1TS2PHC(8)                   System Manager's Manual                  TS2PHC(8)


6       ts2phc  -  Synchronizes  one or more PTP Hardware Clocks using external
7       time stamps.


11       ts2phc [ -hmqv ] [ -c device|name ] [ -f config ] [ -l print-level ]  [
12       -s device|name ] [ long-options ] ...


16       ts2phc  synchronizes  PTP  Hardware Clocks (PHC) to external time stamp
17       signals.  A single source may be used to distribute time to one or more
18       PHC devices.


22       -a     Adjust  the direction of synchronization automatically. The pro‐
23              gram determines which PHC should the reference  clock  for  time
24              distribution  and  which  should be the destinations by querying
25              the port states from the running instance of ptp4l.   Note  that
26              using  this  option, the PPS signal distribution hierarchy still
27              remains fixed as per the configuration file. This  implies  that
28              using  this  option,  a  PPS source of the PHC kind may become a
29              target clock, and a PPS  sink  may  become  a  reference  clock.
30              Other,  non-PHC  types of PPS sources (generic, NMEA) cannot be‐
31              come target clocks. Clocks which are not part of ptp4l's list of
32              ports  are  not  synchronized.  This  option  is useful when the
33              boundary_clock_jbod option of ptp4l is also enabled.
35       -c device|name
36              Specifies a PHC to be synchronized.  The clock may be identified
37              by  its character device (like /dev/ptp0) or its associated net‐
38              work interface (like eth0).  This option may be  given  multiple
39              times.
41       -f config
42              Read  configuration  from  the specified file.  No configuration
43              file is read by default.
45       -h     Displays the command line help summary.
47       -l print-level
48              Sets the maximum  syslog  level  of  messages  which  should  be
49              printed  or  sent  to  the  system  logger.  The  default  is  6
50              (LOG_INFO).
52       -m     Prints log messages to the standard output.
54       -q     Prevents sending log messages to the system logger.
56       -s device|name
57              Specifies the source of the Time of Day (ToD) data.  Use the key
58              word  "generic"  for  an external 1-PPS without ToD information.
59              When using a PHC as the time source, the clock may be identified
60              by  its character device (like /dev/ptp0) or its associated net‐
61              work interface (like eth0).  Use the key word "nmea" for an  ex‐
62              ternal  1-PPS  from  a GPS providing ToD information via the RMC
63              NMEA sentence.
65       -v     Prints the software version and exits.


69       Each and every configuration file option (see below) may also appear as
70       a  "long" style command line argument.  For example, the use_syslog op‐
71       tion may be set using either of these two forms.
73              --use_syslog 1   --use_syslog=1
75       Option values given on the command line override values in  the  global
76       section of the configuration file.


80       The  configuration  file  is divided into sections. Each section starts
81       with a line containing its name enclosed in  brackets  and  it  follows
82       with  settings.  Each setting is placed on a separate line, it contains
83       the name of the option and the value separated  by  whitespace  charac‐
84       ters. Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored.
86       There are two different section types.
89       1.     The  global section (indicated as [global]) sets the program op‐
90              tions and the default time  sink  options.  Other  sections  are
91              clock specific sections, and they override the default options.
93       2.     Time  sink  sections  give  the name of the configured PHC (e.g.
94              [eth0]).  Time sinks specified in the  configuration  file  need
95              not be specified with the -c command line option.


99       first_step_threshold
100              The  maximum  offset,  specified in seconds, that the servo will
101              correct by changing the clock frequency (phase when using  nullf
102              servo)  instead  of  stepping the clock. This is only applied on
103              the first update. When set to 0.0, the servo will not  step  the
104              clock on start.  The default is 0.00002 (20 microseconds).
107       free_running
108              When set to 1, no PHC will be adjusted.  This option can be use‐
109              ful in test scenarios, for example to determine  how  well  syn‐
110              chronized  a  group  of local clocks are to each other.  The de‐
111              fault is 0 (adjust the clocks).
114       leapfile
115              The path to the current leap seconds definition file. In  a  De‐
116              bian  system this file is provided by the tzdata package and can
117              be found at /usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list. If a leapfile
118              is configured it will be reloaded if modified. The default is an
119              empty string, which causes the program to use a hard coded table
120              that  reflects  the  known leap seconds on the date of the soft‐
121              ware's release.
124       logging_level
125              The maximum logging level of messages which should  be  printed.
126              The default is 6 (LOG_INFO).
129       max_frequency
130              The  maximum  allowed frequency adjustment of the clock in parts
131              per billion.  This is an additional limit to the maximum allowed
132              by the hardware. When set to 0, the hardware limit will be used.
133              The default is 900000000 (90%).
136       message_tag
137              The tag which is added to all messages printed to  the  standard
138              output  or  system  log.   The default is an empty string (which
139              cannot be set in the configuration file as the  option  requires
140              an argument).
143       step_threshold
144              The  maximum  offset,  specified in seconds, that the servo will
145              correct by changing the clock frequency instead of stepping  the
146              clock.  When set to 0.0, the servo will never step the clock ex‐
147              cept on start.  The default is 0.0.
150       ts2phc.nmea_remote_host, ts2phc.nmea_remote_port
151              Specifies the remote host providing ToD information  when  using
152              the  "nmea"  PPS  signal source.  Note that if these two options
153              are both specified, then the given  remote  connection  will  be
154              used in preference to the configured serial port.  These options
155              default to the empty string, that is, not specified.
158       ts2phc.nmea_serialport, ts2phc.nmea_baudrate
159              Specifies the serial port and baudrate in bps for character  de‐
160              vice  providing ToD information when using the "nmea" PPS signal
161              source. Note that if the  options,  ts2phc.nmea_remote_host  and
162              ts2phc.nmea_remote_port,  are both specified, then the given re‐
163              mote connection will be used in preference to the configured se‐
164              rial  port.   The  default serial port is "/dev/ttyS0".  The de‐
165              fault baudrate is 9600 bps.
168       ts2phc.perout_phase
169              Configures the offset between the beginning of  the  second  and
170              the PPS source's rising edge. Available only for the PHC kind of
171              PPS source. The supported range is 0 to  999999999  nanoseconds.
172              The  default  is 0 nanoseconds, but leaving this option unspeci‐
173              fied will not transmit the phase to the kernel, instead PPS will
174              be  requested  to start at an absolute time equal to the nearest
175              2nd full second since the start  of  the  program.  This  should
176              yield the same effect, but may not work with drivers that do not
177              support starting periodic output at an absolute time.
180       ts2phc.pulsewidth
181              The pulse width of the external PPS signal in nanoseconds.  When
182              'ts2phc.extts_polarity' is "both", the given pulse width is used
183              to detect and discard the time stamp of the  unwanted  edge.  In
184              case  the  PPS  source is of the PHC kind, an attempt is made to
185              request the kernel to actually emit using this pulse  width.  If
186              this fails, it is assumed that the specified pulse width is cor‐
187              rect, and the value is used in  the  edge  rejection  algorithm.
188              The  supported  range  is 1000000 to 990000000 nanoseconds.  The
189              default is 500000000 nanoseconds.
192       ts2phc.tod_source
193              Specifies the source of Time of Day (ToD)  data.   Use  the  key
194              word  "generic"  for  an external 1-PPS without ToD information.
195              When using a PHC as the time source, the clock may be identified
196              by  its character device (like /dev/ptp0) or its associated net‐
197              work interface (like eth0).  Use the key word "nmea" for an  ex‐
198              ternal  1-PPS  from  a GPS providing ToD information via the RMC
199              NMEA sentence.  The default is "generic"
202       use_syslog
203              Print messages to the system log if enabled.  The default  is  1
204              (enabled).
207       verbose
208              Print  messages  to the standard output if enabled.  The default
209              is 0 (disabled).


213       ts2phc.channel
214              The external time stamping or  periodic  output  channel  to  be
215              used.   Some  PHC  devices  feature programmable pins and one or
216              more time stamping channels.  This  option  allows  selecting  a
217              particular  channel  to be used.  When using a PHC device as the
218              PPS source, this option selects  the  periodic  output  channel.
219              The default is channel 0.
221       ts2phc.extts_correction
222              The  value,  in nanoseconds, to be added to each PPS time stamp.
223              The default is 0 (no correction).
225       ts2phc.extts_polarity
226              The polarity of the external  PPS  signal,  either  "rising"  or
227              "falling".  Some PHC devices always time stamp both edges.  Set‐
228              ting this option to "both" will allow the ts2phc program to work
229              with  such  devices by detecting and ignoring the unwanted edge.
230              In this case be sure to set 'ts2phc.pulsewidth' to  the  correct
231              value.  The default is "rising".
233       ts2phc.master
234              Setting  this option to 1 configures the given PHC device as the
235              source of the PPS signal.  The default is 0 for  the  time  sink
236              role.
238       ts2phc.pin_index
239              The pin index to be used.  Some PHC devices feature programmable
240              pins, and this option allows configuration of a  particular  pin
241              for the external time stamping or periodic output function.  The
242              default is pin index 0.


246       Be cautious when sharing the same  configuration  file  between  ptp4l,
247       phc2sys, and ts2phc.  Keep in mind that values specified in the config‐
248       uration file take precedence over the default  values.   If  an  option
249       which is common to the other programs is set in the configuration file,
250       then the value will be applied to all the programs using the file,  and
251       this might not be what is expected.
253       It  is  recommended  to  use  separate  configuration  files for ptp4l,
254       phc2sys, and ts2phc in order to avoid any unexpected behavior.


258       phc2sys(8) ptp4l(8)
262linuxptp                         February 2023                       TS2PHC(8)