1ovaldi(1) USER COMMANDS ovaldi(1)
6 ovaldi - a reference interpreter for the Open Vulnerability and Asess‐
7 ment Language
10 ovaldi [-d filename] [-i filename] [-o filename] [-r filename] [-t
11 filename] [-v filename] [-x filename] [-hmpzs] [MD5Hash]
14 The MITRE Corporation developed the Open Vulnerability and Assessment
15 Language (OVAL) Interpreter to provide the OVAL Community with an open
16 source reference implementation of the language and its Definitions.
17 The OVAL Interpreter uses OVAL Definitions to gather security relevant
18 configuration information on a computer (e.g., rpm parameters, registry
19 keys, file information, etc.), analyze the information for vulnerabili‐
20 ties and configuration issues, and report the results of the analysis
21 for each definition.
24 -h Displays command line options.
26 -o filename
27 Specifies the pathname of the OVAL Definition file to use. If
28 none is specified than the Interpreter will default to "defini‐
29 tions.xml" in the Interpreter directory.
31 -d filename
32 Specifies the pathname of the file to which collected configura‐
33 tion data is to be saved. This data is stored in the format
34 defined by the Systems Characteristics Schema.
36 -r filename
37 Specifies the pathname of the file to which analysis results are
38 to be saved. This data is stored according to the format
39 defined by the OVAL Results Schema. If none is specified than
40 the Interpreter will default to "results.xml" in the Interpreter
41 directory.
43 -v filename
44 Specifies the pathname of the external variable file to use. If
45 none is specified than the Interpreter will default to "exter‐
46 nal-variables.xml" in the Interpreter directory.
48 -e definition id list
49 Specifies a list of definition ids to evaluate in the input
50 oval-definitions document. Supply definition ids as a comma
51 seperated list like: oval:com.example:def:123,oval:com.exam‐
52 ple:def:234
54 -n Perform Schematron validation of the oval-defiitions file.
56 -c filename
57 Specifies the pathname of the oval-definitions-schematron.xsl to
58 be used for Schematron validation. If none is specified then the
59 Interpreter will default to "oval-definitions-schematron.xsl" in
60 the Interpreter directory.
62 -i filename
63 Specifies the pathname of a System Characteristics file that is
64 to be used as the basis of the analysis. In this mode, the
65 Interpreter does not perform data collection on the local sys‐
66 tem, but relies upon the input file, which may have been gener‐
67 ated on another system.
69 -m Run without requiring an MD5 checksum. Running the Interpreter
70 with this option DISABLES an important security feature. In
71 normal usage, a trusted checksum provided on the command line is
72 used to verify the integrity of the OVAL Definitions file.
74 Use of this option is recommended only when testing your own
75 draft definitions before submitting them to the OVAL Community
76 Forum for public review.
78 -p Verbose output. Print all information and error message to the
79 console.
81 -s If set do not apply the xsl to the OVAL Results xml.
83 -t filename
84 Specifies the pathname of the xsl file which should be used to
85 transform the oval results. If none is specified then the Inter‐
86 preter will default to "results_to_html.xsl" in the Interpreter
87 directory.
89 -x filename
90 Specifies the pathname of the file which xsl transform results
91 are to be saved. If none is specified then the Interpreter will
92 default to "results.html" in the Interpreter directory.
94 -z Calculates and prints to the screen the MD5 checksum of the cur‐
95 rent data file (definitions.xml by default, or as specified by
96 the -o option). This can be used to manually compare the cur‐
97 rent file with the trusted checksum available from the OVAL Web
98 site.
101 Run the interpreter against the Linux definitions file, without verify‐
102 ing MD5 checksum:
103 ovaldi -o linux.definitions.xml -m
106 /usr/share/ovaldi/*.xsd
107 The schema files for the OVAL language.
110 Man page written by Brendan Jonathan Baker (bakerj@mitre.org)
114Version 5.3 June 26, 2007 ovaldi(1)