1Template::Context(3)  User Contributed Perl Documentation Template::Context(3)


6       Template::Context - Runtime context in which templates are processed


9           use Template::Context;
11           # constructor
12           $context = Template::Context->new(\%config)
13               ⎪⎪ die $Template::Context::ERROR;
15           # fetch (load and compile) a template
16           $template = $context->template($template_name);
18           # fetch (load and instantiate) a plugin object
19           $plugin = $context->plugin($name, \@args);
21           # fetch (return or create) a filter subroutine
22           $filter = $context->filter($name, \@args, $alias);
24           # process/include a template, errors are thrown via die()
25           $output = $context->process($template, \%vars);
26           $output = $context->include($template, \%vars);
28           # raise an exception via die()
29           $context->throw($error_type, $error_message, \$output_buffer);
31           # catch an exception, clean it up and fix output buffer
32           $exception = $context->catch($exception, \$output_buffer);
34           # save/restore the stash to effect variable localisation
35           $new_stash = $context->localise(\%vars);
36           $old_stash = $context->delocalise();
38           # add new BLOCK or FILTER definitions
39           $context->define_block($name, $block);
40           $context->define_filter($name, \&filtersub, $is_dynamic);
42           # reset context, clearing any imported BLOCK definitions
43           $context->reset();
45           # methods for accessing internal items
46           $stash     = $context->stash();
47           $tflag     = $context->trim();
48           $epflag    = $context->eval_perl();
49           $providers = $context->templates();
50           $providers = $context->plugins();
51           $providers = $context->filters();
52           ...


55       The Template::Context module defines an object class for representing a
56       runtime context in which templates are processed.  It provides an
57       interface to the fundamental operations of the Template Toolkit pro‐
58       cessing engine through which compiled templates (i.e. Perl code con‐
59       structed from the template source) can process templates, load plugins
60       and filters, raise exceptions and so on.
62       A default Template::Context object is created by the Template module.
63       Any Template::Context options may be passed to the Template new() con‐
64       structor method and will be forwarded to the Template::Context con‐
65       structor.
67           use Template;
69           my $template = Template->new({
70               TRIM      => 1,
71               EVAL_PERL => 1,
72               BLOCKS    => {
73                   header => 'This is the header',
74                   footer => 'This is the footer',
75               },
76           });
78       Similarly, the Template::Context constructor will forward all configu‐
79       ration parameters onto other default objects (e.g. Template::Provider,
80       Template::Plugins, Template::Filters, etc.) that it may need to instan‐
81       tiate.
83           $context = Template::Context->new({
84               INCLUDE_PATH => '/home/abw/templates', # provider option
85               TAG_STYLE    => 'html',                # parser option
86           });
88       A Template::Context object (or subclass/derivative) can be explicitly
89       instantiated and passed to the Template new() constructor method as the
90       CONTEXT item.
92           use Template;
93           use Template::Context;
95           my $context  = Template::Context->new({ TRIM => 1 });
96           my $template = Template->new({ CONTEXT => $context });
98       The Template module uses the Template::Config context() factory method
99       to create a default context object when required.  The $Template::Con‐
100       fig::CONTEXT package variable may be set to specify an alternate con‐
101       text module.  This will be loaded automatically and its new() construc‐
102       tor method called by the context() factory method when a default con‐
103       text object is required.
105           use Template;
107           $Template::Config::CONTEXT = 'MyOrg::Template::Context';
109           my $template = Template->new({
110               EVAL_PERL   => 1,
111               EXTRA_MAGIC => 'red hot',  # your extra config items
112               ...
113           });


116       new(\%params)
118       The new() constructor method is called to instantiate a Template::Con‐
119       text object.  Configuration parameters may be specified as a HASH ref‐
120       erence or as a list of (name => value) pairs.
122           my $context = Template::Context->new({
123               INCLUDE_PATH => 'header',
124               POST_PROCESS => 'footer',
125           });
127           my $context = Template::Context->new( EVAL_PERL => 1 );
129       The new() method returns a Template::Context object (or sub-class) or
130       undef on error.  In the latter case, a relevant error message can be
131       retrieved by the error() class method or directly from the $Tem‐
132       plate::Context::ERROR package variable.
134           my $context = Template::Context->new(\%config)
135               ⎪⎪ die Template::Context->error();
137           my $context = Template::Context->new(\%config)
138               ⎪⎪ die $Template::Context::ERROR;
140       The following configuration items may be specified.
143           The VARIABLES option (or PRE_DEFINE - they're equivalent) can be
144           used to specify a hash array of template variables that should be
145           used to pre-initialise the stash when it is created.  These items
146           are ignored if the STASH item is defined.
148               my $context = Template::Context->new({
149                   VARIABLES => {
150                       title   => 'A Demo Page',
151                       author  => 'Joe Random Hacker',
152                       version => 3.14,
153                   },
154               };
156           or
158               my $context = Template::Context->new({
159                   PRE_DEFINE => {
160                       title   => 'A Demo Page',
161                       author  => 'Joe Random Hacker',
162                       version => 3.14,
163                   },
164               };
166       BLOCKS
167           The BLOCKS option can be used to pre-define a default set of tem‐
168           plate blocks.  These should be specified as a reference to a hash
169           array mapping template names to template text, subroutines or Tem‐
170           plate::Document objects.
172               my $context = Template::Context->new({
173                   BLOCKS => {
174                       header  => 'The Header.  [% title %]',
175                       footer  => sub { return $some_output_text },
176                       another => Template::Document->new({ ... }),
177                   },
178               });
180       TRIM
181           The TRIM option can be set to have any leading and trailing white‐
182           space automatically removed from the output of all template files
183           and BLOCKs.
185           By example, the following BLOCK definition
187               [% BLOCK foo %]
188               Line 1 of foo
189               [% END %]
191           will be processed is as "\nLine 1 of foo\n".  When INCLUDEd, the
192           surrounding newlines will also be introduced.
194               before
195               [% INCLUDE foo %]
196               after
198           output:
199               before
201               Line 1 of foo
203               after
205           With the TRIM option set to any true value, the leading and trail‐
206           ing newlines (which count as whitespace) will be removed from the
207           output of the BLOCK.
209               before
210               Line 1 of foo
211               after
213           The TRIM option is disabled (0) by default.
215       EVAL_PERL
216           This flag is used to indicate if PERL and/or RAWPERL blocks should
217           be evaluated.  By default, it is disabled and any PERL or RAWPERL
218           blocks encountered will raise exceptions of type 'perl' with the
219           message 'EVAL_PERL not set'.  Note however that any RAWPERL blocks
220           should always contain valid Perl code, regardless of the EVAL_PERL
221           flag.  The parser will fail to compile templates that contain
222           invalid Perl code in RAWPERL blocks and will throw a 'file' excep‐
223           tion.
225           When using compiled templates (see COMPILE_EXT and COMPILE_DIR),
226           the EVAL_PERL has an affect when the template is compiled, and
227           again when the templates is subsequently processed, possibly in a
228           different context to the one that compiled it.
230           If the EVAL_PERL is set when a template is compiled, then all PERL
231           and RAWPERL blocks will be included in the compiled template.  If
232           the EVAL_PERL option isn't set, then Perl code will be generated
233           which always throws a 'perl' exception with the message 'EVAL_PERL
234           not set' whenever the compiled template code is run.
236           Thus, you must have EVAL_PERL set if you want your compiled tem‐
237           plates to include PERL and RAWPERL blocks.
239           At some point in the future, using a different invocation of the
240           Template Toolkit, you may come to process such a pre-compiled tem‐
241           plate.  Assuming the EVAL_PERL option was set at the time the tem‐
242           plate was compiled, then the output of any RAWPERL blocks will be
243           included in the compiled template and will get executed when the
244           template is processed.  This will happen regardless of the runtime
245           EVAL_PERL status.
247           Regular PERL blocks are a little more cautious, however.  If the
248           EVAL_PERL flag isn't set for the current context, that is, the one
249           which is trying to process it, then it will throw the familiar
250           'perl' exception with the message, 'EVAL_PERL not set'.
252           Thus you can compile templates to include PERL blocks, but option‐
253           ally disable them when you process them later.  Note however that
254           it is possible for a PERL block to contain a Perl "BEGIN { # some
255           code }" block which will always get run regardless of the runtime
256           EVAL_PERL status.  Thus, if you set EVAL_PERL when compiling tem‐
257           plates, it is assumed that you trust the templates to Do The Right
258           Thing.  Otherwise you must accept the fact that there's no bullet‐
259           proof way to prevent any included code from trampling around in the
260           living room of the runtime environment, making a real nuisance of
261           itself if it really wants to.  If you don't like the idea of such
262           uninvited guests causing a bother, then you can accept the default
263           and keep EVAL_PERL disabled.
265       RECURSION
266           The template processor will raise a file exception if it detects
267           direct or indirect recursion into a template.  Setting this option
268           to any true value will allow templates to include each other recur‐
269           sively.
272           The LOAD_TEMPLATE option can be used to provide a reference to a
273           list of Template::Provider objects or sub-classes thereof which
274           will take responsibility for loading and compiling templates.
276               my $context = Template::Context->new({
277                   LOAD_TEMPLATES => [
278                       MyOrg::Template::Provider->new({ ... }),
279                       Template::Provider->new({ ... }),
280                   ],
281               });
283           When a PROCESS, INCLUDE or WRAPPER directive is encountered, the
284           named template may refer to a locally defined BLOCK or a file rela‐
285           tive to the INCLUDE_PATH (or an absolute or relative path if the
286           appropriate ABSOLUTE or RELATIVE options are set).  If a BLOCK def‐
287           inition can't be found (see the Template::Context template() method
288           for a discussion of BLOCK locality) then each of the LOAD_TEMPLATES
289           provider objects is queried in turn via the fetch() method to see
290           if it can supply the required template.  Each provider can return a
291           compiled template, an error, or decline to service the request in
292           which case the responsibility is passed to the next provider.  If
293           none of the providers can service the request then a 'not found'
294           error is returned.  The same basic provider mechanism is also used
295           for the INSERT directive but it bypasses any BLOCK definitions and
296           doesn't attempt is to parse or process the contents of the template
297           file.
299           This is an implementation of the 'Chain of Responsibility' design
300           pattern as described in "Design Patterns", Erich Gamma, Richard
301           Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides), Addision-Wesley, ISBN
302           0-201-63361-2, page 223 .
304           If LOAD_TEMPLATES is undefined, a single default provider will be
305           instantiated using the current configuration parameters.  For exam‐
306           ple, the Template::Provider INCLUDE_PATH option can be specified in
307           the Template::Context configuration and will be correctly passed to
308           the provider's constructor method.
310               my $context = Template::Context->new({
311                   INCLUDE_PATH => '/here:/there',
312               });
314       LOAD_PLUGINS
315           The LOAD_PLUGINS options can be used to specify a list of provider
316           objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are respon‐
317           sible for loading and instantiating template plugin objects.  The
318           Template::Content plugin() method queries each provider in turn in
319           a "Chain of Responsibility" as per the template() and filter()
320           methods.
322               my $context = Template::Context->new({
323                   LOAD_PLUGINS => [
324                       MyOrg::Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),
325                       Template::Plugins->new({ ... }),
326                   ],
327               });
329           By default, a single Template::Plugins object is created using the
330           current configuration hash.  Configuration items destined for the
331           Template::Plugins constructor may be added to the Template::Context
332           constructor.
334               my $context = Template::Context->new({
335                   PLUGIN_BASE => 'MyOrg::Template::Plugins',
336                   LOAD_PERL   => 1,
337               });
339       LOAD_FILTERS
340           The LOAD_FILTERS option can be used to specify a list of provider
341           objects (i.e. they implement the fetch() method) which are respon‐
342           sible for returning and/or creating filter subroutines.  The Tem‐
343           plate::Context filter() method queries each provider in turn in a
344           "Chain of Responsibility" as per the template() and plugin() meth‐
345           ods.
347               my $context = Template::Context->new({
348                   LOAD_FILTERS => [
349                       MyTemplate::Filters->new(),
350                       Template::Filters->new(),
351                   ],
352               });
354           By default, a single Template::Filters object is created for the
355           LOAD_FILTERS list.
357       STASH
358           A reference to a Template::Stash object or sub-class which will
359           take responsibility for managing template variables.
361               my $stash = MyOrg::Template::Stash->new({ ... });
362               my $context = Template::Context->new({
363                   STASH => $stash,
364               });
366           If unspecified, a default stash object is created using the VARI‐
367           ABLES configuration item to initialise the stash variables.  These
368           may also be specified as the PRE_DEFINE option for backwards com‐
369           patibility with version 1.
371               my $context = Template::Context->new({
372                   VARIABLES => {
373                       id    => 'abw',
374                       name  => 'Andy Wardley',
375                   },
376               };
378       DEBUG
379           The DEBUG option can be used to enable various debugging features
380           of the Template::Context module.
382               use Template::Constants qw( :debug );
384               my $template = Template->new({
385                   DEBUG => DEBUG_CONTEXT ⎪ DEBUG_DIRS,
386               });
388           The DEBUG value can include any of the following.  Multiple values
389           should be combined using the logical OR operator, '⎪'.
391           DEBUG_CONTEXT
392               Enables general debugging messages for the Template::Context
393               module.
395           DEBUG_DIRS
396               This option causes the Template Toolkit to generate comments
397               indicating the source file, line and original text of each
398               directive in the template.  These comments are embedded in the
399               template output using the format defined in the DEBUG_FORMAT
400               configuration item, or a simple default format if unspecified.
402               For example, the following template fragment:
404                   Hello World
406               would generate this output:
408                   ## input text line 1 :  ##
409                   Hello
410                   ## input text line 2 : World ##
411                   World
413       template($name)
415       Returns a compiled template by querying each of the LOAD_TEMPLATES
416       providers (instances of Template::Provider, or sub-class) in turn.
418           $template = $context->template('header');
420       On error, a Template::Exception object of type 'file' is thrown via
421       die().  This can be caught by enclosing the call to template() in an
422       eval block and examining $@.
424           eval {
425               $template = $context->template('header');
426           };
427           if ($@) {
428               print "failed to fetch template: $@\n";
429           }
431       plugin($name, \@args)
433       Instantiates a plugin object by querying each of the LOAD_PLUGINS
434       providers.  The default LOAD_PLUGINS provider is a Template::Plugins
435       object which attempts to load plugin modules, according the various
436       configuration items such as PLUGIN_BASE, LOAD_PERL, etc., and then
437       instantiate an object via new().  A reference to a list of constructor
438       arguments may be passed as the second parameter.  These are forwarded
439       to the plugin constructor.
441       Returns a reference to a plugin (which is generally an object, but
442       doesn't have to be).  Errors are thrown as Template::Exception objects
443       of type 'plugin'.
445           $plugin = $context->plugin('DBI', 'dbi:msql:mydbname');
447       filter($name, \@args, $alias)
449       Instantiates a filter subroutine by querying the LOAD_FILTERS
450       providers.  The default LOAD_FILTERS providers is a Template::Filters
451       object.  Additional arguments may be passed by list reference along
452       with an optional alias under which the filter will be cached for subse‐
453       quent use.  The filter is cached under its own $name if $alias is unde‐
454       fined.  Subsequent calls to filter($name) will return the cached entry,
455       if defined.  Specifying arguments bypasses the caching mechanism and
456       always creates a new filter.  Errors are thrown as Template::Exception
457       objects of typre 'filter'.
459           # static filter (no args)
460           $filter = $context->filter('html');
462           # dynamic filter (args) aliased to 'padright'
463           $filter = $context->filter('format', '%60s', 'padright');
465           # retrieve previous filter via 'padright' alias
466           $filter = $context->filter('padright');
468       process($template, \%vars)
470       Processes a template named or referenced by the first parameter and
471       returns the output generated.  An optional reference to a hash array
472       may be passed as the second parameter, containing variable definitions
473       which will be set before the template is processed.  The template is
474       processed in the current context, with no localisation of variables
475       performed.   Errors are thrown as Template::Exception objects via
476       die().
478           $output = $context->process('header', { title => 'Hello World' });
480       include($template, \%vars)
482       Similar to process() above, but using localised variables.  Changes
483       made to any variables will only persist until the include() method com‐
484       pletes.
486           $output = $context->include('header', { title => 'Hello World' });
488       throw($error_type, $error_message, \$output)
490       Raises an exception in the form of a Template::Exception object by
491       calling die().  This method may be passed a reference to an existing
492       Template::Exception object; a single value containing an error message
493       which is used to instantiate a Template::Exception of type 'undef'; or
494       a pair of values representing the exception type and info from which a
495       Template::Exception object is instantiated.  e.g.
497           $context->throw($exception);
498           $context->throw("I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that");
499           $context->throw('denied', "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that");
501       The optional third parameter may be a reference to the current output
502       buffer.  This is then stored in the exception object when created,
503       allowing the catcher to examine and use the output up to the point at
504       which the exception was raised.
506           $output .= 'blah blah blah';
507           $output .= 'more rhubarb';
508           $context->throw('yack', 'Too much yacking', \$output);
510       catch($exception, \$output)
512       Catches an exception thrown, either as a reference to a Tem‐
513       plate::Exception object or some other value.  In the latter case, the
514       error string is promoted to a Template::Exception object of 'undef'
515       type.  This method also accepts a reference to the current output buf‐
516       fer which is passed to the Template::Exception constructor, or is
517       appended to the output buffer stored in an existing Template::Exception
518       object, if unique (i.e. not the same reference).  By this process, the
519       correct state of the output buffer can be reconstructed for simple or
520       nested throws.
522       define_block($name, $block)
524       Adds a new block definition to the internal BLOCKS cache.  The first
525       argument should contain the name of the block and the second a refer‐
526       ence to a Template::Document object or template sub-routine, or tem‐
527       plate text which is automatically compiled into a template sub-routine.
528       Returns a true value (the sub-routine or Template::Document reference)
529       on success or undef on failure.  The relevant error message can be
530       retrieved by calling the error() method.
532       define_filter($name, \&filter, $is_dynamic)
534       Adds a new filter definition by calling the store() method on each of
535       the LOAD_FILTERS providers until accepted (in the usual case, this is
536       accepted straight away by the one and only Template::Filters provider).
537       The first argument should contain the name of the filter and the second
538       a reference to a filter subroutine.  The optional third argument can be
539       set to any true value to indicate that the subroutine is a dynamic fil‐
540       ter factory.  Returns a true value or throws a 'filter' exception on
541       error.
543       localise(\%vars)
545       Clones the stash to create a context with localised variables.  Returns
546       a reference to the newly cloned stash object which is also stored
547       internally.
549           $stash = $context->localise();
551       delocalise()
553       Restore the stash to its state prior to localisation.
555           $stash = $context->delocalise();
557       visit(\%blocks)
559       This method is called by Template::Document objects immediately before
560       they process their content.  It is called to register any local BLOCK
561       definitions with the context object so that they may be subsequently
562       delivered on request.
564       leave()
566       Compliment to visit(), above.  Called by Template::Document objects
567       immediately after they process their content.
569       reset()
571       Clears the local BLOCKS cache of any BLOCK definitions.  Any initial
572       set of BLOCKS specified as a configuration item to the constructor will
573       be reinstated.
575       AUTOLOAD
577       An AUTOLOAD method provides access to context configuration items.
579           $stash     = $context->stash();
580           $tflag     = $context->trim();
581           $epflag    = $context->eval_perl();
582           ...


585       Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
587       <http://wardley.org/http://wardley.org/>


590       2.98, distributed as part of the Template Toolkit version 2.18,
591       released on 09 February 2007.
594         Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
596       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
597       under the same terms as Perl itself.


600       Template, Template::Document, Template::Exception, Template::Filters,
601       Template::Plugins, Template::Provider, Template::Service, Tem‐
602       plate::Stash
606perl v5.8.8                       2007-02-09              Template::Context(3)