1GIT-ARCHIVE(1)                    Git Manual                    GIT-ARCHIVE(1)


6       git-archive - Create an archive of files from a named tree


9       git archive [--format=<fmt>] [--list] [--prefix=<prefix>/] [<extra>]
10                     [-o <file> | --output=<file>] [--worktree-attributes]
11                     [--remote=<repo> [--exec=<git-upload-archive>]] <tree-ish>
12                     [<path>...]


15       Creates an archive of the specified format containing the tree
16       structure for the named tree, and writes it out to the standard output.
17       If <prefix> is specified it is prepended to the filenames in the
18       archive.
20       git archive behaves differently when given a tree ID as opposed to a
21       commit ID or tag ID. When a tree ID is provided, the current time is
22       used as the modification time of each file in the archive. On the other
23       hand, when a commit ID or tag ID is provided, the commit time as
24       recorded in the referenced commit object is used instead. Additionally
25       the commit ID is stored in a global extended pax header if the tar
26       format is used; it can be extracted using git get-tar-commit-id. In ZIP
27       files it is stored as a file comment.


30       --format=<fmt>
31           Format of the resulting archive. Possible values are tar, zip,
32           tar.gz, tgz, and any format defined using the configuration option
33           tar.<format>.command. If --format is not given, and the output file
34           is specified, the format is inferred from the filename if possible
35           (e.g. writing to foo.zip makes the output to be in the zip format).
36           Otherwise the output format is tar.
38       -l, --list
39           Show all available formats.
41       -v, --verbose
42           Report progress to stderr.
44       --prefix=<prefix>/
45           Prepend <prefix>/ to paths in the archive. Can be repeated; its
46           rightmost value is used for all tracked files. See below which
47           value gets used by --add-file and --add-virtual-file.
49       -o <file>, --output=<file>
50           Write the archive to <file> instead of stdout.
52       --add-file=<file>
53           Add a non-tracked file to the archive. Can be repeated to add
54           multiple files. The path of the file in the archive is built by
55           concatenating the value of the last --prefix option (if any) before
56           this --add-file and the basename of <file>.
58       --add-virtual-file=<path>:<content>
59           Add the specified contents to the archive. Can be repeated to add
60           multiple files. The path of the file in the archive is built by
61           concatenating the value of the last --prefix option (if any) before
62           this --add-virtual-file and <path>.
64           The <path> argument can start and end with a literal double-quote
65           character; the contained file name is interpreted as a C-style
66           string, i.e. the backslash is interpreted as escape character. The
67           path must be quoted if it contains a colon, to avoid the colon from
68           being misinterpreted as the separator between the path and the
69           contents, or if the path begins or ends with a double-quote
70           character.
72           The file mode is limited to a regular file, and the option may be
73           subject to platform-dependent command-line limits. For non-trivial
74           cases, write an untracked file and use --add-file instead.
76       --worktree-attributes
77           Look for attributes in .gitattributes files in the working tree as
78           well (see the section called “ATTRIBUTES”).
80       --mtime=<time>
81           Set modification time of archive entries. Without this option the
82           committer time is used if <tree-ish> is a commit or tag, and the
83           current time if it is a tree.
85       <extra>
86           This can be any options that the archiver backend understands. See
87           next section.
89       --remote=<repo>
90           Instead of making a tar archive from the local repository, retrieve
91           a tar archive from a remote repository. Note that the remote
92           repository may place restrictions on which sha1 expressions may be
93           allowed in <tree-ish>. See git-upload-archive(1) for details.
95       --exec=<git-upload-archive>
96           Used with --remote to specify the path to the git-upload-archive on
97           the remote side.
99       <tree-ish>
100           The tree or commit to produce an archive for.
102       <path>
103           Without an optional path parameter, all files and subdirectories of
104           the current working directory are included in the archive. If one
105           or more paths are specified, only these are included.


108   zip
109       -<digit>
110           Specify compression level. Larger values allow the command to spend
111           more time to compress to smaller size. Supported values are from -0
112           (store-only) to -9 (best ratio). Default is -6 if not given.
114   tar
115       -<number>
116           Specify compression level. The value will be passed to the
117           compression command configured in tar.<format>.command. See manual
118           page of the configured command for the list of supported levels and
119           the default level if this option isn’t specified.


122       tar.umask
123           This variable can be used to restrict the permission bits of tar
124           archive entries. The default is 0002, which turns off the world
125           write bit. The special value "user" indicates that the archiving
126           user’s umask will be used instead. See umask(2) for details. If
127           --remote is used then only the configuration of the remote
128           repository takes effect.
130       tar.<format>.command
131           This variable specifies a shell command through which the tar
132           output generated by git archive should be piped. The command is
133           executed using the shell with the generated tar file on its
134           standard input, and should produce the final output on its standard
135           output. Any compression-level options will be passed to the command
136           (e.g., -9).
138           The tar.gz and tgz formats are defined automatically and use the
139           magic command git archive gzip by default, which invokes an
140           internal implementation of gzip.
142       tar.<format>.remote
143           If true, enable the format for use by remote clients via git-
144           upload-archive(1). Defaults to false for user-defined formats, but
145           true for the tar.gz and tgz formats.


148       export-ignore
149           Files and directories with the attribute export-ignore won’t be
150           added to archive files. See gitattributes(5) for details.
152       export-subst
153           If the attribute export-subst is set for a file then Git will
154           expand several placeholders when adding this file to an archive.
155           See gitattributes(5) for details.
157       Note that attributes are by default taken from the .gitattributes files
158       in the tree that is being archived. If you want to tweak the way the
159       output is generated after the fact (e.g. you committed without adding
160       an appropriate export-ignore in its .gitattributes), adjust the checked
161       out .gitattributes file as necessary and use --worktree-attributes
162       option. Alternatively you can keep necessary attributes that should
163       apply while archiving any tree in your $GIT_DIR/info/attributes file.


166       git archive --format=tar --prefix=junk/ HEAD | (cd /var/tmp/ && tar xf
167       -)
168           Create a tar archive that contains the contents of the latest
169           commit on the current branch, and extract it in the /var/tmp/junk
170           directory.
172       git archive --format=tar --prefix=git-1.4.0/ v1.4.0 | gzip
173       >git-1.4.0.tar.gz
174           Create a compressed tarball for v1.4.0 release.
176       git archive --format=tar.gz --prefix=git-1.4.0/ v1.4.0
177       >git-1.4.0.tar.gz
178           Same as above, but using the builtin tar.gz handling.
180       git archive --prefix=git-1.4.0/ -o git-1.4.0.tar.gz v1.4.0
181           Same as above, but the format is inferred from the output file.
183       git archive --format=tar --prefix=git-1.4.0/ v1.4.0^{tree} | gzip
184       >git-1.4.0.tar.gz
185           Create a compressed tarball for v1.4.0 release, but without a
186           global extended pax header.
188       git archive --format=zip --prefix=git-docs/ HEAD:Documentation/ >
189       git-1.4.0-docs.zip
190           Put everything in the current head’s Documentation/ directory into
191           git-1.4.0-docs.zip, with the prefix git-docs/.
193       git archive -o latest.zip HEAD
194           Create a Zip archive that contains the contents of the latest
195           commit on the current branch. Note that the output format is
196           inferred by the extension of the output file.
198       git archive -o latest.tar --prefix=build/ --add-file=configure
199       --prefix= HEAD
200           Creates a tar archive that contains the contents of the latest
201           commit on the current branch with no prefix and the untracked file
202           configure with the prefix build/.
204       git config tar.tar.xz.command "xz -c"
205           Configure a "tar.xz" format for making LZMA-compressed tarfiles.
206           You can use it specifying --format=tar.xz, or by creating an output
207           file like -o foo.tar.xz.


210       gitattributes(5)


213       Part of the git(1) suite
217Git 2.43.0                        11/20/2023                    GIT-ARCHIVE(1)