1Template::Manual::InterUnsaelrs(C3o)ntributed Perl DocumTeenmtpaltaitoen::Manual::Internals(3)


6       Template::Manual::Internals - Template Toolkit internals


9       Outside Looking In
11       The Template module is simply a front end module which creates and uses
12       a Template::Service and pipes the output wherever you want it to go
13       (STDOUT by default, or maybe a file, scalar, etc).  The Apache::Tem‐
14       plate module (available separately from CPAN) is another front end.
15       That creates a Template::Service::Apache object, calls on it as
16       required and sends the output back to the relevant Apache::Request
17       object.
19       These front-end modules are really only there to handle any specifics
20       of the environment in which they're being used.  The Apache::Template
21       front end, for example, handles Apache::Request specifics and configu‐
22       ration via the httpd.conf.  The regular Template front-end deals with
23       STDOUT, variable refs, etc.  Otherwise it is Template::Service (or sub‐
24       class) which does all the work.
26       The Template::Service module provides a high-quality template delivery
27       service, with bells, whistles, signed up service level agreement and a
28       30-day no quibble money back guarantee.  "Have a good time, all the
29       time", that's our motto.
31       Within the lower levels of the Template Toolkit, there are lots of
32       messy details that we generally don't want to have to worry about most
33       of the time.  Things like templates not being found, or failing to
34       parse correctly, uncaught exceptions being thrown, missing plugin mod‐
35       ules or dependencies, and so on.  Template::Service hides that all away
36       and makes everything look simple to the outsider.  It provides extra
37       features, like PRE_PROCESS, PROCESS and POST_PROCESS, and also provides
38       the error recovery mechanism via ERROR.  You ask it to process a tem‐
39       plate and it takes care of everything for you.  The Template::Ser‐
40       vice::Apache module goes a little bit further, adding some extra head‐
41       ers to the Apache::Request, setting a few extra template variables, and
42       so on.
44       For the most part, the job of a service is really just one of schedul‐
45       ing and dispatching.  It receives a request in the form of a call to
46       its process() method and schedules the named template specified as an
47       argument, and possibly several other templates (PRE_PROCESS, etc) to be
48       processed in order.  It doesn't actually process the templates itself,
49       but instead makes a process() call against a Template::Context object.
51       Template::Context is the runtime engine for the Template Toolkit - the
52       module that hangs everything together in the lower levels of the Tem‐
53       plate Toolkit and that one that does most of the real work, albeit by
54       crafty delegation to various other friendly helper modules.
56       Given a template name (or perhaps a reference to a scalar or file han‐
57       dle) the context process() method must load and compile, or fetch a
58       cached copy of a previously compiled template, corresponding to that
59       name.  It does this by calling on a list of one or more Tem‐
60       plate::Provider objects (the LOAD_TEMPLATES posse) who themselves might
61       get involved with a Template::Parser to help turn source templates into
62       executable Perl code (but more on that later).  Thankfully, all of this
63       complexity is hidden away behind a simple template() method.  You call
64       it passing a template name as an argument, and it returns a compiled
65       template in the form of a Template::Document object, or otherwise
66       raises an exception.
68       A Template::Document is a thin object wrapper around a compiled tem‐
69       plate subroutine.  The object implements a process() method which per‐
70       forms a little bit of housekeeping and then calls the template subrou‐
71       tine.  The object also defines template metadata (defined in "[% META
72       ... %]" directives) and has a block() method which returns a hash of
73       any additional "[% BLOCK xxxx %]" definitions found in the template
74       source.
76       So the context fetches a compiled document via its own template()
77       method and then gets ready to process it.  It first updates the stash
78       (the place where template variables get defined - more on that shortly)
79       to set any template variable definitions specified as the second argu‐
80       ment by reference to hash array.  Then, it calls the document process()
81       method, passing a reference to itself, the context object, as an argu‐
82       ment.  In doing this, it provides itself as an object against which
83       template code can make callbacks to access runtime resources and Tem‐
84       plate Toolkit functionality.
86       What we're trying to say here is this:  not only does the Tem‐
87       plate::Context object receive calls from the outside, i.e. those origi‐
88       nating in user code calling the process() method on a Template object,
89       but it also receives calls from the inside, i.e. those originating in
90       template directives of the form "[% PROCESS template %]".
92       Before we move on to that, here's a simple structure diagram showing
93       the outer layers of the Template Toolkit heading inwards, with pseudo
94       code annotations showing a typical invocation sequence.
96            ,--------.
97            ⎪ Caller ⎪     use Template;
98            `--------'     my $tt = Template->new( ... );
99                 ⎪         $tt->process($template, \%vars);
100                 ⎪                                                     Outside
101         - - - - ⎪ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T T
102                 ⎪         package Template;                            Inside
103                 V
104           +----------+    sub process($template, \%vars) {
105           ⎪ Template ⎪        $out = $self->SERVICE->process($template, $vars);
106           +----------+        print $out or send it to $self->OUTPUT;
107                 ⎪         }
109                 ⎪         package Template::Service;
111                 ⎪         sub process($template, \%vars) {
112                 ⎪             try {
113           +----------+            foreach $p in @self->PRE_PROCESS
114           ⎪ Service  ⎪                $self->CONTEXT->process($p, $vars);
115           +----------+
116                 ⎪                 $self->CONTEXT->process($template, $vars);
118                 ⎪                 foreach $p @self->POST_PROCESS
119                 ⎪                     $self->CONTEXT->process($p, $vars);
120                 ⎪             }
121                 ⎪             catch {
122                 ⎪                 $self->CONTEXT->process($self->ERROR);
123                 ⎪             }
124                 ⎪         }
126                 V         package Template::Context;
127           +----------+
128           ⎪ Context  ⎪    sub process($template, \%vars) {
129           +----------+        # fetch compiled template
130                 ⎪             $template = $self->template($template)
131                 ⎪             # update stash
132                 ⎪             $self->STASH->update($vars);
133                 ⎪             # process template
134                 ⎪             $template->process($self)
135                 ⎪         }
136                 V
137           +----------+    package Template::Document;
138           ⎪ Document ⎪
139           +----------+    sub process($context) {
140                               $output = &{ $self->BLOCK }($context);
141                           }
143       Inside Looking Out
145       To understand more about what's going on in these lower levels, we need
146       to look at what a compiled template looks like.  In fact, a compiled
147       template is just a regular Perl sub-routine.  Here's a very simple one.
149           sub my_compiled_template {
150               return "This is a compiled template.\n";
151           }
153       You're unlikely to see a compiled template this simple unless you wrote
154       it yourself but it is entirely valid.  All a template subroutine is
155       obliged to do is return some output (which may be an empty of course).
156       If it can't for some reason, then it should raise an error via die().
158           sub my_todo_template {
159               die "This template not yet implemented\n";
160           }
162       If it wants to get fancy, it can raise an error as a Template::Excep‐
163       tion object.  An exception object is really just a convenient wrapper
164       for the 'type' and 'info' fields.
166           sub my_solilique_template {
167               die (Template::Exception->new('yorrick', 'Fellow of infinite jest'));
168           }
170       Templates generally need to do a lot more than just generate static
171       output or raise errors.  They may want to inspect variable values,
172       process another template, load a plugin, run a filter, and so on.
173       Whenever a template subroutine is called, it gets passed a reference to
174       a Template::Context object.  It is through this context object that
175       template code can access the features of the Template Toolkit.
177       We described earlier how the Template::Service object calls on Tem‐
178       plate::Context to handle a process() request from the outside.  We can
179       make a similar request on a context to process a template, but from
180       within the code of another template.  This is a call from the inside.
182           sub my_process_template {
183               my $context = shift;
185               my $output = $context->process('header', { title => 'Hello World' })
186                          . "\nsome content\n"
187                          . $context->process('footer');
188           }
190       This is then roughly equivalent to a source template something like
191       this:
193           [% PROCESS header
194               title = 'Hello World'
195           %]
196           some content
197           [% PROCESS footer %]
199       Template variables are stored in, and managed by a Template::Stash
200       object.  This is a blessed hash array in which template variables are
201       defined.  The object wrapper provides get() and set() method which
202       implement all the magical.variable.features of the Template Toolkit.
204       Each context object has its own stash, a reference to which can be
205       returned by the appropriately named stash() method.  So to print the
206       value of some template variable, or for example, to represent the fol‐
207       lowing source template:
209           <title>[% title %]</title>
211       we might have a subroutine definition something like this:
213           sub {
214               my $context = shift;
215               my $stash = $context->stash();
216               return '<title>' . $stash->get('title') . '</title>';
217           }
219       The stash get() method hides the details of the underlying variable
220       types, automatically calling code references, checking return values,
221       and performing other such tricks.  If 'title' happens to be bound to a
222       subroutine then we can specify additional parameters as a list refer‐
223       ence passed as the second argument to get().
225           [% title('The Cat Sat on the Mat') %]
227       This translates to the stash get() call:
229           $stash->get([ 'title', ['The Cat Sat on the Mat'] ]);
231       Dotted compound variables can be requested by passing a single list
232       reference to the get() method in place of the variable name.  Each pair
233       of elements in the list should correspond to the variable name and ref‐
234       erence to a list of arguments for each dot-delimited element of the
235       variable.
237           [% foo(1, 2).bar(3, 4).baz(5) %]
239       is thus equivalent to
241           $stash->get([ foo => [1,2], bar => [3,4], baz => [5] ]);
243       If there aren't any arguments for an element, you can specify an empty,
244       zero or null argument list.
246           [% foo.bar %]
247           $stash->get([ 'foo', 0, 'bar', 0 ]);
249       The set() method works in a similar way.  It takes a variable name and
250       a variable value which should be assigned to it.
252           [% x = 10 %]
253           $stash->set('x', 10);
255           [% x.y = 10 %]
256           $stash->set([ 'x', 0, 'y', 0 ], 10);
258       So the stash gives us access to template variables and the context pro‐
259       vides the higher level functionality.  Alongside the process() method
260       lies the include() method.  Just as with the PROCESS / INCLUDE direc‐
261       tives, the key difference is in variable localisation.  Before process‐
262       ing a template, the process() method simply updates the stash to set
263       any new variable definitions, overwriting any existing values.  In con‐
264       trast, the include() method creates a copy of the existing stash, in a
265       process known as cloning the stash, and then uses that as a temporary
266       variable store.  Any previously existing variables are still defined,
267       but any changes made to variables, including setting the new variable
268       values passed aas arguments will affect only the local copy of the
269       stash (although note that it's only a shallow copy, so it's not fool‐
270       proof).  When the template has been processed, the include() method
271       restores the previous variable state by decloning the stash.
273       The context also provides an insert() method to implement the INSERT
274       directive, but no wrapper() method.  This functionality can be imple‐
275       mented by rewriting the Perl code and calling include().
277           [% WRAPPER foo -%]
278              blah blah [% x %]
279           [%- END %]
281           $context->include('foo', {
282               content => 'blah blah ' . $stash->get('x'),
283           });
285       Other than the template processing methods process(), include() and
286       insert(), the context defines methods for fetching plugin objects,
287       plugin(), and filters, filter().
289           [% USE foo = Bar(10) %]
291           $stash->set('foo', $context->plugin('Bar', [10]));
293           [% FILTER bar(20) %]
294              blah blah blah
295           [% END %]
297           my $filter = $context->filter('bar', [20]);
298           &$filter('blah blah blah');
300       Pretty much everything else you might want to do in a template can be
301       done in Perl code.  Things like IF, UNLESS, FOREACH and so on all have
302       direct counterparts in Perl.
304           [% IF msg %]
305              Message: [% msg %]
306           [% END %];
308           if ($stash->get('msg')) {
309               $output .=  'Message: ';
310               $output .= $stash->get('msg');
311           }
313       The best way to get a better understanding of what's going on under‐
314       neath the hood is to set the $Template::Parser::DEBUG flag to a true
315       value and start processing templates.  This will cause the parser to
316       print the generated Perl code for each template it compiles to STDERR.
317       You'll probably also want to set the $Template::Directive::PRETTY
318       option to have the Perl pretty-printed for human consumption.
320           use Template;
321           use Template::Parser;
322           use Template::Directive;
324           $Template::Parser::DEBUG = 1;
325           $Template::Directive::PRETTY = 1;
327           my $template = Template->new();
328           $template->process(\*DATA, { cat => 'dog', mat => 'log' });
330           __DATA__
331           The [% cat %] sat on the [% mat %]
333       The output sent to STDOUT remains as you would expect:
335           The dog sat on the log
337       The output sent to STDERR would look something like this:
339           compiled main template document block:
340           sub {
341               my $context = shift ⎪⎪ die "template sub called without context\n";
342               my $stash   = $context->stash;
343               my $output  = '';
344               my $error;
346               eval { BLOCK: {
347                   $output .=  "The ";
348                   $output .=  $stash->get('cat');
349                   $output .=  " sat on the ";
350                   $output .=  $stash->get('mat');
351                   $output .=  "\n";
352               } };
353               if ($@) {
354                   $error = $context->catch($@, \$output);
355                   die $error unless $error->type eq 'return';
356               }
358               return $output;
359           }


362       Please feel free to hack on the Template Toolkit.  If you find a bug
363       that needs fixing, if you have an idea for something that's missing, or
364       you feel inclined to tackle something on the TODO list, then by all
365       means go ahead and do it!
367       If you're contemplating something non-trivial then you'll probably want
368       to bring it up on the mailing list first to get an idea about the cur‐
369       rent state of play, find out if anyone's already working on it, and so
370       on.
372       When you start to hack on the Template Toolkit, please make sure you
373       start from the latest developer release.  Stable releases are uploaded
374       to CPAN and have all-numerical version numbers, e.g. 2.04, 2.05.
375       Developer releases are available from the Template Toolkit web site and
376       have a character suffix on the version, e.g. 2.04a, 2.04b, etc.
378       Once you've made your changes, please remember to update the test suite
379       by adding extra tests to one of the existing test scripts in the 't'
380       sub-directory, or by adding a new test script of your own.  And of
381       course, run "make test" to ensure that all the tests pass with your new
382       code.
384       Don't forget that any files you do add will need to be added to the
385       MANIFEST.  Running 'make manifest' will do this for you, but you need
386       to make sure you haven't got any other temporary files lying around
387       that might also get added to it.
389       Documentation is often something that gets overlooked but it's just as
390       important as the code.  If you're updating existing documentation then
391       you should download the 'docsrc' bundle from which all the Template
392       Toolkit documentation is built and make your changes in there.  It's
393       also available from the Template Toolkit web site.  See the README dis‐
394       tributed in the archive for further information.
396       If you're adding a new module, a plugin module, for example, then it's
397       OK to include the POD documentation in with the module, but please
398       write it all in one piece at the end of the file, after the code (just
399       look at any other Template::* module for an example).  It's a religious
400       issue, I know, but I have a strong distaste for POD documentation
401       interspersed throughout the code.  In my not-so-humble opinion, it
402       makes both the code and the documentation harder to read (same kinda
403       problem as embedding Perl in HTML).
405       Aesthetics aside, if I do want to extract the documentation into the
406       docsrc bundle then it's easy for me to do it if it's all written in one
407       chunk and extremely tedious if not.  So for practical reasons alone,
408       please keep Perl and POD sections separate.  Comment blocks within the
409       code are of course welcome.
411       To share your changes with the rest of the world, you'll need to pre‐
412       pare a patch file.  To do this you should have 2 directories
413       side-by-side, one which is the original, unmodified distribution direc‐
414       tory for the latest developer release, and the other is a copy of that
415       same directory which includes your changes.
417       The following example shows a typical hacking session.  First we unpack
418       the latest developer release.
420           $ tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.05c.tar.gz
422       At this point, it's a good idea to rename the directory to give some
423       indicate of what it contains.
425           $ mv Template-Toolkit-2.05c Template-Toolkit-2.05c-abw-xyz-hack
427       Then go hack!
429           $ cd Template-Toolkit-2.05c-abw-xyz-hack
431             [ hacking ]
433           $ cd ..
435       When you're all done and ready to prepare a patch, unpack the distribu‐
436       tion archive again so that you've got the original to diff against your
437       new code.
439           $ tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.05c.tar.gz
441       You should now have an original distribution directory and a modified
442       version of that same directory, side-by-side.
444           $ ls
445           Template-Toolkit-2.05c  Template-Toolkit-2.05c-abw-xyz-hack
447       Now run diff and save the output into an appropriately named patch
448       file.
450           $ diff -Naur Template-Toolkit-2.05c Template-Toolkit-2.05c-abw-xyz-hack > patch-TT205c-abw-xyz-hack
452       You can then post the generated patch file to the mailing list,
453       describing what it does, why it does it, how it does it and any other
454       relevant information.
456       If you want to apply someone else's patch then you should start with
457       the same original distribution source on which the patch is based.
458       From within the root of the distribution, run 'patch' feeding in the
459       patch file as standard input.  The 'p1' option is required to strip the
460       first element of the path name (e.g. Template-Toolkit-2.05c/README
461       becomes README which is then the correct path).
463           $ tar zxf Template-Toolkit-2.05c.tar.gz
464           $ cd Template-Toolkit-2.05c
465           $ patch -p1 < ../patch-TT205c-abw-xyz-hack
467       The output generated by 'patch' should be something like the following:
469           patching file README
470           patching file lib/Template.pm
471           patching file lib/Template/Provider.pm
472           patching file t/provider.t


475       Andy Wardley <abw@wardley.org>
477       <http://wardley.org/http://wardley.org/>


480       Template Toolkit version 2.18, released on 09 February 2007.
483         Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Andy Wardley.  All Rights Reserved.
485       This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
486       under the same terms as Perl itself.
490perl v5.8.8                       2007-02-09    Template::Manual::Internals(3)