1ggParseOptions(3)                     GGI                    ggParseOptions(3)


6       ggParseOptions : Option parsing


9       #include <ggi/gg.h>
11       char *ggParseOptions(const char *str, gg_option *optlist, int count, int flag);


15       ggParseOptions  parses a string str of options in LibGG's option format
16       and places the results in the ".name"  members  of  the  optlist.   The
17       parameter  count  specifies the length of optlist.  The parameter flags
18       is a bitwise or of values that alter behavior, the only one defined  at
19       this  time  being  GG_PARSEOPTS_ALLOW_UNKNOWN,  which, if present, will
20       cause ggParseOptions to ignore options found in the  string  for  which
21       there  are  no  matching  entries in optlist (normally this generates a
22       failure and a warning message).
24       The normal LibGG option format is defined as follows:
26       A colon or whitespace is the separator between options.
28       Option names consist  of  any  character  except  parenthesis,  colons,
29       whitespace characters, the equals sign ('=') and the NULL ('0') charac‐
30       ter.
32       Option values may consist of any character except the  NULL  character,
33       however in order to include colons, whitespace characters, or parenthe‐
34       sis, the option must be quoted.  Option values that begin with a single
35       or double quote are considered to be quoted, and must end with the same
36       quote character with which they began.  The quotes are  not  considered
37       to  be part of the option value.  In order to include the quote charac‐
38       ter in use in  a quoted option value it must be escaped by a  backslash
39       ('')  character.   Backslashes  always escape, even in unquoted values,
40       and so must always be escaped with a backslash in order to be included.
42       Named options begin with a dash (-) character  followed  by  an  option
43       name  and  may be boolean (present or not) or may contain an equal sign
44       to assign the option a string value  (everything  following  the  equal
45       sign  up to the next forbidden character as described above.)  Matching
46       is case sensitive, but options can be abbreviated right down to a  sin‐
47       gle  letter  as  long  as  the name remains unique among the entries in
48       optlist and the GG_PARSEOPTS_ALLOW_UNKNOWN flag is not used.
50       Unnamed options do not (duh) have a name  field  and  are  positionally
51       mapped  to entries in optlist.  Unnamed options are processed after the
52       first option field not starting with a dash is encountered, and  occupy
53       the rest of the option string.  They are assigned to any unnamed-eligi‐
54       ble options (see below) in the order they appear in optlist, but if any
55       were previously discovered in named form they forfeit their position in
56       that order.
58       Options that are eligible to be used in an unnamed fashion must have  a
59       colon  or dash prefixed to their optname in the optlist when ggParseOp‐
60       tions is invoked.  Unnamed options may appear as named options as well.
61       ggParseOptions will alter the first character in the corresponding opt‐
62       name entry in optlist to a colon or to a dash depending on whether  the
63       option  was  present  in unnamed or named form, respectively.  Thus the
64       caller can determine whether the  option  was  presented  in  named  or
65       unnamed form.
67       Options  that  appear  in boolean form will have the first character in
68       their result changed  to  "y".   This  can  be  distinguished  from  an
69       explicit  value  of  "y"  because no NULL terminator is appended to the
70       "y".
72       Options that are not found are left unaltered in optlist.
74       Option  names  and  values  in   str   are   limited   in   length   to
75       GG_MAX_OPTION_NAME   and   GG_MAX_OPTION_RESULT   bytes,  respectively,
76       including one byte for a terminating NULL character.


79       ggParseOptions returns the position in str after the last character  of
80       a  valid option string, or NULL if str was determined not to be a valid
81       option string.  Even on failure, the contents of optlist may have  been
82       altered.
86libgg-1.0.x                       2005-08-26                 ggParseOptions(3)