1ccs_tool(8)                                                        ccs_tool(8)


6       ccs_tool - The tool used to make online updates of CCS config files.


10       ccs_tool [OPTION].. <command>


14       ccs_tool is part of the Cluster Configuration System (CCS).  It is used
15       to make online updates of CCS config files.  Additionally,  it  can  be
16       used to upgrade old style (GFS <= 6.0) CCS archives to the new xml for‐
17       mat.


21       -h     Help.  Print out the usage.
23       -V     Print the version information.
25              sub-commands have their own options, see below for more detail


28       update <xml file>
29              This command is used to update the  config  file  that  ccsd  is
30              working  with  while  the  cluster is operational (i.e. online).
31              Run this on a single machine to update  all  instances  of  ccsd
32              across the cluster.
34              If  you  are using 'cman' as your cluster manager, you will also
35              need to run cman_tool version -r <new version number>  once  the
36              update  is  complete.  Failure to do so will result in new nodes
37              (or nodes rejoining after a failure) not being allowed  to  join
38              the working set due to version number mismatches.
41       upgrade <location>
42              This command is used to upgrade an old CCS format archive to the
43              new xml format.  <location> is the location of the old  archive,
44              which  can  be  either a block device archive or a file archive.
45              The converted configuration will be printed to stdout.
48       addnode [options] <node> [<fenceoption=value>]...
49              Adds a new node  to  the  cluster  configuration  file.  Fencing
50              device  options  are  specified  as  key=value pairs (as many as
51              required) and are entered into the configuration file as is. See
52              the  documentation for your fencing agent for more details (eg a
53              powerswitch fence device may need to know which port the node is
54              connected to).
55              Options:
56              -v <votes>        Number of votes for this node (mandatory)
57              -n <nodeid>       Node id for this node (optional)
58              -i <interface>    Network interface to use for this node. Manda‐
59              tory if the cluster is using multicast as  transport.  Forbidden
60              if not.
61              -m <multicast>    Multicast address for cluster. Only allowed on
62              the first node to be added to the file.  Subsequent  nodes  will
63              use either multicast or broadcast depending on the properties of
64              the first node.
65              -f <fencedevice>  Name of fence devcie to use for this node. The
66              fence  device section must already have been addded to the file,
67              probably using the addfence command.
68              -c <file>         Config file to  use.  Defaults  to  /etc/clus‐
69              ter/cluster.conf
70              -o <file>         Output file. Defaults to the same as -c
71              -C                 Don't  run  "ccs_tool  update" after changing
72              file. This will happen by default if the input file is the  same
73              as the output file.
74              -F                 Force  a  "ccs_tool update" even if the input
75              and output files are different.
80       delnode [options] <node>
81              Delete a node from the cluster configuration file.  Note:  there
82              is  no  "edit" command so to change the properties of a node you
83              must delete it and add it back in with the new properties.
84              Options:
85              -c <file>         Config file to  use.  Defaults  to  /etc/clus‐
86              ter/cluster.conf
87              -o <file>         Output file. Defaults to the same as -c
88              -C                 Don't  run  "ccs_tool  update" after changing
89              file. This will happen by default if the input file is the  same
90              as the output file.
91              -F                 Force  a  "ccs_tool update" even if the input
92              and output files are different.
97       addfence [options] <name> <agent> [<option>=<value>]...
98              Adds a new fence device section  to  the  cluster  configuration
99              file.  <agent>  is the name of the fence agent that controls the
100              device. the options following are entered  as  key-value  pairs.
101              See  the  fence agent documentation for details about these. eg:
102              you may need to enter the IP address and username/password for a
103              powerswitch fencing device.
104              Options:
105              -c  <file>          Config  file  to use. Defaults to /etc/clus‐
106              ter/cluster.conf
107              -o <file>         Output file. Defaults to the same as -c
108              -C                Don't run  "ccs_tool  update"  after  changing
109              file.  This will happen by default if the input file is the same
110              as the output file.
111              -F                Force a "ccs_tool update" even  if  the  input
112              and output files are different.
115       delfence [options] <node>
116              Deletes  a  fencing  device from the cluster configuration file.
117              delfence will allow you to remove a fence device that is in  use
118              by  nodes.   This  is  to allow changes to be made, but be aware
119              that it may produce an invalid configuration file if  you  don't
120              add it back in again.
121              Options:
122              -c  <file>          Config  file  to use. Defaults to /etc/clus‐
123              ter/cluster.conf
124              -o <file>         Output file. Defaults to the same as -c
125              -C                Don't run  "ccs_tool  update"  after  changing
126              file.  This will happen by default if the input file is the same
127              as the output file.
128              -F                Force a "ccs_tool update" even  if  the  input
129              and output files are different.
133       lsnode [options]
134              List  the  nodes  in  the configuration file. This is (hopefully
135              obviously) not necessarily the same as the  nodes  currently  in
136              the cluster, but it should be a superset.
137              Options:
138              -v                Verbose. Lists all the properties of the node,
139              and the node-specific properties of the fence device too.
140              -c <file>         Config file to  use.  Defaults  to  /etc/clus‐
141              ter/cluster.conf
145       lsfence [options]
146              List all the fence devices in the cluster configuration file.
147              Options:
148              -v                Verbose. Lists all the properties of the fence
149              device rather than just the names and agents.
150              -c <file>         Config file to  use.  Defaults  to  /etc/clus‐
151              ter/cluster.conf
155       create [options]  <clustername>
156              Create  a  new, skeleton, configuration file. Note that "create"
157              on its own will not create a  valid  configuration  file.  Fence
158              agents  and  nodes will need to be added to it before handing it
159              over to ccsd. The new configuration file  will  have  a  version
160              number of 1. Subsequent addnode/delnode/addfence/delfence opera‐
161              tions will increment the version number by 1 each time.
162              Options:
163              -c <file>         Config file to create. Defaults to  /etc/clus‐
164              ter/cluster.conf


169       ccs(7), ccsd(8), cluster.conf(5)
173                                                                   ccs_tool(8)