1r.profile(1) Grass User's Manual r.profile(1)
6 r.profile - Outputs the raster map layer values lying on user-defined
7 line(s).
10 raster
13 r.profile
14 r.profile help
15 r.profile [-igc] input=name [output=string] [pro‐
16 file=east,north[,east,north,...]] [res=float] [null=string]
18 Flags:
19 -i Interactively select End-Points
21 -g Output easting and northing in first two columns of four column
22 output
24 -c Output RRR:GGG:BBB color values for each profile point
26 Parameters:
27 input=name
28 Name of input raster map
30 output=string
31 Name of file for output (use output=- for stdout) Default: -
33 profile=east,north[,east,north,...]
34 Profile Coordinate Pairs
36 res=float
37 Resolution along profile (default = current region resolution)
39 null=string
40 Character to represent no data cell Default: *
43 This program outputs two or four column (with -g) data to stdout or an
44 ASCII file. The default two column output consists of cumulative pro‐
45 file length (in meters) and raster value. The optional four column out‐
46 put consists of easting, northing, cumlative profile length (m), and
47 raster value. Profile end or "turning" points can be set manually with
48 the profile argument or selected interactively from the GRASS monitor
49 by setting the -i flag. The profile resolution, or distance between
50 profile points, is obtained from the current region resolution, or can
51 be manually set with the res argument.
53 The -i flag allows the user for selecting the profile from the GRASS
54 monitor by clicking the left mouse button along the profile; clicking
55 the right mouse button ends the profile.
57 The profile parameter can be set to comma separated geographic coordi‐
58 nates for profile line endpoints. The interactive flag (-i) overrides
59 this option.
61 The res parameter sets the distance between each profile point (resolu‐
62 tion). The resolution must be provided in GRASS database units (i.e.
63 decimal degrees for Lat Long databases and meters for UTM). By default
64 r.profile uses the resolution of the current GRASS region.
66 The null parameter can optionally be set to change the character string
67 representing null values.
70 The multi column output from r.profile is intended for easy use in
71 other programs. The output can be piped (|) directly into other pro‐
72 grams or saved to a file for later use. Output with geographic coordi‐
73 nates (-g) is compatible with v.in.ascii and can be piped direcly into
74 this program.
75 r.profile -ig input=elev.rast | v.in.ascii output=elev.profile
76 fs=space
77 The 2 column output is compatible with most plotting programs.
79 The optional RGB output provides the associated GRASS colour value for
80 each profile point.
83 Example 1
84 Extract a profile with coordinates provided on the command line:
85 r.profile input=elev.rast output=profile.pts pro‐
86 file=562517,7779433,562984,7779533,563875,7779800
87 This will extract a profile along the track defined by the three coor‐
88 dinate pairs.
90 Example 2
91 Extract a profile by interactively selecting the profile route from the
92 GRASS monitor:
93 r.profile -i input=elev.rast output=profile.pts
94 Use the left mouse button to select the profile route in the GRASS
95 monitor. Use the right mouse button to end the profile.
97 Example 3
98 Extract a profile with coordinates provided from standard input or an
99 external file:
101 First create a points file with d.where
102 d.where > saved.points
103 Then pipe the points file into r.profile
104 cat saved.points | r.profile input=elev.rast output=profile.pts
105 The advantage of this method is that the same profile points can be
106 piped into different GRASS rasters by changing the input parameter.
108 With this method the coordinates must be given as space or tab seper‐
109 ated easting and northing. Labels after these values are ignored.
112 The profile resolution is measured exactly from the supplied end or
113 "turning" point along the profile. The end of a profile segment will be
114 an exact multiple of the profile resolution and will therefore not
115 always match the end point coordinates entered for the segmanet.
117 To extract the numbers in scripts, following parameters can be used:
118 r.profile input=dgm12.5 profile=3570631,5763556 2>/dev/null
119 This filters out the everything except the numbers.
122 v.in.ascii, d.where, d.profile, r.what, r.transect
125 Bob Covill
127 Last changed: $Date: 2005/09/16 14:58:12 $
129 Full index
133GRASS 6.2.2 r.profile(1)