1AFMTODIT(1)                 General Commands Manual                AFMTODIT(1)


6       afmtodit - create font files for use with groff -Tps


9       afmtodit [ -nsv ] [ -ddesc_file ] [ -eenc_file ] [ -in ] [ -an ]
10                afm_file map_file font


13       afmtodit creates a font file for use with groff and grops.  afmtodit is
14       written  in  perl;  you  must have perl version 3 or newer installed in
15       order to run afmtodit.  afm_file is the AFM (Adobe  Font  Metric)  file
16       for the font.  map_file is a file that says which groff character names
17       map onto each PostScript character name; this  file  should  contain  a
18       sequence of lines of the form
20              ps_char groff_char
22       where ps_char is the PostScript name of the character and groff_char is
23       the groff name of the character (as used in the groff font file).   The
24       same ps_char can occur multiple times in the file; each groff_char must
25       occur at most once.  Lines starting with # and blank lines are ignored.
26       font  is  the  groff name of the font.  If a PostScript character is in
27       the encoding to be used for the font but is not mentioned  in  map_file
28       then  afmtodit will put it in the groff font file as an unnamed charac‐
29       ter, which can be accessed by the \N escape  sequence  in  troff.   The
30       groff font file will be output to a file called font.
32       If  there is a downloadable font file for the font, it may be listed in
33       the file /usr/share/groff/; see grops(1).
35       If the -i option is  used,  afmtodit  will  automatically  generate  an
36       italic  correction, a left italic correction and a subscript correction
37       for each character (the significance of these parameters  is  explained
38       in  groff_font(5));  these  parameters  may be specified for individual
39       characters by adding to the afm_file lines of the form:
41              italicCorrection ps_char n
42              leftItalicCorrection ps_char n
43              subscriptCorrection ps_char n
45       where ps_char is the PostScript name of the character,  and  n  is  the
46       desired  value  of the corresponding parameter in thousandths of an em.
47       These parameters are normally  needed  only  for  italic  (or  oblique)
48       fonts.


51       -v     Print version.
53       -n     Don't  output  a ligatures command for this font.  Use this with
54              constant-width fonts.
56       -s     The font is special.  The effect of this option is  to  add  the
57              special command to the font file.
59       -ddesc_file
60              The device description file is desc_file rather than the default
61              DESC.
63       -eenc_file
64              The PostScript font should be  reencoded  to  use  the  encoding
65              described  in  enc_file.  The format of enc_file is described in
66              grops(1).
68       -an    Use n as the slant parameter in the font file; this is  used  by
69              groff  in  the positioning of accents.  By default afmtodit uses
70              the negative of the ItalicAngle specified in the afm file;  with
71              true  italic fonts it is sometimes desirable to use a slant that
72              is less than this.  If you find that characters from  an  italic
73              font  have  accents  placed too far to the right over them, then
74              use the -a option to give the font a smaller slant.
76       -in    Generate an italic correction for each  character  so  that  the
77              character's  width  plus  the  character's  italic correction is
78              equal to n thousandths of an em plus the  amount  by  which  the
79              right  edge  of  the character's bounding is to the right of the
80              character's origin.  If this would result in a  negative  italic
81              correction, use a zero italic correction instead.
83              Also generate a subscript correction equal to the product of the
84              tangent of the slant of the font and four fifths of the x-height
85              of  the  font.   If  this would result in a subscript correction
86              greater than the italic correction, use a  subscript  correction
87              equal to the italic correction instead.
89              Also  generate a left italic correction for each character equal
90              to n thousandths of an em plus the amount by which the left edge
91              of  the  character's  bounding box is to the left of the charac‐
92              ter's origin.  The left italic correction may be negative.
94              This option is normally needed only  with  italic  (or  oblique)
95              fonts.  The font files distributed with groff were created using
96              an option of -i50 for italic fonts.


99       /usr/share/groff/
100              Device description file.
102       /usr/share/groff/
103              Font description file for font F.
105       /usr/share/groff/
106              List of downloadable fonts.
108       /usr/share/groff/
109              Encoding used for text fonts.
111       /usr/share/groff/
112              Standard mapping.


115       groff(1), grops(1), groff_font(5), perl(1)
119Groff Version           01 March 2002                     AFMTODIT(1)