1ggGetScope(3)                         GGI                        ggGetScope(3)


6       ggGetScope,  ggFromScope, ggDelScope, ggNewScope : Portable code module
7       loading facilities


10       #include <ggi/gg.h>
12       gg_scope ggGetScope(const char *location);
14       void ggDelScope(gg_scope scope);
16       void *ggFromScope(gg_scope, const char *symbol);
18       typedef  void *(*ggfunc_scope_get)(void * handle, const char * symbol);
19       typedef  void (*ggfunc_scope_del)(void * handle);
21       gg_scope ggNewScope(const char * location, void * handle,
22                           ggfunc_scope_get get, ggfunc_scope_del del)


26       LibGG abstracts dynamic code loading (and emulates dynamic code loading
27       for  statically  linked  embedded  binaries) through a simple API which
28       represents the very lowest level required of any loadable  module  sys‐
29       tem.   The  actual underlying mechanisms used in various operating sys‐
30       tems to load additional code into an application on demand vary drasti‐
31       cally, however, minus OS-specific frills, they can all be mapped to the
32       above three LibGG API functions.
34       ggGetScope finds a loadable collection of symbols known by its location
35       through  whatever  system  is available on the operating system.  Those
36       symbols were once supposed to be  code  from  modules,  but  the  scope
37       abstraction  does not impose this restriction. The scopes can have dif‐
38       ferent implementations and are not  restricted  to  dynamic  libraries.
39       They could also be used as an interface to a attribute/value configura‐
40       tion system.
42       Note that when a scope happens to be dynamic library, the  symbols  are
43       loaded into the address space of the caller, but libgg does not guaran‐
44       tee that the imported symbols will be seen by other modules.
46       ggDelScope unloads the symbol  collection  represented  by  the  handle
47       scope,  which  must have been previously loaded with ggGetScope  (scope
48       should be a return value from a previous call to  ggGetScope.)   Refer‐
49       ence  counts  are kept to ensure that redundantly loaded symbol collec‐
50       tions are not discarded until their last owner releases them.   Calling
51       ggDelScope  on  a  handle  too many times, or on an invalid handle, may
52       produce undefined results.  Accessing  symbols  after  the  collections
53       they  were contained in are unloaded will produce undesirable and unde‐
54       fined results.
56       ggFromScope searches the symbol collection represented  by  the  handle
57       scope, which has been loaded with ggGetScope (and not yet unloaded with
58       ggDelScope, of course) for a symbol named symbol, so that the  applica‐
59       tion  may use the item associated with the symbol.  The parameter scope
60       should be a return value  from  a  previous  call  to  ggDelScope.   As
61       ggFromScope  may have no way of knowing what the symbol represents, the
62       application must take the responsibility for assigning the item a  cor‐
63       rect C type.
65       ggNewScope allows to register a custom scope to libgg. The primary pur‐
66       pose is to allow libraries to provide builtin modules that are accessi‐
67       ble  through the same interface as dynamic ones. location is the string
68       at which the scope can be retreived. handle is a  opaque  pointer  pro‐
69       vided  by  the  caller  that  will be passed to the callbacks. get is a
70       function that take an opaque handle,  a  symbol  name,  and  that  must
71       return  the  requested  symbol  address, or NULL if not found. del is a
72       function that will take the provided handler,  and  that  must  cleanup
73       everything  before  the  scope is removed from the scope registry. This
74       scheme allows to implement all kind of scopes in a very  flexible  way.
75       Note that ggNewScope will take a reference on the scope.


78       On success, ggGetScope returns an opaque pointer to a handle represent‐
79       ing a newly loaded symbol collection (which must be retained  in  order
80       to  use  or free the collection.)  These pointers are not guaranteed to
81       be unique.  On failure, ggGetScope returns NULL.
83       ggFromScope returns the address of the item that the named symbol  rep‐
84       resents, if it has been loaded into the caller's address space.  Other‐
85       wise it returns NULL. Note that the value associated to a symbol really
86       depends on the scope itself and the caller must know what is behind it.
87       So a NULL value does not necessarily means failure. It could be a valid
88       value for a specific scope.
90       ggNewScope  returns an opaque pointer to a handle representing the cus‐
91       tom scope.  On failure, ggNewScope returns NULL.
95libgg-1.0.x                       2005-08-26                     ggGetScope(3)