1IPVSADM(8)                Linux Administrator's Guide               IPVSADM(8)


6       ipvsadm - Linux Virtual Server administration


9       ipvsadm -A|E -t|u|f service-address [-s scheduler]
10               [-p [timeout]] [-M netmask]
11       ipvsadm -D -t|u|f service-address
12       ipvsadm -C
13       ipvsadm -R
14       ipvsadm -S [-n]
15       ipvsadm -a|e -t|u|f service-address -r server-address
16               [-g|i|m] [-w weight] [-x upper] [-y lower]
17       ipvsadm -d -t|u|f service-address -r server-address
18       ipvsadm -L|l [options]
19       ipvsadm -Z [-t|u|f service-address]
20       ipvsadm --set tcp tcpfin udp
21       ipvsadm --start-daemon state [--mcast-interface interface]
22               [--syncid syncid]
23       ipvsadm --stop-daemon state
24       ipvsadm -h


27       Ipvsadm(8)  is  used  to set up, maintain or inspect the virtual server
28       table in the Linux kernel. The Linux Virtual  Server  can  be  used  to
29       build  scalable  network  services  based  on  a cluster of two or more
30       nodes. The active node of the cluster redirects service requests  to  a
31       collection  of  server  hosts  that will actually perform the services.
32       Supported features include two protocols (TCP and UDP),  three  packet-
33       forwarding methods (NAT, tunneling, and direct routing), and eight load
34       balancing algorithms (round robin, weighted round robin,  least-connec‐
35       tion,   weighted   least-connection,  locality-based  least-connection,
36       locality-based least-connection with replication,  destination-hashing,
37       and source-hashing).
39       The command has two basic formats for execution:
41       ipvsadm COMMAND [protocol] service-address
42               [scheduling-method] [persistence options]
44       ipvsadm command [protocol] service-address
45               server-address [packet-forwarding-method]
46               [weight options]
48       The  first  format  manipulates a virtual service and the algorithm for
49       assigning service requests to real servers.  Optionally,  a  persistent
50       timeout  and  network  mask for the granularity of a persistent service
51       may be specified. The second format manipulates a real server  that  is
52       associated  with  an  existing  virtual service. When specifying a real
53       server, the packet-forwarding method and the weight of the real server,
54       relative  to  other real servers for the virtual service, may be speci‐
55       fied, otherwise defaults will be used.
58       ipvsadm(8) recognises the commands described below. Upper-case commands
59       maintain  virtual  services.  Lower-case commands maintain real servers
60       that are associated with a virtual service.
62       -A, --add-service
63              Add a virtual service. A service address is uniquely defined  by
64              a triplet: IP address, port number, and protocol. Alternatively,
65              a virtual service may be defined by a firewall-mark.
67       -E, --edit-service
68              Edit a virtual service.
70       -D, --delete-service
71              Delete  a  virtual  service,  along  with  any  associated  real
72              servers.
74       -C, --clear
75              Clear the virtual server table.
77       -R, --restore
78              Restore  Linux  Virtual  Server rules from stdin. Each line read
79              from stdin will be treated as the command line options to a sep‐
80              arate  invocation  of ipvsadm. Lines read from stdin can option‐
81              ally begin with "ipvsadm".  This option is useful to avoid  exe‐
82              cuting  a large number or ipvsadm  commands when constructing an
83              extensive routing table.
85       -S, --save
86              Dump the Linux Virtual Server rules to stdout in a  format  that
87              can be read by -R|--restore.
89       -a, --add-server
90              Add a real server to a virtual service.
92       -e, --edit-server
93              Edit a real server in a virtual service.
95       -d, --delete-server
96              Remove a real server from a virtual service.
98       -L, -l, --list
99              List  the virtual server table if no argument is specified. If a
100              service-address is selected, list this service only. If  the  -c
101              option is selected, then display the connection table. The exact
102              output is affected by the other arguments given.
104       -Z, --zero
105              Zero the packet, byte and rate counters in a service or all ser‐
106              vices.
108       --set tcp tcpfin udp
109              Change  the  timeout values used for IPVS connections. This com‐
110              mand always takes  3  parameters,   representing   the   timeout
111              values (in seconds) for TCP sessions, TCP sessions after receiv‐
112              ing a  FIN packet, and  UDP  packets, respectively.   A  timeout
113              value 0 means that the current timeout value of the  correspond‐
114              ing  entry  is preserved.
116       --start-daemon state
117              Start the connection synchronization daemon.  The  state  is  to
118              indicate  that  the  daemon  is started as master or backup. The
119              connection synchronization  daemon  is  implemented  inside  the
120              Linux kernel. The master daemon running at the primary load bal‐
121              ancer multicasts changes of connections  periodically,  and  the
122              backup daemon running at the backup load balancers receives mul‐
123              ticast message and creates corresponding connections.  Then,  in
124              case  the  primary  load  balancer fails, a backup load balancer
125              will takeover, and it has state of almost  all  connections,  so
126              that  almost  all established connections can continue to access
127              the service.
129       --stop-daemon
130              Stop the connection synchronization daemon.
132       -h, --help
133              Display a description of the command syntax.
136       The commands above accept or require zero  or  more  of  the  following
137       parameters.
139       -t, --tcp-service service-address
140              Use TCP service. The service-address is of the form host[:port].
141              Host may be one of a plain IP address or a hostname. Port may be
142              either a plain port number or the service name of port. The Port
143              may be omitted, in which case zero will be used. A Port  of zero
144              is  only  valid if the service is persistent as the -p|--persis‐
145              tent option, in which case it is a wild-card port, that is  con‐
146              nections will be accepted to any port.
148       -u, --udp-service service-address
149              Use UDP service. See the -t|--tcp-service for the description of
150              the service-address.
152       -f, --fwmark-service integer
153              Use a firewall-mark, an integer  value  greater  than  zero,  to
154              denote  a virtual service instead of an address, port and proto‐
155              col (UDP or TCP). The marking of packets with a firewall-mark is
156              configured  using the -m|--mark option to iptables(8). It can be
157              used to build a virtual service assoicated with  the  same  real
158              servers,  covering  multiple IP address, port and protocol trip‐
159              plets.
161              Using  firewall-mark  virtual  services  provides  a  convenient
162              method  of  grouping  together different IP addresses, ports and
163              protocols into a single virtual service. This is useful for both
164              simplifying  configuration if a large number of virtual services
165              are required and grouping persistence across what  would  other‐
166              wise be multiple virtual services.
168       -s, --scheduler scheduling-method
169              scheduling-method   Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and
170              UDP datagrams to real servers.  Scheduling algorithms are imple‐
171              mented as kernel modules. Ten are shipped with the Linux Virtual
172              Server:
174              rr - Robin Robin: distributes jobs equally amongst the available
175              real servers.
177              wrr - Weighted Round Robin: assigns jobs to real servers propor‐
178              tionally to there real  servers'  weight.  Servers  with  higher
179              weights  receive  new  jobs first and get more jobs than servers
180              with lower weights. Servers with equal weights get an equal dis‐
181              tribution of new jobs.
183              lc  -  Least-Connection:  assigns more jobs to real servers with
184              fewer active jobs.
186              wlc - Weighted Least-Connection: assigns more  jobs  to  servers
187              with  fewer  jobs  and  relative  to  the  real  servers' weight
188              (Ci/Wi). This is the default.
190              lblc - Locality-Based Least-Connection:  assigns  jobs  destined
191              for  the same IP address to the same server if the server is not
192              overloaded and available; otherwise assign jobs to servers  with
193              fewer jobs, and keep it for future assignment.
195              lblcr   -   Locality-Based  Least-Connection  with  Replication:
196              assigns jobs destined for the same IP address to the  least-con‐
197              nection  node  in  the server set for the IP address. If all the
198              node in the server set are over loaded, it picks up a node  with
199              fewer  jobs  in the cluster and adds it in the sever set for the
200              target. If the server set has not been modified for  the  speci‐
201              fied  time, the most loaded node is removed from the server set,
202              in order to avoid high degree of replication.
204              dh - Destination Hashing: assigns jobs to servers through  look‐
205              ing  up a statically assigned hash table by their destination IP
206              addresses.
208              sh - Source Hashing: assigns jobs to servers through looking  up
209              a statically assigned hash table by their source IP addresses.
211              sed  -  Shortest  Expected Delay: assigns an incoming job to the
212              server with the shortest expected delay. The expected delay that
213              the  job  will  experience  is (Ci + 1) / Ui if  sent to the ith
214              server, in which Ci is the number of jobs on the the ith  server
215              and Ui is the fixed service rate (weight) of the ith server.
217              nq  -  Never Queue: assigns an incoming job to an idle server if
218              there is, instead of waiting for a fast one; if all the  servers
219              are busy, it adopts the Shortest Expected Delay policy to assign
220              the job.
222       -p, --persistent [timeout]
223              Specify that a virtual service is persistent. If this option  is
224              specified, multiple requests from a client are redirected to the
225              same real server selected for the  first  request.   Optionally,
226              the  timeout  of  persistent  sessions may be specified given in
227              seconds, otherwise the default of 300 seconds will be used. This
228              option  may be used in conjunction with protocols such as SSL or
229              FTP where it is important that clients consistently connect with
230              the same real server.
232              Note:  If  a  virtual  service is to handle FTP connections then
233              persistence must be set for the virtual service if Direct  Rout‐
234              ing  or  Tunnelling is used as the forwarding mechanism. If Mas‐
235              querading is used in conjunction with an FTP service  than  per‐
236              sistence  is not necessary, but the ip_vs_ftp kernel module must
237              be used.  This module may be manually inserted into  the  kernel
238              using insmod(8).
240       -M, --netmask netmask
241              Specify  the granularity with which clients are grouped for per‐
242              sistent virtual services.  The source address of the request  is
243              masked with this netmask to direct all clients from a network to
244              the same real server. The default is,  that  is,
245              the  persistence  granularity  is per client host. Less specific
246              netmasks may be used to  resolve  problems  with  non-persistent
247              cache clusters on the client side.
249       -r, --real-server server-address
250              Real  server  that  an  associated  request  for  service may be
251              assigned to.  The server-address is the host address of  a  real
252              server, and may plus port. Host can be either a plain IP address
253              or a hostname.  Port can be either a plain port  number  or  the
254              service  name  of port.  In the case of the masquerading method,
255              the host address is usually an RFC 1918 private IP address,  and
256              the  port  can be different from that of the associated service.
257              With the tunneling and direct  routing  methods,  port  must  be
258              equal  to  that of the service address. For normal services, the
259              port specified  in the service address will be used if  port  is
260              not  specified.  For  fwmark  services,  port may be omitted, in
261              which case  the destination port on the real server will be  the
262              destination port of the request sent to the virtual service.
264       [packet-forwarding-method]
266              -g,  --gatewaying   Use gatewaying (direct routing). This is the
267              default.
269              -i, --ipip  Use ipip encapsulation (tunneling).
271              -m, --masquerading  Use masquerading  (network  access  transla‐
272              tion, or NAT).
274              Note:   Regardless of the packet-forwarding mechanism specified,
275              real servers for addresses for which there are interfaces on the
276              local node will be use the local forwarding method, then packets
277              for the servers will be passed to upper layer on the local node.
278              This cannot be specified by ipvsadm, rather it set by the kernel
279              as real servers are added or modified.
281       -w, --weight weight
282              Weight is an integer specifying the capacity  of a server  rela‐
283              tive to the others in the pool. The valid values of weight are 0
284              through to 65535. The default is 1. Quiescent servers are speci‐
285              fied  with  a weight of zero. A quiescent server will receive no
286              new jobs but still serve the existing jobs, for  all  scheduling
287              algorithms  distributed with the Linux Virtual Server. Setting a
288              quiescent server may be useful if the server  is  overloaded  or
289              needs to be taken out of service for maintenance.
291       -x, --u-threshold uthreshold
292              uthreshold is an integer specifying the upper connection thresh‐
293              old of a server. The valid values of uthreshold are 0 through to
294              65535.  The  default  is  0,  which  means  the upper connection
295              threshold is not set. If uthreshold is set with other values, no
296              new  connections  will  be sent to the server when the number of
297              its connections exceeds its upper connection threshold.
299       -y, --l-threshold lthreshold
300              lthreshold is an integer specifying the lower connection thresh‐
301              old of a server. The valid values of lthreshold are 0 through to
302              65535. The default  is  0,  which  means  the  lower  connection
303              threshold  is  not  set. If lthreshold is set with other values,
304              the server will receive new connections when the number  of  its
305              connections  drops  below  its  lower  connection  threshold. If
306              lthreshold is not set but uthreshold is  set,  the  server  will
307              receive new connections when the number of its connections drops
308              below three forth of its upper connection threshold.
310       --mcast-interface interface
311              Specify the multicast interface  that  the  sync  master  daemon
312              sends  outgoing  multicasts  through,  or the sync backup daemon
313              listens to for multicasts.
315       --syncid syncid
316              Specify the syncid that the sync master daemon fills in the Syn‐
317              cID  header while sending multicast messages, or the sync backup
318              daemon uses to filter out multicast messages  not  matched  with
319              the  SyncID  value.  The valid values of syncid are 0 through to
320              255. The default is 0, which means no filtering at all.
322       -c, --connection
323              Connection output. The list command with this option  will  list
324              current IPVS connections.
326       --timeout
327              Timeout  output.  The list command with this option will display
328              the  timeout values (in seconds) for TCP sessions, TCP  sessions
329              after receiving a FIN packet, and UDP packets.
331       --daemon
332              Daemon  information  output.  The  list command with this option
333              will display the daemon status and its multicast interface.
335       --stats
336              Output of statistics information. The  list  command  with  this
337              option  will  display the statistics information of services and
338              their servers.
340       --rate Output of rate information. The list command  with  this  option
341              will  display  the rate information (such as connections/second,
342              bytes/second and packets/second) of services and their servers.
344       --thresholds
345              Output of thresholds information. The  list  command  with  this
346              option  will display the upper/lower connection threshold infor‐
347              mation of each server in service listing.
349       --persistent-conn
350              Output of persistent connection information.  The  list  command
351              with  this option will display the persistent connection counter
352              information of each server in service  listing.  The  persistent
353              connection  is  used  to forward the actual connections from the
354              same client/network to the same server.
356       --sort Sort the list of virtual services and real servers. The  virtual
357              service  entries  are  sorted  in  ascending order by <protocol,
358              address, port>. The real server entries are sorted in  ascending
359              order by <address, port>.
361       -n, --numeric
362              Numeric  output.   IP addresses and port numbers will be printed
363              in numeric format rather than as  as  host  names  and  services
364              respectively, which is the  default.

EXAMPLE 1 - Simple Virtual Service

367       The  following commands configure a Linux Director to distribute incom‐
368       ing requests addressed to port 80 on equally to port  80
369       on  five  real  servers.  The forwarding method used in this example is
370       NAT, with each of the real  servers  being  masqueraded  by  the  Linux
371       Director.
373       ipvsadm -A -t -s rr
374       ipvsadm -a -t -r -m
375       ipvsadm -a -t -r -m
376       ipvsadm -a -t -r -m
377       ipvsadm -a -t -r -m
378       ipvsadm -a -t -r -m
380       Alternatively, this could be achieved in a single ipvsadm command.
382       echo "
383       -A -t -s rr
384       -a -t -r -m
385       -a -t -r -m
386       -a -t -r -m
387       -a -t -r -m
388       -a -t -r -m
389       " | ipvsadm -R
391       As  masquerading  is  used as the forwarding mechanism in this example,
392       the default route of the real servers must be set to the  linux  direc‐
393       tor,  which  will need to be configured to forward and masquerade pack‐
394       ets. This can be achieved using the following commands:
396       echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

EXAMPLE 2 - Firewall-Mark Virtual Service

399       The following commands configure a Linux Director to distribute  incom‐
400       ing  requests addressed to any port on or
401       equally to the corresponding port on five real servers. As per the pre‐
402       vious  example, the forwarding method used in this example is NAT, with
403       each of the real servers being masqueraded by the Linux Director.
405       ipvsadm -A -f 1  -s rr
406       ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r -m
407       ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r -m
408       ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r -m
409       ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r -m
410       ipvsadm -a -f 1 -r -m
412       As masquerading is used as the forwarding mechanism  in  this  example,
413       the  default  route of the real servers must be set to the linux direc‐
414       tor, which will need to be configured to forward and  masquerade  pack‐
415       ets. The real server should also be configured to mark incoming packets
416       addressed to any port on and with  fire‐
417       wall-mark  1.  If FTP traffic is to be handled by this virtual service,
418       then the ip_vs_ftp kernel module needs to be inserted into the  kernel.
419       These operations can be achieved using the following commands:
421       echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
422       modprobe ip_tables
423       iptables  -A PREROUTING -t mangle -d -j MARK --set-mark 1
424       modprobe ip_vs_ftp


427       The  Linux  Virtual  Server implements three defense strategies against
428       some types of denial of service (DoS) attacks. The Linux Director  cre‐
429       ates  an entry for each connection in order to keep its state, and each
430       entry occupies 128 bytes effective memory. LVS's vulnerability to a DoS
431       attack  lies in the potential to increase the number entries as much as
432       possible until the linux director runs out of memory. The three defense
433       strategies  against  the  attack are: Randomly drop some entries in the
434       table. Drop 1/rate packets before forwarding them. And use  secure  tcp
435       state  transition  table  and  short  timeouts. The strategies are con‐
436       trolled by sysctl variables and  corresponding  entries  in  the  /proc
437       filesystem:
439       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/drop_entry      /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/drop_packet
440       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/secure_tcp
442       Valid values for each variable are 0 through to 3. The default value is
443       0,  which  disables  the respective defense strategy. 1 and 2 are auto‐
444       matic modes - when there is no enough available memory, the  respective
445       strategy  will  be  enabled and the variable is automatically set to 2,
446       otherwise the strategy is disabled and the variable  is  set  to  1.  A
447       value of 3 denotes that the respective strategy is always enabled.  The
448       available memory threshold and secure TCP timeouts can be  tuned  using
449       the sysctl variables and corresponding entries in the /proc filesystem:
451       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/amemthresh /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_*


454       /proc/net/ip_vs
455       /proc/net/ip_vs_app
456       /proc/net/ip_vs_conn
457       /proc/net/ip_vs_stats
458       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/am_droprate
459       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/amemthresh
460       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/drop_entry
461       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/drop_packet
462       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/secure_tcp
463       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_close
464       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_closewait
465       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_established
466       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_finwait
467       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_icmp
468       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_lastack
469       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_listen
470       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_synack
471       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_synrecv
472       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_synsent
473       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_timewait
474       /proc/sys/net/ipv4/vs/timeout_udp


477       The LVS web site (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/) for more documen‐
478       tation about LVS.
480       ipvsadm-save(8), ipvsadm-restore(8), iptables(8),
481       insmod(8), modprobe(8)


484       ipvsadm - Wensong Zhang <wensong@linuxvirtualserver.org>
485              Peter Kese <peter.kese@ijs.si>
486       man page - Mike Wangsmo <wanger@redhat.com>
487               Wensong Zhang <wensong@linuxvirtualserver.org>
488               Horms <horms@verge.net.au>
4924th Berkeley Distribution        5th July 2003                      IPVSADM(8)