1gdal_utilities(1)           General Commands Manual          gdal_utilities(1)


6       gdal_utilities - GDAL Utilities The following utility programs are
7       distributed with GDAL.
9       · gdalinfo - report information about a file.
10       · gdal_translate - Copy a raster file, with control of output format.
11       · gdaladdo - Add overviews to a file.
12       · gdalwarp - Warp an image into a new coordinate system.
13       · gdaltindex - Build a MapServer raster tileindex.
14       · gdal_contour - Contours from DEM.
15       · rgb2pct.py - Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted.
16       · pct2rgb.py - Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB.
17       · gdal_merge.py - Build a quick mosaic from a set of images.
18       · gdal_rasterize - Rasterize vectors into raster file.
19       · gdal-config - Get options required to build software using GDAL.

Creating New Files

21       Access an existing file to read it is generally quite simple. Just
22       indicate the name of the file or dataset on the commandline. However,
23       creating a file is more complicated. It may be necessary to indicate
24       the the format to create, various creation options affecting how it
25       will be created and perhaps a coordinate system to be assigned. Many of
26       these options are handled similarly by different GDAL utilities, and
27       are introduced here.
28       -of format
29           Select the format to create the new file as. The formats are
30           assigned short names such as GTiff (for GeoTIFF) or HFA (for Erdas
31           Imagine). The list of all format codes can be listed with the
32           --formats switch. Only formats list as '(rw)' (read-write) can be
33           written.
34       Many utilities default to creating GeoTIFF files if a format is not
35       specified. File extensions are not used to guess output format, nor are
36       extensions generally added by GDAL if not indicated in the filename by
37       the user.
38       -co NAME=VALUE
39           Many formats have one or more optional creation options that can be
40           used to control particulars about the file created. For instance,
41           the GeoTIFF driver supports creation options to control
42           compression, and whether the file should be tiled.
43       The creation options available vary by format driver, and some simple
44       formats have no creation options at all. A list of options supported
45       for a format can be listed with the '--format <format>' commandline
46       option but the web page for the format is the definitive source of
47       information on driver creation options.
48       -a_srs SRS
49           Several utilities, (gdal_translate and gdalwarp) include the
50           ability to specify coordinate systems with commandline options like
51           -a_srs (assign SRS to output), -s_srs (source SRS) and -t_srs
52           (target SRS).
53       These utilities allow the coordinate system (SRS = spatial reference
54       system) to be assigned in a variety of formats.
55       · NAD27/NAD83/WGS84/WGS72: These common geographic (lat/long)
56         coordinate systems can be used directly by these names.
57       · EPSG:n: Coordinate systems (projected or geographic) can be selected
58         based on their EPSG codes, for instance EPSG:27700 is the British
59         National Grid. A list of EPSG coordinate systems can be found in the
60         GDAL data files gcs.csv and pcs.csv.
61       · PROJ.4 Definitions: A PROJ.4 definition string can be used as a
62         coordinate system. For instance '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84'.
63         Take care to keep the proj.4 string together as a single argument to
64         the command (usually by double quoting).
65       · OpenGIS Well Known Text: The Open GIS Consortium has defined a
66         textual format for describing coordinate systems as part of the
67         Simple Features specifications. This format is the internal working
68         format for coordinate systems used in GDAL. The name of a file
69         containing a WKT coordinate system definition may be used a
70         coordinate system argument, or the entire coordinate system itself
71         may be used as a commandline option (though escaping all the quotes
72         in WKT is quite challenging).
73       · ESRI Well Known Text: ESRI uses a slight variation on OGC WKT format
74         in their ArcGIS product (ArcGIS .prj files), and these may be used in
75         a similar manner to WKT files, but the filename should be prefixed
76         with ESRI::. For example 'ESRI::NAD 1927 StatePlane Wyoming West FIPS
77         4904.prj'.

General Command Line Switches

79       All GDAL command line utility programs support the following 'general'
80       options.
81       --version
82           Report the version of GDAL and exit.
83       --formats
84           List all raster formats supported by this GDAL build (read-only and
85           read-write) and exit. The format support is indicated as follows:
86           'ro' is read-only driver; 'rw' is read or write (ie. supports
87           CreateCopy); 'rw+' is read, write and update (ie. supports Create).
88       --format format
89           List detailed information about a single format driver. The format
90           should be the short name reported in the --formats list, such as
91           GTiff.
92       --optfile file
93           Read the named file and substitute the contents into the
94           commandline options list. Lines beginning with # will be ignored.
95           Multi-word arguments may be kept together with double quotes.
96       --config key value
97           Sets the named configuration keyword to the given value, as opposed
98           to setting them as environment variables. Some common configuration
99           keywords are GDAL_CACHEMAX (memory used internally for caching in
100           megabytes) and GDAL_DATA (path of the GDAL 'data' directory).
101           Individual drivers may be influenced by other configuration
102           options.
103       --debug value
104           Control what debugging messages are emitted. A value of ON will
105           enable all debug messages. A value of OFF will disable all debug
106           messages. Another value will select only debug messages containing
107           that string in the debug prefix code.
108       --help-general
109           Gives a brief usage message for the generic GDAL commandline
110           options and exit.
111GDAL                              31 Jul 2007                gdal_utilities(1)