1g.mapsets(1)                  Grass User's Manual                 g.mapsets(1)


6       g.mapsets   - Modifies the user's current mapset search path, affecting
7       the user's access to data existing under the other GRASS mapsets in the
8       current location.


11       general


14       g.mapsets
15       g.mapsets help
16       g.mapsets              [-lp]               [mapset=string[,string,...]]
17       [addmapset=string[,string,...]]
19   Flags:
20       -l  list all available mapsets
22       -p  print current mapset search path
24   Parameters:
25       mapset=string[,string,...]
26           Name(s) of existing mapset(s)
28       addmapset=string[,string,...]
29           Name(s) of existing mapset(s) to add to search list


32       For basic information about Grass mapset, location and data base  refer
33       to GRASS Quickstart.
35       A mapset holds a distinct set of data layers, each relevant to the same
36       (or a subset of the same) geographic region, and each drawn in the same
37       map  coordinate system.  At the outset of every GRASS session, the user
38       identifies a GRASS data base, location, and mapset that are to  be  the
39       user's  current data base, current location, and current mapset for the
40       duration of the session; any maps created by the user during  the  ses‐
41       sion  will be stored under the current mapset ($MAPSET) set at the ses‐
42       sion's outset.
44       The user can add, modify, and delete data layers that exist  under  his
45       current  mapset.   Although  the  user can also access (i.e., use) data
46       that are stored under other mapsets in the  same  GRASS  location,  the
47       user can only make permanent changes (create or modify data) located in
48       the current mapset.  The user's mapset search path lists the  order  in
49       which  other  mapsets  in  the  same GRASS location can be searched and
50       their data accessed by the user.  The user can modify the  listing  and
51       order  in  which  these  mapsets  are  accessed by modifying the mapset
52       search path; this can be done using the g.mapsets command.   This  pro‐
53       gram  allows the user to use other's relevant map data without altering
54       the original data layer, and without taking up disk space with  a  copy
55       of the original map.
57       g.mapsets  shows  the  user  available  mapsets under the current GRASS
58       location, lists mapsets to which the user  currently  has  access,  and
59       lists  the  order in which accessible mapsets will be accessed by GRASS
60       programs searching for data files.  The user is then given the opportu‐
61       nity  to add or delete mapset names from his search path, or modify the
62       order in which mapsets will be accessed.
64       When the user specifies the name of a data base element file  (e.g.,  a
65       particular  vector  file,  raster file, imagery group file, etc.)  to a
66       GRASS program, the program searches for the named file  under  each  of
67       the mapsets listed in the user's mapset search path in the order listed
68       there until the program finds a file of the  given  name.   (Users  can
69       also  specify  a  file  by its mapset, to make explicit the mapset from
70       which the file is to be drawn;  e.g., the command:
71       g.copy rast='soils.file@PERMANENT',my.soils
72        ensures that a new file named my.soils is to be a  copy  of  the  file
73       soils.file from the mapset PERMANENT.)
75       It  is  common for a user to have the special mapset PERMANENT included
76       in his mapset search path, as this mapset typically  contains  finished
77       base  maps  relevant  to many applications.  Often, other mapsets which
78       contain sets of interpreted map layers will be likewise included in the
79       user's  mapset  search  path.   Suppose,  for  example, that the mapset
80       Soil_Maps contains interpreted soils map layers to which the user wants
81       access.   The  mapset  Soil_Maps  should then be included in the user's
82       search path variable.
84       The mapset search path is saved as part of the  current  mapset.   When
85       the  user works with that mapset in subsequent GRASS sessions, the pre‐
86       viously saved mapset search path will be used (and will continue to  be
87       used until it is modified by the user with g.mapsets).


90       g.mapsets  sets  the current mapset search path to the mapsets named on
91       the command line.  If g.mapsets is typed but no mapset names are speci‐
92       fied by the user on the command line, the program will print the user's
93       current mapset search path, list available mapsets, and prompt the user
94       for a new mapset search path listing.
96       The  addmapset parameter allows for extending an existing mapset search
97       path.
99       Users can restrict others' access to their mapset files through use  of
100       the  GRASS program g.access.  Mapsets to which access is restricted can
101       still be listed in another's mapset search  path;  however,  access  to
102       these mapsets will remain restricted.


105       g.access
106       g.copy
107       g.gisenv
108       g.list


111       Michael Shapiro, U.S.Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
113       Greg Koerper, ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc.
115       Last changed: $Date: 2006/08/30 15:35:34 $
117       Full index
121GRASS 6.2.2                                                       g.mapsets(1)