1Stochastic processes(3) QuantLib Stochastic processes(3)
6 Stochastic processes -
9 The classes QuantLib::StochasticProcess and
10 QuantLib::StochasticProcess1D provide the interface for a generic
11 stochastic process. A number of specific processes is contained in the
12 ql/Processes directory.
14 Classes
15 class GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess
16 Generalized Black-Scholes stochastic process.
17 class BlackScholesProcess
18 Black-Scholes [4m(1973) stochastic process.
19 class BlackScholesMertonProcess
20 Merton [4m(1973) extension to the Black-Scholes stochastic process.
21 class BlackProcess
22 Black [4m(1976) stochastic process.
23 class GarmanKohlagenProcess
24 Garman-Kohlhagen [4m(1983) stochastic process.
25 class EulerDiscretization
26 Euler discretization for stochastic processes.
27 class ForwardMeasureProcess
28 forward-measure stochastic process
29 class ForwardMeasureProcess1D
30 forward-measure 1-D stochastic process
31 class G2Process
32 G2 stochastic process
33 class G2ForwardProcess
34 Forward G2 stochastic process
35 class GeometricBrownianMotionProcess
36 Geometric brownian-motion process.
37 class HestonProcess
38 Square-root stochastic-volatility Heston process.
39 class HullWhiteProcess
40 Hull-White stochastic process.
41 class HullWhiteForwardProcess
42 Forward Hull-White stochastic process
43 class LiborForwardModelProcess
44 libor-forward-model process
45 class Merton76Process
46 Merton-76 jump-diffusion process.
47 class OrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess
48 Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process class.
49 class SquareRootProcess
50 Square-root process class.
51 class StochasticProcessArray
52 Array of correlated 1-D stochastic processes
56Version 0.8.1 29 Oct 2007 Stochastic processes(3)