1animate(1)                  General Commands Manual                 animate(1)


6       animate - animates an image or image sequence on any X server.


9       magick animate [options] input-file


12       The  animate  program is a member of the ImageMagick(1) suite of tools.
13       Use it to animate an image or image sequence on any X server.
15       For more information about the animate command, point your  browser  to
16       file:///usr/share/doc/ImageMagick-7/www/animate.html  or https://image
17       magick.org/script/animate.php.


20       Image Settings:
21         -alpha option        on, activate, off, deactivate, set, opaque, copy
22                               transparent, extract, background, or shape
23         -authenticate value  decrypt image with this password
24         -backdrop            display image centered on a backdrop
25         -colormap type       Shared or Private
26         -colorspace type     alternate image colorspace
27         -decipher filename   convert cipher pixels to plain pixels
28         -define format:option
29                              define one or more image format options
30         -delay centiseconds  display the next image after pausing
31         -density geometry    horizontal and vertical density of the image
32         -depth value         image depth
33         -display server      display image to this X server
34         -dispose method      layer disposal method
35         -dither method       apply error diffusion to image
36         -filter type         use this filter when resizing an image
37         -format "string"     output formatted image characteristics
38         -gamma value         level of gamma correction
39         -geometry geometry   preferred size and location of the Image window
40         -gravity type        horizontal and vertical backdrop placement
41         -identify            identify the format and characteristics  of  the
42       image
43         -immutable           displayed image cannot be modified
44         -interlace type      type of image interlacing scheme
45         -interpolate method  pixel color interpolation method
46         -limit type value    pixel cache resource limit
47         -loop iterations     loop images then exit
48         -matte               store matte channel if the image has one
49         -map type            display image using this Standard Colormap
50         -monitor             monitor progress
51         -pause               seconds to pause before reanimating
52         -page geometry       size and location of an image canvas (setting)
53         -quantize colorspace reduce colors in this colorspace
54         -quiet               suppress all warning messages
55         -regard-warnings     pay attention to warning messages
56         -remote command      execute a command in an remote display process
57         -repage geometry     size and location of an image canvas (operator)
58         -respect-parentheses  settings  remain  in  effect  until parenthesis
59       boundary
60         -sampling-factor geometry
61                              horizontal and vertical sampling factor
62         -scenes range        image scene range
63         -seed value          seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers
64         -set attribute value set an image attribute
65         -size geometry       width and height of image
66         -support factor      resize support: > 1.0 is blurry, < 1.0 is sharp
67         -transparent-color color
68                              transparent color
69         -treedepth value     color tree depth
70         -verbose             print detailed information about the image
71         -visual type         display image using this visual type
72         -virtual-pixel method
73                              virtual pixel access method
74         -window id           display image to background of this window
76       Image Operators:
77         -channel mask        set the image channel mask
78         -colors value        preferred number of colors in the image
79         -crop geometry       preferred size and location of the cropped image
80         -extent geometry     set the image size
81         -extract geometry    extract area from image
82         -monochrome          transform image to black and white
83         -resample geometry   change the resolution of an image
84         -resize geometry     resize the image
85         -rotate degrees      apply Paeth rotation to the image
86         -strip               strip image of all profiles and comments
87         -thumbnail geometry  create a thumbnail of the image
88         -trim                trim image edges
90       Image Sequence Operators:
91         -coalesce            merge a sequence of images
92         -flatten             flatten a sequence of images
94       Miscellaneous Options:
95         -debug events        display copious debugging information
96         -help                print program options
97         -log format          format of debugging information
98         -list type           print a list of supported option arguments
99         -version             print version information
101       In addition to those listed above, you can specify these standard X re‐
102       sources  as  command line options:  -background, -bordercolor, -border‐
103       width, -font, -foreground, -iconGeometry, -iconic, -name,  -mattecolor,
104       -shared-memory, or -title.
106       By  default, the image format of `file' is determined by its magic num‐
107       ber.  To specify a particular image format, precede the  filename  with
108       an  image  format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the image
109       type as the filename suffix (i.e. image.ps).  Specify 'file' as '-' for
110       standard input or output.
112       Buttons:
113         1    press to map or unmap the Command widget


116       ImageMagick(1)
120       Copyright  (C)  1999  ImageMagick Studio LLC. Additional copyrights and
121       licenses  apply  to  this  software,  see  file:///usr/share/doc/Image‐
122       Magick-7/www/license.html or https://imagemagick.org/script/license.php
126ImageMagick                Date: 2009/01/10 01:00:00                animate(1)