1funcolumnselect(3)            SAORD Documentation           funcolumnselect(3)


6       FunColumnSelect - select Funtools columns


9         #include <funtools.h>
11         int FunColumnSelect(Fun fun, int size, char *plist,
12                             char *name1, char *type1, char *mode1, int offset1,
13                             char *name2, char *type2, char *mode2, int offset2,
14                             ...,
15                             NULL)
17         int FunColumnSelectArr(Fun fun, int size, char *plist,
18                                char **names, char **types, char **modes,
19                                int *offsets, int nargs);


22       The FunColumnSelect() routine is used to select the columns from a Fun‐
23       tools binary table extension or raw event file for processing. This
24       routine allows you to specify how columns in a file are to be read into
25       a user record structure or written from a user record structure to an
26       output FITS file.
28       The first argument is the Fun handle associated with this set of col‐
29       umns. The second argument specifies the size of the user record struc‐
30       ture into which columns will be read.  Typically, the sizeof() macro is
31       used to specify the size of a record structure.  The third argument
32       allows you to specify keyword directives for the selection and is
33       described in more detail below.
35       Following the first three required arguments is a variable length list
36       of column specifications.  Each column specification will consist of
37       four arguments:
39       ·   name: the name of the column
41       ·   type: the data type of the column as it will be stored in the user
42           record struct (not the data type of the input file). The following
43           basic data types are recognized:
45           ·   A: ASCII characters
47           ·   B: unsigned 8-bit char
49           ·   I: signed 16-bit int
51           ·   U: unsigned 16-bit int (not standard FITS)
53           ·   J: signed 32-bit int
55           ·   V: unsigned 32-bit int (not standard FITS)
57           ·   E: 32-bit float
59           ·   D: 64-bit float
61           The syntax used is similar to that which defines the TFORM parame‐
62           ter in FITS binary tables. That is, a numeric repeat value can pre‐
63           cede the type character, so that "10I" means a vector of 10 short
64           ints, "E" means a single precision float, etc.  Note that the col‐
65           umn value from the input file will be converted to the specified
66           data type as the data is read by FunTableRowGet().
68           [ A short digression regarding bit-fields: Special attention is
69           required when reading or writing the FITS bit-field type ("X").
70           Bit-fields almost always have a numeric repeat character preceding
71           the 'X' specification. Usually this value is a multiple of 8 so
72           that bit-fields fit into an integral number of bytes. For all
73           cases, the byte size of the bit-field B is (N+7)/8, where N is the
74           numeric repeat character.
76           A bit-field is most easily declared in the user struct as an array
77           of type char of size B as defined above. In this case, bytes are
78           simply moved from the file to the user space.  If, instead, a short
79           or int scalar or array is used, then the algorithm for reading the
80           bit-field into the user space depends on the size of the data type
81           used along with the value of the repeat character.  That is, if the
82           user data size is equal to the byte size of the bit-field, then the
83           data is simply moved (possibly with endian-based byte-swapping)
84           from one to the other. If, on the other hand, the data storage is
85           larger than the bit-field size, then a data type cast conversion is
86           performed to move parts of the bit-field into elements of the
87           array.  Examples will help make this clear:
89           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
90               2B char array[2], then the bit-field is moved directly into the
91               char array.
93           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
94               1I scalar short int, then the bit-field is moved directly into
95               the short int.
97           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
98               1J scalar int, then the bit-field is type-cast to unsigned int
99               before being moved (use of unsigned avoids possible sign exten‐
100               sion).
102           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
103               2J int array[2], then the bit-field is handled as 2 chars, each
104               of which are type-cast to unsigned int before being moved (use
105               of unsigned avoids possible sign extension).
107           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
108               1B char, then the bit-field is treated as a char, i.e., trunca‐
109               tion will occur.
111           ·   If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a
112               4J int array[4], then the results are undetermined.
114           For all user data types larger than char, the bit-field is byte-
115           swapped as necessary to convert to native format, so that bits in
116           the resulting data in user space can be tested, masked, etc. in the
117           same way regardless of platform.]
119           In addition to setting data type and size, the type specification
120           allows a few ancillary parameters to be set, using the full syntax
121           for type:
123            [@][n]<type>[[['B']poff]][:[tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]]
125           The special character "@" can be prepended to this specification to
126           indicated that the data element is a pointer in the user record,
127           rather than an array stored within the record.
129           The [n] value is an integer that specifies the number of elements
130           that are in this column (default is 1). TLMIN, TLMAX, and BINSIZ
131           values also can be specified for this column after the type, sepa‐
132           rated by colons. If only one such number is specified, it is
133           assumed to be TLMAX, and TLMIN  and BINSIZ are set to 1.
135           The [poff] value can be used to specify the offset into an array.
136           By default, this offset value is set to zero and the data specified
137           starts at the beginning of the array. The offset usually is speci‐
138           fied in terms of the data type of the column. Thus an offset speci‐
139           fication of [5] means a 20-byte offset if the data type is a 32-bit
140           integer, and a 40-byte offset for a double. If you want to specify
141           a byte offset instead of an offset tied to the column data type,
142           precede the offset value with 'B', e.g. [B6] means a 6-bye offset,
143           regardless of the column data type.
145           The [poff] is especially useful in conjunction with the pointer @
146           specification, since it allows the data element to anywhere stored
147           anywhere in the allocated array.  For example, a specification such
148           as "@I[2]" specifies the third (i.e., starting from 0) element in
149           the array pointed to by the pointer value. A value of "@2I[4]"
150           specifies the fifth and sixth values in the array. For example,
151           consider the following specification:
153             typedef struct EvStruct{
154               short x[4], *atp;
155             } *Event, EventRec;
156             /* set up the (hardwired) columns */
157             FunColumnSelect( fun, sizeof(EventRec), NULL,
158                              "2i",    "2I  ",    "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, x),
159                              "2i2",   "2I[2]",   "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, x),
160                              "at2p",  "@2I",     "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
161                              "at2p4", "@2I[4]",  "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
162                              "atp9",  "@I[9]",   "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
163                              "atb20", "@I[B20]", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atb),
164                              NULL);
166           Here we have specified the following columns:
168           ·   2i: two short ints in an array which is stored as part the
169               record
171           ·   2i2: the 3rd and 4th elements of an array which is stored as
172               part of the record
174           ·   an array of at least 10 elements, not stored in the record but
175               allocated elsewhere, and used by three different columns:
177               ·   at2p: 2 short ints which are the first 2 elements of the
178                   allocated array
180               ·   at2p4: 2 short ints which are the 5th and 6th elements of
181                   the allocated array
183               ·   atp9: a short int which is the 10th element of the allo‐
184                   cated array
186           ·   atb20: a short int which is at byte offset 20 of another allo‐
187               cated array
189           In this way, several columns can be specified, all of which are in
190           a single array. NB: it is the programmer's responsibility to ensure
191           that specification of a positive value for poff does not point past
192           the end of valid data.
194       ·   read/write mode: "r" means that the column is read from an input
195           file into user space by FunTableRowGet(), "w" means that the column
196           is written to an output file. Both can specified  at the same time.
198       ·   offset: the offset into the user data to store this column. Typi‐
199           cally, the macro FUN_OFFSET(recname, colname) is used to define the
200           offset into a record structure.
202       When all column arguments have been specified, a final NULL argument
203       must added to signal the column selection list.
205       As an alternative to the varargs FunColumnSelect() routine, a non-
206       varargs routine called FunColumnSelectArr() also is available. The
207       first three arguments (fun, size, plist) of this routine are the same
208       as in FunColumnSelect().  Instead of a variable argument list, however,
209       FunColumnSelectArr() takes 5 additional arguments. The first 4 arrays
210       arguments contain the names, types, modes, and offsets, respectively,
211       of the columns being selected. The final argument is the number of col‐
212       umns that are contained in these arrays. It is the user's responsibil‐
213       ity to free string space allocated in these arrays.
215       Consider the following example:
217         typedef struct evstruct{
218           int status;
219           float pi, pha, *phas;
220           double energy;
221         } *Ev, EvRec;
223         FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
224           "status",  "J",     "r",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
225           "pi",      "E",     "r",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
226           "pha",     "E",     "r",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
227           "phas",    "@9E",   "r",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, phas),
228           NULL);
230       Each time a row is read into the Ev struct, the "status" column is con‐
231       verted to an int data type (regardless of its data type in the file)
232       and stored in the status value of the struct.  Similarly, "pi" and
233       "pha", and the phas vector are all stored as floats. Note that the "@"
234       sign indicates that the "phas" vector is a pointer to a 9 element
235       array, rather than an array allocated in the struct itself. The row
236       record can then be processed as required:
238         /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
239         while( (ebuf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
240           /* process all rows */
241           for(i=0; i<got; i++){
242             /* point to the i'th row */
243             ev = ebuf+i;
244             ev->pi = (ev->pi+.5);
245             ev->pha = (ev->pi-.5);
246           }
248       FunColumnSelect() can also be called to define "writable" columns in
249       order to generate a FITS Binary Table, without reference to any input
250       columns.  For example, the following will generate a 4-column FITS
251       binary table when FunTableRowPut() is used to write Ev records:
253         typedef struct evstruct{
254           int status;
255           float pi, pha
256           double energy;
257         } *Ev, EvRec;
259         FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
260           "status",  "J",     "w",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
261           "pi",      "E",     "w",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
262           "pha",     "E",     "w",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
263           "energy",  "D",       "w",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, energy),
264           NULL);
266       All columns are declared to be write-only, so presumably the column
267       data is being generated or read from some other source.
269       In addition, FunColumnSelect() can be called to define both "readable"
270       and "writable" columns.  In this case, the "read" columns are associ‐
271       ated with an input file, while the "write" columns are associated with
272       the output file. Of course, columns can be specified as both "readable"
273       and "writable", in which case they are read from input and (possibly
274       modified data values are) written to the output.  The FunColumnSelect()
275       call itself is made by passing the input Funtools handle, and it is
276       assumed that the output file has been opened using this input handle as
277       its Funtools reference handle.
279       Consider the following example:
281         typedef struct evstruct{
282           int status;
283           float pi, pha, *phas;
284           double energy;
285         } *Ev, EvRec;
287         FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
288           "status",  "J",     "r",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
289           "pi",      "E",     "rw",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
290           "pha",     "E",     "rw",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
291           "phas",    "@9E",   "rw",  FUN_OFFSET(Ev, phas),
292           "energy",  "D",     "w",   FUN_OFFSET(Ev, energy),
293           NULL);
295       As in the "read" example above, each time an row is read into the Ev
296       struct, the "status" column is converted to an int data type (regard‐
297       less of its data type in the file) and stored in the status value of
298       the struct.  Similarly, "pi" and "pha", and the phas vector are all
299       stored as floats.  Since the "pi", "pha", and "phas" variables are
300       declared as "writable" as well as "readable", they also will be written
301       to the output file.  Note, however, that the "status" variable is
302       declared as "readable" only, and hence it will not be written to an
303       output file.  Finally, the "energy" column is declared as "writable"
304       only, meaning it will not be read from the input file. In this case, it
305       can be assumed that "energy" will be calculated in the program before
306       being output along with the other values.
308       In these simple cases, only the columns specified as "writable" will be
309       output using FunTableRowPut().  However, it often is the case that you
310       want to merge the user columns back in with the input columns, even in
311       cases where not all of the input column names are explicitly read or
312       even known. For this important case, the merge=[type] keyword is pro‐
313       vided in the plist string.
315       The merge=[type] keyword tells Funtools to merge the columns from the
316       input file with user columns on output.  It is normally used when an
317       input and output file are opened and the input file provides the Fun‐
318       tools reference handle for the output file. In this case, each time
319       FunTableRowGet() is called, the raw input rows are saved in a special
320       buffer. If FunTableRowPut() then is called (before another call to
321       FunTableRowGet()), the contents of the raw input rows are merged with
322       the user rows according to the value of type as follows:
324       ·   update: add new user columns, and update value of existing ones
325           (maintaining the input data type)
327       ·   replace: add new user columns, and replace the data type and value
328           of existing ones.  (Note that if tlmin/tlmax values are not speci‐
329           fied in the replacing column, but are specified in the original
330           column being replaced, then the original tlmin/tlmax values are
331           used in the replacing column.)
333       ·   append: only add new columns, do not "replace" or "update" existing
334           ones
336       Consider the example above. If merge=update is specified in the plist
337       string, then "energy" will be added to the input columns, and the val‐
338       ues of "pi", "pha", and "phas" will be taken from the user space (i.e.,
339       the values will be updated from the original values, if they were
340       changed by the program).  The data type for "pi", "pha", and "phas"
341       will be the same as in the original file.  If merge=replace is speci‐
342       fied, both the data type and value of these three input columns will be
343       changed to the data type and value in the user structure.  If
344       merge=append is specified, none of these three columns will be updated,
345       and only the "energy" column will be added. Note that in all cases,
346       "status" will be written from the input data, not from the user record,
347       since it was specified as read-only.
349       Standard applications will call FunColumnSelect() to define user col‐
350       umns. However, if this routine is not called, the default behavior is
351       to transfer all input columns into user space. For this purpose a
352       default record structure is defined such that each data element is
353       properly aligned on a valid data type boundary.  This mechanism is used
354       by programs such as fundisp and funtable to process columns without
355       needing to know the specific names of those columns.  It is not antici‐
356       pated that users will need such capabilities (contact us if you do!)
358       By default, FunColumnSelect() reads/writes rows to/from an "array of
359       structs", where each struct contains the column values for a single row
360       of the table. This means that the returned values for a given column
361       are not contiguous. You can set up the IO to return a "struct of
362       arrays" so that each of the returned columns are contiguous by specify‐
363       ing org=structofarrays (abbreviation: org=soa) in the plist.  (The
364       default case is org=arrayofstructs or org=aos.)
366       For example, the default setup to retrieve rows from a table would be
367       to define a record structure for a single event and then call
368        FunColumnSelect() as follows:
370         typedef struct evstruct{
371           short region;
372           double x, y;
373           int pi, pha;
374           double time;
375         } *Ev, EvRec;
377         got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
378                               "x",       "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, x),
379                               "y",       "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, y),
380                               "pi",      "J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
381                               "pha",     "J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
382                               "time",    "1D",      mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, time),
383                               NULL);
385       Subsequently, each call to FunTableRowGet() will return an array of
386       structs, one for each returned row. If instead you wanted to read col‐
387       umns into contiguous arrays, you specify org=soa:
389         typedef struct aevstruct{
390           short region[MAXROW];
391           double x[MAXROW], y[MAXROW];
392           int pi[MAXROW], pha[MAXROW];
393           double time[MAXROW];
394         } *AEv, AEvRec;
396         got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(AEvRec), "org=soa",
397                             "x",       "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, x),
398                             "y",       "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, y),
399                             "pi",      "J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, pi),
400                             "pha",     "J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, pha),
401                             "time",    "1D",      mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, time),
402                             NULL);
404       Note that the only modification to the call is in the plist string.
406       Of course, instead of using staticly allocated arrays, you also can
407       specify dynamically allocated pointers:
409         /* pointers to arrays of columns (used in struct of arrays) */
410         typedef struct pevstruct{
411           short *region;
412           double *x, *y;
413           int *pi, *pha;
414           double *time;
415         } *PEv, PEvRec;
417         got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(PEvRec), "org=structofarrays",
418                             "$region", "@I",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, region),
419                             "x",       "@D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, x),
420                             "y",       "@D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, y),
421                             "pi",      "@J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, pi),
422                             "pha",     "@J",       mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, pha),
423                             "time",    "@1D",      mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, time),
424                             NULL);
426       Here, the actual storage space is either allocated by the user or by
427       the FunColumnSelect() call).
429       In all of the above cases, the same call is made to retrieve rows,
430       e.g.:
432           buf = (void *)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got);
434       However, the individual data elements are accessed differently.  For
435       the default case of an "array of structs", the individual row records
436       are accessed using:
438         for(i=0; i<got; i++){
439           ev = (Ev)buf+i;
440           fprintf(stdout, "%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%21.8f\n",
441                   ev->x, ev->y, ev->pi, ev->pha, ev->dx, ev->dy, ev->time);
442         }
444       For a struct of arrays or a struct of array pointers, we have a single
445       struct through which we access individual columns and rows using:
447         aev = (AEv)buf;
448         for(i=0; i<got; i++){
449           fprintf(stdout, "%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%21.8f\n",
450                   aev->x[i], aev->y[i], aev->pi[i], aev->pha[i],
451                   aev->dx[i], aev->dy[i], aev->time[i]);
452         }
454       Support for struct of arrays in the FunTableRowPut() call is handled
455       analogously.
457       See the evread example code and evmerge example code for working exam‐
458       ples of how FunColumnSelect() is used.


461       See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
465version 1.4.0                   August 15, 2007             funcolumnselect(3)