1COBBLER(1)                          cobbler                         COBBLER(1)


6       cobbler - a provisioning and update server
8       cobbler is a provisioning (installation) and update server.  It
9       supports deployments via PXE (network booting), virtualization (Xen,
10       QEMU/KVM, or VMware), and re-installs of existing Linux systems.  The
11       latter two features are enabled by usage of 'koan' on the remote
12       system.  Update server features include yum mirroring and integration
13       of those mirrors with kickstart.  Cobbler has a command line interface,
14       Web UI, and extensive Python and XMLRPC APIs for integration with
15       external scripts and applications.


18       cobbler command [subcommand] [--arg1=value1] [--arg2=value2]


21       Cobbler manages provisioning using a tiered concept of Distributions,
22       Profiles, Systems, and (optionally) Images and Repositories.
24       Distributions contain information about what kernel and initrd are
25       used, plus metadata (required kernel parameters, etc).
27       Profiles associate a Distribution with a kickstart file and optionally
28       customize the metadata further.
30       Systems associate a MAC, IP, and other networking details with a
31       profile and optionally customize the metadata further.
33       Repositories contain yum mirror information.  Using cobbler to mirror
34       repositories is an optional feature, though provisioning and package
35       management share a lot in common.
37       Images are a catch-all concept for things that do not play nicely in
38       the "distribution" category.  Most users will not need these records
39       initially and these are described later in the document.
41       The main advantage of cobbler is that it glues together many disjoint
42       technologies and concepts and abstracts the user from the need to
43       understand them.   It allows the systems administrator to concentrate
44       on what he needs to do, and not how it is done.
46       This manpage will focus on the cobbler command line tool for use in
47       configuring cobbler.  There is also mention of the Cobbler WebUI which
48       is usable for day-to-day operation of Cobbler once
49       installed/configured.  Docs on the API and XMLRPC components are
50       available online at http://fedorahosted.org/cobbler.
52       Most users will be interested in the Web UI and should set it up,
53       though the command line is needed for initial configuration -- in
54       particular "cobbler check" and "cobbler import", as well as the repo
55       mirroring features.  All of these are described later in the
56       documentation.


59       For help in building kickstarts, try using the "system-config-
60       kickstart" tool, or install a new system and look at the
61       /root/anaconda-ks.cfg file left over from the installer.  General
62       kickstart questions can also be asked at kickstart-list@redhat.com.
63       Cobbler ships some kickstart templates in /etc/cobbler that may also
64       prove helpful.
66       Also see the aforementioned webpages for additional documentation, user
67       contributed tips, and so on.


70   SETUP
71       After installing, run "cobbler check" to verify that cobbler's
72       ecosystem is configured correctly.   Cobbler check will direct you on
73       how to modify it's config files using a text editor.
75       Any problems detected should be corrected, with the potential exception
76       of DHCP related warnings where you will need to use your judgement as
77       to whether they apply to your environment.  Run "cobbler sync" after
78       making any changes to the configuration files to ensure those changes
79       are applied to the environment.
81       It is especially important that the server name field be accurate in
82       /etc/cobbler/settings, without this field being correct, kickstart
83       trees will not be found, and automated installations will fail.
85       For PXE, if DHCP is to be run from the cobbler server, the dhcp
86       configuration file should be changed as suggested by "cobbler check".
87       If DHCP is not run locally, the "next-server" field on the DHCP server
88       should at minimum point to the cobbler server's IP and the filename
89       should be set to "pxelinux.0".  Alternatively, cobbler can also
90       generate your dhcp configuration file if you want to run dhcp locally
91       -- this is covered in a later section.  If you don't already have a
92       DHCP setup managed by some other tool, allowing cobbler to manage your
93       DHCP environment will prove to be useful as it can manage DHCP
94       reservations and other data.  If you already have a DHCP setup, moving
95       an existing setup to be managed from within cobbler is relatively
96       painless -- though usage of the DHCP management feature is entirely
97       optional.  If you are not interested in network booting via PXE and
98       just want to use koan to install virtual systems or replace existing
99       ones, DHCP configuration can be totally ignored.  Koan also has a live
100       CD (see koan's manpage) capability that can be used to simulate PXE
101       environments.
104       This first step towards configurating what you want to install is to
105       add a distribution record to cobbler's configuration.
107       If there is an rsync mirror, DVD, NFS, or filesystem tree available
108       that you would rather import instead, skip down to the documentation
109       about the "import" command.  It's really a lot easier to follow the
110       import workflow -- it only requires waiting for the mirror content to
111       be copied and/or scanned.  Imported mirrors also save time during
112       install since they don't have to hit external install sources.
114       If you want to be explicit with distribution definition, however,
115       here's how it works:
117       cobbler distro add --name=string --kernel=path --initrd=path
118       [--kopts=string] [--kopts-post=string] [--ksmeta=string]
119       [--arch=x86|x86_64|ia64] [--breed=redhat|debian|suse]
120       [--template-files=string]
122       name
123           a string identifying the distribution, this should be something
124           like "rhel4".
126       kernel
127           An absolute filesystem path to a kernel image
129       initrd
130           An absolute filesystem path to a initrd image
132       kopts
133           Sets kernel command-line arguments that the distro, and
134           profiles/systems dependant on it, will use.  To remove a kernel
135           argument that may be added by a higher cobbler object (or in the
136           global settings), you can prefix it with a "!".
138           Example: --kopts="foo=bar baz=3 asdf !gulp"
140           This example passes the arguments "foo=bar baz=3 asdf" but will
141           make sure "gulp" is not passed even if it was requested at a level
142           higher up in the cobbler configuration.
144       kopts-post
145           This is just like --kopts, though it governs kernel options on the
146           installed OS, as opposed to kernel options fed to the installer.
147           The syntax is exactly the same.  This requires some special
148           snippets to be found in your kickstart template in order for this
149           to work.  Kickstart templating is described later on in this
150           document.
152           Example: "noapic"
154       arch
155           Sets the architecture for the PXE bootloader and also controls how
156           koan's --replace-self option will operate.
158           The default setting ('standard') will use pxelinux.   Set to 'ia64'
159           to use elilo.  'ppc' and 'ppc64' use yaboot.  's390x' is not
160           PXEable, but koan supports it for reinstalls.
162           'x86' and 'x86_64' effectively do the same thing as standard.
164           If you perform a cobbler import, the arch field will be auto-
165           assigned.
167       ksmeta
168           This is an advanced feature that sets kickstart variables to
169           substitute, thus enabling kickstart files to be treated as
170           templates.  Templates are powered using Cheetah and are described
171           further along in this manpage as well as on the Cobbler Wiki.
173           Example: --ksmeta="foo=bar baz=3 asdf"
175           See the section on "Kickstart Templating" for further information.
177       breed
178           Controls how various physical and virtual parameters, including
179           kernel arguments for automatic installation, are to be treated.
180           Defaults to "redhat", which is a suitable value for Fedora and
181           CentOS as well.  It means anything redhat based.
183           There is limited experimental support for specifying "debian",
184           "ubuntu", or "suse", which treats the kickstart file as a different
185           format and changes the kernel arguments appropriately.   Support
186           for other types of distributions is possible in the future.  See
187           the Wiki for the latest information about support for these
188           distributions.
190           The file used for the answer file, regardless of the breed setting,
191           is the value used for --kickstart when creating the profile.  In
192           other words, if another distro calls their answer file something
193           other than a "kickstart", the kickstart parameter still governs
194           where that answer file is.
196       os-version
197           Generally this field can be ignored.   It is intended to alter some
198           hardware setup for virtualized instances when provisioning guests
199           with koan.  The valid options for --os-version vary depending on
200           what is specified for --breed.  If you specify an invalid option,
201           the error message will contain a list of valid os versions that can
202           be used.  If you do not know the os version or it does not appear
203           in the list, omitting this argument or using "other" should be
204           perfectly fine.  Largely this is needed to support older
205           distributions in virtualized settings, such as "rhel2.1", one of
206           the OS choices if the breed is set to "redhat".  If you do not
207           encounter any problems with virtualized instances, this option can
208           be safely ignored.
210       owners
211           Users with small sites and a limited number of admins can probably
212           ignore this option.  All cobbler objects (distros, profiles,
213           systems, and repos) can take a --owners parameter to specify what
214           cobbler users can edit particular objects.  This only applies to
215           the Cobbler WebUI and XMLRPC interface, not the "cobbler" command
216           line tool run from the shell.  Furthermore, this is only respected
217           by the "authz_ownership" module which must be enabled in
218           /etc/cobbler/modules.conf.  The value for --owners is a space
219           seperated list of users and groups as specified in
220           /etc/cobbler/users.conf.  For more information see the users.conf
221           file as well as the Cobbler Wiki.  In the default Cobbler
222           configuration, this value is completely ignored, as is users.conf.
224       template-files
225           This feature allows cobbler to be used as a configuration
226           management system.  The argument is a space delimited string of
227           key=value pairs. Each key is the path to a template file, each
228           value is the path to install the file on the system.  This is
229           described in further detail on the Cobbler Wiki and is implemented
230           using special code in the post install.  Koan also can retrieve
231           these files from a cobbler server on demand, effectively allowing
232           cobbler to function as a lightweight templated configuration
233           management system.
235       redhat-management-key
236           If you're using Red Hat Network, Red Hat Satellite Server, or
237           Spacewalk, you can store your authentication keys here and Cobbler
238           can add the neccessary authentication code to your kickstart where
239           the snippet named "redhat_register" is included.  Read more about
240           setup in /etc/cobbler/settings.
243       A profile associates a distribution to additional specialized options,
244       such as a kickstart automation file.  Profiles are the core unit of
245       provisioning and at least one profile must exist for every distribution
246       to be provisioned.  A profile might represent, for instance, a web
247       server or desktop configuration.  In this way, profiles define a role
248       to be performed.
250       cobbler profile add --name=string --distro=string [--kickstart=path]
251       [--kopts=string] [--ksmeta=string] [--virt-file-size=gigabytes]
252       [--virt-ram=megabytes] [--virt-type=string] [--virt-cpus=integer]
253       [--virt-path=string] [--virt-bridge=string] [--server-override]
254       [--parent=profile]
256       Arguments are the same as listed for distributions, save for the
257       removal of "arch" and "breed", and with the additions listed below:
259       name
260           A descriptive name.  This could be something like "rhel5webservers"
261           or "f9desktops".
263       distro
264           The name of a previously defined cobbler distribution. This value
265           is required.
267       kickstart
268           Local filesystem path to a kickstart file.  http:// URLs (even
269           CGI's) are also accepted, but a local file path is recommended, so
270           that the kickstart templating engine can be taken advantage of.
272           If this parameter is not provided, the kickstart file will default
273           to /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks.  This file is initially
274           blank, meaning default kickstarts are not automated "out of the
275           box".  Admins can change the default.ks if they desire.
277           When using kickstart files, they can be placed anywhere on the
278           filesystem, but the recommended path is
279           /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts.   If using the webapp to create new
280           kickstarts, this is where the web application will put them.
282       nameservers
283           If your nameservers are not provided by DHCP, you can specify a
284           space seperated list of addresses here to configure each of the
285           installed nodes to use them (provided the kickstarts used are
286           installed on a per-system basis).   Users with DHCP setups should
287           not need to use this option.  This is available to set in profiles
288           to avoid having to set it repeatedly for each system record.
290       virt-file-size
291           (Virt-only) How large the disk image should be in Gigabytes.  The
292           default is "5".  This can be a space seperated list (ex: "5,6,7")
293           to allow for multiple disks of different sizes depending on what is
294           given to --virt-path.  This should be input as a integer or decimal
295           value without units.
297       virt-ram
298           (Virt-only) How many megabytes of RAM to consume.  The default is
299           512 MB.  This should be input as an integer without units.
301       virt-type
302           (Virt-only) Koan can install images using either Xen paravirt
303           ("xenpv") or QEMU/KVM ("qemu").  Choose one or the other strings to
304           specify, or values will default to attempting to find a compatible
305           installation type on the client system ("auto").  See the "koan"
306           manpage for more documentation.  The default virt-type can be
307           configured in the cobbler settings file such that this parameter
308           does not have to be provided.  Other virtualization types are
309           supported, for information on those options (such as VMware), see
310           the Cobbler Wiki.
312       virt-cpus
313           (Virt-only) How many virtual CPUs should koan give the virtual
314           machine?  The default is 1.  This is an integer.
316       virt-path
317           (Virt-only) Where to store the virtual image on the host system.
318           Except for advanced cases, this parameter can usually be omitted.
319           For disk images, the value is usually an absolute path to an
320           existing directory with an optional file name component.  There is
321           support for specifying partitions "/dev/sda4" or volume groups
322           "VolGroup00", etc.
324           For multiple disks, seperate the values with commas such as
325           "VolGroup00,VolGroup00" or "/dev/sda4,/dev/sda5".  Both those
326           examples would create two disks for the VM.
328       virt-bridge
329           (Virt-only) This specifies the default bridge to use for all
330           systems defined under this profile.  If not specified, it will
331           assume the default value in the cobbler settings file, which as
332           shipped in the RPM is 'xenbr0'.  If using KVM, this is most likely
333           not correct.  You may want to override this setting in the system
334           object.  Bridge settings are important as they define how outside
335           networking will reach the guest.  For more information on bridge
336           setup, see the Cobbler Wiki, where there is a section describing
337           koan usage.
339       repos
340           This is a space delimited list of all the repos (created with
341           "cobbler repo add" and updated with "cobbler reposync") that this
342           profile can make use of during kickstart installation.  For
343           example, an example might be --repos="fc6i386updates fc6i386extras"
344           if the profile wants to access these two mirrors that are already
345           mirrored on the cobbler server.  Repo management is described in
346           greater depth later in the manpage.
348       parent
349           This is an advanced feature.
351           Profiles may inherit from other profiles in lieu of specifing
352           --distro.  Inherited profiles will override any settings specified
353           in their parent, with the exception of --ksmeta (templating) and
354           --kopts (kernel options), which will be blended together.
356           Example:  If profile A has --kopts="x=7 y=2", B inherits from A,
357           and B has --kopts="x=9 z=2", the actual kernel options that will be
358           used for B are "x=9 y=2 z=2".
360           Example:  If profile B has --virt-ram=256 and A has --virt-ram of
361           512, profile B will use the value 256.  Example:  If profile A has
362           a --virt-file-size of 5 and B does not specify a size, B will use
363           the value from A.
365       server-override
366           This parameter should be useful only in select circumstances.  If
367           machines are on a subnet that cannot access the cobbler server
368           using the name/IP as configured in the cobbler settings file, use
369           this parameter to override that server name.   See also --dhcp-tag
370           for configuring the next server and DHCP informmation of the system
371           if you are also using Cobbler to help manage your DHCP
372           configuration.
375       System records map a piece of hardware (or a virtual machine) with the
376       cobbler profile to be assigned to run on it.  This may be thought of as
377       chosing a role for a specific system.
379       Note that if provisioning via koan and PXE menus alone, it is not
380       required to create system records in cobbler, though they are useful
381       when system specific customizations are required.   One such
382       customization would be defining the MAC address.  If there is a
383       specific role inteded for a given machine, system records should be
384       created for it.
386       System commands have a wider variety of control offered over network
387       details.  In order to use these to the fullest possible extent, the
388       kickstart template used by cobbler must contain certain kickstart
389       snippets (sections of code specifically written for Cobbler to make
390       these values become reality).   Compare your kickstart templates with
391       the stock ones in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts if you have upgraded, to
392       make sure you can take advantage of all options to their fullest
393       potential.  If you are a new cobbler user, base your kickstarts off of
394       these templates.  Non-kickstart based distributions, while supported by
395       Cobbler, may not be able to use all of these features.
397       Read more about networking setup at:
398       https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/AdvancedNetworking
400       cobbler system add --name=string --profile=string [--mac=macaddress]
401       [--ip=ipaddress] [--hostname=hostname] [--kopts=string]
402       [--ksmeta=string] [--kickstart=path] [--netboot-enabled=Y/N]
403       [--server-override=string] [--gateway=string] [--dns-name=string]
404       [--static-routes=string] [--power-address=string] [--power-type=string]
405       [--power-user=string] [--power-password=string] [--power-id=string]
407       Adds a cobbler System to the configuration.  Arguments are specified as
408       per "profile add" with the following changes:
410       name
411           The system name works like the name option for other commands.
413           If the name looks like a MAC address or an IP, the name will
414           implicitly be used for either --mac or --ip of the first interface,
415           respectively.   However, it's usually better to give a descriptive
416           name -- don't rely on this behavior.
418           A system created with name "default" has special semantics.  If a
419           default system object exists, it sets all undefined systems to PXE
420           to a specific profile.  Without a "default" system name created,
421           PXE will fall through to local boot for unconfigured systems.
423           When using "default" name, don't specify any other arguments than
424           --profile ... they won't be used.
426       --mac
427           Specifying a mac address via --mac allows the system object to boot
428           directly to a specific profile via PXE, bypassing cobbler's PXE
429           menu.  If the name of the cobbler system already looks like a mac
430           address, this is inferred from the system name and does not need to
431           be specified.
433           MAC addresses have the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. It's higly
434           recommended to register your MAC-addresses in Cobbler if you're
435           using static adressing with multiple interfaces, or if you are
436           using any of the advanced networking features like bonding or
437           VLANs.
439           Cobbler does contain a feature (enabled in /etc/cobbler/settings)
440           that can automatically add new system records when it finds
441           profiles being provisioned on hardware it has seen before.  This
442           may help if you do not have a report of all the MAC addresses in
443           your datacenter/lab configuration.
445       --ip
446           If cobbler is configured to generate a DHCP configuratition (see
447           advanced section), use this setting to define a specific IP for
448           this system in DHCP.  Leaving off this parameter will result in no
449           DHCP management for this particular system.
451           Example: --ip=
453           Note for Itanium users:  this setting is always required for IA64
454           regardless of whether DHCP management is enabled.
456           If DHCP management is disabled and the interface is labelled
457           --static=1, this setting will be used for static IP configuration.
459           Special feature: To control the default PXE behavior for an entire
460           subnet, this field can also be passed in using CIDR notation.  If
461           --ip is CIDR, do not specify any other arguments other than --name
462           and --profile.
464           When using the CIDR notation trick, don't specify any arguments
465           other than --name and --profile... they won't be used.
467       --dns-name
468           If using the DNS management feature (see advanced section --
469           cobbler supports auto-setup of BIND and dnsmasq), use this to
470           define a hostname for the system to receive from DNS.
472           Example: --dns-name=mycomputer.example.com
474           This is a per-interface parameter.  If you have multiple
475           interfaces, it may be different for each interface, for example,
476           assume a DMZ / dual-homed setup.
478       --gateway and --subnet
479           If you are using static IP configurations and the interface is
480           flagged --static=1, these will be applied.
482           Subnet is a per-interface parameter.  Because of the way gateway is
483           stored on the installed OS, gateway is a global parameter.  You may
484           usse --static-routes for per-interface customizations if required.
486       --hostname
487           This field corresponds to the hostname set in a systems
488           /etc/sysconfig/network file.  This has no bearing on DNS, even when
489           manage_dns is enabled.  Use --dns-name instead for that feature.
491           This parameter is assigned once per system, it is not a per-
492           interface setting.
494       --power-address, --power-type, --power-user, --power-password,
495       --power-id
496           Cobbler contains features that enable integration with power
497           management for easier installation, reinstallation, and management
498           of machines in a datacenter environment.  These parameters are
499           described online at
500           https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/PowerManagement.  If you have
501           a power-managed datacenter/lab setup, usage of these features may
502           be something you are interested in.
504       --static
505           Indicates that this interface is statically configured.  Many
506           fields (such as gateway/subnet) will not be used unless this field
507           is enabled.
509           This is a per-interface setting.
511       --static-routes
512           This is a space delimited list of ip/mask:gateway routing
513           information in that format.  Most systems will not need this
514           information.
516           This is a per-interface setting.
518       --virt-bridge
519           (Virt-only) While --virt-bridge is present in the profile object
520           (see above), here it works on an interface by interface basis.
521           For instance it would be possible to have --virt-bridge0=xenbr0 and
522           --virt-bridge1=xenbr1.  If not specified in cobbler for each
523           interface, koan will use the value as specified in the profile for
524           each interface, which may not always be what is intended, but will
525           be sufficient in most cases.
527           This is a per-interface setting.
529       --kickstart
530           While it is recommended that the --kickstart parameter is only used
531           within for the "profile add" command, there are limited scenarios
532           when an install base switching to cobbler may have legacy
533           kickstarts created on a per-system basis (one kickstart for each
534           system, nothing shared) and may not want to immediately make use of
535           the cobbler templating system.  This allows specifing a kickstart
536           for use on a per-system basis.  Creation of a parent profile is
537           still required.  If the kickstart is a filesystem location, it will
538           still be treated as a cobbler template.
540       --netboot-enabled
541           If set false, the system will be provisionable through koan but not
542           through standard PXE.  This will allow the system to fall back to
543           default PXE boot behavior without deleting the cobbler system
544           object.  The default value allows PXE.   Cobbler contains a PXE
545           boot loop prevention feature (pxe_just_once, can be enabled in
546           /etc/cobbler/settings) that can automatically trip off this value
547           after a system gets done installing.  This can prevent installs
548           from appearing in an endless loop when the system is set to PXE
549           first in the BIOS order.
551       --dhcp-tag
552           If you are setting up a PXE environment with multiple
553           subnets/gateways, and are using cobbler to manage a DHCP
554           configuration, you will probably want to use this option.  If not,
555           it canbe ignored.
557           By default, the dhcp tag for all systems is "default" and means
558           that in the DHCP template files the systems will expand out where
559           $insert_cobbler_systems_definitions is found in the DHCP template.
560           However, you may want certain systems to expand out in other places
561           in the DHCP config file.  Setting --dhcp-tag=subnet2 for instance,
562           will cause that system to expand out where
563           $insert_cobbler_system_definitions_subnet2 is found, allowing you
564           to insert directives to specify different subnets (or other
565           parameters) before the DHCP configuration entries for those
566           particular systems.
568           This is described further on the Cobbler Wiki.
570       --interface
571           By default flags like --ip, --mac, --dhcp-tag, --dns-name,
572           --subnet, --virt-bridge, and --static-routes operate on the first
573           network interface defined for a system (eth0).  However, cobbler
574           supports an arbitrary number of interfaces.  Using --interface=eth1
575           for instance, will allow creating and editing of a second
576           interface.
578           Interface naming notes:
580           Additional interfaces can be specified (for example: eth1, or any
581           name you like, as long as it does not conflict with any reserved
582           names such as kernel module names) for use with the edit command.
583           Defining VLANs this way is also supported, of you want to add VLAN
584           5 on interface eth0, simply name your interface eth0:5.
586           Example:
588           cobbler system edit --name=foo --ip=
589           --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A0 cobbler system edit --name=foo
590           --interface=eth0 --ip= --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A1 cobbler
591           system report foo
593           Interfaces can be deleted using the --delete-interface option.
595           Example:
597           cobbler system edit --name=foo --interface=eth2 --delete-interface
599       --bonding, --bonding-master and --bonding-opts
600           One of the other advanced networking features supported by Cobbler
601           is NIC bonding. You can use this to bond multiple physical network
602           interfaces to one single logical interface to reduce single points
603           of failure in your network. Supported values for the --bonding
604           parameter are "master" and "slave". If "slave" is specified, you
605           also need to define the master-interface for this bond using
606           --bonding-master=INTERFACE. Bonding options for the master-
607           interface may be specified using --bonding-opts="foo=1 bar=2"
609           Example:
611           cobbler system edit --name=foo --interface=eth0
612           --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:00 --bonding=slave --bonding-master=bond0
613           cobbler system edit --name=foo --interface=eth1
614           --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:01 --bonding=slave --bonding-master=bond0
615           cobbler system edit --name=foo --interface=bond0 --bonding=master
616           --bonding-opts="mode=active-backup miimon=100" --ip=
617           --subnet= --gateway= --static=1
619           More information about networking setup is available at
620           https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/AdvancedNetworking
622           To review what networking configuration you have for any object,
623           run "cobbler system report" at any time:
625           Example:
627           cobbler system report --name=foo
630       Repository mirroring allows cobbler to mirror not only install trees
631       ("cobbler import" does this for you) but also optional packages, 3rd
632       party content, and even updates.   Mirroring all of this content
633       locally on your network will result in faster, more up-to-date
634       installations and faster updates.  If you are only provisioning a home
635       setup, this will probably be overkill, though it can be very useful for
636       larger setups (labs, datacenters, etc).
638       cobbler repo add --mirror=url --name=string [--rpmlist=list]
639       [--creatrepo-flags=string] [--keep-updated=Y/N] [--priority=number]
640       [--arch=string] [--mirror-locally=Y/N] [--breed=yum|apt|rsync|rhn]
642       mirror
643           The addresss of the yum mirror.  This can be an rsync:// URL, an
644           ssh location, or a http:// or ftp:// mirror location.  Filesystem
645           paths also work.
647           The mirror address should specify an exact repository to mirror --
648           just one architecture and just one distribution.  If you have a
649           seperate repo to mirror for a different arch, add that repo
650           seperately.
652           Here's an example of what looks like a good URL:
654           rsync://yourmirror.example.com/fedora-linux-core/updates/6/i386
655           (for rsync protocol)
656           http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/extras/6/i386/ (for http://)
657           user@yourmirror.example.com/fedora-linux-core/updates/6/i386  (for
658           SSH)
660           Experimental support is also provided for mirroring RHN content
661           when you need a fast local mirror.  The mirror syntax for this is
662           --mirror=rhn://channel-name and you must have entitlements for this
663           to work.  This requires the cobbler server to be installed on RHEL5
664           or later.  You will also need a version of yum-utils equal or
665           greater to 1.0.4.
667       name
668           This name is used as the save location for the mirror.  If the
669           mirror represented, say, Fedora Core 6 i386 updates, a good name
670           would be "fc6i386updates".  Again, be specific.
672           This name corresponds with values given to the --repos parameter of
673           "cobbler profile add".  If a profile has a --repos value that
674           matches the name given here, that repo can be automatically set up
675           during provisioning (when supported) and installed systems will
676           also use the boot server as a mirror (unless
677           "yum_post_install_mirror" is disabled in the settings file).  By
678           default the provisioning server will act as a mirror to systems it
679           installs, which may not be desirable for laptop configurations,
680           etc.
682           Distros that can make use of yum repositories during kickstart
683           include FC6 and later, RHEL 5 and later, and derivative
684           distributions.
686           See the documentation on "cobbler profile add" for more
687           information.
689       rpm-list
690           By specifying a space-delimited list of package names for
691           --rpm-list, one can decide to mirror only a part of a repo (the
692           list of packages given, plus dependencies).  This may be helpful in
693           conserving time/space/bandwidth.  For instance, when mirroring FC6
694           Extras, it may be desired to mirror just cobbler and koan, and skip
695           all of the game packages.  To do this, use --rpm-list="cobbler
696           koan".
698           This option only works for http:// and ftp:// repositories (as it
699           is powered by yumdownloader).  It will be ignored for other mirror
700           types, such as local paths and rsync:// mirrors.
702       createrepo-flags
703           Specifies optional flags to feed into the createrepo tool, which is
704           called when "cobbler reposync" is run for the given repository.
705           The defaults are '-c cache'.
707       keep-updated
708           Specifies that the named repository should not be updated during a
709           normal "cobbler reposync".    The repo may still be updated by
710           name.   The repo should be synced at least once before disabling
711           this feature See "cobbler reposync" below.
713       mirror-locally
714           When set to "N", specifies that this yum repo is to be referenced
715           directly via kickstarts and not mirrored locally on the cobbler
716           server.  Only http:// and ftp:// mirror urls are supported when
717           using --mirror-locally=N, you cannot use filesystem URLs.
719       priority
720           Specifies the priority of the repository (the lower the number, the
721           higher the priority), which applies to installed machines using the
722           repositories that also have the yum priorities plugin installed.
723           The default priority for the plugin is 99, as is that of all
724           cobbler mirrored repositories.
726       arch
727           Specifies what architecture the repository should use.  By default
728           the current system arch (of the server) is used, which may not be
729           desirable.  Using this to override the default arch allows
730           mirroring of source repositories (using --arch=src).
732       yumopts
733           Sets values for additional yum options that the repo should use on
734           installed systems.  For instance if a yum plugin takes a certain
735           parameter "alpha" and "beta", use something like --yumopts="alpha=2
736           beta=3".
738       breed
739           Ordinarily cobbler's repo system will understand what you mean
740           without supplying this parameter, though if you want to mirror a
741           destination source using apt, you'll need to supply "apt" as the
742           value for this parameter.
745       The following commands are usable regardless of how you are using
746       cobbler.  "report" gives detailed configuration info. "list" just lists
747       the names of items in the configuration.  Run these commands to check
748       how you have cobbler configured.
750       cobbler list
752       cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image list
754       cobbler report
756       cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image report --name=[object-name]
758       Alternatively, you could look at the configuration files in
759       /var/lib/cobbler to see the same information.
762       If you want to remove a specific object, use the remove command with
763       the name that was used to add it.
765       cobbler distro remove --name=string
767       cobbler profile remove --name=string
769       cobbler system remove --name=string
771       cobbler repo remove --name=string
773       cobbler image remove --name=string
776       If you want to change a particular setting without doing an "add"
777       again, use the "edit" command, using the same name you gave when you
778       added the item.  Anything supplied in the parameter list will overwrite
779       the settings in the existing object, preserving settings not mentioned.
781       cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image edit --name=string
782       [parameterlist]
785       Objects can also be copied:
787       cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image copy --name=oldname
788       --newname=newname
791       Objects can also be renamed, as long as other objects don't reference
792       them.
794       cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image rename --name=oldname
795       --newname=newname
798       Cobbler can replicate configurations from a master cobbler server.
799       Each cobbler server is still expected to have a locally relevant
800       /etc/cobbler/cobbler.conf and modules.conf, as these files are not
801       synced.
803       This feature is intended for load-balancing, disaster-recovery, backup,
804       or multiple geography support.
806       cobbler replicate --master=cobbler.example.org [--distros=pattern]
807       [--profiles=pattern] [--systems=pattern] [--repos-pattern]
808       [--images=pattern] [--prune] [--omit-data]
810       Cobbler can replicate data from a central server.
812       Objects that need to be replicated should be specified with a pattern,
813       such as --profiles="webservers* dbservers*" or
814       --systems="*.example.org".   All objects matched by the pattern, and
815       all dependencies of those objects matched by the pattern (recursively)
816       will be transferred from the remote server to the central server.  This
817       is to say if you intend to transfer "*.example.org" and the definition
818       of the systems have not changed, but a profile above them has changed,
819       the changes to that profile will also be transferred.
821       In the case where objects are more recent on the local server, those
822       changes will not be overridden locally.
824       Common data locations will be rsync'ed from the master server unless
825       --omit-data is specified.
827       To delete objects that are no longer present on the master server, use
828       --prune.  Warning:  this will delete all object types not present on
829       the remote server from the local server, and is recursive.   If you use
830       prune, it is best to manage cobbler centrally and not expect changes
831       made on the slave servers to be preserved.   It is not currently
832       possible to just prune objects of a specific type.
835       cobbler sync
837       Cobbler sync is used to repair or rebuild the contents /tftpboot or
838       /var/www/cobbler when something has changed behind the scenes.  It
839       brings the filesystem up to date with the configuration as understood
840       by cobbler.
842       Sync should be run whenever files in /var/lib/cobbler are manually
843       edited (which is not recommended except for the settings file) or when
844       making changes to kickstart files.  In practice, this should not happen
845       often, though running sync too many times does not cause any adverse
846       effects.
848       If using cobbler to manage a DHCP and/or DNS server (see the advanced
849       section of this manpage), sync does need to be run after systems are
850       added to regenerate and reload the DHCP/DNS configurations.
852       The sync process can also be kicked off from the web interface.


856       Import is a very useful command that makes starting out with cobbler
857       very quick and easy.
859       This example shows how to create a provisioning infrastructure from a
860       distribution mirror or DVD ISO.  Then a default PXE configuration is
861       created, so that by default systems will PXE boot into a fully
862       automated install process for that distribution.
864       You can use a network rsync mirror, a mounted DVD location, or a tree
865       you have available via a network filesystem.
867       Import knows how to autodetect the architecture of what is being
868       imported, though to make sure things are named correctly, it's always a
869       good idea to specify --arch.  For instance, if you import a
870       distribution named "fedora8" from an ISO, and it's an x86_64 ISO,
871       specify --arch=x86_64 and the distro will be named "fedora8-x86_64"
872       automatically, and the right architecture field will also be set on the
873       distribution object.  If you are batch importing an entire mirror
874       (containing multiple distributions and arches), you don't have to do
875       this, as cobbler will set the names for things based on the paths it
876       finds.
878       cobbler check
880       cobbler import --path=rsync://yourfavoritemirror.com/foo --name=rhel5
881       --arch=x86
883       # OR
885       cobbler import --path=/mnt/dvd --name=rhel5 --arch=x86_64
887       # OR (using an eternal NAS box without mirroring)
889       cobbler import --path=/path/where/filer/is/mounted --name=anyname
890       --available-as=nfs://nfs.example.org:/where/mounted/
892       # wait for mirror to rsync...
894       cobbler report
896       cobbler system add --name=default --profile=name_of_a_profile1
898       cobbler system add --name=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
899       --profile=name_of_a_profile2
901       cobbler sync
904       The following example uses a local kernel and initrd file (already
905       downloaded), and shows how profiles would be created using two
906       different kickstarts -- one for a web server configuration and one for
907       a database server.  Then, a machine is assigned to each profile.
909       cobbler check
911       cobbler distro add --name=rhel4u3 --kernel=/dir1/vmlinuz
912       --initrd=/dir1/initrd.img
914       cobbler distro add --name=fc5 --kernel=/dir2/vmlinuz
915       --initrd=/dir2/initrd.img
917       cobbler profile add --name=fc5webservers --distro=fc5-i386
918       --kickstart=/dir4/kick.ks
919       --kopts="something_to_make_my_gfx_card_work=42
920       some_other_parameter=foo"
922       cobbler profile add --name=rhel4u3dbservers --distro=rhel4u3
923       --kickstart=/dir5/kick.ks
925       cobbler system add --name=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF --profile=fc5-webservers
927       cobbler system add --name=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FE --profile=rhel4u3-dbservers
929       cobbler report
932       The following example shows how to set up a repo mirror for two
933       repositories, and create a profile that will auto install those
934       repository configurations on provisioned systems using that profile.
936       cobbler check
938       # set up your cobbler distros here.
940       cobbler repo add
941       --mirror=http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/updates/6/i386/
942       --name=fc6i386updates
944       cobbler repo add
945       --mirror=http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/extras/6/i386/
946       --name=fc6i386extras
948       cobbler reposync
950       cobbler profile add --name=p1 --distro=existing_distro_name
951       --kickstart=/etc/cobbler/kickstart_fc6.ks --repos="fc6i386updates
952       fc6i386extras"
955       For Virt, be sure the distro uses the correct kernel (if paravirt) and
956       follow similar steps as above, adding additional parameters as desired:
958       cobbler distro add --name=fc7virt [options...]
960       Specify reasonable values for the Virt image size (in GB) and RAM
961       requirements (in MB):
963       cobbler profile add --name=virtwebservers --distro=fc7virt
964       --kickstart=path --virt-file-size=10 --virt-ram=512 [...]
966       Define systems if desired.  koan can also provision based on the
967       profile name.
969       cobbler system add --name=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FE --profile=virtwebservers
970       [...]
972       If you have just installed cobbler, be sure that the "cobblerd" service
973       is running and that port 25151 is unblocked.
975       See the manpage for koan for the client side steps.


979       Cobbler will automatically generate PXE menus for all profiles it has
980       defined.  Running "cobbler sync" is required to generate and update
981       these menus.
983       To access the menus, type "menu" at the "boot:" prompt while a system
984       is PXE booting.  If nothing is typed, the network boot will default to
985       a local boot.  If "menu" is typed, the user can then choose and
986       provision any cobbler profile the system knows about.
988       If the association between a system (MAC address) and a profile is
989       already known, it may be more useful to just use "system add" commands
990       and declare that relationship in cobbler; however many use cases will
991       prefer having a PXE system, especially when provisioning is done at the
992       same time as installing new physical machines.
994       If this behavior is not desired, run "cobbler system add --name=default
995       --profile=plugh" to default all PXE booting machines to get a new copy
996       of the profile "plugh".  To go back to the menu system, run "cobbler
997       system remove --name=default" and then "cobbler sync" to regenerate the
998       menus.
1000       When using PXE menu deployment exclusively, it is not neccessary to
1001       make cobbler system records, although the two can easily be mixed.
1003       Additionally, note that all files generated for the pxe menu
1004       configurations are templatable, so if you wish to change the color
1005       scheme or equivalent, see the files in /etc/cobbler.
1008       The --ksmeta options above require more explanation.
1010       If and only if --kickstart options reference filesystem URLs, --ksmeta
1011       allows for templating of the kickstart files to achieve advanced
1012       functions.  If the --ksmeta option for a profile read --ksmeta="foo=7
1013       bar=llama", anywhere in the kickstart file where the string "$bar"
1014       appeared would be replaced with the string "llama".
1016       To apply these changes, "cobbler sync" must be run to generate custom
1017       kickstarts for each profile/system.
1019       For NFS and HTTP kickstart URLs, the "--ksmeta" options will have no
1020       effect. This is a good reason to let cobbler manage your kickstart
1021       files, though the URL functionality is provided for integration with
1022       legacy infrastructure, possibly including web apps that already
1023       generate kickstarts.
1025       Templated kickstart files are processed by the templating
1026       program/package Cheetah, so anything you can do in a Cheetah template
1027       can be done to a kickstart template.  Learn more at
1028       http://www.cheetahtemplate.org/learn.html
1030       When working with Cheetah, be sure to escape any shell macros that look
1031       like "$(this)" with something like "\$(this)" or errors may show up
1032       during the sync process.
1034       The Cobbler Wiki also contains numerous Cheetah examples that should
1035       prove useful in using this feature.
1038       Anywhere a kickstart template mentions SNIPPET::snippet_name, the file
1039       named /var/lib/cobbler/snippets/snippet_name (if present) will be
1040       included automatically in the kickstart template.  This serves as a way
1041       to recycle frequently used kickstart snippets without duplication.
1042       Snippets can contain templating variables, and the variables will be
1043       evaluated according to the profile and/or system as one would expect.
1045       Snippets can also be overridden for specific profile names or system
1046       names.  This is described on the Cobbler Wiki.
1049       To check for potential errors in kickstarts, prior to installation, use
1050       "cobbler validateks".  This function will check all profile and system
1051       kickstarts for detectable errors.  Since pykickstart is not future-
1052       Anaconda-version aware, there may be some false positives.  It should
1053       be noted that "cobbler validateks" runs on the rendered kickstart
1054       output, not kickstart templates themselves.
1057       Cobbler can optionally help you manage DHCP server.  This feature is
1058       off by default.
1060       Choose either "management = isc_and_bind" in /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template
1061       or "management = "dnsmasq" in /etc/cobbler/modules.conf.  Then set
1062       "manage_dhcp" to 1 in /etc/cobbler/settings.
1064       This allows DHCP to be managed via "cobbler system add" commands, when
1065       you specify the mac address and IP address for systems you add into
1066       cobbler.
1068       Depending on your choice, cobbler will use /etc/cobbler/dhcpd.template
1069       or /etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template as a starting point.  This file must
1070       be user edited for the user's particular networking environment.  Read
1071       the file and understand how the particular app (ISC dhcpd or dnsmasq)
1072       work before proceeding.
1074       If you already have DHCP configuration data that you would like to
1075       preserve (say DHCP was manually configured earlier), insert the
1076       relevant portions of it into the template file, as running "cobbler
1077       sync" will overwrite your previous configuration.
1079       NOTE: Itanium systems names also need to be assigned to a distro that
1080       was created with the "--arch=ia64" parameter. If you have Itanium
1081       systems, you must (for now) choose 'dhcp_isc' for
1082       /etc/cobbler/modules.conf and manage_dhcp in the /etc/cobbler/settings
1083       file, and are required to use --ip when creating the system object in
1084       order for those systems to PXE.  This is due to an elilo limitation.
1086       By default, the DHCP configuration file will be updated each time
1087       "cobbler sync" is run, and not until then, so it is important to
1088       remember to use "cobbler sync" when using this feature.
1090       If omapi_enabled is set to 1 in /etc/cobbler/settings, the need to sync
1091       when adding new system records can be eliminated.    However, the omapi
1092       feature is experimental and is not recommended for most users.
1095       Cobbler can optionally manage DNS configuration using BIND and dnsmasq.
1097       Choose either "management = isc_and_bind" or "management = dnsmasq" in
1098       /etc/cobbler/modules.conf and then enable manage_dns in
1099       /etc/cobbler/settings.
1101       This feature is off by default.  If using BIND, you must define the
1102       zones to be managed with the options 'manage_forward_zones' and
1103       'manage_reverse_zones'.  (See the Wiki for more information on this).
1105       If using BIND, Cobbler will use /etc/cobbler/bind.template and
1106       /etc/cobbler/zone.template as a starting point for the named.conf and
1107       individual zone files, respectively.  You may drop zone-specific
1108       template files in /etc/cobbler/zone_templates/name-of-zone which will
1109       override the default.  These files must be user edited for the user's
1110       particular networking environment.  Read the file and understand how
1111       BIND works before proceeding.
1113       If using dnsmasq, the template is /etc/cobbler/dnsmasq.template.  Read
1114       this file and understand how dnsmasq works before proceeding.
1116       All managed files (whether zone files and named.conf for BIND, or
1117       dnsmasq.conf for dnsmasq) will be updated each time ``cobbler sync'' is
1118       run, and not until then, so it is important to remember to use
1119       ``cobbler sync'' when using this feature.
1122       If the avahi-tools package is installed, cobblerd will broadcast it's
1123       presence on the network, allowing it to be discovered by koan with the
1124       koan --server=DISCOVER parameter.
1127       Cobbler can auto-add distributions and profiles from remote sources,
1128       whether this is a filesystem path or an rsync mirror.  This can save a
1129       lot of time when setting up a new provisioning environment.  Import is
1130       a feature that many users will want to take advantage of, and is very
1131       simple to use.
1133       After an import is run, cobbler will try to detect the distribution
1134       type and automatically assign kickstarts.  By default, it will
1135       provision the system by erasing the hard drive, setting up eth0 for
1136       dhcp, and using a default password of "cobbler".  If this is
1137       undesirable, edit the kickstart files in /etc/cobbler to do something
1138       else or change the kickstart setting after cobbler creates the profile.
1140       Mirrored content is saved automatically in /var/www/cobbler/ks_mirror.
1142       Example:  cobbler import --path=rsync://mirrorserver.example.com/path/
1143       --name=fedora --arch=x86
1145       Example2:  cobbler import --path=root@ --name=bar
1147       Example3:  cobbler import --path=/mnt/dvd --name=baz --arch=x86_64
1149       Example4:  cobbler import --path=/path/to/stuff --name=glorp
1151       Example5:  cobbler import --path=/path/where/filer/is/mounted
1152       --name=anyname --available-as=nfs://nfs.example.org:/where/mounted/
1154       Once imported, run a "cobbler list" or "cobbler report" to see what
1155       you've added.
1157       By default, the rsync operations will exclude content of certain
1158       architectures, debug RPMs, and ISO images -- to change what is excluded
1159       during an import, see /etc/cobbler/rsync.exclude.
1161       Note that all of the import commands will mirror install tree content
1162       into /var/www/cobbler unless a network accessible location is given
1163       with --available-as.  --available-as will be primarily used when
1164       importing distros stored on an external NAS box, or potentially on
1165       another partition on the same machine that is already accessible via
1166       http:// or ftp://.
1168       For import methods using rsync, additional flags can be passed to rsync
1169       with the option --rsync-flags.
1171       Should you want to force the usage of a specific cobbler kickstart
1172       template for all profiles created by an import, you can feed the option
1173       --kickstart to import, to bypass the built-in kickstart auto-detection.
1176       What happens when PXE booting a system when cobbler has no record of
1177       the system being booted?
1179       By default, cobbler will configure PXE to boot to the contents of
1180       /etc/cobbler/default.pxe, which (if unmodified) will just fall through
1181       to the local boot process.  Administrators can modify this file if they
1182       like to change that behavior.
1184       An easy way to specify a default cobbler profile to PXE boot is to
1185       create a system named "default".  This will cause
1186       /etc/cobbler/default.pxe to be ignored.  To restore the previous
1187       behavior do a "cobbler system remove" on the "default" system.
1189       cobbler system add --name=default --profile=boot_this
1191       cobbler system remove --name=default
1193       As mentioned in earlier sections, it is also possible to control the
1194       default behavior for a specific network:
1196       cobbler system add --name=network1 --ip=
1197       --profile=boot_this
1200       This has already been covered a good bit in the command reference
1201       section.
1203       Yum repository management is an optional feature, and is not required
1204       to provision through cobbler.  However, if cobbler is configured to
1205       mirror certain repositories, it can then be used to associate profiles
1206       with those repositories.  Systems installed under those profiles will
1207       then be autoconfigured to use these repository mirrors in
1208       /etc/yum.repos.d, and if supported (Fedora Core 6 and later) these
1209       repositories can be leveraged even within Anaconda.  This can be useful
1210       if (A) you have a large install base, (B) you want fast installation
1211       and upgrades for your systems, or (C) have some extra software not in a
1212       standard repository but want provisioned systems to know about that
1213       repository.
1215       Make sure there is plenty of space in cobbler's webdir, which defaults
1216       to /var/www/cobbler.
1218       cobbler reposync [--tries=N] [--no-fail]
1220       Cobbler reposync is the command to use to update repos as configured
1221       with "cobbler repo add".  Mirroring can take a long time, and usage of
1222       cobbler reposync prior to usage is needed to ensure provisioned systems
1223       have the files they need to actually use the mirrored repositories.  If
1224       you just add repos and never run "cobbler reposync", the repos will
1225       never be mirrored.  This is probably a command you would want to put on
1226       a crontab, though the frequency of that crontab and where the output
1227       goes is left up to the systems administrator.
1229       For those familiar with yum's reposync, cobbler's reposync is (in most
1230       uses) a wrapper around the yum command.  Please use "cobbler reposync"
1231       to update cobbler mirrors, as yum's reposync does not perform all
1232       required steps.  Also cobbler adds support for rsync and SSH locations,
1233       where as yum's reposync only supports what yum supports (http/ftp).
1235       If you ever want to update a certain repository you can run:
1237       cobbler reposync --only="reponame1" ...
1239       When updating repos by name, a repo will be updated even if it is set
1240       to be not updated during a regular reposync operation (ex: cobbler repo
1241       edit --name=reponame1 --keep-updated=0).
1243       Note that if a cobbler import provides enough information to use the
1244       boot server as a yum mirror for core packages, cobbler can set up
1245       kickstarts to use the cobbler server as a mirror instead of the outside
1246       world.  If this feature is desirable, it can be turned on by setting
1247       yum_post_install_mirror to 1 in /etc/settings ((and running "cobbler
1248       sync").  You should not use this feature if machines are provisioned on
1249       a different VLAN/network than production, or if you are provisioning
1250       laptops that will want to acquire updates on multiple networks.
1252       The flags --tries=N (for example, --tries=3) and --no-fail should
1253       likely be used when putting reposync on a crontab.  They ensure network
1254       glitches in one repo can be retried and also that a failure to
1255       synchronize one repo does not stop other repositories from being
1256       synchronized.
1259       If you have your machines set to PXE first in the boot order (ahead of
1260       hard drives), change the "pxe_just_once" flag in /etc/cobbler/settings
1261       to 1.  This will set the machines to not PXE on successive boots once
1262       they complete one install.  To re-enable PXE for a specific system, run
1263       the following command:
1265       cobbler system edit --name=name --netboot-enabled=1
1268       Cobbler knows how to keep track of the status of kickstarting machines.
1270       cobbler status
1272       Using the status command will show when cobbler thinks a machine
1273       started kickstarting and when it finished, provided the proper snippets
1274       are found in the kickstart template.   This is a good way to track
1275       machines that may have gone interactive (or stalled/crashed) during
1276       kickstarts.
1278   IMAGES
1279       Cobbler can help with booting images physically and virtually, though
1280       the usage of these commands varies substantially by the type of image.
1281       Non-image based deployments are generally easier to work with and lead
1282       to more sustaintable infrastructure. See
1283       https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/AllAboutImages for details on
1284       things that are offered.  Some manual use of other commands beyond of
1285       what is typically required of cobbler may be needed to prepare images
1286       for use with this feature.
1289       Triggers provide a way to integrate cobbler with arbitrary 3rd party
1290       software without modifying cobbler's code.  When adding a distro,
1291       profile, system, or repo, all scripts in /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/add
1292       are executed for the particular object type.  Each particular file must
1293       be executable and it is executed with the name of the item being added
1294       as a parameter.  Deletions work similarly -- delete triggers live in
1295       /var/lib/cobbler/triggers/delete.  Order of execution is arbitrary, and
1296       cobbler does not ship with any triggers by default.  There are also
1297       other kinds of triggers -- these are described on the Cobbler Wiki.
1298       For larger configurations, triggers should be written in Python -- in
1299       which case they are installed differently.  This is also documented on
1300       the Wiki.
1302   API
1303       Cobbler also makes itself available as an XMLRPC API for use by higher
1304       level management software.  Learn more at
1305       http://fedorahosted.org/cobbler.
1308       Most of the day-to-day actions in cobbler's command line can be
1309       performed in Cobbler's Web UI.  To enable and access the WebUI, see the
1310       following documentation:
1312       https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/CobblerWebInterface
1314   BOOT CD
1315       Cobbler can build all of it's profiles into a bootable CD image using
1316       the "cobbler buildiso" command.  This allows for PXE-menu like bringup
1317       of bare metal in evnvironments where PXE is not possible.  Another more
1318       advanced method is described in the koan manpage, though this method is
1319       easier and sufficient for most applications.
1322       Cobbler contains a power management feature that allows the user to
1323       associate system records in cobbler with the power management
1324       configuration attached to them.  This can ease installation by making
1325       it easy to reassign systems to new operating systems and then reboot
1326       those systems.  Read more about this feature at
1327       https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/PowerManagement
1330       Cobbler contains features for integrating an installation environment
1331       with a configuration management system, which handles the configuration
1332       of the system after it is installed by allowing changes to
1333       configuration files and settings.  You can read more about this feature
1334       at https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/BuiltinConfigManagement and
1335       https://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/wiki/UsingCobblerWithConfigManagementSystem.
1336       Both features may be considered experimental as of time of the 1.4
1337       release.


1340       cobbler's command line returns a zero for success and non-zero for
1341       failure.


1344       Cobbler has a mailing list for user and development-related
1345       questions/comments at cobbler@lists.fedorahosted.org.  To subscribe,
1346       visit https://fedorahosted.org/mailman/listinfo/cobbler
1348       IRC channel:  irc.freenode.net (#cobbler)
1350       Official web site, bug tracker, and Wiki:
1351       http://fedorahosted.org/cobbler/


1354       Michael DeHaan <mdehaan@redhat.com>
1358                                  2011-04-20                        COBBLER(1)