C++ program, it normally
14622           automatically links against libstdc++.  If libstdc++ is available
14623           as a shared library, and the -static option is not used, then this
14624           links against the shared version of libstdc++.  That is normally
14625           fine.  However, it is sometimes useful to freeze the version of
14626           libstdc++ used by the program without going all the way to a fully
14627           static link.  The -static-libstdc++ option directs the g++ driver
14628           to link libstdc++ statically, without necessarily linking other
14629           libraries statically.
14631       -symbolic
14632           Bind references to global symbols when building a shared object.
14633           Warn about any unresolved references (unless overridden by the link
14634           editor option -Xlinker -z -Xlinker defs).  Only a few systems
14635           support this option.
14637       -T script
14638           Use script as the linker script.  This option is supported by most
14639           systems using the GNU linker.  On some targets, such as bare-board
14640           targets without an operating system, the -T option may be required
14641           when linking to avoid references to undefined symbols.
14643       -Xlinker option
14644           Pass option as an option to the linker.  You can use this to supply
14645           system-specific linker options that GCC does not recognize.
14647           If you want to pass an option that takes a separate argument, you
14648           must use -Xlinker twice, once for the option and once for the
14649           argument.  For example, to pass -assert definitions, you must write
14650           -Xlinker -assert -Xlinker definitions.  It does not work to write
14651           -Xlinker "-assert definitions", because this passes the entire
14652           string as a single argument, which is not what the linker expects.
14654           When using the GNU linker, it is usually more convenient to pass
14655           arguments to linker options using the option=value syntax than as
14656           separate arguments.  For example, you can specify -Xlinker
14657           -Map=output.map rather than -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker output.map.
14658           Other linkers may not support this syntax for command-line options.
14660       -Wl,option
14661           Pass option as an option to the linker.  If option contains commas,
14662           it is split into multiple options at the commas.  You can use this
14663           syntax to pass an argument to the option.  For example,
14664           -Wl,-Map,output.map passes -Map output.map to the linker.  When
14665           using the GNU linker, you can also get the same effect with
14666           -Wl,-Map=output.map.
14668       -u symbol
14669           Pretend the symbol symbol is undefined, to force linking of library
14670           modules to define it.  You can use -u multiple times with different
14671           symbols to force loading of additional library modules.
14673       -z keyword
14674           -z is passed directly on to the linker along with the keyword
14675           keyword. See the section in the documentation of your linker for
14676           permitted values and their meanings.
14678   Options for Directory Search
14679       These options specify directories to search for header files, for
14680       libraries and for parts of the compiler:
14682       -I dir
14683       -iquote dir
14684       -isystem dir
14685       -idirafter dir
14686           Add the directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for
14687           header files during preprocessing.  If dir begins with = or
14688           $SYSROOT, then the = or $SYSROOT is replaced by the sysroot prefix;
14689           see --sysroot and -isysroot.
14691           Directories specified with -iquote apply only to the quote form of
14692           the directive, "#include "file"".  Directories specified with -I,
14693           -isystem, or -idirafter apply to lookup for both the
14694           "#include "file"" and "#include <file>" directives.
14696           You can specify any number or combination of these options on the
14697           command line to search for header files in several directories.
14698           The lookup order is as follows:
14700           1.  For the quote form of the include directive, the directory of
14701               the current file is searched first.
14703           2.  For the quote form of the include directive, the directories
14704               specified by -iquote options are searched in left-to-right
14705               order, as they appear on the command line.
14707           3.  Directories specified with -I options are scanned in left-to-
14708               right order.
14710           4.  Directories specified with -isystem options are scanned in
14711               left-to-right order.
14713           5.  Standard system directories are scanned.
14715           6.  Directories specified with -idirafter options are scanned in
14716               left-to-right order.
14718           You can use -I to override a system header file, substituting your
14719           own version, since these directories are searched before the
14720           standard system header file directories.  However, you should not
14721           use this option to add directories that contain vendor-supplied
14722           system header files; use -isystem for that.
14724           The -isystem and -idirafter options also mark the directory as a
14725           system directory, so that it gets the same special treatment that
14726           is applied to the standard system directories.
14728           If a standard system include directory, or a directory specified
14729           with -isystem, is also specified with -I, the -I option is ignored.
14730           The directory is still searched but as a system directory at its
14731           normal position in the system include chain.  This is to ensure
14732           that GCC's procedure to fix buggy system headers and the ordering
14733           for the "#include_next" directive are not inadvertently changed.
14734           If you really need to change the search order for system
14735           directories, use the -nostdinc and/or -isystem options.
14737       -I- Split the include path.  This option has been deprecated.  Please
14738           use -iquote instead for -I directories before the -I- and remove
14739           the -I- option.
14741           Any directories specified with -I options before -I- are searched
14742           only for headers requested with "#include "file""; they are not
14743           searched for "#include <file>".  If additional directories are
14744           specified with -I options after the -I-, those directories are
14745           searched for all #include directives.
14747           In addition, -I- inhibits the use of the directory of the current
14748           file directory as the first search directory for "#include "file"".
14749           There is no way to override this effect of -I-.
14751       -iprefix prefix
14752           Specify prefix as the prefix for subsequent -iwithprefix options.
14753           If the prefix represents a directory, you should include the final
14754           /.
14756       -iwithprefix dir
14757       -iwithprefixbefore dir
14758           Append dir to the prefix specified previously with -iprefix, and
14759           add the resulting directory to the include search path.
14760           -iwithprefixbefore puts it in the same place -I would; -iwithprefix
14761           puts it where -idirafter would.
14763       -isysroot dir
14764           This option is like the --sysroot option, but applies only to
14765           header files (except for Darwin targets, where it applies to both
14766           header files and libraries).  See the --sysroot option for more
14767           information.
14769       -imultilib dir
14770           Use dir as a subdirectory of the directory containing target-
14771           specific C++ headers.
14773       -nostdinc
14774           Do not search the standard system directories for header files.
14775           Only the directories explicitly specified with -I, -iquote,
14776           -isystem, and/or -idirafter options (and the directory of the
14777           current file, if appropriate) are searched.
14779       -nostdinc++
14780           Do not search for header files in the C++-specific standard
14781           directories, but do still search the other standard directories.
14782           (This option is used when building the C++ library.)
14784       -iplugindir=dir
14785           Set the directory to search for plugins that are passed by
14786           -fplugin=name instead of -fplugin=path/name.so.  This option is not
14787           meant to be used by the user, but only passed by the driver.
14789       -Ldir
14790           Add directory dir to the list of directories to be searched for -l.
14792       -Bprefix
14793           This option specifies where to find the executables, libraries,
14794           include files, and data files of the compiler itself.
14796           The compiler driver program runs one or more of the subprograms
14797           cpp, cc1, as and ld.  It tries prefix as a prefix for each program
14798           it tries to run, both with and without machine/version/ for the
14799           corresponding target machine and compiler version.
14801           For each subprogram to be run, the compiler driver first tries the
14802           -B prefix, if any.  If that name is not found, or if -B is not
14803           specified, the driver tries two standard prefixes, /usr/lib/gcc/
14804           and /usr/local/lib/gcc/.  If neither of those results in a file
14805           name that is found, the unmodified program name is searched for
14806           using the directories specified in your PATH environment variable.
14808           The compiler checks to see if the path provided by -B refers to a
14809           directory, and if necessary it adds a directory separator character
14810           at the end of the path.
14812           -B prefixes that effectively specify directory names also apply to
14813           libraries in the linker, because the compiler translates these
14814           options into -L options for the linker.  They also apply to include
14815           files in the preprocessor, because the compiler translates these
14816           options into -isystem options for the preprocessor.  In this case,
14817           the compiler appends include to the prefix.
14819           The runtime support file libgcc.a can also be searched for using
14820           the -B prefix, if needed.  If it is not found there, the two
14821           standard prefixes above are tried, and that is all.  The file is
14822           left out of the link if it is not found by those means.
14824           Another way to specify a prefix much like the -B prefix is to use
14825           the environment variable GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.
14827           As a special kludge, if the path provided by -B is [dir/]stageN/,
14828           where N is a number in the range 0 to 9, then it is replaced by
14829           [dir/]include.  This is to help with boot-strapping the compiler.
14831       -no-canonical-prefixes
14832           Do not expand any symbolic links, resolve references to /../ or
14833           /./, or make the path absolute when generating a relative prefix.
14835       --sysroot=dir
14836           Use dir as the logical root directory for headers and libraries.
14837           For example, if the compiler normally searches for headers in
14838           /usr/include and libraries in /usr/lib, it instead searches
14839           dir/usr/include and dir/usr/lib.
14841           If you use both this option and the -isysroot option, then the
14842           --sysroot option applies to libraries, but the -isysroot option
14843           applies to header files.
14845           The GNU linker (beginning with version 2.16) has the necessary
14846           support for this option.  If your linker does not support this
14847           option, the header file aspect of --sysroot still works, but the
14848           library aspect does not.
14850       --no-sysroot-suffix
14851           For some targets, a suffix is added to the root directory specified
14852           with --sysroot, depending on the other options used, so that
14853           headers may for example be found in dir/suffix/usr/include instead
14854           of dir/usr/include.  This option disables the addition of such a
14855           suffix.
14857   Options for Code Generation Conventions
14858       These machine-independent options control the interface conventions
14859       used in code generation.
14861       Most of them have both positive and negative forms; the negative form
14862       of -ffoo is -fno-foo.  In the table below, only one of the forms is
14863       listed---the one that is not the default.  You can figure out the other
14864       form by either removing no- or adding it.
14866       -fstack-reuse=reuse-level
14867           This option controls stack space reuse for user declared local/auto
14868           variables and compiler generated temporaries.  reuse_level can be
14869           all, named_vars, or none. all enables stack reuse for all local
14870           variables and temporaries, named_vars enables the reuse only for
14871           user defined local variables with names, and none disables stack
14872           reuse completely. The default value is all. The option is needed
14873           when the program extends the lifetime of a scoped local variable or
14874           a compiler generated temporary beyond the end point defined by the
14875           language.  When a lifetime of a variable ends, and if the variable
14876           lives in memory, the optimizing compiler has the freedom to reuse
14877           its stack space with other temporaries or scoped local variables
14878           whose live range does not overlap with it. Legacy code extending
14879           local lifetime is likely to break with the stack reuse
14880           optimization.
14882           For example,
14884                      int *p;
14885                      {
14886                        int local1;
14888                        p = &local1;
14889                        local1 = 10;
14890                        ....
14891                      }
14892                      {
14893                         int local2;
14894                         local2 = 20;
14895                         ...
14896                      }
14898                      if (*p == 10)  // out of scope use of local1
14899                        {
14901                        }
14903           Another example:
14905                      struct A
14906                      {
14907                          A(int k) : i(k), j(k) { }
14908                          int i;
14909                          int j;
14910                      };
14912                      A *ap;
14914                      void foo(const A& ar)
14915                      {
14916                         ap = &ar;
14917                      }
14919                      void bar()
14920                      {
14921                         foo(A(10)); // temp object's lifetime ends when foo returns
14923                         {
14924                           A a(20);
14925                           ....
14926                         }
14927                         ap->i+= 10;  // ap references out of scope temp whose space
14928                                      // is reused with a. What is the value of ap->i?
14929                      }
14931           The lifetime of a compiler generated temporary is well defined by
14932           the C++ standard. When a lifetime of a temporary ends, and if the
14933           temporary lives in memory, the optimizing compiler has the freedom
14934           to reuse its stack space with other temporaries or scoped local
14935           variables whose live range does not overlap with it. However some
14936           of the legacy code relies on the behavior of older compilers in
14937           which temporaries' stack space is not reused, the aggressive stack
14938           reuse can lead to runtime errors. This option is used to control
14939           the temporary stack reuse optimization.
14941       -ftrapv
14942           This option generates traps for signed overflow on addition,
14943           subtraction, multiplication operations.  The options -ftrapv and
14944           -fwrapv override each other, so using -ftrapv -fwrapv on the
14945           command-line results in -fwrapv being effective.  Note that only
14946           active options override, so using -ftrapv -fwrapv -fno-wrapv on the
14947           command-line results in -ftrapv being effective.
14949       -fwrapv
14950           This option instructs the compiler to assume that signed arithmetic
14951           overflow of addition, subtraction and multiplication wraps around
14952           using twos-complement representation.  This flag enables some
14953           optimizations and disables others.  The options -ftrapv and -fwrapv
14954           override each other, so using -ftrapv -fwrapv on the command-line
14955           results in -fwrapv being effective.  Note that only active options
14956           override, so using -ftrapv -fwrapv -fno-wrapv on the command-line
14957           results in -ftrapv being effective.
14959       -fwrapv-pointer
14960           This option instructs the compiler to assume that pointer
14961           arithmetic overflow on addition and subtraction wraps around using
14962           twos-complement representation.  This flag disables some
14963           optimizations which assume pointer overflow is invalid.
14965       -fstrict-overflow
14966           This option implies -fno-wrapv -fno-wrapv-pointer and when negated
14967           implies -fwrapv -fwrapv-pointer.
14969       -fexceptions
14970           Enable exception handling.  Generates extra code needed to
14971           propagate exceptions.  For some targets, this implies GCC generates
14972           frame unwind information for all functions, which can produce
14973           significant data size overhead, although it does not affect
14974           execution.  If you do not specify this option, GCC enables it by
14975           default for languages like C++ that normally require exception
14976           handling, and disables it for languages like C that do not normally
14977           require it.  However, you may need to enable this option when
14978           compiling C code that needs to interoperate properly with exception
14979           handlers written in C++.  You may also wish to disable this option
14980           if you are compiling older C++ programs that don't use exception
14981           handling.
14983       -fnon-call-exceptions
14984           Generate code that allows trapping instructions to throw
14985           exceptions.  Note that this requires platform-specific runtime
14986           support that does not exist everywhere.  Moreover, it only allows
14987           trapping instructions to throw exceptions, i.e. memory references
14988           or floating-point instructions.  It does not allow exceptions to be
14989           thrown from arbitrary signal handlers such as "SIGALRM".  This
14990           enables -fexceptions.
14992       -fdelete-dead-exceptions
14993           Consider that instructions that may throw exceptions but don't
14994           otherwise contribute to the execution of the program can be
14995           optimized away.  This does not affect calls to functions except
14996           those with the "pure" or "const" attributes.  This option is
14997           enabled by default for the Ada and C++ compilers, as permitted by
14998           the language specifications.  Optimization passes that cause dead
14999           exceptions to be removed are enabled independently at different
15000           optimization levels.
15002       -funwind-tables
15003           Similar to -fexceptions, except that it just generates any needed
15004           static data, but does not affect the generated code in any other
15005           way.  You normally do not need to enable this option; instead, a
15006           language processor that needs this handling enables it on your
15007           behalf.
15009       -fasynchronous-unwind-tables
15010           Generate unwind table in DWARF format, if supported by target
15011           machine.  The table is exact at each instruction boundary, so it
15012           can be used for stack unwinding from asynchronous events (such as
15013           debugger or garbage collector).
15015       -fno-gnu-unique
15016           On systems with recent GNU assembler and C library, the C++
15017           compiler uses the "STB_GNU_UNIQUE" binding to make sure that
15018           definitions of template static data members and static local
15019           variables in inline functions are unique even in the presence of
15020           "RTLD_LOCAL"; this is necessary to avoid problems with a library
15021           used by two different "RTLD_LOCAL" plugins depending on a
15022           definition in one of them and therefore disagreeing with the other
15023           one about the binding of the symbol.  But this causes "dlclose" to
15024           be ignored for affected DSOs; if your program relies on
15025           reinitialization of a DSO via "dlclose" and "dlopen", you can use
15026           -fno-gnu-unique.
15028       -fpcc-struct-return
15029           Return "short" "struct" and "union" values in memory like longer
15030           ones, rather than in registers.  This convention is less efficient,
15031           but it has the advantage of allowing intercallability between GCC-
15032           compiled files and files compiled with other compilers,
15033           particularly the Portable C Compiler (pcc).
15035           The precise convention for returning structures in memory depends
15036           on the target configuration macros.
15038           Short structures and unions are those whose size and alignment
15039           match that of some integer type.
15041           Warning: code compiled with the -fpcc-struct-return switch is not
15042           binary compatible with code compiled with the -freg-struct-return
15043           switch.  Use it to conform to a non-default application binary
15044           interface.
15046       -freg-struct-return
15047           Return "struct" and "union" values in registers when possible.
15048           This is more efficient for small structures than
15049           -fpcc-struct-return.
15051           If you specify neither -fpcc-struct-return nor -freg-struct-return,
15052           GCC defaults to whichever convention is standard for the target.
15053           If there is no standard convention, GCC defaults to
15054           -fpcc-struct-return, except on targets where GCC is the principal
15055           compiler.  In those cases, we can choose the standard, and we chose
15056           the more efficient register return alternative.
15058           Warning: code compiled with the -freg-struct-return switch is not
15059           binary compatible with code compiled with the -fpcc-struct-return
15060           switch.  Use it to conform to a non-default application binary
15061           interface.
15063       -fshort-enums
15064           Allocate to an "enum" type only as many bytes as it needs for the
15065           declared range of possible values.  Specifically, the "enum" type
15066           is equivalent to the smallest integer type that has enough room.
15068           Warning: the -fshort-enums switch causes GCC to generate code that
15069           is not binary compatible with code generated without that switch.
15070           Use it to conform to a non-default application binary interface.
15072       -fshort-wchar
15073           Override the underlying type for "wchar_t" to be "short unsigned
15074           int" instead of the default for the target.  This option is useful
15075           for building programs to run under WINE.
15077           Warning: the -fshort-wchar switch causes GCC to generate code that
15078           is not binary compatible with code generated without that switch.
15079           Use it to conform to a non-default application binary interface.
15081       -fcommon
15082           In C code, this option controls the placement of global variables
15083           defined without an initializer, known as tentative definitions in
15084           the C standard.  Tentative definitions are distinct from
15085           declarations of a variable with the "extern" keyword, which do not
15086           allocate storage.
15088           The default is -fno-common, which specifies that the compiler
15089           places uninitialized global variables in the BSS section of the
15090           object file.  This inhibits the merging of tentative definitions by
15091           the linker so you get a multiple-definition error if the same
15092           variable is accidentally defined in more than one compilation unit.
15094           The -fcommon places uninitialized global variables in a common
15095           block.  This allows the linker to resolve all tentative definitions
15096           of the same variable in different compilation units to the same
15097           object, or to a non-tentative definition.  This behavior is
15098           inconsistent with C++, and on many targets implies a speed and code
15099           size penalty on global variable references.  It is mainly useful to
15100           enable legacy code to link without errors.
15102       -fno-ident
15103           Ignore the "#ident" directive.
15105       -finhibit-size-directive
15106           Don't output a ".size" assembler directive, or anything else that
15107           would cause trouble if the function is split in the middle, and the
15108           two halves are placed at locations far apart in memory.  This
15109           option is used when compiling crtstuff.c; you should not need to
15110           use it for anything else.
15112       -fverbose-asm
15113           Put extra commentary information in the generated assembly code to
15114           make it more readable.  This option is generally only of use to
15115           those who actually need to read the generated assembly code
15116           (perhaps while debugging the compiler itself).
15118           -fno-verbose-asm, the default, causes the extra information to be
15119           omitted and is useful when comparing two assembler files.
15121           The added comments include:
15123           *   information on the compiler version and command-line options,
15125           *   the source code lines associated with the assembly
15126               instructions, in the form FILENAME:LINENUMBER:CONTENT OF LINE,
15128           *   hints on which high-level expressions correspond to the various
15129               assembly instruction operands.
15131           For example, given this C source file:
15133                   int test (int n)
15134                   {
15135                     int i;
15136                     int total = 0;
15138                     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
15139                       total += i * i;
15141                     return total;
15142                   }
15144           compiling to (x86_64) assembly via -S and emitting the result
15145           direct to stdout via -o -
15147                   gcc -S test.c -fverbose-asm -Os -o -
15149           gives output similar to this:
15151                           .file   "test.c"
15152                   # GNU C11 (GCC) version 7.0.0 20160809 (experimental) (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
15153                     [...snip...]
15154                   # options passed:
15155                     [...snip...]
15157                           .text
15158                           .globl  test
15159                           .type   test, @function
15160                   test:
15161                   .LFB0:
15162                           .cfi_startproc
15163                   # test.c:4:   int total = 0;
15164                           xorl    %eax, %eax      # <retval>
15165                   # test.c:6:   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
15166                           xorl    %edx, %edx      # i
15167                   .L2:
15168                   # test.c:6:   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
15169                           cmpl    %edi, %edx      # n, i
15170                           jge     .L5     #,
15171                   # test.c:7:     total += i * i;
15172                           movl    %edx, %ecx      # i, tmp92
15173                           imull   %edx, %ecx      # i, tmp92
15174                   # test.c:6:   for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
15175                           incl    %edx    # i
15176                   # test.c:7:     total += i * i;
15177                           addl    %ecx, %eax      # tmp92, <retval>
15178                           jmp     .L2     #
15179                   .L5:
15180                   # test.c:10: }
15181                           ret
15182                           .cfi_endproc
15183                   .LFE0:
15184                           .size   test, .-test
15185                           .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 7.0.0 20160809 (experimental)"
15186                           .section        .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
15188           The comments are intended for humans rather than machines and hence
15189           the precise format of the comments is subject to change.
15191       -frecord-gcc-switches
15192           This switch causes the command line used to invoke the compiler to
15193           be recorded into the object file that is being created.  This
15194           switch is only implemented on some targets and the exact format of
15195           the recording is target and binary file format dependent, but it
15196           usually takes the form of a section containing ASCII text.  This
15197           switch is related to the -fverbose-asm switch, but that switch only
15198           records information in the assembler output file as comments, so it
15199           never reaches the object file.  See also -grecord-gcc-switches for
15200           another way of storing compiler options into the object file.
15202       -fpic
15203           Generate position-independent code (PIC) suitable for use in a
15204           shared library, if supported for the target machine.  Such code
15205           accesses all constant addresses through a global offset table
15206           (GOT).  The dynamic loader resolves the GOT entries when the
15207           program starts (the dynamic loader is not part of GCC; it is part
15208           of the operating system).  If the GOT size for the linked
15209           executable exceeds a machine-specific maximum size, you get an
15210           error message from the linker indicating that -fpic does not work;
15211           in that case, recompile with -fPIC instead.  (These maximums are 8k
15212           on the SPARC, 28k on AArch64 and 32k on the m68k and RS/6000.  The
15213           x86 has no such limit.)
15215           Position-independent code requires special support, and therefore
15216           works only on certain machines.  For the x86, GCC supports PIC for
15217           System V but not for the Sun 386i.  Code generated for the IBM
15218           RS/6000 is always position-independent.
15220           When this flag is set, the macros "__pic__" and "__PIC__" are
15221           defined to 1.
15223       -fPIC
15224           If supported for the target machine, emit position-independent
15225           code, suitable for dynamic linking and avoiding any limit on the
15226           size of the global offset table.  This option makes a difference on
15227           AArch64, m68k, PowerPC and SPARC.
15229           Position-independent code requires special support, and therefore
15230           works only on certain machines.
15232           When this flag is set, the macros "__pic__" and "__PIC__" are
15233           defined to 2.
15235       -fpie
15236       -fPIE
15237           These options are similar to -fpic and -fPIC, but the generated
15238           position-independent code can be only linked into executables.
15239           Usually these options are used to compile code that will be linked
15240           using the -pie GCC option.
15242           -fpie and -fPIE both define the macros "__pie__" and "__PIE__".
15243           The macros have the value 1 for -fpie and 2 for -fPIE.
15245       -fno-plt
15246           Do not use the PLT for external function calls in position-
15247           independent code.  Instead, load the callee address at call sites
15248           from the GOT and branch to it.  This leads to more efficient code
15249           by eliminating PLT stubs and exposing GOT loads to optimizations.
15250           On architectures such as 32-bit x86 where PLT stubs expect the GOT
15251           pointer in a specific register, this gives more register allocation
15252           freedom to the compiler.  Lazy binding requires use of the PLT;
15253           with -fno-plt all external symbols are resolved at load time.
15255           Alternatively, the function attribute "noplt" can be used to avoid
15256           calls through the PLT for specific external functions.
15258           In position-dependent code, a few targets also convert calls to
15259           functions that are marked to not use the PLT to use the GOT
15260           instead.
15262       -fno-jump-tables
15263           Do not use jump tables for switch statements even where it would be
15264           more efficient than other code generation strategies.  This option
15265           is of use in conjunction with -fpic or -fPIC for building code that
15266           forms part of a dynamic linker and cannot reference the address of
15267           a jump table.  On some targets, jump tables do not require a GOT
15268           and this option is not needed.
15270       -fno-bit-tests
15271           Do not use bit tests for switch statements even where it would be
15272           more efficient than other code generation strategies.
15274       -ffixed-reg
15275           Treat the register named reg as a fixed register; generated code
15276           should never refer to it (except perhaps as a stack pointer, frame
15277           pointer or in some other fixed role).
15279           reg must be the name of a register.  The register names accepted
15280           are machine-specific and are defined in the "REGISTER_NAMES" macro
15281           in the machine description macro file.
15283           This flag does not have a negative form, because it specifies a
15284           three-way choice.
15286       -fcall-used-reg
15287           Treat the register named reg as an allocable register that is
15288           clobbered by function calls.  It may be allocated for temporaries
15289           or variables that do not live across a call.  Functions compiled
15290           this way do not save and restore the register reg.
15292           It is an error to use this flag with the frame pointer or stack
15293           pointer.  Use of this flag for other registers that have fixed
15294           pervasive roles in the machine's execution model produces
15295           disastrous results.
15297           This flag does not have a negative form, because it specifies a
15298           three-way choice.
15300       -fcall-saved-reg
15301           Treat the register named reg as an allocable register saved by
15302           functions.  It may be allocated even for temporaries or variables
15303           that live across a call.  Functions compiled this way save and
15304           restore the register reg if they use it.
15306           It is an error to use this flag with the frame pointer or stack
15307           pointer.  Use of this flag for other registers that have fixed
15308           pervasive roles in the machine's execution model produces
15309           disastrous results.
15311           A different sort of disaster results from the use of this flag for
15312           a register in which function values may be returned.
15314           This flag does not have a negative form, because it specifies a
15315           three-way choice.
15317       -fpack-struct[=n]
15318           Without a value specified, pack all structure members together
15319           without holes.  When a value is specified (which must be a small
15320           power of two), pack structure members according to this value,
15321           representing the maximum alignment (that is, objects with default
15322           alignment requirements larger than this are output potentially
15323           unaligned at the next fitting location.
15325           Warning: the -fpack-struct switch causes GCC to generate code that
15326           is not binary compatible with code generated without that switch.
15327           Additionally, it makes the code suboptimal.  Use it to conform to a
15328           non-default application binary interface.
15330       -fleading-underscore
15331           This option and its counterpart, -fno-leading-underscore, forcibly
15332           change the way C symbols are represented in the object file.  One
15333           use is to help link with legacy assembly code.
15335           Warning: the -fleading-underscore switch causes GCC to generate
15336           code that is not binary compatible with code generated without that
15337           switch.  Use it to conform to a non-default application binary
15338           interface.  Not all targets provide complete support for this
15339           switch.
15341       -ftls-model=model
15342           Alter the thread-local storage model to be used.  The model
15343           argument should be one of global-dynamic, local-dynamic, initial-
15344           exec or local-exec.  Note that the choice is subject to
15345           optimization: the compiler may use a more efficient model for
15346           symbols not visible outside of the translation unit, or if -fpic is
15347           not given on the command line.
15349           The default without -fpic is initial-exec; with -fpic the default
15350           is global-dynamic.
15352       -ftrampolines
15353           For targets that normally need trampolines for nested functions,
15354           always generate them instead of using descriptors.  Otherwise, for
15355           targets that do not need them, like for example HP-PA or IA-64, do
15356           nothing.
15358           A trampoline is a small piece of code that is created at run time
15359           on the stack when the address of a nested function is taken, and is
15360           used to call the nested function indirectly.  Therefore, it
15361           requires the stack to be made executable in order for the program
15362           to work properly.
15364           -fno-trampolines is enabled by default on a language by language
15365           basis to let the compiler avoid generating them, if it computes
15366           that this is safe, and replace them with descriptors.  Descriptors
15367           are made up of data only, but the generated code must be prepared
15368           to deal with them.  As of this writing, -fno-trampolines is enabled
15369           by default only for Ada.
15371           Moreover, code compiled with -ftrampolines and code compiled with
15372           -fno-trampolines are not binary compatible if nested functions are
15373           present.  This option must therefore be used on a program-wide
15374           basis and be manipulated with extreme care.
15376           For languages other than Ada, the "-ftrampolines" and
15377           "-fno-trampolines" options currently have no effect, and
15378           trampolines are always generated on platforms that need them for
15379           nested functions.
15381       -fvisibility=[default|internal|hidden|protected]
15382           Set the default ELF image symbol visibility to the specified
15383           option---all symbols are marked with this unless overridden within
15384           the code.  Using this feature can very substantially improve
15385           linking and load times of shared object libraries, produce more
15386           optimized code, provide near-perfect API export and prevent symbol
15387           clashes.  It is strongly recommended that you use this in any
15388           shared objects you distribute.
15390           Despite the nomenclature, default always means public; i.e.,
15391           available to be linked against from outside the shared object.
15392           protected and internal are pretty useless in real-world usage so
15393           the only other commonly used option is hidden.  The default if
15394           -fvisibility isn't specified is default, i.e., make every symbol
15395           public.
15397           A good explanation of the benefits offered by ensuring ELF symbols
15398           have the correct visibility is given by "How To Write Shared
15399           Libraries" by Ulrich Drepper (which can be found at
15400           <https://www.akkadia.org/drepper/>)---however a superior solution
15401           made possible by this option to marking things hidden when the
15402           default is public is to make the default hidden and mark things
15403           public.  This is the norm with DLLs on Windows and with
15404           -fvisibility=hidden and "__attribute__ ((visibility("default")))"
15405           instead of "__declspec(dllexport)" you get almost identical
15406           semantics with identical syntax.  This is a great boon to those
15407           working with cross-platform projects.
15409           For those adding visibility support to existing code, you may find
15410           "#pragma GCC visibility" of use.  This works by you enclosing the
15411           declarations you wish to set visibility for with (for example)
15412           "#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)" and "#pragma GCC visibility
15413           pop".  Bear in mind that symbol visibility should be viewed as part
15414           of the API interface contract and thus all new code should always
15415           specify visibility when it is not the default; i.e., declarations
15416           only for use within the local DSO should always be marked
15417           explicitly as hidden as so to avoid PLT indirection
15418           overheads---making this abundantly clear also aids readability and
15419           self-documentation of the code.  Note that due to ISO C++
15420           specification requirements, "operator new" and "operator delete"
15421           must always be of default visibility.
15423           Be aware that headers from outside your project, in particular
15424           system headers and headers from any other library you use, may not
15425           be expecting to be compiled with visibility other than the default.
15426           You may need to explicitly say "#pragma GCC visibility
15427           push(default)" before including any such headers.
15429           "extern" declarations are not affected by -fvisibility, so a lot of
15430           code can be recompiled with -fvisibility=hidden with no
15431           modifications.  However, this means that calls to "extern"
15432           functions with no explicit visibility use the PLT, so it is more
15433           effective to use "__attribute ((visibility))" and/or "#pragma GCC
15434           visibility" to tell the compiler which "extern" declarations should
15435           be treated as hidden.
15437           Note that -fvisibility does affect C++ vague linkage entities. This
15438           means that, for instance, an exception class that is be thrown
15439           between DSOs must be explicitly marked with default visibility so
15440           that the type_info nodes are unified between the DSOs.
15442           An overview of these techniques, their benefits and how to use them
15443           is at <https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility>.
15445       -fstrict-volatile-bitfields
15446           This option should be used if accesses to volatile bit-fields (or
15447           other structure fields, although the compiler usually honors those
15448           types anyway) should use a single access of the width of the
15449           field's type, aligned to a natural alignment if possible.  For
15450           example, targets with memory-mapped peripheral registers might
15451           require all such accesses to be 16 bits wide; with this flag you
15452           can declare all peripheral bit-fields as "unsigned short" (assuming
15453           short is 16 bits on these targets) to force GCC to use 16-bit
15454           accesses instead of, perhaps, a more efficient 32-bit access.
15456           If this option is disabled, the compiler uses the most efficient
15457           instruction.  In the previous example, that might be a 32-bit load
15458           instruction, even though that accesses bytes that do not contain
15459           any portion of the bit-field, or memory-mapped registers unrelated
15460           to the one being updated.
15462           In some cases, such as when the "packed" attribute is applied to a
15463           structure field, it may not be possible to access the field with a
15464           single read or write that is correctly aligned for the target
15465           machine.  In this case GCC falls back to generating multiple
15466           accesses rather than code that will fault or truncate the result at
15467           run time.
15469           Note:  Due to restrictions of the C/C++11 memory model, write
15470           accesses are not allowed to touch non bit-field members.  It is
15471           therefore recommended to define all bits of the field's type as
15472           bit-field members.
15474           The default value of this option is determined by the application
15475           binary interface for the target processor.
15477       -fsync-libcalls
15478           This option controls whether any out-of-line instance of the
15479           "__sync" family of functions may be used to implement the C++11
15480           "__atomic" family of functions.
15482           The default value of this option is enabled, thus the only useful
15483           form of the option is -fno-sync-libcalls.  This option is used in
15484           the implementation of the libatomic runtime library.
15486   GCC Developer Options
15487       This section describes command-line options that are primarily of
15488       interest to GCC developers, including options to support compiler
15489       testing and investigation of compiler bugs and compile-time performance
15490       problems.  This includes options that produce debug dumps at various
15491       points in the compilation; that print statistics such as memory use and
15492       execution time; and that print information about GCC's configuration,
15493       such as where it searches for libraries.  You should rarely need to use
15494       any of these options for ordinary compilation and linking tasks.
15496       Many developer options that cause GCC to dump output to a file take an
15497       optional =filename suffix. You can specify stdout or - to dump to
15498       standard output, and stderr for standard error.
15500       If =filename is omitted, a default dump file name is constructed by
15501       concatenating the base dump file name, a pass number, phase letter, and
15502       pass name.  The base dump file name is the name of output file produced
15503       by the compiler if explicitly specified and not an executable;
15504       otherwise it is the source file name.  The pass number is determined by
15505       the order passes are registered with the compiler's pass manager.  This
15506       is generally the same as the order of execution, but passes registered
15507       by plugins, target-specific passes, or passes that are otherwise
15508       registered late are numbered higher than the pass named final, even if
15509       they are executed earlier.  The phase letter is one of i (inter-
15510       procedural analysis), l (language-specific), r (RTL), or t (tree).  The
15511       files are created in the directory of the output file.
15513       -fcallgraph-info
15514       -fcallgraph-info=MARKERS
15515           Makes the compiler output callgraph information for the program, on
15516           a per-object-file basis.  The information is generated in the
15517           common VCG format.  It can be decorated with additional, per-node
15518           and/or per-edge information, if a list of comma-separated markers
15519           is additionally specified.  When the "su" marker is specified, the
15520           callgraph is decorated with stack usage information; it is
15521           equivalent to -fstack-usage.  When the "da" marker is specified,
15522           the callgraph is decorated with information about dynamically
15523           allocated objects.
15525           When compiling with -flto, no callgraph information is output along
15526           with the object file.  At LTO link time, -fcallgraph-info may
15527           generate multiple callgraph information files next to intermediate
15528           LTO output files.
15530       -dletters
15531       -fdump-rtl-pass
15532       -fdump-rtl-pass=filename
15533           Says to make debugging dumps during compilation at times specified
15534           by letters.  This is used for debugging the RTL-based passes of the
15535           compiler.
15537           Some -dletters switches have different meaning when -E is used for
15538           preprocessing.
15540           Debug dumps can be enabled with a -fdump-rtl switch or some -d
15541           option letters.  Here are the possible letters for use in pass and
15542           letters, and their meanings:
15544           -fdump-rtl-alignments
15545               Dump after branch alignments have been computed.
15547           -fdump-rtl-asmcons
15548               Dump after fixing rtl statements that have unsatisfied in/out
15549               constraints.
15551           -fdump-rtl-auto_inc_dec
15552               Dump after auto-inc-dec discovery.  This pass is only run on
15553               architectures that have auto inc or auto dec instructions.
15555           -fdump-rtl-barriers
15556               Dump after cleaning up the barrier instructions.
15558           -fdump-rtl-bbpart
15559               Dump after partitioning hot and cold basic blocks.
15561           -fdump-rtl-bbro
15562               Dump after block reordering.
15564           -fdump-rtl-btl1
15565           -fdump-rtl-btl2
15566               -fdump-rtl-btl1 and -fdump-rtl-btl2 enable dumping after the
15567               two branch target load optimization passes.
15569           -fdump-rtl-bypass
15570               Dump after jump bypassing and control flow optimizations.
15572           -fdump-rtl-combine
15573               Dump after the RTL instruction combination pass.
15575           -fdump-rtl-compgotos
15576               Dump after duplicating the computed gotos.
15578           -fdump-rtl-ce1
15579           -fdump-rtl-ce2
15580           -fdump-rtl-ce3
15581               -fdump-rtl-ce1, -fdump-rtl-ce2, and -fdump-rtl-ce3 enable
15582               dumping after the three if conversion passes.
15584           -fdump-rtl-cprop_hardreg
15585               Dump after hard register copy propagation.
15587           -fdump-rtl-csa
15588               Dump after combining stack adjustments.
15590           -fdump-rtl-cse1
15591           -fdump-rtl-cse2
15592               -fdump-rtl-cse1 and -fdump-rtl-cse2 enable dumping after the
15593               two common subexpression elimination passes.
15595           -fdump-rtl-dce
15596               Dump after the standalone dead code elimination passes.
15598           -fdump-rtl-dbr
15599               Dump after delayed branch scheduling.
15601           -fdump-rtl-dce1
15602           -fdump-rtl-dce2
15603               -fdump-rtl-dce1 and -fdump-rtl-dce2 enable dumping after the
15604               two dead store elimination passes.
15606           -fdump-rtl-eh
15607               Dump after finalization of EH handling code.
15609           -fdump-rtl-eh_ranges
15610               Dump after conversion of EH handling range regions.
15612           -fdump-rtl-expand
15613               Dump after RTL generation.
15615           -fdump-rtl-fwprop1
15616           -fdump-rtl-fwprop2
15617               -fdump-rtl-fwprop1 and -fdump-rtl-fwprop2 enable dumping after
15618               the two forward propagation passes.
15620           -fdump-rtl-gcse1
15621           -fdump-rtl-gcse2
15622               -fdump-rtl-gcse1 and -fdump-rtl-gcse2 enable dumping after
15623               global common subexpression elimination.
15625           -fdump-rtl-init-regs
15626               Dump after the initialization of the registers.
15628           -fdump-rtl-initvals
15629               Dump after the computation of the initial value sets.
15631           -fdump-rtl-into_cfglayout
15632               Dump after converting to cfglayout mode.
15634           -fdump-rtl-ira
15635               Dump after iterated register allocation.
15637           -fdump-rtl-jump
15638               Dump after the second jump optimization.
15640           -fdump-rtl-loop2
15641               -fdump-rtl-loop2 enables dumping after the rtl loop
15642               optimization passes.
15644           -fdump-rtl-mach
15645               Dump after performing the machine dependent reorganization
15646               pass, if that pass exists.
15648           -fdump-rtl-mode_sw
15649               Dump after removing redundant mode switches.
15651           -fdump-rtl-rnreg
15652               Dump after register renumbering.
15654           -fdump-rtl-outof_cfglayout
15655               Dump after converting from cfglayout mode.
15657           -fdump-rtl-peephole2
15658               Dump after the peephole pass.
15660           -fdump-rtl-postreload
15661               Dump after post-reload optimizations.
15663           -fdump-rtl-pro_and_epilogue
15664               Dump after generating the function prologues and epilogues.
15666           -fdump-rtl-sched1
15667           -fdump-rtl-sched2
15668               -fdump-rtl-sched1 and -fdump-rtl-sched2 enable dumping after
15669               the basic block scheduling passes.
15671           -fdump-rtl-ree
15672               Dump after sign/zero extension elimination.
15674           -fdump-rtl-seqabstr
15675               Dump after common sequence discovery.
15677           -fdump-rtl-shorten
15678               Dump after shortening branches.
15680           -fdump-rtl-sibling
15681               Dump after sibling call optimizations.
15683           -fdump-rtl-split1
15684           -fdump-rtl-split2
15685           -fdump-rtl-split3
15686           -fdump-rtl-split4
15687           -fdump-rtl-split5
15688               These options enable dumping after five rounds of instruction
15689               splitting.
15691           -fdump-rtl-sms
15692               Dump after modulo scheduling.  This pass is only run on some
15693               architectures.
15695           -fdump-rtl-stack
15696               Dump after conversion from GCC's "flat register file" registers
15697               to the x87's stack-like registers.  This pass is only run on
15698               x86 variants.
15700           -fdump-rtl-subreg1
15701           -fdump-rtl-subreg2
15702               -fdump-rtl-subreg1 and -fdump-rtl-subreg2 enable dumping after
15703               the two subreg expansion passes.
15705           -fdump-rtl-unshare
15706               Dump after all rtl has been unshared.
15708           -fdump-rtl-vartrack
15709               Dump after variable tracking.
15711           -fdump-rtl-vregs
15712               Dump after converting virtual registers to hard registers.
15714           -fdump-rtl-web
15715               Dump after live range splitting.
15717           -fdump-rtl-regclass
15718           -fdump-rtl-subregs_of_mode_init
15719           -fdump-rtl-subregs_of_mode_finish
15720           -fdump-rtl-dfinit
15721           -fdump-rtl-dfinish
15722               These dumps are defined but always produce empty files.
15724           -da
15725           -fdump-rtl-all
15726               Produce all the dumps listed above.
15728           -dA Annotate the assembler output with miscellaneous debugging
15729               information.
15731           -dD Dump all macro definitions, at the end of preprocessing, in
15732               addition to normal output.
15734           -dH Produce a core dump whenever an error occurs.
15736           -dp Annotate the assembler output with a comment indicating which
15737               pattern and alternative is used.  The length and cost of each
15738               instruction are also printed.
15740           -dP Dump the RTL in the assembler output as a comment before each
15741               instruction.  Also turns on -dp annotation.
15743           -dx Just generate RTL for a function instead of compiling it.
15744               Usually used with -fdump-rtl-expand.
15746       -fdump-debug
15747           Dump debugging information generated during the debug generation
15748           phase.
15750       -fdump-earlydebug
15751           Dump debugging information generated during the early debug
15752           generation phase.
15754       -fdump-noaddr
15755           When doing debugging dumps, suppress address output.  This makes it
15756           more feasible to use diff on debugging dumps for compiler
15757           invocations with different compiler binaries and/or different text
15758           / bss / data / heap / stack / dso start locations.
15760       -freport-bug
15761           Collect and dump debug information into a temporary file if an
15762           internal compiler error (ICE) occurs.
15764       -fdump-unnumbered
15765           When doing debugging dumps, suppress instruction numbers and
15766           address output.  This makes it more feasible to use diff on
15767           debugging dumps for compiler invocations with different options, in
15768           particular with and without -g.
15770       -fdump-unnumbered-links
15771           When doing debugging dumps (see -d option above), suppress
15772           instruction numbers for the links to the previous and next
15773           instructions in a sequence.
15775       -fdump-ipa-switch
15776       -fdump-ipa-switch-options
15777           Control the dumping at various stages of inter-procedural analysis
15778           language tree to a file.  The file name is generated by appending a
15779           switch specific suffix to the source file name, and the file is
15780           created in the same directory as the output file.  The following
15781           dumps are possible:
15783           all Enables all inter-procedural analysis dumps.
15785           cgraph
15786               Dumps information about call-graph optimization, unused
15787               function removal, and inlining decisions.
15789           inline
15790               Dump after function inlining.
15792           Additionally, the options -optimized, -missed, -note, and -all can
15793           be provided, with the same meaning as for -fopt-info, defaulting to
15794           -optimized.
15796           For example, -fdump-ipa-inline-optimized-missed will emit
15797           information on callsites that were inlined, along with callsites
15798           that were not inlined.
15800           By default, the dump will contain messages about successful
15801           optimizations (equivalent to -optimized) together with low-level
15802           details about the analysis.
15804       -fdump-lang
15805           Dump language-specific information.  The file name is made by
15806           appending .lang to the source file name.
15808       -fdump-lang-all
15809       -fdump-lang-switch
15810       -fdump-lang-switch-options
15811       -fdump-lang-switch-options=filename
15812           Control the dumping of language-specific information.  The options
15813           and filename portions behave as described in the -fdump-tree
15814           option.  The following switch values are accepted:
15816           all Enable all language-specific dumps.
15818           class
15819               Dump class hierarchy information.  Virtual table information is
15820               emitted unless 'slim' is specified.  This option is applicable
15821               to C++ only.
15823           module
15824               Dump module information.  Options lineno (locations), graph
15825               (reachability), blocks (clusters), uid (serialization), alias
15826               (mergeable), asmname (Elrond), eh (mapper) & vops (macros) may
15827               provide additional information.  This option is applicable to
15828               C++ only.
15830           raw Dump the raw internal tree data.  This option is applicable to
15831               C++ only.
15833       -fdump-passes
15834           Print on stderr the list of optimization passes that are turned on
15835           and off by the current command-line options.
15837       -fdump-statistics-option
15838           Enable and control dumping of pass statistics in a separate file.
15839           The file name is generated by appending a suffix ending in
15840           .statistics to the source file name, and the file is created in the
15841           same directory as the output file.  If the -option form is used,
15842           -stats causes counters to be summed over the whole compilation unit
15843           while -details dumps every event as the passes generate them.  The
15844           default with no option is to sum counters for each function
15845           compiled.
15847       -fdump-tree-all
15848       -fdump-tree-switch
15849       -fdump-tree-switch-options
15850       -fdump-tree-switch-options=filename
15851           Control the dumping at various stages of processing the
15852           intermediate language tree to a file.  If the -options form is
15853           used, options is a list of - separated options which control the
15854           details of the dump.  Not all options are applicable to all dumps;
15855           those that are not meaningful are ignored.  The following options
15856           are available
15858           address
15859               Print the address of each node.  Usually this is not meaningful
15860               as it changes according to the environment and source file.
15861               Its primary use is for tying up a dump file with a debug
15862               environment.
15864           asmname
15865               If "DECL_ASSEMBLER_NAME" has been set for a given decl, use
15866               that in the dump instead of "DECL_NAME".  Its primary use is
15867               ease of use working backward from mangled names in the assembly
15868               file.
15870           slim
15871               When dumping front-end intermediate representations, inhibit
15872               dumping of members of a scope or body of a function merely
15873               because that scope has been reached.  Only dump such items when
15874               they are directly reachable by some other path.
15876               When dumping pretty-printed trees, this option inhibits dumping
15877               the bodies of control structures.
15879               When dumping RTL, print the RTL in slim (condensed) form
15880               instead of the default LISP-like representation.
15882           raw Print a raw representation of the tree.  By default, trees are
15883               pretty-printed into a C-like representation.
15885           details
15886               Enable more detailed dumps (not honored by every dump option).
15887               Also include information from the optimization passes.
15889           stats
15890               Enable dumping various statistics about the pass (not honored
15891               by every dump option).
15893           blocks
15894               Enable showing basic block boundaries (disabled in raw dumps).
15896           graph
15897               For each of the other indicated dump files (-fdump-rtl-pass),
15898               dump a representation of the control flow graph suitable for
15899               viewing with GraphViz to file.passid.pass.dot.  Each function
15900               in the file is pretty-printed as a subgraph, so that GraphViz
15901               can render them all in a single plot.
15903               This option currently only works for RTL dumps, and the RTL is
15904               always dumped in slim form.
15906           vops
15907               Enable showing virtual operands for every statement.
15909           lineno
15910               Enable showing line numbers for statements.
15912           uid Enable showing the unique ID ("DECL_UID") for each variable.
15914           verbose
15915               Enable showing the tree dump for each statement.
15917           eh  Enable showing the EH region number holding each statement.
15919           scev
15920               Enable showing scalar evolution analysis details.
15922           optimized
15923               Enable showing optimization information (only available in
15924               certain passes).
15926           missed
15927               Enable showing missed optimization information (only available
15928               in certain passes).
15930           note
15931               Enable other detailed optimization information (only available
15932               in certain passes).
15934           all Turn on all options, except raw, slim, verbose and lineno.
15936           optall
15937               Turn on all optimization options, i.e., optimized, missed, and
15938               note.
15940           To determine what tree dumps are available or find the dump for a
15941           pass of interest follow the steps below.
15943           1.  Invoke GCC with -fdump-passes and in the stderr output look for
15944               a code that corresponds to the pass you are interested in.  For
15945               example, the codes "tree-evrp", "tree-vrp1", and "tree-vrp2"
15946               correspond to the three Value Range Propagation passes.  The
15947               number at the end distinguishes distinct invocations of the
15948               same pass.
15950           2.  To enable the creation of the dump file, append the pass code
15951               to the -fdump- option prefix and invoke GCC with it.  For
15952               example, to enable the dump from the Early Value Range
15953               Propagation pass, invoke GCC with the -fdump-tree-evrp option.
15954               Optionally, you may specify the name of the dump file.  If you
15955               don't specify one, GCC creates as described below.
15957           3.  Find the pass dump in a file whose name is composed of three
15958               components separated by a period: the name of the source file
15959               GCC was invoked to compile, a numeric suffix indicating the
15960               pass number followed by the letter t for tree passes (and the
15961               letter r for RTL passes), and finally the pass code.  For
15962               example, the Early VRP pass dump might be in a file named
15963               myfile.c.038t.evrp in the current working directory.  Note that
15964               the numeric codes are not stable and may change from one
15965               version of GCC to another.
15967       -fopt-info
15968       -fopt-info-options
15969       -fopt-info-options=filename
15970           Controls optimization dumps from various optimization passes. If
15971           the -options form is used, options is a list of - separated option
15972           keywords to select the dump details and optimizations.
15974           The options can be divided into three groups:
15976           1.  options describing what kinds of messages should be emitted,
15978           2.  options describing the verbosity of the dump, and
15980           3.  options describing which optimizations should be included.
15982           The options from each group can be freely mixed as they are non-
15983           overlapping. However, in case of any conflicts, the later options
15984           override the earlier options on the command line.
15986           The following options control which kinds of messages should be
15987           emitted:
15989           optimized
15990               Print information when an optimization is successfully applied.
15991               It is up to a pass to decide which information is relevant. For
15992               example, the vectorizer passes print the source location of
15993               loops which are successfully vectorized.
15995           missed
15996               Print information about missed optimizations. Individual passes
15997               control which information to include in the output.
15999           note
16000               Print verbose information about optimizations, such as certain
16001               transformations, more detailed messages about decisions etc.
16003           all Print detailed optimization information. This includes
16004               optimized, missed, and note.
16006           The following option controls the dump verbosity:
16008           internals
16009               By default, only "high-level" messages are emitted. This option
16010               enables additional, more detailed, messages, which are likely
16011               to only be of interest to GCC developers.
16013           One or more of the following option keywords can be used to
16014           describe a group of optimizations:
16016           ipa Enable dumps from all interprocedural optimizations.
16018           loop
16019               Enable dumps from all loop optimizations.
16021           inline
16022               Enable dumps from all inlining optimizations.
16024           omp Enable dumps from all OMP (Offloading and Multi Processing)
16025               optimizations.
16027           vec Enable dumps from all vectorization optimizations.
16029           optall
16030               Enable dumps from all optimizations. This is a superset of the
16031               optimization groups listed above.
16033           If options is omitted, it defaults to optimized-optall, which means
16034           to dump messages about successful optimizations from all the
16035           passes, omitting messages that are treated as "internals".
16037           If the filename is provided, then the dumps from all the applicable
16038           optimizations are concatenated into the filename.  Otherwise the
16039           dump is output onto stderr. Though multiple -fopt-info options are
16040           accepted, only one of them can include a filename. If other
16041           filenames are provided then all but the first such option are
16042           ignored.
16044           Note that the output filename is overwritten in case of multiple
16045           translation units. If a combined output from multiple translation
16046           units is desired, stderr should be used instead.
16048           In the following example, the optimization info is output to
16049           stderr:
16051                   gcc -O3 -fopt-info
16053           This example:
16055                   gcc -O3 -fopt-info-missed=missed.all
16057           outputs missed optimization report from all the passes into
16058           missed.all, and this one:
16060                   gcc -O2 -ftree-vectorize -fopt-info-vec-missed
16062           prints information about missed optimization opportunities from
16063           vectorization passes on stderr.  Note that -fopt-info-vec-missed is
16064           equivalent to -fopt-info-missed-vec.  The order of the optimization
16065           group names and message types listed after -fopt-info does not
16066           matter.
16068           As another example,
16070                   gcc -O3 -fopt-info-inline-optimized-missed=inline.txt
16072           outputs information about missed optimizations as well as optimized
16073           locations from all the inlining passes into inline.txt.
16075           Finally, consider:
16077                   gcc -fopt-info-vec-missed=vec.miss -fopt-info-loop-optimized=loop.opt
16079           Here the two output filenames vec.miss and loop.opt are in conflict
16080           since only one output file is allowed. In this case, only the first
16081           option takes effect and the subsequent options are ignored. Thus
16082           only vec.miss is produced which contains dumps from the vectorizer
16083           about missed opportunities.
16085       -fsave-optimization-record
16086           Write a SRCFILE.opt-record.json.gz file detailing what
16087           optimizations were performed, for those optimizations that support
16088           -fopt-info.
16090           This option is experimental and the format of the data within the
16091           compressed JSON file is subject to change.
16093           It is roughly equivalent to a machine-readable version of
16094           -fopt-info-all, as a collection of messages with source file, line
16095           number and column number, with the following additional data for
16096           each message:
16098           *   the execution count of the code being optimized, along with
16099               metadata about whether this was from actual profile data, or
16100               just an estimate, allowing consumers to prioritize messages by
16101               code hotness,
16103           *   the function name of the code being optimized, where
16104               applicable,
16106           *   the "inlining chain" for the code being optimized, so that when
16107               a function is inlined into several different places (which
16108               might themselves be inlined), the reader can distinguish
16109               between the copies,
16111           *   objects identifying those parts of the message that refer to
16112               expressions, statements or symbol-table nodes, which of these
16113               categories they are, and, when available, their source code
16114               location,
16116           *   the GCC pass that emitted the message, and
16118           *   the location in GCC's own code from which the message was
16119               emitted
16121           Additionally, some messages are logically nested within other
16122           messages, reflecting implementation details of the optimization
16123           passes.
16125       -fsched-verbose=n
16126           On targets that use instruction scheduling, this option controls
16127           the amount of debugging output the scheduler prints to the dump
16128           files.
16130           For n greater than zero, -fsched-verbose outputs the same
16131           information as -fdump-rtl-sched1 and -fdump-rtl-sched2.  For n
16132           greater than one, it also output basic block probabilities,
16133           detailed ready list information and unit/insn info.  For n greater
16134           than two, it includes RTL at abort point, control-flow and regions
16135           info.  And for n over four, -fsched-verbose also includes
16136           dependence info.
16138       -fenable-kind-pass
16139       -fdisable-kind-pass=range-list
16140           This is a set of options that are used to explicitly disable/enable
16141           optimization passes.  These options are intended for use for
16142           debugging GCC.  Compiler users should use regular options for
16143           enabling/disabling passes instead.
16145           -fdisable-ipa-pass
16146               Disable IPA pass pass. pass is the pass name.  If the same pass
16147               is statically invoked in the compiler multiple times, the pass
16148               name should be appended with a sequential number starting from
16149               1.
16151           -fdisable-rtl-pass
16152           -fdisable-rtl-pass=range-list
16153               Disable RTL pass pass.  pass is the pass name.  If the same
16154               pass is statically invoked in the compiler multiple times, the
16155               pass name should be appended with a sequential number starting
16156               from 1.  range-list is a comma-separated list of function
16157               ranges or assembler names.  Each range is a number pair
16158               separated by a colon.  The range is inclusive in both ends.  If
16159               the range is trivial, the number pair can be simplified as a
16160               single number.  If the function's call graph node's uid falls
16161               within one of the specified ranges, the pass is disabled for
16162               that function.  The uid is shown in the function header of a
16163               dump file, and the pass names can be dumped by using option
16164               -fdump-passes.
16166           -fdisable-tree-pass
16167           -fdisable-tree-pass=range-list
16168               Disable tree pass pass.  See -fdisable-rtl for the description
16169               of option arguments.
16171           -fenable-ipa-pass
16172               Enable IPA pass pass.  pass is the pass name.  If the same pass
16173               is statically invoked in the compiler multiple times, the pass
16174               name should be appended with a sequential number starting from
16175               1.
16177           -fenable-rtl-pass
16178           -fenable-rtl-pass=range-list
16179               Enable RTL pass pass.  See -fdisable-rtl for option argument
16180               description and examples.
16182           -fenable-tree-pass
16183           -fenable-tree-pass=range-list
16184               Enable tree pass pass.  See -fdisable-rtl for the description
16185               of option arguments.
16187           Here are some examples showing uses of these options.
16189                   # disable ccp1 for all functions
16190                      -fdisable-tree-ccp1
16191                   # disable complete unroll for function whose cgraph node uid is 1
16192                      -fenable-tree-cunroll=1
16193                   # disable gcse2 for functions at the following ranges [1,1],
16194                   # [300,400], and [400,1000]
16195                   # disable gcse2 for functions foo and foo2
16196                      -fdisable-rtl-gcse2=foo,foo2
16197                   # disable early inlining
16198                      -fdisable-tree-einline
16199                   # disable ipa inlining
16200                      -fdisable-ipa-inline
16201                   # enable tree full unroll
16202                      -fenable-tree-unroll
16204       -fchecking
16205       -fchecking=n
16206           Enable internal consistency checking.  The default depends on the
16207           compiler configuration.  -fchecking=2 enables further internal
16208           consistency checking that might affect code generation.
16210       -frandom-seed=string
16211           This option provides a seed that GCC uses in place of random
16212           numbers in generating certain symbol names that have to be
16213           different in every compiled file.  It is also used to place unique
16214           stamps in coverage data files and the object files that produce
16215           them.  You can use the -frandom-seed option to produce reproducibly
16216           identical object files.
16218           The string can either be a number (decimal, octal or hex) or an
16219           arbitrary string (in which case it's converted to a number by
16220           computing CRC32).
16222           The string should be different for every file you compile.
16224       -save-temps
16225           Store the usual "temporary" intermediate files permanently; name
16226           them as auxiliary output files, as specified described under
16227           -dumpbase and -dumpdir.
16229           When used in combination with the -x command-line option,
16230           -save-temps is sensible enough to avoid overwriting an input source
16231           file with the same extension as an intermediate file.  The
16232           corresponding intermediate file may be obtained by renaming the
16233           source file before using -save-temps.
16235       -save-temps=cwd
16236           Equivalent to -save-temps -dumpdir ./.
16238       -save-temps=obj
16239           Equivalent to -save-temps -dumpdir outdir/, where outdir/ is the
16240           directory of the output file specified after the -o option,
16241           including any directory separators.  If the -o option is not used,
16242           the -save-temps=obj switch behaves like -save-temps=cwd.
16244       -time[=file]
16245           Report the CPU time taken by each subprocess in the compilation
16246           sequence.  For C source files, this is the compiler proper and
16247           assembler (plus the linker if linking is done).
16249           Without the specification of an output file, the output looks like
16250           this:
16252                   # cc1 0.12 0.01
16253                   # as 0.00 0.01
16255           The first number on each line is the "user time", that is time
16256           spent executing the program itself.  The second number is "system
16257           time", time spent executing operating system routines on behalf of
16258           the program.  Both numbers are in seconds.
16260           With the specification of an output file, the output is appended to
16261           the named file, and it looks like this:
16263                   0.12 0.01 cc1 <options>
16264                   0.00 0.01 as <options>
16266           The "user time" and the "system time" are moved before the program
16267           name, and the options passed to the program are displayed, so that
16268           one can later tell what file was being compiled, and with which
16269           options.
16271       -fdump-final-insns[=file]
16272           Dump the final internal representation (RTL) to file.  If the
16273           optional argument is omitted (or if file is "."), the name of the
16274           dump file is determined by appending ".gkd" to the dump base name,
16275           see -dumpbase.
16277       -fcompare-debug[=opts]
16278           If no error occurs during compilation, run the compiler a second
16279           time, adding opts and -fcompare-debug-second to the arguments
16280           passed to the second compilation.  Dump the final internal
16281           representation in both compilations, and print an error if they
16282           differ.
16284           If the equal sign is omitted, the default -gtoggle is used.
16286           The environment variable GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG, if defined, non-empty
16287           and nonzero, implicitly enables -fcompare-debug.  If
16288           GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG is defined to a string starting with a dash, then
16289           it is used for opts, otherwise the default -gtoggle is used.
16291           -fcompare-debug=, with the equal sign but without opts, is
16292           equivalent to -fno-compare-debug, which disables the dumping of the
16293           final representation and the second compilation, preventing even
16294           GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG from taking effect.
16296           To verify full coverage during -fcompare-debug testing, set
16297           GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG to say -fcompare-debug-not-overridden, which GCC
16298           rejects as an invalid option in any actual compilation (rather than
16299           preprocessing, assembly or linking).  To get just a warning,
16300           setting GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG to -w%n-fcompare-debug not overridden
16301           will do.
16303       -fcompare-debug-second
16304           This option is implicitly passed to the compiler for the second
16305           compilation requested by -fcompare-debug, along with options to
16306           silence warnings, and omitting other options that would cause the
16307           compiler to produce output to files or to standard output as a side
16308           effect.  Dump files and preserved temporary files are renamed so as
16309           to contain the ".gk" additional extension during the second
16310           compilation, to avoid overwriting those generated by the first.
16312           When this option is passed to the compiler driver, it causes the
16313           first compilation to be skipped, which makes it useful for little
16314           other than debugging the compiler proper.
16316       -gtoggle
16317           Turn off generation of debug info, if leaving out this option
16318           generates it, or turn it on at level 2 otherwise.  The position of
16319           this argument in the command line does not matter; it takes effect
16320           after all other options are processed, and it does so only once, no
16321           matter how many times it is given.  This is mainly intended to be
16322           used with -fcompare-debug.
16324       -fvar-tracking-assignments-toggle
16325           Toggle -fvar-tracking-assignments, in the same way that -gtoggle
16326           toggles -g.
16328       -Q  Makes the compiler print out each function name as it is compiled,
16329           and print some statistics about each pass when it finishes.
16331       -ftime-report
16332           Makes the compiler print some statistics about the time consumed by
16333           each pass when it finishes.
16335       -ftime-report-details
16336           Record the time consumed by infrastructure parts separately for
16337           each pass.
16339       -fira-verbose=n
16340           Control the verbosity of the dump file for the integrated register
16341           allocator.  The default value is 5.  If the value n is greater or
16342           equal to 10, the dump output is sent to stderr using the same
16343           format as n minus 10.
16345       -flto-report
16346           Prints a report with internal details on the workings of the link-
16347           time optimizer.  The contents of this report vary from version to
16348           version.  It is meant to be useful to GCC developers when
16349           processing object files in LTO mode (via -flto).
16351           Disabled by default.
16353       -flto-report-wpa
16354           Like -flto-report, but only print for the WPA phase of link-time
16355           optimization.
16357       -fmem-report
16358           Makes the compiler print some statistics about permanent memory
16359           allocation when it finishes.
16361       -fmem-report-wpa
16362           Makes the compiler print some statistics about permanent memory
16363           allocation for the WPA phase only.
16365       -fpre-ipa-mem-report
16366       -fpost-ipa-mem-report
16367           Makes the compiler print some statistics about permanent memory
16368           allocation before or after interprocedural optimization.
16370       -fprofile-report
16371           Makes the compiler print some statistics about consistency of the
16372           (estimated) profile and effect of individual passes.
16374       -fstack-usage
16375           Makes the compiler output stack usage information for the program,
16376           on a per-function basis.  The filename for the dump is made by
16377           appending .su to the auxname.  auxname is generated from the name
16378           of the output file, if explicitly specified and it is not an
16379           executable, otherwise it is the basename of the source file.  An
16380           entry is made up of three fields:
16382           *   The name of the function.
16384           *   A number of bytes.
16386           *   One or more qualifiers: "static", "dynamic", "bounded".
16388           The qualifier "static" means that the function manipulates the
16389           stack statically: a fixed number of bytes are allocated for the
16390           frame on function entry and released on function exit; no stack
16391           adjustments are otherwise made in the function.  The second field
16392           is this fixed number of bytes.
16394           The qualifier "dynamic" means that the function manipulates the
16395           stack dynamically: in addition to the static allocation described
16396           above, stack adjustments are made in the body of the function, for
16397           example to push/pop arguments around function calls.  If the
16398           qualifier "bounded" is also present, the amount of these
16399           adjustments is bounded at compile time and the second field is an
16400           upper bound of the total amount of stack used by the function.  If
16401           it is not present, the amount of these adjustments is not bounded
16402           at compile time and the second field only represents the bounded
16403           part.
16405       -fstats
16406           Emit statistics about front-end processing at the end of the
16407           compilation.  This option is supported only by the C++ front end,
16408           and the information is generally only useful to the G++ development
16409           team.
16411       -fdbg-cnt-list
16412           Print the name and the counter upper bound for all debug counters.
16414       -fdbg-cnt=counter-value-list
16415           Set the internal debug counter lower and upper bound.  counter-
16416           value-list is a comma-separated list of
16417           name:lower_bound1-upper_bound1 [:lower_bound2-upper_bound2...]
16418           tuples which sets the name of the counter and list of closed
16419           intervals.  The lower_bound is optional and is zero initialized if
16420           not set.  For example, with -fdbg-cnt=dce:2-4:10-11,tail_call:10,
16421           dbg_cnt(dce) returns true only for second, third, fourth, tenth and
16422           eleventh invocation.  For dbg_cnt(tail_call) true is returned for
16423           first 10 invocations.
16425       -print-file-name=library
16426           Print the full absolute name of the library file library that would
16427           be used when linking---and don't do anything else.  With this
16428           option, GCC does not compile or link anything; it just prints the
16429           file name.
16431       -print-multi-directory
16432           Print the directory name corresponding to the multilib selected by
16433           any other switches present in the command line.  This directory is
16434           supposed to exist in GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.
16436       -print-multi-lib
16437           Print the mapping from multilib directory names to compiler
16438           switches that enable them.  The directory name is separated from
16439           the switches by ;, and each switch starts with an @ instead of the
16440           -, without spaces between multiple switches.  This is supposed to
16441           ease shell processing.
16443       -print-multi-os-directory
16444           Print the path to OS libraries for the selected multilib, relative
16445           to some lib subdirectory.  If OS libraries are present in the lib
16446           subdirectory and no multilibs are used, this is usually just ., if
16447           OS libraries are present in libsuffix sibling directories this
16448           prints e.g. ../lib64, ../lib or ../lib32, or if OS libraries are
16449           present in lib/subdir subdirectories it prints e.g. amd64, sparcv9
16450           or ev6.
16452       -print-multiarch
16453           Print the path to OS libraries for the selected multiarch, relative
16454           to some lib subdirectory.
16456       -print-prog-name=program
16457           Like -print-file-name, but searches for a program such as cpp.
16459       -print-libgcc-file-name
16460           Same as -print-file-name=libgcc.a.
16462           This is useful when you use -nostdlib or -nodefaultlibs but you do
16463           want to link with libgcc.a.  You can do:
16465                   gcc -nostdlib <files>... `gcc -print-libgcc-file-name`
16467       -print-search-dirs
16468           Print the name of the configured installation directory and a list
16469           of program and library directories gcc searches---and don't do
16470           anything else.
16472           This is useful when gcc prints the error message installation
16473           problem, cannot exec cpp0: No such file or directory.  To resolve
16474           this you either need to put cpp0 and the other compiler components
16475           where gcc expects to find them, or you can set the environment
16476           variable GCC_EXEC_PREFIX to the directory where you installed them.
16477           Don't forget the trailing /.
16479       -print-sysroot
16480           Print the target sysroot directory that is used during compilation.
16481           This is the target sysroot specified either at configure time or
16482           using the --sysroot option, possibly with an extra suffix that
16483           depends on compilation options.  If no target sysroot is specified,
16484           the option prints nothing.
16486       -print-sysroot-headers-suffix
16487           Print the suffix added to the target sysroot when searching for
16488           headers, or give an error if the compiler is not configured with
16489           such a suffix---and don't do anything else.
16491       -dumpmachine
16492           Print the compiler's target machine (for example,
16493           i686-pc-linux-gnu)---and don't do anything else.
16495       -dumpversion
16496           Print the compiler version (for example, 3.0, 6.3.0 or 7)---and
16497           don't do anything else.  This is the compiler version used in
16498           filesystem paths and specs. Depending on how the compiler has been
16499           configured it can be just a single number (major version), two
16500           numbers separated by a dot (major and minor version) or three
16501           numbers separated by dots (major, minor and patchlevel version).
16503       -dumpfullversion
16504           Print the full compiler version---and don't do anything else. The
16505           output is always three numbers separated by dots, major, minor and
16506           patchlevel version.
16508       -dumpspecs
16509           Print the compiler's built-in specs---and don't do anything else.
16510           (This is used when GCC itself is being built.)
16512   Machine-Dependent Options
16513       Each target machine supported by GCC can have its own options---for
16514       example, to allow you to compile for a particular processor variant or
16515       ABI, or to control optimizations specific to that machine.  By
16516       convention, the names of machine-specific options start with -m.
16518       Some configurations of the compiler also support additional target-
16519       specific options, usually for compatibility with other compilers on the
16520       same platform.
16522       AArch64 Options
16524       These options are defined for AArch64 implementations:
16526       -mabi=name
16527           Generate code for the specified data model.  Permissible values are
16528           ilp32 for SysV-like data model where int, long int and pointers are
16529           32 bits, and lp64 for SysV-like data model where int is 32 bits,
16530           but long int and pointers are 64 bits.
16532           The default depends on the specific target configuration.  Note
16533           that the LP64 and ILP32 ABIs are not link-compatible; you must
16534           compile your entire program with the same ABI, and link with a
16535           compatible set of libraries.
16537       -mbig-endian
16538           Generate big-endian code.  This is the default when GCC is
16539           configured for an aarch64_be-*-* target.
16541       -mgeneral-regs-only
16542           Generate code which uses only the general-purpose registers.  This
16543           will prevent the compiler from using floating-point and Advanced
16544           SIMD registers but will not impose any restrictions on the
16545           assembler.
16547       -mlittle-endian
16548           Generate little-endian code.  This is the default when GCC is
16549           configured for an aarch64-*-* but not an aarch64_be-*-* target.
16551       -mcmodel=tiny
16552           Generate code for the tiny code model.  The program and its
16553           statically defined symbols must be within 1MB of each other.
16554           Programs can be statically or dynamically linked.
16556       -mcmodel=small
16557           Generate code for the small code model.  The program and its
16558           statically defined symbols must be within 4GB of each other.
16559           Programs can be statically or dynamically linked.  This is the
16560           default code model.
16562       -mcmodel=large
16563           Generate code for the large code model.  This makes no assumptions
16564           about addresses and sizes of sections.  Programs can be statically
16565           linked only.  The -mcmodel=large option is incompatible with
16566           -mabi=ilp32, -fpic and -fPIC.
16568       -mstrict-align
16569       -mno-strict-align
16570           Avoid or allow generating memory accesses that may not be aligned
16571           on a natural object boundary as described in the architecture
16572           specification.
16574       -momit-leaf-frame-pointer
16575       -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
16576           Omit or keep the frame pointer in leaf functions.  The former
16577           behavior is the default.
16579       -mstack-protector-guard=guard
16580       -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
16581       -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
16582           Generate stack protection code using canary at guard.  Supported
16583           locations are global for a global canary or sysreg for a canary in
16584           an appropriate system register.
16586           With the latter choice the options -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
16587           and -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset furthermore specify which
16588           system register to use as base register for reading the canary, and
16589           from what offset from that base register. There is no default
16590           register or offset as this is entirely for use within the Linux
16591           kernel.
16593       -mtls-dialect=desc
16594           Use TLS descriptors as the thread-local storage mechanism for
16595           dynamic accesses of TLS variables.  This is the default.
16597       -mtls-dialect=traditional
16598           Use traditional TLS as the thread-local storage mechanism for
16599           dynamic accesses of TLS variables.
16601       -mtls-size=size
16602           Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets.  Valid values are 12,
16603           24, 32, 48.  This option requires binutils 2.26 or newer.
16605       -mfix-cortex-a53-835769
16606       -mno-fix-cortex-a53-835769
16607           Enable or disable the workaround for the ARM Cortex-A53 erratum
16608           number 835769.  This involves inserting a NOP instruction between
16609           memory instructions and 64-bit integer multiply-accumulate
16610           instructions.
16612       -mfix-cortex-a53-843419
16613       -mno-fix-cortex-a53-843419
16614           Enable or disable the workaround for the ARM Cortex-A53 erratum
16615           number 843419.  This erratum workaround is made at link time and
16616           this will only pass the corresponding flag to the linker.
16618       -mlow-precision-recip-sqrt
16619       -mno-low-precision-recip-sqrt
16620           Enable or disable the reciprocal square root approximation.  This
16621           option only has an effect if -ffast-math or
16622           -funsafe-math-optimizations is used as well.  Enabling this reduces
16623           precision of reciprocal square root results to about 16 bits for
16624           single precision and to 32 bits for double precision.
16626       -mlow-precision-sqrt
16627       -mno-low-precision-sqrt
16628           Enable or disable the square root approximation.  This option only
16629           has an effect if -ffast-math or -funsafe-math-optimizations is used
16630           as well.  Enabling this reduces precision of square root results to
16631           about 16 bits for single precision and to 32 bits for double
16632           precision.  If enabled, it implies -mlow-precision-recip-sqrt.
16634       -mlow-precision-div
16635       -mno-low-precision-div
16636           Enable or disable the division approximation.  This option only has
16637           an effect if -ffast-math or -funsafe-math-optimizations is used as
16638           well.  Enabling this reduces precision of division results to about
16639           16 bits for single precision and to 32 bits for double precision.
16641       -mtrack-speculation
16642       -mno-track-speculation
16643           Enable or disable generation of additional code to track
16644           speculative execution through conditional branches.  The tracking
16645           state can then be used by the compiler when expanding calls to
16646           "__builtin_speculation_safe_copy" to permit a more efficient code
16647           sequence to be generated.
16649       -moutline-atomics
16650       -mno-outline-atomics
16651           Enable or disable calls to out-of-line helpers to implement atomic
16652           operations.  These helpers will, at runtime, determine if the LSE
16653           instructions from ARMv8.1-A can be used; if not, they will use the
16654           load/store-exclusive instructions that are present in the base
16655           ARMv8.0 ISA.
16657           This option is only applicable when compiling for the base ARMv8.0
16658           instruction set.  If using a later revision, e.g. -march=armv8.1-a
16659           or -march=armv8-a+lse, the ARMv8.1-Atomics instructions will be
16660           used directly.  The same applies when using -mcpu= when the
16661           selected cpu supports the lse feature.  This option is on by
16662           default.
16664       -march=name
16665           Specify the name of the target architecture and, optionally, one or
16666           more feature modifiers.  This option has the form
16667           -march=arch{+[no]feature}*.
16669           The table below summarizes the permissible values for arch and the
16670           features that they enable by default:
16672           arch value : Architecture : Includes by default
16673           armv8-a : Armv8-A : +fp, +simd
16674           armv8.1-a : Armv8.1-A : armv8-a, +crc, +lse, +rdma
16675           armv8.2-a : Armv8.2-A : armv8.1-a
16676           armv8.3-a : Armv8.3-A : armv8.2-a, +pauth
16677           armv8.4-a : Armv8.4-A : armv8.3-a, +flagm, +fp16fml, +dotprod
16678           armv8.5-a : Armv8.5-A : armv8.4-a, +sb, +ssbs, +predres
16679           armv8.6-a : Armv8.6-A : armv8.5-a, +bf16, +i8mm
16680           armv8.7-a : Armv8.7-A : armv8.6-a, +ls64
16681           armv8.8-a : Armv8.8-a : armv8.7-a, +mops
16682           armv9-a : Armv9-A : armv8.5-a, +sve, +sve2
16683           armv8-r : Armv8-R : armv8-r
16685           The value native is available on native AArch64 GNU/Linux and
16686           causes the compiler to pick the architecture of the host system.
16687           This option has no effect if the compiler is unable to recognize
16688           the architecture of the host system,
16690           The permissible values for feature are listed in the sub-section on
16691           aarch64-feature-modifiers,,-march and -mcpu Feature Modifiers.
16692           Where conflicting feature modifiers are specified, the right-most
16693           feature is used.
16695           GCC uses name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit
16696           when generating assembly code.  If -march is specified without
16697           either of -mtune or -mcpu also being specified, the code is tuned
16698           to perform well across a range of target processors implementing
16699           the target architecture.
16701       -mtune=name
16702           Specify the name of the target processor for which GCC should tune
16703           the performance of the code.  Permissible values for this option
16704           are: generic, cortex-a35, cortex-a53, cortex-a55, cortex-a57,
16705           cortex-a72, cortex-a73, cortex-a75, cortex-a76, cortex-a76ae,
16706           cortex-a77, cortex-a65, cortex-a65ae, cortex-a34, cortex-a78,
16707           cortex-a78ae, cortex-a78c, ares, exynos-m1, emag, falkor,
16708           neoverse-512tvb, neoverse-e1, neoverse-n1, neoverse-n2,
16709           neoverse-v1, neoverse-v2, qdf24xx, saphira, phecda, xgene1, vulcan,
16710           octeontx, octeontx81,  octeontx83, octeontx2, octeontx2t98,
16711           octeontx2t96 octeontx2t93, octeontx2f95, octeontx2f95n,
16712           octeontx2f95mm, a64fx, thunderx, thunderxt88, thunderxt88p1,
16713           thunderxt81, tsv110, thunderxt83, thunderx2t99, thunderx3t110,
16714           zeus, cortex-a57.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a53,
16715           cortex-a73.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53,
16716           cortex-a75.cortex-a55, cortex-a76.cortex-a55, cortex-r82,
16717           cortex-x1, cortex-x2, cortex-a510, cortex-a710, ampere1, ampere1a,
16718           native.
16720           The values cortex-a57.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a53,
16721           cortex-a73.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53,
16722           cortex-a75.cortex-a55, cortex-a76.cortex-a55 specify that GCC
16723           should tune for a big.LITTLE system.
16725           The value neoverse-512tvb specifies that GCC should tune for
16726           Neoverse cores that (a) implement SVE and (b) have a total vector
16727           bandwidth of 512 bits per cycle.  In other words, the option tells
16728           GCC to tune for Neoverse cores that can execute 4 128-bit Advanced
16729           SIMD arithmetic instructions a cycle and that can execute an
16730           equivalent number of SVE arithmetic instructions per cycle (2 for
16731           256-bit SVE, 4 for 128-bit SVE).  This is more general than tuning
16732           for a specific core like Neoverse V1 but is more specific than the
16733           default tuning described below.
16735           Additionally on native AArch64 GNU/Linux systems the value native
16736           tunes performance to the host system.  This option has no effect if
16737           the compiler is unable to recognize the processor of the host
16738           system.
16740           Where none of -mtune=, -mcpu= or -march= are specified, the code is
16741           tuned to perform well across a range of target processors.
16743           This option cannot be suffixed by feature modifiers.
16745       -mcpu=name
16746           Specify the name of the target processor, optionally suffixed by
16747           one or more feature modifiers.  This option has the form
16748           -mcpu=cpu{+[no]feature}*, where the permissible values for cpu are
16749           the same as those available for -mtune.  The permissible values for
16750           feature are documented in the sub-section on
16751           aarch64-feature-modifiers,,-march and -mcpu Feature Modifiers.
16752           Where conflicting feature modifiers are specified, the right-most
16753           feature is used.
16755           GCC uses name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit
16756           when generating assembly code (as if by -march) and to determine
16757           the target processor for which to tune for performance (as if by
16758           -mtune).  Where this option is used in conjunction with -march or
16759           -mtune, those options take precedence over the appropriate part of
16760           this option.
16762           -mcpu=neoverse-512tvb is special in that it does not refer to a
16763           specific core, but instead refers to all Neoverse cores that (a)
16764           implement SVE and (b) have a total vector bandwidth of 512 bits a
16765           cycle.  Unless overridden by -march, -mcpu=neoverse-512tvb
16766           generates code that can run on a Neoverse V1 core, since Neoverse
16767           V1 is the first Neoverse core with these properties.  Unless
16768           overridden by -mtune, -mcpu=neoverse-512tvb tunes code in the same
16769           way as for -mtune=neoverse-512tvb.
16771       -moverride=string
16772           Override tuning decisions made by the back-end in response to a
16773           -mtune= switch.  The syntax, semantics, and accepted values for
16774           string in this option are not guaranteed to be consistent across
16775           releases.
16777           This option is only intended to be useful when developing GCC.
16779       -mverbose-cost-dump
16780           Enable verbose cost model dumping in the debug dump files.  This
16781           option is provided for use in debugging the compiler.
16783       -mpc-relative-literal-loads
16784       -mno-pc-relative-literal-loads
16785           Enable or disable PC-relative literal loads.  With this option
16786           literal pools are accessed using a single instruction and emitted
16787           after each function.  This limits the maximum size of functions to
16788           1MB.  This is enabled by default for -mcmodel=tiny.
16790       -msign-return-address=scope
16791           Select the function scope on which return address signing will be
16792           applied.  Permissible values are none, which disables return
16793           address signing, non-leaf, which enables pointer signing for
16794           functions which are not leaf functions, and all, which enables
16795           pointer signing for all functions.  The default value is none. This
16796           option has been deprecated by -mbranch-protection.
16798       -mbranch-protection=none|standard|pac-ret[+leaf+b-key]|bti
16799           Select the branch protection features to use.  none is the default
16800           and turns off all types of branch protection.  standard turns on
16801           all types of branch protection features.  If a feature has
16802           additional tuning options, then standard sets it to its standard
16803           level.  pac-ret[+leaf] turns on return address signing to its
16804           standard level: signing functions that save the return address to
16805           memory (non-leaf functions will practically always do this) using
16806           the a-key.  The optional argument leaf can be used to extend the
16807           signing to include leaf functions.  The optional argument b-key can
16808           be used to sign the functions with the B-key instead of the A-key.
16809           bti turns on branch target identification mechanism.
16811       -mharden-sls=opts
16812           Enable compiler hardening against straight line speculation (SLS).
16813           opts is a comma-separated list of the following options:
16815           retbr
16816           blr
16818           In addition, -mharden-sls=all enables all SLS hardening while
16819           -mharden-sls=none disables all SLS hardening.
16821       -msve-vector-bits=bits
16822           Specify the number of bits in an SVE vector register.  This option
16823           only has an effect when SVE is enabled.
16825           GCC supports two forms of SVE code generation: "vector-length
16826           agnostic" output that works with any size of vector register and
16827           "vector-length specific" output that allows GCC to make assumptions
16828           about the vector length when it is useful for optimization reasons.
16829           The possible values of bits are: scalable, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and
16830           2048.  Specifying scalable selects vector-length agnostic output.
16831           At present -msve-vector-bits=128 also generates vector-length
16832           agnostic output for big-endian targets.  All other values generate
16833           vector-length specific code.  The behavior of these values may
16834           change in future releases and no value except scalable should be
16835           relied on for producing code that is portable across different
16836           hardware SVE vector lengths.
16838           The default is -msve-vector-bits=scalable, which produces vector-
16839           length agnostic code.
16841       -march and -mcpu Feature Modifiers
16843       Feature modifiers used with -march and -mcpu can be any of the
16844       following and their inverses nofeature:
16846       crc Enable CRC extension.  This is on by default for -march=armv8.1-a.
16848       crypto
16849           Enable Crypto extension.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and
16850           floating-point instructions.
16852       fp  Enable floating-point instructions.  This is on by default for all
16853           possible values for options -march and -mcpu.
16855       simd
16856           Enable Advanced SIMD instructions.  This also enables floating-
16857           point instructions.  This is on by default for all possible values
16858           for options -march and -mcpu.
16860       sve Enable Scalable Vector Extension instructions.  This also enables
16861           Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
16863       lse Enable Large System Extension instructions.  This is on by default
16864           for -march=armv8.1-a.
16866       rdma
16867           Enable Round Double Multiply Accumulate instructions.  This is on
16868           by default for -march=armv8.1-a.
16870       fp16
16871           Enable FP16 extension.  This also enables floating-point
16872           instructions.
16874       fp16fml
16875           Enable FP16 fmla extension.  This also enables FP16 extensions and
16876           floating-point instructions. This option is enabled by default for
16877           -march=armv8.4-a. Use of this option with architectures prior to
16878           Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16880       rcpc
16881           Enable the RcPc extension.  This does not change code generation
16882           from GCC, but is passed on to the assembler, enabling inline asm
16883           statements to use instructions from the RcPc extension.
16885       dotprod
16886           Enable the Dot Product extension.  This also enables Advanced SIMD
16887           instructions.
16889       aes Enable the Armv8-a aes and pmull crypto extension.  This also
16890           enables Advanced SIMD instructions.
16892       sha2
16893           Enable the Armv8-a sha2 crypto extension.  This also enables
16894           Advanced SIMD instructions.
16896       sha3
16897           Enable the sha512 and sha3 crypto extension.  This also enables
16898           Advanced SIMD instructions. Use of this option with architectures
16899           prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16901       sm4 Enable the sm3 and sm4 crypto extension.  This also enables
16902           Advanced SIMD instructions.  Use of this option with architectures
16903           prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16905       profile
16906           Enable the Statistical Profiling extension.  This option is only to
16907           enable the extension at the assembler level and does not affect
16908           code generation.
16910       rng Enable the Armv8.5-a Random Number instructions.  This option is
16911           only to enable the extension at the assembler level and does not
16912           affect code generation.
16914       memtag
16915           Enable the Armv8.5-a Memory Tagging Extensions.  Use of this option
16916           with architectures prior to Armv8.5-A is not supported.
16918       sb  Enable the Armv8-a Speculation Barrier instruction.  This option is
16919           only to enable the extension at the assembler level and does not
16920           affect code generation.  This option is enabled by default for
16921           -march=armv8.5-a.
16923       ssbs
16924           Enable the Armv8-a Speculative Store Bypass Safe instruction.  This
16925           option is only to enable the extension at the assembler level and
16926           does not affect code generation.  This option is enabled by default
16927           for -march=armv8.5-a.
16929       predres
16930           Enable the Armv8-a Execution and Data Prediction Restriction
16931           instructions.  This option is only to enable the extension at the
16932           assembler level and does not affect code generation.  This option
16933           is enabled by default for -march=armv8.5-a.
16935       sve2
16936           Enable the Armv8-a Scalable Vector Extension 2.  This also enables
16937           SVE instructions.
16939       sve2-bitperm
16940           Enable SVE2 bitperm instructions.  This also enables SVE2
16941           instructions.
16943       sve2-sm4
16944           Enable SVE2 sm4 instructions.  This also enables SVE2 instructions.
16946       sve2-aes
16947           Enable SVE2 aes instructions.  This also enables SVE2 instructions.
16949       sve2-sha3
16950           Enable SVE2 sha3 instructions.  This also enables SVE2
16951           instructions.
16953       tme Enable the Transactional Memory Extension.
16955       i8mm
16956           Enable 8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also
16957           enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.  This option
16958           is enabled by default for -march=armv8.6-a.  Use of this option
16959           with architectures prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16961       f32mm
16962           Enable 32-bit Floating point Matrix Multiply instructions.  This
16963           also enables SVE instructions.  Use of this option with
16964           architectures prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16966       f64mm
16967           Enable 64-bit Floating point Matrix Multiply instructions.  This
16968           also enables SVE instructions.  Use of this option with
16969           architectures prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16971       bf16
16972           Enable brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This also
16973           enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.  This option
16974           is enabled by default for -march=armv8.6-a.  Use of this option
16975           with architectures prior to Armv8.2-A is not supported.
16977       ls64
16978           Enable the 64-byte atomic load and store instructions for
16979           accelerators.  This option is enabled by default for
16980           -march=armv8.7-a.
16982       mops
16983           Enable the instructions to accelerate memory operations like
16984           "memcpy", "memmove", "memset".  This option is enabled by default
16985           for -march=armv8.8-a
16987       flagm
16988           Enable the Flag Manipulation instructions Extension.
16990       pauth
16991           Enable the Pointer Authentication Extension.
16993       Feature crypto implies aes, sha2, and simd, which implies fp.
16994       Conversely, nofp implies nosimd, which implies nocrypto, noaes and
16995       nosha2.
16997       Adapteva Epiphany Options
16999       These -m options are defined for Adapteva Epiphany:
17001       -mhalf-reg-file
17002           Don't allocate any register in the range "r32"..."r63".  That
17003           allows code to run on hardware variants that lack these registers.
17005       -mprefer-short-insn-regs
17006           Preferentially allocate registers that allow short instruction
17007           generation.  This can result in increased instruction count, so
17008           this may either reduce or increase overall code size.
17010       -mbranch-cost=num
17011           Set the cost of branches to roughly num "simple" instructions.
17012           This cost is only a heuristic and is not guaranteed to produce
17013           consistent results across releases.
17015       -mcmove
17016           Enable the generation of conditional moves.
17018       -mnops=num
17019           Emit num NOPs before every other generated instruction.
17021       -mno-soft-cmpsf
17022           For single-precision floating-point comparisons, emit an "fsub"
17023           instruction and test the flags.  This is faster than a software
17024           comparison, but can get incorrect results in the presence of NaNs,
17025           or when two different small numbers are compared such that their
17026           difference is calculated as zero.  The default is -msoft-cmpsf,
17027           which uses slower, but IEEE-compliant, software comparisons.
17029       -mstack-offset=num
17030           Set the offset between the top of the stack and the stack pointer.
17031           E.g., a value of 8 means that the eight bytes in the range
17032           "sp+0...sp+7" can be used by leaf functions without stack
17033           allocation.  Values other than 8 or 16 are untested and unlikely to
17034           work.  Note also that this option changes the ABI; compiling a
17035           program with a different stack offset than the libraries have been
17036           compiled with generally does not work.  This option can be useful
17037           if you want to evaluate if a different stack offset would give you
17038           better code, but to actually use a different stack offset to build
17039           working programs, it is recommended to configure the toolchain with
17040           the appropriate --with-stack-offset=num option.
17042       -mno-round-nearest
17043           Make the scheduler assume that the rounding mode has been set to
17044           truncating.  The default is -mround-nearest.
17046       -mlong-calls
17047           If not otherwise specified by an attribute, assume all calls might
17048           be beyond the offset range of the "b" / "bl" instructions, and
17049           therefore load the function address into a register before
17050           performing a (otherwise direct) call.  This is the default.
17052       -mshort-calls
17053           If not otherwise specified by an attribute, assume all direct calls
17054           are in the range of the "b" / "bl" instructions, so use these
17055           instructions for direct calls.  The default is -mlong-calls.
17057       -msmall16
17058           Assume addresses can be loaded as 16-bit unsigned values.  This
17059           does not apply to function addresses for which -mlong-calls
17060           semantics are in effect.
17062       -mfp-mode=mode
17063           Set the prevailing mode of the floating-point unit.  This
17064           determines the floating-point mode that is provided and expected at
17065           function call and return time.  Making this mode match the mode you
17066           predominantly need at function start can make your programs smaller
17067           and faster by avoiding unnecessary mode switches.
17069           mode can be set to one the following values:
17071           caller
17072               Any mode at function entry is valid, and retained or restored
17073               when the function returns, and when it calls other functions.
17074               This mode is useful for compiling libraries or other
17075               compilation units you might want to incorporate into different
17076               programs with different prevailing FPU modes, and the
17077               convenience of being able to use a single object file outweighs
17078               the size and speed overhead for any extra mode switching that
17079               might be needed, compared with what would be needed with a more
17080               specific choice of prevailing FPU mode.
17082           truncate
17083               This is the mode used for floating-point calculations with
17084               truncating (i.e. round towards zero) rounding mode.  That
17085               includes conversion from floating point to integer.
17087           round-nearest
17088               This is the mode used for floating-point calculations with
17089               round-to-nearest-or-even rounding mode.
17091           int This is the mode used to perform integer calculations in the
17092               FPU, e.g.  integer multiply, or integer multiply-and-
17093               accumulate.
17095           The default is -mfp-mode=caller
17097       -mno-split-lohi
17098       -mno-postinc
17099       -mno-postmodify
17100           Code generation tweaks that disable, respectively, splitting of
17101           32-bit loads, generation of post-increment addresses, and
17102           generation of post-modify addresses.  The defaults are msplit-lohi,
17103           -mpost-inc, and -mpost-modify.
17105       -mnovect-double
17106           Change the preferred SIMD mode to SImode.  The default is
17107           -mvect-double, which uses DImode as preferred SIMD mode.
17109       -max-vect-align=num
17110           The maximum alignment for SIMD vector mode types.  num may be 4 or
17111           8.  The default is 8.  Note that this is an ABI change, even though
17112           many library function interfaces are unaffected if they don't use
17113           SIMD vector modes in places that affect size and/or alignment of
17114           relevant types.
17116       -msplit-vecmove-early
17117           Split vector moves into single word moves before reload.  In theory
17118           this can give better register allocation, but so far the reverse
17119           seems to be generally the case.
17121       -m1reg-reg
17122           Specify a register to hold the constant -1, which makes loading
17123           small negative constants and certain bitmasks faster.  Allowable
17124           values for reg are r43 and r63, which specify use of that register
17125           as a fixed register, and none, which means that no register is used
17126           for this purpose.  The default is -m1reg-none.
17128       AMD GCN Options
17130       These options are defined specifically for the AMD GCN port.
17132       -march=gpu
17133       -mtune=gpu
17134           Set architecture type or tuning for gpu. Supported values for gpu
17135           are
17137           fiji
17138               Compile for GCN3 Fiji devices (gfx803).
17140           gfx900
17141               Compile for GCN5 Vega 10 devices (gfx900).
17143           gfx906
17144               Compile for GCN5 Vega 20 devices (gfx906).
17146       -msram-ecc=on
17147       -msram-ecc=off
17148       -msram-ecc=any
17149           Compile binaries suitable for devices with the SRAM-ECC feature
17150           enabled, disabled, or either mode.  This feature can be enabled
17151           per-process on some devices.  The compiled code must match the
17152           device mode. The default is any, for devices that support it.
17154       -mstack-size=bytes
17155           Specify how many bytes of stack space will be requested for each
17156           GPU thread (wave-front).  Beware that there may be many threads and
17157           limited memory available.  The size of the stack allocation may
17158           also have an impact on run-time performance.  The default is 32KB
17159           when using OpenACC or OpenMP, and 1MB otherwise.
17161       -mxnack
17162           Compile binaries suitable for devices with the XNACK feature
17163           enabled.  Some devices always require XNACK and some allow the user
17164           to configure XNACK.  The compiled code must match the device mode.
17165           The default is -mno-xnack.  At present this option is a placeholder
17166           for support that is not yet implemented.
17168       ARC Options
17170       The following options control the architecture variant for which code
17171       is being compiled:
17173       -mbarrel-shifter
17174           Generate instructions supported by barrel shifter.  This is the
17175           default unless -mcpu=ARC601 or -mcpu=ARCEM is in effect.
17177       -mjli-always
17178           Force to call a function using jli_s instruction.  This option is
17179           valid only for ARCv2 architecture.
17181       -mcpu=cpu
17182           Set architecture type, register usage, and instruction scheduling
17183           parameters for cpu.  There are also shortcut alias options
17184           available for backward compatibility and convenience.  Supported
17185           values for cpu are
17187           arc600
17188               Compile for ARC600.  Aliases: -mA6, -mARC600.
17190           arc601
17191               Compile for ARC601.  Alias: -mARC601.
17193           arc700
17194               Compile for ARC700.  Aliases: -mA7, -mARC700.  This is the
17195               default when configured with --with-cpu=arc700.
17197           arcem
17198               Compile for ARC EM.
17200           archs
17201               Compile for ARC HS.
17203           em  Compile for ARC EM CPU with no hardware extensions.
17205           em4 Compile for ARC EM4 CPU.
17207           em4_dmips
17208               Compile for ARC EM4 DMIPS CPU.
17210           em4_fpus
17211               Compile for ARC EM4 DMIPS CPU with the single-precision
17212               floating-point extension.
17214           em4_fpuda
17215               Compile for ARC EM4 DMIPS CPU with single-precision floating-
17216               point and double assist instructions.
17218           hs  Compile for ARC HS CPU with no hardware extensions except the
17219               atomic instructions.
17221           hs34
17222               Compile for ARC HS34 CPU.
17224           hs38
17225               Compile for ARC HS38 CPU.
17227           hs38_linux
17228               Compile for ARC HS38 CPU with all hardware extensions on.
17230           arc600_norm
17231               Compile for ARC 600 CPU with "norm" instructions enabled.
17233           arc600_mul32x16
17234               Compile for ARC 600 CPU with "norm" and 32x16-bit multiply
17235               instructions enabled.
17237           arc600_mul64
17238               Compile for ARC 600 CPU with "norm" and "mul64"-family
17239               instructions enabled.
17241           arc601_norm
17242               Compile for ARC 601 CPU with "norm" instructions enabled.
17244           arc601_mul32x16
17245               Compile for ARC 601 CPU with "norm" and 32x16-bit multiply
17246               instructions enabled.
17248           arc601_mul64
17249               Compile for ARC 601 CPU with "norm" and "mul64"-family
17250               instructions enabled.
17252           nps400
17253               Compile for ARC 700 on NPS400 chip.
17255           em_mini
17256               Compile for ARC EM minimalist configuration featuring reduced
17257               register set.
17259       -mdpfp
17260       -mdpfp-compact
17261           Generate double-precision FPX instructions, tuned for the compact
17262           implementation.
17264       -mdpfp-fast
17265           Generate double-precision FPX instructions, tuned for the fast
17266           implementation.
17268       -mno-dpfp-lrsr
17269           Disable "lr" and "sr" instructions from using FPX extension aux
17270           registers.
17272       -mea
17273           Generate extended arithmetic instructions.  Currently only "divaw",
17274           "adds", "subs", and "sat16" are supported.  Only valid for
17275           -mcpu=ARC700.
17277       -mno-mpy
17278           Do not generate "mpy"-family instructions for ARC700.  This option
17279           is deprecated.
17281       -mmul32x16
17282           Generate 32x16-bit multiply and multiply-accumulate instructions.
17284       -mmul64
17285           Generate "mul64" and "mulu64" instructions.  Only valid for
17286           -mcpu=ARC600.
17288       -mnorm
17289           Generate "norm" instructions.  This is the default if -mcpu=ARC700
17290           is in effect.
17292       -mspfp
17293       -mspfp-compact
17294           Generate single-precision FPX instructions, tuned for the compact
17295           implementation.
17297       -mspfp-fast
17298           Generate single-precision FPX instructions, tuned for the fast
17299           implementation.
17301       -msimd
17302           Enable generation of ARC SIMD instructions via target-specific
17303           builtins.  Only valid for -mcpu=ARC700.
17305       -msoft-float
17306           This option ignored; it is provided for compatibility purposes
17307           only.  Software floating-point code is emitted by default, and this
17308           default can overridden by FPX options; -mspfp, -mspfp-compact, or
17309           -mspfp-fast for single precision, and -mdpfp, -mdpfp-compact, or
17310           -mdpfp-fast for double precision.
17312       -mswap
17313           Generate "swap" instructions.
17315       -matomic
17316           This enables use of the locked load/store conditional extension to
17317           implement atomic memory built-in functions.  Not available for ARC
17318           6xx or ARC EM cores.
17320       -mdiv-rem
17321           Enable "div" and "rem" instructions for ARCv2 cores.
17323       -mcode-density
17324           Enable code density instructions for ARC EM.  This option is on by
17325           default for ARC HS.
17327       -mll64
17328           Enable double load/store operations for ARC HS cores.
17330       -mtp-regno=regno
17331           Specify thread pointer register number.
17333       -mmpy-option=multo
17334           Compile ARCv2 code with a multiplier design option.  You can
17335           specify the option using either a string or numeric value for
17336           multo.  wlh1 is the default value.  The recognized values are:
17338           0
17339           none
17340               No multiplier available.
17342           1
17343           w   16x16 multiplier, fully pipelined.  The following instructions
17344               are enabled: "mpyw" and "mpyuw".
17346           2
17347           wlh1
17348               32x32 multiplier, fully pipelined (1 stage).  The following
17349               instructions are additionally enabled: "mpy", "mpyu", "mpym",
17350               "mpymu", and "mpy_s".
17352           3
17353           wlh2
17354               32x32 multiplier, fully pipelined (2 stages).  The following
17355               instructions are additionally enabled: "mpy", "mpyu", "mpym",
17356               "mpymu", and "mpy_s".
17358           4
17359           wlh3
17360               Two 16x16 multipliers, blocking, sequential.  The following
17361               instructions are additionally enabled: "mpy", "mpyu", "mpym",
17362               "mpymu", and "mpy_s".
17364           5
17365           wlh4
17366               One 16x16 multiplier, blocking, sequential.  The following
17367               instructions are additionally enabled: "mpy", "mpyu", "mpym",
17368               "mpymu", and "mpy_s".
17370           6
17371           wlh5
17372               One 32x4 multiplier, blocking, sequential.  The following
17373               instructions are additionally enabled: "mpy", "mpyu", "mpym",
17374               "mpymu", and "mpy_s".
17376           7
17377           plus_dmpy
17378               ARC HS SIMD support.
17380           8
17381           plus_macd
17382               ARC HS SIMD support.
17384           9
17385           plus_qmacw
17386               ARC HS SIMD support.
17388           This option is only available for ARCv2 cores.
17390       -mfpu=fpu
17391           Enables support for specific floating-point hardware extensions for
17392           ARCv2 cores.  Supported values for fpu are:
17394           fpus
17395               Enables support for single-precision floating-point hardware
17396               extensions.
17398           fpud
17399               Enables support for double-precision floating-point hardware
17400               extensions.  The single-precision floating-point extension is
17401               also enabled.  Not available for ARC EM.
17403           fpuda
17404               Enables support for double-precision floating-point hardware
17405               extensions using double-precision assist instructions.  The
17406               single-precision floating-point extension is also enabled.
17407               This option is only available for ARC EM.
17409           fpuda_div
17410               Enables support for double-precision floating-point hardware
17411               extensions using double-precision assist instructions.  The
17412               single-precision floating-point, square-root, and divide
17413               extensions are also enabled.  This option is only available for
17414               ARC EM.
17416           fpuda_fma
17417               Enables support for double-precision floating-point hardware
17418               extensions using double-precision assist instructions.  The
17419               single-precision floating-point and fused multiply and add
17420               hardware extensions are also enabled.  This option is only
17421               available for ARC EM.
17423           fpuda_all
17424               Enables support for double-precision floating-point hardware
17425               extensions using double-precision assist instructions.  All
17426               single-precision floating-point hardware extensions are also
17427               enabled.  This option is only available for ARC EM.
17429           fpus_div
17430               Enables support for single-precision floating-point, square-
17431               root and divide hardware extensions.
17433           fpud_div
17434               Enables support for double-precision floating-point, square-
17435               root and divide hardware extensions.  This option includes
17436               option fpus_div. Not available for ARC EM.
17438           fpus_fma
17439               Enables support for single-precision floating-point and fused
17440               multiply and add hardware extensions.
17442           fpud_fma
17443               Enables support for double-precision floating-point and fused
17444               multiply and add hardware extensions.  This option includes
17445               option fpus_fma.  Not available for ARC EM.
17447           fpus_all
17448               Enables support for all single-precision floating-point
17449               hardware extensions.
17451           fpud_all
17452               Enables support for all single- and double-precision floating-
17453               point hardware extensions.  Not available for ARC EM.
17455       -mirq-ctrl-saved=register-range, blink, lp_count
17456           Specifies general-purposes registers that the processor
17457           automatically saves/restores on interrupt entry and exit.
17458           register-range is specified as two registers separated by a dash.
17459           The register range always starts with "r0", the upper limit is "fp"
17460           register.  blink and lp_count are optional.  This option is only
17461           valid for ARC EM and ARC HS cores.
17463       -mrgf-banked-regs=number
17464           Specifies the number of registers replicated in second register
17465           bank on entry to fast interrupt.  Fast interrupts are interrupts
17466           with the highest priority level P0.  These interrupts save only PC
17467           and STATUS32 registers to avoid memory transactions during
17468           interrupt entry and exit sequences.  Use this option when you are
17469           using fast interrupts in an ARC V2 family processor.  Permitted
17470           values are 4, 8, 16, and 32.
17472       -mlpc-width=width
17473           Specify the width of the "lp_count" register.  Valid values for
17474           width are 8, 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 bits.  The default width is
17475           fixed to 32 bits.  If the width is less than 32, the compiler does
17476           not attempt to transform loops in your program to use the zero-
17477           delay loop mechanism unless it is known that the "lp_count"
17478           register can hold the required loop-counter value.  Depending on
17479           the width specified, the compiler and run-time library might
17480           continue to use the loop mechanism for various needs.  This option
17481           defines macro "__ARC_LPC_WIDTH__" with the value of width.
17483       -mrf16
17484           This option instructs the compiler to generate code for a 16-entry
17485           register file.  This option defines the "__ARC_RF16__" preprocessor
17486           macro.
17488       -mbranch-index
17489           Enable use of "bi" or "bih" instructions to implement jump tables.
17491       The following options are passed through to the assembler, and also
17492       define preprocessor macro symbols.
17494       -mdsp-packa
17495           Passed down to the assembler to enable the DSP Pack A extensions.
17496           Also sets the preprocessor symbol "__Xdsp_packa".  This option is
17497           deprecated.
17499       -mdvbf
17500           Passed down to the assembler to enable the dual Viterbi butterfly
17501           extension.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol "__Xdvbf".  This
17502           option is deprecated.
17504       -mlock
17505           Passed down to the assembler to enable the locked load/store
17506           conditional extension.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17507           "__Xlock".
17509       -mmac-d16
17510           Passed down to the assembler.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17511           "__Xxmac_d16".  This option is deprecated.
17513       -mmac-24
17514           Passed down to the assembler.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17515           "__Xxmac_24".  This option is deprecated.
17517       -mrtsc
17518           Passed down to the assembler to enable the 64-bit time-stamp
17519           counter extension instruction.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17520           "__Xrtsc".  This option is deprecated.
17522       -mswape
17523           Passed down to the assembler to enable the swap byte ordering
17524           extension instruction.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17525           "__Xswape".
17527       -mtelephony
17528           Passed down to the assembler to enable dual- and single-operand
17529           instructions for telephony.  Also sets the preprocessor symbol
17530           "__Xtelephony".  This option is deprecated.
17532       -mxy
17533           Passed down to the assembler to enable the XY memory extension.
17534           Also sets the preprocessor symbol "__Xxy".
17536       The following options control how the assembly code is annotated:
17538       -misize
17539           Annotate assembler instructions with estimated addresses.
17541       -mannotate-align
17542           Explain what alignment considerations lead to the decision to make
17543           an instruction short or long.
17545       The following options are passed through to the linker:
17547       -marclinux
17548           Passed through to the linker, to specify use of the "arclinux"
17549           emulation.  This option is enabled by default in tool chains built
17550           for "arc-linux-uclibc" and "arceb-linux-uclibc" targets when
17551           profiling is not requested.
17553       -marclinux_prof
17554           Passed through to the linker, to specify use of the "arclinux_prof"
17555           emulation.  This option is enabled by default in tool chains built
17556           for "arc-linux-uclibc" and "arceb-linux-uclibc" targets when
17557           profiling is requested.
17559       The following options control the semantics of generated code:
17561       -mlong-calls
17562           Generate calls as register indirect calls, thus providing access to
17563           the full 32-bit address range.
17565       -mmedium-calls
17566           Don't use less than 25-bit addressing range for calls, which is the
17567           offset available for an unconditional branch-and-link instruction.
17568           Conditional execution of function calls is suppressed, to allow use
17569           of the 25-bit range, rather than the 21-bit range with conditional
17570           branch-and-link.  This is the default for tool chains built for
17571           "arc-linux-uclibc" and "arceb-linux-uclibc" targets.
17573       -G num
17574           Put definitions of externally-visible data in a small data section
17575           if that data is no bigger than num bytes.  The default value of num
17576           is 4 for any ARC configuration, or 8 when we have double load/store
17577           operations.
17579       -mno-sdata
17580           Do not generate sdata references.  This is the default for tool
17581           chains built for "arc-linux-uclibc" and "arceb-linux-uclibc"
17582           targets.
17584       -mvolatile-cache
17585           Use ordinarily cached memory accesses for volatile references.
17586           This is the default.
17588       -mno-volatile-cache
17589           Enable cache bypass for volatile references.
17591       The following options fine tune code generation:
17593       -malign-call
17594           Does nothing.  Preserved for backward compatibility.
17596       -mauto-modify-reg
17597           Enable the use of pre/post modify with register displacement.
17599       -mbbit-peephole
17600           Enable bbit peephole2.
17602       -mno-brcc
17603           This option disables a target-specific pass in arc_reorg to
17604           generate compare-and-branch ("brcc") instructions.  It has no
17605           effect on generation of these instructions driven by the combiner
17606           pass.
17608       -mcase-vector-pcrel
17609           Use PC-relative switch case tables to enable case table shortening.
17610           This is the default for -Os.
17612       -mcompact-casesi
17613           Enable compact "casesi" pattern.  This is the default for -Os, and
17614           only available for ARCv1 cores.  This option is deprecated.
17616       -mno-cond-exec
17617           Disable the ARCompact-specific pass to generate conditional
17618           execution instructions.
17620           Due to delay slot scheduling and interactions between operand
17621           numbers, literal sizes, instruction lengths, and the support for
17622           conditional execution, the target-independent pass to generate
17623           conditional execution is often lacking, so the ARC port has kept a
17624           special pass around that tries to find more conditional execution
17625           generation opportunities after register allocation, branch
17626           shortening, and delay slot scheduling have been done.  This pass
17627           generally, but not always, improves performance and code size, at
17628           the cost of extra compilation time, which is why there is an option
17629           to switch it off.  If you have a problem with call instructions
17630           exceeding their allowable offset range because they are
17631           conditionalized, you should consider using -mmedium-calls instead.
17633       -mearly-cbranchsi
17634           Enable pre-reload use of the "cbranchsi" pattern.
17636       -mexpand-adddi
17637           Expand "adddi3" and "subdi3" at RTL generation time into "add.f",
17638           "adc" etc.  This option is deprecated.
17640       -mindexed-loads
17641           Enable the use of indexed loads.  This can be problematic because
17642           some optimizers then assume that indexed stores exist, which is not
17643           the case.
17645       -mlra
17646           Enable Local Register Allocation.  This is still experimental for
17647           ARC, so by default the compiler uses standard reload (i.e.
17648           -mno-lra).
17650       -mlra-priority-none
17651           Don't indicate any priority for target registers.
17653       -mlra-priority-compact
17654           Indicate target register priority for r0..r3 / r12..r15.
17656       -mlra-priority-noncompact
17657           Reduce target register priority for r0..r3 / r12..r15.
17659       -mmillicode
17660           When optimizing for size (using -Os), prologues and epilogues that
17661           have to save or restore a large number of registers are often
17662           shortened by using call to a special function in libgcc; this is
17663           referred to as a millicode call.  As these calls can pose
17664           performance issues, and/or cause linking issues when linking in a
17665           nonstandard way, this option is provided to turn on or off
17666           millicode call generation.
17668       -mcode-density-frame
17669           This option enable the compiler to emit "enter" and "leave"
17670           instructions.  These instructions are only valid for CPUs with
17671           code-density feature.
17673       -mmixed-code
17674           Does nothing.  Preserved for backward compatibility.
17676       -mq-class
17677           Ths option is deprecated.  Enable q instruction alternatives.  This
17678           is the default for -Os.
17680       -mRcq
17681           Enable Rcq constraint handling.  Most short code generation depends
17682           on this.  This is the default.
17684       -mRcw
17685           Enable Rcw constraint handling.  Most ccfsm condexec mostly depends
17686           on this.  This is the default.
17688       -msize-level=level
17689           Fine-tune size optimization with regards to instruction lengths and
17690           alignment.  The recognized values for level are:
17692           0   No size optimization.  This level is deprecated and treated
17693               like 1.
17695           1   Short instructions are used opportunistically.
17697           2   In addition, alignment of loops and of code after barriers are
17698               dropped.
17700           3   In addition, optional data alignment is dropped, and the option
17701               Os is enabled.
17703           This defaults to 3 when -Os is in effect.  Otherwise, the behavior
17704           when this is not set is equivalent to level 1.
17706       -mtune=cpu
17707           Set instruction scheduling parameters for cpu, overriding any
17708           implied by -mcpu=.
17710           Supported values for cpu are
17712           ARC600
17713               Tune for ARC600 CPU.
17715           ARC601
17716               Tune for ARC601 CPU.
17718           ARC700
17719               Tune for ARC700 CPU with standard multiplier block.
17721           ARC700-xmac
17722               Tune for ARC700 CPU with XMAC block.
17724           ARC725D
17725               Tune for ARC725D CPU.
17727           ARC750D
17728               Tune for ARC750D CPU.
17730       -mmultcost=num
17731           Cost to assume for a multiply instruction, with 4 being equal to a
17732           normal instruction.
17734       -munalign-prob-threshold=probability
17735           Does nothing.  Preserved for backward compatibility.
17737       The following options are maintained for backward compatibility, but
17738       are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release:
17740       -margonaut
17741           Obsolete FPX.
17743       -mbig-endian
17744       -EB Compile code for big-endian targets.  Use of these options is now
17745           deprecated.  Big-endian code is supported by configuring GCC to
17746           build "arceb-elf32" and "arceb-linux-uclibc" targets, for which big
17747           endian is the default.
17749       -mlittle-endian
17750       -EL Compile code for little-endian targets.  Use of these options is
17751           now deprecated.  Little-endian code is supported by configuring GCC
17752           to build "arc-elf32" and "arc-linux-uclibc" targets, for which
17753           little endian is the default.
17755       -mbarrel_shifter
17756           Replaced by -mbarrel-shifter.
17758       -mdpfp_compact
17759           Replaced by -mdpfp-compact.
17761       -mdpfp_fast
17762           Replaced by -mdpfp-fast.
17764       -mdsp_packa
17765           Replaced by -mdsp-packa.
17767       -mEA
17768           Replaced by -mea.
17770       -mmac_24
17771           Replaced by -mmac-24.
17773       -mmac_d16
17774           Replaced by -mmac-d16.
17776       -mspfp_compact
17777           Replaced by -mspfp-compact.
17779       -mspfp_fast
17780           Replaced by -mspfp-fast.
17782       -mtune=cpu
17783           Values arc600, arc601, arc700 and arc700-xmac for cpu are replaced
17784           by ARC600, ARC601, ARC700 and ARC700-xmac respectively.
17786       -multcost=num
17787           Replaced by -mmultcost.
17789       ARM Options
17791       These -m options are defined for the ARM port:
17793       -mabi=name
17794           Generate code for the specified ABI.  Permissible values are: apcs-
17795           gnu, atpcs, aapcs, aapcs-linux and iwmmxt.
17797       -mapcs-frame
17798           Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the ARM Procedure
17799           Call Standard for all functions, even if this is not strictly
17800           necessary for correct execution of the code.  Specifying
17801           -fomit-frame-pointer with this option causes the stack frames not
17802           to be generated for leaf functions.  The default is
17803           -mno-apcs-frame.  This option is deprecated.
17805       -mapcs
17806           This is a synonym for -mapcs-frame and is deprecated.
17808       -mthumb-interwork
17809           Generate code that supports calling between the ARM and Thumb
17810           instruction sets.  Without this option, on pre-v5 architectures,
17811           the two instruction sets cannot be reliably used inside one
17812           program.  The default is -mno-thumb-interwork, since slightly
17813           larger code is generated when -mthumb-interwork is specified.  In
17814           AAPCS configurations this option is meaningless.
17816       -mno-sched-prolog
17817           Prevent the reordering of instructions in the function prologue, or
17818           the merging of those instruction with the instructions in the
17819           function's body.  This means that all functions start with a
17820           recognizable set of instructions (or in fact one of a choice from a
17821           small set of different function prologues), and this information
17822           can be used to locate the start of functions inside an executable
17823           piece of code.  The default is -msched-prolog.
17825       -mfloat-abi=name
17826           Specifies which floating-point ABI to use.  Permissible values are:
17827           soft, softfp and hard.
17829           Specifying soft causes GCC to generate output containing library
17830           calls for floating-point operations.  softfp allows the generation
17831           of code using hardware floating-point instructions, but still uses
17832           the soft-float calling conventions.  hard allows generation of
17833           floating-point instructions and uses FPU-specific calling
17834           conventions.
17836           The default depends on the specific target configuration.  Note
17837           that the hard-float and soft-float ABIs are not link-compatible;
17838           you must compile your entire program with the same ABI, and link
17839           with a compatible set of libraries.
17841       -mgeneral-regs-only
17842           Generate code which uses only the general-purpose registers.  This
17843           will prevent the compiler from using floating-point and Advanced
17844           SIMD registers but will not impose any restrictions on the
17845           assembler.
17847       -mlittle-endian
17848           Generate code for a processor running in little-endian mode.  This
17849           is the default for all standard configurations.
17851       -mbig-endian
17852           Generate code for a processor running in big-endian mode; the
17853           default is to compile code for a little-endian processor.
17855       -mbe8
17856       -mbe32
17857           When linking a big-endian image select between BE8 and BE32
17858           formats.  The option has no effect for little-endian images and is
17859           ignored.  The default is dependent on the selected target
17860           architecture.  For ARMv6 and later architectures the default is
17861           BE8, for older architectures the default is BE32.  BE32 format has
17862           been deprecated by ARM.
17864       -march=name[+extension...]
17865           This specifies the name of the target ARM architecture.  GCC uses
17866           this name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit when
17867           generating assembly code.  This option can be used in conjunction
17868           with or instead of the -mcpu= option.
17870           Permissible names are: armv4t, armv5t, armv5te, armv6, armv6j,
17871           armv6k, armv6kz, armv6t2, armv6z, armv6zk, armv7, armv7-a, armv7ve,
17872           armv8-a, armv8.1-a, armv8.2-a, armv8.3-a, armv8.4-a, armv8.5-a,
17873           armv8.6-a, armv9-a, armv7-r, armv8-r, armv6-m, armv6s-m, armv7-m,
17874           armv7e-m, armv8-m.base, armv8-m.main, armv8.1-m.main, armv9-a,
17875           iwmmxt and iwmmxt2.
17877           Additionally, the following architectures, which lack support for
17878           the Thumb execution state, are recognized but support is
17879           deprecated: armv4.
17881           Many of the architectures support extensions.  These can be added
17882           by appending +extension to the architecture name.  Extension
17883           options are processed in order and capabilities accumulate.  An
17884           extension will also enable any necessary base extensions upon which
17885           it depends.  For example, the +crypto extension will always enable
17886           the +simd extension.  The exception to the additive construction is
17887           for extensions that are prefixed with +no...: these extensions
17888           disable the specified option and any other extensions that may
17889           depend on the presence of that extension.
17891           For example, -march=armv7-a+simd+nofp+vfpv4 is equivalent to
17892           writing -march=armv7-a+vfpv4 since the +simd option is entirely
17893           disabled by the +nofp option that follows it.
17895           Most extension names are generically named, but have an effect that
17896           is dependent upon the architecture to which it is applied.  For
17897           example, the +simd option can be applied to both armv7-a and
17898           armv8-a architectures, but will enable the original ARMv7-A
17899           Advanced SIMD (Neon) extensions for armv7-a and the ARMv8-A variant
17900           for armv8-a.
17902           The table below lists the supported extensions for each
17903           architecture.  Architectures not mentioned do not support any
17904           extensions.
17906           armv5te
17907           armv6
17908           armv6j
17909           armv6k
17910           armv6kz
17911           armv6t2
17912           armv6z
17913           armv6zk
17914               +fp The VFPv2 floating-point instructions.  The extension
17915                   +vfpv2 can be used as an alias for this extension.
17917               +nofp
17918                   Disable the floating-point instructions.
17920           armv7
17921               The common subset of the ARMv7-A, ARMv7-R and ARMv7-M
17922               architectures.
17924               +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
17925                   precision registers.  The extension +vfpv3-d16 can be used
17926                   as an alias for this extension.  Note that floating-point
17927                   is not supported by the base ARMv7-M architecture, but is
17928                   compatible with both the ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R architectures.
17930               +nofp
17931                   Disable the floating-point instructions.
17933           armv7-a
17934               +mp The multiprocessing extension.
17936               +sec
17937                   The security extension.
17939               +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
17940                   precision registers.  The extension +vfpv3-d16 can be used
17941                   as an alias for this extension.
17943               +simd
17944                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point
17945                   instructions.  The extensions +neon and +neon-vfpv3 can be
17946                   used as aliases for this extension.
17948               +vfpv3
17949                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
17950                   precision registers.
17952               +vfpv3-d16-fp16
17953                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
17954                   precision registers and the half-precision floating-point
17955                   conversion operations.
17957               +vfpv3-fp16
17958                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
17959                   precision registers and the half-precision floating-point
17960                   conversion operations.
17962               +vfpv4-d16
17963                   The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
17964                   precision registers.
17966               +vfpv4
17967                   The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
17968                   precision registers.
17970               +neon-fp16
17971                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point
17972                   instructions, with the half-precision floating-point
17973                   conversion operations.
17975               +neon-vfpv4
17976                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v2 and the VFPv4 floating-point
17977                   instructions.
17979               +nosimd
17980                   Disable the Advanced SIMD instructions (does not disable
17981                   floating point).
17983               +nofp
17984                   Disable the floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions.
17986           armv7ve
17987               The extended version of the ARMv7-A architecture with support
17988               for virtualization.
17990               +fp The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
17991                   precision registers.  The extension +vfpv4-d16 can be used
17992                   as an alias for this extension.
17994               +simd
17995                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v2 and the VFPv4 floating-point
17996                   instructions.  The extension +neon-vfpv4 can be used as an
17997                   alias for this extension.
17999               +vfpv3-d16
18000                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
18001                   precision registers.
18003               +vfpv3
18004                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
18005                   precision registers.
18007               +vfpv3-d16-fp16
18008                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
18009                   precision registers and the half-precision floating-point
18010                   conversion operations.
18012               +vfpv3-fp16
18013                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
18014                   precision registers and the half-precision floating-point
18015                   conversion operations.
18017               +vfpv4-d16
18018                   The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-
18019                   precision registers.
18021               +vfpv4
18022                   The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-
18023                   precision registers.
18025               +neon
18026                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point
18027                   instructions.  The extension +neon-vfpv3 can be used as an
18028                   alias for this extension.
18030               +neon-fp16
18031                   The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point
18032                   instructions, with the half-precision floating-point
18033                   conversion operations.
18035               +nosimd
18036                   Disable the Advanced SIMD instructions (does not disable
18037                   floating point).
18039               +nofp
18040                   Disable the floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions.
18042           armv8-a
18043               +crc
18044                   The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) instructions.
18046               +simd
18047                   The ARMv8-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18049               +crypto
18050                   The cryptographic instructions.
18052               +nocrypto
18053                   Disable the cryptographic instructions.
18055               +nofp
18056                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18057                   instructions.
18059               +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.
18061               +predres
18062                   Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.
18064           armv8.1-a
18065               +simd
18066                   The ARMv8.1-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point
18067                   instructions.
18069               +crypto
18070                   The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the
18071                   Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18073               +nocrypto
18074                   Disable the cryptographic instructions.
18076               +nofp
18077                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18078                   instructions.
18080               +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.
18082               +predres
18083                   Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.
18085           armv8.2-a
18086           armv8.3-a
18087               +fp16
18088                   The half-precision floating-point data processing
18089                   instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and
18090                   floating-point instructions.
18092               +fp16fml
18093                   The half-precision floating-point fmla extension.  This
18094                   also enables the half-precision floating-point extension
18095                   and Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18097               +simd
18098                   The ARMv8.1-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point
18099                   instructions.
18101               +crypto
18102                   The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the
18103                   Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18105               +dotprod
18106                   Enable the Dot Product extension.  This also enables
18107                   Advanced SIMD instructions.
18109               +nocrypto
18110                   Disable the cryptographic extension.
18112               +nofp
18113                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18114                   instructions.
18116               +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.
18118               +predres
18119                   Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.
18121               +i8mm
18122                   8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also
18123                   enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18125               +bf16
18126                   Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This
18127                   also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18129           armv8.4-a
18130               +fp16
18131                   The half-precision floating-point data processing
18132                   instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and
18133                   floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product
18134                   extension and the half-precision floating-point fmla
18135                   extension.
18137               +simd
18138                   The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions
18139                   as well as the Dot Product extension.
18141               +crypto
18142                   The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the
18143                   Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as
18144                   the Dot Product extension.
18146               +nocrypto
18147                   Disable the cryptographic extension.
18149               +nofp
18150                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18151                   instructions.
18153               +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.
18155               +predres
18156                   Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.
18158               +i8mm
18159                   8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also
18160                   enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18162               +bf16
18163                   Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This
18164                   also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18166           armv8.5-a
18167               +fp16
18168                   The half-precision floating-point data processing
18169                   instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and
18170                   floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product
18171                   extension and the half-precision floating-point fmla
18172                   extension.
18174               +simd
18175                   The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions
18176                   as well as the Dot Product extension.
18178               +crypto
18179                   The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the
18180                   Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as
18181                   the Dot Product extension.
18183               +nocrypto
18184                   Disable the cryptographic extension.
18186               +nofp
18187                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18188                   instructions.
18190               +i8mm
18191                   8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also
18192                   enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18194               +bf16
18195                   Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This
18196                   also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18198           armv8.6-a
18199               +fp16
18200                   The half-precision floating-point data processing
18201                   instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and
18202                   floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product
18203                   extension and the half-precision floating-point fmla
18204                   extension.
18206               +simd
18207                   The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions
18208                   as well as the Dot Product extension.
18210               +crypto
18211                   The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the
18212                   Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as
18213                   the Dot Product extension.
18215               +nocrypto
18216                   Disable the cryptographic extension.
18218               +nofp
18219                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18220                   instructions.
18222               +i8mm
18223                   8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also
18224                   enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18226               +bf16
18227                   Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This
18228                   also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18230           armv7-r
18231               +fp.sp
18232                   The single-precision VFPv3 floating-point instructions.
18233                   The extension +vfpv3xd can be used as an alias for this
18234                   extension.
18236               +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions with 16 double-
18237                   precision registers.  The extension +vfpv3-d16 can be used
18238                   as an alias for this extension.
18240               +vfpv3xd-d16-fp16
18241                   The single-precision VFPv3 floating-point instructions with
18242                   16 double-precision registers and the half-precision
18243                   floating-point conversion operations.
18245               +vfpv3-d16-fp16
18246                   The VFPv3 floating-point instructions with 16 double-
18247                   precision registers and the half-precision floating-point
18248                   conversion operations.
18250               +nofp
18251                   Disable the floating-point extension.
18253               +idiv
18254                   The ARM-state integer division instructions.
18256               +noidiv
18257                   Disable the ARM-state integer division extension.
18259           armv7e-m
18260               +fp The single-precision VFPv4 floating-point instructions.
18262               +fpv5
18263                   The single-precision FPv5 floating-point instructions.
18265               +fp.dp
18266                   The single- and double-precision FPv5 floating-point
18267                   instructions.
18269               +nofp
18270                   Disable the floating-point extensions.
18272           armv8.1-m.main
18273               +dsp
18274                   The DSP instructions.
18276               +mve
18277                   The M-Profile Vector Extension (MVE) integer instructions.
18279               +mve.fp
18280                   The M-Profile Vector Extension (MVE) integer and single
18281                   precision floating-point instructions.
18283               +fp The single-precision floating-point instructions.
18285               +fp.dp
18286                   The single- and double-precision floating-point
18287                   instructions.
18289               +nofp
18290                   Disable the floating-point extension.
18292               +cdecp0, +cdecp1, ... , +cdecp7
18293                   Enable the Custom Datapath Extension (CDE) on selected
18294                   coprocessors according to the numbers given in the options
18295                   in the range 0 to 7.
18297           armv8-m.main
18298               +dsp
18299                   The DSP instructions.
18301               +nodsp
18302                   Disable the DSP extension.
18304               +fp The single-precision floating-point instructions.
18306               +fp.dp
18307                   The single- and double-precision floating-point
18308                   instructions.
18310               +nofp
18311                   Disable the floating-point extension.
18313               +cdecp0, +cdecp1, ... , +cdecp7
18314                   Enable the Custom Datapath Extension (CDE) on selected
18315                   coprocessors according to the numbers given in the options
18316                   in the range 0 to 7.
18318           armv8-r
18319               +crc
18320                   The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) instructions.
18322               +fp.sp
18323                   The single-precision FPv5 floating-point instructions.
18325               +simd
18326                   The ARMv8-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.
18328               +crypto
18329                   The cryptographic instructions.
18331               +nocrypto
18332                   Disable the cryptographic instructions.
18334               +nofp
18335                   Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic
18336                   instructions.
18338           -march=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the architecture
18339           of the build computer.  At present, this feature is only supported
18340           on GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the
18341           auto-detect is unsuccessful the option has no effect.
18343       -mtune=name
18344           This option specifies the name of the target ARM processor for
18345           which GCC should tune the performance of the code.  For some ARM
18346           implementations better performance can be obtained by using this
18347           option.  Permissible names are: arm7tdmi, arm7tdmi-s, arm710t,
18348           arm720t, arm740t, strongarm, strongarm110, strongarm1100,
18349           strongarm1110, arm8, arm810, arm9, arm9e, arm920, arm920t, arm922t,
18350           arm946e-s, arm966e-s, arm968e-s, arm926ej-s, arm940t, arm9tdmi,
18351           arm10tdmi, arm1020t, arm1026ej-s, arm10e, arm1020e, arm1022e,
18352           arm1136j-s, arm1136jf-s, mpcore, mpcorenovfp, arm1156t2-s,
18353           arm1156t2f-s, arm1176jz-s, arm1176jzf-s, generic-armv7-a,
18354           cortex-a5, cortex-a7, cortex-a8, cortex-a9, cortex-a12, cortex-a15,
18355           cortex-a17, cortex-a32, cortex-a35, cortex-a53, cortex-a55,
18356           cortex-a57, cortex-a72, cortex-a73, cortex-a75, cortex-a76,
18357           cortex-a76ae, cortex-a77, cortex-a78, cortex-a78ae, cortex-a78c,
18358           cortex-a710, ares, cortex-r4, cortex-r4f, cortex-r5, cortex-r7,
18359           cortex-r8, cortex-r52, cortex-r52plus, cortex-m0, cortex-m0plus,
18360           cortex-m1, cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m7, cortex-m23, cortex-m33,
18361           cortex-m35p, cortex-m55, cortex-x1, cortex-m1.small-multiply,
18362           cortex-m0.small-multiply, cortex-m0plus.small-multiply, exynos-m1,
18363           marvell-pj4, neoverse-n1, neoverse-n2, neoverse-v1, xscale, iwmmxt,
18364           iwmmxt2, ep9312, fa526, fa626, fa606te, fa626te, fmp626, fa726te,
18365           xgene1.
18367           Additionally, this option can specify that GCC should tune the
18368           performance of the code for a big.LITTLE system.  Permissible names
18369           are: cortex-a15.cortex-a7, cortex-a17.cortex-a7,
18370           cortex-a57.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a53,
18371           cortex-a72.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53,
18372           cortex-a75.cortex-a55, cortex-a76.cortex-a55.
18374           -mtune=generic-arch specifies that GCC should tune the performance
18375           for a blend of processors within architecture arch.  The aim is to
18376           generate code that run well on the current most popular processors,
18377           balancing between optimizations that benefit some CPUs in the
18378           range, and avoiding performance pitfalls of other CPUs.  The
18379           effects of this option may change in future GCC versions as CPU
18380           models come and go.
18382           -mtune permits the same extension options as -mcpu, but the
18383           extension options do not affect the tuning of the generated code.
18385           -mtune=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the CPU of the
18386           build computer.  At present, this feature is only supported on
18387           GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the auto-
18388           detect is unsuccessful the option has no effect.
18390       -mcpu=name[+extension...]
18391           This specifies the name of the target ARM processor.  GCC uses this
18392           name to derive the name of the target ARM architecture (as if
18393           specified by -march) and the ARM processor type for which to tune
18394           for performance (as if specified by -mtune).  Where this option is
18395           used in conjunction with -march or -mtune, those options take
18396           precedence over the appropriate part of this option.
18398           Many of the supported CPUs implement optional architectural
18399           extensions.  Where this is so the architectural extensions are
18400           normally enabled by default.  If implementations that lack the
18401           extension exist, then the extension syntax can be used to disable
18402           those extensions that have been omitted.  For floating-point and
18403           Advanced SIMD (Neon) instructions, the settings of the options
18404           -mfloat-abi and -mfpu must also be considered: floating-point and
18405           Advanced SIMD instructions will only be used if -mfloat-abi is not
18406           set to soft; and any setting of -mfpu other than auto will override
18407           the available floating-point and SIMD extension instructions.
18409           For example, cortex-a9 can be found in three major configurations:
18410           integer only, with just a floating-point unit or with floating-
18411           point and Advanced SIMD.  The default is to enable all the
18412           instructions, but the extensions +nosimd and +nofp can be used to
18413           disable just the SIMD or both the SIMD and floating-point
18414           instructions respectively.
18416           Permissible names for this option are the same as those for -mtune.
18418           The following extension options are common to the listed CPUs:
18420           +nodsp
18421               Disable the DSP instructions on cortex-m33, cortex-m35p.
18423           +nofp
18424               Disables the floating-point instructions on arm9e, arm946e-s,
18425               arm966e-s, arm968e-s, arm10e, arm1020e, arm1022e, arm926ej-s,
18426               arm1026ej-s, cortex-r5, cortex-r7, cortex-r8, cortex-m4,
18427               cortex-m7, cortex-m33 and cortex-m35p.  Disables the floating-
18428               point and SIMD instructions on generic-armv7-a, cortex-a5,
18429               cortex-a7, cortex-a8, cortex-a9, cortex-a12, cortex-a15,
18430               cortex-a17, cortex-a15.cortex-a7, cortex-a17.cortex-a7,
18431               cortex-a32, cortex-a35, cortex-a53 and cortex-a55.
18433           +nofp.dp
18434               Disables the double-precision component of the floating-point
18435               instructions on cortex-r5, cortex-r7, cortex-r8, cortex-r52,
18436               cortex-r52plus and cortex-m7.
18438           +nosimd
18439               Disables the SIMD (but not floating-point) instructions on
18440               generic-armv7-a, cortex-a5, cortex-a7 and cortex-a9.
18442           +crypto
18443               Enables the cryptographic instructions on cortex-a32,
18444               cortex-a35, cortex-a53, cortex-a55, cortex-a57, cortex-a72,
18445               cortex-a73, cortex-a75, exynos-m1, xgene1,
18446               cortex-a57.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a53,
18447               cortex-a73.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53 and
18448               cortex-a75.cortex-a55.
18450           Additionally the generic-armv7-a pseudo target defaults to VFPv3
18451           with 16 double-precision registers.  It supports the following
18452           extension options: mp, sec, vfpv3-d16, vfpv3, vfpv3-d16-fp16,
18453           vfpv3-fp16, vfpv4-d16, vfpv4, neon, neon-vfpv3, neon-fp16,
18454           neon-vfpv4.  The meanings are the same as for the extensions to
18455           -march=armv7-a.
18457           -mcpu=generic-arch is also permissible, and is equivalent to
18458           -march=arch -mtune=generic-arch.  See -mtune for more information.
18460           -mcpu=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the CPU of the
18461           build computer.  At present, this feature is only supported on
18462           GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the auto-
18463           detect is unsuccessful the option has no effect.
18465       -mfpu=name
18466           This specifies what floating-point hardware (or hardware emulation)
18467           is available on the target.  Permissible names are: auto, vfpv2,
18468           vfpv3, vfpv3-fp16, vfpv3-d16, vfpv3-d16-fp16, vfpv3xd,
18469           vfpv3xd-fp16, neon-vfpv3, neon-fp16, vfpv4, vfpv4-d16, fpv4-sp-d16,
18470           neon-vfpv4, fpv5-d16, fpv5-sp-d16, fp-armv8, neon-fp-armv8 and
18471           crypto-neon-fp-armv8.  Note that neon is an alias for neon-vfpv3
18472           and vfp is an alias for vfpv2.
18474           The setting auto is the default and is special.  It causes the
18475           compiler to select the floating-point and Advanced SIMD
18476           instructions based on the settings of -mcpu and -march.
18478           If the selected floating-point hardware includes the NEON extension
18479           (e.g. -mfpu=neon), note that floating-point operations are not
18480           generated by GCC's auto-vectorization pass unless
18481           -funsafe-math-optimizations is also specified.  This is because
18482           NEON hardware does not fully implement the IEEE 754 standard for
18483           floating-point arithmetic (in particular denormal values are
18484           treated as zero), so the use of NEON instructions may lead to a
18485           loss of precision.
18487           You can also set the fpu name at function level by using the
18488           target("fpu=") function attributes or pragmas.
18490       -mfp16-format=name
18491           Specify the format of the "__fp16" half-precision floating-point
18492           type.  Permissible names are none, ieee, and alternative; the
18493           default is none, in which case the "__fp16" type is not defined.
18495       -mstructure-size-boundary=n
18496           The sizes of all structures and unions are rounded up to a multiple
18497           of the number of bits set by this option.  Permissible values are
18498           8, 32 and 64.  The default value varies for different toolchains.
18499           For the COFF targeted toolchain the default value is 8.  A value of
18500           64 is only allowed if the underlying ABI supports it.
18502           Specifying a larger number can produce faster, more efficient code,
18503           but can also increase the size of the program.  Different values
18504           are potentially incompatible.  Code compiled with one value cannot
18505           necessarily expect to work with code or libraries compiled with
18506           another value, if they exchange information using structures or
18507           unions.
18509           This option is deprecated.
18511       -mabort-on-noreturn
18512           Generate a call to the function "abort" at the end of a "noreturn"
18513           function.  It is executed if the function tries to return.
18515       -mlong-calls
18516       -mno-long-calls
18517           Tells the compiler to perform function calls by first loading the
18518           address of the function into a register and then performing a
18519           subroutine call on this register.  This switch is needed if the
18520           target function lies outside of the 64-megabyte addressing range of
18521           the offset-based version of subroutine call instruction.
18523           Even if this switch is enabled, not all function calls are turned
18524           into long calls.  The heuristic is that static functions, functions
18525           that have the "short_call" attribute, functions that are inside the
18526           scope of a "#pragma no_long_calls" directive, and functions whose
18527           definitions have already been compiled within the current
18528           compilation unit are not turned into long calls.  The exceptions to
18529           this rule are that weak function definitions, functions with the
18530           "long_call" attribute or the "section" attribute, and functions
18531           that are within the scope of a "#pragma long_calls" directive are
18532           always turned into long calls.
18534           This feature is not enabled by default.  Specifying -mno-long-calls
18535           restores the default behavior, as does placing the function calls
18536           within the scope of a "#pragma long_calls_off" directive.  Note
18537           these switches have no effect on how the compiler generates code to
18538           handle function calls via function pointers.
18540       -msingle-pic-base
18541           Treat the register used for PIC addressing as read-only, rather
18542           than loading it in the prologue for each function.  The runtime
18543           system is responsible for initializing this register with an
18544           appropriate value before execution begins.
18546       -mpic-register=reg
18547           Specify the register to be used for PIC addressing.  For standard
18548           PIC base case, the default is any suitable register determined by
18549           compiler.  For single PIC base case, the default is R9 if target is
18550           EABI based or stack-checking is enabled, otherwise the default is
18551           R10.
18553       -mpic-data-is-text-relative
18554           Assume that the displacement between the text and data segments is
18555           fixed at static link time.  This permits using PC-relative
18556           addressing operations to access data known to be in the data
18557           segment.  For non-VxWorks RTP targets, this option is enabled by
18558           default.  When disabled on such targets, it will enable
18559           -msingle-pic-base by default.
18561       -mpoke-function-name
18562           Write the name of each function into the text section, directly
18563           preceding the function prologue.  The generated code is similar to
18564           this:
18566                        t0
18567                            .ascii "arm_poke_function_name", 0
18568                            .align
18569                        t1
18570                            .word 0xff000000 + (t1 - t0)
18571                        arm_poke_function_name
18572                            mov     ip, sp
18573                            stmfd   sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}
18574                            sub     fp, ip, #4
18576           When performing a stack backtrace, code can inspect the value of
18577           "pc" stored at "fp + 0".  If the trace function then looks at
18578           location "pc - 12" and the top 8 bits are set, then we know that
18579           there is a function name embedded immediately preceding this
18580           location and has length "((pc[-3]) & 0xff000000)".
18582       -mthumb
18583       -marm
18584           Select between generating code that executes in ARM and Thumb
18585           states.  The default for most configurations is to generate code
18586           that executes in ARM state, but the default can be changed by
18587           configuring GCC with the --with-mode=state configure option.
18589           You can also override the ARM and Thumb mode for each function by
18590           using the target("thumb") and target("arm") function attributes or
18591           pragmas.
18593       -mflip-thumb
18594           Switch ARM/Thumb modes on alternating functions.  This option is
18595           provided for regression testing of mixed Thumb/ARM code generation,
18596           and is not intended for ordinary use in compiling code.
18598       -mtpcs-frame
18599           Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the Thumb Procedure
18600           Call Standard for all non-leaf functions.  (A leaf function is one
18601           that does not call any other functions.)  The default is
18602           -mno-tpcs-frame.
18604       -mtpcs-leaf-frame
18605           Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the Thumb Procedure
18606           Call Standard for all leaf functions.  (A leaf function is one that
18607           does not call any other functions.)  The default is
18608           -mno-apcs-leaf-frame.
18610       -mcallee-super-interworking
18611           Gives all externally visible functions in the file being compiled
18612           an ARM instruction set header which switches to Thumb mode before
18613           executing the rest of the function.  This allows these functions to
18614           be called from non-interworking code.  This option is not valid in
18615           AAPCS configurations because interworking is enabled by default.
18617       -mcaller-super-interworking
18618           Allows calls via function pointers (including virtual functions) to
18619           execute correctly regardless of whether the target code has been
18620           compiled for interworking or not.  There is a small overhead in the
18621           cost of executing a function pointer if this option is enabled.
18622           This option is not valid in AAPCS configurations because
18623           interworking is enabled by default.
18625       -mtp=name
18626           Specify the access model for the thread local storage pointer.  The
18627           valid models are soft, which generates calls to "__aeabi_read_tp",
18628           cp15, which fetches the thread pointer from "cp15" directly
18629           (supported in the arm6k architecture), and auto, which uses the
18630           best available method for the selected processor.  The default
18631           setting is auto.
18633       -mtls-dialect=dialect
18634           Specify the dialect to use for accessing thread local storage.  Two
18635           dialects are supported---gnu and gnu2.  The gnu dialect selects the
18636           original GNU scheme for supporting local and global dynamic TLS
18637           models.  The gnu2 dialect selects the GNU descriptor scheme, which
18638           provides better performance for shared libraries.  The GNU
18639           descriptor scheme is compatible with the original scheme, but does
18640           require new assembler, linker and library support.  Initial and
18641           local exec TLS models are unaffected by this option and always use
18642           the original scheme.
18644       -mword-relocations
18645           Only generate absolute relocations on word-sized values (i.e.
18646           R_ARM_ABS32).  This is enabled by default on targets (uClinux,
18647           SymbianOS) where the runtime loader imposes this restriction, and
18648           when -fpic or -fPIC is specified. This option conflicts with
18649           -mslow-flash-data.
18651       -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd
18652           Some Cortex-M3 cores can cause data corruption when "ldrd"
18653           instructions with overlapping destination and base registers are
18654           used.  This option avoids generating these instructions.  This
18655           option is enabled by default when -mcpu=cortex-m3 is specified.
18657       -mfix-cortex-a57-aes-1742098
18658       -mno-fix-cortex-a57-aes-1742098
18659       -mfix-cortex-a72-aes-1655431
18660       -mno-fix-cortex-a72-aes-1655431
18661           Enable (disable) mitigation for an erratum on Cortex-A57 and
18662           Cortex-A72 that affects the AES cryptographic instructions.  This
18663           option is enabled by default when either -mcpu=cortex-a57 or
18664           -mcpu=cortex-a72 is specified.
18666       -munaligned-access
18667       -mno-unaligned-access
18668           Enables (or disables) reading and writing of 16- and 32- bit values
18669           from addresses that are not 16- or 32- bit aligned.  By default
18670           unaligned access is disabled for all pre-ARMv6, all ARMv6-M and for
18671           ARMv8-M Baseline architectures, and enabled for all other
18672           architectures.  If unaligned access is not enabled then words in
18673           packed data structures are accessed a byte at a time.
18675           The ARM attribute "Tag_CPU_unaligned_access" is set in the
18676           generated object file to either true or false, depending upon the
18677           setting of this option.  If unaligned access is enabled then the
18678           preprocessor symbol "__ARM_FEATURE_UNALIGNED" is also defined.
18680       -mneon-for-64bits
18681           This option is deprecated and has no effect.
18683       -mslow-flash-data
18684           Assume loading data from flash is slower than fetching instruction.
18685           Therefore literal load is minimized for better performance.  This
18686           option is only supported when compiling for ARMv7 M-profile and off
18687           by default. It conflicts with -mword-relocations.
18689       -masm-syntax-unified
18690           Assume inline assembler is using unified asm syntax.  The default
18691           is currently off which implies divided syntax.  This option has no
18692           impact on Thumb2. However, this may change in future releases of
18693           GCC.  Divided syntax should be considered deprecated.
18695       -mrestrict-it
18696           Restricts generation of IT blocks to conform to the rules of
18697           ARMv8-A.  IT blocks can only contain a single 16-bit instruction
18698           from a select set of instructions. This option is on by default for
18699           ARMv8-A Thumb mode.
18701       -mprint-tune-info
18702           Print CPU tuning information as comment in assembler file.  This is
18703           an option used only for regression testing of the compiler and not
18704           intended for ordinary use in compiling code.  This option is
18705           disabled by default.
18707       -mverbose-cost-dump
18708           Enable verbose cost model dumping in the debug dump files.  This
18709           option is provided for use in debugging the compiler.
18711       -mpure-code
18712           Do not allow constant data to be placed in code sections.
18713           Additionally, when compiling for ELF object format give all text
18714           sections the ELF processor-specific section attribute
18715           "SHF_ARM_PURECODE".  This option is only available when generating
18716           non-pic code for M-profile targets.
18718       -mcmse
18719           Generate secure code as per the "ARMv8-M Security Extensions:
18720           Requirements on Development Tools Engineering Specification", which
18721           can be found on
18722           <https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ecm0359818/latest/>.
18724       -mfix-cmse-cve-2021-35465
18725           Mitigate against a potential security issue with the "VLLDM"
18726           instruction in some M-profile devices when using CMSE
18727           (CVE-2021-365465).  This option is enabled by default when the
18728           option -mcpu= is used with "cortex-m33", "cortex-m35p" or
18729           "cortex-m55".  The option -mno-fix-cmse-cve-2021-35465 can be used
18730           to disable the mitigation.
18732       -mstack-protector-guard=guard
18733       -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
18734           Generate stack protection code using canary at guard.  Supported
18735           locations are global for a global canary or tls for a canary
18736           accessible via the TLS register. The option
18737           -mstack-protector-guard-offset= is for use with
18738           -fstack-protector-guard=tls and not for use in user-land code.
18740       -mfdpic
18741       -mno-fdpic
18742           Select the FDPIC ABI, which uses 64-bit function descriptors to
18743           represent pointers to functions.  When the compiler is configured
18744           for "arm-*-uclinuxfdpiceabi" targets, this option is on by default
18745           and implies -fPIE if none of the PIC/PIE-related options is
18746           provided.  On other targets, it only enables the FDPIC-specific
18747           code generation features, and the user should explicitly provide
18748           the PIC/PIE-related options as needed.
18750           Note that static linking is not supported because it would still
18751           involve the dynamic linker when the program self-relocates.  If
18752           such behavior is acceptable, use -static and -Wl,-dynamic-linker
18753           options.
18755           The opposite -mno-fdpic option is useful (and required) to build
18756           the Linux kernel using the same ("arm-*-uclinuxfdpiceabi")
18757           toolchain as the one used to build the userland programs.
18759       AVR Options
18761       These options are defined for AVR implementations:
18763       -mmcu=mcu
18764           Specify Atmel AVR instruction set architectures (ISA) or MCU type.
18766           The default for this option is avr2.
18768           GCC supports the following AVR devices and ISAs:
18770           "avr2"
18771               "Classic" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory.  mcu =
18772               "attiny22", "attiny26", "at90s2313", "at90s2323", "at90s2333",
18773               "at90s2343", "at90s4414", "at90s4433", "at90s4434",
18774               "at90c8534", "at90s8515", "at90s8535".
18776           "avr25"
18777               "Classic" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory and with
18778               the "MOVW" instruction.  mcu = "attiny13", "attiny13a",
18779               "attiny24", "attiny24a", "attiny25", "attiny261", "attiny261a",
18780               "attiny2313", "attiny2313a", "attiny43u", "attiny44",
18781               "attiny44a", "attiny45", "attiny48", "attiny441", "attiny461",
18782               "attiny461a", "attiny4313", "attiny84", "attiny84a",
18783               "attiny85", "attiny87", "attiny88", "attiny828", "attiny841",
18784               "attiny861", "attiny861a", "ata5272", "ata6616c", "at86rf401".
18786           "avr3"
18787               "Classic" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory.
18788               mcu = "at76c711", "at43usb355".
18790           "avr31"
18791               "Classic" devices with 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu =
18792               "atmega103", "at43usb320".
18794           "avr35"
18795               "Classic" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory
18796               and with the "MOVW" instruction.  mcu = "attiny167",
18797               "attiny1634", "atmega8u2", "atmega16u2", "atmega32u2",
18798               "ata5505", "ata6617c", "ata664251", "at90usb82", "at90usb162".
18800           "avr4"
18801               "Enhanced" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory.  mcu =
18802               "atmega48", "atmega48a", "atmega48p", "atmega48pa",
18803               "atmega48pb", "atmega8", "atmega8a", "atmega8hva", "atmega88",
18804               "atmega88a", "atmega88p", "atmega88pa", "atmega88pb",
18805               "atmega8515", "atmega8535", "ata6285", "ata6286", "ata6289",
18806               "ata6612c", "at90pwm1", "at90pwm2", "at90pwm2b", "at90pwm3",
18807               "at90pwm3b", "at90pwm81".
18809           "avr5"
18810               "Enhanced" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory.
18811               mcu = "atmega16", "atmega16a", "atmega16hva", "atmega16hva2",
18812               "atmega16hvb", "atmega16hvbrevb", "atmega16m1", "atmega16u4",
18813               "atmega161", "atmega162", "atmega163", "atmega164a",
18814               "atmega164p", "atmega164pa", "atmega165", "atmega165a",
18815               "atmega165p", "atmega165pa", "atmega168", "atmega168a",
18816               "atmega168p", "atmega168pa", "atmega168pb", "atmega169",
18817               "atmega169a", "atmega169p", "atmega169pa", "atmega32",
18818               "atmega32a", "atmega32c1", "atmega32hvb", "atmega32hvbrevb",
18819               "atmega32m1", "atmega32u4", "atmega32u6", "atmega323",
18820               "atmega324a", "atmega324p", "atmega324pa", "atmega324pb",
18821               "atmega325", "atmega325a", "atmega325p", "atmega325pa",
18822               "atmega328", "atmega328p", "atmega328pb", "atmega329",
18823               "atmega329a", "atmega329p", "atmega329pa", "atmega3250",
18824               "atmega3250a", "atmega3250p", "atmega3250pa", "atmega3290",
18825               "atmega3290a", "atmega3290p", "atmega3290pa", "atmega406",
18826               "atmega64", "atmega64a", "atmega64c1", "atmega64hve",
18827               "atmega64hve2", "atmega64m1", "atmega64rfr2", "atmega640",
18828               "atmega644", "atmega644a", "atmega644p", "atmega644pa",
18829               "atmega644rfr2", "atmega645", "atmega645a", "atmega645p",
18830               "atmega649", "atmega649a", "atmega649p", "atmega6450",
18831               "atmega6450a", "atmega6450p", "atmega6490", "atmega6490a",
18832               "atmega6490p", "ata5795", "ata5790", "ata5790n", "ata5791",
18833               "ata6613c", "ata6614q", "ata5782", "ata5831", "ata8210",
18834               "ata8510", "ata5702m322", "at90pwm161", "at90pwm216",
18835               "at90pwm316", "at90can32", "at90can64", "at90scr100",
18836               "at90usb646", "at90usb647", "at94k", "m3000".
18838           "avr51"
18839               "Enhanced" devices with 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu =
18840               "atmega128", "atmega128a", "atmega128rfa1", "atmega128rfr2",
18841               "atmega1280", "atmega1281", "atmega1284", "atmega1284p",
18842               "atmega1284rfr2", "at90can128", "at90usb1286", "at90usb1287".
18844           "avr6"
18845               "Enhanced" devices with 3-byte PC, i.e. with more than 128 KiB
18846               of program memory.  mcu = "atmega256rfr2", "atmega2560",
18847               "atmega2561", "atmega2564rfr2".
18849           "avrxmega2"
18850               "XMEGA" devices with more than 8 KiB and up to 64 KiB of
18851               program memory.  mcu = "atxmega8e5", "atxmega16a4",
18852               "atxmega16a4u", "atxmega16c4", "atxmega16d4", "atxmega16e5",
18853               "atxmega32a4", "atxmega32a4u", "atxmega32c3", "atxmega32c4",
18854               "atxmega32d3", "atxmega32d4", "atxmega32e5".
18856           "avrxmega3"
18857               "XMEGA" devices with up to 64 KiB of combined program memory
18858               and RAM, and with program memory visible in the RAM address
18859               space.  mcu = "attiny202", "attiny204", "attiny212",
18860               "attiny214", "attiny402", "attiny404", "attiny406",
18861               "attiny412", "attiny414", "attiny416", "attiny417",
18862               "attiny804", "attiny806", "attiny807", "attiny814",
18863               "attiny816", "attiny817", "attiny1604", "attiny1606",
18864               "attiny1607", "attiny1614", "attiny1616", "attiny1617",
18865               "attiny3214", "attiny3216", "attiny3217", "atmega808",
18866               "atmega809", "atmega1608", "atmega1609", "atmega3208",
18867               "atmega3209", "atmega4808", "atmega4809".
18869           "avrxmega4"
18870               "XMEGA" devices with more than 64 KiB and up to 128 KiB of
18871               program memory.  mcu = "atxmega64a3", "atxmega64a3u",
18872               "atxmega64a4u", "atxmega64b1", "atxmega64b3", "atxmega64c3",
18873               "atxmega64d3", "atxmega64d4".
18875           "avrxmega5"
18876               "XMEGA" devices with more than 64 KiB and up to 128 KiB of
18877               program memory and more than 64 KiB of RAM.  mcu =
18878               "atxmega64a1", "atxmega64a1u".
18880           "avrxmega6"
18881               "XMEGA" devices with more than 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu
18882               = "atxmega128a3", "atxmega128a3u", "atxmega128b1",
18883               "atxmega128b3", "atxmega128c3", "atxmega128d3", "atxmega128d4",
18884               "atxmega192a3", "atxmega192a3u", "atxmega192c3",
18885               "atxmega192d3", "atxmega256a3", "atxmega256a3b",
18886               "atxmega256a3bu", "atxmega256a3u", "atxmega256c3",
18887               "atxmega256d3", "atxmega384c3", "atxmega384d3".
18889           "avrxmega7"
18890               "XMEGA" devices with more than 128 KiB of program memory and
18891               more than 64 KiB of RAM.  mcu = "atxmega128a1",
18892               "atxmega128a1u", "atxmega128a4u".
18894           "avrtiny"
18895               "TINY" Tiny core devices with 512 B up to 4 KiB of program
18896               memory.  mcu = "attiny4", "attiny5", "attiny9", "attiny10",
18897               "attiny20", "attiny40".
18899           "avr1"
18900               This ISA is implemented by the minimal AVR core and supported
18901               for assembler only.  mcu = "attiny11", "attiny12", "attiny15",
18902               "attiny28", "at90s1200".
18904       -mabsdata
18905           Assume that all data in static storage can be accessed by LDS / STS
18906           instructions.  This option has only an effect on reduced Tiny
18907           devices like ATtiny40.  See also the "absdata" AVR Variable
18908           Attributes,variable attribute.
18910       -maccumulate-args
18911           Accumulate outgoing function arguments and acquire/release the
18912           needed stack space for outgoing function arguments once in function
18913           prologue/epilogue.  Without this option, outgoing arguments are
18914           pushed before calling a function and popped afterwards.
18916           Popping the arguments after the function call can be expensive on
18917           AVR so that accumulating the stack space might lead to smaller
18918           executables because arguments need not be removed from the stack
18919           after such a function call.
18921           This option can lead to reduced code size for functions that
18922           perform several calls to functions that get their arguments on the
18923           stack like calls to printf-like functions.
18925       -mbranch-cost=cost
18926           Set the branch costs for conditional branch instructions to cost.
18927           Reasonable values for cost are small, non-negative integers. The
18928           default branch cost is 0.
18930       -mcall-prologues
18931           Functions prologues/epilogues are expanded as calls to appropriate
18932           subroutines.  Code size is smaller.
18934       -mdouble=bits
18935       -mlong-double=bits
18936           Set the size (in bits) of the "double" or "long double" type,
18937           respectively.  Possible values for bits are 32 and 64.  Whether or
18938           not a specific value for bits is allowed depends on the
18939           "--with-double=" and "--with-long-double=" configure options
18940           ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr"), and the same
18941           applies for the default values of the options.
18943       -mgas-isr-prologues
18944           Interrupt service routines (ISRs) may use the "__gcc_isr" pseudo
18945           instruction supported by GNU Binutils.  If this option is on, the
18946           feature can still be disabled for individual ISRs by means of the
18947           AVR Function Attributes,,"no_gccisr" function attribute.  This
18948           feature is activated per default if optimization is on (but not
18949           with -Og, @pxref{Optimize Options}), and if GNU Binutils support
18950           PR21683 ("https://sourceware.org/PR21683").
18952       -mint8
18953           Assume "int" to be 8-bit integer.  This affects the sizes of all
18954           types: a "char" is 1 byte, an "int" is 1 byte, a "long" is 2 bytes,
18955           and "long long" is 4 bytes.  Please note that this option does not
18956           conform to the C standards, but it results in smaller code size.
18958       -mmain-is-OS_task
18959           Do not save registers in "main".  The effect is the same like
18960           attaching attribute AVR Function Attributes,,"OS_task" to "main".
18961           It is activated per default if optimization is on.
18963       -mn-flash=num
18964           Assume that the flash memory has a size of num times 64 KiB.
18966       -mno-interrupts
18967           Generated code is not compatible with hardware interrupts.  Code
18968           size is smaller.
18970       -mrelax
18971           Try to replace "CALL" resp. "JMP" instruction by the shorter
18972           "RCALL" resp. "RJMP" instruction if applicable.  Setting -mrelax
18973           just adds the --mlink-relax option to the assembler's command line
18974           and the --relax option to the linker's command line.
18976           Jump relaxing is performed by the linker because jump offsets are
18977           not known before code is located. Therefore, the assembler code
18978           generated by the compiler is the same, but the instructions in the
18979           executable may differ from instructions in the assembler code.
18981           Relaxing must be turned on if linker stubs are needed, see the
18982           section on "EIND" and linker stubs below.
18984       -mrmw
18985           Assume that the device supports the Read-Modify-Write instructions
18986           "XCH", "LAC", "LAS" and "LAT".
18988       -mshort-calls
18989           Assume that "RJMP" and "RCALL" can target the whole program memory.
18991           This option is used internally for multilib selection.  It is not
18992           an optimization option, and you don't need to set it by hand.
18994       -msp8
18995           Treat the stack pointer register as an 8-bit register, i.e. assume
18996           the high byte of the stack pointer is zero.  In general, you don't
18997           need to set this option by hand.
18999           This option is used internally by the compiler to select and build
19000           multilibs for architectures "avr2" and "avr25".  These
19001           architectures mix devices with and without "SPH".  For any setting
19002           other than -mmcu=avr2 or -mmcu=avr25 the compiler driver adds or
19003           removes this option from the compiler proper's command line,
19004           because the compiler then knows if the device or architecture has
19005           an 8-bit stack pointer and thus no "SPH" register or not.
19007       -mstrict-X
19008           Use address register "X" in a way proposed by the hardware.  This
19009           means that "X" is only used in indirect, post-increment or pre-
19010           decrement addressing.
19012           Without this option, the "X" register may be used in the same way
19013           as "Y" or "Z" which then is emulated by additional instructions.
19014           For example, loading a value with "X+const" addressing with a small
19015           non-negative "const < 64" to a register Rn is performed as
19017                   adiw r26, const   ; X += const
19018                   ld   <Rn>, X        ; <Rn> = *X
19019                   sbiw r26, const   ; X -= const
19021       -mtiny-stack
19022           Only change the lower 8 bits of the stack pointer.
19024       -mfract-convert-truncate
19025           Allow to use truncation instead of rounding towards zero for
19026           fractional fixed-point types.
19028       -nodevicelib
19029           Don't link against AVR-LibC's device specific library "lib<mcu>.a".
19031       -nodevicespecs
19032           Don't add -specs=device-specs/specs-mcu to the compiler driver's
19033           command line.  The user takes responsibility for supplying the sub-
19034           processes like compiler proper, assembler and linker with
19035           appropriate command line options.  This means that the user has to
19036           supply her private device specs file by means of -specs=path-to-
19037           specs-file.  There is no more need for option -mmcu=mcu.
19039           This option can also serve as a replacement for the older way of
19040           specifying custom device-specs files that needed -B some-path to
19041           point to a directory which contains a folder named "device-specs"
19042           which contains a specs file named "specs-mcu", where mcu was
19043           specified by -mmcu=mcu.
19045       -Waddr-space-convert
19046           Warn about conversions between address spaces in the case where the
19047           resulting address space is not contained in the incoming address
19048           space.
19050       -Wmisspelled-isr
19051           Warn if the ISR is misspelled, i.e. without __vector prefix.
19052           Enabled by default.
19054       "EIND" and Devices with More Than 128 Ki Bytes of Flash
19056       Pointers in the implementation are 16 bits wide.  The address of a
19057       function or label is represented as word address so that indirect jumps
19058       and calls can target any code address in the range of 64 Ki words.
19060       In order to facilitate indirect jump on devices with more than 128 Ki
19061       bytes of program memory space, there is a special function register
19062       called "EIND" that serves as most significant part of the target
19063       address when "EICALL" or "EIJMP" instructions are used.
19065       Indirect jumps and calls on these devices are handled as follows by the
19066       compiler and are subject to some limitations:
19068       *   The compiler never sets "EIND".
19070       *   The compiler uses "EIND" implicitly in "EICALL"/"EIJMP"
19071           instructions or might read "EIND" directly in order to emulate an
19072           indirect call/jump by means of a "RET" instruction.
19074       *   The compiler assumes that "EIND" never changes during the startup
19075           code or during the application. In particular, "EIND" is not
19076           saved/restored in function or interrupt service routine
19077           prologue/epilogue.
19079       *   For indirect calls to functions and computed goto, the linker
19080           generates stubs. Stubs are jump pads sometimes also called
19081           trampolines. Thus, the indirect call/jump jumps to such a stub.
19082           The stub contains a direct jump to the desired address.
19084       *   Linker relaxation must be turned on so that the linker generates
19085           the stubs correctly in all situations. See the compiler option
19086           -mrelax and the linker option --relax.  There are corner cases
19087           where the linker is supposed to generate stubs but aborts without
19088           relaxation and without a helpful error message.
19090       *   The default linker script is arranged for code with "EIND = 0".  If
19091           code is supposed to work for a setup with "EIND != 0", a custom
19092           linker script has to be used in order to place the sections whose
19093           name start with ".trampolines" into the segment where "EIND" points
19094           to.
19096       *   The startup code from libgcc never sets "EIND".  Notice that
19097           startup code is a blend of code from libgcc and AVR-LibC.  For the
19098           impact of AVR-LibC on "EIND", see the AVR-LibC user manual
19099           ("http://nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/").
19101       *   It is legitimate for user-specific startup code to set up "EIND"
19102           early, for example by means of initialization code located in
19103           section ".init3". Such code runs prior to general startup code that
19104           initializes RAM and calls constructors, but after the bit of
19105           startup code from AVR-LibC that sets "EIND" to the segment where
19106           the vector table is located.
19108                   #include <avr/io.h>
19110                   static void
19111                   __attribute__((section(".init3"),naked,used,no_instrument_function))
19112                   init3_set_eind (void)
19113                   {
19114                     __asm volatile ("ldi r24,pm_hh8(__trampolines_start)\n\t"
19115                                     "out %i0,r24" :: "n" (&EIND) : "r24","memory");
19116                   }
19118           The "__trampolines_start" symbol is defined in the linker script.
19120       *   Stubs are generated automatically by the linker if the following
19121           two conditions are met:
19123           -<The address of a label is taken by means of the "gs" modifier>
19124               (short for generate stubs) like so:
19126                       LDI r24, lo8(gs(<func>))
19127                       LDI r25, hi8(gs(<func>))
19129           -<The final location of that label is in a code segment>
19130               outside the segment where the stubs are located.
19132       *   The compiler emits such "gs" modifiers for code labels in the
19133           following situations:
19135           -<Taking address of a function or code label.>
19136           -<Computed goto.>
19137           -<If prologue-save function is used, see -mcall-prologues>
19138               command-line option.
19140           -<Switch/case dispatch tables. If you do not want such dispatch>
19141               tables you can specify the -fno-jump-tables command-line
19142               option.
19144           -<C and C++ constructors/destructors called during
19145           startup/shutdown.>
19146           -<If the tools hit a gs() modifier explained above.>
19147       *   Jumping to non-symbolic addresses like so is not supported:
19149                   int main (void)
19150                   {
19151                       /* Call function at word address 0x2 */
19152                       return ((int(*)(void)) 0x2)();
19153                   }
19155           Instead, a stub has to be set up, i.e. the function has to be
19156           called through a symbol ("func_4" in the example):
19158                   int main (void)
19159                   {
19160                       extern int func_4 (void);
19162                       /* Call function at byte address 0x4 */
19163                       return func_4();
19164                   }
19166           and the application be linked with -Wl,--defsym,func_4=0x4.
19167           Alternatively, "func_4" can be defined in the linker script.
19169       Handling of the "RAMPD", "RAMPX", "RAMPY" and "RAMPZ" Special Function
19170       Registers
19172       Some AVR devices support memories larger than the 64 KiB range that can
19173       be accessed with 16-bit pointers.  To access memory locations outside
19174       this 64 KiB range, the content of a "RAMP" register is used as high
19175       part of the address: The "X", "Y", "Z" address register is concatenated
19176       with the "RAMPX", "RAMPY", "RAMPZ" special function register,
19177       respectively, to get a wide address. Similarly, "RAMPD" is used
19178       together with direct addressing.
19180       *   The startup code initializes the "RAMP" special function registers
19181           with zero.
19183       *   If a AVR Named Address Spaces,named address space other than
19184           generic or "__flash" is used, then "RAMPZ" is set as needed before
19185           the operation.
19187       *   If the device supports RAM larger than 64 KiB and the compiler
19188           needs to change "RAMPZ" to accomplish an operation, "RAMPZ" is
19189           reset to zero after the operation.
19191       *   If the device comes with a specific "RAMP" register, the ISR
19192           prologue/epilogue saves/restores that SFR and initializes it with
19193           zero in case the ISR code might (implicitly) use it.
19195       *   RAM larger than 64 KiB is not supported by GCC for AVR targets.  If
19196           you use inline assembler to read from locations outside the 16-bit
19197           address range and change one of the "RAMP" registers, you must
19198           reset it to zero after the access.
19200       AVR Built-in Macros
19202       GCC defines several built-in macros so that the user code can test for
19203       the presence or absence of features.  Almost any of the following
19204       built-in macros are deduced from device capabilities and thus triggered
19205       by the -mmcu= command-line option.
19207       For even more AVR-specific built-in macros see AVR Named Address Spaces
19208       and AVR Built-in Functions.
19210       "__AVR_ARCH__"
19211           Build-in macro that resolves to a decimal number that identifies
19212           the architecture and depends on the -mmcu=mcu option.  Possible
19213           values are:
19215           2, 25, 3, 31, 35, 4, 5, 51, 6
19217           for mcu="avr2", "avr25", "avr3", "avr31", "avr35", "avr4", "avr5",
19218           "avr51", "avr6",
19220           respectively and
19222           100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107
19224           for mcu="avrtiny", "avrxmega2", "avrxmega3", "avrxmega4",
19225           "avrxmega5", "avrxmega6", "avrxmega7", respectively.  If mcu
19226           specifies a device, this built-in macro is set accordingly. For
19227           example, with -mmcu=atmega8 the macro is defined to 4.
19229       "__AVR_Device__"
19230           Setting -mmcu=device defines this built-in macro which reflects the
19231           device's name. For example, -mmcu=atmega8 defines the built-in
19232           macro "__AVR_ATmega8__", -mmcu=attiny261a defines
19233           "__AVR_ATtiny261A__", etc.
19235           The built-in macros' names follow the scheme "__AVR_Device__" where
19236           Device is the device name as from the AVR user manual. The
19237           difference between Device in the built-in macro and device in
19238           -mmcu=device is that the latter is always lowercase.
19240           If device is not a device but only a core architecture like avr51,
19241           this macro is not defined.
19243       "__AVR_DEVICE_NAME__"
19244           Setting -mmcu=device defines this built-in macro to the device's
19245           name. For example, with -mmcu=atmega8 the macro is defined to
19246           "atmega8".
19248           If device is not a device but only a core architecture like avr51,
19249           this macro is not defined.
19251       "__AVR_XMEGA__"
19252           The device / architecture belongs to the XMEGA family of devices.
19254       "__AVR_HAVE_ELPM__"
19255           The device has the "ELPM" instruction.
19257       "__AVR_HAVE_ELPMX__"
19258           The device has the "ELPM Rn,Z" and "ELPM Rn,Z+" instructions.
19260       "__AVR_HAVE_MOVW__"
19261           The device has the "MOVW" instruction to perform 16-bit register-
19262           register moves.
19264       "__AVR_HAVE_LPMX__"
19265           The device has the "LPM Rn,Z" and "LPM Rn,Z+" instructions.
19267       "__AVR_HAVE_MUL__"
19268           The device has a hardware multiplier.
19270       "__AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__"
19271           The device has the "JMP" and "CALL" instructions.  This is the case
19272           for devices with more than 8 KiB of program memory.
19274       "__AVR_HAVE_EIJMP_EICALL__"
19275       "__AVR_3_BYTE_PC__"
19276           The device has the "EIJMP" and "EICALL" instructions.  This is the
19277           case for devices with more than 128 KiB of program memory.  This
19278           also means that the program counter (PC) is 3 bytes wide.
19280       "__AVR_2_BYTE_PC__"
19281           The program counter (PC) is 2 bytes wide. This is the case for
19282           devices with up to 128 KiB of program memory.
19284       "__AVR_HAVE_8BIT_SP__"
19285       "__AVR_HAVE_16BIT_SP__"
19286           The stack pointer (SP) register is treated as 8-bit respectively
19287           16-bit register by the compiler.  The definition of these macros is
19288           affected by -mtiny-stack.
19290       "__AVR_HAVE_SPH__"
19291       "__AVR_SP8__"
19292           The device has the SPH (high part of stack pointer) special
19293           function register or has an 8-bit stack pointer, respectively.  The
19294           definition of these macros is affected by -mmcu= and in the cases
19295           of -mmcu=avr2 and -mmcu=avr25 also by -msp8.
19297       "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPD__"
19298       "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPX__"
19299       "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPY__"
19300       "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPZ__"
19301           The device has the "RAMPD", "RAMPX", "RAMPY", "RAMPZ" special
19302           function register, respectively.
19304       "__NO_INTERRUPTS__"
19305           This macro reflects the -mno-interrupts command-line option.
19307       "__AVR_ERRATA_SKIP__"
19308       "__AVR_ERRATA_SKIP_JMP_CALL__"
19309           Some AVR devices (AT90S8515, ATmega103) must not skip 32-bit
19310           instructions because of a hardware erratum.  Skip instructions are
19311           "SBRS", "SBRC", "SBIS", "SBIC" and "CPSE".  The second macro is
19312           only defined if "__AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__" is also set.
19314       "__AVR_ISA_RMW__"
19315           The device has Read-Modify-Write instructions (XCH, LAC, LAS and
19316           LAT).
19318       "__AVR_SFR_OFFSET__=offset"
19319           Instructions that can address I/O special function registers
19320           directly like "IN", "OUT", "SBI", etc. may use a different address
19321           as if addressed by an instruction to access RAM like "LD" or "STS".
19322           This offset depends on the device architecture and has to be
19323           subtracted from the RAM address in order to get the respective I/O
19324           address.
19326       "__AVR_SHORT_CALLS__"
19327           The -mshort-calls command line option is set.
19329       "__AVR_PM_BASE_ADDRESS__=addr"
19330           Some devices support reading from flash memory by means of "LD*"
19331           instructions.  The flash memory is seen in the data address space
19332           at an offset of "__AVR_PM_BASE_ADDRESS__".  If this macro is not
19333           defined, this feature is not available.  If defined, the address
19334           space is linear and there is no need to put ".rodata" into RAM.
19335           This is handled by the default linker description file, and is
19336           currently available for "avrtiny" and "avrxmega3".  Even more
19337           convenient, there is no need to use address spaces like "__flash"
19338           or features like attribute "progmem" and "pgm_read_*".
19340       "__WITH_AVRLIBC__"
19341           The compiler is configured to be used together with AVR-Libc.  See
19342           the --with-avrlibc configure option.
19344       "__HAVE_DOUBLE_MULTILIB__"
19345           Defined if -mdouble= acts as a multilib option.
19347       "__HAVE_DOUBLE32__"
19348       "__HAVE_DOUBLE64__"
19349           Defined if the compiler supports 32-bit double resp. 64-bit double.
19350           The actual layout is specified by option -mdouble=.
19352       "__DEFAULT_DOUBLE__"
19353           The size in bits of "double" if -mdouble= is not set.  To test the
19354           layout of "double" in a program, use the built-in macro
19355           "__SIZEOF_DOUBLE__".
19357       "__HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE32__"
19358       "__HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE64__"
19360       "__DEFAULT_LONG_DOUBLE__"
19361           Same as above, but for "long double" instead of "double".
19363       "__WITH_DOUBLE_COMPARISON__"
19364           Reflects the "--with-double-comparison={tristate|bool|libf7}"
19365           configure option ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr")
19366           and is defined to 2 or 3.
19368       "__WITH_LIBF7_LIBGCC__"
19369       "__WITH_LIBF7_MATH__"
19370       "__WITH_LIBF7_MATH_SYMBOLS__"
19371           Reflects the "--with-libf7={libgcc|math|math-symbols}"
19372           configure option
19373           ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr").
19375       Blackfin Options
19377       -mcpu=cpu[-sirevision]
19378           Specifies the name of the target Blackfin processor.  Currently,
19379           cpu can be one of bf512, bf514, bf516, bf518, bf522, bf523, bf524,
19380           bf525, bf526, bf527, bf531, bf532, bf533, bf534, bf536, bf537,
19381           bf538, bf539, bf542, bf544, bf547, bf548, bf549, bf542m, bf544m,
19382           bf547m, bf548m, bf549m, bf561, bf592.
19384           The optional sirevision specifies the silicon revision of the
19385           target Blackfin processor.  Any workarounds available for the
19386           targeted silicon revision are enabled.  If sirevision is none, no
19387           workarounds are enabled.  If sirevision is any, all workarounds for
19388           the targeted processor are enabled.  The "__SILICON_REVISION__"
19389           macro is defined to two hexadecimal digits representing the major
19390           and minor numbers in the silicon revision.  If sirevision is none,
19391           the "__SILICON_REVISION__" is not defined.  If sirevision is any,
19392           the "__SILICON_REVISION__" is defined to be 0xffff.  If this
19393           optional sirevision is not used, GCC assumes the latest known
19394           silicon revision of the targeted Blackfin processor.
19396           GCC defines a preprocessor macro for the specified cpu.  For the
19397           bfin-elf toolchain, this option causes the hardware BSP provided by
19398           libgloss to be linked in if -msim is not given.
19400           Without this option, bf532 is used as the processor by default.
19402           Note that support for bf561 is incomplete.  For bf561, only the
19403           preprocessor macro is defined.
19405       -msim
19406           Specifies that the program will be run on the simulator.  This
19407           causes the simulator BSP provided by libgloss to be linked in.
19408           This option has effect only for bfin-elf toolchain.  Certain other
19409           options, such as -mid-shared-library and -mfdpic, imply -msim.
19411       -momit-leaf-frame-pointer
19412           Don't keep the frame pointer in a register for leaf functions.
19413           This avoids the instructions to save, set up and restore frame
19414           pointers and makes an extra register available in leaf functions.
19416       -mspecld-anomaly
19417           When enabled, the compiler ensures that the generated code does not
19418           contain speculative loads after jump instructions. If this option
19419           is used, "__WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_LOADS" is defined.
19421       -mno-specld-anomaly
19422           Don't generate extra code to prevent speculative loads from
19423           occurring.
19425       -mcsync-anomaly
19426           When enabled, the compiler ensures that the generated code does not
19427           contain CSYNC or SSYNC instructions too soon after conditional
19428           branches.  If this option is used, "__WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_SYNCS"
19429           is defined.
19431       -mno-csync-anomaly
19432           Don't generate extra code to prevent CSYNC or SSYNC instructions
19433           from occurring too soon after a conditional branch.
19435       -mlow64k
19436           When enabled, the compiler is free to take advantage of the
19437           knowledge that the entire program fits into the low 64k of memory.
19439       -mno-low64k
19440           Assume that the program is arbitrarily large.  This is the default.
19442       -mstack-check-l1
19443           Do stack checking using information placed into L1 scratchpad
19444           memory by the uClinux kernel.
19446       -mid-shared-library
19447           Generate code that supports shared libraries via the library ID
19448           method.  This allows for execute in place and shared libraries in
19449           an environment without virtual memory management.  This option
19450           implies -fPIC.  With a bfin-elf target, this option implies -msim.
19452       -mno-id-shared-library
19453           Generate code that doesn't assume ID-based shared libraries are
19454           being used.  This is the default.
19456       -mleaf-id-shared-library
19457           Generate code that supports shared libraries via the library ID
19458           method, but assumes that this library or executable won't link
19459           against any other ID shared libraries.  That allows the compiler to
19460           use faster code for jumps and calls.
19462       -mno-leaf-id-shared-library
19463           Do not assume that the code being compiled won't link against any
19464           ID shared libraries.  Slower code is generated for jump and call
19465           insns.
19467       -mshared-library-id=n
19468           Specifies the identification number of the ID-based shared library
19469           being compiled.  Specifying a value of 0 generates more compact
19470           code; specifying other values forces the allocation of that number
19471           to the current library but is no more space- or time-efficient than
19472           omitting this option.
19474       -msep-data
19475           Generate code that allows the data segment to be located in a
19476           different area of memory from the text segment.  This allows for
19477           execute in place in an environment without virtual memory
19478           management by eliminating relocations against the text section.
19480       -mno-sep-data
19481           Generate code that assumes that the data segment follows the text
19482           segment.  This is the default.
19484       -mlong-calls
19485       -mno-long-calls
19486           Tells the compiler to perform function calls by first loading the
19487           address of the function into a register and then performing a
19488           subroutine call on this register.  This switch is needed if the
19489           target function lies outside of the 24-bit addressing range of the
19490           offset-based version of subroutine call instruction.
19492           This feature is not enabled by default.  Specifying -mno-long-calls
19493           restores the default behavior.  Note these switches have no effect
19494           on how the compiler generates code to handle function calls via
19495           function pointers.
19497       -mfast-fp
19498           Link with the fast floating-point library. This library relaxes
19499           some of the IEEE floating-point standard's rules for checking
19500           inputs against Not-a-Number (NAN), in the interest of performance.
19502       -minline-plt
19503           Enable inlining of PLT entries in function calls to functions that
19504           are not known to bind locally.  It has no effect without -mfdpic.
19506       -mmulticore
19507           Build a standalone application for multicore Blackfin processors.
19508           This option causes proper start files and link scripts supporting
19509           multicore to be used, and defines the macro "__BFIN_MULTICORE".  It
19510           can only be used with -mcpu=bf561[-sirevision].
19512           This option can be used with -mcorea or -mcoreb, which selects the
19513           one-application-per-core programming model.  Without -mcorea or
19514           -mcoreb, the single-application/dual-core programming model is
19515           used. In this model, the main function of Core B should be named as
19516           "coreb_main".
19518           If this option is not used, the single-core application programming
19519           model is used.
19521       -mcorea
19522           Build a standalone application for Core A of BF561 when using the
19523           one-application-per-core programming model. Proper start files and
19524           link scripts are used to support Core A, and the macro
19525           "__BFIN_COREA" is defined.  This option can only be used in
19526           conjunction with -mmulticore.
19528       -mcoreb
19529           Build a standalone application for Core B of BF561 when using the
19530           one-application-per-core programming model. Proper start files and
19531           link scripts are used to support Core B, and the macro
19532           "__BFIN_COREB" is defined. When this option is used, "coreb_main"
19533           should be used instead of "main".  This option can only be used in
19534           conjunction with -mmulticore.
19536       -msdram
19537           Build a standalone application for SDRAM. Proper start files and
19538           link scripts are used to put the application into SDRAM, and the
19539           macro "__BFIN_SDRAM" is defined.  The loader should initialize
19540           SDRAM before loading the application.
19542       -micplb
19543           Assume that ICPLBs are enabled at run time.  This has an effect on
19544           certain anomaly workarounds.  For Linux targets, the default is to
19545           assume ICPLBs are enabled; for standalone applications the default
19546           is off.
19548       C6X Options
19550       -march=name
19551           This specifies the name of the target architecture.  GCC uses this
19552           name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit when
19553           generating assembly code.  Permissible names are: c62x, c64x,
19554           c64x+, c67x, c67x+, c674x.
19556       -mbig-endian
19557           Generate code for a big-endian target.
19559       -mlittle-endian
19560           Generate code for a little-endian target.  This is the default.
19562       -msim
19563           Choose startup files and linker script suitable for the simulator.
19565       -msdata=default
19566           Put small global and static data in the ".neardata" section, which
19567           is pointed to by register "B14".  Put small uninitialized global
19568           and static data in the ".bss" section, which is adjacent to the
19569           ".neardata" section.  Put small read-only data into the ".rodata"
19570           section.  The corresponding sections used for large pieces of data
19571           are ".fardata", ".far" and ".const".
19573       -msdata=all
19574           Put all data, not just small objects, into the sections reserved
19575           for small data, and use addressing relative to the "B14" register
19576           to access them.
19578       -msdata=none
19579           Make no use of the sections reserved for small data, and use
19580           absolute addresses to access all data.  Put all initialized global
19581           and static data in the ".fardata" section, and all uninitialized
19582           data in the ".far" section.  Put all constant data into the
19583           ".const" section.
19585       CRIS Options
19587       These options are defined specifically for the CRIS ports.
19589       -march=architecture-type
19590       -mcpu=architecture-type
19591           Generate code for the specified architecture.  The choices for
19592           architecture-type are v3, v8 and v10 for respectively ETRAX 4,
19593           ETRAX 100, and ETRAX 100 LX.  Default is v0.
19595       -mtune=architecture-type
19596           Tune to architecture-type everything applicable about the generated
19597           code, except for the ABI and the set of available instructions.
19598           The choices for architecture-type are the same as for
19599           -march=architecture-type.
19601       -mmax-stack-frame=n
19602           Warn when the stack frame of a function exceeds n bytes.
19604       -metrax4
19605       -metrax100
19606           The options -metrax4 and -metrax100 are synonyms for -march=v3 and
19607           -march=v8 respectively.
19609       -mmul-bug-workaround
19610       -mno-mul-bug-workaround
19611           Work around a bug in the "muls" and "mulu" instructions for CPU
19612           models where it applies.  This option is disabled by default.
19614       -mpdebug
19615           Enable CRIS-specific verbose debug-related information in the
19616           assembly code.  This option also has the effect of turning off the
19617           #NO_APP formatted-code indicator to the assembler at the beginning
19618           of the assembly file.
19620       -mcc-init
19621           Do not use condition-code results from previous instruction; always
19622           emit compare and test instructions before use of condition codes.
19624       -mno-side-effects
19625           Do not emit instructions with side effects in addressing modes
19626           other than post-increment.
19628       -mstack-align
19629       -mno-stack-align
19630       -mdata-align
19631       -mno-data-align
19632       -mconst-align
19633       -mno-const-align
19634           These options (no- options) arrange (eliminate arrangements) for
19635           the stack frame, individual data and constants to be aligned for
19636           the maximum single data access size for the chosen CPU model.  The
19637           default is to arrange for 32-bit alignment.  ABI details such as
19638           structure layout are not affected by these options.
19640       -m32-bit
19641       -m16-bit
19642       -m8-bit
19643           Similar to the stack- data- and const-align options above, these
19644           options arrange for stack frame, writable data and constants to all
19645           be 32-bit, 16-bit or 8-bit aligned.  The default is 32-bit
19646           alignment.
19648       -mno-prologue-epilogue
19649       -mprologue-epilogue
19650           With -mno-prologue-epilogue, the normal function prologue and
19651           epilogue which set up the stack frame are omitted and no return
19652           instructions or return sequences are generated in the code.  Use
19653           this option only together with visual inspection of the compiled
19654           code: no warnings or errors are generated when call-saved registers
19655           must be saved, or storage for local variables needs to be
19656           allocated.
19658       -melf
19659           Legacy no-op option.
19661       -sim
19662           This option arranges to link with input-output functions from a
19663           simulator library.  Code, initialized data and zero-initialized
19664           data are allocated consecutively.
19666       -sim2
19667           Like -sim, but pass linker options to locate initialized data at
19668           0x40000000 and zero-initialized data at 0x80000000.
19670       CR16 Options
19672       These options are defined specifically for the CR16 ports.
19674       -mmac
19675           Enable the use of multiply-accumulate instructions. Disabled by
19676           default.
19678       -mcr16cplus
19679       -mcr16c
19680           Generate code for CR16C or CR16C+ architecture. CR16C+ architecture
19681           is default.
19683       -msim
19684           Links the library libsim.a which is in compatible with simulator.
19685           Applicable to ELF compiler only.
19687       -mint32
19688           Choose integer type as 32-bit wide.
19690       -mbit-ops
19691           Generates "sbit"/"cbit" instructions for bit manipulations.
19693       -mdata-model=model
19694           Choose a data model. The choices for model are near, far or medium.
19695           medium is default.  However, far is not valid with -mcr16c, as the
19696           CR16C architecture does not support the far data model.
19698       C-SKY Options
19700       GCC supports these options when compiling for C-SKY V2 processors.
19702       -march=arch
19703           Specify the C-SKY target architecture.  Valid values for arch are:
19704           ck801, ck802, ck803, ck807, and ck810.  The default is ck810.
19706       -mcpu=cpu
19707           Specify the C-SKY target processor.  Valid values for cpu are:
19708           ck801, ck801t, ck802, ck802t, ck802j, ck803, ck803h, ck803t,
19709           ck803ht, ck803f, ck803fh, ck803e, ck803eh, ck803et, ck803eht,
19710           ck803ef, ck803efh, ck803ft, ck803eft, ck803efht, ck803r1, ck803hr1,
19711           ck803tr1, ck803htr1, ck803fr1, ck803fhr1, ck803er1, ck803ehr1,
19712           ck803etr1, ck803ehtr1, ck803efr1, ck803efhr1, ck803ftr1,
19713           ck803eftr1, ck803efhtr1, ck803s, ck803st, ck803se, ck803sf,
19714           ck803sef, ck803seft, ck807e, ck807ef, ck807, ck807f, ck810e,
19715           ck810et, ck810ef, ck810eft, ck810, ck810v, ck810f, ck810t, ck810fv,
19716           ck810tv, ck810ft, and ck810ftv.
19718       -mbig-endian
19719       -EB
19720       -mlittle-endian
19721       -EL Select big- or little-endian code.  The default is little-endian.
19723       -mfloat-abi=name
19724           Specifies which floating-point ABI to use.  Permissible values are:
19725           soft, softfp and hard.
19727           Specifying soft causes GCC to generate output containing library
19728           calls for floating-point operations.  softfp allows the generation
19729           of code using hardware floating-point instructions, but still uses
19730           the soft-float calling conventions.  hard allows generation of
19731           floating-point instructions and uses FPU-specific calling
19732           conventions.
19734           The default depends on the specific target configuration.  Note
19735           that the hard-float and soft-float ABIs are not link-compatible;
19736           you must compile your entire program with the same ABI, and link
19737           with a compatible set of libraries.
19739       -mhard-float
19740       -msoft-float
19741           Select hardware or software floating-point implementations.  The
19742           default is soft float.
19744       -mdouble-float
19745       -mno-double-float
19746           When -mhard-float is in effect, enable generation of double-
19747           precision float instructions.  This is the default except when
19748           compiling for CK803.
19750       -mfdivdu
19751       -mno-fdivdu
19752           When -mhard-float is in effect, enable generation of "frecipd",
19753           "fsqrtd", and "fdivd" instructions.  This is the default except
19754           when compiling for CK803.
19756       -mfpu=fpu
19757           Select the floating-point processor.  This option can only be used
19758           with -mhard-float.  Values for fpu are fpv2_sf (equivalent to
19759           -mno-double-float -mno-fdivdu), fpv2 (-mdouble-float -mno-divdu),
19760           and fpv2_divd (-mdouble-float -mdivdu).
19762       -melrw
19763       -mno-elrw
19764           Enable the extended "lrw" instruction.  This option defaults to on
19765           for CK801 and off otherwise.
19767       -mistack
19768       -mno-istack
19769           Enable interrupt stack instructions; the default is off.
19771           The -mistack option is required to handle the "interrupt" and "isr"
19772           function attributes.
19774       -mmp
19775           Enable multiprocessor instructions; the default is off.
19777       -mcp
19778           Enable coprocessor instructions; the default is off.
19780       -mcache
19781           Enable coprocessor instructions; the default is off.
19783       -msecurity
19784           Enable C-SKY security instructions; the default is off.
19786       -mtrust
19787           Enable C-SKY trust instructions; the default is off.
19789       -mdsp
19790       -medsp
19791       -mvdsp
19792           Enable C-SKY DSP, Enhanced DSP, or Vector DSP instructions,
19793           respectively.  All of these options default to off.
19795       -mdiv
19796       -mno-div
19797           Generate divide instructions.  Default is off.
19799       -msmart
19800       -mno-smart
19801           Generate code for Smart Mode, using only registers numbered 0-7 to
19802           allow use of 16-bit instructions.  This option is ignored for CK801
19803           where this is the required behavior, and it defaults to on for
19804           CK802.  For other targets, the default is off.
19806       -mhigh-registers
19807       -mno-high-registers
19808           Generate code using the high registers numbered 16-31.  This option
19809           is not supported on CK801, CK802, or CK803, and is enabled by
19810           default for other processors.
19812       -manchor
19813       -mno-anchor
19814           Generate code using global anchor symbol addresses.
19816       -mpushpop
19817       -mno-pushpop
19818           Generate code using "push" and "pop" instructions.  This option
19819           defaults to on.
19821       -mmultiple-stld
19822       -mstm
19823       -mno-multiple-stld
19824       -mno-stm
19825           Generate code using "stm" and "ldm" instructions.  This option
19826           isn't supported on CK801 but is enabled by default on other
19827           processors.
19829       -mconstpool
19830       -mno-constpool
19831           Create constant pools in the compiler instead of deferring it to
19832           the assembler.  This option is the default and required for correct
19833           code generation on CK801 and CK802, and is optional on other
19834           processors.
19836       -mstack-size
19837       -mno-stack-size
19838           Emit ".stack_size" directives for each function in the assembly
19839           output.  This option defaults to off.
19841       -mccrt
19842       -mno-ccrt
19843           Generate code for the C-SKY compiler runtime instead of libgcc.
19844           This option defaults to off.
19846       -mbranch-cost=n
19847           Set the branch costs to roughly "n" instructions.  The default is
19848           1.
19850       -msched-prolog
19851       -mno-sched-prolog
19852           Permit scheduling of function prologue and epilogue sequences.
19853           Using this option can result in code that is not compliant with the
19854           C-SKY V2 ABI prologue requirements and that cannot be debugged or
19855           backtraced.  It is disabled by default.
19857       -msim
19858           Links the library libsemi.a which is in compatible with simulator.
19859           Applicable to ELF compiler only.
19861       Darwin Options
19863       These options are defined for all architectures running the Darwin
19864       operating system.
19866       FSF GCC on Darwin does not create "fat" object files; it creates an
19867       object file for the single architecture that GCC was built to target.
19868       Apple's GCC on Darwin does create "fat" files if multiple -arch options
19869       are used; it does so by running the compiler or linker multiple times
19870       and joining the results together with lipo.
19872       The subtype of the file created (like ppc7400 or ppc970 or i686) is
19873       determined by the flags that specify the ISA that GCC is targeting,
19874       like -mcpu or -march.  The -force_cpusubtype_ALL option can be used to
19875       override this.
19877       The Darwin tools vary in their behavior when presented with an ISA
19878       mismatch.  The assembler, as, only permits instructions to be used that
19879       are valid for the subtype of the file it is generating, so you cannot
19880       put 64-bit instructions in a ppc750 object file.  The linker for shared
19881       libraries, /usr/bin/libtool, fails and prints an error if asked to
19882       create a shared library with a less restrictive subtype than its input
19883       files (for instance, trying to put a ppc970 object file in a ppc7400
19884       library).  The linker for executables, ld, quietly gives the executable
19885       the most restrictive subtype of any of its input files.
19887       -Fdir
19888           Add the framework directory dir to the head of the list of
19889           directories to be searched for header files.  These directories are
19890           interleaved with those specified by -I options and are scanned in a
19891           left-to-right order.
19893           A framework directory is a directory with frameworks in it.  A
19894           framework is a directory with a Headers and/or PrivateHeaders
19895           directory contained directly in it that ends in .framework.  The
19896           name of a framework is the name of this directory excluding the
19897           .framework.  Headers associated with the framework are found in one
19898           of those two directories, with Headers being searched first.  A
19899           subframework is a framework directory that is in a framework's
19900           Frameworks directory.  Includes of subframework headers can only
19901           appear in a header of a framework that contains the subframework,
19902           or in a sibling subframework header.  Two subframeworks are
19903           siblings if they occur in the same framework.  A subframework
19904           should not have the same name as a framework; a warning is issued
19905           if this is violated.  Currently a subframework cannot have
19906           subframeworks; in the future, the mechanism may be extended to
19907           support this.  The standard frameworks can be found in
19908           /System/Library/Frameworks and /Library/Frameworks.  An example
19909           include looks like "#include <Framework/header.h>", where Framework
19910           denotes the name of the framework and header.h is found in the
19911           PrivateHeaders or Headers directory.
19913       -iframeworkdir
19914           Like -F except the directory is a treated as a system directory.
19915           The main difference between this -iframework and -F is that with
19916           -iframework the compiler does not warn about constructs contained
19917           within header files found via dir.  This option is valid only for
19918           the C family of languages.
19920       -gused
19921           Emit debugging information for symbols that are used.  For stabs
19922           debugging format, this enables -feliminate-unused-debug-symbols.
19923           This is by default ON.
19925       -gfull
19926           Emit debugging information for all symbols and types.
19928       -mmacosx-version-min=version
19929           The earliest version of MacOS X that this executable will run on is
19930           version.  Typical values of version include 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3.9.
19932           If the compiler was built to use the system's headers by default,
19933           then the default for this option is the system version on which the
19934           compiler is running, otherwise the default is to make choices that
19935           are compatible with as many systems and code bases as possible.
19937       -mkernel
19938           Enable kernel development mode.  The -mkernel option sets -static,
19939           -fno-common, -fno-use-cxa-atexit, -fno-exceptions,
19940           -fno-non-call-exceptions, -fapple-kext, -fno-weak and -fno-rtti
19941           where applicable.  This mode also sets -mno-altivec, -msoft-float,
19942           -fno-builtin and -mlong-branch for PowerPC targets.
19944       -mone-byte-bool
19945           Override the defaults for "bool" so that "sizeof(bool)==1".  By
19946           default sizeof(bool) is 4 when compiling for Darwin/PowerPC and 1
19947           when compiling for Darwin/x86, so this option has no effect on x86.
19949           Warning: The -mone-byte-bool switch causes GCC to generate code
19950           that is not binary compatible with code generated without that
19951           switch.  Using this switch may require recompiling all other
19952           modules in a program, including system libraries.  Use this switch
19953           to conform to a non-default data model.
19955       -mfix-and-continue
19956       -ffix-and-continue
19957       -findirect-data
19958           Generate code suitable for fast turnaround development, such as to
19959           allow GDB to dynamically load .o files into already-running
19960           programs.  -findirect-data and -ffix-and-continue are provided for
19961           backwards compatibility.
19963       -all_load
19964           Loads all members of static archive libraries.  See man ld(1) for
19965           more information.
19967       -arch_errors_fatal
19968           Cause the errors having to do with files that have the wrong
19969           architecture to be fatal.
19971       -bind_at_load
19972           Causes the output file to be marked such that the dynamic linker
19973           will bind all undefined references when the file is loaded or
19974           launched.
19976       -bundle
19977           Produce a Mach-o bundle format file.  See man ld(1) for more
19978           information.
19980       -bundle_loader executable
19981           This option specifies the executable that will load the build
19982           output file being linked.  See man ld(1) for more information.
19984       -dynamiclib
19985           When passed this option, GCC produces a dynamic library instead of
19986           an executable when linking, using the Darwin libtool command.
19988       -force_cpusubtype_ALL
19989           This causes GCC's output file to have the ALL subtype, instead of
19990           one controlled by the -mcpu or -march option.
19992       -allowable_client  client_name
19993       -client_name
19994       -compatibility_version
19995       -current_version
19996       -dead_strip
19997       -dependency-file
19998       -dylib_file
19999       -dylinker_install_name
20000       -dynamic
20001       -exported_symbols_list
20002       -filelist
20003       -flat_namespace
20004       -force_flat_namespace
20005       -headerpad_max_install_names
20006       -image_base
20007       -init
20008       -install_name
20009       -keep_private_externs
20010       -multi_module
20011       -multiply_defined
20012       -multiply_defined_unused
20013       -noall_load
20014       -no_dead_strip_inits_and_terms
20015       -nofixprebinding
20016       -nomultidefs
20017       -noprebind
20018       -noseglinkedit
20019       -pagezero_size
20020       -prebind
20021       -prebind_all_twolevel_modules
20022       -private_bundle
20023       -read_only_relocs
20024       -sectalign
20025       -sectobjectsymbols
20026       -whyload
20027       -seg1addr
20028       -sectcreate
20029       -sectobjectsymbols
20030       -sectorder
20031       -segaddr
20032       -segs_read_only_addr
20033       -segs_read_write_addr
20034       -seg_addr_table
20035       -seg_addr_table_filename
20036       -seglinkedit
20037       -segprot
20038       -segs_read_only_addr
20039       -segs_read_write_addr
20040       -single_module
20041       -static
20042       -sub_library
20043       -sub_umbrella
20044       -twolevel_namespace
20045       -umbrella
20046       -undefined
20047       -unexported_symbols_list
20048       -weak_reference_mismatches
20049       -whatsloaded
20050           These options are passed to the Darwin linker.  The Darwin linker
20051           man page describes them in detail.
20053       DEC Alpha Options
20055       These -m options are defined for the DEC Alpha implementations:
20057       -mno-soft-float
20058       -msoft-float
20059           Use (do not use) the hardware floating-point instructions for
20060           floating-point operations.  When -msoft-float is specified,
20061           functions in libgcc.a are used to perform floating-point
20062           operations.  Unless they are replaced by routines that emulate the
20063           floating-point operations, or compiled in such a way as to call
20064           such emulations routines, these routines issue floating-point
20065           operations.   If you are compiling for an Alpha without floating-
20066           point operations, you must ensure that the library is built so as
20067           not to call them.
20069           Note that Alpha implementations without floating-point operations
20070           are required to have floating-point registers.
20072       -mfp-reg
20073       -mno-fp-regs
20074           Generate code that uses (does not use) the floating-point register
20075           set.  -mno-fp-regs implies -msoft-float.  If the floating-point
20076           register set is not used, floating-point operands are passed in
20077           integer registers as if they were integers and floating-point
20078           results are passed in $0 instead of $f0.  This is a non-standard
20079           calling sequence, so any function with a floating-point argument or
20080           return value called by code compiled with -mno-fp-regs must also be
20081           compiled with that option.
20083           A typical use of this option is building a kernel that does not
20084           use, and hence need not save and restore, any floating-point
20085           registers.
20087       -mieee
20088           The Alpha architecture implements floating-point hardware optimized
20089           for maximum performance.  It is mostly compliant with the IEEE
20090           floating-point standard.  However, for full compliance, software
20091           assistance is required.  This option generates code fully IEEE-
20092           compliant code except that the inexact-flag is not maintained (see
20093           below).  If this option is turned on, the preprocessor macro
20094           "_IEEE_FP" is defined during compilation.  The resulting code is
20095           less efficient but is able to correctly support denormalized
20096           numbers and exceptional IEEE values such as not-a-number and
20097           plus/minus infinity.  Other Alpha compilers call this option
20098           -ieee_with_no_inexact.
20100       -mieee-with-inexact
20101           This is like -mieee except the generated code also maintains the
20102           IEEE inexact-flag.  Turning on this option causes the generated
20103           code to implement fully-compliant IEEE math.  In addition to
20104           "_IEEE_FP", "_IEEE_FP_EXACT" is defined as a preprocessor macro.
20105           On some Alpha implementations the resulting code may execute
20106           significantly slower than the code generated by default.  Since
20107           there is very little code that depends on the inexact-flag, you
20108           should normally not specify this option.  Other Alpha compilers
20109           call this option -ieee_with_inexact.
20111       -mfp-trap-mode=trap-mode
20112           This option controls what floating-point related traps are enabled.
20113           Other Alpha compilers call this option -fptm trap-mode.  The trap
20114           mode can be set to one of four values:
20116           n   This is the default (normal) setting.  The only traps that are
20117               enabled are the ones that cannot be disabled in software (e.g.,
20118               division by zero trap).
20120           u   In addition to the traps enabled by n, underflow traps are
20121               enabled as well.
20123           su  Like u, but the instructions are marked to be safe for software
20124               completion (see Alpha architecture manual for details).
20126           sui Like su, but inexact traps are enabled as well.
20128       -mfp-rounding-mode=rounding-mode
20129           Selects the IEEE rounding mode.  Other Alpha compilers call this
20130           option -fprm rounding-mode.  The rounding-mode can be one of:
20132           n   Normal IEEE rounding mode.  Floating-point numbers are rounded
20133               towards the nearest machine number or towards the even machine
20134               number in case of a tie.
20136           m   Round towards minus infinity.
20138           c   Chopped rounding mode.  Floating-point numbers are rounded
20139               towards zero.
20141           d   Dynamic rounding mode.  A field in the floating-point control
20142               register (fpcr, see Alpha architecture reference manual)
20143               controls the rounding mode in effect.  The C library
20144               initializes this register for rounding towards plus infinity.
20145               Thus, unless your program modifies the fpcr, d corresponds to
20146               round towards plus infinity.
20148       -mtrap-precision=trap-precision
20149           In the Alpha architecture, floating-point traps are imprecise.
20150           This means without software assistance it is impossible to recover
20151           from a floating trap and program execution normally needs to be
20152           terminated.  GCC can generate code that can assist operating system
20153           trap handlers in determining the exact location that caused a
20154           floating-point trap.  Depending on the requirements of an
20155           application, different levels of precisions can be selected:
20157           p   Program precision.  This option is the default and means a trap
20158               handler can only identify which program caused a floating-point
20159               exception.
20161           f   Function precision.  The trap handler can determine the
20162               function that caused a floating-point exception.
20164           i   Instruction precision.  The trap handler can determine the
20165               exact instruction that caused a floating-point exception.
20167           Other Alpha compilers provide the equivalent options called
20168           -scope_safe and -resumption_safe.
20170       -mieee-conformant
20171           This option marks the generated code as IEEE conformant.  You must
20172           not use this option unless you also specify -mtrap-precision=i and
20173           either -mfp-trap-mode=su or -mfp-trap-mode=sui.  Its only effect is
20174           to emit the line .eflag 48 in the function prologue of the
20175           generated assembly file.
20177       -mbuild-constants
20178           Normally GCC examines a 32- or 64-bit integer constant to see if it
20179           can construct it from smaller constants in two or three
20180           instructions.  If it cannot, it outputs the constant as a literal
20181           and generates code to load it from the data segment at run time.
20183           Use this option to require GCC to construct all integer constants
20184           using code, even if it takes more instructions (the maximum is
20185           six).
20187           You typically use this option to build a shared library dynamic
20188           loader.  Itself a shared library, it must relocate itself in memory
20189           before it can find the variables and constants in its own data
20190           segment.
20192       -mbwx
20193       -mno-bwx
20194       -mcix
20195       -mno-cix
20196       -mfix
20197       -mno-fix
20198       -mmax
20199       -mno-max
20200           Indicate whether GCC should generate code to use the optional BWX,
20201           CIX, FIX and MAX instruction sets.  The default is to use the
20202           instruction sets supported by the CPU type specified via -mcpu=
20203           option or that of the CPU on which GCC was built if none is
20204           specified.
20206       -mfloat-vax
20207       -mfloat-ieee
20208           Generate code that uses (does not use) VAX F and G floating-point
20209           arithmetic instead of IEEE single and double precision.
20211       -mexplicit-relocs
20212       -mno-explicit-relocs
20213           Older Alpha assemblers provided no way to generate symbol
20214           relocations except via assembler macros.  Use of these macros does
20215           not allow optimal instruction scheduling.  GNU binutils as of
20216           version 2.12 supports a new syntax that allows the compiler to
20217           explicitly mark which relocations should apply to which
20218           instructions.  This option is mostly useful for debugging, as GCC
20219           detects the capabilities of the assembler when it is built and sets
20220           the default accordingly.
20222       -msmall-data
20223       -mlarge-data
20224           When -mexplicit-relocs is in effect, static data is accessed via
20225           gp-relative relocations.  When -msmall-data is used, objects 8
20226           bytes long or smaller are placed in a small data area (the ".sdata"
20227           and ".sbss" sections) and are accessed via 16-bit relocations off
20228           of the $gp register.  This limits the size of the small data area
20229           to 64KB, but allows the variables to be directly accessed via a
20230           single instruction.
20232           The default is -mlarge-data.  With this option the data area is
20233           limited to just below 2GB.  Programs that require more than 2GB of
20234           data must use "malloc" or "mmap" to allocate the data in the heap
20235           instead of in the program's data segment.
20237           When generating code for shared libraries, -fpic implies
20238           -msmall-data and -fPIC implies -mlarge-data.
20240       -msmall-text
20241       -mlarge-text
20242           When -msmall-text is used, the compiler assumes that the code of
20243           the entire program (or shared library) fits in 4MB, and is thus
20244           reachable with a branch instruction.  When -msmall-data is used,
20245           the compiler can assume that all local symbols share the same $gp
20246           value, and thus reduce the number of instructions required for a
20247           function call from 4 to 1.
20249           The default is -mlarge-text.
20251       -mcpu=cpu_type
20252           Set the instruction set and instruction scheduling parameters for
20253           machine type cpu_type.  You can specify either the EV style name or
20254           the corresponding chip number.  GCC supports scheduling parameters
20255           for the EV4, EV5 and EV6 family of processors and chooses the
20256           default values for the instruction set from the processor you
20257           specify.  If you do not specify a processor type, GCC defaults to
20258           the processor on which the compiler was built.
20260           Supported values for cpu_type are
20262           ev4
20263           ev45
20264           21064
20265               Schedules as an EV4 and has no instruction set extensions.
20267           ev5
20268           21164
20269               Schedules as an EV5 and has no instruction set extensions.
20271           ev56
20272           21164a
20273               Schedules as an EV5 and supports the BWX extension.
20275           pca56
20276           21164pc
20277           21164PC
20278               Schedules as an EV5 and supports the BWX and MAX extensions.
20280           ev6
20281           21264
20282               Schedules as an EV6 and supports the BWX, FIX, and MAX
20283               extensions.
20285           ev67
20286           21264a
20287               Schedules as an EV6 and supports the BWX, CIX, FIX, and MAX
20288               extensions.
20290           Native toolchains also support the value native, which selects the
20291           best architecture option for the host processor.  -mcpu=native has
20292           no effect if GCC does not recognize the processor.
20294       -mtune=cpu_type
20295           Set only the instruction scheduling parameters for machine type
20296           cpu_type.  The instruction set is not changed.
20298           Native toolchains also support the value native, which selects the
20299           best architecture option for the host processor.  -mtune=native has
20300           no effect if GCC does not recognize the processor.
20302       -mmemory-latency=time
20303           Sets the latency the scheduler should assume for typical memory
20304           references as seen by the application.  This number is highly
20305           dependent on the memory access patterns used by the application and
20306           the size of the external cache on the machine.
20308           Valid options for time are
20310           number
20311               A decimal number representing clock cycles.
20313           L1
20314           L2
20315           L3
20316           main
20317               The compiler contains estimates of the number of clock cycles
20318               for "typical" EV4 & EV5 hardware for the Level 1, 2 & 3 caches
20319               (also called Dcache, Scache, and Bcache), as well as to main
20320               memory.  Note that L3 is only valid for EV5.
20322       eBPF Options
20324       -mframe-limit=bytes
20325           This specifies the hard limit for frame sizes, in bytes.
20326           Currently, the value that can be specified should be less than or
20327           equal to 32767.  Defaults to whatever limit is imposed by the
20328           version of the Linux kernel targeted.
20330       -mkernel=version
20331           This specifies the minimum version of the kernel that will run the
20332           compiled program.  GCC uses this version to determine which
20333           instructions to use, what kernel helpers to allow, etc.  Currently,
20334           version can be one of 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8,
20335           4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19,
20336           4.20, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, latest and native.
20338       -mbig-endian
20339           Generate code for a big-endian target.
20341       -mlittle-endian
20342           Generate code for a little-endian target.  This is the default.
20344       -mjmpext
20345           Enable generation of extra conditional-branch instructions.
20346           Enabled for CPU v2 and above.
20348       -mjmp32
20349           Enable 32-bit jump instructions. Enabled for CPU v3 and above.
20351       -malu32
20352           Enable 32-bit ALU instructions. Enabled for CPU v3 and above.
20354       -mcpu=version
20355           This specifies which version of the eBPF ISA to target. Newer
20356           versions may not be supported by all kernels. The default is v3.
20358           Supported values for version are:
20360           v1  The first stable eBPF ISA with no special features or
20361               extensions.
20363           v2  Supports the jump extensions, as in -mjmpext.
20365           v3  All features of v2, plus:
20367               -<32-bit jump operations, as in -mjmp32>
20368               -<32-bit ALU operations, as in -malu32>
20369       -mco-re
20370           Enable BPF Compile Once - Run Everywhere (CO-RE) support. Requires
20371           and is implied by -gbtf.
20373       -mno-co-re
20374           Disable BPF Compile Once - Run Everywhere (CO-RE) support. BPF CO-
20375           RE support is enabled by default when generating BTF debug
20376           information for the BPF target.
20378       -mxbpf
20379           Generate code for an expanded version of BPF, which relaxes some of
20380           the restrictions imposed by the BPF architecture:
20382           -<Save and restore callee-saved registers at function entry and>
20383               exit, respectively.
20385       FR30 Options
20387       These options are defined specifically for the FR30 port.
20389       -msmall-model
20390           Use the small address space model.  This can produce smaller code,
20391           but it does assume that all symbolic values and addresses fit into
20392           a 20-bit range.
20394       -mno-lsim
20395           Assume that runtime support has been provided and so there is no
20396           need to include the simulator library (libsim.a) on the linker
20397           command line.
20399       FT32 Options
20401       These options are defined specifically for the FT32 port.
20403       -msim
20404           Specifies that the program will be run on the simulator.  This
20405           causes an alternate runtime startup and library to be linked.  You
20406           must not use this option when generating programs that will run on
20407           real hardware; you must provide your own runtime library for
20408           whatever I/O functions are needed.
20410       -mlra
20411           Enable Local Register Allocation.  This is still experimental for
20412           FT32, so by default the compiler uses standard reload.
20414       -mnodiv
20415           Do not use div and mod instructions.
20417       -mft32b
20418           Enable use of the extended instructions of the FT32B processor.
20420       -mcompress
20421           Compress all code using the Ft32B code compression scheme.
20423       -mnopm
20424           Do not generate code that reads program memory.
20426       FRV Options
20428       -mgpr-32
20429           Only use the first 32 general-purpose registers.
20431       -mgpr-64
20432           Use all 64 general-purpose registers.
20434       -mfpr-32
20435           Use only the first 32 floating-point registers.
20437       -mfpr-64
20438           Use all 64 floating-point registers.
20440       -mhard-float
20441           Use hardware instructions for floating-point operations.
20443       -msoft-float
20444           Use library routines for floating-point operations.
20446       -malloc-cc
20447           Dynamically allocate condition code registers.
20449       -mfixed-cc
20450           Do not try to dynamically allocate condition code registers, only
20451           use "icc0" and "fcc0".
20453       -mdword
20454           Change ABI to use double word insns.
20456       -mno-dword
20457           Do not use double word instructions.
20459       -mdouble
20460           Use floating-point double instructions.
20462       -mno-double
20463           Do not use floating-point double instructions.
20465       -mmedia
20466           Use media instructions.
20468       -mno-media
20469           Do not use media instructions.
20471       -mmuladd
20472           Use multiply and add/subtract instructions.
20474       -mno-muladd
20475           Do not use multiply and add/subtract instructions.
20477       -mfdpic
20478           Select the FDPIC ABI, which uses function descriptors to represent
20479           pointers to functions.  Without any PIC/PIE-related options, it
20480           implies -fPIE.  With -fpic or -fpie, it assumes GOT entries and
20481           small data are within a 12-bit range from the GOT base address;
20482           with -fPIC or -fPIE, GOT offsets are computed with 32 bits.  With a
20483           bfin-elf target, this option implies -msim.
20485       -minline-plt
20486           Enable inlining of PLT entries in function calls to functions that
20487           are not known to bind locally.  It has no effect without -mfdpic.
20488           It's enabled by default if optimizing for speed and compiling for
20489           shared libraries (i.e., -fPIC or -fpic), or when an optimization
20490           option such as -O3 or above is present in the command line.
20492       -mTLS
20493           Assume a large TLS segment when generating thread-local code.
20495       -mtls
20496           Do not assume a large TLS segment when generating thread-local
20497           code.
20499       -mgprel-ro
20500           Enable the use of "GPREL" relocations in the FDPIC ABI for data
20501           that is known to be in read-only sections.  It's enabled by
20502           default, except for -fpic or -fpie: even though it may help make
20503           the global offset table smaller, it trades 1 instruction for 4.
20504           With -fPIC or -fPIE, it trades 3 instructions for 4, one of which
20505           may be shared by multiple symbols, and it avoids the need for a GOT
20506           entry for the referenced symbol, so it's more likely to be a win.
20507           If it is not, -mno-gprel-ro can be used to disable it.
20509       -multilib-library-pic
20510           Link with the (library, not FD) pic libraries.  It's implied by
20511           -mlibrary-pic, as well as by -fPIC and -fpic without -mfdpic.  You
20512           should never have to use it explicitly.
20514       -mlinked-fp
20515           Follow the EABI requirement of always creating a frame pointer
20516           whenever a stack frame is allocated.  This option is enabled by
20517           default and can be disabled with -mno-linked-fp.
20519       -mlong-calls
20520           Use indirect addressing to call functions outside the current
20521           compilation unit.  This allows the functions to be placed anywhere
20522           within the 32-bit address space.
20524       -malign-labels
20525           Try to align labels to an 8-byte boundary by inserting NOPs into
20526           the previous packet.  This option only has an effect when VLIW
20527           packing is enabled.  It doesn't create new packets; it merely adds
20528           NOPs to existing ones.
20530       -mlibrary-pic
20531           Generate position-independent EABI code.
20533       -macc-4
20534           Use only the first four media accumulator registers.
20536       -macc-8
20537           Use all eight media accumulator registers.
20539       -mpack
20540           Pack VLIW instructions.
20542       -mno-pack
20543           Do not pack VLIW instructions.
20545       -mno-eflags
20546           Do not mark ABI switches in e_flags.
20548       -mcond-move
20549           Enable the use of conditional-move instructions (default).
20551           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20552           removed in a future version.
20554       -mno-cond-move
20555           Disable the use of conditional-move instructions.
20557           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20558           removed in a future version.
20560       -mscc
20561           Enable the use of conditional set instructions (default).
20563           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20564           removed in a future version.
20566       -mno-scc
20567           Disable the use of conditional set instructions.
20569           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20570           removed in a future version.
20572       -mcond-exec
20573           Enable the use of conditional execution (default).
20575           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20576           removed in a future version.
20578       -mno-cond-exec
20579           Disable the use of conditional execution.
20581           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20582           removed in a future version.
20584       -mvliw-branch
20585           Run a pass to pack branches into VLIW instructions (default).
20587           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20588           removed in a future version.
20590       -mno-vliw-branch
20591           Do not run a pass to pack branches into VLIW instructions.
20593           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20594           removed in a future version.
20596       -mmulti-cond-exec
20597           Enable optimization of "&&" and "||" in conditional execution
20598           (default).
20600           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20601           removed in a future version.
20603       -mno-multi-cond-exec
20604           Disable optimization of "&&" and "||" in conditional execution.
20606           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20607           removed in a future version.
20609       -mnested-cond-exec
20610           Enable nested conditional execution optimizations (default).
20612           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20613           removed in a future version.
20615       -mno-nested-cond-exec
20616           Disable nested conditional execution optimizations.
20618           This switch is mainly for debugging the compiler and will likely be
20619           removed in a future version.
20621       -moptimize-membar
20622           This switch removes redundant "membar" instructions from the
20623           compiler-generated code.  It is enabled by default.
20625       -mno-optimize-membar
20626           This switch disables the automatic removal of redundant "membar"
20627           instructions from the generated code.
20629       -mtomcat-stats
20630           Cause gas to print out tomcat statistics.
20632       -mcpu=cpu
20633           Select the processor type for which to generate code.  Possible
20634           values are frv, fr550, tomcat, fr500, fr450, fr405, fr400, fr300
20635           and simple.
20637       GNU/Linux Options
20639       These -m options are defined for GNU/Linux targets:
20641       -mglibc
20642           Use the GNU C library.  This is the default except on
20643           *-*-linux-*uclibc*, *-*-linux-*musl* and *-*-linux-*android*
20644           targets.
20646       -muclibc
20647           Use uClibc C library.  This is the default on *-*-linux-*uclibc*
20648           targets.
20650       -mmusl
20651           Use the musl C library.  This is the default on *-*-linux-*musl*
20652           targets.
20654       -mbionic
20655           Use Bionic C library.  This is the default on *-*-linux-*android*
20656           targets.
20658       -mandroid
20659           Compile code compatible with Android platform.  This is the default
20660           on *-*-linux-*android* targets.
20662           When compiling, this option enables -mbionic, -fPIC,
20663           -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti by default.  When linking, this
20664           option makes the GCC driver pass Android-specific options to the
20665           linker.  Finally, this option causes the preprocessor macro
20666           "__ANDROID__" to be defined.
20668       -tno-android-cc
20669           Disable compilation effects of -mandroid, i.e., do not enable
20670           -mbionic, -fPIC, -fno-exceptions and -fno-rtti by default.
20672       -tno-android-ld
20673           Disable linking effects of -mandroid, i.e., pass standard Linux
20674           linking options to the linker.
20676       H8/300 Options
20678       These -m options are defined for the H8/300 implementations:
20680       -mrelax
20681           Shorten some address references at link time, when possible; uses
20682           the linker option -relax.
20684       -mh Generate code for the H8/300H.
20686       -ms Generate code for the H8S.
20688       -mn Generate code for the H8S and H8/300H in the normal mode.  This
20689           switch must be used either with -mh or -ms.
20691       -ms2600
20692           Generate code for the H8S/2600.  This switch must be used with -ms.
20694       -mexr
20695           Extended registers are stored on stack before execution of function
20696           with monitor attribute. Default option is -mexr.  This option is
20697           valid only for H8S targets.
20699       -mno-exr
20700           Extended registers are not stored on stack before execution of
20701           function with monitor attribute. Default option is -mno-exr.  This
20702           option is valid only for H8S targets.
20704       -mint32
20705           Make "int" data 32 bits by default.
20707       -malign-300
20708           On the H8/300H and H8S, use the same alignment rules as for the
20709           H8/300.  The default for the H8/300H and H8S is to align longs and
20710           floats on 4-byte boundaries.  -malign-300 causes them to be aligned
20711           on 2-byte boundaries.  This option has no effect on the H8/300.
20713       HPPA Options
20715       These -m options are defined for the HPPA family of computers:
20717       -march=architecture-type
20718           Generate code for the specified architecture.  The choices for
20719           architecture-type are 1.0 for PA 1.0, 1.1 for PA 1.1, and 2.0 for
20720           PA 2.0 processors.  Refer to /usr/lib/sched.models on an HP-UX
20721           system to determine the proper architecture option for your
20722           machine.  Code compiled for lower numbered architectures runs on
20723           higher numbered architectures, but not the other way around.
20725       -mpa-risc-1-0
20726       -mpa-risc-1-1
20727       -mpa-risc-2-0
20728           Synonyms for -march=1.0, -march=1.1, and -march=2.0 respectively.
20730       -mcaller-copies
20731           The caller copies function arguments passed by hidden reference.
20732           This option should be used with care as it is not compatible with
20733           the default 32-bit runtime.  However, only aggregates larger than
20734           eight bytes are passed by hidden reference and the option provides
20735           better compatibility with OpenMP.
20737       -mjump-in-delay
20738           This option is ignored and provided for compatibility purposes
20739           only.
20741       -mdisable-fpregs
20742           Prevent floating-point registers from being used in any manner.
20743           This is necessary for compiling kernels that perform lazy context
20744           switching of floating-point registers.  If you use this option and
20745           attempt to perform floating-point operations, the compiler aborts.
20747       -mdisable-indexing
20748           Prevent the compiler from using indexing address modes.  This
20749           avoids some rather obscure problems when compiling MIG generated
20750           code under MACH.
20752       -mno-space-regs
20753           Generate code that assumes the target has no space registers.  This
20754           allows GCC to generate faster indirect calls and use unscaled index
20755           address modes.
20757           Such code is suitable for level 0 PA systems and kernels.
20759       -mfast-indirect-calls
20760           Generate code that assumes calls never cross space boundaries.
20761           This allows GCC to emit code that performs faster indirect calls.
20763           This option does not work in the presence of shared libraries or
20764           nested functions.
20766       -mfixed-range=register-range
20767           Generate code treating the given register range as fixed registers.
20768           A fixed register is one that the register allocator cannot use.
20769           This is useful when compiling kernel code.  A register range is
20770           specified as two registers separated by a dash.  Multiple register
20771           ranges can be specified separated by a comma.
20773       -mlong-load-store
20774           Generate 3-instruction load and store sequences as sometimes
20775           required by the HP-UX 10 linker.  This is equivalent to the +k
20776           option to the HP compilers.
20778       -mportable-runtime
20779           Use the portable calling conventions proposed by HP for ELF
20780           systems.
20782       -mgas
20783           Enable the use of assembler directives only GAS understands.
20785       -mschedule=cpu-type
20786           Schedule code according to the constraints for the machine type
20787           cpu-type.  The choices for cpu-type are 700 7100, 7100LC, 7200,
20788           7300 and 8000.  Refer to /usr/lib/sched.models on an HP-UX system
20789           to determine the proper scheduling option for your machine.  The
20790           default scheduling is 8000.
20792       -mlinker-opt
20793           Enable the optimization pass in the HP-UX linker.  Note this makes
20794           symbolic debugging impossible.  It also triggers a bug in the HP-UX
20795           8 and HP-UX 9 linkers in which they give bogus error messages when
20796           linking some programs.
20798       -msoft-float
20799           Generate output containing library calls for floating point.
20800           Warning: the requisite libraries are not available for all HPPA
20801           targets.  Normally the facilities of the machine's usual C compiler
20802           are used, but this cannot be done directly in cross-compilation.
20803           You must make your own arrangements to provide suitable library
20804           functions for cross-compilation.
20806           -msoft-float changes the calling convention in the output file;
20807           therefore, it is only useful if you compile all of a program with
20808           this option.  In particular, you need to compile libgcc.a, the
20809           library that comes with GCC, with -msoft-float in order for this to
20810           work.
20812       -msio
20813           Generate the predefine, "_SIO", for server IO.  The default is
20814           -mwsio.  This generates the predefines, "__hp9000s700",
20815           "__hp9000s700__" and "_WSIO", for workstation IO.  These options
20816           are available under HP-UX and HI-UX.
20818       -mgnu-ld
20819           Use options specific to GNU ld.  This passes -shared to ld when
20820           building a shared library.  It is the default when GCC is
20821           configured, explicitly or implicitly, with the GNU linker.  This
20822           option does not affect which ld is called; it only changes what
20823           parameters are passed to that ld.  The ld that is called is
20824           determined by the --with-ld configure option, GCC's program search
20825           path, and finally by the user's PATH.  The linker used by GCC can
20826           be printed using which `gcc -print-prog-name=ld`.  This option is
20827           only available on the 64-bit HP-UX GCC, i.e. configured with
20828           hppa*64*-*-hpux*.
20830       -mhp-ld
20831           Use options specific to HP ld.  This passes -b to ld when building
20832           a shared library and passes +Accept TypeMismatch to ld on all
20833           links.  It is the default when GCC is configured, explicitly or
20834           implicitly, with the HP linker.  This option does not affect which
20835           ld is called; it only changes what parameters are passed to that
20836           ld.  The ld that is called is determined by the --with-ld configure
20837           option, GCC's program search path, and finally by the user's PATH.
20838           The linker used by GCC can be printed using which `gcc
20839           -print-prog-name=ld`.  This option is only available on the 64-bit
20840           HP-UX GCC, i.e. configured with hppa*64*-*-hpux*.
20842       -mlong-calls
20843           Generate code that uses long call sequences.  This ensures that a
20844           call is always able to reach linker generated stubs.  The default
20845           is to generate long calls only when the distance from the call site
20846           to the beginning of the function or translation unit, as the case
20847           may be, exceeds a predefined limit set by the branch type being
20848           used.  The limits for normal calls are 7,600,000 and 240,000 bytes,
20849           respectively for the PA 2.0 and PA 1.X architectures.  Sibcalls are
20850           always limited at 240,000 bytes.
20852           Distances are measured from the beginning of functions when using
20853           the -ffunction-sections option, or when using the -mgas and
20854           -mno-portable-runtime options together under HP-UX with the SOM
20855           linker.
20857           It is normally not desirable to use this option as it degrades
20858           performance.  However, it may be useful in large applications,
20859           particularly when partial linking is used to build the application.
20861           The types of long calls used depends on the capabilities of the
20862           assembler and linker, and the type of code being generated.  The
20863           impact on systems that support long absolute calls, and long pic
20864           symbol-difference or pc-relative calls should be relatively small.
20865           However, an indirect call is used on 32-bit ELF systems in pic code
20866           and it is quite long.
20868       -munix=unix-std
20869           Generate compiler predefines and select a startfile for the
20870           specified UNIX standard.  The choices for unix-std are 93, 95 and
20871           98.  93 is supported on all HP-UX versions.  95 is available on HP-
20872           UX 10.10 and later.  98 is available on HP-UX 11.11 and later.  The
20873           default values are 93 for HP-UX 10.00, 95 for HP-UX 10.10 though to
20874           11.00, and 98 for HP-UX 11.11 and later.
20876           -munix=93 provides the same predefines as GCC 3.3 and 3.4.
20877           -munix=95 provides additional predefines for "XOPEN_UNIX" and
20878           "_XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED", and the startfile unix95.o.  -munix=98
20879           provides additional predefines for "_XOPEN_UNIX",
20881           "_INCLUDE_XOPEN_SOURCE_500", and the startfile unix98.o.
20883           It is important to note that this option changes the interfaces for
20884           various library routines.  It also affects the operational behavior
20885           of the C library.  Thus, extreme care is needed in using this
20886           option.
20888           Library code that is intended to operate with more than one UNIX
20889           standard must test, set and restore the variable
20890           "__xpg4_extended_mask" as appropriate.  Most GNU software doesn't
20891           provide this capability.
20893       -nolibdld
20894           Suppress the generation of link options to search libdld.sl when
20895           the -static option is specified on HP-UX 10 and later.
20897       -static
20898           The HP-UX implementation of setlocale in libc has a dependency on
20899           libdld.sl.  There isn't an archive version of libdld.sl.  Thus,
20900           when the -static option is specified, special link options are
20901           needed to resolve this dependency.
20903           On HP-UX 10 and later, the GCC driver adds the necessary options to
20904           link with libdld.sl when the -static option is specified.  This
20905           causes the resulting binary to be dynamic.  On the 64-bit port, the
20906           linkers generate dynamic binaries by default in any case.  The
20907           -nolibdld option can be used to prevent the GCC driver from adding
20908           these link options.
20910       -threads
20911           Add support for multithreading with the dce thread library under
20912           HP-UX.  This option sets flags for both the preprocessor and
20913           linker.
20915       IA-64 Options
20917       These are the -m options defined for the Intel IA-64 architecture.
20919       -mbig-endian
20920           Generate code for a big-endian target.  This is the default for HP-
20921           UX.
20923       -mlittle-endian
20924           Generate code for a little-endian target.  This is the default for
20925           AIX5 and GNU/Linux.
20927       -mgnu-as
20928       -mno-gnu-as
20929           Generate (or don't) code for the GNU assembler.  This is the
20930           default.
20932       -mgnu-ld
20933       -mno-gnu-ld
20934           Generate (or don't) code for the GNU linker.  This is the default.
20936       -mno-pic
20937           Generate code that does not use a global pointer register.  The
20938           result is not position independent code, and violates the IA-64
20939           ABI.
20941       -mvolatile-asm-stop
20942       -mno-volatile-asm-stop
20943           Generate (or don't) a stop bit immediately before and after
20944           volatile asm statements.
20946       -mregister-names
20947       -mno-register-names
20948           Generate (or don't) in, loc, and out register names for the stacked
20949           registers.  This may make assembler output more readable.
20951       -mno-sdata
20952       -msdata
20953           Disable (or enable) optimizations that use the small data section.
20954           This may be useful for working around optimizer bugs.
20956       -mconstant-gp
20957           Generate code that uses a single constant global pointer value.
20958           This is useful when compiling kernel code.
20960       -mauto-pic
20961           Generate code that is self-relocatable.  This implies
20962           -mconstant-gp.  This is useful when compiling firmware code.
20964       -minline-float-divide-min-latency
20965           Generate code for inline divides of floating-point values using the
20966           minimum latency algorithm.
20968       -minline-float-divide-max-throughput
20969           Generate code for inline divides of floating-point values using the
20970           maximum throughput algorithm.
20972       -mno-inline-float-divide
20973           Do not generate inline code for divides of floating-point values.
20975       -minline-int-divide-min-latency
20976           Generate code for inline divides of integer values using the
20977           minimum latency algorithm.
20979       -minline-int-divide-max-throughput
20980           Generate code for inline divides of integer values using the
20981           maximum throughput algorithm.
20983       -mno-inline-int-divide
20984           Do not generate inline code for divides of integer values.
20986       -minline-sqrt-min-latency
20987           Generate code for inline square roots using the minimum latency
20988           algorithm.
20990       -minline-sqrt-max-throughput
20991           Generate code for inline square roots using the maximum throughput
20992           algorithm.
20994       -mno-inline-sqrt
20995           Do not generate inline code for "sqrt".
20997       -mfused-madd
20998       -mno-fused-madd
20999           Do (don't) generate code that uses the fused multiply/add or
21000           multiply/subtract instructions.  The default is to use these
21001           instructions.
21003       -mno-dwarf2-asm
21004       -mdwarf2-asm
21005           Don't (or do) generate assembler code for the DWARF line number
21006           debugging info.  This may be useful when not using the GNU
21007           assembler.
21009       -mearly-stop-bits
21010       -mno-early-stop-bits
21011           Allow stop bits to be placed earlier than immediately preceding the
21012           instruction that triggered the stop bit.  This can improve
21013           instruction scheduling, but does not always do so.
21015       -mfixed-range=register-range
21016           Generate code treating the given register range as fixed registers.
21017           A fixed register is one that the register allocator cannot use.
21018           This is useful when compiling kernel code.  A register range is
21019           specified as two registers separated by a dash.  Multiple register
21020           ranges can be specified separated by a comma.
21022       -mtls-size=tls-size
21023           Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets.  Valid values are 14,
21024           22, and 64.
21026       -mtune=cpu-type
21027           Tune the instruction scheduling for a particular CPU, Valid values
21028           are itanium, itanium1, merced, itanium2, and mckinley.
21030       -milp32
21031       -mlp64
21032           Generate code for a 32-bit or 64-bit environment.  The 32-bit
21033           environment sets int, long and pointer to 32 bits.  The 64-bit
21034           environment sets int to 32 bits and long and pointer to 64 bits.
21035           These are HP-UX specific flags.
21037       -mno-sched-br-data-spec
21038       -msched-br-data-spec
21039           (Dis/En)able data speculative scheduling before reload.  This
21040           results in generation of "ld.a" instructions and the corresponding
21041           check instructions ("ld.c" / "chk.a").  The default setting is
21042           disabled.
21044       -msched-ar-data-spec
21045       -mno-sched-ar-data-spec
21046           (En/Dis)able data speculative scheduling after reload.  This
21047           results in generation of "ld.a" instructions and the corresponding
21048           check instructions ("ld.c" / "chk.a").  The default setting is
21049           enabled.
21051       -mno-sched-control-spec
21052       -msched-control-spec
21053           (Dis/En)able control speculative scheduling.  This feature is
21054           available only during region scheduling (i.e. before reload).  This
21055           results in generation of the "ld.s" instructions and the
21056           corresponding check instructions "chk.s".  The default setting is
21057           disabled.
21059       -msched-br-in-data-spec
21060       -mno-sched-br-in-data-spec
21061           (En/Dis)able speculative scheduling of the instructions that are
21062           dependent on the data speculative loads before reload.  This is
21063           effective only with -msched-br-data-spec enabled.  The default
21064           setting is enabled.
21066       -msched-ar-in-data-spec
21067       -mno-sched-ar-in-data-spec
21068           (En/Dis)able speculative scheduling of the instructions that are
21069           dependent on the data speculative loads after reload.  This is
21070           effective only with -msched-ar-data-spec enabled.  The default
21071           setting is enabled.
21073       -msched-in-control-spec
21074       -mno-sched-in-control-spec
21075           (En/Dis)able speculative scheduling of the instructions that are
21076           dependent on the control speculative loads.  This is effective only
21077           with -msched-control-spec enabled.  The default setting is enabled.
21079       -mno-sched-prefer-non-data-spec-insns
21080       -msched-prefer-non-data-spec-insns
21081           If enabled, data-speculative instructions are chosen for schedule
21082           only if there are no other choices at the moment.  This makes the
21083           use of the data speculation much more conservative.  The default
21084           setting is disabled.
21086       -mno-sched-prefer-non-control-spec-insns
21087       -msched-prefer-non-control-spec-insns
21088           If enabled, control-speculative instructions are chosen for
21089           schedule only if there are no other choices at the moment.  This
21090           makes the use of the control speculation much more conservative.
21091           The default setting is disabled.
21093       -mno-sched-count-spec-in-critical-path
21094       -msched-count-spec-in-critical-path
21095           If enabled, speculative dependencies are considered during
21096           computation of the instructions priorities.  This makes the use of
21097           the speculation a bit more conservative.  The default setting is
21098           disabled.
21100       -msched-spec-ldc
21101           Use a simple data speculation check.  This option is on by default.
21103       -msched-control-spec-ldc
21104           Use a simple check for control speculation.  This option is on by
21105           default.
21107       -msched-stop-bits-after-every-cycle
21108           Place a stop bit after every cycle when scheduling.  This option is
21109           on by default.
21111       -msched-fp-mem-deps-zero-cost
21112           Assume that floating-point stores and loads are not likely to cause
21113           a conflict when placed into the same instruction group.  This
21114           option is disabled by default.
21116       -msel-sched-dont-check-control-spec
21117           Generate checks for control speculation in selective scheduling.
21118           This flag is disabled by default.
21120       -msched-max-memory-insns=max-insns
21121           Limit on the number of memory insns per instruction group, giving
21122           lower priority to subsequent memory insns attempting to schedule in
21123           the same instruction group. Frequently useful to prevent cache bank
21124           conflicts.  The default value is 1.
21126       -msched-max-memory-insns-hard-limit
21127           Makes the limit specified by msched-max-memory-insns a hard limit,
21128           disallowing more than that number in an instruction group.
21129           Otherwise, the limit is "soft", meaning that non-memory operations
21130           are preferred when the limit is reached, but memory operations may
21131           still be scheduled.
21133       LM32 Options
21135       These -m options are defined for the LatticeMico32 architecture:
21137       -mbarrel-shift-enabled
21138           Enable barrel-shift instructions.
21140       -mdivide-enabled
21141           Enable divide and modulus instructions.
21143       -mmultiply-enabled
21144           Enable multiply instructions.
21146       -msign-extend-enabled
21147           Enable sign extend instructions.
21149       -muser-enabled
21150           Enable user-defined instructions.
21152       LoongArch Options
21154       These command-line options are defined for LoongArch targets:
21156       -march=cpu-type
21157           Generate instructions for the machine type cpu-type.  In contrast
21158           to -mtune=cpu-type, which merely tunes the generated code for the
21159           specified cpu-type, -march=cpu-type allows GCC to generate code
21160           that may not run at all on processors other than the one indicated.
21161           Specifying -march=cpu-type implies -mtune=cpu-type, except where
21162           noted otherwise.
21164           The choices for cpu-type are:
21166           native
21167               This selects the CPU to generate code for at compilation time
21168               by determining the processor type of the compiling machine.
21169               Using -march=native enables all instruction subsets supported
21170               by the local machine (hence the result might not run on
21171               different machines).  Using -mtune=native produces code
21172               optimized for the local machine under the constraints of the
21173               selected instruction set.
21175           loongarch64
21176               A generic CPU with 64-bit extensions.
21178           la464
21179               LoongArch LA464 CPU with LBT, LSX, LASX, LVZ.
21181       -mtune=cpu-type
21182           Optimize the output for the given processor, specified by
21183           microarchitecture name.
21185       -mabi=base-abi-type
21186           Generate code for the specified calling convention.  base-abi-type
21187           can be one of:
21189           lp64d
21190               Uses 64-bit general purpose registers and 32/64-bit floating-
21191               point registers for parameter passing.  Data model is LP64,
21192               where int is 32 bits, while long int and pointers are 64 bits.
21194           lp64f
21195               Uses 64-bit general purpose registers and 32-bit floating-point
21196               registers for parameter passing.  Data model is LP64, where int
21197               is 32 bits, while long int and pointers are 64 bits.
21199           lp64s
21200               Uses 64-bit general purpose registers and no floating-point
21201               registers for parameter passing.  Data model is LP64, where int
21202               is 32 bits, while long int and pointers are 64 bits.
21204       -mfpu=fpu-type
21205           Generate code for the specified FPU type, which can be one of:
21207           64  Allow the use of hardware floating-point instructions for
21208               32-bit and 64-bit operations.
21210           32  Allow the use of hardware floating-point instructions for
21211               32-bit operations.
21213           none
21214           0   Prevent the use of hardware floating-point instructions.
21216       -msoft-float
21217           Force -mfpu=none and prevents the use of floating-point registers
21218           for parameter passing.  This option may change the target ABI.
21220       -msingle-float
21221           Force -mfpu=32 and allow the use of 32-bit floating-point registers
21222           for parameter passing.  This option may change the target ABI.
21224       -mdouble-float
21225           Force -mfpu=64 and allow the use of 32/64-bit floating-point
21226           registers for parameter passing.  This option may change the target
21227           ABI.
21229       -mbranch-cost=n
21230           Set the cost of branches to roughly n instructions.
21232       -mcheck-zero-division
21233       -mno-check-zero-divison
21234           Trap (do not trap) on integer division by zero.  The default is
21235           -mcheck-zero-division for -O0 or -Og, and -mno-check-zero-division
21236           for other optimization levels.
21238       -mcond-move-int
21239       -mno-cond-move-int
21240           Conditional moves for integral data in general-purpose registers
21241           are enabled (disabled).  The default is -mcond-move-int.
21243       -mcond-move-float
21244       -mno-cond-move-float
21245           Conditional moves for floating-point registers are enabled
21246           (disabled).  The default is -mcond-move-float.
21248       -mmemcpy
21249       -mno-memcpy
21250           Force (do not force) the use of "memcpy" for non-trivial block
21251           moves.  The default is -mno-memcpy, which allows GCC to inline most
21252           constant-sized copies.  Setting optimization level to -Os also
21253           forces the use of "memcpy", but -mno-memcpy may override this
21254           behavior if explicitly specified, regardless of the order these
21255           options on the command line.
21257       -mstrict-align
21258       -mno-strict-align
21259           Avoid or allow generating memory accesses that may not be aligned
21260           on a natural object boundary as described in the architecture
21261           specification. The default is -mno-strict-align.
21263       -msmall-data-limit=number
21264           Put global and static data smaller than number bytes into a special
21265           section (on some targets).  The default value is 0.
21267       -mmax-inline-memcpy-size=n
21268           Inline all block moves (such as calls to "memcpy" or structure
21269           copies) less than or equal to n bytes.  The default value of n is
21270           1024.
21272       -mcmodel=code-model
21273           Set the code model to one of:
21275           tiny-static
21276               *   local symbol and global strong symbol: The data section
21277                   must be within +/-2MiB addressing space.  The text section
21278                   must be within +/-128MiB addressing space.
21280               *   global weak symbol: The got table must be within +/-2GiB
21281                   addressing space.
21283           tiny
21284               *   local symbol: The data section must be within +/-2MiB
21285                   addressing space.  The text section must be within
21286                   +/-128MiB addressing space.
21288               *   global symbol: The got table must be within +/-2GiB
21289                   addressing space.
21291           normal
21292               *   local symbol: The data section must be within +/-2GiB
21293                   addressing space.  The text section must be within
21294                   +/-128MiB addressing space.
21296               *   global symbol: The got table must be within +/-2GiB
21297                   addressing space.
21299           large
21300               *   local symbol: The data section must be within +/-2GiB
21301                   addressing space.  The text section must be within
21302                   +/-128GiB addressing space.
21304               *   global symbol: The got table must be within +/-2GiB
21305                   addressing space.
21307           extreme(Not implemented yet)
21308               *   local symbol: The data and text section must be within
21309                   +/-8EiB addressing space.
21311               *   global symbol: The data got table must be within +/-8EiB
21312                   addressing space.
21314           The default code model is "normal".
21316       M32C Options
21318       -mcpu=name
21319           Select the CPU for which code is generated.  name may be one of r8c
21320           for the R8C/Tiny series, m16c for the M16C (up to /60) series,
21321           m32cm for the M16C/80 series, or m32c for the M32C/80 series.
21323       -msim
21324           Specifies that the program will be run on the simulator.  This
21325           causes an alternate runtime library to be linked in which supports,
21326           for example, file I/O.  You must not use this option when
21327           generating programs that will run on real hardware; you must
21328           provide your own runtime library for whatever I/O functions are
21329           needed.
21331       -memregs=number
21332           Specifies the number of memory-based pseudo-registers GCC uses
21333           during code generation.  These pseudo-registers are used like real
21334           registers, so there is a tradeoff between GCC's ability to fit the
21335           code into available registers, and the performance penalty of using
21336           memory instead of registers.  Note that all modules in a program
21337           must be compiled with the same value for this option.  Because of
21338           that, you must not use this option with GCC's default runtime
21339           libraries.
21341       M32R/D Options
21343       These -m options are defined for Renesas M32R/D architectures:
21345       -m32r2
21346           Generate code for the M32R/2.
21348       -m32rx
21349           Generate code for the M32R/X.
21351       -m32r
21352           Generate code for the M32R.  This is the default.
21354       -mmodel=small
21355           Assume all objects live in the lower 16MB of memory (so that their
21356           addresses can be loaded with the "ld24" instruction), and assume
21357           all subroutines are reachable with the "bl" instruction.  This is
21358           the default.
21360           The addressability of a particular object can be set with the
21361           "model" attribute.
21363       -mmodel=medium
21364           Assume objects may be anywhere in the 32-bit address space (the
21365           compiler generates "seth/add3" instructions to load their
21366           addresses), and assume all subroutines are reachable with the "bl"
21367           instruction.
21369       -mmodel=large
21370           Assume objects may be anywhere in the 32-bit address space (the
21371           compiler generates "seth/add3" instructions to load their
21372           addresses), and assume subroutines may not be reachable with the
21373           "bl" instruction (the compiler generates the much slower
21374           "seth/add3/jl" instruction sequence).
21376       -msdata=none
21377           Disable use of the small data area.  Variables are put into one of
21378           ".data", ".bss", or ".rodata" (unless the "section" attribute has
21379           been specified).  This is the default.
21381           The small data area consists of sections ".sdata" and ".sbss".
21382           Objects may be explicitly put in the small data area with the
21383           "section" attribute using one of these sections.
21385       -msdata=sdata
21386           Put small global and static data in the small data area, but do not
21387           generate special code to reference them.
21389       -msdata=use
21390           Put small global and static data in the small data area, and
21391           generate special instructions to reference them.
21393       -G num
21394           Put global and static objects less than or equal to num bytes into
21395           the small data or BSS sections instead of the normal data or BSS
21396           sections.  The default value of num is 8.  The -msdata option must
21397           be set to one of sdata or use for this option to have any effect.
21399           All modules should be compiled with the same -G num value.
21400           Compiling with different values of num may or may not work; if it
21401           doesn't the linker gives an error message---incorrect code is not
21402           generated.
21404       -mdebug
21405           Makes the M32R-specific code in the compiler display some
21406           statistics that might help in debugging programs.
21408       -malign-loops
21409           Align all loops to a 32-byte boundary.
21411       -mno-align-loops
21412           Do not enforce a 32-byte alignment for loops.  This is the default.
21414       -missue-rate=number
21415           Issue number instructions per cycle.  number can only be 1 or 2.
21417       -mbranch-cost=number
21418           number can only be 1 or 2.  If it is 1 then branches are preferred
21419           over conditional code, if it is 2, then the opposite applies.
21421       -mflush-trap=number
21422           Specifies the trap number to use to flush the cache.  The default
21423           is 12.  Valid numbers are between 0 and 15 inclusive.
21425       -mno-flush-trap
21426           Specifies that the cache cannot be flushed by using a trap.
21428       -mflush-func=name
21429           Specifies the name of the operating system function to call to
21430           flush the cache.  The default is _flush_cache, but a function call
21431           is only used if a trap is not available.
21433       -mno-flush-func
21434           Indicates that there is no OS function for flushing the cache.
21436       M680x0 Options
21438       These are the -m options defined for M680x0 and ColdFire processors.
21439       The default settings depend on which architecture was selected when the
21440       compiler was configured; the defaults for the most common choices are
21441       given below.
21443       -march=arch
21444           Generate code for a specific M680x0 or ColdFire instruction set
21445           architecture.  Permissible values of arch for M680x0 architectures
21446           are: 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68060 and cpu32.  ColdFire
21447           architectures are selected according to Freescale's ISA
21448           classification and the permissible values are: isaa, isaaplus, isab
21449           and isac.
21451           GCC defines a macro "__mcfarch__" whenever it is generating code
21452           for a ColdFire target.  The arch in this macro is one of the -march
21453           arguments given above.
21455           When used together, -march and -mtune select code that runs on a
21456           family of similar processors but that is optimized for a particular
21457           microarchitecture.
21459       -mcpu=cpu
21460           Generate code for a specific M680x0 or ColdFire processor.  The
21461           M680x0 cpus are: 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68060, 68302,
21462           68332 and cpu32.  The ColdFire cpus are given by the table below,
21463           which also classifies the CPUs into families:
21465           Family : -mcpu arguments
21466           51 : 51 51ac 51ag 51cn 51em 51je 51jf 51jg 51jm 51mm 51qe 51qm
21467           5206 : 5202 5204 5206
21468           5206e : 5206e
21469           5208 : 5207 5208
21470           5211a : 5210a 5211a
21471           5213 : 5211 5212 5213
21472           5216 : 5214 5216
21473           52235 : 52230 52231 52232 52233 52234 52235
21474           5225 : 5224 5225
21475           52259 : 52252 52254 52255 52256 52258 52259
21476           5235 : 5232 5233 5234 5235 523x
21477           5249 : 5249
21478           5250 : 5250
21479           5271 : 5270 5271
21480           5272 : 5272
21481           5275 : 5274 5275
21482           5282 : 5280 5281 5282 528x
21483           53017 : 53011 53012 53013 53014 53015 53016 53017
21484           5307 : 5307
21485           5329 : 5327 5328 5329 532x
21486           5373 : 5372 5373 537x
21487           5407 : 5407
21488           5475 : 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 547x 5480 5481 5482 5483 5484
21489           5485
21491           -mcpu=cpu overrides -march=arch if arch is compatible with cpu.
21492           Other combinations of -mcpu and -march are rejected.
21494           GCC defines the macro "__mcf_cpu_cpu" when ColdFire target cpu is
21495           selected.  It also defines "__mcf_family_family", where the value
21496           of family is given by the table above.
21498       -mtune=tune
21499           Tune the code for a particular microarchitecture within the
21500           constraints set by -march and -mcpu.  The M680x0 microarchitectures
21501           are: 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030, 68040, 68060 and cpu32.  The
21502           ColdFire microarchitectures are: cfv1, cfv2, cfv3, cfv4 and cfv4e.
21504           You can also use -mtune=68020-40 for code that needs to run
21505           relatively well on 68020, 68030 and 68040 targets.  -mtune=68020-60
21506           is similar but includes 68060 targets as well.  These two options
21507           select the same tuning decisions as -m68020-40 and -m68020-60
21508           respectively.
21510           GCC defines the macros "__mcarch" and "__mcarch__" when tuning for
21511           680x0 architecture arch.  It also defines "mcarch" unless either
21512           -ansi or a non-GNU -std option is used.  If GCC is tuning for a
21513           range of architectures, as selected by -mtune=68020-40 or
21514           -mtune=68020-60, it defines the macros for every architecture in
21515           the range.
21517           GCC also defines the macro "__muarch__" when tuning for ColdFire
21518           microarchitecture uarch, where uarch is one of the arguments given
21519           above.
21521       -m68000
21522       -mc68000
21523           Generate output for a 68000.  This is the default when the compiler
21524           is configured for 68000-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21525           -march=68000.
21527           Use this option for microcontrollers with a 68000 or EC000 core,
21528           including the 68008, 68302, 68306, 68307, 68322, 68328 and 68356.
21530       -m68010
21531           Generate output for a 68010.  This is the default when the compiler
21532           is configured for 68010-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21533           -march=68010.
21535       -m68020
21536       -mc68020
21537           Generate output for a 68020.  This is the default when the compiler
21538           is configured for 68020-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21539           -march=68020.
21541       -m68030
21542           Generate output for a 68030.  This is the default when the compiler
21543           is configured for 68030-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21544           -march=68030.
21546       -m68040
21547           Generate output for a 68040.  This is the default when the compiler
21548           is configured for 68040-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21549           -march=68040.
21551           This option inhibits the use of 68881/68882 instructions that have
21552           to be emulated by software on the 68040.  Use this option if your
21553           68040 does not have code to emulate those instructions.
21555       -m68060
21556           Generate output for a 68060.  This is the default when the compiler
21557           is configured for 68060-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21558           -march=68060.
21560           This option inhibits the use of 68020 and 68881/68882 instructions
21561           that have to be emulated by software on the 68060.  Use this option
21562           if your 68060 does not have code to emulate those instructions.
21564       -mcpu32
21565           Generate output for a CPU32.  This is the default when the compiler
21566           is configured for CPU32-based systems.  It is equivalent to
21567           -march=cpu32.
21569           Use this option for microcontrollers with a CPU32 or CPU32+ core,
21570           including the 68330, 68331, 68332, 68333, 68334, 68336, 68340,
21571           68341, 68349 and 68360.
21573       -m5200
21574           Generate output for a 520X ColdFire CPU.  This is the default when
21575           the compiler is configured for 520X-based systems.  It is
21576           equivalent to -mcpu=5206, and is now deprecated in favor of that
21577           option.
21579           Use this option for microcontroller with a 5200 core, including the
21580           MCF5202, MCF5203, MCF5204 and MCF5206.
21582       -m5206e
21583           Generate output for a 5206e ColdFire CPU.  The option is now
21584           deprecated in favor of the equivalent -mcpu=5206e.
21586       -m528x
21587           Generate output for a member of the ColdFire 528X family.  The
21588           option is now deprecated in favor of the equivalent -mcpu=528x.
21590       -m5307
21591           Generate output for a ColdFire 5307 CPU.  The option is now
21592           deprecated in favor of the equivalent -mcpu=5307.
21594       -m5407
21595           Generate output for a ColdFire 5407 CPU.  The option is now
21596           deprecated in favor of the equivalent -mcpu=5407.
21598       -mcfv4e
21599           Generate output for a ColdFire V4e family CPU (e.g. 547x/548x).
21600           This includes use of hardware floating-point instructions.  The
21601           option is equivalent to -mcpu=547x, and is now deprecated in favor
21602           of that option.
21604       -m68020-40
21605           Generate output for a 68040, without using any of the new
21606           instructions.  This results in code that can run relatively
21607           efficiently on either a 68020/68881 or a 68030 or a 68040.  The
21608           generated code does use the 68881 instructions that are emulated on
21609           the 68040.
21611           The option is equivalent to -march=68020 -mtune=68020-40.
21613       -m68020-60
21614           Generate output for a 68060, without using any of the new
21615           instructions.  This results in code that can run relatively
21616           efficiently on either a 68020/68881 or a 68030 or a 68040.  The
21617           generated code does use the 68881 instructions that are emulated on
21618           the 68060.
21620           The option is equivalent to -march=68020 -mtune=68020-60.
21622       -mhard-float
21623       -m68881
21624           Generate floating-point instructions.  This is the default for
21625           68020 and above, and for ColdFire devices that have an FPU.  It
21626           defines the macro "__HAVE_68881__" on M680x0 targets and
21627           "__mcffpu__" on ColdFire targets.
21629       -msoft-float
21630           Do not generate floating-point instructions; use library calls
21631           instead.  This is the default for 68000, 68010, and 68832 targets.
21632           It is also the default for ColdFire devices that have no FPU.
21634       -mdiv
21635       -mno-div
21636           Generate (do not generate) ColdFire hardware divide and remainder
21637           instructions.  If -march is used without -mcpu, the default is "on"
21638           for ColdFire architectures and "off" for M680x0 architectures.
21639           Otherwise, the default is taken from the target CPU (either the
21640           default CPU, or the one specified by -mcpu).  For example, the
21641           default is "off" for -mcpu=5206 and "on" for -mcpu=5206e.
21643           GCC defines the macro "__mcfhwdiv__" when this option is enabled.
21645       -mshort
21646           Consider type "int" to be 16 bits wide, like "short int".
21647           Additionally, parameters passed on the stack are also aligned to a
21648           16-bit boundary even on targets whose API mandates promotion to
21649           32-bit.
21651       -mno-short
21652           Do not consider type "int" to be 16 bits wide.  This is the
21653           default.
21655       -mnobitfield
21656       -mno-bitfield
21657           Do not use the bit-field instructions.  The -m68000, -mcpu32 and
21658           -m5200 options imply -mnobitfield.
21660       -mbitfield
21661           Do use the bit-field instructions.  The -m68020 option implies
21662           -mbitfield.  This is the default if you use a configuration
21663           designed for a 68020.
21665       -mrtd
21666           Use a different function-calling convention, in which functions
21667           that take a fixed number of arguments return with the "rtd"
21668           instruction, which pops their arguments while returning.  This
21669           saves one instruction in the caller since there is no need to pop
21670           the arguments there.
21672           This calling convention is incompatible with the one normally used
21673           on Unix, so you cannot use it if you need to call libraries
21674           compiled with the Unix compiler.
21676           Also, you must provide function prototypes for all functions that
21677           take variable numbers of arguments (including "printf"); otherwise
21678           incorrect code is generated for calls to those functions.
21680           In addition, seriously incorrect code results if you call a
21681           function with too many arguments.  (Normally, extra arguments are
21682           harmlessly ignored.)
21684           The "rtd" instruction is supported by the 68010, 68020, 68030,
21685           68040, 68060 and CPU32 processors, but not by the 68000 or 5200.
21687           The default is -mno-rtd.
21689       -malign-int
21690       -mno-align-int
21691           Control whether GCC aligns "int", "long", "long long", "float",
21692           "double", and "long double" variables on a 32-bit boundary
21693           (-malign-int) or a 16-bit boundary (-mno-align-int).  Aligning
21694           variables on 32-bit boundaries produces code that runs somewhat
21695           faster on processors with 32-bit busses at the expense of more
21696           memory.
21698           Warning: if you use the -malign-int switch, GCC aligns structures
21699           containing the above types differently than most published
21700           application binary interface specifications for the m68k.
21702           Use the pc-relative addressing mode of the 68000 directly, instead
21703           of using a global offset table.  At present, this option implies
21704           -fpic, allowing at most a 16-bit offset for pc-relative addressing.
21705           -fPIC is not presently supported with -mpcrel, though this could be
21706           supported for 68020 and higher processors.
21708       -mno-strict-align
21709       -mstrict-align
21710           Do not (do) assume that unaligned memory references are handled by
21711           the system.
21713       -msep-data
21714           Generate code that allows the data segment to be located in a
21715           different area of memory from the text segment.  This allows for
21716           execute-in-place in an environment without virtual memory
21717           management.  This option implies -fPIC.
21719       -mno-sep-data
21720           Generate code that assumes that the data segment follows the text
21721           segment.  This is the default.
21723       -mid-shared-library
21724           Generate code that supports shared libraries via the library ID
21725           method.  This allows for execute-in-place and shared libraries in
21726           an environment without virtual memory management.  This option
21727           implies -fPIC.
21729       -mno-id-shared-library
21730           Generate code that doesn't assume ID-based shared libraries are
21731           being used.  This is the default.
21733       -mshared-library-id=n
21734           Specifies the identification number of the ID-based shared library
21735           being compiled.  Specifying a value of 0 generates more compact
21736           code; specifying other values forces the allocation of that number
21737           to the current library, but is no more space- or time-efficient
21738           than omitting this option.
21740       -mxgot
21741       -mno-xgot
21742           When generating position-independent code for ColdFire, generate
21743           code that works if the GOT has more than 8192 entries.  This code
21744           is larger and slower than code generated without this option.  On
21745           M680x0 processors, this option is not needed; -fPIC suffices.
21747           GCC normally uses a single instruction to load values from the GOT.
21748           While this is relatively efficient, it only works if the GOT is
21749           smaller than about 64k.  Anything larger causes the linker to
21750           report an error such as:
21752                   relocation truncated to fit: R_68K_GOT16O foobar
21754           If this happens, you should recompile your code with -mxgot.  It
21755           should then work with very large GOTs.  However, code generated
21756           with -mxgot is less efficient, since it takes 4 instructions to
21757           fetch the value of a global symbol.
21759           Note that some linkers, including newer versions of the GNU linker,
21760           can create multiple GOTs and sort GOT entries.  If you have such a
21761           linker, you should only need to use -mxgot when compiling a single
21762           object file that accesses more than 8192 GOT entries.  Very few do.
21764           These options have no effect unless GCC is generating position-
21765           independent code.
21767       -mlong-jump-table-offsets
21768           Use 32-bit offsets in "switch" tables.  The default is to use
21769           16-bit offsets.
21771       MCore Options
21773       These are the -m options defined for the Motorola M*Core processors.
21775       -mhardlit
21776       -mno-hardlit
21777           Inline constants into the code stream if it can be done in two
21778           instructions or less.
21780       -mdiv
21781       -mno-div
21782           Use the divide instruction.  (Enabled by default).
21784       -mrelax-immediate
21785       -mno-relax-immediate
21786           Allow arbitrary-sized immediates in bit operations.
21788       -mwide-bitfields
21789       -mno-wide-bitfields
21790           Always treat bit-fields as "int"-sized.
21792       -m4byte-functions
21793       -mno-4byte-functions
21794           Force all functions to be aligned to a 4-byte boundary.
21796       -mcallgraph-data
21797       -mno-callgraph-data
21798           Emit callgraph information.
21800       -mslow-bytes
21801       -mno-slow-bytes
21802           Prefer word access when reading byte quantities.
21804       -mlittle-endian
21805       -mbig-endian
21806           Generate code for a little-endian target.
21808       -m210
21809       -m340
21810           Generate code for the 210 processor.
21812       -mno-lsim
21813           Assume that runtime support has been provided and so omit the
21814           simulator library (libsim.a) from the linker command line.
21816       -mstack-increment=size
21817           Set the maximum amount for a single stack increment operation.
21818           Large values can increase the speed of programs that contain
21819           functions that need a large amount of stack space, but they can
21820           also trigger a segmentation fault if the stack is extended too
21821           much.  The default value is 0x1000.
21823       MeP Options
21825       -mabsdiff
21826           Enables the "abs" instruction, which is the absolute difference
21827           between two registers.
21829       -mall-opts
21830           Enables all the optional instructions---average, multiply, divide,
21831           bit operations, leading zero, absolute difference, min/max, clip,
21832           and saturation.
21834       -maverage
21835           Enables the "ave" instruction, which computes the average of two
21836           registers.
21838       -mbased=n
21839           Variables of size n bytes or smaller are placed in the ".based"
21840           section by default.  Based variables use the $tp register as a base
21841           register, and there is a 128-byte limit to the ".based" section.
21843       -mbitops
21844           Enables the bit operation instructions---bit test ("btstm"), set
21845           ("bsetm"), clear ("bclrm"), invert ("bnotm"), and test-and-set
21846           ("tas").
21848       -mc=name
21849           Selects which section constant data is placed in.  name may be
21850           tiny, near, or far.
21852       -mclip
21853           Enables the "clip" instruction.  Note that -mclip is not useful
21854           unless you also provide -mminmax.
21856       -mconfig=name
21857           Selects one of the built-in core configurations.  Each MeP chip has
21858           one or more modules in it; each module has a core CPU and a variety
21859           of coprocessors, optional instructions, and peripherals.  The
21860           "MeP-Integrator" tool, not part of GCC, provides these
21861           configurations through this option; using this option is the same
21862           as using all the corresponding command-line options.  The default
21863           configuration is default.
21865       -mcop
21866           Enables the coprocessor instructions.  By default, this is a 32-bit
21867           coprocessor.  Note that the coprocessor is normally enabled via the
21868           -mconfig= option.
21870       -mcop32
21871           Enables the 32-bit coprocessor's instructions.
21873       -mcop64
21874           Enables the 64-bit coprocessor's instructions.
21876       -mivc2
21877           Enables IVC2 scheduling.  IVC2 is a 64-bit VLIW coprocessor.
21879       -mdc
21880           Causes constant variables to be placed in the ".near" section.
21882       -mdiv
21883           Enables the "div" and "divu" instructions.
21885       -meb
21886           Generate big-endian code.
21888       -mel
21889           Generate little-endian code.
21891       -mio-volatile
21892           Tells the compiler that any variable marked with the "io" attribute
21893           is to be considered volatile.
21895       -ml Causes variables to be assigned to the ".far" section by default.
21897       -mleadz
21898           Enables the "leadz" (leading zero) instruction.
21900       -mm Causes variables to be assigned to the ".near" section by default.
21902       -mminmax
21903           Enables the "min" and "max" instructions.
21905       -mmult
21906           Enables the multiplication and multiply-accumulate instructions.
21908       -mno-opts
21909           Disables all the optional instructions enabled by -mall-opts.
21911       -mrepeat
21912           Enables the "repeat" and "erepeat" instructions, used for low-
21913           overhead looping.
21915       -ms Causes all variables to default to the ".tiny" section.  Note that
21916           there is a 65536-byte limit to this section.  Accesses to these
21917           variables use the %gp base register.
21919       -msatur
21920           Enables the saturation instructions.  Note that the compiler does
21921           not currently generate these itself, but this option is included
21922           for compatibility with other tools, like "as".
21924       -msdram
21925           Link the SDRAM-based runtime instead of the default ROM-based
21926           runtime.
21928       -msim
21929           Link the simulator run-time libraries.
21931       -msimnovec
21932           Link the simulator runtime libraries, excluding built-in support
21933           for reset and exception vectors and tables.
21935       -mtf
21936           Causes all functions to default to the ".far" section.  Without
21937           this option, functions default to the ".near" section.
21939       -mtiny=n
21940           Variables that are n bytes or smaller are allocated to the ".tiny"
21941           section.  These variables use the $gp base register.  The default
21942           for this option is 4, but note that there's a 65536-byte limit to
21943           the ".tiny" section.
21945       MicroBlaze Options
21947       -msoft-float
21948           Use software emulation for floating point (default).
21950       -mhard-float
21951           Use hardware floating-point instructions.
21953       -mmemcpy
21954           Do not optimize block moves, use "memcpy".
21956       -mno-clearbss
21957           This option is deprecated.  Use -fno-zero-initialized-in-bss
21958           instead.
21960       -mcpu=cpu-type
21961           Use features of, and schedule code for, the given CPU.  Supported
21962           values are in the format vX.YY.Z, where X is a major version, YY is
21963           the minor version, and Z is compatibility code.  Example values are
21964           v3.00.a, v4.00.b, v5.00.a, v5.00.b, v6.00.a.
21966       -mxl-soft-mul
21967           Use software multiply emulation (default).
21969       -mxl-soft-div
21970           Use software emulation for divides (default).
21972       -mxl-barrel-shift
21973           Use the hardware barrel shifter.
21975       -mxl-pattern-compare
21976           Use pattern compare instructions.
21978       -msmall-divides
21979           Use table lookup optimization for small signed integer divisions.
21981       -mxl-stack-check
21982           This option is deprecated.  Use -fstack-check instead.
21984       -mxl-gp-opt
21985           Use GP-relative ".sdata"/".sbss" sections.
21987       -mxl-multiply-high
21988           Use multiply high instructions for high part of 32x32 multiply.
21990       -mxl-float-convert
21991           Use hardware floating-point conversion instructions.
21993       -mxl-float-sqrt
21994           Use hardware floating-point square root instruction.
21996       -mbig-endian
21997           Generate code for a big-endian target.
21999       -mlittle-endian
22000           Generate code for a little-endian target.
22002       -mxl-reorder
22003           Use reorder instructions (swap and byte reversed load/store).
22005       -mxl-mode-app-model
22006           Select application model app-model.  Valid models are
22008           executable
22009               normal executable (default), uses startup code crt0.o.
22011           xmdstub
22012               for use with Xilinx Microprocessor Debugger (XMD) based
22013               software intrusive debug agent called xmdstub. This uses
22014               startup file crt1.o and sets the start address of the program
22015               to 0x800.
22017           bootstrap
22018               for applications that are loaded using a bootloader.  This
22019               model uses startup file crt2.o which does not contain a
22020               processor reset vector handler. This is suitable for
22021               transferring control on a processor reset to the bootloader
22022               rather than the application.
22024           novectors
22025               for applications that do not require any of the MicroBlaze
22026               vectors. This option may be useful for applications running
22027               within a monitoring application. This model uses crt3.o as a
22028               startup file.
22030           Option -xl-mode-app-model is a deprecated alias for -mxl-mode-app-
22031           model.
22033       -mpic-data-is-text-relative
22034           Assume that the displacement between the text and data segments is
22035           fixed at static link time.  This allows data to be referenced by
22036           offset from start of text address instead of GOT since PC-relative
22037           addressing is not supported.
22039       MIPS Options
22041       -EB Generate big-endian code.
22043       -EL Generate little-endian code.  This is the default for mips*el-*-*
22044           configurations.
22046       -march=arch
22047           Generate code that runs on arch, which can be the name of a generic
22048           MIPS ISA, or the name of a particular processor.  The ISA names
22049           are: mips1, mips2, mips3, mips4, mips32, mips32r2, mips32r3,
22050           mips32r5, mips32r6, mips64, mips64r2, mips64r3, mips64r5 and
22051           mips64r6.  The processor names are: 4kc, 4km, 4kp, 4ksc, 4kec,
22052           4kem, 4kep, 4ksd, 5kc, 5kf, 20kc, 24kc, 24kf2_1, 24kf1_1, 24kec,
22053           24kef2_1, 24kef1_1, 34kc, 34kf2_1, 34kf1_1, 34kn, 74kc, 74kf2_1,
22054           74kf1_1, 74kf3_2, 1004kc, 1004kf2_1, 1004kf1_1, i6400, i6500,
22055           interaptiv, loongson2e, loongson2f, loongson3a, gs464, gs464e,
22056           gs264e, m4k, m14k, m14kc, m14ke, m14kec, m5100, m5101, octeon,
22057           octeon+, octeon2, octeon3, orion, p5600, p6600, r2000, r3000,
22058           r3900, r4000, r4400, r4600, r4650, r4700, r5900, r6000, r8000,
22059           rm7000, rm9000, r10000, r12000, r14000, r16000, sb1, sr71000,
22060           vr4100, vr4111, vr4120, vr4130, vr4300, vr5000, vr5400, vr5500, xlr
22061           and xlp.  The special value from-abi selects the most compatible
22062           architecture for the selected ABI (that is, mips1 for 32-bit ABIs
22063           and mips3 for 64-bit ABIs).
22065           The native Linux/GNU toolchain also supports the value native,
22066           which selects the best architecture option for the host processor.
22067           -march=native has no effect if GCC does not recognize the
22068           processor.
22070           In processor names, a final 000 can be abbreviated as k (for
22071           example, -march=r2k).  Prefixes are optional, and vr may be written
22072           r.
22074           Names of the form nf2_1 refer to processors with FPUs clocked at
22075           half the rate of the core, names of the form nf1_1 refer to
22076           processors with FPUs clocked at the same rate as the core, and
22077           names of the form nf3_2 refer to processors with FPUs clocked a
22078           ratio of 3:2 with respect to the core.  For compatibility reasons,
22079           nf is accepted as a synonym for nf2_1 while nx and bfx are accepted
22080           as synonyms for nf1_1.
22082           GCC defines two macros based on the value of this option.  The
22083           first is "_MIPS_ARCH", which gives the name of target architecture,
22084           as a string.  The second has the form "_MIPS_ARCH_foo", where foo
22085           is the capitalized value of "_MIPS_ARCH".  For example,
22086           -march=r2000 sets "_MIPS_ARCH" to "r2000" and defines the macro
22087           "_MIPS_ARCH_R2000".
22089           Note that the "_MIPS_ARCH" macro uses the processor names given
22090           above.  In other words, it has the full prefix and does not
22091           abbreviate 000 as k.  In the case of from-abi, the macro names the
22092           resolved architecture (either "mips1" or "mips3").  It names the
22093           default architecture when no -march option is given.
22095       -mtune=arch
22096           Optimize for arch.  Among other things, this option controls the
22097           way instructions are scheduled, and the perceived cost of
22098           arithmetic operations.  The list of arch values is the same as for
22099           -march.
22101           When this option is not used, GCC optimizes for the processor
22102           specified by -march.  By using -march and -mtune together, it is
22103           possible to generate code that runs on a family of processors, but
22104           optimize the code for one particular member of that family.
22106           -mtune defines the macros "_MIPS_TUNE" and "_MIPS_TUNE_foo", which
22107           work in the same way as the -march ones described above.
22109       -mips1
22110           Equivalent to -march=mips1.
22112       -mips2
22113           Equivalent to -march=mips2.
22115       -mips3
22116           Equivalent to -march=mips3.
22118       -mips4
22119           Equivalent to -march=mips4.
22121       -mips32
22122           Equivalent to -march=mips32.
22124       -mips32r3
22125           Equivalent to -march=mips32r3.
22127       -mips32r5
22128           Equivalent to -march=mips32r5.
22130       -mips32r6
22131           Equivalent to -march=mips32r6.
22133       -mips64
22134           Equivalent to -march=mips64.
22136       -mips64r2
22137           Equivalent to -march=mips64r2.
22139       -mips64r3
22140           Equivalent to -march=mips64r3.
22142       -mips64r5
22143           Equivalent to -march=mips64r5.
22145       -mips64r6
22146           Equivalent to -march=mips64r6.
22148       -mips16
22149       -mno-mips16
22150           Generate (do not generate) MIPS16 code.  If GCC is targeting a
22151           MIPS32 or MIPS64 architecture, it makes use of the MIPS16e ASE.
22153           MIPS16 code generation can also be controlled on a per-function
22154           basis by means of "mips16" and "nomips16" attributes.
22156       -mflip-mips16
22157           Generate MIPS16 code on alternating functions.  This option is
22158           provided for regression testing of mixed MIPS16/non-MIPS16 code
22159           generation, and is not intended for ordinary use in compiling user
22160           code.
22162       -minterlink-compressed
22163       -mno-interlink-compressed
22164           Require (do not require) that code using the standard
22165           (uncompressed) MIPS ISA be link-compatible with MIPS16 and
22166           microMIPS code, and vice versa.
22168           For example, code using the standard ISA encoding cannot jump
22169           directly to MIPS16 or microMIPS code; it must either use a call or
22170           an indirect jump.  -minterlink-compressed therefore disables direct
22171           jumps unless GCC knows that the target of the jump is not
22172           compressed.
22174       -minterlink-mips16
22175       -mno-interlink-mips16
22176           Aliases of -minterlink-compressed and -mno-interlink-compressed.
22177           These options predate the microMIPS ASE and are retained for
22178           backwards compatibility.
22180       -mabi=32
22181       -mabi=o64
22182       -mabi=n32
22183       -mabi=64
22184       -mabi=eabi
22185           Generate code for the given ABI.
22187           Note that the EABI has a 32-bit and a 64-bit variant.  GCC normally
22188           generates 64-bit code when you select a 64-bit architecture, but
22189           you can use -mgp32 to get 32-bit code instead.
22191           For information about the O64 ABI, see
22192           <https://gcc.gnu.org/projects/mipso64-abi.html>.
22194           GCC supports a variant of the o32 ABI in which floating-point
22195           registers are 64 rather than 32 bits wide.  You can select this
22196           combination with -mabi=32 -mfp64.  This ABI relies on the "mthc1"
22197           and "mfhc1" instructions and is therefore only supported for
22198           MIPS32R2, MIPS32R3 and MIPS32R5 processors.
22200           The register assignments for arguments and return values remain the
22201           same, but each scalar value is passed in a single 64-bit register
22202           rather than a pair of 32-bit registers.  For example, scalar
22203           floating-point values are returned in $f0 only, not a $f0/$f1 pair.
22204           The set of call-saved registers also remains the same in that the
22205           even-numbered double-precision registers are saved.
22207           Two additional variants of the o32 ABI are supported to enable a
22208           transition from 32-bit to 64-bit registers.  These are FPXX
22209           (-mfpxx) and FP64A (-mfp64 -mno-odd-spreg).  The FPXX extension
22210           mandates that all code must execute correctly when run using 32-bit
22211           or 64-bit registers.  The code can be interlinked with either FP32
22212           or FP64, but not both.  The FP64A extension is similar to the FP64
22213           extension but forbids the use of odd-numbered single-precision
22214           registers.  This can be used in conjunction with the "FRE" mode of
22215           FPUs in MIPS32R5 processors and allows both FP32 and FP64A code to
22216           interlink and run in the same process without changing FPU modes.
22218       -mabicalls
22219       -mno-abicalls
22220           Generate (do not generate) code that is suitable for SVR4-style
22221           dynamic objects.  -mabicalls is the default for SVR4-based systems.
22223       -mshared
22224       -mno-shared
22225           Generate (do not generate) code that is fully position-independent,
22226           and that can therefore be linked into shared libraries.  This
22227           option only affects -mabicalls.
22229           All -mabicalls code has traditionally been position-independent,
22230           regardless of options like -fPIC and -fpic.  However, as an
22231           extension, the GNU toolchain allows executables to use absolute
22232           accesses for locally-binding symbols.  It can also use shorter GP
22233           initialization sequences and generate direct calls to locally-
22234           defined functions.  This mode is selected by -mno-shared.
22236           -mno-shared depends on binutils 2.16 or higher and generates
22237           objects that can only be linked by the GNU linker.  However, the
22238           option does not affect the ABI of the final executable; it only
22239           affects the ABI of relocatable objects.  Using -mno-shared
22240           generally makes executables both smaller and quicker.
22242           -mshared is the default.
22244       -mplt
22245       -mno-plt
22246           Assume (do not assume) that the static and dynamic linkers support
22247           PLTs and copy relocations.  This option only affects -mno-shared
22248           -mabicalls.  For the n64 ABI, this option has no effect without
22249           -msym32.
22251           You can make -mplt the default by configuring GCC with
22252           --with-mips-plt.  The default is -mno-plt otherwise.
22254       -mxgot
22255       -mno-xgot
22256           Lift (do not lift) the usual restrictions on the size of the global
22257           offset table.
22259           GCC normally uses a single instruction to load values from the GOT.
22260           While this is relatively efficient, it only works if the GOT is
22261           smaller than about 64k.  Anything larger causes the linker to
22262           report an error such as:
22264                   relocation truncated to fit: R_MIPS_GOT16 foobar
22266           If this happens, you should recompile your code with -mxgot.  This
22267           works with very large GOTs, although the code is also less
22268           efficient, since it takes three instructions to fetch the value of
22269           a global symbol.
22271           Note that some linkers can create multiple GOTs.  If you have such
22272           a linker, you should only need to use -mxgot when a single object
22273           file accesses more than 64k's worth of GOT entries.  Very few do.
22275           These options have no effect unless GCC is generating position
22276           independent code.
22278       -mgp32
22279           Assume that general-purpose registers are 32 bits wide.
22281       -mgp64
22282           Assume that general-purpose registers are 64 bits wide.
22284       -mfp32
22285           Assume that floating-point registers are 32 bits wide.
22287       -mfp64
22288           Assume that floating-point registers are 64 bits wide.
22290       -mfpxx
22291           Do not assume the width of floating-point registers.
22293       -mhard-float
22294           Use floating-point coprocessor instructions.
22296       -msoft-float
22297           Do not use floating-point coprocessor instructions.  Implement
22298           floating-point calculations using library calls instead.
22300       -mno-float
22301           Equivalent to -msoft-float, but additionally asserts that the
22302           program being compiled does not perform any floating-point
22303           operations.  This option is presently supported only by some bare-
22304           metal MIPS configurations, where it may select a special set of
22305           libraries that lack all floating-point support (including, for
22306           example, the floating-point "printf" formats).  If code compiled
22307           with -mno-float accidentally contains floating-point operations, it
22308           is likely to suffer a link-time or run-time failure.
22310       -msingle-float
22311           Assume that the floating-point coprocessor only supports single-
22312           precision operations.
22314       -mdouble-float
22315           Assume that the floating-point coprocessor supports double-
22316           precision operations.  This is the default.
22318       -modd-spreg
22319       -mno-odd-spreg
22320           Enable the use of odd-numbered single-precision floating-point
22321           registers for the o32 ABI.  This is the default for processors that
22322           are known to support these registers.  When using the o32 FPXX ABI,
22323           -mno-odd-spreg is set by default.
22325       -mabs=2008
22326       -mabs=legacy
22327           These options control the treatment of the special not-a-number
22328           (NaN) IEEE 754 floating-point data with the "abs.fmt" and "neg.fmt"
22329           machine instructions.
22331           By default or when -mabs=legacy is used the legacy treatment is
22332           selected.  In this case these instructions are considered
22333           arithmetic and avoided where correct operation is required and the
22334           input operand might be a NaN.  A longer sequence of instructions
22335           that manipulate the sign bit of floating-point datum manually is
22336           used instead unless the -ffinite-math-only option has also been
22337           specified.
22339           The -mabs=2008 option selects the IEEE 754-2008 treatment.  In this
22340           case these instructions are considered non-arithmetic and therefore
22341           operating correctly in all cases, including in particular where the
22342           input operand is a NaN.  These instructions are therefore always
22343           used for the respective operations.
22345       -mnan=2008
22346       -mnan=legacy
22347           These options control the encoding of the special not-a-number
22348           (NaN) IEEE 754 floating-point data.
22350           The -mnan=legacy option selects the legacy encoding.  In this case
22351           quiet NaNs (qNaNs) are denoted by the first bit of their trailing
22352           significand field being 0, whereas signaling NaNs (sNaNs) are
22353           denoted by the first bit of their trailing significand field being
22354           1.
22356           The -mnan=2008 option selects the IEEE 754-2008 encoding.  In this
22357           case qNaNs are denoted by the first bit of their trailing
22358           significand field being 1, whereas sNaNs are denoted by the first
22359           bit of their trailing significand field being 0.
22361           The default is -mnan=legacy unless GCC has been configured with
22362           --with-nan=2008.
22364       -mllsc
22365       -mno-llsc
22366           Use (do not use) ll, sc, and sync instructions to implement atomic
22367           memory built-in functions.  When neither option is specified, GCC
22368           uses the instructions if the target architecture supports them.
22370           -mllsc is useful if the runtime environment can emulate the
22371           instructions and -mno-llsc can be useful when compiling for
22372           nonstandard ISAs.  You can make either option the default by
22373           configuring GCC with --with-llsc and --without-llsc respectively.
22374           --with-llsc is the default for some configurations; see the
22375           installation documentation for details.
22377       -mdsp
22378       -mno-dsp
22379           Use (do not use) revision 1 of the MIPS DSP ASE.
22380             This option defines the preprocessor macro "__mips_dsp".  It also
22381           defines "__mips_dsp_rev" to 1.
22383       -mdspr2
22384       -mno-dspr2
22385           Use (do not use) revision 2 of the MIPS DSP ASE.
22386             This option defines the preprocessor macros "__mips_dsp" and
22387           "__mips_dspr2".  It also defines "__mips_dsp_rev" to 2.
22389       -msmartmips
22390       -mno-smartmips
22391           Use (do not use) the MIPS SmartMIPS ASE.
22393       -mpaired-single
22394       -mno-paired-single
22395           Use (do not use) paired-single floating-point instructions.
22396             This option requires hardware floating-point support to be
22397           enabled.
22399       -mdmx
22400       -mno-mdmx
22401           Use (do not use) MIPS Digital Media Extension instructions.  This
22402           option can only be used when generating 64-bit code and requires
22403           hardware floating-point support to be enabled.
22405       -mips3d
22406       -mno-mips3d
22407           Use (do not use) the MIPS-3D ASE.  The option -mips3d implies
22408           -mpaired-single.
22410       -mmicromips
22411       -mno-micromips
22412           Generate (do not generate) microMIPS code.
22414           MicroMIPS code generation can also be controlled on a per-function
22415           basis by means of "micromips" and "nomicromips" attributes.
22417       -mmt
22418       -mno-mt
22419           Use (do not use) MT Multithreading instructions.
22421       -mmcu
22422       -mno-mcu
22423           Use (do not use) the MIPS MCU ASE instructions.
22425       -meva
22426       -mno-eva
22427           Use (do not use) the MIPS Enhanced Virtual Addressing instructions.
22429       -mvirt
22430       -mno-virt
22431           Use (do not use) the MIPS Virtualization (VZ) instructions.
22433       -mxpa
22434       -mno-xpa
22435           Use (do not use) the MIPS eXtended Physical Address (XPA)
22436           instructions.
22438       -mcrc
22439       -mno-crc
22440           Use (do not use) the MIPS Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
22441           instructions.
22443       -mginv
22444       -mno-ginv
22445           Use (do not use) the MIPS Global INValidate (GINV) instructions.
22447       -mloongson-mmi
22448       -mno-loongson-mmi
22449           Use (do not use) the MIPS Loongson MultiMedia extensions
22450           Instructions (MMI).
22452       -mloongson-ext
22453       -mno-loongson-ext
22454           Use (do not use) the MIPS Loongson EXTensions (EXT) instructions.
22456       -mloongson-ext2
22457       -mno-loongson-ext2
22458           Use (do not use) the MIPS Loongson EXTensions r2 (EXT2)
22459           instructions.
22461       -mlong64
22462           Force "long" types to be 64 bits wide.  See -mlong32 for an
22463           explanation of the default and the way that the pointer size is
22464           determined.
22466       -mlong32
22467           Force "long", "int", and pointer types to be 32 bits wide.
22469           The default size of "int"s, "long"s and pointers depends on the
22470           ABI.  All the supported ABIs use 32-bit "int"s.  The n64 ABI uses
22471           64-bit "long"s, as does the 64-bit EABI; the others use 32-bit
22472           "long"s.  Pointers are the same size as "long"s, or the same size
22473           as integer registers, whichever is smaller.
22475       -msym32
22476       -mno-sym32
22477           Assume (do not assume) that all symbols have 32-bit values,
22478           regardless of the selected ABI.  This option is useful in
22479           combination with -mabi=64 and -mno-abicalls because it allows GCC
22480           to generate shorter and faster references to symbolic addresses.
22482       -G num
22483           Put definitions of externally-visible data in a small data section
22484           if that data is no bigger than num bytes.  GCC can then generate
22485           more efficient accesses to the data; see -mgpopt for details.
22487           The default -G option depends on the configuration.
22489       -mlocal-sdata
22490       -mno-local-sdata
22491           Extend (do not extend) the -G behavior to local data too, such as
22492           to static variables in C.  -mlocal-sdata is the default for all
22493           configurations.
22495           If the linker complains that an application is using too much small
22496           data, you might want to try rebuilding the less performance-
22497           critical parts with -mno-local-sdata.  You might also want to build
22498           large libraries with -mno-local-sdata, so that the libraries leave
22499           more room for the main program.
22501       -mextern-sdata
22502       -mno-extern-sdata
22503           Assume (do not assume) that externally-defined data is in a small
22504           data section if the size of that data is within the -G limit.
22505           -mextern-sdata is the default for all configurations.
22507           If you compile a module Mod with -mextern-sdata -G num -mgpopt, and
22508           Mod references a variable Var that is no bigger than num bytes, you
22509           must make sure that Var is placed in a small data section.  If Var
22510           is defined by another module, you must either compile that module
22511           with a high-enough -G setting or attach a "section" attribute to
22512           Var's definition.  If Var is common, you must link the application
22513           with a high-enough -G setting.
22515           The easiest way of satisfying these restrictions is to compile and
22516           link every module with the same -G option.  However, you may wish
22517           to build a library that supports several different small data
22518           limits.  You can do this by compiling the library with the highest
22519           supported -G setting and additionally using -mno-extern-sdata to
22520           stop the library from making assumptions about externally-defined
22521           data.
22523       -mgpopt
22524       -mno-gpopt
22525           Use (do not use) GP-relative accesses for symbols that are known to
22526           be in a small data section; see -G, -mlocal-sdata and
22527           -mextern-sdata.  -mgpopt is the default for all configurations.
22529           -mno-gpopt is useful for cases where the $gp register might not
22530           hold the value of "_gp".  For example, if the code is part of a
22531           library that might be used in a boot monitor, programs that call
22532           boot monitor routines pass an unknown value in $gp.  (In such
22533           situations, the boot monitor itself is usually compiled with -G0.)
22535           -mno-gpopt implies -mno-local-sdata and -mno-extern-sdata.
22537       -membedded-data
22538       -mno-embedded-data
22539           Allocate variables to the read-only data section first if possible,
22540           then next in the small data section if possible, otherwise in data.
22541           This gives slightly slower code than the default, but reduces the
22542           amount of RAM required when executing, and thus may be preferred
22543           for some embedded systems.
22545       -muninit-const-in-rodata
22546       -mno-uninit-const-in-rodata
22547           Put uninitialized "const" variables in the read-only data section.
22548           This option is only meaningful in conjunction with -membedded-data.
22550       -mcode-readable=setting
22551           Specify whether GCC may generate code that reads from executable
22552           sections.  There are three possible settings:
22554           -mcode-readable=yes
22555               Instructions may freely access executable sections.  This is
22556               the default setting.
22558           -mcode-readable=pcrel
22559               MIPS16 PC-relative load instructions can access executable
22560               sections, but other instructions must not do so.  This option
22561               is useful on 4KSc and 4KSd processors when the code TLBs have
22562               the Read Inhibit bit set.  It is also useful on processors that
22563               can be configured to have a dual instruction/data SRAM
22564               interface and that, like the M4K, automatically redirect PC-
22565               relative loads to the instruction RAM.
22567           -mcode-readable=no
22568               Instructions must not access executable sections.  This option
22569               can be useful on targets that are configured to have a dual
22570               instruction/data SRAM interface but that (unlike the M4K) do
22571               not automatically redirect PC-relative loads to the instruction
22572               RAM.
22574       -msplit-addresses
22575       -mno-split-addresses
22576           Enable (disable) use of the %hi() and %lo() assembler relocation
22577           operators.  This option has been superseded by -mexplicit-relocs
22578           but is retained for backwards compatibility.
22580       -mexplicit-relocs
22581       -mno-explicit-relocs
22582           Use (do not use) assembler relocation operators when dealing with
22583           symbolic addresses.  The alternative, selected by
22584           -mno-explicit-relocs, is to use assembler macros instead.
22586           -mexplicit-relocs is the default if GCC was configured to use an
22587           assembler that supports relocation operators.
22589       -mcheck-zero-division
22590       -mno-check-zero-division
22591           Trap (do not trap) on integer division by zero.
22593           The default is -mcheck-zero-division.
22595       -mdivide-traps
22596       -mdivide-breaks
22597           MIPS systems check for division by zero by generating either a
22598           conditional trap or a break instruction.  Using traps results in
22599           smaller code, but is only supported on MIPS II and later.  Also,
22600           some versions of the Linux kernel have a bug that prevents trap
22601           from generating the proper signal ("SIGFPE").  Use -mdivide-traps
22602           to allow conditional traps on architectures that support them and
22603           -mdivide-breaks to force the use of breaks.
22605           The default is usually -mdivide-traps, but this can be overridden
22606           at configure time using --with-divide=breaks.  Divide-by-zero
22607           checks can be completely disabled using -mno-check-zero-division.
22609       -mload-store-pairs
22610       -mno-load-store-pairs
22611           Enable (disable) an optimization that pairs consecutive load or
22612           store instructions to enable load/store bonding.  This option is
22613           enabled by default but only takes effect when the selected
22614           architecture is known to support bonding.
22616       -munaligned-access
22617       -mno-unaligned-access
22618           Enable (disable) direct unaligned access for MIPS Release 6.
22619           MIPSr6 requires load/store unaligned-access support, by hardware or
22620           trap&emulate.  So -mno-unaligned-access may be needed by kernel.
22622       -mmemcpy
22623       -mno-memcpy
22624           Force (do not force) the use of "memcpy" for non-trivial block
22625           moves.  The default is -mno-memcpy, which allows GCC to inline most
22626           constant-sized copies.
22628       -mlong-calls
22629       -mno-long-calls
22630           Disable (do not disable) use of the "jal" instruction.  Calling
22631           functions using "jal" is more efficient but requires the caller and
22632           callee to be in the same 256 megabyte segment.
22634           This option has no effect on abicalls code.  The default is
22635           -mno-long-calls.
22637       -mmad
22638       -mno-mad
22639           Enable (disable) use of the "mad", "madu" and "mul" instructions,
22640           as provided by the R4650 ISA.
22642       -mimadd
22643       -mno-imadd
22644           Enable (disable) use of the "madd" and "msub" integer instructions.
22645           The default is -mimadd on architectures that support "madd" and
22646           "msub" except for the 74k architecture where it was found to
22647           generate slower code.
22649       -mfused-madd
22650       -mno-fused-madd
22651           Enable (disable) use of the floating-point multiply-accumulate
22652           instructions, when they are available.  The default is
22653           -mfused-madd.
22655           On the R8000 CPU when multiply-accumulate instructions are used,
22656           the intermediate product is calculated to infinite precision and is
22657           not subject to the FCSR Flush to Zero bit.  This may be undesirable
22658           in some circumstances.  On other processors the result is
22659           numerically identical to the equivalent computation using separate
22660           multiply, add, subtract and negate instructions.
22662       -nocpp
22663           Tell the MIPS assembler to not run its preprocessor over user
22664           assembler files (with a .s suffix) when assembling them.
22666       -mfix-24k
22667       -mno-fix-24k
22668           Work around the 24K E48 (lost data on stores during refill) errata.
22669           The workarounds are implemented by the assembler rather than by
22670           GCC.
22672       -mfix-r4000
22673       -mno-fix-r4000
22674           Work around certain R4000 CPU errata:
22676           -   A double-word or a variable shift may give an incorrect result
22677               if executed immediately after starting an integer division.
22679           -   A double-word or a variable shift may give an incorrect result
22680               if executed while an integer multiplication is in progress.
22682           -   An integer division may give an incorrect result if started in
22683               a delay slot of a taken branch or a jump.
22685       -mfix-r4400
22686       -mno-fix-r4400
22687           Work around certain R4400 CPU errata:
22689           -   A double-word or a variable shift may give an incorrect result
22690               if executed immediately after starting an integer division.
22692       -mfix-r10000
22693       -mno-fix-r10000
22694           Work around certain R10000 errata:
22696           -   "ll"/"sc" sequences may not behave atomically on revisions
22697               prior to 3.0.  They may deadlock on revisions 2.6 and earlier.
22699           This option can only be used if the target architecture supports
22700           branch-likely instructions.  -mfix-r10000 is the default when
22701           -march=r10000 is used; -mno-fix-r10000 is the default otherwise.
22703       -mfix-r5900
22704       -mno-fix-r5900
22705           Do not attempt to schedule the preceding instruction into the delay
22706           slot of a branch instruction placed at the end of a short loop of
22707           six instructions or fewer and always schedule a "nop" instruction
22708           there instead.  The short loop bug under certain conditions causes
22709           loops to execute only once or twice, due to a hardware bug in the
22710           R5900 chip.  The workaround is implemented by the assembler rather
22711           than by GCC.
22713       -mfix-rm7000
22714       -mno-fix-rm7000
22715           Work around the RM7000 "dmult"/"dmultu" errata.  The workarounds
22716           are implemented by the assembler rather than by GCC.
22718       -mfix-vr4120
22719       -mno-fix-vr4120
22720           Work around certain VR4120 errata:
22722           -   "dmultu" does not always produce the correct result.
22724           -   "div" and "ddiv" do not always produce the correct result if
22725               one of the operands is negative.
22727           The workarounds for the division errata rely on special functions
22728           in libgcc.a.  At present, these functions are only provided by the
22729           "mips64vr*-elf" configurations.
22731           Other VR4120 errata require a NOP to be inserted between certain
22732           pairs of instructions.  These errata are handled by the assembler,
22733           not by GCC itself.
22735       -mfix-vr4130
22736           Work around the VR4130 "mflo"/"mfhi" errata.  The workarounds are
22737           implemented by the assembler rather than by GCC, although GCC
22738           avoids using "mflo" and "mfhi" if the VR4130 "macc", "macchi",
22739           "dmacc" and "dmacchi" instructions are available instead.
22741       -mfix-sb1
22742       -mno-fix-sb1
22743           Work around certain SB-1 CPU core errata.  (This flag currently
22744           works around the SB-1 revision 2 "F1" and "F2" floating-point
22745           errata.)
22747       -mr10k-cache-barrier=setting
22748           Specify whether GCC should insert cache barriers to avoid the side
22749           effects of speculation on R10K processors.
22751           In common with many processors, the R10K tries to predict the
22752           outcome of a conditional branch and speculatively executes
22753           instructions from the "taken" branch.  It later aborts these
22754           instructions if the predicted outcome is wrong.  However, on the
22755           R10K, even aborted instructions can have side effects.
22757           This problem only affects kernel stores and, depending on the
22758           system, kernel loads.  As an example, a speculatively-executed
22759           store may load the target memory into cache and mark the cache line
22760           as dirty, even if the store itself is later aborted.  If a DMA
22761           operation writes to the same area of memory before the "dirty" line
22762           is flushed, the cached data overwrites the DMA-ed data.  See the
22763           R10K processor manual for a full description, including other
22764           potential problems.
22766           One workaround is to insert cache barrier instructions before every
22767           memory access that might be speculatively executed and that might
22768           have side effects even if aborted.  -mr10k-cache-barrier=setting
22769           controls GCC's implementation of this workaround.  It assumes that
22770           aborted accesses to any byte in the following regions does not have
22771           side effects:
22773           1.  the memory occupied by the current function's stack frame;
22775           2.  the memory occupied by an incoming stack argument;
22777           3.  the memory occupied by an object with a link-time-constant
22778               address.
22780           It is the kernel's responsibility to ensure that speculative
22781           accesses to these regions are indeed safe.
22783           If the input program contains a function declaration such as:
22785                   void foo (void);
22787           then the implementation of "foo" must allow "j foo" and "jal foo"
22788           to be executed speculatively.  GCC honors this restriction for
22789           functions it compiles itself.  It expects non-GCC functions (such
22790           as hand-written assembly code) to do the same.
22792           The option has three forms:
22794           -mr10k-cache-barrier=load-store
22795               Insert a cache barrier before a load or store that might be
22796               speculatively executed and that might have side effects even if
22797               aborted.
22799           -mr10k-cache-barrier=store
22800               Insert a cache barrier before a store that might be
22801               speculatively executed and that might have side effects even if
22802               aborted.
22804           -mr10k-cache-barrier=none
22805               Disable the insertion of cache barriers.  This is the default
22806               setting.
22808       -mflush-func=func
22809       -mno-flush-func
22810           Specifies the function to call to flush the I and D caches, or to
22811           not call any such function.  If called, the function must take the
22812           same arguments as the common "_flush_func", that is, the address of
22813           the memory range for which the cache is being flushed, the size of
22814           the memory range, and the number 3 (to flush both caches).  The
22815           default depends on the target GCC was configured for, but commonly
22816           is either "_flush_func" or "__cpu_flush".
22818       mbranch-cost=num
22819           Set the cost of branches to roughly num "simple" instructions.
22820           This cost is only a heuristic and is not guaranteed to produce
22821           consistent results across releases.  A zero cost redundantly
22822           selects the default, which is based on the -mtune setting.
22824       -mbranch-likely
22825       -mno-branch-likely
22826           Enable or disable use of Branch Likely instructions, regardless of
22827           the default for the selected architecture.  By default, Branch
22828           Likely instructions may be generated if they are supported by the
22829           selected architecture.  An exception is for the MIPS32 and MIPS64
22830           architectures and processors that implement those architectures;
22831           for those, Branch Likely instructions are not be generated by
22832           default because the MIPS32 and MIPS64 architectures specifically
22833           deprecate their use.
22835       -mcompact-branches=never
22836       -mcompact-branches=optimal
22837       -mcompact-branches=always
22838           These options control which form of branches will be generated.
22839           The default is -mcompact-branches=optimal.
22841           The -mcompact-branches=never option ensures that compact branch
22842           instructions will never be generated.
22844           The -mcompact-branches=always option ensures that a compact branch
22845           instruction will be generated if available.  If a compact branch
22846           instruction is not available, a delay slot form of the branch will
22847           be used instead.
22849           This option is supported from MIPS Release 6 onwards.
22851           The -mcompact-branches=optimal option will cause a delay slot
22852           branch to be used if one is available in the current ISA and the
22853           delay slot is successfully filled.  If the delay slot is not
22854           filled, a compact branch will be chosen if one is available.
22856       -mfp-exceptions
22857       -mno-fp-exceptions
22858           Specifies whether FP exceptions are enabled.  This affects how FP
22859           instructions are scheduled for some processors.  The default is
22860           that FP exceptions are enabled.
22862           For instance, on the SB-1, if FP exceptions are disabled, and we
22863           are emitting 64-bit code, then we can use both FP pipes.
22864           Otherwise, we can only use one FP pipe.
22866       -mvr4130-align
22867       -mno-vr4130-align
22868           The VR4130 pipeline is two-way superscalar, but can only issue two
22869           instructions together if the first one is 8-byte aligned.  When
22870           this option is enabled, GCC aligns pairs of instructions that it
22871           thinks should execute in parallel.
22873           This option only has an effect when optimizing for the VR4130.  It
22874           normally makes code faster, but at the expense of making it bigger.
22875           It is enabled by default at optimization level -O3.
22877       -msynci
22878       -mno-synci
22879           Enable (disable) generation of "synci" instructions on
22880           architectures that support it.  The "synci" instructions (if
22881           enabled) are generated when "__builtin___clear_cache" is compiled.
22883           This option defaults to -mno-synci, but the default can be
22884           overridden by configuring GCC with --with-synci.
22886           When compiling code for single processor systems, it is generally
22887           safe to use "synci".  However, on many multi-core (SMP) systems, it
22888           does not invalidate the instruction caches on all cores and may
22889           lead to undefined behavior.
22891       -mrelax-pic-calls
22892       -mno-relax-pic-calls
22893           Try to turn PIC calls that are normally dispatched via register $25
22894           into direct calls.  This is only possible if the linker can resolve
22895           the destination at link time and if the destination is within range
22896           for a direct call.
22898           -mrelax-pic-calls is the default if GCC was configured to use an
22899           assembler and a linker that support the ".reloc" assembly directive
22900           and -mexplicit-relocs is in effect.  With -mno-explicit-relocs,
22901           this optimization can be performed by the assembler and the linker
22902           alone without help from the compiler.
22904       -mmcount-ra-address
22905       -mno-mcount-ra-address
22906           Emit (do not emit) code that allows "_mcount" to modify the calling
22907           function's return address.  When enabled, this option extends the
22908           usual "_mcount" interface with a new ra-address parameter, which
22909           has type "intptr_t *" and is passed in register $12.  "_mcount" can
22910           then modify the return address by doing both of the following:
22912           *   Returning the new address in register $31.
22914           *   Storing the new address in "*ra-address", if ra-address is
22915               nonnull.
22917           The default is -mno-mcount-ra-address.
22919       -mframe-header-opt
22920       -mno-frame-header-opt
22921           Enable (disable) frame header optimization in the o32 ABI.  When
22922           using the o32 ABI, calling functions will allocate 16 bytes on the
22923           stack for the called function to write out register arguments.
22924           When enabled, this optimization will suppress the allocation of the
22925           frame header if it can be determined that it is unused.
22927           This optimization is off by default at all optimization levels.
22929       -mlxc1-sxc1
22930       -mno-lxc1-sxc1
22931           When applicable, enable (disable) the generation of "lwxc1",
22932           "swxc1", "ldxc1", "sdxc1" instructions.  Enabled by default.
22934       -mmadd4
22935       -mno-madd4
22936           When applicable, enable (disable) the generation of 4-operand
22937           "madd.s", "madd.d" and related instructions.  Enabled by default.
22939       MMIX Options
22941       These options are defined for the MMIX:
22943       -mlibfuncs
22944       -mno-libfuncs
22945           Specify that intrinsic library functions are being compiled,
22946           passing all values in registers, no matter the size.
22948       -mepsilon
22949       -mno-epsilon
22950           Generate floating-point comparison instructions that compare with
22951           respect to the "rE" epsilon register.
22953       -mabi=mmixware
22954       -mabi=gnu
22955           Generate code that passes function parameters and return values
22956           that (in the called function) are seen as registers $0 and up, as
22957           opposed to the GNU ABI which uses global registers $231 and up.
22959       -mzero-extend
22960       -mno-zero-extend
22961           When reading data from memory in sizes shorter than 64 bits, use
22962           (do not use) zero-extending load instructions by default, rather
22963           than sign-extending ones.
22965       -mknuthdiv
22966       -mno-knuthdiv
22967           Make the result of a division yielding a remainder have the same
22968           sign as the divisor.  With the default, -mno-knuthdiv, the sign of
22969           the remainder follows the sign of the dividend.  Both methods are
22970           arithmetically valid, the latter being almost exclusively used.
22972       -mtoplevel-symbols
22973       -mno-toplevel-symbols
22974           Prepend (do not prepend) a : to all global symbols, so the assembly
22975           code can be used with the "PREFIX" assembly directive.
22977       -melf
22978           Generate an executable in the ELF format, rather than the default
22979           mmo format used by the mmix simulator.
22981       -mbranch-predict
22982       -mno-branch-predict
22983           Use (do not use) the probable-branch instructions, when static
22984           branch prediction indicates a probable branch.
22986       -mbase-addresses
22987       -mno-base-addresses
22988           Generate (do not generate) code that uses base addresses.  Using a
22989           base address automatically generates a request (handled by the
22990           assembler and the linker) for a constant to be set up in a global
22991           register.  The register is used for one or more base address
22992           requests within the range 0 to 255 from the value held in the
22993           register.  The generally leads to short and fast code, but the
22994           number of different data items that can be addressed is limited.
22995           This means that a program that uses lots of static data may require
22996           -mno-base-addresses.
22998       -msingle-exit
22999       -mno-single-exit
23000           Force (do not force) generated code to have a single exit point in
23001           each function.
23003       MN10300 Options
23005       These -m options are defined for Matsushita MN10300 architectures:
23007       -mmult-bug
23008           Generate code to avoid bugs in the multiply instructions for the
23009           MN10300 processors.  This is the default.
23011       -mno-mult-bug
23012           Do not generate code to avoid bugs in the multiply instructions for
23013           the MN10300 processors.
23015       -mam33
23016           Generate code using features specific to the AM33 processor.
23018       -mno-am33
23019           Do not generate code using features specific to the AM33 processor.
23020           This is the default.
23022       -mam33-2
23023           Generate code using features specific to the AM33/2.0 processor.
23025       -mam34
23026           Generate code using features specific to the AM34 processor.
23028       -mtune=cpu-type
23029           Use the timing characteristics of the indicated CPU type when
23030           scheduling instructions.  This does not change the targeted
23031           processor type.  The CPU type must be one of mn10300, am33, am33-2
23032           or am34.
23034       -mreturn-pointer-on-d0
23035           When generating a function that returns a pointer, return the
23036           pointer in both "a0" and "d0".  Otherwise, the pointer is returned
23037           only in "a0", and attempts to call such functions without a
23038           prototype result in errors.  Note that this option is on by
23039           default; use -mno-return-pointer-on-d0 to disable it.
23041       -mno-crt0
23042           Do not link in the C run-time initialization object file.
23044       -mrelax
23045           Indicate to the linker that it should perform a relaxation
23046           optimization pass to shorten branches, calls and absolute memory
23047           addresses.  This option only has an effect when used on the command
23048           line for the final link step.
23050           This option makes symbolic debugging impossible.
23052       -mliw
23053           Allow the compiler to generate Long Instruction Word instructions
23054           if the target is the AM33 or later.  This is the default.  This
23055           option defines the preprocessor macro "__LIW__".
23057       -mno-liw
23058           Do not allow the compiler to generate Long Instruction Word
23059           instructions.  This option defines the preprocessor macro
23060           "__NO_LIW__".
23062       -msetlb
23063           Allow the compiler to generate the SETLB and Lcc instructions if
23064           the target is the AM33 or later.  This is the default.  This option
23065           defines the preprocessor macro "__SETLB__".
23067       -mno-setlb
23068           Do not allow the compiler to generate SETLB or Lcc instructions.
23069           This option defines the preprocessor macro "__NO_SETLB__".
23071       Moxie Options
23073       -meb
23074           Generate big-endian code.  This is the default for moxie-*-*
23075           configurations.
23077       -mel
23078           Generate little-endian code.
23080       -mmul.x
23081           Generate mul.x and umul.x instructions.  This is the default for
23082           moxiebox-*-* configurations.
23084       -mno-crt0
23085           Do not link in the C run-time initialization object file.
23087       MSP430 Options
23089       These options are defined for the MSP430:
23091       -masm-hex
23092           Force assembly output to always use hex constants.  Normally such
23093           constants are signed decimals, but this option is available for
23094           testsuite and/or aesthetic purposes.
23096       -mmcu=
23097           Select the MCU to target.  This is used to create a C preprocessor
23098           symbol based upon the MCU name, converted to upper case and pre-
23099           and post-fixed with __.  This in turn is used by the msp430.h
23100           header file to select an MCU-specific supplementary header file.
23102           The option also sets the ISA to use.  If the MCU name is one that
23103           is known to only support the 430 ISA then that is selected,
23104           otherwise the 430X ISA is selected.  A generic MCU name of msp430
23105           can also be used to select the 430 ISA.  Similarly the generic
23106           msp430x MCU name selects the 430X ISA.
23108           In addition an MCU-specific linker script is added to the linker
23109           command line.  The script's name is the name of the MCU with .ld
23110           appended.  Thus specifying -mmcu=xxx on the gcc command line
23111           defines the C preprocessor symbol "__XXX__" and cause the linker to
23112           search for a script called xxx.ld.
23114           The ISA and hardware multiply supported for the different MCUs is
23115           hard-coded into GCC.  However, an external devices.csv file can be
23116           used to extend device support beyond those that have been hard-
23117           coded.
23119           GCC searches for the devices.csv file using the following methods
23120           in the given precedence order, where the first method takes
23121           precendence over the second which takes precedence over the third.
23123           Include path specified with "-I" and "-L"
23124               devices.csv will be searched for in each of the directories
23125               specified by include paths and linker library search paths.
23127           Path specified by the environment variable MSP430_GCC_INCLUDE_DIR
23128               Define the value of the global environment variable
23129               MSP430_GCC_INCLUDE_DIR to the full path to the directory
23130               containing devices.csv, and GCC will search this directory for
23131               devices.csv.  If devices.csv is found, this directory will also
23132               be registered as an include path, and linker library path.
23133               Header files and linker scripts in this directory can therefore
23134               be used without manually specifying "-I" and "-L" on the
23135               command line.
23137           The msp430-elf{,bare}/include/devices directory
23138               Finally, GCC will examine msp430-elf{,bare}/include/devices
23139               from the toolchain root directory.  This directory does not
23140               exist in a default installation, but if the user has created it
23141               and copied devices.csv there, then the MCU data will be read.
23142               As above, this directory will also be registered as an include
23143               path, and linker library path.
23145           If none of the above search methods find devices.csv, then the
23146           hard-coded MCU data is used.
23148       -mwarn-mcu
23149       -mno-warn-mcu
23150           This option enables or disables warnings about conflicts between
23151           the MCU name specified by the -mmcu option and the ISA set by the
23152           -mcpu option and/or the hardware multiply support set by the
23153           -mhwmult option.  It also toggles warnings about unrecognized MCU
23154           names.  This option is on by default.
23156       -mcpu=
23157           Specifies the ISA to use.  Accepted values are msp430, msp430x and
23158           msp430xv2.  This option is deprecated.  The -mmcu= option should be
23159           used to select the ISA.
23161       -msim
23162           Link to the simulator runtime libraries and linker script.
23163           Overrides any scripts that would be selected by the -mmcu= option.
23165       -mlarge
23166           Use large-model addressing (20-bit pointers, 20-bit "size_t").
23168       -msmall
23169           Use small-model addressing (16-bit pointers, 16-bit "size_t").
23171       -mrelax
23172           This option is passed to the assembler and linker, and allows the
23173           linker to perform certain optimizations that cannot be done until
23174           the final link.
23176       mhwmult=
23177           Describes the type of hardware multiply supported by the target.
23178           Accepted values are none for no hardware multiply, 16bit for the
23179           original 16-bit-only multiply supported by early MCUs.  32bit for
23180           the 16/32-bit multiply supported by later MCUs and f5series for the
23181           16/32-bit multiply supported by F5-series MCUs.  A value of auto
23182           can also be given.  This tells GCC to deduce the hardware multiply
23183           support based upon the MCU name provided by the -mmcu option.  If
23184           no -mmcu option is specified or if the MCU name is not recognized
23185           then no hardware multiply support is assumed.  "auto" is the
23186           default setting.
23188           Hardware multiplies are normally performed by calling a library
23189           routine.  This saves space in the generated code.  When compiling
23190           at -O3 or higher however the hardware multiplier is invoked inline.
23191           This makes for bigger, but faster code.
23193           The hardware multiply routines disable interrupts whilst running
23194           and restore the previous interrupt state when they finish.  This
23195           makes them safe to use inside interrupt handlers as well as in
23196           normal code.
23198       -minrt
23199           Enable the use of a minimum runtime environment - no static
23200           initializers or constructors.  This is intended for memory-
23201           constrained devices.  The compiler includes special symbols in some
23202           objects that tell the linker and runtime which code fragments are
23203           required.
23205       -mtiny-printf
23206           Enable reduced code size "printf" and "puts" library functions.
23207           The tiny implementations of these functions are not reentrant, so
23208           must be used with caution in multi-threaded applications.
23210           Support for streams has been removed and the string to be printed
23211           will always be sent to stdout via the "write" syscall.  The string
23212           is not buffered before it is sent to write.
23214           This option requires Newlib Nano IO, so GCC must be configured with
23215           --enable-newlib-nano-formatted-io.
23217       -mmax-inline-shift=
23218           This option takes an integer between 0 and 64 inclusive, and sets
23219           the maximum number of inline shift instructions which should be
23220           emitted to perform a shift operation by a constant amount.  When
23221           this value needs to be exceeded, an mspabi helper function is used
23222           instead.  The default value is 4.
23224           This only affects cases where a shift by multiple positions cannot
23225           be completed with a single instruction (e.g. all shifts >1 on the
23226           430 ISA).
23228           Shifts of a 32-bit value are at least twice as costly, so the value
23229           passed for this option is divided by 2 and the resulting value used
23230           instead.
23232       -mcode-region=
23233       -mdata-region=
23234           These options tell the compiler where to place functions and data
23235           that do not have one of the "lower", "upper", "either" or "section"
23236           attributes.  Possible values are "lower", "upper", "either" or
23237           "any".  The first three behave like the corresponding attribute.
23238           The fourth possible value - "any" - is the default.  It leaves
23239           placement entirely up to the linker script and how it assigns the
23240           standard sections (".text", ".data", etc) to the memory regions.
23242       -msilicon-errata=
23243           This option passes on a request to assembler to enable the fixes
23244           for the named silicon errata.
23246       -msilicon-errata-warn=
23247           This option passes on a request to the assembler to enable warning
23248           messages when a silicon errata might need to be applied.
23250       -mwarn-devices-csv
23251       -mno-warn-devices-csv
23252           Warn if devices.csv is not found or there are problem parsing it
23253           (default: on).
23255       NDS32 Options
23257       These options are defined for NDS32 implementations:
23259       -mbig-endian
23260           Generate code in big-endian mode.
23262       -mlittle-endian
23263           Generate code in little-endian mode.
23265       -mreduced-regs
23266           Use reduced-set registers for register allocation.
23268       -mfull-regs
23269           Use full-set registers for register allocation.
23271       -mcmov
23272           Generate conditional move instructions.
23274       -mno-cmov
23275           Do not generate conditional move instructions.
23277       -mext-perf
23278           Generate performance extension instructions.
23280       -mno-ext-perf
23281           Do not generate performance extension instructions.
23283       -mext-perf2
23284           Generate performance extension 2 instructions.
23286       -mno-ext-perf2
23287           Do not generate performance extension 2 instructions.
23289       -mext-string
23290           Generate string extension instructions.
23292       -mno-ext-string
23293           Do not generate string extension instructions.
23295       -mv3push
23296           Generate v3 push25/pop25 instructions.
23298       -mno-v3push
23299           Do not generate v3 push25/pop25 instructions.
23301       -m16-bit
23302           Generate 16-bit instructions.
23304       -mno-16-bit
23305           Do not generate 16-bit instructions.
23307       -misr-vector-size=num
23308           Specify the size of each interrupt vector, which must be 4 or 16.
23310       -mcache-block-size=num
23311           Specify the size of each cache block, which must be a power of 2
23312           between 4 and 512.
23314       -march=arch
23315           Specify the name of the target architecture.
23317       -mcmodel=code-model
23318           Set the code model to one of
23320           small
23321               All the data and read-only data segments must be within 512KB
23322               addressing space.  The text segment must be within 16MB
23323               addressing space.
23325           medium
23326               The data segment must be within 512KB while the read-only data
23327               segment can be within 4GB addressing space.  The text segment
23328               should be still within 16MB addressing space.
23330           large
23331               All the text and data segments can be within 4GB addressing
23332               space.
23334       -mctor-dtor
23335           Enable constructor/destructor feature.
23337       -mrelax
23338           Guide linker to relax instructions.
23340       Nios II Options
23342       These are the options defined for the Altera Nios II processor.
23344       -G num
23345           Put global and static objects less than or equal to num bytes into
23346           the small data or BSS sections instead of the normal data or BSS
23347           sections.  The default value of num is 8.
23349       -mgpopt=option
23350       -mgpopt
23351       -mno-gpopt
23352           Generate (do not generate) GP-relative accesses.  The following
23353           option names are recognized:
23355           none
23356               Do not generate GP-relative accesses.
23358           local
23359               Generate GP-relative accesses for small data objects that are
23360               not external, weak, or uninitialized common symbols.  Also use
23361               GP-relative addressing for objects that have been explicitly
23362               placed in a small data section via a "section" attribute.
23364           global
23365               As for local, but also generate GP-relative accesses for small
23366               data objects that are external, weak, or common.  If you use
23367               this option, you must ensure that all parts of your program
23368               (including libraries) are compiled with the same -G setting.
23370           data
23371               Generate GP-relative accesses for all data objects in the
23372               program.  If you use this option, the entire data and BSS
23373               segments of your program must fit in 64K of memory and you must
23374               use an appropriate linker script to allocate them within the
23375               addressable range of the global pointer.
23377           all Generate GP-relative addresses for function pointers as well as
23378               data pointers.  If you use this option, the entire text, data,
23379               and BSS segments of your program must fit in 64K of memory and
23380               you must use an appropriate linker script to allocate them
23381               within the addressable range of the global pointer.
23383           -mgpopt is equivalent to -mgpopt=local, and -mno-gpopt is
23384           equivalent to -mgpopt=none.
23386           The default is -mgpopt except when -fpic or -fPIC is specified to
23387           generate position-independent code.  Note that the Nios II ABI does
23388           not permit GP-relative accesses from shared libraries.
23390           You may need to specify -mno-gpopt explicitly when building
23391           programs that include large amounts of small data, including large
23392           GOT data sections.  In this case, the 16-bit offset for GP-relative
23393           addressing may not be large enough to allow access to the entire
23394           small data section.
23396       -mgprel-sec=regexp
23397           This option specifies additional section names that can be accessed
23398           via GP-relative addressing.  It is most useful in conjunction with
23399           "section" attributes on variable declarations and a custom linker
23400           script.  The regexp is a POSIX Extended Regular Expression.
23402           This option does not affect the behavior of the -G option, and the
23403           specified sections are in addition to the standard ".sdata" and
23404           ".sbss" small-data sections that are recognized by -mgpopt.
23406       -mr0rel-sec=regexp
23407           This option specifies names of sections that can be accessed via a
23408           16-bit offset from "r0"; that is, in the low 32K or high 32K of the
23409           32-bit address space.  It is most useful in conjunction with
23410           "section" attributes on variable declarations and a custom linker
23411           script.  The regexp is a POSIX Extended Regular Expression.
23413           In contrast to the use of GP-relative addressing for small data,
23414           zero-based addressing is never generated by default and there are
23415           no conventional section names used in standard linker scripts for
23416           sections in the low or high areas of memory.
23418       -mel
23419       -meb
23420           Generate little-endian (default) or big-endian (experimental) code,
23421           respectively.
23423       -march=arch
23424           This specifies the name of the target Nios II architecture.  GCC
23425           uses this name to determine what kind of instructions it can emit
23426           when generating assembly code.  Permissible names are: r1, r2.
23428           The preprocessor macro "__nios2_arch__" is available to programs,
23429           with value 1 or 2, indicating the targeted ISA level.
23431       -mbypass-cache
23432       -mno-bypass-cache
23433           Force all load and store instructions to always bypass cache by
23434           using I/O variants of the instructions. The default is not to
23435           bypass the cache.
23437       -mno-cache-volatile
23438       -mcache-volatile
23439           Volatile memory access bypass the cache using the I/O variants of
23440           the load and store instructions. The default is not to bypass the
23441           cache.
23443       -mno-fast-sw-div
23444       -mfast-sw-div
23445           Do not use table-based fast divide for small numbers. The default
23446           is to use the fast divide at -O3 and above.
23448       -mno-hw-mul
23449       -mhw-mul
23450       -mno-hw-mulx
23451       -mhw-mulx
23452       -mno-hw-div
23453       -mhw-div
23454           Enable or disable emitting "mul", "mulx" and "div" family of
23455           instructions by the compiler. The default is to emit "mul" and not
23456           emit "div" and "mulx".
23458       -mbmx
23459       -mno-bmx
23460       -mcdx
23461       -mno-cdx
23462           Enable or disable generation of Nios II R2 BMX (bit manipulation)
23463           and CDX (code density) instructions.  Enabling these instructions
23464           also requires -march=r2.  Since these instructions are optional
23465           extensions to the R2 architecture, the default is not to emit them.
23467       -mcustom-insn=N
23468       -mno-custom-insn
23469           Each -mcustom-insn=N option enables use of a custom instruction
23470           with encoding N when generating code that uses insn.  For example,
23471           -mcustom-fadds=253 generates custom instruction 253 for single-
23472           precision floating-point add operations instead of the default
23473           behavior of using a library call.
23475           The following values of insn are supported.  Except as otherwise
23476           noted, floating-point operations are expected to be implemented
23477           with normal IEEE 754 semantics and correspond directly to the C
23478           operators or the equivalent GCC built-in functions.
23480           Single-precision floating point:
23482           fadds, fsubs, fdivs, fmuls
23483               Binary arithmetic operations.
23485           fnegs
23486               Unary negation.
23488           fabss
23489               Unary absolute value.
23491           fcmpeqs, fcmpges, fcmpgts, fcmples, fcmplts, fcmpnes
23492               Comparison operations.
23494           fmins, fmaxs
23495               Floating-point minimum and maximum.  These instructions are
23496               only generated if -ffinite-math-only is specified.
23498           fsqrts
23499               Unary square root operation.
23501           fcoss, fsins, ftans, fatans, fexps, flogs
23502               Floating-point trigonometric and exponential functions.  These
23503               instructions are only generated if -funsafe-math-optimizations
23504               is also specified.
23506           Double-precision floating point:
23508           faddd, fsubd, fdivd, fmuld
23509               Binary arithmetic operations.
23511           fnegd
23512               Unary negation.
23514           fabsd
23515               Unary absolute value.
23517           fcmpeqd, fcmpged, fcmpgtd, fcmpled, fcmpltd, fcmpned
23518               Comparison operations.
23520           fmind, fmaxd
23521               Double-precision minimum and maximum.  These instructions are
23522               only generated if -ffinite-math-only is specified.
23524           fsqrtd
23525               Unary square root operation.
23527           fcosd, fsind, ftand, fatand, fexpd, flogd
23528               Double-precision trigonometric and exponential functions.
23529               These instructions are only generated if
23530               -funsafe-math-optimizations is also specified.
23532           Conversions:
23534           fextsd
23535               Conversion from single precision to double precision.
23537           ftruncds
23538               Conversion from double precision to single precision.
23540           fixsi, fixsu, fixdi, fixdu
23541               Conversion from floating point to signed or unsigned integer
23542               types, with truncation towards zero.
23544           round
23545               Conversion from single-precision floating point to signed
23546               integer, rounding to the nearest integer and ties away from
23547               zero.  This corresponds to the "__builtin_lroundf" function
23548               when -fno-math-errno is used.
23550           floatis, floatus, floatid, floatud
23551               Conversion from signed or unsigned integer types to floating-
23552               point types.
23554           In addition, all of the following transfer instructions for
23555           internal registers X and Y must be provided to use any of the
23556           double-precision floating-point instructions.  Custom instructions
23557           taking two double-precision source operands expect the first
23558           operand in the 64-bit register X.  The other operand (or only
23559           operand of a unary operation) is given to the custom arithmetic
23560           instruction with the least significant half in source register src1
23561           and the most significant half in src2.  A custom instruction that
23562           returns a double-precision result returns the most significant 32
23563           bits in the destination register and the other half in 32-bit
23564           register Y.  GCC automatically generates the necessary code
23565           sequences to write register X and/or read register Y when double-
23566           precision floating-point instructions are used.
23568           fwrx
23569               Write src1 into the least significant half of X and src2 into
23570               the most significant half of X.
23572           fwry
23573               Write src1 into Y.
23575           frdxhi, frdxlo
23576               Read the most or least (respectively) significant half of X and
23577               store it in dest.
23579           frdy
23580               Read the value of Y and store it into dest.
23582           Note that you can gain more local control over generation of Nios
23583           II custom instructions by using the target("custom-insn=N") and
23584           target("no-custom-insn") function attributes or pragmas.
23586       -mcustom-fpu-cfg=name
23587           This option enables a predefined, named set of custom instruction
23588           encodings (see -mcustom-insn above).  Currently, the following sets
23589           are defined:
23591           -mcustom-fpu-cfg=60-1 is equivalent to: -mcustom-fmuls=252
23592           -mcustom-fadds=253 -mcustom-fsubs=254 -fsingle-precision-constant
23594           -mcustom-fpu-cfg=60-2 is equivalent to: -mcustom-fmuls=252
23595           -mcustom-fadds=253 -mcustom-fsubs=254 -mcustom-fdivs=255
23596           -fsingle-precision-constant
23598           -mcustom-fpu-cfg=72-3 is equivalent to: -mcustom-floatus=243
23599           -mcustom-fixsi=244 -mcustom-floatis=245 -mcustom-fcmpgts=246
23600           -mcustom-fcmples=249 -mcustom-fcmpeqs=250 -mcustom-fcmpnes=251
23601           -mcustom-fmuls=252 -mcustom-fadds=253 -mcustom-fsubs=254
23602           -mcustom-fdivs=255 -fsingle-precision-constant
23604           -mcustom-fpu-cfg=fph2 is equivalent to: -mcustom-fabss=224
23605           -mcustom-fnegs=225 -mcustom-fcmpnes=226 -mcustom-fcmpeqs=227
23606           -mcustom-fcmpges=228 -mcustom-fcmpgts=229 -mcustom-fcmples=230
23607           -mcustom-fcmplts=231 -mcustom-fmaxs=232 -mcustom-fmins=233
23608           -mcustom-round=248 -mcustom-fixsi=249 -mcustom-floatis=250
23609           -mcustom-fsqrts=251 -mcustom-fmuls=252 -mcustom-fadds=253
23610           -mcustom-fsubs=254 -mcustom-fdivs=255
23612           Custom instruction assignments given by individual -mcustom-insn=
23613           options override those given by -mcustom-fpu-cfg=, regardless of
23614           the order of the options on the command line.
23616           Note that you can gain more local control over selection of a FPU
23617           configuration by using the target("custom-fpu-cfg=name") function
23618           attribute or pragma.
23620           The name fph2 is an abbreviation for Nios II Floating Point
23621           Hardware 2 Component.  Please note that the custom instructions
23622           enabled by -mcustom-fmins=233 and -mcustom-fmaxs=234 are only
23623           generated if -ffinite-math-only is specified.  The custom
23624           instruction enabled by -mcustom-round=248 is only generated if
23625           -fno-math-errno is specified.  In contrast to the other
23626           configurations, -fsingle-precision-constant is not set.
23628       These additional -m options are available for the Altera Nios II ELF
23629       (bare-metal) target:
23631       -mhal
23632           Link with HAL BSP.  This suppresses linking with the GCC-provided C
23633           runtime startup and termination code, and is typically used in
23634           conjunction with -msys-crt0= to specify the location of the
23635           alternate startup code provided by the HAL BSP.
23637       -msmallc
23638           Link with a limited version of the C library, -lsmallc, rather than
23639           Newlib.
23641       -msys-crt0=startfile
23642           startfile is the file name of the startfile (crt0) to use when
23643           linking.  This option is only useful in conjunction with -mhal.
23645       -msys-lib=systemlib
23646           systemlib is the library name of the library that provides low-
23647           level system calls required by the C library, e.g. "read" and
23648           "write".  This option is typically used to link with a library
23649           provided by a HAL BSP.
23651       Nvidia PTX Options
23653       These options are defined for Nvidia PTX:
23655       -m64
23656           Ignored, but preserved for backward compatibility.  Only 64-bit ABI
23657           is supported.
23659       -march=architecture-string
23660           Generate code for the specified PTX ISA target architecture (e.g.
23661           sm_35).  Valid architecture strings are sm_30, sm_35, sm_53, sm_70,
23662           sm_75 and sm_80.  The default target architecture is sm_30.
23664           This option sets the value of the preprocessor macro "__PTX_SM__";
23665           for instance, for sm_35, it has the value 350.
23667       -misa=architecture-string
23668           Alias of -march=.
23670       -march-map=architecture-string
23671           Select the closest available -march= value that is not more
23672           capable.  For instance, for -march-map=sm_50 select -march=sm_35,
23673           and for -march-map=sm_53 select -march=sm_53.
23675       -mptx=version-string
23676           Generate code for the specified PTX ISA version (e.g. 7.0).  Valid
23677           version strings include 3.1, 6.0, 6.3, and 7.0.  The default PTX
23678           ISA version is 6.0, unless a higher version is required for
23679           specified PTX ISA target architecture via option -march=.
23681           This option sets the values of the preprocessor macros
23682           "__PTX_ISA_VERSION_MAJOR__" and "__PTX_ISA_VERSION_MINOR__"; for
23683           instance, for 3.1 the macros have the values 3 and 1, respectively.
23685       -mmainkernel
23686           Link in code for a __main kernel.  This is for stand-alone instead
23687           of offloading execution.
23689       -moptimize
23690           Apply partitioned execution optimizations.  This is the default
23691           when any level of optimization is selected.
23693       -msoft-stack
23694           Generate code that does not use ".local" memory directly for stack
23695           storage. Instead, a per-warp stack pointer is maintained
23696           explicitly. This enables variable-length stack allocation (with
23697           variable-length arrays or "alloca"), and when global memory is used
23698           for underlying storage, makes it possible to access automatic
23699           variables from other threads, or with atomic instructions. This
23700           code generation variant is used for OpenMP offloading, but the
23701           option is exposed on its own for the purpose of testing the
23702           compiler; to generate code suitable for linking into programs using
23703           OpenMP offloading, use option -mgomp.
23705       -muniform-simt
23706           Switch to code generation variant that allows to execute all
23707           threads in each warp, while maintaining memory state and side
23708           effects as if only one thread in each warp was active outside of
23709           OpenMP SIMD regions.  All atomic operations and calls to runtime
23710           (malloc, free, vprintf) are conditionally executed (iff current
23711           lane index equals the master lane index), and the register being
23712           assigned is copied via a shuffle instruction from the master lane.
23713           Outside of SIMD regions lane 0 is the master; inside, each thread
23714           sees itself as the master.  Shared memory array "int __nvptx_uni[]"
23715           stores all-zeros or all-ones bitmasks for each warp, indicating
23716           current mode (0 outside of SIMD regions).  Each thread can bitwise-
23717           and the bitmask at position "tid.y" with current lane index to
23718           compute the master lane index.
23720       -mgomp
23721           Generate code for use in OpenMP offloading: enables -msoft-stack
23722           and -muniform-simt options, and selects corresponding multilib
23723           variant.
23725       OpenRISC Options
23727       These options are defined for OpenRISC:
23729       -mboard=name
23730           Configure a board specific runtime.  This will be passed to the
23731           linker for newlib board library linking.  The default is "or1ksim".
23733       -mnewlib
23734           This option is ignored; it is for compatibility purposes only.
23735           This used to select linker and preprocessor options for use with
23736           newlib.
23738       -msoft-div
23739       -mhard-div
23740           Select software or hardware divide ("l.div", "l.divu")
23741           instructions.  This default is hardware divide.
23743       -msoft-mul
23744       -mhard-mul
23745           Select software or hardware multiply ("l.mul", "l.muli")
23746           instructions.  This default is hardware multiply.
23748       -msoft-float
23749       -mhard-float
23750           Select software or hardware for floating point operations.  The
23751           default is software.
23753       -mdouble-float
23754           When -mhard-float is selected, enables generation of double-
23755           precision floating point instructions.  By default functions from
23756           libgcc are used to perform double-precision floating point
23757           operations.
23759       -munordered-float
23760           When -mhard-float is selected, enables generation of unordered
23761           floating point compare and set flag ("lf.sfun*") instructions.  By
23762           default functions from libgcc are used to perform unordered
23763           floating point compare and set flag operations.
23765       -mcmov
23766           Enable generation of conditional move ("l.cmov") instructions.  By
23767           default the equivalent will be generated using set and branch.
23769       -mror
23770           Enable generation of rotate right ("l.ror") instructions.  By
23771           default functions from libgcc are used to perform rotate right
23772           operations.
23774       -mrori
23775           Enable generation of rotate right with immediate ("l.rori")
23776           instructions.  By default functions from libgcc are used to perform
23777           rotate right with immediate operations.
23779       -msext
23780           Enable generation of sign extension ("l.ext*") instructions.  By
23781           default memory loads are used to perform sign extension.
23783       -msfimm
23784           Enable generation of compare and set flag with immediate ("l.sf*i")
23785           instructions.  By default extra instructions will be generated to
23786           store the immediate to a register first.
23788       -mshftimm
23789           Enable generation of shift with immediate ("l.srai", "l.srli",
23790           "l.slli") instructions.  By default extra instructions will be
23791           generated to store the immediate to a register first.
23793       -mcmodel=small
23794           Generate OpenRISC code for the small model: The GOT is limited to
23795           64k. This is the default model.
23797       -mcmodel=large
23798           Generate OpenRISC code for the large model: The GOT may grow up to
23799           4G in size.
23801       PDP-11 Options
23803       These options are defined for the PDP-11:
23805       -mfpu
23806           Use hardware FPP floating point.  This is the default.  (FIS
23807           floating point on the PDP-11/40 is not supported.)  Implies -m45.
23809       -msoft-float
23810           Do not use hardware floating point.
23812       -mac0
23813           Return floating-point results in ac0 (fr0 in Unix assembler
23814           syntax).
23816       -mno-ac0
23817           Return floating-point results in memory.  This is the default.
23819       -m40
23820           Generate code for a PDP-11/40.  Implies -msoft-float -mno-split.
23822       -m45
23823           Generate code for a PDP-11/45.  This is the default.
23825       -m10
23826           Generate code for a PDP-11/10.  Implies -msoft-float -mno-split.
23828       -mint16
23829       -mno-int32
23830           Use 16-bit "int".  This is the default.
23832       -mint32
23833       -mno-int16
23834           Use 32-bit "int".
23836       -msplit
23837           Target has split instruction and data space.  Implies -m45.
23839       -munix-asm
23840           Use Unix assembler syntax.
23842       -mdec-asm
23843           Use DEC assembler syntax.
23845       -mgnu-asm
23846           Use GNU assembler syntax.  This is the default.
23848       -mlra
23849           Use the new LRA register allocator.  By default, the old "reload"
23850           allocator is used.
23852       picoChip Options
23854       These -m options are defined for picoChip implementations:
23856       -mae=ae_type
23857           Set the instruction set, register set, and instruction scheduling
23858           parameters for array element type ae_type.  Supported values for
23859           ae_type are ANY, MUL, and MAC.
23861           -mae=ANY selects a completely generic AE type.  Code generated with
23862           this option runs on any of the other AE types.  The code is not as
23863           efficient as it would be if compiled for a specific AE type, and
23864           some types of operation (e.g., multiplication) do not work properly
23865           on all types of AE.
23867           -mae=MUL selects a MUL AE type.  This is the most useful AE type
23868           for compiled code, and is the default.
23870           -mae=MAC selects a DSP-style MAC AE.  Code compiled with this
23871           option may suffer from poor performance of byte (char)
23872           manipulation, since the DSP AE does not provide hardware support
23873           for byte load/stores.
23875       -msymbol-as-address
23876           Enable the compiler to directly use a symbol name as an address in
23877           a load/store instruction, without first loading it into a register.
23878           Typically, the use of this option generates larger programs, which
23879           run faster than when the option isn't used.  However, the results
23880           vary from program to program, so it is left as a user option,
23881           rather than being permanently enabled.
23883       -mno-inefficient-warnings
23884           Disables warnings about the generation of inefficient code.  These
23885           warnings can be generated, for example, when compiling code that
23886           performs byte-level memory operations on the MAC AE type.  The MAC
23887           AE has no hardware support for byte-level memory operations, so all
23888           byte load/stores must be synthesized from word load/store
23889           operations.  This is inefficient and a warning is generated to
23890           indicate that you should rewrite the code to avoid byte operations,
23891           or to target an AE type that has the necessary hardware support.
23892           This option disables these warnings.
23894       PowerPC Options
23896       These are listed under
23898       PRU Options
23900       These command-line options are defined for PRU target:
23902       -minrt
23903           Link with a minimum runtime environment, with no support for static
23904           initializers and constructors.  Using this option can significantly
23905           reduce the size of the final ELF binary.  Beware that the compiler
23906           could still generate code with static initializers and
23907           constructors.  It is up to the programmer to ensure that the source
23908           program will not use those features.
23910       -mmcu=mcu
23911           Specify the PRU MCU variant to use.  Check Newlib for the exact
23912           list of supported MCUs.
23914       -mno-relax
23915           Make GCC pass the --no-relax command-line option to the linker
23916           instead of the --relax option.
23918       -mloop
23919           Allow (or do not allow) GCC to use the LOOP instruction.
23921       -mabi=variant
23922           Specify the ABI variant to output code for.  -mabi=ti selects the
23923           unmodified TI ABI while -mabi=gnu selects a GNU variant that copes
23924           more naturally with certain GCC assumptions.  These are the
23925           differences:
23927           Function Pointer Size
23928               TI ABI specifies that function (code) pointers are 16-bit,
23929               whereas GNU supports only 32-bit data and code pointers.
23931           Optional Return Value Pointer
23932               Function return values larger than 64 bits are passed by using
23933               a hidden pointer as the first argument of the function.  TI
23934               ABI, though, mandates that the pointer can be NULL in case the
23935               caller is not using the returned value.  GNU always passes and
23936               expects a valid return value pointer.
23938           The current -mabi=ti implementation simply raises a compile error
23939           when any of the above code constructs is detected.  As a
23940           consequence the standard C library cannot be built and it is
23941           omitted when linking with -mabi=ti.
23943           Relaxation is a GNU feature and for safety reasons is disabled when
23944           using -mabi=ti.  The TI toolchain does not emit relocations for
23945           QBBx instructions, so the GNU linker cannot adjust them when
23946           shortening adjacent LDI32 pseudo instructions.
23948       RISC-V Options
23950       These command-line options are defined for RISC-V targets:
23952       -mbranch-cost=n
23953           Set the cost of branches to roughly n instructions.
23955       -mplt
23956       -mno-plt
23957           When generating PIC code, do or don't allow the use of PLTs.
23958           Ignored for non-PIC.  The default is -mplt.
23960       -mabi=ABI-string
23961           Specify integer and floating-point calling convention.  ABI-string
23962           contains two parts: the size of integer types and the registers
23963           used for floating-point types.  For example -march=rv64ifd
23964           -mabi=lp64d means that long and pointers are 64-bit (implicitly
23965           defining int to be 32-bit), and that floating-point values up to 64
23966           bits wide are passed in F registers.  Contrast this with
23967           -march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64f, which still allows the compiler to
23968           generate code that uses the F and D extensions but only allows
23969           floating-point values up to 32 bits long to be passed in registers;
23970           or -march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64, in which no floating-point arguments
23971           will be passed in registers.
23973           The default for this argument is system dependent, users who want a
23974           specific calling convention should specify one explicitly.  The
23975           valid calling conventions are: ilp32, ilp32f, ilp32d, lp64, lp64f,
23976           and lp64d.  Some calling conventions are impossible to implement on
23977           some ISAs: for example, -march=rv32if -mabi=ilp32d is invalid
23978           because the ABI requires 64-bit values be passed in F registers,
23979           but F registers are only 32 bits wide.  There is also the ilp32e
23980           ABI that can only be used with the rv32e architecture.  This ABI is
23981           not well specified at present, and is subject to change.
23983       -mfdiv
23984       -mno-fdiv
23985           Do or don't use hardware floating-point divide and square root
23986           instructions.  This requires the F or D extensions for floating-
23987           point registers.  The default is to use them if the specified
23988           architecture has these instructions.
23990       -mdiv
23991       -mno-div
23992           Do or don't use hardware instructions for integer division.  This
23993           requires the M extension.  The default is to use them if the
23994           specified architecture has these instructions.
23996       -misa-spec=ISA-spec-string
23997           Specify the version of the RISC-V Unprivileged (formerly User-
23998           Level) ISA specification to produce code conforming to.  The
23999           possibilities for ISA-spec-string are:
24001           2.2 Produce code conforming to version 2.2.
24003           20190608
24004               Produce code conforming to version 20190608.
24006           20191213
24007               Produce code conforming to version 20191213.
24009           The default is -misa-spec=20191213 unless GCC has been configured
24010           with --with-isa-spec= specifying a different default version.
24012       -march=ISA-string
24013           Generate code for given RISC-V ISA (e.g. rv64im).  ISA strings must
24014           be lower-case.  Examples include rv64i, rv32g, rv32e, and rv32imaf.
24016           When -march= is not specified, use the setting from -mcpu.
24018           If both -march and -mcpu= are not specified, the default for this
24019           argument is system dependent, users who want a specific
24020           architecture extensions should specify one explicitly.
24022       -mcpu=processor-string
24023           Use architecture of and optimize the output for the given
24024           processor, specified by particular CPU name.  Permissible values
24025           for this option are: sifive-e20, sifive-e21, sifive-e24,
24026           sifive-e31, sifive-e34, sifive-e76, sifive-s21, sifive-s51,
24027           sifive-s54, sifive-s76, sifive-u54, and sifive-u74.
24029       -mtune=processor-string
24030           Optimize the output for the given processor, specified by
24031           microarchitecture or particular CPU name.  Permissible values for
24032           this option are: rocket, sifive-3-series, sifive-5-series,
24033           sifive-7-series, size, and all valid options for -mcpu=.
24035           When -mtune= is not specified, use the setting from -mcpu, the
24036           default is rocket if both are not specified.
24038           The size choice is not intended for use by end-users.  This is used
24039           when -Os is specified.  It overrides the instruction cost info
24040           provided by -mtune=, but does not override the pipeline info.  This
24041           helps reduce code size while still giving good performance.
24043       -mpreferred-stack-boundary=num
24044           Attempt to keep the stack boundary aligned to a 2 raised to num
24045           byte boundary.  If -mpreferred-stack-boundary is not specified, the
24046           default is 4 (16 bytes or 128-bits).
24048           Warning: If you use this switch, then you must build all modules
24049           with the same value, including any libraries.  This includes the
24050           system libraries and startup modules.
24052       -msmall-data-limit=n
24053           Put global and static data smaller than n bytes into a special
24054           section (on some targets).
24056       -msave-restore
24057       -mno-save-restore
24058           Do or don't use smaller but slower prologue and epilogue code that
24059           uses library function calls.  The default is to use fast inline
24060           prologues and epilogues.
24062       -mshorten-memrefs
24063       -mno-shorten-memrefs
24064           Do or do not attempt to make more use of compressed load/store
24065           instructions by replacing a load/store of 'base register + large
24066           offset' with a new load/store of 'new base + small offset'.  If the
24067           new base gets stored in a compressed register, then the new
24068           load/store can be compressed.  Currently targets 32-bit integer
24069           load/stores only.
24071       -mstrict-align
24072       -mno-strict-align
24073           Do not or do generate unaligned memory accesses.  The default is
24074           set depending on whether the processor we are optimizing for
24075           supports fast unaligned access or not.
24077       -mcmodel=medlow
24078           Generate code for the medium-low code model. The program and its
24079           statically defined symbols must lie within a single 2 GiB address
24080           range and must lie between absolute addresses -2 GiB and +2 GiB.
24081           Programs can be statically or dynamically linked. This is the
24082           default code model.
24084       -mcmodel=medany
24085           Generate code for the medium-any code model. The program and its
24086           statically defined symbols must be within any single 2 GiB address
24087           range. Programs can be statically or dynamically linked.
24089           The code generated by the medium-any code model is position-
24090           independent, but is not guaranteed to function correctly when
24091           linked into position-independent executables or libraries.
24093       -mexplicit-relocs
24094       -mno-exlicit-relocs
24095           Use or do not use assembler relocation operators when dealing with
24096           symbolic addresses.  The alternative is to use assembler macros
24097           instead, which may limit optimization.
24099       -mrelax
24100       -mno-relax
24101           Take advantage of linker relaxations to reduce the number of
24102           instructions required to materialize symbol addresses. The default
24103           is to take advantage of linker relaxations.
24105       -memit-attribute
24106       -mno-emit-attribute
24107           Emit (do not emit) RISC-V attribute to record extra information
24108           into ELF objects.  This feature requires at least binutils 2.32.
24110       -malign-data=type
24111           Control how GCC aligns variables and constants of array, structure,
24112           or union types.  Supported values for type are xlen which uses x
24113           register width as the alignment value, and natural which uses
24114           natural alignment.  xlen is the default.
24116       -mbig-endian
24117           Generate big-endian code.  This is the default when GCC is
24118           configured for a riscv64be-*-* or riscv32be-*-* target.
24120       -mlittle-endian
24121           Generate little-endian code.  This is the default when GCC is
24122           configured for a riscv64-*-* or riscv32-*-* but not a riscv64be-*-*
24123           or riscv32be-*-* target.
24125       -mstack-protector-guard=guard
24126       -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
24127       -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
24128           Generate stack protection code using canary at guard.  Supported
24129           locations are global for a global canary or tls for per-thread
24130           canary in the TLS block.
24132           With the latter choice the options -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
24133           and -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset furthermore specify which
24134           register to use as base register for reading the canary, and from
24135           what offset from that base register. There is no default register
24136           or offset as this is entirely for use within the Linux kernel.
24138       RL78 Options
24140       -msim
24141           Links in additional target libraries to support operation within a
24142           simulator.
24144       -mmul=none
24145       -mmul=g10
24146       -mmul=g13
24147       -mmul=g14
24148       -mmul=rl78
24149           Specifies the type of hardware multiplication and division support
24150           to be used.  The simplest is "none", which uses software for both
24151           multiplication and division.  This is the default.  The "g13" value
24152           is for the hardware multiply/divide peripheral found on the
24153           RL78/G13 (S2 core) targets.  The "g14" value selects the use of the
24154           multiplication and division instructions supported by the RL78/G14
24155           (S3 core) parts.  The value "rl78" is an alias for "g14" and the
24156           value "mg10" is an alias for "none".
24158           In addition a C preprocessor macro is defined, based upon the
24159           setting of this option.  Possible values are: "__RL78_MUL_NONE__",
24160           "__RL78_MUL_G13__" or "__RL78_MUL_G14__".
24162       -mcpu=g10
24163       -mcpu=g13
24164       -mcpu=g14
24165       -mcpu=rl78
24166           Specifies the RL78 core to target.  The default is the G14 core,
24167           also known as an S3 core or just RL78.  The G13 or S2 core does not
24168           have multiply or divide instructions, instead it uses a hardware
24169           peripheral for these operations.  The G10 or S1 core does not have
24170           register banks, so it uses a different calling convention.
24172           If this option is set it also selects the type of hardware multiply
24173           support to use, unless this is overridden by an explicit -mmul=none
24174           option on the command line.  Thus specifying -mcpu=g13 enables the
24175           use of the G13 hardware multiply peripheral and specifying
24176           -mcpu=g10 disables the use of hardware multiplications altogether.
24178           Note, although the RL78/G14 core is the default target, specifying
24179           -mcpu=g14 or -mcpu=rl78 on the command line does change the
24180           behavior of the toolchain since it also enables G14 hardware
24181           multiply support.  If these options are not specified on the
24182           command line then software multiplication routines will be used
24183           even though the code targets the RL78 core.  This is for backwards
24184           compatibility with older toolchains which did not have hardware
24185           multiply and divide support.
24187           In addition a C preprocessor macro is defined, based upon the
24188           setting of this option.  Possible values are: "__RL78_G10__",
24189           "__RL78_G13__" or "__RL78_G14__".
24191       -mg10
24192       -mg13
24193       -mg14
24194       -mrl78
24195           These are aliases for the corresponding -mcpu= option.  They are
24196           provided for backwards compatibility.
24198       -mallregs
24199           Allow the compiler to use all of the available registers.  By
24200           default registers "r24..r31" are reserved for use in interrupt
24201           handlers.  With this option enabled these registers can be used in
24202           ordinary functions as well.
24204       -m64bit-doubles
24205       -m32bit-doubles
24206           Make the "double" data type be 64 bits (-m64bit-doubles) or 32 bits
24207           (-m32bit-doubles) in size.  The default is -m32bit-doubles.
24209       -msave-mduc-in-interrupts
24210       -mno-save-mduc-in-interrupts
24211           Specifies that interrupt handler functions should preserve the MDUC
24212           registers.  This is only necessary if normal code might use the
24213           MDUC registers, for example because it performs multiplication and
24214           division operations.  The default is to ignore the MDUC registers
24215           as this makes the interrupt handlers faster.  The target option
24216           -mg13 needs to be passed for this to work as this feature is only
24217           available on the G13 target (S2 core).  The MDUC registers will
24218           only be saved if the interrupt handler performs a multiplication or
24219           division operation or it calls another function.
24221       IBM RS/6000 and PowerPC Options
24223       These -m options are defined for the IBM RS/6000 and PowerPC:
24225       -mpowerpc-gpopt
24226       -mno-powerpc-gpopt
24227       -mpowerpc-gfxopt
24228       -mno-powerpc-gfxopt
24229       -mpowerpc64
24230       -mno-powerpc64
24231       -mmfcrf
24232       -mno-mfcrf
24233       -mpopcntb
24234       -mno-popcntb
24235       -mpopcntd
24236       -mno-popcntd
24237       -mfprnd
24238       -mno-fprnd
24239       -mcmpb
24240       -mno-cmpb
24241       -mhard-dfp
24242       -mno-hard-dfp
24243           You use these options to specify which instructions are available
24244           on the processor you are using.  The default value of these options
24245           is determined when configuring GCC.  Specifying the -mcpu=cpu_type
24246           overrides the specification of these options.  We recommend you use
24247           the -mcpu=cpu_type option rather than the options listed above.
24249           Specifying -mpowerpc-gpopt allows GCC to use the optional PowerPC
24250           architecture instructions in the General Purpose group, including
24251           floating-point square root.  Specifying -mpowerpc-gfxopt allows GCC
24252           to use the optional PowerPC architecture instructions in the
24253           Graphics group, including floating-point select.
24255           The -mmfcrf option allows GCC to generate the move from condition
24256           register field instruction implemented on the POWER4 processor and
24257           other processors that support the PowerPC V2.01 architecture.  The
24258           -mpopcntb option allows GCC to generate the popcount and double-
24259           precision FP reciprocal estimate instruction implemented on the
24260           POWER5 processor and other processors that support the PowerPC
24261           V2.02 architecture.  The -mpopcntd option allows GCC to generate
24262           the popcount instruction implemented on the POWER7 processor and
24263           other processors that support the PowerPC V2.06 architecture.  The
24264           -mfprnd option allows GCC to generate the FP round to integer
24265           instructions implemented on the POWER5+ processor and other
24266           processors that support the PowerPC V2.03 architecture.  The -mcmpb
24267           option allows GCC to generate the compare bytes instruction
24268           implemented on the POWER6 processor and other processors that
24269           support the PowerPC V2.05 architecture.  The -mhard-dfp option
24270           allows GCC to generate the decimal floating-point instructions
24271           implemented on some POWER processors.
24273           The -mpowerpc64 option allows GCC to generate the additional 64-bit
24274           instructions that are found in the full PowerPC64 architecture and
24275           to treat GPRs as 64-bit, doubleword quantities.  GCC defaults to
24276           -mno-powerpc64.
24278       -mcpu=cpu_type
24279           Set architecture type, register usage, and instruction scheduling
24280           parameters for machine type cpu_type.  Supported values for
24281           cpu_type are 401, 403, 405, 405fp, 440, 440fp, 464, 464fp, 476,
24282           476fp, 505, 601, 602, 603, 603e, 604, 604e, 620, 630, 740, 7400,
24283           7450, 750, 801, 821, 823, 860, 970, 8540, a2, e300c2, e300c3,
24284           e500mc, e500mc64, e5500, e6500, ec603e, G3, G4, G5, titan, power3,
24285           power4, power5, power5+, power6, power6x, power7, power8, power9,
24286           power10, powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc64le, rs64, and native.
24288           -mcpu=powerpc, -mcpu=powerpc64, and -mcpu=powerpc64le specify pure
24289           32-bit PowerPC (either endian), 64-bit big endian PowerPC and
24290           64-bit little endian PowerPC architecture machine types, with an
24291           appropriate, generic processor model assumed for scheduling
24292           purposes.
24294           Specifying native as cpu type detects and selects the architecture
24295           option that corresponds to the host processor of the system
24296           performing the compilation.  -mcpu=native has no effect if GCC does
24297           not recognize the processor.
24299           The other options specify a specific processor.  Code generated
24300           under those options runs best on that processor, and may not run at
24301           all on others.
24303           The -mcpu options automatically enable or disable the following
24304           options:
24306           -maltivec  -mfprnd  -mhard-float  -mmfcrf  -mmultiple -mpopcntb
24307           -mpopcntd  -mpowerpc64 -mpowerpc-gpopt  -mpowerpc-gfxopt -mmulhw
24308           -mdlmzb  -mmfpgpr  -mvsx -mcrypto  -mhtm  -mpower8-fusion
24309           -mpower8-vector -mquad-memory  -mquad-memory-atomic  -mfloat128
24310           -mfloat128-hardware -mprefixed -mpcrel -mmma -mrop-protect
24312           The particular options set for any particular CPU varies between
24313           compiler versions, depending on what setting seems to produce
24314           optimal code for that CPU; it doesn't necessarily reflect the
24315           actual hardware's capabilities.  If you wish to set an individual
24316           option to a particular value, you may specify it after the -mcpu
24317           option, like -mcpu=970 -mno-altivec.
24319           On AIX, the -maltivec and -mpowerpc64 options are not enabled or
24320           disabled by the -mcpu option at present because AIX does not have
24321           full support for these options.  You may still enable or disable
24322           them individually if you're sure it'll work in your environment.
24324       -mtune=cpu_type
24325           Set the instruction scheduling parameters for machine type
24326           cpu_type, but do not set the architecture type or register usage,
24327           as -mcpu=cpu_type does.  The same values for cpu_type are used for
24328           -mtune as for -mcpu.  If both are specified, the code generated
24329           uses the architecture and registers set by -mcpu, but the
24330           scheduling parameters set by -mtune.
24332       -mcmodel=small
24333           Generate PowerPC64 code for the small model: The TOC is limited to
24334           64k.
24336       -mcmodel=medium
24337           Generate PowerPC64 code for the medium model: The TOC and other
24338           static data may be up to a total of 4G in size.  This is the
24339           default for 64-bit Linux.
24341       -mcmodel=large
24342           Generate PowerPC64 code for the large model: The TOC may be up to
24343           4G in size.  Other data and code is only limited by the 64-bit
24344           address space.
24346       -maltivec
24347       -mno-altivec
24348           Generate code that uses (does not use) AltiVec instructions, and
24349           also enable the use of built-in functions that allow more direct
24350           access to the AltiVec instruction set.  You may also need to set
24351           -mabi=altivec to adjust the current ABI with AltiVec ABI
24352           enhancements.
24354           When -maltivec is used, the element order for AltiVec intrinsics
24355           such as "vec_splat", "vec_extract", and "vec_insert" match array
24356           element order corresponding to the endianness of the target.  That
24357           is, element zero identifies the leftmost element in a vector
24358           register when targeting a big-endian platform, and identifies the
24359           rightmost element in a vector register when targeting a little-
24360           endian platform.
24362       -mvrsave
24363       -mno-vrsave
24364           Generate VRSAVE instructions when generating AltiVec code.
24366       -msecure-plt
24367           Generate code that allows ld and ld.so to build executables and
24368           shared libraries with non-executable ".plt" and ".got" sections.
24369           This is a PowerPC 32-bit SYSV ABI option.
24371       -mbss-plt
24372           Generate code that uses a BSS ".plt" section that ld.so fills in,
24373           and requires ".plt" and ".got" sections that are both writable and
24374           executable.  This is a PowerPC 32-bit SYSV ABI option.
24376       -misel
24377       -mno-isel
24378           This switch enables or disables the generation of ISEL
24379           instructions.
24381       -mvsx
24382       -mno-vsx
24383           Generate code that uses (does not use) vector/scalar (VSX)
24384           instructions, and also enable the use of built-in functions that
24385           allow more direct access to the VSX instruction set.
24387       -mcrypto
24388       -mno-crypto
24389           Enable the use (disable) of the built-in functions that allow
24390           direct access to the cryptographic instructions that were added in
24391           version 2.07 of the PowerPC ISA.
24393       -mhtm
24394       -mno-htm
24395           Enable (disable) the use of the built-in functions that allow
24396           direct access to the Hardware Transactional Memory (HTM)
24397           instructions that were added in version 2.07 of the PowerPC ISA.
24399       -mpower8-fusion
24400       -mno-power8-fusion
24401           Generate code that keeps (does not keeps) some integer operations
24402           adjacent so that the instructions can be fused together on power8
24403           and later processors.
24405       -mpower8-vector
24406       -mno-power8-vector
24407           Generate code that uses (does not use) the vector and scalar
24408           instructions that were added in version 2.07 of the PowerPC ISA.
24409           Also enable the use of built-in functions that allow more direct
24410           access to the vector instructions.
24412       -mquad-memory
24413       -mno-quad-memory
24414           Generate code that uses (does not use) the non-atomic quad word
24415           memory instructions.  The -mquad-memory option requires use of
24416           64-bit mode.
24418       -mquad-memory-atomic
24419       -mno-quad-memory-atomic
24420           Generate code that uses (does not use) the atomic quad word memory
24421           instructions.  The -mquad-memory-atomic option requires use of
24422           64-bit mode.
24424       -mfloat128
24425       -mno-float128
24426           Enable/disable the __float128 keyword for IEEE 128-bit floating
24427           point and use either software emulation for IEEE 128-bit floating
24428           point or hardware instructions.
24430           The VSX instruction set (-mvsx) must be enabled to use the IEEE
24431           128-bit floating point support.  The IEEE 128-bit floating point is
24432           only supported on Linux.
24434           The default for -mfloat128 is enabled on PowerPC Linux systems
24435           using the VSX instruction set, and disabled on other systems.
24437           If you use the ISA 3.0 instruction set (-mpower9-vector or
24438           -mcpu=power9) on a 64-bit system, the IEEE 128-bit floating point
24439           support will also enable the generation of ISA 3.0 IEEE 128-bit
24440           floating point instructions.  Otherwise, if you do not specify to
24441           generate ISA 3.0 instructions or you are targeting a 32-bit big
24442           endian system, IEEE 128-bit floating point will be done with
24443           software emulation.
24445       -mfloat128-hardware
24446       -mno-float128-hardware
24447           Enable/disable using ISA 3.0 hardware instructions to support the
24448           __float128 data type.
24450           The default for -mfloat128-hardware is enabled on PowerPC Linux
24451           systems using the ISA 3.0 instruction set, and disabled on other
24452           systems.
24454       -m32
24455       -m64
24456           Generate code for 32-bit or 64-bit environments of Darwin and SVR4
24457           targets (including GNU/Linux).  The 32-bit environment sets int,
24458           long and pointer to 32 bits and generates code that runs on any
24459           PowerPC variant.  The 64-bit environment sets int to 32 bits and
24460           long and pointer to 64 bits, and generates code for PowerPC64, as
24461           for -mpowerpc64.
24463       -mfull-toc
24464       -mno-fp-in-toc
24465       -mno-sum-in-toc
24466       -mminimal-toc
24467           Modify generation of the TOC (Table Of Contents), which is created
24468           for every executable file.  The -mfull-toc option is selected by
24469           default.  In that case, GCC allocates at least one TOC entry for
24470           each unique non-automatic variable reference in your program.  GCC
24471           also places floating-point constants in the TOC.  However, only
24472           16,384 entries are available in the TOC.
24474           If you receive a linker error message that saying you have
24475           overflowed the available TOC space, you can reduce the amount of
24476           TOC space used with the -mno-fp-in-toc and -mno-sum-in-toc options.
24477           -mno-fp-in-toc prevents GCC from putting floating-point constants
24478           in the TOC and -mno-sum-in-toc forces GCC to generate code to
24479           calculate the sum of an address and a constant at run time instead
24480           of putting that sum into the TOC.  You may specify one or both of
24481           these options.  Each causes GCC to produce very slightly slower and
24482           larger code at the expense of conserving TOC space.
24484           If you still run out of space in the TOC even when you specify both
24485           of these options, specify -mminimal-toc instead.  This option
24486           causes GCC to make only one TOC entry for every file.  When you
24487           specify this option, GCC produces code that is slower and larger
24488           but which uses extremely little TOC space.  You may wish to use
24489           this option only on files that contain less frequently-executed
24490           code.
24492       -maix64
24493       -maix32
24494           Enable 64-bit AIX ABI and calling convention: 64-bit pointers,
24495           64-bit "long" type, and the infrastructure needed to support them.
24496           Specifying -maix64 implies -mpowerpc64, while -maix32 disables the
24497           64-bit ABI and implies -mno-powerpc64.  GCC defaults to -maix32.
24499       -mxl-compat
24500       -mno-xl-compat
24501           Produce code that conforms more closely to IBM XL compiler
24502           semantics when using AIX-compatible ABI.  Pass floating-point
24503           arguments to prototyped functions beyond the register save area
24504           (RSA) on the stack in addition to argument FPRs.  Do not assume
24505           that most significant double in 128-bit long double value is
24506           properly rounded when comparing values and converting to double.
24507           Use XL symbol names for long double support routines.
24509           The AIX calling convention was extended but not initially
24510           documented to handle an obscure K&R C case of calling a function
24511           that takes the address of its arguments with fewer arguments than
24512           declared.  IBM XL compilers access floating-point arguments that do
24513           not fit in the RSA from the stack when a subroutine is compiled
24514           without optimization.  Because always storing floating-point
24515           arguments on the stack is inefficient and rarely needed, this
24516           option is not enabled by default and only is necessary when calling
24517           subroutines compiled by IBM XL compilers without optimization.
24519       -mpe
24520           Support IBM RS/6000 SP Parallel Environment (PE).  Link an
24521           application written to use message passing with special startup
24522           code to enable the application to run.  The system must have PE
24523           installed in the standard location (/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/), or the
24524           specs file must be overridden with the -specs= option to specify
24525           the appropriate directory location.  The Parallel Environment does
24526           not support threads, so the -mpe option and the -pthread option are
24527           incompatible.
24529       -malign-natural
24530       -malign-power
24531           On AIX, 32-bit Darwin, and 64-bit PowerPC GNU/Linux, the option
24532           -malign-natural overrides the ABI-defined alignment of larger
24533           types, such as floating-point doubles, on their natural size-based
24534           boundary.  The option -malign-power instructs GCC to follow the
24535           ABI-specified alignment rules.  GCC defaults to the standard
24536           alignment defined in the ABI.
24538           On 64-bit Darwin, natural alignment is the default, and
24539           -malign-power is not supported.
24541       -msoft-float
24542       -mhard-float
24543           Generate code that does not use (uses) the floating-point register
24544           set.  Software floating-point emulation is provided if you use the
24545           -msoft-float option, and pass the option to GCC when linking.
24547       -mmultiple
24548       -mno-multiple
24549           Generate code that uses (does not use) the load multiple word
24550           instructions and the store multiple word instructions.  These
24551           instructions are generated by default on POWER systems, and not
24552           generated on PowerPC systems.  Do not use -mmultiple on little-
24553           endian PowerPC systems, since those instructions do not work when
24554           the processor is in little-endian mode.  The exceptions are PPC740
24555           and PPC750 which permit these instructions in little-endian mode.
24557       -mupdate
24558       -mno-update
24559           Generate code that uses (does not use) the load or store
24560           instructions that update the base register to the address of the
24561           calculated memory location.  These instructions are generated by
24562           default.  If you use -mno-update, there is a small window between
24563           the time that the stack pointer is updated and the address of the
24564           previous frame is stored, which means code that walks the stack
24565           frame across interrupts or signals may get corrupted data.
24567       -mavoid-indexed-addresses
24568       -mno-avoid-indexed-addresses
24569           Generate code that tries to avoid (not avoid) the use of indexed
24570           load or store instructions. These instructions can incur a
24571           performance penalty on Power6 processors in certain situations,
24572           such as when stepping through large arrays that cross a 16M
24573           boundary.  This option is enabled by default when targeting Power6
24574           and disabled otherwise.
24576       -mfused-madd
24577       -mno-fused-madd
24578           Generate code that uses (does not use) the floating-point multiply
24579           and accumulate instructions.  These instructions are generated by
24580           default if hardware floating point is used.  The machine-dependent
24581           -mfused-madd option is now mapped to the machine-independent
24582           -ffp-contract=fast option, and -mno-fused-madd is mapped to
24583           -ffp-contract=off.
24585       -mmulhw
24586       -mno-mulhw
24587           Generate code that uses (does not use) the half-word multiply and
24588           multiply-accumulate instructions on the IBM 405, 440, 464 and 476
24589           processors.  These instructions are generated by default when
24590           targeting those processors.
24592       -mdlmzb
24593       -mno-dlmzb
24594           Generate code that uses (does not use) the string-search dlmzb
24595           instruction on the IBM 405, 440, 464 and 476 processors.  This
24596           instruction is generated by default when targeting those
24597           processors.
24599       -mno-bit-align
24600       -mbit-align
24601           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do not (do) force
24602           structures and unions that contain bit-fields to be aligned to the
24603           base type of the bit-field.
24605           For example, by default a structure containing nothing but 8
24606           "unsigned" bit-fields of length 1 is aligned to a 4-byte boundary
24607           and has a size of 4 bytes.  By using -mno-bit-align, the structure
24608           is aligned to a 1-byte boundary and is 1 byte in size.
24610       -mno-strict-align
24611       -mstrict-align
24612           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do not (do) assume that
24613           unaligned memory references are handled by the system.
24615       -mrelocatable
24616       -mno-relocatable
24617           Generate code that allows (does not allow) a static executable to
24618           be relocated to a different address at run time.  A simple embedded
24619           PowerPC system loader should relocate the entire contents of
24620           ".got2" and 4-byte locations listed in the ".fixup" section, a
24621           table of 32-bit addresses generated by this option.  For this to
24622           work, all objects linked together must be compiled with
24623           -mrelocatable or -mrelocatable-lib.  -mrelocatable code aligns the
24624           stack to an 8-byte boundary.
24626       -mrelocatable-lib
24627       -mno-relocatable-lib
24628           Like -mrelocatable, -mrelocatable-lib generates a ".fixup" section
24629           to allow static executables to be relocated at run time, but
24630           -mrelocatable-lib does not use the smaller stack alignment of
24631           -mrelocatable.  Objects compiled with -mrelocatable-lib may be
24632           linked with objects compiled with any combination of the
24633           -mrelocatable options.
24635       -mno-toc
24636       -mtoc
24637           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do not (do) assume that
24638           register 2 contains a pointer to a global area pointing to the
24639           addresses used in the program.
24641       -mlittle
24642       -mlittle-endian
24643           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24644           processor in little-endian mode.  The -mlittle-endian option is the
24645           same as -mlittle.
24647       -mbig
24648       -mbig-endian
24649           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24650           processor in big-endian mode.  The -mbig-endian option is the same
24651           as -mbig.
24653       -mdynamic-no-pic
24654           On Darwin and Mac OS X systems, compile code so that it is not
24655           relocatable, but that its external references are relocatable.  The
24656           resulting code is suitable for applications, but not shared
24657           libraries.
24659       -msingle-pic-base
24660           Treat the register used for PIC addressing as read-only, rather
24661           than loading it in the prologue for each function.  The runtime
24662           system is responsible for initializing this register with an
24663           appropriate value before execution begins.
24665       -mprioritize-restricted-insns=priority
24666           This option controls the priority that is assigned to dispatch-slot
24667           restricted instructions during the second scheduling pass.  The
24668           argument priority takes the value 0, 1, or 2 to assign no, highest,
24669           or second-highest (respectively) priority to dispatch-slot
24670           restricted instructions.
24672       -msched-costly-dep=dependence_type
24673           This option controls which dependences are considered costly by the
24674           target during instruction scheduling.  The argument dependence_type
24675           takes one of the following values:
24677           no  No dependence is costly.
24679           all All dependences are costly.
24681           true_store_to_load
24682               A true dependence from store to load is costly.
24684           store_to_load
24685               Any dependence from store to load is costly.
24687           number
24688               Any dependence for which the latency is greater than or equal
24689               to number is costly.
24691       -minsert-sched-nops=scheme
24692           This option controls which NOP insertion scheme is used during the
24693           second scheduling pass.  The argument scheme takes one of the
24694           following values:
24696           no  Don't insert NOPs.
24698           pad Pad with NOPs any dispatch group that has vacant issue slots,
24699               according to the scheduler's grouping.
24701           regroup_exact
24702               Insert NOPs to force costly dependent insns into separate
24703               groups.  Insert exactly as many NOPs as needed to force an insn
24704               to a new group, according to the estimated processor grouping.
24706           number
24707               Insert NOPs to force costly dependent insns into separate
24708               groups.  Insert number NOPs to force an insn to a new group.
24710       -mcall-sysv
24711           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code using
24712           calling conventions that adhere to the March 1995 draft of the
24713           System V Application Binary Interface, PowerPC processor
24714           supplement.  This is the default unless you configured GCC using
24715           powerpc-*-eabiaix.
24717       -mcall-sysv-eabi
24718       -mcall-eabi
24719           Specify both -mcall-sysv and -meabi options.
24721       -mcall-sysv-noeabi
24722           Specify both -mcall-sysv and -mno-eabi options.
24724       -mcall-aixdesc
24725           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the AIX
24726           operating system.
24728       -mcall-linux
24729           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24730           Linux-based GNU system.
24732       -mcall-freebsd
24733           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24734           FreeBSD operating system.
24736       -mcall-netbsd
24737           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24738           NetBSD operating system.
24740       -mcall-openbsd
24741           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems compile code for the
24742           OpenBSD operating system.
24744       -mtraceback=traceback_type
24745           Select the type of traceback table. Valid values for traceback_type
24746           are full, part, and no.
24748       -maix-struct-return
24749           Return all structures in memory (as specified by the AIX ABI).
24751       -msvr4-struct-return
24752           Return structures smaller than 8 bytes in registers (as specified
24753           by the SVR4 ABI).
24755       -mabi=abi-type
24756           Extend the current ABI with a particular extension, or remove such
24757           extension.  Valid values are: altivec, no-altivec, ibmlongdouble,
24758           ieeelongdouble, elfv1, elfv2, and for AIX: vec-extabi, vec-default.
24760       -mabi=ibmlongdouble
24761           Change the current ABI to use IBM extended-precision long double.
24762           This is not likely to work if your system defaults to using IEEE
24763           extended-precision long double.  If you change the long double type
24764           from IEEE extended-precision, the compiler will issue a warning
24765           unless you use the -Wno-psabi option.  Requires -mlong-double-128
24766           to be enabled.
24768       -mabi=ieeelongdouble
24769           Change the current ABI to use IEEE extended-precision long double.
24770           This is not likely to work if your system defaults to using IBM
24771           extended-precision long double.  If you change the long double type
24772           from IBM extended-precision, the compiler will issue a warning
24773           unless you use the -Wno-psabi option.  Requires -mlong-double-128
24774           to be enabled.
24776       -mabi=elfv1
24777           Change the current ABI to use the ELFv1 ABI.  This is the default
24778           ABI for big-endian PowerPC 64-bit Linux.  Overriding the default
24779           ABI requires special system support and is likely to fail in
24780           spectacular ways.
24782       -mabi=elfv2
24783           Change the current ABI to use the ELFv2 ABI.  This is the default
24784           ABI for little-endian PowerPC 64-bit Linux.  Overriding the default
24785           ABI requires special system support and is likely to fail in
24786           spectacular ways.
24788       -mgnu-attribute
24789       -mno-gnu-attribute
24790           Emit .gnu_attribute assembly directives to set tag/value pairs in a
24791           .gnu.attributes section that specify ABI variations in function
24792           parameters or return values.
24794       -mprototype
24795       -mno-prototype
24796           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems assume that all calls to
24797           variable argument functions are properly prototyped.  Otherwise,
24798           the compiler must insert an instruction before every non-prototyped
24799           call to set or clear bit 6 of the condition code register ("CR") to
24800           indicate whether floating-point values are passed in the floating-
24801           point registers in case the function takes variable arguments.
24802           With -mprototype, only calls to prototyped variable argument
24803           functions set or clear the bit.
24805       -msim
24806           On embedded PowerPC systems, assume that the startup module is
24807           called sim-crt0.o and that the standard C libraries are libsim.a
24808           and libc.a.  This is the default for powerpc-*-eabisim
24809           configurations.
24811       -mmvme
24812           On embedded PowerPC systems, assume that the startup module is
24813           called crt0.o and the standard C libraries are libmvme.a and
24814           libc.a.
24816       -mads
24817           On embedded PowerPC systems, assume that the startup module is
24818           called crt0.o and the standard C libraries are libads.a and libc.a.
24820       -myellowknife
24821           On embedded PowerPC systems, assume that the startup module is
24822           called crt0.o and the standard C libraries are libyk.a and libc.a.
24824       -mvxworks
24825           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems, specify that you are
24826           compiling for a VxWorks system.
24828       -memb
24829           On embedded PowerPC systems, set the "PPC_EMB" bit in the ELF flags
24830           header to indicate that eabi extended relocations are used.
24832       -meabi
24833       -mno-eabi
24834           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do (do not) adhere to
24835           the Embedded Applications Binary Interface (EABI), which is a set
24836           of modifications to the System V.4 specifications.  Selecting
24837           -meabi means that the stack is aligned to an 8-byte boundary, a
24838           function "__eabi" is called from "main" to set up the EABI
24839           environment, and the -msdata option can use both "r2" and "r13" to
24840           point to two separate small data areas.  Selecting -mno-eabi means
24841           that the stack is aligned to a 16-byte boundary, no EABI
24842           initialization function is called from "main", and the -msdata
24843           option only uses "r13" to point to a single small data area.  The
24844           -meabi option is on by default if you configured GCC using one of
24845           the powerpc*-*-eabi* options.
24847       -msdata=eabi
24848           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems, put small initialized
24849           "const" global and static data in the ".sdata2" section, which is
24850           pointed to by register "r2".  Put small initialized non-"const"
24851           global and static data in the ".sdata" section, which is pointed to
24852           by register "r13".  Put small uninitialized global and static data
24853           in the ".sbss" section, which is adjacent to the ".sdata" section.
24854           The -msdata=eabi option is incompatible with the -mrelocatable
24855           option.  The -msdata=eabi option also sets the -memb option.
24857       -msdata=sysv
24858           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems, put small global and
24859           static data in the ".sdata" section, which is pointed to by
24860           register "r13".  Put small uninitialized global and static data in
24861           the ".sbss" section, which is adjacent to the ".sdata" section.
24862           The -msdata=sysv option is incompatible with the -mrelocatable
24863           option.
24865       -msdata=default
24866       -msdata
24867           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems, if -meabi is used,
24868           compile code the same as -msdata=eabi, otherwise compile code the
24869           same as -msdata=sysv.
24871       -msdata=data
24872           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems, put small global data
24873           in the ".sdata" section.  Put small uninitialized global data in
24874           the ".sbss" section.  Do not use register "r13" to address small
24875           data however.  This is the default behavior unless other -msdata
24876           options are used.
24878       -msdata=none
24879       -mno-sdata
24880           On embedded PowerPC systems, put all initialized global and static
24881           data in the ".data" section, and all uninitialized data in the
24882           ".bss" section.
24884       -mreadonly-in-sdata
24885           Put read-only objects in the ".sdata" section as well.  This is the
24886           default.
24888       -mblock-move-inline-limit=num
24889           Inline all block moves (such as calls to "memcpy" or structure
24890           copies) less than or equal to num bytes.  The minimum value for num
24891           is 32 bytes on 32-bit targets and 64 bytes on 64-bit targets.  The
24892           default value is target-specific.
24894       -mblock-compare-inline-limit=num
24895           Generate non-looping inline code for all block compares (such as
24896           calls to "memcmp" or structure compares) less than or equal to num
24897           bytes. If num is 0, all inline expansion (non-loop and loop) of
24898           block compare is disabled. The default value is target-specific.
24900       -mblock-compare-inline-loop-limit=num
24901           Generate an inline expansion using loop code for all block compares
24902           that are less than or equal to num bytes, but greater than the
24903           limit for non-loop inline block compare expansion. If the block
24904           length is not constant, at most num bytes will be compared before
24905           "memcmp" is called to compare the remainder of the block. The
24906           default value is target-specific.
24908       -mstring-compare-inline-limit=num
24909           Compare at most num string bytes with inline code.  If the
24910           difference or end of string is not found at the end of the inline
24911           compare a call to "strcmp" or "strncmp" will take care of the rest
24912           of the comparison. The default is 64 bytes.
24914       -G num
24915           On embedded PowerPC systems, put global and static items less than
24916           or equal to num bytes into the small data or BSS sections instead
24917           of the normal data or BSS section.  By default, num is 8.  The -G
24918           num switch is also passed to the linker.  All modules should be
24919           compiled with the same -G num value.
24921       -mregnames
24922       -mno-regnames
24923           On System V.4 and embedded PowerPC systems do (do not) emit
24924           register names in the assembly language output using symbolic
24925           forms.
24927       -mlongcall
24928       -mno-longcall
24929           By default assume that all calls are far away so that a longer and
24930           more expensive calling sequence is required.  This is required for
24931           calls farther than 32 megabytes (33,554,432 bytes) from the current
24932           location.  A short call is generated if the compiler knows the call
24933           cannot be that far away.  This setting can be overridden by the
24934           "shortcall" function attribute, or by #pragma longcall(0).
24936           Some linkers are capable of detecting out-of-range calls and
24937           generating glue code on the fly.  On these systems, long calls are
24938           unnecessary and generate slower code.  As of this writing, the AIX
24939           linker can do this, as can the GNU linker for PowerPC/64.  It is
24940           planned to add this feature to the GNU linker for 32-bit PowerPC
24941           systems as well.
24943           On PowerPC64 ELFv2 and 32-bit PowerPC systems with newer GNU
24944           linkers, GCC can generate long calls using an inline PLT call
24945           sequence (see -mpltseq).  PowerPC with -mbss-plt and PowerPC64
24946           ELFv1 (big-endian) do not support inline PLT calls.
24948           On Darwin/PPC systems, "#pragma longcall" generates "jbsr callee,
24949           L42", plus a branch island (glue code).  The two target addresses
24950           represent the callee and the branch island.  The Darwin/PPC linker
24951           prefers the first address and generates a "bl callee" if the PPC
24952           "bl" instruction reaches the callee directly; otherwise, the linker
24953           generates "bl L42" to call the branch island.  The branch island is
24954           appended to the body of the calling function; it computes the full
24955           32-bit address of the callee and jumps to it.
24957           On Mach-O (Darwin) systems, this option directs the compiler emit
24958           to the glue for every direct call, and the Darwin linker decides
24959           whether to use or discard it.
24961           In the future, GCC may ignore all longcall specifications when the
24962           linker is known to generate glue.
24964       -mpltseq
24965       -mno-pltseq
24966           Implement (do not implement) -fno-plt and long calls using an
24967           inline PLT call sequence that supports lazy linking and long calls
24968           to functions in dlopen'd shared libraries.  Inline PLT calls are
24969           only supported on PowerPC64 ELFv2 and 32-bit PowerPC systems with
24970           newer GNU linkers, and are enabled by default if the support is
24971           detected when configuring GCC, and, in the case of 32-bit PowerPC,
24972           if GCC is configured with --enable-secureplt.  -mpltseq code and
24973           -mbss-plt 32-bit PowerPC relocatable objects may not be linked
24974           together.
24976       -mtls-markers
24977       -mno-tls-markers
24978           Mark (do not mark) calls to "__tls_get_addr" with a relocation
24979           specifying the function argument.  The relocation allows the linker
24980           to reliably associate function call with argument setup
24981           instructions for TLS optimization, which in turn allows GCC to
24982           better schedule the sequence.
24984       -mrecip
24985       -mno-recip
24986           This option enables use of the reciprocal estimate and reciprocal
24987           square root estimate instructions with additional Newton-Raphson
24988           steps to increase precision instead of doing a divide or square
24989           root and divide for floating-point arguments.  You should use the
24990           -ffast-math option when using -mrecip (or at least
24991           -funsafe-math-optimizations, -ffinite-math-only, -freciprocal-math
24992           and -fno-trapping-math).  Note that while the throughput of the
24993           sequence is generally higher than the throughput of the non-
24994           reciprocal instruction, the precision of the sequence can be
24995           decreased by up to 2 ulp (i.e. the inverse of 1.0 equals
24996           0.99999994) for reciprocal square roots.
24998       -mrecip=opt
24999           This option controls which reciprocal estimate instructions may be
25000           used.  opt is a comma-separated list of options, which may be
25001           preceded by a "!" to invert the option:
25003           all Enable all estimate instructions.
25005           default
25006               Enable the default instructions, equivalent to -mrecip.
25008           none
25009               Disable all estimate instructions, equivalent to -mno-recip.
25011           div Enable the reciprocal approximation instructions for both
25012               single and double precision.
25014           divf
25015               Enable the single-precision reciprocal approximation
25016               instructions.
25018           divd
25019               Enable the double-precision reciprocal approximation
25020               instructions.
25022           rsqrt
25023               Enable the reciprocal square root approximation instructions
25024               for both single and double precision.
25026           rsqrtf
25027               Enable the single-precision reciprocal square root
25028               approximation instructions.
25030           rsqrtd
25031               Enable the double-precision reciprocal square root
25032               approximation instructions.
25034           So, for example, -mrecip=all,!rsqrtd enables all of the reciprocal
25035           estimate instructions, except for the "FRSQRTE", "XSRSQRTEDP", and
25036           "XVRSQRTEDP" instructions which handle the double-precision
25037           reciprocal square root calculations.
25039       -mrecip-precision
25040       -mno-recip-precision
25041           Assume (do not assume) that the reciprocal estimate instructions
25042           provide higher-precision estimates than is mandated by the PowerPC
25043           ABI.  Selecting -mcpu=power6, -mcpu=power7 or -mcpu=power8
25044           automatically selects -mrecip-precision.  The double-precision
25045           square root estimate instructions are not generated by default on
25046           low-precision machines, since they do not provide an estimate that
25047           converges after three steps.
25049       -mveclibabi=type
25050           Specifies the ABI type to use for vectorizing intrinsics using an
25051           external library.  The only type supported at present is mass,
25052           which specifies to use IBM's Mathematical Acceleration Subsystem
25053           (MASS) libraries for vectorizing intrinsics using external
25054           libraries.  GCC currently emits calls to "acosd2", "acosf4",
25055           "acoshd2", "acoshf4", "asind2", "asinf4", "asinhd2", "asinhf4",
25056           "atan2d2", "atan2f4", "atand2", "atanf4", "atanhd2", "atanhf4",
25057           "cbrtd2", "cbrtf4", "cosd2", "cosf4", "coshd2", "coshf4", "erfcd2",
25058           "erfcf4", "erfd2", "erff4", "exp2d2", "exp2f4", "expd2", "expf4",
25059           "expm1d2", "expm1f4", "hypotd2", "hypotf4", "lgammad2", "lgammaf4",
25060           "log10d2", "log10f4", "log1pd2", "log1pf4", "log2d2", "log2f4",
25061           "logd2", "logf4", "powd2", "powf4", "sind2", "sinf4", "sinhd2",
25062           "sinhf4", "sqrtd2", "sqrtf4", "tand2", "tanf4", "tanhd2", and
25063           "tanhf4" when generating code for power7.  Both -ftree-vectorize
25064           and -funsafe-math-optimizations must also be enabled.  The MASS
25065           libraries must be specified at link time.
25067       -mfriz
25068       -mno-friz
25069           Generate (do not generate) the "friz" instruction when the
25070           -funsafe-math-optimizations option is used to optimize rounding of
25071           floating-point values to 64-bit integer and back to floating point.
25072           The "friz" instruction does not return the same value if the
25073           floating-point number is too large to fit in an integer.
25075       -mpointers-to-nested-functions
25076       -mno-pointers-to-nested-functions
25077           Generate (do not generate) code to load up the static chain
25078           register ("r11") when calling through a pointer on AIX and 64-bit
25079           Linux systems where a function pointer points to a 3-word
25080           descriptor giving the function address, TOC value to be loaded in
25081           register "r2", and static chain value to be loaded in register
25082           "r11".  The -mpointers-to-nested-functions is on by default.  You
25083           cannot call through pointers to nested functions or pointers to
25084           functions compiled in other languages that use the static chain if
25085           you use -mno-pointers-to-nested-functions.
25087       -msave-toc-indirect
25088       -mno-save-toc-indirect
25089           Generate (do not generate) code to save the TOC value in the
25090           reserved stack location in the function prologue if the function
25091           calls through a pointer on AIX and 64-bit Linux systems.  If the
25092           TOC value is not saved in the prologue, it is saved just before the
25093           call through the pointer.  The -mno-save-toc-indirect option is the
25094           default.
25096       -mcompat-align-parm
25097       -mno-compat-align-parm
25098           Generate (do not generate) code to pass structure parameters with a
25099           maximum alignment of 64 bits, for compatibility with older versions
25100           of GCC.
25102           Older versions of GCC (prior to 4.9.0) incorrectly did not align a
25103           structure parameter on a 128-bit boundary when that structure
25104           contained a member requiring 128-bit alignment.  This is corrected
25105           in more recent versions of GCC.  This option may be used to
25106           generate code that is compatible with functions compiled with older
25107           versions of GCC.
25109           The -mno-compat-align-parm option is the default.
25111       -mstack-protector-guard=guard
25112       -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
25113       -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
25114       -mstack-protector-guard-symbol=symbol
25115           Generate stack protection code using canary at guard.  Supported
25116           locations are global for global canary or tls for per-thread canary
25117           in the TLS block (the default with GNU libc version 2.4 or later).
25119           With the latter choice the options -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
25120           and -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset furthermore specify which
25121           register to use as base register for reading the canary, and from
25122           what offset from that base register. The default for those is as
25123           specified in the relevant ABI.
25124           -mstack-protector-guard-symbol=symbol overrides the offset with a
25125           symbol reference to a canary in the TLS block.
25127       -mpcrel
25128       -mno-pcrel
25129           Generate (do not generate) pc-relative addressing.  The -mpcrel
25130           option requires that the medium code model (-mcmodel=medium) and
25131           prefixed addressing (-mprefixed) options are enabled.
25133       -mprefixed
25134       -mno-prefixed
25135           Generate (do not generate) addressing modes using prefixed load and
25136           store instructions.  The -mprefixed option requires that the option
25137           -mcpu=power10 (or later) is enabled.
25139       -mmma
25140       -mno-mma
25141           Generate (do not generate) the MMA instructions.  The -mma option
25142           requires that the option -mcpu=power10 (or later) is enabled.
25144       -mrop-protect
25145       -mno-rop-protect
25146           Generate (do not generate) ROP protection instructions when the
25147           target processor supports them.  Currently this option disables the
25148           shrink-wrap optimization (-fshrink-wrap).
25150       -mprivileged
25151       -mno-privileged
25152           Generate (do not generate) code that will run in privileged state.
25154       -mblock-ops-unaligned-vsx
25155       -mno-block-ops-unaligned-vsx
25156           Generate (do not generate) unaligned vsx loads and stores for
25157           inline expansion of "memcpy" and "memmove".
25159       RX Options
25161       These command-line options are defined for RX targets:
25163       -m64bit-doubles
25164       -m32bit-doubles
25165           Make the "double" data type be 64 bits (-m64bit-doubles) or 32 bits
25166           (-m32bit-doubles) in size.  The default is -m32bit-doubles.  Note
25167           RX floating-point hardware only works on 32-bit values, which is
25168           why the default is -m32bit-doubles.
25170       -fpu
25171       -nofpu
25172           Enables (-fpu) or disables (-nofpu) the use of RX floating-point
25173           hardware.  The default is enabled for the RX600 series and disabled
25174           for the RX200 series.
25176           Floating-point instructions are only generated for 32-bit floating-
25177           point values, however, so the FPU hardware is not used for doubles
25178           if the -m64bit-doubles option is used.
25180           Note If the -fpu option is enabled then -funsafe-math-optimizations
25181           is also enabled automatically.  This is because the RX FPU
25182           instructions are themselves unsafe.
25184       -mcpu=name
25185           Selects the type of RX CPU to be targeted.  Currently three types
25186           are supported, the generic RX600 and RX200 series hardware and the
25187           specific RX610 CPU.  The default is RX600.
25189           The only difference between RX600 and RX610 is that the RX610 does
25190           not support the "MVTIPL" instruction.
25192           The RX200 series does not have a hardware floating-point unit and
25193           so -nofpu is enabled by default when this type is selected.
25195       -mbig-endian-data
25196       -mlittle-endian-data
25197           Store data (but not code) in the big-endian format.  The default is
25198           -mlittle-endian-data, i.e. to store data in the little-endian
25199           format.
25201       -msmall-data-limit=N
25202           Specifies the maximum size in bytes of global and static variables
25203           which can be placed into the small data area.  Using the small data
25204           area can lead to smaller and faster code, but the size of area is
25205           limited and it is up to the programmer to ensure that the area does
25206           not overflow.  Also when the small data area is used one of the
25207           RX's registers (usually "r13") is reserved for use pointing to this
25208           area, so it is no longer available for use by the compiler.  This
25209           could result in slower and/or larger code if variables are pushed
25210           onto the stack instead of being held in this register.
25212           Note, common variables (variables that have not been initialized)
25213           and constants are not placed into the small data area as they are
25214           assigned to other sections in the output executable.
25216           The default value is zero, which disables this feature.  Note, this
25217           feature is not enabled by default with higher optimization levels
25218           (-O2 etc) because of the potentially detrimental effects of
25219           reserving a register.  It is up to the programmer to experiment and
25220           discover whether this feature is of benefit to their program.  See
25221           the description of the -mpid option for a description of how the
25222           actual register to hold the small data area pointer is chosen.
25224       -msim
25225       -mno-sim
25226           Use the simulator runtime.  The default is to use the libgloss
25227           board-specific runtime.
25229       -mas100-syntax
25230       -mno-as100-syntax
25231           When generating assembler output use a syntax that is compatible
25232           with Renesas's AS100 assembler.  This syntax can also be handled by
25233           the GAS assembler, but it has some restrictions so it is not
25234           generated by default.
25236       -mmax-constant-size=N
25237           Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of a constant that can be
25238           used as an operand in a RX instruction.  Although the RX
25239           instruction set does allow constants of up to 4 bytes in length to
25240           be used in instructions, a longer value equates to a longer
25241           instruction.  Thus in some circumstances it can be beneficial to
25242           restrict the size of constants that are used in instructions.
25243           Constants that are too big are instead placed into a constant pool
25244           and referenced via register indirection.
25246           The value N can be between 0 and 4.  A value of 0 (the default) or
25247           4 means that constants of any size are allowed.
25249       -mrelax
25250           Enable linker relaxation.  Linker relaxation is a process whereby
25251           the linker attempts to reduce the size of a program by finding
25252           shorter versions of various instructions.  Disabled by default.
25254       -mint-register=N
25255           Specify the number of registers to reserve for fast interrupt
25256           handler functions.  The value N can be between 0 and 4.  A value of
25257           1 means that register "r13" is reserved for the exclusive use of
25258           fast interrupt handlers.  A value of 2 reserves "r13" and "r12".  A
25259           value of 3 reserves "r13", "r12" and "r11", and a value of 4
25260           reserves "r13" through "r10".  A value of 0, the default, does not
25261           reserve any registers.
25263       -msave-acc-in-interrupts
25264           Specifies that interrupt handler functions should preserve the
25265           accumulator register.  This is only necessary if normal code might
25266           use the accumulator register, for example because it performs
25267           64-bit multiplications.  The default is to ignore the accumulator
25268           as this makes the interrupt handlers faster.
25270       -mpid
25271       -mno-pid
25272           Enables the generation of position independent data.  When enabled
25273           any access to constant data is done via an offset from a base
25274           address held in a register.  This allows the location of constant
25275           data to be determined at run time without requiring the executable
25276           to be relocated, which is a benefit to embedded applications with
25277           tight memory constraints.  Data that can be modified is not
25278           affected by this option.
25280           Note, using this feature reserves a register, usually "r13", for
25281           the constant data base address.  This can result in slower and/or
25282           larger code, especially in complicated functions.
25284           The actual register chosen to hold the constant data base address
25285           depends upon whether the -msmall-data-limit and/or the
25286           -mint-register command-line options are enabled.  Starting with
25287           register "r13" and proceeding downwards, registers are allocated
25288           first to satisfy the requirements of -mint-register, then -mpid and
25289           finally -msmall-data-limit.  Thus it is possible for the small data
25290           area register to be "r8" if both -mint-register=4 and -mpid are
25291           specified on the command line.
25293           By default this feature is not enabled.  The default can be
25294           restored via the -mno-pid command-line option.
25296       -mno-warn-multiple-fast-interrupts
25297       -mwarn-multiple-fast-interrupts
25298           Prevents GCC from issuing a warning message if it finds more than
25299           one fast interrupt handler when it is compiling a file.  The
25300           default is to issue a warning for each extra fast interrupt handler
25301           found, as the RX only supports one such interrupt.
25303       -mallow-string-insns
25304       -mno-allow-string-insns
25305           Enables or disables the use of the string manipulation instructions
25306           "SMOVF", "SCMPU", "SMOVB", "SMOVU", "SUNTIL" "SWHILE" and also the
25307           "RMPA" instruction.  These instructions may prefetch data, which is
25308           not safe to do if accessing an I/O register.  (See section 12.2.7
25309           of the RX62N Group User's Manual for more information).
25311           The default is to allow these instructions, but it is not possible
25312           for GCC to reliably detect all circumstances where a string
25313           instruction might be used to access an I/O register, so their use
25314           cannot be disabled automatically.  Instead it is reliant upon the
25315           programmer to use the -mno-allow-string-insns option if their
25316           program accesses I/O space.
25318           When the instructions are enabled GCC defines the C preprocessor
25319           symbol "__RX_ALLOW_STRING_INSNS__", otherwise it defines the symbol
25320           "__RX_DISALLOW_STRING_INSNS__".
25322       -mjsr
25323       -mno-jsr
25324           Use only (or not only) "JSR" instructions to access functions.
25325           This option can be used when code size exceeds the range of "BSR"
25326           instructions.  Note that -mno-jsr does not mean to not use "JSR"
25327           but instead means that any type of branch may be used.
25329       Note: The generic GCC command-line option -ffixed-reg has special
25330       significance to the RX port when used with the "interrupt" function
25331       attribute.  This attribute indicates a function intended to process
25332       fast interrupts.  GCC ensures that it only uses the registers "r10",
25333       "r11", "r12" and/or "r13" and only provided that the normal use of the
25334       corresponding registers have been restricted via the -ffixed-reg or
25335       -mint-register command-line options.
25337       S/390 and zSeries Options
25339       These are the -m options defined for the S/390 and zSeries
25340       architecture.
25342       -mhard-float
25343       -msoft-float
25344           Use (do not use) the hardware floating-point instructions and
25345           registers for floating-point operations.  When -msoft-float is
25346           specified, functions in libgcc.a are used to perform floating-point
25347           operations.  When -mhard-float is specified, the compiler generates
25348           IEEE floating-point instructions.  This is the default.
25350       -mhard-dfp
25351       -mno-hard-dfp
25352           Use (do not use) the hardware decimal-floating-point instructions
25353           for decimal-floating-point operations.  When -mno-hard-dfp is
25354           specified, functions in libgcc.a are used to perform decimal-
25355           floating-point operations.  When -mhard-dfp is specified, the
25356           compiler generates decimal-floating-point hardware instructions.
25357           This is the default for -march=z9-ec or higher.
25359       -mlong-double-64
25360       -mlong-double-128
25361           These switches control the size of "long double" type. A size of 64
25362           bits makes the "long double" type equivalent to the "double" type.
25363           This is the default.
25365       -mbackchain
25366       -mno-backchain
25367           Store (do not store) the address of the caller's frame as backchain
25368           pointer into the callee's stack frame.  A backchain may be needed
25369           to allow debugging using tools that do not understand DWARF call
25370           frame information.  When -mno-packed-stack is in effect, the
25371           backchain pointer is stored at the bottom of the stack frame; when
25372           -mpacked-stack is in effect, the backchain is placed into the
25373           topmost word of the 96/160 byte register save area.
25375           In general, code compiled with -mbackchain is call-compatible with
25376           code compiled with -mno-backchain; however, use of the backchain
25377           for debugging purposes usually requires that the whole binary is
25378           built with -mbackchain.  Note that the combination of -mbackchain,
25379           -mpacked-stack and -mhard-float is not supported.  In order to
25380           build a linux kernel use -msoft-float.
25382           The default is to not maintain the backchain.
25384       -mpacked-stack
25385       -mno-packed-stack
25386           Use (do not use) the packed stack layout.  When -mno-packed-stack
25387           is specified, the compiler uses the all fields of the 96/160 byte
25388           register save area only for their default purpose; unused fields
25389           still take up stack space.  When -mpacked-stack is specified,
25390           register save slots are densely packed at the top of the register
25391           save area; unused space is reused for other purposes, allowing for
25392           more efficient use of the available stack space.  However, when
25393           -mbackchain is also in effect, the topmost word of the save area is
25394           always used to store the backchain, and the return address register
25395           is always saved two words below the backchain.
25397           As long as the stack frame backchain is not used, code generated
25398           with -mpacked-stack is call-compatible with code generated with
25399           -mno-packed-stack.  Note that some non-FSF releases of GCC 2.95 for
25400           S/390 or zSeries generated code that uses the stack frame backchain
25401           at run time, not just for debugging purposes.  Such code is not
25402           call-compatible with code compiled with -mpacked-stack.  Also, note
25403           that the combination of -mbackchain, -mpacked-stack and
25404           -mhard-float is not supported.  In order to build a linux kernel
25405           use -msoft-float.
25407           The default is to not use the packed stack layout.
25409       -msmall-exec
25410       -mno-small-exec
25411           Generate (or do not generate) code using the "bras" instruction to
25412           do subroutine calls.  This only works reliably if the total
25413           executable size does not exceed 64k.  The default is to use the
25414           "basr" instruction instead, which does not have this limitation.
25416       -m64
25417       -m31
25418           When -m31 is specified, generate code compliant to the GNU/Linux
25419           for S/390 ABI.  When -m64 is specified, generate code compliant to
25420           the GNU/Linux for zSeries ABI.  This allows GCC in particular to
25421           generate 64-bit instructions.  For the s390 targets, the default is
25422           -m31, while the s390x targets default to -m64.
25424       -mzarch
25425       -mesa
25426           When -mzarch is specified, generate code using the instructions
25427           available on z/Architecture.  When -mesa is specified, generate
25428           code using the instructions available on ESA/390.  Note that -mesa
25429           is not possible with -m64.  When generating code compliant to the
25430           GNU/Linux for S/390 ABI, the default is -mesa.  When generating
25431           code compliant to the GNU/Linux for zSeries ABI, the default is
25432           -mzarch.
25434       -mhtm
25435       -mno-htm
25436           The -mhtm option enables a set of builtins making use of
25437           instructions available with the transactional execution facility
25438           introduced with the IBM zEnterprise EC12 machine generation S/390
25439           System z Built-in Functions.  -mhtm is enabled by default when
25440           using -march=zEC12.
25442       -mvx
25443       -mno-vx
25444           When -mvx is specified, generate code using the instructions
25445           available with the vector extension facility introduced with the
25446           IBM z13 machine generation.  This option changes the ABI for some
25447           vector type values with regard to alignment and calling
25448           conventions.  In case vector type values are being used in an ABI-
25449           relevant context a GAS .gnu_attribute command will be added to mark
25450           the resulting binary with the ABI used.  -mvx is enabled by default
25451           when using -march=z13.
25453       -mzvector
25454       -mno-zvector
25455           The -mzvector option enables vector language extensions and
25456           builtins using instructions available with the vector extension
25457           facility introduced with the IBM z13 machine generation.  This
25458           option adds support for vector to be used as a keyword to define
25459           vector type variables and arguments.  vector is only available when
25460           GNU extensions are enabled.  It will not be expanded when
25461           requesting strict standard compliance e.g. with -std=c99.  In
25462           addition to the GCC low-level builtins -mzvector enables a set of
25463           builtins added for compatibility with AltiVec-style implementations
25464           like Power and Cell.  In order to make use of these builtins the
25465           header file vecintrin.h needs to be included.  -mzvector is
25466           disabled by default.
25468       -mmvcle
25469       -mno-mvcle
25470           Generate (or do not generate) code using the "mvcle" instruction to
25471           perform block moves.  When -mno-mvcle is specified, use a "mvc"
25472           loop instead.  This is the default unless optimizing for size.
25474       -mdebug
25475       -mno-debug
25476           Print (or do not print) additional debug information when
25477           compiling.  The default is to not print debug information.
25479       -march=cpu-type
25480           Generate code that runs on cpu-type, which is the name of a system
25481           representing a certain processor type.  Possible values for cpu-
25482           type are z900/arch5, z990/arch6, z9-109, z9-ec/arch7, z10/arch8,
25483           z196/arch9, zEC12, z13/arch11, z14/arch12, z15/arch13, z16/arch14,
25484           and native.
25486           The default is -march=z900.
25488           Specifying native as cpu type can be used to select the best
25489           architecture option for the host processor.  -march=native has no
25490           effect if GCC does not recognize the processor.
25492       -mtune=cpu-type
25493           Tune to cpu-type everything applicable about the generated code,
25494           except for the ABI and the set of available instructions.  The list
25495           of cpu-type values is the same as for -march.  The default is the
25496           value used for -march.
25498       -mtpf-trace
25499       -mno-tpf-trace
25500           Generate code that adds (does not add) in TPF OS specific branches
25501           to trace routines in the operating system.  This option is off by
25502           default, even when compiling for the TPF OS.
25504       -mtpf-trace-skip
25505       -mno-tpf-trace-skip
25506           Generate code that changes (does not change) the default branch
25507           targets enabled by -mtpf-trace to point to specialized trace
25508           routines providing the ability of selectively skipping function
25509           trace entries for the TPF OS.  This option is off by default, even
25510           when compiling for the TPF OS and specifying -mtpf-trace.
25512       -mfused-madd
25513       -mno-fused-madd
25514           Generate code that uses (does not use) the floating-point multiply
25515           and accumulate instructions.  These instructions are generated by
25516           default if hardware floating point is used.
25518       -mwarn-framesize=framesize
25519           Emit a warning if the current function exceeds the given frame
25520           size.  Because this is a compile-time check it doesn't need to be a
25521           real problem when the program runs.  It is intended to identify
25522           functions that most probably cause a stack overflow.  It is useful
25523           to be used in an environment with limited stack size e.g. the linux
25524           kernel.
25526       -mwarn-dynamicstack
25527           Emit a warning if the function calls "alloca" or uses dynamically-
25528           sized arrays.  This is generally a bad idea with a limited stack
25529           size.
25531       -mstack-guard=stack-guard
25532       -mstack-size=stack-size
25533           If these options are provided the S/390 back end emits additional
25534           instructions in the function prologue that trigger a trap if the
25535           stack size is stack-guard bytes above the stack-size (remember that
25536           the stack on S/390 grows downward).  If the stack-guard option is
25537           omitted the smallest power of 2 larger than the frame size of the
25538           compiled function is chosen.  These options are intended to be used
25539           to help debugging stack overflow problems.  The additionally
25540           emitted code causes only little overhead and hence can also be used
25541           in production-like systems without greater performance degradation.
25542           The given values have to be exact powers of 2 and stack-size has to
25543           be greater than stack-guard without exceeding 64k.  In order to be
25544           efficient the extra code makes the assumption that the stack starts
25545           at an address aligned to the value given by stack-size.  The stack-
25546           guard option can only be used in conjunction with stack-size.
25548       -mhotpatch=pre-halfwords,post-halfwords
25549           If the hotpatch option is enabled, a "hot-patching" function
25550           prologue is generated for all functions in the compilation unit.
25551           The funtion label is prepended with the given number of two-byte
25552           NOP instructions (pre-halfwords, maximum 1000000).  After the
25553           label, 2 * post-halfwords bytes are appended, using the largest NOP
25554           like instructions the architecture allows (maximum 1000000).
25556           If both arguments are zero, hotpatching is disabled.
25558           This option can be overridden for individual functions with the
25559           "hotpatch" attribute.
25561       Score Options
25563       These options are defined for Score implementations:
25565       -meb
25566           Compile code for big-endian mode.  This is the default.
25568       -mel
25569           Compile code for little-endian mode.
25571       -mnhwloop
25572           Disable generation of "bcnz" instructions.
25574       -muls
25575           Enable generation of unaligned load and store instructions.
25577       -mmac
25578           Enable the use of multiply-accumulate instructions. Disabled by
25579           default.
25581       -mscore5
25582           Specify the SCORE5 as the target architecture.
25584       -mscore5u
25585           Specify the SCORE5U of the target architecture.
25587       -mscore7
25588           Specify the SCORE7 as the target architecture. This is the default.
25590       -mscore7d
25591           Specify the SCORE7D as the target architecture.
25593       SH Options
25595       These -m options are defined for the SH implementations:
25597       -m1 Generate code for the SH1.
25599       -m2 Generate code for the SH2.
25601       -m2e
25602           Generate code for the SH2e.
25604       -m2a-nofpu
25605           Generate code for the SH2a without FPU, or for a SH2a-FPU in such a
25606           way that the floating-point unit is not used.
25608       -m2a-single-only
25609           Generate code for the SH2a-FPU, in such a way that no double-
25610           precision floating-point operations are used.
25612       -m2a-single
25613           Generate code for the SH2a-FPU assuming the floating-point unit is
25614           in single-precision mode by default.
25616       -m2a
25617           Generate code for the SH2a-FPU assuming the floating-point unit is
25618           in double-precision mode by default.
25620       -m3 Generate code for the SH3.
25622       -m3e
25623           Generate code for the SH3e.
25625       -m4-nofpu
25626           Generate code for the SH4 without a floating-point unit.
25628       -m4-single-only
25629           Generate code for the SH4 with a floating-point unit that only
25630           supports single-precision arithmetic.
25632       -m4-single
25633           Generate code for the SH4 assuming the floating-point unit is in
25634           single-precision mode by default.
25636       -m4 Generate code for the SH4.
25638       -m4-100
25639           Generate code for SH4-100.
25641       -m4-100-nofpu
25642           Generate code for SH4-100 in such a way that the floating-point
25643           unit is not used.
25645       -m4-100-single
25646           Generate code for SH4-100 assuming the floating-point unit is in
25647           single-precision mode by default.
25649       -m4-100-single-only
25650           Generate code for SH4-100 in such a way that no double-precision
25651           floating-point operations are used.
25653       -m4-200
25654           Generate code for SH4-200.
25656       -m4-200-nofpu
25657           Generate code for SH4-200 without in such a way that the floating-
25658           point unit is not used.
25660       -m4-200-single
25661           Generate code for SH4-200 assuming the floating-point unit is in
25662           single-precision mode by default.
25664       -m4-200-single-only
25665           Generate code for SH4-200 in such a way that no double-precision
25666           floating-point operations are used.
25668       -m4-300
25669           Generate code for SH4-300.
25671       -m4-300-nofpu
25672           Generate code for SH4-300 without in such a way that the floating-
25673           point unit is not used.
25675       -m4-300-single
25676           Generate code for SH4-300 in such a way that no double-precision
25677           floating-point operations are used.
25679       -m4-300-single-only
25680           Generate code for SH4-300 in such a way that no double-precision
25681           floating-point operations are used.
25683       -m4-340
25684           Generate code for SH4-340 (no MMU, no FPU).
25686       -m4-500
25687           Generate code for SH4-500 (no FPU).  Passes -isa=sh4-nofpu to the
25688           assembler.
25690       -m4a-nofpu
25691           Generate code for the SH4al-dsp, or for a SH4a in such a way that
25692           the floating-point unit is not used.
25694       -m4a-single-only
25695           Generate code for the SH4a, in such a way that no double-precision
25696           floating-point operations are used.
25698       -m4a-single
25699           Generate code for the SH4a assuming the floating-point unit is in
25700           single-precision mode by default.
25702       -m4a
25703           Generate code for the SH4a.
25705       -m4al
25706           Same as -m4a-nofpu, except that it implicitly passes -dsp to the
25707           assembler.  GCC doesn't generate any DSP instructions at the
25708           moment.
25710       -mb Compile code for the processor in big-endian mode.
25712       -ml Compile code for the processor in little-endian mode.
25714       -mdalign
25715           Align doubles at 64-bit boundaries.  Note that this changes the
25716           calling conventions, and thus some functions from the standard C
25717           library do not work unless you recompile it first with -mdalign.
25719       -mrelax
25720           Shorten some address references at link time, when possible; uses
25721           the linker option -relax.
25723       -mbigtable
25724           Use 32-bit offsets in "switch" tables.  The default is to use
25725           16-bit offsets.
25727       -mbitops
25728           Enable the use of bit manipulation instructions on SH2A.
25730       -mfmovd
25731           Enable the use of the instruction "fmovd".  Check -mdalign for
25732           alignment constraints.
25734       -mrenesas
25735           Comply with the calling conventions defined by Renesas.
25737       -mno-renesas
25738           Comply with the calling conventions defined for GCC before the
25739           Renesas conventions were available.  This option is the default for
25740           all targets of the SH toolchain.
25742       -mnomacsave
25743           Mark the "MAC" register as call-clobbered, even if -mrenesas is
25744           given.
25746       -mieee
25747       -mno-ieee
25748           Control the IEEE compliance of floating-point comparisons, which
25749           affects the handling of cases where the result of a comparison is
25750           unordered.  By default -mieee is implicitly enabled.  If
25751           -ffinite-math-only is enabled -mno-ieee is implicitly set, which
25752           results in faster floating-point greater-equal and less-equal
25753           comparisons.  The implicit settings can be overridden by specifying
25754           either -mieee or -mno-ieee.
25756       -minline-ic_invalidate
25757           Inline code to invalidate instruction cache entries after setting
25758           up nested function trampolines.  This option has no effect if
25759           -musermode is in effect and the selected code generation option
25760           (e.g. -m4) does not allow the use of the "icbi" instruction.  If
25761           the selected code generation option does not allow the use of the
25762           "icbi" instruction, and -musermode is not in effect, the inlined
25763           code manipulates the instruction cache address array directly with
25764           an associative write.  This not only requires privileged mode at
25765           run time, but it also fails if the cache line had been mapped via
25766           the TLB and has become unmapped.
25768       -misize
25769           Dump instruction size and location in the assembly code.
25771       -mpadstruct
25772           This option is deprecated.  It pads structures to multiple of 4
25773           bytes, which is incompatible with the SH ABI.
25775       -matomic-model=model
25776           Sets the model of atomic operations and additional parameters as a
25777           comma separated list.  For details on the atomic built-in functions
25778           see __atomic Builtins.  The following models and parameters are
25779           supported:
25781           none
25782               Disable compiler generated atomic sequences and emit library
25783               calls for atomic operations.  This is the default if the target
25784               is not "sh*-*-linux*".
25786           soft-gusa
25787               Generate GNU/Linux compatible gUSA software atomic sequences
25788               for the atomic built-in functions.  The generated atomic
25789               sequences require additional support from the
25790               interrupt/exception handling code of the system and are only
25791               suitable for SH3* and SH4* single-core systems.  This option is
25792               enabled by default when the target is "sh*-*-linux*" and SH3*
25793               or SH4*.  When the target is SH4A, this option also partially
25794               utilizes the hardware atomic instructions "movli.l" and
25795               "movco.l" to create more efficient code, unless strict is
25796               specified.
25798           soft-tcb
25799               Generate software atomic sequences that use a variable in the
25800               thread control block.  This is a variation of the gUSA
25801               sequences which can also be used on SH1* and SH2* targets.  The
25802               generated atomic sequences require additional support from the
25803               interrupt/exception handling code of the system and are only
25804               suitable for single-core systems.  When using this model, the
25805               gbr-offset= parameter has to be specified as well.
25807           soft-imask
25808               Generate software atomic sequences that temporarily disable
25809               interrupts by setting "SR.IMASK = 1111".  This model works only
25810               when the program runs in privileged mode and is only suitable
25811               for single-core systems.  Additional support from the
25812               interrupt/exception handling code of the system is not
25813               required.  This model is enabled by default when the target is
25814               "sh*-*-linux*" and SH1* or SH2*.
25816           hard-llcs
25817               Generate hardware atomic sequences using the "movli.l" and
25818               "movco.l" instructions only.  This is only available on SH4A
25819               and is suitable for multi-core systems.  Since the hardware
25820               instructions support only 32 bit atomic variables access to 8
25821               or 16 bit variables is emulated with 32 bit accesses.  Code
25822               compiled with this option is also compatible with other
25823               software atomic model interrupt/exception handling systems if
25824               executed on an SH4A system.  Additional support from the
25825               interrupt/exception handling code of the system is not required
25826               for this model.
25828           gbr-offset=
25829               This parameter specifies the offset in bytes of the variable in
25830               the thread control block structure that should be used by the
25831               generated atomic sequences when the soft-tcb model has been
25832               selected.  For other models this parameter is ignored.  The
25833               specified value must be an integer multiple of four and in the
25834               range 0-1020.
25836           strict
25837               This parameter prevents mixed usage of multiple atomic models,
25838               even if they are compatible, and makes the compiler generate
25839               atomic sequences of the specified model only.
25841       -mtas
25842           Generate the "tas.b" opcode for "__atomic_test_and_set".  Notice
25843           that depending on the particular hardware and software
25844           configuration this can degrade overall performance due to the
25845           operand cache line flushes that are implied by the "tas.b"
25846           instruction.  On multi-core SH4A processors the "tas.b" instruction
25847           must be used with caution since it can result in data corruption
25848           for certain cache configurations.
25850       -mprefergot
25851           When generating position-independent code, emit function calls
25852           using the Global Offset Table instead of the Procedure Linkage
25853           Table.
25855       -musermode
25856       -mno-usermode
25857           Don't allow (allow) the compiler generating privileged mode code.
25858           Specifying -musermode also implies -mno-inline-ic_invalidate if the
25859           inlined code would not work in user mode.  -musermode is the
25860           default when the target is "sh*-*-linux*".  If the target is SH1*
25861           or SH2* -musermode has no effect, since there is no user mode.
25863       -multcost=number
25864           Set the cost to assume for a multiply insn.
25866       -mdiv=strategy
25867           Set the division strategy to be used for integer division
25868           operations.  strategy can be one of:
25870           call-div1
25871               Calls a library function that uses the single-step division
25872               instruction "div1" to perform the operation.  Division by zero
25873               calculates an unspecified result and does not trap.  This is
25874               the default except for SH4, SH2A and SHcompact.
25876           call-fp
25877               Calls a library function that performs the operation in double
25878               precision floating point.  Division by zero causes a floating-
25879               point exception.  This is the default for SHcompact with FPU.
25880               Specifying this for targets that do not have a double precision
25881               FPU defaults to "call-div1".
25883           call-table
25884               Calls a library function that uses a lookup table for small
25885               divisors and the "div1" instruction with case distinction for
25886               larger divisors.  Division by zero calculates an unspecified
25887               result and does not trap.  This is the default for SH4.
25888               Specifying this for targets that do not have dynamic shift
25889               instructions defaults to "call-div1".
25891           When a division strategy has not been specified the default
25892           strategy is selected based on the current target.  For SH2A the
25893           default strategy is to use the "divs" and "divu" instructions
25894           instead of library function calls.
25896       -maccumulate-outgoing-args
25897           Reserve space once for outgoing arguments in the function prologue
25898           rather than around each call.  Generally beneficial for performance
25899           and size.  Also needed for unwinding to avoid changing the stack
25900           frame around conditional code.
25902       -mdivsi3_libfunc=name
25903           Set the name of the library function used for 32-bit signed
25904           division to name.  This only affects the name used in the call
25905           division strategies, and the compiler still expects the same sets
25906           of input/output/clobbered registers as if this option were not
25907           present.
25909       -mfixed-range=register-range
25910           Generate code treating the given register range as fixed registers.
25911           A fixed register is one that the register allocator cannot use.
25912           This is useful when compiling kernel code.  A register range is
25913           specified as two registers separated by a dash.  Multiple register
25914           ranges can be specified separated by a comma.
25916       -mbranch-cost=num
25917           Assume num to be the cost for a branch instruction.  Higher numbers
25918           make the compiler try to generate more branch-free code if
25919           possible.  If not specified the value is selected depending on the
25920           processor type that is being compiled for.
25922       -mzdcbranch
25923       -mno-zdcbranch
25924           Assume (do not assume) that zero displacement conditional branch
25925           instructions "bt" and "bf" are fast.  If -mzdcbranch is specified,
25926           the compiler prefers zero displacement branch code sequences.  This
25927           is enabled by default when generating code for SH4 and SH4A.  It
25928           can be explicitly disabled by specifying -mno-zdcbranch.
25930       -mcbranch-force-delay-slot
25931           Force the usage of delay slots for conditional branches, which
25932           stuffs the delay slot with a "nop" if a suitable instruction cannot
25933           be found.  By default this option is disabled.  It can be enabled
25934           to work around hardware bugs as found in the original SH7055.
25936       -mfused-madd
25937       -mno-fused-madd
25938           Generate code that uses (does not use) the floating-point multiply
25939           and accumulate instructions.  These instructions are generated by
25940           default if hardware floating point is used.  The machine-dependent
25941           -mfused-madd option is now mapped to the machine-independent
25942           -ffp-contract=fast option, and -mno-fused-madd is mapped to
25943           -ffp-contract=off.
25945       -mfsca
25946       -mno-fsca
25947           Allow or disallow the compiler to emit the "fsca" instruction for
25948           sine and cosine approximations.  The option -mfsca must be used in
25949           combination with -funsafe-math-optimizations.  It is enabled by
25950           default when generating code for SH4A.  Using -mno-fsca disables
25951           sine and cosine approximations even if -funsafe-math-optimizations
25952           is in effect.
25954       -mfsrra
25955       -mno-fsrra
25956           Allow or disallow the compiler to emit the "fsrra" instruction for
25957           reciprocal square root approximations.  The option -mfsrra must be
25958           used in combination with -funsafe-math-optimizations and
25959           -ffinite-math-only.  It is enabled by default when generating code
25960           for SH4A.  Using -mno-fsrra disables reciprocal square root
25961           approximations even if -funsafe-math-optimizations and
25962           -ffinite-math-only are in effect.
25964       -mpretend-cmove
25965           Prefer zero-displacement conditional branches for conditional move
25966           instruction patterns.  This can result in faster code on the SH4
25967           processor.
25969       -mfdpic
25970           Generate code using the FDPIC ABI.
25972       Solaris 2 Options
25974       These -m options are supported on Solaris 2:
25976       -mclear-hwcap
25977           -mclear-hwcap tells the compiler to remove the hardware
25978           capabilities generated by the Solaris assembler.  This is only
25979           necessary when object files use ISA extensions not supported by the
25980           current machine, but check at runtime whether or not to use them.
25982       -mimpure-text
25983           -mimpure-text, used in addition to -shared, tells the compiler to
25984           not pass -z text to the linker when linking a shared object.  Using
25985           this option, you can link position-dependent code into a shared
25986           object.
25988           -mimpure-text suppresses the "relocations remain against
25989           allocatable but non-writable sections" linker error message.
25990           However, the necessary relocations trigger copy-on-write, and the
25991           shared object is not actually shared across processes.  Instead of
25992           using -mimpure-text, you should compile all source code with -fpic
25993           or -fPIC.
25995       These switches are supported in addition to the above on Solaris 2:
25997       -pthreads
25998           This is a synonym for -pthread.
26000       SPARC Options
26002       These -m options are supported on the SPARC:
26004       -mno-app-regs
26005       -mapp-regs
26006           Specify -mapp-regs to generate output using the global registers 2
26007           through 4, which the SPARC SVR4 ABI reserves for applications.
26008           Like the global register 1, each global register 2 through 4 is
26009           then treated as an allocable register that is clobbered by function
26010           calls.  This is the default.
26012           To be fully SVR4 ABI-compliant at the cost of some performance
26013           loss, specify -mno-app-regs.  You should compile libraries and
26014           system software with this option.
26016       -mflat
26017       -mno-flat
26018           With -mflat, the compiler does not generate save/restore
26019           instructions and uses a "flat" or single register window model.
26020           This model is compatible with the regular register window model.
26021           The local registers and the input registers (0--5) are still
26022           treated as "call-saved" registers and are saved on the stack as
26023           needed.
26025           With -mno-flat (the default), the compiler generates save/restore
26026           instructions (except for leaf functions).  This is the normal
26027           operating mode.
26029       -mfpu
26030       -mhard-float
26031           Generate output containing floating-point instructions.  This is
26032           the default.
26034       -mno-fpu
26035       -msoft-float
26036           Generate output containing library calls for floating point.
26037           Warning: the requisite libraries are not available for all SPARC
26038           targets.  Normally the facilities of the machine's usual C compiler
26039           are used, but this cannot be done directly in cross-compilation.
26040           You must make your own arrangements to provide suitable library
26041           functions for cross-compilation.  The embedded targets sparc-*-aout
26042           and sparclite-*-* do provide software floating-point support.
26044           -msoft-float changes the calling convention in the output file;
26045           therefore, it is only useful if you compile all of a program with
26046           this option.  In particular, you need to compile libgcc.a, the
26047           library that comes with GCC, with -msoft-float in order for this to
26048           work.
26050       -mhard-quad-float
26051           Generate output containing quad-word (long double) floating-point
26052           instructions.
26054       -msoft-quad-float
26055           Generate output containing library calls for quad-word (long
26056           double) floating-point instructions.  The functions called are
26057           those specified in the SPARC ABI.  This is the default.
26059           As of this writing, there are no SPARC implementations that have
26060           hardware support for the quad-word floating-point instructions.
26061           They all invoke a trap handler for one of these instructions, and
26062           then the trap handler emulates the effect of the instruction.
26063           Because of the trap handler overhead, this is much slower than
26064           calling the ABI library routines.  Thus the -msoft-quad-float
26065           option is the default.
26067       -mno-unaligned-doubles
26068       -munaligned-doubles
26069           Assume that doubles have 8-byte alignment.  This is the default.
26071           With -munaligned-doubles, GCC assumes that doubles have 8-byte
26072           alignment only if they are contained in another type, or if they
26073           have an absolute address.  Otherwise, it assumes they have 4-byte
26074           alignment.  Specifying this option avoids some rare compatibility
26075           problems with code generated by other compilers.  It is not the
26076           default because it results in a performance loss, especially for
26077           floating-point code.
26079       -muser-mode
26080       -mno-user-mode
26081           Do not generate code that can only run in supervisor mode.  This is
26082           relevant only for the "casa" instruction emitted for the LEON3
26083           processor.  This is the default.
26085       -mfaster-structs
26086       -mno-faster-structs
26087           With -mfaster-structs, the compiler assumes that structures should
26088           have 8-byte alignment.  This enables the use of pairs of "ldd" and
26089           "std" instructions for copies in structure assignment, in place of
26090           twice as many "ld" and "st" pairs.  However, the use of this
26091           changed alignment directly violates the SPARC ABI.  Thus, it's
26092           intended only for use on targets where the developer acknowledges
26093           that their resulting code is not directly in line with the rules of
26094           the ABI.
26096       -mstd-struct-return
26097       -mno-std-struct-return
26098           With -mstd-struct-return, the compiler generates checking code in
26099           functions returning structures or unions to detect size mismatches
26100           between the two sides of function calls, as per the 32-bit ABI.
26102           The default is -mno-std-struct-return.  This option has no effect
26103           in 64-bit mode.
26105       -mlra
26106       -mno-lra
26107           Enable Local Register Allocation.  This is the default for SPARC
26108           since GCC 7 so -mno-lra needs to be passed to get old Reload.
26110       -mcpu=cpu_type
26111           Set the instruction set, register set, and instruction scheduling
26112           parameters for machine type cpu_type.  Supported values for
26113           cpu_type are v7, cypress, v8, supersparc, hypersparc, leon, leon3,
26114           leon3v7, leon5, sparclite, f930, f934, sparclite86x, sparclet,
26115           tsc701, v9, ultrasparc, ultrasparc3, niagara, niagara2, niagara3,
26116           niagara4, niagara7 and m8.
26118           Native Solaris and GNU/Linux toolchains also support the value
26119           native, which selects the best architecture option for the host
26120           processor.  -mcpu=native has no effect if GCC does not recognize
26121           the processor.
26123           Default instruction scheduling parameters are used for values that
26124           select an architecture and not an implementation.  These are v7,
26125           v8, sparclite, sparclet, v9.
26127           Here is a list of each supported architecture and their supported
26128           implementations.
26130           v7  cypress, leon3v7
26132           v8  supersparc, hypersparc, leon, leon3, leon5
26134           sparclite
26135               f930, f934, sparclite86x
26137           sparclet
26138               tsc701
26140           v9  ultrasparc, ultrasparc3, niagara, niagara2, niagara3, niagara4,
26141               niagara7, m8
26143           By default (unless configured otherwise), GCC generates code for
26144           the V7 variant of the SPARC architecture.  With -mcpu=cypress, the
26145           compiler additionally optimizes it for the Cypress CY7C602 chip, as
26146           used in the SPARCStation/SPARCServer 3xx series.  This is also
26147           appropriate for the older SPARCStation 1, 2, IPX etc.
26149           With -mcpu=v8, GCC generates code for the V8 variant of the SPARC
26150           architecture.  The only difference from V7 code is that the
26151           compiler emits the integer multiply and integer divide instructions
26152           which exist in SPARC-V8 but not in SPARC-V7.  With
26153           -mcpu=supersparc, the compiler additionally optimizes it for the
26154           SuperSPARC chip, as used in the SPARCStation 10, 1000 and 2000
26155           series.
26157           With -mcpu=sparclite, GCC generates code for the SPARClite variant
26158           of the SPARC architecture.  This adds the integer multiply, integer
26159           divide step and scan ("ffs") instructions which exist in SPARClite
26160           but not in SPARC-V7.  With -mcpu=f930, the compiler additionally
26161           optimizes it for the Fujitsu MB86930 chip, which is the original
26162           SPARClite, with no FPU.  With -mcpu=f934, the compiler additionally
26163           optimizes it for the Fujitsu MB86934 chip, which is the more recent
26164           SPARClite with FPU.
26166           With -mcpu=sparclet, GCC generates code for the SPARClet variant of
26167           the SPARC architecture.  This adds the integer multiply,
26168           multiply/accumulate, integer divide step and scan ("ffs")
26169           instructions which exist in SPARClet but not in SPARC-V7.  With
26170           -mcpu=tsc701, the compiler additionally optimizes it for the TEMIC
26171           SPARClet chip.
26173           With -mcpu=v9, GCC generates code for the V9 variant of the SPARC
26174           architecture.  This adds 64-bit integer and floating-point move
26175           instructions, 3 additional floating-point condition code registers
26176           and conditional move instructions.  With -mcpu=ultrasparc, the
26177           compiler additionally optimizes it for the Sun UltraSPARC I/II/IIi
26178           chips.  With -mcpu=ultrasparc3, the compiler additionally optimizes
26179           it for the Sun UltraSPARC III/III+/IIIi/IIIi+/IV/IV+ chips.  With
26180           -mcpu=niagara, the compiler additionally optimizes it for Sun
26181           UltraSPARC T1 chips.  With -mcpu=niagara2, the compiler
26182           additionally optimizes it for Sun UltraSPARC T2 chips. With
26183           -mcpu=niagara3, the compiler additionally optimizes it for Sun
26184           UltraSPARC T3 chips.  With -mcpu=niagara4, the compiler
26185           additionally optimizes it for Sun UltraSPARC T4 chips.  With
26186           -mcpu=niagara7, the compiler additionally optimizes it for Oracle
26187           SPARC M7 chips.  With -mcpu=m8, the compiler additionally optimizes
26188           it for Oracle M8 chips.
26190       -mtune=cpu_type
26191           Set the instruction scheduling parameters for machine type
26192           cpu_type, but do not set the instruction set or register set that
26193           the option -mcpu=cpu_type does.
26195           The same values for -mcpu=cpu_type can be used for -mtune=cpu_type,
26196           but the only useful values are those that select a particular CPU
26197           implementation.  Those are cypress, supersparc, hypersparc, leon,
26198           leon3, leon3v7, leon5, f930, f934, sparclite86x, tsc701,
26199           ultrasparc, ultrasparc3, niagara, niagara2, niagara3, niagara4,
26200           niagara7 and m8.  With native Solaris and GNU/Linux toolchains,
26201           native can also be used.
26203       -mv8plus
26204       -mno-v8plus
26205           With -mv8plus, GCC generates code for the SPARC-V8+ ABI.  The
26206           difference from the V8 ABI is that the global and out registers are
26207           considered 64 bits wide.  This is enabled by default on Solaris in
26208           32-bit mode for all SPARC-V9 processors.
26210       -mvis
26211       -mno-vis
26212           With -mvis, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26213           UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set extensions.  The default is
26214           -mno-vis.
26216       -mvis2
26217       -mno-vis2
26218           With -mvis2, GCC generates code that takes advantage of version 2.0
26219           of the UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set extensions.  The default
26220           is -mvis2 when targeting a cpu that supports such instructions,
26221           such as UltraSPARC-III and later.  Setting -mvis2 also sets -mvis.
26223       -mvis3
26224       -mno-vis3
26225           With -mvis3, GCC generates code that takes advantage of version 3.0
26226           of the UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set extensions.  The default
26227           is -mvis3 when targeting a cpu that supports such instructions,
26228           such as niagara-3 and later.  Setting -mvis3 also sets -mvis2 and
26229           -mvis.
26231       -mvis4
26232       -mno-vis4
26233           With -mvis4, GCC generates code that takes advantage of version 4.0
26234           of the UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set extensions.  The default
26235           is -mvis4 when targeting a cpu that supports such instructions,
26236           such as niagara-7 and later.  Setting -mvis4 also sets -mvis3,
26237           -mvis2 and -mvis.
26239       -mvis4b
26240       -mno-vis4b
26241           With -mvis4b, GCC generates code that takes advantage of version
26242           4.0 of the UltraSPARC Visual Instruction Set extensions, plus the
26243           additional VIS instructions introduced in the Oracle SPARC
26244           Architecture 2017.  The default is -mvis4b when targeting a cpu
26245           that supports such instructions, such as m8 and later.  Setting
26246           -mvis4b also sets -mvis4, -mvis3, -mvis2 and -mvis.
26248       -mcbcond
26249       -mno-cbcond
26250           With -mcbcond, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26251           UltraSPARC Compare-and-Branch-on-Condition instructions.  The
26252           default is -mcbcond when targeting a CPU that supports such
26253           instructions, such as Niagara-4 and later.
26255       -mfmaf
26256       -mno-fmaf
26257           With -mfmaf, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26258           UltraSPARC Fused Multiply-Add Floating-point instructions.  The
26259           default is -mfmaf when targeting a CPU that supports such
26260           instructions, such as Niagara-3 and later.
26262       -mfsmuld
26263       -mno-fsmuld
26264           With -mfsmuld, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26265           Floating-point Multiply Single to Double (FsMULd) instruction.  The
26266           default is -mfsmuld when targeting a CPU supporting the
26267           architecture versions V8 or V9 with FPU except -mcpu=leon.
26269       -mpopc
26270       -mno-popc
26271           With -mpopc, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26272           UltraSPARC Population Count instruction.  The default is -mpopc
26273           when targeting a CPU that supports such an instruction, such as
26274           Niagara-2 and later.
26276       -msubxc
26277       -mno-subxc
26278           With -msubxc, GCC generates code that takes advantage of the
26279           UltraSPARC Subtract-Extended-with-Carry instruction.  The default
26280           is -msubxc when targeting a CPU that supports such an instruction,
26281           such as Niagara-7 and later.
26283       -mfix-at697f
26284           Enable the documented workaround for the single erratum of the
26285           Atmel AT697F processor (which corresponds to erratum #13 of the
26286           AT697E processor).
26288       -mfix-ut699
26289           Enable the documented workarounds for the floating-point errata and
26290           the data cache nullify errata of the UT699 processor.
26292       -mfix-ut700
26293           Enable the documented workaround for the back-to-back store errata
26294           of the UT699E/UT700 processor.
26296       -mfix-gr712rc
26297           Enable the documented workaround for the back-to-back store errata
26298           of the GR712RC processor.
26300       These -m options are supported in addition to the above on SPARC-V9
26301       processors in 64-bit environments:
26303       -m32
26304       -m64
26305           Generate code for a 32-bit or 64-bit environment.  The 32-bit
26306           environment sets int, long and pointer to 32 bits.  The 64-bit
26307           environment sets int to 32 bits and long and pointer to 64 bits.
26309       -mcmodel=which
26310           Set the code model to one of
26312           medlow
26313               The Medium/Low code model: 64-bit addresses, programs must be
26314               linked in the low 32 bits of memory.  Programs can be
26315               statically or dynamically linked.
26317           medmid
26318               The Medium/Middle code model: 64-bit addresses, programs must
26319               be linked in the low 44 bits of memory, the text and data
26320               segments must be less than 2GB in size and the data segment
26321               must be located within 2GB of the text segment.
26323           medany
26324               The Medium/Anywhere code model: 64-bit addresses, programs may
26325               be linked anywhere in memory, the text and data segments must
26326               be less than 2GB in size and the data segment must be located
26327               within 2GB of the text segment.
26329           embmedany
26330               The Medium/Anywhere code model for embedded systems: 64-bit
26331               addresses, the text and data segments must be less than 2GB in
26332               size, both starting anywhere in memory (determined at link
26333               time).  The global register %g4 points to the base of the data
26334               segment.  Programs are statically linked and PIC is not
26335               supported.
26337       -mmemory-model=mem-model
26338           Set the memory model in force on the processor to one of
26340           default
26341               The default memory model for the processor and operating
26342               system.
26344           rmo Relaxed Memory Order
26346           pso Partial Store Order
26348           tso Total Store Order
26350           sc  Sequential Consistency
26352           These memory models are formally defined in Appendix D of the
26353           SPARC-V9 architecture manual, as set in the processor's "PSTATE.MM"
26354           field.
26356       -mstack-bias
26357       -mno-stack-bias
26358           With -mstack-bias, GCC assumes that the stack pointer, and frame
26359           pointer if present, are offset by -2047 which must be added back
26360           when making stack frame references.  This is the default in 64-bit
26361           mode.  Otherwise, assume no such offset is present.
26363       Options for System V
26365       These additional options are available on System V Release 4 for
26366       compatibility with other compilers on those systems:
26368       -G  Create a shared object.  It is recommended that -symbolic or
26369           -shared be used instead.
26371       -Qy Identify the versions of each tool used by the compiler, in a
26372           ".ident" assembler directive in the output.
26374       -Qn Refrain from adding ".ident" directives to the output file (this is
26375           the default).
26377       -YP,dirs
26378           Search the directories dirs, and no others, for libraries specified
26379           with -l.
26381       -Ym,dir
26382           Look in the directory dir to find the M4 preprocessor.  The
26383           assembler uses this option.
26385       TILE-Gx Options
26387       These -m options are supported on the TILE-Gx:
26389       -mcmodel=small
26390           Generate code for the small model.  The distance for direct calls
26391           is limited to 500M in either direction.  PC-relative addresses are
26392           32 bits.  Absolute addresses support the full address range.
26394       -mcmodel=large
26395           Generate code for the large model.  There is no limitation on call
26396           distance, pc-relative addresses, or absolute addresses.
26398       -mcpu=name
26399           Selects the type of CPU to be targeted.  Currently the only
26400           supported type is tilegx.
26402       -m32
26403       -m64
26404           Generate code for a 32-bit or 64-bit environment.  The 32-bit
26405           environment sets int, long, and pointer to 32 bits.  The 64-bit
26406           environment sets int to 32 bits and long and pointer to 64 bits.
26408       -mbig-endian
26409       -mlittle-endian
26410           Generate code in big/little endian mode, respectively.
26412       TILEPro Options
26414       These -m options are supported on the TILEPro:
26416       -mcpu=name
26417           Selects the type of CPU to be targeted.  Currently the only
26418           supported type is tilepro.
26420       -m32
26421           Generate code for a 32-bit environment, which sets int, long, and
26422           pointer to 32 bits.  This is the only supported behavior so the
26423           flag is essentially ignored.
26425       V850 Options
26427       These -m options are defined for V850 implementations:
26429       -mlong-calls
26430       -mno-long-calls
26431           Treat all calls as being far away (near).  If calls are assumed to
26432           be far away, the compiler always loads the function's address into
26433           a register, and calls indirect through the pointer.
26435       -mno-ep
26436       -mep
26437           Do not optimize (do optimize) basic blocks that use the same index
26438           pointer 4 or more times to copy pointer into the "ep" register, and
26439           use the shorter "sld" and "sst" instructions.  The -mep option is
26440           on by default if you optimize.
26442       -mno-prolog-function
26443       -mprolog-function
26444           Do not use (do use) external functions to save and restore
26445           registers at the prologue and epilogue of a function.  The external
26446           functions are slower, but use less code space if more than one
26447           function saves the same number of registers.  The -mprolog-function
26448           option is on by default if you optimize.
26450       -mspace
26451           Try to make the code as small as possible.  At present, this just
26452           turns on the -mep and -mprolog-function options.
26454       -mtda=n
26455           Put static or global variables whose size is n bytes or less into
26456           the tiny data area that register "ep" points to.  The tiny data
26457           area can hold up to 256 bytes in total (128 bytes for byte
26458           references).
26460       -msda=n
26461           Put static or global variables whose size is n bytes or less into
26462           the small data area that register "gp" points to.  The small data
26463           area can hold up to 64 kilobytes.
26465       -mzda=n
26466           Put static or global variables whose size is n bytes or less into
26467           the first 32 kilobytes of memory.
26469       -mv850
26470           Specify that the target processor is the V850.
26472       -mv850e3v5
26473           Specify that the target processor is the V850E3V5.  The
26474           preprocessor constant "__v850e3v5__" is defined if this option is
26475           used.
26477       -mv850e2v4
26478           Specify that the target processor is the V850E3V5.  This is an
26479           alias for the -mv850e3v5 option.
26481       -mv850e2v3
26482           Specify that the target processor is the V850E2V3.  The
26483           preprocessor constant "__v850e2v3__" is defined if this option is
26484           used.
26486       -mv850e2
26487           Specify that the target processor is the V850E2.  The preprocessor
26488           constant "__v850e2__" is defined if this option is used.
26490       -mv850e1
26491           Specify that the target processor is the V850E1.  The preprocessor
26492           constants "__v850e1__" and "__v850e__" are defined if this option
26493           is used.
26495       -mv850es
26496           Specify that the target processor is the V850ES.  This is an alias
26497           for the -mv850e1 option.
26499       -mv850e
26500           Specify that the target processor is the V850E.  The preprocessor
26501           constant "__v850e__" is defined if this option is used.
26503           If neither -mv850 nor -mv850e nor -mv850e1 nor -mv850e2 nor
26504           -mv850e2v3 nor -mv850e3v5 are defined then a default target
26505           processor is chosen and the relevant __v850*__ preprocessor
26506           constant is defined.
26508           The preprocessor constants "__v850" and "__v851__" are always
26509           defined, regardless of which processor variant is the target.
26511       -mdisable-callt
26512       -mno-disable-callt
26513           This option suppresses generation of the "CALLT" instruction for
26514           the v850e, v850e1, v850e2, v850e2v3 and v850e3v5 flavors of the
26515           v850 architecture.
26517           This option is enabled by default when the RH850 ABI is in use (see
26518           -mrh850-abi), and disabled by default when the GCC ABI is in use.
26519           If "CALLT" instructions are being generated then the C preprocessor
26520           symbol "__V850_CALLT__" is defined.
26522       -mrelax
26523       -mno-relax
26524           Pass on (or do not pass on) the -mrelax command-line option to the
26525           assembler.
26527       -mlong-jumps
26528       -mno-long-jumps
26529           Disable (or re-enable) the generation of PC-relative jump
26530           instructions.
26532       -msoft-float
26533       -mhard-float
26534           Disable (or re-enable) the generation of hardware floating point
26535           instructions.  This option is only significant when the target
26536           architecture is V850E2V3 or higher.  If hardware floating point
26537           instructions are being generated then the C preprocessor symbol
26538           "__FPU_OK__" is defined, otherwise the symbol "__NO_FPU__" is
26539           defined.
26541       -mloop
26542           Enables the use of the e3v5 LOOP instruction.  The use of this
26543           instruction is not enabled by default when the e3v5 architecture is
26544           selected because its use is still experimental.
26546       -mrh850-abi
26547       -mghs
26548           Enables support for the RH850 version of the V850 ABI.  This is the
26549           default.  With this version of the ABI the following rules apply:
26551           *   Integer sized structures and unions are returned via a memory
26552               pointer rather than a register.
26554           *   Large structures and unions (more than 8 bytes in size) are
26555               passed by value.
26557           *   Functions are aligned to 16-bit boundaries.
26559           *   The -m8byte-align command-line option is supported.
26561           *   The -mdisable-callt command-line option is enabled by default.
26562               The -mno-disable-callt command-line option is not supported.
26564           When this version of the ABI is enabled the C preprocessor symbol
26565           "__V850_RH850_ABI__" is defined.
26567       -mgcc-abi
26568           Enables support for the old GCC version of the V850 ABI.  With this
26569           version of the ABI the following rules apply:
26571           *   Integer sized structures and unions are returned in register
26572               "r10".
26574           *   Large structures and unions (more than 8 bytes in size) are
26575               passed by reference.
26577           *   Functions are aligned to 32-bit boundaries, unless optimizing
26578               for size.
26580           *   The -m8byte-align command-line option is not supported.
26582           *   The -mdisable-callt command-line option is supported but not
26583               enabled by default.
26585           When this version of the ABI is enabled the C preprocessor symbol
26586           "__V850_GCC_ABI__" is defined.
26588       -m8byte-align
26589       -mno-8byte-align
26590           Enables support for "double" and "long long" types to be aligned on
26591           8-byte boundaries.  The default is to restrict the alignment of all
26592           objects to at most 4-bytes.  When -m8byte-align is in effect the C
26593           preprocessor symbol "__V850_8BYTE_ALIGN__" is defined.
26595       -mbig-switch
26596           Generate code suitable for big switch tables.  Use this option only
26597           if the assembler/linker complain about out of range branches within
26598           a switch table.
26600       -mapp-regs
26601           This option causes r2 and r5 to be used in the code generated by
26602           the compiler.  This setting is the default.
26604       -mno-app-regs
26605           This option causes r2 and r5 to be treated as fixed registers.
26607       VAX Options
26609       These -m options are defined for the VAX:
26611       -munix
26612           Do not output certain jump instructions ("aobleq" and so on) that
26613           the Unix assembler for the VAX cannot handle across long ranges.
26615       -mgnu
26616           Do output those jump instructions, on the assumption that the GNU
26617           assembler is being used.
26619       -mg Output code for G-format floating-point numbers instead of
26620           D-format.
26622       -mlra
26623       -mno-lra
26624           Enable Local Register Allocation.  This is still experimental for
26625           the VAX, so by default the compiler uses standard reload.
26627       Visium Options
26629       -mdebug
26630           A program which performs file I/O and is destined to run on an MCM
26631           target should be linked with this option.  It causes the libraries
26632           libc.a and libdebug.a to be linked.  The program should be run on
26633           the target under the control of the GDB remote debugging stub.
26635       -msim
26636           A program which performs file I/O and is destined to run on the
26637           simulator should be linked with option.  This causes libraries
26638           libc.a and libsim.a to be linked.
26640       -mfpu
26641       -mhard-float
26642           Generate code containing floating-point instructions.  This is the
26643           default.
26645       -mno-fpu
26646       -msoft-float
26647           Generate code containing library calls for floating-point.
26649           -msoft-float changes the calling convention in the output file;
26650           therefore, it is only useful if you compile all of a program with
26651           this option.  In particular, you need to compile libgcc.a, the
26652           library that comes with GCC, with -msoft-float in order for this to
26653           work.
26655       -mcpu=cpu_type
26656           Set the instruction set, register set, and instruction scheduling
26657           parameters for machine type cpu_type.  Supported values for
26658           cpu_type are mcm, gr5 and gr6.
26660           mcm is a synonym of gr5 present for backward compatibility.
26662           By default (unless configured otherwise), GCC generates code for
26663           the GR5 variant of the Visium architecture.
26665           With -mcpu=gr6, GCC generates code for the GR6 variant of the
26666           Visium architecture.  The only difference from GR5 code is that the
26667           compiler will generate block move instructions.
26669       -mtune=cpu_type
26670           Set the instruction scheduling parameters for machine type
26671           cpu_type, but do not set the instruction set or register set that
26672           the option -mcpu=cpu_type would.
26674       -msv-mode
26675           Generate code for the supervisor mode, where there are no
26676           restrictions on the access to general registers.  This is the
26677           default.
26679       -muser-mode
26680           Generate code for the user mode, where the access to some general
26681           registers is forbidden: on the GR5, registers r24 to r31 cannot be
26682           accessed in this mode; on the GR6, only registers r29 to r31 are
26683           affected.
26685       VMS Options
26687       These -m options are defined for the VMS implementations:
26689       -mvms-return-codes
26690           Return VMS condition codes from "main". The default is to return
26691           POSIX-style condition (e.g. error) codes.
26693       -mdebug-main=prefix
26694           Flag the first routine whose name starts with prefix as the main
26695           routine for the debugger.
26697       -mmalloc64
26698           Default to 64-bit memory allocation routines.
26700       -mpointer-size=size
26701           Set the default size of pointers. Possible options for size are 32
26702           or short for 32 bit pointers, 64 or long for 64 bit pointers, and
26703           no for supporting only 32 bit pointers.  The later option disables
26704           "pragma pointer_size".
26706       VxWorks Options
26708       The options in this section are defined for all VxWorks targets.
26709       Options specific to the target hardware are listed with the other
26710       options for that target.
26712       -mrtp
26713           GCC can generate code for both VxWorks kernels and real time
26714           processes (RTPs).  This option switches from the former to the
26715           latter.  It also defines the preprocessor macro "__RTP__".
26717       -non-static
26718           Link an RTP executable against shared libraries rather than static
26719           libraries.  The options -static and -shared can also be used for
26720           RTPs; -static is the default.
26722       -Bstatic
26723       -Bdynamic
26724           These options are passed down to the linker.  They are defined for
26725           compatibility with Diab.
26727       -Xbind-lazy
26728           Enable lazy binding of function calls.  This option is equivalent
26729           to -Wl,-z,now and is defined for compatibility with Diab.
26731       -Xbind-now
26732           Disable lazy binding of function calls.  This option is the default
26733           and is defined for compatibility with Diab.
26735       x86 Options
26737       These -m options are defined for the x86 family of computers.
26739       -march=cpu-type
26740           Generate instructions for the machine type cpu-type.  In contrast
26741           to -mtune=cpu-type, which merely tunes the generated code for the
26742           specified cpu-type, -march=cpu-type allows GCC to generate code
26743           that may not run at all on processors other than the one indicated.
26744           Specifying -march=cpu-type implies -mtune=cpu-type, except where
26745           noted otherwise.
26747           The choices for cpu-type are:
26749           native
26750               This selects the CPU to generate code for at compilation time
26751               by determining the processor type of the compiling machine.
26752               Using -march=native enables all instruction subsets supported
26753               by the local machine (hence the result might not run on
26754               different machines).  Using -mtune=native produces code
26755               optimized for the local machine under the constraints of the
26756               selected instruction set.
26758           x86-64
26759               A generic CPU with 64-bit extensions.
26761           x86-64-v2
26762           x86-64-v3
26763           x86-64-v4
26764               These choices for cpu-type select the corresponding micro-
26765               architecture level from the x86-64 psABI.  On ABIs other than
26766               the x86-64 psABI they select the same CPU features as the
26767               x86-64 psABI documents for the particular micro-architecture
26768               level.
26770               Since these cpu-type values do not have a corresponding -mtune
26771               setting, using -march with these values enables generic tuning.
26772               Specific tuning can be enabled using the -mtune=other-cpu-type
26773               option with an appropriate other-cpu-type value.
26775           i386
26776               Original Intel i386 CPU.
26778           i486
26779               Intel i486 CPU.  (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
26781           i586
26782           pentium
26783               Intel Pentium CPU with no MMX support.
26785           lakemont
26786               Intel Lakemont MCU, based on Intel Pentium CPU.
26788           pentium-mmx
26789               Intel Pentium MMX CPU, based on Pentium core with MMX
26790               instruction set support.
26792           pentiumpro
26793               Intel Pentium Pro CPU.
26795           i686
26796               When used with -march, the Pentium Pro instruction set is used,
26797               so the code runs on all i686 family chips.  When used with
26798               -mtune, it has the same meaning as generic.
26800           pentium2
26801               Intel Pentium II CPU, based on Pentium Pro core with MMX and
26802               FXSR instruction set support.
26804           pentium3
26805           pentium3m
26806               Intel Pentium III CPU, based on Pentium Pro core with MMX, FXSR
26807               and SSE instruction set support.
26809           pentium-m
26810               Intel Pentium M; low-power version of Intel Pentium III CPU
26811               with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and FXSR instruction set support.  Used by
26812               Centrino notebooks.
26814           pentium4
26815           pentium4m
26816               Intel Pentium 4 CPU with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and FXSR instruction
26817               set support.
26819           prescott
26820               Improved version of Intel Pentium 4 CPU with MMX, SSE, SSE2,
26821               SSE3 and FXSR instruction set support.
26823           nocona
26824               Improved version of Intel Pentium 4 CPU with 64-bit extensions,
26825               MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and FXSR instruction set support.
26827           core2
26828               Intel Core 2 CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3,
26829               SSSE3, CX16, SAHF and FXSR instruction set support.
26831           nehalem
26832               Intel Nehalem CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3,
26833               SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF and FXSR instruction
26834               set support.
26836           westmere
26837               Intel Westmere CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2,
26838               SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR and
26839               PCLMUL instruction set support.
26841           sandybridge
26842               Intel Sandy Bridge CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2,
26843               SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR, AVX,
26844               XSAVE and PCLMUL instruction set support.
26846           ivybridge
26847               Intel Ivy Bridge CPU with 64-bit extensions, MMX, SSE, SSE2,
26848               SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR, AVX,
26849               XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND and F16C instruction set
26850               support.
26852           haswell
26853               Intel Haswell CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26854               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26855               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26856               LZCNT, FMA, MOVBE and HLE instruction set support.
26858           broadwell
26859               Intel Broadwell CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26860               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26861               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26862               LZCNT, FMA, MOVBE, HLE, RDSEED, ADCX and PREFETCHW instruction
26863               set support.
26865           skylake
26866               Intel Skylake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26867               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26868               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26870               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES and SGX instruction set support.
26872           bonnell
26873               Intel Bonnell CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26874               SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3 instruction set support.
26876           silvermont
26877               Intel Silvermont CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26878               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26879               PCLMUL, PREFETCHW and RDRND instruction set support.
26881           goldmont
26882               Intel Goldmont CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26883               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26885               XSAVES, XSAVEOPT, CLFLUSHOPT and FSGSBASE instruction set
26886               support.
26888           goldmont-plus
26889               Intel Goldmont Plus CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26890               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26893               and SGX instruction set support.
26895           tremont
26896               Intel Tremont CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26897               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26901               instruction set support.
26903           knl Intel Knight's Landing CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26904               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26905               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26907               AVX512PF, AVX512ER, AVX512F, AVX512CD and PREFETCHWT1
26908               instruction set support.
26910           knm Intel Knights Mill CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26911               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26912               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26914               AVX512ER, AVX512F, AVX512CD and PREFETCHWT1, AVX5124VNNIW,
26915               AVX5124FMAPS and AVX512VPOPCNTDQ instruction set support.
26917           skylake-avx512
26918               Intel Skylake Server CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26919               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26920               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26922               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, CLWB, AVX512VL,
26923               AVX512BW, AVX512DQ and AVX512CD instruction set support.
26925           cannonlake
26926               Intel Cannonlake Server CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26927               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26928               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26930               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
26931               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD, PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA and SHA
26932               instruction set support.
26934           icelake-client
26935               Intel Icelake Client CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26936               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26937               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26939               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
26940               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD, PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA, SHA,
26941               AVX512VNNI, GFNI, VAES, AVX512VBMI2 , VPCLMULQDQ, AVX512BITALG,
26942               RDPID and AVX512VPOPCNTDQ instruction set support.
26944           icelake-server
26945               Intel Icelake Server CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26946               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26947               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26949               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
26950               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD, PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA, SHA,
26951               AVX512VNNI, GFNI, VAES, AVX512VBMI2 , VPCLMULQDQ, AVX512BITALG,
26952               RDPID, AVX512VPOPCNTDQ, PCONFIG, WBNOINVD and CLWB instruction
26953               set support.
26955           cascadelake
26956               Intel Cascadelake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26957               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26958               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26960               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, CLWB, AVX512VL,
26961               AVX512BW, AVX512DQ, AVX512CD and AVX512VNNI instruction set
26962               support.
26964           cooperlake
26965               Intel cooperlake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26966               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26967               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26969               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, CLWB, AVX512VL,
26970               AVX512BW, AVX512DQ, AVX512CD, AVX512VNNI and AVX512BF16
26971               instruction set support.
26973           tigerlake
26974               Intel Tigerlake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26975               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
26976               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
26978               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
26979               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA, SHA,
26980               AVX512VNNI, GFNI, VAES, AVX512VBMI2, VPCLMULQDQ, AVX512BITALG,
26982               AVX512VP2INTERSECT and KEYLOCKER instruction set support.
26984           sapphirerapids
26985               Intel sapphirerapids CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX,
26986               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF,
26987               FXSR, AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI,
26989               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, SGX, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
26990               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD, PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA, SHA,
26991               AVX512VNNI, GFNI, VAES, AVX512VBMI2, VPCLMULQDQ, AVX512BITALG,
26994               TSXLDTRK, UINTR, AMX-BF16, AMX-TILE, AMX-INT8, AVX-VNNI,
26995               AVX512FP16 and AVX512BF16 instruction set support.
26997           alderlake
26998               Intel Alderlake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
26999               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, AES, PREFETCHW,
27002               CLDEMOTE, WAITPKG, ADCX, AVX, AVX2, BMI, BMI2, F16C, FMA,
27004               WIDEKL and AVX-VNNI instruction set support.
27006           rocketlake
27007               Intel Rocketlake CPU with 64-bit extensions, MOVBE, MMX, SSE,
27008               SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 , SSE4.1, SSE4.2, POPCNT, CX16, SAHF, FXSR,
27009               AVX, XSAVE, PCLMUL, FSGSBASE, RDRND, F16C, AVX2, BMI, BMI2,
27011               CLFLUSHOPT, XSAVEC, XSAVES, AVX512F, AVX512VL, AVX512BW,
27012               AVX512DQ, AVX512CD PKU, AVX512VBMI, AVX512IFMA, SHA,
27013               AVX512VNNI, GFNI, VAES, AVX512VBMI2, VPCLMULQDQ, AVX512BITALG,
27014               RDPID and AVX512VPOPCNTDQ instruction set support.
27016           k6  AMD K6 CPU with MMX instruction set support.
27018           k6-2
27019           k6-3
27020               Improved versions of AMD K6 CPU with MMX and 3DNow! instruction
27021               set support.
27023           athlon
27024           athlon-tbird
27025               AMD Athlon CPU with MMX, 3dNOW!, enhanced 3DNow! and SSE
27026               prefetch instructions support.
27028           athlon-4
27029           athlon-xp
27030           athlon-mp
27031               Improved AMD Athlon CPU with MMX, 3DNow!, enhanced 3DNow! and
27032               full SSE instruction set support.
27034           k8
27035           opteron
27036           athlon64
27037           athlon-fx
27038               Processors based on the AMD K8 core with x86-64 instruction set
27039               support, including the AMD Opteron, Athlon 64, and Athlon 64 FX
27040               processors.  (This supersets MMX, SSE, SSE2, 3DNow!, enhanced
27041               3DNow! and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27043           k8-sse3
27044           opteron-sse3
27045           athlon64-sse3
27046               Improved versions of AMD K8 cores with SSE3 instruction set
27047               support.
27049           amdfam10
27050           barcelona
27051               CPUs based on AMD Family 10h cores with x86-64 instruction set
27052               support.  (This supersets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, 3DNow!,
27053               enhanced 3DNow!, ABM and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27055           bdver1
27056               CPUs based on AMD Family 15h cores with x86-64 instruction set
27057               support.  (This supersets FMA4, AVX, XOP, LWP, AES, PCLMUL,
27058               CX16, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM
27059               and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27061           bdver2
27062               AMD Family 15h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27063               support.  (This supersets BMI, TBM, F16C, FMA, FMA4, AVX, XOP,
27064               LWP, AES, PCLMUL, CX16, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3,
27065               SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27067           bdver3
27068               AMD Family 15h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27069               support.  (This supersets BMI, TBM, F16C, FMA, FMA4, FSGSBASE,
27070               AVX, XOP, LWP, AES, PCLMUL, CX16, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A,
27071               SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM and 64-bit instruction set
27072               extensions.)
27074           bdver4
27075               AMD Family 15h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27076               support.  (This supersets BMI, BMI2, TBM, F16C, FMA, FMA4,
27077               FSGSBASE, AVX, AVX2, XOP, LWP, AES, PCLMUL, CX16, MOVBE, MMX,
27078               SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM and 64-bit
27079               instruction set extensions.)
27081           znver1
27082               AMD Family 17h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27083               support.  (This supersets BMI, BMI2, F16C, FMA, FSGSBASE, AVX,
27084               AVX2, ADCX, RDSEED, MWAITX, SHA, CLZERO, AES, PCLMUL, CX16,
27085               MOVBE, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, ABM,
27086               XSAVEC, XSAVES, CLFLUSHOPT, POPCNT, and 64-bit instruction set
27087               extensions.)
27089           znver2
27090               AMD Family 17h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27091               support. (This supersets BMI, BMI2, CLWB, F16C, FMA, FSGSBASE,
27093               CX16, MOVBE, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1,
27095               WBNOINVD, and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27097           znver3
27098               AMD Family 19h core based CPUs with x86-64 instruction set
27099               support. (This supersets BMI, BMI2, CLWB, F16C, FMA, FSGSBASE,
27101               CX16, MOVBE, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE4.1,
27103               WBNOINVD, PKU, VPCLMULQDQ, VAES, and 64-bit instruction set
27104               extensions.)
27106           btver1
27107               CPUs based on AMD Family 14h cores with x86-64 instruction set
27108               support.  (This supersets MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4A,
27109               CX16, ABM and 64-bit instruction set extensions.)
27111           btver2
27112               CPUs based on AMD Family 16h cores with x86-64 instruction set
27113               support. This includes MOVBE, F16C, BMI, AVX, PCLMUL, AES,
27114               SSE4.2, SSE4.1, CX16, ABM, SSE4A, SSSE3, SSE3, SSE2, SSE, MMX
27115               and 64-bit instruction set extensions.
27117           winchip-c6
27118               IDT WinChip C6 CPU, dealt in same way as i486 with additional
27119               MMX instruction set support.
27121           winchip2
27122               IDT WinChip 2 CPU, dealt in same way as i486 with additional
27123               MMX and 3DNow!  instruction set support.
27125           c3  VIA C3 CPU with MMX and 3DNow! instruction set support.  (No
27126               scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27128           c3-2
27129               VIA C3-2 (Nehemiah/C5XL) CPU with MMX and SSE instruction set
27130               support.  (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27132           c7  VIA C7 (Esther) CPU with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 instruction
27133               set support.  (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27135           samuel-2
27136               VIA Eden Samuel 2 CPU with MMX and 3DNow! instruction set
27137               support.  (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27139           nehemiah
27140               VIA Eden Nehemiah CPU with MMX and SSE instruction set support.
27141               (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27143           esther
27144               VIA Eden Esther CPU with MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3 instruction
27145               set support.  (No scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27147           eden-x2
27148               VIA Eden X2 CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2 and SSE3
27149               instruction set support.  (No scheduling is implemented for
27150               this chip.)
27152           eden-x4
27153               VIA Eden X4 CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3,
27154               SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX and AVX2 instruction set support.  (No
27155               scheduling is implemented for this chip.)
27157           nano
27158               Generic VIA Nano CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and
27159               SSSE3 instruction set support.  (No scheduling is implemented
27160               for this chip.)
27162           nano-1000
27163               VIA Nano 1xxx CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3
27164               instruction set support.  (No scheduling is implemented for
27165               this chip.)
27167           nano-2000
27168               VIA Nano 2xxx CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 and SSSE3
27169               instruction set support.  (No scheduling is implemented for
27170               this chip.)
27172           nano-3000
27173               VIA Nano 3xxx CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3 and
27174               SSE4.1 instruction set support.  (No scheduling is implemented
27175               for this chip.)
27177           nano-x2
27178               VIA Nano Dual Core CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3
27179               and SSE4.1 instruction set support.  (No scheduling is
27180               implemented for this chip.)
27182           nano-x4
27183               VIA Nano Quad Core CPU with x86-64, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3
27184               and SSE4.1 instruction set support.  (No scheduling is
27185               implemented for this chip.)
27187           geode
27188               AMD Geode embedded processor with MMX and 3DNow! instruction
27189               set support.
27191       -mtune=cpu-type
27192           Tune to cpu-type everything applicable about the generated code,
27193           except for the ABI and the set of available instructions.  While
27194           picking a specific cpu-type schedules things appropriately for that
27195           particular chip, the compiler does not generate any code that
27196           cannot run on the default machine type unless you use a -march=cpu-
27197           type option.  For example, if GCC is configured for
27198           i686-pc-linux-gnu then -mtune=pentium4 generates code that is tuned
27199           for Pentium 4 but still runs on i686 machines.
27201           The choices for cpu-type are the same as for -march.  In addition,
27202           -mtune supports 2 extra choices for cpu-type:
27204           generic
27205               Produce code optimized for the most common IA32/AMD64/EM64T
27206               processors.  If you know the CPU on which your code will run,
27207               then you should use the corresponding -mtune or -march option
27208               instead of -mtune=generic.  But, if you do not know exactly
27209               what CPU users of your application will have, then you should
27210               use this option.
27212               As new processors are deployed in the marketplace, the behavior
27213               of this option will change.  Therefore, if you upgrade to a
27214               newer version of GCC, code generation controlled by this option
27215               will change to reflect the processors that are most common at
27216               the time that version of GCC is released.
27218               There is no -march=generic option because -march indicates the
27219               instruction set the compiler can use, and there is no generic
27220               instruction set applicable to all processors.  In contrast,
27221               -mtune indicates the processor (or, in this case, collection of
27222               processors) for which the code is optimized.
27224           intel
27225               Produce code optimized for the most current Intel processors,
27226               which are Haswell and Silvermont for this version of GCC.  If
27227               you know the CPU on which your code will run, then you should
27228               use the corresponding -mtune or -march option instead of
27229               -mtune=intel.  But, if you want your application performs
27230               better on both Haswell and Silvermont, then you should use this
27231               option.
27233               As new Intel processors are deployed in the marketplace, the
27234               behavior of this option will change.  Therefore, if you upgrade
27235               to a newer version of GCC, code generation controlled by this
27236               option will change to reflect the most current Intel processors
27237               at the time that version of GCC is released.
27239               There is no -march=intel option because -march indicates the
27240               instruction set the compiler can use, and there is no common
27241               instruction set applicable to all processors.  In contrast,
27242               -mtune indicates the processor (or, in this case, collection of
27243               processors) for which the code is optimized.
27245       -mcpu=cpu-type
27246           A deprecated synonym for -mtune.
27248       -mfpmath=unit
27249           Generate floating-point arithmetic for selected unit unit.  The
27250           choices for unit are:
27252           387 Use the standard 387 floating-point coprocessor present on the
27253               majority of chips and emulated otherwise.  Code compiled with
27254               this option runs almost everywhere.  The temporary results are
27255               computed in 80-bit precision instead of the precision specified
27256               by the type, resulting in slightly different results compared
27257               to most of other chips.  See -ffloat-store for more detailed
27258               description.
27260               This is the default choice for non-Darwin x86-32 targets.
27262           sse Use scalar floating-point instructions present in the SSE
27263               instruction set.  This instruction set is supported by Pentium
27264               III and newer chips, and in the AMD line by Athlon-4, Athlon XP
27265               and Athlon MP chips.  The earlier version of the SSE
27266               instruction set supports only single-precision arithmetic, thus
27267               the double and extended-precision arithmetic are still done
27268               using 387.  A later version, present only in Pentium 4 and AMD
27269               x86-64 chips, supports double-precision arithmetic too.
27271               For the x86-32 compiler, you must use -march=cpu-type, -msse or
27272               -msse2 switches to enable SSE extensions and make this option
27273               effective.  For the x86-64 compiler, these extensions are
27274               enabled by default.
27276               The resulting code should be considerably faster in the
27277               majority of cases and avoid the numerical instability problems
27278               of 387 code, but may break some existing code that expects
27279               temporaries to be 80 bits.
27281               This is the default choice for the x86-64 compiler, Darwin
27282               x86-32 targets, and the default choice for x86-32 targets with
27283               the SSE2 instruction set when -ffast-math is enabled.
27285           sse,387
27286           sse+387
27287           both
27288               Attempt to utilize both instruction sets at once.  This
27289               effectively doubles the amount of available registers, and on
27290               chips with separate execution units for 387 and SSE the
27291               execution resources too.  Use this option with care, as it is
27292               still experimental, because the GCC register allocator does not
27293               model separate functional units well, resulting in unstable
27294               performance.
27296       -masm=dialect
27297           Output assembly instructions using selected dialect.  Also affects
27298           which dialect is used for basic "asm" and extended "asm". Supported
27299           choices (in dialect order) are att or intel. The default is att.
27300           Darwin does not support intel.
27302       -mieee-fp
27303       -mno-ieee-fp
27304           Control whether or not the compiler uses IEEE floating-point
27305           comparisons.  These correctly handle the case where the result of a
27306           comparison is unordered.
27308       -m80387
27309       -mhard-float
27310           Generate output containing 80387 instructions for floating point.
27312       -mno-80387
27313       -msoft-float
27314           Generate output containing library calls for floating point.
27316           Warning: the requisite libraries are not part of GCC.  Normally the
27317           facilities of the machine's usual C compiler are used, but this
27318           cannot be done directly in cross-compilation.  You must make your
27319           own arrangements to provide suitable library functions for cross-
27320           compilation.
27322           On machines where a function returns floating-point results in the
27323           80387 register stack, some floating-point opcodes may be emitted
27324           even if -msoft-float is used.
27326       -mno-fp-ret-in-387
27327           Do not use the FPU registers for return values of functions.
27329           The usual calling convention has functions return values of types
27330           "float" and "double" in an FPU register, even if there is no FPU.
27331           The idea is that the operating system should emulate an FPU.
27333           The option -mno-fp-ret-in-387 causes such values to be returned in
27334           ordinary CPU registers instead.
27336       -mno-fancy-math-387
27337           Some 387 emulators do not support the "sin", "cos" and "sqrt"
27338           instructions for the 387.  Specify this option to avoid generating
27339           those instructions.  This option is overridden when -march
27340           indicates that the target CPU always has an FPU and so the
27341           instruction does not need emulation.  These instructions are not
27342           generated unless you also use the -funsafe-math-optimizations
27343           switch.
27345       -malign-double
27346       -mno-align-double
27347           Control whether GCC aligns "double", "long double", and "long long"
27348           variables on a two-word boundary or a one-word boundary.  Aligning
27349           "double" variables on a two-word boundary produces code that runs
27350           somewhat faster on a Pentium at the expense of more memory.
27352           On x86-64, -malign-double is enabled by default.
27354           Warning: if you use the -malign-double switch, structures
27355           containing the above types are aligned differently than the
27356           published application binary interface specifications for the
27357           x86-32 and are not binary compatible with structures in code
27358           compiled without that switch.
27360       -m96bit-long-double
27361       -m128bit-long-double
27362           These switches control the size of "long double" type.  The x86-32
27363           application binary interface specifies the size to be 96 bits, so
27364           -m96bit-long-double is the default in 32-bit mode.
27366           Modern architectures (Pentium and newer) prefer "long double" to be
27367           aligned to an 8- or 16-byte boundary.  In arrays or structures
27368           conforming to the ABI, this is not possible.  So specifying
27369           -m128bit-long-double aligns "long double" to a 16-byte boundary by
27370           padding the "long double" with an additional 32-bit zero.
27372           In the x86-64 compiler, -m128bit-long-double is the default choice
27373           as its ABI specifies that "long double" is aligned on 16-byte
27374           boundary.
27376           Notice that neither of these options enable any extra precision
27377           over the x87 standard of 80 bits for a "long double".
27379           Warning: if you override the default value for your target ABI,
27380           this changes the size of structures and arrays containing "long
27381           double" variables, as well as modifying the function calling
27382           convention for functions taking "long double".  Hence they are not
27383           binary-compatible with code compiled without that switch.
27385       -mlong-double-64
27386       -mlong-double-80
27387       -mlong-double-128
27388           These switches control the size of "long double" type. A size of 64
27389           bits makes the "long double" type equivalent to the "double" type.
27390           This is the default for 32-bit Bionic C library.  A size of 128
27391           bits makes the "long double" type equivalent to the "__float128"
27392           type. This is the default for 64-bit Bionic C library.
27394           Warning: if you override the default value for your target ABI,
27395           this changes the size of structures and arrays containing "long
27396           double" variables, as well as modifying the function calling
27397           convention for functions taking "long double".  Hence they are not
27398           binary-compatible with code compiled without that switch.
27400       -malign-data=type
27401           Control how GCC aligns variables.  Supported values for type are
27402           compat uses increased alignment value compatible uses GCC 4.8 and
27403           earlier, abi uses alignment value as specified by the psABI, and
27404           cacheline uses increased alignment value to match the cache line
27405           size.  compat is the default.
27407       -mlarge-data-threshold=threshold
27408           When -mcmodel=medium is specified, data objects larger than
27409           threshold are placed in the large data section.  This value must be
27410           the same across all objects linked into the binary, and defaults to
27411           65535.
27413       -mrtd
27414           Use a different function-calling convention, in which functions
27415           that take a fixed number of arguments return with the "ret num"
27416           instruction, which pops their arguments while returning.  This
27417           saves one instruction in the caller since there is no need to pop
27418           the arguments there.
27420           You can specify that an individual function is called with this
27421           calling sequence with the function attribute "stdcall".  You can
27422           also override the -mrtd option by using the function attribute
27423           "cdecl".
27425           Warning: this calling convention is incompatible with the one
27426           normally used on Unix, so you cannot use it if you need to call
27427           libraries compiled with the Unix compiler.
27429           Also, you must provide function prototypes for all functions that
27430           take variable numbers of arguments (including "printf"); otherwise
27431           incorrect code is generated for calls to those functions.
27433           In addition, seriously incorrect code results if you call a
27434           function with too many arguments.  (Normally, extra arguments are
27435           harmlessly ignored.)
27437       -mregparm=num
27438           Control how many registers are used to pass integer arguments.  By
27439           default, no registers are used to pass arguments, and at most 3
27440           registers can be used.  You can control this behavior for a
27441           specific function by using the function attribute "regparm".
27443           Warning: if you use this switch, and num is nonzero, then you must
27444           build all modules with the same value, including any libraries.
27445           This includes the system libraries and startup modules.
27447       -msseregparm
27448           Use SSE register passing conventions for float and double arguments
27449           and return values.  You can control this behavior for a specific
27450           function by using the function attribute "sseregparm".
27452           Warning: if you use this switch then you must build all modules
27453           with the same value, including any libraries.  This includes the
27454           system libraries and startup modules.
27456       -mvect8-ret-in-mem
27457           Return 8-byte vectors in memory instead of MMX registers.  This is
27458           the default on VxWorks to match the ABI of the Sun Studio compilers
27459           until version 12.  Only use this option if you need to remain
27460           compatible with existing code produced by those previous compiler
27461           versions or older versions of GCC.
27463       -mpc32
27464       -mpc64
27465       -mpc80
27466           Set 80387 floating-point precision to 32, 64 or 80 bits.  When
27467           -mpc32 is specified, the significands of results of floating-point
27468           operations are rounded to 24 bits (single precision); -mpc64 rounds
27469           the significands of results of floating-point operations to 53 bits
27470           (double precision) and -mpc80 rounds the significands of results of
27471           floating-point operations to 64 bits (extended double precision),
27472           which is the default.  When this option is used, floating-point
27473           operations in higher precisions are not available to the programmer
27474           without setting the FPU control word explicitly.
27476           Setting the rounding of floating-point operations to less than the
27477           default 80 bits can speed some programs by 2% or more.  Note that
27478           some mathematical libraries assume that extended-precision (80-bit)
27479           floating-point operations are enabled by default; routines in such
27480           libraries could suffer significant loss of accuracy, typically
27481           through so-called "catastrophic cancellation", when this option is
27482           used to set the precision to less than extended precision.
27484       -mstackrealign
27485           Realign the stack at entry.  On the x86, the -mstackrealign option
27486           generates an alternate prologue and epilogue that realigns the run-
27487           time stack if necessary.  This supports mixing legacy codes that
27488           keep 4-byte stack alignment with modern codes that keep 16-byte
27489           stack alignment for SSE compatibility.  See also the attribute
27490           "force_align_arg_pointer", applicable to individual functions.
27492       -mpreferred-stack-boundary=num
27493           Attempt to keep the stack boundary aligned to a 2 raised to num
27494           byte boundary.  If -mpreferred-stack-boundary is not specified, the
27495           default is 4 (16 bytes or 128 bits).
27497           Warning: When generating code for the x86-64 architecture with SSE
27498           extensions disabled, -mpreferred-stack-boundary=3 can be used to
27499           keep the stack boundary aligned to 8 byte boundary.  Since x86-64
27500           ABI require 16 byte stack alignment, this is ABI incompatible and
27501           intended to be used in controlled environment where stack space is
27502           important limitation.  This option leads to wrong code when
27503           functions compiled with 16 byte stack alignment (such as functions
27504           from a standard library) are called with misaligned stack.  In this
27505           case, SSE instructions may lead to misaligned memory access traps.
27506           In addition, variable arguments are handled incorrectly for 16 byte
27507           aligned objects (including x87 long double and __int128), leading
27508           to wrong results.  You must build all modules with
27509           -mpreferred-stack-boundary=3, including any libraries.  This
27510           includes the system libraries and startup modules.
27512       -mincoming-stack-boundary=num
27513           Assume the incoming stack is aligned to a 2 raised to num byte
27514           boundary.  If -mincoming-stack-boundary is not specified, the one
27515           specified by -mpreferred-stack-boundary is used.
27517           On Pentium and Pentium Pro, "double" and "long double" values
27518           should be aligned to an 8-byte boundary (see -malign-double) or
27519           suffer significant run time performance penalties.  On Pentium III,
27520           the Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) data type "__m128" may not work
27521           properly if it is not 16-byte aligned.
27523           To ensure proper alignment of this values on the stack, the stack
27524           boundary must be as aligned as that required by any value stored on
27525           the stack.  Further, every function must be generated such that it
27526           keeps the stack aligned.  Thus calling a function compiled with a
27527           higher preferred stack boundary from a function compiled with a
27528           lower preferred stack boundary most likely misaligns the stack.  It
27529           is recommended that libraries that use callbacks always use the
27530           default setting.
27532           This extra alignment does consume extra stack space, and generally
27533           increases code size.  Code that is sensitive to stack space usage,
27534           such as embedded systems and operating system kernels, may want to
27535           reduce the preferred alignment to -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2.
27537       -mmmx
27538       -msse
27539       -msse2
27540       -msse3
27541       -mssse3
27542       -msse4
27543       -msse4a
27544       -msse4.1
27545       -msse4.2
27546       -mavx
27547       -mavx2
27548       -mavx512f
27549       -mavx512pf
27550       -mavx512er
27551       -mavx512cd
27552       -mavx512vl
27553       -mavx512bw
27554       -mavx512dq
27555       -mavx512ifma
27556       -mavx512vbmi
27557       -msha
27558       -maes
27559       -mpclmul
27560       -mclflushopt
27561       -mclwb
27562       -mfsgsbase
27563       -mptwrite
27564       -mrdrnd
27565       -mf16c
27566       -mfma
27567       -mpconfig
27568       -mwbnoinvd
27569       -mfma4
27570       -mprfchw
27571       -mrdpid
27572       -mprefetchwt1
27573       -mrdseed
27574       -msgx
27575       -mxop
27576       -mlwp
27577       -m3dnow
27578       -m3dnowa
27579       -mpopcnt
27580       -mabm
27581       -madx
27582       -mbmi
27583       -mbmi2
27584       -mlzcnt
27585       -mfxsr
27586       -mxsave
27587       -mxsaveopt
27588       -mxsavec
27589       -mxsaves
27590       -mrtm
27591       -mhle
27592       -mtbm
27593       -mmwaitx
27594       -mclzero
27595       -mpku
27596       -mavx512vbmi2
27597       -mavx512bf16
27598       -mavx512fp16
27599       -mgfni
27600       -mvaes
27601       -mwaitpkg
27602       -mvpclmulqdq
27603       -mavx512bitalg
27604       -mmovdiri
27605       -mmovdir64b
27606       -menqcmd
27607       -muintr
27608       -mtsxldtrk
27609       -mavx512vpopcntdq
27610       -mavx512vp2intersect
27611       -mavx5124fmaps
27612       -mavx512vnni
27613       -mavxvnni
27614       -mavx5124vnniw
27615       -mcldemote
27616       -mserialize
27617       -mamx-tile
27618       -mamx-int8
27619       -mamx-bf16
27620       -mhreset
27621       -mkl
27622       -mwidekl
27623           These switches enable the use of instructions in the MMX, SSE,
27624           SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4, SSE4A, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, AVX, AVX2, AVX512F,
27625           AVX512PF, AVX512ER, AVX512CD, AVX512VL, AVX512BW, AVX512DQ,
27629           enhanced 3DNow!, POPCNT, ABM, ADX, BMI, BMI2, LZCNT, FXSR, XSAVE,
27634           AMXTILE, AMXINT8, AMXBF16, KL, WIDEKL, AVXVNNI, AVX512FP16 or
27635           CLDEMOTE extended instruction sets. Each has a corresponding -mno-
27636           option to disable use of these instructions.
27638           These extensions are also available as built-in functions: see x86
27639           Built-in Functions, for details of the functions enabled and
27640           disabled by these switches.
27642           To generate SSE/SSE2 instructions automatically from floating-point
27643           code (as opposed to 387 instructions), see -mfpmath=sse.
27645           GCC depresses SSEx instructions when -mavx is used. Instead, it
27646           generates new AVX instructions or AVX equivalence for all SSEx
27647           instructions when needed.
27649           These options enable GCC to use these extended instructions in
27650           generated code, even without -mfpmath=sse.  Applications that
27651           perform run-time CPU detection must compile separate files for each
27652           supported architecture, using the appropriate flags.  In
27653           particular, the file containing the CPU detection code should be
27654           compiled without these options.
27656       -mdump-tune-features
27657           This option instructs GCC to dump the names of the x86 performance
27658           tuning features and default settings. The names can be used in
27659           -mtune-ctrl=feature-list.
27661       -mtune-ctrl=feature-list
27662           This option is used to do fine grain control of x86 code generation
27663           features.  feature-list is a comma separated list of feature names.
27664           See also -mdump-tune-features. When specified, the feature is
27665           turned on if it is not preceded with ^, otherwise, it is turned
27666           off.  -mtune-ctrl=feature-list is intended to be used by GCC
27667           developers. Using it may lead to code paths not covered by testing
27668           and can potentially result in compiler ICEs or runtime errors.
27670       -mno-default
27671           This option instructs GCC to turn off all tunable features. See
27672           also -mtune-ctrl=feature-list and -mdump-tune-features.
27674       -mcld
27675           This option instructs GCC to emit a "cld" instruction in the
27676           prologue of functions that use string instructions.  String
27677           instructions depend on the DF flag to select between autoincrement
27678           or autodecrement mode.  While the ABI specifies the DF flag to be
27679           cleared on function entry, some operating systems violate this
27680           specification by not clearing the DF flag in their exception
27681           dispatchers.  The exception handler can be invoked with the DF flag
27682           set, which leads to wrong direction mode when string instructions
27683           are used.  This option can be enabled by default on 32-bit x86
27684           targets by configuring GCC with the --enable-cld configure option.
27685           Generation of "cld" instructions can be suppressed with the
27686           -mno-cld compiler option in this case.
27688       -mvzeroupper
27689           This option instructs GCC to emit a "vzeroupper" instruction before
27690           a transfer of control flow out of the function to minimize the AVX
27691           to SSE transition penalty as well as remove unnecessary "zeroupper"
27692           intrinsics.
27694       -mprefer-avx128
27695           This option instructs GCC to use 128-bit AVX instructions instead
27696           of 256-bit AVX instructions in the auto-vectorizer.
27698       -mprefer-vector-width=opt
27699           This option instructs GCC to use opt-bit vector width in
27700           instructions instead of default on the selected platform.
27702       -mmove-max=bits
27703           This option instructs GCC to set the maximum number of bits can be
27704           moved from memory to memory efficiently to bits.  The valid bits
27705           are 128, 256 and 512.
27707       -mstore-max=bits
27708           This option instructs GCC to set the maximum number of bits can be
27709           stored to memory efficiently to bits.  The valid bits are 128, 256
27710           and 512.
27712           none
27713               No extra limitations applied to GCC other than defined by the
27714               selected platform.
27716           128 Prefer 128-bit vector width for instructions.
27718           256 Prefer 256-bit vector width for instructions.
27720           512 Prefer 512-bit vector width for instructions.
27722       -mcx16
27723           This option enables GCC to generate "CMPXCHG16B" instructions in
27724           64-bit code to implement compare-and-exchange operations on 16-byte
27725           aligned 128-bit objects.  This is useful for atomic updates of data
27726           structures exceeding one machine word in size.  The compiler uses
27727           this instruction to implement __sync Builtins.  However, for
27728           __atomic Builtins operating on 128-bit integers, a library call is
27729           always used.
27731       -msahf
27732           This option enables generation of "SAHF" instructions in 64-bit
27733           code.  Early Intel Pentium 4 CPUs with Intel 64 support, prior to
27734           the introduction of Pentium 4 G1 step in December 2005, lacked the
27735           "LAHF" and "SAHF" instructions which are supported by AMD64.  These
27736           are load and store instructions, respectively, for certain status
27737           flags.  In 64-bit mode, the "SAHF" instruction is used to optimize
27738           "fmod", "drem", and "remainder" built-in functions; see Other
27739           Builtins for details.
27741       -mmovbe
27742           This option enables use of the "movbe" instruction to implement
27743           "__builtin_bswap32" and "__builtin_bswap64".
27745       -mshstk
27746           The -mshstk option enables shadow stack built-in functions from x86
27747           Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET).
27749       -mcrc32
27750           This option enables built-in functions "__builtin_ia32_crc32qi",
27751           "__builtin_ia32_crc32hi", "__builtin_ia32_crc32si" and
27752           "__builtin_ia32_crc32di" to generate the "crc32" machine
27753           instruction.
27755       -mmwait
27756           This option enables built-in functions "__builtin_ia32_monitor",
27757           and "__builtin_ia32_mwait" to generate the "monitor" and "mwait"
27758           machine instructions.
27760       -mrecip
27761           This option enables use of "RCPSS" and "RSQRTSS" instructions (and
27762           their vectorized variants "RCPPS" and "RSQRTPS") with an additional
27763           Newton-Raphson step to increase precision instead of "DIVSS" and
27764           "SQRTSS" (and their vectorized variants) for single-precision
27765           floating-point arguments.  These instructions are generated only
27766           when -funsafe-math-optimizations is enabled together with
27767           -ffinite-math-only and -fno-trapping-math.  Note that while the
27768           throughput of the sequence is higher than the throughput of the
27769           non-reciprocal instruction, the precision of the sequence can be
27770           decreased by up to 2 ulp (i.e. the inverse of 1.0 equals
27771           0.99999994).
27773           Note that GCC implements "1.0f/sqrtf(x)" in terms of "RSQRTSS" (or
27774           "RSQRTPS") already with -ffast-math (or the above option
27775           combination), and doesn't need -mrecip.
27777           Also note that GCC emits the above sequence with additional Newton-
27778           Raphson step for vectorized single-float division and vectorized
27779           sqrtf(x) already with -ffast-math (or the above option
27780           combination), and doesn't need -mrecip.
27782       -mrecip=opt
27783           This option controls which reciprocal estimate instructions may be
27784           used.  opt is a comma-separated list of options, which may be
27785           preceded by a ! to invert the option:
27787           all Enable all estimate instructions.
27789           default
27790               Enable the default instructions, equivalent to -mrecip.
27792           none
27793               Disable all estimate instructions, equivalent to -mno-recip.
27795           div Enable the approximation for scalar division.
27797           vec-div
27798               Enable the approximation for vectorized division.
27800           sqrt
27801               Enable the approximation for scalar square root.
27803           vec-sqrt
27804               Enable the approximation for vectorized square root.
27806           So, for example, -mrecip=all,!sqrt enables all of the reciprocal
27807           approximations, except for square root.
27809       -mveclibabi=type
27810           Specifies the ABI type to use for vectorizing intrinsics using an
27811           external library.  Supported values for type are svml for the Intel
27812           short vector math library and acml for the AMD math core library.
27813           To use this option, both -ftree-vectorize and
27814           -funsafe-math-optimizations have to be enabled, and an SVML or ACML
27815           ABI-compatible library must be specified at link time.
27817           GCC currently emits calls to "vmldExp2", "vmldLn2", "vmldLog102",
27818           "vmldPow2", "vmldTanh2", "vmldTan2", "vmldAtan2", "vmldAtanh2",
27819           "vmldCbrt2", "vmldSinh2", "vmldSin2", "vmldAsinh2", "vmldAsin2",
27820           "vmldCosh2", "vmldCos2", "vmldAcosh2", "vmldAcos2", "vmlsExp4",
27821           "vmlsLn4", "vmlsLog104", "vmlsPow4", "vmlsTanh4", "vmlsTan4",
27822           "vmlsAtan4", "vmlsAtanh4", "vmlsCbrt4", "vmlsSinh4", "vmlsSin4",
27823           "vmlsAsinh4", "vmlsAsin4", "vmlsCosh4", "vmlsCos4", "vmlsAcosh4"
27824           and "vmlsAcos4" for corresponding function type when
27825           -mveclibabi=svml is used, and "__vrd2_sin", "__vrd2_cos",
27826           "__vrd2_exp", "__vrd2_log", "__vrd2_log2", "__vrd2_log10",
27827           "__vrs4_sinf", "__vrs4_cosf", "__vrs4_expf", "__vrs4_logf",
27828           "__vrs4_log2f", "__vrs4_log10f" and "__vrs4_powf" for the
27829           corresponding function type when -mveclibabi=acml is used.
27831       -mabi=name
27832           Generate code for the specified calling convention.  Permissible
27833           values are sysv for the ABI used on GNU/Linux and other systems,
27834           and ms for the Microsoft ABI.  The default is to use the Microsoft
27835           ABI when targeting Microsoft Windows and the SysV ABI on all other
27836           systems.  You can control this behavior for specific functions by
27837           using the function attributes "ms_abi" and "sysv_abi".
27839       -mforce-indirect-call
27840           Force all calls to functions to be indirect. This is useful when
27841           using Intel Processor Trace where it generates more precise timing
27842           information for function calls.
27844       -mmanual-endbr
27845           Insert ENDBR instruction at function entry only via the "cf_check"
27846           function attribute. This is useful when used with the option
27847           -fcf-protection=branch to control ENDBR insertion at the function
27848           entry.
27850       -mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues
27851           Due to differences in 64-bit ABIs, any Microsoft ABI function that
27852           calls a System V ABI function must consider RSI, RDI and XMM6-15 as
27853           clobbered.  By default, the code for saving and restoring these
27854           registers is emitted inline, resulting in fairly lengthy prologues
27855           and epilogues.  Using -mcall-ms2sysv-xlogues emits prologues and
27856           epilogues that use stubs in the static portion of libgcc to perform
27857           these saves and restores, thus reducing function size at the cost
27858           of a few extra instructions.
27860       -mtls-dialect=type
27861           Generate code to access thread-local storage using the gnu or gnu2
27862           conventions.  gnu is the conservative default; gnu2 is more
27863           efficient, but it may add compile- and run-time requirements that
27864           cannot be satisfied on all systems.
27866       -mpush-args
27867       -mno-push-args
27868           Use PUSH operations to store outgoing parameters.  This method is
27869           shorter and usually equally fast as method using SUB/MOV operations
27870           and is enabled by default.  In some cases disabling it may improve
27871           performance because of improved scheduling and reduced
27872           dependencies.
27874       -maccumulate-outgoing-args
27875           If enabled, the maximum amount of space required for outgoing
27876           arguments is computed in the function prologue.  This is faster on
27877           most modern CPUs because of reduced dependencies, improved
27878           scheduling and reduced stack usage when the preferred stack
27879           boundary is not equal to 2.  The drawback is a notable increase in
27880           code size.  This switch implies -mno-push-args.
27882       -mthreads
27883           Support thread-safe exception handling on MinGW.  Programs that
27884           rely on thread-safe exception handling must compile and link all
27885           code with the -mthreads option.  When compiling, -mthreads defines
27886           -D_MT; when linking, it links in a special thread helper library
27887           -lmingwthrd which cleans up per-thread exception-handling data.
27889       -mms-bitfields
27890       -mno-ms-bitfields
27891           Enable/disable bit-field layout compatible with the native
27892           Microsoft Windows compiler.
27894           If "packed" is used on a structure, or if bit-fields are used, it
27895           may be that the Microsoft ABI lays out the structure differently
27896           than the way GCC normally does.  Particularly when moving packed
27897           data between functions compiled with GCC and the native Microsoft
27898           compiler (either via function call or as data in a file), it may be
27899           necessary to access either format.
27901           This option is enabled by default for Microsoft Windows targets.
27902           This behavior can also be controlled locally by use of variable or
27903           type attributes.  For more information, see x86 Variable Attributes
27904           and x86 Type Attributes.
27906           The Microsoft structure layout algorithm is fairly simple with the
27907           exception of the bit-field packing.  The padding and alignment of
27908           members of structures and whether a bit-field can straddle a
27909           storage-unit boundary are determine by these rules:
27911           1. Structure members are stored sequentially in the order in which
27912           they are
27913               declared: the first member has the lowest memory address and
27914               the last member the highest.
27916           2. Every data object has an alignment requirement.  The alignment
27917           requirement
27918               for all data except structures, unions, and arrays is either
27919               the size of the object or the current packing size (specified
27920               with either the "aligned" attribute or the "pack" pragma),
27921               whichever is less.  For structures, unions, and arrays, the
27922               alignment requirement is the largest alignment requirement of
27923               its members.  Every object is allocated an offset so that:
27925                       offset % alignment_requirement == 0
27927           3. Adjacent bit-fields are packed into the same 1-, 2-, or 4-byte
27928           allocation
27929               unit if the integral types are the same size and if the next
27930               bit-field fits into the current allocation unit without
27931               crossing the boundary imposed by the common alignment
27932               requirements of the bit-fields.
27934           MSVC interprets zero-length bit-fields in the following ways:
27936           1. If a zero-length bit-field is inserted between two bit-fields
27937           that
27938               are normally coalesced, the bit-fields are not coalesced.
27940               For example:
27942                       struct
27943                        {
27944                          unsigned long bf_1 : 12;
27945                          unsigned long : 0;
27946                          unsigned long bf_2 : 12;
27947                        } t1;
27949               The size of "t1" is 8 bytes with the zero-length bit-field.  If
27950               the zero-length bit-field were removed, "t1"'s size would be 4
27951               bytes.
27953           2. If a zero-length bit-field is inserted after a bit-field, "foo",
27954           and the
27955               alignment of the zero-length bit-field is greater than the
27956               member that follows it, "bar", "bar" is aligned as the type of
27957               the zero-length bit-field.
27959               For example:
27961                       struct
27962                        {
27963                          char foo : 4;
27964                          short : 0;
27965                          char bar;
27966                        } t2;
27968                       struct
27969                        {
27970                          char foo : 4;
27971                          short : 0;
27972                          double bar;
27973                        } t3;
27975               For "t2", "bar" is placed at offset 2, rather than offset 1.
27976               Accordingly, the size of "t2" is 4.  For "t3", the zero-length
27977               bit-field does not affect the alignment of "bar" or, as a
27978               result, the size of the structure.
27980               Taking this into account, it is important to note the
27981               following:
27983               1. If a zero-length bit-field follows a normal bit-field, the
27984               type of the
27985                   zero-length bit-field may affect the alignment of the
27986                   structure as whole. For example, "t2" has a size of 4
27987                   bytes, since the zero-length bit-field follows a normal
27988                   bit-field, and is of type short.
27990               2. Even if a zero-length bit-field is not followed by a normal
27991               bit-field, it may
27992                   still affect the alignment of the structure:
27994                           struct
27995                            {
27996                              char foo : 6;
27997                              long : 0;
27998                            } t4;
28000                   Here, "t4" takes up 4 bytes.
28002           3. Zero-length bit-fields following non-bit-field members are
28003           ignored:
28004                       struct
28005                        {
28006                          char foo;
28007                          long : 0;
28008                          char bar;
28009                        } t5;
28011               Here, "t5" takes up 2 bytes.
28013       -mno-align-stringops
28014           Do not align the destination of inlined string operations.  This
28015           switch reduces code size and improves performance in case the
28016           destination is already aligned, but GCC doesn't know about it.
28018       -minline-all-stringops
28019           By default GCC inlines string operations only when the destination
28020           is known to be aligned to least a 4-byte boundary.  This enables
28021           more inlining and increases code size, but may improve performance
28022           of code that depends on fast "memcpy" and "memset" for short
28023           lengths.  The option enables inline expansion of "strlen" for all
28024           pointer alignments.
28026       -minline-stringops-dynamically
28027           For string operations of unknown size, use run-time checks with
28028           inline code for small blocks and a library call for large blocks.
28030       -mstringop-strategy=alg
28031           Override the internal decision heuristic for the particular
28032           algorithm to use for inlining string operations.  The allowed
28033           values for alg are:
28035           rep_byte
28036           rep_4byte
28037           rep_8byte
28038               Expand using i386 "rep" prefix of the specified size.
28040           byte_loop
28041           loop
28042           unrolled_loop
28043               Expand into an inline loop.
28045           libcall
28046               Always use a library call.
28048       -mmemcpy-strategy=strategy
28049           Override the internal decision heuristic to decide if
28050           "__builtin_memcpy" should be inlined and what inline algorithm to
28051           use when the expected size of the copy operation is known. strategy
28052           is a comma-separated list of alg:max_size:dest_align triplets.  alg
28053           is specified in -mstringop-strategy, max_size specifies the max
28054           byte size with which inline algorithm alg is allowed.  For the last
28055           triplet, the max_size must be -1. The max_size of the triplets in
28056           the list must be specified in increasing order.  The minimal byte
28057           size for alg is 0 for the first triplet and "max_size + 1" of the
28058           preceding range.
28060       -mmemset-strategy=strategy
28061           The option is similar to -mmemcpy-strategy= except that it is to
28062           control "__builtin_memset" expansion.
28064       -momit-leaf-frame-pointer
28065           Don't keep the frame pointer in a register for leaf functions.
28066           This avoids the instructions to save, set up, and restore frame
28067           pointers and makes an extra register available in leaf functions.
28068           The option -fomit-leaf-frame-pointer removes the frame pointer for
28069           leaf functions, which might make debugging harder.
28071       -mtls-direct-seg-refs
28072       -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs
28073           Controls whether TLS variables may be accessed with offsets from
28074           the TLS segment register (%gs for 32-bit, %fs for 64-bit), or
28075           whether the thread base pointer must be added.  Whether or not this
28076           is valid depends on the operating system, and whether it maps the
28077           segment to cover the entire TLS area.
28079           For systems that use the GNU C Library, the default is on.
28081       -msse2avx
28082       -mno-sse2avx
28083           Specify that the assembler should encode SSE instructions with VEX
28084           prefix.  The option -mavx turns this on by default.
28086       -mfentry
28087       -mno-fentry
28088           If profiling is active (-pg), put the profiling counter call before
28089           the prologue.  Note: On x86 architectures the attribute
28090           "ms_hook_prologue" isn't possible at the moment for -mfentry and
28091           -pg.
28093       -mrecord-mcount
28094       -mno-record-mcount
28095           If profiling is active (-pg), generate a __mcount_loc section that
28096           contains pointers to each profiling call. This is useful for
28097           automatically patching and out calls.
28099       -mnop-mcount
28100       -mno-nop-mcount
28101           If profiling is active (-pg), generate the calls to the profiling
28102           functions as NOPs. This is useful when they should be patched in
28103           later dynamically. This is likely only useful together with
28104           -mrecord-mcount.
28106       -minstrument-return=type
28107           Instrument function exit in -pg -mfentry instrumented functions
28108           with call to specified function. This only instruments true returns
28109           ending with ret, but not sibling calls ending with jump. Valid
28110           types are none to not instrument, call to generate a call to
28111           __return__, or nop5 to generate a 5 byte nop.
28113       -mrecord-return
28114       -mno-record-return
28115           Generate a __return_loc section pointing to all return
28116           instrumentation code.
28118       -mfentry-name=name
28119           Set name of __fentry__ symbol called at function entry for -pg
28120           -mfentry functions.
28122       -mfentry-section=name
28123           Set name of section to record -mrecord-mcount calls (default
28124           __mcount_loc).
28126       -mskip-rax-setup
28127       -mno-skip-rax-setup
28128           When generating code for the x86-64 architecture with SSE
28129           extensions disabled, -mskip-rax-setup can be used to skip setting
28130           up RAX register when there are no variable arguments passed in
28131           vector registers.
28133           Warning: Since RAX register is used to avoid unnecessarily saving
28134           vector registers on stack when passing variable arguments, the
28135           impacts of this option are callees may waste some stack space,
28136           misbehave or jump to a random location.  GCC 4.4 or newer don't
28137           have those issues, regardless the RAX register value.
28139       -m8bit-idiv
28140       -mno-8bit-idiv
28141           On some processors, like Intel Atom, 8-bit unsigned integer divide
28142           is much faster than 32-bit/64-bit integer divide.  This option
28143           generates a run-time check.  If both dividend and divisor are
28144           within range of 0 to 255, 8-bit unsigned integer divide is used
28145           instead of 32-bit/64-bit integer divide.
28147       -mavx256-split-unaligned-load
28148       -mavx256-split-unaligned-store
28149           Split 32-byte AVX unaligned load and store.
28151       -mstack-protector-guard=guard
28152       -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
28153       -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset
28154           Generate stack protection code using canary at guard.  Supported
28155           locations are global for global canary or tls for per-thread canary
28156           in the TLS block (the default).  This option has effect only when
28157           -fstack-protector or -fstack-protector-all is specified.
28159           With the latter choice the options -mstack-protector-guard-reg=reg
28160           and -mstack-protector-guard-offset=offset furthermore specify which
28161           segment register (%fs or %gs) to use as base register for reading
28162           the canary, and from what offset from that base register.  The
28163           default for those is as specified in the relevant ABI.
28165       -mgeneral-regs-only
28166           Generate code that uses only the general-purpose registers.  This
28167           prevents the compiler from using floating-point, vector, mask and
28168           bound registers.
28170       -mrelax-cmpxchg-loop
28171           Relax cmpxchg loop by emitting an early load and compare before
28172           cmpxchg, execute pause if load value is not expected. This reduces
28173           excessive cachline bouncing when and works for all atomic logic
28174           fetch builtins that generates compare and swap loop.
28176       -mindirect-branch=choice
28177           Convert indirect call and jump with choice.  The default is keep,
28178           which keeps indirect call and jump unmodified.  thunk converts
28179           indirect call and jump to call and return thunk.  thunk-inline
28180           converts indirect call and jump to inlined call and return thunk.
28181           thunk-extern converts indirect call and jump to external call and
28182           return thunk provided in a separate object file.  You can control
28183           this behavior for a specific function by using the function
28184           attribute "indirect_branch".
28186           Note that -mcmodel=large is incompatible with
28187           -mindirect-branch=thunk and -mindirect-branch=thunk-extern since
28188           the thunk function may not be reachable in the large code model.
28190           Note that -mindirect-branch=thunk-extern is compatible with
28191           -fcf-protection=branch since the external thunk can be made to
28192           enable control-flow check.
28194       -mfunction-return=choice
28195           Convert function return with choice.  The default is keep, which
28196           keeps function return unmodified.  thunk converts function return
28197           to call and return thunk.  thunk-inline converts function return to
28198           inlined call and return thunk.  thunk-extern converts function
28199           return to external call and return thunk provided in a separate
28200           object file.  You can control this behavior for a specific function
28201           by using the function attribute "function_return".
28203           Note that -mindirect-return=thunk-extern is compatible with
28204           -fcf-protection=branch since the external thunk can be made to
28205           enable control-flow check.
28207           Note that -mcmodel=large is incompatible with
28208           -mfunction-return=thunk and -mfunction-return=thunk-extern since
28209           the thunk function may not be reachable in the large code model.
28211       -mindirect-branch-register
28212           Force indirect call and jump via register.
28214       -mharden-sls=choice
28215           Generate code to mitigate against straight line speculation (SLS)
28216           with choice.  The default is none which disables all SLS hardening.
28217           return enables SLS hardening for function returns.  indirect-jmp
28218           enables SLS hardening for indirect jumps.  all enables all SLS
28219           hardening.
28221       -mindirect-branch-cs-prefix
28222           Add CS prefix to call and jmp to indirect thunk with branch target
28223           in r8-r15 registers so that the call and jmp instruction length is
28224           6 bytes to allow them to be replaced with lfence; call *%r8-r15 or
28225           lfence; jmp *%r8-r15 at run-time.
28227       These -m switches are supported in addition to the above on x86-64
28228       processors in 64-bit environments.
28230       -m32
28231       -m64
28232       -mx32
28233       -m16
28234       -miamcu
28235           Generate code for a 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit environment.  The -m32
28236           option sets "int", "long", and pointer types to 32 bits, and
28237           generates code that runs on any i386 system.
28239           The -m64 option sets "int" to 32 bits and "long" and pointer types
28240           to 64 bits, and generates code for the x86-64 architecture.  For
28241           Darwin only the -m64 option also turns off the -fno-pic and
28242           -mdynamic-no-pic options.
28244           The -mx32 option sets "int", "long", and pointer types to 32 bits,
28245           and generates code for the x86-64 architecture.
28247           The -m16 option is the same as -m32, except for that it outputs the
28248           ".code16gcc" assembly directive at the beginning of the assembly
28249           output so that the binary can run in 16-bit mode.
28251           The -miamcu option generates code which conforms to Intel MCU
28252           psABI.  It requires the -m32 option to be turned on.
28254       -mno-red-zone
28255           Do not use a so-called "red zone" for x86-64 code.  The red zone is
28256           mandated by the x86-64 ABI; it is a 128-byte area beyond the
28257           location of the stack pointer that is not modified by signal or
28258           interrupt handlers and therefore can be used for temporary data
28259           without adjusting the stack pointer.  The flag -mno-red-zone
28260           disables this red zone.
28262       -mcmodel=small
28263           Generate code for the small code model: the program and its symbols
28264           must be linked in the lower 2 GB of the address space.  Pointers
28265           are 64 bits.  Programs can be statically or dynamically linked.
28266           This is the default code model.
28268       -mcmodel=kernel
28269           Generate code for the kernel code model.  The kernel runs in the
28270           negative 2 GB of the address space.  This model has to be used for
28271           Linux kernel code.
28273       -mcmodel=medium
28274           Generate code for the medium model: the program is linked in the
28275           lower 2 GB of the address space.  Small symbols are also placed
28276           there.  Symbols with sizes larger than -mlarge-data-threshold are
28277           put into large data or BSS sections and can be located above 2GB.
28278           Programs can be statically or dynamically linked.
28280       -mcmodel=large
28281           Generate code for the large model.  This model makes no assumptions
28282           about addresses and sizes of sections.
28284       -maddress-mode=long
28285           Generate code for long address mode.  This is only supported for
28286           64-bit and x32 environments.  It is the default address mode for
28287           64-bit environments.
28289       -maddress-mode=short
28290           Generate code for short address mode.  This is only supported for
28291           32-bit and x32 environments.  It is the default address mode for
28292           32-bit and x32 environments.
28294       -mneeded
28295       -mno-needed
28296           Emit GNU_PROPERTY_X86_ISA_1_NEEDED GNU property for Linux target to
28297           indicate the micro-architecture ISA level required to execute the
28298           binary.
28300       -mno-direct-extern-access
28301           Without -fpic nor -fPIC, always use the GOT pointer to access
28302           external symbols.  With -fpic or -fPIC, treat access to protected
28303           symbols as local symbols.  The default is -mdirect-extern-access.
28305           Warning: shared libraries compiled with -mno-direct-extern-access
28306           and executable compiled with -mdirect-extern-access may not be
28307           binary compatible if protected symbols are used in shared libraries
28308           and executable.
28310       x86 Windows Options
28312       These additional options are available for Microsoft Windows targets:
28314       -mconsole
28315           This option specifies that a console application is to be
28316           generated, by instructing the linker to set the PE header subsystem
28317           type required for console applications.  This option is available
28318           for Cygwin and MinGW targets and is enabled by default on those
28319           targets.
28321       -mdll
28322           This option is available for Cygwin and MinGW targets.  It
28323           specifies that a DLL---a dynamic link library---is to be generated,
28324           enabling the selection of the required runtime startup object and
28325           entry point.
28327       -mnop-fun-dllimport
28328           This option is available for Cygwin and MinGW targets.  It
28329           specifies that the "dllimport" attribute should be ignored.
28331       -mthreads
28332           This option is available for MinGW targets. It specifies that
28333           MinGW-specific thread support is to be used.
28335       -municode
28336           This option is available for MinGW-w64 targets.  It causes the
28337           "UNICODE" preprocessor macro to be predefined, and chooses Unicode-
28338           capable runtime startup code.
28340       -mwin32
28341           This option is available for Cygwin and MinGW targets.  It
28342           specifies that the typical Microsoft Windows predefined macros are
28343           to be set in the pre-processor, but does not influence the choice
28344           of runtime library/startup code.
28346       -mwindows
28347           This option is available for Cygwin and MinGW targets.  It
28348           specifies that a GUI application is to be generated by instructing
28349           the linker to set the PE header subsystem type appropriately.
28351       -fno-set-stack-executable
28352           This option is available for MinGW targets. It specifies that the
28353           executable flag for the stack used by nested functions isn't set.
28354           This is necessary for binaries running in kernel mode of Microsoft
28355           Windows, as there the User32 API, which is used to set executable
28356           privileges, isn't available.
28358       -fwritable-relocated-rdata
28359           This option is available for MinGW and Cygwin targets.  It
28360           specifies that relocated-data in read-only section is put into the
28361           ".data" section.  This is a necessary for older runtimes not
28362           supporting modification of ".rdata" sections for pseudo-relocation.
28364       -mpe-aligned-commons
28365           This option is available for Cygwin and MinGW targets.  It
28366           specifies that the GNU extension to the PE file format that permits
28367           the correct alignment of COMMON variables should be used when
28368           generating code.  It is enabled by default if GCC detects that the
28369           target assembler found during configuration supports the feature.
28371       See also under x86 Options for standard options.
28373       Xstormy16 Options
28375       These options are defined for Xstormy16:
28377       -msim
28378           Choose startup files and linker script suitable for the simulator.
28380       Xtensa Options
28382       These options are supported for Xtensa targets:
28384       -mconst16
28385       -mno-const16
28386           Enable or disable use of "CONST16" instructions for loading
28387           constant values.  The "CONST16" instruction is currently not a
28388           standard option from Tensilica.  When enabled, "CONST16"
28389           instructions are always used in place of the standard "L32R"
28390           instructions.  The use of "CONST16" is enabled by default only if
28391           the "L32R" instruction is not available.
28393       -mfused-madd
28394       -mno-fused-madd
28395           Enable or disable use of fused multiply/add and multiply/subtract
28396           instructions in the floating-point option.  This has no effect if
28397           the floating-point option is not also enabled.  Disabling fused
28398           multiply/add and multiply/subtract instructions forces the compiler
28399           to use separate instructions for the multiply and add/subtract
28400           operations.  This may be desirable in some cases where strict IEEE
28401           754-compliant results are required: the fused multiply add/subtract
28402           instructions do not round the intermediate result, thereby
28403           producing results with more bits of precision than specified by the
28404           IEEE standard.  Disabling fused multiply add/subtract instructions
28405           also ensures that the program output is not sensitive to the
28406           compiler's ability to combine multiply and add/subtract operations.
28408       -mserialize-volatile
28409       -mno-serialize-volatile
28410           When this option is enabled, GCC inserts "MEMW" instructions before
28411           "volatile" memory references to guarantee sequential consistency.
28412           The default is -mserialize-volatile.  Use -mno-serialize-volatile
28413           to omit the "MEMW" instructions.
28415       -mforce-no-pic
28416           For targets, like GNU/Linux, where all user-mode Xtensa code must
28417           be position-independent code (PIC), this option disables PIC for
28418           compiling kernel code.
28420       -mtext-section-literals
28421       -mno-text-section-literals
28422           These options control the treatment of literal pools.  The default
28423           is -mno-text-section-literals, which places literals in a separate
28424           section in the output file.  This allows the literal pool to be
28425           placed in a data RAM/ROM, and it also allows the linker to combine
28426           literal pools from separate object files to remove redundant
28427           literals and improve code size.  With -mtext-section-literals, the
28428           literals are interspersed in the text section in order to keep them
28429           as close as possible to their references.  This may be necessary
28430           for large assembly files.  Literals for each function are placed
28431           right before that function.
28433       -mauto-litpools
28434       -mno-auto-litpools
28435           These options control the treatment of literal pools.  The default
28436           is -mno-auto-litpools, which places literals in a separate section
28437           in the output file unless -mtext-section-literals is used.  With
28438           -mauto-litpools the literals are interspersed in the text section
28439           by the assembler.  Compiler does not produce explicit ".literal"
28440           directives and loads literals into registers with "MOVI"
28441           instructions instead of "L32R" to let the assembler do relaxation
28442           and place literals as necessary.  This option allows assembler to
28443           create several literal pools per function and assemble very big
28444           functions, which may not be possible with -mtext-section-literals.
28446       -mtarget-align
28447       -mno-target-align
28448           When this option is enabled, GCC instructs the assembler to
28449           automatically align instructions to reduce branch penalties at the
28450           expense of some code density.  The assembler attempts to widen
28451           density instructions to align branch targets and the instructions
28452           following call instructions.  If there are not enough preceding
28453           safe density instructions to align a target, no widening is
28454           performed.  The default is -mtarget-align.  These options do not
28455           affect the treatment of auto-aligned instructions like "LOOP",
28456           which the assembler always aligns, either by widening density
28457           instructions or by inserting NOP instructions.
28459       -mlongcalls
28460       -mno-longcalls
28461           When this option is enabled, GCC instructs the assembler to
28462           translate direct calls to indirect calls unless it can determine
28463           that the target of a direct call is in the range allowed by the
28464           call instruction.  This translation typically occurs for calls to
28465           functions in other source files.  Specifically, the assembler
28466           translates a direct "CALL" instruction into an "L32R" followed by a
28467           "CALLX" instruction.  The default is -mno-longcalls.  This option
28468           should be used in programs where the call target can potentially be
28469           out of range.  This option is implemented in the assembler, not the
28470           compiler, so the assembly code generated by GCC still shows direct
28471           call instructions---look at the disassembled object code to see the
28472           actual instructions.  Note that the assembler uses an indirect call
28473           for every cross-file call, not just those that really are out of
28474           range.
28476       -mabi=name
28477           Generate code for the specified ABI.  Permissible values are:
28478           call0, windowed.  Default ABI is chosen by the Xtensa core
28479           configuration.
28481       -mabi=call0
28482           When this option is enabled function parameters are passed in
28483           registers "a2" through "a7", registers "a12" through "a15" are
28484           caller-saved, and register "a15" may be used as a frame pointer.
28485           When this version of the ABI is enabled the C preprocessor symbol
28486           "__XTENSA_CALL0_ABI__" is defined.
28488       -mabi=windowed
28489           When this option is enabled function parameters are passed in
28490           registers "a10" through "a15", and called function rotates register
28491           window by 8 registers on entry so that its arguments are found in
28492           registers "a2" through "a7".  Register "a7" may be used as a frame
28493           pointer.  Register window is rotated 8 registers back upon return.
28494           When this version of the ABI is enabled the C preprocessor symbol
28495           "__XTENSA_WINDOWED_ABI__" is defined.
28497       zSeries Options
28499       These are listed under


28502       This section describes several environment variables that affect how
28503       GCC operates.  Some of them work by specifying directories or prefixes
28504       to use when searching for various kinds of files.  Some are used to
28505       specify other aspects of the compilation environment.
28507       Note that you can also specify places to search using options such as
28508       -B, -I and -L.  These take precedence over places specified using
28509       environment variables, which in turn take precedence over those
28510       specified by the configuration of GCC.
28512       LANG
28513       LC_CTYPE
28514       LC_MESSAGES
28515       LC_ALL
28516           These environment variables control the way that GCC uses
28517           localization information which allows GCC to work with different
28518           national conventions.  GCC inspects the locale categories LC_CTYPE
28519           and LC_MESSAGES if it has been configured to do so.  These locale
28520           categories can be set to any value supported by your installation.
28521           A typical value is en_GB.UTF-8 for English in the United Kingdom
28522           encoded in UTF-8.
28524           The LC_CTYPE environment variable specifies character
28525           classification.  GCC uses it to determine the character boundaries
28526           in a string; this is needed for some multibyte encodings that
28527           contain quote and escape characters that are otherwise interpreted
28528           as a string end or escape.
28530           The LC_MESSAGES environment variable specifies the language to use
28531           in diagnostic messages.
28533           If the LC_ALL environment variable is set, it overrides the value
28534           of LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES; otherwise, LC_CTYPE and LC_MESSAGES
28535           default to the value of the LANG environment variable.  If none of
28536           these variables are set, GCC defaults to traditional C English
28537           behavior.
28539       TMPDIR
28540           If TMPDIR is set, it specifies the directory to use for temporary
28541           files.  GCC uses temporary files to hold the output of one stage of
28542           compilation which is to be used as input to the next stage: for
28543           example, the output of the preprocessor, which is the input to the
28544           compiler proper.
28547           Setting GCC_COMPARE_DEBUG is nearly equivalent to passing
28548           -fcompare-debug to the compiler driver.  See the documentation of
28549           this option for more details.
28551       GCC_EXEC_PREFIX
28552           If GCC_EXEC_PREFIX is set, it specifies a prefix to use in the
28553           names of the subprograms executed by the compiler.  No slash is
28554           added when this prefix is combined with the name of a subprogram,
28555           but you can specify a prefix that ends with a slash if you wish.
28557           If GCC_EXEC_PREFIX is not set, GCC attempts to figure out an
28558           appropriate prefix to use based on the pathname it is invoked with.
28560           If GCC cannot find the subprogram using the specified prefix, it
28561           tries looking in the usual places for the subprogram.
28563           The default value of GCC_EXEC_PREFIX is prefix/lib/gcc/ where
28564           prefix is the prefix to the installed compiler. In many cases
28565           prefix is the value of "prefix" when you ran the configure script.
28567           Other prefixes specified with -B take precedence over this prefix.
28569           This prefix is also used for finding files such as crt0.o that are
28570           used for linking.
28572           In addition, the prefix is used in an unusual way in finding the
28573           directories to search for header files.  For each of the standard
28574           directories whose name normally begins with /usr/local/lib/gcc
28575           (more precisely, with the value of GCC_INCLUDE_DIR), GCC tries
28576           replacing that beginning with the specified prefix to produce an
28577           alternate directory name.  Thus, with -Bfoo/, GCC searches foo/bar
28578           just before it searches the standard directory /usr/local/lib/bar.
28579           If a standard directory begins with the configured prefix then the
28580           value of prefix is replaced by GCC_EXEC_PREFIX when looking for
28581           header files.
28583       COMPILER_PATH
28584           The value of COMPILER_PATH is a colon-separated list of
28585           directories, much like PATH.  GCC tries the directories thus
28586           specified when searching for subprograms, if it cannot find the
28587           subprograms using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.
28589       LIBRARY_PATH
28590           The value of LIBRARY_PATH is a colon-separated list of directories,
28591           much like PATH.  When configured as a native compiler, GCC tries
28592           the directories thus specified when searching for special linker
28593           files, if it cannot find them using GCC_EXEC_PREFIX.  Linking using
28594           GCC also uses these directories when searching for ordinary
28595           libraries for the -l option (but directories specified with -L come
28596           first).
28598       LANG
28599           This variable is used to pass locale information to the compiler.
28600           One way in which this information is used is to determine the
28601           character set to be used when character literals, string literals
28602           and comments are parsed in C and C++.  When the compiler is
28603           configured to allow multibyte characters, the following values for
28604           LANG are recognized:
28606           C-JIS
28607               Recognize JIS characters.
28609           C-SJIS
28610               Recognize SJIS characters.
28612           C-EUCJP
28613               Recognize EUCJP characters.
28615           If LANG is not defined, or if it has some other value, then the
28616           compiler uses "mblen" and "mbtowc" as defined by the default locale
28617           to recognize and translate multibyte characters.
28620           If GCC_EXTRA_DIAGNOSTIC_OUTPUT is set to one of the following
28621           values, then additional text will be emitted to stderr when fix-it
28622           hints are emitted.  -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits and
28623           -fno-diagnostics-parseable-fixits take precedence over this
28624           environment variable.
28626           fixits-v1
28627               Emit parseable fix-it hints, equivalent to
28628               -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits.  In particular, columns are
28629               expressed as a count of bytes, starting at byte 1 for the
28630               initial column.
28632           fixits-v2
28633               As "fixits-v1", but columns are expressed as display columns,
28634               as per -fdiagnostics-column-unit=display.
28636       Some additional environment variables affect the behavior of the
28637       preprocessor.
28639       CPATH
28640       C_INCLUDE_PATH
28643           Each variable's value is a list of directories separated by a
28644           special character, much like PATH, in which to look for header
28645           files.  The special character, "PATH_SEPARATOR", is target-
28646           dependent and determined at GCC build time.  For Microsoft Windows-
28647           based targets it is a semicolon, and for almost all other targets
28648           it is a colon.
28650           CPATH specifies a list of directories to be searched as if
28651           specified with -I, but after any paths given with -I options on the
28652           command line.  This environment variable is used regardless of
28653           which language is being preprocessed.
28655           The remaining environment variables apply only when preprocessing
28656           the particular language indicated.  Each specifies a list of
28657           directories to be searched as if specified with -isystem, but after
28658           any paths given with -isystem options on the command line.
28660           In all these variables, an empty element instructs the compiler to
28661           search its current working directory.  Empty elements can appear at
28662           the beginning or end of a path.  For instance, if the value of
28663           CPATH is ":/special/include", that has the same effect as
28664           -I. -I/special/include.
28667           If this variable is set, its value specifies how to output
28668           dependencies for Make based on the non-system header files
28669           processed by the compiler.  System header files are ignored in the
28670           dependency output.
28672           The value of DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT can be just a file name, in which
28673           case the Make rules are written to that file, guessing the target
28674           name from the source file name.  Or the value can have the form
28675           file target, in which case the rules are written to file file using
28676           target as the target name.
28678           In other words, this environment variable is equivalent to
28679           combining the options -MM and -MF, with an optional -MT switch too.
28682           This variable is the same as DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT (see above),
28683           except that system header files are not ignored, so it implies -M
28684           rather than -MM.  However, the dependence on the main input file is
28685           omitted.
28688           If this variable is set, its value specifies a UNIX timestamp to be
28689           used in replacement of the current date and time in the "__DATE__"
28690           and "__TIME__" macros, so that the embedded timestamps become
28691           reproducible.
28693           The value of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must be a UNIX timestamp, defined as
28694           the number of seconds (excluding leap seconds) since 01 Jan 1970
28695           00:00:00 represented in ASCII; identical to the output of "date
28696           +%s" on GNU/Linux and other systems that support the %s extension
28697           in the "date" command.
28699           The value should be a known timestamp such as the last modification
28700           time of the source or package and it should be set by the build
28701           process.


28704       For instructions on reporting bugs, see
28705       <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla>.


28708       1.  On some systems, gcc -shared needs to build supplementary stub code
28709           for constructors to work.  On multi-libbed systems, gcc -shared
28710           must select the correct support libraries to link against.  Failing
28711           to supply the correct flags may lead to subtle defects.  Supplying
28712           them in cases where they are not necessary is innocuous.


28715       gpl(7), gfdl(7), fsf-funding(7), cpp(1), gcov(1), as(1), ld(1), gdb(1),
28716       dbx(1) and the Info entries for gcc, cpp, as, ld, binutils and gdb.


28719       See the Info entry for gcc, or
28720       <https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Contributors.html>, for
28721       contributors to GCC.
28724       Copyright (c) 1988-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
28726       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
28727       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or
28728       any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
28729       Invariant Sections being "GNU General Public License" and "Funding Free
28730       Software", the Front-Cover texts being (a) (see below), and with the
28731       Back-Cover Texts being (b) (see below).  A copy of the license is
28732       included in the gfdl(7) man page.
28734       (a) The FSF's Front-Cover Text is:
28736            A GNU Manual
28738       (b) The FSF's Back-Cover Text is:
28740            You have freedom to copy and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU
28741            software.  Copies published by the Free Software Foundation raise
28742            funds for GNU development.
28746gcc-12.2.1                        2022-11-21                            GCC(1)