1g.access(1) Grass User's Manual g.access(1)
6 g.access
9 This program allows the user to control access to the current mapset.
10 Normally, any user can read data from any GRASS mapset. But sometimes
11 it is desirable to prohibit access to certain sensitive data. The
12 g.access command allows a user to restrict read and execute access to
13 the current mapset (see UNIX chmod command). g.access will not modify
14 write access to the current mapset.
16 The user may, for example, allow only users in the same UNIX group to
17 read data files in the mapset, or restrict the mapset to personal use
18 only.
21 Under GRASS, access to the mapset PERMANENT must be open to all users.
22 This is because GRASS looks for the user's default geographic region
23 definition settings and the location TITLE in files that are stored
24 under the PERMANENT mapset directory. The g.access command, therefore,
25 will not allow you to restrict access to the PERMANENT mapset.
27 The g.mapsets command isn't smart enough to tell if access to a speciā
28 fied mapset is restricted, and the user is therefore allowed to include
29 the names of restricted mapsets in his search path. However, the data
30 in a restricted mapset is still protected; any attempts to look for or
31 use data in a restricted mapset will fail. The user will simply not
32 see any data listed for a restricted mapset.
35 UNIX manual entries for chmod and group
36 g.mapsets
39 Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
41 Last changed: $Date: 2004/11/23 13:22:40 $
43 Full index
47GRASS 6.2.2 g.access(1)