1COBBLER(1) Cobbler COBBLER(1)
6 cobbler - Cobbler CLI Documentation
8 This page contains a description for commands which can be used from
9 the CLI.
12 This should just be a brief overview. For the detailed explanations
13 please refer to Readthedocs.
15 Distros, Profiles and Systems
16 Cobbler has a system of inheritance when it comes to managing the in‐
17 formation you want to apply to a certain system.
19 Images
20 Repositories
21 Management Classes
22 Deleting configuration entries
23 If you want to remove a specific object, use the remove command with
24 the name that was used to add it.
26 cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file remove --name=string
28 Editing
29 If you want to change a particular setting without doing an add again,
30 use the edit command, using the same name you gave when you added the
31 item. Anything supplied in the parameter list will overwrite the set‐
32 tings in the existing object, preserving settings not mentioned.
34 cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file edit --name=string [parameterlist]
36 Copying
37 Objects can also be copied:
39 cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file copy --name=oldname --newname=newname
41 Renaming
42 Objects can also be renamed, as long as other objects don't reference
43 them.
45 cobbler distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file rename --name=oldname --newname=newname
48 Short Usage: cobbler command [subcommand] [--arg1=value1]
49 [--arg2=value2]
51 Long Usage:
53 cobbler <distro|profile|system|repo|image|mgmtclass|package|file> ... [add|edit|copy|get-autoinstall*|list|remove|rename|report] [options|--help]
54 cobbler <aclsetup|buildiso|import|list|replicate|report|reposync|sync|validate-autoinstalls|version|signature|get-loaders|hardlink> [options|--help]
56 Cobbler distro
57 This first step towards configuring what you want to install is to add
58 a distribution record to Cobbler's configuration.
60 If there is an rsync mirror, DVD, NFS, or filesystem tree available
61 that you would rather import instead, skip down to the documentation
62 about the import command. It's really a lot easier to follow the import
63 workflow -- it only requires waiting for the mirror content to be
64 copied and/or scanned. Imported mirrors also save time during install
65 since they don't have to hit external install sources.
67 If you want to be explicit with distribution definition, however,
68 here's how it works:
70 $ cobbler distro add --name=string --kernel=path --initrd=path [--kernel-options=string] [--kernel-options-post=string] [--autoinstall-meta=string] [--arch=i386|x86_64|ppc|ppc64] [--breed=redhat|debian|suse] [--template-files=string]
72 ┌───────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
73 │Name │ Description │
74 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
75 │arch │ Sets the architecture for │
76 │ │ the PXE bootloader and │
77 │ │ also controls how Koan's │
78 │ │ --replace-self option will │
79 │ │ operate. │
80 │ │ │
81 │ │ The default setting (stan‐ │
82 │ │ dard) will use pxelinux. │
83 │ │ Set to ppc and ppc64 to │
84 │ │ use yaboot. │
85 │ │ │
86 │ │ x86 and x86_64 effectively │
87 │ │ do the same thing as stan‐ │
88 │ │ dard. │
89 │ │ │
90 │ │ If you perform a cobbler │
91 │ │ import, the arch field │
92 │ │ will be auto-assigned. │
93 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
94 │autoinstall- meta │ This is an advanced fea‐ │
95 │ │ ture that sets automatic │
96 │ │ installation template │
97 │ │ variables to substitute, │
98 │ │ thus enabling those files │
99 │ │ to be treated as tem‐ │
100 │ │ plates. Templates are pow‐ │
101 │ │ ered using Cheetah and are │
102 │ │ described further along in │
103 │ │ this manpage as well as on │
104 │ │ the Cobbler Wiki. │
105 │ │ │
106 │ │ Example: --autoin‐ │
107 │ │ stall-meta="foo=bar baz=3 │
108 │ │ asdf" │
109 │ │ │
110 │ │ See the section on "Kick‐ │
111 │ │ start Templating" for fur‐ │
112 │ │ ther information. │
113 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
114 │boot-files │ TFTP Boot Files (Files │
115 │ │ copied into tftpboot be‐ │
116 │ │ yond the kernel/initrd). │
117 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
118 │boot-loader │ Boot loader (Network in‐ │
119 │ │ stallation boot loader). │
120 │ │ Valid options are <<in‐ │
121 │ │ herit>>, grub, pxelinux, │
122 │ │ yaboot, ipxe. │
123 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
133 │breed │ Controls how various phys‐ │
134 │ │ ical and virtual parame‐ │
135 │ │ ters, including kernel ar‐ │
136 │ │ guments for automatic in‐ │
137 │ │ stallation, are to be │
138 │ │ treated. Defaults to red‐ │
139 │ │ hat, which is a suitable │
140 │ │ value for Fedora and Cen‐ │
141 │ │ tOS as well. It means any‐ │
142 │ │ thing Red Hat based. │
143 │ │ │
144 │ │ There is limited experi‐ │
145 │ │ mental support for speci‐ │
146 │ │ fying "debian", "ubuntu", │
147 │ │ or "suse", which treats │
148 │ │ the automatic installation │
149 │ │ template file as a pre‐ │
150 │ │ seed/autoyast file format │
151 │ │ and changes the kernel ar‐ │
152 │ │ guments appropriately. │
153 │ │ Support for other types of │
154 │ │ distributions is possible │
155 │ │ in the future. See the │
156 │ │ Wiki for the latest infor‐ │
157 │ │ mation about support for │
158 │ │ these distributions. │
159 │ │ │
160 │ │ The file used for the an‐ │
161 │ │ swer file, regardless of │
162 │ │ the breed setting, is the │
163 │ │ value used for --autoin‐ │
164 │ │ stall when creating the │
165 │ │ profile. │
166 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
167 │comment │ Simple attach a descrip‐ │
168 │ │ tion (Free form text) to │
169 │ │ your distro. │
170 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
171 │fetchable-files │ Fetchable Files (Templates │
172 │ │ for tftp or wget/curl) │
173 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
174 │initrd │ An absolute filesystem │
175 │ │ path to a initrd image. │
176 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
177 │kernel │ An absolute filesystem │
178 │ │ path to a kernel image. │
179 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
199 │kernel-options │ Sets kernel command-line │
200 │ │ arguments that the distro, │
201 │ │ and profiles/systems de‐ │
202 │ │ pending on it, will use. │
203 │ │ To remove a kernel argu‐ │
204 │ │ ment that may be added by │
205 │ │ a higher Cobbler object │
206 │ │ (or in the global set‐ │
207 │ │ tings), you can prefix it │
208 │ │ with a !. │
209 │ │ │
210 │ │ Example: --kernel-op‐ │
211 │ │ tions="foo=bar baz=3 asdf │
212 │ │ !gulp" │
213 │ │ │
214 │ │ This example passes the │
215 │ │ arguments foo=bar baz=3 │
216 │ │ asdf but will make sure │
217 │ │ gulp is not passed even if │
218 │ │ it was requested at a │
219 │ │ level higher up in the │
220 │ │ Cobbler configuration. │
221 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
222 │kernel-options- post │ This is just like --ker‐ │
223 │ │ nel-options, though it │
224 │ │ governs kernel options on │
225 │ │ the installed OS, as op‐ │
226 │ │ posed to kernel options │
227 │ │ fed to the installer. The │
228 │ │ syntax is exactly the │
229 │ │ same. This requires some │
230 │ │ special snippets to be │
231 │ │ found in your automatic │
232 │ │ installation template in │
233 │ │ order for this to work. │
234 │ │ Automatic installation │
235 │ │ templating is described │
236 │ │ later on in this document. │
237 │ │ │
238 │ │ Example: noapic │
239 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
240 │mgmt-classes │ Management Classes (Man‐ │
241 │ │ agement classes for exter‐ │
242 │ │ nal config management). │
243 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
244 │name │ A string identifying the │
245 │ │ distribution, this should │
246 │ │ be something like rhel6. │
247 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
265 │os-version │ Generally this field can │
266 │ │ be ignored. It is intended │
267 │ │ to alter some hardware │
268 │ │ setup for virtualized in‐ │
269 │ │ stances when provisioning │
270 │ │ guests with Koan. The │
271 │ │ valid options for │
272 │ │ --os-version vary depend‐ │
273 │ │ ing on what is specified │
274 │ │ for --breed. If you spec‐ │
275 │ │ ify an invalid option, the │
276 │ │ error message will contain │
277 │ │ a list of valid OS ver‐ │
278 │ │ sions that can be used. If │
279 │ │ you don't know the OS ver‐ │
280 │ │ sion or it does not appear │
281 │ │ in the list, omitting this │
282 │ │ argument or using other │
283 │ │ should be perfectly fine. │
284 │ │ If you don't encounter any │
285 │ │ problems with virtualized │
286 │ │ instances, this option can │
287 │ │ be safely ignored. │
288 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
289 │owners │ Users with small sites and │
290 │ │ a limited number of admins │
291 │ │ can probably ignore this │
292 │ │ option. All Cobbler ob‐ │
293 │ │ jects (distros, profiles, │
294 │ │ systems, and repos) can │
295 │ │ take a --owners parameter │
296 │ │ to specify what Cobbler │
297 │ │ users can edit particular │
298 │ │ objects.This only applies │
299 │ │ to the Cobbler WebUI and │
300 │ │ XML-RPC interface, not the │
301 │ │ "cobbler" command line │
302 │ │ tool run from the shell. │
303 │ │ Furthermore, this is only │
304 │ │ respected by the au‐ │
305 │ │ thz_ownership module which │
306 │ │ must be enabled in │
307 │ │ /etc/cobbler/modules.conf. │
308 │ │ The value for --owners is │
309 │ │ a space separated list of │
310 │ │ users and groups as speci‐ │
311 │ │ fied in /etc/cob‐ │
312 │ │ bler/users.conf. For more │
313 │ │ information see the │
314 │ │ users.conf file as well as │
315 │ │ the Cobbler Wiki. In the │
316 │ │ default Cobbler configura‐ │
317 │ │ tion, this value is com‐ │
318 │ │ pletely ignored, as is │
319 │ │ users.conf. │
320 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
321 │redhat- management-key │ Management Classes (Man‐ │
322 │ │ agement classes for exter‐ │
323 │ │ nal config management). │
324 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
331 │remote-boot- kernel │ A URL pointing to the in‐ │
332 │ │ stallation initrd of a │
333 │ │ distribution. If the boot‐ │
334 │ │ loader has this support, │
335 │ │ it will directly download │
336 │ │ the kernel from this URL, │
337 │ │ instead of the directory │
338 │ │ of the TFTP client. Note: │
339 │ │ The kernel (or initrd be‐ │
340 │ │ low) will still be copied │
341 │ │ into the image directory │
342 │ │ of the TFTP server. The │
343 │ │ above kernel parameter is │
344 │ │ still needed (e.g. to │
345 │ │ build iso images, etc.). │
346 │ │ The advantage of letting │
347 │ │ the boot loader retrieve │
348 │ │ the kernel/initrd directly │
349 │ │ is the support of chang‐ │
350 │ │ ing/updated distributions. │
351 │ │ E.g. openSUSE Tumbleweed │
352 │ │ is updated on the fly and │
353 │ │ if Cobbler would │
354 │ │ copy/cache the kernel/ini‐ │
355 │ │ trd in the TFTP directory, │
356 │ │ you would get a "kernel │
357 │ │ does not match distribu‐ │
358 │ │ tion" (or similar) error │
359 │ │ when trying to install. │
360 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
361 │remote-boot- initrd │ See remote-boot-kernel │
362 │ │ above. │
363 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
364 │template-files │ This feature allows Cob‐ │
365 │ │ bler to be used as a con‐ │
366 │ │ figuration management sys‐ │
367 │ │ tem. The argument is a │
368 │ │ space delimited string of │
369 │ │ key=value pairs. Each key │
370 │ │ is the path to a template │
371 │ │ file, each value is the │
372 │ │ path to install the file │
373 │ │ on the system. This is de‐ │
374 │ │ scribed in further detail │
375 │ │ on the Cobbler Wiki and is │
376 │ │ implemented using special │
377 │ │ code in the post install. │
378 │ │ Koan also can retrieve │
379 │ │ these files from a Cobbler │
380 │ │ server on demand, effec‐ │
381 │ │ tively allowing Cobbler to │
382 │ │ function as a lightweight │
383 │ │ templated configuration │
384 │ │ management system. │
385 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
387 Cobbler profile
388 A profile associates a distribution to additional specialized options,
389 such as a installation automation file. Profiles are the core unit of
390 provisioning and at least one profile must exist for every distribution
391 to be provisioned. A profile might represent, for instance, a web
392 server or desktop configuration. In this way, profiles define a role to
393 be performed.
395 $ cobbler profile add --name=string --distro=string [--autoinstall=path] [--kernel-options=string] [--autoinstall-meta=string] [--name-servers=string] [--name-servers-search=string] [--virt-file-size=gigabytes] [--virt-ram=megabytes] [--virt-type=string] [--virt-cpus=integer] [--virt-path=string] [--virt-bridge=string] [--server] [--parent=profile] [--filename=string]
397 Arguments are the same as listed for distributions, save for the re‐
398 moval of "arch" and "breed", and with the additions listed below:
400 ┌───────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┐
401 │Name │ Description │
402 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
403 │autoinstall │ Local filesystem path to a │
404 │ │ automatic installation │
405 │ │ file, the file must reside │
406 │ │ under /var/lib/cob‐ │
407 │ │ bler/templates │
408 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
409 │autoinstall-meta │ Automatic Installation │
410 │ │ Metadata (Ex: dog=fang │
411 │ │ agent=86). │
412 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
413 │boot-files │ TFTP Boot Files (Files │
414 │ │ copied into tftpboot be‐ │
415 │ │ yond the kernel/initrd). │
416 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
417 │comment │ Simple attach a descrip‐ │
418 │ │ tion (Free form text) to │
419 │ │ your distro. │
420 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
421 │dhcp-tag │ DHCP Tag (see description │
422 │ │ in system). │
423 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
424 │distro │ The name of a previously │
425 │ │ defined Cobbler distribu‐ │
426 │ │ tion. This value is re‐ │
427 │ │ quired. │
428 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
429 │enable-gpxe │ Enable gPXE? (Use gPXE in‐ │
430 │ │ stead of PXELINUX for ad‐ │
431 │ │ vanced booting options) │
432 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
433 │enable-menu │ Enable PXE Menu? (Show │
434 │ │ this profile in the PXE │
435 │ │ menu?) │
436 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
437 │fetchable-files │ Fetchable Files (Templates │
438 │ │ for tftp or wget/curl) │
439 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
440 │filename │ This parameter can be used │
441 │ │ to select the bootloader │
442 │ │ for network boot. If spec‐ │
443 │ │ ified, this must be a path │
444 │ │ relative to the TFTP │
445 │ │ servers root directory. │
446 │ │ (e.g. grub/grubx64.efi) │
447 │ │ For most use cases the de‐ │
448 │ │ fault bootloader is cor‐ │
449 │ │ rect and this can be omit‐ │
450 │ │ ted │
451 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
452 │name │ A descriptive name. This │
453 │ │ could be something like │
454 │ │ rhel5webservers or f9desk‐ │
455 │ │ tops. │
456 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
463 │name-servers │ If your nameservers are │
464 │ │ not provided by DHCP, you │
465 │ │ can specify a space sepa‐ │
466 │ │ rated list of addresses │
467 │ │ here to configure each of │
468 │ │ the installed nodes to use │
469 │ │ them (provided the auto‐ │
470 │ │ matic installation files │
471 │ │ used are installed on a │
472 │ │ per-system basis). Users │
473 │ │ with DHCP setups should │
474 │ │ not need to use this op‐ │
475 │ │ tion. This is available to │
476 │ │ set in profiles to avoid │
477 │ │ having to set it repeat‐ │
478 │ │ edly for each system │
479 │ │ record. │
480 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
481 │name-servers-search │ You can specify a space │
482 │ │ separated list of domain │
483 │ │ names to configure each of │
484 │ │ the installed nodes to use │
485 │ │ them as domain search │
486 │ │ path. This is available to │
487 │ │ set in profiles to avoid │
488 │ │ having to set it repeat‐ │
489 │ │ edly for each system │
490 │ │ record. │
491 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
492 │next-server │ To override the Next │
493 │ │ server. │
494 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
495 │owners │ Users with small sites and │
496 │ │ a limited number of admins │
497 │ │ can probably ignore this │
498 │ │ option. All objects (dis‐ │
499 │ │ tros, profiles, systems, │
500 │ │ and repos) can take a │
501 │ │ --owners parameter to │
502 │ │ specify what Cobbler users │
503 │ │ can edit particular ob‐ │
504 │ │ jects.This only applies to │
505 │ │ the Cobbler WebUI and │
506 │ │ XML-RPC interface, not the │
507 │ │ "cobbler" command line │
508 │ │ tool run from the shell. │
509 │ │ Furthermore, this is only │
510 │ │ respected by the au‐ │
511 │ │ thz_ownership module which │
512 │ │ must be enabled in │
513 │ │ /etc/cobbler/modules.conf. │
514 │ │ The value for --owners is │
515 │ │ a space separated list of │
516 │ │ users and groups as speci‐ │
517 │ │ fied in /etc/cob‐ │
518 │ │ bler/users.conf. For more │
519 │ │ information see the │
520 │ │ users.conf file as well as │
521 │ │ the Cobbler Wiki. In the │
522 │ │ default Cobbler configura‐ │
523 │ │ tion, this value is com‐ │
524 │ │ pletely ignored, as is │
525 │ │ users.conf. │
526 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
529 │parent │ This is an advanced fea‐ │
530 │ │ ture. │
531 │ │ │
532 │ │ Profiles may inherit from │
533 │ │ other profiles in lieu of │
534 │ │ specifying --distro. In‐ │
535 │ │ herited profiles will │
536 │ │ override any settings │
537 │ │ specified in their parent, │
538 │ │ with the exception of │
539 │ │ --autoinstall-meta (tem‐ │
540 │ │ plating) and --kernel-op‐ │
541 │ │ tions (kernel options), │
542 │ │ which will be blended to‐ │
543 │ │ gether. │
544 │ │ │
545 │ │ Example: If profile A has │
546 │ │ --kernel-options="x=7 │
547 │ │ y=2", B inherits from A, │
548 │ │ and B has --kernel-op‐ │
549 │ │ tions="x=9 z=2", the ac‐ │
550 │ │ tual kernel options that │
551 │ │ will be used for B are x=9 │
552 │ │ y=2 z=2. │
553 │ │ │
554 │ │ Example: If profile B has │
555 │ │ --virt-ram=256 and A has │
556 │ │ --virt-ram=512, profile B │
557 │ │ will use the value 256. │
558 │ │ │
559 │ │ Example: If profile A has │
560 │ │ a --virt-file-size=5 and B │
561 │ │ does not specify a size, B │
562 │ │ will use the value from A. │
563 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
564 │proxy │ Proxy URL. │
565 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
566 │redhat- management-key │ Management Classes (Man‐ │
567 │ │ agement classes for exter‐ │
568 │ │ nal config management). │
569 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
570 │repos │ This is a space delimited │
571 │ │ list of all the repos │
572 │ │ (created with cobbler repo │
573 │ │ add and updated with cob‐ │
574 │ │ bler reposync)that this │
575 │ │ profile can make use of │
576 │ │ during automated installa‐ │
577 │ │ tion. For example, an ex‐ │
578 │ │ ample might be --re‐ │
579 │ │ pos="fc6i386updates │
580 │ │ fc6i386extras" if the pro‐ │
581 │ │ file wants to access these │
582 │ │ two mirrors that are al‐ │
583 │ │ ready mirrored on the Cob‐ │
584 │ │ bler server. Repo manage‐ │
585 │ │ ment is described in │
586 │ │ greater depth later in the │
587 │ │ manpage. │
588 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
595 │server │ This parameter should be │
596 │ │ useful only in select cir‐ │
597 │ │ cumstances. If machines │
598 │ │ are on a subnet that can‐ │
599 │ │ not access the Cobbler │
600 │ │ server using the name/IP │
601 │ │ as configured in the Cob‐ │
602 │ │ bler settings file, use │
603 │ │ this parameter to override │
604 │ │ that servername. See also │
605 │ │ --dhcp-tag for configuring │
606 │ │ the next server and DHCP │
607 │ │ information of the system │
608 │ │ if you are also using Cob‐ │
609 │ │ bler to help manage your │
610 │ │ DHCP configuration. │
611 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
612 │template-files │ This feature allows Cob‐ │
613 │ │ bler to be used as a con‐ │
614 │ │ figuration management sys‐ │
615 │ │ tem. The argument is a │
616 │ │ space delimited string of │
617 │ │ key=value pairs. Each key │
618 │ │ is the path to a template │
619 │ │ file, each value is the │
620 │ │ path to install the file │
621 │ │ on the system. This is de‐ │
622 │ │ scribed in further detail │
623 │ │ on the Cobbler Wiki and is │
624 │ │ implemented using special │
625 │ │ code in the post install. │
626 │ │ Koan also can retrieve │
627 │ │ these files from a Cobbler │
628 │ │ server on demand, effec‐ │
629 │ │ tively allowing Cobbler to │
630 │ │ function as a lightweight │
631 │ │ templated configuration │
632 │ │ management system. │
633 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
634 │virt-auto-boot │ (Virt-only) Virt Auto Boot │
635 │ │ (Auto boot this VM?). │
636 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
637 │virt-bridge │ (Virt-only) This specifies │
638 │ │ the default bridge to use │
639 │ │ for all systems defined │
640 │ │ under this profile. If not │
641 │ │ specified, it will assume │
642 │ │ the default value in the │
643 │ │ Cobbler settings file, │
644 │ │ which as shipped in the │
645 │ │ RPM is xenbr0. If using │
646 │ │ KVM, this is most likely │
647 │ │ not correct. You may want │
648 │ │ to override this setting │
649 │ │ in the system object. │
650 │ │ Bridge settings are impor‐ │
651 │ │ tant as they define how │
652 │ │ outside networking will │
653 │ │ reach the guest. For more │
654 │ │ information on bridge │
655 │ │ setup, see the Cobbler │
656 │ │ Wiki, where there is a │
657 │ │ section describing Koan │
658 │ │ usage. │
659 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
661 │virt-cpus │ (Virt-only) How many vir‐ │
662 │ │ tual CPUs should Koan give │
663 │ │ the virtual machine? The │
664 │ │ default is 1. This is an │
665 │ │ integer. │
666 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
667 │virt-disk-driver │ (Virt-only) Virt Disk │
668 │ │ Driver Type (The on-disk │
669 │ │ format for the virtualiza‐ │
670 │ │ tion disk). Valid options │
671 │ │ are <<inherit>>, raw, │
672 │ │ qcow2, qed, vdi, vmdk │
673 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
674 │virt-file-size │ (Virt-only) How large the │
675 │ │ disk image should be in │
676 │ │ Gigabytes. The default is │
677 │ │ 5. This can be a comma │
678 │ │ separated list (ex: 5,6,7) │
679 │ │ to allow for multiple │
680 │ │ disks of different sizes │
681 │ │ depending on what is given │
682 │ │ to --virt-path. This │
683 │ │ should be input as a inte‐ │
684 │ │ ger or decimal value with‐ │
685 │ │ out units. │
686 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
687 │virt-path │ (Virt-only) Where to store │
688 │ │ the virtual image on the │
689 │ │ host system. Except for │
690 │ │ advanced cases, this pa‐ │
691 │ │ rameter can usually be │
692 │ │ omitted. For disk images, │
693 │ │ the value is usually an │
694 │ │ absolute path to an exist‐ │
695 │ │ ing directory with an op‐ │
696 │ │ tional filename component. │
697 │ │ There is support for spec‐ │
698 │ │ ifying partitions │
699 │ │ /dev/sda4 or volume groups │
700 │ │ VolGroup00, etc. │
701 │ │ │
702 │ │ For multiple disks, sepa‐ │
703 │ │ rate the values with com‐ │
704 │ │ mas such as Vol‐ │
705 │ │ Group00,VolGroup00 or │
706 │ │ /dev/sda4,/dev/sda5. Both │
707 │ │ those examples would cre‐ │
708 │ │ ate two disks for the VM. │
709 ├───────────────────────┼────────────────────────────┤
710 │virt-ram │ (Virt-only) How many │
711 │ │ megabytes of RAM to con‐ │
712 │ │ sume. The default is 512 │
713 │ │ MB. This should be input │
714 │ │ as an integer without │
715 │ │ units. │
716 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
727 │virt-type │ (Virt-only) Koan can in‐ │
728 │ │ stall images using either │
729 │ │ Xen paravirt (xenpv) or │
730 │ │ QEMU/KVM (qemu). Choose │
731 │ │ one or the other strings │
732 │ │ to specify, or values will │
733 │ │ default to attempting to │
734 │ │ find a compatible instal‐ │
735 │ │ lation type on the client │
736 │ │ system("auto"). See the │
737 │ │ "Koan" manpage for more │
738 │ │ documentation. The default │
739 │ │ --virt-type can be config‐ │
740 │ │ ured in the Cobbler set‐ │
741 │ │ tings file such that this │
742 │ │ parameter does not have to │
743 │ │ be provided. Other virtu‐ │
744 │ │ alization types are sup‐ │
745 │ │ ported, for information on │
746 │ │ those options (such as │
747 │ │ VMware), see the Cobbler │
748 │ │ Wiki. │
749 └───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┘
751 Cobbler system
752 System records map a piece of hardware (or a virtual machine) with the
753 Cobbler profile to be assigned to run on it. This may be thought of as
754 choosing a role for a specific system.
756 Note that if provisioning via Koan and PXE menus alone, it is not re‐
757 quired to create system records in Cobbler, though they are useful when
758 system specific customizations are required. One such customization
759 would be defining the MAC address. If there is a specific role intended
760 for a given machine, system records should be created for it.
762 System commands have a wider variety of control offered over network
763 details. In order to use these to the fullest possible extent, the au‐
764 tomatic installation template used by Cobbler must contain certain au‐
765 tomatic installation snippets (sections of code specifically written
766 for Cobbler to make these values become reality). Compare your auto‐
767 matic installation templates with the stock ones in /var/lib/cob‐
768 bler/templates if you have upgraded, to make sure you can take advan‐
769 tage of all options to their fullest potential. If you are a new Cob‐
770 bler user, base your automatic installation templates off of these tem‐
771 plates.
773 Read more about networking setup at:
774 https://cobbler.readthedocs.io/en/release28/4_advanced/advanced%20networking.html
776 Example:
778 $ cobbler system add --name=string --profile=string [--mac=macaddress] [--ip-address=ipaddress] [--hostname=hostname] [--kernel-options=string] [--autoinstall-meta=string] [--autoinstall=path] [--netboot-enabled=Y/N] [--server=string] [--gateway=string] [--dns-name=string] [--static-routes=string] [--power-address=string] [--power-type=string] [--power-user=string] [--power-pass=string] [--power-id=string]
780 Adds a Cobbler System to the configuration. Arguments are specified as
781 per "profile add" with the following changes:
784│Name │ Description │
793│autoinstall │ While it is recommended │
794│ │ that the --autoinstall pa‐ │
795│ │ rameter is only used │
796│ │ within for the "profile │
797│ │ add" command, there are │
798│ │ limited scenarios when an │
799│ │ install base switching to │
800│ │ Cobbler may have legacy │
801│ │ automatic installation │
802│ │ files created on aper-sys‐ │
803│ │ tem basis (one automatic │
804│ │ installation file for each │
805│ │ system, nothing shared) │
806│ │ and may not want to imme‐ │
807│ │ diately make use of the │
808│ │ Cobbler templating system. │
809│ │ This allows specifying a │
810│ │ automatic installation │
811│ │ file for use on a per-sys‐ │
812│ │ tem basis. Creation of a │
813│ │ parent profile is still │
814│ │ required. If the automatic │
815│ │ installation file is a │
816│ │ filesystem location, it │
817│ │ will still be treated as a │
818│ │ Cobbler template. │
820│autoinstall-meta │ Automatic Installation │
821│ │ Metadata (Ex: dog=fang │
822│ │ agent=86). │
824│boot-files │ TFTP Boot Files (Files │
825│ │ copied into tftpboot be‐ │
826│ │ yond the kernel/initrd). │
828│boot-loader │ Boot loader (Network in‐ │
829│ │ stallation boot loader). │
830│ │ Valid options are <<in‐ │
831│ │ herit>>, grub, pxelinux, │
832│ │ yaboot, ipxe. │
834│comment │ Simple attach a descrip‐ │
835│ │ tion (Free form text) to │
836│ │ your distro. │
859│dhcp-tag │ If you are setting up a │
860│ │ PXE environment with mul‐ │
861│ │ tiple subnets/gateways, │
862│ │ and are using Cobbler to │
863│ │ manage a DHCP configura‐ │
864│ │ tion, you will probably │
865│ │ want to use this option. │
866│ │ If not, it can be ignored. │
867│ │ │
868│ │ By default, the dhcp tag │
869│ │ for all systems is "de‐ │
870│ │ fault" and means that in │
871│ │ the DHCP template files │
872│ │ the systems will expand │
873│ │ out where $insert_cob‐ │
874│ │ bler_systems_definitions │
875│ │ is found in the DHCP tem‐ │
876│ │ plate. However, you may │
877│ │ want certain systems to │
878│ │ expand out in other places │
879│ │ in the DHCP config file. │
880│ │ Setting --dhcp-tag=subnet2 │
881│ │ for instance, will cause │
882│ │ that system to expand out │
883│ │ where $insert_cobbler_sys‐ │
884│ │ tem_definitions_subnet2 is │
885│ │ found, allowing you to in‐ │
886│ │ sert directives to specify │
887│ │ different subnets (or │
888│ │ other parameters) before │
889│ │ the DHCP configuration en‐ │
890│ │ tries for those particular │
891│ │ systems. │
892│ │ │
893│ │ This is described further │
894│ │ on the Cobbler Wiki. │
896│dns-name │ If using the DNS manage‐ │
897│ │ ment feature (see advanced │
898│ │ section -- Cobbler sup‐ │
899│ │ ports auto-setup of BIND │
900│ │ and dnsmasq), use this to │
901│ │ define a hostname for the │
902│ │ system to receive from │
903│ │ DNS. │
904│ │ │
905│ │ Example: --dns-name=mycom‐ │
906│ │ puter.example.com │
907│ │ │
908│ │ This is a per-interface │
909│ │ parameter. If you have │
910│ │ multiple interfaces, it │
911│ │ may be different for each │
912│ │ interface, for example, │
913│ │ assume a DMZ / dual-homed │
914│ │ setup. │
916│enable-gpxe │ Enable gPXE? (Use gPXE in‐ │
917│ │ stead of PXELINUX for ad‐ │
918│ │ vanced booting options) │
920│fetchable-files │ Fetchable Files (Templates │
921│ │ for tftp or wget/curl) │
925│filename │ This parameter can be used │
926│ │ to select the bootloader │
927│ │ for network boot. If spec‐ │
928│ │ ified, this must be a path │
929│ │ relative to the TFTP │
930│ │ servers root directory. │
931│ │ (e.g. grub/grubx64.efi) │
932│ │ For most use cases the de‐ │
933│ │ fault bootloader is cor‐ │
934│ │ rect and this can be omit‐ │
935│ │ ted │
937│gateway and netmask │ If you are using static IP │
938│ │ configurations and the in‐ │
939│ │ terface is flagged │
940│ │ --static=1, these will be │
941│ │ applied. │
942│ │ │
943│ │ Netmask is a per-interface │
944│ │ parameter. Because of the │
945│ │ way gateway is stored on │
946│ │ the installed OS, gateway │
947│ │ is a global parameter. You │
948│ │ may use --static-routes │
949│ │ for per-interface cus‐ │
950│ │ tomizations if required. │
952│hostname │ This field corresponds to │
953│ │ the hostname set in a sys‐ │
954│ │ tems /etc/sysconfig/net‐ │
955│ │ work file. This has no │
956│ │ bearing on DNS, even when │
957│ │ manage_dns is enabled. Use │
958│ │ --dns-name instead for │
959│ │ that feature. │
960│ │ │
961│ │ This parameter is assigned │
962│ │ once per system, it is not │
963│ │ a per-interface setting. │
991│interface │ By default flags like │
992│ │ --ip, --mac, --dhcp-tag, │
993│ │ --dns-name, --netmask, │
994│ │ --virt-bridge, and │
995│ │ --static-routes operate on │
996│ │ the first network inter‐ │
997│ │ face defined for a system │
998│ │ (eth0). However, Cobbler │
999│ │ supports an arbitrary num‐ │
1000│ │ ber of interfaces. Using │
1001│ │ --interface=eth1 for in‐ │
1002│ │ stance, will allow creat‐ │
1003│ │ ing and editing of a sec‐ │
1004│ │ ond interface. │
1005│ │ │
1006│ │ Interface naming notes: │
1007│ │ │
1008│ │ Additional interfaces can │
1009│ │ be specified (for example: │
1010│ │ eth1, or any name you │
1011│ │ like, as long as it does │
1012│ │ not conflict with any re‐ │
1013│ │ served names such as ker‐ │
1014│ │ nel module names) for use │
1015│ │ with the edit command. │
1016│ │ Defining VLANs this way is │
1017│ │ also supported, of you │
1018│ │ want to add VLAN 5 on in‐ │
1019│ │ terface eth0, simply name │
1020│ │ your interface eth0.5. │
1021│ │ │
1022│ │ Example: │
1023│ │ │
1024│ │ cobbler system edit │
1025│ │ --name=foo --ip-ad‐ │
1026│ │ dress= │
1027│ │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A0 │
1028│ │ │
1029│ │ cobbler system edit │
1030│ │ --name=foo --inter‐ │
1031│ │ face=eth0 --ip-ad‐ │
1032│ │ dress= │
1033│ │ --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:A1 │
1034│ │ │
1035│ │ cobbler system report foo │
1036│ │ │
1037│ │ Interfaces can be deleted │
1038│ │ using the --delete-inter‐ │
1039│ │ face option. │
1040│ │ │
1041│ │ Example: │
1042│ │ │
1043│ │ cobbler system edit │
1044│ │ --name=foo --inter‐ │
1045│ │ face=eth2 --delete-inter‐ │
1046│ │ face │
1057 interface-type, inter‐ One of the other advanced
1058 face-master, bonding-opts, networking features sup‐
1059 bridge-opts ported by Cobbler is NIC
1060 bonding, bridging and BMC.
1061 You can use this to bond
1062 multiple physical network
1063 interfaces to one single
1064 logical interface to re‐
1065 duce single points of
1066 failure in your network,
1067 to create bridged inter‐
1068 faces for things like tun‐
1069 nels and virtual machine
1070 networks, or to manage BMC
1071 interface by DHCP. Sup‐
1072 ported values for the
1073 --interface-type parameter
1074 are "bond", "bond_slave",
1075 "bridge",
1076 "bridge_slave","bonded_bridge_slave"
1077 and "bmc". If one of the
1078 "_slave" options is speci‐
1079 fied, you also need to de‐
1080 fine the master-interface
1081 for this bond using --in‐
1082 terface-master=INTERFACE.
1083 Bonding and bridge options
1084 for the master-interface
1085 may be specified using
1086 --bonding-opts="foo=1
1087 bar=2" or
1088 --bridge-opts="foo=1
1089 bar=2".
1091 Example:
1093 cobbler system edit
1094 --name=foo
1095 --inter‐
1096 face=eth0
1097 --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:00
1098 --inter‐
1099 face-type=bond_slave
1100 --inter‐
1101 face-mas‐
1102 ter=bond0
1104 cobbler system edit
1105 --name=foo
1106 --inter‐
1107 face=eth1
1108 --mac=AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:01
1109 --inter‐
1110 face-type=bond_slave
1111 --inter‐
1112 face-mas‐
1113 ter=bond0
1115 cobbler system edit
1116 --name=foo
1117 --inter‐
1118 face=bond0
1119 --inter‐
1120 face-type=bond
1121 --bond‐
1122 ing-opts="mode=ac‐
1123 tive-backup
1124 miimon=100"
1125 --ip-ad‐
1126 dress=
1127 --net‐
1128 mask=
1129 --gate‐
1130 way=
1131 --static=1
1133 More information
1134 about networking
1135 setup is available
1136 at
1137 https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Advanced-networking
1139 To review what net‐
1140 working configura‐
1141 tion you have for
1142 any object, run
1143 "cobbler system re‐
1144 port" at any time:
1146 Example:
1148 cobbler system re‐
1149 port --name=foo
1151│if-gateway │ If you are using static IP configurations and have multiple inter‐ │
1152│ │ faces, use this to define different gateway for each interface. │
1153│ │ │
1154│ │ This is a per-interface setting. │
1156│ip-address, ipv6-address │ If Cobbler is configured to generate a DHCP configuration (see ad‐ │
1157│ │ vanced section), use this setting to define a specific IP for this │
1158│ │ system in DHCP. Leaving off this parameter will result in no DHCP │
1159│ │ management for this particular system. │
1160│ │ │
1161│ │ Example: --ip-address= │
1162│ │ │
1163│ │ If DHCP management is disabled and the interface is labelled │
1164│ │ --static=1, this setting will be used for static IP configuration. │
1165│ │ │
1166│ │ Special feature: To control the default PXE behavior for an entire │
1167│ │ subnet, this field can also be passed in using CIDR notation. If │
1168│ │ --ip is CIDR, do not specify any other arguments other than --name │
1169│ │ and --profile. │
1170│ │ │
1171│ │ When using the CIDR notation trick, don't specify any arguments │
1172│ │ other than --name and --profile, as they won't be used. │
1174│kernel-options │ Sets kernel command-line arguments that the distro, and pro‐ │
1175│ │ files/systems depending on it, will use. To remove a kernel argu‐ │
1176│ │ ment that may be added by a higher Cobbler object (or in the │
1177│ │ global settings), you can prefix it with a !. │
1178│ │ │
1179│ │ Example: --kernel-options="foo=bar baz=3 asdf !gulp" │
1180│ │ │
1181│ │ This example passes the arguments foo=bar baz=3 asdf but will make │
1182│ │ sure gulp is not passed even if it was requested at a level higher │
1183│ │ up in the Cobbler configuration. │
1185│kernel-options-post │ This is just like --kernel-options, though it governs kernel op‐ │
1186│ │ tions on the installed OS, as opposed to kernel options fed to the │
1187│ │ installer. The syntax is exactly the same. This requires some spe‐ │
1188│ │ cial snippets to be found in your automatic installation template │
1189│ │ in order for this to work. Automatic installation templating is │
1190│ │ described later on in this document. │
1191│ │ │
1192│ │ Example: noapic │
1194│mac, mac-address │ Specifying a mac address via --mac allows the system object to │
1195│ │ boot directly to a specific profile via PXE, bypassing Cobbler's │
1196│ │ PXE menu. If the name of the Cobbler system already looks like a │
1197│ │ mac address, this is inferred from the system name and does not │
1198│ │ need to be specified. │
1199│ │ │
1200│ │ MAC addresses have the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. It's highly rec‐ │
1201│ │ ommended to register your MAC addresses in Cobbler if you're using │
1202│ │ static addressing with multiple interfaces, or if you are using │
1203│ │ any of the advanced networking features like bonding, bridges or │
1204│ │ VLANs. │
1205│ │ │
1206│ │ Cobbler does contain a feature (enabled in /etc/cobbler/set‐ │
1207│ │ tings.yaml) that can automatically add new system records when it │
1208│ │ finds profiles being provisioned on hardware it has seen before. │
1209│ │ This may help if you do not have a report of all the MAC addresses │
1210│ │ in your datacenter/lab configuration. │
1212│mgmt-classes │ Management Classes (Management classes for external config manage‐ │
1213│ │ ment). │
1216│mgmt-parameters │ Management Parameters which will be handed to your management ap‐ │
1217│ │ plication. (Must be valid YAML dictionary) │
1219│name │ The system name works like the name option for other commands. │
1220│ │ │
1221│ │ If the name looks like a MAC address or an IP, the name will im‐ │
1222│ │ plicitly be used for either --mac or --ip of the first interface, │
1223│ │ respectively. However, it's usually better to give a descriptive │
1224│ │ name -- don't rely on this behavior. │
1225│ │ │
1226│ │ A system created with name "default" has special semantics. If a │
1227│ │ default system object exists, it sets all undefined systems to PXE │
1228│ │ to a specific profile. Without a "default" system name created, │
1229│ │ PXE will fall through to local boot for unconfigured systems. │
1230│ │ │
1231│ │ When using "default" name, don't specify any other arguments than │
1232│ │ --profile, as they won't be used. │
1234│name-servers │ If your nameservers are not provided by DHCP, you can specify a │
1235│ │ space separated list of addresses here to configure each of the │
1236│ │ installed nodes to use them (provided the automatic installation │
1237│ │ files used are installed on a per-system basis). Users with DHCP │
1238│ │ setups should not need to use this option. This is available to │
1239│ │ set in profiles to avoid having to set it repeatedly for each sys‐ │
1240│ │ tem record. │
1242│name-servers-search │ You can specify a space separated list of domain names to config‐ │
1243│ │ ure each of the installed nodes to use them as domain search path. │
1244│ │ This is available to set in profiles to avoid having to set it re‐ │
1245│ │ peatedly for each system record. │
1247│netboot-enabled │ If set false, the system will be provisionable through Koan but │
1248│ │ not through standard PXE. This will allow the system to fall back │
1249│ │ to default PXE boot behavior without deleting the Cobbler system │
1250│ │ object. The default value allows PXE. Cobbler contains a PXE boot │
1251│ │ loop prevention feature (pxe_just_once, can be enabled in │
1252│ │ /etc/cobbler/settings.yaml) that can automatically trip off this │
1253│ │ value after a system gets done installing. This can prevent in‐ │
1254│ │ stalls from appearing in an endless loop when the system is set to │
1255│ │ PXE first in the BIOS order. │
1257│next-server │ To override the Next server. │
1259│owners │ Users with small sites and a limited number of admins can probably │
1260│ │ ignore this option. All objects (distros, profiles, systems, and │
1261│ │ repos) can take a --owners parameter to specify what Cobbler users │
1262│ │ can edit particular objects.This only applies to the Cobbler WebUI │
1263│ │ and XML-RPC interface, not the "cobbler" command line tool run │
1264│ │ from the shell. Furthermore, this is only respected by the au‐ │
1265│ │ thz_ownership module which must be enabled in /etc/cobbler/mod‐ │
1266│ │ ules.conf. The value for --owners is a space separated list of │
1267│ │ users and groups as specified in /etc/cobbler/users.conf. For │
1268│ │ more information see the users.conf file as well as the Cobbler │
1269│ │ Wiki. In the default Cobbler configuration, this value is com‐ │
1270│ │ pletely ignored, as is users.conf. │
1272│power-address, power-type, │ Cobbler contains features that enable integration with power man‐ │
1273│power-user, power-pass, │ agement for easier installation, reinstallation, and management of │
1274│power-id, power-options, │ machines in a datacenter environment. These parameters are de‐ │
1275│power-identity-file │ scribed online at power-management. If you have a power-managed │
1276│ │ datacenter/lab setup, usage of these features may be something you │
1277│ │ are interested in. │
1282│profile │ The name of Cobbler profile the system will inherite its proper‐ │
1283│ │ ties. │
1285│proxy │ Proxy URL. │
1287│redhat- management-key │ Management Classes (Management classes for external config manage‐ │
1288│ │ ment). │
1290│repos-enabled │ If set true, Koan can reconfigure repositories after installation. │
1291│ │ This is described further on the Cobbler │
1292│ │ Wiki,https://github.com/cobbler/cobbler/wiki/Manage-yum-repos. │
1294│static │ Indicates that this interface is statically configured. Many │
1295│ │ fields (such as gateway/netmask) will not be used unless this │
1296│ │ field is enabled. │
1297│ │ │
1298│ │ This is a per-interface setting. │
1300│static-routes │ This is a space delimited list of ip/mask:gateway routing informa‐ │
1301│ │ tion in that format. Most systems will not need this information. │
1302│ │ │
1303│ │ This is a per-interface setting. │
1305│virt-auto-boot │ (Virt-only) Virt Auto Boot (Auto boot this VM?). │
1307│virt-bridge │ (Virt-only) This specifies the default bridge to use for all sys‐ │
1308│ │ tems defined under this profile. If not specified, it will assume │
1309│ │ the default value in the Cobbler settings file, which as shipped │
1310│ │ in the RPM is xenbr0. If using KVM, this is most likely not cor‐ │
1311│ │ rect. You may want to override this setting in the system object. │
1312│ │ Bridge settings are important as they define how outside network‐ │
1313│ │ ing will reach the guest. For more information on bridge setup, │
1314│ │ see the Cobbler Wiki, where there is a section describing Koan us‐ │
1315│ │ age. │
1317│virt-cpus │ (Virt-only) How many virtual CPUs should Koan give the virtual ma‐ │
1318│ │ chine? The default is 1. This is an integer. │
1320│virt-disk-driver │ (Virt-only) Virt Disk Driver Type (The on-disk format for the vir‐ │
1321│ │ tualization disk). Valid options are <<inherit>>, raw, qcow2, │
1322│ │ qed, vdi, vmdk │
1324│virt-file-size │ (Virt-only) How large the disk image should be in Gigabytes. The │
1325│ │ default is 5. This can be a comma separated list (ex: 5,6,7) to │
1326│ │ allow for multiple disks of different sizes depending on what is │
1327│ │ given to --virt-path. This should be input as a integer or decimal │
1328│ │ value without units. │
1330│virt-path │ (Virt-only) Where to store the virtual image on the host system. │
1331│ │ Except for advanced cases, this parameter can usually be omitted. │
1332│ │ For disk images, the value is usually an absolute path to an ex‐ │
1333│ │ isting directory with an optional filename component. There is │
1334│ │ support for specifying partitions /dev/sda4 or volume groups Vol‐ │
1335│ │ Group00, etc. │
1336│ │ │
1337│ │ For multiple disks, separate the values with commas such as Vol‐ │
1338│ │ Group00,VolGroup00 or /dev/sda4,/dev/sda5. Both those examples │
1339│ │ would create two disks for the VM. │
1341│virt-ram │ (Virt-only) How many megabytes of RAM to consume. The default is │
1342│ │ 512 MB. This should be input as an integer without units. │
1348│virt-type │ (Virt-only) Koan can install images using either Xen paravirt │
1349│ │ (xenpv) or QEMU/KVM (qemu). Choose one or the other strings to │
1350│ │ specify, or values will default to attempting to find a compatible │
1351│ │ installation type on the client system("auto"). See the "Koan" │
1352│ │ manpage for more documentation. The default --virt-type can be │
1353│ │ configured in the Cobbler settings file such that this parameter │
1354│ │ does not have to be provided. Other virtualization types are sup‐ │
1355│ │ ported, for information on those options (such as VMware), see the │
1356│ │ Cobbler Wiki. │
1359 Cobbler repo
1360 Repository mirroring allows Cobbler to mirror not only install trees
1361 ("cobbler import" does this for you) but also optional packages, 3rd
1362 party content, and even updates. Mirroring all of this content locally
1363 on your network will result in faster, more up-to-date installations
1364 and faster updates. If you are only provisioning a home setup, this
1365 will probably be overkill, though it can be very useful for larger set‐
1366 ups (labs, datacenters, etc).
1368 $ cobbler repo add --mirror=url --name=string [--rpmlist=list] [--creatrepo-flags=string] [--keep-updated=Y/N] [--priority=number] [--arch=string] [--mirror-locally=Y/N] [--breed=yum|rsync|rhn] [--mirror_type=baseurl|mirrorlist|metalink]
1371│Name │ Description │
1373│apt-components │ Apt Components (apt only) │
1374│ │ (ex: main restricted uni‐ │
1375│ │ verse) │
1377│apt-dists │ Apt Dist Names (apt only) │
1378│ │ (ex: precise precise-up‐ │
1379│ │ dates) │
1381│arch │ Specifies what architec‐ │
1382│ │ ture the repository should │
1383│ │ use. By default the cur‐ │
1384│ │ rent system arch (of the │
1385│ │ server) is used,which may │
1386│ │ not be desirable. Using │
1387│ │ this to override the de‐ │
1388│ │ fault arch allows mirror‐ │
1389│ │ ing of source reposito‐ │
1390│ │ ries(using --arch=src). │
1392│breed │ Ordinarily Cobbler's repo │
1393│ │ system will understand │
1394│ │ what you mean without sup‐ │
1395│ │ plying this parameter, │
1396│ │ though you can set it ex‐ │
1397│ │ plicitly if needed. │
1399│comment │ Simple attach a descrip‐ │
1400│ │ tion (Free form text) to │
1401│ │ your distro. │
1403│createrepo-flags │ Specifies optional flags │
1404│ │ to feed into the cre‐ │
1405│ │ aterepo tool, which is │
1406│ │ called when cobbler re‐ │
1407│ │ posync is run for the │
1408│ │ given repository. The de‐ │
1409│ │ faults are -c cache. │
1414│keep-updated │ Specifies that the named │
1415│ │ repository should not be │
1416│ │ updated during a normal │
1417│ │ "cobbler reposync". The │
1418│ │ repo may still be updated │
1419│ │ by name. The repo should │
1420│ │ be synced at least once │
1421│ │ before disabling this fea‐ │
1422│ │ ture. See "cobbler re‐ │
1423│ │ posync" below. │
1480│mirror │ The address of the yum │
1481│ │ mirror. This can be an │
1482│ │ rsync://-URL, an ssh loca‐ │
1483│ │ tion, or a http:// or │
1484│ │ ftp:// mirror location. │
1485│ │ Filesystem paths also │
1486│ │ work. │
1487│ │ │
1488│ │ The mirror address should │
1489│ │ specify an exact reposi‐ │
1490│ │ tory to mirror -- just one │
1491│ │ architecture and just one │
1492│ │ distribution. If you have │
1493│ │ a separate repo to mirror │
1494│ │ for a different arch, add │
1495│ │ that repo separately. │
1496│ │ │
1497│ │ Here's an example of what │
1498│ │ looks like a good URL: │
1499│ │ │
1500│ │ • rsync://yourmir‐ │
1501│ │ ror.exam‐ │
1502│ │ ple.com/fe‐ │
1503│ │ dora-linux-core/up‐ │
1504│ │ dates/6/i386 (for │
1505│ │ rsync protocol) │
1506│ │ │
1507│ │ • http://mir‐ │
1508│ │ rors.ker‐ │
1509│ │ nel.org/fe‐ │
1510│ │ dora/ex‐ │
1511│ │ tras/6/i386/ (for │
1512│ │ http) │
1513│ │ │
1514│ │ • user@yourmir‐ │
1515│ │ ror.exam‐ │
1516│ │ ple.com/fe‐ │
1517│ │ dora-linux-core/up‐ │
1518│ │ dates/6/i386 │
1519│ │ (for SSH) │
1520│ │ │
1521│ │ Experimental sup‐ │
1522│ │ port is also pro‐ │
1523│ │ vided for mirroring │
1524│ │ RHN content when │
1525│ │ you need a fast lo‐ │
1526│ │ cal mirror. The │
1527│ │ mirror syntax for │
1528│ │ this is --mir‐ │
1529│ │ ror=rhn://chan‐ │
1530│ │ nel-name and you │
1531│ │ must have entitle‐ │
1532│ │ ments for this to │
1533│ │ work. This requires │
1534│ │ the Cobbler server │
1535│ │ to be installed on │
1536│ │ RHEL 5 or later. │
1537│ │ You will also need │
1538│ │ a version of │
1539│ │ yum-utils equal or │
1540│ │ greater to 1.0.4. │
1546│mirror-locally │ When set to N, specifies │
1547│ │ that this yum repo is to be │
1548│ │ referenced directly via au‐ │
1549│ │ tomatic installation files │
1550│ │ and not mirrored locally on │
1551│ │ the Cobbler server. Only │
1552│ │ http:// and ftp:// mirror │
1553│ │ urls are supported when us‐ │
1554│ │ ing --mirror-locally=N, you │
1555│ │ cannot use filesystem URLs. │
1557│name │ This name is used as the │
1558│ │ save location for the mir‐ │
1559│ │ ror. If the mirror repre‐ │
1560│ │ sented, say, Fedora Core 6 │
1561│ │ i386 updates, a good name │
1562│ │ would be fc6i386updates. │
1563│ │ Again, be specific. │
1564│ │ │
1565│ │ This name corresponds with │
1566│ │ values given to the --repos │
1567│ │ parameter of cobbler profile │
1568│ │ add. If a profile has a │
1569│ │ --repos-value that matches │
1570│ │ the name given here, that │
1571│ │ repo can be automatically │
1572│ │ set up during provisioning │
1573│ │ (when supported) and in‐ │
1574│ │ stalled systems will also │
1575│ │ use the boot server as a │
1576│ │ mirror (unless yum_post_in‐ │
1577│ │ stall_mirror is disabled in │
1578│ │ the settings file). By de‐ │
1579│ │ fault the provisioning │
1580│ │ server will act as a mirror │
1581│ │ to systems it installs, │
1582│ │ which may not be desirable │
1583│ │ for laptop configurations, │
1584│ │ etc. │
1585│ │ │
1586│ │ Distros that can make use of │
1587│ │ yum repositories during au‐ │
1588│ │ tomatic installation include │
1589│ │ FC6 and later, RHEL 5 and │
1590│ │ later, and derivative dis‐ │
1591│ │ tributions. │
1592│ │ │
1593│ │ See the documentation on │
1594│ │ cobbler profile add for more │
1595│ │ information. │
1612│ │ │
1613│ owners | Users with │ │
1614│ small sites and a │ │
1615│ limited number of │ │
1616│ admins can probably │ │
1617│ ignore this option. │ │
1618│ All │ │
1619│ objects (distros, profiles, systems, and repos) can take a --owners parameter to specify what │ │
1620│ Cobbler users can edit particular objects.This only applies to the Cobbler WebUI and XML-RPC │ │
1621│ interface, not the "cobbler" command line tool run from the shell. Furthermore, this is only │ │
1622│ respected by the authz_ownership module which must be enabled in │ │
1623│ /etc/cobbler/modules.conf. The value for --owners is a space separated list of users │ │
1624│ and groups as specified in /etc/cobbler/users.conf. │ │
1625│ For more information see the users.conf file as well as the Cobbler │ │
1626│ Wiki. In the default Cobbler configuration, this value is completely ignored, as is │ │
1627│ users.conf. │ │
1628│ │ │
1630│ │ │
1631│ priority | Specifies the priority of the repository (the lower the number, the higher the priority), │ │
1632│ which │ │
1633│ applies to installed machines using the repositories that also have the yum priorities plugin │ │
1634│ installed. The default priority for the plugins 99, as is that of all Cobbler mirrored │ │
1635│ repositories. │ │
1636│ │ │
1638│proxy | Proxy URL. │ │
1640│ │ │
1641│ rpm-list | By specifying a space-delimited list of package names for --rpm-list, one can decide to │ │
1642│ mirror │ │
1643│ only a part of a repo (the list of packages given, plus dependencies). This may be helpful in │ │
1644│ conserving time/space/bandwidth. For instance, when mirroring FC6 Extras, it may be desired to │ │
1645│ mirror just Cobbler and Koan, and skip all of the game packages. To do this, use │ │
1646│ --rpm-list="cobbler koan". │ │
1647│ │ │
1648│ This option only works for http:// and ftp:// repositories (as it is powered by │ │
1649│ yumdownloader). It will be ignored for other mirror types, such as local paths and rsync:// │ │
1650│ mirrors. │ │
1651│ │ │
1653│yumopts │ Sets values for additional │
1654│ │ yum options that the repo │
1655│ │ should use on installed sys‐ │
1656│ │ tems. For instance if a yum │
1657│ │ plugin takes a certain pa‐ │
1658│ │ rameter "alpha" and "beta", │
1659│ │ use something like --yu‐ │
1660│ │ mopts="alpha=2 beta=3". │
1663 $ cobbler repo autoadd
1665 Add enabled yum repositories from dnf repolist --enabled list. The
1666 repository names are generated using the <repo id>-<releasever>-<arch>
1667 pattern (ex: fedora-32-x86_64). Existing repositories with such names
1668 are not overwritten.
1670 Cobbler image
1671 Example:
1673 $ cobbler image
1675 cobbler mgmtclass
1676 Management classes allows Cobbler to function as an configuration man‐
1677 agement system. Cobbler currently supports the following resource
1678 types:
1680 1. Packages
1682 2. Files
1684 Resources are executed in the order listed above.
1686 $ cobbler mgmtclass add --name=string --comment=string [--packages=list] [--files=list]
1688 ┌───────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1689 │Name │ Description │
1690 ├───────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1691 │class-name │ Class Name (Actual Class │
1692 │ │ Name (leave blank to use │
1693 │ │ the name field)). │
1694 ├───────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1695 │comment │ A comment that describes │
1696 │ │ the functions of the man‐ │
1697 │ │ agement class. │
1698 ├───────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1699 │files │ Specifies a list of file │
1700 │ │ resources required by the │
1701 │ │ management class. │
1702 ├───────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1703 │name │ The name of the mgmtclass. │
1704 │ │ Use this name when adding │
1705 │ │ a management class to a │
1706 │ │ system, profile, or dis‐ │
1707 │ │ tro. To add a mgmtclass │
1708 │ │ to an existing system use │
1709 │ │ something like (cobbler │
1710 │ │ system edit --name="mad‐ │
1711 │ │ hatter" │
1712 │ │ --mgmt-classes="http │
1713 │ │ mysql"). │
1714 ├───────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1715 │packages │ Specifies a list of pack‐ │
1716 │ │ age resources required by │
1717 │ │ the management class. │
1718 └───────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1720 Cobbler package
1721 Package resources are managed using cobbler package add
1723 Actions:
1725 ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1726 │Name │ Description │
1727 ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1728 │install │ Install the package. [De‐ │
1729 │ │ fault] │
1730 ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1731 │uninstall │ Uninstall the package. │
1732 └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1734 Attributes:
1736 ┌──────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1737 │Name │ Description │
1738 ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1739 │installer │ Which package manager to │
1740 │ │ use, valid options │
1741 │ │ [rpm|yum]. │
1742 └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1744 │name │ Cobbler object name. │
1745 ├──────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1746 │version │ Which version of the pack‐ │
1747 │ │ age to install. │
1748 └──────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1750 Example:
1752 $ cobbler package add --name=string --comment=string [--action=install|uninstall] --installer=string [--version=string]
1754 Cobbler file
1755 Actions:
1757 ┌───────┬────────────────────────────┐
1758 │Name │ Description │
1759 ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1760 │create │ Create the file. [Default] │
1761 ├───────┼────────────────────────────┤
1762 │remove │ Remove the file. │
1763 └───────┴────────────────────────────┘
1765 Attributes:
1767 ┌─────────┬────────────────────────────┐
1768 │Name │ Description │
1769 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1770 │group │ The group owner of the │
1771 │ │ file. │
1772 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1773 │mode │ Permission mode (as in │
1774 │ │ chmod). │
1775 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1776 │name │ Name of the cobbler file │
1777 │ │ object │
1778 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1779 │path │ The path for the file. │
1780 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1781 │template │ The template for the file. │
1782 ├─────────┼────────────────────────────┤
1783 │user │ The user for the file. │
1784 └─────────┴────────────────────────────┘
1786 Example:
1788 $ cobbler file add --name=string --comment=string [--action=string] --mode=string --group=string --owner=string --path=string [--template=string]
1790 cobbler aclsetup
1791 Example:
1793 $ cobbler aclsetup
1795 Cobbler buildiso
1796 Example:
1798 $ cobbler buildiso
1800 Cobbler import
1801 NOTE:
1802 When running Cobbler via systemd, you cannot mount the ISO to /tmp
1803 or a sub-folder of it because we are using the option Private Tempo‐
1804 rary Directory, to enhance the security of our application.
1806 Example:
1808 $ cobbler import
1810 Cobbler list
1811 This list all the names grouped by type. Identically to cobbler report
1812 there are subcommands for most of the other Cobbler commands. (Cur‐
1813 rently: distro, profile, system, repo, image, mgmtclass, package, file)
1815 $ cobbler list
1817 Cobbler replicate
1818 Cobbler can replicate configurations from a master Cobbler server. Each
1819 Cobbler server is still expected to have a locally relevant /etc/cob‐
1820 bler/cobbler.conf and modules.conf, as these files are not synced.
1822 This feature is intended for load-balancing, disaster-recovery, backup,
1823 or multiple geography support.
1825 Cobbler can replicate data from a central server.
1827 Objects that need to be replicated should be specified with a pattern,
1828 such as --profiles="webservers* dbservers*" or --systems="*.exam‐
1829 ple.org". All objects matched by the pattern, and all dependencies of
1830 those objects matched by the pattern (recursively) will be transferred
1831 from the remote server to the central server. This is to say if you in‐
1832 tend to transfer *.example.org and the definition of the systems have
1833 not changed, but a profile above them has changed, the changes to that
1834 profile will also be transferred.
1836 In the case where objects are more recent on the local server, those
1837 changes will not be overridden locally.
1839 Common data locations will be rsync'ed from the master server unless
1840 --omit-data is specified.
1842 To delete objects that are no longer present on the master server, use
1843 --prune.
1845 Warning: This will delete all object types not present on the remote
1846 server from the local server, and is recursive. If you use prune, it
1847 is best to manage Cobbler centrally and not expect changes made on the
1848 slave servers to be preserved. It is not currently possible to just
1849 prune objects of a specific type.
1851 Example:
1853 $ cobbler replicate --master=cobbler.example.org [--distros=pattern] [--profiles=pattern] [--systems=pattern] [--repos-pattern] [--images=pattern] [--prune] [--omit-data]
1855 Cobbler report
1856 This lists all configuration which Cobbler can obtain from the saved
1857 data. There are also report subcommands for most of the other Cobbler
1858 commands (currently: distro, profile, system, repo, image, mgmtclass,
1859 package, file).
1861 $ cobbler report --name=[object-name]
1863 --name=[object-name]
1865 Optional parameter which filters for object with the given name.
1867 Cobbler reposync
1868 Example:
1870 $ cobbler reposync [--only=ONLY] [--tries=TRIES] [--no-fail]
1872 Cobbler reposync is the command to use to update repos as configured
1873 with cobbler repo add. Mirroring can take a long time, and usage of
1874 cobbler reposync prior to usage is needed to ensure provisioned systems
1875 have the files they need to actually use the mirrored repositories. If
1876 you just add repos and never run cobbler reposync, the repos will never
1877 be mirrored. This is probably a command you would want to put on a
1878 crontab, though the frequency of that crontab and where the output goes
1879 is left up to the systems administrator.
1881 For those familiar with dnf’s reposync, cobbler’s reposync is (in most
1882 uses) a wrapper around the dnf reposync command. Please use cobbler re‐
1883 posync to update cobbler mirrors, as dnf’s reposync does not perform
1884 all required steps. Also cobbler adds support for rsync and SSH loca‐
1885 tions, where as dnf’s reposync only supports what dnf supports
1886 (http/ftp).
1888 If you ever want to update a certain repository you can run: cobbler
1889 reposync --only="reponame1" ...
1891 When updating repos by name, a repo will be updated even if it is set
1892 to be not updated during a regular reposync operation (ex: cobbler repo
1893 edit –name=reponame1 –keep-updated=0). Note that if a cobbler import
1894 provides enough information to use the boot server as a yum mirror for
1895 core packages, cobbler can set up automatic installation files to use
1896 the cobbler server as a mirror instead of the outside world. If this
1897 feature is desirable, it can be turned on by setting yum_post_in‐
1898 stall_mirror to True in /etc/cobbler/settings.yaml (and running cobbler
1899 sync). You should not use this feature if machines are provisioned on a
1900 different VLAN/network than production, or if you are provisioning lap‐
1901 tops that will want to acquire updates on multiple networks.
1903 The flags --tries=N (for example, --tries=3) and --no-fail should
1904 likely be used when putting re-posync on a crontab. They ensure network
1905 glitches in one repo can be retried and also that a failure to synchro‐
1906 nize one repo does not stop other repositories from being synchronized.
1908 Cobbler sync
1909 The sync command is very important, though very often unnecessary for
1910 most situations. It's primary purpose is to force a rewrite of all con‐
1911 figuration files, distribution files in the TFTP root, and to restart
1912 managed services. So why is it unnecessary? Because in most common sit‐
1913 uations (after an object is edited, for example), Cobbler executes what
1914 is known as a "lite sync" which rewrites most critical files.
1916 When is a full sync required? When you are using manage_dhcpd (Managing
1917 DHCP) with systems that use static leases. In that case, a full sync
1918 is required to rewrite the dhcpd.conf file and to restart the dhcpd
1919 service.
1921 Cobbler sync is used to repair or rebuild the contents /tftpboot or
1922 /var/www/cobbler when something has changed behind the scenes. It
1923 brings the filesystem up to date with the configuration as understood
1924 by Cobbler.
1926 Sync should be run whenever files in /var/lib/cobbler are manually
1927 edited (which is not recommended except for the settings file) or when
1928 making changes to automatic installation files. In practice, this
1929 should not happen often, though running sync too many times does not
1930 cause any adverse effects.
1932 If using Cobbler to manage a DHCP and/or DNS server (see the advanced
1933 section of this manpage), sync does need to be run after systems are
1934 added to regenerate and reload the DHCP/DNS configurations.
1936 The sync process can also be kicked off from the web interface.
1938 Example:
1940 $ cobbler sync
1942 Cobbler validate-autoinstalls
1943 Example:
1945 $ cobbler validate-autoinstalls
1947 Cobbler version
1948 Example:
1950 $ cobbler version
1952 Cobbler signature
1953 Example:
1955 $ cobbler signature
1957 Cobbler get-loaders
1958 Example:
1960 $ cobbler get-loaders
1962 Cobbler hardlink
1963 Example:
1965 $ cobbler hardlink
1968 Cobbler's command line returns a zero for success and non-zero for
1969 failure.
1972 We have a Gitter Channel and you also can ask questions as GitHub is‐
1973 sues. The IRC Channel on Freenode (#cobbler) is not that active but
1974 sometimes there are people who can help you.
1976 The way we would prefer are GitHub issues as they are easily search‐
1977 able.
1980 Jörgen Maas
1983 2021, Enno Gotthold
19883.2 Sep 23, 2021 COBBLER(1)