1Mail::Message::Body(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentationMail::Message::Body(3)


6       Mail::Message::Body - the data of a body in a message


9        Mail::Message::Body has extra code in
10          Mail::Message::Body::Construct
11          Mail::Message::Body::Encode
13        Mail::Message::Body
14          is a Mail::Reporter
16        Mail::Message::Body is extended by
17          Mail::Message::Body::File
18          Mail::Message::Body::Lines
19          Mail::Message::Body::Multipart
20          Mail::Message::Body::Nested
21          Mail::Message::Body::String
23        Mail::Message::Body is realized by
24          Mail::Message::Body::Delayed


27        my Mail::Message $msg = ...;
28        my $body  = $msg->body;
29        my @text  = $body->lines;
30        my $text  = $body->string;
31        my $file  = $body->file;  # IO::File
32        $body->print(\*FILE);
34        my $content_type = $body->type;
35        my $transfer_encoding = $body->transferEncoding;
36        my $encoded = $body->encode(mime_type => 'text/html',
37           charset => 'us-ascii', transfer_encoding => 'none');\n";
38        my $decoded = $body->decoded;


41       The encoding and decoding functionality of a Mail::Message::Body is
42       implemented in the Mail::Message::Body::Encode package.  That package
43       is automatically loaded when encoding and decoding of messages needs to
44       take place.  Methods to simply build an process body objects are
45       implemented in Mail::Message::Body::Construct.
47       The body of a message (a Mail::Message object) is stored in one of the
48       many body types.  The functionality of each body type is equivalent,
49       but there are performance differences.  Each body type has its own
50       documentation with details about its implementation.
52       Extends "DESCRIPTION" in Mail::Reporter.


55       overload: ""
56           (stringification) Returns the body as string --which will trigger
57           completion-- unless called to produce a string for "Carp".  The
58           latter to avoid deep recursions.
60           example: stringification of body
62            print $msg->body;   # implicit by print
64            my $body = $msg->body;
65            my $x    = "$body"; # explicit by interpolation
67       overload: '==' and '!='
68           (numeric comparison) compares if two references point to the same
69           message.  This only produces correct results is both arguments are
70           message references within the same folder.
72           example: use of numeric comparison on a body
74            my $skip = $folder->message(3);
75            foreach my $msg (@$folder)
76            {   next if $msg == $skip;
77                $msg->send;
78            }
80       overload: @{}
81           When a body object is used as being an array reference, the lines
82           of the body are returned.  This is the same as using lines().
84           example: using a body as array
86            print $body->lines->[1];  # second line
87            print $body->[1];         # same
89            my @lines = $body->lines;
90            my @lines = @$body;       # same
92       overload: bool
93           Always returns a true value, which is needed to have overloaded
94           objects to be used as in if($body).  Otherwise, "if(defined $body)"
95           would be needed to avoid a runtime error.


98       Extends "METHODS" in Mail::Reporter.
100   Constructors
101       Extends "Constructors" in Mail::Reporter.
103       $obj->clone()
104           Return a copy of this body, usually to be included in a cloned
105           message. Use Mail::Message::clone() for a whole message.
107       Mail::Message::Body->new(%options)
108           BE WARNED that, what you specify here are encodings and such which
109           are already in place.  The options will not trigger conversions.
110           When you need conversions, first create a body with options which
111           tell what you've got, and then call encode() for what you need.
113            -Option           --Defined in     --Default
114             based_on                            undef
115             charset                             'PERL'
116             checked                             <false>
117             content_id                          undef
118             data                                undef
119             description                         undef
120             disposition                         undef
121             eol                                 'NATIVE'
122             file                                undef
123             filename                            undef
124             log                Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
125             message                             undef
126             mime_type                           'text/plain'
127             modified                            <false>
128             trace              Mail::Reporter   'WARNINGS'
129             transfer_encoding                   'none'
131           based_on => BODY
132             The information about encodings must be taken from the specified
133             BODY, unless specified differently.
135           charset => CHARSET|'PERL'|<undef>
136             Defines the character-set which is used in the data.  Only useful
137             in combination with a "mime_type" which refers to "text" in any
138             shape, which does not contain an explicit charset already.  This
139             field is case-insensitive.
141             When a known CHARSET is provided and the mime-type says "text",
142             then the data is expected to be raw octets in that particular
143             encoding (see Encode).  When 'PERL' is given, then then the data
144             is in Perl's internal encoding; either cp1252 or utf8.  More
145             details in "Character encoding PERL"
147           checked => BOOLEAN
148             Whether the added information has been check not to contain
149             illegal octets with respect to the transfer encoding and mime
150             type.  If not checked, and then set as body for a message, it
151             will be.
153           content_id => STRING
154             In multipart/related MIME content, the content_id is required to
155             allow access to the related content via a cid:<...> descriptor of
156             an inline disposition.
158             A "Content-ID" is supposed to be globally unique.  As such, it is
159             common to append '@computer.domain' to the end of some unique
160             string.  As other content in the multipart/related container also
161             needs to know what this "Content-ID" is, this should be left to
162             the imagination of the person making the content (for now).
164             As a MIME header field, the "Content-ID" string is expected to be
165             inside angle brackets
167           data => ARRAY-OF-LINES | STRING
168             The content of the body.  The only way to set the content of a
169             body is during the creation of the body.  So if you want to
170             modify the content of a message, you need to create a new body
171             with the new content and add that to the body.  The reason behind
172             this, is that correct encodings and body information must be
173             guaranteed.  It avoids your hassle in calculating the number of
174             lines in the body, and checking whether bad characters are
175             enclosed in text.
177             Specify a reference to an ARRAY of lines, each terminated by a
178             newline.  Or one STRING which may contain multiple lines,
179             separated and terminated by a newline.
181           description => STRING|FIELD
182             Informal information about the body content.  The data relates to
183             the "Content-Description" field.  Specify a STRING which will
184             become the field content, or a real FIELD.
186           disposition => STRING|FIELD
187             How this message can be decomposed.  The data relates to the
188             "Content-Disposition" field.  Specify a STRING which will become
189             the field content, or a real FIELD.
191             The content of this field is specified in RFC 1806.  The body of
192             the field can be "inline", to indicate that the body is intended
193             to be displayed automatically upon display of the message. Use
194             "attachment" to indicate that they are separate from the main
195             body of the mail message, and that their display should not be
196             automatic, but contingent upon some further action of the user.
198             The "filename" attribute specifies a name to which is suggested
199             to the reader of the message when it is extracted.
201           eol => 'CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'|'NATIVE'
202             Convert the message into having the specified string as line
203             terminator for all lines in the body.  "NATIVE" is used to
204             represent the "\n" on the current platform and will be translated
205             in the applicable one.
207             BE WARNED that folders with a non-native encoding may appear on
208             your platform, for instance in Windows folders handled from a
209             UNIX system.  The eol encoding has effect on the size of the
210             body!
213             Read the data from the specified file, file handle, or object of
214             type "IO::Handle".
216           filename => FILENAME
217             [3.001] Overrule/set filename for content-disposition
219           log => LEVEL
220           message => MESSAGE
221             The message where this body belongs to.
223           mime_type => STRING|FIELD|MIME
224             The type of data which is added.  You may specify a content of a
225             header line as STRING, or a FIELD object.  You may also specify a
226             MIME::Type object.  In any case, it will be kept internally as a
227             real field (a Mail::Message::Field object).  This relates to the
228             "Content-Type" header field.
230             A mime-type specification consists of two parts: a general class
231             ("text", "image", "application", etc) and a specific sub-class.
232             Examples for specific classes with "text" are "plain", "html",
233             and "xml".  This field is case-insensitive but case preserving.
234             The default mime-type is "text/plain",
236           modified => BOOLEAN
237             Whether the body is flagged modified, directly from its creation.
239           trace => LEVEL
240           transfer_encoding => STRING|FIELD
241             The encoding that the data has.  If the data is to be encoded,
242             than you will have to call encode() after the body is created.
243             That will return a new encoded body.  This field is case-
244             insensitive and relates to the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" field
245             in the header.
247           example:
249            my $body = Mail::Message::Body::String->new(file => \*IN,
250               mime_type => 'text/html; charset="ISO-8859-1"');
252            my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(data => ['first', $second],
253               charset => 'ISO-10646', transfer_encoding => 'none');
255            my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(data => \@lines,
256               transfer_encoding => 'base64');
258            my $body = Mail::Message::Body::Lines->new(file => 'picture.gif',
259               mime_type => 'image/gif', content_id => '<12345@example.com>',
260               disposition => 'inline');
262   Constructing a body
263       $obj->attach($messages, %options)
264           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
265           Mail::Message::Body::Construct
267       $obj->charsetDetect(%options)
268           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
270       Mail::Message::Body->charsetDetectAlgorithm( [CODE|undef|METHOD] )
271           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
273       $obj->check()
274           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
276       $obj->concatenate($components)
277           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
278           Mail::Message::Body::Construct
280       $obj->decoded(%options)
281           Returns a body, an object which is (a sub-)class of a
282           Mail::Message::Body, which contains a simplified representation of
283           textual data.  The returned object may be the object where this is
284           called on, but may also be a new body of any type.
286            my $dec = $body->decoded;
288           is equivalent with
290            my $dec = $body->encode
291              ( mime_type         => 'text/plain'
292              , transfer_encoding => 'none'
293              , charset           => 'PERL'
294              );
296           The $dec which is returned is a body.  Ask with the mimeType()
297           method what is produced.  This $dec body is not related to a
298           header.
300            -Option     --Default
301             result_type  <same as current>
303           result_type => CLASS
304       $obj->encode(%options)
305           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
307       $obj->encoded(%options)
308           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
310       $obj->eol( ['CR'|'LF'|'CRLF'|'NATIVE'] )
311           Returns the character (or characters) which are used to separate
312           lines within this body.  When a kind of separator is specified, the
313           body is translated to contain the specified line endings.
315           example:
317            my $body = $msg->decoded->eol('NATIVE');
318            my $char = $msg->decoded->eol;
320       $obj->foreachLine(CODE)
321           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
322           Mail::Message::Body::Construct
324       $obj->stripSignature(%options)
325           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in
326           Mail::Message::Body::Construct
328       $obj->unify($body)
329           Inherited, see "Constructing a body" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
331   The body
332       $obj->isDelayed()
333           Returns a true or false value, depending on whether the body of
334           this message has been read from file.  This can only false for a
335           Mail::Message::Body::Delayed.
337       $obj->isMultipart()
338           Returns whether this message-body contains parts which are messages
339           by themselves.
341       $obj->isNested()
342           Only true for a message body which contains exactly one sub-
343           message: the "Mail::Message::Body::Nested" body type.
345       $obj->message( [$message] )
346           Returns the message (or message part) where this body belongs to,
347           optionally setting it to a new $message first.  If "undef" is
348           passed, the body will be disconnected from the message.
350       $obj->partNumberOf($part)
351           Returns a string for multiparts and nested, otherwise an error.  It
352           is used in Mail::Message::partNumber().
354   About the payload
355       $obj->charset()
356           Returns the character set which is used in the text body as string.
357           This is part of the result of what the "type" method returns.
359       $obj->checked( [BOOLEAN] )
360           Returns whether the body encoding has been checked or not
361           (optionally after setting the flag to a new value).
363       $obj->contentId( [STRING|$field] )
364           Returns (optionally after setting) the id (unique reference) of a
365           message part.  The related header field is "Content-ID".  A
366           Mail::Message::Field object is returned (which stringifies into the
367           field content).  The field content will be "none" if no disposition
368           was specified.
370           The argument can be a STRING (which is converted into a field), or
371           a fully prepared header $field.
373       $obj->description( [STRING|$field] )
374           Returns (optionally after setting) the informal description of the
375           body content.  The related header field is "Content-Description".
376           A Mail::Message::Field object is returned (which stringifies into
377           the field content).  The field content will be "none" if no
378           disposition was specified.
380           The argument can be a STRING (which is converted into a field), or
381           a fully prepared header field.
383       $obj->disposition( [STRING|$field] )
384           Returns (optionally after setting) how the message can be disposed
385           (unpacked).  The related header field is "Content-Disposition".  A
386           Mail::Message::Field object is returned (which stringifies into the
387           field content).  The field content will be "none" if no disposition
388           was specified.
390           The argument can be a STRING (which is converted into a field), or
391           a fully prepared header field.
393       $obj->dispositionFilename( [$directory] )
394           Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
396       $obj->isBinary()
397           Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
399       $obj->isText()
400           Inherited, see "About the payload" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
402       $obj->mimeType()
403           Returns a MIME::Type object which is related to this body's type.
404           This differs from the "type" method, which results in a
405           Mail::Message::Field.
407           example:
409            if($body->mimeType eq 'text/html') {...}
410            print $body->mimeType->simplified;
412       $obj->nrLines()
413           Returns the number of lines in the message body.  For multi-part
414           messages, this includes the header lines and boundaries of all the
415           parts.
417       $obj->size()
418           The total number of bytes in the message body. The size of the body
419           is computed in the shape it is in. For example, if this is a base64
420           encoded message, the size of the encoded data is returned; you may
421           want to call Mail::Message::decoded() first.
423       $obj->transferEncoding( [STRING|$field] )
424           Returns the transfer-encoding of the data within this body as
425           Mail::Message::Field (which stringifies to its content).  If it
426           needs to be changed, call the encode() or Mail::Message::Body
427           subroutine ecoded method.  When no encoding is present, the field
428           contains the text "none".
430           The optional STRING or $field enforces a new encoding to be set,
431           without the actual required translations.
433           example:
435            my $transfer = $msg->decoded->transferEncoding;
436            $transfer->print;   # --> Content-Encoding: base64
437            print $transfer;    # --> base64
439            if($msg->body->transferEncoding eq 'none') {...}
441       $obj->type( [STRING|$field] )
442           Returns the type of information the body contains as
443           Mail::Message::Field object.  The type is taken from the header
444           field "Content-Type". If the header did not contain that field,
445           then you will get a default field containing "text/plain".
447           You usually can better use mimeType(), because that will return a
448           clever object with type information.
450           example:
452            my $msg     = $folder->message(6);
453            $msg->get('Content-Type')->print;
454               # --> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
456            my $content = $msg->decoded;
457            my $type    = $content->type;
459            print "This is a $type message\n";
460               # --> This is a text/plain; charset="us-ascii" message
462            print "This is a ", $type->body, "message\n";
463               # --> This is a text/plain message
465            print "Comment: ", $type->comment, "\n";
466               # --> Comment: charset="us-ascii"
468   Access to the payload
469       $obj->endsOnNewline()
470           Returns whether the last line of the body is terminated by a new-
471           line (in transport it will become a CRLF).  An empty body will
472           return true as well: the newline comes from the line before it.
474       $obj->file()
475           Return the content of the body as a file handle.  The returned
476           stream may be a real file, or a simulated file in any form that
477           Perl supports.  While you may not be able to write to the file
478           handle, you can read from it.
480           WARNING: Even if the file handle supports writing, do not write to
481           the file handle. If you do, some of the internal values of the
482           Mail::Message::Body may not be updated.
484       $obj->lines()
485           Return the content of the body as a list of lines (in LIST context)
486           or a reference to an array of lines (in SCALAR context).  In scalar
487           context the array of lines is cached to avoid needless copying and
488           therefore provide much faster access for large messages.
490           To just get the number of lines in the body, use the nrLines()
491           method, which is usually much more efficient.
493           BE WARNED: For some types of bodies the reference will refer to the
494           original data. You must not change the referenced data! If you do,
495           some of the essential internal variables of the Mail::Message::Body
496           may not be updated.
498           example:
500            my @lines    = $body->lines;     # copies lines
501            my $line3    = ($body->lines)[3] # only one copy
502            print $lines[0];
504            my $linesref = $body->lines;     # reference to originals
505            my $line3    = $body->lines->[3] # only one copy (faster)
506            print $linesref->[0];
508            print $body->[0];                # by overloading
510       $obj->print( [$fh] )
511           Print the body to the specified $fh (defaults to the selected
512           handle).  The handle may be a GLOB, an IO::File object, or... any
513           object with a print() method will do.  Nothing useful is returned.
515       $obj->printEscapedFrom($fh)
516           Print the body to the specified $fh but all lines which start with
517           'From ' (optionally already preceded by >'s) will habe an > added
518           in front.  Nothing useful is returned.
520       $obj->string()
521           Return the content of the body as a scalar (a single string).  This
522           is a copy of the internally kept information.
524           example:
526            my $text = $body->string;
527            print "Body: $body\n";     # by overloading
529       $obj->stripTrailingNewline()
530           Remove the newline from the last line, or the last line if it does
531           not contain anything else than a newline.
533       $obj->write(%options)
534           Write the content of the body to a file.  Be warned that you may
535           want to decode the body before writing it!
537            -Option  --Default
538             filename  <required>
540           filename => FILENAME
542           example: write the data to a file
544            use File::Temp;
545            my $fn = tempfile;
546            $message->decoded->write(filename => $fn)
547               or die "Couldn't write to $fn: $!\n";
549           example: using the content-disposition information to write
551            use File::Temp;
552            my $dir = tempdir; mkdir $dir or die;
553            my $fn  = $message->body->dispositionFilename($dir);
554            $message->decoded->write(filename => $fn)
555               or die "Couldn't write to $fn: $!\n";
557   Internals
558       $obj->addTransferEncHandler( $name, <$class|$object> )
559       Mail::Message::Body->addTransferEncHandler( $name, <$class|$object> )
560           Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
562       $obj->contentInfoFrom($head)
563           Transfer the body related info from the header into this body.
565       $obj->contentInfoTo($head)
566           Copy the content information (the "Content-*" fields) into the
567           specified $head.  The body was created from raw data without the
568           required information, which must be added.  See also
569           contentInfoFrom().
571       $obj->fileLocation( [$begin, $end] )
572           The location of the body in the file.  Returned a list containing
573           begin and end.  The begin is the offsets of the first byte if the
574           folder used for this body.  The end is the offset of the first byte
575           of the next message.
577       $obj->getTransferEncHandler($type)
578           Inherited, see "Internals" in Mail::Message::Body::Encode
580       $obj->isModified()
581           Returns whether the body has changed.
583       $obj->load()
584           Be sure that the body is loaded.  This returns the loaded body.
586       $obj->modified( [BOOLEAN] )
587           Change the body modification flag.  This will force a re-write of
588           the body to a folder file when it is closed.  It is quite dangerous
589           to change the body: the same body may be shared between messages
590           within your program.
592           Especially be warned that you have to change the message-id when
593           you change the body of the message: no two messages should have the
594           same id.
596           Without value, the current setting is returned, although you can
597           better use isModified().
599       $obj->moveLocation( [$distance] )
600           Move the registration of the message to a new location over
601           $distance.  This is called when the message is written to a new
602           version of the same folder-file.
604       $obj->read( $parser, $head, $bodytype, [$chars, [$lines]] )
605           Read the body with the $parser from file. The implementation of
606           this method will differ between types of bodies.  The $bodytype
607           argument is a class name or a code reference of a routine which can
608           produce a class name, and is used in multipart bodies to determine
609           the type of the body for each part.
611           The $chars argument is the estimated number of bytes in the body,
612           or "undef" when this is not known.  This data can sometimes be
613           derived from the header (the "Content-Length" line) or file-size.
615           The second argument is the estimated number of $lines of the body.
616           It is less useful than the $chars but may be of help determining
617           whether the message separator is trustworthy.  This value may be
618           found in the "Lines" field of the header.
620   Error handling
621       Extends "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter.
623       $obj->AUTOLOAD()
624           When an unknown method is called on a message body object, this may
625           not be problematic.  For performance reasons, some methods are
626           implemented in separate files, and only demand-loaded.  If this
627           delayed compilation of additional modules does not help, an error
628           will be produced.
630       $obj->addReport($object)
631           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
633       $obj->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel, $tracelevel]|[$level,
634       $callback] )
635       Mail::Message::Body->defaultTrace( [$level]|[$loglevel,
636       $tracelevel]|[$level, $callback] )
637           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
639       $obj->errors()
640           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
642       $obj->log( [$level, [$strings]] )
643       Mail::Message::Body->log( [$level, [$strings]] )
644           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
646       $obj->logPriority($level)
647       Mail::Message::Body->logPriority($level)
648           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
650       $obj->logSettings()
651           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
653       $obj->notImplemented()
654           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
656       $obj->report( [$level] )
657           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
659       $obj->reportAll( [$level] )
660           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
662       $obj->trace( [$level] )
663           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
665       $obj->warnings()
666           Inherited, see "Error handling" in Mail::Reporter
668   Cleanup
669       Extends "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter.
671       $obj->DESTROY()
672           Inherited, see "Cleanup" in Mail::Reporter


675   Access to the body
676       A body can be contained in a message, but may also live without a
677       message.  In both cases it stores data, and the same questions can be
678       asked: what type of data it is, how many bytes and lines, what encoding
679       is used.  Any body can be encoded and decoded, returning a new body
680       object.  However, bodies which are part of a message will always be in
681       a shape that they can be written to a file or send to somewhere: they
682       will be encoded if needed.
684       . Example
686        my $body    = Mail::Message::Body::String->new(mime_type => 'image/gif');
687        $body->print(\*OUT);    # this is binary image data...
689        my $encoded = $message->body($body);
690        $encoded->print(\*OUT); # ascii data, encoded image
692       Now encoded refers to the body of the $message which is the content of
693       $body in a shape that it can be transmitted.  Usually "base64" encoding
694       is used.
696   Body class implementation
697       The body of a message can be stored in many ways.  Roughly, the
698       implementations can be split in two groups: the data collectors and the
699       complex bodies. The primer implement various ways to access data, and
700       are full compatible: they only differ in performance and memory
701       footprint under different circumstances.  The latter are created to
702       handle complex multiparts and lazy extraction.
704       Data collector bodies
706       •   Mail::Message::Body::String
708           The whole message body is stored in one scalar.  Small messages can
709           be contained this way without performance penalties.
711       •   Mail::Message::Body::Lines
713           Each line of the message body is stored as single scalar.  This is
714           a useful representation for a detailed look in the message body,
715           which is usually line-organized.
717       •   Mail::Message::Body::File
719           The message body is stored in an external temporary file.  This
720           type of storage is especially useful when the body is large, the
721           total folder is large, or memory is limited.
723       •   Mail::Message::Body::InFolder
725           NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.  The message is kept in the folder, and is
726           only taken out when the content is changed.
728       •   Mail::Message::Body::External
730           NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.  The message is kept in a separate file,
731           usually because the message body is large.  The difference with the
732           "::External" object is that this external storage stays this way
733           between closing and opening of a folder. The "::External" object
734           only uses a file when the folder is open.
736       Complex bodies
738       •   Mail::Message::Body::Delayed
740           The message-body is not yet read, but the exact location of the
741           body is known so the message can be read when needed.  This is part
742           of the lazy extraction mechanism.  Once extracted, the object can
743           become any simple or complex body.
745       •   Mail::Message::Body::Multipart
747           The message body contains a set of sub-messages (which can contain
748           multipart bodies themselves).  Each sub-message is an instance of
749           Mail::Message::Part, which is an extension of Mail::Message.
751       •   Mail::Message::Body::Nested
753           Nested messages, like "message/rfc822": they contain a message in
754           the body.  For most code, they simply behave like multiparts.
756   Character encoding PERL
757       A body object can be part of a message, or stand-alone.  In case it is
758       a part of a message, the "transport encoding" and the content must be
759       in a shape that the data can be transported via SMTP.
761       However, when you want to process the body data in simple Perl (or when
762       you construct the body data from normal Perl strings), you need to be
763       aware of Perl's internal representation of strings. That can either be
764       cp1252 (extended latin1) or utf8 (not real UTF-8, but something alike,
765       see the perlunicode manual page)  So, before you start using the data
766       from an incoming message, do
768           my $body  = $msg->decoded;
769           my @lines = $body->lines;
771       Now, the body has character-set 'PERL' (when it is text)
773       When you create a new body which contains text content (the default),
774       it will be created with character-set 'PERL' unless you specify a
775       character-set explicitly.
777          my $body = Mail::Box::Body::Lines->new(data => \@lines);
778          # now mime=text/plain, charset=PERL
780          my $msg  = Mail::Message->buildFromBody($body);
781          $msg->body($body);
782          $msg->attach($body);   # etc
783          # these all will convert the charset=PERL into real utf-8,
784          # cp1252 or us-ascii, which depends on the characters found.
786       Autodetection of character-set
788       This "Body" object represents data as part of an existing message, or
789       to become part of a message.  The body can be in two states:
791       1. ready to be processed textually, using Perl's string operations
792       2. raw bytes read or to be written
794       In the first case, the body content has no transfer encoding on it
795       ("none"), and the character-set is "PERL".  In the second version, the
796       body may have transfer encoding and has an (IANA listed) charset on it
797       (defaults to "us-ascii")
799       Using encode() (maybe via Mail::Message::Body subroutine decode), you
800       can convert bodies from one state into a different one.  In one go, you
801       can change the transfer-encoding, the character-set, or whether it is
802       in PERL string format or raw (in bytes).
804       [3.013] A serious problem is created when a conversion is needed, while
805       the input or output character-set is not explicitly known.  The email
806       RFCs state that the default is "us-ascii".  However, in the real world
807       it can be anything.  Therefore, in such situations autodetection kicks
808       in.
810       1.  When a Body is read (using Mail::Message::read() and friends), the
811           character-set may stay undefined until transfer-decoding has been
812           applicied.  At that moment, (configurable auto-detection) is
813           applied;
815       2.  When a Body is created witin the program, without specific
816           character-set, it will use 'PERL';
818       3.  When a Body is written, the requested character-set is not
819           specified, and the current character-set is "PERL", then auto-
820           dectection is used.  This may result in "us-ascii", "cp1252" and
821           "utf-8";
823       4.  In all other cases, the character-set is known so "easy".


826       Warning: Charset $name is not known
827           The encoding or decoding of a message body encounters a character
828           set which is not understood by Perl's Encode module.
830       Warning: No decoder defined for transfer encoding $name.
831           The data (message body) is encoded in a way which is not currently
832           understood, therefore no decoding (or recoding) can take place.
834       Warning: No encoder defined for transfer encoding $name.
835           The data (message body) has been decoded, but the required encoding
836           is unknown.  The decoded data is returned.
838       Error: Package $package does not implement $method.
839           Fatal error: the specific package (or one of its superclasses) does
840           not implement this method where it should. This message means that
841           some other related classes do implement this method however the
842           class at hand does not.  Probably you should investigate this and
843           probably inform the author of the package.
845       Warning: Unknown line terminator $eol ignored


848       This module is part of Mail-Message distribution version 3.013, built
849       on June 24, 2023. Website: http://perl.overmeer.net/CPAN/


852       Copyrights 2001-2023 by [Mark Overmeer <markov@cpan.org>]. For other
853       contributors see ChangeLog.
855       This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
856       under the same terms as Perl itself.  See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/
860perl v5.38.0                      2023-07-20            Mail::Message::Body(3)