1NETCDF(3)                  UNIDATA LIBRARY FUNCTIONS                 NETCDF(3)


6       netcdf  -  Unidata Network Common Data Form (netCDF) library, version 3
7       interface


10       include netcdf.inc
13   Most Systems:
14       f77 ... -lnetcdf
17   CRAY PVP Systems:
18       f90 -dp -i64 ... -lnetcdf


22       This document describes version 3 of Unidata netCDF data-access  inter‐
23       face for the FORTRAN programming language.
25       character*80 nf_inq_libvers(void)
27              Returns  a string identifying the version of the netCDF library,
28              and when it was built, like: "3.1a of Aug 22 1996 12:57:47 $".
30       The RCS ident(1) command will find a string like "$Id: @(#) netcdf  li‐
31       brary  version 3.1a of Sep  6 1996 15:56:26 $" in the library. The SCCS
32       what(1) command will find a string like "netcdf library version 3.1a of
33       Aug 23 1996 16:07:40 $".


36       All netCDF functions (except nf_inq_libvers() and nf_strerror()) return
37       an integer status.  This behavior replaces the rcode argument  used  in
38       previous versions of the library.  If this returned status value is not
39       equal to NF_NOERR (zero), it indicates that an error occurred. The pos‐
40       sible status values are defined in netcdf.inc.
42       character*80 nf_strerror(integer status)
44              Returns  a  string textual translation of the status value, like
45              "Attribute or variable name contains illegal characters" or  "No
46              such file or directory".
48       integer  function  nf_create(character*(*) path, integer cmode, integer
49              ncid)
51              (Corresponds to nccre() in version 2)
53              Creates a new netCDF dataset at path, returning a netCDF  ID  in
54              ncid.  The argument cmode may include the bitwise-or of the fol‐
55              lowing flags: NF_NOCLOBBER to protect existing datasets (default
56              silently  blows them away), NF_SHARE for synchronous dataset up‐
57              dates (default is to buffer accesses), and NF_LOCK (not yet  im‐
58              plemented).   When  a  netCDF  dataset  is created, is is opened
59              NF_WRITE.   The  new  netCDF  dataset   is   in   define   mode.
60              NF_64BIT_OFFSET.   to create a file in the 64-bit offset (as op‐
61              posed to classic , the default). 64-bit offset  allows the  cre‐
62              ation  of  very  large  files  with  far fewer restrictions than
63              netCDF classic , but can only be read by the netCDF library ver‐
64              sion 3.6 or greater. Users are cautioned that files that use the
65              64-bit offset will not  be  recognized  by  netCDF  applications
66              linked  to  an  earlier  version of the netCDF library than 3.6.
67              Applications linked to version 3.6 or  later  will  be  able  to
68              transparently access either the classic  or 64-bit offset .
70       integer  function nf__create(character*(*) path, integer cmode, integer
71              initialsize, integer chunksize, integer ncid)
73              Like nf_create() but has additional performance  tuning  parame‐
74              ters.
76              The  argument  initialsize  sets the initial size of the file at
77              creation time.
79              See nf__open() below for an explanation of the chunksize parame‐
80              ter.
82       integer  function  nf_open(character*(*)  path,  integer  mode, integer
83              ncid)
85              (Corresponds to ncopn() in version 2)
87              Opens a existing netCDF dataset at path returning a netCDF ID in
88              ncid.   The  type  of access is described by the mode parameter,
89              which  may  include  the  bitwise-or  of  the  following  flags:
90              NF_WRITE for read-write access (default read-only), NF_SHARE for
91              synchronous dataset updates (default is to buffer accesses), and
92              NF_LOCK (not yet implemented).
94       integer  function  nf__open(character*(*)  path,  integer mode, integer
95              chunksize, integer ncid)
97              Like nf_open() but has an additional performance tuning  parame‐
98              ter.
100              The  argument  referenced  by  chunksize controls a space versus
101              time tradeoff, memory allocated in  the  netcdf  library  versus
102              number  of  system calls.  Because of internal requirements, the
103              value may not be set to exactly the value requested.  The actual
104              value chosen is returned by reference.  Using the value NF_SIZE‐
105              HINT_DEFAULT causes the library to choose a  default.   How  the
106              system  choses  the default depends on the system.  On many sys‐
107              tems, the "preferred I/O  block  size"  is  available  from  the
108              stat()  system  call, struct stat member st_blksize.  If this is
109              available it is used. Lacking that, twice the system pagesize is
110              used.   Lacking  a call to discover the system pagesize, we just
111              set default chunksize to 8192.
113              The chunksize is a property of a given  open  netcdf  descriptor
114              ncid, it is not a persistent property of the netcdf dataset.
116       integer function nf_redef(integer ncid)
118              (Corresponds to ncredf() in version 2)
120              Puts  an  open  netCDF  dataset into define mode, so dimensions,
121              variables, and attributes can be added or renamed and attributes
122              can be deleted.
124       integer function nf_enddef(integer ncid)
126              (Corresponds to ncendf() in version 2)
128              Takes  an  open  netCDF dataset out of define mode.  The changes
129              made to the netCDF dataset while  it  was  in  define  mode  are
130              checked and committed to disk if no problems occurred.  Some da‐
131              ta values may be written as well, see "VARIABLE PREFILLING"  be‐
132              low.   After  a  successful  call,  variable data can be read or
133              written to the dataset.
135       integer function nf__enddef(integer ncid,  integer  h_minfree,  integer
136              v_align, integer v_minfree, integer r_align)
138              Like  nf_enddef()  but has additional performance tuning parame‐
139              ters.
141              Caution: this function exposes internals of the netcdf version 1
142              file format.  It may not be available on future netcdf implemen‐
143              tations.
145              The current netcdf file format has three sections, the  "header"
146              section, the data section for fixed size variables, and the data
147              section for variables which have an unlimited dimension  (record
148              variables).  The header begins at the beginning of the file. The
149              index (offset) of the beginning of the  other  two  sections  is
150              contained  in  the  header. Typically, there is no space between
151              the sections. This causes copying  overhead  to  accrue  if  one
152              wishes  to  change  the size of the sections, as may happen when
153              changing names of things,  text  attribute  values,  adding  at‐
154              tributes  or adding variables. Also, for buffered i/o, there may
155              be advantages to aligning sections in certain ways.
157              The minfree parameters allow one  to  control  costs  of  future
158              calls  to  nf_redef(),  nf_enddef()  by  requesting that minfree
159              bytes be available at the end of the section.  The h_minfree pa‐
160              rameter  sets  the  pad  at the end of the "header" section. The
161              v_minfree parameter sets the pad at the end of the data  section
162              for fixed size variables.
164              The  align  parameters allow one to set the alignment of the be‐
165              ginning of the corresponding sections. The beginning of the sec‐
166              tion  is rounded up to an index which is a multiple of the align
167              parameter. The flag value NF_ALIGN_CHUNK tells  the  library  to
168              use  the  chunksize  (see  above)  as  the align parameter.  The
169              v_align parameter controls the alignment of the beginning of the
170              data  section  for  fixed size variables.  The r_align parameter
171              controls the alignment of the beginning of the data section  for
172              variables which have an unlimited dimension (record variables).
174              The  file  format requires mod 4 alignment, so the align parame‐
175              ters are silently rounded up to multiples of 4. The usual  call,
176              nf_enddef(ncid) is equivalent to nf__enddef(ncid, 0, 4, 0, 4).
178              The  file format does not contain a "record size" value, this is
179              calculated from the sizes of the record variables. This unfortu‐
180              nate  fact prevents us from providing minfree and alignment con‐
181              trol of the "records" in a netcdf file. If you  add  a  variable
182              which  has an unlimited dimension, the third section will always
183              be copied with the new variable added.
185       integer function nf_sync(integer ncid)
187              (Corresponds to ncsnc() in version 2)
189              Unless the NF_SHARE bit is set in nf_open() or nf_create(),  ac‐
190              cesses  to the underlying netCDF dataset are buffered by the li‐
191              brary. This function synchronizes the state  of  the  underlying
192              dataset   and  the  library.   This  is  done  automatically  by
193              nf_close() and nf_enddef().
195       integer function nf_abort(integer ncid)
197              (Corresponds to ncabor() in version 2)
199              You don't need to call this function.  This function  is  called
200              automatically by nf_close() if the netCDF was in define mode and
201              something goes wrong with the commit.   If  the  netCDF  dataset
202              isn't  in  define  mode,  then  this  function  is equivalent to
203              nf_close().  If  it  is  called  after  nf_redef(),  but  before
204              nf_enddef(),  the  new  definitions  are  not  committed and the
205              dataset is closed.  If it is called after nf_create() but before
206              nf_enddef(), the dataset disappears.
208       integer function nf_close(integer ncid)
210              (Corresponds to ncclos() in version 2)
212              Closes  an  open  netCDF  dataset.   If the dataset is in define
213              mode, nf_enddef()  will  be  called  before  closing.   After  a
214              dataset is closed, its ID may be reassigned to another dataset.
216       integer function nf_inq(integer ncid, integer ndims, integer nvars, in‐
217              teger natts, integer unlimdimid)
219       integer function nf_inq_ndims(integer ncid, integer ndims)
221       integer function nf_inq_nvars(integer ncid, integer nvars)
223       integer function nf_inq_natts(integer ncid, integer natts)
225       integer function nf_inq_unlimdim(integer ncid, integer unlimdimid)
227       integer function nf_inq_format(integer ncid, integer formatn)
229              (Replace ncinq() in version 2)
231              Use these functions to find out what is  in  a  netCDF  dataset.
232              Upon successful return, ndims will contain  the number of dimen‐
233              sions defined for this netCDF dataset, nvars  will  contain  the
234              number  of  variables,  natts  will  contain  the  number of at‐
235              tributes, and unlimdimid will contain the dimension  ID  of  the
236              unlimited dimension if one exists, or 0 otherwise.  formatn will
237              contain the version number of the dataset  <>,  one  of  NF_FOR‐
238              MAT_CLASSIC,   NF_FORMAT_64BIT,  NF_FORMAT_NETCDF4,  or  NF_FOR‐
239              MAT_NETCDF4_CLASSIC.
242       integer function nf_def_dim(integer ncid, character*(*)  name,  integer
243              len, integer dimid)
245              (Corresponds to ncddef() in version 2)
247              Adds a new dimension to an open netCDF dataset, which must be in
248              define mode.  name is the dimension name.   dimid  will  contain
249              the dimension ID of the newly created dimension.
251       integer function nf_inq_dimid(integer ncid, character*(*) name, integer
252              dimid)
254              (Corresponds to ncdid() in version 2)
256              Given a dimension name, returns the ID of a netCDF dimension  in
257              dimid.
259       integer  function nf_inq_dim(integer ncid, integer dimid, character*(*)
260              name, integer len)
262       integer function nf_inq_dimname(integer ncid,  integer  dimid,  charac‐
263              ter*(*) name)
265       integer  function  nf_inq_dimlen(integer  ncid,  integer dimid, integer
266              len)
268              (Replace ncdinq() in version 2)
270              Use these functions to find out about a dimension.
272              name should be  big enough (NF_MAX_NAME) to hold  the  dimension
273              name  as  the name will be copied into your storage.  The length
274              return parameter, len will contain the size  of  the  dimension.
275              For  the unlimited dimension, the returned length is the current
276              maximum value used for writing into any of the  variables  which
277              use the dimension.
279       integer  function  nf_rename_dim(integer  ncid,  integer dimid, charac‐
280              ter*(*) name)
282              (Corresponds to ncdren() in version 2)
284              Renames an existing dimension in an open netCDF dataset.  If the
285              new name is longer than the old name, the netCDF dataset must be
286              in define mode.  You cannot rename a dimension to have the  same
287              name as another dimension.
289       integer  function  nf_def_var(integer ncid, character*(*) name, integer
290              xtype, integer ndims, integer dimids(1), integer varid)
292              (Corresponds to ncvdef() in version 2)
294              Adds a new variable to a netCDF dataset. The netCDF must  be  in
295              define mode.  varid will be set to the netCDF variable ID.
297       integer function nf_inq_varid(integer ncid, character*(*) name, integer
298              varid)
300              (Corresponds to ncvid() in version 2)
302              Returns the ID of a netCDF variable in varid given its name.
304       integer function nf_inq_var(integer ncid, integer varid,  character*(*)
305              name,  integer  xtype, integer ndims, integer dimids(1), integer
306              natts)
308       integer function nf_inq_varname(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  charac‐
309              ter*(*) name)
311       integer  function  nf_inq_vartype(integer  ncid, integer varid, integer
312              xtype)
314       integer function nf_inq_varndims(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
315              ndims)
317       integer  function  nf_inq_vardimid(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
318              dimids(1))
320       integer function nf_inq_varnatts(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
321              natts)
323              (Replace ncvinq() in version 2)
325              Returns information about a netCDF variable, given its ID.
328       integer  function  nf_rename_var(integer  ncid,  integer varid, charac‐
329              ter*(*) name)
331              (Corresponds to ncvren() in version 2)
333              Changes the name of a netCDF  variable.   If  the  new  name  is
334              longer  than  the  old  name, the netCDF must be in define mode.
335              You cannot rename a variable to have the name  of  any  existing
336              variable.
338       integer  function  nf_put_var_text(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
339              ter*(*) out)
342       integer function nf_put_var_int1(integer ncid, integer varid, integer*1
343              out(1))
345       integer function nf_put_var_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer*2
346              out(1))
348       integer function nf_put_var_int(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  integer
349              out(1))
352       integer  function  nf_put_var_real(integer  ncid,  integer  varid, real
353              out(1))
355       integer function nf_put_var_double(integer ncid, integer varid, double‐
356              precision out(1))
358              (Replace ncvpt() in version 2)
360              Writes  an  entire  netCDF  variable (i.e. all the values).  The
361              netCDF dataset must be open and in data mode.  The type  of  the
362              data  is  specified in the function name, and it is converted to
363              the external type of the specified variable, if possible, other‐
364              wise  an  NF_ERANGE error is returned. Note that rounding is not
365              performed during the  conversion.  Floating  point  numbers  are
366              truncated when converted to integers.
368       integer  function  nf_get_var_text(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
369              ter*(*) in)
372       integer function nf_get_var_int1(integer ncid, integer varid, integer*1
373              in(1))
375       integer function nf_get_var_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer*2
376              in(1))
378       integer function nf_get_var_int(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  integer
379              in(1))
382       integer  function  nf_get_var_real(integer  ncid,  integer  varid, real
383              in(1))
385       integer function nf_get_var_double(integer ncid, integer varid, double‐
386              precision in(1))
388              (Replace ncvgt() in version 2)
390              Reads  an  entire  netCDF  variable  (i.e. all the values).  The
391              netCDF dataset must be open and in data mode.  The data is  con‐
392              verted from the external type of the specified variable, if nec‐
393              essary, to the type specified in the function name.  If  conver‐
394              sion is not possible, an NF_ERANGE error is returned.
396       integer  function nf_put_var1_text(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
397              index(1), character*1 *out)
400       integer function nf_put_var1_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
401              index(1), integer*1 *out)
403       integer  function nf_put_var1_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
404              index(1), integer*2 *out)
406       integer function nf_put_var1_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
407              index(1), integer *out)
410       integer  function nf_put_var1_real(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
411              index(1), real *out)
413       integer function nf_put_var1_double(integer ncid, integer varid,  inte‐
414              ger index(1), doubleprecision *out)
416              (Replace ncvpt1() in version 2)
418              Puts  a  single data value into a variable at the position index
419              of an open netCDF dataset that is in data mode.  The type of the
420              data  is  specified in the function name, and it is converted to
421              the external type of the specified variable, if possible, other‐
422              wise an NF_ERANGE error is returned.
424       integer  function nf_get_var1_text(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
425              index(1), character*1 in)
428       integer function nf_get_var1_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
429              index(1), integer*1 in)
431       integer  function nf_get_var1_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
432              index(1), integer*2 in)
434       integer function nf_get_var1_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
435              index(1), integer in)
438       integer  function nf_get_var1_real(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
439              index(1), real in)
441       integer function nf_get_var1_double(integer ncid, integer varid,  inte‐
442              ger index(1), doubleprecision in)
444              (Replace ncvgt1() in version 2)
446              Gets  a  single data value from a variable at the position index
447              of an open netCDF dataset that is in data  mode.   The  data  is
448              converted  from  the external type of the specified variable, if
449              necessary, to the type specified in the function name.  If  con‐
450              version is not possible, an NF_ERANGE error is returned.
452       integer  function nf_put_vara_text(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
453              start(1), integer count(1), character*(*) out)
456       integer function nf_put_vara_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
457              start(1), integer count(1), integer*1 out(1))
459       integer  function nf_put_vara_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
460              start(1), integer count(1), integer*2 out(1))
462       integer function nf_put_vara_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
463              start(1), integer count(1), integer out(1))
466       integer  function nf_put_vara_real(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
467              start(1), integer count(1), real out(1))
469       integer function nf_put_vara_double(integer ncid, integer varid,  inte‐
470              ger start(1), integer count(1), doubleprecision out(1))
472              (Replace ncvpt() in version 2)
474              Writes  an  array section of values into a netCDF variable of an
475              open netCDF dataset, which must be in data mode.  The array sec‐
476              tion is specified by the start and count vectors, which give the
477              starting index and count of values along each dimension  of  the
478              specified  variable.   The  type of the data is specified in the
479              function name and is converted to the external type of the spec‐
480              ified variable, if possible, otherwise an NF_ERANGE error is re‐
481              turned.
483       integer function nf_get_vara_text(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
484              start(1), integer count(1), character*(*) in)
487       integer  function nf_get_vara_int1(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
488              start(1), integer count(1), integer*1 in(1))
490       integer function nf_get_vara_int2(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
491              start(1), integer count(1), integer*2 in(1))
493       integer  function  nf_get_vara_int(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
494              start(1), integer count(1), integer in(1))
497       integer function nf_get_vara_real(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
498              start(1), integer count(1), real in(1))
500       integer  function nf_get_vara_double(integer ncid, integer varid, inte‐
501              ger start(1), integer count(1), doubleprecision in(1))
503              (Corresponds to ncvgt() in version 2)
505              Reads an array section of values from a netCDF  variable  of  an
506              open netCDF dataset, which must be in data mode.  The array sec‐
507              tion is specified by the start and count vectors, which give the
508              starting  index  and count of values along each dimension of the
509              specified variable.  The data is  converted  from  the  external
510              type of the specified variable, if necessary, to the type speci‐
511              fied in the function name.  If conversion is  not  possible,  an
512              NF_ERANGE error is returned.
514       integer  function nf_put_vars_text(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
515              start(1), integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1),  character*(*)
516              out)
519       integer  function nf_put_vars_int1(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
520              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer*1 out(1))
522       integer function nf_put_vars_int2(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
523              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer*2 out(1))
525       integer  function  nf_put_vars_int(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
526              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer out(1))
529       integer function nf_put_vars_real(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
530              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), real out(1))
532       integer  function nf_put_vars_double(integer ncid, integer varid, inte‐
533              ger start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1),  doublepreci‐
534              sion out(1))
536              (Corresponds to ncvptg() in version 2)
538              These  functions  are used for strided output, which is like the
539              array section output described above, except that  the  sampling
540              stride  (the  interval between accessed values) is specified for
541              each dimension.  For an explanation of the sampling stride  vec‐
542              tor, see COMMON ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTIONS below.
544       integer  function nf_get_vars_text(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
545              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), character*(*) in)
548       integer function nf_get_vars_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
549              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer*1 in(1))
551       integer  function nf_get_vars_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
552              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer*2 in(1))
554       integer function nf_get_vars_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
555              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), integer in(1))
558       integer  function nf_get_vars_real(integer ncid, integer varid, integer
559              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), real in(1))
561       integer function nf_get_vars_double(integer ncid, integer varid,  inte‐
562              ger  start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), doublepreci‐
563              sion in(1))
565              (Corresponds to ncvgtg() in version 2)
567              These functions are used for strided input, which  is  like  the
568              array  section  input  described above, except that the sampling
569              stride (the interval between accessed values) is  specified  for
570              each  dimension.  For an explanation of the sampling stride vec‐
571              tor, see COMMON ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTIONS below.
573       integer function nf_put_varm_text(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
574              start(1),  integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1), imap, charac‐
575              ter*(*) out)
578       integer function nf_put_varm_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
579              start(1),  integer  count(1), integer stride(1), imap, integer*1
580              out(1))
582       integer function nf_put_varm_int2(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
583              start(1),  integer  count(1), integer stride(1), imap, integer*2
584              out(1))
586       integer function nf_put_varm_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
587              start(1),  integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1), imap, integer
588              out(1))
591       integer function nf_put_varm_real(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
592              start(1),   integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1),  imap,  real
593              out(1))
595       integer function nf_put_varm_double(integer ncid, integer varid,  inte‐
596              ger start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), imap, double‐
597              precision out(1))
599              (Corresponds to ncvptg() in version 2)
601              These functions are used for mapped output, which is like strid‐
602              ed  output described above, except that an additional index map‐
603              ping vector is provided to specify the in-memory arrangement  of
604              the  data  values.  For an explanation of the index mapping vec‐
605              tor, see COMMON ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTIONS below.
607       integer function nf_get_varm_text(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
608              start(1),  integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1), imap, charac‐
609              ter*(*) in)
612       integer function nf_get_varm_int1(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
613              start(1),  integer  count(1), integer stride(1), imap, integer*1
614              in(1))
616       integer function nf_get_varm_int2(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
617              start(1),  integer  count(1), integer stride(1), imap, integer*2
618              in(1))
620       integer function nf_get_varm_int(integer ncid, integer  varid,  integer
621              start(1),  integer  count(1),  integer  stride(1), imap, integer
622              in(1))
625       integer function nf_get_varm_real(integer ncid, integer varid,  integer
626              start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), imap, real in(1))
628       integer  function nf_get_varm_double(integer ncid, integer varid, inte‐
629              ger start(1), integer count(1), integer stride(1), imap, double‐
630              precision in(1))
632              (Corresponds to ncvgtg() in version 2)
634              These functions are used for mapped input, which is like strided
635              input described above, except that an additional  index  mapping
636              vector  is  provided to specify the in-memory arrangement of the
637              data values.  For an explanation of the  index  mapping  vector,
638              see COMMON ARGUMENTS DESCRIPTIONS below.
640       integer  function  nf_put_att_text(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
641              ter*(*) name, integer xtype, integer len, character*(*) out)
644       integer function nf_put_att_int1(integer ncid, integer  varid,  charac‐
645              ter*(*) name, integer xtype, integer len, integer*1 out(1))
647       integer  function  nf_put_att_int2(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
648              ter*(*) name, integer xtype, integer len, integer*2 out(1))
650       integer function nf_put_att_int(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  charac‐
651              ter*(*) name, integer xtype, integer len, integer out(1))
654       integer  function  nf_put_att_real(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
655              ter*(*) name, integer xtype, integer len, real out(1))
657       integer function nf_put_att_double(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
658              ter*(*)   name,  integer  xtype,  integer  len,  doubleprecision
659              out(1))
661              (Replace ncapt() in version 2)
663              Unlike variables, attributes do not have separate functions  for
664              defining and writing values.  This family of functions defines a
665              new attribute with a value or changes the value of  an  existing
666              attribute.  If the attribute is new, or if the space required to
667              store the attribute value is greater  than  before,  the  netCDF
668              dataset must be in define mode.  The parameter len is the number
669              of values from out to transfer.  It is often  one,  except  that
670              for nf_put_att_text() it will usually be len_trim(out).
672              For  these  functions,  the  type component of the function name
673              refers to the in-memory type of the value, whereas the xtype ar‐
674              gument  refers  to  the external type for storing the value.  An
675              NF_ERANGE error results if a conversion between these  types  is
676              not  possible.   In  this case the value is represented with the
677              appropriate fill-value for the associated external type.
679       integer function nf_inq_attname(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  integer
680              attnum, character*(*) name)
682              (Corresponds to ncanam() in version 2)
684              Gets  the  name  of  an attribute, given its variable ID and at‐
685              tribute number.  This function is useful in generic applications
686              that need to get the names of all the attributes associated with
687              a variable, since attributes are accessed by  name  rather  than
688              number  in  all other attribute functions.  The number of an at‐
689              tribute is more volatile than the name, since it can change when
690              other  attributes  of  the  same  variable are deleted.  The at‐
691              tributes for each variable are numbered from 1  (the  first  at‐
692              tribute) to nvatts, where nvatts is the number of attributes for
693              the variable, as returned from a call to nf_inq_varnatts().
696       integer function nf_inq_att(integer ncid, integer varid,  character*(*)
697              name, integer xtype, integer len)
699       integer  function  nf_inq_attid(integer  ncid,  integer  varid, charac‐
700              ter*(*) name, integer attnum)
702       integer function nf_inq_atttype(integer ncid,  integer  varid,  charac‐
703              ter*(*) name, integer xtype)
705       integer  function  nf_inq_attlen(integer  ncid,  integer varid, charac‐
706              ter*(*) name, integer len)
708              (Corresponds to ncainq() in version 2)
710              These functions return information  about  a  netCDF  attribute,
711              given its variable ID and name.  The information returned is the
712              external type in xtype and the number of  elements  in  the  at‐
713              tribute as len.
716       integer  function  nf_copy_att(integer  ncid, integer varid_in, charac‐
717              ter*(*) name, integer ncid_out, integer varid_out)
719              (Corresponds to ncacpy() in version 2)
721              Copies an attribute from one netCDF dataset to another.  It  can
722              also  be  used to copy an attribute from one variable to another
723              within the same netCDF.  ncid_in is the netCDF ID  of  an  input
724              netCDF   dataset  from  which  the  attribute  will  be  copied.
725              varid_in is the ID of the variable in the input  netCDF  dataset
726              from  which  the  attribute  will  be copied, or NF_GLOBAL for a
727              global attribute.  name is the name of the attribute in the  in‐
728              put  netCDF  dataset to be copied.  ncid_out is the netCDF ID of
729              the output netCDF dataset to which the attribute will be copied.
730              It is permissible for the input and output netCDF ID's to be the
731              same.  The output netCDF dataset should be in define mode if the
732              attribute  to  be  copied  does not already exist for the target
733              variable, or if it would cause an existing target  attribute  to
734              grow.   varid_out is the ID of the variable in the output netCDF
735              dataset to which the attribute will be copied, or  NF_GLOBAL  to
736              copy to a global attribute.
738       integer  function  nf_rename_att(integer  ncid,  integer varid, charac‐
739              ter*(*) name, character*(*) newname)
741              (Corresponds to ncaren()
743              Changes the name of an attribute.  If the  new  name  is  longer
744              than  the original name, the netCDF must be in define mode.  You
745              cannot rename an attribute to have the same name as another  at‐
746              tribute  of  the  same variable.  name is the original attribute
747              name.  newname is the new name to be assigned to  the  specified
748              attribute.   If  the  new  name is longer than the old name, the
749              netCDF dataset must be in define mode.
751       integer function nf_del_att(integer ncid, integer varid,  character*(*)
752              name)
754              (Corresponds to ncadel() in version 2)
756              Deletes an attribute from a netCDF dataset.  The dataset must be
757              in define mode.
759       integer function nf_get_att_text(integer ncid, integer  varid,  charac‐
760              ter*(*) name, character*(*) in)
763       integer  function  nf_get_att_int1(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
764              ter*(*) name, integer*1 in(1))
766       integer function nf_get_att_int2(integer ncid, integer  varid,  charac‐
767              ter*(*) name, integer*2 in(1))
769       integer  function  nf_get_att_int(integer  ncid, integer varid, charac‐
770              ter*(*) name, integer in(1))
773       integer function nf_get_att_real(integer ncid, integer  varid,  charac‐
774              ter*(*) name, real in(1))
776       integer function nf_get_att_double(integer ncid, integer varid, charac‐
777              ter*(*) name, doubleprecision in(1))
779              (Replace ncagt() in version 2)
781              Gets the value(s) of a netCDF attribute, given its  variable  ID
782              and name.  Converts from the external type to the type specified
783              in  the  function  name,  if  possible,  otherwise  returns   an
784              NF_ERANGE error.  All elements of the vector of attribute values
785              are returned, so you must allocate enough space  to  hold  them.
786              If  you  don't  know  how much space to reserve, call nf_inq_at‐
787              tlen() first to find out the length of the attribute.


790       In this section we define some common arguments which are used  in  the
791       "FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS" section.
793       integer ncid
794              is  the  netCDF  ID returned from a previous, successful call to
795              nf_open() or nf_create()
797       character*(*) name
798              is the name of a dimension, variable, or attribute. The names of
799              dimensions,  variables  and  attributes consist of arbitrary se‐
800              quences of alphanumeric characters (as well as  underscore  '_',
801              period  '.'  and  hyphen '-'), beginning with a letter or under‐
802              score. (However names commencing with  underscore  are  reserved
803              for  system  use.)  Case is significant in netCDF names. A zero-
804              length name is not allowed.
806              The maximum allowable number of characters
807               is NF_MAX_NAME.
809       integer xtype
810              specifies the external data type of a  netCDF  variable  or  at‐
811              tribute and is one of the following: NF_BYTE, NF_CHAR, NF_SHORT,
812              NF_INT, NF_FLOAT, or NF_DOUBLE.  These are used to specify 8-bit
813              integers,  characters,  16-bit integers, 32-bit integers, 32-bit
814              IEEE floating point numbers, and 64-bit IEEE floating-point num‐
815              bers, respectively.
818       integer dimids(1)
819              is  a vector of dimension ID's and defines the shape of a netCDF
820              variable.  The size of the vector shall be greater than or equal
821              to  the  rank  (i.e.  the  number of dimensions) of the variable
822              (ndims).  The vector shall be ordered by the speed with which  a
823              dimension  varies:  dimids(1)  shall  be the dimension ID of the
824              most rapidly varying dimension and dimids(ndims)  shall  be  the
825              dimension  ID of the most slowly varying dimension.  The maximum
826              possible number of dimensions for a variable  is  given  by  the
827              symbolic constant NF_MAX_VAR_DIMS.
829       integer dimid
830              is  the ID of a netCDF dimension.  netCDF dimension ID's are al‐
831              located sequentially from the positive integers  beginning  with
832              1.
834       integer ndims
835              is  either the total number of dimensions in a netCDF dataset or
836              the rank (i.e. the number of dimensions) of a  netCDF  variable.
837              The  value  shall  not  be negative or greater than the symbolic
838              constant NF_MAX_VAR_DIMS.
840       integer varid
841              is the ID of a netCDF  variable  or  (for  the  attribute-access
842              functions)  the  symbolic  constant  NF_GLOBAL, which is used to
843              reference global attributes.  netCDF variable ID's are allocated
844              sequentially from the positive integers beginning with 1.
846       integer natts
847              is  the number of global attributes in a netCDF dataset  for the
848              nf_inquire() function or the  number  of  attributes  associated
849              with a netCDF variable for the nf_varinq() function.
851       integer index(1)
852              specifies  the  indicial coordinates of the netCDF data value to
853              be accessed.  The indices start at 1;  thus,  for  example,  the
854              first  data  value  of a two-dimensional variable is (1,1).  The
855              size of the vector shall be at least the rank of the  associated
856              netCDF  variable and its elements shall correspond, in order, to
857              the variable's dimensions.
859       integer start(1)
860              specifies the starting point for accessing a  netCDF  variable's
861              data  values  in terms of the indicial coordinates of the corner
862              of the array section.  The indices start at 1; thus,  the  first
863              data  value  of  a  variable is (1, 1, ..., 1).  The size of the
864              vector shall be at least the rank of the associated netCDF vari‐
865              able  and  its elements shall correspond, in order, to the vari‐
866              able's dimensions.
868       integer count(1)
869              specifies the number of indices selected along each dimension of
870              the array section.  Thus, to access a single value, for example,
871              specify count as (1, 1, ..., 1).  Note that,  for  strided  I/O,
872              this  argument must be adjusted to be compatible with the stride
873              and start arguments so that the interaction of  the  three  does
874              not attempt to access an invalid data co-ordinate.  The elements
875              of the count vector correspond, in order, to the variable's  di‐
876              mensions.
878       integer stride(1)
879              specifies  the  sampling  interval  along  each dimension of the
880              netCDF variable.   The elements of the stride vector correspond,
881              in  order, to the netCDF variable's dimensions (stride(1)) gives
882              the sampling interval along the most rapidly  varying  dimension
883              of  the  netCDF  variable).  Sampling intervals are specified in
884              type-independent units of elements (a value of 1 selects consec‐
885              utive  elements  of  the netCDF variable along the corresponding
886              dimension, a value of 2 selects every other element, etc.).
889       imap   specifies the mapping between the dimensions of a  netCDF  vari‐
890              able  and  the  in-memory  structure of the internal data array.
891              The elements of the index mapping vector correspond,  in  order,
892              to  the netCDF variable's dimensions (imap(1) gives the distance
893              between elements of the internal array corresponding to the most
894              rapidly  varying  dimension  of the netCDF variable).  Distances
895              between elements are specified in type-independent units of ele‐
896              ments  (the distance between internal elements that occupy adja‐
897              cent memory locations is 1 and not the element's byte-length  as
898              in netCDF 2).


902       By  default,  the netCDF interface sets the values of all newly-defined
903       variables of finite length (i.e. those that do not have  an  unlimited,
904       dimension)  to the type-dependent fill-value associated with each vari‐
905       able.  This is done when nf_enddef() is called.  The fill-value  for  a
906       variable  may  be  changed  from  the default value by defining the at‐
907       tribute `_FillValue' for the variable.  This attribute  must  have  the
908       same type as the variable and be of length one.
910       Variables with an unlimited dimension are also prefilled, but on an `as
911       needed' basis.  For example, if the first write of such a  variable  is
912       to  position 5, then positions 1 through 4 (and no others) would be set
913       to the fill-value at the same time.
915       This default prefilling of data values may be disabled  by  or'ing  the
916       NF_NOFILL flag into the mode parameter of nf_open() or nf_create(), or,
917       by calling the function nf_set_fill() with the argument NF_NOFILL.  For
918       variables  that  do  not use the unlimited dimension, this call must be
919       made before nf_enddef().  For variables that use the  unlimited  dimen‐
920       sion, this call may be made at any time.
922       One  can  obtain increased performance of the netCDF interface by using
923       this feature, but only at the expense of requiring the  application  to
924       set  every  single  data  value.  The performance enhancing behavior of
925       this function is dependent on the particulars of the implementation and
926       dataset  format.   The  flag  value  controlled by nf_set_fill() is per
927       netCDF ID, not per variable or per write.  Allowing this to change  af‐
928       fects  the  degree  to which a program can be effectively parallelized.
929       Given all of this, we state that the use of this  feature  may  not  be
930       available  (or  even  needed)  in future releases. Programmers are cau‐
931       tioned against heavy reliance upon this feature.
933       integer function nf_setfill(integer  ncid,  integer  fillmode,  integer
934              old_fillemode)
937              Determines  whether or not variable prefilling will be done (see
938              above).  The netCDF dataset shall be writable.  fillmode is  ei‐
939              ther  NF_FILL to enable prefilling (the default) or NF_NOFILL to
940              disable prefilling.  This function returns the previous  setting
941              in old_fillmode.


944       Additional  functions  for  use  on  SGI/Cray  MPP machines (_CRAYMPP).
945       These are used to set and inquire which PE is the base for  MPP  for  a
946       particular  netCDF.  These  are  only  relevant when using the SGI/Cray
947       ``global'' Flexible File I/O layer and desire to have only a subset  of
948       PEs  to  open  the  specific netCDF file.  For technical reasons, these
949       functions are available on all platforms.  On  a  platform  other  than
950       SGI/Cray MPP, it is as if only processor available were processor 0.
952       To  use this feature, you need to specify a communicator group and call
953       glio_group_mpi() or glio_group_shmem() prior to  the  netCDF  nf_open()
954       and nf_create() calls.
956       integer function nf__create_mp(character*(*) path, integer cmode, inte‐
957              ger initialsize, integer pe, integer chunksize, integer ncid)
959              Like nf__create() but allows the base PE to be set.
961              The argument pe sets the base PE at creation time.  In  the  MPP
962              environment,  nf__create()  and  nf_create()  set the base PE to
963              processor zero by default.
965       integer function nf__open_mp(character*(*) path, integer mode,  integer
966              pe, integer chunksize, integer ncid)
968              Like  nf__open() but allows the base PE to be set.  The argument
969              pe sets the base PE at creation time. In  the  MPP  environment,
970              nf__open()  and  nf_open()  set the base PE to processor zero by
971              default.
973       integer function nf_inq_base_pe(integer ncid, integer pe)
975              Inquires of the netCDF dataset which PE is  being  used  as  the
976              base for MPP use.  This is safe to use at any time.
978       integer function nf_set_base_pe(integer ncid, integer pe)
980              Resets  the  base  PE for the netCDF dataset.  Only perform this
981              operation when the affected communicator group synchronizes  be‐
982              fore  and  after  the  call.   This  operation is very risky and
983              should only be contemplated under only the most extreme cases.


987           Specifies the Flexible File I/O buffers for netCDF I/O when execut‐
988           ing  under  the UNICOS operating system (the variable is ignored on
989           other operating systems).  An appropriate specification can greatly
990           increase  the efficiency of netCDF I/O -- to the extent that it can
991           actually surpass FORTRAN binary I/O.  This environment variable has
992           been  made  a  little more generalized, such that other FFIO option
993           specifications can now be added.  The default specification is  bu‐
994           fa:336:2,  unless  a  current  FFIO  specification is in operation,
995           which will be honored.  See UNICOS Flexible File I/O for  more  in‐
996           formation.


999       Both  a  mailing  list and a digest are available for discussion of the
1000       netCDF interface and announcements about netCDF bugs,  fixes,  and  en‐
1001       hancements.   To  begin or change your subscription to either the mail‐
1002       ing-list or the digest, send one of the following in the body (not  the
1003       subject line) of an email message to "majordomo@unidata.ucar.edu".  Use
1004       your email address in place of jdoe@host.inst.domain.
1006       To subscribe to the netCDF mailing list:
1007              subscribe netcdfgroup jdoe@host.inst.domain
1008       To unsubscribe from the netCDF mailing list:
1009              unsubscribe netcdfgroup jdoe@host.inst.domain
1010       To subscribe to the netCDF digest:
1011              subscribe netcdfdigest jdoe@host.inst.domain
1012       To unsubscribe from the netCDF digest:
1013              unsubscribe netcdfdigest jdoe@host.inst.domain
1014       To retrieve the general introductory information for the mailing list:
1015              info netcdfgroup
1016       To get a synopsis of other majordomo commands:
1017              help


1020       ncdump(1), ncgen(1), netcdf(3), netcdf_f77(3), netcdf_f90(3)).
1022       netCDF User's Guide, published by the Unidata Program Center, Universi‐
1023       ty Corporation for Atmospheric Research, located in Boulder, Colorado.
1027Printed: 2019-06-22               1997-04-18                         NETCDF(3)