1v.surf.rst(1)                 Grass User's Manual                v.surf.rst(1)


6       v.surf.rst  - Spatial approximation and topographic analysis from given
7       point or isoline data in vector format to floating point raster  format
8       using regularized spline with tension.


11       vector


14       v.surf.rst
15       v.surf.rst help
16       v.surf.rst   [-dtc]  input=string   [layer=integer]    [zcolumn=string]
17       [scolumn=string]      [dmax=float]      [dmin=float]      [devi=string]
18       [cvdev=string]     [elev=string]     [slope=string]     [aspect=string]
19       [pcurv=string]    [tcurv=string]    [mcurv=string]     [maskmap=string]
20       [zmult=float]     [tension=float]    [smooth=float]    [segmax=integer]
21       [npmin=integer]    [theta=float]    [scalex=float]    [treefile=string]
22       [overfile=string]   [--overwrite]
24   Flags:
25       -d  Output partial derivatives instead of topographic parameters
27       -t  Use scale dependent tension
29       -c  Perform cross-validation procedure without raster approximation
31       --overwrite
33   Parameters:
34       input=string
35           Name of the vector file with input data
37       layer=integer
38           Field  value. If set to 0, z coordinates are used. (3D vector only)
39           Default: 1
41       zcolumn=string
42           Name of the attribute column with values to be used for  approxima‐
43           tion (if layer>0)
45       scolumn=string
46           Name of the attribute column with smoothing parameters
48       dmax=float
49           Maximum  distance  between  points on isoline (to insert additional
50           points) Default: 2.500000
52       dmin=float
53           Minimum distance between points (to remove almost identical points)
54           Default: 0.500000
56       devi=string
57           Output deviations vector point file
59       cvdev=string
60           Output cross-validation errors vector point file
62       elev=string
63           Output surface raster file (elevation)
65       slope=string
66           Output slope raster file
68       aspect=string
69           Output aspect raster file
71       pcurv=string
72           Output profile curvature raster file
74       tcurv=string
75           Output tangential curvature raster file
77       mcurv=string
78           Output mean curvature raster file
80       maskmap=string
81           Name of the raster file used as mask
83       zmult=float
84           Conversion factor for values used for approximation Default: 1.0
86       tension=float
87           Tension parameter Default: 40.
89       smooth=float
90           Smoothing parameter
92       segmax=integer
93           Maximum number of points in a segment Default: 40
95       npmin=integer
96           Minimum  number  of points for approximation in a segment (>segmax)
97           Default: 300
99       theta=float
100           Anisotropy angle (in degrees counterclockwise from East)
102       scalex=float
103           Anisotropy scaling factor
105       treefile=string
106           Output vector file showing quadtree segmentation
108       overfile=string
109           Output vector file showing overlapping windows


112       v.surf.rst
113       This program  performs  spatial  approximation  based  on  z-values  or
114       attributes  of point or isoline data given in a vector file named input
115       to grid cells in the output raster file elev representing a surface. As
116       an  option,  simultaneously  with approximation, topographic parameters
117       slope, aspect, profile curvature (measured  in  the  direction  of  the
118       steepest  slope),  tangential curvature (measured in the direction of a
119       tangent to contour line) or mean curvature are computed  and  saved  as
120       raster  files  specified  by  the  options slope, aspect, pcurv, tcurv,
121       mcurv respectively. If -d flag is set, the program outputs partial  de‐
122       rivatives fx,fy,fxx, fyy,fxy instead of slope, aspect, profile, tangen‐
123       tial and mean curvatures respectively.  If the  input  data  have  time
124       stamp, the program creates time stamp for all output files.
126       User  can  define  a raster file named maskmap, which will be used as a
127       mask. The approximation is skipped for cells which have  zero  or  NULL
128       value  in mask. NULL values will be assigned to these cells in all out‐
129       put raster files. Data points are  checked  for  identical  points  and
130       points  that  are closer to each other than the given dmin are removed.
131       If sparsely digitized contours or isolines are  used  as  input,  addi‐
132       tional  points are computed between each 2 points on a line if the dis‐
133       tance between them is greater  than  specified  dmax.  Parameter  zmult
134       allows  user  to rescale the values used for approximation (useful e.g.
135       for transformation of elevations given in feet to meters, so  that  the
136       proper values of slopes and curvatures can be computed).
138       Regularized spline with tension is used for the approximation. The ten‐
139       sion parameter tunes the character of the resulting surface  from  thin
140       plate  to  membrane.  Smoothing parameter smooth controls the deviation
141       between the given points and the resulting surface and it can  be  very
142       effective  in  smoothing  noisy  data  while preserving the geometrical
143       properties of the surface.  With the smoothing parameter  set  to  zero
144       (smooth=0) the resulting surface passes exactly through the data points
145       (spatial interpolation is performed). When smoothing parameter is used,
146       it is also possible to output a vector point file devi containing devi‐
147       ations of the resulting surface from the given data.
149       If the number of given points is greater than  segmax,  segmented  pro‐
150       cessing  is  used . The region is split into quadtree-based rectangular
151       segments, each having less than segmax points and approximation is per‐
152       formed  on  each  segment of the region. To ensure smooth connection of
153       segments the approximation function for each segment is computed  using
154       the  points  in  the  given  segment and the points in its neighborhood
155       which are in the rectangular window surrounding the given segment.  The
156       number  of  points  taken for approximation is controlled by npmin, the
157       value of which must be larger than segmax.  User can choose  to  output
158       vector  files  treefile and overfile which represent the quad tree used
159       for segmentation and overlapping neighborhoods  from  which  additional
160       points for approximation on each segment were taken.
162       Predictive  error  of surface approximation for given parameters can be
163       computed using the -c flag. A crossvalidation procedure  is  then  per‐
164       formed  using the data given in the vector file input and the estimated
165       predictive errors are stored in the vector point file cvdev. When using
166       this  flag,  no raster output files are computed.  Anisotropic surfaces
167       can be interpolated by setting anisotropy angle theta and scaling  fac‐
168       tor scalex.  The program writes values of selected input and internally
169       computed parameters to the history file of raster map elev.


172       v.surf.rst uses regularized spline with tension for approximation  from
173       vector  data.  The  module  does  not require input data with topology,
174       therefore both level1 (no topology) and level2 (with  topology)  vector
175       point data are supported.  Additional points are used for approximation
176       between each 2 points on a line if the distance between them is greater
177       than  specified dmax. If dmax is small (less than cell size) the number
178       of added data points can be vary large and slow down approximation sig‐
179       nificantly.   The  implementation has a segmentation procedure based on
180       quadtrees which enhances the efficiency for large  data  sets.  Special
181       color tables are created by the program for output raster files.
183       Topographic  parameters  are  computed  directly from the approximation
184       function so that the important relationships between  these  parameters
185       are  preserved.  The  equations for computation of these parameters and
186       their interpretation is described in Mitasova  and  Hofierka,  1993  or
187       Neteler and Mitasova, 2004).  Slopes and aspect are computed in degrees
188       (0-90 and 1-360 respectively).  The aspect  raster  file  has  value  0
189       assigned  to  flat  areas  (with  slope less than 0.1%) and to singular
190       points with undefined aspect. Aspect points downslope and is 90 to  the
191       North,  180 to the West, 270 to the South and 360 to the East, the val‐
192       ues increase counterclockwise. Curvatures are positive for  convex  and
193       negative  for  concave areas. Singular points with undefined curvatures
194       have assigned zero values.
196       Tension and smoothing allow user to tune the  surface  character.   For
197       most  landscape  scale  applications  the default values should provide
198       adequate results.  The program gives  warning  when  significant  over‐
199       shoots  appear in the resulting surface and higher tension or smoothing
200       should be used.  To select parameters that will produce a surface  with
201       desired  properties,  it  is  useful  to  know that the method is scale
202       dependent and the tension works as a rescaling parameter (high  tension
203       "increases  the  distances between the points" and reduces the range of
204       impact of each point, low tension  "decreases  the  distance"  and  the
205       points  influence  each  other over longer range). Surface with tension
206       set too high behaves like a membrane (rubber sheet stretched  over  the
207       data points) with peak or pit ("crater") in each given point and every‐
208       where else the surface goes rapidly to trend. If digitized contours are
209       used  as input data, high tension can cause artificial waves along con‐
210       tours. Lower tension and higher smoothing is suggested for such a case.
211       Surface with tension set too low behaves like a stiff steel  plate  and
212       overshoots  can  appear in areas with rapid change of gradient and seg‐
213       mentation can be visible. Increase in tension should  solve  the  prob‐
214       lems.
215       There  are  two options how tension can be applied in relation to dnorm
216       (dnorm rescales the coordinates depending on the average  data  density
217       so  that  the size of segments with segmax=40 points is around 1 - this
218       ensures the numerical stability of the computation):
220       1.  Default:  the  given  tension  is  applied   to   normalized   data
221       (x/dnorm..), that means that the distances are multiplied (rescaled) by
222       tension/dnorm. If density of points is changed, e.g., by  using  higher
223       dmin,  the dnorm changes and tension needs to be changed too to get the
224       same result.  Because the tension is applied  to  normalized  data  its
225       suitable  value  is usually within the 10-100 range and does not depend
226       on the actual scale (distances) of the original data (which can  be  km
227       for regional applications or cm for field experiments).
228       2.  Flag  -t  :  The  given  tension  is  applied to un-normalized data
229       (rescaled tension = tension*dnorm/1000 is applied  to  normalized  data
230       (x/dnorm)  and therefore dnorm cancels out) so here tension truly works
231       as a rescaling parameter.  For  regional  applications  with  distances
232       between  points  in  km. the suitable tension can be 500 or higher, for
233       detailed field scale analysis it can be 0.1. To help  select  how  much
234       the data need to be rescaled the program writes dnorm and rescaled ten‐
235       sion fi=tension*dnorm/1000 at the beginning of the  program  run.  This
236       rescaled  tension should be around 20-30. If it is lower or higher, the
237       given tension parameter should be changed accordingly.
239       The default is a recommended choice, however for the applications where
240       the user needs to change density of data and preserve the approximation
241       character the -t flag can be helpful.
243       Anisotropic data (e.g. geologic phenomena) can  be  interpolated  using
244       theta  and  scalex  defining orientation and ratio of the perpendicular
245       axes put on the longest/shortest side  of  the  feature,  respectively.
246       Theta  is  measured in degrees from East, counterclockwise. Scalex is a
247       ratio of axes sizes.  Setting scalex in the range  0-1,  results  in  a
248       pattern  prolonged  in the direction defined by theta. Scalex value 0.5
249       means that modeled feature is  approximately  2  times  longer  in  the
250       direction of theta than in the perpendicular direction.  Scalex value 2
251       means that axes ratio is reverse resulting in a  pattern  perpendicular
252       to  the  previous  example.  Please note that anisotropy option has not
253       been extensively tested and may include bugs (for example , topographic
254       parameters  may  not  be  computed  correctly) - if there are problems,
255       please    report    to    GRASS     bugtracker     (accessible     from
256       http://grass.itc.it/).
258       For  data  with  values changing over several magnitudes (sometimes the
259       concentration or density data) it is suggested to interpolate  the  log
260       of the values rather than the original ones.
262       The  program checks the numerical stability of the algorithm by comput‐
263       ing the values in given points, and prints the root mean square  devia‐
264       tion (rms) found into the history file of raster map elev. For computa‐
265       tion with smoothing set to 0. rms should be 0. Significant increase  in
266       tension  is  suggested  if  the rms is unexpectedly high for this case.
267       With smoothing parameter greater than zero the surface  will  not  pass
268       exactly through the data points and the higher the parameter the closer
269       the surface will be to the trend. The rms then represents a measure  of
270       smoothing  effect  on data. More detailed analysis of smoothing effects
271       can be performed using the output deviations option.
273   Cross validation procedure
274       The "optimal" approximation parameters for  given  data  can  be  found
275       using a cross-validation (CV) procedure (-c flag).  The CV procedure is
276       based on removing one input  data  point  at  a  time,  performing  the
277       approximation for the location of the removed point using the remaining
278       data points and calculating  the  difference  between  the  actual  and
279       approximated  value  for  the  removed  data  point.  The  procedure is
280       repeated until every data point has been, in turn, removed.  This  form
281       of  CV  is  also  known  as  the "leave-one-out" or "jack-knife" method
282       (Hofierka et al., 2002; Hofierka, 2005).  The  differences  (residuals)
283       are  then stored in the cvdev output vector file. Please note that dur‐
284       ing the CV procedure no other output files can be set,  the  approxima‐
285       tion  is  performed  only for locations defined by input data.  To find
286       "optimal parameters", the CV procedure must  be  iteratively  performed
287       for  all  reasonable  combinations of the approximation parameters with
288       small incremental steps (e.g. tension, smoothing) in order  to  find  a
289       combination  with  minimal  statistical  error  (also called predictive
290       error) defined by root mean squared error (RMSE), mean  absolute  error
291       (MAE)  or  other error characteristics.  A script with loops for tested
292       RST parameters can do the job, necessary statistics can  be  calculated
293       using e.g. v.univar. It should be noted that crossvalidation is a time-
294       consuming procedure, usually reasonable for up to several thousands  of
295       points.  For larger data sets, CV should be applied to a representative
296       subset of the data. The cross-validation procedure works well only  for
297       well-sampled  phenomena and when minimizing the predictive error is the
298       goal.  The parameters found by minimizing the predictive (CV) error may
299       not  not  be the best for for poorly sampled phenomena (result could be
300       strongly smoothed with lost details and fluctuations) or when  signifi‐
301       cant noise is present that needs to be smoothed out.
303       The  program  writes  the values of parameters used in computation into
304       the comment part of history file elev as well as the  following  values
305       which  help to evaluate the results and choose the suitable parameters:
306       minimum and maximum z values in the data  file  (zmin_data,  zmax_data)
307       and  in  the  interpolated  raster  map (zmin_int, zmax_int), rescaling
308       parameter used for normalization (dnorm), which influences the tension.
310       If visible connection of segments appears, the program should be  rerun
311       with  higher  npmin  to  get more points from the neighborhood of given
312       segment and/or with higher tension.
314       When the number of points in a vector map is not too large  (less  than
315       800), the user can skip segmentation by setting segmax to the number of
316       data points or segmax=700.
318       The program gives warning when user wants to  interpolate  outside  the
319       rectangle  given by minimum and maximum coordinates in the vector file,
320       zoom into the area where the given data are is suggested in this case.
322       When a mask is used, the program takes all points in the  given  region
323       for  approximation, including those in the area which is masked out, to
324       ensure proper approximation along the border of the mask. It  therefore
325       does  not  mask  out  the data points, if this is desirable, it must be
326       done outside v.surf.rst.
328       For examples of applications see GRASS4 implementation and  GRASS5  and
329       GRASS6 implementation
331       The  user  must  run  g.region before the program to set the region and
332       resolution for approximation.


335       v.vol.rst


338       Original version of program (in FORTRAN) and GRASS enhancements:
339       Lubos Mitas, NCSA, University of Illinois at  Urbana  Champaign,  Illi‐
340       nois, USA (1990-2000); Department of Physics, North Carolina State Uni‐
341       versity, Raleigh
342       Helena Mitasova, USA CERL, Department of Geography, University of Illi‐
343       nois  at  Urbana-Champaign, USA (1990-2001); MEAS, North Carolina State
344       University, Raleigh
346       Modified program (translated to C, adapted for GRASS, new  segmentation
347       procedure):
348       Irina Kosinovsky, US Army CERL, Dave Gerdes, US Army CERL
350       Modifications for new sites format and timestamping:
351       Darrel McCauley, Purdue University, Bill Brown, US Army CERL
353       Update  for  GRASS5.7, GRASS6 and addition of crossvalidation: Jaroslav
354       Hofierka, University of Presov; Radim Blazek, ITC-irst


357       Mitasova, H., Mitas, L. and Harmon,  R.S.,  2005,  Simultaneous  spline
358       approximation and topographic analysis for lidar elevation data in open
359       source GIS, IEEE GRSL 2 (4), 375- 379.
361       Hofierka, J., 2005, Interpolation of Radioactivity Data Using  Regular‐
362       ized  Spline  with  Tension.  Applied  GIS, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 16-01 to
363       16-13. DOI: 10.2104/ag050016
365       Hofierka J., Parajka J.,  Mitasova H.,  Mitas  L.,  2002,  Multivariate
366       Interpolation  of  Precipitation Using Regularized Spline with Tension.
367       Transactions in GIS 6(2), pp. 135-150.
369       H. Mitasova, L. Mitas, B.M. Brown, D.P. Gerdes,  I.  Kosinovsky,  1995,
370       Modeling  spatially  and  temporally distributed phenomena: New methods
371       and tools for GRASS GIS. International Journal of GIS, 9  (4),  special
372       issue on Integrating GIS and Environmental modeling, 433-446.
374       Mitasova,  H.  and Mitas, L., 1993: Interpolation by Regularized Spline
375       with Tension: I. Theory and Implementation, Mathematical  Geology  ,25,
376       641-655.
378       Mitasova,  H.  and  Hofierka,  J.,  1993:  Interpolation by Regularized
379       Spline with Tension: II. Application to Terrain  Modeling  and  Surface
380       Geometry Analysis, Mathematical Geology 25, 657-667.
382       Mitas,  L., and Mitasova H., 1988,  General variational approach to the
383       approximation problem, Computers  and  Mathematics  with  Applications,
384       v.16, p. 983-992.
386       Neteler,  M.  and  Mitasova,  H.,  2004,  Open  Source GIS: A GRASS GIS
387       Approach, Second Edition, Kluwer International  Series  in  Engineering
388       and  Computer  Science,  773, Kluwer Academic Press / Springer, Boston,
389       Dordrecht, 424 pages.
391       Talmi, A. and Gilat, G., 1977 :  Method  for  Smooth  Approximation  of
392       Data, Journal of Computational Physics, 23, p.93-123.
394       Wahba,  G.,  1990,  :  Spline  Models  for Observational Data, CNMS-NSF
395       Regional Conference series in applied mathematics, 59, SIAM,  Philadel‐
396       phia, Pennsylvania.
398       Last changed: $Date: 2006/11/17 16:23:27 $
400       Full index
404GRASS 6.2.2                                                      v.surf.rst(1)