1v.surf.rst(1)               GRASS GIS User's Manual              v.surf.rst(1)


6       v.surf.rst   - Performs surface interpolation from vector points map by
7       splines.
8       Spatial approximation and topographic analysis from given point or iso‐
9       line  data in vector format to floating point raster format using regu‐
10       larized spline with tension.


13       vector, surface, interpolation, splines, RST, 3D, no-data filling, par‐
14       allel


17       v.surf.rst
18       v.surf.rst --help
19       v.surf.rst    [-ctd]    input=name    [layer=string]     [zcolumn=name]
20       [where=sql_query]    [elevation=name]    [slope=name]     [aspect=name]
21       [pcurvature=name]     [tcurvature=name]    [mcurvature=name]    [devia‐
22       tions=name]      [cvdev=name]       [treeseg=name]       [overwin=name]
23       [nprocs=integer]     [mask=name]     [tension=float]     [smooth=float]
24       [smooth_column=string]         [segmax=integer]         [npmin=integer]
25       [dmin=float]       [dmax=float]       [zscale=float]      [theta=float]
26       [scalex=float]    [--overwrite]    [--help]    [--verbose]    [--quiet]
27       [--ui]
29   Flags:
30       -c
31           Perform cross-validation procedure without raster approximation
33       -t
34           Use scale dependent tension
36       -d
37           Output partial derivatives instead of topographic parameters
39       --overwrite
40           Allow output files to overwrite existing files
42       --help
43           Print usage summary
45       --verbose
46           Verbose module output
48       --quiet
49           Quiet module output
51       --ui
52           Force launching GUI dialog
54   Parameters:
55       input=name [required]
56           Name of input vector map
57           Or data source for direct OGR access
59       layer=string
60           Layer number or name
61           Vector  features can have category values in different layers. This
62           number determines which layer to use. When used with direct OGR ac‐
63           cess this is the layer name.
64           Default: 1
66       zcolumn=name
67           Name  of the attribute column with values to be used for approxima‐
68           tion
69           If not given and input is 2D vector map then  category  values  are
70           used. If input is 3D vector map then z-coordinates are used.
72       where=sql_query
73           WHERE conditions of SQL statement without ’where’ keyword
74           Example: income < 1000 and population >= 10000
76       elevation=name
77           Name for output surface elevation raster map
79       slope=name
80           Name for output slope raster map
82       aspect=name
83           Name for output aspect raster map
85       pcurvature=name
86           Name for output profile curvature raster map
88       tcurvature=name
89           Name for output tangential curvature raster map
91       mcurvature=name
92           Name for output mean curvature raster map
94       deviations=name
95           Name for output deviations vector point map
97       cvdev=name
98           Name for output cross-validation errors vector point map
100       treeseg=name
101           Name for output vector map showing quadtree segmentation
103       overwin=name
104           Name for output vector map showing overlapping windows
106       nprocs=integer
107           Number of threads for parallel computing
108           Default: 1
110       mask=name
111           Name of raster map used as mask
113       tension=float
114           Tension parameter
115           Default: 40.
117       smooth=float
118           Smoothing parameter
119           Smoothing is by default 0.5 unless smooth_column is specified
121       smooth_column=string
122           Name of the attribute column with smoothing parameters
124       segmax=integer
125           Maximum number of points in a segment
126           Default: 40
128       npmin=integer
129           Minimum number of points for approximation in a segment (>segmax)
130           Default: 300
132       dmin=float
133           Minimum distance between points (to remove almost identical points)
135       dmax=float
136           Maximum  distance  between  points on isoline (to insert additional
137           points)
139       zscale=float
140           Conversion factor for values used for approximation
141           Default: 1.0
143       theta=float
144           Anisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East)
146       scalex=float
147           Anisotropy scaling factor


150       v.surf.rst program performs spatial  approximation  based  on  z-values
151       (input vector map is 3D and zcolumn parameter is not given), categories
152       (input vector map is 2D and zcolumn parameter is  not  given),  or  at‐
153       tributes (zcolumn parameter is given) of point or isoline data given in
154       a vector map named input to grid cells in the output raster map  eleva‐
155       tion representing a surface.
157       As an option, simultaneously with approximation, topographic parameters
158       slope, aspect, profile curvature (measured  in  the  direction  of  the
159       steepest  slope),  tangential curvature (measured in the direction of a
160       tangent to contour line) or mean curvature are computed  and  saved  as
161       raster maps specified by the options slope, aspect, pcurv, tcurv, mcurv
162       respectively. If -d flag is set, v.surf.rst outputs partial derivatives
163       fx,fy,fxx,  fyy,fxy  instead  of slope, aspect, profile, tangential and
164       mean curvatures respectively. If the input vector map have time  stamp,
165       the program creates time stamp for all output maps.
167       User  can  either  use  r.mask to set a mask or specify a raster map in
168       mask option, which will be used as a mask. The approximation is skipped
169       for  cells  which  have zero or NULL value in mask. NULL values will be
170       assigned to these cells in all output  raster  maps.  Data  points  are
171       checked  for  identical points and points that are closer to each other
172       than the given dmin are removed.  If  sparsely  digitized  contours  or
173       isolines are used as input, additional points are computed between each
174       2 points on a line if the distance between them is greater than  speci‐
175       fied  dmax.  Parameter zmult allows user to rescale the values used for
176       approximation (useful e.g. for transformation of  elevations  given  in
177       feet  to meters, so that the proper values of slopes and curvatures can
178       be computed).
180       Regularized spline with tension is used for the approximation. The ten‐
181       sion  parameter  tunes the character of the resulting surface from thin
182       plate to membrane. Smoothing parameter smooth  controls  the  deviation
183       between  the  given points and the resulting surface and it can be very
184       effective in smoothing noisy  data  while  preserving  the  geometrical
185       properties  of  the  surface.  With the smoothing parameter set to zero
186       (smooth=0) the resulting surface passes exactly through the data points
187       (spatial interpolation is performed). When smoothing parameter is used,
188       it is also possible to output a vector point map deviations  containing
189       deviations of the resulting surface from the given data.
191       If  the  number  of given points is greater than segmax, segmented pro‐
192       cessing is used. The region is split  into  quadtree-based  rectangular
193       segments, each having less than segmax points and approximation is per‐
194       formed on each segment of the region. To ensure  smooth  connection  of
195       segments  the approximation function for each segment is computed using
196       the points in the given segment and  the  points  in  its  neighborhood
197       which  are in the rectangular window surrounding the given segment. The
198       number of points taken for approximation is controlled  by  npmin,  the
199       value  of  which must be larger than segmax.  User can choose to output
200       vector maps treeseg and overwin which represent the quad tree used  for
201       segmentation and overlapping neighborhoods from which additional points
202       for approximation on each segment were taken.
204       Predictive error of surface approximation for given parameters  can  be
205       computed  using  the  -c flag. A crossvalidation procedure is then per‐
206       formed using the data given in the vector map input and  the  estimated
207       predictive  errors are stored in the vector point map cvdev. When using
208       this flag, no raster output maps are  computed.   Anisotropic  surfaces
209       can  be interpolated by setting anisotropy angle theta and scaling fac‐
210       tor scalex.  The program writes values of selected input and internally
211       computed parameters to the history file of raster map elevation.
213       The  user  must  run  g.region before the program to set the region and
214       resolution for approximation.


217       v.surf.rst uses regularized spline with tension for approximation  from
218       vector  data.  The  module  does  not require input data with topology,
219       therefore both level1 (no topology) and level2 (with  topology)  vector
220       point data are supported.  Additional points are used for approximation
221       between each 2 points on a line if the distance between them is greater
222       than  specified dmax. If dmax is small (less than cell size) the number
223       of added data points can be vary large and slow down approximation sig‐
224       nificantly.   The  implementation has a segmentation procedure based on
225       quadtrees which enhances the efficiency for large  data  sets.  Special
226       color tables are created by the program for output raster maps.
228       Topographic  parameters  are  computed  directly from the approximation
229       function so that the important relationships between  these  parameters
230       are  preserved.  The  equations for computation of these parameters and
231       their interpretation is described in Mitasova  and  Hofierka,  1993  or
232       Neteler and Mitasova, 2004).  Slopes and aspect are computed in degrees
233       (0-90 and 1-360 respectively).  The aspect raster map has value  0  as‐
234       signed to flat areas (with slope less than 0.1%) and to singular points
235       with undefined aspect. Aspect points downslope and is 90 to the  North,
236       180  to  the West, 270 to the South and 360 to the East, the values in‐
237       crease counterclockwise. Curvatures are positive for convex  and  nega‐
238       tive  for concave areas. Singular points with undefined curvatures have
239       assigned zero values.
241       Tension and smoothing allow user to tune the  surface  character.   For
242       most landscape scale applications the default values should provide ad‐
243       equate results.  The program gives warning when significant  overshoots
244       appear  in the resulting surface and higher tension or smoothing should
245       be used.
247       To select parameters that will produce a surface with  desired  proper‐
248       ties,  it  is useful to know that the method is scale dependent and the
249       tension works as a rescaling parameter  (high  tension  "increases  the
250       distances  between  the points" and reduces the range of impact of each
251       point, low tension "decreases the distance" and  the  points  influence
252       each  other  over  longer range). Surface with tension set too high be‐
253       haves like a membrane (rubber sheet stretched  over  the  data  points)
254       with peak or pit ("crater") in each given point and everywhere else the
255       surface goes rapidly to trend. If digitized contours are used as  input
256       data,  high  tension  can  cause artificial waves along contours. Lower
257       tension and higher smoothing is suggested for such a case.
259       Surface with tension set too low behaves like a stiff steel  plate  and
260       overshoots  can  appear in areas with rapid change of gradient and seg‐
261       mentation can be visible. Increase in tension should  solve  the  prob‐
262       lems.
264       There  are  two options how tension can be applied in relation to dnorm
265       (dnorm rescales the coordinates depending on the average  data  density
266       so  that  the size of segments with segmax=40 points is around 1 - this
267       ensures the numerical stability of the computation):
269       1      Default:  the  given  tension  is  applied  to  normalized  data
270              (x/dnorm),   that   means  that  the  distances  are  multiplied
271              (rescaled) by tension/dnorm. If density of  points  is  changed,
272              e.g.,  by using higher dmin, the dnorm changes and tension needs
273              to be changed too to get the same result.  Because  the  tension
274              is  applied  to  normalized  data  its suitable value is usually
275              within the 10-100 range and does not depend on the actual  scale
276              (distances)  of  the original data (which can be km for regional
277              applications or cm for field experiments).
279       2      Flag-t: The given  tension  is  applied  to  un-normalized  data
280              (rescaled  tension = tension*dnorm/1000 is applied to normalized
281              data (x/dnorm) and therefore dnorm cancels out) so here  tension
282              truly works as a rescaling parameter.  For regional applications
283              with distances between points in km the suitable tension can  be
284              500  or higher, for detailed field scale analysis it can be 0.1.
285              To help select how much the data need to be rescaled the program
286              writes  dnorm  and rescaled tension fi=tension*dnorm/1000 at the
287              beginning of the program run. This rescaled  tension  should  be
288              around 20-30. If it is lower or higher, the given tension param‐
289              eter should be changed accordingly.
291       The default is a recommended choice, however for the applications where
292       the user needs to change density of data and preserve the approximation
293       character the -t flag can be helpful.
295       Anisotropic data (e.g. geologic phenomena) can  be  interpolated  using
296       theta  and  scalex  defining orientation and ratio of the perpendicular
297       axes put on the longest/shortest side  of  the  feature,  respectively.
298       Theta  is  measured in degrees from East, counterclockwise. Scalex is a
299       ratio of axes sizes.  Setting scalex in the range  0-1,  results  in  a
300       pattern  prolonged  in the direction defined by theta. Scalex value 0.5
301       means that modeled feature is approximately 2 times longer in  the  di‐
302       rection  of  theta than in the perpendicular direction.  Scalex value 2
303       means that axes ratio is reverse resulting in a  pattern  perpendicular
304       to  the  previous  example.  Please note that anisotropy option has not
305       been extensively tested and may include bugs (for example,  topographic
306       parameters  may  not  be  computed  correctly) - if there are problems,
307       please report to GRASS bugtracker  (accessible  from  https://grass.os
308       geo.org/).
310       For  data  with  values changing over several magnitudes (sometimes the
311       concentration or density data) it is suggested to interpolate  the  log
312       of the values rather than the original ones.
314       v.surf.rst checks the numerical stability of the algorithm by computing
315       the values in given points, and prints the root mean  square  deviation
316       (rms) found into the history file of raster map elevation. For computa‐
317       tion with smoothing set to 0, rms should be 0. Significant increase  in
318       tension  is  suggested  if  the rms is unexpectedly high for this case.
319       With smoothing parameter greater than zero the surface  will  not  pass
320       exactly through the data points and the higher the parameter the closer
321       the surface will be to the trend. The rms then represents a measure  of
322       smoothing  effect  on data. More detailed analysis of smoothing effects
323       can be performed using the output deviations option.
325       v.surf.rst also writes the values of  parameters  used  in  computation
326       into  the comment part of history file elevation as well as the follow‐
327       ing values which help to evaluate the results and choose  the  suitable
328       parameters:  minimum  and maximum z values in the data file (zmin_data,
329       zmax_data) and in the interpolated  raster  map  (zmin_int,  zmax_int),
330       rescaling  parameter  used  for normalization (dnorm), which influences
331       the tension.
333       If visible connection of segments appears, the program should be  rerun
334       with  higher  npmin  to  get more points from the neighborhood of given
335       segment and/or with higher tension.
337       When the number of points in a vector map is not too large  (less  than
338       800), the user can skip segmentation by setting segmax to the number of
339       data points or segmax=700.
341       v.surf.rst gives warning when user wants  to  interpolate  outside  the
342       rectangle  given  by minimum and maximum coordinates in the vector map,
343       zoom into the area where the given data are is suggested in this case.
345       When a mask is used, the program takes all points in the  given  region
346       for  approximation, including those in the area which is masked out, to
347       ensure proper approximation along the border of the mask. It  therefore
348       does  not  mask  out  the data points, if this is desirable, it must be
349       done outside v.surf.rst.
351   Cross validation procedure
352       The "optimal" approximation parameters for given data can be found  us‐
353       ing  a  cross-validation (CV) procedure (-c flag).  The CV procedure is
354       based on removing one input data point at a time,  performing  the  ap‐
355       proximation  for  the location of the removed point using the remaining
356       data points and calculating the difference between the actual  and  ap‐
357       proximated  value for the removed data point. The procedure is repeated
358       until every data point has been, in turn, removed. This form of  CV  is
359       also  known  as the "leave-one-out" or "jack-knife" method (Hofierka et
360       al., 2002; Hofierka, 2005). The differences (residuals) are then stored
361       in  the  cvdev output vector map. Please note that during the CV proce‐
362       dure no other output maps can be set, the  approximation  is  performed
363       only  for  locations  defined  by input data.  To find "optimal parame‐
364       ters", the CV procedure must be iteratively performed for  all  reason‐
365       able  combinations of the approximation parameters with small incremen‐
366       tal steps (e.g. tension, smoothing) in order to find a combination with
367       minimal  statistical  error  (also  called predictive error) defined by
368       root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) or other  er‐
369       ror characteristics.  A script with loops for tested RST parameters can
370       do the job, necessary statistics can be calculated using e.g. v.univar.
371       It  should be noted that crossvalidation is a time-consuming procedure,
372       usually reasonable for up to several thousands of  points.  For  larger
373       data sets, CV should be applied to a representative subset of the data.
374       The cross-validation procedure works well only for well-sampled phenom‐
375       ena  and when minimizing the predictive error is the goal.  The parame‐
376       ters found by minimizing the predictive (CV) error may not not  be  the
377       best  for  for  poorly  sampled  phenomena  (result  could  be strongly
378       smoothed with lost details and fluctuations) or when significant  noise
379       is present that needs to be smoothed out.


382   Setting for lidar point cloud
383       Lidar  point clouds as well as UAS SfM-based (phodar) point clouds tend
384       to be dense in relation to the desired raster  resolution  and  thus  a
385       different set of parameters is more advantageous, e.g. in comparison to
386       a typical temperature data interpolation.
387       v.surf.rst input=points elevation=elevation npmin=100
389   Usage of the where parameter
390       Using the where parameter, the interpolation can be limited to use only
391       a subset of the input vectors.
393       North Carolina example (we simulate randomly distributed elevation mea‐
394       sures which we interpolate to a gap-free elevation surface):
395       g.region raster=elevation -p
396       # random elevation extraction of 500 samplings
397       r.random elevation vector_output=elevrand n=500
398       v.info -c elevrand
399       v.db.select elevrand
400       # interpolation based on all points
401       v.surf.rst elevrand zcol=value elevation=elev_full
402       # apply the color table of the original raster map
403       r.colors elev_full raster=elevation
404       d.rast elev_full
405       d.vect elevrand
406       # interpolation based on subset of points (only those over 1300m/asl)
407       v.surf.rst elevrand zcol=value elevation=elev_partial where="value > 1300"
408       r.colors elev_partial raster=elevation
409       d.rast elev_partial
410       d.vect elevrand where="value > 1300"


413           •   Mitasova, H., Mitas, L. and Harmon,  R.S.,  2005,  Simultaneous
414               spline  approximation and topographic analysis for lidar eleva‐
415               tion data in open source GIS, IEEE GRSL 2 (4), 375- 379.
417           •   Hofierka, J., 2005, Interpolation of Radioactivity  Data  Using
418               Regularized  Spline  with  Tension. Applied GIS, Vol. 1, No. 2,
419               pp. 16-01 to 16-13. DOI: 10.2104/ag050016
421           •   Hofierka J., Parajka J., Mitasova H., Mitas  L.,  2002,  Multi‐
422               variate Interpolation of Precipitation Using Regularized Spline
423               with Tension.  Transactions in GIS 6(2), pp. 135-150.
425           •   H. Mitasova, L. Mitas, B.M. Brown, D.P. Gerdes, I.  Kosinovsky,
426               1995,  Modeling spatially and temporally distributed phenomena:
427               New methods and tools for GRASS GIS. International  Journal  of
428               GIS,  9 (4), special issue on Integrating GIS and Environmental
429               modeling, 433-446.
431           •   Mitasova, H. and Mitas, L., 1993: Interpolation by  Regularized
432               Spline with Tension: I. Theory and Implementation, Mathematical
433               Geology ,25, 641-655.
435           •   Mitasova, H. and Hofierka, J., 1993: Interpolation by  Regular‐
436               ized  Spline  with Tension: II. Application to Terrain Modeling
437               and  Surface  Geometry  Analysis,  Mathematical   Geology   25,
438               657-667.
440           •   Mitas, L., and Mitasova H., 1988,  General variational approach
441               to the approximation problem, Computers  and  Mathematics  with
442               Applications, v.16, p. 983-992.
444           •   Neteler,  M.  and  Mitasova, H., 2008, Open Source GIS: A GRASS
445               GIS Approach, 3rd Edition, Springer, New York, 406 pages.
447           •   Talmi, A. and Gilat, G., 1977 : Method for Smooth Approximation
448               of Data, Journal of Computational Physics, 23, p.93-123.
450           •   Wahba,  G.,  1990,  :  Spline  Models  for  Observational Data,
451               CNMS-NSF Regional Conference series in applied mathematics, 59,
452               SIAM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


455        v.vol.rst, v.surf.idw, v.surf.bspline, r.fillnulls, g.region
457       Overview: Interpolation and Resampling in GRASS GIS
459       For  examples  of applications see GRASS4 implementation and GRASS5 and
460       GRASS6 implementation.


463       Original version of program (in FORTRAN) and GRASS enhancements:
464       Lubos Mitas, NCSA, University of Illinois at  Urbana  Champaign,  Illi‐
465       nois, USA (1990-2000); Department of Physics, North Carolina State Uni‐
466       versity, Raleigh
467       Helena Mitasova, USA CERL, Department of Geography, University of Illi‐
468       nois  at  Urbana-Champaign, USA (1990-2001); MEAS, North Carolina State
469       University, Raleigh
471       Modified program (translated to C, adapted for GRASS, new  segmentation
472       procedure):
473       Irina Kosinovsky, US Army CERL, Dave Gerdes, US Army CERL
475       Modifications for new sites format and timestamping:
476       Darrel McCauley, Purdue University, Bill Brown, US Army CERL
478       Update for GRASS5.7, GRASS6 and addition of crossvalidation:
479       Jaroslav Hofierka, University of Presov; Radim Blazek, ITC-irst
481       Parallelization using OpenMP:
482       Stanislav Zubal, Czech Technical University in Prague
483       Michal Lacko, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice


486       Available at: v.surf.rst source code (history)
488       Accessed: Saturday Jan 21 20:40:17 2023
490       Main  index  | Vector index | Topics index | Keywords index | Graphical
491       index | Full index
493       © 2003-2023 GRASS Development Team, GRASS GIS 8.2.1 Reference Manual
497GRASS 8.2.1                                                      v.surf.rst(1)