2DEBUGINFOD(8)               System Manager's Manual              DEBUGINFOD(8)


7       debuginfod - debuginfo-related http file-server daemon


11       debuginfod [OPTION]... [PATH]...


15       debuginfod  serves  debuginfo-related artifacts over HTTP.  It periodi‐
16       cally scans a set of directories for ELF/DWARF files and their  associ‐
17       ated  source  code,  as  well as archive files containing the above, to
18       build an index by their  buildid.   This  index  is  used  when  remote
19       clients use the HTTP webapi, to fetch these files by the same buildid.
21       If a debuginfod cannot service a given buildid artifact request itself,
22       and  it  is  configured  with  information  about  upstream  debuginfod
23       servers,  it queries them for the same information, just as debuginfod-
24       find would.  If successful, it locally caches then relays the file con‐
25       tent to the original requester.
27       Indexing  the  given PATHs proceeds using multiple threads.  One thread
28       periodically traverses all the given PATHs logically or physically (see
29       the  -L option).  Duplicate PATHs are ignored.  You may use a file name
30       for a PATH, but source code indexing may be incomplete; prefer using  a
31       directory  that contains the binaries.  The traversal thread enumerates
32       all matching files (see the -I and -X options) into a  work  queue.   A
33       collection  of  scanner  threads  (see  the -c option) wait at the work
34       queue to analyze files in parallel.
36       If the -F option is given, each file is scanned as an  ELF/DWARF  file.
37       Source  files  are  matched  with  DWARF files based on the AT_comp_dir
38       (compilation directory) attributes inside it.   Caution:  source  files
39       listed  in the DWARF may be a path anywhere in the file system, and de‐
40       buginfod will readily serve their content on demand.  (Imagine  a  doc‐
41       tored  DWARF file that lists /etc/passwd as a source file.)  If this is
42       a concern, audit your binaries with tools such as:
44       % eu-readelf -wline BINARY | sed -n '/^Directory.table/,/^File.name.table/p'
45       or
46       % eu-readelf -wline BINARY | sed -n '/^Directory.table/,/^Line.number/p'
47       or even use debuginfod itself:
48       % debuginfod -vvv -d :memory: -F BINARY 2>&1 | grep 'recorded.*source'
49       ^C
51       If any of the -R, -U, or -Z options is given, each file is  scanned  as
52       an archive file that may contain ELF/DWARF/source files.  Archive files
53       are recognized by extension.  If -R is given, ".rpm" files are scanned;
54       if  -U  is given, ".deb" and ".ddeb" files are scanned; if -Z is given,
55       the listed extensions are scanned.  Because of  complications  such  as
56       DWZ-compressed  debuginfo, may require two traversal passes to identify
57       all source code.  Source files for RPMs  are  only  served  from  other
58       RPMs,  so  the  caution  for  -F  does not apply.  Note that due to De‐
59       bian/Ubuntu packaging policies & mechanisms, debuginfod cannot  resolve
60       source files for DEB/DDEB at all.
62       If  no  PATH  is listed, or none of the scanning options is given, then
63       debuginfod will simply serve content that it accumulated into its index
64       in  all previous runs, periodically groom the database, and federate to
65       any upstream debuginfod servers.  In passive mode, debuginfod will only
66       serve  content  from  a read-only index and federated upstream servers,
67       but will not scan or groom.


71       -F     Activate ELF/DWARF file scanning.  The default is off.
74       -Z EXT -Z EXT=CMD
75              Activate an additional pattern in archive scanning.  Files  with
76              name  extension EXT (include the dot) will be processed.  If CMD
77              is given, it is invoked with the file name added to its argument
78              list,  and  should produce a common archive on its standard out‐
79              put.  Otherwise, the file is read as if CMD were  "cat".   Since
80              debuginfod  internally uses libarchive to read archive files, it
81              can accept a wide  range  of  archive  formats  and  compression
82              modes.   The default is no additional patterns.  This option may
83              be repeated.
86       -R     Activate RPM patterns in archive scanning.  The default is  off.
87              Equivalent to -Z .rpm=cat, since libarchive can natively process
88              RPM archives.  If your version of libarchive is much older  than
89              2020,  be  aware that some distributions have switched to an in‐
90              compatible zstd compression for their payload.  You may  experi‐
91              ment with -Z .rpm='(rpm2cpio|zstdcat)<' instead of -R.
94       -U     Activate  DEB/DDEB patterns in archive scanning.  The default is
95              off.     Equivalent     to     -Z .deb='dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile'
96              -Z .ddeb='dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile'.
99       -d FILE --database=FILE
100              Set  the  path  of  the sqlite database used to store the index.
101              This file is disposable in the sense that a  later  rescan  will
102              repopulate  data.   It will contain absolute file path names, so
103              it may not be portable across machines.  It  may  be  frequently
104              read/written,  so  it should be on a fast filesystem.  It should
105              not be shared across machines or users, to maximize sqlite lock‐
106              ing  performance.  For quick testing the magic string ":memory:"
107              can be used to use an one-time memory-only  database.   The  de‐
108              fault database file is $HOME/.debuginfod.sqlite.
111       --passive
112              Set  the  server  to passive mode, where it only services webapi
113              requests, including participating in federation.  It performs no
114              scanning,  no  grooming,  and  so only opens the sqlite database
115              read-only.  This way a database can be safely shared  between  a
116              active scanner/groomer server and multiple passive ones, thereby
117              sharing service load.  Archive pattern  options  must  still  be
118              given,  so debuginfod can recognize file name extensions for un‐
119              packing.
122       -D SQL --ddl=SQL
123              Execute given sqlite statement after the database is opened  and
124              initialized  as  extra DDL (SQL data definition language).  This
125              may be useful to tune performance-related  pragmas  or  indexes.
126              May be repeated.  The default is nothing extra.
129       -p NUM --port=NUM
130              Set  the  TCP  port number (0 < NUM < 65536) on which debuginfod
131              should listen, to service HTTP requests.   Both  IPv4  and  IPV6
132              sockets  are  opened, if possible.  The webapi is documented be‐
133              low.  The default port number is 8002.
136       -I REGEX --include=REGEX -X REGEX --exclude=REGEX
137              Govern the inclusion and  exclusion  of  file  names  under  the
138              search  paths.  The regular expressions are interpreted as unan‐
139              chored POSIX extended REs, thus may include  alternation.   They
140              are  evaluated  against the full path of each file, based on its
141              realpath(3) canonicalization.  By default, all files are includ‐
142              ed  and none are excluded.  A file that matches both include and
143              exclude REGEX is excluded.  (The contents of archive  files  are
144              not  subject  to  inclusion or exclusion filtering: they are all
145              processed.)  Only the last of each type  of  regular  expression
146              given is used.
149       -t SECONDS --rescan-time=SECONDS
150              Set  the rescan time for the file and archive directories.  This
151              is the amount of time the traversal thread will wait after  fin‐
152              ishing  a  scan,  before doing it again.  A rescan for unchanged
153              files is fast (because the index also stores the  file  mtimes).
154              A  time  of  zero is acceptable, and means that only one initial
155              scan should performed.  The default rescan time is 300  seconds.
156              Receiving  a  SIGUSR1 signal triggers a new scan, independent of
157              the rescan time (including if it was zero), interrupting a groom
158              pass (if any).
161       -r     Apply  the  -I  and -X during groom cycles, so that most content
162              related to files excluded by the regexes are  removed  from  the
163              index.  Not all content can be practically removed, so eventual‐
164              ly a "-G" "maximal-groom" operation may be needed.
167       -g SECONDS --groom-time=SECONDS
168              Set the groom time for the index database.  This is  the  amount
169              of time the grooming thread will wait after finishing a grooming
170              pass before doing it again.  A groom operation  quickly  rescans
171              all  previously  scanned  files,  only  to see if they are still
172              present and current, so it can deindex obsolete files.  See also
173              the  DATA  MANAGEMENT  section.  The default groom time is 86400
174              seconds (1 day).  A time of zero is acceptable, and  means  that
175              only one initial groom should be performed.  Receiving a SIGUSR2
176              signal triggers a new grooming pass, independent  of  the  groom
177              time  (including if it was zero), interrupting a rescan pass (if
178              any)..
181       -G     Run an extraordinary maximal-grooming pass at debuginfod  start‐
182              up.   This  pass can take considerable time, because it tries to
183              remove any debuginfo-unrelated content from the  archive-related
184              parts of the index.  It should not be run if any recent archive-
185              related indexing operations were aborted  early.   It  can  take
186              considerable space, because it finishes up with an sqlite "vacu‐
187              um" operation, which repacks the database file  by  triplicating
188              it temporarily.  The default is not to do maximal-grooming.  See
189              also the DATA MANAGEMENT section.
192       -c NUM --concurrency=NUM
193              Set the concurrency limit for the scanning queue threads,  which
194              work together to process archives & files located by the traver‐
195              sal thread.  This important for controlling CPU-intensive opera‐
196              tions  like parsing an ELF file and especially decompressing ar‐
197              chives.  The default is related to the number of  processors  on
198              the system and other constraints; the minimum is 1.
201       -C -C=NUM --connection-pool --connection-pool=NUM
202              Set the size of the pool of threads serving webapi queries.  The
203              following table summarizes the interpretaton of this option  and
204              its optional NUM parameter.
206              no option, -C   use a fixed thread pool sized automatically
207              -C=NUM          use a fixed thread pool sized NUM, minimum 2
209              The first mode is a simple and safe configuration related to the
210              number of processors and other constraints. The second  mode  is
211              suitable  for  tuned  load-limiting configurations facing unruly
212              traffic.
215       -L     Traverse symbolic links  encountered  during  traversal  of  the
216              PATHs, including across devices - as in find -L.  The default is
217              to traverse the physical directory structure only, stay  on  the
218              same  device,  and  ignore symlinks - as in find -P -xdev.  Cau‐
219              tion: a loops in the symbolic directory tree might lead to infi‐
220              nite traversal.
223       --fdcache-fds=NUM --fdcache-mbs=MB
224              Configure  limits on a cache that keeps recently extracted files
225              from archives.  Up to NUM requested files and up to a  total  of
226              MB megabytes will be kept extracted, in order to avoid having to
227              decompress their archives over and over again. The  default  NUM
228              and  MB  values  depend on the concurrency of the system, and on
229              the available disk space on  the  $TMPDIR  or  /tmp  filesystem.
230              This  is  because that is where the most recently used extracted
231              files are kept.  Grooming cleans out this cache.
234       --fdcache-prefetch-fds=NUM --fdcache-prefetch-mbs=MB
235              --fdcache-prefetch=NUM2
237              In addition to the main fdcache, up to NUM2 other files from  an
238              archive  may  be  prefetched  into another cache before they are
239              even requested.  Configure how many file descriptors  (fds)  and
240              megabytes  (mbs)  are  allocated to the prefetch fdcache. If un‐
241              specified, these values depend on concurrency of the system  and
242              on  the available disk space on the $TMPDIR.  Allocating more to
243              the prefetch cache  will  improve  performance  in  environments
244              where  different  parts  of several large archives are being ac‐
245              cessed.  This cache is also cleaned out during grooming.
248       --fdcache-mintmp=NUM
249              Configure a disk space threshold for emergency flushing  of  the
250              caches.   The  filesystem holding the caches is checked periodi‐
251              cally.  If the available space falls below the given percentage,
252              the  caches are flushed, and the fdcaches will stay disabled un‐
253              til the next groom cycle.  This mechanism, along a few associat‐
254              ed  /metrics on the webapi, are intended to give an operator no‐
255              tice about storage scarcity - which can translate to RAM scarci‐
256              ty if the disk happens to be on a RAM virtual disk.  The default
257              threshold is 25%.
260       --forwarded-ttl-limit=NUM
261              Configure limits of X-Forwarded-For hops. if X-Forwarded-For ex‐
262              ceeds  N  hops,  it will not delegate a local lookup miss to up‐
263              stream debuginfods. The default limit is 8.
266       --disable-source-scan
267              Disable scan of the dwarf source info of debuginfo sections.  If
268              a setup has no access to source code, the source info is not re‐
269              quired.
272       --scan-checkpoint=NUM
273              Run a synchronized SQLITE WAL checkpoint operation  after  every
274              NUM  completed archive or file scans.  This may slow down paral‐
275              lel scanning phase somewhat, but generate  much  smaller  "-wal"
276              temporary  files on busy servers.  The default is 256.  Disabled
277              if 0.
280       -v     Increase verbosity of logging to the  standard  error  file  de‐
281              scriptor.   May  be  repeated  to increase details.  The default
282              verbosity is 0.


286       debuginfod's webapi resembles ordinary file service, where  a  GET  re‐
287       quest  with  a  path containing a known buildid results in a file.  Un‐
288       known buildid / request combinations result in HTTP error codes.   This
289       file  service  resemblance  is intentional, so that an installation can
290       take advantage of standard HTTP management infrastructure.
292       For most queries, some custom http headers are added to  the  response,
293       providing  additional metadata about the buildid-related response.  For
294       example:
296       % debuginfod-find -v debuginfo /bin/ls |& grep -i x-debuginfo
297       x-debuginfod-size: 502024
298       x-debuginfod-archive: /mnt/fedora_koji_prod/koji/packages/coreutils/9.3/4.fc39/x86_64/coreutils-debuginfo-9.3-4.fc39.x86_64.rpm
299       x-debuginfod-file: /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ls-9.3-4.fc39.x86_64.debug
303              The size of the file, in bytes.  This may differ from  the  http
304              Content-Length:  field (if present), due to compression in tran‐
305              sit.
309              The full path name of the file related to the given buildid.
313              The full path name of the archive that contained the above file,
314              if any.
319              There  are a handful of buildid-related requests.  In each case,
320              the buildid is encoded as a lowercase hexadecimal  string.   For
321              example,   for   a   program  /bin/ls,  look  at  the  ELF  note
322              GNU_BUILD_ID:
324       % readelf -n /bin/ls | grep -A4 build.id
325       Note section [ 4] '.note.gnu.buildid' of 36 bytes at offset 0x340:
326       Owner          Data size  Type
327       GNU                   20  GNU_BUILD_ID
328       Build ID: 8713b9c3fb8a720137a4a08b325905c7aaf8429d
330       Then the hexadecimal BUILDID is simply:
332       8713b9c3fb8a720137a4a08b325905c7aaf8429d
335   /buildid/BUILDID/debuginfo
336       If the given buildid is known to the server, this request  will  result
337       in  a  binary  object  that  contains the customary .*debug_* sections.
338       This may be a split debuginfo file as created by strip, or it may be an
339       original unstripped executable.
342   /buildid/BUILDID/executable
343       If  the  given buildid is known to the server, this request will result
344       in a binary object that contains the normal executable segments.   This
345       may  be  a  executable  stripped by strip, or it may be an original un‐
346       stripped executable.  ET_DYN shared libraries are considered  to  be  a
347       type of executable.
350   /buildid/BUILDID/source/SOURCE/FILE
351       If  the  given buildid is known to the server, this request will result
352       in a binary object that contains the source file mentioned.   The  path
353       should  be  absolute.  Relative path names commonly appear in the DWARF
354       file's source directory, but these paths  are  relative  to  individual
355       compilation unit AT_comp_dir paths, and yet an executable is made up of
356       multiple CUs.  Therefore, to disambiguate,  debuginfod  expects  source
357       queries  to prefix relative path names with the CU compilation-directo‐
358       ry, followed by a mandatory "/".
360       Note: the caller may or may not elide ../  or  /./  or  extraneous  ///
361       sorts  of  path  components in the directory names.  debuginfod accepts
362       both forms.  Specifically, debuginfod canonicalizes path names  accord‐
363       ing  to  RFC3986 section 5.2.4 (Remove Dot Segments), plus reducing any
364       // to / in the path.
366       For example:
368       #include <stdio.h>               /buildid/BUILDID/source/usr/include/stdio.h
369       /path/to/foo.c                   /buildid/BUILDID/source/path/to/foo.c
370       ../bar/foo.c AT_comp_dir=/zoo/   /buildid/BUILDID/source/zoo//../bar/foo.c
372       Note: the client should %-escape characters in  /SOURCE/FILE  that  are
373       not  shown  as  "unreserved" in section 2.3 of RFC3986. Some characters
374       that will be escaped include "+", "\", "$", "!", the 'space' character,
375       and  ";".  RFC3986  includes a more comprehensive list of these charac‐
376       ters.
379   /buildid/BUILDID/section/SECTION
380       If the given buildid is known to the server, the server will attempt to
381       extract the contents of an ELF/DWARF section named SECTION from the de‐
382       buginfo file matching BUILDID.  If the debuginfo file can't be found or
383       the  section  has  type SHT_NOBITS, then the server will attempt to ex‐
384       tract the section from the executable matching BUILDID.  If the section
385       is  successfully extracted then this request results in a binary object
386       of the section's contents.  Note that this result  is  the  raw  binary
387       contents of the section, not an ELF file.
390   /metrics
391       This endpoint returns a Prometheus formatted text/plain dump of a vari‐
392       ety of statistics about the operation of the  debuginfod  server.   The
393       exact set of metrics and their meanings may change in future versions.


397       debuginfod  stores  its index in an sqlite database in a densely packed
398       set of interlinked tables.  While the representation is as efficient as
399       we  have  been able to make it, it still takes a considerable amount of
400       data to record all debuginfo-related data of potentially a  great  many
401       files.  This section offers some advice about the implications.
403       As  a  general  explanation  for size, consider that debuginfod indexes
404       ELF/DWARF files, it stores  their  names  and  referenced  source  file
405       names,  and buildids will be stored.  When indexing archives, it stores
406       every file name of or in an archive, every buildid, plus  every  source
407       file  name referenced from a DWARF file.  (Indexing archives takes more
408       space because the source files often  reside  in  separate  subpackages
409       that  may  not be indexed at the same pass, so extra metadata has to be
410       kept.)
412       Getting down to numbers, in the case of Fedora RPMs (essentially, gzip-
413       compressed cpio files), the sqlite index database tends to be from 0.5%
414       to 3% of their size.  It's larger for binaries that are  assembled  out
415       of a great many source files, or packages that carry much debuginfo-un‐
416       related content.  It may be even larger during the indexing  phase  due
417       to  temporary  sqlite write-ahead-logging files; these are checkpointed
418       (cleaned out and removed) at shutdown.  It  may  be  helpful  to  apply
419       tight  -I  or  -X  regular-expression constraints to exclude files from
420       scanning that you know have no debuginfo-relevant content.
422       As debuginfod runs in normal active mode, it periodically  rescans  its
423       target directories, and any new content found is added to the database.
424       Old content, such as data for files that have disappeared or that  have
425       been  replaced  with  newer  versions is removed at a periodic grooming
426       pass.  This means that the sqlite files grow fast during initial index‐
427       ing, slowly during index rescans, and periodically shrink during groom‐
428       ing.  There is also an  optional  one-shot  maximal  grooming  pass  is
429       available.   It  removes  information debuginfo-unrelated data from the
430       archive content index such as file names found  in  archives  ("archive
431       sdef"  records) that are not referred to as source files from any bina‐
432       ries find in archives ("archive sref" records).  This can save  consid‐
433       erable  disk space.  However, it is slow and temporarily requires up to
434       twice the database size as free space.  Worse: it may result in missing
435       source-code  info  if  the archive traversals were interrupted, so that
436       not all source file references were known.  Use it rarely to  polish  a
437       complete index.
439       You  should ensure that ample disk space remains available.  (The flood
440       of error messages on -ENOSPC is ugly and nagging.  But, like  for  most
441       other errors, debuginfod will resume when resources permit.)  If neces‐
442       sary, debuginfod can be stopped, the database file  moved  or  removed,
443       and debuginfod restarted.
445       sqlite  offers several performance-related options in the form of prag‐
446       mas.  Some may be useful to fine-tune the defaults plus the  debuginfod
447       extras.   The -D option may be useful to tell debuginfod to execute the
448       given bits of SQL after the basic schema creation commands.  For  exam‐
449       ple,  the "synchronous", "cache_size", "auto_vacuum", "threads", "jour‐
450       nal_mode" pragmas may be fun to tweak via -D, if you're  searching  for
451       peak performance.  The "optimize", "wal_checkpoint" pragmas may be use‐
452       ful to run periodically, outside debuginfod.  The default settings  are
453       performance-  rather  than  reliability-oriented,  so  a hardware crash
454       might corrupt the database.  In these cases, it  may  be  necessary  to
455       manually delete the sqlite database and start over.
457       As  debuginfod  changes  in  the  future,  we may have no choice but to
458       change the database schema in an incompatible manner.  If this happens,
459       new  versions of debuginfod will issue SQL statements to drop all prior
460       schema & data, and start over.  So, disk space will not be  wasted  for
461       retaining a no-longer-useable dataset.
463       In  summary, if your system can bear a 0.5%-3% index-to-archive-dataset
464       size ratio, and slow growth afterwards, you should not  need  to  worry
465       about disk space.  If a system crash corrupts the database, or you want
466       to force debuginfod to reset and start over, simply  erase  the  sqlite
467       file before restarting debuginfod.
469       In  contrast,  in  passive mode, all scanning and grooming is disabled,
470       and the index database remains read-only.  This makes the database more
471       suitable  for  sharing  between  servers  or  sites with simple one-way
472       replication, and data management considerations are generally moot.


476       debuginfod does not include any particular security features.  While it
477       is  robust  with respect to inputs, some abuse is possible.  It forks a
478       new thread for each incoming HTTP request, which could lead  to  a  de‐
479       nial-of-service  in  terms  of  RAM, CPU, disk I/O, or network I/O.  If
480       this is a problem, users are advised to install debuginfod with a HTTPS
481       reverse-proxy  front-end  that  enforces site policies for firewalling,
482       authentication, integrity, authorization, and load control.
484       Front-end proxies may elide sensitive path name components in  X-DEBUG‐
485       INFOD-FILE/ARCHIVE response headers.  For example, using Apache httpd's
486       mod_headers, you can remove the entire directory name prefix:
488       Header edit x-debuginfod-archive ".*/" ""
490       When relaying queries to upstream debuginfods, debuginfod does not  in‐
491       clude  any  particular  security features.  It trusts that the binaries
492       returned by the debuginfods  are  accurate.   Therefore,  the  list  of
493       servers  should include only trustworthy ones.  If accessed across HTTP
494       rather than HTTPS, the network should be  trustworthy.   Authentication
495       information  through  the internal libcurl library is not currently en‐
496       abled.


501       $HOME/.debuginfod.sqlite
502              Default database file.


507       debuginfod-find(1)                                           sqlite3(1)
508       https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exporters/
512                                                                 DEBUGINFOD(8)