1HTML::Mason::CGIHandlerU(s3e)r Contributed Perl DocumentaHtTiMoLn::Mason::CGIHandler(3)


6       HTML::Mason::CGIHandler - Use Mason in a CGI environment


9       In httpd.conf or .htaccess:
11           <LocationMatch "\.html$">
12               Action html-mason /cgi-bin/mason_handler.cgi
13               AddHandler html-mason .html
14           </LocationMatch>
15           <LocationMatch "^/cgi-bin/">
16               RemoveHandler .html
17           </LocationMatch>
18           <FilesMatch "(autohandler⎪dhandler)$">
19               Order allow,deny
20               Deny from all
21           </FilesMatch>
23       A script at /cgi-bin/mason_handler.pl :
25          #!/usr/bin/perl
26          use HTML::Mason::CGIHandler;
28          my $h = HTML::Mason::CGIHandler->new
29           (
30            data_dir  => '/home/jethro/code/mason_data',
31            allow_globals => [qw(%session $u)],
32           );
34          $h->handle_request;
36       A .html component somewhere in the web server's document root:
38          <%args>
39           $mood => 'satisfied'
40          </%args>
41          % $r->err_header_out(Location => "http://blahblahblah.com/moodring/$mood.html");
42          ...


45       This module lets you execute Mason components in a CGI environment.  It
46       lets you keep your top-level components in the web server's document
47       root, using regular component syntax and without worrying about the
48       particular details of invoking Mason on each request.
50       If you want to use Mason components from within a regular CGI script
51       (or any other Perl program, for that matter), then you don't need this
52       module.  You can simply follow the directions in the Using Mason from a
53       standalone script section of the administrator's manual.
55       This module also provides an $r request object for use inside compo‐
56       nents, similar to the Apache request object under
57       "HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler", but limited in functionality.  Please
58       note that we aim to replicate the "mod_perl" functionality as closely
59       as possible - if you find differences, do not depend on them to stay
60       different.  We may fix them in a future release.  Also, if you need
61       some missing functionality in $r, let us know, we might be able to pro‐
62       vide it.
64       Finally, this module alters the "HTML::Mason::Request" object $m to
65       provide direct access to the CGI query, should such access be neces‐
66       sary.
68       "HTML::Mason::CGIHandler" Methods
70       * new()
71           Creates a new handler.  Accepts any parameter that the Interpreter
72           accepts.
74           If no "comp_root" parameter is passed to "new()", the component
75           root will be $ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}.
77       * handle_request()
78           Handles the current request, reading input from $ENV{QUERY_STRING}
79           or "STDIN" and sending headers and component output to "STDOUT".
80           This method doesn't accept any parameters.  The initial component
81           will be the one specified in $ENV{PATH_INFO}.
83       * handle_comp()
84           Like "handle_request()", but the first (only) parameter is a compo‐
85           nent path or component object.  This is useful within a traditional
86           CGI environment, in which you're essentially using Mason as a tem‐
87           plating language but not an application server.
89           "handle_component()" will create a CGI query object, parse the
90           query parameters, and send the HTTP header and component output to
91           STDOUT.  If you want to handle those parts yourself, see the Using
92           Mason from a standalone script section of the administrator's man‐
93           ual.
95       * handle_cgi_object()
96           Also like "handle_request()", but this method takes only a CGI
97           object as its parameter.  This can be quite useful if you want to
98           use this module with CGI::Fast.
100           The component path will be the value of the CGI object's
101           "path_info()" method.
103       * request_args()
104           Given an "HTML::Mason::FakeApache" object, this method is expected
105           to return a hash containing the arguments to be passed to the com‐
106           ponent.  It is a separate method in order to make it easily over‐
107           rideable in a subclass.
109       * interp()
110           Returns the Mason Interpreter associated with this handler.  The
111           Interpreter lasts for the entire lifetime of the handler.
113       $r Methods
115       * headers_in()
116           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. In an
117           array context, it will return a %hash of response headers. In a
118           scalar context, it will return a reference to the case-insensitive
119           hash blessed into the "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" class. The values
120           initially populated in this hash are extracted from the CGI envi‐
121           ronment variables as best as possible. The pattern is to merely
122           reverse the conversion from HTTP headers to CGI variables as docu‐
123           mented here:
124           <http://cgi-spec.golux.com/draft-coar-cgi-v11-03-clean.html#6.1>.
126       * header_in()
127           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. When
128           passed the name of a header, returns the value of the given incom‐
129           ing header. When passed a name and a value, sets the value of the
130           header. Setting the header to "undef" will actually unset the
131           header (instead of setting its value to "undef"), removing it from
132           the table of headers returned from future calls to "headers_in()"
133           or "header_in()".
135       * headers_out()
136           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. In an
137           array context, it will return a %hash of response headers. In a
138           scalar context, it will return a reference to the case-insensitive
139           hash blessed into the "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" class. Changes made
140           to this hash will be made to the headers that will eventually be
141           passed to the "CGI" module's "header()" method.
143       * header_out()
144           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name.  When
145           passed the name of a header, returns the value of the given outgo‐
146           ing header.  When passed a name and a value, sets the value of the
147           header.  Setting the header to "undef" will actually unset the
148           header (instead of setting its value to "undef"), removing it from
149           the table of headers that will be sent to the client.
151           The headers are eventually passed to the "CGI" module's "header()"
152           method.
154       * err_headers_out()
155           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. In an
156           array context, it will return a %hash of error response headers. In
157           a scalar context, it will return a reference to the case-insensi‐
158           tive hash blessed into the "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" class. Changes
159           made to this hash will be made to the error headers that will even‐
160           tually be passed to the "CGI" module's "header()" method.
162       * err_header_out()
163           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. When
164           passed the name of a header, returns the value of the given outgo‐
165           ing error header. When passed a name and a value, sets the value of
166           the error header. Setting the header to "undef" will actually unset
167           the header (instead of setting its value to "undef"), removing it
168           from the table of headers that will be sent to the client.
170           The headers are eventually passed to the "CGI" module's "header()"
171           method.
173           One header currently gets special treatment - if you set a "Loca‐
174           tion" header, you'll cause the "CGI" module's "redirect()" method
175           to be used instead of the "header()" method.  This means that in
176           order to do a redirect, all you need to do is:
178            $r->err_header_out(Location => 'http://redirect.to/here');
180           You may be happier using the "$m->redirect" method, though, because
181           it hides most of the complexities of sending headers and getting
182           the status code right.
184       * content_type()
185           When passed an argument, sets the content type of the current
186           request to the value of the argument.  Use this method instead of
187           setting a "Content-Type" header directly with "header_out()".  Like
188           "header_out()", setting the content type to "undef" will remove any
189           content type set previously.
191           When called without arguments, returns the value set by a previous
192           call to "content_type()".  The behavior when "content_type()"
193           hasn't already been set is undefined - currently it returns
194           "undef".
196           If no content type is set during the request, the default MIME type
197           "text/html" will be used.
199       * method()
200           Returns the request method used for the current request, e.g.,
201           "GET", "POST", etc.
203       * http_header()
204           This method returns the outgoing headers as a string, suitable for
205           sending to the client.
207       * send_http_header()
208           Sends the outgoing headers to the client.
210       * notes()
211           This works much like the "Apache" method of the same name. When
212           passed a $key argument, it returns the value of the note for that
213           key. When passed a $value argument, it stores that value under the
214           key. Keys are case-insensitive, and both the key and the value must
215           be strings. When called in a scalar context with no $key argument,
216           it returns a hash reference blessed into the
217           "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" class.
219       * pnotes()
220           Like "notes()", but takes any scalar as an value, and stores the
221           values in a case-sensitive hash.
223       * subprocess_env()
224           Works like the "Apache" method of the same name, but is simply pop‐
225           ulated with the current values of the environment. Still, it's use‐
226           ful, because values can be changed and then seen by later compo‐
227           nents, but the environment itself remains unchanged. Like the
228           "Apache" method, it will reset all of its values to the current
229           environment again if it's called without a $key argument.
231       * params()
232           This method returns a hash containing the parameters sent by the
233           client.  Multiple parameters of the same name are represented by
234           array references.  If both POST and query string arguments were
235           submitted, these will be merged together.
237       Added $m methods
239       The $m object provided in components has all the functionality of the
240       regular "HTML::Mason::Request" object $m, and the following:
242       * cgi_object()
243           Returns the current "CGI" request object.  This is handy for pro‐
244           cessing cookies or perhaps even doing HTML generation (but is that
245           really what you want to do?).  If you pass an argument to this
246           method, you can set the request object to the argument passed.  Use
247           this with care, as it may affect components called after the cur‐
248           rent one (they may check the content length of the request, for
249           example).
251           Note that the ApacheHandler class (for using Mason under mod_perl)
252           also provides a "cgi_object()" method that does the same thing as
253           this one.  This makes it easier to write components that function
254           equally well under CGIHandler and ApacheHandler.
256       * cgi_request()
257           Returns the object that is used to emulate Apache's request object.
258           In other words, this is the object that $r is set to when you use
259           this class.
261       "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" Methods
263       This class emulates the behavior of the "Apache::Table" class, and is
264       used to store manage the tables of values for the following attributes
265       of <$r>:
267       headers_in
268       headers_out
269       err_headers_out
270       notes
271       subprocess_env
273       "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" is designed to behave exactly like
274       "Apache::Table", and differs in only one respect. When a given key has
275       multiple values in an "Apache::Table" object, one can fetch each of the
276       values for that key using Perl's "each" operator:
278         while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$r->headers_out}) {
279             push @cookies, $v if lc $k eq 'set-cookie';
280         }
282       If anyone knows how Apache::Table does this, let us know! In the mean‐
283       time, use "get()" or "do()" to get at all of the values for a given key
284       ("get()" is much more efficient, anyway).
286       Since the methods named for these attributes return an
287       "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" object hash in a scalar reference, it seemed
288       only fair to document its interface.
290       * new()
291           Returns a new "HTML::Mason::FakeTable" object. Any parameters
292           passed to "new()" will be added to the table as initial values.
294       * add()
295           Adds a new value to the table. If the value did not previously
296           exist under the given key, it will be created. Otherwise, it will
297           be added as a new value to the key.
299       * clear()
300           Clears the table of all values.
302       * do()
303           Pass a code reference to this method to have it iterate over all of
304           the key/value pairs in the table. Keys will multiple values will
305           trigger the execution of the code reference multiple times for each
306           value. The code reference should expect two arguments: a key and a
307           value. Iteration terminates when the code reference returns false,
308           to be sure to have it return a true value if you wan it to iterate
309           over every value in the table.
311       * get()
312           Gets the value stored for a given key in the table. If a key has
313           multiple values, all will be returned when "get()" is called in an
314           array context, and only the first value when it is called in a
315           scalar context.
317       * merge()
318           Merges a new value with an existing value by concatenating the new
319           value onto the existing. The result is a comma-separated list of
320           all of the values merged for a given key.
322       * set()
323           Takes key and value arguments and sets the value for that key. Pre‐
324           vious values for that key will be discarded. The value must be a
325           string, or "set()" will turn it into one. A value of "undef" will
326           have the same behavior as "unset()".
328       * unset()
329           Takes a single key argument and deletes that key from the table, so
330           that none of its values will be in the table any longer.


333       HTML::Mason, HTML::Mason::Admin, HTML::Mason::ApacheHandler
337perl v5.8.8                       2007-04-17        HTML::Mason::CGIHandler(3)