5genhtml(1)                       User Manuals                       genhtml(1)


10       genhtml - Generate HTML view from LCOV coverage data files


13       genhtml [-h|--help] [--version]
14               [-q|--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [--debug]
15               [-s|--show-details]
16               [-f|--frames]
17               [-b|--baseline-file] baseline-file
18               [-o|--output-directory output-directory]
19               [--header-title banner]
20               [--footer string]
21               [-t|--title title]
22               [-d|--description-file description-file]
23               [-k|--keep-descriptions] [-c|--css-file css-file]
24               [-p|--prefix prefix] [--no-prefix]
25               [--source-directory dirname]
26               [--no-source] [--num-spaces num] [--highlight]
27               [--legend] [--html-prolog prolog-file]
28               [--html-epilog epilog-file] [--html-extension extension]
29               [--html-gzip] [--sort] [--no-sort]
30               [--function-coverage] [--no-function-coverage]
31               [--branch-coverage] [--no-branch-coverage]
32               [--demangle-cpp [param]]
33               [--ignore-errors errors]
34               [--keep-going] [--config-file config-file] [--rc keyword=value]
35               [--precision num] [--missed]
36               [--suppress-aliases]
37               [--forget-test-names]
38               [--dark-mode]
39               [--baseline-file baseline-file]
40               [--baseline-title title]
41               [--baseline-date date]
42               [--current-date date]
43               [--diff-file diff-file]
44               [--annotate-script script]
45               [--criteria-script script]
46               [--version-script script]
47               [--checksum]
48               [--new-files-as-baseline]
49               [--elide-path-mismatch]
50               [--synthesize-missing]
51               [--date-bins day[,day,...]]
52               [--show-owners [all]]
53               [--show-noncode]
54               [--show-zero-columns]
55               [--show-navigation]
56               [--show-proportions]
57               [--simplified-colors]
58               [--hierarchical] [--flat]
59               [--filter filters]
60               [--include glob_pattern]
61               [--exclude glob_pattern]
62               [--erase-functions regexp_pattern]
63               [--substitute regexp_pattern]
64               [--omit-lines regexp_pattern]
65               [--parallel|-j [integer]]
66               [--memory integer_num_Mb]
67               [--tempdir dirname]
68               [--preserve]
69               [--save]
70               tracefile(s)


73       genhtml  creates  an HTML view of coverage data tracefiles generated by
74       the geninfo and lcov tools. Features include:
77       •  Differential coverage comparison against baseline coverage data
79       •  Annotation of reports with date and owner information ("binning")
81       The basic concepts of differential coverage and date/owner binning  are
82       described in the paper found at https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.07947
85   Differential coverage
86       Differential  coverage compares two versions of source code - the base‐
87       line and the current versions - and the coverage results  for  each  to
88       segment the code into categories.
90       To create a differential coverage report, genhtml requires
93       1. a baseline-file specified via --baseline-file, and
95       2. a patch file in unified format specified using --diff-file.
97       Note  that  while  tracefile  may be a list of filenames, baseline-file
98       must be a single consolidated file.
100       The difference in coverage between tracefile and baseline-file is clas‐
101       sified line-by-line into categories based on changes in 2 aspects:
104       1. Test  coverage  results:  a line of code can be tested (1), untested
105          (0), or unused (#). An unused line is a source code line that has no
106          associated  coverage  data,  for  example  due  to a disabled #ifdef
107          statement.
109       2. Source code changes: a line can be unchanged, added (+ =>),  or  re‐
110          moved  (=> -).   Note  that the diff-file format used by genhtml re‐
111          ports changes in lines as removal of old line and  addition  of  new
112          line.
114       Below  are  the  resulting  12 categories, sorted by priority (assuming
115       that untested code is more interesting than tested code, and  new  code
116       is more interesting than old code):
118       UNC
119              Uncovered New Code (+ => 0): newly added code is not tested.
121       LBC
122              Lost  Baseline  Coverage  (1  => 0): unchanged code is no longer
123              tested.
125       UIC
126              Uncovered Included Code (# =>  0):  previously  unused  code  is
127              untested.
129       UBC
130              Uncovered  Baseline  Code  (0 => 0): unchanged code was untested
131              before, is untested now.
133       GBC
134              Gained Baseline Coverage (0 => 1): unchanged code is tested now.
136       GIC
137              Gained Included Coverage (# => 1):  previously  unused  code  is
138              tested now.
140       GNC
141              Gained New Coverage (+ => 1): newly added code is tested.
143       CBC
144              Covered Baseline Code (1 => 1): unchanged code was tested before
145              and is still tested.
147       EUB
148              Excluded Uncovered Baseline (0 => #): previously  untested  code
149              is unused now.
151       ECB
152              Excluded  Covered  Baseline  (1 => #): previously tested code is
153              unused now.
155       DUB
156              Deleted Uncovered Baseline (0 => -):  previously  untested  code
157              has been deleted.
159              Note:  Because  these  lines  are not represented in the current
160              source version, they are only represented in the  classification
161              summary table.
163       DCB
164              Deleted  Covered  Baseline  (1 => -): previously tested code has
165              been deleted.
167              Note: Because these lines are not  represented  in  the  current
168              source  version, they are only represented in the classification
169              summary table.
171       The differential coverage report colorizes categorized regions  in  the
172       source  code view using unique colors for each.  You can use the --sim‐
173       plified-colors option to instead use one color for 'covered'  code  and
174       another for 'uncovered'.
177   Date and owner binning
178       Date  binning annotates coverage reports with age-of-last-change infor‐
179       mation to distinguish recently added or modified  code  which  has  not
180       been  tested from older, presumed stable code which is also not tested.
181       Owner binning adds annotation identifying the author of changes.
183       Both age and ownership reporting can be used to enhance team efforts to
184       maintain  good  coverage discipline by spotlighting coverage shortfalls
185       in recently modified code, even in the  absence  of  baseline  coverage
186       data.
188       To  enable date and owner binning, the --annotate-script option must be
189       used to specify a script that provides source code line age and  owner‐
190       ship information.
192       For each source line, age is the interval since the most recent modifi‐
193       cation date and the owner is the user identity responsible for the most
194       recent change to that line.
196       Line  coverage overall totals and counts for each of the 12 classifica‐
197       tion categories are collected for each of the specified age ranges (see
198       the --date-bins option, below).
201   Script conventions
202       Some  genhtml  options expect the name of an external script or tool as
203       argument. These scripts are then run as part of  the  associated  func‐
204       tion. This includes the following options:
206              --annotate-script
207              --criteria-script
208              --version-script
210       While  each  script  performs a separate function there are some common
211       aspects in the way these options are handled:
214       1. If an option is specified only once, the argument specifies the full
215          command  line  that genhtml passes to a shell interpreter to run the
216          script.  This includes the script path followed  by  optional  addi‐
217          tional parameters separated by spaces. Care must be taken to provide
218          proper quoting if script path or any parameter  contains  spaces  or
219          shell special characters.
221       2. If an option is specified multiple times, the first invocation spec‐
222          ifies the script path and any further invocation specifies one addi‐
223          tional  parameter.   In  this case, genhtml takes care of quoting of
224          spaces contained in script location and additional parameters.
226       3. genhtml passes any additional parameters specified via option  argu‐
227          ments  between  the  script  path and the parameters required by the
228          script's function.
230       Example:
232              genhtml --annotate-script /bin/script.sh
233                      --annotate-script "full"
235       results in genhtml executing the following command line:
237              /bin/script.sh "full" source_file_name
239       Note that multiple instances of each script may execute  simultaneously
240       if  the --parallel option was specified. Therefore each script must ei‐
241       ther be reentrant or should arrange for  its  own  synchronization,  if
242       necessary.
245   Additional considerations
246       If  the  --criteria-script  option is used, genhtml will use the refer‐
247       enced script to determine whether your coverage criteria have been  met
248       - and will return a non-zero status and print a message if the criteria
249       are not met.
251       The --version-script option is used to verify that the  same/compatible
252       source  code  versions  are  displayed as were used to capture coverage
253       data.
255       HTML output files are created in the current working  directory  unless
256       the  --output-directory  option  is used. If tracefile or baseline-file
257       ends with ".gz", it is assumed to be  GZIP-compressed  and  the  gunzip
258       tool will be used to decompress it transparently.
260       Note  that all source code files have to be present and readable at the
261       exact file system location they were compiled, and all path  references
262       in  the  input  data ".info" and "diff" files must match exactly (i.e.,
263       exact string match).
265       Further, the --version-script, --annotate-script, and --criteria-script
266       scripts use the same path strings. However, see the --substitute option
267       for a mechanism to adjust extracted paths so  they  match  your  source
268       and/or revision control layout.
270       Use  option  --diff-file  to supply a unified diff file that represents
271       the changes to the source code files between the version used  to  com‐
272       pile and capture the baseline trace files, and the version used to com‐
273       pile and capture the current trace files.
275       Use option --css-file to modify layout and colors of the generated HTML
276       output.  Files  are marked in different colors depending on the associ‐
277       ated coverage rate.
279       By default, the coverage limits for low, medium and high  coverage  are
280       set  to 0-75%, 75-90% and 90-100% percent respectively. To change these
281       values, use configuration file options.
283              genhtml_hi_limit and genhtml_med_limit
285       or type-specific limits:
287              genhtml_line_hi_limit and genhtml_line_med_limit
288              genhtml_branch_hi_limit and genhtml_branch_med_limit
289              genhtml_function_hi_limit and genhtml_function_med_limit
291       See the lcovrc man page for details.
293       Also note that when  displaying  percentages,  0%  and  100%  are  only
294       printed  when  the  values  are exactly 0% and 100% respectively. Other
295       values which would conventionally be rounded to 0% or 100% are  instead
296       printed  as  nearest non-boundary value. This behavior is in accordance
297       with that of the gcov(1) tool.


301       -h
302       --help
303              Print a short help text, then exit.
305       --version
306              Print version number, then exit.
308       -v
309       --verbose
310              Increment informational message verbosity.  This is mainly  used
311              for  script  and/or  flow  debugging - e.g., to figure out which
312              data files are found, where.  Also see the --quiet flag.
314       -q
315       --quiet
316              Decrement informational message verbosity.
318              Decreased verbosity will suppress 'progress' messages for  exam‐
319              ple  -  while  error  and  warning  messages will continue to be
320              printed.
322       --debug
323              Increment 'debug messages' verbosity.  This is useful  primarily
324              to developers who want to enhance the lcov tool suite.
326       --flat
327       --hierarchical
328              Use the specified HTML report hierarchy layout.
330              The default HTML report is 3 levels:
332                     1. top-level: table of all directories,
334                     2. directory: table of source files in a directory, and
336                     3. source file detail: annotated source code.
338              Option --hierarchical produces a multilevel report which follows
339              the directory structure of the source code (similar to the  file
340              tool in Microsoft Windows).
342              Option --flat produces a two-level HTML report:
344                     1. top-level: table of all project source files, and
346                     2. source file detail: annotated source code.
348              Only  one  of options --flat and --hierarchical can be specified
349              at the same time.
351              These options can also be persistently set via the  lcovrc  con‐
352              figuration file using either:
354                     genhtml_hierarchical = 1
356              or
358                     genhtml_flat_view = 1
360              See the lcovrc man page for details.
362       -f
363       --frames
364              Use HTML frames for source code view.
366              If  enabled,  a  frameset  is created for each source code file,
367              providing an overview of the source code as a "clickable" image.
368              Note  that this option will slow down output creation noticeably
369              because each source code character has  to  be  inspected  once.
370              Note  also  that  the  GD.pm Perl module has to be installed for
371              this   option   to   work   (it    may    be    obtained    from
372              http://www.cpan.org).
374       -s
375       --show-details
376              Generate detailed directory view.
378              When  this  option is enabled, genhtml generates two versions of
379              each file view. One containing the standard information  plus  a
380              link  to  a "detailed" version. The latter additionally contains
381              information about which test case covered how many lines of each
382              source file.
384       -b baseline-file
385       --baseline-file baseline-file
386              Use data in baseline-file as coverage baseline.
388              The  coverage  data  file specified by baseline-file is read and
389              used as the baseline for classifying the change in coverage rep‐
390              resented by the coverage counts in tracefile.
392              In  general, you should specify a diff file in unified diff for‐
393              mat via --diff-file when you specify a --baseline-file.  Without
394              a  diff  file, genhtml will assume that there are no source dif‐
395              ferences between 'baseline' and 'current'.  (For example:   this
396              might be used to find incremental changes caused by the addition
397              of more testcases, or to compare coverage  results  between  gcc
398              versions, or between gcc and llvm.)
400       --baseline-title title
401              Use title as the descriptive label text for the source of cover‐
402              age baseline data.
404       --baseline-date date
405              Use date as the collection date in text format for the  coverage
406              baseline  data.   If this argument is not specified, the default
407              is to use the creation time of the baseline-file as the baseline
408              date.
410       --current-date date
411              Use  date as the collection date in text format for the coverage
412              baseline data.  If this argument is not specified,  the  default
413              is to use the creation time of the current tracefile.
415       --diff-file diff-file
416              Use  the diff-file as the definition for source file changes be‐
417              tween the sample points for baseline-file and tracefile(s).
419              A suitable diff-file can be generated using the command:
421                     git diff --relative <SHA_base> <SHA_current>
423              or using the "p4udiff" or "gitdiff" sample scripts that are pro‐
424              vided as part of this package in the following locations:
426                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/p4udiff
428              and
430                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/gitdiff
432              p4udiff  accepts  either  a  changelist ID or the literal string
433              "sandbox"; "sandbox" indicates that  there  are  modified  files
434              which have not been checked in.
436              These  scripts post-process the 'p4' or 'git' output to (option‐
437              ally) remove files that are not of interest  and  to  explicitly
438              note  files  which  have  not changed.  It is useful to note un‐
439              changed files denoted by lines of the form:
441                     diff [optional header strings]
442                     === file_path
444              in the p4diff/gitdiff output as this knowledge will help to sup‐
445              press    spurious    'path    mismatch'   warnings.    See   the
446              --elide-path-mismatch option, below.
448              Note that you must  specify  --baseline-file  when  you  specify
449              --diff-file.   Both are needed for differential coverage catego‐
450              rization.
452              Conversely,  if  you  specify  a   --baseline-file   without   a
453              --diff-file,  then  genhtml will assume that there are no source
454              code changes:  source text is identical between  'baseline'  and
455              'current'.
458       --annotate-script script
459              Use script to get source code annotation data.
461              Use this option to specify an external tool or command line that
462              genhtml can use to obtain source code annotation  data  such  as
463              age and author of the last change for each source code line.
465              This option also instructs genhtml to add a summary table to the
466              HTML report header that shows counts  in  the  various  coverage
467              categories,  associated  with  each  date bin. In addition, each
468              source code line will show age and owner information.
470              The specified script is expected to obtain age and ownership in‐
471              formation for each source code line from the revision management
472              system and to output this information in  the  format  described
473              below.
475              If  the  annotate script fails and annotation errors are ignored
476              via --ignore-errors, then genhtml will try to  load  the  source
477              file  normally.  If the file is not present or not readable, and
478              the --synthesize-missing flag is specified,  then  genhtml  will
479              synthesize fake data for the file.
481              Sample  annotation  scripts  for Perforce ("p4annotate") and git
482              ("gitblame") are provided as part of this package in the follow‐
483              ing locations:
485                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/p4annotate
487              and
489                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/gitblame
491              Note  that these scripts generate annotations from the file ver‐
492              sion checked in to the repository -  not  the  locally  modified
493              file  in  the  build directory.  If you need annotations for lo‐
494              cally modified files, you can shelve  your  changes  in  P4,  or
495              check them in to a local branch in git.
497              Creating your own script
499              When creating your own script, please first see Script consider‐
500              ations above for general calling conventions and script require‐
501              ments.
503              script is called by genhtml with the following command line:
505                     script [additional_parameters]  source_file_name
507              where
509                     script
510                            is the script executable
512                     additional_parameters
513                            includes  any  optional  parameters specified (see
514                            Script conventions above)
516                     source_file_name
517                            is the source code file name
519              The script executable should output a line to the standard  out‐
520              put  stream  in  the  following  format  for  each  line in file
521              source_file_name:
523                     commit_id|author_id|date|source_code
525              where
527                     commit_id
528                            is an ID identifying the last change to the line
530                     author_id
531                            identifies the author of the last change
533                     date
534                            is the  data  of  last  change  in  W3CDTF  format
535                            (<YYYY>-<MM>-<DD>T<hh>:<mm>:<ss><TZD>)
537                     source_code
538                            is the line's source code
540              The  script  should return 0 (zero) if processing was successful
541              and non-zero if it encountered an error.
543       --criteria-script script
544              Use script to test for coverage acceptance criteria.
546              Use this option to specify an external tool or command line that
547              genhtml can use to determine if coverage results meet custom ac‐
548              ceptance criteria.  Criteria checking results are shown  in  the
549              standard  output  log  of genhtml.  If at least one check fails,
550              genhtml will exit with a non-zero exit code after completing its
551              processing.
553              A  sample  coverage  criteria script is provided as part of this
554              package in the following location:
556                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/criteria
558              The sample script checks that top-level line coverage meets  the
559              criteria  "UNC + LBC + UIC == 0" (added code and newly activated
560              code must be tested, and existing tested code  must  not  become
561              untested).
563              As  another example, it is possible to create scripts that mimic
564              the lcov --fail-under-lines feature by checking that  the  ratio
565              of  exercised  lines to total lines ("(GNC + GIC + CBC) / (GNC +
566              GIC + CBC + UNC + UIC + UBC)") is greater than the  threshold  -
567              either  only  at  the top level, in every directory, or wherever
568              desired. Similarly, criteria may  include  branch  and  function
569              coverage metrics.
571              By default the criteria script is called for all source code hi‐
572              erarchy levels, i.e.: top-level, directory, and file-level.  The
573              criteria_callback_levels  configuration  file option can be used
574              to limit the hierarchy levels to any combination of 'top',  'di‐
575              rectory', or 'file' levels.
577              Example:
579                     genhtml --rc criteria_callback_levels=directory,top ...
581              You  can  increase  the  amount  of  data passed to the criteria
582              script using configuration file  option  criteria_callback_data.
583              By  default,  only  total counts are included. Specifying "date"
584              adds per date-bin counts, "owner" adds per owner-bin counts.
586              Example:
588                     genhtml --rc criteria_callback_data=date,owner ...
590              See the lcovrc man page for more details.
592              Creating your own script
594              When creating your own script, please first see Script consider‐
595              ations above for general calling conventions and script require‐
596              ments.
598              script is run with the following command line  for  each  source
599              code file, leaf-directory, and top-level coverage results:
601                     script [additional_parameters]  name   type json_data
603              where
605                     script
606                            is the script executable
608                     additional_parameters
609                            includes  any  optional  parameters specified (see
610                            Script conventions above)
612                     name
613                            is the name of the object for which coverage  cri‐
614                            teria should be checked, that is either the source
615                            code file name, directory name, or  "top"  if  the
616                            script is called for top-level data
618                     type
619                            is the type of source code object for which cover‐
620                            age criteria should be checked,  that  is  one  of
621                            "file", "directory", or "top"
623                     json_data
624                            is  a JSON representation of coverage data for the
625                            corresponding source code object
627              The JSON data format is defined as follows:
629              {
630                "<type>": {
631                  "found": <count>,
632                  "hit": <count>,
633                  "<category>": <count>,
634                  ...
635                },
636                "<bin_type>": {
637                  "<bin_id>" : {
638                    "found": <count>,
639                    "hit": <count>,
640                    "<category>": <count>,
641                    ...
642                  },
643                  ...
644                },
645                ...
646              }
648              where
650                     type
651                            specifies the type of coverage as one  of  "line",
652                            "function", or "branch"
654                     bin_type
655                            specifies  the  type of per-bin coverage as one of
656                            "line_age", "function_age",  or  "branch_age"  for
657                            date-bin  data,  and "line_owners" or "branch_own‐
658                            ers" for owner-bin data
660                     bin_id
661                            specifies the date-bin index  for  date-bin  data,
662                            and owner ID for owner-bin data.
664                     found
665                            defines  the  number of found lines, functions, or
666                            branches
668                     hit
669                            defines the number of  hit  lines,  functions,  or
670                            branches
672                     category
673                            defines   the   number  of  lines,  functions,  or
674                            branches that fall in the specified category  (see
675                            Differential coverage above)
678              Note that data is only reported for non-empty coverage types and
679              bins.
681              The script should return 0 (zero) if the criteria  are  met  and
682              non-zero otherwise.
684              If  desired, it may print a single line output string which will
685              be appended to the error log if the return status  is  non-zero.
686              Additionally,  non-empty lines are appended to the genhtml stan‐
687              dard output log.
690       --version-script script
691              Use script to get source code file version data.
693              Use this option to specify an external tool or command line that
694              genhtml  can  use to obtain a source code file's version ID when
695              generating HTML or applying source  filters  (see  --filter  op‐
696              tion).
698              A  version ID can be a file hash or commit ID from revision con‐
699              trol. It is used to check the version of the source  file  which
700              is  loaded against the version which was used to generate cover‐
701              age data (i.e., the file version seen by  lcov/geninfo).  It  is
702              important  that source code versions match - otherwise inconsis‐
703              tent or confusing results may be produced.
705              Version mismatches typically happen when the tasks  of  capture,
706              aggregation,  and  report  generation are split between multiple
707              jobs - e.g., when the same  source  code  is  used  in  multiple
708              projects,  a unified/global coverage report is required, and the
709              projects accidentally use different revisions.
711              Sample scripts for Perforce ("getp4version") and  using  an  md5
712              hash  ("get_signature")  are provided as part of this package in
713              the following locations:
715                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/getp4version
717              and
719                     /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/get_signature
721              Note that you must use the same script/same mechanism to  deter‐
722              mine  the file version when you extract, merge, and display cov‐
723              erage data - otherwise, you may see spurious mismatch reports.
725              Creating your own script
727              When creating your own script, please first see Script consider‐
728              ations above for general calling conventions and script require‐
729              ments.
731              script is used both to generate and to compare the version ID to
732              enable  retaining  history  between  calls or to do more complex
733              processing to determine equivalence.  It will be called by  gen‐
734              html with either of the following command lines:
736              1. Determine source file version ID
738                     script source_file_name
740              It  should  write  the version ID of  source_file_name to stdout
741              and return a 0 exit status.  If the file is  not  versioned,  it
742              should write an empty string and return a 0 exit status.
744              2. Compare source file version IDs
746                     script --compare  source_file_name source_file_id
747                                       info_file_id
749              where
751                     source_file_name
752                            is the source code file name
754                     source_file_id
755                            is  the  version  ID  returned  by calling "script
756                            source_file_name"
758                     info_file_id
759                            is the version ID found in the corresponding .info
760                            file
762              It should return non-zero if the IDs do not match.
765       --checksum
766              Specify whether to compare stored tracefile checksum to checksum
767              computed from the source code.
769              Checksum verification is disabled by default.
771              When checksum verification is enabled, a checksum will  be  com‐
772              puted  for  each  source  code line and compared to the checksum
773              found in the 'current' tracefile.  This will help to prevent at‐
774              tempts to display source code which is not identical to the code
775              used to generate the coverage data.
777              Note that  this  option  is  somewhat  subsumed  by  the  --ver‐
778              sion-script  option  -  which does something similar, but at the
779              'whole file' level.
781       --new-file-as-baseline
782              By default, when code is identified on source lines in the 'cur‐
783              rent'  data  which were not identified as code in the 'baseline'
784              data, but the source text has not changed, their coverpoints are
785              categorized as "included code": GIC or UIC.
787              However,  if  the configuration of the coverage job has been re‐
788              cently changed to instrument additional files, then all un-exer‐
789              cised coverpoints in those files will fall into the GIC category
790              - which may cause certain coverage criteria checks to fail.
792              When this option is specified, genhtml pretends that  the  base‐
793              line data for the file is the same as the current data - so cov‐
794              erpoints are categorized as CBC or UBC which do not trigger  the
795              coverage criteria check.
797              Please note that coverpoints in the file are re-categorized only
798              if:
801                     •  There is no 'baseline' data for any coverpoint in this
802                        file, AND
804                     •  The  file  pre-dates the baseline:  the oldest line in
805                        the file is older than the 'baseline'  data  file  (or
806                        the value specified by the --baseline-date option).
808       --elide-path-mismatch
809              Differential  categorization uses file pathnames to match cover‐
810              age entries from the ".info" file with file  difference  entries
811              in  the  unified-diff-file.   If  the entries are not identical,
812              then categorization may be incorrect or strange.
814              When paths do not match, genhtml will produce "path" error  mes‐
815              sages to tell you about the mismatches.
817              If  mismatches  occur, the best solution is to fix the incorrect
818              entries in the .info and/or unified-diff-file  files.   However,
819              fixing  these entries is not possible, then you can use this op‐
820              tion to attempt to automatically work around them.
822              When this option is specified, genhtml  will  pretend  that  the
823              unified-diff-file entry matches the .info file entries if:
826                     •  the  same  path  is  found  in both the 'baseline' and
827                        'current' .info files, and
829                     •  the basename of the path in the  .info  file  and  the
830                        path in the unified-diff-file are the same, and
832                     •  there  is  only  one unmatched unified-diff-file entry
833                        with that basename.
835              See the --diff-file discussion above for a discussion of how  to
836              avoid spurious warnings and/or incorrect matches.
838       --synthesize-missing
839              Generate  (fake)  file  content  if  source file does not exist.
840              This option can be used to work around otherwise  fatal  annota‐
841              tion errors.
843       --date-bins day[,day,...]
844              The  --date-bins  option is used to specify age boundaries (cut‐
845              points) for date-binning classification.  If not specified,  the
846              default  is to use 4 age ranges: less than 7 days, 7 to 30 days,
847              30 to 180 days, and more than 180 days.  This  argument  has  no
848              effect if there is no source-annotation-script .
850       --show-owners [all]
851              If the --show-owners option is used, each coverage report header
852              report contain a summary table, showing counts  in  the  various
853              coverage  categories  for  everyone  who appears in the revision
854              control annotation as the most recent editor of the  correspond‐
855              ing  line.  If the optional argument 'all' is not specified, the
856              table will show only users who are responsible for  un-exercised
857              code  lines.   If the optional argument is specified, then users
858              responsible for any code lines  will  appear.   In  both  cases,
859              users who are responsible for non-code lines (e.g, comments) are
860              not shown.  This option does nothing if --annotate-script is not
861              used;  it needs revision control information provided by calling
862              the script.
864              Please note: if the all option is not specified, the summary ta‐
865              ble  will contain "Total" rows for all date/owner bins which are
866              not empty - but there will be no secondary "File/Directory"  en‐
867              tries for elements which have no "missed" coverpoints.
869       --show-noncode
870              By  default,  the source code detail view does not show owner or
871              date annotations in  the  far-left  column  for  non-code  lines
872              (e.g., comments). If the --show-noncode option is used, then the
873              source code  view  will  show  annotations  for  both  code  and
874              non-code  lines.   This  argument  has  no effect if there is no
875              source-annotation-script .
877       --show-zero-columns
878              By default, columns whose entries are all zero are removed  (not
879              shown)  in  the  summary table at the top of each HTML page.  If
880              the --show-zero-columns option is used, then those columns  will
881              be shown.
883              When  columns  are  retained,  then all the tables have the same
884              width/contain the same number of columns - which may be a  bene‐
885              fit in some situations.
887              When  columns  are removed, then the tables are more compact and
888              easier to read.  This is especially true  in  relatively  mature
889              development  environments,  when there are very few un-exercised
890              coverpoints in the project.
892       --show-navigation
893              By default, the summary table in the  source  code  detail  view
894              does not contain hyperlinks from the number to the first line in
895              the corresponding category ('Hit' or 'Missed') and from the cur‐
896              rent  location  to the next location in the current category, in
897              non-differential coverage reports.  (This is the  lcov  'legacy'
898              view non-differential reports.)
900              If  the  --show-navigation  option is used, then the source code
901              summary table will be generated with navigation  links.   Hyper‐
902              links are always generated for differential coverage reports.
904              This  feature enables developers to find and understand coverage
905              issues more quickly than they might otherwise, if  they  had  to
906              rely on scrolling.
908       --show-proportions
909              In  the 'function coverage detail' table, also show the percent‐
910              age of lines and branches within the function  which  are  exer‐
911              cised.
913              This  feature enables developers to focus attention on functions
914              which have the largest effect on overall code coverage.
916              This feature is disabled by default.  Note that this option  re‐
917              quires that you use a gcc version which is new enough to support
918              function begin/end line reports.
921       --simplified-colors
922              By default, each differential category is colorized uniquely  in
923              the  source code detail view.  With this option, only two colors
924              are used:  one for covered code and another for uncovered  code.
925              Note  that  ECB  and EUB code is neither covered nor uncovered -
926              and so may be difficult to distinguish in the source code  view,
927              as they will be presented in normal background color.
929       --exclude pattern
930              pattern is a glob-match pattern of filenames to exclude from the
931              report.  Files which do NOT match will  be  included.   See  the
932              lcov man page for details.
934       --include pattern
935              pattern  is a glob-match pattern of filenames to include in pro‐
936              cessing.  Files which do not match will be excluded from the re‐
937              port.  See the lcov man page for details.
939       --erase-functions regexp
940              Exclude  coverage  data  from lines which fall within a function
941              whose name matches the supplied regexp.  Note  that  this  is  a
942              mangled  or  demangled  name,  depending on whether the --deman‐
943              gle-cpp option is used or not.
945              Note that this option requires that you use a gcc version  which
946              is new enough to support function begin/end line reports.
948       --substitute regexp_pattern
949              Apply Perl regexp regexp_pattern to source file names found dur‐
950              ing processing.  This is useful when  some  file  paths  in  the
951              baseline  or  current .info file do not match your source layout
952              and so the source code is not found.  See the lcov man page  for
953              more details.
955       --omit-lines regexp_pattern
956              Exclude coverage data from lines whose content matches regexp.
958              Use  this switch if you want to exclude line and branch coverage
959              data for some particular constructs in  your  code  (e.g.,  some
960              complicated macro).  See the lcov man page for details.
962       --parallel [ integer ]
963       -j [ integer ]
964              Specify  parallelism to use during processing (maximum number of
965              forked child processes).  If the  optional  integer  parallelism
966              parameter  is  zero or is missing, then use to use up the number
967              of cores on the machine.  Default is not to use a single process
968              (no parallelism).
970       --memory integer
971              Specify the maximum amount of memory to use during parallel pro‐
972              cessing, in Mb.  Effectively, the process  will  not  fork()  if
973              this limit would be exceeded.  Default is 0 (zero) - which means
974              that there is no limit.
976              This option may be useful if the compute  farm  environment  im‐
977              poses  strict  limits  on resource utilization such that the job
978              will be killed if it tries to use too many parallel  children  -
979              but the user does not know a priori what the permissible maximum
980              is.  This option enables the tool to use maximum  parallelism  -
981              up to the limit imposed by the memory restriction.
984       --filter filters
985              Specify a list of coverpoint filters to apply to input data.
987              filters can be a comma-separated list of the following keywords:
989              branch:  ignore  branch counts for C/C++ source code lines which
990              do not appear to contain conditionals.  These may  be  generated
991              automatically  by  the  compiler  (e.g., from C++ exception han‐
992              dling) - and are not interesting to users.  This option  has  no
993              effect unless --branch-coverage is used.
995              See also the lcovrc man page - which describes several variables
996              which affect branch filtering: filter_lookahead and  filter_bit‐
997              wise_conditional.
999              The  most common use for branch filtering is to remove compiler-
1000              generated branches related to C++ exception handlers.   See  the
1001              no_exception_branch'  option in the lcovrc man page for a way to
1002              remove all identified exception branches.
1004              brace: ignore line coverage counts on the closing brace of C/C++
1005              code  block,  if  the line contains only a closing brace and the
1006              preceding line has the same count or if the close  brace  has  a
1007              zero  count  and either the preceding line has a non-zero count,
1008              or the close brace is not the body of a conditional.
1010              These lines seem to appear and disappear in gcov  output  -  and
1011              cause  differential  coverage  to  report  bogus  LBC and/or GIC
1012              and/or UIC counts.  Bogus LBC or UIC counts are  a  problem  be‐
1013              cause  an  automated  regression which uses pass criteria "LBC +
1014              UIC + UNC == 0" will fail.
1016              blank: ignore lines which contain only whitespace (or whitespace
1017              +  comments)  whose  'hit'  count is zero.  These appear to be a
1018              'gcov' artifact related to compiler-generated code - such as ex‐
1019              ception  handlers and destructor calls at the end of scope - and
1020              can confuse differential coverage criteria.
1022              range: Ignore line and branch coverpoints  on  lines  which  are
1023              out-of  range/whose  line number is beyond the end of the source
1024              file.  These appear to be gcov artifacts caused by a  macro  in‐
1025              stantiation on the last line of the file.
1027              line: alias for "--filter brace,blank".
1029              region: apply LCOV_EXCL_START/LCOV_EXCL_STOP directives found in
1030              source text to the coverpoints found in the current and baseline
1031              .info files.  This option may be useful in cases that the source
1032              code was not found during 'lcov --capture ...' but is accessible
1033              now.
1035              branch_region: apply LCOV_EXCL_BR_START/LCOV_EXCL_BR_STOP direc‐
1036              tives found in source text to the coverpoints found in the  cur‐
1037              rent  and  baseline .info files.  This is similar to the 'region
1038              option, above - but applies to branch coverpoints only.
1040              function: combine data for every "unique" function which is  de‐
1041              fined  at  the  same file/line.  geninfo/gcov seem to have a bug
1042              such that they create multiple entries for  the  same  function.
1043              This  feature  also  merges  all  instances of the same template
1044              function/template method.
1046              trivial: remove trivial functions  and  associated  coverpoints.
1047              'Trivial'  functions  are whose body is empty/do not contain any
1048              statements.  Commonly, these include compiler-generated  methods
1049              (e.g., default constructors and assignment operators) as well as
1050              static initialization wrappers, etc.
1052              Note that this filter requires function end line  information  -
1053              and  so  requires that you use a gcc veraion which is new enough
1054              to support begin/end line reports:  gcc/9 or newer, or that  you
1055              enable lcov/genhtml/geninfo to derive the information:
1057              In the lcovrc man page, see the derive_function_end_line setting
1058              as well as the trivial_function_threshold setting.   The  former
1059              is  used  to turn end line calculation on or off, and the latter
1060              to change the lookahead used to determine whether  the  function
1061              body is empty.
1063       -o output-directory
1064       --output-directory output-directory
1065              Create files in output-directory.
1067              Use  this option to tell genhtml to write the resulting files to
1068              a directory other than the current one. If output-directory does
1069              not exist, it will be created.
1071              It  is  advisable  to  use  this  option  since depending on the
1072              project size, a lot of files and subdirectories may be created.
1074       -t title
1075       --title title
1076              Display title in header table of all pages.
1078              title is written to the "Test:"-field in the header table at the
1079              top of each generated HTML page to identify the context in which
1080              a particular output was created. By default, this is the name of
1081              the 'current; tracefile.
1083              A common use is to specify a test run name, or a version control
1084              system identifier (perforce changelist or git SHA, for  example)
1085              that indicates the code level that was tested.
1087       --header-title BANNER
1088              Display BANNER in header of all pages.
1090              BANNER  is  written to the header portion of each generated HTML
1091              page.  By default, this simply identifies this as an LCOV  (dif‐
1092              ferential) coverage report.
1094              A  common  use  is to specify the name of the project or project
1095              branch and the Jenkins build ID.
1097       --footer FOOTER
1098              Display FOOTER in footer of all pages.
1100              FOOTER is written to the footer portion of each  generated  HTML
1101              page.   The default simply identifies the LCOV tool version used
1102              to generate the report.
1104       -d description-file
1105       --description-file description-file
1106              Read test case descriptions from description-file.
1108              All test case descriptions found in description-file and  refer‐
1109              enced  in  the  input data file are read and written to an extra
1110              page which is then incorporated into the HTML output.
1112              The file format of description-file is:
1114              for each test case:
1115                     TN:<testname>
1116                     TD:<test description>
1119              Valid test case names can consist of letters,  numbers  and  the
1120              underscore character ('_').
1122       -k
1123       --keep-descriptions
1124              Do not remove unused test descriptions.
1126              Keep descriptions found in the description file even if the cov‐
1127              erage data indicates that the associated test case did not cover
1128              any lines of code.
1130              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1131              uration file option genhtml_keep_descriptions.
1133       -c css-file
1134       --css-file css-file
1135              Use external style sheet file css-file.
1137              Using this option, an extra .css file  may  be  specified  which
1138              will replace the default one. This may be helpful if the default
1139              colors make your eyes want to jump out of their sockets :)
1141              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1142              uration file option genhtml_css_file.
1144       --source-directory dirname
1145              Add 'dirname' to the list of places to look for source files.
1147              For  relative paths listed in tracefile, genhtml will first look
1148              for the path from 'cwd' (where genhtml  was  invoked)  and  then
1149              from  each alternate directory name in the order specified.  The
1150              first location matching location is used.
1152              This option can be specified multiple times, to add more  direc‐
1153              tories to the source search path.
1156       -p prefix
1157       --prefix prefix
1158              Remove prefix from all directory names.
1160              Because  lists  containing long filenames are difficult to read,
1161              there is a mechanism implemented that will automatically try  to
1162              shorten  all directory names on the overview page beginning with
1163              a common prefix. By default, this is  done  using  an  algorithm
1164              that tries to find the prefix which, when applied, will minimize
1165              the resulting sum of characters of all directory names.
1167              Use this option to specify the prefix to be removed by yourself.
1169       --no-prefix
1170              Do not remove prefix from directory names.
1172              This switch will completely disable  the  prefix  mechanism  de‐
1173              scribed in the previous section.
1175              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1176              uration file option genhtml_no_prefix.
1178       --no-source
1179              Do not create source code view.
1181              Use this switch if you don't want to get a source code view  for
1182              each file.
1184              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1185              uration file option genhtml_no_source.
1187       --num-spaces spaces
1188              Replace tabs in source view with num spaces.
1190              Default value is 8.
1192              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1193              uration file option genhtml_num_spaces.
1195       --highlight
1196              Highlight lines with converted-only coverage data.
1198              Use this option in conjunction with the --diff option of lcov to
1199              highlight those lines which were only covered in data sets which
1200              were converted from previous source code versions.
1202              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1203              uration file option genhtml_highlight.
1205       --legend
1206              Include color legend in HTML output.
1208              Use this option to include a legend explaining  the  meaning  of
1209              color coding in the resulting HTML output.
1211              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1212              uration file option genhtml_legend.
1214       --html-prolog prolog-file
1215              Read customized HTML prolog from prolog-file.
1217              Use this option to replace the default HTML prolog (the  initial
1218              part  of  the  HTML  source code leading up to and including the
1219              <body> tag) with the contents of prolog-file.  Within the prolog
1220              text, the following words will be replaced when a page is gener‐
1221              ated:
1223              @pagetitle@
1224              The title of the page.
1226              @basedir@
1227              A relative path leading to the base directory (e.g., for  locat‐
1228              ing css-files).
1230              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1231              uration file option genhtml_html_prolog.
1233       --html-epilog epilog-file
1234              Read customized HTML epilog from epilog-file.
1236              Use this option to replace the default HTML  epilog  (the  final
1237              part  of the HTML source including </body>) with the contents of
1238              epilog-file.
1240              Within the epilog text, the following  words  will  be  replaced
1241              when a page is generated:
1243              @basedir@
1244              A  relative path leading to the base directory (e.g., for locat‐
1245              ing css-files).
1247              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1248              uration file option genhtml_html_epilog.
1250       --html-extension extension
1251              Use customized filename extension for generated HTML pages.
1253              This option is useful in situations where different filename ex‐
1254              tensions are required to render the  resulting  pages  correctly
1255              (e.g.,  php). Note that a '.' will be inserted between the file‐
1256              name and the extension specified by this option.
1258              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1259              uration file option genhtml_html_extension.
1261       --html-gzip
1262              Compress  all generated html files with gzip and add a .htaccess
1263              file specifying gzip-encoding in the root output directory.
1265              Use this option if you want to save space on your webserver. Re‐
1266              quires  a  webserver  with  .htaccess support and a browser with
1267              support for gzip compressed html.
1269              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1270              uration file option genhtml_html_gzip.
1272       --sort
1273       --no-sort
1274              Specify  whether  to  include sorted views of file and directory
1275              overviews.
1277              Use --sort to include sorted views or --no-sort to  not  include
1278              them.  Sorted views are enabled by default.
1280              When  sorted  views are enabled, each overview page will contain
1281              links to views of that page sorted by coverage rate.
1283              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1284              uration file option genhtml_sort.
1286       --function-coverage
1287       --no-function-coverage
1288              Specify  whether  to display function coverage summaries in HTML
1289              output.
1291              Use --function-coverage to enable function coverage summaries or
1292              --no-function-coverage  to  disable  it.  Function coverage sum‐
1293              maries are enabled by default.
1295              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1296              uration file option genhtml_function_coverage.
1298              When function coverage summaries are enabled, each overview page
1299              will contain the number of functions found and hit per  file  or
1300              directory,  together  with the resulting coverage rate. In addi‐
1301              tion, each source code view will contain a link to a page  which
1302              lists  all functions found in that file plus the respective call
1303              count for those functions.  The function  coverage  page  groups
1304              the data for every alias of each function, sorted by name or ex‐
1305              ecution count.  The representative name of the  group  of  func‐
1306              tions is the shorted (i.e., containing the fewest characters).
1308              If  using  differential  coverage  and a sufficiently recent gcc
1309              version which report both begin and end line of functions (gcc/9
1310              and  newer),  functions  are  considered  'new'  if any of their
1311              source lines have changed.  With older gcc  versions,  functions
1312              are considered 'new' if the function signature has changed or if
1313              the entire function is new.
1315       --branch-coverage
1316       --no-branch-coverage
1317              Specify whether to display branch coverage data in HTML output.
1319              Use --branch-coverage  to  enable  branch  coverage  display  or
1320              --no-branch-coverage to disable it. Branch coverage data display
1321              is disabled by default.
1323              When branch coverage display is enabled, each overview page will
1324              contain  the number of branches found and hit per file or direc‐
1325              tory, together with the resulting coverage  rate.  In  addition,
1326              each  source  code view will contain an extra column which lists
1327              all branches of a line with indications of  whether  the  branch
1328              was taken or not. Branches are shown in the following format:
1330               ' + ': Branch was taken at least once
1331               ' - ': Branch was not taken
1332               ' # ': The basic block containing the branch was never executed
1334              Note  that it might not always be possible to relate branches to
1335              the corresponding source code  statements:  during  compilation,
1336              GCC  might  shuffle branches around or eliminate some of them to
1337              generate better code.
1339              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1340              uration file option genhtml_branch_coverage.
1342       --demangle-cpp [param]
1343              Specify whether to demangle C++ function names.
1345              Use  this  option  if  you want to convert C++ internal function
1346              names to human readable format for display on the HTML  function
1347              overview page.
1349              If  called  with no parameters, genhtml will use c++filt for de‐
1350              mangling.  This requires that the c++filt tool is installed (see
1351              c++filt(1)).
1353              If  param  is specified, it is treated as th tool to call to de‐
1354              mangle source code.  The --demangle-cpp option can be used  mul‐
1355              tiple  times to specify the demangling tool and a set of command
1356              line options that are passed to the tool - similar  to  how  the
1357              gcc -Xlinker paramter works.  In that case, you callback will be
1358              executed as: | demangle_param0 demangle_param1  ...   Note  that
1359              the  demangle  tool  is called as a pipe and is expected to read
1360              from stdin and write to stdout.
1362       --ignore-errors errors
1363              Specify a list of errors after which to continue processing.
1365              Use this option to specify a list of error classes  after  which
1366              genhtml  should  continue  processing with a warning message in‐
1367              stead of aborting.  To suppress the warning message, specify the
1368              error class twice.
1370              errors can be a comma-separated list of the following keywords:
1372              annotate:  --annotate-script  returned  non-zero  exit  status -
1373              likely a file path or related error.  HTML source  code  display
1374              will  not be correct and ownership/date information may be miss‐
1375              ing.
1377              branch: Branch ID (2nd field in the  .info  file  'BRDA'  entry)
1378              does not follow expected integer sequence.
1380              callback: Annotate, version, or criteria script error.
1382              category: Line number categorizations are incorrect in the .info
1383              file, so branch coverage line number turns out to not be an exe‐
1384              cutable source line.
1386              count:  An  excessive  number of messages of some class has been
1387              reported - subsequent messages of that type will be  suppressed.
1388              The limit can be controlled by the 'max_message_count' variable.
1389              See the lcovrc man page.
1391              corrupt: Corrupt/unreadable coverage data file found.
1393              deprecated: You are using a deprecated option.  This option will
1394              be  removed  in  an upcoming release - so you should change your
1395              scripts now.
1397              empty: The patch file specified by the --diff-file argument does
1398              not  contain  any  differences.  This may be OK if there were no
1399              source code changes between 'baseline' and 'current' (e.g.,  the
1400              only  change  was to modify a Makefile) - or may indicate an un‐
1401              supported file format.
1403              format: Unexpected syntax found in .info file.
1405              inconsistent: Files have been moved or repository  history  pre‐
1406              sented by --diff-file data is not consistent with coverage data;
1407              for example, an 'inserted'  line  has  baseline  coverage  data.
1408              These issues are likely to be caused by inconsistent handling in
1409              the 'diff' and 'annotate' scripts.
1411              mismatch: Inconsistent entries found in trace file:
1414              •  branch expression (3rd field in the .info file 'BRDA'  entry)
1415                 of merge data does not match, or
1417              •  function  execution count (FNDA:...) but no function declara‐
1418                 tion (FN:...).
1420              negative: negative 'hit' count found.
1422              Note that negative counts may be caused by a known GCC bug - see
1424                     https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=68080
1426              and try compiling with "-fprofile-update=atomic". You will  need
1427              to recompile, re-run your tests, and re-capture coverage data.
1429              package:  A  required perl package is not installed on your sys‐
1430              tem.  In some cases, it is possible to ignore this  message  and
1431              continue  -  however,  certain features will be disabled in that
1432              case.
1434              parallel: Various types of errors related to parallelism - e.g.,
1435              child  process died due to some error.   If you see an error re‐
1436              lated to parallel execution, it may be a good idea to remove the
1437              --parallel flag and try again.
1439              path: File name found in --diff-file file but does not appear in
1440              either baseline or current trace data.  These may be mapping is‐
1441              sues - different pathname in the tracefile vs. the diff file.
1443              source: The source code file for a data set could not be found.
1445              unmapped:  Coverage  data for a particular line cannot be found,
1446              possibly because the source code was not found, or  because  the
1447              line number mapping in the .info file is wrong.
1449              This  can  happen  if the source file used in HTML generation is
1450              not the same as the file used to generate the  coverage  data  -
1451              for example, lines have been added or removed.
1453              unsupported:  The  requested  feature  is not supported for this
1454              tool configuration.  For example, function begin/end line  range
1455              exclusions  use  some  GCOV  features  that are not available in
1456              older GCC releases.
1458              unused: The  include/exclude/erase/substitute/omit  pattern  did
1459              not match any file pathnames.
1461              version:  --version-script comparison returned non-zero mismatch
1462              indication.  It likely that the version of the  file  which  was
1463              used  in  coverage  data extraction is different than the source
1464              version which was found.  File annotations may be incorrect.
1466              Also  see  'man  lcovrc'  for  a  discussion  of  the  'max_mes‐
1467              sage_count' parameter which can be used to control the number of
1468              warnings which are emitted before all  subsequent  messages  are
1469              suppressed.  This can be used to reduce log file volume.
1471       --keep-going
1472              Do  not stop if error occurs: attempt to generate a result, how‐
1473              ever flawed.
1475              This command line option corresponds to the stop_on_error lcovrc
1476              option.  See the lcovrc man page for more details.
1479       --config-file config-file
1480              Specify  a  configuration  file to use.  See the lcovrc man page
1481              for details of the file format and options.
1483              When this option is specified, neither the system-wide  configu‐
1484              ration  file  /etc/lcovrc,  nor  the per-user configuration file
1485              ~/.lcovrc is read.
1487              This option may be useful when there is a need  to  run  several
1488              instances  of  genhtml with different configuration file options
1489              in parallel.
1491              Note that this option must be specified in full -  abbreviations
1492              are not supported.
1495       --rc keyword=value
1496              Override a configuration directive.
1498              Use this option to specify a keyword=value statement which over‐
1499              rides the corresponding configuration statement  in  the  lcovrc
1500              configuration  file.  You can specify this option more than once
1501              to override multiple configuration  statements.   See  lcovrc(5)
1502              for a list of available keywords and their meaning.
1504       --precision num
1505              Show  coverage rates with num number of digits after the decimal
1506              point.
1508              Default value is 1.
1510              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1511              uration file option genhtml_precision.
1513       --suppress-aliases
1514              Suppress list of aliases in function detail table.
1516              Functions  whose  file/line  is  the  same  are considered to be
1517              aliases; genthml uses the shortest name in the list  of  aliases
1518              (fewest characters) as the leader.
1520              The number of aliases can be large, for example due to instanti‐
1521              ated templates - which can make function coverage results diffi‐
1522              cult  to  read.  This option removes the list of aliases, making
1523              it easier to focus on  the  overall  function  coverage  number,
1524              which is likely more interesting.
1526              Note  that this option has an effect only when --filter function
1527              is applied.
1529              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1530              uration file option suppress_function_aliases.
1533       --forget-test-names
1534              If  non-zero,  ignore testcase names in .info file - i.e., treat
1535              all coverage data as if it came from the  same  testcase.   This
1536              may  improve  performance  and reduce memory consumption if user
1537              does not need per-testcase coverage summary in coverage reports.
1539              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1540              uration file option forget_testcase_names.
1542       --missed
1543              Show counts of missed lines, functions, or branches.
1545              Use  this  option  to change overview pages to show the count of
1546              lines, functions, or branches that were not  hit.  These  counts
1547              are represented by negative numbers.
1549              When  specified  together  with --sort, file and directory views
1550              will be sorted by missed counts.
1552              This option can also be configured permanently using the config‐
1553              uration file option genhtml_missed.
1555       --dark-mode
1556              Use  a light-display-on-dark-background color scheme rather than
1557              the default dark-display-on-light-background.
1559              The idea is to reduce eye strain due to viewing dark text  on  a
1560              bright screen - particularly at night.
1562       --tempdir dirname
1563              Write  temporary  and  intermediate data to indicated directory.
1564              Default is "/tmp".
1566       --preserve
1567              Preserve intermediate data files generated by various  steps  in
1568              the  tool  -  e.g.,  for debugging.  By default, these files are
1569              deleted.
1572       --save
1573              Copy unified-diff-file, baseline_trace_file, and tracefile(s) to
1574              output-directory.
1576              Keeping copies of the input data files may help to debug any is‐
1577              sues or to regenerate report files later.


1582       /etc/lcovrc
1583              The system-wide configuration file.
1585       ~/.lcovrc
1586              The per-user configuration file.
1588       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/p4udiff
1589              Sample script for use with --diff-file that  creates  a  unified
1590              diff file via Perforce.
1592       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/gitdiff
1593              Sample  script  for  use with --diff-file that creates a unified
1594              diff file via git.
1596       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/p4annotate
1597              Sample script for use with --annotate-script that provides anno‐
1598              tation data via Perforce.
1600       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/gitblame
1601              Sample script for use with --annotate-script that provides anno‐
1602              tation data via git.
1604       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/criteria
1605              Sample script for use with --criteria-script that  implements  a
1606              check for "UNC + LBC + UIC == 0".
1608       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/getp4version
1609              Sample script for use with --version-script that obtains version
1610              IDs via Perforce.
1612       /usr/share/lcov/support-scripts/get_signature
1613              Sample script for use with --version-script that uses md5hash as
1614              version IDs.


1619       Peter Oberparleiter <Peter.Oberparleiter@de.ibm.com>
1621       Henry Cox <henry.cox@mediatek.com>
1622              Differential  coverage  and date/owner binning, filtering, error
1623              management, parallel execution sections,


1627       lcov(1), lcovrc(5), geninfo(1), genpng(1), gendesc(1), gcov(1)
1629       https://github.com/linux-test-project/lcov
16332023-11-27                         LCOV 2.0                         genhtml(1)