1afmtodit(1)                 General Commands Manual                afmtodit(1)


6       afmtodit  - adapt Adobe Font Metrics files for groff PostScript and PDF
7       output


10       afmtodit [-ckmnsx] [-a slant] [-d device-description-file]
11                [-e encoding-file] [-f internal-name] [-i italic-correction-
12                factor] [-o output-file] [-w space-width] afm-file map-file
13                font-description-file
15       afmtodit --help
17       afmtodit -v
18       afmtodit --version


21       afmtodit  adapts  an Adobe Font Metric file, afm-file, for use with the
22       ps and pdf output devices of troff(1).  map-file associates a groff or‐
23       dinary  or special character name with a PostScript glyph name.  Output
24       is written in groff_font(5) format  to  font-description-file,  a  file
25       named for the intended groff font name (but see the -o option).
27       map-file should contain a sequence of lines of the form
28              ps-glyph groff-char
29       where  ps-glyph  is the PostScript glyph name and groff-char is a groff
30       ordinary (if of unit length) or special (if longer)  character  identi‐
31       fier.   The  same  ps-glyph  can occur multiple times in the file; each
32       groff-char must occur at most once.  Lines starting with “#” and  blank
33       lines  are  ignored.  If the file isn't found in the current directory,
34       it is sought in the devps/generate subdirectory of the default font di‐
35       rectory.
37       If a PostScript glyph is not mentioned in map-file, and a groff charac‐
38       ter name can't be deduced using the Adobe Glyph List (AGL,  built  into
39       afmtodit),  then afmtodit puts the PostScript glyph into the groff font
40       description file as an unnamed glyph which can only be accessed by  the
41       “\N”  escape  sequence in a roff document.  In particular, this is true
42       for glyph variants named in the form “foo.bar”; all  glyph  names  con‐
43       taining  one or more periods are mapped to unnamed entities.  Unless -e
44       is specified, the encoding defined in the AFM file (i.e., entries  with
45       non-negative  codes)  is  used.   Refer  to  section “Using Symbols” in
46       Groff: The GNU Implementation of troff, the groff  Texinfo  manual,  or
47       groff_char(7),  which describe how groff character identifiers are con‐
48       structed.
50       Glyphs not encoded in the AFM file (i.e., entries indexed as “-1”)  are
51       still  available in groff; they get glyph index values greater than 255
52       (or greater than the biggest code used in the AFM file in the  unlikely
53       case  that  it is greater than 255) in the groff font description file.
54       Unencoded glyph indices don't have a specific order; it is best to  ac‐
55       cess them only via special character identifiers.
57       If the font file proper (not just its metrics) is available, listing it
58       in  the  files  /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/download  and  /usr/
59       share/groff/1.23.0/font/devpdf/download  enables  it  to be embedded in
60       the output produced by grops(1) and gropdf(1), respectively.
62       If the -i option is used, afmtodit automatically  generates  an  italic
63       correction,  a  left  italic correction, and a subscript correction for
64       each glyph (the significance of these is explained  in  groff_font(5));
65       they  can  be specified for individual glyphs by adding to the afm-file
66       lines of the form:
67              italicCorrection ps-glyph n
68              leftItalicCorrection ps-glyph n
69              subscriptCorrection ps-glyph n
70       where ps-glyph is the PostScript glyph name, and n is the desired value
71       of  the  corresponding parameter in thousandths of an em.  Such parame‐
72       ters are normally needed only for italic (or oblique) fonts.
74       The -s option should be given if the font is  “special”,  meaning  that
75       groff  should  search  it  whenever a glyph is not found in the current
76       font.  In that case, font-description-file should be listed as an argu‐
77       ment  to the fonts directive in the output device's DESC file; if it is
78       not special, there is no need to do so, since troff(1)  will  automati‐
79       cally mount it when it is first used.


82       --help  displays  a  usage message, while -v and --version show version
83       information; all exit afterward.
85       -a slant
86              Use slant as the slant (“angle”) parameter in the font  descrip‐
87              tion  file; this is used by groff in the positioning of accents.
88              By default afmtodit uses the negative of the ItalicAngle  speci‐
89              fied in the AFM file; with true italic fonts it is sometimes de‐
90              sirable to use a slant that is less than this.  If you find that
91              an  italic  font  places accents over base glyphs too far to the
92              right, use -a to give it a smaller slant.
94       -c     Include comments in the font description  file  identifying  the
95              PostScript font.
97       -d device-description-file
98              The device description file is desc-file rather than the default
99              DESC.  If not found in the current directory, the  devps  subdi‐
100              rectory  of the default font directory is searched (this is true
101              for both the default device description file and  a  file  given
102              with option -d).
104       -e encoding-file
105              The  PostScript font should be reencoded to use the encoding de‐
106              scribed in enc-file.  The format of  enc-file  is  described  in
107              grops(1).  If not found in the current directory, the devps sub‐
108              directory of the default font directory is searched.
110       -f internal-name
111              The internal name of the groff font is set to name.
113       -i italic-correction-factor
114              Generate an italic correction for each glyph so that  its  width
115              plus  its italic correction is equal to italic-correction-factor
116              thousandths of an em plus the amount by which the right edge  of
117              the glyph's bounding box is to the right of its origin.  If this
118              would result in a negative italic correction, use a zero  italic
119              correction instead.
121              Also generate a subscript correction equal to the product of the
122              tangent of the slant of the font and four fifths of the x-height
123              of  the  font.   If  this would result in a subscript correction
124              greater than the italic correction, use a  subscript  correction
125              equal to the italic correction instead.
127              Also  generate  a left italic correction for each glyph equal to
128              italic-correction-factor thousandths of an em plus the amount by
129              which  the  left edge of the glyph's bounding box is to the left
130              of its origin.  The left italic correction may be  negative  un‐
131              less option -m is given.
133              This  option  is  normally  needed only with italic (or oblique)
134              fonts.  The font description files distributed with  groff  were
135              created using an option of -i50 for italic fonts.
137       -o output-file
138              Write to output-file instead of font-description-file.
140       -k     Omit  any  kerning  data from the groff font; use only for mono‐
141              spaced (constant-width) fonts.
143       -m     Prevent negative left italic correction values.   Font  descrip‐
144              tion  files for roman styles distributed with groff were created
145              with “-i0 -m” to improve spacing with eqn(1).
147       -n     Don't output a ligatures command for this font; use  with  mono‐
148              spaced (constant-width) fonts.
150       -s     Add the special directive to the font description file.
152       -w space-width
153              Use space-width as the with of inter-word spaces.
155       -x     Don't use the built-in Adobe Glyph List.


158       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/DESC
159              describes the ps output device.
161       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/F
162              describes the font known as F on device ps.
164       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/download
165              lists  fonts available for embedding within the PostScript docu‐
166              ment (or download to the device).
168       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/generate/dingbats.map
169       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/generate/dingbats-reversed.map
170       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/generate/slanted-symbol.map
171       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/generate/symbol.map
172       /usr/share/groff/1.23.0/font/devps/generate/text.map
173              map names in the Adobe Glyph List  to  groff  special  character
174              identifiers  for  Zapf  Dingbats  (ZD),  reversed  Zapf Dingbats
175              (ZDR), slanted symbol (SS), symbol (S), and text fonts,  respec‐
176              tively.   These  map-files are used to produce the font descrip‐
177              tion files provided with groff for the grops output driver.


180       AGL name 'x' already mapped  to  groff  name  'y';  ignoring  AGL  name
181       'uniXXXX'
182              You  can disregard these if they're in the form shown, where the
183              ignored AGL name contains four  hexadecimal  digits  XXXX.   The
184              Adobe  Glyph  List  (AGL) has its own names for glyphs; they are
185              often different from groff's special character names.   afmtodit
186              is  constructing a mapping from groff special character names to
187              AGL names; this can be a one-to-one or many-to-one mapping,  but
188              one-to-many  will not work, so afmtodit discards the excess map‐
189              pings.  For example, if x is *D, y is Delta, and z  is  uni0394,
190              afmtodit  is telling you that the groff font description that it
191              is writing cannot map the groff special character \[*D]  to  AGL
192              glyphs Delta and uni0394 at the same time.
194              If  you  get a message like this but are unhappy with which map‐
195              ping is ignored, a remedy is to craft  an  alternative  map-file
196              and re-run afmtodit using it.

See also

199       Groff:  The  GNU Implementation of troff, by Trent A. Fisher and Werner
200       Lemberg, is the primary groff manual.  Section “Using Symbols”  may  be
201       of  particular  note.   You  can  browse  it  interactively  with “info
202       '(groff)Using Symbols'”.
204       groff(1), gropdf(1), grops(1), groff_font(5)
208groff 1.23.0                    2 November 2023                    afmtodit(1)