1MIME::Tools(3)        User Contributed Perl Documentation       MIME::Tools(3)


6       MIME-tools - modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities


9       Here's some pretty basic code for parsing a MIME message, and out‐
10       putting its decoded components to a given directory:
12           use MIME::Parser;
14           ### Create parser, and set some parsing options:
15           my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
16           $parser->output_under("$ENV{HOME}/mimemail");
18           ### Parse input:
19           $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed\n";
21           ### Take a look at the top-level entity (and any parts it has):
22           $entity->dump_skeleton;
24       Here's some code which composes and sends a MIME message containing
25       three parts: a text file, an attached GIF, and some more text:
27           use MIME::Entity;
29           ### Create the top-level, and set up the mail headers:
30           $top = MIME::Entity->build(Type    =>"multipart/mixed",
31                                      From    => "me\@myhost.com",
32                                      To      => "you\@yourhost.com",
33                                      Subject => "Hello, nurse!");
35           ### Part #1: a simple text document:
36           $top->attach(Path=>"./testin/short.txt");
38           ### Part #2: a GIF file:
39           $top->attach(Path        => "./docs/mime-sm.gif",
40                        Type        => "image/gif",
41                        Encoding    => "base64");
43           ### Part #3: some literal text:
44           $top->attach(Data=>$message);
46           ### Send it:
47           open MAIL, "⎪ /usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -oem" or die "open: $!";
48           $top->print(\*MAIL);
49           close MAIL;
51       For more examples, look at the scripts in the examples directory of the
52       MIME-tools distribution.


55       MIME-tools is a collection of Perl5 MIME:: modules for parsing, decod‐
56       ing, and generating single- or multipart (even nested multipart) MIME
57       messages.  (Yes, kids, that means you can send messages with attached
58       GIF files).


61       You will need the following installed on your system:
63               File::Path
64               File::Spec
65               IPC::Open2              (optional)
66               IO::Scalar, ...         from the IO-stringy distribution
67               MIME::Base64
68               MIME::QuotedPrint
69               Net::SMTP
70               Mail::Internet, ...     from the MailTools distribution.
72       See the Makefile.PL in your distribution for the most-comprehensive
73       list of prerequisite modules and their version numbers.


76       Overview of the classes
78       Here are the classes you'll generally be dealing with directly:
80           (START HERE)            results() .-----------------.
81                 \                 .-------->⎪ MIME::          ⎪
82                  .-----------.   /          ⎪ Parser::Results ⎪
83                  ⎪ MIME::    ⎪--'           `-----------------'
84                  ⎪ Parser    ⎪--.           .-----------------.
85                  `-----------'   \ filer()  ⎪ MIME::          ⎪
86                     ⎪ parse()     `-------->⎪ Parser::Filer   ⎪
87                     ⎪ gives you             `-----------------'
88                     ⎪ a...                                  ⎪ output_path()
89                     ⎪                                       ⎪ determines
90                     ⎪                                       ⎪ path() of...
91                     ⎪    head()       .--------.            ⎪
92                     ⎪    returns...   ⎪ MIME:: ⎪ get()      ⎪
93                     V       .-------->⎪ Head   ⎪ etc...     ⎪
94                  .--------./          `--------'            ⎪
95            .---> ⎪ MIME:: ⎪                                 ⎪
96            `-----⎪ Entity ⎪           .--------.            ⎪
97          parts() `--------'\          ⎪ MIME:: ⎪           /
98          returns            `-------->⎪ Body   ⎪<---------'
99          sub-entities    bodyhandle() `--------'
100          (if any)        returns...       ⎪ open()
101                                           ⎪ returns...
103                                           V
104                                       .--------. read()
105                                       ⎪ IO::   ⎪ getline()
106                                       ⎪ Handle ⎪ print()
107                                       `--------' etc...
109       To illustrate, parsing works this way:
111       ·   The "parser" parses the MIME stream.  A parser is an instance of
112           "MIME::Parser".  You hand it an input stream (like a filehandle) to
113           parse a message from: if the parse is successful, the result is an
114           "entity".
116       ·   A parsed message is represented by an "entity".  An entity is an
117           instance of "MIME::Entity" (a subclass of "Mail::Internet").  If
118           the message had "parts" (e.g., attachments), then those parts are
119           "entities" as well, contained inside the top-level entity.  Each
120           entity has a "head" and a "body".
122       ·   The entity's "head" contains information about the message.  A
123           "head" is an instance of "MIME::Head" (a subclass of
124           "Mail::Header").  It contains information from the message header:
125           content type, sender, subject line, etc.
127       ·   The entity's "body" knows where the message data is.  You can ask
128           to "open" this data source for reading or writing, and you will get
129           back an "I/O handle".
131       ·   You can open() a "body" and get an "I/O handle" to read/write mes‐
132           sage data.  This handle is an object that is basically like an
133           IO::Handle or a FileHandle... it can be any class, so long as it
134           supports a small, standard set of methods for reading from or writ‐
135           ing to the underlying data source.
137       A typical multipart message containing two parts -- a textual greeting
138       and an "attached" GIF file -- would be a tree of MIME::Entity objects,
139       each of which would have its own MIME::Head.  Like this:
141           .--------.
142           ⎪ MIME:: ⎪ Content-type: multipart/mixed
143           ⎪ Entity ⎪ Subject: Happy Samhaine!
144           `--------'
146                `----.
147               parts ⎪
148                     ⎪   .--------.
149                     ⎪---⎪ MIME:: ⎪ Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
150                     ⎪   ⎪ Entity ⎪ Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit
151                     ⎪   `--------'
152                     ⎪   .--------.
153                     ⎪---⎪ MIME:: ⎪ Content-type: image/gif
154                         ⎪ Entity ⎪ Content-transfer-encoding: base64
155                         `--------' Content-disposition: inline;
156                                      filename="hs.gif"
158       Parsing messages
160       You usually start by creating an instance of MIME::Parser and setting
161       up certain parsing parameters: what directory to save extracted files
162       to, how to name the files, etc.
164       You then give that instance a readable filehandle on which waits a MIME
165       message.  If all goes well, you will get back a MIME::Entity object (a
166       subclass of Mail::Internet), which consists of...
168       ·   A MIME::Head (a subclass of Mail::Header) which holds the MIME
169           header data.
171       ·   A MIME::Body, which is a object that knows where the body data is.
172           You ask this object to "open" itself for reading, and it will hand
173           you back an "I/O handle" for reading the data: this is a FileHan‐
174           dle-like object, and could be of any class, so long as it conforms
175           to a subset of the IO::Handle interface.
177       If the original message was a multipart document, the MIME::Entity
178       object will have a non-empty list of "parts", each of which is in turn
179       a MIME::Entity (which might also be a multipart entity, etc, etc...).
181       Internally, the parser (in MIME::Parser) asks for instances of
182       MIME::Decoder whenever it needs to decode an encoded file.
183       MIME::Decoder has a mapping from supported encodings (e.g., 'base64')
184       to classes whose instances can decode them.  You can add to this map‐
185       ping to try out new/experiment encodings.  You can also use
186       MIME::Decoder by itself.
188       Composing messages
190       All message composition is done via the MIME::Entity class.  For sin‐
191       gle-part messages, you can use the MIME::Entity/build constructor to
192       create MIME entities very easily.
194       For multipart messages, you can start by creating a top-level "multi‐
195       part" entity with MIME::Entity::build(), and then use the similar
196       MIME::Entity::attach() method to attach parts to that message.  Please
197       note: what most people think of as "a text message with an attached GIF
198       file" is really a multipart message with 2 parts: the first being the
199       text message, and the second being the GIF file.
201       When building MIME a entity, you'll have to provide two very important
202       pieces of information: the content type and the content transfer encod‐
203       ing.  The type is usually easy, as it is directly determined by the
204       file format; e.g., an HTML file is "text/html".  The encoding, however,
205       is trickier... for example, some HTML files are "7bit"-compliant, but
206       others might have very long lines and would need to be sent
207       "quoted-printable" for reliability.
209       See the section on encoding/decoding for more details, as well as "A
210       MIME PRIMER".
212       Sending email
214       Since MIME::Entity inherits directly from Mail::Internet, you can use
215       the normal Mail::Internet mechanisms to send email.  For example,
217           $entity->smtpsend;
219       Encoding/decoding support
221       The MIME::Decoder class can be used to encode as well; this is done
222       when printing MIME entities.  All the standard encodings are supported
223       (see "A MIME PRIMER" for details):
225           Encoding:        ⎪ Normally used when message contents are:
226           -------------------------------------------------------------------
227           7bit             ⎪ 7-bit data with under 1000 chars/line, or multipart.
228           8bit             ⎪ 8-bit data with under 1000 chars/line.
229           binary           ⎪ 8-bit data with some long lines (or no line breaks).
230           quoted-printable ⎪ Text files with some 8-bit chars (e.g., Latin-1 text).
231           base64           ⎪ Binary files.
233       Which encoding you choose for a given document depends largely on (1)
234       what you know about the document's contents (text vs binary), and (2)
235       whether you need the resulting message to have a reliable encoding for
236       7-bit Internet email transport.
238       In general, only "quoted-printable" and "base64" guarantee reliable
239       transport of all data; the other three "no-encoding" encodings simply
240       pass the data through, and are only reliable if that data is 7bit ASCII
241       with under 1000 characters per line, and has no conflicts with the mul‐
242       tipart boundaries.
244       I've considered making it so that the content-type and encoding can be
245       automatically inferred from the file's path, but that seems to be ask‐
246       ing for trouble... or at least, for Mail::Cap...
248       Message-logging
250       MIME-tools is a large and complex toolkit which tries to deal with a
251       wide variety of external input.  It's sometimes helpful to see what's
252       really going on behind the scenes.  There are several kinds of messages
253       logged by the toolkit itself:
255       Debug messages
256           These are printed directly to the STDERR, with a prefix of
257           "MIME-tools: debug".
259           Debug message are only logged if you have turned "debugging" on in
260           the MIME::Tools configuration.
262       Warning messages
263           These are logged by the standard Perl warn() mechanism to indicate
264           an unusual situation.  They all have a prefix of "MIME-tools: warn‐
265           ing".
267           Warning messages are only logged if $^W is set true and MIME::Tools
268           is not configured to be "quiet".
270       Error messages
271           These are logged by the standard Perl warn() mechanism to indicate
272           that something actually failed.  They all have a prefix of
273           "MIME-tools: error".
275           Error messages are only logged if $^W is set true and MIME::Tools
276           is not configured to be "quiet".
278       Usage messages
279           Unlike "typical" warnings above, which warn about problems process‐
280           ing data, usage-warnings are for alerting developers of deprecated
281           methods and suspicious invocations.
283           Usage messages are currently only logged if $^W is set true and
284           MIME::Tools is not configured to be "quiet".
286       When a MIME::Parser (or one of its internal helper classes) wants to
287       report a message, it generally does so by recording the message to the
288       MIME::Parser::Results object immediately before invoking the appropri‐
289       ate function above.  That means each parsing run has its own trace-log
290       which can be examined for problems.
292       Configuring the toolkit
294       If you want to tweak the way this toolkit works (for example, to turn
295       on debugging), use the routines in the MIME::Tools module.
297       debugging
298           Turn debugging on or off.  Default is false (off).
300                MIME::Tools->debugging(1);
302       quiet
303           Turn the reporting of warning/error messages on or off.  Default is
304           true, meaning that these message are silenced.
306                MIME::Tools->quiet(1);
308       version
309           Return the toolkit version.
311                print MIME::Tools->version, "\n";


314       Take a look at the examples
316       The MIME-Tools distribution comes with an "examples" directory.  The
317       scripts in there are basically just tossed-together, but they'll give
318       you some ideas of how to use the parser.
320       Run with warnings enabled
322       Always run your Perl script with "-w".  If you see a warning about a
323       deprecated method, change your code ASAP.  This will ease upgrades
324       tremendously.
326       Avoid non-standard encodings
328       Don't try to MIME-encode using the non-standard MIME encodings.  It's
329       just not a good practice if you want people to be able to read your
330       messages.
332       Plan for thrown exceptions
334       For example, if your mail-handling code absolutely must not die, then
335       perform mail parsing like this:
337           $entity = eval { $parser->parse(\*INPUT) };
339       Parsing is a complex process, and some components may throw exceptions
340       if seriously-bad things happen.  Since "seriously-bad" is in the eye of
341       the beholder, you're better off catching possible exceptions instead of
342       asking me to propagate "undef" up the stack.  Use of exceptions in re‐
343       usable modules is one of those religious issues we're never all going
344       to agree upon; thankfully, that's what "eval{}" is good for.
346       Check the parser results for warnings/errors
348       As of 5.3xx, the parser tries extremely hard to give you a
349       MIME::Entity.  If there were any problems, it logs warnings/errors to
350       the underlying "results" object (see MIME::Parser::Results).  Look at
351       that object after each parse.  Print out the warnings and errors, espe‐
352       cially if messages don't parse the way you thought they would.
354       Don't plan on printing exactly what you parsed!
356       Parsing is a (slightly) lossy operation.  Because of things like ambi‐
357       guities in base64-encoding, the following is not going to spit out its
358       input unchanged in all cases:
360           $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN);
361           $entity->print(\*STDOUT);
363       If you're using MIME::Tools to process email, remember to save the data
364       you parse if you want to send it on unchanged.  This is vital for
365       things like PGP-signed email.
367       Understand how international characters are represented
369       The MIME standard allows for text strings in headers to contain charac‐
370       ters from any character set, by using special sequences which look like
371       this:
373           =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Keld_J=F8rn_Simonsen?=
375       To be consistent with the existing Mail::Field classes, MIME::Tools
376       does not automatically unencode these strings, since doing so would
377       lose the character-set information and interfere with the parsing of
378       fields (see "decode_headers" in MIME::Parser for a full explanation).
379       That means you should be prepared to deal with these encoded strings.
381       The most common question then is, how do I decode these encoded
382       strings?  The answer depends on what you want to decode them to: ASCII,
383       Latin1, UTF-8, etc.  Be aware that your "target" representation may not
384       support all possible character sets you might encounter; for example,
385       Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) has no way of representing Big5 (Chinese) charac‐
386       ters.  A common practice is to represent "untranslateable" characters
387       as "?"s, or to ignore them completely.
389       To unencode the strings into some of the more-popular Western byte rep‐
390       resentations (e.g., Latin1, Latin2, etc.), you can use the decoders in
391       MIME::WordDecoder (see MIME::WordDecoder).  The simplest way is by
392       using "unmime()", a function wrapped around your "default" decoder, as
393       follows:
395           use MIME::WordDecoder;
396           ...
397           $subject = unmime $entity->head->get('subject');
399       One place this is done automatically is in extracting the recommended
400       filename for a part while parsing.  That's why you should start by set‐
401       ting up the best "default" decoder if the default target of Latin1
402       isn't to your liking.


405       Fuzzing of CRLF and newline on input
407       RFC-1521 dictates that MIME streams have lines terminated by CRLF
408       ("\r\n").  However, it is extremely likely that folks will want to
409       parse MIME streams where each line ends in the local newline character
410       "\n" instead.
412       An attempt has been made to allow the parser to handle both CRLF and
413       newline-terminated input.
415       Fuzzing of CRLF and newline when decoding
417       The "7bit" and "8bit" decoders will decode both a "\n" and a "\r\n"
418       end-of-line sequence into a "\n".
420       The "binary" decoder (default if no encoding specified) still outputs
421       stuff verbatim... so a MIME message with CRLFs and no explicit encoding
422       will be output as a text file that, on many systems, will have an
423       annoying ^M at the end of each line... but this is as it should be.
425       Fuzzing of CRLF and newline when encoding/composing
427       All encoders currently output the end-of-line sequence as a "\n", with
428       the assumption that the local mail agent will perform the conversion
429       from newline to CRLF when sending the mail.  However, there probably
430       should be an option to output CRLF as per RFC-1521.
432       Inability to handle multipart boundaries with embedded newlines
434       Let's get something straight: this is an evil, EVIL practice.  If your
435       mailer creates multipart boundary strings that contain newlines, give
436       it two weeks notice and find another one.  If your mail robot receives
437       MIME mail like this, regard it as syntactically incorrect, which it is.
439       Ignoring non-header headers
441       People like to hand the parser raw messages straight from POP3 or from
442       a mailbox.  There is often predictable non-header information in front
443       of the real headers; e.g., the initial "From" line in the following
444       message:
446           From - Wed Mar 22 02:13:18 2000
447           Return-Path: <eryq@zeegee.com>
448           Subject: Hello
450       The parser simply ignores such stuff quietly.  Perhaps it shouldn't,
451       but most people seem to want that behavior.
453       Fuzzing of empty multipart preambles
455       Please note that there is currently an ambiguity in the way preambles
456       are parsed in.  The following message fragments both are regarded as
457       having an empty preamble (where "\n" indicates a newline character):
459            Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="xyz"\n
460            Subject: This message (#1) has an empty preamble\n
461            \n
462            --xyz\n
463            ...
465            Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="xyz"\n
466            Subject: This message (#2) also has an empty preamble\n
467            \n
468            \n
469            --xyz\n
470            ...
472       In both cases, the first completely-empty line (after the "Subject")
473       marks the end of the header.
475       But we should clearly ignore the second empty line in message #2, since
476       it fills the role of "the newline which is only there to make sure that
477       the boundary is at the beginning of a line".  Such newlines are never
478       part of the content preceding the boundary; thus, there is no preamble
479       "content" in message #2.
481       However, it seems clear that message #1 also has no preamble "content",
482       and is in fact merely a compact representation of an empty preamble.
484       Use of a temp file during parsing
486       Why not do everything in core?  Although the amount of core available
487       on even a modest home system continues to grow, the size of attachments
488       continues to grow with it.  I wanted to make sure that even users with
489       small systems could deal with decoding multi-megabyte sounds and movie
490       files.  That means not being core-bound.
492       As of the released 5.3xx, MIME::Parser gets by with only one temp file
493       open per parser.  This temp file provides a sort of infinite scratch
494       space for dealing with the current message part.  It's fast and light‐
495       weight, but you should know about it anyway.
497       Why do I assume that MIME objects are email objects?
499       Achim Bohnet once pointed out that MIME headers do nothing more than
500       store a collection of attributes, and thus could be represented as
501       objects which don't inherit from Mail::Header.
503       I agree in principle, but RFC-1521 says otherwise.  RFC-1521 [MIME]
504       headers are a syntactic subset of RFC-822 [email] headers.  Perhaps a
505       better name for these modules would have been RFC1521:: instead of
506       MIME::, but we're a little beyond that stage now.
508       When I originally wrote these modules for the CPAN, I agonized for a
509       long time about whether or not they really should subclass from
510       Mail::Internet (then at version 1.17).  Thanks to Graham Barr, who gra‐
511       ciously evolved MailTools 1.06 to be more MIME-friendly, unification
512       was achieved at MIME-tools release 2.0.  The benefits in reuse alone
513       have been substantial.


516       So you need to parse (or create) MIME, but you're not quite up on the
517       specifics?  No problem...
519       Glossary
521       Here are some definitions adapted from RFC-1521 explaining the termi‐
522       nology we use; each is accompanied by the equivalent in MIME:: module
523       terms...
525       attachment
526           An "attachment" is common slang for any part of a multipart message
527           -- except, perhaps, for the first part, which normally carries a
528           user message describing the attachments that follow (e.g.: "Hey
529           dude, here's that GIF file I promised you.").
531           In our system, an attachment is just a MIME::Entity under the top-
532           level entity, probably one of its parts.
534       body
535           The "body" of an entity is that portion of the entity which follows
536           the header and which contains the real message content.  For exam‐
537           ple, if your MIME message has a GIF file attachment, then the body
538           of that attachment is the base64-encoded GIF file itself.
540           A body is represented by an instance of MIME::Body.  You get the
541           body of an entity by sending it a bodyhandle() message.
543       body part
544           One of the parts of the body of a multipart /entity.  A body part
545           has a /header and a /body, so it makes sense to speak about the
546           body of a body part.
548           Since a body part is just a kind of entity, it's represented by an
549           instance of MIME::Entity.
551       entity
552           An "entity" means either a /message or a /body part.  All entities
553           have a /header and a /body.
555           An entity is represented by an instance of MIME::Entity.  There are
556           instance methods for recovering the header (a MIME::Head) and the
557           body (a MIME::Body).
559       header
560           This is the top portion of the MIME message, which contains the
561           "Content-type", "Content-transfer-encoding", etc.  Every MIME
562           entity has a header, represented by an instance of MIME::Head.  You
563           get the header of an entity by sending it a head() message.
565       message
566           A "message" generally means the complete (or "top-level") message
567           being transferred on a network.
569           There currently is no explicit package for "messages"; under
570           MIME::, messages are streams of data which may be read in from
571           files or filehandles.  You can think of the MIME::Entity returned
572           by the MIME::Parser as representing the full message.
574       Content types
576       This indicates what kind of data is in the MIME message, usually as
577       majortype/minortype.  The standard major types are shown below.  A
578       more-comprehensive listing may be found in RFC-2046.
580       application
581           Data which does not fit in any of the other categories, particu‐
582           larly data to be processed by some type of application program.
583           "application/octet-stream", "application/gzip", "application/post‐
584           script"...
586       audio
587           Audio data.  "audio/basic"...
589       image
590           Graphics data.  "image/gif", "image/jpeg"...
592       message
593           A message, usually another mail or MIME message.  "mes‐
594           sage/rfc822"...
596       multipart
597           A message containing other messages.  "multipart/mixed", "multi‐
598           part/alternative"...
600       text
601           Textual data, meant for humans to read.  "text/plain",
602           "text/html"...
604       video
605           Video or video+audio data.  "video/mpeg"...
607       Content transfer encodings
609       This is how the message body is packaged up for safe transit.  There
610       are the 5 major MIME encodings.  A more-comprehensive listing may be
611       found in RFC-2045.
613       7bit
614           No encoding is done at all.  This label simply asserts that no
615           8-bit characters are present, and that lines do not exceed 1000
616           characters in length (including the CRLF).
618       8bit
619           No encoding is done at all.  This label simply asserts that the
620           message might contain 8-bit characters, and that lines do not
621           exceed 1000 characters in length (including the CRLF).
623       binary
624           No encoding is done at all.  This label simply asserts that the
625           message might contain 8-bit characters, and that lines may exceed
626           1000 characters in length.  Such messages are the least likely to
627           get through mail gateways.
629       base64
630           A standard encoding, which maps arbitrary binary data to the 7bit
631           domain.  Like "uuencode", but very well-defined.  This is how you
632           should send essentially binary information (tar files, GIFs, JPEGs,
633           etc.).
635       quoted-printable
636           A standard encoding, which maps arbitrary line-oriented data to the
637           7bit domain.  Useful for encoding messages which are textual in
638           nature, yet which contain non-ASCII characters (e.g., Latin-1,
639           Latin-2, or any other 8-bit alphabet).


642       Eryq (eryq@zeegee.com), ZeeGee Software Inc (http://www.zeegee.com).
643       David F. Skoll (dfs@roaringpenguin.com) http://www.roaringpenguin.com
645       Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 by ZeeGee Software Inc (www.zeegee.com).
646       Copyright (c) 2004 by Roaring Penguin Software Inc (www.roaringpen‐
647       guin.com)
649       All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redis‐
650       tribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.  See
651       the COPYING file in the distribution for details.


654       Please email me directly with questions/problems (see AUTHOR below).
656       If you want to be placed on an email distribution list (not a mailing
657       list!)  for MIME-tools, and receive bug reports, patches, and updates
658       as to when new MIME-tools releases are planned, just email me and say
659       so.  If your project is using MIME-tools, it might not be a bad idea to
660       find out about those bugs before they become problems...


663       $Revision: 1.15 $


666       Version 5.411
667           Regenerated docs.  Bug in HTML docs, now all fixed.
669       Version 5.410   (2000/11/23)
670           Better detection of evil filenames.  Now we check for filenames
671           which are suspiciously long, and a new MIME::Filer::exorcise_file‐
672           name() method is used to try and remove the evil.  Thanks to Jason
673           Haar for the suggestion.
675       Version 5.409   (2000/11/12)
676           Added functionality to MIME::WordDecoder, including support for
677           plain US-ASCII.
679           MIME::Tools::tmpopen() made more flexible.  You can now override
680           the tmpfile-opening behavior.
682       Version 5.408   (2000/11/10)
683           Added new Beta unmime() mechanism.  See MIME::WordDecoder for full
684           details.  Also see "Understand how international characters are
685           represented".
687       Version 5.405   (2000/11/05)
688           Added a purge() that does what people want it to.  Now, when a
689           parse finishes and you want to delete everything that was created
690           by it, you can invoke "purge()" on the parser's filer.  All
691           files/directories created during the last parse should vanish.
692           Thanks to everyone who complained about MIME::Entity::purge.
694       Version 5.404   (2000/11/04)
695           Added new automatic MIME-decoding of attachment filenames with
696           encoded (non-ASCII) characters.  Hopefully this will do more good
697           than harm.  The use of MIME::Parser::decode_headers() and
698           MIME::Head::decode() has been deprecated in favor of the new
699           MIME::Words "unmime" mechanism.  Please see "unmime" in
700           MIME::Words.
702           Added tolerance for unquoted =?...?= in param values.  This is in
703           violation of the RFCs, but then, so are some MUAs.  Thanks to desti
704           for bringing this to my attention.
706           Fixed supposedly-bad B-encoding.  Thanks to Otto Frost for bringing
707           this to my attention.
709       Version 5.316   (2000/09/21)
710           Increased tolerance in MIME::Parser.  Now will ignore bogus POP3
711           "+OK" line before header, as well as bogus mailbox "From " line
712           (both with warnings).  Thanks to Antony OSullivan (ajos1) for sug‐
713           gesting this feature.
715           Fixed small epilogue-related bug in MIME::Entity::print_body().
716           Now it only outputs a final newline if the epilogue does not end in
717           one already.  Support for checking the preamble/epilogue in regres‐
718           sion tests was also added.  Thanks to Lars Hecking for bringing
719           this issue up.
721           Updated documentation.  All module manual pages should now direct
722           readers to the main MIME-tools manual page.
724       Version 5.314   (2000/09/06)
725           Fixed Makefile.PL to have less-restrictive requirement for
726           File::Spec (0.6).
728       Version 5.313   (2000/09/05)
729           Fixed nasty bug with evil filenames.  Certain evil filenames were
730           getting replaced by internally-generated filenames which were just
731           as evil... ouch!  If your parser occasionally throws a fatal excep‐
732           tion with a "write-open" error message, then you have this bug.
733           Thanks to Julian Field and Antony OSullivan (ajos1) for delivering
734           the evidence!
736                  Beware the doctor
737                     who cures seasonal head cold
738                  by killing patient
740           Improved naming of extracted files.  If a filename is regarded as
741           evil, we guess that it might just be because of part information,
742           and attempt to find and use the final path element.
744           Simplified message logging and made it more consistent.  For
745           details, see "Message-logging".
747       Version 5.312   (2000/09/03)
748           Fixed a Perl 5.7 select() incompatibility which caused "make test"
749           to fail.  Thanks to Nick Ing-Simmons for the patch.
751       Version 5.311   (2000/08/16)
752           Blind fix for Win32 uudecoding bug.  A missing binmode seems to be
753           the culprit here; let's see if this fixes it.  Thanks to ajos1 for
754           finding the culprit!
756                  The carriage return
757                     thumbs its nose at me, laughing:
758                  DOS I/O *still* sucks
760       Version 5.310   (2000/08/15)
761           Fixed a bug in the back-compat output_prefix() method of
762           MIME::Parser.  Basically, output prefixes were not being set
763           through this mechanism.  Thanks to ajos1 for the alert.
765                   shift @_,                               ### "shift at-underscore"
766                      or @_ will have
767                   bogus "self" object
769           Added some backcompat methods, like parse_FH().  Thanks (and apolo‐
770           gies) to Alain Kotoujansky.
772           Added filenames-with-spaces support to MIME::Decoder::UU.  Thanks
773           to Richard Pun for the suggestion.
775       Version 5.305   (2000/07/20)
776           Added MIME::Entity::parts_DFS as convenient way to "get all parts".
777           Thanks to Xavier Armengou for suggesting this method.
779           Removed the Alpha notice.  Still a few features to tweak, but those
780           will be minor.
782       Version 5.303   (2000/07/07)
783           Fixed output bugs in new Filers.  Scads of them: bad handling of
784           filename collisions, bad implementation of output_under(), bad
785           linking to results, POD errors, you name it.  If this had gone to
786           CPAN, I'd have issued a factory recall. ":-("
788                  Errors, like beetles,
789                     Multiply ferociously
790                  In the small hours
792       Version 5.301   (2000/07/06)
794           class -- not fully backwards-compatible.  In response to demand for
795           more-comprehensive file-output strategies, I have decided that the
796           best thing to do is to split all the file-output logic (out‐
797           put_path(), evil_filename(), etc.)  into its own separate class,
798           inheriting from the new MIME::Parser::Filer class.  If you override
799           any of the following in a MIME::Parser subclass, you will need to
800           change your code accordingly:
802                   evil_filename
803                   output_dir
804                   output_filename
805                   output_path
806                   output_prefix
807                   output_under
809           My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this will cause, but
810           it's ultimately for the best, and is quite likely the last struc‐
811           tural change to 5.x.  Thanks to Tyson Ackland for all the ideas.
812           Incidentally, the new code also fixes a bug where identically-named
813           files in the same message could clobber each other.
815                  A message arrives:
816                      "Here are three files, all named 'Foo'"
817                  Only one survives.  :-(
819           Fixed bug in MIME::Words header decoding.  Underscores were not
820           being handled properly.  Thanks to Dominique Unruh and Doru
821           Petrescu, who independently submitted the same fix within 2 hours
822           of each other, after this bug has lain dormant for months:
824                  Two users, same bug,
825                     same patch -- mere hours apart:
826                  Truly, life is odd.
828           Removed escaping of underscore in regexps.  Escaping the underscore
829           (\_) in regexps was sloppy and wrong (escaped metacharacters may
830           include anything in \w), and the newest Perls warn about it.
831           Thanks to David Dyck for bringing this to my attention.
833                  What, then, is a word?
834                     Some letters, digits, and, yes:
835                  Underscores as well
837           Added Force option to MIME::Entity's make_multipart.  Thanks to Bob
838           Glickstein for suggesting this.
840           Numerous fixlets to example code.  Thanks to Doru Petrescu for
841           these.
843           Added REQUIREMENTS section in docs.  Long-overdue.  Thanks to Ingo
844           Schmiegel for motivating this.
846       Version 5.211   (2000/06/24)
847           Fixed auto-uudecode bug.  Parser was failing with "part did not end
848           with expected boundary" error when uuencoded entity was a sin‐
849           glepart message (ironically, uuencoded parts of multiparts worked
850           fine).  Thanks to Michael Mohlere for testing uudecode and finding
851           this.
853                  The hurrying bee
854                     Flies far for nectar, missing
855                  The nearest flowers
857                  Say ten thousand times:
858                     Complex cases may succeed
859                  Where simple ones fail
861           Parse errors now generate warnings.  Parser errors now cause
862           warn()s to be generated if they are not turned into fatal excep‐
863           tions.  This might be a little redundant, seeing as they are avail‐
864           able in the "results", but parser-warnings already cause warn()s.
865           I can always put in a "quiet" switch if people complain.
867           Miscellaneous cleanup.  Documentation of MIME::Parser improved
868           slightly, and a redundant warning was removed.
870       Version 5.210   (2000/06/20)
871           Change in "evil" filename.  Made MIME::Parser's evil_filename
872           stricter by having it reject "path" characters: any of '/' '\' ':'
873           '[' ']'.
875                  Just as with beauty
876                     The eye of the beholder
877                  Is where "evil" lives.
879           Documentation fixes.  Corrected a number of docs in MIME::Entity
880           which were obsoleted in the transition from 4.x to 5.x.  Thanks to
881           Michael Fischer for pointing these out.  For this one, a special
882           5-5-5-5 Haiku of anagrams:
884                  Documentation
885                     in mutant code, O!
886                  Edit -- no, CUT! [moan]
887                     I meant to un-doc...
889           IO::Lines usage bug fixed.  MIME::Entity was missing a "use
890           IO::Lines", which caused an exception when you tried to use the
891           body() method of MIME::Entity.  Thanks to Hideyo Imazu and Michael
892           Fischer for pointing this out.
894                  Bareword looks fine, but
895                     Perl cries: "Whoa there... IO::Lines?
896                  Never heard of it."
898       Version 5.209   (2000/06/10)
899           Autodetection of uuencode.  You can now tell the parser to hunt for
900           uuencode inside what should be text parts.  See extract_uuencode()
901           for full details.  Beware: this is largely untested at the moment.
902           Special thanks to Michael Mohlere at ADJE Webmail, who was the
903             first -- and most-insistent -- user to request this feature.
905           Faster parsing.  Sped up the MIME::Decoder::NBit decoder quite a
906           bit by using a variant of the chunking trick I used for
907           MIME::Decoder::Base64.  I suspect that the same trick (reading a
908           big chunk plus the next line to get a big block of lines) would
909           work with MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint, but I don't have the time or
910           resources to check that right now (tested contributions would be
911           welcome).  NBit encoding is more-conveniently done line-by-line for
912           now, because individual line lengths must be checked.
914           Better use of core.  MIME::Body::InCore is now used when you
915           build() an entity with the Data parameter, instead of
916           MIME::Body::Scalar.
918           More documentation on toolkit configuration.
920       Version 5.207   (2000/06/09)
921           Fixed whine() bug in MIME::Parser where the "warning" method
922           whine() was called as a static function instead of invoked as an
923           instance method.  Thanks to Todd A. Bradfute for reporting this.
925                  A simple warning
926                     Invokes method as function:
927                  "Warning" makes us die
929       Version 5.206   (2000/06/08)
930           Ahem.  Cough cough:
932                  Way too many bugs
933                     Thus, a self-imposed penance:
934                  Write haiku for each
936           Fixed bug in MIME::Parser: the reader was not handling the odd (but
937           legal) case where a multipart boundary is followed by linear white‐
938           space.  Thanks to Jon Agnew for reporting this with the RFC cita‐
939           tion.
941                  Legal message fails
942                     And 'round the globe, thousands cry:
943                  READ THE RFC
945           Empty preambles are now handled properly by MIME::Entity when
946           printing: there is now no space between the header-terminator and
947           the initial boundary.  Thanks to "sen_ml" for suggesting this.
949                  Nature hates vacuum
950                     But please refrain from tossing
951                  Newlines in the void
953           Started using Benchmark for benchmarking.
955       Version 5.205   (2000/06/06)
956           Added terminating newline to all parser messages, and fixed small
957           parser bug that was dropping parts when errors occurred in certain
958           places.
960       Version 5.203   (2000/06/05)
961           Brand new parser based on new (private) MIME::Parser::Reader and
962           (public) MIME::Parser::Results.  Fast and yet simple and very tol‐
963           erant of bad MIME when desired.  Message reporting needs some muz‐
964           zling.
966           MIME::Parser now has ignore_errors() set true by default.
968       Version 5.116   (2000/05/26)
969           Removed Tmpfile.t test, which was causing a bogus failure in "make
970           test".  Now we require 5.004 for MIME::Parser anyway, so we don't
971           need it.  Thanks to Jonathan Cohn for reporting this.
973       Version 5.115   (2000/05/24)
974           Fixed Ref.t bug, and documented how to remove parts from a
975           MIME::Entity.
977       Version 5.114   (2000/05/23)
978           Entity now uses MIME::Lite-style default suggested encoding.
980           More regression test have been added, and the "Size" tests in Ref.t
981           are skipped for text document (due to CRLF differences between
982           platforms).
984       Version 5.113   (2000/05/21)
985           Major speed and structural improvements to the parser.
986               Major, MAJOR thanks to Noel Burton-Krahn, Jeremy Gilbert,
987                 and Doru Petrescu for all the patches, benchmarking,
988                 and Beta-testing!
990           Convenient new one-directory-per-message parsing mechanism.
991               Now through "MIME::Parser" method "output_under()",
992               you can tell the parser that you want it to create
993               a unique directory for each message parsed, to hold the
994               resulting parts.
996           Elimination of $', $` and $&.
997               Wow... I still can't believe I missed this.  D'OH!
998               Thanks to Noel Burton-Krahn for all his patches.
1000           Parser is more tolerant of weird EOL termination.
1001               Some mailagents are can terminate lines with "\r\r\n".
1002               We're okay with that now when we extract the header.
1003               Thanks to Joao Fonseca for pointing this out.
1005           Parser is tolerant of "From " lines in headers.
1006               Thanks to Joachim Wieland, Anthony Hinsinger, Marius Stan,
1007                 and numerous others.
1009           Parser catches syntax errors in headers.
1010               Thanks to Russell P. Sutherland for catching this.
1012           Parser no longer warns when subtype is undefined.
1013               Thanks to Eric-Olivier Le Bigot for his fix.
1015           Better integration with Mail::Internet.
1016               For example, smtpsend() should work fine.
1017               Thanks to Michael Fischer and others for the patch.
1019           Miscellaneous cleanup.
1020               Thanks to Marcus Brinkmann for additional helpful input.
1021               Thanks to Klaus Seidenfaden for good feedback on 5.x Alpha!
1023       Version 4.123   (1999/05/12)
1024           Cleaned up some of the tests for non-Unix OS'es.  Will require a
1025           few iterations, no doubt.
1027       Version 4.122   (1999/02/09)
1028           Resolved CORE::open warnings for 5.005.
1029                   Thanks to several folks for this bug report.
1031       Version 4.121   (1998/06/03)
1032           Fixed MIME::Words infinite recursion.
1033                   Thanks to several folks for this bug report.
1035       Version 4.117   (1998/05/01)
1036           Nicer MIME::Entity::build.
1037                   No longer outputs warnings with undefined Filename, and now
1038                   accepts Charset as well.       Thanks to Jason Tibbits III
1039           for the inspirational patch.
1041           Documentation fixes.
1042                   Hopefully we've seen the last of the pod2man warnings...
1044           Better test logging.
1045                   Now uses ExtUtils::TBone.
1047       Version 4.116   (1998/02/14)
1048           Bug fix:
1049                   MIME::Head and MIME::Entity were not downcasing the
1050                   content-type as they claimed.  This has now been fixed.
1051                Thanks to Rodrigo de Almeida Siqueira for finding this.
1053       Version 4.114   (1998/02/12)
1054           Gzip64-encoding has been improved, and turned off as a default,
1055                since it depends on having gzip installed.
1056                   See MIME::Decoder::Gzip64 if you want to activate it in
1057           your app.       You can   now set up the gzip/gunzip commands to
1058           use, as well.       Thanks to Paul J. Schinder for finding this
1059           bug.
1061       Version 4.113   (1998/01/20)
1062           Bug fix:
1063                   MIME::ParserBase was accidentally folding newlines in
1064           header fields.       Thanks to Jason L. Tibbitts III for spotting
1065           this.
1067       Version 4.112   (1998/01/17)
1068           MIME::Entity::print_body now recurses when printing multipart
1069                entities, and prints "everything following the header."  This
1070           is more      likely what people expect to happen.  PLEASE read the
1071                   "two body problem" section of MIME::Entity's docs.
1073       Version 4.111   (1998/01/14)
1074           Clean build/test on Win95 using 5.004.  Whew.
1076       Version 4.110   (1998/01/11)
1077           Added make_multipart() and make_singlepart() in MIME::Entity.
1079           Improved handling/saving of preamble/epilogue.
1081       Version 4.109   (1998/01/10)
1082           Overall
1083               Major version shift to 4.x      accompanies numerous structural
1084               changes, and      the deletion of some long-deprecated code.
1085               Many apologies to those      who are inconvenienced by the
1086               upgrade.
1088               MIME::IO deprecated.       You'll see IO::Scalar, IO::ScalarAr‐
1089               ray, and IO::Wrap      to make this toolkit work.
1091               MIME::Entity deep code.       You can now deep-copy MIME enti‐
1092               ties (except for on-disk data files).
1094           Encoding/decoding
1095               MIME::Latin1 deprecated, and 8-to-7 mapping removed.
1096                    Really, MIME::Latin1 was one of my more dumber ideas.
1097                    It's still there, but if you want to map 8-bit characters
1098               to      Latin1 ASCII approximations when 7bit encoding, you'll
1099               have to      request it explicitly.   But use quoted-printable
1100               for your 8-bit      documents; that's what it's there for!
1102               7bit and 8bit "encoders" no longer encode.       As per
1103               RFC-2045, these just do a pass-through of the data,      but
1104               they'll warn you if you send bad data through.
1106               MIME::Entity suggests encoding.       Now you can ask
1107               MIME::Entity's build() method to "suggest"      a legal encod‐
1108               ing based on the body and the content-type.       No more
1109               guesswork!  See the "mimesend" example.
1111               New module structure for MIME::Decoder classes.       It should
1112               be easier for you to see what's happening.
1114               New MIME decoders!       Support added for decoding "x-uuen‐
1115               code", and for      decoding/encoding "x-gzip64".  You'll need
1116               "gzip" to make      the latter work.
1118               Quoted-printable back on track... and then some.       The
1119               'quoted-printable' decoder now uses the newest MIME::Quoted‐
1120               Print,      and amends its output with guideline #8 from
1121               RFC2049 (From/.).       Thanks to Denis N. Antonioli for sug‐
1122               gesting this.
1124           Parsing
1125               Preamble and epilogue are now saved.       These are saved in
1126               the parsed entities as simple      string-arrays, and are out‐
1127               put by print() if there.       Thanks to Jason L. Tibbitts for
1128               suggesting this.
1130               The "multipart/digest" semantics are now preserved.       Parts
1131               of digest messages have their mime_type() defaulted      to
1132               "message/rfc822" instead of "text/plain", as per the RFC.
1133                    Thanks to Carsten Heyl for suggesting this.
1135           Output
1136               Well-defined, more-complete print() output.       When printing
1137               an entity, the output is now well-defined if the      entity
1138               came from a MIME::Parser, even if using parse_nested_messages.
1139                    See MIME::Entity for details.
1141               You can prevent recommended filenames from being output.
1142                    This possible security hole has been plugged; when build‐
1143               ing MIME      entities, you can specify a body path but sup‐
1144               press the filename      in the header.       Thanks to Jason L.
1145               Tibbitts for suggesting this.
1147           Bug fixes
1148               Win32 installations should work.       The binmode() calls
1149               should work fine on Win32 now.       Thanks to numerous folks
1150               for their patches.
1152               MIME::Head::add() now no longer downcases its argument.
1153                    Thanks to Brandon Browning & Jason L. Tibbitts for finding
1154               this bug.
1156       Version 3.204
1157           Bug in MIME::Head::original_text fixed.       Well, it took a
1158           while, but another bug surfaced from my transition      from 1.x to
1159           2.x.  This method was, quite idiotically, sorting the      header
1160           fields.       Thanks, as usual, to Andreas Koenig for spotting this
1161           one.
1163           MIME::ParserBase no longer defaults to RFC-1522-decoding headers.
1164                The documentation correctly stated that the default setting
1165           was      to not RFC-1522-decode the headers.  The code, on the
1166           other hand,      was init'ing this parser option in the "on" posi‐
1167           tion.       This has been fixed.
1169           MIME::ParserBase::parse_nested_messages reexamined.       If you
1170           use this feature, please re-read the documentation.       It
1171           explains a little more precisely what the ramifications are.
1173           MIME::Entity tries harder to ensure MIME compliance.       It is
1174           now a fatal error to use certain bad combinations of content
1175                type and encoding when "building", or to attempt to "attach"
1176           to      anything that is not a multipart document.  My apologies if
1177           this      inconveniences anyone, but it was just too darn easy
1178           before for folks      to create bad MIME, and gosh darn it, good
1179           libraries should at least      try to protect you from mistakes.
1181           The "make" now halts if you don't have the right stuff,      pro‐
1182           vided your MakeMaker supports PREREQ_PM.  See "REQUIREMENTS"
1183                for what you need to install this package.  I still provide
1184                old courtesy copies of the MIME:: decoding modules.  Thanks to
1185           Hugo van der Sanden for suggesting this.
1187           The "make test" is far less chatty.       Okay, okay, STDERR is
1188           evil.  Now a "make test" will just give you      the important
1189           stuff: do a "make test TEST_VERBOSE=1" if you want      the gory
1190           details (advisable if sending me a bug report).  Thanks to Andreas
1191           Koenig for suggesting this.
1193       Version 3.203
1194           No, there haven't been any major changes between 2.x and 3.x.
1195                The major-version increase was from a few more tweaks to get
1196           $VERSION      to be calculated better and more efficiently (I had
1197           been using RCS      version numbers in a way which created problems
1198           for users of CPAN::).       After a couple of false starts, all
1199           modules have been upgraded to RCS      3.201 or higher.
1201           You can now parse a MIME message from a scalar,      an
1202           array-of-scalars, or any MIME::IO-compliant object (including IO::
1203                objects.)  Take a look at parse_data() in MIME::ParserBase.
1204           The      parser code has been modified to support the MIME::IO
1205           interface.       Thanks to fellow Chicagoan Tim Pierce (and count‐
1206           less others)      for asking.
1208           More sensible toolkit configuration.       A new config() method in
1209           MIME::ToolUtils makes a lot of toolkit-wide      configuration
1210           cleaner.  Your old calls will still work, but with      deprecation
1211           warnings.
1213           You can now sign messages just like in Mail::Internet.       See
1214           MIME::Entity for the interface.
1216           You can now remove signatures from messages just like in
1217           Mail::Internet.       See MIME::Entity for the interface.
1219           You can now compute/strip content lengths      and other non-stan‐
1220           dard MIME fields.       See sync_headers() in MIME::Entity.
1221                Thanks to Tim Pierce for bringing the basic problem to my
1222           attention.
1224           Many warnings are now silent unless $^W is true.       That means
1225           unless you run your Perl with "-w", you won't see
1226                   deprecation warnings, non-fatal-error messages, etc.
1227                   But of course you run with "-w", so this doesn't affect
1228           you.  ":-)"
1230           Completed the 7-bit encodings in MIME::Latin1.       We hadn't had
1231           complete coverage in the conversion from 8- to 7-bit;      now we
1232           do. Thanks to Rolf Nelson for bringing this to my attention.
1234           Fixed broken parse_two() in MIME::ParserBase.       BTW, if your
1235           code worked with the "broken" code, it should still      work.
1236                Thanks again to Tim Pierce for bringing this to my attention.
1238       Version 2.14
1239           Just a few bug fixes to improve compatibility with Mail-Tools 1.08,
1240           and with the upcoming Perl 5.004 release.  Thanks to Jason L. Tib‐
1241           bitts III for reporting the problems so quickly.
1243       Version 2.13
1244           New features
1245               Added RFC-1522-style decoding of encoded header fields.
1246                    Header decoding can now be done automatically during pars‐
1247               ing via the      new "decode()" method in MIME::Head... just
1248               tell your parser      object that you want to "decode_head‐
1249               ers()".       Thanks to Kent Boortz for providing the idea, and
1250               the baseline      RFC-1522-decoding code!
1252               Building MIME messages is even easier.       Now, when you use
1253               MIME::Entity's "build()" or "attach()",      you can also sup‐
1254               ply individual      mail headers to set (e.g., "-Subject",
1255               "-From", "-To").
1257               Added "Disposition" to MIME::Entity's "build()" method.
1258                    Thanks to Kurt Freytag for suggesting this feature.
1260               An "X-Mailer" header is now output      by default in all MIME-
1261               Entity-prepared messages,      so any bad MIME we generate can
1262               be traced back to this toolkit.
1264               Added "purge()" method to MIME::Entity for deleteing leftover
1265               files.       Thanks to Jason L. Tibbitts III for suggesting
1266               this feature.
1268               Added "seek()" and "tell()" methods to built-in MIME::IO
1269               classes.       Only guaranteed to work when reading!
1270                    Thanks to Jason L. Tibbitts III for suggesting this fea‐
1271               ture.
1273               When parsing a multipart message with apparently no boundaries,
1274                    the error message you get has been improved.       Thanks
1275               to Andreas Koenig for suggesting this.
1277           Bug fixes
1278               Patched over a Perl 5.002 (and maybe earlier and later) bug
1279               involving FileHandle::new_tmpfile.  It seems that the underly‐
1280               ing filehandles were not being closed when the FileHandle
1281               objects went out of scope!  There is now an internal routine
1282               that creates true FileHandle objects for anonymous temp files.
1283               Thanks to Dragomir R. Radev and Zyx for reporting the weird
1284               behavior that led to the discovery of this bug.
1286               MIME::Entity's "build()" method now warns you if you give it an
1287               illegal boundary string, and substitutes one of its own.
1289               MIME::Entity's "build()" method now generates safer,
1290               fully-RFC-1521-compliant boundary strings.
1292               Bug in MIME::Decoder's "install()" method was fixed.  Thanks to
1293               Rolf Nelson and Nickolay Saukh for finding this.
1295               Changed FileHandle::new_tmpfile to FileHandle->new_tmpfile, so
1296               some Perl installations will be happier.  Thanks to Larry W.
1297               Virden for finding this bug.
1299               Gave "=over" an arg of 4 in all PODs.  Thanks to Larry W. Vir‐
1300               den for pointing out the problems of bare =over's
1302       Version 2.04
1303           A bug in MIME::Entity's output method was corrected.
1304           MIME::Entity::print now outputs everything to the desired filehan‐
1305           dle explicitly.  Thanks to Jake Morrison for pointing out the
1306           incompatibility with Mail::Header.
1308       Version 2.03
1309           Fixed bug in autogenerated filenames resulting from transposed "if"
1310           statement in MIME::Parser, removing spurious printing of header as
1311           well.  (Annoyingly, this bug is invisible if debugging is turned
1312           on!)  Thanks to Andreas Koenig for bringing this to my attention.
1314           Fixed bug in MIME::Entity::body() where it was using the bodyhandle
1315           completely incorrectly.  Thanks to Joel Noble for bringing this to
1316           my attention.
1318           Fixed MIME::Head::VERSION so CPAN:: is happier.  Thanks to Larry
1319           Virden for bringing this to my attention.
1321           Fixed undefined-variable warnings when dumping skeleton (happened
1322           when there was no Subject: line) Thanks to Joel Noble for bringing
1323           this to my attention.
1325       Version 2.02
1326           Stupid, stupid bugs in both BASE64 encoding and decoding were
1327           fixed.  Thanks to Phil Abercrombie for locating them.
1329       Version 2.01
1330           Modules now inherit from the new Mail:: modules!  This means big
1331           changes in behavior.
1333           MIME::Parser can now store message data in-core.  There were a lot
1334           of requests for this feature.
1336           MIME::Entity can now compose messages.  There were a lot of
1337           requests for this feature.
1339           Added option to parse "message/rfc822" as a pseduo-multipart docu‐
1340           ment.  Thanks to Andreas Koenig for suggesting this.
1342       Version 1.13
1343           MIME::Head now no longer requires space after ":", although either
1344           a space or a tab after the ":" will be swallowed if there.  Thanks
1345           to Igor Starovoitov for pointing out this shortcoming.
1347       Version 1.12
1348           Fixed bugs in parser where CRLF-terminated lines were blowing out
1349           the handling of preambles/epilogues.  Thanks to Russell Sutherland
1350           for reporting this bug.
1352           Fixed idiotic is_multipart() bug.  Thanks to Andreas Koenig for
1353           noticing it.
1355           Added untested binmode() calls to parser for DOS, etc.  systems.
1356           No idea if this will work...
1358           Reorganized the output_path() methods to allow easy use of inheri‐
1359           tance, as per Achim Bohnet's suggestion.
1361           Changed MIME::Head to report mime_type more accurately.
1363           POSIX module no longer loaded by Parser if perl >= 5.002.  Hey,
1364           5.001'ers: let me know if this breaks stuff, okay?
1366           Added unsupported ./examples directory.
1368       Version 1.11
1369           Converted over to using Makefile.PL.  Thanks to Andreas Koenig for
1370           the much-needed kick in the pants...
1372           Added t/*.t files for testing.  Eeeeeeeeeeeh...it's a start.
1374           Fixed bug in default parsing routine for generating output paths;
1375           it was warning about evil filenames if there simply were no recom‐
1376           mended filenames.  D'oh!
1378           Fixed redefined parts() method in Entity.
1380           Fixed bugs in Head where field name wasn't being case folded.
1382       Version 1.10
1383           A typo was causing the epilogue of an inner multipart message to be
1384           swallowed to the end of the OUTER multipart message; this has now
1385           been fixed.  Thanks to Igor Starovoitov for reporting this bug.
1387           A bad regexp for parameter names was causing some parameters to be
1388           parsed incorrectly; this has also been fixed.  Thanks again to Igor
1389           Starovoitov for reporting this bug.
1391           It is now possible to get full control of the filenaming algorithm
1392           before output files are generated, and the default algorithm is
1393           safer.  Thanks to Laurent Amon for pointing out the problems, and
1394           suggesting some solutions.
1396           Fixed illegal "simple" multipart test file.  D'OH!
1398       Version 1.9
1399           No changes: 1.8 failed CPAN registration
1401       Version 1.8
1402           Fixed incompatibility with 5.001 and FileHandle::new_tmpfile Added
1403           COPYING file, and improved README.


1406       MIME-tools was created by:
1408           ___  _ _ _   _  ___ _
1409          / _ \⎪ '_⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪/ _ ' /    Eryq, (eryq@zeegee.com)
1410         ⎪  __/⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪_⎪ ⎪ ⎪_⎪ ⎪     President, ZeeGee Software Inc.
1411          \___⎪⎪_⎪  \__, ⎪\__, ⎪__   http://www.zeegee.com/
1412                    ⎪___/    ⎪___/
1414       Released as MIME-parser (1.0): 28 April 1996.  Released as MIME-tools
1415       (2.0): Halloween 1996.  Released as MIME-tools (4.0): Christmas 1997.
1416       Released as MIME-tools (5.0): Mother's Day 2000.


1419       This kit would not have been possible but for the direct contributions
1420       of the following:
1422           Gisle Aas             The MIME encoding/decoding modules.
1423           Laurent Amon          Bug reports and suggestions.
1424           Graham Barr           The new MailTools.
1425           Achim Bohnet          Numerous good suggestions, including the I/O model.
1426           Kent Boortz           Initial code for RFC-1522-decoding of MIME headers.
1427           Andreas Koenig        Numerous good ideas, tons of beta testing,
1428                                   and help with CPAN-friendly packaging.
1429           Igor Starovoitov      Bug reports and suggestions.
1430           Jason L Tibbitts III  Bug reports, suggestions, patches.
1432       Not to mention the Accidental Beta Test Team, whose bug reports (and
1433       comments) have been invaluable in improving the whole:
1435           Phil Abercrombie
1436           Mike Blazer
1437           Brandon Browning
1438           Kurt Freytag
1439           Steve Kilbane
1440           Jake Morrison
1441           Rolf Nelson
1442           Joel Noble
1443           Michael W. Normandin
1444           Tim Pierce
1445           Andrew Pimlott
1446           Dragomir R. Radev
1447           Nickolay Saukh
1448           Russell Sutherland
1449           Larry Virden
1450           Zyx
1452       Please forgive me if I've accidentally left you out.  Better yet, email
1453       me, and I'll put you in.


1456       At the time of this writing ($Date: 2006/03/17 21:03:23 $), the MIME-
1457       tools homepage was http://www.mimedefang.org/static/mime-tools.php.
1458       Check there for updates and support.
1460       Users of this toolkit may wish to read the documentation of
1461       Mail::Header and Mail::Internet.
1463       The MIME format is documented in RFCs 1521-1522, and more recently in
1464       RFCs 2045-2049.
1466       The MIME header format is an outgrowth of the mail header format docu‐
1467       mented in RFC 822.
1471perl v5.8.8                       2006-03-17                    MIME::Tools(3)