1Xaw(3)                     Library Functions Manual                     Xaw(3)


6        Xaw - X Athena Widgets


9       Xaw  is  a  widget  set based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt) Library.
10       This release by the X.Org Foundation includes additions  and  modifica‐
11       tions  originally  made for The XFree86 Project, Inc.  This manual page
12       describes these changes as well as some of the  common  interfaces  be‐
13       tween its version and the previous X Consortium release (Xaw6).
15       The  bulk  of the Xaw documentation is located in the API specification
16       which may be installed in /usr/share/doc/libXaw, or found on the  X.Org
17       website.


20       All  of the Xaw widgets now have the additional translations call-proc,
21       declare, get-values and set-values. The syntax for these actions is:
23       action-name (boolean-expression, arguments)
25       Action-name is one of call-proc, declare, get-values or set-values.
27       Boolean-expression is composed with the operators | (or),  &  (and),  ^
28       (xor),  and  ~ (not). The operands can be a variable name, which starts
29       with a $; a resource name without the bindings .  or *; or  a  constant
30       name,  including  mine  (event->xany.window == XtWindow(widget)), faked
31       (event->xany.send_event != 0), true (1) and false (0).
33       Arguments are self-explanatory; when starting with  a  $  they  name  a
34       variable, otherwise, they indicate a resource name.
36       call-proc (boolean-expression, procedure-name)
37               This  action  allows  the evaluation of a boolean expression in
38               the first parameter before calling  a  action  procedure.   The
39               procedure  is  only called if the expression evaluates as true.
40               Example:
41               call-proc("$inside & $pressed", notify)
43       declare (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
44               This action is used to create new  variables  or  change  their
45               values.   Any number of variable-value tuples may be specified.
46               Example:
47               declare(1, $pressed, 1)
49       get-values (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
50               This action reads a widget resource value into a variable.  Any
51               number of variable-value tuples may be specified.  Example:
52               get-values(1, $fg, foreground, $bg, background)
54       set-values (boolean-expression, variable, value, ...)
55               This  action  sets  a widget resource to the given value, which
56               may be a variable.  Any number of variable-value tuples may  be
57               specified.  Example:
58               set-values(1, foreground, $bg, background, $fg)
60       Here  is a sample translation to make a label widget behave like a but‐
61       ton:
63       <Map>:      get-values(1, $fg, foreground, $bg, background)\n\
64       <Btn1Down>: set-values(1, foreground, yellow, background, gray30)\n\
65       <Btn1Up>:   set-values(1, foreground, $fg, background, $bg)


68       All of the Xaw widgets have now the  additional  resource  displayList.
69       This  resource allows drawing the widget decorations using commands em‐
70       bedded in a resource string.  The displayList resource has the syntax:
72       [class-name:]function-name arguments[[{;\n}]...]
74       Class-name is any registered set of functions to draw  in  the  widget.
75       Currently the only existing class is xlib, which provides access to the
76       Xlib drawing primitives.
78       Function-name is the drawing or configuration function  to  be  called,
79       described bellow.
81       Arguments  may  be  anything suitable to the displayList function being
82       called. When the function requires a coordinate, the syntax is {+-}<in‐
83       teger> or <integer>/<integer>. Examples:
84            +0,+0      top, left
85            -0,-0      bottom, right
86            -+10,-+10  bottom+10, right+10
87            +0,1/2     left, vertical-center
89       arc-mode mode
90               Sets  the arc mode.  Accepted modes are "pieslice" and "chord",
91               which set the arc to  ArcPieSlice  or  ArcChord,  respectively.
92               Example:
93               arc-mode chord
95       bg color-spec
96       background color-spec
97               Sets  the   background  color.   color-spec  must a valid color
98               specification.  Example:
99               background red
101       cap-style style
102               Sets the cap style.  Accepted  styles  are  "notlast",  "butt",
103               "round",  and  "projecting", which set the cap style to CapNot‐
104               Last, CapBut, CapRound or CapProjecting,  respectively.   Exam‐
105               ple:
106               cap-style round
108       clip-mask pixmap-spec
109               Sets  the  pixmap for the clip mask.  Requires a pixmap parame‐
110               ter, as described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
111               clip-mask xlogo11
113       clip-origin x,y
114               Sets the clip x and y origin.  Requires two  arguments,  the  x
115               and y coordinates.  Example:
116               clip-origin 10,10
118       clip-rects x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
119       clip-rectangles x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
120               Sets  a list of rectangles to the clip mask.  The number of ar‐
121               guments must be a multiple of four.  The arguments are  coordi‐
122               nates.   The parser calculates the width and height of the rec‐
123               tangles.  Example:
124               clip-rects 0,0,10,20, 20,10,30,30
126       coord-mode mode
127               Changes the coord mode for fill-polygon, draw-lines, and  draw-
128               points.   Accepted  parameters are "modeorigin" and "previous",
129               that sets the coord mode to CoordModeOrigin or  CoordModePrevi‐
130               ous, respectively.  Example:
131               coord-mode previous
133       copy-area {pixmap-spec|.},dstx,dsty[,x2,y2,srcx,srcy]
134               Calls  XCopyArea.   The  character . means copy the window con‐
135               tents; pixmap-spec is as defined in the PIXMAPS section  below.
136               X2  and  y2  are the coordinates of the end copy, not the width
137               and height; if not defined, the parser calculates  them.  src_x
138               and src_y default to zero.  Example:
139               copy-area Term,10,10
141       copy-plane {pixmap-spec|.},dstx,dsty[,x2,y2,srcx,srcy,plane]
142               Calls  XCopyPlane.  The  character . means copy the window con‐
143               tents; pixmap-spec is as defined in the PIXMAPS section  below.
144               X2  and  y2  are the coordinates of the end copy, not the width
145               and height; if not defined, the parser calculates them.   src_x
146               and src_y default to zero. Plane defaults to one.  Example:
147               copy-plane star,10,10
149       dashes i1[...,in]
150               Sets the dashes for line drawing.  Accepts up to 127 arguments.
151               Example:
152               dashes 3,7 9,10
154       draw-arc x1,y1,x2,y2[,start-angle,end-angle]
155               Draws an arc.  The four first arguments are the  rectangle  en‐
156               closing  the  arc.   The two remaining arguments, if specified,
157               are the start and end angle, in degrees.  Example:
158               draw-arc +0,+0,-1,-1,0,90
160       draw-rect x1,y1,x2,y2
161       draw-rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2
162               Draws a rectangle.  Requires  four  arguments,  which  are  the
163               start and end coordinate pairs.  Example:
164               draw-rect +1,+1,-5,-5
166       draw-string x,y,"string"
167               Draws a text string.  Requires three arguments, a x coordinate,
168               a y coordinate, and a string.  Strings that  have  white  space
169               can  be  quoted with the " character; the backslash character \
170               can also be used, but it will be  necessary  escape  it  twice.
171               Example:
172                draw-string 10,10, "Hello world!"
174       exposures boolean
175               Sets  graphics  exposures  in the GC.  Allowed parameters are a
176               integer or the strings "true", "false", "on" and "off".   Exam‐
177               ple:
178               exposures true
180       fill-arc x1,y1,x2,y2[,start-angle,end-angle]
181               Like  draw-arc, but fills the contents of the arc with the cur‐
182               rently selected foreground.  Example:
183               fill-arc +0,+0,-1,-1,0,180
185       fill-poly x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
186       fill-polygon x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
187               Like draw-lines, but fills the enclosed polygon and  joins  the
188               first  and  last  point,  if they are not at the same position.
189               Example:
190               fill-poly +0,+10, +10,+20, +30,+0
192       fill-rect x1,y1,x2,y2
193       fill-rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2
194               Like draw-rect, but fills the contents of  the  rectangle  with
195               the selected foreground color.  Example:
196               fill-rect +10,+10,-20,-20
198       fill-rule rule
199               Sets  the  fill  rule.   Accepted  parameters are "evenodd" and
200               "winding", which set the fill rule to  EvenOddRule  or  Windin‐
201               gRule, respectively.  Example:
202               fill-rule winding
204       fill-style style
205               Sets  the fill style.  Allowed parameters are "solid", "tiled",
206               "stippled" and "opaquestippled", which set the  fill  style  to
207               FillSolid,  FillTiled,  FillStippled or FillOpaqueStippled, re‐
208               spectively.  Example:
209               fill-style tiled
211       font font-spec
212               Sets the font for text functions.  Example:
213               font -*-*-*-R-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1
215       fg color-spec
216       foreground color-spec
217               Like background, but sets the current foreground color.   Exam‐
218               ple:
219               foreground blue
221       mask    This command is useful when you want to draw only in the region
222               that really needs to be repainted.  Requires no arguments.
224       function function-spec
225               Sets the specific GC function.  Allowed parameters  are  "set",
226               "clear",  "and",  "andreverse",  "copy", "andinverted", "noop",
227               "xor", "or", "nor", "equiv",  "invert",  "orreverse",  "copyin‐
228               verted"  and  "nand", which set the function to GXset, GXclear,
229               GXand,  GXandReverse,  GXcopy,  GXandInverted,  GXnoop,  GXxor,
230               GXor,  GXnor, GXequiv, GXinvert, GXorReverse, GXcopyInverted or
231               GXnand, respectively.  Example:
232               function xor
234       join-style style
235               Sets the join style.  Allowed parameters are  "miter",  "round"
236               and  "bevel",  which set the join style to JoinMiter, JoinRound
237               and JoinBevel, respectively.  Example:
238               join-style round
240       image {pixmap-spec},xs,ys,[xe,ye]
241               This function is implemented as a way to quickly  compose  com‐
242               plex  decorations in widgets.  Pixmap-spec is as defined in the
243               PIXMAPS section below. xs and ys are the coordinates from where
244               to  start  copying the pixmap; xe and ye are optional (they de‐
245               fault to xs + pixmap.width  and  ys  +  pixmap.height,  respec‐
246               tively).   If the pixmap has a mask, the copy is masked accord‐
247               ingly.  Example:
248               image pixmap.xpm,0,0,20,20
250       line x1,y1,x2,y2
251       draw-line x1,y1,x2,y2
252               Draws a line with the current foreground color.  Requires  four
253               arguments, the starting and ending coordinate pairs.  Example:
254               line +0,+0, -1,-1
256       line-width integer
257               Selects a line width for drawing.  Example:
258               line-width 2
260       line-style style
261               Sets  the line style.  Accepted parameters are "solid", "onoff‐
262               dash" and "doubledash", which set the line style to  LineSolid,
263               LineOnOffDash or LineDoubleDash, respectively.  Example:
264               line-style onoffdash
266       lines x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
267       draw-lines x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
268               Draws a list of lines. Any number of argument pairs may be sup‐
269               plied.  Example:
270               lines +0,-1, -1,-1, -1,+0
272       paint-string x,y,"string"
273               Identical to draw-string, but also uses the  background  color.
274               Example:
275                paint-string 10,20, "Sample text"
277       point x,y
278       draw-point x,y
279               Draws a point.  Requires two arguments, a coordinate pair.  Ex‐
280               ample:
281               point +10,+10
283       plane-mask integer
284               Sets the plane mask.  Requires an integer parameter.  Example:
285               plane-mask -1
287       points x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
288       draw-points x1,y1 [...,xn,yn]
289               Draws a list of points at the specified coordinates.  Example:
290               points +1,+2, +1,+4, +1,+6
292       segments x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
293       draw-segments x1,y1,x2,y2 [...,xn,yn]
294               Draws a list of segment lines.  The number of  parameters  must
295               be multiple of 4.  Example:
296               segments +1,+2,+1,-3, +2,-2,-3,-2
298       shape-mode mode
299               Sets  the shape mode used in fill-polygon.  Accepted parameters
300               are "complex", "convex" or "nonconvex",  which  set  the  shape
301               mode to Complex, Convex or Nonconvex, accordingly.  Example:
302               shape-mode convex
304       stipple pixmap-spec
305               Sets the pixmap for a stipple.  Requires a pixmap parameter, as
306               described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
307               stipple plaid
309       subwindow-mode mode
310               Sets the subwindow mode in the  GC.   Accepted  parameters  are
311               "includeinferiors"  and "clipbychildren", which set the subwin‐
312               dow mode to IncludeInferiors or  ClipByChildren,  respectively.
313               Example:
314               subwindow-mode includeinferiors
316       tile pixmap-spec
317               Sets  the  pixmap  for a tile.  Requires a pixmap parameter, as
318               described in the PIXMAPS section below.  Example:
319               tile xlogo11?foreground=red&background=gray80
321       ts-origin x,y
322               Sets the tile stipple x and y origin.  Requires two  arguments,
323               a x and y coordinate.  Example:
324               ts-origin 10,10
326       umask   Disables the GC mask, if it has been set with the command mask.
327               Requires no arguments.
329       Example for drawing a shadow effect in a widget:
330       foreground gray30;\
331       draw-lines +1,-1,-1,-1,-1,+1;\
332       foreground gray85;\
333       draw-lines -1,+0,+0,+0,+0,-1


336       A String to Pixmap converter has been  added to Xaw.  This converter is
337       meant  to be extended, and has enough abstraction to allow loading sev‐
338       eral image formats.  It uses a format that resembles a  URL,  with  the
339       syntax:
341       [type:]name[?arg=val[{&}...]]
343       Type can be one of bitmap, gradient or xpm.
345       Name  may  be a file name, or, in the case of type gradient, may be ei‐
346       ther vertical or horizontal.
348       Arg=val is a list of arguments to the converter.  An argument  list  is
349       preceded  by  a  question mark, and multiple arguments are separated by
350       ampersands.  The most common arguments are foreground  and  background.
351       Gradients  also  support the arguments start and end (colors with which
352       to start and end the gradient); the steps argument, to allow using less
353       colors;  and  the  dimension argument to specify the size of the gradi‐
354       ent.     The xpm converter understands the  closeness  argument,  which
355       aids in using fewer colors (useful if you have a limited colormap).


358       Most of the changes to this version of the Xaw library were done in the
359       TextWidget, TextSrcObject, TextSinkObject and related files.
361       A couple of highly visible changes in the Text widget are due  to  many
362       bugs in the Xaw6 implementation involving scrollbars and auto-resizing.
363       Scrollbars being added or removed caused several  problems  in  keeping
364       the  text cursor visible, and in Xaw6 it was very easy to have a widget
365       thinking the cursor was visible, when it was not.  Also, permitting au‐
366       tomatic resizing of the widget to a larger geometry created other prob‐
367       lems, making it difficult to have a consistent layout in  the  applica‐
368       tion, and, if the window manager did not interfere, windows larger than
369       the screen  could  result.   Therefore,  some  functionality  involving
370       scrollbars  and auto-resizing has been disabled; see the section on new
371       and modified Text widget resources below.
373       The Text widget's default key bindings were  originally  based  on  the
374       Emacs  text  editor.  In this release, even more operations familiar to
375       Emacs users have been added.  New text actions include:
377       indent  Indents text blocks.  Not bound by default.   The  Text  widget
378               also does not attempt to perform auto-indentation of its source
379               object by default.
381       keyboard-reset
382               Resets the keyboard state.  Reverts the action multiplier to 1,
383               and  if  undo is enabled, toggles between undo and redo.  Bound
384               by default to Control<Key>G.
386       kill-ring-yank
387               In this version of Xaw, text killed in any text field  is  kept
388               in  memory, allowing cut and paste operations internally to the
389               program between text fields.  Bound by default to Meta<Key>Y.
391       numeric Listed here only for purposes of documentation.  Called by  de‐
392               fault  when one of the characters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0,
393               or - is typed, allowing composition of the multiplication  num‐
394               ber of text actions.
396       set-keyboard-focus
397               Sets the input focus of the top level widget to the text field.
398               Not enabled by default, but bound to the <Btn1Down> event.
400       toggle-overwrite
401               Toggles overwrite mode.  In overwrite mode, any  text  inserted
402               in  a  text field will replace existing text.  Bound by default
403               to <Key>Insert.
405       undo    Sets the enableUndo resource of the textSrcObject.  Not enabled
406               by default, but bound to Control<Key>_.
408       New and modified Text widget resources include:
410       justify (Class Justify)
411               Sets  the  text justification.  Can be one of left, right, cen‐
412               ter, or full.  Only enabled when the autoFill resource is  set,
413               and the resources leftColumn and rightColumn are correctly set.
415       leftColumn (Class Column)
416               Specifies  the  left column at which to break text.  Text lines
417               started with an alphanumeric character will automatically start
418               at this column.
420       positionCallback (Class Callback)
421               Allows  installation  of a callback to be called every time the
422               cursor is moved, and/or the file changes its size.   The  call‐
423               back  is  called  with  a pointer to a structure containing the
424               following data:
425               typedef struct {
426                   int line_number;
427                   int column_number;
428                   XawTextPosition insert_position;
429                   XawTextPosition last_position;
430                   Boolean overwrite_mode;
431               } XawTextPositionInfo;
432               This callback is intended to help programmers write  text  edi‐
433               tors based on the Xaw widget set.
435       resize (Class Resize)
436               No  longer supported, but recognized for backward compatibility
437               with resource specifications written for the Xaw6 Text widget.
439       rightColumn (Class Column)
440               Specifies the right column at which to break text.  Text  lines
441               started  with  an alphanumeric character will automatically end
442               at this column.
444       scrollHorizontal (Class Scroll)
445       scrollVertical (Class Scroll)
446               These resources control the placement of scrollbars on the left
447               and  bottom  edges  of the Text widget.  They accept the values
448               XawtextScrollAlways and  XawtextScrollNever.   A  converter  is
449               registered  for  this  resource that will convert the following
450               strings: always and never.  The  value  XawtextScrollWhenNeeded
451               (and  whenNeeded, recognized by the converter), is accepted for
452               backwards compatibility with  resource  specifications  written
453               for  the  Xaw6 Text widget, but ignored (effectively treated as
454               XawtextScrollNever).


457       The textSrcObject allows display of its contents to more than one  win‐
458       dow,  and  also  stores  undo  information.  The  new resources for the
459       textSrcObject are:
461       callback (Class Callback)
462               Previous versions of Xaw had this resource in subclasses of the
463               TextSource  object.   This  was  changed to make it possible to
464               tell the callback the state of the text when undo is enabled.
466       enableUndo (Class Undo)
467               A boolean resource that enables or disables the undo  function.
468               The default value is False.
470       sourceChanged (Class Changed)
471               Like  the  callback  resource,  this resource was previously in
472               subclasses of the TextSource object.  It is now in the  textSr‐
473               cObject to control the changed/unchanged state when undo is en‐
474               abled.


477       The textSinkObject subclasses asciiSinkObject and multiSinkObject  have
478       been  changed  slightly to use a new cursor shape (no longer a caret at
479       the baseline) that indicates the input focus of the  text  widget,  and
480       allow specification of the cursor color.  The new resource is:
482       cursorColor (Class Color)
483               Sets  the cursor color of the text.  This color is also used to
484               draw selected text.


487       The simpleMenuWidget algorithm to lay out menu entries has been changed
488       to  enable  multiple  columns  when a single column does not fit on the
489       screen.  It was also modified to enable submenus.


492       A new resource has been added to the smeBSBObject to allow binding sub‐
493       menus to it.  The new resource is:
495       menuName (Class MenuName)
496               Specifies the name of the popup widget to be popped up when the
497               pointer is over the menu entry, or NULL.  Note that  the  named
498               menu must be a child of the popup parent of the smeBSBObject.


501       The original X Consortium version of the Athena Widget Set and its doc‐
502       umentation were the work of many people, including Chris  D.  Peterson,
503       Ralph  Swick,  Mark Ackerman, Donna Converse, Jim Fulton, Loretta Guar‐
504       ino-Reid, Charles Haynes, Rich Hyde, Mary Larson, Joel  McCormack,  Ron
505       Newman,  Jeanne Rich, Terry Weissman, Mike Gancarz, Phil Karlton, Kath‐
506       leen Langone, Ram Rao, Smokey Wallace, Al Mento, and Jean Diaz.
508       The additions and modifications to Xaw which were originally  made  for
509       XFree86 were written by Paulo César Pereira de Andrade.


512       Athena Widget Set - C Language Interface
516X Version 11                     libXaw 1.0.14                          Xaw(3)