1CONSTANTS(5)                  LAM FORTRAN LIBRARY                 CONSTANTS(5)


6       CONSTANTS - constants for LAM Fortran programming


9       The  following  table  describes the values appropriate to various con‐
10       stants used in LAM.  It also describes the meaning of the constants and
11       lists  the cpp(1) header files in which the constants can be found.  To
12       use these files, the Fortran  source  files  will  need  to  be  passed
13       through  cpp(1)  before  they  are given to the Fortran compiler.  Some
14       compiler drivers will run cpp(1) if the source file suffix is .F.
16       In lieu of cpp(1), the constants can be copied to parameter  statements
17       in the Fortran source files.
19       CONSTANT    VALUE        DESCRIPTION                            FILE
21       Network Constants:
23       LOCAL       -2147483647  local node                             NET.h
24       MAXNMSGLEN  8192         maximum length of one message packet   NET.h
25       NHDSIZE     8            maximum size in words of ndata         NET.h
26                                    argument
27       NOTNODEID   -2147483648  error occurred in IGNDID(2)            NET.h
28       NOTNODETYPE -2147483648  error occurred in IGRTP(2)             NET.h
30       Node Types:
32       NTCAST      2            multicast definition                   NET.h
33       NTWASTE     4            not fully used/wasted                  NET.h
34       NTDISK      8            node with attached disk                NET.h
35       NTTUBE      16           node with attached video unit          NET.h
36       NTJONES     32           node is a neighbour                    NET.h
37       NTBOOT      64           neighbour node to boot                 NET.h
38       NTALL       127          matches any type                       NET.h
40       Message Flags:
42       NOBUF       16           turn off buffering                     NET.h
43       NREEL       1024         multireel                              NET.h
44       DRAWDATA    65536        ndata representation will not be       NET.h
45                                    changed
46       DINT4DATA   131072       ndata holds 8 32-bit integer           NET.h
47       DFLT4DATA   262144       ndata holds 8 single precision reals   NET.h
48       DFLT8DATA   524288       ndata holds 4 double precision reals   NET.h
49       DRAWMSG     1048576      nmsg representation will not be        NET.h
50                                    changed
51       DINT4MSG    2097152      nmsg holds integers                    NET.h
52       DFLT4MSG    4194304      nmsg holds single precision reals      NET.h
53       DFLT8MSG    8388608      nmsg holds double precision reals      NET.h
55       Reserved Cast Identifiers:
57       HOST2ALL    -2147483646  multicast from origin to all nodes     NET.h
58       HOST2COMP   -2147483642  multicast from origin to compute nodes NET.h
60       File Flags:
62       O_RDONLY    0            open for reading only                  FREQ.h
63       O_WRONLY    1            open for writing only                  FREQ.h
64       O_RDWR      2            open for reading and writing           FREQ.h
65       O_APPEND    8            append on each write                   FREQ.h
66       O_CREAT     512          create file if it does not exist       FREQ.h
67       O_TRUNC     1024         truncate length to 0                   FREQ.h
68       O_EXCL      2048         error if create and file exists        FREQ.h
69       O_SYNC      8192         update file data and file status       FREQ.h
70                                before writing
71       O_LOCK      65536        lock file descriptor active            FREQ.h
72       O_REUSE     131072       reuse existing file descriptor         FREQ.h
73       O_1WAY      4194304      do not acknowledge writes              FREQ.h
75       Process Runtime Flags:
77       RTF_WAIT    16           child sends a message to               NET.h
78                                    parent when it exits
79       RTF_TRACE   256          enable process tracing                 NET.h
83LAM 7.1.2                         March, 2006                     CONSTANTS(5)