1PROJ(1)         General Commands Manual         PROJ(1)


6       cs2cs - cartographic coordinate system filter


9       cs2cs [ -eEfIlrstvwW [ args ] ] [ +opts[=arg] ]
10             [ +to [+opts[=arg]] ] file[s]


13       Cs2cs performs transformation between the source
14       and destination cartographic  coordinate  system
15       on a set of input points.  The coordinate system
16       transformation can include  translation  between
17       projected  and geographic coordinates as well as
18       the application of datum shifts.
20       The following control parameters can  appear  in
21       any order:
23       -I     method  to  specify  inverse translation,
24              convert from +to coordinate system to the
25              primary coordinate system defined.
27       -ta    A  specifies  a character employed as the
28              first character to denote a control  line
29              to  be passed through without processing.
30              This option  applicable  to  ascii  input
31              only.  (# is the default value).
33       -e string
34              String  is an arbitrary string to be out‐
35              put if an error is detected  during  data
36              transformations.   The  default value is:
37              *\t*.  Note that if  the  -b,  -i  or  -o
38              options   are   employed,   an  error  is
39              returned  as  HUGE_VAL  value  for   both
40              return values.
42       -E     causes the input coordinates to be copied
43              to the output line prior to printing  the
44              converted values.
46       -l[p|P|=|e|u|d]id
47              List  projection identifiers with -l, -lp
48              or -lP (expanded) that  can  be  selected
49              with   +proj.    -l=id   gives   expanded
50              description  of  projection   id.    List
51              ellipsoid  identifiers with -le, that can
52              be selected  with  +ellps,  -lu  list  of
53              cartesian  to  meter  conversion  factors
54              that can be selected with +units  or  -ld
55              list  of datums that can be selected with
56              +datum.
58       -r     This options reverses the  order  of  the
59              expected input from longitude-latitude or
60              x-y to latitude-longitude or y-x.
62       -s     This options reverses the  order  of  the
63              output  from x-y or longitude-latitude to
64              y-x or latitude-longitude.
66       -f format
67              Format is a printf format string to  con‐
68              trol  the form of the output values.  For
69              inverse projections, the output  will  be
70              in  degrees when this option is employed.
71              If a format is specified for inverse pro‐
72              jection  the output data will be in deci‐
73              mal  degrees.   The  default  format   is
74              "%.2f" for forward projection and DMS for
75              inverse.
77       -[w|W]n
78              N is the number of significant fractional
79              digits to employ for seconds output (when
80              the  option  is  not  specified,  -w3  is
81              assumed).  When -W is employed the fields
82              will be constant width and  with  leading
83              zeroes.
85       -v     causes  a listing of cartographic control
86              parameters tested for  and  used  by  the
87              program  to  be  printed  prior  to input
88              data.
90       The +args run-line arguments are associated with
91       cartographic  parameters  and  usage varies with
92       projection and for a  complete  description  see
93       Cartographic  Projection Procedures for the UNIX
94       Environment—A User's Manual ) and  supplementary
95       documentation for Release 4.
97       The cs2cs program requires two coordinate system
98       definitions.  The first (or primary  is  defined
99       based on all projection parameters not appearing
100       after the +to argument.  All projection  parame‐
101       ters  appearing  after the +to argument are con‐
102       sidered the definition of the second  coordinate
103       system.  If there is no second coordinate system
104       defined, a geographic coordinate system based on
105       the datum and ellipsoid of the source coordinate
106       system is assumed.  Note  that  the  source  and
107       destination  coordinate  system can both be pro‐
108       jections, both be geographic, or one of each and
109       may have the same or different datums.
111       Additional  projection control parameters may be
112       contained in two auxilliary control  files:  the
113       first   is   optionally   referenced   with  the
114       +init=file:id and the second is always processed
115       after the name of the projection has been estab‐
116       lished from either the run-line or the  contents
117       of   +init   file.   The  environment  parameter
118       PROJ_LIB establishes the default directory for a
119       file  reference  without an absolute path.  This
120       is also used for  supporting  files  like  datum
121       shift files.
123       One  or  more  files (processed in left to right
124       order) specify the source of data to  be  trans‐
125       formed.   A  - will specify the location of pro‐
126       cessing standard input.  If no files are  speci‐
127       fied,  the  input  is  assumed to be from stdin.
128       For input data the two data values  must  be  in
129       the  first  two white space separated fields and
130       when both input and output are ASCII all  trail‐
131       ing  portions  of the input line are appended to
132       the output line.
134       Input geographic data (longitude  and  latitude)
135       must  be  in DMS format and input cartesian data
136       must be in units consistent with  the  ellipsoid
137       major  axis or sphere radius units.  Output geo‐
138       graphic coordinates will be in DMS  (if  the  -w
139       switch  is  not  employed) and precise to 0.001"
140       with trailing, zero-valued minute-second  fields
141       deleted.


144       The following script
145             cs2cs +proj=latlong +datum=NAD83
146                   +to  +proj=utm +zone=10 +datum=NAD27
147            -r <<EOF
148             45d15'33.1"   111.5W
149             45d15.551666667N   -111d30
150             +45.25919444444    111d30'000w
151             EOF
152       will transform the input NAD83 geographic  coor‐
153       dinates  into  NAD27 coordinates in the UTM pro‐
154       jection with zone 10 selected.   The  geographic
155       values  of this example are equivalent and meant
156       as examples of various forms of DMS input.   The
157       x-y output data will appear as three lines of:
158             1402285.99      5076292.42 0.000


161       proj(1U),
162       Cartographic  Projection Procedures for the UNIX
163       Environment—A  User's  Manual,  (Evenden,  1990,
164       Open-file report 90-284).
165       Map  Projections  Used  by  the U. S. Geological
166       Survey (Snyder, 1984, USGS Bulletin 1532).
167       Map Projections—A Working Manual (Synder,  1988,
168       USGS Prof. Paper 1395).
169       An  Album  of Map Projections (Snyder & Voxland,
170       1989, USGS Prof. Paper 1453).


173       http://www.remotesensing.org/proj
177                  2000/03/21 Rel. 4.4           PROJ(1)